#the archangel fucking jim
talk-nerdy-to-me-thyla · 10 months
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A Fashion Moment
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janeway-lover · 11 months
Aziraphale looks so stressed out in almost every clip we’ve gotten. Like, this man had some anxiety in the first season, but having Gabriel Jim around seems to have turned that dial up to eleven. 
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oatmilk-earlgrey · 11 months
JIM? Does Aziraphale tell him he looks like a Jim with the hope that it will stop him from realising he’s the Archangel Gabriel?
don’t talk to me about the greater good, sunshine. I’m the archangel fucking 🧍‍♂️jim🧍‍♂️
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iridescentbeetlezzebug · 10 months
Good omens 3 but like Hozier is playing Jesus
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moriarty-sisters · 10 months
Ok, guys, I know we're all losing our minds and are madsad BUT
Remember, the actors and writers are on strike. Neil has said getting a season 3 relies on watching season 2. So tell people to watch season 2. If you can't handle rewatching it, just play it on your computer over night in another room so it still gets views in the analytics.
They look at the opening analytics specifically I think through the first 2 weeks
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braisedhoney · 10 months
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the tsp jim button except it wipes gabriel’s memories instead
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cataclysmic-cathexis · 10 months
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bug-buzzz · 9 months
They're everything. He's just Jim.
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zevampirex · 10 months
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We did have ear that some of you prefer Cocoa, Jim propose you his best selection, to drink or to stare at. Enjoy and happy cat day!!!
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ghostofchaos-past · 11 months
i had an idea
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Aziraphale: Where’s Jim?  Crowley: Around.  Aziraphale: Around?  Aziraphale: You don’t have any idea, do you?  Jim, dropping down from above: Did you know there’s a space above the ceiling?
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gretchenzellerbarnes · 10 months
can't believe ineffable bureaucracy and ineffable husbands went canon in the same episode. what a time to be alive
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janeway-lover · 10 months
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Okay, I am DYING to find out what the context of this scene is, but there’s six days (ONLY SIX DAYS LEFT) until the release so I will have to be content with theorizing.
So just from how they’re all facing the same direction, I feel like they’re talking to someone. That leaves the question of who? I have no idea.
As we’ve all noticed, Gabriel is very much giving “mom, I frew up” vibes, both from his face and the fact that he’s positioned in such a way that makes him so short. I think he’s in a chair, but I saw someone say they thought he was kneeling, and that they could be praying. If that’s the case, could they be trying to reactivate Gabriel’s connection to God through prayer?
Second, Aziraphale’s face. That is the face you make when someone tells you something and you go, “Huh, I never thought about that. That’s not a bad idea.” He’s even got the tiniest hint of a head tilt going too. considering Gabriel’s still in his toga, perhaps the suggestion he’s considering is to have Gabriel work as an assistant in the shop.
Lastly, our poor demon Crowley. This man looks like he is absolutely done with the world. I think it’s reasonable to infer that this is shortly after the Gabriel jumpscare scene. Crowley and Gabriel are in the same clothes, although Aziraphale has taken off his coat. So in a short amount of time, Crowley finds out about the Archangel in his boyfriend’s house, is threatened(?) with a feather duster, and now has to hold hands with the Archangel Fucking Gabriel. It’s clear on his face that he is over it. That is the same face my mother makes when my siblings ask for something right after she sits down. 
Another thing I find interesting is that Crowley hasn’t put his glasses back on. Obviously, he’s comfortable enough that he doesn’t wear them when it's just him and Aziraphale, but it’s not just them; Gabriel is there too. Is Aziraphale’s presence just that strong, that even in the face of the angel who tried to kill them he doesn’t feel the need to hide his eyes, or is he just so stressed out he forgot all about them?
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I want to talk about that miracle.
All everybody ever asks is: why was that miracle so strong, is it because Crowley was a powerful angel before the fall (probably), or was it because Aziraphale & Crowley working together are more powerful than anything else (definitely)?
But nobody ever asks: why was that miracle so strong? I mean, they said it worked a little too well, when the angels & demons couldn't even recognize Gabriel when he stood directly in front of them and announced himself. But still ... does that really require a miracle the same strength as bringing someone back from the dead 25 times? We have learned that angels are rather unquestioning and demons rather dim, it should require fairly little to pull the wool over their eyes. And Aziraphale & Crowley didn't even think that it would take a big miracle, they planned to both do a little miracle, a very minor miracle, each a half-miracle that would barely move the dials, the tiniest, most insubstantial, fractional half a miracle they have ever performed. And after they did they even had to check if the miracle took at all.
So yeah, even if they accidentally overdid it - why to the amount of 25 Lazarii? And that without them even noticing!
Of course their delight at the successful hidden miracle followed directly by the scene of all the alarm bells in Heaven ringing with what literally looked like Red Alert was insanely funny. But once I stopped laughing, and they showed Zira's bookshop spewing purple miracle dust like a volcano, I immediately thought: that can't be it. I expected a soft glow around it, like a shield or an aura, but not a pillar of pink that went up into the sky space. There must have been something else in Zira's shop. What do we know was in the shop at that time?
Apart from Gabriel himself my first thought was his cardboard box. Up until the end I was convinced that the box contained more than just empty air. Even when the fly was revealed, I still thought there must have been more inside. Gabriel went to the trouble of taking the fly out of the matchbox and putting it in this much much bigger box. Why did he do that? It cost him a lot of time. He could have just grabbed the matchbox and be on his way! If he had taken a finer pen than the marker, he could have written a message on there too. From inside the elevator. And Soho would have gotten a longer and better look at his goods.
So I kept thinking that there must have been something else, invisible but enormously miraculous, inside that box. No not the fly. More powerful and more important than the fly. 25 Lazarii more powerful. The only problem with that theory is that when Gabriel got his memory back, he should have remembered what else he put into the box as well. And he could/would have told Aziraphale what it was. (I also don't think that the "something terrible" he referred to in his first conversation with Zira was his impeding memory loss, I think he was already talking about the second coming. And I think he wanted to prevent it, even while fleeing Heaven.)
But he didn't tell Aziraphale & Crowley anything. Was he so caught up in his reunion with Beelzebub that he forgot? That he didn't care anymore? Had someone or something removed certain memories from the fly, held them back? Or did he indeed not know that there was something else in the box, was it maybe given to him by somebody?
Yes, I have had this Box-Theory since my very first watch of the very first episode. I can't seem to let it go.
But even if it doesn't have anything to do with the box - I am still absolutely convinced that there was a second miracle. Maybe that miracle is the one that will finally make sense of all the dangling threads and open questions about season 2. Maybe it is the new context we are all seeming to look for. I have absolutely no fucking clue what it could be.
But I know that something was going on in that bookshop on that day that we don't know about.
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siriusly-the-best-bi · 11 months
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Someone put a Bell on this fucking guy
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annchanorsomethin · 11 months
Listen- 👀
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