#tftsmp charles
maze-arts · 1 year
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mairen-marionette · 1 year
TFTSMP Incorrect Quotes, Mizu Edition
Ranbob: Favorite horror movie? Isaac: It Benjamin: Saw Cleetus: Annabelle Charles: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Ranbob: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Isaac: Several traffic violations. Benjamin: Three counts of resisting arrest. Cleetus: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Charles: Also, that’s not our car.
Isaac: Where's Ranbob, Benjamin, and Cleetus? Charles: They're playing hide and seek. Isaac: Where? Charles: I don't think you get how this game works.
Isaac: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Cleetus will and will not eat. Benjamin: Grass? Yes! Isaac: Moss? Yes!! Benjamin: Leaves? Ohh, yes! Isaac: Shoelaces? Strange but true! Benjamin: Worms? Sometimes! Isaac: Rocks? Usually nah. Benjamin: Twigs? Usually! Isaac: Ranbob's cooking? Inconclusive! Charles: How did you… test this? Isaac: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it. Charles: ... I don’t know how to feel about this. Ranbob: IS THAT WHERE ALL MY SPARE SHOELACES WENT?
Benjamin: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life Isaac: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years! Cleetus: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this! Charles: I knew I lost that potential somewhere! Ranbob: My moral code, is that you? Benjamin: Benjamin: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Benjamin: Are we really going to let Isaac keep Ranbob? Charles: We kept Cleetus.
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Any ideas for the Fishermen from the Mizu episode? I miss them, they were neat.
I’ve literally forgotten them /j
Anyways, Isaac was just a regular person before Karl kinda possessed him and got him killed. Cletus is unhinged but overall really fun, Benjamin was the voice of reason, and Charles was younger than his friends and was a chaotic bastard
I like them
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lacystar · 2 years
Hi, c!Karl enjoyer here, you're not wrong tbh! I don't think it was as bad around the Manberg arc, but we barely see him in the general smp anymore. Obviously tftsmp is cc!Karl's main priority, which is fine, but it leaves a lot to be desired on his relationships with other smp characters and makes him feel less rounded out as a result.
We're just left to assume that conversations with his friends happen off-screen a lot which sucks! It would be such an easy fix too because cc!Karl used to do late night dsmp streams often which could have dipped into some casual lore for character building if he wanted.
the big tension around Charles . CHARLES? im keeping that in that's too funny. the big tension around KARL's character is the threat that he's forgetting/losing the people he loves and cares about, but it's not very suspenseful when we don't get to SEE him interact with those people in the first place. him forgetting q was really upsetting because their distance in story made sense. if he forgets Sapnap.... yeah it'll be sad, but we haven't gotten to see a deterioration of their relationship or even really any attempt to show he still cares anyways. the last we saw him interact with Sapnap, who was fearful for their country after dream's escape, karl was just cold. no indication he was even listening Sapnap really out. that's not "forgetting" that's just kinda being a dick to your friend.
agree 100% with ur manberg karl point. he was a dick /pos but by god he was a dick who loved his friends so it worked.
imo he doesn't really... feel... like the main character of tales??? 👀 am I allowed to say that can I say that. I dunno. I don't even know how to describe it really there's just Something Missing.
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razberrypuck · 3 years
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I've found that there's a scale for all of Ranboo's Tales characters (+ Ranboo and Ranbob)
Not sure what exactly the scale is, but there is one
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dandomroodles · 3 years
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ranboo but tftsmp 
beachboo that i didnt color under cut:
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Sometimes I wonder what would happen if you put all of the Ranboo characters (+Ranbob) in a single room.
It would have to be a very, very big room. And sure, you could do PLENTY of angst things, but I also love imagining just how many hilarious and ridiculous things could happen.
DSMP would probably be really happy to finally talk to other Ender people like him, but then he spends about fifteen seconds in Ran’s, Ranbob’s, and Origins’ general vicinity and is like haha, NOPE not today I do not have the mental capacity for your guys’ issues.
So he goes over to the humans and is like “hey, mind if I stay with you guys?” I imagine him, John, and maybe Charles would all be good friends.
Ran’d be a cryptic little bastard just to frustrate everyone, but Cogchamp at some point would probably muster up the courage to talk to Ran because he’s interested in his arm and Ran would say “thanks I made it myself” and then they’d both geek out about bionics and machines. Ranbob would probably be really confused about the whole thing but also be in historian’s heaven asking everyone random but very long and detailed questions and taking notes until Origins sees he has a sword and challenges him because “ha, get a load of this worthless mutt who has the gall to think he can fight better than a PRINCE.”
Origins suffers the biggest and most complete loss of his life.
Ran has to hold Ranbob back from dealing too much damage. Origins is fed up with endermen for now and goes off to sulk with the humans. He sees how Butler is dressed and starts whining “oh poor me, attend to my wounds, peon.” But the Butler’s been spending time talking with Charles and Zachary about self-esteem and getting tons of good survival tips from FreeTrial. So he straightens his back, turns to look Origins dead in the eyes and says “No.” Origins short-circuits and has a breakdown.
Zachary, who has been nonstop pranking everyone (except Ran and Ranbob becuase they’re tall and creepy and a little too stab-happy), feels a little bit bad for him and offers a hand to help him up. Origins is like “I don’t need the pity of a dirty peasant” and tries to sink further into the floor but Zach gives him a really winning smile so he finally obliges and takes his hand.
Zach was holding a whoopee cushion.
After chasing him around the room with a sword for ten minutes (and having all his moves evaded expertly) Origins becomes too tired and is like “I give up, truce?” Zach get’s the evilest little kid look on his face. Five minutes later they’re inseparable besties who terrorize everyone else with their pranks.
I don’t know how old Charles is but since most of the others are very young and have no parents I feel like he’d probably try to adopt pretty much all of them (except Ranbob because he’s a feral stan cultist and Ran because That Dude Is Not Human And Also I’m Not Equipped To Parent What I’m 99% Sure Is An Honest To Goodness Assassin).
Butler would probably absolutely fall in love with FreeTrial’s pet backpack axolotl. (And then Origins would try to steal it but Ran would stop him and give him a good slap across the face.)
After a while DSMP starts getting kind of thirsty and asks, “Hey, would anyone happen to have any milk, please?” Every TFTSMP character swivels to glare at him simultaneously. He is then buried in an avalanche of milk buckets.
Voltz: Haha button and lever go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Let me know if y’all have any other ideas!
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No please continue talking about Ranbob and the Fishermen
I’m intrigued
So Ranbob tries to kill the fishermen right? Well what if. Emotions
This man hasn't had anyone in his city beyond possibly a hallucination of Dream here and there and the weird voices in his head that are just. Quiet most of the time. So now there's not just one stray traveller looking to loot the city, but four people who have no idea what they're doing there aside from a weird book telling them to be there, and these people are nice! They listen to his rambles and don't mind his forgetfulness, and they're just there to explore, and they're fascinated with every new thing they find, and Ranbob sees himself finding these things in the way they all react, and for the first time in a long while, his smile is real.
So when the whispers tell him it's time for them to go, he's hesitant. He sets the tree alight because he thinks it'll be easier than facing someone like that with his sword. But he chickens out(and this is where canon diverges)- he thinks the sight and feeling of the tree he practically raised, burning at his hands, was too much for him and he put it all out with the few water buckets he had, sustaining water burns kn the process but he doesn't care, he's panicking and he just- He can't do this. Burning the tree was a bad idea and that's how he rationalizes letting Cleetus live after pushing him to the ground.(the man sustained a couple broken bones and Ranbob can't find an explanation for why he gave him a healing potion.)
(more beneath the cut because this shit got LONG)
Then Benjamin tried to do the parkour over the lava, and Ranbob doesn't know why because that's dangerous and since when did he start caring- And either way he pulls him up instead of pushing him when he gets to the top. Ranbob hasn't said a word since the tree and doesn't assist Banjamin in getting back down. He thinks he'll keep doing the wrong thing but what is the wrong thing? He sees Dream standing among the group while they're looking over the new treasure they got, hoping it'll give them a clue on how to get out, and when that mask turns to look at him, the particles start fizzling. And Dream dissipates and suddenly Ranbob is on his feet and stumbling to a stop where Dream used to be. He was hallucinating again. And the fishermen actually show concern for him, even if Cleetus thinks he's crazy and Isaac is more than a little wary of him after the words crawling out of his mouth on the tree. And of course he says he's fine, he just doesn't teleport a lot, it makes him a little dizzy, and while it's not a lie it's not the complete truth either.
He keeps them all away from Dream’s room at all costs, knowing that he'll kill them with no more qualms if they do, and since when did he care about not killing someone? Maybe it's because these people aren't raiders of the city. Maybe it's because they indulged in all his available knowledge. Maybe it's because they've shown him kindness and care? And it's been so long since he's felt any of that... and he wants them to leave. The rule was absolute. They don't deserve to be down here. It's the one thing he's sworn to live by. Stuck here with him. They should go back. The rule was absolute. The rule is absolute.
Ranbob leads them back to the entrance. He knows there's a way to open it from inside, and he does and ushers all of them out. Cleetus crawls back up without hesitation, Benjamin gives Ranbob a quick hug before going and it short-circuits him for a moment, enough to miss Charles's mock salute from halfway up the ladder, but he does catch Isaac's reluctance to go up.
The voices start to whisper at him again. He can't understand them today, but he gets what they want him to do.
He tells Isaac to go back up. Isaac asks him if he wants to come with them, and he freezes. The rule is absolute. The rule is absolute. The rule is absolute. He can't leave. He'd be abandoning everything. His one tie to the other people in this city, the one rule everyone obeyed. He can't just leave it behind. He can't break that rule. He still has things to do down here. What things? He has to stay. He doesn't think he's breathing. Isaac is trying to get his attention. Charles is peeking in from upstairs. Cleetus is shouting. There are eyes on him and they're concerned, they're questioning, they're everything at once. His ears twitch- he can hear every shuffle and the voices up above, when did these people start to throw him into too much? Isaac takes his hand and his body rips it away. There's blood on his claws. The voices are crowding in, he can't think. The room is becoming pink and purple with particles. The people are talking and he can't understand them. Somehow Cleetus got down here and he's hauling Isaac back up with him. Ranbob doesn't want to be alone, but he just steps back. And the eyes leave. And suddenly he's all alone again. And the voices silence. The particles fade away but his panic doesn't. It's not a sense of betrayal anymore, just anxiety and he doesn't know why. The silence is loud. It keeps getting faster. Ranbob goes to sit in a corner again to wait the weeks or months or years for someone else to come.
The fishermen come back the next day, minus Cleetus. And they just. Talk to him, from up above. Ranbob doesn't respond save for a couple taps on the open ladder. His voice is too tired today- he talked a lot yesterday. But they understand. They fish and have a picnic up above, asking if he wants to join them. He prefers to stay downstairs so they hand him a little portion of their food. He doesn't realize the hunger he's been ignoring was so much. He got tired of the crops. His stock is far too high, he's only been gardening because it was something to do.
They come back every week and have a picnic with new things they got from the marketplace. Ranbob remembers when the trading center in the city was alive and bustling. He decides not to think of it, but when the fishermen talk about the outside, he can't help but imagine his city.
When Ranbob can talk again, he asks questions about their world. He asks for new seeds and plants them, and Isaac and Benjamin come down to look at his special little plot, untouched by the poison that permeates the rest of the soil. The voices don't tell him to hurt them this time, just whisper about how nice it is to show off to someone again. He missed this. He thinks he had siblings once, or maybe they were just friends, that he showed his now overgrown plot to.
They continue having the picnics for a few months. Sometimes the menagerie is different. Sometimes they bring pets- Charles especially has a few cats and dogs and birds and a rabbit as well? He tells Ranbob he can hold them if he comes up. Ranbob does not want to come up yet. One of Charles's cats always yells at him to bring her with, he says, and every time he does she's watching out for Ranbob. If they pass the entrance to the city, she meows until he docks there. She's the one that always rubs up on Ranbob's face. He thinks he loves her. Sometimes Cleetus comes, and begrudgingly he has forgiven Ranbob for the tree incident. It makes Ranbob go silent again and he misses next week's picnic by accident, tending to that tree and helping it regrow.
Someone gives him a camera and a few rolls of film so he can take pictures of the city and remember everything. Ranbob finds a couple pens and starts labeling the pictures they already have- he thinks maybe they gave him some used film on accident. It was not an accident, and now he has pictures of the fishermen.
It takes months before Ranbob even starts climbing a few rungs on the ladder, but once he starts he doesn't stop. He goes higher every time until his head is poking past the top, and eventually he does get to hold Charles's animals because he's out enough to see them and rest his arms on the ground up above. It's still a little too nerve-wracking to leave the city completely, but he's getting there. Bit by bit, and the fishermen are proud of him.
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knox-enden · 3 years
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24-guy · 2 years
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Y'all thought the toby one was where it stopped? You were wrong.
I only remembered to post it because I drew this one! Hahahaha!
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spliced-dice · 3 years
A moment of silence for Charles and John John.
A moment of violence for Ranbutler.
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bubblytarts · 3 years
I’m working on a series that ties together all the Tales
It’s still in the early stages, but here are some random ideas I have so far: 
Greg lives in the Greater Dream SMP, but just doesn’t bother to learn what’s going on. However, he does want to ask the nice sheep lady if she can help get rid of the red vines on his house. 
The fishermen’s house is where Charles’s family has lived for generations. Before that, they actually lived in Mizu, before they were convinced by a certain hoodie-wearing stranger to leave. 
Karl has visited Mizu more than once. He liked to visit old friends - both the idols, and the friends from his other travels that ended up living in the underwater city.
The Wild West takes place about ten years before The Masquerade. 
Sir Billiam III is Porkius VII’s ancestor.
Flint Michigan is just something Connor called himself because he was bored, which means that Karl once accidentally called him “Flint” and Connor blue screened.
James’s father was only rich because he was part of a bandit gang. James’s wife found out about the false fortune when Sheriff Sherman came to inform James of his father’s passing.
Ranboo started building Mizu originally as a place to take Tubbo and Michael to safety. He was going to wait on building it, but then the Red Banquet, Dream escaping prison, and Wilbur being revived forced him to start right away.
Cletus was the one who wanted to see the gladiator fights. The others came along, and ended up enjoying themselves, until the cameraman was killed two rows in front of them. 
Ash and Zachary have somehow found Kinoko Kingdom, and follow its residents around. It creeps George and Sapnap out, but Karl has yet to notice.
Ran knows who Karl is. He came to the Subbin Empire to burn it to the ground, but instead decided to wait and see what would happen to the man who clearly was not meant to be there. 
Porkius wanted several interviews with random audience members, and the cameraman selected Isaac. Porkius moved on very quickly between people, but Isaac was very confused when the cameraman tearfully apologized to him. He ran off before Isaac could ask him what he meant. 
Greg was driven out of his house by the Red Banquet, and ended up stumbling upon three people fighting. The guy with goggles was yelling at the man with the mask, and neither noticed him. The man with the beanie and the deck of cards, though, did notice, and Greg decided he did not want to deal with that.
Foolish regularly visits the Village. He has found evidence that Dream and Ponk also visit. 
The Eggpire arc is not the first time that Sapnap or Bad’s bloodlines have come across the Egg. However, this is the first time that one of them has joined the Egg’s side, which makes the Egg very interested in getting Sapnap on its side. 
I’m trying to write some of these details in short fics, but for now they’re just ideas. Some of these can be elaborated on, but I’ll leave that for another post if people are interested!
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dromaeo-sauridae · 3 years
ranbob, attacking isaac and charles: im like dream! im using a sword!
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John John vs Charles the fisherman?
Neither of them are fighters
Charles would slap John very lightly and John would fall dramatically to the ground
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aef-my-beloved · 2 years
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A lil bit of art for one of my many AUs :]
This AU is literally just one where I’ve remade all of the characters and added hcs that don’t fit in my main concept of the characters
Infodump time?
So, starting with Ranbob. They’re Ranboo and Tubbo’s kid, meaning Michael is their older brother. She’s a hybrid of enderman, [REDACTED], and deer, and obviously has the iconic Memory Issues™️. Jackie, from The Pit, is also his sibling, being a rabbit and deer hybrid. They have yet another sibling named Esmée, who is a rabbit hybrid.
Michael, Jackie, and Esmée left Mizu when they found out that people were dying due to Ranbob’s enderwalk. Ranbob was 10 at the time, and was left alone there for 6 years. In that time, she killed everyone else that was there.
The three went to Subbin, since there was a passageway that led to the surface. Subbin is where Snowchester used to be, after being destroyed during a nuclear war.
“Porkius,” who is just a persona that Technoblade is playing along with, had built an empire, originally for himself and Philza. People from other servers and far away lands found the empire, all ending up being citizens there. Techno didn’t mean for it to turn out the way it did, but he just let the people living there decide on the laws, not really wanting to be suddenly ruling a country of sorts.
Cletus had been one of the few survivors of the Mizu incident. However, because of the trauma from it, he completely forgot it even existed. He moved in with the other fishermen, and eventually, went back to Mizu with them when there was a note left at their door.
Ranbob was more than happy that people were there, excitedly showing them around and silently hoping that they’d want to stay. However, he started enderwalking, which caused him to almost kill the fishermen. When the enderwalk ended, he tried desperately to explain and maybe save the situation, but it was for the most part unsuccessful.
Charles felt bad for her though, and defended her as much as he could. Cletus, being a pretty short-tempered person, started arguing with him (which is where the image comes in lol)
Charles and Benjamin ended up staying in Mizu to try and help Ranbob, while Cletus and Isaac went back home.
Now, back to when Michael brought Jackie and Esmée to the surface, Techno was the first person they saw there. Michael immediately recognized him, and he helped them get settled down in the empire.
Ran and his sibling, Boo, are fully endermen, born in the end. However, both of them were born “different,” not having the appearance of normal endermen. They were often looked down upon, not seen as equal in any way to others. At a young age, they were pulled into experimentation, the results being them merged with dreamons. Because of a dreamon’s typically destructive nature, they were quickly banished, forced to live in the overworld.
Jackie met Ran a year before the events of The Pit. Ran was cold, and blunt, but Jackie still liked being around him. They maybe spoke five times total before being dragged into the colosseum to fight.
Ran had been told to prove that he could be useful to the End, and then he’d be allowed home. The way they wanted that to happen was through the death of the general. Jackie won the fight, and she was given the position of general, meaning Ran had to kill her.
The more time Ran spent with Jackie, the more he loved the overworld and wanted to stay. But he wasn’t being useful, so was it really worth it to stay here? He ended up nearly killing Jackie, but backing out at the last second.
He ended up making a promise to Jackie. All types of demons, including dreamons, are physically unable to break a promise. It’s something they have to keep for the rest of their lives, whether or not they want to. Ran promised Jackie that he’d stay on the overworld. There was no going home now, and he swore to stay by Jackie until one of them passes.
Jackie and Ranbob will see each other again someday, but neither of them even know that the other is alive :)
Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to tell somebody about this AU because I’ve been huperfixating on it :]
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blulula · 3 years
this minecraft roleplay can fit so much gender in it
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