#the juggernauts of the fandom
yarrayora · 9 months
Them baking Halloween cookies
+ Lawless&Lily gave Mahiru a potion that increases the "sweetness" more [ps: its Well.. ya know :3] without Mahiru knowing what it really is but didnt put it in becuz he has suspicions
+ Kuro put the potion in, not knowing it wanst part of the recipe
Kinda sad, I haven't been seeing any KuroMahi/LawLicht ones, soo I decided to give one, LawLicht version coming soon cuz I'm still thinking of an idea for them
Note: this ask is part of the kinkmeme prompt, where everyone who see it is encouraged to write their own version of it even if there are already others who filled it read more about it here
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shirozora-draws · 1 year
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Fun little (little?) doodle of the two blorbos from the two fandoms that have had the biggest fucking impact on my life on/off-line. It's also been way too fucking long since I did a serious doodle of Tron in his Tron Betrayal/Legacy suit and good god, I forgot how fucking ridiculous that goddamn fucking jumpsuit is, but I'm a sucker for lights and lighting up those circuits made me too fucking happy.
I'm not gonna look too deep into how weirdly similar they both are when Tron rezzes his helmet on. Nobody look too deep into this kthnx.
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cheetahing · 2 months
thinking about grief and love and my two favorite cdrama ships today, namely di feisheng/li lianhua (dihua) from mysterious lotus casebook (mlc) and lin chen/mei changsu (linsu) from nirvana in fire (nif). i apparently go for the old married couples where one of them is actively dying.
both mcs and llh are main characters dying from incurable poisons and both are more or less ok with that whereas their partners are less so. after that they do diverge quite a bit; lin chen rather famously declares that he doesn't know lin shu, mei changsu's previous identity, only mei changsu. di feisheng, on the other hand, is obsessed with who li lianhua used to be, li xiangyi, di feisheng's one and only rival.
lin chen shows up at the beginning of nif to set up mcs and then fucks off for 40+ episodes only to show up at the end to try to discourage mcs from fulfilling what he feels is lin shu's (his) destiny, because he's no longer lin shu but mcs and mcs has inherent value of his own. dfs starts out forcibly trying to cure llh to turn him back into lxy, but grows closer to llh over the course of mlc and they drink nuptial wine together and talk about the moon. at the end, dfs leaves the probable cure for llh's poison with him rather than shoving it down his throat like he would have at the beginning.
most relevantly to me, lin chen gets the chance to go with mcs to the very end. he enlists and follows him to meiling. he works to keep mcs going as long as he possibly can, he looks mcs's death in the face and does his best to delay it. he's there until the very last second. llh doesn't even leave dfs a body.
lin chen lives with the grief as it looms closer and closer and knows the shape it takes in his life. he's a doctor, he's faced this before even if it's much, much more personal this time. dfs is left widowed at the altar at their beach wedding with a hundred guests. he searches relentlessly for llh with all of the considerable resources available to him, and finds nothing. i wonder a lot about how long he searches. does he search forever? does he eventually give up? does he, a man steeped in death since childhood, actually know how to grieve?
i don't really have a conclusion to draw. i'm just thinking about who these two men leave behind and what different pictures the ones left have to work with. mcs leaves behind letters, but not to jingyan and not to lin chen, who most likely has to coordinate their delivery. llh leaves dfs his only letter where he offers fdb as his successor.
maybe it's that lin chen has to watch mcs die but gets the closure of being with him up until his final moments and dfs gets nothing. no goodbye, no grave, just the shards of lxy's broken sword. llh didn't even leave him those on purpose. maybe he gets the hope that it's not true, but at what cost?
god i love these two ships so much.
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The problem with big fandoms (using "problem" in a very loose sense here) is that it's really hard to stumble across the weird niche undertagged stuff when its being buried in five million coffee shop/royalty/high school/soulmate aus. If there are 150 works in the tag total you can look through very quickly and find anything that appeals to you. When there are over a million it is much harder to do that.
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chaos0pikachu · 1 month
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I have no clue what to do with this information but now that I have it so should you all
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chimaerakitten · 3 months
I still love that the MBD and Imperial Radch AO3 tags both have each other as most crossover'd fandom. Sister fandoms!
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lesspopped · 13 days
delightful that the #1 ship for this show on ao3 is bobbie/avasarala, appalling that (based on an admittedly very cursory initial review) there appears to be zero fic where naomi and holden double-team miller and make him cry sexually
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tiggymalvern · 4 months
The best thing about writing fanfic is that once it's written, it's always there. You can go back to it months or years or decades later, and when you do, you don't think about the months of writing and editing and the hours you spent forcing yourself to sit at a computer and write specific scenes that didn't come for free with inspiration. You read it and think, 'Wow. This fic is great! The characters and their relationships and the plot are all so perfectly spot on, and it's giving me all the feels! It's like it was written specifically for me!' Because of course, it was.
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lilacpaperbird · 7 months
I have huge respect for sastiel shippers. they saw two huge and insanely passionate groups dominating the spn shipping scene - wincesties and hellers - and they said fuck y'all I'm stealing one guy from each of you and making them kiss
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synnthamonsugar · 6 months
starting a new charity to raise money to place published authors who are reylos into different fields of work for their own good and ours.
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rocket-sith · 17 days
Y'all. Y'ALL. I got anonymous hate on one of my fics for the first time since 2016. *sniffs* I feel so special!
Dear anonymous wanker:
Half the shit you said didn't even pertain to the fic, and the other half showcased your tragicomic inability to differentiate between the opinion of a story's author and the opinion of a fictional character within the story. *insert Shame Bell here*
tl;dr - Go spank your Twelve Monkeys to Shaw someplace else. There are plenty of amazing Shaw x Seven fics out there. I know because I've read them. I was also trolling an anti in your tags like three days ago on general principle while looking for fics, so once again - please learn to differentiate between the opinion of a writer (real person) and the POV of a fictional character (not a real person, whose feelings and perspectives we can only speculate about, especially regarding a dynamic that's clearly quite complex).
In conclusion, yo mama's so fat, Kirk broke the temporal prime directive by doing a slingshot maneuver around her ass. Also in conclusion - go touch grass. I may or may not be referring to cannabis. No stolen pots were harmed in the making of this post. This has been a message from the emergency GTFO system. *beeeeeep*
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notmoreflippingelves · 2 months
EoA for ask meme
otp: *coughs* Elena/Esteban. sorry not sorry.Look if they didn't want me to be unhinged about them, they shouldn't have spent an entire season soulmate-coding them and then capping it off with a BATB homage.
favourite canon pairing: ymmv on how canon it is, but considering it was pretty strongly teased in the series finale, Julio/Doña Paloma. I do find Carla/Mateo pretty cute as well.
worst pairing ever: I wouldn't say any of the pairings for the show are bad. It's just a lot of them don't particularly interest me. I could say Elena/Mateo, because personally I find it overrrated and I'm already gonna talk about it later. But I am going to go with Esteban/Doña Paloma.
I did actually kind of ship it the first time I watched the show...right up until the episode where their AU selves got married. And even though the whole point of "to Queen or Not to Queen" is that everything is absurd and everyone is wildly out-of-character (especially the two of them), they just seemed so miserable together and I couldn't unsee it. I also find it kind of annoying that Paloma is treated as sort of the default "acceptable" Esteban shipping option for people who don't want to pair him with OCs. And just...it's fine and I understand why many people would feel uncomfortable shipping him with certain characters (even if I don't)...but like...Victor is also right there. And honestly, I'm able to get a lot of the same vibes that I initially liked about esteoma out of estevictor, esteban/naomi, gaberico, and Julio/ Paloma---plus just I find those dynamics are more interesting in general.
guilty pleasure pairing: It used to be estebalena, but now, I have much less shame over it. It helps that I really only see it happening in S3 or later and that I hc that Elena would be the much more dominant/instigating partner in the relationship. I mean I guess Shuriki/Esteban is the obvious answer. But it is worth noting that I don't like it when it's genuine/mutual/romantic. I only like esteriki in the noncon/dubcon "Shuriki abusing her power" sense. So my guilty pleasure ship is less Shuriki/Esteban and more "Esteban/severe Shuriki-related trauma that leads to extreme woobification." I want him sad and pretty and haunted by the Dark Times™ so that he can have allll the angst, whump and hurt/comfort.
a pairing you want to see more: Literally every ship that isn't just some permutation of the Four Amigos. There are so many great characters in this ship that can be paired in so many interesting ways, but they rarely get acknowledged. I think I am particularly baffled by the lack of m/m in this fandom, since it's like the complete opposite of every other fandom ever. There's a bit of Mateo/Gabe, but honestly, it's positively dwarfed by other pairings for the amigos. (Also I don't care about Mateo, lol). There's also a criminally small bit of Gabe/Rico, but there could be so much more.
But honestly, the ship that I am genuinely baffled isn't more popular and really really want to see more of is Victor/Esteban. Like it just seems like a no-brainer to me. It has so many tropes that people normally go feral over. Childhood friends to lovers? Enemies to Lovers? Foe yay? Mutual redemption arcs? There isn't even an age difference and Victor's marriage is all-but-over. So, what is stopping people? I've seen at most a handful of ambiguously romantic ship art and not a single fic. Where is it? Where is the estevictor? Give me the estevictor!
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” : Elena/Mateo. I mean I get why it's so popular given the popularity and attractiveness of both characters. But personally, I just don't find them interesting. I feel they both have better chemistry and interesting potential with other characters than they do with each other. And its popularity within the fandom certainly doesn't help, as my little contrarian hipster brain turns its nose about 90% of fandom juggernaut pairings. Plus, I just don't care enough about Mateo to care about a ship with him. He's casually cute with Carla and I can see him with Gabe as well. But otherwise, nope. Don't like him enough to care who he's shipped with.
favorite non-romantic pair: There are a bunch of dynamics that I do ship sometimes (or more than sometimes) but I also love platonically. (Esteban & Elena, Elena & Naomi, Esteban & Naomi, Naomi & Gabe, Elena & Gabe, Elena & Valentina, Elena & Marisa, Chloe & Maliga, Cacahuate & Bobo, various permutations of "Team Isa"). But in terms of pairings that I only view platonically, either Victor & Carla or Isabel & Elena.
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sortasirius · 10 months
Sorry but I think it’s mad disrespectful to insinuate that a fic is an “alternate universe” for ANOTHER fic.
Like, it’s great that you liked this other fic (which I have not and never will reference), and it’s great you like my fic, but to basically say that my fic is these same two characters from that story…yikes.
Authors have their own voices, and I did not work my ass off for almost a year on that story just for it to be referenced as an “alternate universe” for another person’s work.
Even if it’s meant as a compliment…don’t do that. Don’t compare fanfiction to other fanfiction.
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bluef00t · 3 months
are there any comics discussion blogs youd recommend following on tumblr?
"Comics" is a massive place, so depends on what you're looking for. Franco-belgian? Capecomics? Webcomics? Graphic novels? Manga? Strip comics? Just comic theory in general? I find that the spheres of interest don't overlap much. Having just barely come out of a 2-year superhero history obsession, I definitely have the most in that category, though that's not what I usually post about on this account.
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starlit-mansion · 4 months
Read the medium review about the hotel hell show and. To be fully honest. I really can't tell if it's "worse" than the dross level stuff i watched on adult swim in the aights/early teens. Like stuff like vbros or moral orel were genuinely artful, but it would be squeezing blood from a stone to criticize the character arcs on other shows that were mostly just splashy, violent, vulgar and sexual-in-a-regressive-way.
Which is. Not to defend the show or anything. There's clearly criticism-worthy elements in the way it portrays sex, queerness, abuse and black and jewish coded characters (based on the review) even within the scope of "this is a vulgar taboo comedy." But also the observation of 'what if people treated my gym partner is a monkey with the zeal and aggression they have for steven universe' is haunting me lmao.
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notrandtumblin · 6 months
Part 12 of figuring out who the best Marvel casting choice of all time is.
This one is dedicated to the Deadpool cast (1 and 2). Polls 10 and 11 are X-Men. The first 9 are the MCU. We will finish up the Fox characters before moving on to Sony and anyone I may have missed.
Thanks for participating. This is probably gonna win some kind of statistics award.
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