#the black halo
majestativa · 7 months
Sub sole nihil novi est.
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moving-mountains5 · 1 year
I have no f*cking clue where Mephisto is, but I want to march there.
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kitschke · 5 months
AOTD 1/14: The Black Halo - Kamelot
i came into a rock opera in the second half, oops. but i do love me some concept albums
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sonic-emporium · 5 months
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ask-the-crimson-king · 10 months
Music Shill of the Day: Moonlight by Kamelot
Complete with a 13 year old YouTube lyric video. Because nostalgia + I want to turn people to dust.
But anyway, MOONLIGHT! I feel like this is a song that kinda gets overshadowed/isn't talked about as often off of The Black Halo, which, I mean, makes sense.
I don't blame people, that album is chock full of fucking gold. Momento Mori, March of Mephisto, When the Lights Are Down, Abandoned, Soul Society, The Haunting (Somewhere in Time), you get the point. The album is really, really fucking good.
Then again I could be super skewed cause I don't talk to a lot of Kamelot-enjoying humans, and the ones I do talk to enjoy mostly stuff off Haven and Silverthorn. I don't blame them at all, I, perhaps controversially for those who love Roy Khan so much, also very much enjoy those albums. I also loved The Awakening to death and still listen to a lot of it, but I'm getting away from the point of the post.
Moonlight is a delightful song. I have mentally paired it up with Momento Mori and I'm not entirely certain as to why, but listening to them back-to-back is a very enjoyable experience in my opinion. The instrumentals are peaceful and intense, reflecting how a LOT of The Black Halo is drenched in melancholic undertones. Look at Abandoned and Soul Society for more of what I mean.
The lyrics are amazing and Roy Khan's vocals are crisp and grand as always. Almost all of his work with Kamelot is full of gems but bro really went all in on this album and I love him for it. Fantastic work.
Also the riff behind "You cut the silence like a knife" kicks ass. It kicks SO much ass, in fact, that it got brought back in Bloodmoon as a fucking leitmotif.
AND THAT IS AWESOME. I love when bands do stuff like that.
Anyway, this post kinda got rambly and went all over the place but I hope some of the point got across. It's Kamelot. It's some sad... I've seen some call them prog power metal but I don't quite agree. It's something in the symphonic metal range, though. But it's still good, even if I can't quite articulate WHY it is good.
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morggo · 10 months
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Demon in repose.
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pancakemolybdenum · 4 months
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happy valentines day. cherubs on valentines get it? lil baby angels? you get it.
anyway yes i redrew my old art yet again
heres the original from 8 gosh darn years ago wow
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godbirdart · 2 years
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verum-artifex · 10 months
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Black Girl Magic | Nova
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ovegakart · 9 months
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Tag what you think they're stopping for
in order from left to right; four, time, wind, twilight, wars.
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claypigeonpottery · 4 months
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another mug commission!
with Fire&Grace making mugs for me, I’m getting them done quickly. she’s making me three more and then … maybe I’ll arrange for more of them lol
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anthurak · 4 months
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Continuing on the topic of the possibility of a Charlie/Vaggie/Emily polycule*, I thought I’d discuss a few other thoughts on why these three could totally work together:
Assuming that Vaggie was originally human, and perhaps has even ‘become’ human again in a way with the removal of her wings, then these three together could represent an interesting thematic ‘trinity’ bridging Hell and Heaven: We have a Demon (Charlie), a Human (Vaggie) and an Angel (Emily) all coming together.
Next, and this could have some interesting implications for the next two episodes if we get a B-plot focused on Vaggie, given just how SIMILAR Charlie and Emily are, if Vaggie had to spend any amount of time with Emily, you can’t tell me she wouldn’t start falling for Emily too. Or that Vaggie trying to stay angry/jealous of Emily and failing miserably wouldn’t be completely hilarious.
Additionally, you know how Charlie’s and Vaggie’s character designs are clearly meant to subvert a lot of traditional gender norms? Like how Charlie is has a lot traditionally feminine/‘girly’ personality traits like being super upbeat, cheerful, friendly and kind, yet dresses exclusively in masculine clothes and is taller than her partner, while Vaggie has a lot of traditionally masculine/butch personality traits yet wears much more feminine clothing and is the shorter of the pair? Well imagine if Emily ends up following this trend if/when she joins Charlie and Vaggie in Hell?
Like say, Fallen-Angel!Emily ends up going PURE emo/goth/punk look, while of course remaining exactly the same upbeat, cheerful cinnamon roll just like Charlie that she was before. And maybe cheerfully dropping f-bombs left and right because she can swear now and thinks cussing is really fun!
*Speaking of which, have we settled on a ship name for these three yet? I realize ‘Chaggiem’ works well enough (and sounds amusingly similar to ‘requiem’ of all things) but personally I think ‘Unholy Trinity’ is pretty good. Alternatively, ‘Two and a Half Halos’.
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frootlooptime · 1 year
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ive got a halo im an angel
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suweeka · 6 months
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balkanparamo · 5 months
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Xanthe P Russell The Halo
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