#the fic was posted in snippets on LJ
wantonlywindswept · 1 year
Skybird abandoned sequel ficlet
for @lucdarling <3
So Skybird is a fic I wrote many many many years ago, back when fandoms were still on Livejournal and we had writing kinkmemes (which were honestly only like 50% kink/smut tbh) where you could post story ideas and invite people to write something on that idea. I had been on an Inception kick and was current up to like, 2.5ish? seasons of White Collar, and found this prompt:
Arthur and Eames adopt a kid and raise that kid into Neal Caffrey.
Thus began a descent into a fevered writing fugue that involved far too many hours of researching art and resulted in 30k words of fic written in the space of a month.
This is a snippet of what had been the vague idea of a start of a sequel to that fic. Looking back at it, it’s actually a surprisingly coherent/self-contained little story intro, so I don’t mind posting it. Unedited b/c I cannot be bothered, please have pity and remember that this was written *checks* thirteen years ago jesus god i am so fucking old
They tricked him the first time.
Neal came to his senses by way of a hand slapping across his face, jolting him out of a bleary haze. He squinted up through the gloom of the—basement? cellar? something underground, at the very least—into angry brown eyes that stared out from two cut holes in a ski mask.
Neal resisted the urge to groan.
Amateurs. And even worse: clichéd amateurs.
“What do you know?” demanded the blurry figure. Male, middle-aged, hint of a foreign accent covered up by years of playing at New York posh. Unfortunately, the question held no ground with Neal, not without context. He could think of a hundred—a thousand, really—things that he knew, locations and names and numbers and faces and plots and conspiracies, all of which he was fairly certain he wasn’t going to talk about.
So he collected that information and buried it away, pushing it into the furthest reaches of his mind as he affected a serious expression.
“The earth revolves around the sun,” he replied, nodding decisively.
The punch to the mouth was hard and disorienting, but disappointingly predictable. It also made Neal realize he was sitting tied to a chair as it tipped dangerously beneath him.
“What do you know?” the man gritted, grabbing a handful of Neal’s hair and yanking his head back, pressure put on the exposed line of his throat. Neal let out a huff of exasperation.
“It would help if I knew what you wanted, wouldn’t it?”
The man scoffed and dropped his head.
“You know what we want.”
“I really don’t,” Neal replied mildly. He craned his neck around as the sudden whir of power tools echoed through the stone room, trying to catch a glimpse of the noise. He knew that noise. He knew it like he knew New York, like he knew the feel of lockpicks in the dark. That was the sound of a drill, and it was going through a Class TXTL-60 grade safe.
“Robbery?” Neal asked, perking up instantly. “Where are we? Some old bank vault? An old heiress’ abandoned wealth?” He waggled his eyebrows. “I’m going to go with the heiress.”
“Shut up,” the man snarled, and this time the punch sent Neal toppling back onto the floor, the chair and all his pressure on it landing atop his bound arms. His head smacked against the floor and he bit his lip against the pain, the room spinning and a low rumbling in his ears.
“What is that?” a new voice asked. Also male and younger, maybe twenties, rough and unpolished. He walked upside-down into Neal’s line of sight, wearing the same boring black outfit that every small-time thug had grown attached to ever since Hollywood decided to buy stocks in ski masks.
“This wasn’t in the plan,” Middle Age snapped, because apparently Neal wasn’t the only one hearing things. The younger man just spread his hands as the noise grew louder, looking around the room in a decidedly nervous fashion.
“Don’t look at me, I had nothing to do with this,” Twitchy declared. Middle Age snarled and stalked over to Neal, grabbing him by the front of his shirt and hauling him up, chair and all.
“What have you done?”
“Bees,” Neal replied at once, a little groggily. “Thousands of honey bees migrating—”
And then the far wall smashed in because there was a bulldozer driving through it, and at the wheel of the bulldozer was Arthur.
“Huh,” Neal said blankly, even as he was dropped back down. The chair stayed blessedly upright this time as both Middle Age and Twitchy grabbed for their guns. Arthur leapt out of the bulldozer in a smooth motion that was almost inhumanly graceful, a pistol in each hand and a murderous look on his face.
Two shots took out Middle Age and Twitchy. A third, aimed at a point Neal couldn’t see, stopped the sound of drilling.
“Pѐre,” Neal sighed as Arthur strode toward him, relief warring with embarrassment in his chest. But when he looked up he saw the guns still in Arthur’s hands, and a look on his face that sent a shiver down Neal’s spine.
The look on his face was wrong. It was all wrong. His eyes were cold and his face was a blank mask and he wasn’t Neal’s father. He was something else, something inhuman and wrong and bad and he wasn’t Arthur.
“No—” Neal struggled to scoot back, to break free, to do anything to escape the implacable force moving toward him. But all he could do was stare, helplessly, as the not-Arthur came to a stop in front of him. He squeezed his eyes shut as one of the guns rose, turning his face determinedly away.
“Wake up, Neal.”
Neal’s eyes snapped open in understanding just as the bullet entered his skull.
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nopeferatu · 11 months
grrrrr *my eyes turn black as i snarl and growl and bite and bite and bite*
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al-the-remix · 7 months
Random fandom thoughts/feelings
The reblog button is turned off on this post but I think it's another incredibly important one to be thinking about. I enjoy their framing of how the profit economy of other social media sites has been bleeding into fandom spaces on both tumblr, and like this post focuses on, Ao3. It's something that I've been noticing more and more and it really rubs me the wrong way and I feel like OP's post words it perfectly in a way I've been struggling to express.
This sort of connects the previous post I reblogged on the topic talking about how fandom is not a good in road for becoming internet famous.
A facet of this that's really bamboozled me recently is that I feel like i've been seeing more and more of is the idea that a singular person has a right to call "dibs" on a specific piece of media. Which is honestly totally fucking wild to me and if I'm being totally frank kind of dumb.
Every single one of us who interacts with fandom and by extent and IP is flirting with copy right law, the consequences of which everyone should be extremely familiar with by now with the fall of LJ and various lawsuits by authors, dmca notices, etc.
We have all heard the adage "there's no such thing as an original idea"; the idea that everything we create is the amalgamation of all the things that influence us, good and bad.
This is totally normal and good, actually.
For example, if I and another person both watch a TV show, see a production photograph that we really like and decide to draw it and post them one after the other it would be considered extremely bad behaviour to then turn around and make a big stink about how someone else had the gall to turn around and draw the same thing that I did. We can all look at a picture, video, lyrics to a song, become inspired and create something wildly different based on our tastes and influences--but we also are equally, if not more so, likely to create something nearly identical to our peers, especially in a fandom space where ideas are concentrated and we are all consuming each other's thoughts, opinions, and creations. More than once I've come up with an idea for a fic or a drawing that someone else had had a nearly identical execution of without us communicating or viewing each other's work. That's just the way the human brain works, we're hard wired to make connections in a fairly similar way.
You do not have a right to call dibs on any one photograph, clip of video, song lyrics or any other bit of media you might consume.
This stands for artists, writers, gif makers, AMV creators, and any other way you choose to express your love of fandom creatively.
If you are really hard pressed to focus on the numbers and work at being ~influential~ the burden is on you to distinguish yourself creatively.
There's a reason why not being able to see follower counts is so important to the way fandom and tumblr functions. The concept of ~small creators~ and ~big creators~ or BNF or whatever are all burdens you place on yourselves. No one is taking anything away from you by engaging with the same bit of media you are in a similar way. We all have a right to express ourselves creatively and emotionally through any snippet of media that sparks our interest. You do not get to "own it" just because you happened to pump something out first. There are no creative "dibs". This isn't even some sort of "fandom" etiquette thing that has gone thus unspoken. It's a strange possessive thing that I've seen crop up more and more as the idea of being a capital "C" Creator brain rots people's minds and atrophies their ability to be creative.
Sort of on a tangent, but I have a bunch of other personal random thoughts about how this push to be prolific stagnates fandom, but these are more complicated for me and I'm not as clear on how I want to express them. On one had I am completely on board with the "there is no such thing as cringe" mindset and that everyone has a right to create whatever super indulgent thing they want to without having to suffer people being snobby about it. But, on the other hand I feel very strongly that the cycle of people seeing one trope or characterization being repeated repeated over and over and gaining popularity, reading only that--writing only that--leading others to also only consume that, really stymies creativity and makes it harder to grow the fandom if people that are trying to enter aren't into That One Thing, while also ostracizing people who are already in the fandom that aren't into That One Thing. I strongly believe that people's tastes are at least 70% just what they're exposed to, and obviously not everyone is going to be into whatever weird niche concept they're exposed to through fandom, but the more they are the more opportunity they have to expand that horizon. I don't know how many times I've gotten a version of the "I wasn't sure I would like this but I gave it a shot and it turns out I really love it!" and how good that feels and how much I wish other people were emboldened to do the same instead of being so wrapped up in how their work may or may not be received.
This is mostly a subjective thing though, so it's less cut and dry. Like for example, I really struggle with engaging with transgender fic despite being transgender myself because of the way most AFAB fic is written to the point where I avoid it now almost entirely. Which, frankly, really fucking sucks but also I will be the first person to fight for other's ability to write transgender characters wether they appeal my personal feelings and taste or not.
Anyway, this is one of the reasons I'm so protective of fandom community events, especially ones that employ aspects of the fandom gift economy such as exchanges. There are one of the few wholly un self-centred places left where the focus is on gifting someone something they will love and giving back to the fandom at large by flooding it with art and opportunities appreciation and engagement with each other. It is not supposed to be an opportunity for you to think about yourself and "getting something good" in return or using it a convenient deadline. It also offers you an opportunity to engage with fic tropes and genres that you've never considered writing or reading before.
TL;DR if you've found yourself recently squabbling over how many notes your gifs, art, writing, etc. has been getting compared to other people instead of focusing on forging community ties and your own creative expression, I'm sorry to say you're doing it wrong.
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flowertrigger · 8 months
Get to Know Your Fanfic Writer
Thank you for the tags @ramonaflow @a-noble-dragon @jamilas-pen 🖤💕🖤 I was going to ignore this one, but I succumb to peer pressure too easily so here we are.
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
My very, very first drabble-ish fic was posted on LJ, around 2002?
First character(s) you wrote for:
Benji/Joel - Good Charlotte again, sorry not sorry.
Main character(s) you’re currently writing for:
Patrick Brewer and David Rose
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan on writing about soon:
No one. I can't believe I'm writing for D/P as it is. I've been in various fandoms for the past 20ish years and this is the first time I've written actual complete fics and even then it took me more than three years reading them to even write my own.
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing for:
Schitt's Creek
Platonic pairing(s) you currently write for:
None, but I kinda, maybe want to do a Patrick & Ronnie one, one day.
Romantic pairing(s) you currently write for:
Your top 3 tags on AO3 (if you post your works on AO3):
I think it's probably plot what plot/porn without plot, fluff and smut, porn with feelings. I'm sensing a theme.
Your current platform where you post your works:
Snippet of the wip you’re currently working on:
“Christ, are you even listening to yourself?”
“This is my—our home. I’m not going to have us living in squalor.” As soon as the word was out of his mouth David wanted to reach out and shove it back in. Patrick’s pale face turned ashen, the very essence of him had evaporated.
“Squalor? You think this house…that we share together…that I found for us, is squalor?”
“No—no, okay, don’t be obtuse.” He had to fix this. Find the right words. Why was his brain so broken? “You know I don’t mean literally. I just want us to have a beautiful home. Why is that so wrong?”
“And you think I don’t? Every weekend David. Every weekend I’m trying to give you your beautiful home, and every weekend it’s like you raise the bar impossibly higher.” Patrick’s fighting tears now, his words strained as they fight to come out of a throat closing in anguish.
“That’s not true. Don’t make me out to be some kind of monster.”
This has been going for a few days now, so I'll just leave an open tag 🤍
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katvonbirb · 7 months
20 questions writer meme
Trying to get back into putting words onto a page, so why not do a bit of retrospective? Can't hurt, at least, lmao.
For anyone that isn't aware or would like to browse tags and summaries before clicking the direct links below, I am Pandelion on Ao3. My answers below are based on my Ao3 fics, for the most part. 1. How many works do you have on AO3? 35
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 207,935 (arguably, only 150k are mine due to cowritten fic)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Bleach and Yin Yang Master most recently, but I've previously written for SPN, MCU, Teen Wolf, LoTR and a number of other fandoms over the last almost twenty years.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Begins A New Beginning (Teen Wolf, 3.2k words, alternate canon)
2. The Captain And The Dragon (Avengers, 600 words, fantasy AU ficlet)
3. kiss with a fist (better than none) (Bleach, 5.5k words, canon divergent post-Aizen)
4. Here There Be Dragons (Vikings, 6.4k words, alt. canon, dragon!Athelstan)
5. Making It Work (Avengers, 5.2k words, daemon AU where Phil Coulson is Fury's daemon)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to and I absolutely read every single comment I get, but answering them doesn't always happen for one reason or another.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I enjoy a good spot of angst, but I rarely end on it. That said, i will not replace (what i lost in you) and it's sequel hands shaking with regret (i've held this dream) for the Yin Yang Master fandom is probably the winner.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hmm, probably 'neath the love-light gleam, which was written for a Bleach Secret Santa gift exchange and is almost entirely fluff.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Haven't yet!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? The kind that doesn't get posted in public fics lmao. Honestly, I think only 2 or 3 of the fics I've posted to Ao3 even have sexual content beyond like, kissing and holding hands. The one fic that is actually marked as Explicit is probably surprisingly non-vanilla-ish for being the only one I've posted? But yeah, most of my explicit writing happens outside of Ao3.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I was going to say yes, but then realized that I haven't written an actual crossover since my LJ days. I usually write AUs based on other existing media, such as daemon AUs (His Dark Materials) or something like my rewriting of The Mummy (1999) with Bleach characters. That said, I once wrote a SPN/Gundam Wing crossover, that's probably the craziest one I've written.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I have! One of my fics was translated into Polish last year. I don't read Polish, so I haven't been able to read it, but I'm super thrilled that someone liked it enough to do so!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have one fic listed as co-written on Ao3, so technically yes, but I'm really on there more as part of the back-end development side, as my cowriter has done the vast majority of the actual writing. I love to rp, but actually co-writing is more difficult, in a way.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? Oh man, um. I'm going to say Grimmjow/Ichigo from Bleach, since their dynamic keeps pulling me back in, but honestly there are so many pairings that I gravitate back to again and again.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? There are so many WIPs in my gdocs that will never see the light of day, honestly. So many snippets of ideas and concepts that won't get fleshed out. I have two WIPs currently posted and I'm praying to get the inspiration/ability to finish them, so hopefully they won't join the list of never to be finished fics.
16. What are your writing strengths? World-building, for sure. I love settings, I love developing and establishing a world in a fic. And not in the, like, writing down all the details of the world sort of way, but in the broad strokes of character actions and interactions. I've also been told that my general style of writing is pretty great, but that might have been from a biased source lmao.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Pacing, most likely. Plot of any real sort. If you look at my Ao3, the vast majority of my fics are 5k or under, usually under 3k or so. I have such a hard time with long form fic, I have no idea how to properly pace things, I don't use outlines much at all, and constructing a plot is hard lmao. I much prefer to give little oneshots of a concept or something, leave the bigger plot implied and waiting in the wings.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? So hard! Doing a direct translation works for some things, but other stuff can be way too tangled up in the messiness of real language. I'd definitely prefer to have a native speaker that I can consult about it if I were to do anything with more than a phrase or two.
19. First fandom you wrote for? So, way back before I knew about ff.net or LiveJournal, way before Ao3 was a thing, I wrote what was effectively Dragonrider of Pern fic. After that, probably Rurouni Kenshin or Yu Yu Hakusho.
20. Favorite fic you've written? and the stars led me back to you (Bleach, 4.4k words, Grimmjow/Ichigo, space!au). I love all my fics, of course, but this one was just so good, very much a case of me writing something with myself as the intended audience. I reread it fairly often. kiss with a fist (better than none) is probably a fairly close runner-up, though, I am still so pleased with some of the dialogue and dynamics in that.
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thelionshymnal · 1 year
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
the magnificent and wondrous @voxofthevoid tagged me and now he must suffer the dread knowledge! this isn't even all of the files let alone all my fandoms but here, have a peek at what my fucking gdocs looks like (i type a z at the start of the doc's name for things i've completed, in case you were wondering how i keep track lmao)
FFVII - cloud helps reno move on | FFVII -club 5 final (hopefully) | FFVII - club 6 | FFVII - club 7 | FFVII - club 8 | FFVII - crack delivery | FFVII - cum drunk bb | FFVII - dynamic duo (lj prompt) | FFVII - halloween | FFVII - mythril mine get together | FFVII - random partly used | FFVII - rest stop | FFVII - ribbon round my heart | FFVII - there's something so lonesome about you (get closer to me) | FFVII - wretched 2 | FFVIIR - resurrection men | GI - albedo | GI - beiyu | GI - beiyu - glass shards | GI - beiyu - jealousy | GI - beiyu - qilin | GI - beiyu + shenhe | GI - cynotighnari - outline draft | GI - kaebedo - flowers in your hair | GI - Kaveh Alhaitham | GI - kokoei - modern writer au | GI - lisajean | GI - shenyu - collar | GI - shenyu - collaring | GI - subway performance | GI - valentine's | GI - yaesara | KH - Radiance - Kaiku | KH - Secret Forest | KHR - 1827 - demi!hibari awkward chase | KHR - 1827 - domestication | KHR - 1827 - give me something (to believe in) | KHR - 1827 - how you gonna break | KHR - 1827 - i've got no language left to say it | KHR - 1827 - PATHATH | KHR - 1827 - pokemon | KHR - 1827 - sakura | KHR - 1827 - sick fic | KHR - 2759 - handle with care | KHR - 2759 - how the other half live | KHR - 2759 - this is the sequel lol | KHR - 2759+ - lonely when you leave | KHR - 2780 - but i just want you | KHR - 2780 - i'm afraid of everthing (i'm not afraid of you) | KHR - 2780 - split my mouth wide open | OFMD - edizzy | OFMD - edstede - (you were not one of them) | OFMD - good boys ch5 | OFMD - harpies - | OFMD - just let me suffer | OFMD - maryizzy prompt | OFMD - steddyhands - the tighter your grip, the harder i'm pulling | OFMD - stizzy jail time actual | OFMD - what is this?? | T&B - are you happy | T&B - tigerbunnies | T&B - wild ride | Trigun - KV - i'll tell you what i'm gonna do 3 | Trigun - KV - seeds | Trigun - neko nyai | Trigun - plantcest ideas | Trigun - trimax v7 last ch | TS - gray beach | TS - red string of fate |
i skipped a lot of the prompt fics that I wrote but haven't expanded on (but would like to) and uh. yeah. if anyone finds their way here due to the plantcest don't lose your shit at me for using kv when i write vk, just fucking don't. ANYWAY YEAH, i tend to be really really fucking systematic with my doc names because otherwise it would take me a week to find anything and i sort by "most recently modified by me" or else i'd also be entirely fucked. this is entirely skipping ans, vld, and tm, i admit, but listen, we don't need to be here forever. right? right. u_u
"and then tag as many people as you have wips" ha
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limeandlightonwater · 2 years
harringtonisms' masterlist
all my fics (published and upcoming) for your viewing pleasure!
s t e d d i e
→ WONDER “Like what you see Stevie?” He teased, head tilted playfully. Steve blushed again, and looked away, embarrassed he was caught checking Eddie out. He was Steve Harrington. Known ladies’ man. He was the one who put Skull Rock on the map and yet here he was, getting flustered over his crush like a schoolgirl. - Or, Eddie puts his hair up and Steve can't handle it.
→ PEOPLE LIKE US “You…with the tattoos, and the rings, and the chains, and the all black clothes…adopted three kittens? And you iron Mr. Harrington’s clothes every morning? And planned a picnic out on Lovers’ Lake? You taught Mr. Harrington to make little origamis? Made him a flower crown? That was you? But you look so…” Amanda paused looking for the words. Mr. Munson glanced over his shoulder at Mr. Harrington with the widest grin she’d ever seen. “You look so, not the type.”
“I told you all those years ago, Stevie. Forced conformity. It’s killing the kids. - Or, Five times Amanda Driscoll hears about Mr. Harrington's wife and the One time she realizes it's his husband. Based off of this post!
→ IT ALWAYS LEADS TO YOU It’s when they get up and move to the bathroom and run through their morning routines, integrating the other seamlessly. Passing the toothpaste and pointing to where “You missed a spot” like this was commonplace. Minty kisses against fogged mirrors and soft I love you’s whispered into his shoulder blades. It’s then that Eddie wonders why he continues to wake up alone in New York when he could have endless mornings like this in Hawkins. - Or, Eddie is a rockstar who left the town that has hated him for a music career. Steve is a teacher who couldn't bare to leave the only home he knows. Eddie's in Hawkins for a few days and he thinks about the road not taken.
→ UNNAMED Snippet Not Available Yet - Or, Eddie's bandmates are constantly hearing about his super metal, super hardcore husband. Imagine their surprise when they finally meet the guy and he's wearing a baby blue polo and slacks. (Part of the People Like Us universe.)
b u c k i n g h a m
→ YOU BELONG WITH ME [Part One] [Part Two] Chrissy blushed at the thought of directly kissing Robin. Her gaze rose to Robin’s lips for a second. They looked soft and pink, like the brunette was a fan of chapstick. She wondered which kind of chapstick Robin bought. Did she like the flavored ones? Would her kisses taste like strawberries? Cherries? Vanilla? - Or, Five times Robin found Chrissy and the One time Chrissy looked for Robin. (In other words, a timeline of their relationship! From the day they met to the day they finally got together.)
Snippet Not Available Yet
Chrissy convinces the cheer coach to let the squad cheer during the girls soccer games for the super valid, and not at all random, reason of practice. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Robin Buckley is on the girls soccer team.
o t h e r
→ IN THE NAME OF PRACTICE “We could…kiss each other, right? In the name of practice?” Amanda swallowed and nodded hesitantly.
“Yea, in the name of practice.” She forced out. It felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest.
— Or, Amanda and Lj decide that practicing kissing on each other is a totally normal, totally straight thing to do.
**This is a ficlet starring all original characters from the first part. This takes place in the same universe as the first fic but does not contain any characters from Stranger Things.
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deliciouskeys · 2 years
Yay! Lots of numbers below, feel free to pick and choose :)
16, 26, 39 (I think you *know* which particular scene I want a snippet of, but anything will do haha), 69, 76 for ZM
Thanks for the asks. I warn you, the following is verbose and references morally reprehensible fics. TW, lol.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them?
I have many if just vague ideas count! And I'm sure you'll be pleased that they all revolve around Homelander, one way or another lol. I hate "claiming" prompts on the Meow meow prompt jar because it feels like hogging it unless I'm going to be actively writing, but I did just sign up for your "fertility treatment" prompt. My brain is often eaten up by the idea of HL being happily pregnant, and really self-satisfied to the point of being annoying. Meanwhile Butcher's probably kind of worried-- not like HL's going to be able to get a C section, at least not through conventional means. HL's blithely all 'we'll cross that bridge when we get there.' He's just enthused about getting to use a breast pump in the near future, and probably the fact that the baby he has is going to adore him unconditionally.
Yes, I am gross.
26. Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Hrm. Unfortunately the wildest ride is still probably the first fic I ever posted publicly. Originally on LJ. 51k words. 12 chapters. Of... me being a teenage edgelord and writing about Captain Hook privateprisoning a prepubertal boy, that's not ever going to grow up, as if the chanslash wasn't bad enough.
Anyway, I skimmed through this fic about a year ago just to recall what was in it again, and I had forgotten just how fucked that story is, beyond even the pairing premise itself. There's gangrape of a child, ye olde macabre medical horror, and severe emotional trauma and manipulation/gaslighting that leads to really inappropriate bonding. But it did have impressive levels of worldbuilding, and pretty intricate dynamics between the, um, leads, but also side characters. It was a very rich environment. I was "1 or 2 chapters away from finishing it" and then never did, because, damn that thing was hard to wrap up in a not-completely-disturbing ending. I still occasionally get requests to finish it and people are subscribed, but I would not be able to get back into whatever mindset I had at that age. "Wildest" ! = "good" lol, but I'd never delete it.
Don't judge me for what i was doing ~20 years ago D:
39. Share a snippet from a WIP
Heh, full disclosure I criiiinge posting snippets of my fics because they're so awkward out of context, it's like walking in in the middle of sex. But here you go, from a section you asked for. I wish I just had this done and posted to AO3 -__-
Homelander probably senses the hesitation and decides to get himself up to a kneeling position, tilting his face up, licking his lips invitingly, probably hoping to defuse and redirect the weird energy in the room into something sexual rather than violent.
"Oh no you don't." Instead of undoing his fly, Butcher hoists Homelander up to his feet and pulls him out of the cage and towards the breakfast nook. "Lie down across my lap," he commands once he's situated himself in a chair.
"Why did you--" Homelander's words catch in his throat as Butcher yanks him down to lie across his lap, not waiting for obedience. "…take Temp V?" He sounds worried, and tries to lift his head, only to get his shoulders shoved back down.
The first thwack across Homelander's ass sounds really loud, echoing off the walls of the living room. Butcher gave it his all, somewhat forgetting that his strength was amped up. His palm smarts and he can only guess what it feels like on the receiving end. Homelander doesn't make a sound, maybe too shocked. Butcher swats him again.
"Really? This is just childi—" Another thwack resounds across the room and Homelander breathes hard through his nose. "That hurts, you know," he hisses.
"Yeah, that's the general idea. I know no one probably ever punished you while you were growing up, so it must be a new concept…" Butcher trails off, suddenly recalling the photocopied lab notes from Vought and realizing what he's saying is uncharitable.
Homelander doesn't argue, just lets out a strained whimper when Butcher's next whack lands square on the place he hit the first time. Angry red splotches are forming on his skin, helpfully marking out where he's already been hit and where he hasn't.
69. What work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
I'm not embarrassed per se, but I probably should be (if by nothing else than the sheer length of these three). Original dates, reposted to AO3 later.
2003- 51k chanslash mentioned in the previous question
2006 - 21k of working through some angst issues. Original work set in WWII Germany, also starts out underage although at least postpubertal,  problematic and historically inaccurate
2008- 59k of Pineapple Express mpreg, although I do recommend that movie to anyone who likes implied gayness in media and bizarre, funny dialogue which was a fun challenge to try to emulate in fic
76. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of [ZM]?
I have generally managed to get everything into ZM that I wanted! One longish sequence I remember discarding (no mourning) was HL goading Billy to take Temp V with some form of misbehavior, and that being the thing that finally tips them into an overtly sexual, rather than a covertly-in-denial-kinky, relationship. It was violence that ended up as sex. But it was pretty rapey, and I didn't like it for this pairing. I prefer the version posted, where they're almost accidentally upping the ante, and kind of mutually sexually harassing each other, and it's about as consensual as it can be, at least within a private prison setting.
Plus Temp V does make an appearance towards the end of the fic, as you can tell from the WIP snippet lol.
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tka-trashfire · 10 months
WIP titles askmeme
tagged by @shadaras
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Somewhat listed from "most to least recently worked on"; it gets a bit messy when I keep some of my drafts in different places.
(This is... absolutely not everything in my WIPs pile. I'm leaving out all of my currently-being-worked-on Writer's Month stuff, because it's handwritten and doesn't have titles. And, well, I simply have far too many WIPs - even when only looking at those I've actively worked on in, say, the past six months - to be interested in copying them all out here, jfc. I chose to cap it at the 25 most recently worked on things.)
Writer's Month 2023, Day 2 - Perfume (Zhou Yebai/Gao Yingjie, non-con)
FSQ x GYJ, guardian tree verse adjacent
FangQiao, Lavender Haze (FangGaoQiaoWang sedoretu stuff)
BRX x LJ, doing a dragon
AWY x DYQ x LF, ways to fall asleep
GYJ x QYF, the one that's totally not an octonauts fusion
SMC x QYF x WC, fuck me already fic
AWY x LCH x OIA x QYF, 'fuck it. fill your hands' (redux)
all x Qiao, in this house we kiss QYF
AWY x GYJ, Conflagration
BRX x LJ, Baozi's big dick problems (Baozi/Luo Ji/Qiao Yifan)
CYX x SMC, hotel bed
KT x OIA x V, RECURSIVE for the Arranged Marriage AU
all x QYF, (Rabbit Prince AU), Mo Fan builds them a bed
AWY x QYF, QYF finds out AWY has been paid for sex - he gets turned on abt it rather than whatever (kink bingo)
AWY x QYF, hooked up before they joined Happy
GYJ x QYF, magic fertility rune thing
FSQ x GYJ x WJX, firsts and lasts
FSQ x WJX, Changelings (idk maybe make this a notfic)
GYJ x LXB, drunken sex
GYJ x QYF, silkpunk AU
LJ x QYF, «If you don't have your own cock, store-bought is fine» (newest version)
GYJ x QYF, Pac Rim AU
MF x SQY, Team China fic
GYJ x QYF, kemmering
(Not tagging anyone because ajfka;sdlfsd etc but if you see this and you'd like to do it! Then you should consider yourself tagged :D )
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plothooksinc · 1 year
From the writer asks: 2, 13, and 16? :3
No. 2 I just answered! (But the answer is YUS YUP ABSOLUTELY)
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
Very little officially. Like I will bullet point an outline just to make sure I have some vague idea of how to get from A to B and then most of it is just winging it from there. As I suffer from rampant insomnia I definitely do spend a few hours in bed fidgeting and deciding if I was happy with the last scene and how I can improve it, or how I should start the next chapter, etc etc, so there is some thought along the way! But I don't tend to think too much before writing because I'll end up overthinking and not writing at all. (See fandoms A B and C that I wrote for that never saw the light of day.)
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
For the title of the fic itself, right as I'm posting up Chapter 1-- by the time I've fumbled my way through the intro chapter I have an idea of theme/suitability. Working titles are there earlier of course, but they' tend to be pointless dull things I don't put effort into (NRFTW's working title was 72 hours, because that was my first guess of the entire timeline.) When titling NRFTW I did flail around a bit because it had Been A Long While, but I settled on this because No Rest For The Wicked got firmly stuck in my head while I considered how frazzled everyone was going to get, so it's just a play on that. For chapter titles, I'm usually lazy enough to number them without an actual title, but sometimes I get creative. And for the most part they get picked as I finish up the chapter also /o/ I let where I ended up in the chapter guide me on what to call it. (And of course these days I'm just looking up the Still Alive lyrics and going "ah yes, this is perfect, evil cackle here")
Zaibatsu Project is the one exception on both counts because I was loosely calling it 'the Zaibatsu project' before I started writing as I tried to work out if I could make such an obscenely different AU, and then I used a different medium entirely to tell the story (its own little LJ comm with computer code and chat fonts) so that was also an experimental project and the story itself involved revolves around a zaibatsu project... so it just stuck on different levels. And on LJ, all the snippets definitely had their own titles of varying conspiracy-generating complexity, but when I finally started adapting it to put up on ff.net I had to collate the snippets together so ended up going with the flat numbering system.
Thank you! ♥♥
Fic ask meme is here.
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theoldmixer · 2 years
ask game: 💖 🛠 ⛔️ 🤲
💖 What made you start writing?
I've always loved coming up with my own stories even if I wasn't good at it. I think I started writing fanfiction because I wanted to come up with my own stories for my ships. I hand-wrote my first fanfic in high school for Harry Potter and passed it as a note to my friend. It's very very cringe. I know I still have it somewhere. In college I decided to write my first fic, which was a Charlie/Claire fanfic for the show LOST. It was on LJ and is still on ff.net 🙈
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
I use google docs so that I can easily pull up my fanfic on my phone as well. You never know when the inspiration may strike! I also made a fanfic only google account because let's just say I've had some close embarrassing calls on my personal google account.
⛔️Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
Ohhh I have so many. The one I think about most often is one for Hamilton which was like 10k.
I have started a ton of mclennon ones that will probably be scrapped? I just went through and looked and there's one random one I started in January. Not sure where this was even going but:
  Paul gave himself one final look in the mirror—not a single hair of his quiff out of place, he didn’t spend nearly 20 minutes on it for nothing. Giving himself a shrug he lifted his guitar case and opened the door to his bedroom slowly. Last he had seen his dad, he was sleeping quietly and contently in the worn armchair in the living room. Paul trusted his luck and stepped into the hallway, stepping carefully in the spots he knew to be less likely to squeak, revealing his escape. The stairs had ratted him on many a late night adventure, so he continued taking his time to soften each creak of the stairwell. 
🤲Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
I'll post a couple more! This is a fic I was going to scrap but you convinced me not to! It's a random modern au animal shelter fic!
He followed John into a separate room with multiple rows of deep cages. He stopped at one. 
Paul eyed the tag. “Pyramus and Thisbe? Those are weird names.” 
“Guess the foster parents were Shakespeare fans. Or maybe Greek mythology.” 
John opened the cage and clicked his tongue to call them to the front. 
It was a mistake. 
How could anyone resist puppies and kittens?
Paul’s eyes widened. They were the cutest things he had ever seen. Both a mix of greyish colors, he reached forward to pull the slightly darker one towards him. 
It mewed at him with the most high pitched meow he had ever heard. He now greatly understood cute aggression. This kitty was so cute he just wanted to squeeze it. 
And here's part of the next chapter of the modern au:
His mind felt numb. He could hear everything happening but it was like his body couldn’t process it. 
Brian had come in and woken them up to show them the news and he hadn’t said a word. Brian asked him questions, but Paul heard none of this. His mind was a fog of panic, his hands shaking. 
His therapist's face floated into his mind’s eye. 
“Paul. You have to let yourself feel things. You can’t push down every single emotion. It’s not healthy. Eventually those emotions will have to be felt. Let yourself feel them.” 
He didn’t want to feel this. This felt awful. How could this happen?
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loftec · 2 years
7!!! and 28 and 73 :D (for the writing meme)
A rat!! 😍 🥰 😘
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
Since I know you already know what my first fic was about, I thought I'd go all in; dig it out from the hidden depths of my old LJ account and maybe even post a lil snippet. It's gone, I didn't only private the posts of my old fic, I went scorched earth lol. The oldest thing I could find was from my second era when I desperately tried to justify myself by writing maudlin fic about two gays not getting together (real fucking ace of me, in retrospect). I was writing RPF about the Japanese rock band Dir en grey, as well you know, and I think the first fic I ever wrote about them was a vampire AU, but it might also have been an assassin AU. Either way 100% to do with this MV. No actually I'm pretty sure it was the vampire AU first, because I still remember the feedback I got on it about formatting. And also being embarrassingly bad at properly bending the word "werewolf", it still makes me mildly anxious tbh lol (as does the word "brush" for silly multilingual reasons). Do I remember the plot of this vampire AU? Absolutely not a single bit, and I find myself surprisingly bummed about it.
28. handwritten notes or typed notes?
Typed! I barely have the patience to type on my phone, never mind on paper... I do remember writing fic on paper when I was still young enough to go on holiday with my family, transcribing it to the family PC once I got home (tell me you're old without telling me etc).
73. how do you visualize scenes? do you see it like a movie in your head, or do the words just flow?
Like a movie in my head. I think it's pretty similar to how I've always seen images that I've wanted to paint or draw, with the major difference that I've almost always been incredibly disappointed with how my paintings and drawings turn out. I tend to position myself as a camera in a scene, and when I think about it I'll focus on different things depending on where I'm at, sometimes it's all dialogue and facial expressions, sometimes it's down to the minutiae of dust drifting through a beam of sunlight. I have learnt to be better about editing away a lot of this stuff because I can really get lost in detailing every single little thing in a scene, the way a camera would idly capture someone's finger tapping aimlessly against a surface, or how a character's feet is positioned on the floor, or the way light will behave depending on where the camera is positioned. It feels necessary to the scene when I first write it because I can see all of it so clearly, but I've trained myself to notice in edit how tedious it can be to read all of that when you don't have the mental image for reference 😆
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roseclaw · 1 year
Hello 👋
1, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 16 for the questions please 🥰
Hi nonny! Thanks for asking!
1: Do you have a word-count goal for the upcoming year?
I usually have a goal of writing about 500 words per day, plus NaNo. This comes out to about 200k. Some days I write 0 words, some days I write 5,000. I don't force myself to write, because that never ends well.
5: Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
My first WIP to complete is for an exchange, and therefore hush-hush. I do have many other WIPS, though, and will end up having a whole bunch more. :D I am also considering doing ficlets for this challenge:
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6: Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
Fic for the sangcheng mini bang. Neither exist at the moment, so I need to get a move on with both. XD
7: Will you change anything about the way you interact with other writers?
I'm trying to be more active on dreamwidth again. I've fallen out of the habit of blogging, and I miss the community of LJ, but that's never coming back.
8: Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
There are some ideas I have that are mostly just vibes? But I usually try to tackle any idea I have. If I can't, then WIP Amnesty it is.
16: Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted?
Ugh. My winery AU. I want this fic to be finished, but every time I try to work on it, I'm distracted with another shiny idea. I have too many ideas. /o\
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surreality51 · 2 years
I just rediscovered my old LJ account from 2007-2010 dedicated to AFI slash fanfic. It’s always weird unearthing a part of your past, but in this case it brought a huge wave of nostalgia and bittersweet wonderings. Because for me, being part of the AFI bandslash fandom was as much about the fellow fans I met as about the band we all loved. That was the first fandom where I actually joined in and met people (virtually, under online handles or first name only, but still) instead of lurking like I always and still do. It was a time and a place in my life where I felt intensely alone and yet these fellow fans were reaching back to me and saying, “yeah, I feel alone too. Let’s be lonely together.”
And now it’s been over a dozen years since we’ve all scattered, gone back to our real lives. It’s been years since I’ve listened to an AFI song. Even the places where we used to gather — afislash.com and LJ — are long gone.
The band recently played a live show, their first in 3 years. I didn’t even know about it except my husband works with a family member of one of the band members and that person mentioned to hubby that they were going the show. I watched the fan recordings from the show on YouTube and that just triggered this whole avalanche of memories and feelings.
I googled the old handles of my fellow AFI slashers but found nothing, just LiveJournal accounts abandoned over a decade ago. No Tumblr accounts with the same handles, no AO3 accounts, not even Twitter. It’s like we all melted back into reality.
It’s funny because it’s been a while since I’ve felt lonely, but trying to find your old friends and coming up empty will do that to you. I didn’t miss them a month ago, before these memories came up, but I miss them now. I wonder where they are, what their lives are like, did they find what they were looking for. Do they still remember the old days, chatting on the forums, trading snippets of fics like friendship bracelets, posting a new fic and waiting eagerly for the person you wrote it for to scream with you in the comments. It was about the band, yes, but it was more than the band.
I think about how back then I would’ve screamed internally if I met anyone even distantly connected to the band (“omg you were in Adam Carson’s second grade class?”) Now my husband works with one of their family members on a daily basis and I can’t find someone to scream about it with.
Life is strange.
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wipbigbang · 3 years
2021 Schedule + FAQ
All times are by 8:59pm PST. Convert time zones.
Sign-ups Begin- April 1st
Sign-ups Close- April 15th
Check In #1- April 22nd
Check In #2- May 15th
Snippets Due- June 1st
Art Claims Begin- June 17th
Check In #3- June 22nd
Check In #4- July 6th
Rough Drafts Due- July 15th
Posting Claims Begin- July 23rd
Posting Claims Ends- August 1st
Final Drafts/Art Due- August 7th
Posting Starts- August 8th
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Do I need a Livejournal/Dreamwidth/AO3/etc. account to participate? No! You don’t have to have an account on anything to participate, though you will need to have somewhere to post your finished work. Having one or more accounts will help for you to follow what is going on with the bang (we crosspost to Livejournal, Dreamwidth, Tumblr, and Twitter at the moment), but they are not required to participate. You can always leave comments anonymously or with an opensource ID.
Will I get emails about the bang? We do send out some emails, mostly for snippets and art claims and to ensure communication between authors and artists, but please do NOT rely on getting an email to remind you of due dates. We currently do not keep an updated email list of participants, so we only send individual emails as needed rather than mass emails.
However, email is the fastest way to communicate with the mods. If you have any questions or are having trouble communicating with your artist/author, please do email us! We will do our best to respond quickly.
Is there a minimum word count? 7,500 words, but the sky's the limit, right?
What do you mean by minimum word count to enter? This is a WIP Big Bang, therefore we ask you to have at least 500 words of your story drafted when you enter. It's okay if you have posted a few chapters of your fic already (you never know when the muse deserts you, after all), we just require you to refrain from posting more until posting begins here.
Is there anything not allowed? As long as you wrote it and you want to finish it, you're welcome to participate. Just bear in mind that original work is only allowed on AO3 if it has a fannish connection and might make it hard for artists to work with. But we'll make a dedicated post for that if there will be any.
What are 'Check Ins’? These are a way for us to see what you've been up to and for you to make sure you're still on track. It will give you a little nudge/reminder if you need it, but they are not compulsory.
What are the snippets requirements? In order to allow the artists to make art for the story they claimed, we require you to supply three snippets from your fic, between 500 – 1500 words each. The snippets will be sent to the artist after they have claimed your story. They're to help the artist match your story for artwork the best way he or she possibly can. It’s helpful to choose scenes or parts of scenes that you feel best represent your fic, but don’t feel like they have to be perfect to be submitted. Along with the snippets, we will send your artist the basic fic info and your email, so the two of you can collaborate more if you would both like.
What are the rough drafts requirements? For the rough drafts, stories should be at least 80% complete. You will not have to turn them in to us, just assure us that you are at that point. Anything less is at the discretion of the mods and those authors should speak to one of the mods asap.
What is, and do I need, a beta? A beta is basically a person who goes over your work to make sure that there are no spelling/grammatical errors and they can even be of assistance in helping you with story lines, etc. It is highly recommended that a beta looks over your work before posting. If you are having trouble finding a beta, try this post.
Where can I post my fic/art? Stories and art can be posted to your own personal journal, tumblr, ff-net, AO3, or wherever you like. For those of you with AO3 accounts, we will set up a collection that will go live on the day of the posting. Also, we've enabled moderated posting to the comm (Livejournal and Dreamwidth) for members. We will post a template for posting artwork and stories to the comm closer to the posting date.
If you don’t currently have an AO3 account but would like one, you can contact the mods for an invitation code to see if they have any available. You can also add yourself to the AO3 Invites Request queue.
How do I know when to post? Posting will be tiered; you'll each get your own posting date that you and your artist will decide on together. There will probably be four fics, plus art, posting per day between August 8th and September 30th. The post with date claims will go up on July 23rd and you'll have to choose your date by August 1st.
If you want to post your story in chapters on AO3 or your own blog (or wherever you usually post), you may do so starting August 1st. However, posting has to be finished by your chosen posting date to the comm. One of the things we're hoping to do with the posted dates is to give everybody on the comm a little bragging time in the spotlight. You know, "this story was incomplete for this long, but I finished this sucker." If you don't have time to post on your chosen posting date, you can queue up a post ahead of time and we can post it on the date you picked. Either way works for us. Art will be due on the chosen posting date to the comm.
Is there a minimum/maximum requirement for my art? There is no strict minimum, but we do ask artists to remember that the authors are writing a minimum of 7,500 words and your artwork should reflect that. You can do anything you like, including banners, wallpapers, icons, mixes, vids, gif sets, picspams, etc. Suggested guidelines for art are 500x500px (or equivalent of smaller pieces like banner + spacers, cover + icons, etc.) for traditional art, digital art, and manips; 2 minutes for vids; 10 songs + cover art for mixes; and 6 images for gif sets and picspams. We also ask that when you are in contact with the author, you work with them to see if there is anything specific they would like (i.e. a wallpaper, book cover, etc.). The art is your work, but having ideas doesn't hurt!
What are 'art claims'? The claims are when anonymous summaries of the story go up for artists to choose from. It is based on a 'first come, first served' basis and artists may choose up to three potential stories (in case their first choice is unavailable). If there are more stories than artists, there will be a second round of claims wherein artists may choose a second story to work with. And on until all stories are claimed for art.
If a fic up for claiming is rated explicit (R, NC-17, etc.), please only claim the story if you are over 18 years of age. Some authors may be uncomfortable working with underage artists on explicit works. We do not verify ages in any way for the bang, so this is solely on the honor system.
Can I get an extension? Community extensions may be given in the event that the majority of the authors/artists need one. They may also be given individually under certain circumstances, but this must be discussed with the mods and will only be a short extension for posting. If you are certain that you won’t be able to finish your story in time, please let us know by June 13th.
What do I do if I have problems or concerns about my author/artist? Sometimes authors and artists do not get along and this may cause problems with working together. If this happens to be the case with you, please email the mods and we will try to do what we can so that everyone has a chance to have fun at WIP Big Bang!
If you have not heard from your author/artist in some time after trying to contact them, you can reach out to us via email and we will try to get in touch with them for you.
Can I drop out? We have high hopes that everybody who signs up can actually finish the round and share in the joy of the reveal with us, but real life can unfortunately get in the way and we completely understand! If you feel like you just cannot finish in time and no amount of assistance from us can help you, just let us know by July 13th (if at all possible).
Is it possible to be banned? We do have a banned users list. We hope to use this to encourage participants who are having issues to communicate with the mods. We want to help you! The way the ban works is that participants, either authors and artists, will be banned for dropping out without notifying a mod. This means that anyone who has not posted or talked to a mod by the time the posting period ends will be banned. Dropping out is not in and of itself a banning offense, so please do not panic if you have to drop out! We understand that there are many reasons you may need to drop, and we want to work with you.
Bans will last one round or until the issue is resolved, whichever comes first. To resolve a ban, authors will have to finish and post the story they signed up with and artists will have to finish and post the art for the story they claimed. Three bans will result in a permanent ban from the bang.</lj-cut>
I have a question/concern that’s not mentioned here. If you need help, you can always contact a mod and we will do our best to make sure that you get your story/art finished. The best and fastest method of contact is through our email, [email protected].
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sesskagarchive · 3 years
Do you know any fanfics where Sesshoumaru is a politian and Kagome is his assistant. Nsfw would be nice too 🙂
Hi Anon,
There are two fics (Candidacy & Pistola) here where Sesshomaru is a politician. Thanks for your help, Kaoruhana!
We also added a few others that fit the political intrigue genre. Politics in SessKag fics tend to be about court intrigue and centre around Sesshoumaru’s role as the Lord of the Western Lands. There tends to be some slipped in to a lot of canon era fics where Sesshoumaru and Kagome spend time at Sesshoumaru’s palace/castle.
In AU scenarios it’s a much more common trope to have Sesshoumaru be a CEO, with Kagome as his assistant. We will have a CEO!Sesshoumaru list coming up eventually, if you’re interested!
Happy reading!
- Admins Sage & Chie
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Candidacy by Priestess Skye
Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: *Complete* A Presidential candidate and his campaign worker discover each other as they work toward a common goal. Story is told through a snippet of moments. From the LJ Community IY no Kakera. SessKag
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Fate Worth Fighting For by lovebites88
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Alternate Canon Universe: With a destiny already planned for her, Kagome, the precious daughter of a high-ranking inu yokai family, grows up in yokai court. The reappearance of the Shikon no Tama, a sacred jewel many seek for its power, throws ancient Japan into a state of political unrest. An evil comes lurking out of the shadows, bent on obtaining the sacred jewel for his own greed. With war being inevitable, the Western court is demanding that Lord Inu no Taisho appoint his eldest son, Sesshoumaru, as crown prince to the throne, to secure the furture of the lands. As the Fates intertwine the two young souls, the ever growing evil gets closer to his goal. Can Japan be saved? Or will the brutality of war be Japan's ultimate destruction? Status: Abandoned
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Fleeting Images by Lucielle
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: M Summary: The year is 1570; the 14th Shogunate, Ashikage Yoshiteru, has been assasinated. Two years after the defeat of Naraku and Inuyasha's assumed death, the world seems much the same. Appearances, fragile as starlight, are never what they seem. Sess/Kag. Canon Status: Abandoned
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Girl Warrior by Chronotope
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Kagome never expected her life to change; she was the second daughter of the Imperial House. However, after a fateful meeting with the Princes of the Western Territory, her fate takes a dramatic turn, and she is thrown into a world of political subterfuge, passion, and danger. Will the unwilling princess be able to survive destiny's plan for her?
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Pistola by TheWonderCage
Posted on: FFnet Rating: M Summary: Politics and Love. Who would have ever thought that such a combination could be possible? In order to skip doing her midterm paper, Kagome agrees to do volunteer campaign work that puts her in the campaign office of one Sesshoumaru Taishou, politician ext Status: Abandoned
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Scandalous by Moondance
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: M Summary: She knew what she was doing was wrong.  To her it didn’t matter that they could never be.  She didn’t care what others would think, or what whispers would be said behind their backs.  She was tired of fighting fate, she was tired of fighting herself.  She needed him. And she was about to commit the biggest political sex scandal of the decade by being with him. Status: Abandoned
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The Outsider by Take-bamboo
Posted on: Dokuga Rating: T Summary: Though she was the mother of the prince of Western lands, she held no position. In the midst of war and political alliance between the western and northern lands, can Sesshoumaru uphold his honour and protect his loved ones? Sequel to The truth hurts. Status: Abandoned
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The Perfect Mate by BelovedStranger
Posted on: A03, Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: Unwittingly, Kagome stumbles into the midst of a game of political intrigue, where the prize would mean mating the all powerful Lord of the West. A prize she did not desire, however, fate would have her victorious. Wounded, enemies converge while known friends are out of reach. She was forced to rely on Sesshomaru, who had his own hidden agendas where she was concerned. A fierce attraction holds sway between the two as they slowly revealed what fate had locked away, only to set free a power perhaps best left alone. Hindsight is not foresight and love could not concur all. Only through sacrifice could Sesshomaru save all he had come to hold dear.
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Undercover Wife by MorgainsDespair
Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: Sesshoumaru is forced into an arranged marriage that goes horribly wrong, but his mother's quick thinking saves them from political anarchy when she has Kagome, his fiance\'s dead ringer, take her place, much to Inuyasha\'s distress. AU. SessKag. Status: Abandoned
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