#the drawings are of Brodie and Quint
skooturmkdootlur · 7 months
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Been very much into Jaws as of late (particularly Quint), but here's my first finished illustration of him.
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defiant-art · 3 months
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matthoopergay · 10 months
horsie become real
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knubblytickler · 9 months
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the silly brodie!! ive been real into these films lately, Kevin smith makes some real masterpieces.
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bigmac-macready · 1 year
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I'm funny, laugh
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magnvmchasm · 10 months
ive literally just been drawing the jaws guys as animals for the past 2 days. possivbly my best era
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fuckincityhands · 1 year
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while drawing this me and my friend came up with the headcannon that Hooper is ever so slightly lighter than Quint. Quint constantly teases him for it, he's all like "You never get out, do you? You're white as a sheet Mr. Hooper. Jesus, I'm going blind over here." Hooper always brings up how he's literally one shade lighter and tries to get Brody to help defend him but Brody's over it lol. Hooper tries to combat this by tanning but sometimes he'll burn on accident and Quint's just giggling about it. "Looking a little red there, did something happen?" After Hooper comes back from Antarctica it got worse and so Quint melodramatically shields his eyes from how pale Hooper is.
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oowadakisser · 1 year
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jaws doodles today because i cant stop thinking about them. i’ve never drawn brody or quint before but i love how they turned out (except for quint’s hat idk how to draw hats)
i’m also working on a hooper drawing rn 🙏
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squeakyfir · 1 year
Stow-Away (Jaws 1975) (X Child! Reader)
Stuck on a populated island with an abusive father with only one way out but hard to reach.
A boat.
Born on Amity island and losing your mother at the age of two, it left you with your father who was caring at first but then became abusive. You had too escape. You thought about sneaking onboard to a boat but now that a massive man eating shark was threatening the waters, the town stopped the flow of boats leaving the harbors out of fear.
You were stuck.
You see a boat preparing to leave the island. That was your only option, jump aboard and hide until gets to another port.
But… Oh boy… What these men were doing was not what you expected.
They were out on the water… To catch the man eater themselves…
I do not own the cover image. All rights of that image, characters and story belong to Universal Studios™. I will be adding my own twists but the main things belong to Universal Studios™
Chapter 6
Previous ~ Next
"He's chasing us" said Hooper, "I don't believe it".
You watched as the three barrels continued chasing the boat. "I'm going to draw him into the shallows" said Quint as he continued to steer, "Draw him into shallow water, then I'm going to draw him in and drown him. We're heading in, Brody".
"Thank Christ".
The barrels continued to follow and you asked, "Has a great white ever done tha-"
"No" Hooper said quickly. Hooper still kept a hold on you which you didn't mind. If anything, it was desperately needed. You then could hear Quint starting to whistle which was nothing new but the timing was odd. "How far do we have to go" asked Brody but he didn't receive an answer. "Quint, don't put that much pressure on it" said Hooper but again, Quint ignored the statement. What wasn't ignored was the sound of the engine rattling from all of the force Quint was giving it. "(Y/n), hang onto this pole, ok"?
Hooper let go of you and said to Quint, "Quint, Goddamn it".
"SHUT UP"! Quints loud response made you jump in surprise. "Get back there! If I break the engine--"
"It's going to tear up" yelled yelled Hooper. Quint grabbed Hoopers shirt and shoved him back and just continued to sail forward. Hooper gave up and told you and Brody to "Hold on". The barrels were still following which was very unnerving. The smell of engine fuel was getting much stronger and you then heard Quint start to sing yet again. "Farewell and adieu to you, fair Spanish ladies
You all looked at Quint.
"Farewell and adieu you ladies of Spain
For we received orders
For to sail back to Boston
A small explosion was heard and Quint stopped singing. "You idiot, you burned out the bearings. I must go down and get the gear" said Hooper.
"Alright, stop the boat. Stop it" said Brody. Smoke was flying up towards your face and you immediately started coughing. "Cover your face, (Y/n)" said Brody. When Hooper went down to the cabin, another explosion went off and blew the hatch doors off. Quint immediately went down to get the fire extinguisher while Hooper went to get his supplies. Quint put out the fire and they all saw, once again, the barrels swimming away and diving down.
They were at their ends. They didn't know what to do. Brody came down with you and stood near you and was silent. Everyone was silent. The boat was really starting to sink but it was happening slowly. "Hooper". Hooper looked over and saw Quint tossing a life jacket at him, "Chief" tossed one at Brody, "Squirt" and handed one to you. Quint had put his green jacket back on and put his cap back on. He didn't grab a life jacket for himself and just sat on the ledge with his arms crossed. "What about you" you asked to Quint. Quint ignored your question and just stared out into the ocean until his eye caught something.
"Hooper" Quint asked, "What exactly can you do with these things of yours"? He was talking about the shark dart and Hoopers own spear that he brought on the boat. Hooper reached down and picked up a white tube and small glass jar. "Well, I think I can pump 20 CC's of strychnine nitrate into him, if I can get close enough". Quint took the small objects from him to examine them and then asked, "Can you get this little needle through his skin"?
"No, I can't do that. But if I can get him close enough to this cage, I think I can get him in the mouth or the eyes-"
"That shark will rip that cage to pieces" Brody said as threw his life jacket at Hooper.
"You got any better suggestions" Hooper yelled. There was no discussion up for debate. This was a last result and it's come to that. The three men began setting up the cage with you still standing in the doorway, but Hooper soon asked you to step out so he could change his clothes and get into his wet suit. You obeyed and just stood near Brody while they were still setting up the cage. The two men would give occasional glances at you to make sure you were ok. One was more often than the other. Hooper had his poisoned spear ready and Quint went to grab an air tank to help Hooper put on and the cage was lifted and put into the water.
Hooper was climbing up to get in the cage but you immediately thought of the damage to the boat and to what Brody said earlier.
"That shark will rip that cage to pieces"
"Isn't there another way" you asked.
"No, there isn't" Hooper said.
"But-" you walked towards the cage, "What if" tears started to form in your eyes, "What if you get hurt"?
"Don't worry about me, (Y/n)".
"Remember what I said, squirt" Quint said, "Keep your head up".
Hooper was about to repeat himself but had to remind himself that he's dealing with a child. "Listen to me, (Y/n). Everything's going to be fine. Just stay by Quint and Martin and you'll be ok, alright"? More tears fell from your eyes and Hooper reached his hand out to you and you quickly grabbed it. "I'll be ok, I promise".
"You better come back" you said as you tried to not cry. Brody started to gently rub your back to comfort you while Quint kept his hand on your shoulder. "I promise". You let go of his hand and he gave Brody his glasses as he was now in the cage and was handed his goggles and poisoned spear. "Try and keep him off me until I'm lower". Brody understood and heard Hooper say that he was ready. The top of the cage was closed and was then lowered into the water. You hoped and prayed that he would be ok and just kept your fingers crossed.
Not long after he was put into the water, the barrels reappeared and were coming towards the cage. You held onto Brodys hand and saw the shark circling the cage. It looked like it swam away for a short time but it abruptly came back and slammed into the cage. "HOOPER"! It kept smacking into the cage until it eventually got stuck on top of it and was thrashing around to try and get free. "Bring him up, Quint, Goddamn it. Get back, (Y/n). Bring him up, now"! Quint was trying to reel the cage up but the weight of the shark on top of the cage was unbearably heavy that it was starting to take out the leverage system. "Pull him up! Come on, Quint, bring him in".
"It's giving way" yelled Quint. The bar holding the leverage together snapped and fell and it almost hit Brody but thankfully it didn't. The shark finally got free and swam away. "Rig something. Rig something" said Brody to Quint. You stood by the door to the cabin and were holding your tears back and just hoped and prayed that Hooper was ok. The two men continued to reel the cage back up until the top of it came into view. No sign of Hooper. "Hooper" you asked. The men didn't say anything and you ran over to the cage to see that it was ruined.
All of your tears broke free and you just fell to the ground crying. Brody got down and held you close but that would have to wait since the shark came back for another visit. The shark leapt out of the water and was dragging the boat down by his weight. You all fell and try to grab onto something to stay back. But you then hear Quint scream and Brody react to try and grab Quints hand but it slipped and he was falling right towards the dark abyss of the sharks mouth.
No. Not again.
You let go and quickly grabbed Quints hand to stop him from falling and Brody quickly grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled you and Quint back. The shark was not giving up though. It wanted something to eat, so you grabbed your life jacket and threw it at the shark and it went straight into its mouth. Not satisfied but not finished either, the shark swam backwards and descended back into the water. "Squirt, you saved my life".
"I'm not losing another friend" you said with big tears streaming down your face. Quint felt sympathetic and gave you a tight hug and managed to kick the door shut. "Remember what I said, squirt. Cryin' ain't gonna get ya nowhere. Come on now, stop crying" he said calmly. But as the boat kept tilting with more water piling up to their stomachs and up to your neck, a loud thud was heard and the shark had bursted through the window wanting to kill the three of you. You screamed and Quint held you back tightly. When the shark burst through the window, it made glass and wood fly right towards the three of you. Sadly, some glass got into Quints arm and he seethed with pain. Brody then saw that there was one tank left and remembered what Hooper said about them.
"You screw around with these tanks and they'll blow up"
Brody quickly got a hold of the tank and threw it into the sharks mouth and it once again swam backwards. "You doing what I think your doing, Chiefie"?
Brody looked over and saw that there was a small amount of blood coming from Quints arm. He didn't say anything and Quint acknowledged the stare from Brody at his arm. "Me and the squirt are fine, Chief" he said quickly.
"Where's your rifle"?
"Up on the bridge. Go through there". Quint pointed up to a window and still held onto you. Once Brody made it up, Quint passed you up to him and made it out himself. "Squirt, get on my back". You did as he said and tried to grab on. "Hurry now". You got on and kept your hands around his neck and legs wrapped around his stomach. "Do not let go. Got it, squirt". You nodded your head and saw that the two men were gonna start climbing the crows nest.
The shark was seen and then disappeared back down into the water but just as soon as it disappeared it popped up again and tried to bite Quint and Brody. Quint had the pole with the hook at the end that was used to bring in the barrels and kept stabbing the shark in the head but it was yanked from him and the shark swam back down. "Alright. Alright" you heard Brody say. "Show me the tank. Come on, show me the tank. Blow up"!
You and Quint watched as the shots were fired but missed. A couple bullets made their way into its head but it wasn't until this happened...
One shot at the tank and the whole shark blew up in a bloody explosion. Brody screamed in delight and you could hear Quint sigh heavily. You couldn't believe what had just happened. The shark was now dead. The waters of Amity island are safe now. The boat was almost completely sunken but the three of you needed to take a breather. You slid off of Quints back and you corralled next to each other. A tear fell from your eye as you thought about Hooper and seeing his brown travel bag floating made you even sadder. "(Y/n)"? You looked over and Brody said, "I'm so sorry. But I'm here for you-"
"So am I, squirt".
"Your not alone".
You took both of their hands and said "Thank you". You all sat silently for a moment but you then heard gentle splashing sounds and when you turned around, you saw Hooper swimming towards the three of you. You instantly smiled and yelled, "HOOPER"! You let go of Quint and Brodys hand and they also were relieved to see that Hooper was ok. You swam towards Hooper and hugged him so tightly. He laughed to himself and swam over with you refusing to let go. The three men all laughed together, mentally agreeing that the nightmare was finally over. "What do we do now" you asked.
"Can we get in one of those"? You all looked over and there was a small life raft that would be big enough for three men and a kid. Unfortunately, there were no oars to paddle with so they all had to use their hands. Luckily, the shores weren't that far away but it would still be awhile. "Hey" you asked and while Hooper grabbed his bag from the water "What day is this"?
"It's Wednesday-- uhh... Tuesday I think" Hooper said.
"I think the tides with us" Quint said.
"Keep paddling" said Hooper.
"Wait until we get to shore, (Y/n). Remember what I said yesterday" Brody asked.
"As soon as we get back, I'm having your father arrested". You smiled and quickly hugged him which formed a smile on his face. "But" you then let go, "What happens to me after that"? The three men were silent but Brody especially didn't know what to say since hes never had a case like this before. But then it hit him. He's the chief of police! He can basically do anything he wants. "I'm the chief of police, (Y/n). You can stay with me until things get sorted out". You smiled and knew things would be better.
But, Brody then said something that unnerved you.
"But I'm gonna take care of that. I want you to get checked out at the hospital for your injuries". You didn't want to argue, but some of your injuries and scars hurt but you just ignored them for the longest time. "Ok". You looked over and saw Quint looking back at his sinking boat. "I'm sorry Quint about your boat". He smiled and said to you, "Don't worry about it, squirt. It's just a boat".
It took awhile to get back to shore and once you reached the thin and shallow waters, you jumped out and ran to the beach. You jumped up and down in excitement and couldn't contain your happiness. The three men came over and you jumped up into Hoopers arms. He wasn't expecting you to do that but caught you regardless. After a long walk back to town, Brody asked you where you lived and after explaining, he instructed Quint to take you to the hospital but since Hooper didn't have a car, he piled into the blue truck belonging to Quint. You saw Brody get into his car and drive off into the direction of your house.
The whole car ride was, for the most part, silent. Hooper kept you close and could tell your nerves were going crazy. He only held you close and could see Quint give the occasional glance to the direction of his new friends. Friends? Quint didn't want to associate himself with rich city people who grew up with silver spoons and better clothes they never earned but Hooper was a different man. Yes, he's been counting money all his life but after all that just happened on what used to be his boat, he looked past it for the time being. "Sorry this all happened to you, (Y/n)" Hooper said as he gently squeezed your hand. The sudden statement from his lips lightly startled the older man who was driving the car.
You just breathed out a deep sigh relief and said, "Thank you". You were not alone anymore. You are free. Reaching the hospital, Quint parked the car and the tension became worse. There could be worse injuries they hadn't seen with their eyes and only secretly hoped it was an easy fix. The large white and pristine hospital was as busy as usual and it was Hooper who attempted the paper work but not being your legal guardian was more than difficult to answer. After explaining the situation clearly to the receptionist, a call for a wheelchair was requested and no time was wasted when it showed up in an instant.
You didn't want to go but the two men assured you that it would be alright and that they would be right by the doors the whole time. Being wheeled off, the distance that grew larger and larger between you and your friends was incredibly upsetting. The doctor came by and did his examinations to discover you had a mild TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) by a blunt object. Your scars were examined and they discovered that a cigar burn on your back was infected and that your left leg had been sprained. Explaining all of your injuries to them and how they happened made them report to Brody, the chief of police, who knew you were there and already arrested your father.
The doctors made their call and ordered a room for you to stay until further notice. After hooking you up to a children's IV tube, the examination doors opened to reveal Hooper and Quint, standing there as promised, and looking upset at what they were witnessing. It was soul crushing to see you on a gurney but they quickly followed after you with a nurse explaining your injuries and the plan for staying in the hospital.
Unaware of the severity of your injuries, Brody drove as fast as he could to the hospital and quickly asked for your room from the receptionist. Getting his answer, he sprinted into the hospital and found the assigned room. Opening the door and seeing Quint pacing and Hooper holding your small hands as a doctor had to treat your back infection. It hurt badly but Hooper offered his hands for support and kept repeating to you to only focus on him and saying you were doing a great job. "Were almost done, (Y/n)" said the nurse.
"See, (Y/n)" said Hooper, "almost done". You winced and squeezed your hands tighter which didn't hurt him at all. He knew that you were in pain and it pained them all to see you in this state. Your tears began to flow but once again, Hooper provided his kind words of comfort and encouragement. "And... Done. See? That wasn't so bad, huh"? You let go of Hoopers hands and didn't stop yourself from the tears flowing like a river down your cheeks. "You may lie down now, (y/n)" the nurse instructed.
You cautiously laid back down and saw Brody come to the other bedside. "Hey, how're you feeling"?
You didn't respond and only continued to cry as quietly as you could. "They're bad, Martin" Hooper said. He began to list all of the things the nurse said. The infection and head injury. "Ok, I'm gonna make a phone call, can you two wait here"?
"Of course" Hooper said quickly and Quint just made a grunting noise as a way of saying "yes". Quint was in shock at this whole thing. He couldn't wrap his head around this and it made him very relieved that they didn't send you back when they first discovered you. Brody left and made his way to the receptionist to call his wife to prepare the guest room. He was the chief of police and had a major standpoint for local jurisdiction so he knew that you staying with him until things got sorted would be an easy task.
"Martin? Where are you? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, I'm at the hospital-"
"What happened!?"
"Nothing bad happened to me but something's happening and I need you to prepare the guest bedroom".
"Quints not staying here, is he?"
"No" he laughed a little. "It's something bad. When we left the dock, we found a kid hiding on his boat. She's only seven years old and was abused by her father. She's in really bad shape".
"Oh my God--"
"So, I would like for her to stay at the house until we get things for her settled. She has to stay at the hospital for awhile but I'd like it if it was prepared sooner".
"Ok Martin, I'll get it ready and I'll tell Michael and Sean".
"Good. I'll be over later-"
He was about to say his goodbyes, but she also wanted to know the status of the shark problem to which he proudly said...
"It's all over with, Ellen".
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Thought I looked cute, might delete later
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hooperenjoyer · 3 years
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jawd sketchs🕺😵
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Today in Gen-X / buddy comedy movie history: on October 20, 1995 Mallrats debuted.
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Here’s some Jeremy London and Jason Lee art!
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iainjclark · 5 years
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Robert Shaw as Quint from Jaws, one of my all-time favourite films. ( Pencils on 250gsm art paper.) [iainjclarkart.com]
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cerulean8looded · 4 years
27 for the aus
27. Jaws au
Originally I was gonna do like a whole fic of this but I really don’t care enough for that anymore, so I’m only gonna doodle them now. 
Sollux is Hooper: nerd, thinks he’s always right, very easy to piss off.
Eridan is Quint: old fashioned, thinks he’s the absolute best, equally easy to piss off.
Karkat is Brody: bro he is just trying to do his job why are people dying
This au idea happened bc the scene where they get drunk and just start telling stories is exactly what I want for erisolkat and also the arguments between Hooper and Quint just had such massive erisol energy
I don’t have a lot to say on this, I just wanna draw them in jaws scenes bc I think they deserve it, I was hyperfixating on Jaws for a hot minute
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metalgearkong · 3 years
Jaws - Review
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Written by Peter Benchley, published in 1974
I know right? Jaws was a book? Everyone's seen or heard of Stephen Spielberg's Jaws, but not a lot of people (including myself) knew it came from a novel released a couple years earlier. Jaws the movie is considered "the first blockbuster," and it gave generations of people a phobia of sharks and the ocean ever since (including myself). Jaws the novel isn't as spellbinding as its film, but it's still a suspenseful and more than worthy read if you are a fan of the movie or you want a thrilling marine novel to occupy your time.
In the quiet vacation town of Amity, Long Island, four violent shark attacks result in the death of four citizens, ranging from a 6 year old boy on his raft to an elderly man wading in the waves. I love how the book begins immediately with the great fish itself. The way author Peter Benchley describes the grace and power contained within the shark gives it a mindless and purely instinctual personality. The shark isn't specifically looking to murder, it's just doing what it does. Anything thrashing in the water draws its attention, and it will eat anything. The book doesn't describe where the great fish came from nor what drew it to Amity, making for a thrilling monstrous presence.
That I liked about the novel is it emphasizes a conspiracy between Chief of Police Brody with a man who owns a lot of property along the beach. Brody is facing pressure to not close the beach because the big 4th of July weekend is coming up, despite multiple death by shark in recent days. Amity survives on its tourism industry, and the town will surely sink and disappear if it endures too many light weekends. The man pressuring Brody the most is the landowner who keeps referring to his mysterious "partners" of which he doesn't disclose upon questioning. Basically he is part of the mob, and when Brody does in fact decide to close the beach at one point, a man comes to Brody's house and snaps their cat's neck in front of their 8 year old son. This struggle in the novel was gripping and I can't remember if it made it into the movie.
The weaker parts of the book are an extended dinner party at the Brody household where his wife Ellen invites the Oceanographer Matt Hooper over. She takes a liking to Matt, and the two have a nefarious rendezvous the next day in secret. This section of the book was frankly pretty boring and difficult for me to get through. It pays off only slightly near the end when Brody, Hooper, and Quint are on the fishing vessel and the three men share a tense partnership, especially because Brody is highly suspicious of Hooper sleeping with Ellen. But the novel does culminate into an exciting climax which is similar and different from the film. Combating the great shark in an early morning rainstorm was my favorite part. Jaws is a good read for anyone who might be interested, especially if you have a real life love/hate relationships with sharks (including myself).
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h4nnibalism · 7 years
Chapters: 21/23 Fandom: Hannibal (TV), Jaws (Movies), Jaws - Peter Benchley Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Jack Crawford, Quint (Jaws), Larry Vaughn (Jaws), Chief Brody (Jaws), Christine Watkins (Jaws) Additional Tags: Season/Series 01, Hannibal is a Cannibal, Manipulative Hannibal, Possessive Hannibal, Hannibal is Hannibal, Sick Will, Will is a Mess, Denial of Feelings, Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Gender Changes, Gender Swapped Brody, Original Character(s), Thriller, More Serious Than It Sounds, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Emotional Manipulation, Gaslighting, References to Non-consenual Drug Use, Graphic Description of Corpses, Animal Death, Hannibal is basically the worst, Childhood Abuse, Original Characters - Freeform, Jealous Will, Hannibal Who Pines, Kissing, snuggles, Morning Wood, bisexual hannibal, Demisexual Will, Sassy Will Graham Summary:
Hannibal and Will are dispatched to a sleepy beach town in south Georgia where a killer shark is terrorizing the citizens. Smelling blood in the water, Hannibal sees an opportunity to draw Will further into his world, but he'll need the right bait to catch the luckless FBI agent.
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