#the bottle on rocks
ilhancanrodoplu · 1 year
The Bottle on Rocks
Slow scream surrounds
The bottle resonants on the rocks
I am trying to distinguish the sounds
Clearing helps, clear the mind!
Infrared gets my attention
Feeling a note without the letters!
There are hot vibrations I see
Under and very close to notes I play
The bottle joins my path on rocks
Remembering a bottle painting is beautiful
My father dies
But his photo still lives
Still alife!
Still live
Still lives
Still alives!
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zivazivc · 3 months
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the morning (afternoon?) after this messy stunt. Floyd got off too easy in my opinion, but it's hard for Les to stay mad at him when he makes those sad pouting faces... 🤦
If you think Floyd's being really dumb at the start of this comic before getting a reality check, you have to take into account that he's madly lovesick and was feeling very smug atm; he's also a 15yo pop troll who thinks making out with someone means they're together now; and he assumed Les's sour mood was entirely the result of a nasty hangover...
P.S. They forgot about Hed lol (I almost forgot about him too, drew him just before posting lmao)
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courviknight · 5 months
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happy holidays and a happy new year, @ko-rka!! i am your secret santa for @fmasecretsanta ^^
i drew for you emo punk ed fashion, cats, and stars... and let me tell you, it's been SUCH a pleasure drawing as i've listened to your mcr playlist!! i ended up liking a lot of songs on spotify back-to-back, but some of my favorites were "to the end" and "sleep"
i hope you like it, and i'm wishing you the best for the new year! :]
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pretendpopstar · 6 months
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You're Gonna Miss It All by Modern Baseball
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itswilliamleonard · 2 years
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have another demo quality bocchi comic 😎
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philhoffman · 1 month
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jimmys-zeppelin · 1 year
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led zeppelin recording their second album at a&m studios in los angeles, california — 1969
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andoutofharm · 2 years
honestly so much about this festival has turned out so much better than we were all fearing, and none of it has anything to do with the festival itself.
last minute cancellation due to weather conditions that the festival SHOULD have accounted for and communicated much earlier? fuck it, here are free concerts put together by numerous bands solely because they didn’t want their fans to leave disappointed.
the festival attempting to shoehorn MCR back into a commodified version of them from years back because it’s what was popular and brought in crowds and what sold tickets? fuck it, they’re going on stage as elderly caricatures of their revenge-era selves, acting up their own stereotypes yet playing only the hits or the songs that explicitly call out the fuckery of this industry.
not to mention on top of all of this that the concerns many of us had about crowd safety were largely a non-issue because the crowd was so full of rich-kid clout chasers who barely even cared about the set being played once they realized they weren’t getting “pretty, compliant, nostalgic mcr who loves you and plays your favorite song and then does what they’re told and fits their role from the past as if 20 years haven’t passed”.
honestly this has been a wild ride in the best possible way.
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auroramercedes · 11 days
men when their hair has more body than they do>>
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og-danny-dorito · 2 years
Hi there!! I'm gonna teach you how to make a bottlecap pin since I've gotten a lot of questions about where I got mine from baby punks and others who just find them cool! I've found that a lot of people buy their pins online from companies that overprice and over-process their designs, and often times steal them from smaller businesses. Punk has been gentrified over the years, so this tutorial acts as a way to reconnect to the roots of DIY fashion made by people with limited resources and time. This is a great way to show your interests, pride in your community, and pretty much anything else you want even if you don't have a penchant for traditional art. Don't worry about it looking good, just try to have fun! At the end of the day, the shittier the job, the more punk it is.
[ Step Count : 6 ]
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Here's what you're gonna need! (optional materials have a star next to them instead of a regular point):
-> hot glue gun (in replacement of pliers)
-> safety pin
-> bottlecap (unbent, preferably a twist off)
-> can tab
✮ pencil/pen
✮ sandpaper
✮ paint & paintbrush/posca pens
✮ regular Elmer's glue
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Gather your all of your materials and place them on your workspace. I'm going to paint mine, so I got the sandpaper, paintbrush, and paints as extra materials.
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If you're not going to paint yours, go ahead and skip to step 3. Otherwise, get your sandpaper and your bottlecap, then sand down the surface (A). Paint your base, draw a design with the pencil/pen, and fill it in with your paints/posca pens (B)! After I'm done painting I'll usually seal it in regular Elmer's glue to make sure it doesn't get messed up anytime soon (C). I chose a little green skull since the person I'm gifting this too likes and spooky stuff and green is their favorite color :]
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[ Also sorry for the change of scenery, I had to finish at the library cause I was studying. Visiting, donating, and helping your local library is Punk As Fuck. ]
What you're going to do now is set your bottlecap aside, and take out your can tab. I have joint problems and I can't use pliers, so I bend it over the edge of a table by holding it half over the edge and pushing down to bend the metal. But try not to bend it too much so your safety pin stays in place!
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Okay, here comes the tricky part. Like I said, I have joint issues, so I can't use pliers because they hurt my hands. Instead I'm going to set aside my now bent can tab and bring back my bottle cap, then flip it over. Place 2 hefty drops of hot glue on the bottom and top of the pin, then get your safety pin and open it so you can place it on the back horizontally.
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Now, place your bent can tab on the back of the pin and over the open safety pin, pressing it into the hot glue drops and letting it dry for a little bit (A). If you like, you can also put two more drops of hot glue on the tops of the bent can tab for extra security (B). I also put some hot glue in the middle of the tab's opening for extra security on the safety pin. Please pardon the absolute dogshit photo quality it wasn't cooperating for some reason LMAO
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Wait for it to dry, then you're all done!! Your very own bottlecap pin. You can attach this to bags, jackets, shirts, pants, and pretty much any material that a safety pin can glide through.
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Here's the finished product, as presented by my friend D at the library (everybody say thank you D for modeling)!!
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[ -> Next (coming soon:]) ]
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yaboirezzy · 1 year
Tsunade be like:
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she didn't want to become hokage at first because she didn't want to get pestered on by a bunch of soontobe teenagers and a loudspeaker fishcake
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an important aspect of the fuck van thesis to be clear is that cas often functions as a parody of Sam and Dean and their whole deal. Sometimes I think this is even on purpose. But mostly it's a side effect of setting Cas up to be a failed version of them and inadvertently having him reveal how ridiculous they are. Having someone naively mimic them with all the pretense stripped away inevitably reveals that Sam and Dean are kind of hilarious losers. The pop Girlies aliases are a good example of this. Gas n Sip steve is kind of a subtler one.
When Sam and Dean try to leave the hunting life they invariably find an appropriately manly occupation and stumble ass backwards into a relationship with a willing woman who usually just already has a nice big suburban house waiting for them to step up and be the man of. Cas doesn't get that, (okay he also gets a wife at some point just by stumbling naked out of the woods but that's a topic for a different day) he gets a humiliating retail job and a failed date that wasn't even a real date.
Except Dean at least is explicitly painted as emasculated in his blue collar man's man construction job, and Cas finds honour and purpose in his degrading work. And then as soon as you think about it for five seconds, you realize that Cas is a complete outsider to human society with no knowledge of how to even get a job, let alone the paperwork he needs to apply, and suddenly the fact that he managed to land a shitty minimum wage job at all is cooler than anything Sam and Dean have ever done.
Anyway because I'm sexier than the spn writers I want Cas to be a parody of the Winchesters on purpose. He does what they do but shed of its pretentions, and then is more successful for his honesty. The fuck van is ridiculous but it is only superficially more ridiculous than hooking up with someone in the back of your muscle car. And actually it's a lot more comfortable because Cas has more room and a real mattress. Similarly while much has been said about Dean using hookups as a standin for intimacy, Cas is fully aware that he's seeking human contact as much as sex, and is therefor free to be open and vulnerable and forge genuine if fleeting connections with people.
Similarly this Cas would be a hunter but instead of faking being law enforcement and protecting suburban america, he would stumble into the knowledge that unhoused people are incredibly vulnerable to being preyed on by monsters that hunters never even hear about because no one gives a shit. He can be successful at it because he doesn't have to navigate lying, it's easy to find people who are in the know and are happy to talk openly without being labeled as crazy, and failing that it's easy to find people who will tell you which parts of the city just aren't safe to be in even if they don't know or don't want to admit why. There are episodes of supernatural that reveal whole fuckin monster underground that Sam and Dean are unequipped to deal with and never learn to because they don't actually encroach on the type of people the show is actually about protecting. Cas is in his fuck van doing a deconstruction of the show supernatural and I for one love that for him.
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big-low-t · 3 days
The Police - Message In A Bottle
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chevaliermalfets · 6 months
the department sending us back to do research after serving so much wine at the christmas lunch
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hiimcanadia · 1 month
I have never met a single person in real life who has used a dental dam but please imagine with me Ed and Stede picking up some free grape-flavored dental dams at pride and then Stede absolutely going to town on Ed when they get home because he wants to see how long the flavor lasts
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rowanthestrange · 5 months
brain: ‘hey we’ve finally got free time for writing’
brain: ‘don’t look at the rocks. what are you buying? no. nooooo!!!’
me: :D
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