#the most evil version of this would require you to split up the time travel parts from the rest if their episodes
nonasuch · 1 year
i think the funniest possible star trek viewing order might be strictly chronological.
you’d have to start with that Voyager episode where they go to before the Big Bang, then work your way through every other time travel episode, the one with the whales, and First Contact before you even get close to anything approaching a normal viewing order.
at some point you’d have to watch “City on The Edge of Forever” followed by “Little Green Men” followed by “Far Beyond the Stars” which is about the most tonal whiplash you could possibly get from three consecutive episodes of star trek. I think I want to try this now.
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larrythefloridaman · 3 years
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Y'all like your deities with or without the shell?
Under the readmore is aaaaaaaaall color god observations and musings based on them, because I am studying to become the world's Premiere Chromatheologian and RGB Understander so under the cut is pretty much Oops! All Spoilers! up to the most recent episode of season 3.
Apparently Universal Color God Attributes:
Damage to their domain hurts them, but fixing the issue, or lashing out by using their powers destructively, can help them to repair the damage.
If they sustain enough damage, it can temporarily paralyze them and send them into a strengthened but 'exposed' state (chartreuse's spirit activation in the last fight of 19) and further damage after that will activate a failsafe, which is unique by domain but seemingly designed to give them the chance to balance things, but can get… very out of hand or backfire depending on circumstances. (see: cobalt’s failsafe sending mark's universe into a never-ending apocalyptic war because word of the cure for death became too widespread for the killing urge failsafe to affectively balance anything because every side could simply revive their fallen.)
Chartreuse's failsafe is something of a stopped time bubble quarantine where processes that require the passing of time cannot complete, allowing her the time to wear down the offending party to beat them to death or plan around finishing them.
Cobalt's is inciting war, the casualties serving to balance the scale. I'm not sure we know Crimson's yet- he's never taken enough direct damage without doing damage to compensate in order to trigger it, although i dont remember season one well enough to recall if any of the universe stuff in it tracks with the pattern bc season one is a bit fucky
Connected in a fashion that allows them to simply Sense the overall status of the others to some extent, although they don't know Why theyre in the state theyre in without asking (chartreuse [and by extension, folk, presumably on her information] confronting crimson via crimsonaut for pretending to be dead, Cobalt confronting both his siblings about how they are handling their duties improperly but not knowing about Folk. He knew about the constants deaths because hes a death god, duh, but he didnt use their names like crimson did, possibly implying they're erased upon death so thoroughly that only crimson and the constants can really recall a shattered constants' existence, not even the other guardians.)
Abilities of the guardians can be replicated by mortals through three apparent methods- through machines (dimensional bus, the time machine, presumably J0hn's part in Sephiroth's resurrection,) simply through advanced enough individual skill (Home MD curing death, potentially Dantoinette's universe portal travel, maybe Genwun's sped up time bubble that evolved them into Genfour? although that could very well have just been an illusion and theyre just like, a fuckin theater kid that was doing pretend character development for the Bit or something given GenFive turned out to be a zoroark) or through stealing some of the power of the relevant god (Dr. Order stealing Chartreuse's power, Dani maybe having stolen some of Crimson's when she beat his ass. Dani's one woman universal travel is like, wicked ambiguous)
Can seemingly perceive or act through any living material. (The Tree. Cobalt instructed Larry to slap his hand on that tree, that shit glowed and he had a new deal tattoo without Cobalt ever having been physically present)
Can influence the resurrected by giving them a killing urge. Represented by an aberrant brainwave and a ringing in the undead's heads. This doesnt appear to be direct control- as the Grunk could clearly restrain himself from killing people that genuinely didn't deserve it (like nightly and cha cha, who WERE grunk event targets but not fatally so. Nagito was a crimson thing so it really doesn't count here. God poor grunk his life really is just a constant plaything in the hands of the gods huh) and Sephiroth very much had personal motivation to want to kill Folk. failsafe activates this ability on the scale of war.
Deals. The extent of what Cobalt can do with these is unclear but Iggy's god powers were taken from him as his part in the deal so what he can take isn't limited to physical things or things obviously related to his domain.
Deals. While this ability is impressive his preference for making deals for those that offend against his domain is potentially very exploitable- Larry's knowledge of the cure for death is, if word of it were to ever get out beyond Larry, wildly dangerous for this dimension, so technically the safest thing for the iron-fisted cobalt to do would be to nip the problem in the bud and get rid of him. But, fascinatingly, that wasn't even put on the table, the first thing Cobalt does is threaten J0hn, prompting Larry to make a deal. While Cobalt enforces death, he also doesn't like unnecessary death, and Larry demonstrably knows how to keep a secret for the good of the world even at great cost to himself and Cobalt is aware of this- easily clarifying to Larry the aberrant thing endangering the universe wasn't his timeloop business. So while he's clearly not letting his resurrection fuckery go unpunished, he's being pretty merciful when he doesn't have to be and from a strictly, brutally pragmatic perspective probably shouldn't be.
His control over the undead manifests as a ringing and an aberrant brainwave trackable by J0hn's equipment, and could probably therefore be accounted for and circumvented? J0hn has, wisely, largely sworn off fucking with people's brains after the sephiroth fiasco went So Wrong, So Very Wrong, Oh God Oh Fuck Someone Cool Almost Died, but if he hadn't, and if J0hn let his dislike for authority and keeping Larry safe outweigh reason like he let safety, spite and comedic value outweigh good ethical sense when reprogramming sephiroth, in theory Mr. 'hacked a time machine for breakfast?' could. y'know. probably do it. what is a god's authority to an anarchist, what better to challenge life and death than the cold and eternal machine, you get the point its a fun scenario
Olive Garden Breadsticks and Small Cute Dogs, apparently
Time Clones: taps into parallel timelines to retrieve alternate versions of herself to utilize.
Time Travel: what it says on the tin. Travel to the past creates painful splits in the prime timeline, but through careful action and traveling back into the past, these can be weaved into a time loop. A split from the timeline is a wound, and a successful timeloop is the surgical scar it can become with attentive care, to use a medical metaphor. Carefully closed and healing. Keeping Folk here is essentially akin to chartreuse pulling out her stitches on the initial incision.
Time Stopping: creates a space wherein things that take time to complete cannot complete, where things can move, but everything within is in a perfect unchanging stasis until the bubble drops. This is the form her failsafe takes.
Timeline Creation: can create timelines from scratch.
Can fuse alternate timeline versions of the same individual to allow them to coexist. (Ryan's confirmed in the discord that Dantoinette experienced both failures in 20, because Chartreuse fused the two instances of her to save the post-raid instance from fading. Could... theoretically do this to Folk and save herself the pain, but while Folk and Therapuppy are the same person, there's seven years and untold amounts of difference deriving from the time and circumstance between them and the inherent cognitive dissonances that would result from attempting that would be wicked fucked up to inflict, and that's assuming there isn't some reason that it wouldn't be possible anyway. while the two Danis had like. A day or so's difference between them, so she could be safely fused with the only dissonant thing being that she remembers both being too slow to prevent order's time escape and beginning to dissipate post-raid, AND losing that fight to her pre-raid. RIP Dani, that perfectionism must be kicking her ass)
Unwilling to use her powers destructively in her pursuit of domain repair and thereby much easier to damage to the point of paralyzing her, making her particularly vulnerable to Power Theft
Morally Optimistic. At one point in 19, she briefly justifies Crimson's shitty evil actions to herself after experiencing for herself how Wack the kerfuffleverse is firsthand, ("and all he did was kill a couple people!" Chartreuse. Honey.) and when she fights Crimsonaut she seems to actually believe for a second that he's actually worried about her when Crimson asks if she's okay after he beats her. Additionally, as D+, she concerns herself with trying to understand doctor order's motive, and after Larry defeats Order, he makes a point of confirming she feels no remorse before making his request for what Chartreuse does with her, and appeals to the idea of letting Order fulfill her desire to be a god in a way which isn't a problem for anyone and Chartreuse is more than happy to oblige under these conditions after what Larry's done for everybody. Then immediately threatens to evaporate him for playfully teasing her about having a crush on folk. Fucked up a little bit
Universe Shifting: Travel between universes.
Universe Correction: appears to replace an aberrant individual with the 'correct' version of themselves for that universe, presumably sending them back to their own. (Mario from super mario was universe corrected, but still seemingly exists in wario form as evidenced by smashup kerfuffle, and was simply temporarily replaced with his corrected universe counterpart. But like. The dimensional bus system is still active crimbo doing the Put That Thing Back Where It Came From Or So Help Me routine aint gonna work if they can come back with a shrug and bus fare. you're fighting the symptoms without treating the problem)
Universal Constants:
Three individuals per universe that serve as the pillars which stabilize said universe, created by absorbing red orbs Crimson creates. Becoming a constant grants power, but also makes the constant fragile, and death wipes them from the face of the multiverse, only crimson, those he's possessed and the other constants seemingly able to recall they ever existed, although some physical evidence is still left behind (Larry's record of Nagito's death, which is just as redacted as everything else relating to him but still is very much something Larry has. Kind of a Voidfish adventurezone type beat ironically enough? Taako really has seen all this shit before no wonder he peaced tf out)
To counterbalance the weaknesses the constants have, they have a sort of spidey-sense to alert them to danger, and an intrinsic bonded connection to their fellow constants, and additionally, Crimson apparently doesn't suffer any pain from the death of constants or the structural instability of a universe.
Possession: what it says on the tin! Seemingly can only be done with permission to living things- none of crimson's direct hosts seem to have entered that agreement unwillingly, Valentine lost a bet, Hamburger and Crimsonaut have been by all evidence intentional allies to Crimson- but electronics are fair game, as seen with The Guy's suit. Kinda curious how that rule applies to bitches that are half and half, like J0hn or the clonebot gang, as its unclear whether The Guy's suit was yoinkable without permission because it was mechanical or because its not sentient. could go either way but if it's the former that's potentially very frightening
Fusion: Two individuals from alternate universes can be fused into one shared body which can take on aspects of either depending on which is currently in control. (possibly allows someone who traveled into a given universe to become a fixed resident there without it being an issue for Crimson, whose job is to prevent interdimensional travel?) Monday Mark and possibly T.O.M. are our main examples.
Unpleasant As Hell and can even kill you instead of changing you if you cant handle it.
turns the corrupted individual into a twisted exaggeration of themself, allows them supernatural control over their shape, and makes them very difficult- if not impossible by traditional means- to kill, based on Garfield.
Subjects them to control by Crimson, but can be exorcised of this influence just like crimson's direct hosts can, although the supernatural changes to their physiology are seemingly permanent, judging from Shantae.
Notable Weaknesses:
Exorcism can be performed to free a possessed or corrupted individual of Crimson's influence. Its unclear how exorcism works/is learned in CPUK, but confirmed exorcists: dantoinette and yung papaya's snake dad, confirmed non-exorcists: folk
The universal constant orbs are physical objects so they are Very Stealable and they grant a power boost so theres literally an Incentive to beat his ass for anybody who wants to be strong and either doesnt know or doesn't care about the whole 'getting erased when you die' part
Crimson has lots of tools to create pawns, but all of them have drawbacks. Corruption could kill a potential pawn, possession generally seems to require permission, and he has no control over the constants' choices and actions
Manipulative bitch's highest stat is charisma and it shows. This motherfucker is selling snake oil. If he was mortal rather than a Whole Entire God he'd make an excellent ineffectual saturday morning cartoon supervillain and i think everyone, including him, would be happier for it, ngl
Something interesting ive realized that likely wasnt fully intentional, is that a lot of Dr. Order's creations, considering her motive, can kind of be sorted by a color god it appears to be a crude attempt at mimicking the abilities of. My Grunk is a poorly executed resurrection, the clonebot gang vs chartreuse's timeclones (this one deserves special mention because Chartreuse used this shitty attempted mimicry to her advantage with D+, very smart and ironic play, excellent job Treusy,) spirits are somewhat similar to universal constant orbs (orbs which can be absorbed to grant power, but which have physical repercussions- key differences being that spirits require activation and grow stronger while attuning to a user without being used, and having far less severe drawbacks, taking a heavy toll on the body, but only once they've worn off and without the risk of wiping yourself from the face of existence,) and she also augmented Perfect Spriteman and Larry, which kind of track as crude imitations of Crimson's corruption!
Garfield was an acerbic cat who loved food and hated mondays, now its an actively malicious ever-hungry amorphous entity whose only weakness is monday and whose only consistency in form is 'cat-like.'
Shantae was (to my extremely limited understanding of shantae,) a friendly heroic type who had to introduce herself often, and she became something akin to a biblically accurate angel that can *only* introduce herself.
The Grunks a tough but sweet and supportive single dad with stage presence and a tendency to fly off the handle when he or his family are slighted, and now he gets so hype in the audience when his son does well that he bursts into flames and ascends and we get random grunk events along with the associated murder charges when he gets mad and the target sucks enough that he doesn't hold himself back from killing them.
Perfect Spriteman and Larry fit the trend of exaggeration of already present traits- Spriteman fucking loves sprite and became something that only thinks about sprite, and Larry the Florida Man, characterized from minute one by unpredictability and who spent his first matches in the series pre-shapeshifter transformation staying alive keeping stocks for Shockingly Long even despite getting seventh, became literally physically random as well as developing the ability to regenerate, albeit with the ability to feel pain normally very much intact, unlike Garfield just... Soaking up damage like its nothing in his pursuit of Jon. The fact that Arbuckle legit defeated Garfield, even temporarily, is terrifyingly impressive honestly that dude is fucking built different for being so chronically bland
i dont think they're actually corrupted in any meaningful way we have to worry about, to be fully clear, Spriteman was cured with fucking antacids, i simply think they could be a fucked up attempt at making something that kind of seems like it from a functional standpoint, from the wannabe god doctor that brought us green clones whose only fundamental association with time was accelerated aging and who thought an actively rotting corpse thats just reanimated enough that it can throw hands was as good as curing death
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pokelolmc · 3 years
10 Danny Phantom Episodes with Good Concepts that Sorely Disappointed Me: “The Ultimate Enemy” (Part 2)
Alright, here I am, everyone—part two of my critical analysis on “The Ultimate Enemy”, and how its faulty writing let down a good episode idea. For those stumbling across this for the first time, I am in the process of composing an analytical list of ten Danny Phantom episodes whose concepts I liked, but didn’t like the execution of. “The Ultimate Enemy” is the first on this list. Due to the size of my complaints with the episode, I’ve split my arguments into multiple categories across multiple posts; I highly suggest you start from the beginning with part 1 here before moving onto this post. It covered the main introduction, and Category A of my problems with the episode: the plot points that were primarily irrelevant to Dan’s character.
For those of you continuing from the first part, I apologise for this part being overdue. I proposed I would edit and upload part two roughly a day after part one, but those days dragged on due to constant re-editing and problems with my mental health. Parts three and four shall probably take longer than a few days to edit and upload as well, as I discovered arguments in the essay that needed massive overhauls before posting. I can guarantee they’re coming eventually (the whole thing essay is fully written, point-wise); I need to rework and trim the fat off some paragraphs.
Without further ado, this post will take a look at everything I’ve chucked into Category B—my issues with Dan’s characterisation, and how what the episode showed us about who deserved responsibility for Dan contradicted what it told us about how Dan was created.
(Also, because of my saltiness seeping in when I was writing, my captions for the images got a little too snarky for an analytical essay, but I am too tired of re-editing this section to remove them. Hopefully, they’ll serve as humour; if not, I apologise.)
1. The episode incorrectly portrayed Danny as the only one responsible for Dan’s existence, and for the wrong reasons (the wrong events in the timeline). Upon scrutiny of the actual sequence of events that led to Dan’s creation, the direct responsibility for Dan’s birth was either an even split between Danny and Vlad, or slightly more Vlad’s fault (depending upon the interpretation of the event that did actually cause Dan).
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(Spoiler alert: No. No, it was not.)
The episode initially chose to establish Danny cheating on the CAT as the cause for Dan’s existence. While this was partially, indirectly true (since it set up the chain of events that led to Dan’s creation), it was not the event that directly caused Dan—yet, the episode treated it as a highly important tipping point, close to the point of no return that led to Dan. Looking at Dan’s backstory from the information Future Vlad gave (as dubious as it was), and working backwards, it was clear that Danny cheating on the test was not the vital “point of no return” by any means. Neither was the explosion at the Nasty Burger, for that matter (which the episode treated as the point of no return after Dan cheated on the CAT in Danny’s place, which required the episode to postpone the narrative stakes of preventing Dan’s creation to the Nasty Burger fight).
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(Well...not exactly--it didn’t ruin Dan’s future, but it did ruin Danny’s. There’s a distinction.)
Kick-starting the entire chain of events that set up the eventual moment of Dan’s birth was not synonymous with directly creating Dan, and blaming the causality for Dan’s existence on Danny cheating (the leap of logic that “Danny became evil in the future because he cheated on a test”) or even his loved ones dying at the Nasty Burger was incorrect.
To demonstrate the argument, I’ll shift to an in-universe hypothetical:
Imagine yourself in Clockwork’s shoes: an “evil future version of Danny” has been created, and you have to prevent Dan’s existence by searching through the events that led his creation to find as many openings between key events as possible, in order to change one and subsequently avert all the events (including Dan’s creation) that followed.
To lay it out in full, the chain (separating the events based on intervention windows) was as follows: (1) Danny cheated on the CAT -> (2) Mr. Lancer met with Danny’s parents at the Nasty Burger to discuss it -> (3) they (including Sam, Tucker and Jazz) died in the Nasty Burger explosion -> (4) a grief-stricken Danny went to Vlad in Wisconsin -> (5) Danny requested that Vlad numb his emotional pain -> (6) Vlad split Danny’s ghost half from his human half—only for the ghost half to immediately pull out Vlad’s own and fuse with it into Dan.
Dan’s existence being the result of (what was essentially) a disastrous line of falling dominoes made his origin more sinister, but also highly easy to prevent (at least, without taking into account the mess caused by the story’s poorly thought out use of time travel, which I’ll explain later in section C). After all, the more complex a system (the more elements necessary for a system to successfully operate and achieve a desired result), the more weak spots it has—as meddling with one part can affect all the other parts and lead the entire operation to fail.
Utilising any of the intervention room between the events in “The Ultimate Enemy’s” alternate timeline would prevent Dan’s entire existence. The only event, therefore, that could be labelled the direct cause of Dan’s existence was the event that immediately resulted in Dan’s birth, and the most dire pivotal point—which rendered Dan inevitable—was the event directly before that. The event of Dan’s creation itself (or the cause of Dan) was event number six—the removal of both Danny and Vlad’s ghost halves using the Ghost Gauntlets, and their subsequent fusion with each other. The event which led to this—event number five, which was Danny’s request for Vlad to remove his emotional pain—was the direct catalyst for the procedure, and therefore the important “point of no return” leading to Dan that the episode tried to make Danny cheating on the CAT (and once that was over, the act of losing his loved ones) out to be. (Technically speaking, it was one of possibly two options for the event upon which Dan’s existence truly hinged—number four was also a likely candidate).
Danny cheating on the CAT was not the cause of Dan (even if it set the eventual stage), because there were numerous ways to interfere after the incident of Danny cheating the CATs and still prevent Dan from existing. Clockwork could’ve interfered between events one and two, by changing Mr. Lancer’s parent-teacher meeting location to anywhere safer than the Nasty Burger, so no one died (he could’ve utilised Jazz to sway Mr. Lancer, perhaps—it’s safe to assume Clockwork was aware of her knowledge on Danny’s secret, and she was the one Mr. Lancer approached about Danny cheating). He could’ve interfered between events three and four—had Danny’s loved ones still die at the Nasty Burger but convinced Danny himself not to go to Vlad. He could’ve popped in between events four and five and convinced Danny, right after moving in with Vlad, to not ask for a way to numb his emotional pain. However, Vlad proved to be a dubious source in the flashback of Dan’s origin story, and was typically too much of a wild card, so preventing Danny from moving in with Vlad at all is likely the safest option.
Ergo, either event four or five should’ve been treated as the important point that led to Dan’s existence. On top of that, Vlad’s role in event six proved he was partially responsible for Dan’s creation, but the rest of the episode outside of the flashback neglected this fact in favour of pushing the “Dan was all Danny’s fault” message.
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(Begin Vlad’s unreliable narratorhood in 3...2...1...)
However, Future Vlad behaved like an unreliable narrator of the “Dan’s creation” flashback, so his explanation of events shouldn’t be taken at face value. Assuming the basic outline of events was trustworthy, however, the episode indicated to us that Vlad was roughly equally as responsible for Dan’s creation as Danny. He conceded to Danny’s desire to escape his emotions and responded with the halfa-splitting operation that caused Dan’s fusion.
He stretched the reality of the event to Present Danny when he exaggerated the delivery of some (if not most) of his narration lines in the flashback. It was most blatantly clear in the line where he inflated his importance to Danny after the tragedy, “With nowhere else to go, you came to me—the only person left on the planet who could possibly hope to understand your situation.” He verbally emphasised the words ‘me’ and ‘possibly’, and the phrases “the only person left on the planet” and “could possibly understand” were hyperbole in their own right. Another was the line, “No more painful human emotions to drag you down,” where he spoke the italicised words with overt disdain for Danny’s emotions. It could be interpreted simply as Vlad’s typical habit of speaking in a dramatised manner, rather than trying to make himself look good to Danny by stretching the truth. However, even if choosing to interpret Vlad’s delivery as the latter, he still skewed his recount through vagueness and omission in the literal content of his narration (when linked to the visuals that ran alongside his lines).
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According to Future Vlad, Danny asked for his emotional pain to be taken away; and Vlad removed his ghost half to “[honour] [his] wishes,” while the shot changed from Vlad’s sympathetic face at the grieving Danny to the procedure with the Ghost Gauntlets. Future Vlad never explicitly stated whether it was Danny or him that decided removing Danny’s ghost half was the course of action to take, Vlad only explained that Danny “wanted to make the hurt go away”, and then the shot cut to Vlad removing Danny’s ghost half with the only explanation that he was acting in accordance with that wish.
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On top of not explicitly saying whose idea it was, (though, with Vlad’s knowledge and experience with halfa research far exceeding Danny’s, it was almost certainly his) the episode did not explain how his logic leapt from “remove Danny’s emotional pain” to “remove Danny’s ghost half”, which was an insensible method to solve Danny’s problems.
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The “no more human emotions” line indicated that his intention behind the procedure was to remove Danny’s human emotions, yet he knew that the procedure entailed removing Danny’s ghost half.
It made no sense, in universe, for Vlad to competently assume that removing Danny’s ghost half from him would work to remove an emotionality rooted in his human half (the episode overall, by the way Dan referred to human emotions and sentimentalities as a “humanity” he gave up, implied that it intended to frame the emotional attachment to Danny’s loved ones as part of his human half). If it could be chalked up to an external fault, like the lack of clear research into the procedure’s outcome, and not Vlad’s failure to realise the logical inconsistency, the episode needed to give evidence of this. Without that information, the only feasible assumptions were either that he wasn’t making any sense in-universe, he was supposed to be sensible but the episode’s writing didn’t make sense, or he had an ulterior motive for convincing Danny into going through with the operation. Either way, it was yet another part of Dan’s creation that Vlad was responsible for, not Danny, and the episode’s message was illogical to contradict this.
Through potentially exaggerating his sympathy for the alternate Danny in his verbal intonation, and blatantly failing to mention the details of why he chose removing Danny’s ghost half to fix a “human” problem, Vlad told his version of Dan’s birth in a way that would minimise his moral fault in the incident to Present Danny. His only logically feasible motivation for this was to hide further moral accountability for Dan’s creation than what we already saw in the face-value version of the flashback.
To summarise this entire sub-category of arguments, the episode was wrong to pin Dan’s existence on Danny cheating on the CAT (and even on losing his family, as the second half of the episode changed gears to), rather than his desire to remove/escape his emotions (even if the deaths resulted in the pain that he wanted to remove in the first place, which I shall explain later in Section D). It was also mistaken to portray Danny as the primary cause of Dan, rather than acknowledge that Vlad was equally (if not more), responsible than him.
Additionally, the fact that Vlad, as an in-universe character, tried to minimise his moral role/accountability in the physical causality of Dan’s creation by skirting around the truth in his retelling was something that the episode itself should’ve acknowledged or called out, through more reliable information from a third-person or other characters’ perspectives such as Danny, Dan’s or Clockwork’s—but it didn’t.
2.  On top of physical responsibility for Dan, the episode was wrong to pin Danny with the moral blame and identity of Dan. It treated the two of them as essentially the same person, and portrayed Dan as just a Danny from the future who turned evil because of a combination of Danny’s potential evilness (potential to do “selfish/evil” things) and tragic circumstances. Considering Dan’s backstory, it made no sense for Danny to be the sole owner of either Dan’s immorality or identity/personhood.
Dan’s backstory told us that physically Danny wasn’t solely responsible for his creation, but the rest of the narrative still deeply connected Dan to Danny alone by treating Dan as what would happen if Danny let his pre-existing moral flaws take over him—that Dan’s villainy (or evil nature) came from Danny.
Clockwork referred to Danny Phantom as “grow[ing] up into the most evil ghost on the planet” in the cold open (which, given that Dan was a product of a fusion, was blatantly false.)
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“The Ultimate Enemy” attempted to build up the idea that Danny had the potential for evil, and that Dan was him realising his own evil, in the scene where the trio entered Clockwork’s lair. As they watched Dan’s carnage through the observation window, Danny excitedly admired Dan’s Ghostly Wail, completely oblivious to the seriousness of the situation, and Sam called him out for not reading the room.
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(Though, Sam’s condemnation of Dan’s villainy was extremely underwhelming—calling a world-destroyer and (presumable) mass murderer just “kind of a jerk” in a snarky tone did not do the severity of Dan’s actions any justice.)
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When they confronted Clockwork, Danny scoffed at him to find just “one” evil thing he’d done. The shot then immediately focussed onto “examples” of Danny’s “evil” in the time window—first, Jazz finding out Danny was going to cheat the CATs (which, as established in point one, was not as morally significant as the episode tried to portray it—that shall be further elaborated later in Section D). After Tucker sassed at Clockwork, “[I] bet you can’t find two!”, the time window changed to Dan standing atop his destruction in the alternate future, and Clockwork replied, “How about two thousand?”—implying that Clockwork was referring to what Dan did in the future as at least part of the (supposedly numerous) evil things Danny did (or would do). This made no sense unless the episode was implying that Dan’s immorality was Danny’s own. However, this implication was incorrect, leaving Clockwork to state that he had seen countless instances of Danny Fenton/Phantom being evil with no valid examples to show for it whatsoever.
Dan’s atrocities had no weight as examples of Danny’s morality flaws due to the fact that Dan’s evil was not primarily Danny’s to begin with, creating a feedback loop of invalidation; evidence for the argument was invalid because its own validity was dependent on the validity of the very argument it was supposed to be supporting.
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(Danny, despite the episode’s reluctance to be fair to him with its accusations of his “potential villainy”, was actually justified in asking this of Clockwork. You know there’s something wrong with your story when your self-centred, short-sighted teenage protagonist is righter than your supposedly all-knowing Master of Time in this situation.)
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(Cheating on a test is not evil, Clockwork, try again.)
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(Nope, sorry, Dan’s evil is not Danny’s “evil”; your argument is invalid.)
(I typically put the “improvements/fixes” part at the end of each point, but for the sake of its direct relevance to the aforementioned example, I’ll put it here to avoid structural confusion in the essay:
“The Ultimate Enemy”, for some reason decided that its reason/foreshadowing of Danny’s potential for evil had to be self-contained; ironically, almost all (sans a small few) of the episode’s examples of Danny’s moral flaws weren’t “evil” at all, and they would’ve been far better off using actual events of Danny showing potentially villainous traits from previous episodes. Danny may have been justified in asking Clockwork to name one evil thing he’d done, because that accusation had no basis at that point, but Clockwork’s response should’ve been to show previous instances in the series where Danny took advantage of others with his powers.
For example, imagine if in the episode, when Danny demanded, “Name one evil thing I’ve done!”, Clockwork’s time window had switched to moments like the end of “Maternal Instincts”, where he manipulated Vlad into lowering his guard, or his acts of overshadowing Dash for petty revenge in “Splitting Images” or “Reign Storm”? Not only were they more legitimate examples of morally corrupt characteristics—tricking people for his own gain/victory and abusing his powers to the detriment of others—it would’ve given such a significant episode in the series more continuity with the previous ones. In fact, the examples in two of those previous episodes resulted in Vlad pointing out that Danny was becoming more like him, as a way to use Vlad’s relationship as Danny’s nemesis/character foil for the sake of tension. “The Ultimate Enemy” could’ve used those examples in its own narrative to turn Dan into a proper payoff of this long-term build-up of Vlad’s whole “We’re not so different, you and I” thing going on with Danny.
Also, it would add to the thematic irony of Dan being a fusion of Danny and Vlad’s ghost halves, if that aspect of his backstory was not altered in a rewrite of TUE.)
Vlad owned Dan’s evil nature equally as much as (if not more than) Danny because Dan was also half-Vlad. However, the episode neglected to acknowledge this outside of a few seconds on Dan’s birth in the flashback. While explaining the scene of the two ghost halves fusing into Dan, Future Vlad’s most honest lines of narration (because they straightforwardly confessed he was morally accountable for Dan to Danny, and thus had no motivation to be a lie) explained that, “My [ghost half’s] evil side overwhelmed you”. This implied that the reason Dan turned out evil in the first place was that Vlad’s evil took over Danny’s mind during the fusion.
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Given that we trust Vlad’s line, Vlad (or Plasmius, as Vlad’s ghost half) deserved most of the accountability for Dan’s lust for destruction and lack of a moral compass, not Danny. So, calling Dan “Danny’s evil future self” was only accurate in the literal sense of “this is what remained of Danny’s mind/existence in the future—his ghost half—even though it’s only a part of a larger fusion with another ghost, and this fusion is evil”. Dan was not a warning that “Danny was going to turn evil”, because Danny was not the primary source of Dan’s villainy.
In regards to overall personal identity, rather than just morality, Dan was also not “Danny’s evil future self” on account of the fact that he was not “Danny’s future self”, period. He shouldn’t have been an “older Danny” (or essentially the same person as Danny but older and evil), according to his backstory’s statement that he was half-Phantom, half-Plasmius. Yet, for some asinine reason, Dan only identified himself personally as “Danny” for the duration of the episode (without mention of Vlad).
After travelling to the past under Danny’s guise, Dan referred to Danny’s bedroom and face in the mirror as his own.
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(Whoops--another image where I goofed the subtitles, this time in formatting...and MS Paint’s lack of layers makes redoing it an unnecessary pain. Sorry about that.)
When he met Sam and Tucker in the future, he explained his cold response to seeing them again as a result of “[surrendering his] human half a long time ago”. His singular human half. Not plural…because even Dan himself wanted to pretend that he wasn’t half Vlad, for some reason.
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Perhaps it could be chalked up to people behaving differently in different social contexts; in that case, it was understandable that—even if he was part-Vlad—his Danny-side and memories influenced him the most in front of Danny’s friends…but that alone didn’t justify him stating that he only had one human half as a fact. The only other option that made in-universe sense was that it was a deceit/falsehood on Dan’s part, and therefore knowingly untrue. Perhaps Dan didn’t want to admit that he had more than one human half to Sam and Tucker—because he was not obliged to divulge that information to them—or that he preferred to mentally distance himself from Vlad’s human half because the latter was still alive, and separate from Dan. However, it was still untrue to link Dan and Danny together as people, but not Vlad, with the idea of only owning Danny’s human half.
The assumption that Dan was a future, evil Danny in person (and not also part-Vlad in person, or a new person from either of them entirely) implied that the fusion resulted in Plasmius’s mind giving his evil to Danny’s and then disappearing into the aether. It implied that a fusion of two people resulted in a powered-up being that was solely one of them psychologically, in order to purport that Danny (or, at least Phantom as his ghost half) was still Danny in sense of self for the last ten years in the alternate future. This contradicted the more logically valid implication that Plasmius’s mind or identity still existed as a component inside Dan, and Dan was at least both Danny and Vlad mentally.
Vlad explained in the flashback, “[Vlad’s] evil ghost half mixed with [Danny’s].” The general interpretation of “mixing” implied that the two ghost halves merged together into a new being and their traits and minds blended together. His identity should, theoretically, be either a half-and-half joining of the two halfas, or a whole new person with Vlad and Danny’s ghost halves as mere fusion ingredients. Ten years of existence and experience after the initial fusion would also, theoretically, give Dan enough time to develop this new mixed mind into his own individual sense of self beyond who/what either of Danny or Vlad were as people (prior to the ghost half fusion). In that case, Dan was not Danny’s “future self” in identity, and had little reason to identify Danny’s face, room and family as “his old [life]” (or, at least his only one). 
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The next most obvious theory (about Dan’s psychological makeup as a fusion) is that one half was more dominant than the other during the fusion, leading to Dan to become primarily just one of them in identity. That dominant one had to have been Danny, based on how Dan identified himself in the episode, but that wouldn’t make sense. Phantom taking full control of the fusion and assimilating Plasmius into himself required that a grief-stricken fourteen year old was somehow capable of winning against a more experienced forty-something in a battle of minds, thoroughly enough to the point of absorbing the latter. Considering that Phantom was mentally weak enough to be the one “overwhelmed” by Plasmius’s evil (a single facet of Plasmius’s larger mind) almost immediately, that hypothesis seems unlikely. The notion of Phantom overwhelming Plasmius in the fusion to gain dominance, and Plasmius being the one to overwhelm him to turn him evil, contradict each other. Ergo, Dan being a mix of both Phantom and Plasmius was the most likely (and sensible) outcome of the fusion.
In that case, the episode was thoughtless and inaccurate to treat Dan as “Danny’s future self who became a villain”. Dan was not inherently linked to Danny in either the majority of his morality or his identity, due to the part Vlad played in Dan’s creation, and his mental component in Dan’s fusion.
2.5.A notable counterpoint, for the sake of not one-sidedly flipping all of the fault for Dan onto Vlad:
To be fair—as the idea of solely blaming Vlad would also be inaccurate to what Dan’s origin story showed—I should acknowledge a piece of evidence explicitly indicating that Danny still contributed some of his own darkness to Dan’s villainy, albeit less than Vlad. Once separated from his human half, Phantom ripped out and fused with Vlad’s ghost half of his own volition, all with a malicious grin on his face.
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However, there was no clear motivation or reason for the separated Phantom to fuse with Plasmius (the physical cause of Dan that Danny/Phantom could be blamed for) —in fact, it made no sense for there to be any premeditated intention for Phantom to fuse with him, since he couldn’t have known that fusion with another halfa’s isolated ghost half was even possible at that point; it was an untried, never-seen-before method, hardly likely to mentally occur to Danny in the first place. Phantom resorted to attacking Vlad, stealing the Ghost Gauntlets and pulling out Plasmius for some unknown reason, but ghost-half fusion could not have sensibly been it. The Gauntlet attack simply demonstrated that Phantom took ill-willed pleasure from the act of hurting or depowering Vlad. After removing Vlad’s ghost half, fusing with it was the second step. Danny could be held responsible for his ghost half explicitly harbouring malice/potential evil in the attack (and his ghost half’s response to being removed was part of Danny’s responsibility in Dan’s creation), but that wouldn’t explain the crucial next step of the fusion itself.
This is where my ideas for potential improvements for the story of “The Ultimate Enemy” come in, as the exact extent of Danny’s contribution to Dan (in physical responsibility and mentality) wasn’t entirely clear—outside of this explicit evidence of Phantom’s facial expression. This uncertainty leaves the room for a do-over of the narrative to ask a lot of questions about how physically and morally accountable for Dan’s birth and evilness Danny actually was.
We could assume implicit evidence that Danny had some sort of inner darkness which contributed to Dan, even if only the minority, from the possibility that his grief at the loss of his loved ones (as well at helplessness at not being able to do anything to save them, and low evaluation of his own worth as a person) led to buried malice, anger and a desire for power to compensate.
Based on how splitting halfas apart worked in “Identity Crisis”, it made sense that Phantom had a sense of hostility and motivation to hurt Vlad once separated from Danny in “The Ultimate Enemy”. When Danny was split in half the first time, the halves took on the mental characteristics of the whole Danny’s momentary intents and desires. When Danny wanted his ghost half to do all the hero work so his human half could have the time to have fun, his ghost half took on an exaggerated hero personality and his human half an irresponsible teenager personality. Assuming this logic consistently determines the split halves’ personalities each time, and the fact that Danny’s desires in the alternate future revolved around escaping his emotional pain, it was logical that one of the split halves inherited a condensed majority of Danny’s pain (in this case, the ghost half), while the other half (the human one) was innocently blind to most of Danny’s grief and self-hatred—and that the suffering half acted out aggressively or malevolently as a result.
However, since we could logically assume that fusing with Plasmius was not the initial reason Phantom removed him from Vlad (and we assume the fusion was a spur-of-the-moment decision that occurred to him afterwards), why did he remove Plasmius in the first place? Was he intending to spite Vlad after all the grief he caused Danny in their rivalry? Was it a sense of inferiority telling him to tear Vlad down from his superior position? Was it to avoid letting Vlad stay a possible physical threat to Danny? There is such a large gap here, one could brainstorm countless possible motivations.
Furthermore, if that only covered his motivation to remove Plasmius, then what made him decide to fuse with him? Was he attempting to possess Plasmius as one ghost half trying to possess another for some reason? Was it internal panic? Was it a hunger for power pushing him to seize the opportunity that opened up? Why didn’t/couldn’t Plasmius fight Phantom off in the fusion scene?
These questions could be explored if the story of “The Ultimate Enemy” was redone. Present Danny, the Danny whose point of view we saw the episode from (rather than the Alternate Danny) hadn’t experienced the Dan future himself, so he didn’t know what was going through his alternate self’s head (human or ghost) during Dan’s creation. How much of it was his fault? How much of it wasn’t? How did he fill in the holes in the story Future Vlad told to him based on his own insecurities, and what did he blame himself for?
For that matter, why not get present Vlad wrapped up in it too? Have him take responsibility for what is HIS. If not, the episode should’ve at least acknowledged that Dan was not entirely “Danny’s evil”, and made it clear that he was cleaning up both his and Vlad’s collective mess by himself. If the message of the evil future self being Danny corrupted to the side of evil was so necessary for the episode, then simply remove the fusion plot entirely from Dan’s origin and have Danny become a villain by his own moral corruption. It weakened the impact of the future-self villain being a warning of “what the hero should avoid becoming” by having the main character only become evil by fusing with an already malevolent character.
3.      The Observants’ conclusion that they had to kill Danny to save the world from Dan didn’t make sense, due to Vlad being primarily responsible for Dan’s evilness—but the episode, instead of acknowledging this inanity, actually reinforced the opposite.
Having now established that Vlad was half (if not more) at fault for Dan’s evil than Danny, the plot to kill Danny in the episode lost any of the ground it had to stand on.
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(Nope...no, he didn’t have to.)
It was illogical for the Observants to assume killing Danny was the best way to stop Dan from existing when killing Vlad would equally achieve this (not to mention that either of these options were overkill, in the presence of the intervention methods mentioned in Section A). Without Vlad, Dan could not exist either. Eliminating Vlad would stop his continuous crimes against both worlds, and let Danny live to continue doing the good he’d done. After the events of “Reign Storm”, a large part of the Ghost Zone knew that Danny had saving Amity Park, and the entire Ghost Zone, under his belt—if an entire wasteland civilisation like the Far Frozen came to worship Danny for his victory against Pariah Dark (as shown in season three’s “Infinite Realms”).
(For that matter, where were the Observants hounding Clockwork to get on Vlad’s troublesome ass when he tried to steal the Crown of Fire and the Ring of Rage in “Reign Storm”, if Pariah Dark was so dangerous?)
If they were being somewhat rational, it was possible that they chose Danny as Vlad’s less powerful counterpart, and an easier target—even though they delegated the task off to Clockwork because intervention wasn’t their job, and they clearly acknowledged Clockwork’s power and competence to some degree. The Observants openly referred to Clockwork as the master of time while shirking their responsibility for fixing the future onto him, so whether or not killing Vlad would be too difficult for themselves would be irrelevant, since they made it Clockwork’s problem and became backseat commentators. Though, Clockwork would’ve probably foreseen Vlad’s importance in Danny’s emotional growth as his nemesis and also kept him alive anyway—but from a purely logical standpoint, it made little sense to execute Danny over Vlad, if they ever needed to kill anyone at all.
To be honest, the episode could’ve used the invalidity of the Observants’ plan to paint their incompetence more, expanding on Clockwork’s disdain for them and how he told the audience they “just observe”. However, to do that, the episode itself would’ve had to actually portray the Observants’ plan (not just the Observants themselves, but their actual plan to kill Danny itself) as nonsensical. The episode never did, however, as it had Clockwork—the character portrayed as bolder and wiser than the Observants—reinforce their proposition as worth trying and go along with their request for Danny’s demise. He sent two ghosts to attack Danny (although the fight with Boxed Lunch was more of a moral test about giving Danny the CAT answers, rather than an attempt on his life, Danny “failed” that moral test before Clockwork sent Skulktech after him—so, the latter at least counted as a potential hit on Danny) to the extent of attempting to kill Danny himself on the last attempt. That Clockwork went along with the Observants’ plan showed that the episode saw the plan as reasonable, despite its illogicality.
(While there is a possible argument for Clockwork’s knowledge of how the episode would end—insinuating that he knew Danny would never actually end up dying—justifying why he went along with the plan in the first place, the next section of the essay shall tackle that. Since Clockwork is the Master of Time, and the issues with his character were heavily intertwined with the effects the time travel lore had on the plot, that shall be addressed in Category C, the section covering the mess created by the time-travel in the episode.)
...actually, that just gave me an idea. You know what would be interesting, if a little too much to content to stuff into the narrative? Having an Observant character distinguished as their own individual, who doubts the other Observants’ unreasonable decisions and becomes a rogue element to the rest of the council, directly intervening in the timeline themselves. The rogue Observant could abandon the council of Observants to side with Clockwork, and characterise Clockwork by having him change his globalised impression of the Observants to understand this new, non-conformist one as an ally. Or, perhaps the Observant plays a more compassionate foil to Clockwork, choosing to himself save Danny’s life from the ghost attacks Clockwork sent after him?)
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davetheshady · 5 years
how time travel works in the MCU
endgame spoilers!
SO i’ve been seeing a lot of people expressing confusion about wtf was going on in endgame, and since this is, like, my jam, allow me to illustrate the MCU’s apparent theory of time travel. (this isn’t officially confirmed or anything (ETA: it kind of is!) – just me elaborating on what other fans have said as well, which appears to be internally consistent in the movie.)
Avengers: Endgame uses a different mechanism than most time travel media (which Rhodey and Scott helpfully list for us, lol): it is impossible to change the past of your personal timeline in the MCU. 
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(fig. 1: a blurry and not-to-scale timeline for the MCU with data points for 1970, 2012, 2013, 2014, and Endgame)
their “time travel” is more like “time and dimension travel”: as soon as they use the quantum realm to go to an earlier date, it splits off* an identical parallel universe (or leg of the trousers of time). we simultaneously have canon and officially-licensed canon-divergence AUs. time travelers can never affect their own pasts; they can only change things in an AU for another version of themselves.
* or maybe this universe which was completely identical up to the point where they are visiting time travelers always existed and they just arrived, who knows ~wibbley wobbley~
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(fig. 2: equally blurry and not-to-scale timelines plural: the MCU timeline and four AU timelines, splitting off from 1970, 2012, 2013, and 2014.)
note: i’m just guessing about the number of relevant AU timelines, because I’ve only seen the movie once. the avengers’ initial plan has teams going to NYC in 2012 during The Avengers, to Asgard in 2013 during Thor 2: Electric Boogaloo, and to the planets Morag and Vormir (sp?) in 2014 during Guardians of the Galaxy. Team 2012 messes up and tries again by going to New Jersey in 1970.
hence the Ancient One’s concern about Bruce taking the time stone: up to that point, things were on track to proceed exactly like the MCU timeline. now that’s off the table. if bruce doesn’t return the time stone, the events of doctor strange can’t happen and dormammu will destroy this 2012!AU timeline. the MCU timeline will be unaffected, but it still sucks for everyone in the 2012!AU. (i don’t think it’s necessary in each AU for events to go EXACTLY like the MCU timeline, but considering the MCU timeline consists of our heroes defeating challenges and saving the world/galaxy by the skin of their teeth, not changing too much is a good idea.)
however! there are definite changes keeping these AUs separate from the MCU timeline. 2012!AU Steve has been told by a suspicious double that Bucky is alive, and will probably get Hail HYDRA’d by Strike. it’s entirely possible that events in 2013!Asgard will happen completely differently due to Frigga’s knowledge of shit going down. And 2014!AU Thanos hops on over to the MCU timeline and attacks, ultimately resulting in the 2014!AU losing him, his followers, and Gamora.
essentially, we now know there are multiple copies of all the characters, but not clones or evil-bearded-mirror counterparts, because they share the same experiences... up to a certain point. 2014!AU Gamora is in the MCU timeline now, but she doesn’t have any of MCU Gamora’s experiences from the time of GotG to her death in Infinity War. However, she and MCU Nebula would still share their horrible childhood. If 2012!AU Loki pops up in the MCU timeline, he and MCU Thor would have had the same interactions all the way through The Avengers. (I personally find this delightful, because it’s a time travel crossover between canon-divergence AUs complete with character doubles and that’s like... all of my favorite things together.)
as for MCU Steve: he was hanging out in one of the AUs with Peggy (with whom he would have shared exactly the same version of the past in the 40s) for a whole bunch of decades. the movie vaguely implies that this really did happen in the MCU timeline by having him appear on a park bench instead of using their quantum realm tech, but this would require:
steve ‘civil war’ rogers just chilling for decades as Bucky runs around as the Winter Soldier and HYDRA infiltrates SHIELD, not to mention refraining from weighing in on countless other issues he cares deeply about
peggy ‘fight me’ carter, AN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIVE, not noticing her husband’s extreme lack of chill re 1. and cottoning on
us to forget literally the whole rest of the movie
so this, frankly, is nonsense. also, the obvious place to meet up with peggy was in his trip to 1970, but unless someone on her street had an old-ass car, they’re definitely dancing together in the 40s/50s; this means he didn’t just go back and stay, but went back to the 1970 AU, dropped off the tesseract and stole more of hank pym’s research, and then made yet another trip to the 40s/50s. 
using this AU theory, MCU Steve was only present in the MCU timeline as a Capsicle between the 40s and the 2010s and you don’t have to worry about the canonicity of Agents of Carter. Endgame-era MCU Steve went to a 1940s AU, where he and Peggy almost certainly made beautiful Nazi punching as they cleared HYDRA out of SHIELD. stuff like that would make events unspool differently than Steve was familiar with from the MCU timeline, making his knowledge of his future less and less relevant, so he wouldn’t have too much of an advantage. (as a side note, I think there’s a practical aspect to him hanging around: it means he has plenty of time to observe the consequences of the MCU Avengers interfering and make sure there’s no, like, universal catastrophes. hell yeah longitudinal studies of scientific data.) 
we already know from 2014!AU Thanos’ appearance in the MCU timeline that you don’t need to use the MCU portal to hop between timelines [ETA: whoops, i misremembered that part.] Steve knew where he was returning to, so between his MCU tech and everything he potentially could have stolen from hank pym over the years (or, you know, everything he was given by 1940!AU hank and janet van dyne, whom he could have just worked with) he had the ability to stroll back to the MCU timeline for the very end of endgame in a sufficiently dramatic fashion to troll everyone. or maybe he DID use that portal, but was the size of an ant just to be a dick. steve rogers: man out of time.
[ETA: as per this post: bruce DID detect him in the portal, so he definitely quantum leaped back instead of taking the slow path.] 
[ETA: as per the Russos themselves: “If Cap were to go back into the past and live there, he would create a branched reality. The question then becomes, how is he back in this reality to give the shield away?” source )
anyway, unlike other kinds of time travel, AU theory lacks issues like erasing your own personal history or stepping on bugs and causing fascism. but i think it DOES have some serious consequences:
- if you visit/create an AU, the people from the AU can now come and dick around in YOUR timeline (c.f. 2014!AU Thanos and the entire end of the movie). they got rid of 2014!AU Thanos, but that leaves at least three other Thanoi who they HAVEN’T defeated, plus multiple versions of every other baddie they’ve ever fought. 
- having so many similar-but-not-identical timelines clustered together might have bad long-term consequences on reality, like events bleeding through
- HOW are these AUs created and/or maintained? if there’s a finite amount of energy for them, connecting to too many might cause some to collapse
- headaches
it’s possible we will see some negative consequences in future MCU movies, if only to eliminate “time travel through the quantum realm” as a solution to every single one of their problems.  
(@autumn-drifts​ also pointed out that the MCU Avengers are doing all their time travel shenanigans after the MCU infinity stones have been destroyed, so potentially the time stone (and maybe others) play a role in PREVENTING time travel, which is why we haven’t seen it before.)
(ETA: the energy from the infinity stones Thanos destroyed had to go SOMEWHERE; maybe that’s what creates the AUs?)
speaking of the time stone: this maaaaaay have a completely different set of rules. it’s possible that using it also spawns a whole bunch of AUs, which is why the Ancient One chewed out Dr Strange about playing with it. (do you want 20 different AUs whose only difference is Dr Strange’s fucked-up apple in the magic library? because this is how you get 20 different AUs whose only difference is Dr Strange’s fucked-up apple in the magic library.)
but it’s also possible the time stone is the only thing that have an effect on your personal timeline. i don’t think we ever see it used to jump directly from one point of time to another, so who knows if it CAN. but it can definitely rewind (MCU Thanos undoing Wanda’s decision to kill Vision and stealing the mind stone in Infinity War) and/or create time loops (the end of Doctor Strange).
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(fig. 3: blurry timeline of the MCU showing a whole bunch of loops in Doctor Strange from his trap, labelled “Dormammu, I’ve come to bargain”, and a single loop in Infinity War labelled “Wanda kills Vision” and “Thanos unkills Vision”)
i’ve drawn them as loops because those events definitely happen, so they’re part of a timeline that everyone(?) experiences, but they all circle back to one particular point from whence only one line of events continues. you don’t have a million different versions of Dr Strange getting creatively killed by Dormammu, you have one Dr Strange getting creatively killed by Dormammu a million times; both he and Dormammu remember all of them.
one final observation: we still haven’t seen proper time travel forward through time. we know from Infinity War that the time stone can let you look at all the potential futures and use that knowledge to aim in your chosen direction, but it can’t show you “the” future. (and as to whether that’s looking at events playing forward then rewinding back to the save point, or just scoping out all the relevant AUs, I have no idea.) Scott technically skips five years forward from the snappening to Endgame, but he was pulled there by a rat activating the tech during Endgame, as opposed to him selecting a point five years in the future and choosing to go there. (we also don’t know when Steve left his 1940!AU timeline, but he was returning to the point in the MCU immediately after he left, not going farther forward than he had already been.) so it will be interesting to see how/if time travel into THE FUTURE! happens and what delightful problems it can cause.
in conclusion:
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 24
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 22 - Pt 23 -
Summer break. The first day seemed to go well. After a ride home from the packed station you saw along the way the great number of titles surrounding the year in Hogwarts and wonders at what this summer would bring. The brilliant takedown of a secretive Corporation R that had plotted to unleash the creatures and curses trapped in those vaults on the students of Hogwarts. The one to draw the largest reaction from you was the one titled, ‘Swept Up and Tucked Away!’ The image under the title was a caricature of Fudge sweeping up small doodles of your duel and taming of the creatures in the school under a thick rug with the words ‘The Black Plague- Dangerous - DO NOT SHIFT’ off to the sides were scribble of word bubbles reading, ‘Shhh!’
Shaking your head you continued past the news stand only to pause at the paper offered to you with a golden ink filled quill you gladly signed for the Wizard who grinned for the picture his nephew. Revealed, when you blinked the spots from your eyes, to be Collin with a smaller version of himself at his side waving up at you before stealing a picture of Harry beside you. The pair darted off with their Uncle leaving you to be wrapped under Regulus’ arm to guide you back to the path out to the bus taking you back to the Grimmauld place entrance of your home while Remus guided Harry back to the Dursleys.
No matter the trouble of your last summer right off you were again met with a list of places you would travel through Europe to gain more supplies for antidotes. By day you trekked through the wilds with the twins, nights however in your tent you would sit up reading through your frequent streams of letters.
Harry’s about how the first week of his trip was going with the visit of Vernon’s sister Marge.
Percy’s came with news on his offered internship in the Ministry for after his final year he hoped he could use to get close to Fudge in hopes of helping you somehow.
Hermione’s came with news of her own summer break in Paris with her grandparents to further her language and musical studies. A trip meaning she would have to leave Crookshanks at your home until school began again.
Ginny’s posed a new dilemma, questions of dates she could go on with Dean, who she was supposed to be supervised by Bill in his month long vacation between treasure hunting trips. Though in his own he couldn’t be too much trouble but as any older brother he was set on ensuring his baby sister was well protected and set on ensuring she remained so. A task Ron decided to join in on, hence the letters, pleas to you to see if you could calm their protective natures.
Neville and Draco’s were chalk full of ideas they hoped to get done through the summer break before heading back to school again.
Swinging around from a trip to the outskirts of Greece just as you made it to your bed in the Wizard Hostel you had gotten a room in a folded pig message from Percy your head turned to grab the letter unfolding at its last oink. Giggling to yourself you turned over on your bed relaying to the guys, “Harry blew up Uncle Vernon’s sister Marge.”
George laughed out loud as Fred snorted into his pillow through Regulus’ chortle through the bathroom door. Continuing on you read, “He took the Knight Bus to the Leaky Cauldron, Remus had to go get him. Apparently Fudge wanted to tell him he was being given a warning himself.”
George, “Ooh, bet that was a cheery conversation.”
Stretching out in your cot next to Regulus’ you set the letter down and hugged your pillow under your head as you closed your eyes, “Bet Petunia will be thrilled at having to keep that to herself after they obliviated Marge. Heard from Harry even she can barely stand Marge.”
Fred chuckled and sighed out, “Well, we’ll be home before Thursday if all goes as planned.”
July 30th rolled around and as usual for Neville’s birthday you made sure he got his favorite lunch and cake and joined him in a day at the movies to give him some alone time with you. Draco decided to tag along with Ron, and Harry in their hunt for Gnomes at the Hollow to help out Molly with her garden.
The next day had Harry’s birthday, which had him and the kids rushing to the movies themselves in your day at the Hollow helping Molly to prep the family dinner while she focused on her levitating marvel of a cake. Though your mind in the numbing chopping and stewing of veggies raced back to your letter from Peter that Riddle was still alive but very close to death. Still, he remained in the safe house keeping Riddle hidden and his tiny frail body alive unwilling to harm something so helpless no matter how evil the creature could grow to be.
The longer your mind lingered on it the darker your hair grew, splitting through your racing thoughts Molly’s voice sounded in concern, “Jaqi?” Instantly your eyes jumped to hers and you heard her ask at your hair shifting back to silvery blue with a curious grin, “Where did you roam off to?”
“Oh. Grindlewald.” Her lips parted and you shook your head, “Nothing like that. Just, I was looking up this ring, I found, in the library I found a journal and it had a note between Dumbledore and Grindlewald.”
Molly nodded, “Oh that,” releasing a calming breath, “From what we know, they were friends growing up, though Grindlewald went to Durmstrang. Dumbledore was the only Wizard he ever feared.”
“Because they knew each other so well?” She nodded, “From what I hear only Grindlewald was worse than Riddle.”
Molly huffed, “Oh, now, I don’t mean to shock you but, I would have to say,” her eyes wandered to the door ensuring you were alone still then back to you, “Grindelwald never did half the atrocious things Riddle did. All without reason, Riddle was selfish and hated that he was hated by his family, attacked children, infants no less. Yes Grindelwald picked up the worst of the worst but, he had standards.”
“Hypothetically, if Grindelwald broke free-,”
Molly scoffed turning to grab some more food coloring, “He would mop the floor with Riddle. Wouldn’t so much as be able to lift his wand.” Her eyes twitched up to yours and she froze for a moment then moved closer to you tapping her fingers under your chin, “I understand you’re scared. Rightly so. None can tell how fate will lead us about. Let’s hope we never have to let that monster out of his cage.” You nodded and she said, “Things will look up.” Moving back to her former place she added, “You will see.”
By the next Monday you were off again and promised to meet with Bernadette on the tail end of your trip to Brazil for some tea. The whole day you four spent with her reliving the years she had shared with your mother, complete with a set of copies for the shows they had done together in the summers before you were born to add to your collection. A box of pictures too were added to your arms after the tight hug she gave you, once again reminding you that any mother would be proud of you for all you had done. Aiding in the growing freedom of the Lycans in the Western Wizarding World and for all you had done the year prior.
One more train ride, where you started to feel you were living in these days outside of school, and you were home again. Not a minute after your bags hit the ground you turned to exit your room after changing your tank top and flannel shirt before meeting Ginny in the hall for the walk down to breakfast. Just back from the family trip to Egypt, on which you dropped the twins off for a few days with their family to give you another day to head off over to New  Zealand, where you met up with your father, Neville and Draco for a weekend trip of your own.
Molly had spent the night before working in the Ministry so your Uncles were tasked with parenting your brood and breakfast. Her path crossed yours on her late return in her groggy pace to her seat at the end of the table beside Arthur who gave her a sleepy grin and slid her coffee he had brewed for her closer to her reach while you dropped into your seat. Reaching out you grabbed your empty glass, smoothing your finger along the rim to fill it with apple juice in your dad’s carrying out the first helping of breakfast in the arrival of the younger kids and Percy.
Seats filled and in the emptying of plates your eyes rose to the pair of owls arriving, yours swooped around your head dropping your letters before landing on the back of your chair as Percy reached out to grab Errol from his crash landing into the table. Settling her on the back of his chair he eyed the letters and passed them out, “Ron, Ginny, Fred, and George.” Keeping the last for himself.
Wetting your lips you eyed your letters you passed out, “Harry, Draco and Neville.” Keeping yours in your hand you turned over and broke the seal to pull out the list of required supplies only to find an extra letter.
Wiggling in his seat Percy chuckled and flashed the small pin included in his letter, “Yes! I’m Head Boy!” The cheer or clap he had expected from you didn’t come as you and the twins stared at your letter making him ask, “Jaqi, what’s wrong?” Drawing all eyes to you three.
Sirius, “Pumpkin?”
Turning your letter you handed to your dad you said, “Prefect.”
His brows furrowed while the twins swapped their letters to double check the contents then said, “Us too.”
Remus curtly laughed and covered his face for a moment while Sirius burst into giggles as Ginny asked, “Didn’t you have detention most of the year?”
You three nodded, “Yup.”
Remus chuckled as Sirius passed you back your letter, “They did the same with Remus being jumped over by for Head Boy. Merlin knows he didn’t recognize the rules. You are influential.”
Regulus, “Plus, you’re already up most of the night patrolling anyways.”
You looked to Percy, who was grinning at you widely as you said, “Congrats Percy.”
Percy, “Same to you. Glad to have you three on the crew.”
Sirius’ grin spread and he kept looking over at Remus who sharply said, “Stop it.”
Regulus chuckled saying, “Oh now, come on, share the good news.”
Your eyes all turned to the pair while Remus answered, “I suppose I have to now!” His eyes turned to look over you all before he said, “Well, it appears, I, um, well, I suppose I should say-,”
Sirius rolled his eyes saying giddily, “He’s your new DA Professor!”
Remus rolled his eyes through Sirius’ side hug and peck on the cheek in Regulus’ pat on the back while you all cheered and clapped for Remus as Ron said, “Finally, a Professor we can learn from.”
Harry, “In Defense at least. Please don’t tell McGonagall he said that.”
Remus ginned shaking his head, “Oh, I would never do that.” He looked to you, “It seems with my new position I will be needing a supply of things so I will be escorting you all through your shopping.”
Allowing Molly to nap the younger kids joined you all off through the muggle streets making your way to the Leaky Cauldron that you passed through entering Diagon Alley. Each shop nearly was stopped in and while Remus made a stop in at Knockturn Alley you and the twins eyed the continually bare corner shop that kept drawing your eye. Supposedly one of the most expensive spots up for purchase another magical tea shop had their eye on for a third branch, but since your first trip by it two years prior the owner, a distant cousin of your father’s who caught your interest. His pure hatred of those so called ‘dim witted doily shops’ had him taking an instant interest in why you, his most famous relative alive, were interested.
One brunch at the Leaky Cauldron was all it took when he saw your future plans for the shop of your dreams, obscure lists of dreamed up products and potions yet to be perfected for sale from a trio of teenagers still in their early years of schooling. That felt right to him, so a bargain was set. He would keep to his bare minimum sales in the obscure furniture shop until you were legally old enough to take it off his hands, insisting you were the only one he would sell to. A promise he secured with a binding magical contract witnessed by Sirius and Regulus who were also eager to see what you could do with it.
Fred, “Corner shop, 93, brilliant number.” He said eyeing the lilac fading paint along the sides.
George, “It’ll need a new coat or three.”
He smirked joining Fred in looking at you, “Keeping the purple of course.”
You nodded and giggled pulling out your shrinking journal for the shop ideas that grew as you opened it to the page with a moving doodle across the page making them both grin when they looked at it, “Thought this up for over the door.”
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At their shared grinning face and an arm extending to raise a top hat with a bunny underneath they both replied, “Brilliant!” Both staring at the yellow and orange logo you had decided on, “Weasley Wizard Wheezes.” All in a circle with a silhouette of the boys on either side of you with your arms on their shoulders with theirs around your middle and their feet spread apart to touch one of each to yours forming a trio of W’s for a subtler logo on the smaller packages and products.
Fred, “And of course the bunny will have to have purple eyes and color changing fur, maybe based on the weather.”
George, “If you’re trying to hide in plain sight we should at least leave a hint or two.”
You giggled and closed the book as Harry furrowed his brows peering up at the building, “Why do you keep staring at this building each time we pass it?”
The three of you replied, “It’s gonna be ours.”
He looked at it again, “What would you want with that shop for?”
Your brow inched up and Ron said, “Doubt they’ll ever sell it. Heard from the shop keep down the way he’s turned away hundreds of offers. Even one for 500 galleons over the book value.”
Harry, “What would you want to sell furniture for?”
At that you giggled and Remus arrived again with a grin saying, “Alright you lot, back to the Cauldron for lunch and then back to the house. I know you’ve got the evening planned on sorting out your trunks.”
Ginny, “We’ve still got a week yet.”
Remus chuckled stealing a glance back at you, “Some of you have a larger selection to choose from.” Making her giggle as you rolled your eyes as the twins both took another look at your chosen floor plans for the three story shop with a hidden basement opening under the floor of the store room formerly used as a bomb bunker from the Second World War, similar to those in each of the shops around it. Percy especially in the distracted conversations of the younger teens, along with Draco and Neville stole peeks at your design for the store front and sent you silent agreeing smiles.
“Andrew Ser?” Unfolding the Daily Prophet Percy was reading the back of, you stood facing one another in an awkward seeming deadlock with separate ends of the paper in hand to read your decided stories. “Dad!” Sirius leaned into view in the doorway adjusting his tie with a bagel between his lips, “Have you read this?”
He eyes the title of the story you had flipped to the second portion of, pulling the bagel out of his mouth, “Ah, ya, Andy, he’s been on about me for years. Determined to crack the case.”
Your head turned, “He’s trying to say you’re some sort of criminal. Says you’ve been hiding out at Hogwarts.”
Sirius nodded with a smirk at you, “Last year he said I was in the Bahamas. He always looses his wind eventually.”
“Says he’s gotten permission to search the school from Fudge.”
Remus chuckled, “As if we might have missed him last year.”
“Says he heard from Dolph he said he saw you.”
Sirius nodded, “Either way, he bothers you and you let us know.” You nodded and he moved closer cupping your cheek to kiss the other, “I’ll not have anyone bothering you over me. He’s no reason to pester you.”
You sighed, “Haven’t you heard, the Black Plague is rampant in Hogwarts?”
His eyes narrowed for a moment, in anger over the term concerning you and not your using it even in jest, “You are not a plague and have done nothing to deserve anyone’s mistrust.”
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“Ah, who have we here?” Tilting your hat back your brow raised to the curly haired man with salt and pepper stubble standing just a few inches taller than you in your heels yet shorter than the twins around you who were both crossing their post growth spurt toned gangly arms over their chests at his puffed up smirk looking you over. At once you felt your blood boiling and exhaled slowly forcing yourself not to shift in the main lot to King’s Cross Station for enchanted vehicles. Avoiding a conflict you brushed your fingertips along the handle of your trunk at your side while you reminded yourself that you still were under probation for fighting at school and punching an Auror out of defending yourself would be severely frowned upon. “Young Miss Black. I do hope we can get to know one another better this year.”
Flatly you replied, “I’m not supposed to talk to strange Aurors.” His lips parted and you said, “If you want to get to know me I’ll have to get you cleared with Alastor Moody first.” Moving around him you shifted the bag holding Crookshanks across your back and steadied your owl’s cage in your other hand then stepped around him spreading the smirk on Remus’ face.
Straight to the new Professor Andrew Ser’s eyes shot in a fiery glare only making Remus chuckle, “Don’t blame me rules are rules. No telling who could be trying to cozy up to our dear girl here. Now, sod off, we’ve a train to catch.” Brushing past himself joining the line of teens in claiming trolleys for your luggage, continuing on as a group that grew a bit larger at Hermione’s trot over to claim hugs from you all in sharing a brief recap of her summer until you reached the barrier.
Passing over Crookshanks to Hermione you grinned adjusting your jacket over your t shirt and shredded jeans showing glimpses of the color changing orbs above a dragon with a Witches hat brewing up a potion across your knee high socks. The design matching the color changing style of the toads across the twins’ socks. Visible when they propped up a leg each to form a makeshift table for their latest series of sketches for the wrappers and packages for your recently perfected products. Soon you would be beginning to mingle together in a sort of ‘Sick Pass’ you had chosen to call Skiving Snackbox. Starting out with a simple based on teens market you would be easily be able to sell among fellow students.
Already you had the Lycan market covered with antivenoms as well. Of course the twins insisted you have a section devoted to uses for the various venoms you could collect for each of them, along with a possible chance to add in a few snake themed toys to ease worries of those with phobias of the usually misunderstood creatures. And with your connection to Dragon Tamers you could easily find protective garb for them and specialize burn creams and additional tries to mend scars as well.
Across from them you stared at the notepad on your lap while Cedric tried to restitch his buttons back onto his robes when his baby cousin had accidentally tugged them free admiring the Puff crest on them. Slowly your silver eyes danced across the page in your detailing an idyllic scene of you having tea with your blonde strangers while a morpher infant sat in the garden below playing with a group of bunnies and a goat. Blinking the finished image into focus you caught Cedric’s tilted head awkwardly craning his neck that snapped back in his stabbing his finger, “Ow!” raising his blood tipped finger to his lips he turned his head saying with a grin as the twins peered up at you, “Sorry, didn’t mean to snap you out of it.”
You shook your head taking the robe from him in return for the pad he inspected, “It seems I will be having tea with the mystery blondes and their friends, with a baby too.”
The twins set aside their sketch pads to shift over around Cedric as you righted the final button in their taking in each detail of the gently shifting image of the serious men and the boy’s giggling while you raised and lowered your cups for sips. “Woah. Any other images?”
Cedric flipped through finding more of their simply staring at you with one with paler hair atop a massive elk across from the other blonde holding a trio of dark haired boys through a lunch beside you holding the baby again. A snort came from Cedric, “Wow, you will be a baby making machine.”
Giggling to yourself you handed him back the finished jacket and put away his needle and thread, “Thank you. Though from the feeling I get, I think they’re adopted.”
Twins, “Still adorable. Four boys. Lot of work.” Making you giggle again.
Cedric, “You will be a wonderful Mum.”
“Thank you.” Accepting your pad back to close it and put it away to bring out the enchanted one you used to converse with Alastor making you sigh seeing the note you had written about Andrew still unanswered. Closing that you set it aside back in your bag, “Still nothing from Alastor.”
Cedric, “I doubt it could be like Patricia and Dolph again.”
George, “Dumbledore won’t let that happen twice.”
You nodded and eyed Cedric’s ledger from his father marking out proper times to prep for this year, at the end of which you would be sitting for your OWLS, he eyed the pages saying, “Dad hasn’t left much room. Down to the week on what to study and when.”
You chuckled and said with the Twins, “We’ll be up to speed in no time.”
Cedric chuckled saying, “No worries there. We’ve had tons of practice helping your older brothers and Tonks with theirs. Only problem is, knowing if this year is going to be like the last few distracting us all.” He wet his lips , “Any clue on who our new Professor is?”
You grinned saying, “Uncle Remus.”
Earning a chuckle from Cedric, “No worries there then. Should get some refreshers for what we should have learned last year easily enough.” Making you all chuckle again until Percy opened the door to your car with a quick grin to give you your assigned times to patrol the cars on the set timetable for all the prefects.
A song on the mastery of words came from the Sorting Hat, followed by a performance from you alongside the rest of the choir and enlarged Choir Frogs. Grins spread across the clapping students and Professors in the hall. In your seat at the Puff table you waited for Dumbledore to stand next calling out, “Welcome, welcome first years and a big welcome back to everyone else. For a few start of term notices, those of you who were here last year are aware that Professor Kettleburn has retired to keep what time he has left to, and to take his place this year will be none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid.”
The hall erupted into a wave of cheers and a subtle round of scoffs and jeers from the Slytherin table. “And as for our Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor R.J Lupin back among us to fill that position. Good luck Professor.” Chuckles rippled through the room while your head tilted seeing the black Irish wolfhound seated by Remus’ side he was patting the head of. “Finally on a more telling note, at the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban.”
After a series of whispers he continued with a far from serious expression in a sort of ‘let us all play along’ glance over you all, “Until such a time Sirius Black is captured,” all eyes shifted to you then back again, “the Dementors will be stationed at every entrance on the grounds. Or else I am assured that their presence will not disrupt our day to day activities. A word of caution. For our first years, Dementors are vicious creatures, they will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who stands in their way. Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving.” His hands rose, “But you know, happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times.” His hand waved by his candle on the podium pulling it out, and then back again lighting it again, “If only one remembers to turn on the light.”
In the muddle of out crying students rising to your defense his hand rose again, “Quiet, quiet down now. You and I are comfortably aware of the truth to this matter. However,” a glint of humor flashed back in his eyes, “We must as always humor the matter until others are at comfort that there is no harm coming to the students of these halls. Fear and ignorance have been the downfall of many. To overcome those, we must all practice our tolerance, those unable to understand this lesson simply take notice of our own Miss Black, who is becoming quite adept at wading through that tricky stream.” His hands clapped, “Now, let us eat.”
Wetting your lips you caught Remus’ comforting nod you returned the nod and turned to your dinner you filled your plate with a full supply you dug into forcing your attentions to the conversing teens around you instead of looking around at those still irritated at this useless search. Shifting in your seat you drew in a breath then turned in your seat finding Harry already staring at you, forcing a grin on his face he eyed the slip of paper you held out to him he claimed with a pleased chuckle, “Petunia got a bit distracted. Sent this along with her letter.”
His mouth fell open eyeing the signed slip to go to Hogsmeade, “She signed it?!” his eyes rose to you, “How’d you manage this?”
You shook your head, “Didn’t. You gave it to her, she chose to sign it.”
Harry shook his head, “I still think you must have bewitched her or something.”
You shook yours again, “Must be the usual, look like Mum. 2nd chance and all that.” Turning back again his brows furrowed looking you over as your hair began to turn black from root to tip urging the twins to snuggle closer to your sides at your stabbing a piece of your food trying to focus on that to stop your mind from racing off to all those years ago.
In the end of your meal you stood along with the other prefects to guide your assigned groups of first years once the others had gone off to bed. Grins spread on the faces of those in your group eagerly following you along through the halls and dungeons through the safest path to the dormitory they all comfortably settled into when you had shown them the ways to discover their own assigned rooms. The first years were safely tucked away, and in the tower above the Library Percy and the chosen Head Girl Penelope from this year had settled into their assigned apartment, both hoping for some peace and quiet from their usually noisy dorms for their final exams off in June.
Potions 8
Charms 9
Transfigurations 10
Break 12
Lunch 1
Break 2
Herbology Mon, Wed, Fri 3
Magical Creatures 4
Ancient Runes 5
Break 6
Dinner 7:30
History of magic 8
Arithmacy Mon, Wed, Fri 8 Not w/ cedric
Curfew 9 (Time Turner for Arithmacy)
Choir 10
Your schedule for the following day set out pretty simply and without much cause for concern. One by one you made it through your courses and with an enjoyable lesson from Remus and down at 8pm you were elated to see the proud tan Hippogriff, who took a jaunty strut through your class straight for you to nudge you giggling between the twins and Cedric over to the clearing behind it. Laughing heartily Hagrid paused his lesson and guided you all over. “One more thing, ‘spose now would be the best time. Over the summer Arturo here and his mate, who is still off on her yearly molt, had their own cub.” He made his own fanfair music and waved his hand to the proud grey speckled Hippogriff posing with a confident squawk that died at his eyes falling to you four at Arturo’s squawking introduction of you all drawing the timid cub closer to you.
First you were nudged forward to give a nice bow the smirking cub fluffed his wings up and shifted on his feet for the perfect stance for his first bow he then gave to you. Giggling softly you rose up as he did then folded your arms around his neck at his head nuzzling into your chest. “He is adorable Hagrid.” You giggled out smoothing your fingers around the base of his head making him give a content hum in the drooping of his eyes. Next the boys took their own turn and you gave Arturo some attention of his own through Hagrid continuing his lesson plan after summoning his set up projector and blankets you all settled on with the Hippogriffs lounging beside you.
Each night through the assigned patrols the wide group of Prefects were divided. Thankfully you were off this night allowing you a chance to sleep deeply after downing a dreamless draught to help you sleep without waking up in tears, a task even Idris couldn’t aid you with avoiding with his finest song. Soundly on your back you slept with Opal nuzzled against your shoulder and head to calm her own worries at her sensing something was going on with you.
Potions 8
Charms 9
Transfigurations 10
Break 12
Lunch 1
Break 2
Muggle Studies Sun, Tue, Sat 3 Not w/ cedric
Magical Creatures 4
Divinations Son, Tue, Sat 5 Not w/ cedric
Ancient Runes 5
Break 6 (Time Turner for Divinations)
Dinner 7:30
History of magic 8
Curfew 9
Choir 10
Your second day went well and in each again you were reminded how important this year was in the courses you had not seen the day before and given yet another stack of lesson plans listing each assignment in advance to grant those that are willing to work ahead for full credit to manage study times better. Your noon break was always kept for the RoR club, now growing in number with your fellow 5th years to get all the practice you could get. It wasn’t until your break at 6, once you had gone back to Divinations you could go back to your dorm to sit and look at this new selection of assignments. Just like the others you would go through ranking each and the simplest of each on your weekends you would try to complete beforehand to grant yourself a lighter load.
Magical Creatures, something about it today made your skin crawl, and halfway down the path to the course you eyed Andrew Ser. A cocky grin split across his face in his path straight for you, one that dropped as you nodded your head with a smirk of your own, “Mr Ser.”
His body turned for him to say, “Miss Black!”
Your hand rose to wave blindly back at him, “Can’t talk, have to get to class!”
More and more he would integrate himself into your schedule leading to your remaining inside your dorm or chosen corner of the library to focus on this stack of assignments you would complete and file in order tucked in a series of folders inside a folding file holder to aid you in turning them in on time. Three weeks you settled into this plan getting the majority of the easiest and basic outlines for the worst of them.
Pt 25
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electricrogue · 4 years
Baby, carnation and charm pinks. XD
Baby pink - What advice would you give your 10 year old self? 
Fuck God just a tad like if your favourite show happens to be about witches and then you break a window don’t think it’s God punishing you or whatever. Also you know that girl Larisa with the super long hair you always say you’d want to be her boyfriend if you were a guy? Yeah surprise that means you’re not straight. And here’s where fucking God would come in handy. Just saying, it would save you a lot of trouble in the future. Also and I can’t stress this enough, don’t try to be normal just to fit in. It will work for a while but you’ll feel like shit so what’s the point?
Carnation pink - Congrats! You get to write direct and star in a film, about whatever you want! What’s the genre and what’s the soundtrack for the opening credits, the action or drama sequences, the climax of the film, and the closing credits?
Oooooh boy. Surprisingly I have a very detailed answer to this actually xD. And there is like a 70000 ish words version of this answer which needs a tad more fixing before I can do anything with it, but I will give you a few hints xD.
So first of all we’ll cut the part with me starring in it because no. Though if I get my dream casting for it I might consider it even if at this point that casting requires time travelling or hair dye but still. Sadly my dream cast is kinda already involved in that and some of them might be pissed I did this so yeah maybe not. But hey a girl can dream right? Even if said girl took a girl she didn’t like and made her evil out of pure spite.
Anywaaaaaay. Genre: think sci-fi distopia the kind of YA thingie except the protagonist is let’s say around 35ish years old? Well she’s actually 40+ but she looks 35 for reasons. Also if this would be a YA thing you’d expect two people to end up together but I couldn’t do that because while they’re both hot I have issues seeing them together so I made her the person he hates the most in some ways and also almost hooked her up with his sister. I’m having issues with the sister thing too by the way because that girl is straight IRL is she though but things got a bit out of hand on that matter.
Soundtrack for the opening credits hmmm. I have issues saying something Within Temptation for the first part because some people don’t deserve that so... Ghost House Heart - Delain. And to give you a hint not on what it is about the scene is a guy sitting on the edge of a hospital bed holding the hand of the woman he loves.
The action or drama sequences I can’t say that damn it xD. Too many spoilers. But there is gonna be a young girl in this the kind that would have been the protagonist if this was really a YA thing and she’s gonna die [I have been called a sick fuck for doing that for the record but 1) I had to and 2) I was a lot more merciful than God was in such matters blunt force traumas hurt less than burning yes I checked]
I stil need to think about the action part though - one of the stuff I have to fix actually xD.
The climax of the film weeeeellllll. Denial. It’s a computer thing I’m not gonna explain it now because it will spoil stuff. But soundtrack for that scene Trophy Hunter- Within Temptation. Hands down.
Ending credits Endless War - Within Temptation. Again hands down. Also btw if we’re going Hollywood (though I really wouldn’t because meh Hollywood rest of the cast is in Canada anyway so what’s the point) it should be a trilogy. And yes a trilogy no splitting the last movie in two bullshit thank you very much.
Charm pink - If you were a celebrity, would you read fanfiction about yourself? Who do you think people would ship you with? 
I’d totally read fanfic about myself yeah xD. Might even write some xD. Like if I’m playing a character who is hooking up with the wrong person and I can’t talk it out with the directors or whatever and I also happen to play with someone cute who I’m not with canon wise? I’m totally writing fanfic with our characters. At least that if not more I mean you know how Amanda is with this kind of thing and I love her so yeah I might follow in her footsteps and all xD.
Also I’d be shitty enough to have an account on a fake name and stalk tumblr just to see what people say about me. And what fanfics they write xD.
No idea who they’d ship me with but if they go into slash territory and they don’t ship me with a kickass goth brunette they’re doing it wrong.
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absolxguardian · 5 years
Master and Apprentice Propechy Analysis
Alright, with Master and Apprentice giving us snippets of Jedi prophecies, it’s time for one of my favorite things, analyzing them with not just the hindsight of over 60 years of events on the characters, but with the knowledge that narrative imperative means that the prophecies cover events in the main story. So let’s go:
“She who will be born to darkness will give birth to darkness.”
I can very confidently say this refers to Leia. She’s Vader’s biological child, and her son will be Kylo Ren. The original prophecy was also in Old Alderaanian, making it even more relevant to Leia. Qui-Gon brings up a possible interpretation of the prophecy having already passed, referring a Malastaran duchess with an evil father and a Dark Jedi daughter. I’m going to say narrative imperative makes it about something the audience already knows about. And something involving the family of the likely Chosen One is going to give the events more weight to the Force, if you want an in-universe explanation.
“When the kyber that is not kyber shines forth, the time of prophecy will be at hand.”
Qui-Gon ends the book believing that the false kholen crystals on his mission indicate that his mission starts the time of prophecy. I don’t really agree with him. To start, there’s nothing about this mission that makes it more prophecy-like than any other mission Qui-Gon went on with Obi-Wan. It’s not their first, and it’s not the one right before TPM. Qui-Gon does have visions that end up being correct, but he didn’t even have them before the mission. And visions aren’t really prophecies.
If you assume the time of prophecy is the time periods covered by the movies (again narrative imperative and the Chosen One prophecy), either TPM or ANH/Rogue One starts the time of prophecy. Qui-Gon’s first vision after seeing the kholen crystals consist of them turning red, like bled crystals. I could see bled kyber crystals not being considered kyber because they’ve been damaged. If that’s the case, then TPM will mark the first time the wider Jedi order encountered Sith lightsabers in a thousand years. And so that’s when “kyber that is not kyber” shines forth. Or if the “time of prophecy” is the OT then the activation of the Death Star would be when kyber that is not kyber shines forth. The laser is powered by kyber crystals, but the modifications and impersonal activation of them could make it so they’re no longer true kyber. I don’t really have a preference for either marker, but I don’t really agree with Qui-Gon.
“When the righteous lose the light, evil once dead shall return.”
Obviously, this could be about the complacency of the Jedi Order leading to the return of the Sith and most likely is, but there’s another more specific reading for this prophecy. And that’s Maul. This would make the Jedi losing the light when they enter the Clone Wars. Now if the prophecy said evil once dead would return because of the righteous losing the light, then I’d say it’s definitely the Sith, because the survival of the Sith comes directly from the Jedi’s problems. Maul’s return is a less direct cause and effect, but the prophecy doesn’t require the return to be because of the Jedi’s problems.
“The danger of the past is not past, but sleeps in an egg. When the egg cracks, it will threaten the galaxy entire.”
Yeah, it’s the Sith. I don’t think there’s any deeper symbolic meaning of the egg part, it’s just that things grow in eggs, but can’t hurt anyone while inside one.
When Qui-Gon is musing over the whole idea of prophecies, he thinks about a prophecy that “said the Sith would disappear yet appear again”. We don’t know the exact text of the prophecy, but I could see it as being either of the previous two. Jedi studying that prophecy agree that it references to a possible return of the Order, which it obviously does. Qui-Gon mentions that it could be about Darth Wrend, a Sith who was assumed dead but then returned to fight the Jedi. Again, I think narrative imperative requires it to be former. I also think we can say that Qui-Gon studying this prophecy is why he’s so confident Darth Maul is a Sith.
“One will ascend to the highest of the Jedi despite the foreboding of those who would serve with him.”
Qui-Gon believes the prophecy refers to him, but since he never accepts the position of the council, it can’t be. And it’s clearly about Anakin. Thank you random Jedi Seer for having such a straightforward prophecy.
“Only through sacrifice of many Jedi will the Order cleanse the sin done to the nameless.”
The most obvious interpretation is that the destruction of the Jedi somehow “cleanses” what they did to the clones. I’m not sure how the Jedi Order falling makes up for what happened to the clones, it certainly doesn’t improve their situation. The only thing I can think of is that it’s somewhat implied that Order 66 only works once (Tiin was only able to pull his Order 66 trick because the clones with the inquisitors were new, but Bilabla’s clones keep hunting Kanan. On the other hand, the few Imperial clones we know of aren’t obsessed with the Jedi anymore), and so with it fulfilled, they’re finally freed from the inhibitor chip. But it seems like a pretty bad deal, but I could imagine the Force or the Seer considering freedom from possible literal mind control enough.
Another reading I could think of is that the masses of the galaxy: slaves, clones, and exploited poor beings are the nameless because no one pays much attention to their plight. With the Jedi Order reset, the sin that was their complacency and being bound to the Republic is destroyed. You see that with Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka, but Luke clearly falls into the same trap. Qui-Gon says that the prophecies can be filtered by the Seer’s basis (so it’s a tool to learn about how they see the world), so it’s possible that the Seer just saw Rey’s new light-side Order as Jedi, or maybe Rey ends up calling them Jedi. Of course, this is if it does turn out Rey does the likely thing of forming a new and improved Jedi-like order.
“When the Force itself sickens, past and future must split and combine.”
The stuff about past and future made me think of the World Between Worlds, but nothing about that time really strikes me as making the Force sick any more than the Empire after Rebels. They were single-handedly causing climate change on Lothal, and with the Loth Wolves, the planet seems to be very important to the Force, but I can’t really see Ezra’s time travel as “splitting and combining”. Maybe the Force was just worried about Ahsoka, since she holds the spirit of the Daughter.
However, there’s another way to read this. With the Cosmic Force “awakening” in TFA and Luke noticing a change in the Force when Rey arrives, it’s implied that the events ST trilogy is affecting the Force itself. With them returning to Jakku, where the definitely dark-side abyss is located, it's possible that part of TROS deals with the Force being sick in some way. Rey learning from the Jedi of the past, but also using her own morality and ideas to create a better order and that’s past and future splitting and combining. Take what works from tradition, but make your own future. If my second guess is true, then it means that this prophecy has actual predictive qualities for us, and that’s pretty cool.
“A Chosen One shall come, born of no father, and through him will ultimate balance in the Force be restored.”
So you know how I’ve said that I wouldn’t make a Chosen One theory without the actual text of the prophecy, well here it is. It’s also simpler than the several page mostly-censored version from legends. Well to start, unless there’s some translation gender weirdness (like the original language of the prophecy had no gendered pronouns and the translator’s own basis influenced them), Rey isn’t the Chosen One. But don’t get excited, Kylo Ren can’t be the Chosen One either, because the identity of Kylo’s dad is pretty important. In fact, the only way I can see the Chosen One being Luke is that “born of no father” isn’t literal, but instead, it's about how when Anakin fell and Padme rejected him, he forfeited the right to be Luke’s true father. I like that reading, but the ending of ROTJ seems to imply Lucas doesn’t agree with me.
In fact, I’m now firmly in the “Anakin is the Chosen One” camp, and I’ve left my “series of Chosen Ones” headcanon. The main reason is the “through him” part. It implies that it’s not Vader’s actions that cause balance in the Force, but that it’s an unintended consequence of his actions. Now people have joked that the two-ish Jedi and two-ish Darksiders after ROTS mean that Anakin balanced the Force then, and Rael even brings up that same idea, that balance is when light and dark are equal. But when the Empire rose, it was only the numbers of Sith and Jedi that were equal (and they weren’t even that equal, with the Inquisitors, short-term surviving Jedi, and the almost Jedi like Ahsoka). The Sith were clearly more powerful. However, as I mentioned before, there’s a good chance the Cosmic Force “fell asleep” after ROTJ. And there have been hints that extensions of the Cosmic Force like the Ones or Force Ghosts are actually aberrations. Anakin brings balance to Mortis by killing all of the Ones, and the Father seems confident Anakin will do the same to the wider galaxy. Now he may be wrong, but I’m more inclined to trust a Force god over someone like Maul. And Qui-Gon’s story in FACPOV makes it clear that when a Force ghost manifests, it’s an unpleasant and unnatural separation from the Force. Somehow, the end of the Sith caused the Force to smooth out the aberrations that are consciousness independent from the whole. Well, until TFA. And if that is true, it explains why the Force Ghosts couldn’t give Luke advice until TLJ.
“He who learns to conquer death will through his greatest student live again.”
Obviously “he who learns to conquer death” is supposed to be Qui-Gon, but the question is, who’s the greatest student? Qui-Gon becomes the master when he teaches both Yoda and Obi-Wan after his death, but I wouldn’t describe anything of what Yoda or Obi-Wan does counting as living again. Neither of them really live up to Qui-Gon’s temporal goals. Also, who is supposed to be the greatest? Obi-Wan was Qui-Gon’s only temporal student, and you can’t be the greatest when there’s no competition. But Qui-Gon only taught one thing to Yoda.
The fact the obvious interpretation doesn’t quite fit has led me to another reading, one that also predicts the future from our view as well. And that is that Luke ends up conquering death a lot more metaphorically through Rey. The TROS trailer has, what we have to assume to be Luke’s Force Ghost saying “we have taught you all you know- a thousand generations live in you now.” It sounds like Luke is somehow speaking for other Jedi spirits or at least the contents of the Jedi texts. As I discussed earlier, Force Ghosts are aberrations in the Force. So Luke conquering death is more metaphorical. His beliefs in both the failings of the Jedi, but the need for the Jedi to exist will come to fruition in the form of Rey’s reborn Jedi. And Luke has had many students, but since they all either fell or died, Rey is certainly his best one.
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blancasplayground · 6 years
Best and Worst of AoS Season 5
Here is my season five postmortem, in the form of a roundup of what I loved and didn't love. It got really long, so I won't spend too much time on the intro. Let's just dive in. Obviously, major spoilers for the entirety of the season follow.
Best: The Future
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For the first half of season five it felt like the team was stuck in a dystopian YA novel. In a good way. It was a bold move to completely change the look and feel of the show, but it worked from both a narrative and production standpoint. Not only did it make the best use of the reduced budget, since they could film primarily indoors on smaller-scale sets, but they didn't have to deal with the goings on in the MCU back home (that would come later -- and it's not on the "best" list). Creating a future from scratch requires tremendous imagination and planning, and they delivered a rich backdrop. I was sorry to leave behind the characters we met there, like Tess and Flint. Of course, they had to return to the present eventually, but they did a really good job of world-building for those episodes.
Worst: Contradicting Time Theories
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The showrunners have said in interviews that there were a lot of heated discussions in the writer's room about time travel logic, and it shows. Back in the season-three episode "Spacetime" they gave us one answer (which happened to be one I really liked) -- time is an illusion. As Fitz explained, the past, present and future happen simultaneously. We just experience it in a linear way because we're limited to the third dimension. So it cannot be changed. But when they blew up the Earth for the season’s main storyline, they also blew up that theory, because they HAD to change the future now. They weren't going to allow the world to be cracked apart. It's not that kind of show. Plus, they’re still tied to the MCU, so they couldn't let that future play out. And yet, when they returned to the past they had characters still behaving as if it were fixed (the whole "invincible three" idea, which so many people disliked), but trying to change it anyway. Either the future is pre-determined or it isn't. Trying to have it both ways makes for sloppy and confusing stories. It also gives viewers a headache.
Best: Fitz's Journey
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Fitz's absence was notable in the first few episodes, but to make up for it we got "Rewind," one of the best episodes of the season. We saw Fitz struggling with his dark side, only to have to embrace it in the future to save Jemma and Daisy in the most badass way (a total "baller move" as Daisy put it). The blend of pre- and post-Framework Fitz was exactly what they needed at the time. Unfortunately, it may have opened the door for The Doctor to take control in "The Devil Complex." He got a chance to marry the love of his life, but that happiness was short lived. His psychological break (which was an incredible reveal and riveting to watch from an acting standpoint) and what he did to Daisy split the team and the audience, sparking a lot of debate about the nature of good and evil both on screen and off. Which, I think, was exactly the point. Was he redeemable? Could he have learned to control his dark side? Could the team ever learn to accept this new version of Fitz and his morally questionable, yet undeniably effective, methods? We'll never know. Which brings me to . . .
Worst: Fitz's Death
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(Jemma gif because I can’t watch that death scene anymore.) 
(But this is almost as bad.)
We've been over this, and the wounds are still fresh, so I won't rehash what so many others have said more eloquently. I will point out that the issue is not with the death itself. They had to do it in order to bring back Cryo Fitz (or perhaps because they knew they could), who hasn't experienced the majority of season five. It's an intriguing idea, and should open up a lot of pathways for his story next season. Also, it gave Iain another chance to show off his crazy talent (like he needed more this season, but whatever, we're grateful). It's just the way they did it, and the fact that anyone thought this would be an acceptable sendoff for a fan-favorite character if it really was the last episode. The fake-out (which wasn't even a proper fake out because they REALLY DID have to bury Fitz) undercut what should have been a bigger moment -- Phil's departure and impending death as well. They botched it, plain and simple, and there's no taking that back.
Best: Philinda Endgame
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They took their time getting there, but May and Coulson finally expressed their feelings for each other (at least, the human versions), each in their own signature way. May finally telling Phil she loved him just to shut him up was classic May. And that kiss behind the shield ought to go down as one of most iconic TV kisses in history. I sincerely hope they get lots of parasailing in, and, despite it being a lovely sendoff, that we'll see one or both of them back next season. Incidentally, I believe the fact that Robin drew the two of them on the beach in Tahiti before they changed the future means that they wound up together in the previous version of the loop too. Of course, Phil had to be gone to allow May to become Robin's mom, and now I'm giving myself a headache again. See what you've done, season five!
Worst: Team Infighting
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This show is never better than when the characters work together as a team, whether it's on an action-packed mission or simply solving a problem on the ground. Which makes the decision to split everyone up along multiple fault lines later in the season a confusing and super frustrating move that wasn't at all fun to watch. Families fight, sure, but the divisions this year were deep, involving the loss of trust and respect, and the questioning of each other's core moral principles. These are not minor squabbles. I'm not sure what they were trying to accomplish by stepping up the tension and having them take sides against each other in the face of their greatest challenge yet, but I don't think it worked out the way they wanted it to. I would love to see everyone come back together and be a family again, as long as it's done realistically without sacrificing characterization.
Best: Graviton
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With this season possibly being the last, the writers took the opportunity to pick up a thread they'd left dangling in episode three. Ever since the introduction of gravitonium way back when, fans have been wondering if the show would follow through and deliver the major comic-book villain Graviton. Considering this season could have been the show's swan song, it was a good time to deliver on that promise. And they did, in a way that was surprising yet somehow fitting. Glenn Talbot has been a thorn in Coulson's side since he showed at the end of season one, so to have him become the final Big Bad is a satisfying, if tragic, fate for the character. Especially since, in his twisted mind, he believed he was doing the right thing, right up until the end.
Worst: Ruby Red Herring
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Sorry Dove Cameron fans, but the show let your girl down. Despite the potential in her first few episodes, Ruby never lived up to the compelling, cutthroat (or cut-arm, haha) villain they set her up to be (her hooded alter ego never even got a cool villain nickname). As it turned out, she was only there as a distraction, to confuse the characters and the audience about the real identity of the Destroyer of Worlds. And just as she was getting interesting -- the way she watched and mimicked Fitzsimmons alone told us more about her cold upbringing and the lack of human connection in a few moments than we got in all her episodes before that -- they killed her off to give the team something else to fight about.
Best: Nostalgic Callbacks and Fan Service
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We got so many callbacks to previous seasons throughout season five. Maybe it's because the writers knew there was a chance this would be the last year, so they packed in as many references to the history of the show as they could. There was also the milestone 100th episode, which naturally lent itself to looking back. In addition to paying off older plot points (see above re: Graviton) they directly acknowledged their loyal viewers with that "small but active fan base" line. It was exciting seeing Mike again. And good to have Davis back too, with his mysterious survival story (that I hope they never reveal). Not to mention Hunter (which I will, down below). These were all gifts to long-time fans and we ate them up.
Worst: Infinity War Tie-In
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If you're going to go there (and yeah, they had to, given the show's history), then fully commit to it, rather than using the cop out of ending the season just before the movie's biggest moment. Anyone who's seen it knows that the ending could potentially have a major impact on the show. So embrace that (imagine Phil handing Mack the keys to Lola, only to watch them fall to the ground). Or they could have used the multiverse to disconnect from the MCU once and for all. There were already so many questions going into the finale, whether they would or wouldn't go through with the snap was one debate I could have lived without. And it's still up in the air as to whether it will be a factor next season. Given that the airdate is after the next movie comes out, I'm inclined to think not, but I kind of wish we didn't even have to worry about it.
Bonus Bests:
The Return of Lance Hunter
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Every single moment he was in was pure gold. I really hope we haven't seen the last of him.
Fitzsimmons Wedding
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I mean, obviously. So beautiful and emotional. A shining moment of light to balance the darkness of the rest of the season..
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I love Deke. End of story. He is still around and he will be back. See my explanation post here. I have no official confirmation of this, I'm just thinking positively.
One final note: These gifs were pulled from all over. I’m still rather new to Tumblr, so if you see something that’s yours and would like credit, let me know (and also if you could let me know how to do it that would be great).
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gamearamamegathons · 6 years
Dragon Warrior III: I Retroactively Get Credit For This Peace Also
Circe here! So, now we come to the end of Dragon Warrior III. All that's left to do is to storm Baramos's castle and beat the shit out of him. At this point, how much I retain from particular dungeons is starting to lessen as I just follow a guide instead of mapping them myself. But Baramos's castle is pretty much as you expect, a big mean dungeon with monsters who are obnoxiously strong. Naturally, I spent most of this dungeon just fleeing over and over again and hoping I make it to Baramos in roughly one piece. Baramos himself is this angry crocodile face guy, and he's pretty tough, but with sufficient levels, the standard boss fight approach works pretty well for this guy, bolstered by the fact that we now have an array of support spells like Barrier (magical protection), Increase (defense boost) and Bikill (attack boost). After a couple tries, he goes down, and I head back to Aliahan to celebrate that the world has been saved.
The end.
Okay, just kidding.
Actually, once we enter the throne room, a voice echoes in the room, telling us that he is the true archfiend Zoma, and he's going to take over the world anyway. The king laments that he doesn't know how to break the news to his subjects, so he orders us not to tell anyone. What a leader. I guess we're gonna have to figure this out by ourselves. But we've pretty much explored every corner of the world. What's left? Well, there's two important places we need to go. First is the Castle of the Dragon Queen, a location tucked in a little ring of mountains that can only be reached by phoenix. There, if we poke around a bit, we can meet the Dragon Queen herself, who gives us a Sphere of Light. Hmmm. Anyway, the second place is the Great Pit of Giaga, a location near Baramos's Castle that previously just had a big pit with a wall around it. Well, now the pit has cracked open and split the walls apart, so we can just hop in, something which is clearly a very good idea.
In the pit, we find ourselves in a new land, where we immediately find a boat. Traveling a bit east, we come across a familiar town...it's Tantagel! That's right. The world of darkness beneath the earth was Alefgard all along. Now, this is cool and all, but it might raise a more pragmatic question: where does this leave our EXP curve for this new leg of our adventure? Glad you asked! The answer is that we're fucked for the rest of the game, basically. We'll be able to level up and ease things a bit, but basically the overworld has endgame-tier monsters, the ocean has endgame-tier monsters, the dungeons have endgame-tier monsters, everywhere we go for the rest of the game we're not going to want to spend too long in combat because almost every encounter has the chance to inflict massive damage to the party.
But leaving that aside for now, what do we need to do next? Well, you may remember that in the original Dragon Warrior, we had to get together the items to acquire a rainbow drop, so we could summon the Rainbow Bridge leading to the Dragonlord's castle. Here, the quest is roughly the same. Unlike in Dragon Warrior II, Alefgard isn't just a cameo, we are in fact re-enacting the quest of the first game in compressed time. And as much as I'd love to recount every quest item in detail, the effect of compressing and simplifying the entire original Dragon Warrior quest is that it's all just kind of a mush of poking around Alefgard in my head. I will say, despite the overly strong monsters, it's decently fun to go around and see what Alefgard is like and accumulate quest items like magical barnacles. There are a lot of important differences, though. The landscape is very different. Hauksness, the ruined desert town, is prospering. Garinham is just a single house, and Garin is alive. A lot of little details suggest not-so-subtly that we might just be, in fact, in Alefgard's past rather than its future. And that might lead you to a suspicion of who our hero is supposed to be.
But let's not worry about that for now. Aside from poking around the towns and collecting quest items and trying not to die a lot from every single monster, the only noteworthy dungeon before Zoma's castle is a tower west of Kol. It's absolutely brutal too, full of ruinously powerful monsters who can take out one or two party members very rapidly. It does have a very important monster in it, though. This tower is one place among many in Alefgard where you can find Metal Babbles, which are stronger, meltier versions of Metal Slimes. These things are EXP pinatas just like Metal Slimes, but they actually give an order of magnitude more EXP, in the neighborhood of almost 15K. The catch is that they're very, very difficult to kill. One good way of killing them off is a hilarious wizard spell called BeDragon, which...does what it says on the tin, I guess. Your spellcaster becomes a dragon and starts breathing fire everywhere. This attack ignores all defenses, so it's a guaranteed kill for all Metal Babbles on the battlefield. That requires them to sit still for two entire turns though, which is...not terribly likely, unfortunately. Still, it's worth it, even if it does make the experience of grinding fantastically tedious. Grinding is unfortunately not optional, though, as you need to get to around level 40 at least, before you really have a chance of taking on Zoma. And I kinda suspect that I was underleveled even by the time I got sick of this process.
So, as before, we get together the Staff of Rain and the Stones of Sunlight, and we scrounge together a sacred amulet or something to satisfy the mean old guy, who is weirdly not that mean this time, and finally, if we do all that, he will give us a Rainbow Drop. This lets us access Zoma's castle. Once again, this is kind of a retread of the same kind of constantly-running-away experience that characterizes late game Dragon Warrior dungeons. Along the way, though, we actually encounter...plot! Remember our dad, Ortega? He fell into a volcano fighting a dragon? No? Well he's here. Turns out that he didn't die, he just fell into Alefgard, and now he's fighting a monstrous hydra! Ortega's doomed battle plays out in real time as a non-interactive fight, which I feel is a...questionable design choice, seeing as this battle goes on for quite a while. Unfortunately, he dies, which seems like...I dunno, kind of an unceramonious way for things to go after the game strings out the chance that he might've been alive all this time. With his dying breath, Ortega, not recognizing you, instructs you to tell his daughter what happened to him. And then he's gone, leaving me with the impression that...not...much has changed, actually. I mean, it's not like we were questing to find our dad. We just thought he was dead, and just kind of incidentally found out he wasn't, except now he really is, actually, dead. Shrug? Okay.
Further into Zoma's castle is an important item that actually changes a lot about how we can approach the dungeon. It's a Sage's Stone. This item, when used in battle, casts a free healing spell that recovers a lot of HP to the whole party, and it can be used repeatably. This single object instantly obsoletes a huge swath of our Pilgrim's spells, which is hilarious. It also means that, since it can only be used in battle, there's actually a good reason to stick around in battles, since recovering HP faster than we can take damage will leave us in a place to spend less MP than if we tried to run and came out of it all beat up. But it reveals another problem, which is that this approach to the dungeon slows things down quite a lot. It is, objectively, the better strategic choice, and in theory, it's closer to the intended way to play the game than to run away from every single battle no matter what. But it makes the game seriously drag, which I think is honestly kind of telling. It's also still possible for your characters to get wiped out even though we're healing back ~100 HP per character per turn, which I think is *also* telling. You wouldn't think the boss would be takeable in this state, but don't be so sure. After crawling our way through the dungeon, surviving with minimal MP use by constantly waving a rock around, we finally get to Zoma. He's kinda huge, like, he's actually four times bigger on the map than a regular character, and of course he has a big dramatic speech about taking over the world, pretty conventional evil overlord stuff. He throws three bosses at us before we even get to fight him, but that's not a big deal, because the Sage's Stone is seriously just that powerful.
Zoma himself is brutal. He has a wide array of heavily damaging spells, does a ton of physical damage, and takes two turns per round. My first attempt at killing him went miserably. But then I remembered something I totally forgot about: you're actually supposed to *use* the Sphere of Light on him. Doing this causes the screen to flash and turn Zoma rainbow colors...for a while...but after that, he turns blue, which of course is the universally understood color of weakness. He's a lot easier now, especially since we're able to build up a ton of buffs like before, letting us deal tons of damage while my Pilgrim keeps furiously waving that rock to keep everyone alive. Zoma does have the ability to dispel all buffs, which sucks, but with perseverence, we pull it off, and Zoma falls dead.
Zoma's castle dramatically crumbles apart, as they do. We escape through a...hole that spits us out the bottom of a different dungeon...okay, I guess? Then we leave and go back to Tantagel to celebrate. This time, really for real, the evil is defeated. The way back to the surface is sealed off, though, so it looks like we're going to be here forevermore. The king of Tantagel bestows us with a title, though -- he names us the Hero of Erdrick. Yes, that's right! Erdrick is a title, not a name, and it's the moniker our hero will be remembered by for generations into the future. So...that's the big twist! This is the story that precedes everything that happened in the first two games. Admittedly, I was kinda semi-aware of that from the start, because it's hard to browse a wiki without accidentally stumbling upon this sort of information. But it's kinda neat regardless, and it makes for a nice way to tie up the Erdrick Trilogy. Even though the storytelling of these games are very simple, I can appreciate that, within its own context, it's built up a little mythology that's meaningful within its world.
So how does Dragon Warrior III stack up? Well...as I've said, it's very similar to Dragon Warrior II. Admittedly, a lot of my experience was eased by the fact that I moved to digital mapping, which means that it wasn't quite so slow and laborious mapping out things as I went. But putting that aside and focusing just on the experience of the gameplay...well, it's pretty clear that the game repeats its predecessor just a bit too much. The moment of getting boat in Dragon Warrior II was huge, but it really only takes one repetition for it to feel formulaic. Dragon Warrior II is a game that's being pulled in two directions. It still has a lot of the puzzle box design of Dragon Warrior, but it's also just way too big and way too open. Much like the search for the five crests, the search for the six orbs is something of a midgame slump where the devs clearly want you to see this big wide open world they've created, but it's so huge and meandering that trying to find and navigate the threads of half a dozen different mini-quests is overwhelming.
As much as I got excited about the new class system at first, it runs counter to a lot of the game's design. The game is so demanding in terms of grinding that taking a huge risk like starting a brand new character, or starting a character over to move them to a new class, feels ridiculous. As much as the game might suggest that you want to change your party over time to adapt and grow, you don't *have* to, and the game never gave me a compelling reason to try. At the very least, it's good that it lays the groundwork for future class systems in later Dragon Quest games, but here, it feels almost superfluous. I had my four party members and that was it, pretty much.
That said, I think I was too hard on this game's combat when I described it early on. Over time, you get a pretty expansive range of combat options...or at least, enough to feel like a standard RPG. By the end, the combat didn't feel quite so one-dimensional, although that isn't to say it wasn't still pretty simple. This game's repertoire of spells is pretty expansive as well, with at least a vague gesture at an elemental system, an actual multi-target healing spell, solid and useful support buffs, and a couple actually usable oddball spells like BeDragon. As a system, what really holds it back more than anything is all the cruft it still has to clear away from the NES era of RPG design.
And that's it for Dragon Warrior III. I think I want to do a post after this, taking a moment to look back on the Erdrick Trilogy as a whole. After that, we'll be moving on to Dragon Quest IV, the final game on the NES. And boy, you'd better believe I'm not going to miss the NES era once we're good and properly out of here.
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akumathreblogs · 6 years
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Angry guy yells at game: internet erupts.
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So who is Angry Joe? He is a reviewer online who focuses on games and is prone to anger. That’s pretty much all I know about him since I only see him via crossovers or cameos of reviewers I do follow (Linkara being an example).
What is Kingdom Hearts you ask? First, how is living under a rock? If you really don’t know (and I seriously doubt you don’t), Kingdom Hearts is a series of games by Square Enix that allows you to travel to various Disney Worlds and help their problems. Now if you ARE a Kingdom Hearts fan, you know there is more to this story but to quote SuperButterBuns “there’s only so much a story summary can help you with”.
And that’s where this problem arrives. Apparently Angry Joe is planning to review Kingdom Hearts 3. And his first tweet on this subject that was brought to my attention said this: “I literally have ppl telling me not to review the game or they’ll brigade me & harass me if I don’t play ALL of the previous games first.” A lot of people decided to retweet him, saying that he isn’t professional despite a following tweet saying “No. I’m a bit smarter then u give me credit for. But if the game isn’t friendly to new players then I have every right to say so.”
And again, he is getting criticized for not doing work. Looking through his twitter to find the direct links to said tweets, I found he replied to someone I do follow with the statement: “What I said Is I'm going to take it from a new players perspective and NOT play all the other games to personal completion. I planned to watch story summaries to get up to speed. Is that okay with you? You just made assumptions and reacted to those. Is that your error or mine?”
So on my reblog tumblr, I reblogged that if a story is good, it doesn’t need supplementary material. And I got reblogs saying why would people play the third game of an ongoing story first or my examples are not valid to compare with. So instead of continually reblogging it, I will pretty much make my argument here.
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It Will Be People’s First Game
An argument is that with the collections so readily available, why would you start with 3 when you could get the collections before that? Well, let’s start with the best argument for new commers I didn’t realize till recently: they have an XBox One. Kingdom Hearts 3 will be the first game of the series to get on that system. Keyword: FIRST.
As far as I am aware, the Collections are not available to the XBox One. You would think they would mention the collections before KH3, but it looks like they aren’t. This interview about KH3 states the following: “Similarly, Nomura didn’t completely dismiss the possibility of HD collections on Xbox One, but noted that he isn’t sure demand exists outside of the West.”
And that’s why Kingdom Hearts 3 must be able to stand on its own. This game has to so the possibility of those collections to be on the XBox One or the entire series on the Switch. Because if Kingdom Hearts 3 fails to live up to its expectations, then it could be likely that this maybe the last Kingdom Hearts game.
For those with PS4s already, why would they start with KH3 over the Collections. You get more games for much cheaper and it’ll prepare you for KH3. Why wouldn’t they get them first. Well, to quote SuperButterBuns again, “recommend just getting the first collection to see if you like the series first” Then if people bought the collection and find out they don’t like the series, then KH3 will lose its steam. Square is counting on KH3 to be a best seller and eventually make people want to get the collections, not the other way around.
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People will jump in a sequel before the prequel
People said my examples of the Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn’t count because its a universe while KH is an ongoing story. They also countered by saying nope to my MGS analogy and said that like Mass Effect or the Witcher Series you can’t jump into a sequel and expect to get the story. Well, I decided to look up how they did on VGChartz and see how much it holds true.
Metal Gear
The highest selling game of the series is MGS2 for the PS2. It sold 6.05m units to MGS1′s 6.03m. MGS4 (the one I see people argue the most that you can’t just jump in) sold 6.00m units for the PS3. MGS3, on the other hand, sold 4.23m. When you add Subsistence and the PS4 HD Collection (the first one since they weirdly added multiple) you get 5.96m in total, but that is under the assumption that each individual unit sold has only bought those specific versions.
Mass Effect
According to the chartz, ME2 sold 3.10m units on the 360. Followed by ME3 with 3.04m. And the original game only sold 2.91m. So based off the 360 alone, there have been more players for the sequels of Mass Effect over the original. And while that game gives you the option to continue playing the character you built from the previous, it is optional so newcomers can jump in without having to go through all that.
The Witcher
The Witcher 3 sold 7.54m units alone. Looking at the chart alone you can tell the total of the originals doesn’t come close. On the Wiki, by September 2014, the series reached 8 million copies. The Witcher 3, conversely, in March 2016, CD Projekt Red reported that the game had shipped nearly 10 million copies. So there is a high chance that the Witcher 3 is their first game.
Kingdom Hearts
To finish this off, the original Kingdom Hearts sold 6.40m units. The sequel, on the same system, sold 4.33m. Now if you have to play all the spinoffs to get the story, then that means 2.48 people did not play the GBA game: Chains of Memroies (1.85m). And all the games before the collections get lower and lower. Again, to quote SuperButterBuns, “has covered many platforms to an almost absurd degree” and as they pointed out, NOW is a better time to get into the series thanks to the collections.
So how did the collections do? 1.5 for the PS3 did 1.85m, 2.5 did 1.25m. The PS4 versions did 1.36m and 2.8 for the PS4 sold 1.09m. In total that is 5.55m units sold in total. This is assuming people only bought one of them (which is immediately thrown out since the PS3 needs you to buy both individually while the PS4 requires you to only buy one). So taking out 2.5 on the PS3, that means 4.30m units were sold for those wanting to prepare for KH3. Which is about as much as the original 2 sold and still far from the original 1. 
In short, by looking at the numbers alone, there is a high possibility that people who buy KH3 will be making their first purchase to the franchise through this game. There is a precedent for people to jump into a franchise in a later installment in games and I bet there are numerous examples of other media as well. But since this is a game, I focused on examples through that.
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An installment of an on going story can stand on its own
Despite what people think, an on going story line and a universe are the same thing: it is a major story split apart by smaller events. So if the story is good, it can stand on its own without needing the supplementary material. And I will be giving examples.
Metal Gear Solid 2
The game begins with you controlling Snake. Through this prologue, you not only get used to how the game works but you also get introduced to Snake if you’re a newcomer. It gives you enough information to know what role he will play in the rest of the story, as your focus is now on Raiden. You learn of Raiden’s backstory, his quirks and motivations and when the reveal of it being a simulation is revealed you’re just as shocked as he is.
And if this game did its job well, it will not only make you look forward to the next game but also wish to play the original. Playing the original is not needed to enjoy MGS2. In fact, not playing would most likely help as a common complaint I hear about this game is you don’t play as Snake. So while the Prologue will introduce Snake to newcomers, it pretty much sets up disappointment for those who have been expecting to play as him in the sequel.
Metal Gear Solid 4
This story once again begins with you playing as Snake. While you learn about how to play this game, you will also learn about Snake's motivations in this game. You'll find out that he is dying as is pretty much on his last mission. You understand Liquid Snake's plans and why Snake has to stop him. And there is plenty of information as well as cutscenes where past incidents are explained, but can be skipped and still know you have to stop a terrorist. And not playing MGS2 won’t stop you from thinking Cyborg Raiden is awesome.
Kingdom Hearts 2
Yes, Kingdom Hearts 2 can be played without the need to play KH1 or Chain of Memories. In the opposite of MGS2, you play as Roxas in the Prologue so while you’re learning how to play the game you’re learning more about him as a character, So when you find out about his true origin, newcomers should be hooked to the story and wish to find out what happens to Roxas. And if this game doesn’t give you the answers, the following games should.
As for Sora, you get reintroduced to him, noticing the similarities he shares with Roxas, while understanding his motives for finding Riku and uncovering Organization XIII’s true plans. If this story did its job well, it would make you want to get into the rest of the franchise. But of course, even if they do get the story they could still complain about it without it being related to understanding the story. MC Chris’ rant of KH2 has him not playing the original yet his criticism is more about the story KH2 presented. Which is saying that its slow compared to Resident Evil 4.
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Yes, there are plenty of people out there who will review Kingdom Hearts 3 with the knowledge of the past games. Examples, if you didn’t figure out one of them yet, is SuperButterBuns who also gives you a video about which order should you play them in. Another example is SomecallmeJohnny who has reviewed every game in the series so far. So you do have plenty of options for those who are fan of the series.
But for newcomers, they may see this game and want to jump in because of the Disney worlds they presented, not really caring about the story itself. And there has to be someone who represent those people who are curious. As far as I can see, Joe is a professional when it comes to reviews. When trying to look up moments where he doesn’t do research, the only one I found was about Halo 5 and removing the split screen options. Apparently he was ranty in that video about it and while I can imagine it was over the top, the reason it was taken out is definitely a negative.
So let Joe review the game. You’re still going to buy it regardless of what he thinks or says. And since his review is going to be based around the newcomer, he’ll either give them the warning to play the originals before this one or say “jump right in, this game is awesome”. Unless the game play sucks like if it is like 358/2 Days.
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shuttershocky · 6 years
Fate/Grand Order NA edition: A Recap
A quick recap of some of the events that happened so far in the misadventures of Mash and Guda:
A teenager (we shall call them Guda) answers an ad in the papers, ends up in a military base called Chaldea hidden in the Himalayas.
A bomb toasts everybody inside the base.
Mash and Guda time travel back to the edgiest version of Fate/Stay Night where Saber Alter rules with an iron fist.
Mash, a cute Chaldea clerk, fuses with the ghost of some guy, gets a massive shield to bludgeon people with. 
Cu Chulainn beats people up with the Wicker Man; Thankfully leaves out the bees.
Their boss turns out to be a bad guy and throws their other, dead boss’ ghost into a black hole, making her super dead-er.
The only staff surviving at Chaldea is the ghost of Leonardo Da Vinci and the absentminded doctor she’s fucking.
Gilles de Raiss, unhappy with the canon ending, makes an edgy Jeanne D’Arc OC to fix it.
The real Jeanne is summoned without her Ruler powers, joins Mash and Guda on their merry stroll through France.
Some countries have roaches, others have rats. France has dragons.
It also has vampires.
Marie Antoinette pulls a drive-by shootout with the vampires to rescue Jeanne D’Arc and company.
They escape because Mozart makes the vampires vomit and/or poop themselves with a piano attached to the back of Marie’s carriage.
They bond. Marie learns what a homie is. Marie and Jeanne are super gay.
Kiyohime and Liz are first introduced. FGO is never the same.
They rescue the German hero Sumanai Siegfried from a castle. He’s pretty beat up.
They need saints to heal him for some reason. Good thing St. George spawns... on the other side of the map.
Do you really wanna hurt us this way George? Really? Take anyone else instead. Take this Mephistopheles, he’s just hanging around in my archive!
Big Bad Battle with Cheese and Dragons. Assassins recommended.
Jeanne vs Jeanne. The edgy OC is no match for the original of course.
Gilles is kicked back into the depths of FF.net where he belongs
All of Nero’s forebears in the Roman empire form an alliance against her called Every Villain Is Lemons, also known as EVIL
Nero brings the company to Britain from Italy. On foot.
Mash suffocates under the overwhelming force that is Boudica’s boobs.
Nero chops down the ghosts of Roman emperors past one by one. No biggie.
Mash and Guda find their bad boss in the capital and oh shit he’s a demon from hell.
The demon summons Atilla the Hun. He is later of two minds about this choice.
Nero punches Atilla in the face. Civilization will never die!
Someone steals all the dumplings. Now Chaldea’s gonna starve.
Some booby archer pesters Mash and Guda about helping them recover the food.
Marie doesn’t remember her own homies.
Never mind she totally does.
Saint George is into photography.
Martha is into dumplings, bondage, and breaking faces. Tsk tsk, Saint Martha.
Martha makes her escape by jumping on to her dragon Tarrasque, who begins to fly by spinning around rapidly until it zooms away like a UFO. She probably puked at some point.
Altera, Atilla The Hun, the great destroyer herself, explains the differences of good and bad civilization.
Surprise surprise, Booby Archer is a bad guy- holy shit this is the goddess of the hunt?
Please don’t spook my guaranteed SSR gacha Artemis, I beg you. I’ll do anything you want just don’t come home.
Sir Francis Drake, Pirate Queen.
Blackbeard. Weeb.
And lo, Captain Drake did shot the god Poseidon in the face, declaring with a mighty shout “Let there be booze!”, and the crew were drunk with infinite booze, and it was good.
Blackbeard wins the award for cringiest villain.
Drake and her motley crew recruit Medusa’s bitchy sister Euryale and her hot monster boyfriend, Asterios The Minotaur.
The Golden Hind VS The Queen Anne’s Revenge, battle of two legendary pirate ships, FIGHT
Artemis and Orion board the Queen Anne’s Revenge during the fight in an admittedly cool action scene. Orion blows a hole into the ship.
Blackbeard is a tough bastard, but Drake literally killed the god of the seas for some booze so
Hektor, hero of Troy, won’t shut up about being an old man. Also he betrays Blackbeard.
Blackbeard to Drake: “Secretly, I admired you...r boobs.” *dies*
Drake trades upwards, gets the Argonauts as her new nemesis
Jason is just as much of a shitter in Fate as he is in mythology. Who would have guessed?!
Wait wasn’t one of the most famous members of the Argonauts the great hero Hera-OH GOD HE’S HERE WE HAVE TO RUN
Asterios vs Heracles summed up:
Guda: Well now that we lost our muscle we need reinforcements. Atalanta and David: Hi
Atalanta meets her God. She now believes in atheism.
David: Yeah I actually have the most dangerous thing on Earth with me as a second noble phantasm. Everyone else: It’s a box. David: I know. It’s got nerves of steel.
Who would win? A nigh-immortal demigod, son of Zeus and the strongest hero there is, or some box?
“Hey Jason, eat a dick.” - Medea Lily
Eating a dick turns you into a vessel for yet another Demon God. As Jason painfully finds out.
David: Yeah all of this time-stream dicking is my idiot son’s fault. It would be just like him, for he was an idiot. Roman: Nuh-uh! David: Yeah-uh!
Goodbye, Captain Drake. T’was an honor to be one of yer hearty crew.
HALLOWEEN 2015(17?)
An invitation? To a party? But all of history was dicked. Where are you supposed to hold a par-is that a castle?
Kiyohime casually defies the laws of space and time (again).
Mata Hari: *Starts stripdancing* Mash: :O Kiyo: >:( Roman: :D
Carmilla uses her noble phantasm to clean a spot. I-I’m not even exaggerating this is actually a thing that happens.
Vlad is the supportive uncle who knits for his fellows.
Tamamo Cat; nothing she says ever makes any sense.
Elizabeth Bathory: Surprise! All of this was to prepare you for a special private concert from an up and coming pop idol star!
Everyone: Liz you are a bad Me, tears falling onto my phone: Liz you are a good
Liz: Y-you d-didn’t like m-m-my concert? Everyone: Boo you suck! Me: I LOVED IT BABY YOU’RE GONNA BE A BIG STAR ONE DAY
Split psyche story
What you expected: Angry Nobu, sad Nobu, kinda freaky happy Nobu
What you got:
Rabbit season? Duck season? No. It’s Nobbu season.
A whole string of really funny jokes if you’re a fan of Oda Nobunaga’s place in Japan’s history.
Even more funny jokes that don’t require knowledge of the Sengoku Period
Arash chases after the crew while on fire and screaming “STELLAAA!!”, blows up over Ushiwakamaru’s army
Mash and friends somehow run all the way into the desert.
I give up. There is no way to exaggerate anything that happens in this event.
 It is just bonkers.
Oda Nobunaga and Okita Souji for best couple
DW: Boy we sure hope you’re not tired of the Fuyuki map!
Stupid, sexy Scathach: Greetings. Guda: Gaddamn. Mash: Senpai, for once can you not be a perv- Stupid, sexy Scathach: *flips her hair* Mash: Holy fuck I’m so gay right now.
Scathach casually kills ten thousand ghosts.
Scathach casually teaches her new students while crushing a skull with one hand and flexing with the other.
Scathach also gives the nicest headpats.
Brock from Pokemon Fergus joins the party.
Mash: And then, Cu Chulainn saved us in his sexy druid outfit. Scathach and Fergus: Druid outfit? AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Fergus: God I’m just super horny right now. Scathach: I’m pretty DTF myself but only the finest warriors can get some of this. Fergus: Well do I qualif- Scathach: No.
Altera: Hi Fergus: *Dies from nosebleed*
For the final part of the trial, Scathach summons another warrior to replace Fergus.
Diarmuid knows its fanservice day. He doesn’t even bother to put on a shirt.
Artemis: I’m baaaacckk~ Me: AHHH KILL IT! KILL IT!
Scathach to Artemis: From one booby servant to another, your kind of fanservice is super gross and wrong my dude. Domestic violence against men is a very real concern. Now I’m gonna spank you.
Scathach kicks divine ass. Thank you, Shishou!
Scathach: Now before I leave kids, what did we learn? Mash and Guda: That the road ahead of us is long and dark, but if we hold firm and believe in each other, we can be humanity’s saviors from the dark? Scathach: No. What did we really learn? Me: That now I can’t not have you in my Chaldea and must ask for an advanced paycheck this instant? Scathach: Good child.
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geekade · 7 years
Geekade Top Ten: Best Treehouse of Horror segments EVER!
Here we are once again with another Geekade Top Ten, this time around highlighting what may be the most obvious column we've never done. First hitting the air way back on October 25th, 1990, the "Treehouse of Horror" Halloween specials have become a part of the very fabric of American Halloween celebrations. The Simpsons, at this point the longest running animated show AND longest running sitcom AND longest running scripted primetime show in American history, has been many things over the years. And while the quality of show has been all over the map the last few years, the "Treehouse of Horror" episode has consistently been a highlight of each season. Looking back over the segments we've gotten brought back some amazing memories and a few cringes. Ranking the top ten episodes seemed a bit silly, since it's a special based around individual segments. So, obvious choice being obvious, Geekade.com proudly brings to you the definitive top ten segments from the "Treehouse of Horror" ever.  
#10: The Raven - Treehouse of Horror 
With any list like this there are bound to be disagreements and no one segment may split people more than this one. A straight reading, by the excellent James Earl Jones, of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven," this segment is light on gags or inventiveness. What we get, and why I love it so, is a wonderfully animated version of one of the greatest poems ever written. Bart as the titular raven is as iconic an image as the show has ever produced. 
#09: Homer3 - Treehouse of Horror VI
When this episode first aired, it was a huge deal. There had simply never really been anything like this before on network television, much less on a cartoon. The visual gags are still great, even if computer animation isn't the holy-shit-big-deal they were when they first showed up. Plus, the moments of everyone trying to find Homer are great. Definitely one of my favorites and deserving of a spot in this top ten.
#08: Clown Without Pity - Treehouse of Horror III
One word: frogurt. This episode brought frogurt mainstream, for better or worse, as a result of a hysterical exchange between Homer and a horribly stereotypical Chinese man. Homer had neglected to get Bart a birthday present, see, and like any good yet regretful father, he rushes right out to the local oddities shop owned by the mysterious foreigner.  The Krusty he buys turns out to be, in the words of Grandpa, evil... EEEVVVVIIIILLLLL. Damn good stuff here.
#07: Oh the Places You'll D'oh - Treehouse of Horror XXIV
One of the more recent segments that made this list, "Oh the Places You'll D'oh" is odd even for a Treehouse of Horror segment. Being a parody of Dr. Suess was never going to be easy, but the writing on this segment is so sharp, it's as if the man himself was contributing. Add in the fact that the animation is fantastic and the realization that The Cat in the Hat is actually super creepy and you have a slam dunk segment. 
#06: A Clockwork Yellow - Treehouse of Horror XXV 
The other more recent segment on this list, "A Clockwork Yellow" makes this list higher than a lot of other, better, segments because of the slew of Kubrick references contained within. The language hits spot on, the visual gags are great, and the depth of the references are obscure in the best of ways. This is a dense segment that requires multiple viewings. If you are a Kubrick fan though, there's more than enough to love. 
#05: Bart Simpson's Dracula - Treehouse of Horror IV
Bram Stoker's Dracula is one of the more iconic horror flicks of all time and this parody does the source material justice. There are some very, very good jokes in this episode with none being more iconic than the, "He's a vampire..." line. It's still hilarious today and something my friends and I quoted to death back in school. This segment gets bonus points for being pretty creepy as well, with the image of Bart floating outside of Lisa's window being particularly scary.
#04: Nightmare Cafeteria - Treehouse of Horror V
One of the bloodiest segments ever aired, "Nightmare Cafeteria" plays on an old trope of humans being delicious which, to be fair, we probably are. Due to budget cuts, the school cafeteria needs a new source of meat and it just so happens that misbehaving students fit perfectly in the meat grinder. The adults in the school go a bit overboard and start killing kids left and right, leading to Principal Skinner delivering one of the most hilarious moments in the history of the show. Alas, poor Uter. So delicious.
#03: Time and Punishment - Treehouse of Horror V
Oh, time travel. So hard to do well because of all of the possible consequences inherent in changing one little thing in the past. A concept so beautifully realized by Homer when he's had enough of trying to find his way back the "right" way. There are some truly disturbing timelines in this segment, some truly hilarious ones, and Homer left-hooks a giant mosquito. What more do you need? Also, more James Earl Jones.
#02: Citizen Kang - Treehouse of Horror VII
The Simpsons have always done their part to criticize and critique culture. It may not have always been “in the moment,” but the message was clear. Citizen Kang however went right at the election of 96 featuring both Bob Dole and President Clinton. The episode has some truly poignant commentary on our political system as well as some of my favorite lines in the series, "Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos" and "Twirling towards the future" have been part of my shtick since. 
#01: The Shinning - Treehouse of Horror V
I'm not sure there was any doubt in my mind that this would be number one. As soon as I said I would write this top ten, this was my choice for number one. It's just absolutely perfect storytelling. The jokes hit big, the visuals are gorgeous, the delivery is wonderful, and it is as quotable as could be. This is movie parody done right. It's an episode that manages to be tense, dramatic, and silly all at the same time.
So there you have it; the definitive guide to the top ten Treehouse of Horror segments ever. All of "Treehouse of Horror V" made the cut and was the primary reason it made more sense to break these up by segment than episode. Only two newer segments made my top ten, but a bunch of others were damn close. What's your top ten? Follow me on twitter and instagram, @geekadedan, and let me know and make sure to drop us a line at [email protected] to let us know what you think. As always feel free to share and spread the word, please and thank you.
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ciathyzareposts · 4 years
Game 367: Taskmaker (1989)
This is a pretty morbid way to organize your “to do” items.
United States
Storm Impact (developer); XOR (publisher)
Released 1989 for the Macintosh Remade and re-released as shareware in 1993
Date Started: 15 May 2020
          TaskMaker is a slick little game, probably the best I’ve played so far on the Macintosh. It uses the platform’s strengths in graphic detail and sound but offers a fuller RPG experience than most Mac games of the era. While it has that inescapable “cutesy” look of most Mac games, it’s relatively long and hard, and it has enough good, new ideas to break out of the “Ultima clone” status that you might otherwise assign it at first glance.
           It’s typical of a Mac game to offer menu options for movement. At least this isn’t the only way to move.
        We owe reader LanHawk yet another appreciation pin for tracking this down, in this case writing to the original developer for the files. Because almost everything written about the game is about the 1993 version, being able to cover the original is a nice coup. I’ll have more on the development and the two versions on a subsequent entry; I’ll probably take a run through the 1993 version while I’m covering the game rather than saving it for 1993.
      The backstory is relatively short: The land was once at peace, under the direction of a wise king. When the king died, the “governing body split into three confrontational factions.” The main character is an adventurer who remembers the way things used to be. He decides to restore order by becoming Master of the Land, but lacking experience and guidance, he seeks out the TaskMaker, an advisor of the former king.
            The TaskMaker introduces himself.
       Character creation is a process of selecting a name, then selecting five personal attributes from a list of 20. Your selections calibrate your maximum totals for seven attributes: food, health, spirit, strength, agility, intellect, and stamina. Current totals for these attributes are represented with a bar, and they deplete as you walk around the kingdom and fight. You find various potions and objects to restore lost attributes. Most important are those that restore health, because it depletes fastest in combat, and food, because everything else can be restored with rest.
           Creating a character. I imagined this one something of a bard.
         The game world is a relatively small 100 x 100, dotted with castles, dungeons, towns, and caves. The TaskMaker lives in a castle to the center-east of the land, and the basic setup is that you go to him, he gives you a quest, you go out into the world to find and complete the quest, and you return to the TaskMaker for a reward and the next quest. Quests take place in towns or dungeons. The game doesn’t make a lot of distinction between dangerous areas and safe ones, as dangerous monsters can appear in towns or castles, including the TaskMaker’s, and NPCs can appear in dungeons. 
            The game opening has you sailing to the TaskMaker’s shores. Too bad you don’t get to keep the boat.
         The equipment system is pretty advanced, offering slots for helmets, armor, cloaks, amulets, belts, gauntlets, bracers, boots, rings on both hands, and an item in each hand–either a weapon and shield, a two-handed weapon, or dual-wielding two weapons (I found the latter to be much better). No matter how much money you make, the shops (which only show you items you can afford) always seem to have a better item available. 
            Buying items in the shop.
Choosing between two helms.
           Monsters are a mix of traditional (goblins, orcs, kobolds) and somewhat original, although most of the original ones are also kind of silly, like happy faces and evil computers. I haven’t met any so far with much in the way of special attacks or defenses. None of them seem capable of magic or attacks at range, for instance. They’re simply differentiated by how many hit points they can whack away in a single combat round.
            The “Evil Mac” is a goofy enemy.
            Combat is of the early Ultima type, where you hit (F)ight and hit the creature in front of you, although it has a little more complexity with spells and usable items. Combats are quite tough, even well into the game. For the first few hours, I had to repeatedly use what we might call “exit-scumming,” by which I would lead an enemy to the exit of an area, fight as long as possible, retreat to the outer area, rest, and re-enter to continue fighting. This is made possible partly by your one advantage: you can carry a huge amount of equipment–more than 60 items. That’s enough food, potions, or whatever to outlast any enemy. But I occasionally found myself in impossible situations where enemies would appear both outside and inside at the same time.
            Battling some goblins on a bridge.
        This is where we get into another of the oddities of the game: when you die, you don’t die permanently; you go to Hell. You can escape Hell by fighting your way through demons and solving a maze (if you die in Hell, you just reappear in Hell), but you then have to go find your non-equipped equipment back on the surface. You also lose your gold in the process.
              Wandering through Hell’s maze.
         This system unfortunately introduces a weird way to cheat. The game tracks the world state independently from the character state. This theoretically allows you to have multiple characters active at once, although I don’t know how this works with the TaskMaker. Thus, if you die and reload instead of escaping from Hell, you’ll still find a pile of equipment where your character last “died.” You could use this to infinitely replicate useful objects like potions or expensive objects that you can sell at the store. I didn’t deliberately cheat this way, but it’s annoying and hard to get out of Hell, and there were times that I reloaded and then picked up some of my old, duplicated items if I happened to come across them. To avoid temptation, I’ve been trying to reload before I die in times when death seems inevitable.
The separation of character from world means that you can also take advantage of commands to reset a particular map or the entire game world, keeping your character as-is. It’s a good option if you want to clear the same dungeon twice, finding double the treasure and experience. 
           Little piles of stuff mark the location of previous deaths.
          The controls are quite good, offering keyboard backups to all of the menu commands. Spells are cast with SHIFT and the first letter of the spell. There’s an “Invoke” spell that lets you type in your own spells that you might find during the game, but it apparently also a way for the developer to introduce cheat codes and interface changes. I’ve been slow to explore spells; the one I’ve used the most is the “Strike” spell which casts a bolt at enemies. I tend to use it on fleeing enemies so I don’t have to chase them.
Sound is also quite well-done. Much of it uses spoken voice recordings. (In fact, one voice they used, a deep bass, sounds eerily like my own.) When you first start the game, the voice says, “TaskMaker.” A different one says, “What is it?” when you use the (I)dentify commands. There are screams for deaths on both sides and solid attack and spellcasting effects.
The TaskMaker’s first task was to retrieve a package he left in Skysail Village. It was in an area of the village amidst a horde of monsters and required me to figure out a switch puzzle. The game is fond of puzzles involving doorways blocked by electric forcefields for which you have to find a switch to deactivate. When I returned the package, he rewarded me with five “Instant Vacation” scrolls, invaluable items that replenish all of your meters.
     His second task was to retrieve a chessboard in his own castle. It was in an area north of the bar. Getting it involved fighting a few monsters, but it was otherwise pretty easy. He gave me a double-bladed sword.
         My reward for the second quest.
       For Task 3, he wanted me to travel to some silver mines, where he owns a share, and kill some conspirators who had taken over the mines, bringing him back a golden chalice as proof. This was a tough mission; the mines were full of numerous tough monsters, but also some nice treasure rewards. By the time it was done, I had mostly magic gear and a magic sword in each hand. The TaskMaker’s reward was a suit of platemail, a huge armor upgrade from the leather I was wearing before.
          Battling a “war wizard” in the silver mine.
         I’m still working on Task 4, which is to find an unknown magic item in the “sands of Porta.” He indicated he doesn’t know where the item is buried, so I might be “in for a lot of digging.”
           The TaskMaker gives the fourth mission.
        As you quest, you amass experience and gain levels (I’m on Level 7 now) and your attributes increase. I guess they must increase proportionally to the skills you actually use because my spirit and intellect (which governs magic) have barely gone up but my strength, agility, and stamina are almost at maximum. Health and maximum food didn’t budge for a while but increased a bit during the last few hours.
      Other features of the game: 
       The game tracks your karma based on how many good, neutral, and evil creatures you’ve slain and other acts like stealing from shops and houses in town.
            Checking out my personal statistics. I’m “basically good.”
         There’s also a score. It increases every time you solve a quest or kill a creature and slowly decreases as you move around in between those moments. High scores are tracked on a scoreboard.
There’s an “identify” command that will tell you what’s in front of you. An “action” command will use it if it’s usable.
A “get info” command tells you a bit about the history of whatever area you’re in.
         The TaskMaker’s castle.
          The game has its own “runic alphabet” used for shop and city signs. It’s not translated in the game manual, so I suppose you have to figure it out by noting the runes in places where you can guess what they’re saying. I haven’t been bothering with them, but I wonder if I’m missing hints and clues because of it.
         As I’m in Skysail, I’m guessing those runes say “SKYSAIL.”
           NPCs aren’t terribly valuable in this game unless you bribe them by giving them things. Even then, they rarely tell you anything you need to know.
              The game pokes fun at Lord British. I didn’t realize his adoption of a more executive role was well known in 1989.
          If you drink alcohol, you start to go the wrong direction when moving. I think Ultima introduced this, but I don’t remember what edition. IV, probably.
There’s a fun system where you can find valuable objects like gold bars and necklaces and “cash them in” at ATMs. It feels like ATMs were pretty new in 1989. I think my Maine hometown may have only gotten one that year. 
             Finding an ATM in a dungeon. This dungeon happens to be full of treasure, so it was a relief to find it.
          There’s a set of miscellaneous game options I’ve never seen in any other place. I feel like every game could benefit from these. I don’t know what “wandering monsters” does, though. Un-checking it doesn’t seem to stop them from appearing.
            Setting various game preferences.
          A shop in the castle offers an invisibility cloak. If you put it on, the shop will no longer transact with you because you’re invisible.
          Come on! You’re the one who sold it to me!
            I rather enjoy this basic approach: offer an open game world with a variety of small missions. You don’t have to follow the TaskMaker’s quests exclusively; nothing stops you from simply exploring the towns and dungeons in a random order, or even from solving some of the quests before the TaskMaker even gives them to you. We’ve seen this approach before, going all the way back to Akalabeth, but this is perhaps the first game to use it with such a variety of lengths, difficulties, and objectives.
         But while I’m having fun, it’s tempered by an inability to ever feel like I’m getting more powerful no matter how much my statistics and inventory increase. Every time I think I’m doing well, some new enemy suddenly pops up in a familiar location and kicks my butt. Frankly, if it hadn’t been for the extra Instant Vacations I’ve been able to loot from locations where I’ve died, I’m not sure I would have been able to make it this far. I think eventually a cycle of starvation and poverty would have put me in a permanent downward spiral. I’ve watched videos of the remake, and it looks like the developers took the edge off the difficulty level between the two, although the remake still seems challenging.
     The number of entries will be determined by the number of tasks, I guess. Ten would be just about perfect. I suspect the TaskMaker is going to turn out to be evil based on the things he’s having me do and how he reacts if I happen to pop by with a task unfinished.
      Time so far: 6 hours.
                source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/game-367-taskmaker-1989/
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gamegeekzeu-blog · 7 years
Splatoon is back after a successful first game on the WiiU. Two years after the first Hero mode ended, the Inklings are back for more action to find Callie. Visually it looks great, the gameplay has been improved and there are more modes, gear and weapons than you can dream of. Multi-player haven for the Switch!
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Splatoon 2 Story
A set of prologue stories to set up the plot of Splatoon 2, known as the Squid Sisters Stories, were released on the official website prior to release, detailing what had happened between the two games. The story opened approximately nine months after the final Splatfest event of the previous game, in which Marie proved victorious over her fellow Squid Sister, Callie. While the two girls seemed to carry on as normal afterward, the usually inseparable Squid Sisters began to spend more and more time apart due to their growing solo careers. With this on her mind, Marie began to worry about whether Callie had been negatively affected by the Splatfest result.
However, their worries were temporarily forgotten after the two spent an afternoon together. After going out of Inkopolis to see her parents, Marie returned home to discover Callie had gone missing and the Great Zapfish had once again been stolen. Fearing that the evil Octarians were again involved, and knowing that Inkopolis would react badly to the disappearance of Callie, Marie decided to find an Inkling recruit to infiltrate the Octarians’ headquarters, retrieve the Great Zapfish, and find out what happened to Callie.
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Splatoon 2 -like its predecessor- is a multiplayer third-person shooter in which players control characters known as Inklings and use colored ink to attack opponents and clear goals. Inklings can alternate between humanoid form, during which they can fire ink with their weapons, and squid form, which allows them to swim through ink of their own color in order to move quickly and replenish ink supplies. The sequel adds new standard-, sub- and special weapons to the game, including dual-wield pistols, that allow the player to perform dodge rolls, and jetpacks. In addition to the original game’s Turf War mode, which involves two teams of four players trying to cover the most ground in their color of ink, the game adds new modes of play. Salmon Run, for example, is a co-operative mode in which up to four players team up to tackle waves of enemies.
The game will once again feature a single-player campaign, Hero Mode, in which the player must battle through various levels fighting the evil Octarians. Players can play multiplayer online through an internet connection or play locally, although the latter requires multiple consoles and copies of the game. The game also features LAN support for local private tournaments. Splatoon 2 will support Amiibo figures, which allow players to store their Inkling’s custom look and unlock additional content, and free updates are planned up to 12 months after the release of Splatoon 2. You’ll have plenty of Splatoon to play and in the meantime, a lot of stuff will be released on Switch. Also, check our article on why the Switch is here to stay!
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Game Modes
Exact information is currently unknown, but Splatoon 2 features both new and revamped stages, weapons (such as the Splat Dualies), special weapons (such as the Splashdown and Inkjet), and gear items, as well as additional character customization in the form of hairstyles and pants. The game also allows for local multiplayer with up to eight people. Certain elements of the Heads-Up Display have also been revamped, showing the weapons each player has and whether their Special Weapons are ready to be used.
Private Battles are now available for Local Multiplayer, and a new feature called LAN Play allows docked Switches to play Private Battles on a LAN without an Internet connection. A spectating mode called Private Battle Spectator View has been added for Private Battles only. Judd is accompanied by a new cat with a smaller, younger and near-identical appearance to Judd’s, named Li’l Judd.
Salmon Run is a new co-op mode, in which players collect Power Eggs and Golden Eggs by defeating Salmonids in order to complete missions. League Battle is a new online mode, in which teams of two or four battle other teams to gain points in a two hour period.
The first Splatoon had a vivacious pair of squid sisters, Callie and Marie, who were the usual hosts of Splatfest. Since we learned that the pair has been split up, we’re getting brand new hosts in Splatoon 2. Meet Pearl and Marina, members of a pop duo called Off The Hook. The duo will be the new faces of the Splatfest. We don’t know much about them yet, but since we’re getting Splatfests for the next two years, it’ll be interesting to learn more about them when the time comes.
Splatoon 2 Weapons
Main Weapons that are returning include
Splattershot Pro
Dynamo Roller
Heavy Splatling
Splat Charger
Splat Roller
Splattershot Jr.
New Main Weapons
Splat Dualies
Sub Weapons
Splat Bomb
Suction Bomb
Ink Mine
Squid Beakon
Splash Wall
Burst Bomb
New Sub Weapons
Autobomb A sub weapon similar to the Seeker from Splatoon. After being thrown, the Autobomb homes in on an opponent within its radius, and then explodes when it gets close enough to its target.
Curling BombAnother sub weapon similar to the Seeker. When deployed, the Curling Bomb travels in a straight line across the floor, leaving a trail of Ink and bouncing off of any wall or obstacle it encounters. It explodes after it has traveled its maximum distance. The Curling Bomb’s timer can be shortened by holding it before release.
Toxic Mist A throwable sub weapon that creates a slowing Area-of-effect mist where it lands. It is reminiscent of the Disruptor from Splatoon in both appearance and effect.
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A limited-time global multiplayer demo for the game, known as the “Splatoon 2 Global Testfire”, was made available to play in March 2017. A special edition of Nintendo Treehouse Live was streamed during the first session, in which members of the Nintendo Treehouse participated in the demo. Similarly to the demo of the original game, it was only available to play for a specific time period: six one-hour play sessions across one weekend. Only two maps and four weapon sets were available to use. These play sessions were shared worldwide, allowing for testing of the global servers.
The game is set for release worldwide on 21 July 2017. Neon green and neon pink colored Joy-Con controllers and Splatoon-themed Nintendo Switch Pro Controller will be released alongside the game in Japan and Europe. A “game card-free version”, which features a download code inside of a game case instead of a game card, will also be released at retail in Japan, as well as a Switch hardware bundle including a download code for the game, released in Japan and Europe.
Announced today is the Splat-Fest Premiere on July 15th and it will run only on that date from 18:00 until 22:00. Switch owners just need to download the demo and are good to go. If you haven’t played Splatoon so far, be sure to check this event and see for yourself why it’s such a cool game. Stay tuned for our gameplay review and  E-Sports updates on this website and our YouTube channel.
Splatoon 2 visually looks great, gameplay has improved and there are more modes, gear and weapons than you can dream of! Go find Callie! Splatoon is back after a successful first game on the WiiU. Two years after the first Hero mode ended, the Inklings are back for more action to find Callie.
0 notes
ciathyzareposts · 4 years
Realms of Arkania: Road Trip
Map of my journey this session, including an aborted trip south from Phexcaer (ended at the “X”).
            My last entry on Realms of Arkania ended negatively, so I’ll start positively here. I like what I now see as the game’s overall approach:
1. Create a large game world.
2. Seed it with interesting encounters, dungeons, NPCs, and side-quests.
3. Include a main quest that requires the player to plot travel routes through this space.
4. Randomize the order in which clues are received so that no two players take the same route, even if they simply follow the main quest.
This approach makes the most of an open game world, gives a lot of flexibility to the player, and maximizes replayability. And by creating a main quest that is threatening but not critical, the creators provide a logical excuse for detours and side quests rather than making the player invent rationalizations for them.
We’ve seen this approach done well (e.g., Might and Magic, Ultima VI) and poorly (e.g., MegaTraveller II), and we’ll see it again with some of my favorite titles, like Baldur’s Gate and Morrowind. The problem is that there are a lot of ways to screw it up. Story for its own sake rarely supplies enough incentive to explore a lot of side areas (particularly in this era of such limited story-telling), so you have to incentivize exploration with rewards such as character development, wealth, and equipment. But you don’t want to go overboard, lest you create a situation where all the party’s early explorations are extremely hard and all its latter ones are extremely easy.
(Later games would address that concern with level scaling, but I think the concern is a bit overblown in the first place. I’d rather the developers offer a lot of locations of varying difficulty and let the player encounter them organically, choosing whether to tough out difficult locations or save them for later, and choosing whether to massacre Level 1 goblins or let them live in peace. This would maximize replay, too.)
Such incentives are where I think Realms of Arkania does things poorly, though better than either MegaTraveller II or Challenge of the Five Realms. Those games offered essentially no character development, whereas in Arkania it’s just extremely limited, particularly in the area of equipment. With half a dozen inventory slots per character and six characters, I don’t see any reason why every dungeon shouldn’t produce some kind of artifact item except that I guess Das Schwarze Auge‘s rules discourage it. That isn’t to say there haven’t been any equipment rewards. The spider dungeon left me with about a dozen vials of poison that really came in handy later, and some other dungeon produced some Molotov cocktails. I’ve received a few weapon and armor upgrades, mostly of the type that do 3-7 damage instead of 2-6 damage or some other modest increase.
            It’s hard to get excited about a box full of the same old stuff we already have.
             As for other incentives, you naturally get experience points for the battles fought in the side-dungeons and mountain trails and such, but leveling up is slow and rare in this game (3 times in 30 hours), and perhaps worse, it doesn’t seem to palpably affect my characters’ success. Part of the problem is the restriction that you can only try to level-up each combat skill once per level, and other skills can only be leveled up twice.
Nerfing the increase in combat skills is really galling since combat–and I’m sorry to repeat myself but it bears repeating because it’s so bad–takes so goddamned long, mostly because nobody ever hits anyone. Improving everybody’s chance of hitting by 100% (enemies, too) would have kept the same level of difficulty but would have made combats go much faster. In other games, spells would reduce combat time, but in Arkania while you have dozens of spells, you can only cast about three before your spell meter is depleted. Restoring it takes multiple nights of rest. There are potions, but they are rare and expensive. Hence, magic doesn’t play as much of a role in the game as it should. I’m particularly discouraged from casting buffing spells as I explore dungeons.
Thus, we have a game that’s quite enticing in broad strokes but falls apart when you get to some of the details. It deserves a lot of praise for bringing an authentic tabletop experience to the computer, but it deserves a lot of criticism for being perhaps too literal in its adaptation.
As I began this session, I was in far-flung Phexcaer, facing a trip back down river to Vildhome and from there to Thorwal and then to southern cities, where I had a couple more clues. I happened to notice that there was a long route from Phexcaer through forest and mountain to the city of Skelellen, which would allow me to explore the south more systematically, from a region that I probably wouldn’t otherwise visit. I decided to take it.
But the way was more treacherous than I imagined. The party got hopelessly mired in a swamp where we lost items of equipment round after round. I finally pulled the plug, reloaded in Phexcaer, and took the original route.
         Well, that’s a dealbreaker.
          I’m not going to narrate stop-by-stop, but the most important thing to know is that I ran out of clues about halfway through the session. After that, I started exploring somewhat systematically, starting with the southern cities, and making careful note of which cities I’d fully explored and which routes I’d taken from city to city. Even though this promised to be a long process, I started to enjoy myself more during it, partly because of the enormous variety of encounters between cities. Some just involved a night on the road, some had a simple encounter with an NPC, and some took me for a two-hour exploration of a two-level dungeon. 
Remember that you’re not actually moving your party across the landscape in this game. You just pick where you want to go, and the game shows its progress along the route as the sun moves across the sky. Every night, you’re forced to camp. Rather than carry a bunch of food and water, I’ve typically relied on Bart de Wald’s survival, hunting, and tracking skills. As long as he can find both food and water at least once every two nights, which he almost always does, then the party is fine.
             Nariell finds dinner.
            Similarly, I’ve stopped carrying a lot of extra equipment like shovels, picks, rope, and blankets for the road. If I run across an encounter that requires them, I’ll reload and buy them before setting out. Until then, they just keep pestering me with over-encumbrance messages. I had been living so lavishly at inns (always buying meals, always paying for suites) that I noticed my funds were taking a precipitous dip. I needed those inventory spaces for looted equipment.
Highlights from the road:
                Outside of Thorwal, I ran into a bard named Olvir who offered to sing us the song of Hyggelik when we camped for the night. We said yes, but he proceeded to sign an extremely long version of the saga, followed by another epic tale of the Hetman of Thorwal. After every hour, the game gave me a chance to tell him to knock it off for the night, but I persisted, and he finally wrapped up at about 4:00 in the morning. His tale would have given us a few new clues, but we’d already visited the NPCs that he mentioned.
Upon returning to Thorwal, I finished exploring the Old Fortress. There were three more interconnected levels and some battles with some undead. A lot of chests just served up regular weapons and shields, but one final chest provided us with six bottles of “Hylailic Fire,” which seem to hit one creature for 20 damage with 100% accuracy in combat. The last level exited up to a store in the main city, saving us a long trip back. That was nice.
               Maybe the game would be better if there were something “even remotely interesting to find” in those old bones?
              South of Thorwal, in Breida, we met another one of the descendants of Hyggelik’s party, Asgrimm Thurboldsson. I tried the conversation several times, but he didn’t seem to have a map piece. He just recounted the story of Hyggelik’s defeat and his great-grandfather’s involvement.
           Asgrimm would rather you ask about his great-grandfather than Hyggelik.
                 The NPC Nariell left me when I traveled to Varnhome. I don’t know if her departure was random, scripted by location, or scripted by time.
In Varnhome, I found my last “clued” NPC whose location I knew for sure, Eliane Windenbek. She agreed to help me if I would destroy an attempt to resurrect worship in an evil god on the island of Hjalland. After I did that, I returned and got my fifth map piece.
         An NPC sends me on a small side quest.
          The only city on Hjalland is Ljasdahl, and its buildings didn’t have any hint of the evil god. I was wondering how I could possibly explore the rest of the island with no other city to travel to, but it turns out that Ljasdahl has eastern and western exits, and if you take one, you loop around the island to arrive at the other.
In between, I found the “vault,” as the game had it. It was two levels, both quite hard because of the combats and the traps. I had to return to Ljasdahl a couple of times for rest, healing, and selling items. I don’t know about traps in this game. Some I seem to avoid with high “Danger Sense” or “Perception,” but others seem to be pre-programmed to damage the party no matter what. The temple had the first puzzle that required me to split the party (one character had to hold down a lever). I went through the temple smashing all of the god’s statues, killed his high priest, overturned his profane altar, and kept a figurine to prove my success to Eliane. A monetary reward in one of the chests for 250 ducats covered my expenses for a long while.
             Hitting a priest with a spell.
            While I was out in the islands, I sailed around a bit looking for the pirate queen, Swafnild Egilsdotter. I finally found her when I stepped on the port square in Prem, but I had the wrong character in the lead position and wasn’t able to get a favorable outcome from my questioning. After a reload and a shuffling of the party, she agreed to give me her map piece, but it must have duplicated one I already had because I still just had four.
Between Ottarje and Daspota, we elected to stay at an inn for the night. Hearing noises beneath the floorboards in the middle of the night, se soon found ourselves exploring a two-level cellar with zombies and skeletons. The dungeon’s final battle was with an alchemist (who had been raising the undead, presumably) and his chest contained an alchemy set, several elixirs, and several recipes–a better “final chest” than most dungeons so far.
             There was a cool statue in the dungeon that I couldn’t interact with.
           Daspota is an interesting city. It looks like every other city, but instead of shops, all of the buildings are full of pirates in foul moods. Most visits lead to combats.
           Daspota hospitality.
            Between Daspota and Rybon, we found a dying adventurer who told us that “the Daspota treasure” could be found “ten miles beyond Rybon.”
          Text is better than nothing, but I’m looking forward to the era in which this just happens, without a textbox describing it to us.
         Unfortunately, we couldn’t progress past Rybon (on the way to Thoss) because it’s winter, and that’s a narrow mountain pass. I’m not sure if we can’t progress period or if we need more cold-weather gear in our inventories before the game will let us try.
                     What if I’m willing to risk suicide?
                I’m debating what to do next. There might be a map piece in Thoss. If not, I’m probably stuck, having screwed up too many opportunities to get the map pieces from the early NPC visits–something for which I would definitely blame the game for not making clear. Even if I get it, and it doesn’t duplicate one that I have, I’ll only have six, and there are slots for nine. I don’t know how many is enough. I also don’t know if I need to assemble a certain percentage as a “trigger” or if I can simply visually interpret what I see and use that to find Hyggelik’s tomb. If the latter, I would guess it’s somewhere near Phexcaer, but a commenter suggested that it’s more complicated than that.
           Where I am with the map.
                Other notes:
    Broken weapons are seriously annoying. Despite what sounds (from the manual) like low probablity of a weapon breaking in combat, it seems to happen to one of my characters about every two battles. The worst part is, I don’t think there’s any way to tell that a weapon is broken (if you miss when it happens) aside from returning to a town and seeing if the smith wants to charge you to fix it.
I’m playing with sound completely off. There’s a grating three-note cacophony that plays every time you open a menu, and I can no longer stand it.
Somehow, it escaped me until late in the game that opening the “Information” tool in each town gives you a quick description of the town. This adds some life to the game.
            A nice one-paragraph description of an island town.
         I got my wand fully enchanted this session. Wands can be enchanted in four stages, each one taking almost all your magic points. You have to do it in camp at night. The second stage turns it into a permanent source of light, so you no longer have to cast spells or keep torches. The third stage allows it to conjure 10 paces of rope when you need it; the last reduces the amount of mana needed to cast spells by 2.
I tried messing with alchemy, but I didn’t have enough recipes to make it useful. This seems like one of those games where it’s easier just to sell alchemical ingredients and buy potions.
              I think I’m going to linger around Daspota for a while, using the pirates as an excuse to grind some experience points (maybe I’ll gain a level) and wait for winter to be over so I can continue to Thoss. If you think I’m in danger of a “walking dead” situation because of those map pieces, I won’t turn down a hint.
Time so far: 30 hours
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/realms-of-arkania-road-trip/
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