#the fact that he and Vegeta did this together
tenebraevesper · 4 months
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Final Conclusion)
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''It's been a long, rough road and I'm finally here. I move an inch forward, feels like a year. Everything I feel seems so unreal. Is it true? Is it true? I take one step forward and two steps back. Got a hundred thousand pounds sitting on my back. Up, down, all around, don't know quite what to do to get through. Well, I'm on my way...''
(Never Turn Back, Shadow the Hedgehog (2005))
Welcome to the Final Conclusion of my Shadow the Hedgehog's character analysis! It has been a long, rough road for me, but now I'm here to give you my final thoughts on Shadow the Hedgehog as a character in Sonic Prime.
So, shall we dive in for one last time?
I started this character analysis with the statement that ''Prime!Shadow is peak Shadow'', making it my mission to re-watch every episode of Sonic Prime to back up my argument, and I believe that I have succeeded.
When I had learned that Sonic Prime would have Shadow in it, I made sure to keep a close eye on him, as we know all too well just how tight SEGA's mandates around Shadow's character are, having seen him at his worst in the Sonic IDW comics. I had been hoping that Sonic Prime would let Shadow have more room as a character, let him breathe a little. He doesn't have to be just the grim Vegeta-type Stock Shonen Rival to Sonic, but he can also be a hero on his own.
So I waited and I hoped, and, oh boy, did Sonic Prime deliver!
With the placement of Sonic Prime in the mainline canon being deliberately vague (aside from obviously being set after Sonic Advance 3) we only had the knowledge of Shadow's backstory to figure out how his character might be utilized in the show, and let me assure you, I did not expect that Shadow as a character would actually go back to his roots.
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As TV Tropes puts it, Shadow is the composite character of ''the intelligent, perceptive, and pragmatic (with good intentions) of Sonic 06'' self ''with the wrathful but good intentioned disposistion of Sonic Battle'' self.
In short, he is exactly the Shadow people wanted to see for so long, ever since Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), which is considered to be the peak of his character (not counting Sonic Adventure 2). He is the grim rival to Sonic, but has a kind heart and the will to protect the world regardless of how people see him. He is not above using violent methods to achieve his goals, but has primarily good intentions, and will clash and work together with Sonic depending on the situation.
That alone is very impressive, but what makes Prime!Shadow stand out even above his Sonic 06 self is the fact that he actually undergoes through subtle, but legitimate character development.
As I had stated in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 1), Shadow starts out as a loner who prefers to stop Sonic from causing the end of world by fighting him instead of talking to him. This is kind of understandable, since Sonic also sucks at communication and listening to other people, including his friends, which is how the whole Shatterverse event starts in the first place, and gets punched by Shadow for causing this whole mess.
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In Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 2), I had been pointing out how, after both Shadow got all the frustration he felt towards Sonic out of his system in the first half of Episode 09: Avoid the Void, he manages to convey to Sonic just how much damage he had caused by breaking the Paradox Prism, leading to the two to actually start communicating properly. Of course, it is not perfect, and Shadow certainly gets annoyed by Sonic over the course of the episode, but he is willing to talk rather than to fight.
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However, it takes until the second half of the same episode, aka what I covered in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 3) for Shadow to finally realize that he needs Sonic if he wants to fix reality. But before that, we have a good old fashioned rival fight, where Shadow decides to save the world on his own, showing us that, even if the world is at stake, he won't miss a chance to enjoy his fight with Sonic. However, upon his failure to enter the Shatterspaces, he understands that he won't be able to do this without Sonic's help, as he's stuck in The Void. Of course, this is just the beginning of their attempts at proper teamwork and they still won't miss a chance to banter with each other.
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Speaking of bantering, we slowly start get more and more of those, as covered in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 4), with Shadow snarking at Sonic while also trying to keep him on track. Not only that, but Shadow also plays a role in stalling the Chaos Council, showing that even if he cannot travel through the Shatterverse, he can still support Sonic in his own way.
When the Chaos Council arrives at Ghost Hill to take the Prism Shards, we finally see what it looks like when Shadow and Sonic team up and it's glorious. Even if their relationship hasn't started out well, you can see how they slowly become better and better as a team, protecting each other and coming up with plans to protect the Shards.
One thing that gets pointed out, however, is Shadow's distrust of other people. In Sonic Prime, Shadow has no friends, which is something Sonic teases him about when Shadow shows clear distrust of Nine. Shadow is right to be distrustful of Nine, pointing out to Sonic how he's not the same as Tails, especially due to how Sonic is projecting Tails onto Nine and treating him as if they were the same person.
However, Sonic is not wrong either in regards to his statement how Shadow needs to learn to trust people, and rest assured, it appears that Shadow actually takes this to heart, as he begins to trust Sonic.
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This is seen in the first half of Episode 17: Grim Tidings, which I covered in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 5). Not only does Shadow not blame Sonic for losing the Shards to Nine, but he also keeps reaching out for Sonic, who is grieving the loss of Ghost Hill and his friends, protecting him from danger, reassuring him that they will get the Shards back and comforting him by complimenting him. It's incredibly sweet to see that side of him, a kinder, softer side which he appears to show only around Sonic.
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This extends into the second half of the episode, covered in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 6), where Shadow keeps up with his mission to protect Sonic as they try to recover the Paradox Prism from Nine. Not only has their teamwork significantly improved, with both being incredibly in sync, but the moment Shadow realizes that Nine is after Sonic, he abandons the Paradox Prism and instead focuses on saving Sonic from Nine, eventually throwing him out of The Grim and basically sacrificing his own life for Sonic.
I absolutely loved seeing this protective side of Shadow, showing just how much he cares about Sonic and how much he has grown to appreciate him.
(Also, note how Shadow once again has beef with Tails, having fought him in Sonic X and Sonic Boom before).
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What follows next is the battle against Nine, covered in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 7), which shows us Shadow and Sonic's contrasting personalities and ideals bouncing off of each other, while working perfectly together. They have now reached a new level of trust, respect and understanding, with Shadow showing complete loyalty towards Sonic, even if their initial methods of reaching their goals clash with each other.
Also, Sonic introduces Shadow as his boyfriend to his Shatterverse friends.
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''Probably gonna regret that.'' ''I heart you too, Shadow.''
Oh, did you really think I wouldn't talk about the blatant Sonadow subtext in Sonic Prime? There is a reason why fans nicknamed the show Sonadow Prime.
These two dorks have so much chemistry in this show that it is hard not to ship them together, even if all instances of them working together as a couple were unintentional. Sonic Prime definitely shows the appeal of the Sonadow ship, and if you go by The Sonadow Special Bumblekast Interview with Ian Flynn, these two are probably one confession away from dating each other (even if the ship will never become canon, because SEGA says ''No'' to romance in their Sonic media - a wise decision).
Why am I saying this? Well, Ian says that, in order for Sonadow to be executed, there would have to be an understood vulnerability to Shadow, and he would have to open up to be more accessible at a personal level. He notes how it doesn't take much for it to happen, and that it just has to become established to build that bridge, especially with Sonic being so casual and accepting enough as he is, and he would allow Shadow to be who he is, which is kinda prickly and stand-offish. They would have the occasional moment where Shadow let's his guard down and is more empathetic and emotionally available, but otherwise, they would play it fairly cool and aloof.
Also, how would it be made official that they're together? Ian says how they're so cool and aloof in their own way that he cannot see either of them making some dramatic declaration or turn all mushy and lovey-dovey, as that's not who they are.
''[...] The adventure concludes, and they're standing side by side on the hillside looking at the sunset and the wreckage, and they share, y'know, a compliment, and instead of like, a fist bump or a 'See ya next time', and one of them runs off; maybe they throw arms around each other or something, just kinda stand there. [...] I see them just being very chill about it all.''
So, let me ask you something - in Sonic Prime, which character is starting to show his more vulnerable side, letting his guard down and and reaching out for Sonic, either to comfort him or to protect him?
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Yeah, a simple screenshot speaks more than a thousand words.
Also, if you don't care about what Ian Flynn said, just take note of how affectionate Sonic is towards Shadow and Shadow in turn just let's him do whatever he wants. Sonic hugs him, and Shadow doesn't push him back. It's absolutely adorable and it gets even better when we get to the finale!
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Episode 23: From the Top (covered in its full form in Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 8)) concludes the battle against Nine, with the whole Shatterverse being reduced to nothing. Sonic decides to sacrifice his life to restore the Paradox Prism, and we see Shadow completely heartbroken when he sees that Sonic isn't moving, probably believing that he is dead. I don't think Shadow had ever shown an expression like this in any media.
Fortunately, Sonic is still alive, but barely holding on, leading up to a race against time, where Shadow carries a dying Sonic towards Green Hill.
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''I never knew you were a hugger.'' ''Do you want me to save you or not?''
*shouting from the back* Just kiss already!
Hey, I mean, it isn't them throwing arms around each other, but we do have Sonic flirting with Shadow and Shadow responding before the sense of panic sets in when Sonic goes limp.
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Fortunately, the day is saved, with Sonic and Shadow retaining their memories of what had happened and remembering what their learned from each other during their adventure (with the Shatterverse probably being wiped out because Sonic doesn't shatter the Paradox Prism).
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''I am the Ultimate Lifeform. I go wherever I want.'' ''Wh-huh?'' ''CHAOS CONTROL!''
One thing I don't believe I had mentioned is how there is three times when Shadow declares his status as The Ultimate Lifeform. The first time is a response to Nine's comment about him and Sonic being twins, with Shadow pointing out his uniqueness. The second time he states it is when Nine is shocked to see him defeat Grim Alpha Sonic, with Sonic quipping how he's ''modest too'', showing off that he is adept to battling and will win the fight no matter the odds. And lastly, he states it once again before he teleports the Paradox Prism, noting how he can go wherever he wants, which I believe is him declaring his won freedom to not be tied to anything (like a certain promise) and doing things his way (not to mention the fact that he spent a good chunk of the show floating in The Void, unable to go anywhere).
Unfortunately, as I said before, the ending kinda feels like it's missing something, and while people might point out how it's either perfect the way it is or list a bunch of flaws or seek signs of an nonexistent sequel, the one thing I wanted to see is for Sonic and Shadow to have at least one more conversation.
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''If knowing you has taught me anything, there is always another way.'' 'Wait, was that a compliment?''
I wanted them to meet up again and reflect on their adventure, as well as talk how much they have grown closer as a team, with Sonic even offering Shadow to join him and his friends at the beach for a couple of chili dogs. I'd have Shadow be reluctant for a moment, before accepting.
Maybe have Sonic ask Shadow what happened to the Paradox Prism and Shadow assure him that it's in a safe space. Perhaps they could also ponder on what happened to the Shatterverse, and whether it's gone or it still exists. As for Sonic's friends, they would probably wonder since when Sonic and Shadow are now close buddies, with Sonic about to tell them about their adventure in the Shatterverse before Dr. Eggman returns with another scheme and the adventure continues.
I really wanted some kind of finality to show their newly formed bond. After all, there is so much to talk about, like the fact that Sonic definitely had a traumatic flashback to Sonic Adventure 2.
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Or have Shadow admit that he doesn't want to lose Sonic by just telling him not to get so reckless again when around another world-shattering stone.
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*sighs dreamily*
Oh well, being a writer, I guess I might as well write this alternate ending by myself then. I might let these two have their moment, showing appreciation for each other in their own way.
Also, Shadow is a hugger. That's definitely canon now.
One last thing to mention before I finish this is - what did Shadow do with the Paradox Prism? Well, I have an idea for how this adventure might continue, albeit in a different universe:
Sonic Boom Shatterverse (Sonic Prime/Sonic Boom)
So, does anyone want to see how Boom!Shadow and Boom!Sonic handle their own universe shattering into pieces? Coz I do!
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
204 notes · View notes
zeevoidlight · 10 days
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what's the deal with these two...
Seriously. Why is the suspicion and joking of their bromance even a thing that exists (outside of just shipping for shipping's sake and ppl making every male friendship a secretly frustrated gay relationship). Is it even a thing?
Do I ship Goku and Vegeta?... yes.. yes I do, I confess myself as part of the problem. But I feel is fair that in a show like Dragon Ball where there's sexually mature references and themes at times I can give myself the freedom to wonder. So i'mmana talk about two pivotal moments that marked a before and after for both of them together as a team: their Majin saga match and the fusion.
As far as the show goes, there's not really much to go off of. They clearly both have their wives whom they both love very much, children, they love to battle and test themselves, they are bros (now at least), rivals for life, they better each other by challenging one another to get better.
On the other hand my autism tells me that that's not the whole story. Because I normally don't like to take things at face value when i can see more.
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Is interesting to see how both, Goku's compassion and respect for Vegeta, and Vegeta's (albeit unhealthy) obsession over Goku, the fact that they were also the last of their kind and the only ones that could compete with each other to fight between themselves and against others (discounting Gohan since he always slacked on his training and wasn't really interested on fighting), the only ones that could understand how the other felt as being pure blooded, that Goku had a living example in Vegeta of his true origins to learn more about himself (like a walking Saiyan enciclopedia), that Vegeta had in Goku a new purpose in life (until he realized what he had with his family as well), all of that with time combined to create a dynamic where they both felt comfortable with each other. They famously became companions, with time forming friendship/friendly rivalry and some could even see them now being akin to brothers. Something that as much as Krilin was Goku's life long friend and will be forever he could never really fulfill all that Vegeta came to develop with Goku. And in a way I don't think anyone can either.
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But there's also an important note to make about this relationship/friendship. Vegeta is the one that gives it more meaning than Goku does (at first). I feel like Goku is simply being his loving caring happy free self, while Vegeta takes it personal and takes so much weight on what Goku says and does and how it affects him. As he later puts in words in Super (Granola arc i think), Goku is an egotist while he himself is an egocentric. And that difference is important to get to the point because from now on for a while the question is "Why does Vegeta".
Why does Vegeta put so much weight in their fight in the Majin Saga that he's willing to kill innocent people again just to have a match with Goku (going with the latin dub again since is more accurate to the original japanese one). And it isn't just about his ego, is about what he doesn't say as well.
Why is Vegeta the only character that is so against fusion, with Goku specifically because he has only fused with him and we don't know how would he react to fusing with someone else if it's needed.
Why is Vegeta so averse to touching Goku. At least after their fight and after him dying in the Majin Saga and once he is allowed to go back to Earth.
Why on the brink of the universe destruction was Vegeta acting like a cheated on girlfriend when he discovered that Goku had a new transformation and didn't told him about it (I would be mad at him too to be fair but i also understand why Goku wouldn't want to do so and he did it to not hurt Vegeta's feelings and have a good time under fair conditions. he gets half a point for the sentiment).
The Majin Saga
From all the examples people like to pull up when trying to argument sexual tension between these two there's only a few that I feel have some significance. And I can tell you when did it cooked enough to be a possibility. And that is right when Goku announced he was going to go back to Earth for one day and one day only, presumably forever. That's where something started, but it was brewing since Goku died to Cell and Vegeta lost Goku, his purpose, his obsession, his will to fight, and entered a depressive episode that lasted 2 years (aprox, since Bulma tells Chichi that Vegeta had been training for the last 5 years in the 7 year time skip).
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Once he knew Goku was coming back he just had to do anything in his power to fight against him again, no matter what it took (he looks so excited too, that's cute). His entire meaning as the person he perceived he was and his meaning as a warrior and Goku's foil depended on it. But after realizing that they might not have their match because of Supreme Kio's pink menace, nothing else mattered, not Bulma, not Trunks, not the Earth or the universe or everything he had been building for so many years without Goku. Goku was the single catalyst for his relapse. Like... how is it possible that fighting with him and proving his worth is more important that it's been a rock in his boots for years now. But ok, he's a warrior so I can understand why, also because he was going through a Major (with capital M) identity crisis where he's trying to negate his newfound value in his family and new home while thinking that is what was making him weak, though he never really believed that since he knew Goku never needed to be cruel to surpass him, it was just a jolt reaction to not knowing how to handle it, and Goku could see through that very clearly by asking him if he really believed that bs about feeling good by being cruel and being a slave of his own mind.
But the thing is that during their fight it is clear that more than winning (which he would have enjoy to no end if they finished their fight and Goku didn't had a new plot convenient powerup hiding under his eyebrows again, though that wouldn't have helped him to grow), both were very much enjoying the act of fighting (since Goku said he wanted to end the fight soon so Buu doesn't get the energy but he didn't because he could have used Ssj3 and end it quite fast), Vegeta fighting against his previous rival now companion Kakarot. Sparing with him in perfect synchrony in an equal fight because what Vegeta actually wanted with the Majin Magic was to close the powergap and convince himself he had an excuse to not feel remorse because of the magic. And i say that because before Goku dying to Cell he really saw him as competition, but after he lost him i feel that alongside his remorse and embarrassment for the disaster that was that saga, in part because of his gigantic ego, he must have felt alone, now truly being the last pure blooded Saiyan alive and not in condition to call himself a warrior anymore under his own standards. And although he had Gohan, which he respected a lot because of his courage and his immense power, it was not the same since Gohan is a pacifist and didn't had the same passion for fighting like a pure blooded Saiyan so he wasn't even training. So by the time of the Majin Saga and once Goku came into the picture again I think he subconsciously regarded him differently and he ends up realizing it during their fight (although he doesn't vocalize it).
During their fight there's a specific moment. After Goku throws Vegeta to a cliff side and he makes a hole in it to liberate himself, Goku comes to him and they both get very close just floating in the air and powering up, looking at each other. Vegeta is beyond pissed, Goku taking the fight very seriously. Then Goku smiles to Vegeta challenging him and showing he's enjoying their fight, and Vegeta relaxes for a moment changing his attitude and showing a smile back to him in empathy, sharing to him that he is enjoying it too and wants to challenge him back as well.
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This whole fight is Goku's way to show Vegeta how much he actually cares about him and his well being despite what Vegeta might have believed up until then, how much he respects him as a warrior and an equal too, even risking Earth and Majin Buu's return. He did the unthinkable and menaced Kaio Shin with death if he dared to stop their fight, which Vegeta sure noticed and even reacted with complete disbelief.
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I know a lot of people joke about Vegeta being a repressed homosexual because of his obsession with Goku, and i'm not saying he is, but this fight is charged with sexual tension, mostly on his part, among other things of course. And is interesting that Vegeta, ever since the Namek experience, is the most emotionally fragile of the bunch and an unstable character. He feels everything very intensely and reacts in the same way while trying to hide under a curtain of pride, ego and his title of Prince.
Goku knew what he was getting into by agreeing to fight with Vegeta. He wasn't going to just let them set the score, he was going to give Vegeta the most intense therapy session ever by letting him discharge all that literal energy and anger, guiding him through his feelings, playing by Vegeta's rules. Help him overcome whatever he had been brewing in his mind since they day they met thinking on where was the moment everything went wrong for years, so he could move forward...
And then... this happens...
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... I don't think anyone expected something like this to even be a thing that he could do as a power that we will only see one time ever in the entirety of the show and is in here, lol. And not long ago I watched a semi abridged semi analysis commentary video on the fight and yeah, we coincide that there was something else going on here at the same time. Vegeta got a little too excited... The same way a football player suddenly gets rock hard without realizing because they got too much adrenaline from a very exciting match. And I didn't mentioned it but being that Saiyans were a warrior culture there exists some real life relation of warrior societies (like greeks, romans, spartans, norse, some aztec societies) and homoerotic practices as part of that philosophy. Fighting is everything and everything revolves around fighting. And finding a brother in arms could develop into something else out of admiration, or from hypermasculinity with the purpose of dominating the other and demonstrating power. And i'm not saying that that was part of Saiyan culture, just that there might be some similarities with what we're seeing.
There's a fine line between pain and pleasure, hate and love, fear and excitement, rivalry and attraction. And in moments of intensity where both opposite feelings collide can produce an equally intense and confusing response. And here Vegeta is going through a rollercoaster of emotions and given that he is the most emotionally charged character it can go all places.
So, Vegeta tells Goku if he pretends to defeat him quickly as he said, Goku responds that he's trying to do that, and Vegeta asks if he thinks he can do it *slap slap* (the disrespect). He's trying to provoke him but the way he does it is kinda similar to what you'd do in a sexual encounter since he's not really hurting him too badly (which is really funny). And I'm pretty sure he wasn't thinking about anything sexual, just pure anger towards our buddy Kakarot so that doesn't change the fact that he did just lost his marbles to blind rage and wasn't thinking at all, just feeling intensely and acting freely on it. "Listen... don't you think this is enough humiliation I got from your part *hit hit punch hit*. This attacks are not enough to set the score. How is it possible that a Prince of Saiyans, that possesses such a big pride, was humiliated by a warrior like you (In the English version there's a series of flashbacks with dialogue but that's not a thing in the japanese and latin version). What saddens me the most is that you saved my life, worm (i don't remember if he's referring to Cell because Gohan saved him there, or way back in the saiyan saga when they first met since for a warrior is way worse offense to get their death in battle denied since he now has to suffer all what he's been through). You deserve to die! I'll break you to pieces right now! I'll start with the arm...".
Unfortunately for Goku Vegeta didn't share the safe word and he had to free himself so he wasn't actually dismembered by the intensity of Prince Vegeta and they continued their fight, once again Goku leveling the field into a in a less emotionally charged more equal fight all things considered. They talk again and Vegeta admits to him that he understands that he's never going to surpass him because Goku is more skilled at fighting, now getting into the real meat of the matter with him and his frustrations. We get to Vegeta almost breaking in tears again, torn by the realization of his situation confessing all about how he wants to be who he was and how he cannot cope with his new life on Earth having all this new feelings for his family and being passive that make him feel like he is not himself. Which tells a lot about how he still doesn't know how to function outside of conflict and his deeply rooted self image since childhood, and to me it says that it almost feels to him like he's afraid of disappearing as an individual if he cannot go back to being something he recognizes and is familiar with as he doesn't recognize himself being something else, a who that is completely opposite to what he has ever known. Is something some people that had lived through a deeply traumatic upbringing experience. On top of it being a Saiyan it must have been really confusing and difficult but Goku is the only one that could probably understand that in some capacity as pure blooded Saiyan.
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And i love how Goku doesn't give up on him though after everything and he is still willing to listen and help. Without his help here Vegeta wouldn't have confronted and put into words his reality to later internalize it and fully embrace his love for his family, fully embrace his feelings, giving Trunks later his first hug. That was all Goku's doing.
Of course things happened since they were still in the middle of total annihilation at the hands of the strongest pink ball of bubblegum. and from this fight and his explosive sacrifice/ acceptance of his destiny and for who he was, going forward Vegeta actually starts acting a little different. A lot more relaxed with Kakarot, more open and sincere, more focused on helping than competing, more agreeable and no longer ignoring or being embarrassed of his feelings for his loved ones (like we see when he gets convinced by Goku to do the fusion using Vegeta's love for Bulma). And I'm pretty sure he felt grateful and in life debt to him. Not only for his help with unjumbling his feelings during that fight but for everything he's done for him since the day Goku spared his life way back in the day. A real true honest best friend/rival for life. (Though he still was being a bit stubborn about wanting to fight Buu himself in the anime, but in the manga he just doesn't charge head first into trying to battle him, he just doesn't like the idea of fussing with Kakarot).
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Then the fusion thing...
The thing about the fusion is that Vegeta usually never wants to do it because he's embarrassed by the dance (which yeah... that's absolutely fair) but this is not the metamoran one, is the Potara, and they don't need to dance. His usual complains then change to "I just don't like to be fused with him" or "I don't like the idea of uniting bodies with him" when they have to do it later (either in canon or movie). And I don't know how doing a fusion with someone would feel like but the Potara at least has two ways it can go. For the Kaios just one person becomes the main, getting some physical characteristics and power of the other, and the other becomes dormant, just one person gets to be conscious. But for mortals, both actually remain conscious and they both "live" inside the body of each other as one new combined persona who is a combined identity, mixing mentally and physically, sharing memories, thoughts, feelings, everything in unison either the other wants it or not because when they are fused they are cooperating in a single brain so they think the same under this persona even if later they have separate thoughts on the same thing when they de-fuse, even better actually if they are rivals because they get the rival boost. Is not too crazy to think that some would consider it a very intimate act, even more because is permanent (until the retcon), which Goku is so considerate to tell Vegeta at the very last minute and he's like "WTF!" and Goku is just down with it while Vegeta is regretting ever meeting this guy but does it anyways.
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And we have seen other characters combine but they don't think much about it, Trunks and Goten specifically just find it fun because they are best friends and just think about having the time of their lives beating up the bad guys. But I think Vegeta specifically does feel like it's something too personal and intimate that requires a lot his will power to do. His concept of it is different for a lot of reasons that all derive from being a very reserved person in general in many aspects. But ultimately and reluctantly agrees for the sake of his loved ones and saving his new home.
Goku certainly didn't thought much about it, just another way to become even stronger by cooperating with someone in a new way. Better if it's Vegeta because the power boost is much greater to save the Earth and he considers him a real friend at this point. He's so excited when Vegeta accepts because it means so much, it's the demonstration to Goku of his turn to an actual good guy, fighting for others and not just himself, and he's so proud. And the result is this very playful, sassy confident and cocky warrior that we all know and love because is the best thing ever and I don't have Vegetto favoritism.
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But something did changed in both of them after the fusion. I know is an anime only thing for better pacing (at least until Super came and made it a thing again in small ways of its own), but after the fusion thing Goku started to unnecessarily get into Vegeta's personal space more (I mean, I don't think there's anything more intimate than fussing and you'd have to get a level of trust and understanding with that other person like with no one else ever afterwards regardless). Like, I like that when they do the cheek to cheek attack, which again was completely unnecessary, Vegeta feels dirty about it, even muttering to himself "He's an opportunist (as in like, Goku taking advantage of him), I would have preferred the fusion" and Goku asks him is he's finished blasting Buu bits and Vegeta recoils and yells "Don't get close to me!". (In the manga there's not really that much fuss about it when they separate, they just get to work and directly from separating to Buu's brain). The fusion represents the pinnacle of their growth together as partners. Probably even more than that at this point for how much they share as rivals and how much they understand about each other above any other person, including their own wives in some regards for all they have gone through on things only they can share between themselves like their love for battle.
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And if they both were friendly before while still keeping their cards up, now is when they start to act more like brothers and cooperating. Goku with his power and techniques and Vegeta with his strategic planing at the end of the Buu saga. Goku even becomes more playful with Vegeta, even sharing funny moments together. And as pointed out, I believe the fusion made them know the thinking, memories and intentions of the other to a degree.
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This is the turning point for Goku as well regarding accepting his heritage as Saiyan. Because from then on he also accepts the values of the Saiyans as warriors and accepts feeling pleasure in having a good fair honorable fight without aid and relying only in his strength and talent just for the thrill he gets of it (much like what he felt as a child/teen), which he demonstrates by breaking the second pair of Potara earrings while Vegeta responds by telling him that he's so proud of him for going into the fight the Saiyan way. Also from then on others start to recognize Goku fully as a Saiyan.
Now, about Vegeta with the fusion, if he wasn't too sure about the fusion first, now every time the fusion is required he almost feels violated by the suggestion (which right before the kid Buu fight he actually didn't mind fusing again and kinda wanted it in the anime while this wasn't in the manga but ok). And of course, if he didn't had much thoughts on getting close and personal with Goku when battling because it meant nothing (like the arm riding in the Saiyan saga and their bondage session prior), now he recoils from him in certain situations (it also didn't help that the first time they fuse they went dick first...).
And onto Super, they made this thing about Goku asking Vegeta to grab his hand in order to instant transmission but Goku knows very well that's not necessary, he could have said to Vegeta to grab his shoulder like others do but he wants him to grab his hand, and Vegeta gets all flustered and nervous every time as if people are going to make fun of him for being gay or something (since we are told by the Pilaf gang that holding hands is very romantic and a sign of being a couple, and something to be embarrassed about, although from a childish perspective of course but this information was set up for the audience when Trunks wanted to hold hands with Mai). Like... Goku, do you have something to share to the class as well?
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They later spent 3 years in the hyperbolic chamber at Goku's request... 3 years together just sparing in a void where there's nothing but infinity and them (which again, it wasn't really necessary because as Vegeta points out that wasn't going to make much of a difference in terms of power because they are at their limit of what their bodies can achieve by just fighting). And Bulma even got jealous/angry about Vegeta accepting the invitation.
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It's become such a well known thing that there's something going on that even in official material (not canon exactly but official) acknowledges it. Maybe Goku knows something we don't since the fusion happened but it goes a little beyond just a joke from his part XD. And i haven't talked about it but Goku has no shame or filter. He does seem to display asexual tendencies but he's either oblivious to sexual stuff at times and how it affects others, or does it on purpose because he feels not much about it but does know how it affects others.
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In GT there's actually not too much, they just remain companions and friends for life... Vegeta again reminiscing of everything they've gone through and accepting his role in the powerscale and being very freaking cute with Bulma, being such a dad and all. The highlight is the fusion again though, where Vegeta is the one that says he wants to do the fusion to which Goku just laughs saying that he feels happy because is the first time Vegeta asks him to do it, and Vegeta is just averts his eyes and says he hates him, lol.
Of course, the bromance tones might be just fanservice (I didn't knew that in shonen is actually very common). But either if there's something or not I don't really care much about that. Because as characters I have seen them grown so much and they have learn so much about themselves and each other it might as well be just another aspect they allow themselves to explore if they're down with it, with whatever canon or the anime presents us to see and guess, just like they have with their own families, wives, form friendships, discover new feelings, ways of thinking, how they have become stronger and how they have change the people around them, meta speaking as well. Either they are just friends, honorary brothers or something more I'm happy with who they have become thanks to each other. And the trust they have for each other is what is beautiful to see reflected. I'm so proud of them and what they have achieved. Now they are inseparable as the best duo in history.
And I'm my conclusions I would say that Vegeta might feel something towards Goku for how much he has helped him and how he has come to admire and respect him in levels unimaginable... in a spartan kinda way if you like and if he ever was down with it. And Goku is just Goku. He loves in a storge kind of way because that's what he does. He knows Vegeta to a T, knows what he needs, and wants him to be happy as well and become the better version of himself, to feel comfortable and feel loved too because he admires him as well, and if he can help him he will do so. Is not really a physical sexual attraction (which doesn't mean it cannot derive on one if you want) but there is attraction and love in a different way.
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paganminiskirt · 3 months
Like Frieza and Vegeta’s relationship was absolutely abusive and exploitative from start to finish but I think people write it wrong. Well not wrong, just in a way that I personally believe removes the deeper horror in favor of an easy depiction of what a relationship like that looks like. He’s not getting strung up and whipped or locked in a cell to cry, he’s getting his chin scratched by a person who uprooted him from everything he had ever known on a whim and destroyed the culture upon which he founded his most nascent sense of identity. And that person is only keeping him alive because despite it all, he’s useful, and kind of cute, especially now that all the other Saiyans are dead. Vegeta’s a small child being made to commit atrocities for profit an amusing little novelty, still using the honorifics & regurgitating the legends of a planet that’s been obliterated. DBS is not a perfect sequel by any means but it did this part so, so well. “All hail Vegeta, prince of no one.” “I always thought you shined the brightest when you were serving as my pet.”
Sickening, yes? And the intimacy is the worst part, the realization that Frieza seems to favor him; seems to like him. Who knows, maybe Vegeta reminded him of himself at some ancient, half-forgotten stage of life. King Cold did drop him like a hot potato as soon as he was proven weaker than Trunks. Maybe that’s the whole reason he made King Vegeta give up his kid in the first place. Frieza’s relationship with his father is shallow and dependent entirely on his value as a soldier, the underlying cruelty of which they’ve both silently agreed to use superfluous affection to cover up? Fine. He’s gonna make the Saiyan king give up his own militarized child prince. He’s gonna strip away the cultural justifications for what he’s doing to his son by making him treat it like the cold, spineless profiteering that it always was. He’s gonna rub it in.
But hey, he’s not mad at the kid. It was his dad who got too big for the barrel. Vegeta is still serving his purpose, Vegeta is still being good. Why wouldn’t Frieza treat him in accordance with his “station,” even after it’s been rendered an empty title because of him. All he has to do is keep spinning the wheel on the Cold Empire, vomiting out violence into the endless vacuum of space & never getting too uppity about his dead father or dead planet or about the fact that, even when reduced to the most baseline level of childish narcissism, the state which this arrangement has emotionally stunted him into maintaining well into adulthood, he never actually wanted any of this. He didn’t want to leave Planet Vegeta! He didn’t want to grow up surrounded by strangers! He didn’t want to have no claim over anything he ever achieved! He wanted to work for himself! It wasn’t his choice!!! For all of Vegeta’s dickswinging and hierarchy and “pride,” he is so, so helpless, “like a tiny insect glowing in a jar,” as Frieza so helpfully summarized for us. Overcorrection layered on overcorrection layered on overcorrection layered on desperate, screeching fear and sadness and shame. Blow up a planet. Nuke a city. Wipe out a village. Fix It Again, Tony.
And that viciously indulgent cruelty that Vegeta used to comfort himself as he grew into a man is only emphasized by how blasé Frieza appears to be about the whole thing. He’s calm. He’s secure. He spends half the arc sitting down, just watching. He’s what Vegeta was in the first part of the Saiyan saga, and he slowly turns into what Vegeta slowly turned into in the second part of the Saiyan saga. An addled, wounded, unthinking mess, trying to put their self image back together as someone else’s superior ability causes it to crumble. Frieza was scared of the super saiyan. Under all that collected ambivalence, that whole time, he was scared.
Vegeta is Frieza’s heir. As gross as that incongruent, unwanted warmth is to witness, Frieza succeeded in establishing influence over & connection between himself and the child he orphaned. And the process of healing from that relationship involves Vegeta going back to square one and having to acquiesce to another foreign, combat oriented culture populated by vaguely hostile strangers. He gets new clothes. He gets a new place to train. He gets new tasks to perform. He gets called cute.
Like. It’s not physical torture, at least not as we usually imagine it. It’s this slow poisoning of a person’s ability to trust and connect with others, a process which is gussied up by regular assertions of fondness, so casual & consistent that you have to actively remind yourself that the guy who’s doing it sees Vegeta as a literal subhuman, and is only being good to him the way you’d be good to a valued piece of property. He tortured him to death, but he still thinks he was a good pet. Vegeta’s life was Frieza’s to end, but his feats of wanton destruction were also his to be proud of.
That’s the whole reason why Vegeta’s character development was slow, ugly and recidivist. Because it was his knowledge of how to grow, of how to exist any other way, that Frieza intentionally eroded for his own selfish, petty gain. And for a relationship between a man with a monkey tail and his pink-skinned alien overlord, the most uncomfortable part about the dynamic is that it’s realistic. Common, even.
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tobiasdrake · 14 days
I've been loving your talks over the different dynamics between the various cast members of Dragonball and am kinda surprised no one's asked this one yet and you only really gave it a brief mention.
I would like to hear about Goku and Krillin's dynamic. They're the two I love seeing interact the most together and would love to see your takes and analysis.
Goku loves Krillin. Krillin is up there with Bulma, Chi-Chi, and Gohan in the category of Most Important People to him.
(No snubbing intended towards Goten; It's just that we've never gotten to see Goku and Goten spend any amount of time together, like, at all. We have no idea what their relationship is.)
It's honestly surprising how tight Goku and Krillin's bond is despite how little time they've ever spent with one another.
Although they started out, uh... rocky....
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But that only lasted like a day. By the time their training started, it was water under the bridge.
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I cannot in good conscience call Goku and Krillin inseparable because they separate for years at a time. That's how Goku is; He goes off on his own and does his own thing, only rarely checking in with his friends. This training session only lasted eight months, and then Krillin didn't see Goku for three years (save for the General Blue mini-arc of RRA.)
But when they are together, they're practically brothers - Even helping each other strategize during the Tenkaichi Budokai.
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As an aside, I love the fact that not only is Krillin canonically noseless, it's not just art style, but also he hallucinates smells to compensate. Krillin imagines he's smelling whatever he thinks he should be smelling.
Wonder if he's ever made any bad assumptions?
In any case, the tactical advice isn't one-way either. Krillin helped Goku workshop his match with Tenshinhan too.
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Goku was able to solve the Taiyoken/Solar Flare because, in every tournament, he's always got Krillin at his side to talk things over with and discuss the match. At every tournament, Yamcha's the guy who knows all the martial arts lore:
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While Krillin is Goku's bestie and sounding board, cheering each other on from backstage and discussing what they're seeing in other matches.
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It should be noted that Yamcha's a bro too, he just doesn't get the screentime that Krillin does. He's out of the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai almost as quickly as it begins, in a way that doesn't let him hang around post-defeat and keep chilling with the others.
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He also dies very early in the Saiyan battle so he doesn't get to stick around for the Vegeta dogpile, and then consequently misses the boat on Namek. So his relationship to Goku and Krillin doesn't get to be explored in nearly as much detail as Krillin's relationship to Goku.
Meanwhile, Goku and Krillin's tight bond of mutual respect and trust has saved the world.
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It has also endangered the world.
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Don't mind him, that's just Krillin over there supporting what he strongly believes to be an apocalyptic mistake because he loves and respects Goku enough to back him up even when he's wrong. Krillin has to make a choice between Goku's desire to fight Vegeta again and win next time, versus the fate of the Earth. He chooses Goku.
Though it did ultimately work out for the best.
In fact, this was his, Gohan's, and Goku's victory together right down to the wire. It was Goku who made Gohan an Oozaru.
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But it was Krillin who made it work, by re-evaluating what he knew about the Oozaru and incorporating Saiyan psychology.
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Hahaha it turns out Oozarus have been intelligent all along. It's just that transforming fills them with hyper-violent Saiyan aggression. Wonder if that's going to come up with any other transformations in the future?
Krillin, Goku, and Gohan all earned this victory together. And then Krillin and Goku chose to endanger the Earth for Goku's self-interest together.
Though it did ultimately work out for the best. In part because of Krillin's own machinations.
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Dragon Ball is very much a protagonist-centric series. It's the story of Son Goku, even when it briefly tries to be the story of Son Gohan. And so what Krillin means to Goku extends outwards to what Krillin means to Dragon Ball as a whole.
And what Krillin means to Goku (and what Goku means to Krillin) is a lot.
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Their relationship flourishes onscreen any time they're together. There's never any doubt that these two can rely on one another to have each other's back.
It's Krillin who even makes the plan to go to Namek in the first place.
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It's Krillin whose mind Goku consults for guidance and a recap of what happened on Namek.
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And it's Krillin who lights the spark of Goku's ascension.
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Of all the humans, Krillin is easily the most important. The one with the most screentime, narrative focus, and examination of his relationship with Goku - A relationship that is depicted, every time it's onscreen, as a powerful bond of respect, teamwork, and love for one another.
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Goku comes back to life after seven years of absence and Gohan is the first to jump him, followed by Krillin and then Chi-Chi. Goku's first order of business is meeting his son.
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Followed immediately by interrogating Krillin on his family life.
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This is just. This is what their relationship is. It honestly doesn't even feel like there's a lot that can even be said about them, because their relationship barely changes or grows in any way; It simply is. A bond of brotherhood carved in stone from very early in the series, that never wavers in its course.
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astral-mariner · 2 months
so there's shots in the saiyan saga of bulma futzing around with raditz's scouter and i'm like "MISS BRIEFS, I do not BELIEVE that a piece of alien tech can reasonably be taken apart with a FLATHEAD SCREWDRIVER" so it is a firm headcanon of mine that she had to resort to flathead screws to put it back together after she mangled the original ones by not having the correct weirdo alien screwdriver. AND OF COURSE vegeta brings like half a dozen of them back with him because they're like the spaceman equivalent of like a bicycle repair kit but bulma is DELIGHTED with them anyway and vegeta does not understand what this fuzzy warm 'i did a good' feeling is that is happening underneath his ribcage.
Oh my god, I love this! If someone writes a fic of this, I'd be all about it. That's so funny that she'd use an Earth screwdriver.
Everyone knows I already have a million headcanons about Raditz's scouter too. Like, Bulma and her dad were smart enough to figure out a Namekian ship. So she'd definitely be able to hack Raditz's scouter for whatever data might be left on it. I bet she learns a TON about how the Planet Trade works just from the interface and being able to browse some of its "Internet." And my long ass fic is literally her reading through Raditz's private stuff.
It's such a cool plot device to use---Bulma learning about stuff in space and perhaps other things she shouldn't even know about via the technology she's literally seen with in canon.
I really do think that was a big thing that brought her and Vegeta closer---them talking about things out in space. She'd be curious, of course, and it would come up naturally as she's doing tech repairs for Vegeta. How he trained between missions, what tech he used, what might be useful to adapt (as she makes her own version of Vegeta's PTO armor). And Vegeta might be his usual brusque self and give only perfunctory details... But even the way he talks about things, what he avoids talking about, and what little slips of personal details come out would tell Bulma quite a bit about him and would leave her wondering about more. Of course a genius scientist is going to take every opportunity to interview a humanoid alien that could tell her all about life in space.
And Vegeta might act like he merely tolerates her because she provides his training equipment, but you know for a fact that man is lonely, and he'd secretly enjoy when they end up talking for more than a few minutes. Finds excuses for it even. Finds little things wrong with the gravity simulator, finds little reasons to start a fight with her. Because gods know he could never just...go and visit and talk to her because he enjoyed her company or anything.
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ladybbg · 14 days
Was Baby Trunks really an accident?
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Sooooo after having seen dbz again for the thousandth time after several years that had passed - and being certainly more mature today - I realize that I have changed one main opinion I had on Bulma and Vegeta's relationship.
I've always thought that baby trunks was an accident, as is the predominant theory, however looking back at everything it seems absolutely unlikely.
It is quite clear that the relationship between Bulma and Vegeta was born based only on sex, but a woman like Bulma - a scientist, intelligent - knew damn well what contraceptives, pills, etc. are.
I am convinced that baby trunks was well sought by her, almost perhaps with the aim of ""trapping"" Vegeta - but not so much trapping him in the bad sense of the term - but more in the sense of changing him (and oh boy she did succeed).
On the other hand, Vegeta clearly had no problems with the consequences of his actions and knew that he could get her pregnant, and perhaps he didn't even mind the idea since he could continue his Saiyan blood as Goku had already done (we know how much he cares to keep up).
The interesting part is in fact that in the first episodes of dbz Vegeta tells Nappa that they will not also reproduce with the earthlings so as not to have saiyans who are stronger than them. But that was obviously before meeting Goku. So Vegeta was absolutely aware that the risk of leaving heirs was there.
Akira clearly was as generic as possible, because anything could have been, but putting the dots together it's really difficult that baby trunks could have been an accident.
What do you think?
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glade-constellation · 27 days
Would also love to talk about Solar Flare. Despite the fact that I don’t really talk about him, he is one of my favorites. For being a side character and getting as little screen time as he did, he has always been an important character for other characters plots and stories, and for pushing the overall plot forwards. Also, his relationship with Eclipse has always been extremely interesting. Out of all the characters in all of the shows, Solar Flare was probably the closest to ever truly understanding Eclipse and his motives.
Seeing Solar Flare in one of the most recent MGAFS episodes was such a nice moment, but the implications of why he was stuck in Purgatory was just depressing. Out of all the characters there, he seemed the most aware of his surroundings. Monty’s dad was the only other one who seemed genuinely aware of where he was, but he was trapped in his own room and seemed pretty content on staying in there. Solar Flare was the only one who appeared outside of a room, and seemed to have nothing actually keeping him there. He seemed more like a warden than a prisoner. He helped Vegeta learn the lesson he needed before sending him back home.
Solar Flare mentions that everyone in that place was there because of something keeping them from moving on, and that the others who had died were not there. In that case, why was he there? If there was something personal keeping him there, he didn’t show it. He has no obvious reason for being there. Maybe it was because KC still ended up dying and SF felt he failed his main directive, but that doesn’t feel right, especially since KC died after SF.
My only explanation is that he is currently tied to Eclipse somehow.
Either it has something to do with Eclipse using SF’s body when they died, or SF has some feelings of failure at helping Eclipse, they are stuck together. Since Eclipse can’t move on, neither can Flare. I know there isn’t really evidence for this, but it’s one of the only things that makes sense. Flare is trapped there, until Eclipse moves on. If Eclipse moves on. From the way SF worded things, it doesn’t seem like people ever leave.
It just makes Flare’s story a tragedy. He never really lived for himself, and is still seemingly trying to help others in death. Even after he helped Sun and Moon by giving them the blueprints for the laser to kill Eclipse, they never really questioned what happened to him when Eclipse took over. They just seemed to automatically assume he was already dead. They never checked to see if he was still alive before they destroyed him alongside Eclipse. Everyone always seemed to assume Flare was basic and rudimentary, not quite a true AI that was considered to be alive.
It’s funny how the most emotionless character was one of the only people to understand Eclipse. His conversation with Eclipse before their death is still one of my favorite moments.
“Eclipse. You were not a good man. You were not a good person in any regard. But, you did care. Even if you could never show it. You were just like him. … The first Moon.”
This piece of dialogue, right here. While KC kept comparing Eclipse to himself, Eclipse always told him he was wrong. He didn’t believe he was just the kill code. He believed he was Moon. Solar Flare was the only one to truly acknowledge his identity issues. As they were dying, Flare acknowledged Eclipse in a way no one else had, and was actively trying to help him move on. I think that’s the reason he’s stuck in Purgatory. He’s still trying to help Eclipse move on from what happened.
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dessertpanda · 3 months
Pt 3 goku x reader
The day had finally came, Bulmas birthday party was in full swing. "You don't thinks they're actually coming do you?" She looked nervously to her husband, praying that the familar faces wouldn't apear and spoil her mood. "Well Woman you did invite them and they did RSVP so." Vegeta answered with a snarky voice, He had told her it was a bad idea but she had refused to listen. "BULMA" Chi-Chi called, walking up the stairs with a guy attached to her arm. "This is Zack, He's my boyfriend" she smiled happily before leaning up and kissing his cheek. He was tall, not nearly as tall as Goku but still tall. She looked back to her friend and smiled, "I can sense their energy" Vegeta stated looking to the sky. Both Bulma and Chi-Chi stilled, "G-Goku? and Y/N?" Chi-Chi's fist balled as anger and jealousy started to over take her.
With Y/N and Goku
"MOM HOW MUCH FARTHER??" Goten complained. "Yeah Mum this is such a long flight" Trunks whiney voice followed. Y/N chuckled, the boys had started to call her mom the other week as a joke but the name just stuck.  "Aren't you both sayians? this should be a breeze." She looked to Goku for a little back up but he shared a tired looking form. "You guys stayed up late training again huh?" She asked, glancing at the three. "Whhhaaattt? No Y/N. I'm a responsible adult I would never let them" Goku made an attempt to defend himself. "But dad you're the one who asked us to help you with mmffmdf" Goten was quickly cut off by Trunks hand covering his face. " Dude shut up" Trunks whisper in his ear glancing between Y/N and Goku. She only rolled her eyes and continued forward. "We are almost there, maybe like 5 more minutes," she gave a forced smile. As they got closer her nervous where really kicking in. What if acting this way caused a fight?? She had no doubt that her and Goku could win but she hated the thought of having to hurt some of the people who where once Gokus closest friends, some even family. "Hey, It's okay. We are going to be okay" Goku gently took her hand, giving her a comforting smile. "Whatever you think is about to happen, we will face it together... All of us" He took a glance at the boys who offered their own smiles in an attempt to comfort her.  She took a breath before returning the smile, "Right we are a happy family" Her voice held no sarcasm only joy in remembering that fact. "Thats my girl," Goku smiled maintain her hand in his. "FINALLY" Trunks yelled finally seeing the venue come into view as  they approached.
"GOTEN, TRUNKS, DAD!!" Gohan called, quickly flying up to meet them. He gave Trunks and Goten loving nuggies before being brought into a group hug with Goku. Y/N only smiled softly at their actions, admiring their affection for each other. Spotting her father from the corner of her eye. She watched with wide eyes as he beckoned her over with his hand. Looking around ensuring that the wrench Bulma was not near, she cautiously made her way down to him. "Old Man" she greeted him with a straight face. At the moment she felt like crying as his cold stone face relayed no emotion. He starred at her for a moment before pulling her into a deep hug. "Hi little" He greeted her, digging his head into her hair. Oh how long it had been since he called her that, keeping up an act like this was tough on her. For a long time she thought he had actually started hating her but his affection, his hug, his uneven breath that she could feel on the top of her head, put all those worries to rest. "Hi Daddy" she whispered before hugging him back with just as much force. "I'm so so sorry" He whispered into her head, he pulled away and looked down at her to find tears in her eyes but a soft smile. Y/N sniffled slightly, but jumped at the sudden power spike from the boys who where now behind here. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MA?" Trunks was suddenly up in Vegetas face forcing him to take a step back. "Yeah Vegeta, you better have a good reason for making Y/N cry" Goku said, throwing an arm around her shoulder bringing her to his chest. "Relax Kakurot, remember how I told you we have much to discuss?" Goku's eyes remained sharp, "What about it?" He was now defensive, unwilling to deal with someone who had hurt Y/N so bad. "This," Vegeta gestured to the area around him, "Is all an act" To say the Sons, and Trunks where surprised was an understatement. "W-what, as in hating Y/N?" Gohan asked wanting conformation. "Yes, unfortunately.." "VEGETA GET IN HERE" Bulmas voice pierced the air. "Birth Giver" Trunks whispered with slight venom in his words. "I'M COMING WOMAN," He hollowed back. "That is the reason" Vegeta said before quickly walking back through the doors waving his hand for them to follow.
"Y/N what was that about?" Goku asked moving his arm so he could hold her hand. "Goku, I'm sorry I'm…" She looked at him with a face of guilt. "I'm under a oath that I can't speak of what I am or who I am," Her tears fell freely, "I'm so sorry Goku, I never wanted to lie to you but" Her face was cupped by a large hand. "Hey Hey Love, If there's something you can't tell me thats okay," He gently wiped her tears "I'll do anything, fight anyone to make sure our found family stays just like it is" He whispered his words making sure they sounded as sincere as he meant them to. "Thank you Goku" Y/N smiled her hand coming up to hold his, "I love you Y/N and I mean that in more ways than you think" He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead, made sure her tears where gone, then led her inside.
"Y/N how lovely, " Bulma was the first face they saw once they had entered. "GUYS THE HOME WRECKERS HERE!" she called out causing everyone's head to shoot up. "Please, feel free to socialize" She finished with a wicked smile. "Uh thanks Bulma" Y/N only returned the smile before walking away with Goku, arms interlocked. "Guess much hasn't changed" Trunks huffed holding Y/N as to not get separated. "Yeah, unfortunately you guys always end up in the conversation" Gohan said, glancing around at the glares that where being shot at the small happy family. "Y/N!" A female voice cheerfully called out. Looking around Y/N found Gohan's wife Videl walking towards the group with a big smile. "How are you?" She smiled taking Gohans arm and holding it. "I've been okay, but you know I'm a home wrecker so watch out" Y/N made fake claws and smiled with a grin, this caused Videl to giggle. "Oh, yes How could I have forgotten," She sighed shaking her head. "I really am sorry, you did nothing wrong" Videl tried to comfort the girl. "Oh it's okay, all I need are these three right here" she said glancing as her boys smiled. "We're doing quite alright" She shook her head as Goku leaned down to her whisper something to her. "If you're uncomfortable we can always leave" He gently kissed the spot behind her ear, Y/N reaction made Goku chuckle as she flushed red slightly. "Mama, I'm gonna go wonder with Trunks," Goten quickly took Trunks hand and drug him away from the four adults. "He calls you mama huh?" Gohan asked smiling at  Y/N, "I'm sorry, I had no intention of taking that role from your mother but I'd hate to ask him to stop because it gives him comfort" She lowered her head in shame. 'I should've stopped that damn habit'
"No no please, I'm happy he's found that comfort again, In all honest I don't think what moms been doing would be good for him" He sighed shaking his head slightly. "Oh Zack you're so funny" Chi-Chi loud laugh was heard approaching. "Oh your mom met somone?" Y/N asked happy  that the female seemed to have moved on. "Uh not exactly. see she keeps coming up with different men, at least once a month" Gohan sighed while looking down at Videl, "And the worst part is, she's not trying to move on she just wants to make you jealous dad" Looking up at his father who's attentions was focused on the approaching figures. " Well unfortunately, I'm quite happy" Goku's big smile was back and  he turned his head to acknowledge his son.  "GOHAN THERE YOU ARE" Chi-Chi yelled before dragging Zack right behind her. "Hon this is my son Gohan, he didn't leave me" She smiled completely oblivious to the others standing. "Gohan this is Zack my boyfriend" She was completely engrossed in getting the two antiquated and left out Videl, Goku, and Y/N who only took glances at each other before shrugging their shoulders. They watched silently as Gohan awkwardly tried to maintain conversation with the new stranger. "Oh yes very uh very interesting" Zack continued on and on about whatever he was talking about, while Gohan turned slightly eyes begging for assistance. However Zack seemed to have found another conversation starter. "Hellllo Doll," Zack quickly maneuvered around Gohan and approached Videl. Gohan slightly stunned watched as this whore man walked right past him and straight to HIS wife. "Hello baby, you are quite the looker" His voice was low and gravely, 'Gross' Y/N thought carefully watching the situation.  Gohan was about to intervine when his mother grabbed him and started to drag him away. "Oh Gohan I must show you" She continued talking and talking, "Wait mom, Videl" Gohan tried to get his words in but by the time he had processed the situation he was gone out the room and left Videl with Zack.
Yeah no thank you, please take a big fucking step back" Videl quickly put space between her and the creep, making sure her discomfort was known. Her hands instantly went to shield her stomach which caught Y/N and Gokus attention. "Come- on love, just a little talking" He smiled but his eyes held no good intentions. "Ah lets stop right there lover boy" Y/N quickly stepped in when his eyes began undressing Videl. "Oh you're" He looked at Y/N for a moment, "hey wait a second... You're the homewrecker" He looked her up and down as well "I see why he left her, so wanna wreck the home again" He attention was now completely on Y/N. "Actually, I'd like to wreak your face for those disgusting comments but my sons are here so I'd rather not" Her smile was sickeningly sweet but her eyes told a whole other ordeal. He was slightly taken aback by her look, it was murderous. "So why don't you run along and find YOUR girlfriend and leave us alone hmm?" She titled her head slightly and closed her eyes adding to this innocent act. "Uh yeah, bitch" He muttered under his breath before speed walking way. "Videl you okay love?" Y/N quickly went to condole the girl "Do you think he was any strong?" Goku asked, curious as to if he had found a new opponent. "Goku," Y/N sighed shaking her head slightly. "I swear he never changes" she whispered to Videl who giggled at the comment. "You sure you okay? I can still kick his ass" Y/N double check with Videl before bidding a goodbye and returning to Gokus side. "I don't like that guy" Goku said as he remained staring at the direction Zack had ran. Y/N would never admit it but at that comment her heart hurt slightly, 'Was he Jealous?' She worried that Chi-Chi's might be working. Her thoughts where interrupted when Goku cupped her face and bought it so he could see her eyes. "I don't like the comments he made about you," His thumb running above her cheek bone "Made me wanna hit him" He closed his eyes before presenting a bright smile. "Maybe because I love you so much" He giggle, Y/N felt her heart sore, Chi-Chi's plan was working, Goku was jealous but it was all working in Y/N favor. However she would still feel guilty at time, 'Maybe I really am a home weaker' 
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blueper-saiyan · 2 months
Despite not enjoying reading Planet Vegeta survives AUs very much, I still end up spending a fair amount of time thinking about what Vegeta would have been like if he’d actually grown up in the role of prince like he was supposed to. Obviously, he would have still been a tyrannical mass murderer except with far less insecurity and trauma, but that’s not really what I find interesting. I’m curious how he would view his role. In the regular timeline where basically every other Saiyan dies, he’s clearly (imo) decided that he needs to embody the absolute ideal for a Saiyan (or at least the version that he’s come up with, which is strongly biased by the fact that he grew up with only one adult Saiyan, was surrounded by people who hate his whole species, and was influenced by Freeza who both enjoyed messing with him and could directly profit if Vegeta was wrong about his own culture. So uh, probably not a particularly accurate version. But that’s a different concept to explore.). I’m not even sure if it was a conscious decision by Vegeta or not now that I think about it. Being very likely to be the last member of his species puts a very strong pressure to live up to or down to the expectations that everyone who met him would have. Beyond that, he’s royalty, and that means he’s supposed to be held to a higher standard, so he’d feel that pressure to leave a final impression even more than Nappa or Raditz. (And they both seem to care about it too, especially Raditz, which is interesting, but I’ll leave that sort of meta to the hardcore Raditz fans since I mostly just care about Raditz for the way he impacts Vegeta and don’t think as strongly about him)
So in contrast to the canon timeline, if Vegeta was growing up in a timeline where there were plenty of other Saiyans, would he feel that same pressure to be exactly what everyone expects of him? He’d have a more accurate picture of those expectations as well. I can’t decide whether or not I think that alternate version of Vegeta would still want to be the perfect Saiyan in quite the same way. Would he chafe against the actual ideal if it wasn’t more or less a framework he formed for himself? Would being able to actually be judged against it make it less appealing? What if some of the ideas about what makes a good Saiyan were things he disagreed with? Or would he still be loyal to his species and do the best he could to be the perfect Saiyan prince and then king, regardless of how high that standard might be or how much he dislikes some of it? He’s certainly canonically willing to subject himself to an impossible standard that causes him and everyone else a lot of problems. But is that only because it’s a standard he constructed himself?
Admittedly, at that level of divergence in experiences between canon Vegeta and a Planet Vegeta lives AU Vegeta, it’s hard to even really call the resulting character Vegeta still (the reason I don’t enjoy Planet Vegeta lives AUs) but I do feel like something about this question has relevance to actual Vegeta’s characterization and motives. Does he care so strongly about being Saiyan only because they’re all dead and therefore he’s forced to represent the whole species whether or not he wants to, and he’s embraced it at this point? Or is it because his father did a good job of instilling pride in him during the brief time they were together (for all the good and ill that his pride has caused)? Is he only so devoted to his “Saiyan pride” because he’s the one who came up with his version and no one else can truly decide how well he’s following it? Or does not having any external validation of how well he’s doing just make his self-imposed (and generally self-destructive) task harder? How much of why he’s so insistent on it is due to Freeza?
Freeza has a line shortly before he starts torturing Vegeta that I think about sometimes, where he basically says that he thought Vegeta was special and better than the other Saiyans. Up to your interpretation of Freeza whether Freeza genuinely believed that Vegeta is special somehow or if he was just doing some particularly cruel emotional manipulation there. Regardless of the intent behind it, if that was the attitude that Freeza was demonstrating most of the time, maybe Vegeta doubled down on being Saiyan because Freeza kept trying to claim he wasn’t like them, and he was able to see the insult. There’s also an alternative interpretation of Vegeta that he was convinced he was better than the rest of his species because of the way Freeza treated him. It’s an extremely good way to isolate him after all. In which case Vegeta only started (I often mentally call it “performing Saiyan pride” but I’m sure there’s a better way to refer to the behavior) after realizing he’d been lied to and manipulated for the majority of his life. So embracing being Saiyan so aggressively is a sort of penance for discrediting his people in the past. Or if he’d been performing Saiyan pride all along, the reveal that Freeza killed the Saiyans just spurred on a more intense performance.
Seeing a version of Vegeta with different pressures on him might give answers to some of these questions I have about why he behaves the way he does (yes it’s because he was never meant to be inspected this closely and he takes the roles he needs to for the sake of the plot, no I do not care I’m taking him seriously anyway), so I end up thinking about that version of him where he knows for sure what it means to be a Saiyan.
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gripefroot · 5 months
Crooked Ways [20/22]
Hiya! It's been a busy few weeks so I haven't gotten around to updating. I'm very sad to be winding down this story. I started it exactly one year ago and the writing process was so fun but also healing to me. I've been surprised and incredibly grateful at how many people have been reading and enjoying it. Thank you for every note and message. I treasure every single one 🫶
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Just one night. 
Vegeta scanned the crowds of dancers without much thought, occasionally letting his eyes drift over to tables or the buffet line. No one with a significant power level. None that took a second look at Bulma after coming face-to-face with Vegeta’s best scowl. In fact, a few people that found themselves in their way scuttled like crabs, leaving the space clear in front of them. If Bulma noticed, she didn’t say anything about it, each toss of her head sending more of that delicious scent straight to Vegeta’s nose, making him feel stupid. 
Her usual perfume? Yeah, right, and he was the bastard child of the Supreme Kai. 
“Food first?” Bulma asked, leaning closer to murmur into his ear. Vegeta breathed in deeply, eyelids fluttering madly as he tried to clear his throat and square his stance. 
“It doesn’t matter to me,” he intoned, hoping she didn’t hear his voice crack on the final word. 
“I say let’s say hello to the people that’ll complain to Dad if I don’t,” she said with a sigh. He noticed her fingernails digging into his forearm, even through his suit coat. “Then our duty will be done and we can enjoy ourselves the rest of the night.”
“I thought you liked people.” Vegeta let her steer him towards a table, nonetheless. 
“Usually,” Bulma said. “I…don’t like people who treat me like I’m still a little girl. And I don’t like anybody when I just want to be home in bed.”
“In bed with me, I hope.”
She cast him a look, but he saw her lips quiver enough to know she was hiding a giggle. “I don’t think I know how to sleep alone anymore, honestly,” she told him, and he didn’t bother stopping his chest from puffing out. Any Saiyan would be proud to hear such a thing. 
Bulma may not know it, but her words (and smell) made Vegeta’s brain a fuzzy, pleased place to be despite being introduced to a mass of insignificant earthlings. He shook hands and nodded but never smiled. Not that it mattered. Bulma smiled enough for both of them. 
Vegeta wondered if anyone else thought her smile was as perfect as he did. 
If they did, he’d have to kill them.  
He sensed a higher power level and recognized it before the voice reached out to them, before Bulma pulled herself away from laughing with an elderly man to address the interruption behind them. Vegeta’s mind already on killing, he didn’t bother an attempt at polite overtures when they turned to see Yamcha’s stupid smile and wave. 
“Yamcha?” At least Bulma sounded more surprised than happy. 
“Bet you didn’t expect to see me here.” Yamcha wiggled his eyebrows. “How are you doing, Bulma?”
“I’m…fine. Why are you here? How did you get a ticket?”
Vegeta noted that Bulma’s hand on his arm had gone cold. If he weren’t perfectly still to assess this new threat, he might have covered her hand to warm it (better blood flow meant a better chance of surviving a battle. Not for any other reason.)
“Your mom offered me one a while back,” Yamcha said, awkwardly rubbing his neck. “I would’ve come as your date, but after last time…”
Finally the man’s eyes landed on Vegeta. Vegeta saw fear and apprehension, dashed with disgust. He grinned. The memory of decking Yamcha on the Capsule Corp compound lawn was still something he treasured, sometimes relieving the moments at nighttime before falling asleep with a smile on his face. 
“I think,” Yamcha said slowly, brows drawing together. “I think I don’t know what’s been going on at Capsule Corp since I left.” 
“Why should you?” Bulma asked. Her nails dug fibers of fabric into Vegeta’s skin. Not enough to hurt, but enough to keep him on edge. “You never call. Except to talk to my mom, apparently.” 
“She called me!” 
“What do you want, moron?” Vegeta barked. “We’re trying to enjoy ourselves.” 
“Sheesh! I only came to say hi.” 
“You said it. Now go.” 
The brisk dismissal seemed to incense Yamcha, whose stance squared against Vegeta as if he were actually a threat. Vegeta laughed. “You don’t get to order me around!” Yamcha said. Then, eyes flicking between the pair of them, he added on, “Aren’t you supposed to be training to beat the Androids, Vegeta? But you’re playing boyfriend?” 
“I’m strong enough to defeat the Androids ten times over,” Vegeta said softly, fists clenching in his pockets. “Naturally you wouldn’t know that level of power.” 
“Stop.” Bulma tugged on his sleeve. “Let’s go eat.” 
“I’m not hungry,” he said without looking in her direction. He only saw Yamcha, a face swimming in the crowd distorted with rage and hate. 
“Oh, are you that powerful, really?” Yamcha sneered. “Are you a Super Saiyan like Goku yet? Or could he still put you in the ground like he did the first time?” 
“Stop!” Bulma said again, this time louder. But now she said it to Yamcha, putting out an arm between them. “Yamcha, you jerk. Go away. If you won’t listen to Vegeta, who can break every bone in your body, listen to me.” 
Yamcha’s expression twitched, gaze dropping from Vegeta’s face to look at Bulma. The drooping, puppyish frown that appeared made Vegeta laugh again, the noise harsh and delighted. 
“Listen to the woman,” Vegeta ordered. “She doesn’t want you here.” 
“I can see that,” Yamcha said bitterly. “If she chooses the enemy over her friends.” 
“Now wait just a minute - ” Bulma’s exploding temper shut off when Vegeta clamped a hand over her mouth. It wasn’t worth it: Yamcha had turned tail the moment he finished his parting shot, disappearing into the crowd. Her fingernails dug into the back of his hand to pull it away from her mouth. “Let me at him, Vegeta! Let me make him pay for what he put me through!” 
She already took a step in the direction Yamcha had gone, and he was forced to pull her back. An unusual amount of aggression, even for Bulma, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy it. She was pretty when she was furious; all sparking anger and brilliant flashes in her eyes. Her scent riled up, too, and it was all Vegeta could do not to squash his nose against her neck and breathe her in until she was no more. 
Interestingly, he’d forgotten all about Yamcha. 
“Ugh!” Bulma stomped her foot, drawing a few curious stares from around them. The urge to shield her from prying eyes rose in him faster than a tidal wave, and he stomped it down just as quickly. He sufficed the situation by putting his hands on her shoulders, forcing her to face him. 
“Bulma,” Vegeta said. A thrill coursed through his chest when her eyes landed on him; darkened and dangerous and gorgeous. “Now is not the time for a fight. For one thing, these clothes aren’t appropriate for combat.”
“I don’t care!” 
“And what about your father? If you ruin his company’s gala by murdering a guest?” 
Her lips protruded in a pout he was deeply tempted to catch between his teeth and suck until she was swollen and bruised purple. Swallowing, he dragged his eyes up to hers to soak in the beauty of her rage. 
“Fine,” Bulma snapped. “No murder. You’re no fun.” 
“It’s more than he deserves. You’re better than him.” 
Her face began to clear of aggravation. Now she simply looked annoyed, not murderous. 
“When you kill someone,” Vegeta went on, “it should be someone worth more than you so as to prove your power.” 
Bulma blinked several times. He couldn’t think of how what he’d said might be confusing or unclear, so he didn’t clarify. Finally she sighed. “Good to know you haven’t changed that much, Vegeta.” 
“Of course I haven’t changed. Why would I?”
“Never mind.” 
The evening had crested early. Guests remained to be greeted, food to be eaten, and an obligatory dance where everyone could see them that Vegeta thought would make a brilliant torture tactic in the Frieza Force were Frieza still alive. Every second was hell: the music, the steps, the stares, the whispers. 
Worse than that was how much he liked having his hands all over Bulma and her arms wrapped around him. And how bearable her presence made this otherwise torture. 
“Human dances are simplistic,” Vegeta grumbled. Cheeks pressed together, he heard her tinkling laugh right in the shell of his ear. “I’ve seen more backwards planets produce more intricate dances than this!” 
“Oh, honey. This is a social dance, not a professional troupe. I promise there are better dancers out there than the Capsule Corp employees.” 
“Tch.” He squeezed her hand tighter. 
“Don’t tell me you’d rather learn a more complicated dance!” Bulma pulled enough to laugh in his face, which made his cheeks feel hot. 
“No, of course not! I’m only saying it’s not a very impressive set of steps.”
“But it’s easy.” 
Vegeta grunted in agreement. Swaying in circles didn’t require much experience or skill, just a willingness to keep moving and to hold a woman in his arms. His woman. 
“Oh!” Her arm lifted from his shoulder. “My dad is coming to cut in.”
“Cut into what?” 
“The dance, silly. He’ll take your place to dance with me. You can go sit or stand somewhere, I’ll find you after.”
And just like that, Vegeta lost his woman to her father. Glad to leave the dance, loathe to release her. It wasn’t until Bulma flat-out tugged her hand out of his with a reproachful look that he managed, stepping aside for Dr. Briefs. 
“I won’t be long,” Dr. Briefs told him with a smile, already swinging his daughter into a more polished version of the dance. “You can have her back when I’m done.”
Saiyans had killed other Saiyans for less. 
Vegeta stuck his hands in his pockets, expertly missing the other couples dancing nearby to leave the floor uncontested. His stomach rumbled to remind him that that pathetic single plate of food he’d consumed between introductions wasn’t enough to satisfy him. But instead of walking towards the buffet line, which was significantly shorter as the party dragged on, he found a blank space on the wall, outside the dazzling light of the chandelier. Leaning his back against the wall in a semblance of perfect relaxation, he crossed his arms and let his eyes drift closed. 
Let the humans think him a miserable wretch. Rather that than talk to any of them. 
He didn’t belong here. He didn’t belong in any places like this on any planet. In fact, when he really dug his mind in to think about it, he couldn’t recall any time that he’d felt true belonging. Even in the field, performing massacres at Frieza’s every order or spending nights with the other soldiers he’d been apart. Memories of his earliest childhood at his father’s palace proved spotty and only produced feelings that jolted between sour arrogance, suffocating loneliness, and the intense need to earn the king’s approval. 
Vegeta had shuttered around the universe too much to call any place his home. Nor had he wanted to, when having a home proved to be such a target for a madman’s destruction. And now that Frieza was gone and Planet Vegeta was gone and Vegeta no longer part of an army: where did that leave him? 
Here. He was here. 
I have no ties to Earth, either, he thought to himself. The lie was acrid, burning beneath his skin as if his very blood howled in protest. So what if it was a lie? No one knew but himself. No one knew the roots growing from the cracks in his feet, from the arteries to his heart. 
Perhaps because Vegeta was so in tune to her tenor of voice, perhaps because her laugh was just that loud - his head jerked up at the sound of Bulma laughing. The music had picked up to a faster pace, her dad twirling her expertly around. 
This was her world. Her place. Her home. She belonged here in a way Vegeta would never, could never belong anywhere, because this had been her home since she was born. If he meant to honor her claim on him, to honor his claim on her - to take her away from this would be a cruelty beyond imagining. And for what? He had nothing and no place. No planet, no home, no people. 
He’d only ever been a smudge, unwillingly allowed across the brightness of her life for an indeterminable and finite amount of time. Time that was running out, and he’d done the stupid thing and all but made her his mate in the Saiyan way. 
For once, pride and blood tore him in different directions. One towards her, one away. Both with equal strength in his body, neither to be ignored. 
When the song ended, Bulma disappeared from the dance floor. Vegeta barely had time to sense her direction before she appeared in front of him with flushed, vibrant cheeks and a smile brighter than any sun in any solar system. 
“Told you I’d find you,” she said breathlessly. “Mom and Dad are going home, they said we can ride with them if we’re ready to leave.” 
“I’m ready,” he said at once. 
“Let’s go, then.” Bulma’s fingers wrapped through his, unraveling his uncompromising stance until he sulked after her bounding steps to the exit. Her exhilarating scent wrapped around him like a shroud, driving away his unhappy thoughts until his blood sang for her, and only her, and when she turned to beam at him, Vegeta grinned back. 
Sharing a car with her parents had been a bad choice.
The backseat had two rows of seats facing each other, meant for socializing. Instead of sitting in the seat beside Bulma, Vegeta was pushed aside to make room for a massive bouquet of flowers someone had gifted Panchy at the party. His nose itched at the scent, cloying and too sweet. Meanwhile the others chatted about who they’d seen and who they hadn’t seen, laughing at dredged up memories and so-and-so or this-and-that. 
Next time, they weren’t sharing a car. 
There won’t be a next time, immediately followed that thought, and he stiffened in his seat. A fist resting on his knee, flaring conflict building in his chest until he was sure he’d choke aloud. 
When the car finally stopped at the front entrance of Capsule Corp, Vegeta was slowest to start moving. By the time he climbed out of the car, squinting in the bright lights that bathed the front steps, Bulma had dashed around the car, holding her skirt in her hand. 
“It’s a full moon,” she said. “Did you see?”
“No.” He started up the steps. Dr. Briefs and Panchy were already heading through the doors inside. 
Halfway to the top he realized she hadn’t followed. Turning, Vegeta scowled at her still by the car, hands on her hips. “Don’t tell me you expect to be carried,” he said. “I know you didn’t have a single glass of champagne.” 
“You do get grumpy during full moons!” 
“I do not!” He stomped back down the stairs. Bulma’s teal curls were falling from the elegant hairstyle she’d had earlier, strands gracing the curve of her neck and cheeks so beautifully that Vegeta got even more frustrated. Without a word he bent to hoist her over his shoulder, jogging back up the steps a second time. 
“Why do you always do this?” she screeched. “I’m capable of walking, thank you very much!” 
“Because I’m sick of you taking your sweet time! You’re wasting mine, too, you know!” 
“I can waste whatever I want!” Bulma kicked out a few times, but Vegeta just jostled her until she stopped. Which was wise on her part, because otherwise he would have turned his head to bite her luscious backside. 
The further away from the front entrance, the fewer lights were on. Briefly he considered stopping by the kitchens or the pantry but he dismissed the idea in favor of a better one. They could always eat after they worked out their frustrations with each other behind closed doors. 
And that they did. It was her bedroom tonight, and after Vegeta tripped on two pairs of shoes and a tool belt he nearly howled, dropping Bulma onto her feet to start tugging at her dress with abandon. 
“I hate these clothes,” he panted a few minutes later. Buttons popped off his shirt to litter the ground, but from Bulma’s aggression, not his. He’d torn the straps of her dress from her shoulders until it hung at her waist, exposing her breasts. 
“You hate everything,” she said through gritted teeth. Having trouble taking off his suit coat when his head was buried in her chest. Vegeta didn’t bother correcting her, fondling a breast in one hand while he tried to kick off his shoes. Her scent was sharper and richer next to her skin. He hadn’t imbued any alcohol but he may as well have with how dizzy he felt. “Vegeta! Vegeta, just stop! It’ll be easier if we get undressed first.”
With a snarl he pulled away, wrenching open his trousers to add another button to the confetti on the floor. Bulma shimmied her dress down her hips. He stared, hopping on one foot to get out of his stupid trousers. Stupid clothes, stupid everything - he’d never wear this again. Only clothes that could be easily removed. 
Her cry turned to a satisfied sort of moan after he grabbed her again, lifting her to straddle his hips while he made a clumsy path for the bed. Stepping on buttons and whatever else Bulma left lying around, all poking his feet. He didn’t care. He needed her like a dying man needed water; he needed to taste her and be inside her. Lips met in sloppy haste, Vegeta biting after her when she pulled away for breath, her fingers tight on his shoulders and her eyes opening and closing fast. 
“Why does it feel like this?” Bulma whispered. Cradled by the bed and pinned down by him, she still managed to rock against him, her neck craning. “Why is it different tonight?” 
“Maybe it’s the full moon.” Vegeta hadn’t thought himself capable of joking at a moment like this, but maybe it wasn’t a joke after all. A moment’s thought and he added, “It’s the way you smell. It’s making me…maybe it’s making you feel it, too.” 
“Then it’s going to be a good night.” A dazzling, kiss-swollen smile, and he felt her hand push his head down towards the junction between her legs. “I have a feeling I won't need to stop you tonight. Maybe I have Saiyan stamina now.” 
The words falling from his lips in response to hers weren’t in her language, but she didn’t comment on it. Vegeta’s teeth sank into her thigh, his hand tucked behind her knee to lift her leg so his mouth could reach more skin. He could taste nothing else for the remainder of his existence and it wouldn’t be enough. What was it that had turned her from enjoyable to intoxicating? Where did an addict slip over the line into insanity where he couldn’t control his muscles, couldn’t control his mind? 
Couldn’t control his blood, couldn’t control his pride. 
Here. He was here. 
“Bulma,” he murmured. Kissed the tendons that made her body, licked the skin, kneaded the muscles. She twitched and quivered with every touch, her head lolling on the pillows. Impatient for him to continue, no doubt. If she could hear him, she didn’t say so. Perhaps she was as senseless as him. Despite not having spoken the Saiyan language for years, it was easier to slip into phrases he thought he’d never say, feelings he’d never thought he’d feel, when he knew Bulma couldn’t understand. Couldn’t ask, couldn’t confront. It was just for him. Just for him and no one else. 
“Bulma,” he said again, his tongue swirling around her sex and she keened into the night, legs shaking around his head. “Bulma, you are my queen.” 
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taibu · 1 year
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mmmmkay so ya'll remember this from DBS? Right?
Yeah, it's a screenshot of our boy Piccolo singing karaoke so badly that literally everyone else except his son eternal wing man right hand man student Gohan is reeling over it. Very funny and very much in character blah blah blah BUT!!! You know what I think?
This is all a ruse. This one moment here? Piccolo is faking the whole thing! He's actually a great singer!
Now we know that this isn't the only time Piccolo has canonically sang in BDS, as he has somewhat admitted to singing to Pan in this episode:
Now you may be saying; "but Taibu you dumb fox, kids don't care if you sing good or bad" and you're absolutely right.
HOWEVER! I have some sort of proof for my theory. And that proof is, believe it or not, Krillin!
In the 1994 Broly-movie (which I know isn't canon and all but I have a habit of combining non-, semi- and fully canon things together in the franchises I like so sue me I suppose lol) Krillin sings to the other fighters, and while the English version made a joke about how bad he was, in the original Japanese version; people actually marvel at how WELL he is singing, hell even Vegeta is jealous!
Now, Krillin's OG VA is Mayumi Tanaka who is also known for voicing Luffy in One Piece. The connection between the two characters had actually been hinted a few times in DBS with Krillin's phone playing the One Piece opening theme.
Either way, we know for a fact that Krillin, at least in the OG Japanese dub, is a good singer. But what does this have to do with Piccolo?
Well, Piccolo's OG VA is ALSO known for voicing a One Piece Character!
Toshio Furukawa has voiced Piccolo from pretty much day one (with the only exception being when Pics was just a baby, where he was voiced by Hiromi Tsuru, who also voiced Bulma until her passing in 2017). Furukawa also voices the character Ace in One Piece.
Many OP-characters have one or more character-themes performed by their VA's, and Ace is not an exception to this, having two songs dedicated to him, and being performed by Furukawa: Save my Heart and Living Fire. Furukawa gives both characters pretty similar voices, so it is a safe assumption that Piccolo's and Ace's singing voices are also similar. And if you listen to these songs, you can hear that they are really freaking well sung!
But why would Piccolo pretend that he can't sing well? Because THAT is the most in-character thing for him to do, innit?
If people knew how good his voice was, they would ask him to sing more often in Bulma's many parties, right? Hell, they must have pestered for HOURS to get Piccolo there even once! And once he did, he probably foresaw a lot more pestering in his future, so to stop it immediately, he faked one bad performance, just to stop people from ever letting him on the stage again, for the sake of their ears. The only one who thought it was great was Gohan, most likely because of his endless respect for his teacher, or perhaps he has heard Piccolo sing to himself in the wastelands and knows he can actually sing well.
So TL:DR-version: Piccolo actually has a REALLY nice singing-voice, he only faked to be bad to spare himself from ever having to stand up on a stage again. He preserves his singing to Pan and potentially other babies he has to look after in the future, and no-one else. Gohan knows he is good, due to him walking in on Piccolo singing a lullaby to Pan a couple of times, but keeps his friend's secret because it is clearly very important to him.
And that is the long-winded way of me telling that I whole-heartedly head-canon that Piccolo is a good singer. Thank you for coming to my Ted-talk.
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tenebraevesper · 28 days
Shadow in TailsTube
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I'm probably late to the conversation, and I wasn't really going to address this in the first place, but this was on my mind lately (mainly after re-watching SonicHub's video on the matter) and I was left wondering - do people really hate Shadow's portrayal in TailsTube?
Because I will be honest, I was completely fine with it... which might come as a surprise to some, because you're probably aware just how much I hate the idea of Vegeta!Shadow.
Except, I re-watched the whole Tailstube episode again, and while Shadow does have an edge to him, it's not that bad as people imply it to be. In fact, I found Shadow banter with Sonic charming, and it genuinely baffled me when I saw comments about how this episode supposedly shows that Shadow ''hates'' Sonic.
Nowhere in the episode did Shadow say that he hates Sonic. In fact, it's Sonic who points out they never really get along and Shadow agrees that from the moment they met they've been at odds - which is TRUE! We saw it in Sonic Adventure 2 and canon establishes, even in shows like Sonic Prime, that Sonic and Shadow will always be at odds even when they work together due to their differing approaches to a situation.
I know that there was also Shadow's comment of ''And yet when you're near me, I feel repulsed.'', but that was a response to Sonic's comment of ''I don't know. I think my magnetic personality is quite attractive.'', which frankly reads more as Sonic flirting with Shadow and Shadow just firing back a response.
As a matter of fact, the whole Tailstube episode really reads more like SEGA is leaning into the Sonadow relationship, especially with Tails' comment of ''opposites attract'' and the fact that, despite their banter, Shadow and Sonic have a lot of respect for each other and Sonic even trolls Shadow a bit.
Not only that, but we also saw Sonic and Shadow agreeing with each other that they would work together for the sake of saving the world, as well as a bit of their rivalry/competitiveness when Tails gets them to compliment each other. Furthermore, Shadow's the one who challenges Sonic to a race, meaning that he's fine with spending time with Sonic.
In the end, my conclusion is that SEGA's direction of Shadow's character is to write him as a tsundere - being aloof and irritable on the outside, but also caring and kind on the inside, which is a direction I'd agree on... so long as they show a bit more of his deredere side, because we already see plenty of the tsuntsun side of him.
#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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paganminiskirt · 2 months
Something upsetting about Bulma’s reaction to Vegeta’s suicide - and it was a suicide, no matter the grandiose aims he assigned to it - is how it reflects the state of their relationship at the time of his death. That sacrifice is meant to be Vegeta’s first moment of real selflessness and maturity, growth which is contrasted by the way Bulma seems to almost regress when she gets word of it: she’s so consumed by her own ugly, undignified grief that she doesn’t react to Chi Chi collapsing about Gohan's death at all, as understandable as it is. In the anime, Bulma shouts “no,” and she shouts his name, but in the manga it’s just a shapeless, agonized wail. Reminds me of Vegeta weeping when he realized he couldn't beat Frieza. Vulnerable. Childlike.
And that comparison could almost make you think that the grief Bulma is expressing is, itself, shallow or childish. King Kai isn't there to explain the depth of her feelings, the way he was when Frieza tortured Vegeta. Bulma was introduced to Dragon Ball as a young girl, and her characterization back then revolved largely around vanity, pettiness and selfishness. When she wasn't acting that way, the story was demonstrating her precociousness and abnormal intelligence - and having adult men casually sexualize her, as if she were a grown woman.
If we've learned anything from the previous arcs, it's that slotting children into adult roles has disastrous, counterintuitive consequences. Gohan is forced to fight Cell at age eleven and almost loses the fight because he gets caught up in his own immature sadism. Vegeta is introduced to us with little to no detail on his face, making him look younger than he is, especially since he's under five feet tall. It's no surprise, when the story shows him slaughtering total strangers and old friends alike like he's ripping the wings off a butterfly. It's no surprise, when the story tells us that the whole time, he was a child soldier and a slave.
So there are themes that could potentially make you read Bulma as having stunted emotional processing skills as an adult. There's also the fact that, when Bulma and Vegeta's relationship first started, it was fulfilling needs for both of them that weren't especially healthy or mature. Bulma was breaking off a romance and potential engagement with Yamcha, which was likely somewhat codependent, considering they'd been together since youth and were each the other's first lover. Vegeta was coming off his aforementioned death-by-torture from a lifelong abuser, and Frieza himself had only just died. With that in mind, who could forget Puar and Yamcha gawping at Bulma as she gives Vegeta an order and he obeys her, trailing behind her like a pet, pouting, but doing it anyways. What’s the line in the original Japanese version? “Vegeta is completely under her control?”
So it didn’t start off particularly healthy. Bulma is feeling wounded and vulnerable, she wants some reassurance and to make Yamcha jealous. Vegeta wants reassurance as well, and underneath that, to be told what to do. The offset of their relationship has Vegeta using Bulma to soothe the part of him that still needed to be apart of that structure, that control, that obedience. He objectified himself to her, even if she didn’t know it.
But Bulma’s reaction to his second death rejects that reading of their relationship entirely. Rejects the idea that Vegeta’s self-destruction could ever be a positive thing, even though he was doing it in defense of her, this act of willingly placing his own needs behind someone else’s which a more self-centered personality would’ve gobbled up. Did gobble up. Vegeta’s fought for the sake of other people before! He fought for Frieza! It’s just that those acts of violence were exclusively destructive and exploitative, never defensive, and no matter the attitude Vegeta adopted while doing it, he wasn’t allowed to say no.
Like, I’m sure Goku told her that Vegeta did what he did out of love and altruism, but it doesn’t help. Because Bulma doesn’t want to hear that Vegeta loved her enough to kill himself. She just wants him to be alive.
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sweetescapeartist · 2 years
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What do I mean by this? Simple.
Vegeta may be a more powerful character than Yamcha, but all of Yamcha's bad qualities (like his cockiness) are amplified in Vegeta. And Yamcha's good qualities (like his compassion) are minimized in Vegeta.
If you want to say I'm slandering Vegeta for pointing out some facts about him pre-development, go right ahead.
Odd how you can't criticize the alleged "character with the most development in Dragon Ball" during the time he hadn't developed. I mean... he had to be pretty darn terrible in order to be "the most developed character" that fans claim he is, right? Or are fans foolish enough to think that every evil action Vegeta did before he changed wasn't actually evil? 🤔
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A handsome bad boy who Bulma fell for.
A bandit, but not really an evil guy.
Written to lose some battles to show how strong an opponent is.
Cocky, but gets humbled enough that he becomes more respectful and aware.
Sacrifices his life to fight in place of his friend & dies in an explosion. Bulma cries over his death.
Ended up in a crater once. Fans make fun of his death, calling it the "Yamcha pose."
Has a reasonable fear of death after dying multiple times and being at near death.
Spent time with Bulma and took her out on dates despite having far less money than her.
Used to argue with Bulma, then break up and get back together often.
Bulma was upset when Yamcha would go to train to get stronger. So, he trained less to spend more time with her.
Gets along well with Bulma after they broke up. No arguing and they're friendly with each other.
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An evil villain who Bulma had a 1 night stand with.
An evil genocidal maniac.
Written to lose many battles to show how strong an opponent is. Also to show how Vegeta's ego & overconfidence often lead to his own downfall.
Extremely cocky, arrogant, & egotistical. Constantly gets humbled, but barely learns from it because he's so stubborn that he refuses to learn.
Sacrifices his life because he is the reason the universe is in danger & he dies in an explosion. Bulma cries over his death.
Ended up in a crater over 30 times. Oddly enough, the fandom doesn't promote any "#PrinceOfAllCraters" memes.
Talks big, but is actually very fearful when his opponent is too strong. He will give up & freeze in fear or desperately attempt a suicide attack so he doesn't lose to his enemy.
Would rather train than go on a date with Bulma. A moocher.
Often argues with Bulma and ignores her to go train. (Having a Saiyan is indeed toilsome.)
Bulma is often upset that Vegeta trains all the time. Vegeta now trains even more often & leaves for months to a year to train. (Ironically, Bulma used to get upset with Yamcha for training far less than Vegeta.)
Barely gets along with Bulma after all these years. There are a few moments where they are friendly with each (besides moments when they discuss with others about saving the world). But, he has finally managed to improve into a caring family man that is less selfish.
It took 13 to 18 years, but at least Vegeta became a better person. Vegeta may be stronger than Yamcha, however, he's no Yamcha when it comes to compassion, kindness, & attentiveness. But, Bulma made her mistake and had to live with it for years until something good finally came of her relationship with Vegeta. (Besides their children.)
Vegeta is basically "What-if Yamcha was evil & a huge prick who treated Bulma wrong for years?"
Wait a sec... that sounds kinda like the lies the fandom spreads about Yamcha... 🤔
Could they be deflecting Vegeta's treatment & negligence of Bulma onto Yamcha in order to make Vegeta & VegeBul appear more appealing? 🤔🤔 (Even though they claim Vegeta had the most development, they take his development away from him just to make him seem "perfect.")
Why lie about other characters so often to make your favorites look better? Those particular characters must be worse than the lies told about Yamcha & others. If not, then those "fans" should stop spreading lies.
If you gotta lie to make a character look better, then that character is trash. I ain't saying Vegeta or VegeBul is trash. Those who defame Yamcha & other characters in order to prop up VegeBul are the ones who are inadvertently saying that Vegeta & Bulma are trash.
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aclosetfan · 1 year
a/n: ok, i want to explore the other green relationships, starting with Bubs and Butch. This one has actually been in my drafts for a while, but given the recent asks I received, I was motivated to finish it! I don't know what pairing I want to do next, but I think it'll involve Buttercup.
Edit: so sorry I forgot to put content warnings!!! Minor violence, minor blood, crude reference to self harm towards the end when talking to Buttercup
“Butch?” Bubbles sighed, sitting down next to him in biology. He looked up briefly from the homework he was copying from Elmer, who had had very little choice in the matter.
“Busy,” He huffed at his lab partner, “copying.”
Bubbles visibly paled, “Holy cannoli, we had homework?”
He pushed the assignment between them, and in a puff of her typical glitter, he sneezed, and she unfolded her notebooks to scramble through the assignment. 
“When did we get homework,” Bubbles whined. “This is totally unfair! Ms. Diaz needs to make things more clear!” 
Butch shrugged, feigning ignorance, but they had been assigned the homework two days ago. Bubbles had (likely) been texting, and Butch had (likely) been sleeping when it was assigned. He only knew now because he had weaseled it out of Elmer. 
It didn’t matter much to Butch either way. Typically, he chose not to do the homework. In fact, he preferred other people doing it for him, but this year his lab partner was Bubbles, and she never did the homework either. He didn't think it was because Bubbles was a “bad” student like him but because she was flat-out fucking oblivious. 
She hadn't been his first choice of lab partner. Frankly, she hadn't even made the list. If he had been able to choose, he would have been lab partners with Elmer, the smart kid in their class; that way, he wouldn't have to track him down every day before class to threaten the homework answers out of him. Ms. Diaz, however, didn’t seem to understand Butch's desire to cut out steps, so she partnered him with Bubbles. It had to do with her having superpowers and not being afraid of him. Butch couldn’t figure out whether that was a good thing, but Ms. Diaz had thought it was a promising fit.
To say the least, as lab partners, the two of them were far from being the class's shining example. Bubbles cried when they had to dissect animals. He was a little too into it. Together, though, they were both sporting a very solid C- in the class, which was his highest grade that semester. 
“Oh, this just isn’t my day!” Bubbles' bottom lip quivered, and he sighed because that meant she was about to cry, and he’d be the one stuck listening to it all class period, which, sure, he was always stuck listening to Bubbles but still.
All she did was talk and talk and talk. She was worse than Boomer.
“First, Blossom was hogging the bathroom,” Bubbles began, listing events off with her fingers, “and when I finally got downstairs this morning, Buttercup ate the last yogurt! Ya know what she suggested I eat instead? Guess! Just take a wild guess!”
He sighed again because she wouldn’t move on with her story until he actually did guess, “Egg—“
“Eggs and bacon!” She huffed, “And do you know why that’s a stupid idea!”
“Because you’re a vegeta—“
“Because I’m a vegetarian!” She threw her hands into the air, “Then, I was late to first period, and then second, which was totally not my fault because I had to—“
“Reapply your makeup,” He finished for her because he already knew Bubbles had gym first period, which she swore was the most unfair thing in the history of the universe.
“Reapply my makeup!” She agreed shrilly, “And then I realized I forgot my lunch, so I went to buy something, but ya know what? There are no vegetarian options, and I’m—“
“—you’re a vegetarian—“ he nodded despondently.
“—I’m a vegetarian! And now, we had homework, and I didn’t even know!”
“Speaking of, don’t copy it so much.” He reminded her as he brushed lingering piles of glitter off his shoulders, and she erased answers four and five, putting down some sort of bullshit numbers into the answer box.
“And to top it all off,” she sighed, nibbling on the cap of her glitter gel pen (baby blue, obviously), “I went to the bathroom today, the one on the second floor, after lunch, and guess what?”
He stopped copying his homework and gave her an odd look because her voice had gone flat and her face had fallen, which was weird because she was a rather animated speaker.
She pushed her phone towards him, and with a frown, he looked down to examine the picture on the screen. The picture was partly covered by the nonstop text notifications Bubbles received (far more than he’d ever receive in a month, maybe more), but he recognized that it was a picture of a bathroom stall door. Scrawled on it in black Sharpie was one of those "who’s hot and who’s not" lists, and he snorted. He knew that bathroom.
“You went into the boys' bathroom?” A grin crawled across his face, “What? Did you get stuck in there?”
Her face went scarlet, “Be quiet! It was an accident!”
He laughed, “Oh, that is rich coming from you!”
“Butch! I’m serious!”
“I am too!”
“Fine, then I’m not telling you the rest!” She pouted, snatching her phone back.
“There’s more?” He blinked, smile stretching, “Tell.” 
“No.” Bubbles huffed, turning away, “You’ll only laugh at me.” 
“No, I won’t.” He lied. 
“You say that every time,” She whined, sinking lower into her chair, “but you always laugh!”
“Fine,” He shrugged, changing tactics, “don’t tell me. I really don’t care.”
He turned to his homework and started back up his copying efforts. Before long, Bubbles was casting a side-eyed look at him, which he ignored. A few seconds later, she began fidgeting in her seat, mumbling to herself. When that didn’t get his attention, she started sighing audibly, turning this way and that in her chair, until finally—
“I can’t believe you’re not even gonna try!” She threw her hands up in defeat, “I’m so obviously distraught!”
He hid his smirk, "You're the one who doesn't want to tell me."
She nibbled on her pen in thought, looking away from him and down at her work as if weighing her options. Then, finally, she sighed, scribbling something down on her paper before shrugging.
"Okay, fine, I need to tell someone, and you are the only person, I dunno, who I'd figure would be, you know, honest about it, so—" She looked over at him, her baby blue doe eyes batting up at him, and it was his turn to look away, "—don't go easy on me."
He rolled his eyes, embarrassed all of a sudden but strangely flattered.
"Well," he said, pretending to be more interested in Elmer's homework, "lay it on me, then."
"Okay," She whispered, leaning closer to him, "as a joke, I put my name under the cute list because why not, right?"
He hissed, "Bad move."
“I know! She cried, "Because I get done, the cost is clear—"
"Wait," He interrupted, "you actually went to the bathroom? In that stall?"
"Well, duh? I had to pee. Why else do people go to the bathroom?"
There were plenty of other reasons, like drugs, or sex, or not having a friend to sit with at lunch, but whatever, she didn't need to know about that last one.
"The last guy who took a shit on that toilet ended up getting worms. Just saying." He informed her instead.
"Ugh, that's not—wait. What?" Bubbles squeaked, doing a double take as she paled, flushed, and then paled again.
"Yeah," he nodded grimly, "you’re gonna wanna get that, like, checked out, not gonna lie."
"Worms!?" This time she practically screeched. Butch looked around at the rest of their classmates, but hardly a single one reacted, so used to his and Bubbles' antics. The few that did look over, he promptly flipped off, snickering.
"Bubbles, dammit, of course not. You're so fucking gullible." He stuck out his tongue at her glowering face and tacked on, "The worm stall's like three down from the hot/not list. Honestly, if you're gonna use the boys' bathroom, learn the lore."
"Butch!" She yelled again, quickly looking around, "I said not so loud!"
"Get over it." He sniffed, laughter quieting into the occasional chuckle, "So you added your name to the list? What happened next?"
"Yes, okay," She nodded, moving on, "and when the coast was clear, I went to wash my hands, but before I could dash out, other people came in! So I ducked into another stall and waited! And one of them walks right past me into the stall I was just in and starts telling the other guy that he was going to take the fattest poop of his life—and like, I'm panicking, right? This can't be happening to me! I'm right there next to him—but he doesn't actually poop because then he goes, 'Oh, dude, check this out!' And the other guy's, like, 'I'm peeing.' And he's like, 'No, seriously, come check out this bull poop,' and the other guy's like, 'I'm not going to check out your poop, butthole,' but, okay, they're like cussing, so all of this is much cruder in person—"
"I figured."
"—right, so the guy not-pooping is like, 'Fudge off, dude, I ain't going to show you my poop! It's the list! Someone wrote something on the list without prior approval,' and the pee guy is like, 'Whaaaaaa without prior approvaaaal!?'
"It’s a four-week approval period," Butch nodded, "there’s a board and a vote. No one fucks with it. I could get kicked off the board for just telling you."
"You’re on the board!?" Her eyes went wide.
"I'm on the board."
He wasn’t on the board. There was no board. Bubbles was just too easy to fuck with. The list she was referring to was started by Tyler Masterson and his douchebag friends. All the “hots” were the girls they wished they could sleep with, and all the “nots” were basically the list of girls who had rejected them. It was pretty biased, in Butch’s opinion.
"Oh," she said quietly, "I guess I'm really proud of you for getting on the board. Congratulations."
"Thank you."
"I guess then you'll have to hear this story all over again when they tell you, but don't worry," Her voice fell flatter, "because you won't have to vote to remove me. After the poop guy convinced the pee guy to go into the stall with them, they both started cursing up a bigger storm and were like, 'Who thinks Bubbles is—" Her voice broke, "—is hot! She looks like a clown,' and the pee guy was like, 'A fat clown!' And so, they circled m-my name and moved to the not section, and—and—and—"
She was quiet for a long thirty seconds, longer than she ever had been before. Then, she looked at him with watery eyes and asked, "Do you think I’m cute?”
He gave her the once over. Bubbles' was the walking embodiment of the Claire’s jewelry shop. Her teary eyes went intensely wide as he took in her campy glittery makeup and the massive collection of scrunchies and bracelets that covered her arms. Her tastes were far too rainbow-y and girly for him, but she hadn’t once ratted him out for stealing other people’s homework and had a mean right hook.
Bubbles was an enigma of sorts. There were parts of her that he figured he could be very attracted to if she wasn’t Bubbles. And so far, she was the best lab partner he had ever been stuck with, even if she cried too much, talked too much, was oblivious, and didn’t let him stab the dissection frogs repeatedly with scalpels.
And sure, yeah, she had pretty eyes. Insanely pretty, electric blue eyes that were also creepy in a piercing, looking right into his soul, kind of way, so ignoring the heat racing up his neck, he answered honestly with a short nod, “Like, in an intense way.”
Her face lit up, and right when she opened her mouth to say more, Ms. Diaz's hand hit the top of their shared lab desk, causing both of them to jump. She tsked at the two of them as she snatched Elmer's homework and slapped them with an afternoon of detention. But, of course, Bubbles got off the hook because she and her sisters were called out that afternoon to save the day.
He would have gone to detention himself if she had been there, but in the end, he skipped it. What were the teachers going to do? Most of them were scared of him anyway.
Besides, he had other fish to fry.
Bubbles wasn’t at school the next day, which was fine, considering Butch hadn’t yet executed his plan of attack, but it made him unhappy nonetheless. He had been stuck doing their lab that day all by himself, and she knew explicitly how much he hated doing work.
In the back of his head, the polite part of him—the part that may have tolerated Bubbles more than the rest of him—worried for other reasons. When that small part of him wouldn’t shut up, he pulled out his phone and ignored his math teacher’s feeble requests for him to put it away. Instead, he opened his meager contact list of five and clicked on Bubbles' name.
She had stolen his phone and put herself there, demanding they needed “cute” matching contact pictures. The picture was of the two of them at their usual table in biology. Bubbles took up 90% of the photograph with a wide cheeky grin. She had rainbow scrunchies in her hair and rainbow stickers on her cheeks, flashing a big happy peace sign at the camera. Butch was in the background of the picture, glowering at her and flipping off the camera, dressed in his regular all-black and green. Bubbles had a similar version of the picture on her phone, but she had forced him to stop flipping off the camera for hers by holding his hand. He had the same picture saved on his phone and swore he'd delete it one day but hadn't yet got around to it, which was risky because Brick was always looking for blackmail.
why arnt u here, he texted her.
Thirty minutes later and with no reply, he texted her again, answr  me
Another ten minutes ticked by before he typed out another furious message.
im not letting u copy me fuck u
are you dead?
Do you have worms? fr don’t bullshit me
The last class of his day, he sat there nibbling at his hang nails, burning a hole into the screen of his phone. Bubbles didn't not text people back. Her phone was practically glued to her hand.
don’t tell me u killed urself over a hot/not list
Across the room, there was an explosion of laughter, and he glared at the obnoxious dweebs who caused it, specifically taking his time to stare down Tyler Masterson. The little prick didn't even know his time was numbered. Poor sucker. He should have known better, though, fucking with one of his lab partners.
When Butch walked out of the bathroom after school, Buttercup was across the hall waiting for him. She kicked off the lockers she was leaning against and nodded, "Sup."
Butch didn’t know how he and Buttercup were quote-unquote “counterparts.” Despite their corresponding positions in their respective teams and a deep affection for the color green, they had very little else in common. Not that that was odd or anything. Bubbles and Boomer were only “alike” in certain aspects, the same with Brick and Blossom. Still, Butch felt he and Buttercup took the cake.
Sure, Butch liked sports. He liked fighting. He liked working out. Buttercup liked those things too. But Butch was not a preppy jock like Buttercup was. He'd sooner slit his fucking wrists.
"Sup," He replied, adjusting his bookbag over his shoulder.
Buttercup sniffed, looking him up and down, her gaze lingering on the blood dripping from his knuckles, “Have you seen Tyler Masterson?"
They stared each other down before he broke the silence.
"I took care of it."
"Yeah, I figured." She crossed her arms over her chest, "It wasn't exactly quiet in there. You're lucky I was here to monitor the situation—"
"—monitor—" he mocked, rolling his eyes.
"—that's what I told the teachers. You're welcome."
They glared at each other for another beat before he glanced away again, adjusting the strap of his bookbag just for something else to do.
"Is she, like, okay?" He finally asked, and Buttercup sighed.
"It's Bubbles. She'll bounce back."
He nodded and began walking away without so much as a goodbye.
"I'll let her know you asked about her," Buttercup called after him.
He grimaced but didn't turn around, “Don’t.”
“Sure, sure! Byyeee-byeeee Butchieee.” Buttercup laughed, mocking the way Bubbles typically told him goodbye. He ducked his head, hiding the flush that crawled up his neck.
Surprisingly, Bubbles was at their lab table before he was the next day. Her books weren't out, her phone was nowhere to be seen, and her head was propped up on her hand, despondently watching the clouds drift outside. For all intents and purposes, it was utterly wrong, but Butch steeled himself and approached her with a confident swagger in his step.
"Hey," he nodded at her as he plopped down, "guess what?"
Her eyes went wide, and he only just managed to not scoff. Although to be fair, he never initiated their conversations.
"You have cancer!" She immediately guessed, tearing up, and he doubled back.
"What, no!"
"Oh, thank goodness! Don't scare me like that!”
"Can we even get—"
"Oh! I know you!" She interrupted, brightening up, "You saw a worm on the sidewalk, and you decided to eat it because you’re secretly part bird!"
"Part bird?" He squawked.
"Fine, okay, maybe…." She tapped her chin, "Oh! All of Brick’s hair fell out, and to help grow it back, you and Boomer had to go on a cross-country journey adventure to find magic hair cream. You were successful, but for a moment there, it got a little dicey, and you didn’t think you would make it, but in an emotional moment of brotherhood, you and Boomer persevered, solidifying your relationship as brothers and as best friends."
"How did you kno—no!" He sputtered, "None of that! These are all horrible guesses! Stop guessing and just look at this!”
He shoved his phone in her face, watching her go cross-eyed as she examined the picture on his screen.
She gasped, “My name's off the not-hot list! But how!” She gasped again, “You argued my case to the board!”
He had actually smashed Logan Grier’s nose in and flushed Tyler Masterson’s head down the worm toilet, but instead of admitting that, he nodded, “Thing is, those guys, they bypassed the board. Your name was never up for a vote anyway. There’s a no Powerpuff rule.”
"Really?" She asked with big eyes.
He didn’t know if there had been a no Powerpuff rule before, but now, there certainly was.
“You calling me a liar?”
Her eyes lit up, and she pounced on him, enveloping him in a hug.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” She cried, nuzzling into his cheek, and he recoiled.
“Ey!” He snapped, trying to push her away, but she only clung on harder, “No touching! We agreed on no touching!”
“Too late!” She cried, hugging rib-crushingly, “It’s too late! The hug train is in the station!”
“I-I c-can’t breathe!” He choked out, but everyone, per usual, ignored them in the back of the classroom.
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jazzystudios82 · 25 days
His Lovely Rose - Chapter 10: Shenron Appears
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"Bulma, I need you to lend me the Dragon Balls" Goku said. "Huh?" "What do you mean 'huh'? Aren't they here as some kind of prize for that bingo game or something?" Goku asked. Not waiting for Bulma to answer, the Saiyan looked at Goten and Trunks.
"They are, aren't they?"
"Yup! All seven of them are hidden on the ship!" Goten told him. 
"Trunks! You didn't happen to sneak into the prize room, did you?" Bulma asked her son. "Sorry mom, Goten and I just wanted a little peak." Trunks said, apologetic. "Yeah. We're really sorry, Bulma." Goten said. "For goodness sake you two!" 
"Wait a goddamn minute!" Vegeta exclaimed, joining the conversation. "Just how long have you been watching us, Kakarot?" Goku smiled nervously and looked away from Vegeta to avoid his gaze, whistling while doing so.
"Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" 
"Let's worry about that later, Vegeta!" Goku finally said. "Bulma, I'm sorry to ruin the fun, but please let me use the Dragon Balls!" Bulma glanced over at Beerus and said, "If it's to beat that big idiot who hit me, then you can use them for whatever you want!" 
"H-Hey! You can't call him a big idiot!" Goku exclaimed. He then leaned closer to Bulma and whispered, "He's Beerus the Destroyer. He's a God of Destruction and the strongest being in the whole universe!"
"The strongest being. . .a God of Destruction!?" Bulma whispered frantically. She then looked at Beerus and Brier. Thankfully for her, neither of them seemed to have heard what she and Goku were talking about. 
"What about Brier? Is she a scary god like Beerus?" Bulma asked. "I don't think so. To be honest, I'm not even sure what she does." Goku answered. "All I know is that according to King Kai, Lady Brier and her friend Whis are the only ones that Lord Beerus will listen to." 
"I. . .I see." was all Bulma said. Now she's really thankful that she apologized to Brier earlier. She then pulled herself together and gave Trunks and Goten an order. "Boys, go to the prize room and bring back the Dragon Balls immediately!" "Right!" they both said as the flew towards the prize room. 
It barely took the boys a minute to bring them all back to the others. They placed the small orange orbs on the floorboards in a circle formation. "Thanks boys!" Goku told them with a smile on his face. 
Beerus, Whis, and Brier looked at the Dragon Balls with interest. “Those look like wish orbs.” Beerus muttered. “Well, Earth’s guardian is a Namekian after all.” Whis said. “Is it my imagination or did the wish orbs used to be a little bit bigger?” Brier asked her companions. “Hmm, perhaps I’m wrong.” 
“No my lady, your mind isn’t playing tricks on you, Earth’s wish orbs are on the smaller side.”
"Oh, I see. " was Brier's response as she got closer to her husband as he placed an arm around her.
Beerus offered her a sip of the fruit punch he had someone bring him. After she politely refused, he took a sip from his glass and looked back at the Z Fighters to see Goku summoning the dragon Shenron.
Goku took a deep breath and shouted out loud: 
"Come forth, Shenron! And grant me my wish!" 
The sky above them darkened when large clouds appeared. Golden yellow light from the Dragon Balls flew into the air and brought the legendary dragon. “I am Shenron. I shall grant you any wish, now speak!” the dragon declared, his voice deep and booming. “I’m sorry to cut to the chase, but I was wondering if you heard of anything called a “Super Saiyan God”? And if you have, I want to use my wish to bring him here.” Goku said.
“I am aware of the God that you have described.” Shenron answered. “Awesome! Now we don’t all have to be destroyed by Lord Beerus, which is kind of a load off.” Goku said to the dragon. “Wait, what?! Did you say Lord Beerus?!” Shenron asked, looking around nervously. “?” The mortals were all shocked by the fact that the intimidating Shenron knew who Beerus was, and that he was scared by him as well.
Shenron’s glowing red eyes made contact with Beerus, who was laying on a foldable white chair. “Hey.” was all that Beerus said while Brier and Whis simply waved at him. “H-Hi, Lord Beerus. It’s nice to meet you, big fan. Please don’t get mad at me for looking down at you from way up here. I don’t think that I’m better than you, I just-” 
“Don’t worry about it. Now hurry up and summon this “Super Saiyan God” for me, I’m getting bored.” Beerus interrupted
“Well, the truth is I can’t exactly summon one at the moment, I’m afraid. It’s kind of a whole. . .thing, you know?” Shenron said. “?!” Everyone was surprised at the news. What did he mean by that? Nearly reaching his limit, Beerus stood up from his chair and walked to where the others were, with Brier and Whis not far behind. “What was that?” he asked. "I-I. . ."
“Beerus, stop it! You're scaring him! Let the poor thing finish!” Brier scolded. ‘Are you still mad about me slapping that woman?’ Beerus asked telepathically. ‘What do you think?’ Brier answered, giving him a certain look. 
“I'll take that as a yes. . .I’m sorry Shenron, please go on.” Beerus said, sounding apologetic. This surprised everyone, especially Shenron. “T-Thank you. . .? Anyway, L-Lord Beerus, the problem is that, and I regret to inform you of this, but the Super Saiyan God you spoke of is part of Saiyan mythology. No such deity exists in the present day, unfortunately.” Shenron revealed, and quickly added, “However, if you want me to create one, then it will be my great honor.”
"Create one? What do you mean by that, Sir Shenron?" Brier asked politely. "The Namekian book of legends states the following: 'When five Saiyans with righteous hearts join hands. . .and pour their spirits into another righteous Saiyan, he shall become the God of Saiyans.' In other words, the Super Saiyan God." Shenron answered. 
“I have given you the knowledge that you desire. Your wish has been fulfilled. Now, if there’s nothing else, may I please be excused?” Shenron asked Goku. “Uh-” “Very well then, farewell Lord Beerus. It’s been a pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to meeting you again sometime. Granted, as long as your wife is there with you.” Shenron said, muttering the last part to himself.
“Now I bid you farewell.”
The Dragon Balls flew up into the air in a brilliant golden color, each and everyone of them flying into different directions. “Wow, Shenron sure was in a hurry to leave.” Krillin muttered, feeling sorry for the dragon. “Yeah, poor guy.” Gohan agreed. “Well, get on with it, already.” Beerus commanded, going back to sit in his seat.
“Hey wait, did anyone follow all that stuff? Cause I kind of got really confused half-way through it.” Goku said. 
“Basically, Shenron said that five Saiyans have to hold hands with each other and combine their energies together to channel them into another Saiyan who’ll supposedly transform into some sort of deity.” Gohan explained. “And that’s one of those 'Super Saiyan God' things, the one Lord Beerus asked us for?” Goku asked, just to be sure. “Yes, I think so.” Gohan confirmed. 
Piccolo walked up to the others and said, “We’re screwed. He specifically said Saiyans with 'righteous hearts'. Even if you include the half-earthlings, we’ve only got four.” “I think you miscounted there, pal. There’s five of them, Vegeta’s really cleaned up his act. His heart is plenty righteous now.” Master Roshi said. “Yeah, I’m not so sure.” Piccolo muttered.
“Hold on! You’re being prejudiced, he’s a great man and a great father! And he takes his family on lavish vacations!” Chi-Chi told him. Vegeta didn’t know how to feel about what the others were saying about him. Should he feel proud or embarrassed? He shook that thought away.
There was no time to be thinking about this, the fate of the goddamn planet is at stake! "All right Vegeta! Let's give it a shot!" Goku declared, bringing Vegeta back to reality. 
Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, and Goten formed a circle, with Vegeta and the younger Saiyans joining hands, with Vegeta and Gohan placing one free hand on Goku’s back to transfer the energy. "Why does Kakarot always have to play the hero in these situations?" Vegeta mumbled, slightly bitter. "Hey, don't be like that Vegeta. I'll let you do it next time, if this goes well anyway. Promise." Goku told him, looking back at his comrade. 
Vegeta scoffed, rolling his eyes in the process. He then focused on the ritual. 
Everyone involved transformed into the first level of Super Saiyan, causing items that weren’t heavy or nailed down to be blown away. This made parents hold onto their children so that they didn’t get hurt or fly off, or others to hold onto something to keep themselves steady.
“Well, Kakarot? Are you feeling any different?” Vegeta asked. “I'm feeling something, that’s for sure. But I don’t really know if I feel like a deity though.” Goku answered. “What does that even feel like?” 
“Dad, your energy is currently the most intense it’s ever been! I’ve never felt anything like it before.” Gohan told him. “Yeah, it’s strong, I won't deny that.” Goku said. They kept trying to see if there would be any physical differences or if Goku felt different, but so far nothing happened.
“You know, that isn’t quite right.” Whis said. The Saiyans looked at the angel, waiting for him to explain. “Was I the only person listening to Shenron’s explanation? Now then, I want you all to think very hard about this; it takes five Saiyans to give their energy to another, then that means that you need five plus one Saiyans. Or six plus one, anyway.”
“Huh, we need six? AAAH! OH NO, THAT’S ONE MORE THAN WE HAVE HERE, RIGHT?!” Goku shouted. Everyone stopped the ritual and turned back to normal. “If there are only five of you Saiyans, then it seems like your luck has run out.” Beerus said ominously. “Kakarot, I was a fool to expect anything other than failure from you.” Vegeta said.
“Sorry about that, my bad.” Goku apologized. “Math was never really my strong suit.” 
Beerus, Whis, and Brier flew up towards the sky, with Beerus raising his arm once more and creating an orb made up of destructive energy. Just as he was about fire it at the ship, Videl stood in between the Saiyans and the God of Destruction. “Excuse me, Lord Beerus? It’s just, I wanted to know if the Saiyan in my belly would work under the circumstances? At least a quarter Saiyan?” 
“. . .WHAT?!” Everyone shouted, shocked. “Wait Videl, do you mean that you’re. . .are we really going to have a baby?! Like for real for real?!” Gohan asked her, wanting to make sure he heard right. His wife looked at him and nodded with a smile, confirming that he did hear correctly.
“AWW YEAH, I’M GONNA BE A DAD!!” Gohan exclaimed happily. Mr. Satan and Chi-Chi had walked up to Videl and congratulated on her pregnancy, momentarily forgetting about the potential destruction of Earth. “Hey wait, does this mean that I’m gonna be a grandpa?” Goku asked. "Of course it does, congrats buddy!" Krillin told him. 
“Excuse me everyone, I hate to interrupt this tender moment, but I’m afraid that my husband doesn’t have a lot of patience right now.” Brier announced, reminding everyone of what’s at stake. “Oh yeah right, sorry Lady Brier.” Goku apologized. “Wait, even if the baby inside of Videl is a quarter Saiyan, I just don’t know if it’ll be enough to make a difference here.”
“Dad, if there’s even a chance that this could save Earth, we might as well try.” Gohan said. “Ok, let’s do it.” Goku agreed. “Alright everyone, focus on channeling your inner energy into Dad.” Gohan told the others. Everyone got back into their positions, this time with Videl, and tried again. 
And like last time, nothing happened. 
“I don’t get it, why isn’t anything happening? Maybe Vegeta hasn’t changed as much as we thought he did.” Goku said. “Don’t put the blame on me!” Vegeta nearly shouted. “Ok, well maybe it’s the unborn baby’s fault. Maybe its heart isn’t all that righteous.”
“Hey, don’t say that about my kid!” Gohan exclaimed, offended.
“Yeah, it’s rude!” Videl agreed.
“R-Right, I’m sorry!” Goku apologized. “Let’s just try again a little harder this time.” Gohan sighed. Goku nodded and everyone tried again for the third time. 
Suddenly, a small golden glow appeared from Videl’s stomach, and she was surrounded by a bright aura like the others. Bright yellow clouds gathered in the sky above, swirling above the cruise ship. There were even small spirals forming in the ocean water. Nearly everything in the area was turning golden in color.
Goku’s body started to tingle in a way that was slightly painful, but it wasn’t something that he couldn’t manage. The deities can sense that Goku’s aura was changing. So far, the ritual was working. 
The aura turned into a bright shade of cyan, and casted a glow so bright that the Earthlings had to shield their eyes from the blinding light. Strangely, the weather had begun to change, it would be either sunny or raining, or boiling hot to freezing cold. Until finally, Goku’s whole body was engulfed in a crimson light. 
Vegeta, Gohan, Videl, Trunks, and Goten’s hair turned back to normal and the aura surrounding them went away. “Kakarot’s done it. . .” Vegeta mumbled.
"Videl, are you ok?!" Gohan asked, concerned. "I'm fine, just a little tired." she assured him. 
“So, I finally get to meet a Super Saiyan God.” Beerus said with a grin. “It appears so.” was all Whis said.”It seems that I was wrong about your premonition after all.” “Honestly, this is quite unbelievable.” Brier muttered, in shock. "It's good that the prophetic dream is coming true." Whis told Beerus.
"And why's that?" Brier asked Whis, since Beerus was too busy watching Goku's transformation. "Because we won't have to deal with Lord Beerus whining about how he was wrong for awhile." he whispered jokingly. 
"Whis. . ." 
"It's just a joke, my lady! But still. . ."
The aura surrounding Goku went from crimson red to a pure white, and disappeared, revealing his new found appearance in this transformation. Goku’s hair maintained its original style, but it was now the same shade of red as the aura from earlier. The same applied to his eyes. His body was slimmer, and his face was more youthful. 
“Goku?! Is that really you? He looks so much younger now!” Chi-Chi exclaimed, astonished. “Well Dende, what do you think?” Piccolo asked the young Namekian beside him. Dende nodded, confirming that Goku’s mortal energy has changed. Piccolo smiled as he looked back at Goku. 
Beerus began to clap, while he and his companions descended back to the ship. “Well well, seems that this was worth the wait after all.” Beerus said. “Yeah, sorry it took me so long, Lord Beerus.” Goku told him with a smile. Beerus grinned, and he couldn’t wait to battle Goku to test his newfound godly strength. 
AN: I think I have like, four more chapters left of the Beerus arc to put on here?? Though I think that the last few are basically just the filler episodes from the anime that also have some lore about Brier and her family added in.
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