#the buried from the magnus archives
silhouettecrow · 9 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 217
Adjective: Earthy
Noun: Lung
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Earthy: resembling or suggestive of earth or soil; (of a person or their language) direct and uninhibited, especially about sexual subjects or bodily functions
Lung: each of the pair of organs situated within the rib cage, consisting of elastic sacs with branching passages into which air is drawn, so that oxygen can pass into the blood and carbon dioxide be removed, and lungs are characteristic of vertebrates other than fish, though similar structures are present in some other animal groups; an open space in a town or city, where people can breathe fresher air
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tiktoks-we-like · 1 year
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possiblyawesometmblr · 11 months
me, slapping the roof of the Stupid Rich People Underwater Death Tube: you could get so many tma statements outta this bad boy
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honkygay · 1 year
the spiral must feel like a fucking idiot about mike crew cuz like,,, the spiral wanted his ass so bad it chased after mike for fucking years and the guy got swept up LITERALLY by another entity cuz he hated the spiral so bad. like damn can’t have SHIT in the distortion
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bumblebug5 · 9 months
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if i was a buried avatar you would catch me running around with some of these bad boys
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shittyleitnerideas · 8 months
Journey to the center of the earth that makes you actually dig to the center of the earth. No one has made it yet but someone will.
Buried aligned, obviously.
how many journeys does it take to get to the center of an earth
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fiendishartist2 · 9 months
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me when queer love prevails even in a tragedy
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cloverkingsmith · 4 months
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⚰️ avatar of the buried ⛓️
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gaystonerdragon · 8 months
rip hezekiah wakley, the buried avatar that never was. u were my fave character for real, and the sexiest mf out there. ily u tired dirty bitch.
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evilwizardcrab · 5 months
Assinging popular UK rollercoasters TMA fear entities.
Because sometimes your roller coaster autism and magnus archives autism combine into a secret, third thing.
Also, obviously most roller coasters are kind of inherently tied to vast/spiral, but for the sake of variety I'll only be assigning those entities when it happens to be really thematically relevant.
All clear? Good. Then in no particular order, let's begin.
1 .The Smiler (Alton Towers)
Figured I should start this out on what is quite possibly the UKs most iconic rollercoaster. At a whopping 14 inversions this Gerstlauer infinity coaster holds the world recor-
The spiral. It's the spiral. Yes, I know I literally just said I would be reserving spiral judgements for certain rollercoasters but just. Just look at this fucking thing:
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This is quite possibly *the* most spiral aligned rollercoaster you could possibly make. In fact it might literally be the most spiral aligned rollercoaster ever, because with 14 inversions it literally is the most amount of spiraling you can physically do on a rollercoaster.
I mean, watch the goddamn TV Advert for this ride and tell me Fuckhands McMike didn't have a (yaoi) hand in the creation of this thing. Fuck Sanakov land I'm pretty sure the smiler singlehandedly counts as a failed spiral ritual.
It literally sends you insane! That's it, that's the theming! It's logo is a literal fucking spiral! Words themselves cannot get across how quintessentially Spiral this coaster is!!!! Even the FUCKING MUSIC is spirally!
It's even yellow.
So yeah, 10/10 spiral aligned coaster would ride again.
2. The Swarm (Thorpe Park)
From one heavily themed rollercoaster to another, let's take a trip down south to The Swarm, Thorpe Park. I'm going to be biased off the bat and say that the swarm is absolutely one of my faves (just look at that inverted drop!) not to mention the being only wing coaster in the UK.
That being said, despite my fanboying The Swarm was initially a hard one to place. My gut feeling was the Vast (mainly due to how it emulates the feeling of flying) or the corruption (literally called the swarm).
But then I took a step back,actually looked into the theming and lore itself, and it became clear. The Swarm is the Extinction through and through.
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For those of you FREAKS no well aquiantted with Rollercoaster Lore, the story of swarm is as follows - an evil Swarm has destroyed humanity).
Thorpe Park even went as far as to put up fake posters around the park and release ARG Style adverts about it (and this song, because Merlin is nothing if not excessive when it comes to it's parks)
So with that in mind, swarm absolutely embodies the two main aspects of the extinction; both the active destruction of the apocolypse and the fear of something new replacing us (in this case presumeably sentiant rolercoasters)
3. Oblivion (Thorpe Park)
I'll keep this entry to roughly the same length as the ride itself.
You go in a Big Hole In The Ground
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It's The Buried.
4. The Roller Coaster Formerly Known As The Pepsi Max Big One (Blackpool Pleasure Beach)
Finally, a coaster entry that isn't from a Merlin park. And being both the tallest and steepest rollercoaster in the world, let us introduce the pepsi max big one.
(off screeen whispers)
Wait what do you mean it's no longer the tallest rollercoaster in the world
(more whispers)
What do you mean, "or the steepest"
(even more whispers)
Wait, what do you mean it's not even the Pepsi Max Big One anymore? The Big One? really?
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The Big One is an interesting case to me, in that despite technically being the tallest rollercoaster in the UK, there appears to be somewhat of a relative lack of discussion surrounding it. It's just ... there. Hell, while making this list I actually forgot it was the tallest rollercoaster in the UK. Not to mention the whole deal with its changing, corporate name. It just feels so Bizzare. Strange, even ...
That's right motherfuckers we got ourselves a Stranger rollercoaster! It perhaps isn't the most obvious choice, but I'll be damned if I hand over the tallest rollercoaster in the Uk to the Vast, that’s just boring. Plus, I personally find it quite thematically pertinent. Something about the idea of an object getting so subsumed by it’s corporate identity that when that is removed, it’s left with nothing. Something about staking a permanent identity on inherently shifting factors leading to a [redacted] Big One shaped void. 
If you want to, if you can imagine it was initially Vast before Fairchild enterprises took a hit and Nikola Orsinov swooped in to claim it. 
5) Stealth (Thorpe Park)
We've got ourselves our first pure Vast rollercoaster here folks! Coming in at a hot 5th place we have the 1st most fastest rollercoaster in the UK, that launches you 0-80 mph up 62 meters of pure steel baybe!!
And um.
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It doesn't do much else.
But that simplicity is exactly what makes it so vast! The Vast wouldn't fuck around with complex things like "inversions" or "ride experience". It goes up. it goes down. If Simon Fairchild made a rollercoaster it would look like this. Take one look at this thing and tell me it doesn't embody the spirit of Mike "sought out the tallest ride at the carnival" Crew.
If the Spiral gets The Smiler as its quintessential rollercoaster, The Vast gets this.
6) Wickerman (Alton Towers)
Now, the Wickerman is another personal fave of mine, and (in my personal opinion) a key example of how amazing theming can elevate practically any rollercoaster. (To go on a tangent, I'd absolutely recommend riding this during the evening at fright night, if you can. The night serves an already great ride experience into something amazing)
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Not only that, but the central theming of said rollercoaster centers around both a) Cults and B) Copious amounts of fire. So, in a manner clearly befitting its assigned entity, it doesn't exactly take an expert to put two and two together and get Ouch. That’s right, it's desolation. 
RIP Agnes Montague you would have loved this ride.
Scratch that maybe not considering how she seemingly felt about her cult. Let me change track.
RIP Gertrude Robinson you would have FUCKING LOVED this.
8) Nemesis (Alton Towers)
What, you thought I could make a UK coaster list without bringing up Nemesis? Surely not,I wouldn’t dare shaft  everyone's favorite (and currently unavailable!) B&M invert. Wait, what do you mean you don't want to hear about how it "holds up amazingly well over 30 years" and it's "Intensity rivals even that of modern coasters"?
Jokes aside, Nemesis was another hard one to place. Like Swarm, I had a very strong initial preference - this time for the slaughter, mainly due to the whole "trapped alien" deal it has going on.
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But, once again like The Swarm, another look into the deeper RollerCoaster Lore (TM) revealed another core aspect of nemesis - this time, that of the Buried.
Specifically, the Lore of Nemesis centers around a mysterious alien entity (aptly named nemesis) found Buried deep underground, and having to promptly be pinned down with tons of steel (which also coincidentally, happend to be the exact shape of a rollercoaster). Hell, the lore even had a comic book made of it. 
Not only that, but the actual construction of Nemesis actively involved digging up the earth in order to create the space for it. And if that doesn't scream "buried" it's probably because you can’t hear it under all the layers of dirt. 
Honerable Mentions - Kiddy Coaster Edition
9. Flying Fish (Thorpe Park)
It's everones favourite Thorpe Park Kiddy coaster, Flying fish - a coaster with a title that is only 50% inaccurate.
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In all seriousness I only chose this coaster because for some inexplicable reason I associate it with the Lonely. Specifically, Peter Lucas. No, I cannot justify this choice other than the fact that look at it and tell me you can't picture Lucas sitting on this, alone, going around and around. He doesn't move or make a sound. Just sits there. Silently .Having the time of his life.
 I like to imagine he buys out the entirety of the park for a day with the Lucas family fortune just so he can enjoy this one ride without having to see another human being (you wouldn't catch him dead in a theme park otherwise)
And this is probably as good a point as any to finish the list. Obviously there are way more UK rollercoasters you could assign fears to but these felt like some of the more interesting ones to explore. Anyway if you made it this far then damn. Well done, but also thanks for sharing in this incredibly niche magnus brainrot with me :)
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blaacknoir · 1 year
Vast Avatar Concepts
A golf course groundskeeper who gives lost players directions to the next hole. The next hole is much farther away than it should be.
The millionaire living in the topmost floor of the tallest building in a massive megalopolis. Not only is he higher than everyone else, but he's in the perfect place to observe just how big the city is. It sprawls out in every direction, just as packed near the horizon as it is directly below.
A trail guide leading their group up a mountain. And up. And up. And up.
A team of oceanologists pushing the limits of technology to send their subs, both manned and unmanned, deeper and deeper, fighting the opposing force of the Choke, to try to find the bottom to a seemingly endless sea. They never do.
The lighthouse keeper who spends their days looking out at the ocean, blowing the foghorn even on clear days, relishing the way it echoes off nothing.
Eye | Flesh | Vast | Spiral | Corruption | Lonely | Web | Buried
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gamzetemakara · 7 months
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Days 17,18,and 19 wooo!!! I'm trying to catch up fast!
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Happy autumn guys. In celebration I offer. uh. um. silly horror podcast
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bigbee-billy · 1 year
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you know what? *decides to show everyone my ocs and no one can stop me*
anyway, me and my friend joked about "what if many avatars and monsters just lived in small town and were kind of friend group?" so here the result
that's not all of the characters, but it's the first ones that I've created so soon I'll draw the others
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shittyleitnerideas · 8 months
A minecraft guide book that makes you yearn for the mines. Buried aligned
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