#that doesn't seem to be linked to any specific trigger food
soldier-poet-king · 1 year
I need to move out not just because my brain is going insane but also because I need complete control over my food again....I didnt start having all this stomach pain and constant acid reflux etc etc etc until I moved back in at the beginning of covid and my diet changed to whatever my mother decides. When I was on my own I ate way less meat/more veg and a more "traditional" Mediterranean food pyramid and I felt SO much better
Everyone wants to blame coffee or wine but my consumption of those hasn't changed so??? Like MAYBE it's partially age but also....I'm not that old and this is a p significant shift in a 2 yr period
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peggyrose19 · 2 years
An ed related question,,, do you know about any overlaps of ARFID and anorexia behaviors because of emetophobia? My restriction centers around the fear but also body image/control things which makes knowing what classification of ed actually fits best difficult and has caused issues with treatment. Do you know of any resources about this?
okay! i did a bit of research. it was incredibly difficult because i couldn't find much about overlaps nor could i access any full articles cause paywalls. i don't know how much help they would've been either way tbh. i'ma put it below the cut cause it's a lot (i tend to ramble). cw for ed talk, calories, restrictions, etc
i am, to clarify, not an expert by any means. this is all based on personal experience/observations and knowledge i've gathered over the years
my findings: there is very little overlap in the compulsions and thought processes (i can't think of the right word ahh) between arfid and anorexia. they're based on very different goals, so to speak. however i think they both stem from a need to control some aspect of your life. arfid is about controlling what specifically is going in your body, foods and textures and whatnot, and keeping yourself safe from getting sick. anorexia is more about calorie intake: what it will do to your body, how it will affect your appearance, that kind of thing. the compulsions are similar, but not identical.
i think it is possible to have both. i personally do not. i think by the time i became aware of my body in that way, i knew what damage anorexia could do and i just sorta went "i have enough shit to deal with i don't need this too leave me tf alone." and miraculously it worked! so my opinions and views on anorexia are based on people i've known with it and research i've done.
back to having both. because they're so different, it makes quite a lot of sense to have both. and also because society sucks, i know that a lot of people that struggle with body image and anorexic thoughts and compulsions. i don't know how your brain works (i don't even know how mine works lol) so i can't say for sure how intertwined these types of thoughts are. i do know that body image is pointedly not a part of arfid, so that kind of thing would be considered outside an arfid diagnosis. if you wanted to, and haven't already, you could do a sort of self-diagnosis with the dsm-5 (universal diagnostic manual). just google search it with anorexia or arfid and it'll show up. that'll have the criteria and you can see what fits you.
as for treatment, i simultaneously know a lot and very little. arfid treatment is really hard to find because it's so new. it's not very well understood. and i was diagnosed like the year after it was added to the dsm-5 as a disorder. i have done treatment about 3 different times and it's never worked for me (i'm stubborn). mostly because the treatment i've done was not fully centered around arfid. that being said, i know it has worked for plenty of others. the best place i know of for arfid treatment specifically is the program at mass general.
i truly don't know what would be the best course for treatment. if you should do one at a time, or both at the same time. it doesn't seem possible to focus only on one because i'd bet there's tangled issues there. but i don't know how easy it would be to find someone well-versed in both. you will get tired of hearing this, but because arfid's still so new, we know very little in the grand scheme of things. you may have to try some things before something works.
here's the link for the mass gen site. they're mainly known for arfid treatment, and it doesn't seem like they do a whole lot with anorexia. but if you scroll down further there's a bunch of research links about anorexia and arfid and such. (do yourself a favor, don't look up rumination disorder cause it'll trigger you. it has to do with bulimia and such so not relevant). even if you're not in massachusetts, they have a lot of info available to look over. they even have a book published that my mom recommends. it's also a workbook so theoretically you could work through it yourself or with a therapist.
i hope some of this helps. i have and will talk for literal hours about why you shouldn't believe anorexic thoughts and all that. that of course won't fix everything but believe me i am willing to do it. and then i'll cheer for you after you eat. cause it's always helped me.
lastly, you cannot do this alone! i mean, it's an internal battle really, and it won't work until you are ready and willing to do the work. but having people supporting you and loving you is really super important, whether you seek treatment or not. they'll want to help you. let them. and don't be afraid to tell them what is and isn't helpful. you've got this xx
it is now midnight how tf did that happen so i am going to go to sleep now. as always, feel free to reach out with anything anytime!
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stabthecode · 2 years
Rant. Check the tags for warnings.
TLDR: Jokes about the infantilization of people who use ipads are inherently ableist. Don't fucking make them.
I came across a post that was making the fucking ipad kid joke again and I finally figured out why it has always rubbed me the wrong way.
The very basic answer is that it infantilizes which is ableist as well as a trigger for my anxiety. (The more you know)
The more complicated answer is essentially breaking down the aspects of the joke. At it's core, there is this idea of toddlers and young children using technology and being raised on it which seems fairly harmless. I know how kids are: messy, like playing games, can get upset when they don't get their way.
But the joke doesn't stop at pointing fun at kids. Instead it always is used as a form of insult aimed at adults. It's always about how if you used an ipad as a kid, you grow up to be a needy, pushy adult that has tantrums when they don't get their way. That if you are an adult that uses an ipad, regardless of why you use it, that you will always just be seen as a child, that you probably are wearing diapers, that you're always just smearing food all over your screens and can't behave in the way that adults are expected to act.
Most of you that are reading this have already figured this out by now but it warrants repeating. Infantilization runs rampant in neurodivergent ableism and a lot of the jokes that are made about "ipad kids" and such are just perpetuating these stereotypes.
A lot of autistic and nd and disabled people that I've known, including myself use ipads for any number of reasons. But at this point, part of the image that people see of these groups is a person that is always going around carrying an ipad. And yes, it is almost always specifically an ipad, not just some generic tablet.
So you take the perception that people that are always using ipads for any reason and infantilize them. And then that concept is connected to stereotypes related to autism or other neurodivergent neurotypes.
And just, it pisses me off. It's exactly because of shit like this that I end up reexamining every single fucking action that I make. I constantly am trying to review my appearance and the way I present myself because of the attacks that can come from people like this. And because it gets tied up as a joke, people don't see how fucked up and ableist it is.
I shouldn't have to say this but people should not have to live in fear of being infantilized for something that they can't control. People shouldn't have to fight tooth and nail every step of the way to be seen as an adult just because they are neurodivergent. People shouldn't make jokes about infantilization and purposely infantilizing people based on traits that can are intrinsically linked with the neurotypical view of neurodiversity.
You literally cannot tell me that saying that a grown adult man (this was the specific example in the "joke" post I saw earlier) using an ipad is inherently childish to the point of being like a toddler or younger without being ableist. You just can't because if you take a goddamn second to think about what you just said and the people that are seen in that manner, you're left with people that are neurodivergent. You're left with people that have physical disabilities. And infantilization of those groups of people is ableist. And that's who is inherently targeted whether you mean to or not in those fucking "jokes".
People should not joke about infantalization. People should not joke about infantalizing others. People should not make jokes that end up being at the expense of others, especially when those communities are already constantly bombarded with ableism and stereotypes that are fucking utter bullshit and end up hurting everyone.
This is especially a trigger for me in some ways because of my autism and the ways that i've been treated in the past for it, the ways that I've been asked about how I see myself and act in relation to other people my age. It triggers my anxiety and it pisses me the fuck off because I shouldn't have to fucking deal with it and yet people will actively force it upon me.
I'm tired of the pain, I'm tired of the fear, I'm tired of the way that I feel that people will never fully take me seriously if they see me doing certain things that help me to deal with stress or deal with existing or just being myself, I'm tired of having to second guess how people see me at all fucking hours of the day because I am different and a very unfortunate lesson that I learned as a kid is that if you are different and you don't keep your head down that you will be attacked for it and there is nothing you can do in retaliation.
It also ties into a different trigger of mine. One that is very closely related to these concepts. I will not be telling you this trigger because none of you need to know about it but it is definitely there and the two play off of each other in the absolute worst way possible.
I'm sick of being the butt of jokes just because I'm autistic. I'm sick of being bullied for autistic traits that I PHYSICALLY CANNOT HELP EXHIBITING.
I wouldn't change myself to not be autistic if that was even an option. Yall are fucking stuck with me the way I am.
But that doesn't mean that I'm not fucking hurt by jokes like these. It doesn't mean that they don't trigger my anxiety.
It fucking sucks and I hate it.
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(TW: food mention)
Thank you guys so very much for helping me and other people. It seems really difficult to respond to so many people about so many potentially triggering things while also dealing with your own stuff atop it. It's just really cool and admirable that you guys continue to help people, whether it's providing helpful links to certain resources, or just letting people get stuff off of their chest.
That all being said, you guys really more than deserve a good break! Remember, your worth isn't measured by how much you do on here; I know you all probably know, but I feel it's a nice reminder, you need to prioritize yourself sometimes and check in with yourself; make sure you've drank enough water, eaten what you can, and just overall make sure you're doing whatever you can specifically for you.
And, if any of you guys are going through anything rough right now, while it's a fairly broad thing to say: Things will always get better. Trust me, I totally understand that sometimes it doesn't seem like it, but eventually you'll move on from the thing hurting you and things will get better.
I hope you mods have a fantastic day/afternoon/night!
Anon, this is so very kind of you to say! Thank you for the reminders and the well wishes, and for taking your time to send us this, it's genuinely much appreciated 💕 We wish all the same to you! - mod Hakki
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monsters-trapped · 3 years
Creature: Arthur
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Arthur is a Vampire + Demon class creature.
Arthur is a very intelligent creature, probably one of the smartest things in the facility, if not the smartest. He seems to know a lot about other species of creatures, and a lot about the facility where he's being held. He also doesn't seem to care much for the scientists or guards, knowing that they won't kill him, since his species is rare.
He's polite as hell, and its a case of 'if you play nice with me I play nice with you'. Despite being a vampire he can eat normal food, due to his demon half, but his main source of food is still blood.
He's a bit of a flirt and can seem like a simp from time to time, but when it actually comes to anything he'd avoid it.
He's quite fancy, all of his clothes being smart/smart casual. It's rare to actually see him wear something else, so consider blessed if seeing him in something else.
His reaction towards sacrifices is somewhat strange, half the time hes nice and the other half he kills them. It's concluded that both of his halves seem to realise that this person is a sacrifice to him so do what ever to them, e.g. draining their blood. And the rest of him wants to treat them nicely, its really hit or miss with how he treats them.
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Arthur's other form has not been seen by the facility as of yet. He doesn't keep his normal polite personality in this form.
Seemingly not being able to have too much control over this form. Becoming more animalistic/instinct driven. He will seem to lightly recognize/listen to ones he deemed as friends/etc in his main form, though if triggered by something he may attack still.
Arthur himself doesn't really appear to like this form much, due to the fact he somewhat loses himself in this form.
Unlike most vampire class creatures he has intelligence in this form, making him more dangerous. But in this form he is some what capable of understanding if you kill one human more will come, but still tends to want to run off instinct to kill.
(The small guy with Arthur's animalistic form towering over him is Max, Max belongs to my friend who isn't on tumblr)
Caretaker: Max (Max belongs to a friend of mine, they aren't on tumblr though so I can't tag them)
What the tank looks like:
His tank looks like if a fancy hotel room was large af. Rooms such as a sort of dining room, linked to a kitchen, and bedroom and such split off into sections. He's pretty much spoilt in terms of what his tank is, but it keeps him somewhat calm having an environment like that.
The caretaker's setup is in the dining room pretty much being able to work at the large table that is in there.
What Floor and Why:
Floor 6, on the stronger end of creatures. Not the strongest thing on floor 6, but he can give them a good fight.
Paired with what type of creature he is, and the fact he is more intelligent than most of the creatures in the facility he could be put on level 7 just for all of that, but its due to the fact he's somewhat polite and respectful that he's on floor 6, as he doesn't cause too much of a problem.
Arthur was working for a powerful demon(/???) before he got captured, and worked along side multiple creatures to do the bidding of the demon in charge. refuses to give up any information of the whereabouts of these creatures.
Some caretakers suspect that the specific demon type that Arthur is, is a incubus, due to the fact he will flirt with people and the like.
But despite his flirty nature he doesn't actually like people being too close or touching him, if he approaches someone hes fine being around them, but won't really appreciate being touched. It's speculated that he has sensitive skin/etc, due to the vampire side of him. Though no one is sure if thats the reason.
His wings are sharp and can cut things with a quick swipe. This can cut things such as metal and people.
A few times the facility has tried to move other creatures into his tank, ones that are humanoid. Thinking that Arthur could use more company other than caretakers that come and go. But he never really seemed too bothered by them, unless they provoked him, in which the creature would be found the next morning drained of their blood, and a rather smug looking Arthur.
No one is sure if Arthur actually likes them, as he always seems to give off bad vibes, but they aren't sure if its due to the combo of creatures or Arthur himself. Humans tend to feel the uneasy feeling a lot more than other creatures, and can only be around him for so long before the feeling gets too overwhelming, though there are a good few people who don't get this feeling from him, or get used to it.
Arthur seems to know a little bit too much about the facility. And also a lot about different creatures. Which this leads to scientists and the like trying to get the info which he knows, though he doesn't give that info for free, he has to get something in return.
Arthur tends to ramble on about a lot of things, but no one really pays attention to these rambles, though if someone was to pay attention they'd probably learn something either about him, the facility or the creatures. Though he never really rambles to people who actually want this information.
Head canon voice: Wilbur Soot - since I saw Vienna.
Other creatures are allowed to be in his tank, providing that they can speak/know what they're and others are saying. But due to the fact that Arthur may or may not be violent towards people who anger him they can't be in there all the time. It's more so giving Arthur and other creatures a chance to interact with other creatures.
The board at one point tried to hire Arthur to be a scientist, due to his knowledge and the fact he doesn't seem to hate people. But decided that Arthur is too smart and that he'd use it as an opportunity to escape/kill anything that he can.
The facility doesn't know about Arthur's past life (as Arthur was turned into a creature by a cult) or Arthur's last name.
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