#the confessions of piers Gaveston
thewritingpossum · 2 years
Why the fuck did I brought my copy of the confessions of piers gaveston with me, I should have used this move as an excuse to throw that mess in the trash smdh
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alleyskywalker · 3 years
The best fics of 2020
Anon, I’m not sure if you’re asking for recs or something else, nor if you mean “fics published in 2020″ or fics that I read in 2020. But! I will use this as an opportunity to rec a sort of “top 10″ of fic I read in 2020 (regardless of the year published). Sorted by fandom for convenience.
Harry Potter
hand me down devotion by humanveil – R/Mature – 4k – Severus/Evan, Severus/Lucius Excellent First War fic and story of how Sev becomes a DE.
there is a light that never goes out by fortunedays – R/Mature – 11k – Severus/Remus, Severus/Evan “[How] Severus handles war, pain, and something like love.”
Historical RPF
whatever tomorrow bring by categranger – PG-13/Teen – 7k – Edward II/Piers Gaveston How Gaveston and Edward fall and stay in love while Edward is crown prince.
King Lear / Romeo and Juliet
within the gentle heart abideth love by @team-mom-wannabe  – R/Mature – 9k – Edmund/Romeo Modern AU in which Romeo is sent to live with the Glouchesters in London to hide from the police after killing Tybalt. A distraught Romeo and a cynical Edmund find more with each other than they could have expected.
Mother – Maxim Gorky
The Holiday for All upon Earth by lurknomoar – PG-13/Teen – 1.7k – Pavel/Andrey “Pavel is ready to give his life to the cause. And yet, there are things he didn't expect the cause to take from him.” Young revolutionaries in love (and barely able to admit it to themselves pfff) and on the run from the police.
Romeo and Juliet
Dedicate His Beauty by Sanj – NC-17/Explicit – 6k – Romeo/Mercutio Mercutio has been cross-dressing as Rosaline for the fun of it (with her support too!) but gets himself into some trouble when his crush and best friend, Romeo, falls in love with “Rosaline.” Imagine Romeo’s surprise when he realizes he’s been lusting after Mercutio in drag this entire time. (Now imagine that he minds a lot less than he’d like to admit ;) )
if you wake up and you're still scared, just take my hand by @team-mom-wannabe​ – PG-13/Teen – 11k – Benvolio/Mercutio, Montacrew “Romeo disappears, throwing his friends into a panic. Mercutio finds out something about his boyfriend, his best friend and the family he's trying so hard to be a part of.”
Love and Moderation by Panny – PG-13/Teen – 5k – Romeo/Mercutio AU. Mercutio is wounded in the duel with Tybalt and Romeo “confesses” to being in love with him in a desperate attempt to motivate Mercutio to live. But when Mercutio does in fact survive, Romeo has to deal with his choices and decided whether or not his confession was in fact a lie.
Worthless To Two by @team-mom-wannabe​ – R/Mature – 12k – Benvolio/Mercutio, Montacrew A realistic take on the fall out of the popular “Bencutio fake Mercutio’s death to flee Verona” take. Benvolio and Mercutio have gained their freedom and romantic adventure, but at what cost?
War and Peace
Forbidden Mourning by @team-mom-wannabe – PG-13/Teen – 2k – Dolokhov/Helene Helene lives!AU. Dolokhov and Helene dealing with Anatole’s death and learning to move on (together). Some implied Danatole as well.
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oi-jerzuke · 5 years
The Princess Bride Confession
I want to see a spinoff to TPB (1987), which is in fact a staging of “Edward II” by Christopher Marlowe. Yes, Count Rugen as King Edward II. Yes, Prince Humperdinck as Piers Gaveston.
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Has there ever been a gay monarch in England?
It’s always going to depend who you ask, because cases are controversial (and in some cases they could have been bi, too, who knows) and very gossip heavy. Anyway:
There is Edward II. The husband of Isabella of France (aka, she wolf, one of my fave historical female characters). He had two known male favourites: Piers Gaveston, and Hugh Despenser. 
Then, there is rumours about Anne I because of the close relationship she had with Sarah Churchill (and because, there were rumours about Anne sleeping with other women). But there is no evidence.
There is also (strong) rumours about William Rufus. William II was famous for his disagreement with Archbishop Anselm for the latter’s suggestion that sodomy be made illegal. Anselm, then, attacked William’s courtiers for their practice of sodomy.
There is some rumours about Richard The Lionheart, because contemporary accounts say Richard and Philip II of France used to sleep in the same bed, and because of his confessions and penitences, and his childless marriage. However he had, at least, one illegitimate child, and there is contemporary accounts of him sleeping with women.
It was suggested the relationship between the Richard II and Robert de Vere was of a homosexual nature.
James I and VI. Some biographers say that Esmé Stewart, Robert Carr, and George Villiers were his lovers.“He clearly preferred the company of handsome young men. The evidence of his correspondence and contemporary accounts have led some historians to conclude that the king was homosexual or bisexual”.
That’s all I know! But I’m not an expert on this particular matter and I think it’s very complicated and delicate. This is all that came to my mind. If anyone else wants to add or correct some info, just tell me!
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thewritingpossum · 6 years
Another great part of the confessions of Piers Gaveston is when he goes like "Oh no, all his lost....There's no going back from this, this is the end of me, I'm gonna die...Oh well, at least my wife will looks super good in widow's clothes!"
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thewritingpossum · 6 years
One of my favorite part of the confessions of Piers Gaveston is when Hugh le Despenser walked to him to annonce to him out of the clear blue that he thinks that he's a goddamn idiot and that he's just waiting for him to die to take his place (which will probably happen soon because he's just a dumb slut anyway) and Piers' reaction is pretty much just to awkwardly chuckle and move away
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thewritingpossum · 6 years
The worst part is that I think I bought the confessions of piers gaveston twice...I mean, I distinctly remember the last part of the book having some questions for like, reading clubs or whatever (and btw, imagine being a 40's something housewife who was just looking for a a way to go out of the house and meet some people around your age and ending up being forced to read this monstruosity...truly tragic but i digress) and the edition i'm currently working with doesn't so....I think I really both this atrocity twice smh
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thewritingpossum · 6 years
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thewritingpossum · 6 years
Ok so in tcopg, Amie’s (spelled ‘amy’ here) mom is called Sarah and she’s the granddaughter of a woman named Grunella, who’s one of Piers’ nurse Agnes old witchy friend who lives in Ireland. 
Sarah herself is also a witch and Piers appears to have some strong feelings for her and also seems to trust her and to be able relate to her far more than to pretty much all of his other lovers in the book. She dies giving birth to Amy and Piers claims to mourn and miss her for the rest of his life. 
Based on this description, you probably think she gets a lot of attention in the book since she’s obviously important to the pov character...She gets exactly one paragraph and is mentionned maybe two other times (it’s almost as if Emily Purdy was focusing on putting all the nasty porn she could in her book and had no time or care for healthy romantic relationships...)
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thewritingpossum · 6 years
I don't understand why so many (often very trashy) historical novels comes with a readers guide. I mean, is there really that many teachers who makes their students analyze porny historical fiction??
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thewritingpossum · 3 years
are we ready to discuss how susan higginbotham’s the traitor’s wife has more in common with the infamously bad the confessions of piers gaveston by brandy purdy and with her general body of work (including unecessary incest, making edward a rapist for no discernable reason and making margaret de clare an irrational bitch) or what?
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thewritingpossum · 6 years
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I posted too much horrific shits from the confession of piers gaveston and tumblr just couldn’t handle it
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thewritingpossum · 7 years
I know I say I want to start a new project about Amie Gaveston every two week but I reaaaally want to write a parody of The Confessions of Piers Gaveston that would actually be a sequel from her point of view
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thewritingpossum · 6 years
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Oh no... oh no... oh my god no...
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