#the more you know x'D
mitamicah · 2 months
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*boops you* >:3
Yes, this is what I see everytime the little paws comes up on my screen x'D
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renata-dp · 3 months
Since I've seen it I couldn't stop thinking about it (please don't kill me x,,d)
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Ironically I think Doofenshmirtz and Perry's dynamic kinda could work with Mike and William
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amethystina · 12 days
In chapter 5 of Who Holds the Devil, Ga On doesn't send Elijah a picture of Komi and he wakes up to several messages from her being worried. At this time, what do you think was going on in Switzerland? Because if she was stressing out about it, do you think she spoke to Yo Han or not, and if so, what would be his reaction to this?
Hope you can recover well!
She eventually spoke to Yo Han about it, yes, but it took a while before she got worried enough to do so. She's used to Ga On working late sometimes and so at first she figured her reminders would be enough. Which means she sent the majority of the messages you can read in the chapter before she even considered going to Yo Han.
And, by the time she did, it was mostly because she realised that it was so late in South Korea that Ga On might already have gone to bed, and he still hadn't contacted her. Which she felt was very unlike Ga On.
As for Yo Han's reaction, there is, unsurprisingly, quite a big difference between what he chooses to show Elijah and what he's feeling internally.
He'd be pretty flippant with Elijah, downplaying the severity of the situation, telling her that it's probably nothing to worry about. Maybe Ga On was busy with something and his phone ran out of batteries, so he didn't get her reminders? Or maybe he just forgot? Yo Han can come up with several very rational and logical explanations as to why Ga On didn't send Elijah any pictures.
Basically, Yo Han would try to calm her down by pretending it's no big deal. And tell her to at least wait until tomorrow before she starts freaking out
Internally, however?
He'd be worried, too.
Because no matter what he tells Elijah, Yo Han knows that Ga On wouldn't just forget a promise like that. Ga On cares too much about Elijah to disappoint her. So something must definitely have happened, Yo Han just doesn't know what. And while Yo Han is well aware that the explanation might be perfectly innocent, his mind would also start spinning towards worst-case scenarios — because that's how he works. He needs to be aware of the possibilities and, if need be, prepare for the worst.
And, somewhere around there, Yo Han would be frustrated that he can't track Ga On yet. He already decided that he wants to long before this, but this is one of those things that helps him decide that, yeah, he needs to give Ga On something he can track sooner rather than later so this won't happen again. Yo Han has no idea where Ga On is and it's making him antsy as hell.
The closest he can get is to text Lawyer Ko and ask if Ga On was at work that day. But even if Lawyer Ko says yes, that still leaves far too many possibilities. A lot could have happened to Ga On in the hours after he left work.
But Yo Han would tell Elijah none of this, of course — especially since the crisis is averted the very next day. Nor would Yo Han ever mention it to Ga On. It's just one of those things that stays inside Yo Han's head and influences his choices later, but is more or less invisible to everyone else. Perhaps not so surprisingly, there are a lot of those. As Ga On has pointed out: there's always a reason for the choices Yo Han makes. And, sometimes, the information he's basing that choice on was gathered weeks, months, or even years ago.
That man's brain never stops processing x'D
I hope that answers your question! :D
And thank you so much for the concern 💜 Unfortunately, I'm not feeling the best right now (neither mentally nor physically) but I know it's temporary so I'm just trying to wait it out :)
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dkettchen · 7 months
me waking up in a cold sweat at 6:20am: "I should get evening classes to be a hair dresser & training to be a makeup artist to be my own hair/make-up person on photo/video shoots and defy industry's single-gender-dominated-and-not-improving department segregation system like the all-rounder online creator that I am 👀😤"
#I swear I don't have adhd or anything I am just having a professional existential crisis recently x'D#ok but hear me out right like how useful would it be if people could hire someone who's a one-person videographer AND hair/make-up person!#I could like double my asking rate!#you need to do one before you can do the other anyway so why have two people for it#other than that the hair/make-up women don't specialise in photography#and the videographer lads have never touched a cosmetic product let alone knowing how to use it to any level let alone a professional one#AND I'd be able to offer hiring me as either role OR both at once#I'd have more options for jobs to apply to#and I'd have full control over the look I want from my subjects#cause like I do my own hair & make-up for my videos#like I know how to cut my own hair & do my own make-up#but I wanna learn how to do ANYONE'S!!!#and I know you can do hair dressing college evening classes cause I remember that was one of the other evening classes running while I was#doing my electrician's level 2#and I know there's make-up training places in the city I've seen them before while I was looking up other things#if you do professional hair/make-up you need to take pictures of it for your portfolio anyway#and if you professionally take pictures of people you need to do their hair/make-up anyway to get the look you want#SO WHY NOT BOTH for any reason other than gender roles prohibiting the cishets from learning both skills to the required level!!!#THIS IS MY LEG UP#THIS IS MY QUEER NONBINARY TRANS ADVANTAGE#*evil manic laughter*#edit: and smth smth the thing where women & afab ppl don't do their skills to a professional level#unlike cishet men making everything their job and therefore succeeding professionally even in trad-female dominated skills/industries#hence I should LEARN my matr skills to the level required for professional stuff rather than limit myself to patr skills#that I have a disadvantage with due to cishet male-dominated nature of this industry/tech department#AND it'll give me an opportunity to message my detrans previous hairdresser (as I live too far away from her now)#being like 'u were one of my inspirations for this I also wanna learn how to cut mullets real good hope ur doing well T^T' x'D#AND I could apply to screenskills' trainee finder in another department in a few years regardless of whether or not I get in this year#(I applied to the camera one this year)
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windydrawallday · 3 months
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One-shot comic from the past year about my experiences coping with gender dysphoria and assigned binary roles. Feat my birdsona Maggie and Acantho (early design, changed a bit since then).
… practically I'm baring my heart and brain here; also my views are not facts, I know talking about these themes in public can help others to realize and reflect on their own views. Something I find pleasant and one of my main objectives when sharing my comics!
From my side: I always felt uneasy about my gender because, since my teenage days, I saw how different girls were treated than boys. Because I was a "girl" I needed to look like this or that to be treated like one and UGH.
I felt sad and angry with myself for not falling properly into my assigned label so I practically rejected all of it to the point of hating everything "femme" coded… I was so wrong.
It wasn't the fault of the label, the clothes, aesthetics, colors, etc, or even the roles but of society for imposing them without any flexibility or room to question and reinvent them.
The script for this comic is from October 2022 during a time when I was questioning if I was non-binary and--. I thought: if someday I wish to use that label, first I need to make peace with this other part of me. And in the next months, that's what I tried to do and I found I didn't hate it as I used to do.
That doesn't mean I will go back to it by default just that now I understand and cherish its existence as another option for me to choose when I feel like it! And even… I want to let some traits of it be part of my new gender expression in the future.
And to keep admiring and loving people that surround me and identify with it.
And because I have gotta admit: IT FEELS SO GOOD TO JUST BE SEXY FOR YOURSELF.
Feel your skin: make it yours from the inside out!
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theramblingsofadork · 4 months
Starpoint AU Character Profile: Dr. Starline
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Age: Starpoint Squad Era: 20, Downfall Era: 24, Restoration Era: 26
Starpoint Arc Personality: Much like his canon counterpart, Starpoint!Starline is a intelligent, calculated, and driven individual. He’s confident, singleminded, and determined to reach his goal, no matter what he has to do to get there.
He’s great at manipulation, can be egotistical and haughty, and knows how to ‘play the game’ to keep his targets doing what he wants them to.
Granted, as the AU goes on, he begins to see the fruits that can be gained from working with others. He finds himself learning what real friendship is like, and becoming more genuine. Eventually, much to his confusion, horror, and surprise, he even softens up and gains a bit of a heart for those around him.
As he begins to grow comfortable with the Starpoint Squad, his theatrical behaviors become more commonplace, and he finds himself confidently bantering with the group and enjoying their presence.
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His underlying goal of working with Eggman is still very prevalent, proving to his biggest stumbling block as Starline remains enthralled with the man and his awe inspiring legacy to the point where it ends up being all he focuses on.
And while he tries to play his cards close to his chest, if permitted the opportunity, he will eagerly go off on an excited tangent about the doctor or whatever other topic is on his mind, to whoever will listen to him.
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Strengths: Along with his high intellect, Starline also possesses a wellspring of knowledge regarding a wide array of subjects. He’s quite sharp, and has an impeccable work ethic. And despite his haughtiness, he’s quite a charmer (sometimes to his dismay)
He also has the warp topaz, whose power he is currently still in the process of discovering the full extent of. Despite this, he can still use it with decent competency should the need ever arise.
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Weaknesses: Ah yes. His folly.
Due to his upbringing and poor choice of idol, Starline can come off as quite pretentious at times, struggling to hold meaningful relationships with others due to childhood formed biases and a skewed sense of what relationships are supposed to look like. While insightful, he can easily be blindsighted by his dreams and selfish ambitions, often ending up being dismissive of other people’s feelings and desires. Which… often gets him into trouble. ✨ And does wonders for his relationships ✨ /j
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While he does grow out of this a bit from being around good influences, his pride does still like to reer it’s ugly head from time to time, as well as his underlying desire for validation and respect.
The Starpoint Squad is also a weakness, but in a more positive way. With them, he comes to learn what it means to see people as living creatures and care about them. Gives him another basis to look at besides Eggman.
It’s a foreign feeling to him, one he can’t quite decide how he feels on it, but he does like being admired. It does present it’s own struggles, giving him a newfound fear of rejection and having to chose between sides. But, in typical Starline fashion, he ends up doubling down and self sabotaging himself in leu of what he thinks he wants and needs.
Eventually he realizes his mistake, but by then, damage has already been done.
(He can also tend to lose his nerve if spooked, and accidentally slips up secrets when engaged in one of his many excited and loose-tongued rambles.)
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History: Starpoint!Starline grew up as a bright-eyed, upper-class child with a great brilliance and interest in science.
He was raised in a well-off family of nobility, but didn’t have much in the way of real friends as every ‘friendship’ was a calculated play he was forced into by his parents to forward the position of the family.
As a result, Starline grew up in a giant game of chess, spending large amounts of time of his time doing what his parents wanted him to do, with his studies and inventions mostly keeping him sane when they were too busy arguing or being away to check up on him. (Which is where his habit of talking to himself spawned from.)
When Eggman’s global broadcast aired on TV, like a flip had been switched, Starline became spellbound. For here was a genius of his caliber, unafraid to fight and show the world what he’s made of while also using his genius to shape the world into how he saw fit.
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Starline was enthralled, inspired by his sheer brilliance, and quickly fell down the rabbit hole, becoming a huge fan of Eggman’s legend. (His version of a Saturday Morning Cartoon hero.) It filled him with inspiration and drive, and as his confidence bloomed, his relationships with his family and society around him grew even worse until he finally broke free from all of them, dedicating his career to following in the man’s footsteps.
Additional Information:
Starline’s Character Arcs: (Spoilers Ahead!)
⭐️ Starpoint Squad Arc:
Downfall Arc: Check back later!
Restoration Arc: Check back later!
Likes: Dr. Eggman, science, technology, robotics, the arcane, upper class, theater, Broadway, dressing and looking sharp, the Atmos cafeteria’s sandwiches, being appreciated and respected, peace and quiet, classical music, tea, being in charge of a situation, the Starpoint Squad (eventually), good food and intelligent company.
Dislikes: Sonic, being interrupted in the middle of a project, bullies, people who waste his time, loud jamming music, having little to no control over a situation, being put down by anyone
Last updated 5/20/24
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barisiscourtroom · 26 days
wow. way to disrespect my wishes, anon.
normally i would have answered an ask like that, it was anti Rollins but not violently hateful, but since you clearly sent it as a response to me asking people NOT to send me Rollins hate, i will not.
and going forward, i will not answer to anything anti Rollins.
i still don't ship Rollisi, i still think she's not perfect and that she has fucked up, but i also know that that's the point, no one is perfect, as these shows constantly shove down our throats.
so while i previously could entertain some wanky salt sessions where i went a bit anti Rollins, going forward it'll only make me think of hateful assholes like you. the kind that makes fandom a less fun place to be. the kind that never respects other people's wishes because you have an opinion and it's more important than anything else that you get to say it, regardless of the consequences. to take another fandom as an example: the kind of people that has made me hate Destiel to the point where i get annoyed 98% of the time i see anything Destiel, because some of the hellers are so fucking disgusting (and loud) in their hate towards anything they deem icky (ie: anything that isn't their ship. ie: Wincest and Sam, two of my favorite things).
and i'm not doing that. this blog probably wouldn't have been a great place for Rollisi shippers and Rollins fans, not the worst but not great, but after you, anon? they'll be fine here. because i refuse to indulge in your disgusting hate campaign.
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magnifiico · 6 months
She was of course in absolute awe, of the great power that this king possessed.
Her heart already leaping at the very possibility of having her own wish granted! Though today, would not be that day. Oh no, she had already heard about how things were done here. With her of course being much too young then, knowing that she had to wait for a couple more years would still not dim the sparkle of hope and excitement that had now set itself in her very eyes.
"So... yer highny-ness, what was yer wish?" She dared asked, her lips curling up almost cheekily then. Almost as if she knew that she had asked something she shouldn't have. Otherwise it won't come true. As it was said. But that was only for wishes that have yet to come true now, right?
@yukikorogashi || scoops this sweetie up <3
Your “highny-ness” was... a new one.
And dare he say such a title all on its own momentarily threw him off as he pivoted to face the young girl—certainly thereafter the burning question so few gathered the courage to broach. (Or was it that they cared more for their own wishes than what their generous king could possibly want for himself?)
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Even so, a patient smile grew on his lips, and he bent over slightly to match the girl's height. “Ah-ah... You know how wishes work,” the king gingerly chastised, though her blatant cheekiness was reflected in the playful wink offered back. “Besides, that implies there could be more I desire than what my kingdom and people already offer. Worry about your own wish.”
And he tapped his knuckle beneath her chin before rising back to his full height. As he swung his cape around himself to take his leave, King Magnifico made sure to add, “I look forward to seeing it.”
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Because I’m curious, DL fans who also play Genshin, reblog with who your favourite DL is character along with your favourite weapon type and element in Genshin, plus who your current main is.
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leafyloveslaughing · 11 months
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mitamicah · 11 months
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Käärijä warm up doodles (+ Bojan and Häärijä) 1/2
As promised here's half of my warm up doodles 😃 - the rest will arrive next week around the same time 😁🤘💚
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Single files :3
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rain-filled-garden · 3 months
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🪶} So~.... On a scale of 1-10, how bad is it if the only person you've slept with/and are currently in a relationship with is (so far as mortals are concerned) essentially your sibling???
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Ari's parents finally make an official introduction!! >:)
Update: They got names now!! Viddalat (he/she/they) on the left (ty Cosmo for the naming help <33), interpreter/translator and huge linguistics nerds, and Sataareth (he/she) on the right, former Antaam soldier and current maker of the best kanji in southern Thedas. Also technically both (ex)tamassrans now :)
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dkettchen · 1 year
isekai protagonists these days: I was transported into this magical fantasy world, but I don’t wanna fight as a hero! That’s scary and I have no fighting ability, I’m Just Some Dude™! 
isekai protagonist: I know! Instead, I will do something mundane that I enjoy and happen to be skilled at and build a living out of that! I will travel to see this new land, and make friends along the way! The world is my oyster!
me: ...
me: you realise you can do those things in real life too, bud, right? that’s just what adulthood is? is you being able to do literally whatever you want to do within the constraints of your situation, means, and skill set, if you just set your mind to it? 
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howthesleeplesswander · 8 months
((listen y'all i know i missed sinday but lordy
i have been listening to/watching this on loop for the last few days and the song is such a childe anthem, not to mention that the combat animations are 👌👌👌
needless to say this has resulted in childe being 10000% FERAL in my headspace asdflkjdsf he wants to absolutely destroy somebody so goddamn badly, he's losing his mind guys askfjsd
and he's not picky, either—he'd happily take "destroying" someone in the "screaming in agony" way OR the "screaming in pleasure" way (preferably both tbh)
so uh
y e a h
that's it that's the post asddlfkds i just had to share this idiot's Ultra-Unhinged(TM) mood with you guys 😔💦🔥 please carry on and have a nice day))
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le-velo-pour-dru · 1 year
TRAGIC! Local Girl Wants To Talk To Her Friends All The Time, Is Terrified Of Being Overbearing
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