#the fact that jesse had JUST called walter out for the fact that he's constantly manipulating him by acting like he cares
when walter hugs jesse in season 5 episode 11. no man has ever deserved to die like walter hartwell white
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popanalysis99 · 3 years
Toxic Men in TV Series who are the absolute worst.
(TW: R*pe and Sexual Assault)
While there are some men who seem to be interesting, let’s not deny the fact that there are most male characters who act like their “toxicity” is cool but honestly, it’s horrible and something not to root for. So here are the toxic male characters who are the absolute worst, excuse my misandry:
Kevin McRoberts - Kevin Can F**k Himself
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We had to start somewhere from the bottom of the underworld. A recent entry on this list, Kevin is the lead character Allison’s husband who...let’s just say has the brain of a dumb frat bro who is extremely high on pot and hasn’t recovered since then. While most of the sitcoms in the past would portray these so-called goofy and dim-witted husbands as “big fun” and lovable, Kevin is not like that, at all. In this anti-sitcom nightmare, Kevin literally believes that the whole world revolves around him. He plans such stupid unrealistic schemes to seize the day, recklessly spends the savings on stupid irrelevant sports merchandises and doesn’t even let Allison have her own agency outside of his life. Plus he is so petty and spiteful to the point he destroys one good thing that any of the women in the series have, like Allison’s dream job and Patty’s love life. And that latter was because she didn’t bring him a burger! All of this makes him look less funny and more tyrannical. No wonder poor Allison got spurred into wanting to kill him.
Ross Geller - Friends
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Ross may seemed like a “nice guy”, but let’s just agree it was a facade. Ross believes that he knows what’s best for the women he dates in the series and thinks he is superior and is always right about everything. He is seems extremely disturbed over the fact that his ex-wife, Carol is a lesbian and is jilted towards her current wife, Susan and snarks at the latter for it. And then there is her extreme control and jealousy towards Rachel, especially in her career. While Rachel is no saint either, Ross jumps to the conclusion that the man who got her a perfect job wants to sleep with her, then goes out of his way to humiliate and mark his territory on her and even if it’s revealed that the said guy has a girlfriend of his own, Ross still doesn’t abandon his theory, unless he believes that the guy is cheating on his girlfriend with Rachel. And then there is the fact that he joined his student girlfriend on a spring break just to have her all to himself, not caring about the fact that what if one of his students or colleagues would’ve seen him on TV with her and that could’ve put him in a huge scrutiny.
Joe Goldberg - You
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The show is basically built around how toxic Joe is, but this didn’t stop him from having his own fanbase apparently, with most of them glossing over his actions. But Joe is not a dream boyfriend at all. Once he sees a woman in front of him, he immediately gets obsessed with her and believes she belongs to him and him only. And to achieve that, he stalks her, he checks everything about her, kills people he believes are harmful to her when he himself is the same and when the woman finds out about him and rejects him, he kidnaps and kills her and the cycle begins again.
Chuck Bass - Gossip Girl
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What is it with the teen drama industry’s obsession with the “Bad Boy who can be redeemed with love” trope? Chuck Bass is “the bad boy” of Gossip Girl. If his attempted rape of Serena and Jenny didn’t give fans an indication that how deranged he is, his violent and emotional abuse of his girlfriend Blair cements him as this. He slut-shamed women around him, hit Blair once and even traded her for a hotel ownership and somehow he gets a happy ending with her at the end! What?
Nate Jacobs - Euphoria
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Nate is a star quarterback of his high school football team and seems like he has it all, but underneath, he is fucking deranged. His untamed manly rage causes him to physically and emotionally abuse his girlfriend Maddy and blackmail Jules, who didn’t do anything wrong but just sleep with his father, which makes me think that Nate is blackmailing her into lying to the cops about his assault on Maddy when she wasn’t even there when it happened just because it’s fun for him. Honestly, I’d like to see the imagine Rue and Jules had of killing him become a reality someday.
Dawson Leery - Dawson’s Creek
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Just because the show is named after him since he is the protagonist, doesn’t justify his actions. Dawson sees himself as some sort of a Nice Guy hero who believes he is entitled to everything. He has this extreme view on women and how they should fulfil his fantasies of his Rom-Com world. He is extremely critical of Jen when he finds out about her promiscuous past and tells her that she should be ashamed of herself for it, and gets jealous when his two best friends Joey and Pacey begin dating. And when he was briefly in the movie business, he was a rookie but was already a primadonna with the director and crew of the movie was working on and insulted a film critic for criticising his movie which was actually bad.
Kilgrave - Jessica Jones
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Kilgrave is the main villain of the Marvel-Netflix series Jessica Jones. He becomes obsessed with the titular heroine when she breaks off from his mind-control. Before that, he spent years treating her as his sex slave and raping her constantly, which left her traumatised. He begins to stalker and believe it will be a “lover’s reunion” when he will see her again someday. He manipulates and brainwashes everyone around him to his whim and treats most women as objects but despite all that, sees himself as the good guy of the situation. Even after Jessica finally gives him his just desserts, he still haunts her everyday.
Fernando Vera - Mr. Robot
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This spawn of satan is the reason why I decided to write this list in the first place. Where do I even start? He is first introduced into the series when he forces Shayla to go on a date with her and later rape her. This is what causes the misandrist vigilante Elliot to sell him out to the FBI and this apparently turns on Vera and moves his unhealthy obsession to Elliot. He has Shayla killed when he tricks Elliot into breaking him out of prison, then returns to have him all to himself by kidnapping his therapist Krista and forcing information out of her about Elliot so that he could “break him and build him back up”, like a fucked up version of The Taming Of The Shrew. He psychologically abuses Elliot into remembering being sexually abused by his father as a child and proceeds to gaslight him into thinking that he was just helping him. The huge problem with Vera is that he sees himself as some sort of Christian Grey who believes that his abuse towards both Shayla and Elliot is charming. Whenever someone failed his desires, he immediately gets bored of them and moves onto someone else, like when he got Shayla killed and moved onto Elliot. That’s why it felt so cathartic when Krista killed him.
Tate Langdon - American Horror Story
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Apparently, he is Tate Langdon and he is...hot?? While most of the AHS fans glorified him due to his emo bad boy nature, let’s not forget the fact that he was a school shooter who murdered innocent students and staff and was in general possessive and toxic towards Violet. So no way he is boyfriend material!
Don Draper - Mad Men
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Don Draper was the main protagonist of Mad Men. He was an advertisement and marketing executive who had a lot of vices and did a lot of horrible things such as cheat on his wife and treat almost every women and colleagues like crap.
Dexter Morgan - Dexter
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While Dexter might seem like the serial-killer killer, there are a lot of things about him which are unadmirable. He gaslights those he is close to so that they could get off his back, obstructs evidence pointing out to him, captures those who didn’t even fit his victims like Doakes and caused the deaths of LaGuerta, Rita and finally his sister Debra. Yeah I think you should stay away from him.
Walter White - Breaking Bad
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Aaah..the worst of the worst. Walter White is the protagonist of the series Breaking Bad. He first starts off as a pushover high school teacher who isn’t respected by anyone. When he gets diagnosed with Lung Cancer, he gets into the meth business so that he could support his family, but we all know that it’s not true. He relishes on the power and glory from being a drug dealer and then kingpin and because of that he ends up abusing both Jesse and Skyler, emotionally abusing and selling out the former to the sadistic Nazis and raping the latter several times. He is so petty and spiteful that he kills anyone insulting his ego, just ask Mike. And even after all this, he still claims that it’s all for his family. Like what?
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jtem · 3 years
Better Call Saul Season-6 Predictions #2
[Breaking Bad spoilers]
Let me clarify.
In Season-4 of Breaking Bad Gus finally wreaks his revenge on the cartel, in the famous poisoning scene, and then delivers his final blow to Hector, telling him to his face what he had done, and how Jesse had killed his son and how there are no more Salamancas left and the name dies with him (Hector). So, Lalo has to die. He’s not around for Breaking Bad, Breaking Bad shows us the deaths of all the living Salamancas and Lalo isn’t one of them. Lalo dies. Period.
And Jimmy/Saul has to be involved in some way.
Lalo seems to trust Jimmy, Jimmy & Kim would like nothing better than to get out from under Lalo so if Gus/Mike/Nacho need him to set up the guy he has every reason to do so, ESPECIALLY if they’re paying him.
Getting out from under a mad dog killer is good, GETTING PAID TO DO IT is vastly better...
I’m thinking this is what breaks up Jimmy & Kim. 
Someone once said to me that the only real unforgivable sins are maiming someone or murder, because neither can ever be taken back -- murder being considered worse, as apparently even amongst the “Unforgivable” there is still a tiered system.  And this is logical. But, even more so; Murder is illegal. I think that Kim might be willing to look the other way for most crimes but murder is going to be just too big for her to wrap her little lawyer head around. So that’s my prediction:  Lalo dies, Jimmy/Saul is involved in the plot, plays a major role even if not himself the actual murderer, and Kim Wexler just can’t move on from that.
As for Kim:  I would  *Love*  to see her end up with Howard. Yes he was kind of mean to her before she left the firm but, let’s face it, he could have done a lot worse and she wasn’t exactly innocent. 
I dunno. Howard is kind of the male Kim. Even better; Howard is what Kim always wanted to be. Think of this:
Kim was Jimmy’s inspiration to climb out of the mailroom but who was Kim’s?
(Howard. I’m saying it was Howard)
Howard lived the life that Kim always wanted, came from the home that Kim always wished she could have come from. Plus Howard is a nice guy. He is. They dump on him constantly but he’s a great guy! Chuck was an asshole. I mean, could you imagine ever trying to live with someone as anal retentive, as uptight and control-freakish as Chuck? And Jimmy is fun but totally unreliable and even DANGEROUS! Never mind the ethical issues, never mind the constant threat of legal consequences; the guy brings killers home!
Howard is a nice guy. Howard is the man that Kim deserves, and Howard deserves the loyalty that Kim has shown Jimmy. 
So I’d love Kim to wind up with Howard.
   ...”I ship Kimward.”
(Take your pick)
Okay, Nacho:
Nacho has been a victim the entire show. Well, he ripped off the pharmaceutical guy but that was almost a case of “Well we’re criminals, you’ve got what we want and you told us where it was, so we can’t not go take it.”
Anyhow, Nacho has been a victim through the series so I can’t see him being anything but that at the final season’s close. Which means I don’t see him surviving. At least that’s what I’d do if I was one of their writers. He’s a popular character, a fan favorite and he’s not in Breaking Bad. His death will have a powerful emotional impact on the audience and it’ll tie up the Breaking Bad loose end.
If it matters:  Gus has the greatest motive for killing Nacho. Sure, the Salamancas have a motive because of his involvement on the attack at Lalo’s house, but everyone knows that Gus was behind it. Well, everyone but the cartel.
GUS MADE IT CLEAR that he couldn’t have his fingerprints on a Lalo hit, and the only two people who know for a fact that he was behind the attempt are Lalo and Nacho. So if Gus is a cautious man then he would have to think that killing Nacho is a very good idea.
Francesca?  I’m thinking that Jimmy & Kim reboot their office, hire back Francesca only for Kim to walk after Jimmy’s little conspiracy to commit murder experiment on Lalo. And I’m thinking that Francesca only came back for Kim. That, she liked Kim, she kind of saw through Jimmy, and she was happy to go work for Kim again. But, she signed a contract with the firm...
“Ice Station Zebra Associates.”
So Francesca signed a contract with “Ice Station Zebra Associates.” She can’t just walk. She’s stuck there. After Kim leaves Francesca is stuck with Jimmy and that’s why she’s always so unhappy. She’s taking out her anger on the world, not Jimmy. Her dissatisfaction is over life, not Jimmy. This is why she doesn’t just blow the whistle on the guy and get out of her contract. Plus the money is good.
Once Lalo is dead and Nacho is out of the picture (probably murdered under orders from Gus), the Salamanca organization is over. Which means it’s time to cut off the Mexican cartel and start up the laundromat lab...
Well. There’s Tuco. Right now he’s in jail over in the Better Call Saul universe, but he’s the only one north of the border who could possibly run things. In fact, he was attempting to relocate to Mexico when Hank caught up to him. 
Over in Breaking Bad there’s no reason to think that Tuco had been out of prison for very long before Walt crosses paths with him. Skinny Pete says something like that it’s been a year, but a year from what? A year since Tuco got out of prison, or a year since Skinny Pete got out?
They didn’t both have to get out at the same time. When one was released THAT was the last time they saw each other... even if the other wasn’t released for a year or more.
So Better Call Saul could at least in theory run concurrent with Breaking Bad up to Season-3. You know, when Tuco’s cousins attack Hank, promoting a federal response that isolates Gus from the cartel...
I don’t think it will, but you see the potential here. 
Breaking Bad characters who might make an appearance:
Skinny Pete. ESPECIALLY if we see Tuco again, as they are supposed to be in prison together.
Combo? He’s dead in the Breaking Bad universe but still alive & well in the Better Call Saul timeline.
Walter White?  I think the fans want it, and it’s never a bad idea to give the fans what they want, but unless you overlap the timelines... the car wash?
Maybe Gus or Mike or Kim or Nacho gets their car washed?
Walter began Breaking Bad working a part time job there, so it’s a good public place to bump into him.
Jimmy gets arrested. 
As far as anyone knows, he hasn’t done anything too wrong. Seems like Yule is the only one who could do him any real damage and Yule owes the guy a great deal. So Jimmy had shady clients. So what? Probably his most serious crime would be his flight from justice. 
Does Jimmy kill the cab driver? My best guess is that he does not. He is at his heart a negotiator. He conned the money out of his victims, he didn’t stab them or shoot them. So I would think that Jimmy would try something else. And it fails.
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idasessions · 6 years
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Famous Muses & Groupies in Rock Music Pt. 20
MUSE: Stevie Nicks (full name Stephanie Lynn Nicks)
Stevie was born on May 26th, 1948, in Phoenix, AZ to Jess and Barbara Nicks, with a younger brother Chris born later on. Throughout Stevie’s childhood, the family resided in Phoenix, Albuquerque, NM; El Paso, TX; Salt Lake City, UT; and eventually both Los Angeles and San Francisco in California while Jess was a food industry executive. In her early teens, Stevie was educated at Arcadia High School, where she joined her first music act, the folk harmony group the Changing Times. When she was a Senior at Menlo-Atherton High School in late 1965, she met schoolmate and future boyfriend/bandmate Lindsey Buckingham. In 1967, Stevie joined Lindsey in the local psychedelic-rock band Fritz, where Stevie provided lead vocals and Lindsey played bass until the end of 1970. At the same time they were playing in Fritz, Lindsey and Stevie also attended college at San Jose State University until dropping out before their Senior year. Stevie also took ballet classes. From 1971-74, the musical and romantic partners formed the soft rock duo Buckingham Nicks, which included their self-titled LP in 1973. By this time, Lindsey had completely switched from bass to lead guitar. Though not a huge success, their shows and record caught the attention of Mick Fleetwood and landed them new spots in the ever evolving rock band Fleetwood Mac. Stevie and Lindsey’s involvement with FM would be the group’s must popular era from 1975 to 1987. In 1981, Stevie also began a successful solo career. Her signature songs include ‘Crying in the Night,’ ‘Garbo’ and ‘Sorcerer’ of Buckingham Nicks; ‘Dreams,’ ‘Rhiannon,’ ‘Sara,’ ‘Gold Dust Woman’ and ‘Gypsy’ of Fleetwood Mac; and ‘Edge of Seventeen,’ ‘Stand Back,’ ‘If Anyone Falls’ and ‘Talk to Me’ of her solo work.
Like most of her contemporaries in the 1970s, Stevie’s been with a looottttt of dudes. Her turbulent relationship with Lindsey is now obviously the most infamous. The two constantly argued and even once had a physical fight during their time with Mac, and also accused each other of cheating. When not venting about their problems in song, like Stevie’s ‘Dreams’ or Lindsey’s ‘Go Your Own Way,’ Lindsey turned into a pothead and Stevie developed a cocaine habit. Quickly after they separated personally, there were quite a few other famous music artists Stevie made an affect on. The first guy she was with right after Lindsey was Eagles drummer Don Henley. Some even say Don was THE reason the couple officially called it off in 1976. The lyrics to the hit Eagles single ‘Life in the Fast Lane’ are also rumored to be inspired by Lindsey & Stevie’s chaotic history. Stevie and Don would have an on-agan/off-again fling until about 1978, which sometimes included Don flying Stevie out in his private luxury jet to visit the Eagles on tour (wowza).
From 1977-79, Stevie also had a casual affair with her own band’s drummer Mick Fleetwood, which began a year before he and wife Jenny Boyd separated. The song ‘Sara’ from the 1979 FM album ‘Tusk’ is based on both of her exes, Don and Mick. In a 2014 interview with Billboard magazine, Stevie confirmed that the song was first influenced by an abortion she got in early 1978 after she found out she was pregnant with Don’s child. Supposedly when she first told Don the news, he was originally interested in being a parent. But then it suddenly became clear he was ambivalent over the idea, so she decided to abort. Stevie has said not having kids was a very hard decision she made, and went into depth on the subject in Rosanna Arquette’s documentary All We are Saying (2005). She also didn’t think she could properly be both a mother and superstar with the band’s hectic, drug-fueled lifestyle or celebrity atmosphere. The lyric “when you build your house…” is a reference to the fact Don was remodeling his home when she found out she was pregnant. The other half of ‘Sara’ is about Mick overlapping his flings with Stevie and her best friend…named Sara.
In the 1980s, Stevie’s beaus included music producer Jimmy Iovine, guitarist Waddy Wachtel, and new wave artist Dave Stewart. Plus another Eagles band member, Joe Walsh from 1983-86. Surprisingly, Joe is the famous ex who Stevie has named as the great love of her life. She even said she would’ve married him and compromised ‘a little’ to be with him. In 1984, Joe took Stevie to visit the grave of his 3-year-old daughter Emma who was tragically killed in a car accident. This moment inspired Stevie to write the song ‘Has Anyone Ever Written Anything for You?’ on her 1985 album ‘Rock a Little’ to Joe. Like most of her relationships up to this point, there was a lot of booze and coke going around the couple. Allegedly Joe was kind of a douche when he broke up with her, and just called Stevie from Australia while touring to tell her it was over and that was it. And if you thought that was where Stevie’s connection to the Eagles ended, then nope, lol. She also fooled around with one of the band’s songwriters, J.D. Souther sometime between 1977-78. Stevie famously had an amusing fangirly crush on friend and collaborator Tom Petty, who usually had to remind her there aren’t any female Heartbreakers. Similarly, musician friend Walter Egan was attracted to Stevie, but she friend-zoned him. Walter’s biggest single, ‘Magnet and Steel’ from 1978, is about his crush on her.
With the exception of a very brief three month marriage to Kim Anderson, the widower of her close friend Robin, Stevie never married. She did get clean of coke in 1986, but only to get hooked on Klonopin prescribed to her until 1993 before finally becoming sober. She’s been on sporadic good terms with Lindsey since the 1970s (to say the least, lmao); and is still friendly with Mick and Don. (The latter most apparent when they collaborated on the hit ballad ‘Leather and Lace’ from Stevie’s 1981 album ‘Bella Donna.’)
Fun fact: Lindsey’s daughter Leelee and Don’s daughter Sophie are friends with each other, l o l
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Human Nature: PT. 2 "Breaking Bad."
I love good well written story telling, how it's displayed is of no concern to me. I'll read a book, watch a movie, and if the story is as good as I expect it to be, I'll even play a video game for it. You could say it's somewhat of an obsession. My mother had a TV in the kitchen and she would watch a brand new episode of whatever new show was on, while cooking dinner and stop right in the middle of it and continue it the next day. I do not possess such discipline. If I start an episode I have to finish it, it bothers the hell out of me if I have to stop in the middle of an episode and continue it that night or the next day. I binge shows because I need to know how the story ends. My strange obsession gets way worse when it comes to the best shows on television. Breaking Bad is easily in my top 3 best TV shows of all time. But it involves so much more than just a meth dealing teacher with family issues.
Breaking Bad: (Minor Spoilers)
It not only is the prime example when it comes to Human Nature, but also The Tale Of Two Wolves. You as the viewer are expected to follow a man name Walter White, a chemistry teacher, husband and father. Walt is a pushover, his students don't respect him, his wife wears the pants in the family, and his son is a cripple. They are struggling to make ends meet, barely paying bills as we discover Walt has a second job at a car wash, where he is constantly being humiliated by his boss. In the 1st episode Walt passes out on the concrete and is taken to a hospital where he finds out he has lung cancer...
Walter Jr. is Walt's legacy, his lineage, yet he has cerebral palsy. His wife makes all the decisions leaving no room for Walt to intervene. Before we as the view found out that Walt has cancer, Skyler (His wife) puts Walt on a diet and feeds him veges bacon on the man's birthday. Walt has had little choice in the matter of his life and it is only when he discovers he has cancer that he decides he's going to change that.
As the story progresses, Walt goes on a ride along with his DEA Agent brother in law Hank. It is then where Walter meets his former high school student Jesse Pinkman who escapes the bust. Walt approaches him about a temporary partnership, he proposes that they team up and cook and sell meth just until Walt has enough money to set his family up for life when the cancer finally kills him...
A Noble Cause...
It is through these events that have transpired that takes these two on an unforgiving journey. They end up meeting and dealing with murderers and big time Kingpins, whom they have to deal with. Walter White who was a loving father and husband becomes a drug dealer kingpin in the end.
As the writer (Vince Gilligan) put it, he wanted to take Mr Chips and turn him into Scarface.
Throughout the show we see things through Walt's perspective, we even start to hate some people in the show that get in his way even if they're the good guys. It is even presented in the 1st season that Walt founded a company called Gray Matter, but his girlfriend Gretchen and her husband railroaded him out of the company which then made millions. However, this is how it really is... Walt wasn't railroaded out of the company, he sold his shares and left willingly because he felt inferior to her and her wealthy family, not long after his disappearance, the company made millions. He then met Skyler and had 2 wonderful kids and became a high school chemistry teacher. They were all his choices, but they driven by his pride and ego. In fact most of this show is driven by his Pride and Ego.
For the most of all 5 seasons you are on Walt's side every step of the way, you anticipate his next move and root for him more and more as he becomes more villainy. We as the audience go so far as to see the world of Breaking Bad as he sees it, because the show solely follows Walter White and his perspective.
What is truth? We took a look at Walter White, his truth was he was railroaded out of a company, forced into a low paying job, and forced to live in a house they can barely afford as Gretchen and her husband live in their nice, fancy mansion.
What is our Truth? How do you look at the world? Let's create a character. Let's say a man name John spent a lifetime building a business, he risked everything, even what little comfort him and his family had which wasn't much. They just had a small apartment with 1 bedroom. His wife and kids took the master bedroom while he took the couch. He wanted something better for them, he hated the fact he could not provide what his family needed, so he risked everything to build up a business just so he could sell it and make millions. John's truth is, he wanted to start a business, employ as many people as possible and make as much money as possible so that he could provide his family with everything they want. His kids can go to the best schools without worry of money, his wife can live free and remodel the house the way she wants it, John can retire without having to worry about his family's future. Future generations can live comfortably.
That's John's truth.
Now, how about the employees truth?
They have to support their families too, they trusted John to pay them, they rely on John for their salary, then he got up and sold his company to a corporation that laid off half the production workers and replaced them with machines. Now they're on unemployment, practically begging for an interview, starving themselves so they can feed their families first. They put their faith in John, in his company only for him to backstab every single one of those employees just so he can get rich.
That's The Employees Truth?
They were all apart of the same story with different endings and perspective. So I ask again, how do you look at the world? What is your truth? Was John a bad man? Was he a good man? Was he a good father for wanting them to have a better life? There is so many of these scenarios playing out in our world today. So many stories, so many perspectives.
You (The reader) are a villain in somebody's story. I know I'm a villain in many.
To Be Continued....
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wazafam · 3 years
The Breaking Bad storyline, although glacially slow in places, is packed with a series of utterly surprising events. Given the languid flow of the plot, these shocks are all the more effective, and, more importantly, they appear in the form of every emotion imaginable — from fear to anxiety to pleasure to joy to misery to rage.
RELATED: Breaking Bad: Each Main Character's First and Last Line In The Series
Of all the variety of moments present in the series, there are only a few that truly deserve mentioning for being the most shocking. Interestingly, nearly all of them have to do with just three characters: Gus Fring, Walter White, and Hank Schrader. Considering just how stunning each of these was, it's tough to pick one for the top spot.
10 Gus And His Box-Cutter
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Walt's plan to get rid of his replacement, Gale, works, but their employer is furious at his death. Obviously, nobody knows what's going to happen when Gus walks around with a box-cutter in his hand, but Jesse and Walt are terrified that their time is up.
Heisenberg then proposes that the meth operation would be decimated without them, at which point Gus straight up slashes Victor's neck and holds the wound open until he bleeds out. Walter, Jesse, and the audience all watch in total shock.
9 Walter Takes Holly With Him
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After Hank's untimely death, Walter knows that his first priority is his family, so he tries to get them all to disappear for the time being. Skyler and Flynn vehemently object, so much so that the boy even notifies the cops that his father is trying to kill his mother.
Before escaping, though, Walt "abducts" Holly and vanishes. Later, he is seen changing his daughter's nappy, as the baby murmurs the word "mama." What's even more unexpected is the fact that Walt rings his home, and smartly creates an alibi for his wife so that she wouldn't be implicated in his crimes.
8 The Child Assassin
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Andrea Cantillo's younger brother, Tomás, appears long before she does — first as an innocent kid cycling around the neighborhood as Jesse's friend, Combo is trying to sell Walt's product in an unfamiliar locality.
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It is later revealed that the kid is the assassin, having been "initiated" into a gang after he shoots and kills Combo point-blank. The horrors of children being involved in drug cartels aside; viewers simply could not imagine such an event taking place. Until it does.
7 Hank Is Attacked By The Salamanca Brothers
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Given that he had recently killed Tuco Salamanca, Hank should have been more aware of the repercussions, but as it stands, he is blissfully ignorant. In one intense scene, as he enters his vehicle, a mysterious caller lets him know that his fate is about to be sealed. This little clue does not, in any way, reduce the shock value of the moment.
Leonel takes the first several shots, but Hank reverses into him, when his brother, Marco, emerges. The DEA agent would have surely died had he not been able to locate and load a stray bullet in time for a bullseye headshot.
6 Walter's Plan For the Schwartzes
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Walter intends for Elliot and Gretchen Schwartz to take care of his family, but he has to threaten them into acceptance. He claims to have hired expensive hitmen, as evidenced by the sniper laser red dots suddenly appearing on their bodies, which scares the two of them sufficiently.
This intimidation tactic ensures that Walt's money will be delivered to Flynn. Of course, the so-called snipers are Skinny Pete and Badger using laser pens, but it works out in the end, so nobody's complaining. Except for the Schwartzes, probably.
5 Hank Is Murdered Without Mercy
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Hank and Gomez travel to where Walt's money is buried, but Jack Welker's gang makes it quite difficult for them. In fact, the latter is killed in the skirmish that follows, leaving his partner hopeless.
RELATED: Breaking Bad: What Your Favorite Character Says About You
Walt attempts to prevent the inevitable from happening, but Hank already knows that it's finished for him. He chastises his brother-in-law, "You're too stupid to see... he made up his mind ten minutes ago." Hank coldly says "Do what you're gonna do," and Jack does it.
4 The Tortuga In The Desert
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Hank is excited about his new mission in El Paso, but his colleagues don't seem too interested. After acquiring crucial info from a CI called Tortuga, they travel out into the desert.
Hank notices something moving in the distance, which turns out to be a tortoise (on whose back Tortuga's decapitated head is placed and the text "Hola DEA" has been inscribed). Macabre though this scene might be, the metaphorical bombshell is dropped when someone thoughtlessly moves the head, which activates a literal bomb.
3 Walt's Fulminated Mercury Idea
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Jesse Pinkman's stint at selling meth to Tuco Salamanca is a disaster — the young man is violently assaulted by the druglord's men for demanding reimbursement. Walter takes the matter into his own hands, traveling to Tuco and repeating the same demand made by his partner.
The other man simply mocks his audacity and wonders if he truly understands how deals like these go down. In response, the chemistry teacher blasts the place half open with a small piece of "fulminated mercury," a reaction that couldn't be seen coming from a mile away.
2 When Gus Becomes Two-Face
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Gus is constantly ahead of Walt's assassination attempts, so the latter hinges his entire plan on Hector Salamanca. Somehow, he gets the old man to agree to his complicated idea, in which he would be able to take down his hated enemy (while also losing his life). Hector despises Gus so much that he instantly agrees, so he pretends that he has become a DEA snitch.
RELATED: 10 Wild Similarities Between Breaking Bad And Malcolm In The Middle
This means that Gus needs to take care of this loose end, allowing Walt to install an explosive device "powered" by the old man's wheelchair bell. The resulting explosion shatters the room, but Gus staggers out, apparently alive. Then the shot moves on to his face, half of which has been ripped off his skull.
1 Gus' Bottle Of Zafiro Añejo Tequila
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Along with Jesse, Gus goes to Mexico, seemingly to "gift" Don Eladio with Jesse and, therefore, a means of producing the blue meth. At the poolside, he pops a secret pill and then gives the Don a bottle of Zafiro Añejo Tequila.
Knowing that the cartel would never trust something he offered, he consumes some of it first, which puts the others' minds at ease. Little do they know that Gus has come completely prepared for this; his actions decimate Don Eladio's cartel, successfully obtaining vengeance for the murder of his partner decades ago.
NEXT: 10 Best Uses Of Foreshadowing In Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad: 10 Most Surprising Scenes, Ranked | ScreenRant from https://ift.tt/37zYn5Y
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fyeahjulip · 7 years
Can we talk about the fact that Jesse actually proposed to Tulip and made concrete plans of marrying her just so she wouldn’t be alone anymore? She was feeling down about Annville and Walter, and rightfully so. But then Jesse knew that and his only solution was to marry her. He felt so strongly about what he was doing and how he could make her feel better that he made the decision to propose to her.
Ruth’s constantly talking about how Tulip always felt like an outsider and how she always wanted to belong. And here Jesse is willing to marry her so she wouldn’t feel alone anymore. She had just lost her last bit of family, as dysfunctional as it was, but at least it made her feel less lonely knowing that she still had family somewhere in the world. But now, she didn’t have that anymore and now she’s reevaluating her entire life.
Jesse decides to propose to her so she would still have some family. 
Jesse wanted to be Tulip’s family.
Granted, Jesse & Tulip have been a family for a long time now so this would have been nothing more than a formality. But it’s the thought that counts; it’s the idea that Jesse was serious enough about solidifying their relationship by marrying Tulip. While Tulip called it off, it’s also important to note how unselfish Tulip is being in this moment. We know Tulip was completely set on going through with it until real life came at her. Things are good between the two of them right now, but there is still so much unsaid between them too. There are still so many secrets there, and Tulip realizes that starting a marriage that way wouldn’t be fair. Not to him or to herself. 
Tulip may be a lot of things, but she’s also fair. She believes in a fair fight, and there wouldn’t have been anything fair about this fight had she gone through with the wedding. Tulip thinks marriage is stupid, but she was willing to go through with it with Jesse until her past came knocking. But that just reminded her of all the things that need to be hashed out between the two of them before they can have their happily ever after. She strongly believes in their relationship and their love, but she also knows that this wouldn’t have been the kind of life she wanted.
I’m just really proud of the two of them so far; I’m just really proud of how unselfish they’re being about each other. They’re listening to each other, and they’re hearing each other out. Jesse’s consulting with Tulip before using Genesis, and she’s able to voice her concerns about the consent issues with regards to Genesis. He’s listening to her, and he’s taking it all in. They’re making plans and doing things that would make the other happy. Neither one of them were thinking much about their own personal feelings in the matter in this last episode; they were just hell-bent on making each other happy by any means necessary. All this tells us is that Jesse and Tulip are finally at a place where they can be mature enough to put the feelings of their partner before their own. 
We know the fall is coming, but the foundation that’s being set for them in present time tells me it won’t be as bad as we think. I could be completely naive right now, but I’m not worried.
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airoasis · 5 years
The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-real-saul-goodman-from-breaking-bad-and-better-call-saul/
The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?
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Hi there Dan this is for excuse for safety legal professional Alan Greenberg how’re you advocacy is such a neat dense subject I mean I suppose it’s witchcraft it is deep it’s it is alchemy there are not any ethical victories of this industry should you do not win it’s a disaster for the man or woman well you must win them see if he’s coming by means of on something or did he come by means of on a warrant last night time in the words of Jesse Pinkman you do not need a crook lawyer you need a crook attorney and so we get Saul Goodman Breaking unhealthy’s quick-speakme lovable scumbag of an lawyer final season on the true warmth find a real-lifestyles Walter White so this 12 months we puzzled if there were any real-world counterparts to his legal professional to once we asked across the the big apple legal world about who used to be probably the most outrageous most boundary-pushing a most powerful crook safety attorney in the market everybody told us one thing higher call howard greenberg nobody is fairly as outlandish as how it’s you just about guess however what what what you see popping out of his mouth I had a nephew that acquired in quandary with the police and how it was the first legal professional I inspiration of if I ever acquired into problem how it is the one that i’m calling name Reed how are you hi how are you to meet you yeah this is what Professor van Helsing looks like it you understand a van Helsing I do I do the Vampire Slayer okay so this is your crash pad my crash pad i’m sorry to say does not reside in a nail salon in the back of nail salon – oh right Saul’s office yeah good that is my dwelling away from residence four days a week many satisfactory victories were crafted edited and tweaked on this house right in the back of you is the next one it is a excessive-profile sex trafficking case and you recognize i am working it up right here so you have never been put able where you need to defend someone who’s genuinely responsible it is it’s beside the point to me I select they tell me but i do not care i’m more petrified of the government than i am of some members come again who I represent tell me about your every day so that you get up at what time I rise up five six the first thing I do is figure out I don’t know if I look it but beneath it is a finely tuned computer then i have coffee then shower after which I get going if i’m in courtroom or or get to work if i am no longer in courtroom so let’s talk about what you’re gonna wear in these days i don’t believe i’ll wait i do not believe i’m gonna wear this shirt however a number of suits placing verify this up I imply you understand that you could earn the proper to wear something that would in any other case appear foolish you you saved someone can however however i have if i’m phase to a jury the impression that if their ass was once in a sling they’d need me sitting subsequent to them i will be able to do anything the i need okay k yarn it hard work in this trade makes up for a lot of sins good let’s go get them let’s go get him i am not gonna let the federal government crucify my guys power Greenberg’s report of courtroom victories is rivaled handiest through the rap sheets of his customers in his 25 years of practice Howard has been a relentless and unapologetic suggest for humans accused of the whole lot from homicide to medications to weapons to intercourse trafficking defending the likes of the so known as Lolita lawyer who confessed to paying a lady to have sex with her teenage daughters and rapper Bobby shmurda an alleged chief of the violent gs-9 gang but even more than his clients its his ruthless and outrageous courtroom tactics that have made him a darling of the local press nobody i understand how to depend Dench cash for extra history on Howard’s larger-than-life status we reached out to some of his former opponents and longtime allies to get a primary-hand account of what it can be like to observe him work are you able to inform me about some of your first encounters with Howard um I do not forget him once I first got here to the place of work I consider the object I take into account most about him is you under no circumstances knew what was going to come back out of his mouth and oftentimes it was once very individual to you adore if you tried to argue a few case in front of a choose he would probably attack you Howard did it to each person there may be practically an endearing exceptional now while you seem back at it given that the he noticed was once hysterical after I began at legal aid I began as a public defender and i simply take into account coming to grasp him from seeing him inside and outside of courtrooms you know it’s a loopy man with the jet-black hair plugs welcome to the court docket you already know he is uh he’s no longer easy to clutter he would not look like a natural attorney simply between like the hair and the way he strikes and the way he speaks he quite knows learn how to push the envelope with a variety of a number of men and women but not force the line the place he would emerge as getting himself into quandary there was a prostitution case of Howard’s that acquired quite a few coverage can you tell me just a little bit about that it used to be a case where two men they have been accused of jogging a prostitution ring and he used to be giving summations and in it he was saying things to the result that he would like to be like a ho working for them that you realize if he made as a lot cash as them he could be doing it too that’s sort of method he rolls i’m telling you he does matters that that most of the relaxation of us would on no account do like you’re move-analyzing a sufferer and in our theft correct and you can say good it was middle of the night proper yes it used to be dark in any respect proper correct there were no streetlights have been there no the normal process me believe it do not ask a different query and then you just sum up and say there is not no means that witness might have seen who robbed her given that it was darkish out there were no streetlights you heard it from her own mouth but what you do not ask the witnesses so you couldn’t see the man or woman who robbed you might you on the grounds that for those who ask that best question it may best go flawed but Howard will ask the ideal query and then ask it 5 more ways and 5 extra instances and make them cry Howard the Vampire Slayer the legal professional we have an appointment what are you in a different lawyer’s administrative center ok whatever price he bills you i’m going to beat it k and by the way you must you should appear at my report earlier than you rent any individual and if his file is better than mine when you compare the 2 you should rent him that’s not possible I realize it’s not possible however when are you gonna be here in quarter-hour k excellent boy and i do know you wouldn’t stand me up k over the path of the years I’ve discovered to develop an awfully thick dermis with him he is very blunt and direct and that’s what I feel numerous people rather like about him is the fact that with him you are not gonna get the frills and the dress-up and the lollipops and the sweet canes you’re going to get the very easy facts and he quite really fights for the usual excellent which is what I fairly give to him he places his heart and soul into what he does considering that he knows what it’s like if in case you have the backing of the state of latest York or the backing of the federal executive towards you and your this one individual seeking to combat to your existence so inform me what you’re working on working for this colossal intercourse trafficking case in big apple County how long do you see this trial happening for probably three weeks 4 weeks you know common we’re looking to flip selling prostitution into intercourse trafficking well the change between intercourse trafficking and prostitution i will offer you one instance you inform me okay sexual slavery intercourse trafficking now you provide me one she’s a prostitute out of her possess free will that is now not sex trafficking however they constantly tried in some bro to opine that there’s no such factor as free will and no girl can come to be a hoe due to the fact that she wants to and if she’s making ten or twenty thousand a week that’s intent anybody made her do it and do you know that almost all instances with John’s they simulate the act that’s how silly John’s are oh yeah without doubt of path every person is aware of they need to be faking it no so i’m talking about faking having intercourse Wow they showed us how they do it good provide an explanation for it you need to be on your belly you ought to get your hand like in between your legs even as you’re to your belly uh-huh and you have to get the schmeckel for your hand and just stroke that factor you’re smack oh wow i’m no longer hurting that John snake they may be getting some thing some thing when they’re not even getting any so i’m going to do with you the actual ultimate argument that was on the earth known as jury decision that I intend to do in that case ok I appear out at this room stuffed with people and that i say to myself they’re right here to be brainwashed with the aid of me repeat after me do okay you folks are going to make a decision you people are gonna decide whether the defendant whether or not the defendant is a intercourse trafficker is a sex trafficker or whether or not he’s an innocent individual being falsely accused which is what I intend to prove or whether he’s an harmless individual being falsely accused which is what I intend to show now let’s continue do any of you good humans see pink while you hear the phrases intercourse trafficker any stealth jurors yeah any with a hidden agenda what about memberships you ever heard of a group called reasonable ladies anybody here read Nicholas Kristof’s college he has an obsession with sex and the subject of sexual slavery and and individuals being compelled to do matters towards their will neither of which I ought to inform you applies in this case my door did I inform you the girls if they are bloodless they’re gonna be witnesses you get the idea and that’s how it is going to go hi hello Kim i am Marie Greenberg inform your beautiful to satisfy with me that is our eating room we have many parties right here how did you guys meet we met in courtroom I was a court reporter ok and Howard was once an legal professional who labored for authorized aid and we just kind of like hit it off and it can be been that’s been some proper and the way lengthy in the past is that that was once 24 years in the past Wow we’re married 14 so Howard says that you helped variety him oh come on is that what he stated yeah never lets me sort him I desire daily lets me type him he has a first-class eye however no longer for himself so that you certainly met Howard in his position of labor yeah what do you suppose about his occupation he does his job very good and he he isn’t prejudiced in any respect he simply feels that every body will have to have a shot at being defended the proper way does that bother you though if like a person relatively is guilty and he’s this kind of proficient attorney that he gets them off and then they walk free does it hassle me perhaps possibly 2 or three times it has however the opposite times no I’ve labored with so many attorneys in my lifestyles none of them I favored him he grew up very in a different way he is not irritated about that he is grateful about that and i don’t consider many people can say that tell me a bit of bit about your upbringing you erased on the reduce East facet it is actual we lived in a slum it was three of us my father used to be mentally ill my grandmother who raised me as a moms and dads and me my father used to be very violent it was once a everyday incidence and to behave out and beat up my spindly old grandmother one time he snapped her forearm right in entrance of my face however I used to be a baby what might I you already know what could I do to particularly guard him I mean appear what might I do about I mean our children do not even understand this after I left I obtained a full scholarship to Cornell college which I quickly threw away then I floundered for decades I met a gal and discovered alongside the way in which that her father was a Mafia don k and mr.Giuliani’s office exceeded up an indictment within the case that was once captioned the USA of the us versus Badalamenti a defendant in that case was once my wife’s my then wife’s father the day before today’s arrests and expenditures reveal an extra heroin operation run via Sicilian immigrants using pizza parlors as a front for trafficking in significant quantities of medicines that case devolved within the public intellect into something that was once known as the Pizza connection case it grew to become the longest federal trial up to that point in the historical past of the USA of the us however it was once on that day with the sellers and the drug sniffing dogs crawling all over me and the men and women I cared about that I’ve to become a crook safety legal professional I used to be enrolled in Fordham regulation university three months after graduating i’m a employees legal professional on the authorized aid Society you comprehend it’s hard for me to be politically proper but on the legal aid Society they emasculate lawyers why did they try this due to the fact that they’re so concerned about retaining the report making an attempt the case for the appeal but legal professionals who are trying the case for the attraction are gonna lose how do you try the case I are attempting the case to win I left the authorized help site I did fulfill my commitment I went into personal follow whereupon Herbert stern taught me the way to grow to be a excellent trial legal professional he wrote a series of books entitled trying cases to win and that i grew to become him does it offend you when humans endorse that you’re like Saul on the grounds that he’s a bit of a sketchy personality in some ways as well as being quirky no on no account i don’t have to cheat to win okay I’ve acquired a procedure that seems to work and i can teach any attorney if the battle of the federal government to a standstill win a pair of doses we reached out to a couple of of Howard’s former consumers about their experiences with him and one jumps Felix agreed to go on digicam Jem’s was charged with felony possession of a weapon a cost carrying as much as 15 years in prison Howard took the case to trial and came away with a full acquittal besides the fact that children that the cop mentioned shemp’s had confessed to the crime so I was going through seven seven to 15 years Wow essentially saved my lifestyles he proved he proved my innocence when I used to be a young person I was convicted of possession of a weapon i am achieved with that part of my existence except like that what i am looking to do is simply find a job have some children you know somewhat standard life I imply however on the grounds that of my prior historical past they they are trying to frame have you ever ever had any dealings with any attorneys prior towered is right here first kind of your first man he is hostile to Lloyd had money to pay for my prior legal professionals in any other case employed I had like a authorized help and of path legal age they work with the method they receives a commission by way of you copping up I mean I was fortunate ample to to be equipped to pay Howard Greenberg to prove my innocence once I was once at trial he fought with the spirit of a warrior but he fought like I used to be like I used to be his son hiya good that is why I own golf all how did you meet Felix at the start how did he to find you his squeeze gave me a call and told me you desire a lawyer whilst you first met him and what have been your first impressions of him did you think it is a just right kid topic what I suggestion it was once obviously prick I failed to like him haha k ok however I but I grew to love him okay k if he notion he was a surly prick than intelligent you would not want to represent him for the reason that I if I take your money you get all of me that’s why and i want to win k you may have iced coffee i do not make it from dishwater does that happen a lot that you just enhance a sort of shut personal relationship with your purchasers I just Shutt subsequent yeah no it can be not that ok it can be no longer just a little individual however it’s a love and affection for anybody whose lifestyles you saved so you will have stated that if any person will pay you they’ve your loyalty i ponder I ran the carrier for money that you would be able to threaten to kill me and my family and that i render provider for money that a guy threatened to kill me and that i obtained him acquitted and that is just the best way it is why hello how would you reconcile that to our fears you’re gonna take you worry them you for the higher higher method the mayor and i can not blame a man who’s rotting in jail for announcing whatever and the easiest target is the attorney k come on after spending extra time with Howard I developed a better working out of his belief that every person deserved a zealous safeguard but various his cases still relatively afflicted me and none more so than his defensive levee Aaron back in 2011 Howard joined the safeguard workforce for one of the surprising murder circumstances in recent big apple historical past where the defendant levy Aaron confessed to kidnapping killing and dismembering an eight yr historical boy legal professional Howard Greenberg is in a position to be hated for his patron at the same time looking to guard confessed little one killer levy Aaron to fully grasp the morality of defending someone who had confessed to horrible crimes I reached out to big apple ethics lawyer Nicole Hyland I believe it’s essential for people legal professionals and to realise that actual-world ethics is not the identical as legal ethics there’s some overlap however there are quite a few things that attorneys are obligated to do and expect it to try this particularly don’t must do with morality a criminal legal professional goes to still guard a customer even supposing they know the consumer is responsible and so i can suppose that in particular instances where you’ve gotten a defendant who’s accused of relatively horrific crime the general public would feel there may be something immoral about that about staying silent while you recognize your patron is guilty you realize individuals perpetually say oh how can how will you safeguard those these guilty folks and i’ve customers accused of terrible terrible disgusting horrible things and that is my job to protect someone’s got to at the back of them you understand an oncologist job is to beat the melanoma and a criminal safeguard attorneys job is to to be the prosecutor a consumer is entitled to zealous advocacy there might be whatever that said or performed that the external world could take offense to but that may be a safety attorney rightfully fighting for his or her purchaser when Howard first bought on the levy Aaron case one in every of his defenses he determined was once going to be that levy Aaron who used to be in a rather ultra-orthodox Hasidic community that his safety was going to be that probably he used to be inbred and for that reason that brought about him to have some type of madness that brought on him to commit this horrible crime and so on the time dov hikind who used to be a big a part of the Jewish community in Brooklyn used to be relatively up in palms to practically blame the Jewish community for actions of this one man or woman he needs to preserve LaVey Aaron he has every correct to do this but to attack insult degrade an entire group my neighborhood someone’s community that’s no longer what this case is all about so I talked to Julie Rendell in she was a difficult son of a bitch of the go I might tell you that particularly and we had some knockdown and drag our baddest what tell me about that well my merrily with the butcher of Bensonhurst suppose I heard any person who I think like conceptually I failed seeing that he took a plea and i am used to profitable instances but the law says the defendant makes that call now not the lawyer I feel that had we tried that case he would were located no longer guilty by way of rationale of madness considering if he wasn’t crazy no one’s loopy you without a doubt feel he used to be insane don’t you chopped somewhat kid into pieces and put 1/2 of it within the freezer and the opposite half in the garbage you tell me oh thanks quite a bit to a rock what do you think would were the quality effect he went to trial after which he after which what there was no excellent effect he would have wound up within the loony bin for the rest of his existence right had he gone to trial would have been in from would were wonderful for me because the story would were in the papers every single day for 3 months at any time when in exceptional terrific industry for you super publicity it can be something like the levee or in case of massive the money came three or is it with that more like a profile factor I did that case free of charge particularly and the reason I did it without cost was once considering that I had learn within the paper that the judge used to be given the security attorneys a tough time has there ever been a point where you are up in court docket where you think like might be you are just about crossing the line I simply stick with the advocacy you realize so maybe in case you say the complaining witness is a lying sack of that frightens folks in case you say the complaining witness acquired what he deserved that frightens persons do you feel prefer to be a good criminal safeguard attorney you need to push boundaries as much as the line on the very at the naked minimal up to the strains generally over the line depending on the case and depending on the reason are you capable your sight i’m loaded for bear i’m equipped the reason for my look here in these days as i’m slated to a high profile sex trafficking trial a trial that I frankly assume to win by way of the first three paragraphs of phrases that I utter to the jury it is beautiful replica it can be a process that seems to work do you are gonna give me just a little of a taster of your opening argument yeah i will give you the whole thing yeah i’m excited to hear it i’m going to be standing at a lectern how about this Norman to get behind a rock treated as a lectern yeah seem there we go so i’ll with the with the steeple gesture of my palms and then and the next time i modify a action i will shift the fingers faraway from the physique after which once I relatively get going i’m going to begin you’re stipulating like Donald Trump incidentally before I get to some thing to do with the hand gestures when the judge it invites me to stand up and do this the first thing I do is freeze in my chair and and that i could freeze for up to 30 seconds and the purpose for that’s there is no more awareness-getting factor you are able to do in a court then take a seat definitely still that’s to say freeze to the factor the place i want humans to be uncomfortable questioning what is he waiting for then I upward push slowly after which I transfer briskly to the lectern simply assume me relocating briskly to the lectern then I savour the second with this gesture i’m relishing the second after which I get out the sledgehammer and start to wield it so i will say as follows anything else used to be this fax pattern it was no longer sex trafficking and i’ll prove that this fax sample was fabricated from hookers rendering sexual favors if that for US foreign money to John’s and that is historic John’s incidentally are among the many dumbest folks strolling the face of the earth the young females i will show work this hos which is what they name themselves because they desired to and if that appellation is good adequate for them it’s just right ample for you and it can be good sufficient of me and i’ll prove that they got here and went as they please i will show that the words just for instance i’ll kill you or their equivalents are included free speech no matter how hard or tender the half-baked prosecution knowledgeable witness tries to ram an uninformed opinion down anyone’s throat it’s going to now not trade the fact that by their possess lights the girls are not quote victims unquote you can also good as the case unfolds witness the spectacle of the supposed victims seated in the audience backing us up and cheering us on it can be now not your job to render a verdict that tells them easy methods to reside their lives in the event that they wish to promote their our bodies to the tune of ten to twenty thousand every week then so be it eventually that is a quite simple case selling prostitution and that’s all does no longer equal sex trafficking and someone with a half of a mind is aware of it i’m going to ask you to come a verdict of now not responsible on each rely of sex trafficking it can be the one fair correct justified verdict the proof in the case will help and pause i am gonna seem at each this kind of individuals after which i’m gonna say and i consider we realise each different and that is how it’s executed there’s no such factor as a useless case hello Felix smile you’re on candid digicam all correct child i really like you who’s your daddy put mayonnaise on each food I can not consume this i’ll wrap it up and go to my wife get us in there what style of digicam is that this proper how about a little flash
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/the-real-saul-goodman-from-breaking-bad-and-better-call-saul/
The Real Saul Goodman from 'Breaking Bad' and 'Better Call Saul'?
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Hi there Dan this is for excuse for safety legal professional Alan Greenberg how’re you advocacy is such a neat dense subject I mean I suppose it’s witchcraft it is deep it’s it is alchemy there are not any ethical victories of this industry should you do not win it’s a disaster for the man or woman well you must win them see if he’s coming by means of on something or did he come by means of on a warrant last night time in the words of Jesse Pinkman you do not need a crook lawyer you need a crook attorney and so we get Saul Goodman Breaking unhealthy’s quick-speakme lovable scumbag of an lawyer final season on the true warmth find a real-lifestyles Walter White so this 12 months we puzzled if there were any real-world counterparts to his legal professional to once we asked across the the big apple legal world about who used to be probably the most outrageous most boundary-pushing a most powerful crook safety attorney in the market everybody told us one thing higher call howard greenberg nobody is fairly as outlandish as how it’s you just about guess however what what what you see popping out of his mouth I had a nephew that acquired in quandary with the police and how it was the first legal professional I inspiration of if I ever acquired into problem how it is the one that i’m calling name Reed how are you hi how are you to meet you yeah this is what Professor van Helsing looks like it you understand a van Helsing I do I do the Vampire Slayer okay so this is your crash pad my crash pad i’m sorry to say does not reside in a nail salon in the back of nail salon – oh right Saul’s office yeah good that is my dwelling away from residence four days a week many satisfactory victories were crafted edited and tweaked on this house right in the back of you is the next one it is a excessive-profile sex trafficking case and you recognize i am working it up right here so you have never been put able where you need to defend someone who’s genuinely responsible it is it’s beside the point to me I select they tell me but i do not care i’m more petrified of the government than i am of some members come again who I represent tell me about your every day so that you get up at what time I rise up five six the first thing I do is figure out I don’t know if I look it but beneath it is a finely tuned computer then i have coffee then shower after which I get going if i’m in courtroom or or get to work if i am no longer in courtroom so let’s talk about what you’re gonna wear in these days i don’t believe i’ll wait i do not believe i’m gonna wear this shirt however a number of suits placing verify this up I imply you understand that you could earn the proper to wear something that would in any other case appear foolish you you saved someone can however however i have if i’m phase to a jury the impression that if their ass was once in a sling they’d need me sitting subsequent to them i will be able to do anything the i need okay k yarn it hard work in this trade makes up for a lot of sins good let’s go get them let’s go get him i am not gonna let the federal government crucify my guys power Greenberg’s report of courtroom victories is rivaled handiest through the rap sheets of his customers in his 25 years of practice Howard has been a relentless and unapologetic suggest for humans accused of the whole lot from homicide to medications to weapons to intercourse trafficking defending the likes of the so known as Lolita lawyer who confessed to paying a lady to have sex with her teenage daughters and rapper Bobby shmurda an alleged chief of the violent gs-9 gang but even more than his clients its his ruthless and outrageous courtroom tactics that have made him a darling of the local press nobody i understand how to depend Dench cash for extra history on Howard’s larger-than-life status we reached out to some of his former opponents and longtime allies to get a primary-hand account of what it can be like to observe him work are you able to inform me about some of your first encounters with Howard um I do not forget him once I first got here to the place of work I consider the object I take into account most about him is you under no circumstances knew what was going to come back out of his mouth and oftentimes it was once very individual to you adore if you tried to argue a few case in front of a choose he would probably attack you Howard did it to each person there may be practically an endearing exceptional now while you seem back at it given that the he noticed was once hysterical after I began at legal aid I began as a public defender and i simply take into account coming to grasp him from seeing him inside and outside of courtrooms you know it’s a loopy man with the jet-black hair plugs welcome to the court docket you already know he is uh he’s no longer easy to clutter he would not look like a natural attorney simply between like the hair and the way he strikes and the way he speaks he quite knows learn how to push the envelope with a variety of a number of men and women but not force the line the place he would emerge as getting himself into quandary there was a prostitution case of Howard’s that acquired quite a few coverage can you tell me just a little bit about that it used to be a case where two men they have been accused of jogging a prostitution ring and he used to be giving summations and in it he was saying things to the result that he would like to be like a ho working for them that you realize if he made as a lot cash as them he could be doing it too that’s sort of method he rolls i’m telling you he does matters that that most of the relaxation of us would on no account do like you’re move-analyzing a sufferer and in our theft correct and you can say good it was middle of the night proper yes it used to be dark in any respect proper correct there were no streetlights have been there no the normal process me believe it do not ask a different query and then you just sum up and say there is not no means that witness might have seen who robbed her given that it was darkish out there were no streetlights you heard it from her own mouth but what you do not ask the witnesses so you couldn’t see the man or woman who robbed you might you on the grounds that for those who ask that best question it may best go flawed but Howard will ask the ideal query and then ask it 5 more ways and 5 extra instances and make them cry Howard the Vampire Slayer the legal professional we have an appointment what are you in a different lawyer’s administrative center ok whatever price he bills you i’m going to beat it k and by the way you must you should appear at my report earlier than you rent any individual and if his file is better than mine when you compare the 2 you should rent him that’s not possible I realize it’s not possible however when are you gonna be here in quarter-hour k excellent boy and i do know you wouldn’t stand me up k over the path of the years I’ve discovered to develop an awfully thick dermis with him he is very blunt and direct and that’s what I feel numerous people rather like about him is the fact that with him you are not gonna get the frills and the dress-up and the lollipops and the sweet canes you’re going to get the very easy facts and he quite really fights for the usual excellent which is what I fairly give to him he places his heart and soul into what he does considering that he knows what it’s like if in case you have the backing of the state of latest York or the backing of the federal executive towards you and your this one individual seeking to combat to your existence so inform me what you’re working on working for this colossal intercourse trafficking case in big apple County how long do you see this trial happening for probably three weeks 4 weeks you know common we’re looking to flip selling prostitution into intercourse trafficking well the change between intercourse trafficking and prostitution i will offer you one instance you inform me okay sexual slavery intercourse trafficking now you provide me one she’s a prostitute out of her possess free will that is now not sex trafficking however they constantly tried in some bro to opine that there’s no such factor as free will and no girl can come to be a hoe due to the fact that she wants to and if she’s making ten or twenty thousand a week that’s intent anybody made her do it and do you know that almost all instances with John’s they simulate the act that’s how silly John’s are oh yeah without doubt of path every person is aware of they need to be faking it no so i’m talking about faking having intercourse Wow they showed us how they do it good provide an explanation for it you need to be on your belly you ought to get your hand like in between your legs even as you’re to your belly uh-huh and you have to get the schmeckel for your hand and just stroke that factor you’re smack oh wow i’m no longer hurting that John snake they may be getting some thing some thing when they’re not even getting any so i’m going to do with you the actual ultimate argument that was on the earth known as jury decision that I intend to do in that case ok I appear out at this room stuffed with people and that i say to myself they’re right here to be brainwashed with the aid of me repeat after me do okay you folks are going to make a decision you people are gonna decide whether the defendant whether or not the defendant is a intercourse trafficker is a sex trafficker or whether or not he’s an innocent individual being falsely accused which is what I intend to prove or whether he’s an harmless individual being falsely accused which is what I intend to show now let’s continue do any of you good humans see pink while you hear the phrases intercourse trafficker any stealth jurors yeah any with a hidden agenda what about memberships you ever heard of a group called reasonable ladies anybody here read Nicholas Kristof’s college he has an obsession with sex and the subject of sexual slavery and and individuals being compelled to do matters towards their will neither of which I ought to inform you applies in this case my door did I inform you the girls if they are bloodless they’re gonna be witnesses you get the idea and that’s how it is going to go hi hello Kim i am Marie Greenberg inform your beautiful to satisfy with me that is our eating room we have many parties right here how did you guys meet we met in courtroom I was a court reporter ok and Howard was once an legal professional who labored for authorized aid and we just kind of like hit it off and it can be been that’s been some proper and the way lengthy in the past is that that was once 24 years in the past Wow we’re married 14 so Howard says that you helped variety him oh come on is that what he stated yeah never lets me sort him I desire daily lets me type him he has a first-class eye however no longer for himself so that you certainly met Howard in his position of labor yeah what do you suppose about his occupation he does his job very good and he he isn’t prejudiced in any respect he simply feels that every body will have to have a shot at being defended the proper way does that bother you though if like a person relatively is guilty and he’s this kind of proficient attorney that he gets them off and then they walk free does it hassle me perhaps possibly 2 or three times it has however the opposite times no I’ve labored with so many attorneys in my lifestyles none of them I favored him he grew up very in a different way he is not irritated about that he is grateful about that and i don’t consider many people can say that tell me a bit of bit about your upbringing you erased on the reduce East facet it is actual we lived in a slum it was three of us my father used to be mentally ill my grandmother who raised me as a moms and dads and me my father used to be very violent it was once a everyday incidence and to behave out and beat up my spindly old grandmother one time he snapped her forearm right in entrance of my face however I used to be a baby what might I you already know what could I do to particularly guard him I mean appear what might I do about I mean our children do not even understand this after I left I obtained a full scholarship to Cornell college which I quickly threw away then I floundered for decades I met a gal and discovered alongside the way in which that her father was a Mafia don k and mr.Giuliani’s office exceeded up an indictment within the case that was once captioned the USA of the us versus Badalamenti a defendant in that case was once my wife’s my then wife’s father the day before today’s arrests and expenditures reveal an extra heroin operation run via Sicilian immigrants using pizza parlors as a front for trafficking in significant quantities of medicines that case devolved within the public intellect into something that was once known as the Pizza connection case it grew to become the longest federal trial up to that point in the historical past of the USA of the us however it was once on that day with the sellers and the drug sniffing dogs crawling all over me and the men and women I cared about that I’ve to become a crook safety legal professional I used to be enrolled in Fordham regulation university three months after graduating i’m a employees legal professional on the authorized aid Society you comprehend it’s hard for me to be politically proper but on the legal aid Society they emasculate lawyers why did they try this due to the fact that they’re so concerned about retaining the report making an attempt the case for the appeal but legal professionals who are trying the case for the attraction are gonna lose how do you try the case I are attempting the case to win I left the authorized help site I did fulfill my commitment I went into personal follow whereupon Herbert stern taught me the way to grow to be a excellent trial legal professional he wrote a series of books entitled trying cases to win and that i grew to become him does it offend you when humans endorse that you’re like Saul on the grounds that he’s a bit of a sketchy personality in some ways as well as being quirky no on no account i don’t have to cheat to win okay I’ve acquired a procedure that seems to work and i can teach any attorney if the battle of the federal government to a standstill win a pair of doses we reached out to a couple of of Howard’s former consumers about their experiences with him and one jumps Felix agreed to go on digicam Jem’s was charged with felony possession of a weapon a cost carrying as much as 15 years in prison Howard took the case to trial and came away with a full acquittal besides the fact that children that the cop mentioned shemp’s had confessed to the crime so I was going through seven seven to 15 years Wow essentially saved my lifestyles he proved he proved my innocence when I used to be a young person I was convicted of possession of a weapon i am achieved with that part of my existence except like that what i am looking to do is simply find a job have some children you know somewhat standard life I imply however on the grounds that of my prior historical past they they are trying to frame have you ever ever had any dealings with any attorneys prior towered is right here first kind of your first man he is hostile to Lloyd had money to pay for my prior legal professionals in any other case employed I had like a authorized help and of path legal age they work with the method they receives a commission by way of you copping up I mean I was fortunate ample to to be equipped to pay Howard Greenberg to prove my innocence once I was once at trial he fought with the spirit of a warrior but he fought like I used to be like I used to be his son hiya good that is why I own golf all how did you meet Felix at the start how did he to find you his squeeze gave me a call and told me you desire a lawyer whilst you first met him and what have been your first impressions of him did you think it is a just right kid topic what I suggestion it was once obviously prick I failed to like him haha k ok however I but I grew to love him okay k if he notion he was a surly prick than intelligent you would not want to represent him for the reason that I if I take your money you get all of me that’s why and i want to win k you may have iced coffee i do not make it from dishwater does that happen a lot that you just enhance a sort of shut personal relationship with your purchasers I just Shutt subsequent yeah no it can be not that ok it can be no longer just a little individual however it’s a love and affection for anybody whose lifestyles you saved so you will have stated that if any person will pay you they’ve your loyalty i ponder I ran the carrier for money that you would be able to threaten to kill me and my family and that i render provider for money that a guy threatened to kill me and that i obtained him acquitted and that is just the best way it is why hello how would you reconcile that to our fears you’re gonna take you worry them you for the higher higher method the mayor and i can not blame a man who’s rotting in jail for announcing whatever and the easiest target is the attorney k come on after spending extra time with Howard I developed a better working out of his belief that every person deserved a zealous safeguard but various his cases still relatively afflicted me and none more so than his defensive levee Aaron back in 2011 Howard joined the safeguard workforce for one of the surprising murder circumstances in recent big apple historical past where the defendant levy Aaron confessed to kidnapping killing and dismembering an eight yr historical boy legal professional Howard Greenberg is in a position to be hated for his patron at the same time looking to guard confessed little one killer levy Aaron to fully grasp the morality of defending someone who had confessed to horrible crimes I reached out to big apple ethics lawyer Nicole Hyland I believe it’s essential for people legal professionals and to realise that actual-world ethics is not the identical as legal ethics there’s some overlap however there are quite a few things that attorneys are obligated to do and expect it to try this particularly don’t must do with morality a criminal legal professional goes to still guard a customer even supposing they know the consumer is responsible and so i can suppose that in particular instances where you’ve gotten a defendant who’s accused of relatively horrific crime the general public would feel there may be something immoral about that about staying silent while you recognize your patron is guilty you realize individuals perpetually say oh how can how will you safeguard those these guilty folks and i’ve customers accused of terrible terrible disgusting horrible things and that is my job to protect someone’s got to at the back of them you understand an oncologist job is to beat the melanoma and a criminal safeguard attorneys job is to to be the prosecutor a consumer is entitled to zealous advocacy there might be whatever that said or performed that the external world could take offense to but that may be a safety attorney rightfully fighting for his or her purchaser when Howard first bought on the levy Aaron case one in every of his defenses he determined was once going to be that levy Aaron who used to be in a rather ultra-orthodox Hasidic community that his safety was going to be that probably he used to be inbred and for that reason that brought about him to have some type of madness that brought on him to commit this horrible crime and so on the time dov hikind who used to be a big a part of the Jewish community in Brooklyn used to be relatively up in palms to practically blame the Jewish community for actions of this one man or woman he needs to preserve LaVey Aaron he has every correct to do this but to attack insult degrade an entire group my neighborhood someone’s community that’s no longer what this case is all about so I talked to Julie Rendell in she was a difficult son of a bitch of the go I might tell you that particularly and we had some knockdown and drag our baddest what tell me about that well my merrily with the butcher of Bensonhurst suppose I heard any person who I think like conceptually I failed seeing that he took a plea and i am used to profitable instances but the law says the defendant makes that call now not the lawyer I feel that had we tried that case he would were located no longer guilty by way of rationale of madness considering if he wasn’t crazy no one’s loopy you without a doubt feel he used to be insane don’t you chopped somewhat kid into pieces and put 1/2 of it within the freezer and the opposite half in the garbage you tell me oh thanks quite a bit to a rock what do you think would were the quality effect he went to trial after which he after which what there was no excellent effect he would have wound up within the loony bin for the rest of his existence right had he gone to trial would have been in from would were wonderful for me because the story would were in the papers every single day for 3 months at any time when in exceptional terrific industry for you super publicity it can be something like the levee or in case of massive the money came three or is it with that more like a profile factor I did that case free of charge particularly and the reason I did it without cost was once considering that I had learn within the paper that the judge used to be given the security attorneys a tough time has there ever been a point where you are up in court docket where you think like might be you are just about crossing the line I simply stick with the advocacy you realize so maybe in case you say the complaining witness is a lying sack of that frightens folks in case you say the complaining witness acquired what he deserved that frightens persons do you feel prefer to be a good criminal safeguard attorney you need to push boundaries as much as the line on the very at the naked minimal up to the strains generally over the line depending on the case and depending on the reason are you capable your sight i’m loaded for bear i’m equipped the reason for my look here in these days as i’m slated to a high profile sex trafficking trial a trial that I frankly assume to win by way of the first three paragraphs of phrases that I utter to the jury it is beautiful replica it can be a process that seems to work do you are gonna give me just a little of a taster of your opening argument yeah i will give you the whole thing yeah i’m excited to hear it i’m going to be standing at a lectern how about this Norman to get behind a rock treated as a lectern yeah seem there we go so i’ll with the with the steeple gesture of my palms and then and the next time i modify a action i will shift the fingers faraway from the physique after which once I relatively get going i’m going to begin you’re stipulating like Donald Trump incidentally before I get to some thing to do with the hand gestures when the judge it invites me to stand up and do this the first thing I do is freeze in my chair and and that i could freeze for up to 30 seconds and the purpose for that’s there is no more awareness-getting factor you are able to do in a court then take a seat definitely still that’s to say freeze to the factor the place i want humans to be uncomfortable questioning what is he waiting for then I upward push slowly after which I transfer briskly to the lectern simply assume me relocating briskly to the lectern then I savour the second with this gesture i’m relishing the second after which I get out the sledgehammer and start to wield it so i will say as follows anything else used to be this fax pattern it was no longer sex trafficking and i’ll prove that this fax sample was fabricated from hookers rendering sexual favors if that for US foreign money to John’s and that is historic John’s incidentally are among the many dumbest folks strolling the face of the earth the young females i will show work this hos which is what they name themselves because they desired to and if that appellation is good adequate for them it’s just right ample for you and it can be good sufficient of me and i’ll prove that they got here and went as they please i will show that the words just for instance i’ll kill you or their equivalents are included free speech no matter how hard or tender the half-baked prosecution knowledgeable witness tries to ram an uninformed opinion down anyone’s throat it’s going to now not trade the fact that by their possess lights the girls are not quote victims unquote you can also good as the case unfolds witness the spectacle of the supposed victims seated in the audience backing us up and cheering us on it can be now not your job to render a verdict that tells them easy methods to reside their lives in the event that they wish to promote their our bodies to the tune of ten to twenty thousand every week then so be it eventually that is a quite simple case selling prostitution and that’s all does no longer equal sex trafficking and someone with a half of a mind is aware of it i’m going to ask you to come a verdict of now not responsible on each rely of sex trafficking it can be the one fair correct justified verdict the proof in the case will help and pause i am gonna seem at each this kind of individuals after which i’m gonna say and i consider we realise each different and that is how it’s executed there’s no such factor as a useless case hello Felix smile you’re on candid digicam all correct child i really like you who’s your daddy put mayonnaise on each food I can not consume this i’ll wrap it up and go to my wife get us in there what style of digicam is that this proper how about a little flash
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aurriii · 4 years
10 Books That Will Transport You To The Beach If You Can’t Go IRL
Maybe you’re social distancing. Maybe all of your friends are. Maybe your funds are tight. Many of us have a good reason our summer is not quite like summers of our past. We miss the waves just as much as the next person not within walking distance to the ocean, so we’ve compiled a list of books where we can all escape to a far away island or beach town, no sunscreen needed. Or hey, lather it on. We’re not opposed to a little sensory enhancement.
Click on book in slideshow to see it’s lowest price
Big Summer: A Novel
Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter
28 Summers by Elin Hilderbrand
The Vacationers By Emma Straub
The Jetsetters: A Novel By Amanda Eyre Ward
The Guest List: A Novel By Lucy Foley
Beach Read By Emily Henry
Sex and Vanity: A Novel By Kevin Kwan
Hello, Summer By Mary Kay Andrews
The Summer Set Aimee Agresti
  1. Big Summer: A Novel
by Jennifer Weiner
Six years after the fight that ended their friendship, Daphne Berg is shocked when Drue Cavanaugh walks back into her life, looking as lovely and successful as ever, with a massive favor to ask. Daphne hasn’t spoken one word to Drue in all this time—she doesn’t even hate-follow her ex-best friend on social media—so when Drue asks if she will be her maid-of-honor at the society wedding of the summer, Daphne is rightfully speechless.
Drue was always the one who had everything—except the ability to hold onto friends. Meanwhile, Daphne’s no longer the same self-effacing sidekick she was back in high school. She’s built a life that she loves, including a growing career as a plus-size Instagram influencer. Letting glamorous, seductive Drue back into her life is risky, but it comes with an invitation to spend a weekend in a waterfront Cape Cod mansion. When Drue begs and pleads and dangles the prospect of cute single guys, Daphne finds herself powerless as ever to resist her friend’s siren song.
A sparkling novel about the complexities of female relationships, the pitfalls of living out loud and online, and the resilience of the human heart, Big Summer is a witty, moving story about family, friendship, and figuring out what matters most.
Source: Publisher
2. Beautiful Ruins
by Jess Walter
The story begins in 1962. On a rocky patch of the sun-drenched Italian coastline, a young innkeeper, chest-deep in daydreams, looks out over the incandescent waters of the Ligurian Sea and spies an apparition: a tall, thin woman, a vision in white, approaching him on a boat. She is an actress, he soon learns, an American starlet, and she is dying. And the story begins again today, half a world away, when an elderly Italian man shows up on a movie studio’s back lot, searching for the mysterious woman he last saw at his hotel decades earlier. What unfolds is a dazzling, yet deeply human, roller coaster of a novel, spanning fifty years and nearly as many lives. From the lavish set of Cleopatra to the shabby revelry of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Walter introduces us to the tangled lives of a dozen unforgettable characters: the starstruck Italian innkeeper and his long-lost love; the heroically preserved producer who once brought them together and his idealistic young assistant; the army veteran turned fledgling novelist and the rakish Richard Burton himself, whose appetites set the whole story in motion, along with the husbands and wives, lovers and dreamers, superstars and losers, who populate their world in the decades that follow. Gloriously inventive, constantly surprising, Beautiful Ruins is a story of flawed yet fascinating people, navigating the rocky shores of their lives while clinging to their improbable dreams.
Source: Publisher
3. 28 Summers
by Elin Hilderbrand
A “captivating and bittersweet” novel by the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Summer of ’69: Their secret love affair has lasted for decades — but this could be the summer that changes everything (People). When Mallory Blessing’s son, Link, receives deathbed instructions from his mother to call a number on a slip of paper in her desk drawer, he’s not sure what to expect. But he certainly does not expect Jake McCloud to answer. It’s the late spring of 2020 and Jake’s wife, Ursula DeGournsey, is the frontrunner in the upcoming Presidential election. There must be a mistake, Link thinks. How do Mallory and Jake know each other? Flash back to the sweet summer of 1993: Mallory has just inherited a beachfront cottage on Nantucket from her aunt, and she agrees to host her brother’s bachelor party. Cooper’s friend from college, Jake McCloud, attends, and Jake and Mallory form a bond that will persevere — through marriage, children, and Ursula’s stratospheric political rise — until Mallory learns she’s dying. Based on the classic film Same Time Next Year (which Mallory and Jake watch every summer), 28 Summers explores the agony and romance of a one-weekend-per-year affair and the dramatic ways this relationship complicates and enriches their lives, and the lives of the people they love.
Source: Publisher
  4. The Vacationers
By Emma Straub
For the Posts, a two-week trip to the Balearic island of Mallorca with their extended family and friends is a celebration: Franny and Jim are observing their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary, and their daughter, Sylvia, has graduated from high school. The sunlit island, its mountains and beaches, its tapas and tennis courts, also promise an escape from the tensions simmering at home in Manhattan. But all does not go according to plan: over the course of the vacation, secrets come to light, old and new humiliations are experienced, childhood rivalries resurface, and ancient wounds are exacerbated.
This is a story of the sides of ourselves that we choose to show and those we try to conceal, of the ways we tear each other down and build each other up again, and the bonds that ultimately hold us together. With wry humor and tremendous heart, Emma Straub delivers a richly satisfying story of a family in the midst of a maelstrom of change, emerging irrevocably altered yet whole.
Source: Publisher
  5. The Jetsetters: A Novel
By Amanda Eyre Ward
When seventy-year-old Charlotte Perkins submits a sexy essay to the Become a Jetsetter contest, she dreams of reuniting her estranged children: Lee, an almost-famous actress; Cord, a handsome Manhattan venture capitalist who can’t seem to find a partner; and Regan, a harried mother who took it all wrong when Charlotte bought her a Weight Watchers gift certificate for her birthday. Charlotte yearns for the years when her children were young, when she was a single mother who meant everything to them.
When she wins the contest, the family packs their baggage—both literal and figurative—and spends ten days traveling from sun-drenched Athens through glorious Rome to tapas-laden Barcelona on an over-the-top cruise ship, the Splendido Marveloso. As lovers new and old join the adventure, long-buried secrets are revealed and old wounds are reopened, forcing the Perkins family to confront the forces that drove them apart and the defining choices of their lives.
Can four lost adults find the peace they’ve been seeking by reconciling their childhood aches and coming back together? In the vein of The Nest and The Vacationers, The Jetsetters is a delicious and intelligent novel about the courage it takes to reveal our true selves, the pleasures and perils of family, and how we navigate the seas of adulthood.
Source: Publisher
  6. The Guest List: A Novel
By Lucy Foley
A wedding celebration turns dark and deadly in this deliciously wicked and atmospheric thriller reminiscent of Agatha Christie from the New York Times bestselling author of The Hunting Party.
The bride – The plus one – The best man – The wedding planner  – The bridesmaid – The body
On an island off the coast of Ireland, guests gather to celebrate two people joining their lives together as one. The groom: handsome and charming, a rising television star. The bride: smart and ambitious, a magazine publisher. It’s a wedding for a magazine, or for a celebrity: the designer dress, the remote location, the luxe party favors, the boutique whiskey. The cell phone service may be spotty and the waves may be rough, but every detail has been expertly planned and will be expertly executed.
But perfection is for plans, and people are all too human. As the champagne is popped and the festivities begin, resentments and petty jealousies begin to mingle with the reminiscences and well wishes. The groomsmen begin the drinking game from their school days. The bridesmaid not-so-accidentally ruins her dress. The bride’s oldest (male) friend gives an uncomfortably caring toast.
And then someone turns up dead. Who didn’t wish the happy couple well? And perhaps more important, why?
Source: Publisher
  7. Beach Read
By Emily Henry
They’re polar opposites.
In fact, the only thing they have in common is that for the next three months, they’re living in neighboring beach houses, broke, and bogged down with writer’s block.
Until, one hazy evening, one thing leads to another and they strike a deal designed to force them out of their creative ruts: Augustus will spend the summer writing something happy, and January will pen the next Great American Novel. She’ll take him on field trips worthy of any rom-com montage, and he’ll take her to interview surviving members of a backwoods death cult (obviously). Everyone will finish a book and no one will fall in love. Really.
Source: Publisher
8. Sex and Vanity: A Novel
By Kevin Kwan
The iconic author of the bestselling phenomenon Crazy Rich Asians returns with the glittering tale of a young woman who finds herself torn between two men: the WASPY fiancé of her family’s dreams and George Zao, the man she is desperately trying to avoid falling in love with.
On her very first morning on the jewel-like island of Capri, Lucie Churchill sets eyes on George Zao and she instantly can’t stand him. She can’t stand it when he gallantly offers to trade hotel rooms with her so that she can have a view of the Tyrrhenian Sea, she can’t stand that he knows more about Casa Malaparte than she does, and she really can’t stand it when he kisses her in the darkness of the ancient ruins of a Roman villa and they are caught by her snobbish, disapproving cousin Charlotte. “Your mother is Chinese so it’s no surprise you’d be attracted to someone like him,” Charlotte teases. The daughter of an American-born Chinese mother and a blue-blooded New York father, Lucie has always sublimated the Asian side of herself in favor of the white side, and she adamantly denies having feelings for George. But several years later, when George unexpectedly appears in East Hampton, where Lucie is weekending with her new fiancé, Lucie finds herself drawn to George again. Soon, Lucie is spinning a web of deceit that involves her family, her fiancé, the co-op board of her Fifth Avenue apartment building, and ultimately herself as she tries mightily to deny George entry into her world–and her heart. Moving between summer playgrounds of privilege, peppered with decadent food and extravagant fashion, Sex and Vanity is a truly modern love story, a daring homage to A Room with a View, and a brilliantly funny comedy of manners set between two cultures.
Source: Publisher
9. Hello, Summer
By Mary Kay Andrews
New York Times bestselling author and Queen of the Beach Reads Mary Kay Andrews delivers her next blockbuster, Hello Summer.
It’s a new season…
Conley Hawkins left her family’s small town newspaper, The Silver Bay Beacon, in the rearview mirror years ago. Now a star reporter for a big-city paper, Conley is exactly where she wants to be and is about to take a fancy new position in Washington, D.C. Or so she thinks.
For small town scandals…
When the new job goes up in smoke, Conley finds herself right back where she started, working for her sister, who is trying to keep The Silver Bay Beacon afloat—and she doesn’t exactly have warm feelings for Conley. Soon she is given the unenviable task of overseeing the local gossip column, “Hello, Summer.”
And big-time secrets.
Then Conley witnesses an accident that ends in the death of a local congressman—a beloved war hero with a shady past. The more she digs into the story, the more dangerous it gets. As an old heartbreaker causes trouble and a new flame ignites, it soon looks like their sleepy beach town is the most scandalous hotspot of the summer.
Source: Publisher
  10. The Summer Set
Aimee Agresti
Recommended by Glamour * Bustle * Popsugar * Booklist * Playbill
Charlie Savoy was once Hollywood’s hottest A-lister. Now, ten years later, she’s pushing forty, exiled from the film world and back at the summer Shakespeare theater in the Berkshires that launched her career—and where her old flame, Nick, is the artistic director.
It’s not exactly her first choice. But as parts are cast and rehearsals begin, Charlie is surprised to find herself getting her groove back, bonding with celebrity actors, forging unexpected new friendships and even reigniting her spark with Nick, who still seems to bring out the best in her despite their complicated history.
Until Charlie’s old rival, Hollywood’s current It Girl, is brought on set, threatening to undo everything she’s built. As the drama amps up both on the stage and behind the curtains, Charlie must put on the show of a lifetime to fight for the second chance she deserves in career and in love.
“A page-turner set in the intoxicating theater world, The Summer Set considers the price of fame, the power of second chances and the enduring nature of love. A truly enjoyable read!” —Elyssa Friedland, author of The Floating Feldmans
Source: Publisher
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getseriouser · 5 years
20 THOUGHTS: Mid-season shaft
GEE it’s getting cold in Melbourne.
Left my half-finished Farmers Union iced coffee for just a second, came back and it had become a Masterchef-esque espresso semifreddo. Ridiculous.
But it still ain’t as cold as what we witnessed between B.Scott and D.King at Marvel Stadium on Saturday arvo.
Their relationship, or lack thereof, would give you a full, frozen ice cream in seconds.
Bit to unpack with that, and lots more happening too.
 1.       Let’s go all Brad Scott stuff up front. On the David King stuff firstly, let’s not forget, he is ‘a Scott brother’, who was coached by Leigh Matthews, and then tutored as a coach-in-waiting by Mick Malthouse. This ain’t a man brought up to make the romance with arachnids, so to speak. Therefore nothing to see here, Kingy ain’t exactly a precious flower either, so the idea Scott should be reprimanded, please, whoever’s saying that wasn’t hugged enough by their mother growing up, clearly.
2.       Where to for now for Scott? Don’t know. When you’re a bourgeoning assistant, any jobs a good job. When you’ve done ten years, and impressed, you can afford to take your chances. I don’t think he is any certainty to coach anywhere next year, in fact the idea he does some media next year and ends up following paths similar to say Rodney Eade or Neil Balme sounds pretty plausible.
3.       Here’s one thing though, and where one must be careful – a handful of Giants players knew about Brad Scott’s departure before any Kangaroos players. Obviously Rhyce Shaw knew really early on, let slip to the younger brother playing up in Sydney, next thing Heath is smashing up WhatsApp with the latest scoop before anyone at Arden St, or Brad’s wife, were aware. Two words – classic Heater.
4.       So, John Longmire. Two schools of thought and I favour the second – first, is that after such a long time away from Melbourne he’d like to return to where he spent 12 years as a player and lead his old club into its next chapter, fully resourced, starting afresh given Sydney’s impending plight. Or secondly, if he wasn’t entertaining the idea of leaving his home state (born and bred Corowa on the banks of the Murray), why all of a sudden does the North job persuade him, might as well stay the course he was on before Brad Scott’s decision.
5.       So my shortlist for the North job next year, chuck Rhyce Shaw in that group as he’ll have enough of a go to make a fist of it, chuck Longmire in too, why not, then also Brett Ratten is the incumbent senior coach for anyone who is looking (Clarko’s 2IC, dare I say more), plus Michael Voss I think too would be a chance after his good work at Port. My smokey would be Blake Caracella at Richmond, master tactician; he came to the club after 2016, and look what happened thereupon.
6.       Mid-season draft, don’t mind for the minutiae of it all, its either kids who you’ll never see play or Marlion Pickett who ends up being in Richmond’s best 22 by year’s end. But, SANFL CEO Jake Parkinson released a statement last night I have to empathise with, where aside the positive yarns you’ll read about in most of the press, his view was rather different.
 "We will continue to stand firm in our opposition to a mid-season draft," he said, “(it) will have a significantly detrimental impact on SANFL clubs who work hard to develop their players and teams lists and position themselves for success”. He continued “it will not be possible for ... [the] clubs to find replacements for their players taken," and “affected SANFL clubs now face the remainder of their 2019 season without key players”.
 Very hard to not agree with Parkinson – if we’re going to do this again it needs a re-think and a more respectful approach the lower leagues affected.
7.       People having a go about seeing the injection by the Brisbane doctor down in the race Sunday. Please. Firstly, why would you have a go at the doctor, he did the right thing and did it away from spectators, but secondly, whilst it’s not exactly what you tune in to watch footy for, I don’t see it as being offensive, or indeed inappropriate to small children who face the reality of needles from an early age. Unless this is part of that whole ‘anti-vaccination’ thing which in that case I’m moving on…
8.       Great piece of commentary on that final play in the Dockers-Lions balltearer on the weekend by a caller you mightn’t know – Adam Paplia gets the odd Perth game or the dud games in the Fox Footy roster, but delivered “he has made every post a winner” in the immediate aftermath of Michael Walters winning behind. Thought it was very sharp.
9.       Earlier Sunday the Giants eroded their MCG hoodoo. No they didn’t – it never existed. Last year they played two preliminary finalists over three games for one win and two losses, year before that played only two MCG games, against Richmond, who ended up winning the flag. If losing games to good teams interstate is a hoodoo then maybe those anti-vaxxers might have a thing after all, not sure…
10.   What’s Christian Petracca doing? Went pick two almost five years ago, and is lumbering around the half forward line looking muscly but doing seven-eighths of stuff all. Hasn’t got a tank, or a defensively-minded bone in his body. Oh, but he has strengths that could work as an effective mid-sized forward you say? Well three picks after him was Jordan De Goey, whose had enough time to be a pest off-field, do penance and announce himself as a gun forward six months ago. Time to get serious Christian, we’re bored.
11.   And whilst we’re on those who need to get serious, Mitch McGovern, stolen a moustache from one of those Debra does American cities doco’s and has seemingly taken it upon himself to skip training to in order to smash carbs. That boy needs to not play away games, that figure in a slim-fitting white jersey would be a sight no-one needs to see in 4K.
12.   And another one – Jesse Hogan. Has reputation and presence like Clint Eastwood walking into a country town in ‘insert Western film here’, but seemingly hasn’t got any bullets, to keep the metaphor going, nor do I think he even has a gun in either holster. Jaryd Roughead can’t get a game, nor can Josh Jenkins, but eight goals in nine games, four in his last five, Hogan’s getting a sweet ride.
13.   Brissy, gee, bless them, look almost assured of an elimination final even before we leave Autumn, its an impressive season to date. They were super stiff not to take the chocolates on Sunday and be nudging top four. Impressive stuff from the Lions.
14.   Carlton though, I tell you what, you wouldn’t want to be Brendan Bolton, but you do want to coach them in 2020, which is a bizarre scenario. This is a team teetering on the edge of clicking into a winning, finals-bound unit, but Bolton ain’t doing himself any favours. Damien Hardwick’s winning without his best half-dozen players, Nathan Buckley has his team idling but doing enough when it matters, even John Longmire’s coached a really competitive outfit for three weeks now for two wins and a narrow loss, Bolton needs one if not two of the next three to survive probably.
15.   Chris Judd, another balancing a serious footy role in club land with media gigs, has always deflected pretty well the Bolton stuff on Footy Classified, but on Monday he was different. His body language suggested decisions or conversations with impending outcomes had been now had, and recently, and it was less defensive of his senior coach and more ‘what will be will be’. My view, if not reading too much into it, Scott’s departure or otherwise, is that the Blues board see the time as now to make a call on Bolton, and to support Damien Barrett just this once, a sacking around the bye should those two or so wins not realise is increasingly likely.
16.   Sad about Paddy McCartin ey? Lots was reported with him hitting media street on Sunday, but my main takeaway was Billy Brownless, his pseudo father-in-law, talking on the Sunday Footy Show. Billy spoke really sombrely about how his daughter’s boyfriend struggles with headaches constantly, and whilst usually a very enthusiastic and jovial media performer, to have Brownless so forlorn talking about someone he cares about really struggling, it really struck a chord. Wish you well Paddy.
17.   Gotta call out the Doggies, I’m a fan but surprised they’re not copping more heat. 13th, four and six, a decent percentage, sure, but have now lost to Gold Coast, North and Carlton. That Richmond win in Round Seven is counting for a lot right now.
18.   Daniel Wells, probably a career-ending injury in what now seems decided is his last year. But he has opted to go for one last crack, looking for the moons to align where the Pies make the finals and go deep, he gets himself fit to be considered, and the makeup of the team at the time warrants his selection. He might be able to kick two or three in a winning final if all those moons align, but otherwise this knee injury has drawn curtains on a great career.
19.   West Coast, I’m a critic and not just because of Dom Sheed’s annoyingly accurate set shot last September, but I wasn’t buying what they were selling thus far in 2019. And aside from Luke Shuey’s genius, who along with Elliott Yeo are carrying that midfield right now, in the last quarter they lose to a plodding Adelaide whose captain has gone missing. So how’s their form then, six and three, looking good? I’m still subscribing to a ‘gift of a run’, where off the back of two bad losses to Port and Geelong, they have starred down the barrel of a bad loss in each of the four games since but have just managed. That all said, they’ll win at least four of their next five looking ahead so a top four finish, despite all of their shortcomings, looks on.
20.   Gaz and his punch, who cares whether he deserved it or not, whether it’s karma for the two elbows he got off, or whether he is playing angry. Its perfect management of a 34-year-old who was already scheduled to stay up in the Gold Coast longer than the team for a mini-break, so his forced week off actually just makes those plans even tastier and freshens him up a couple weeks before the bye. Seriously, Geelong are just crunching this season so far, it’s a right laugh.
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