#terfs on intersex in general is stupid as fuck
Bro I hate seeing TERFs talk about PCOS like shut the fuck up. Like actually shut the fuck up. You do not know how much I want to punch you in your pretentious probably-white face - shut the fuck up.
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fictionfreedom · 10 months
Heavy Christians
Homophobic, transphobic, sexist, racist, etc
Queer exclu groups (Battleaxe Bis, Longsword Lesbians, etc)
Supports heavily controversial people with no good reasoning (mostly politicians)
Think queer is a slur
Use Slurs you can't reclaim (ex: white person using n-word)
Queer exclus (anti-mspec lesbians and gays, etc)
Anti-Sex Work
Radfem, TERF, FART(lmao), TER, TEHM
Flag discourse on stupid stuff (ex: saying vincian flag is lesbophobic cuz it uses a similar line style like what-)
Police pronouns and labels
Pro-Trans X (If you use transabled I will kill you /hsrs That term hurts both trans people and people with BIID, learn to use the proper label.)
Pro-Contact harmful Para (maps, zoos, necros, and other seriously harmful shit)
Anti-Inclus/Anti-Critinclus (we aren't exclus for being against pro-contact/neu-contact pedophiles- we're decent beings omfg)
RadQueers (basically pro-harmful para, pro-ed, medpunk, and pro-trans x dipshits)
Medpunk (excluding BIID, basically shit like transabled, but excluding BIID, or other similar terms.)
"Safequeers" you aren't inclusionists, you're an exclusionist in sheep's clothing
Partake in cringe culture and/or on cringe subs
Xenosatanists (I've heard bad things, but I don't fully know what it is)
Police others trauma and coping mechanisms
Anti-Cishets (like.. I don't like most cishets, but c'mon..)
Misogynistic and Misandry
Against AMAB transmascs and AFAB transfems (they're transitioning to be MORE fem/masc, it doesn't hurt us)
Support AI "art" (Kind of, I'm iffy on the topic for a few small reasons, but generally don't without maybe DMing me to explain why first??)
Anti-Intersex or discriminate against intersex people
Xenomeds/Xenoscum (Peeps who believe you need dysphoria to be Xenogender like what.. eugh)
Supporters of the creator Fuboo/InvertedMindInc (Again, don't know much but have heard bad things)
BYF (Before You Follow)
Pro-mspec lesbians/gays
Pro-GNC lesbians/gays
Pro-PNC lesbians/gays
Support ALL good faith identities
Pro-NSFW artists
Pro-Xenos and Neopronouns
We support ALL systems! (No, that doesn't necessarily include endos and whatnot, though I do support educating them and helping them find out if they might have hidden trauma)
We don't censor queer
We use reclaimed slurs (rtard,fggot,dke)
We are a Critical Inclus (transx isn't trans, paras don't belong in queer community)
We understand the difference between harmful paraphilia and kink, please know the difference!! Don't rope us kinksters in with fucking pro-contact pedos/zoos/etc!!
Proud pro-fiction, pro-shipper, and com-shipper
We support non-contact paraphiliacs (if the paraphilia is harmful)
We have a few paraphiliac disorders (sadly necrophilia and zoophilia but we are strictly anti-contact and coping healthily)
We support paraphilias that are not harmful and the harmful ones that are strictly no-contact (unless there are ways to "act" on them that aren't actually harmful, such as CNC for ppl with rape-related paraphilias)
Pro-BLM, StopAsianHate, #MeToo, & Land Back Movement
We call ourselves a femboy occasionally. We understand its history, but we are not using it with malicious intent. We're a femboy. Deal with it.
We support transspecies used in their original way, as for alterhumans/therians/otherkins!
DI (Do Interact)
If you/you're:
Part of Creepypasta, ATSV/ITSV, Unrealities/Horror, Gore/Guro, Cannibalism, and Analog Horror Fandoms/fans!
Metal, Punk, Rock, or genuinely any other music genre fan
Use ANY xenogenders <3
Satanists or Astrotheologists
Followers of Lucifer and Lilith, or just any God in general who can talk to me about their worship (if they'll be respectful, obvi)
Like Sex Pistols
Kinky asexuals
Brandon Rogers fan
Radqueer, but not really?? If you support people like RCTA and others with harmful "identities" or labels, or are pro-contact for harmful paraphilias.
Etc Info on us:
We use plural personal pronouns for a few unlisted reasons, but very rarely unless on big posts like this
We are Otherkin, Therian, Fictionkin, Otherhearted, and Alterhuman. We support any labels of similar extent except for people claiming to be "transspecies"
We use a LOT of labels, and plenty of them contradict each other. We may make a post specifically to give the list I have of ALL labels we use/are comfortable using.
We use lots of pronouns but just use it/thou/AI for us.
We are a necrophile and zoophile, as well as having many generally harmful paraphilias. We are anti-contact for all of them and make sure to properly cope with them in ways that keep us from possibly harming others.
We LOVE guro/gore, and will repost things about it.
We sometimes struggle with tone indicators and putting tags on posts, please be patient with us!
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diamondsableye · 3 years
Every single time I see a TERF or GCer tell a medically transitioned trans person that “you’re still your [insert birth sex here]”, it just reveals how piss poor their understanding of biology is. Granted, I don’t have a degree (because college is time and money expensive, and I’m in short supply of both) but I basically binge watch college level lectures regarding a multitude of different biology subjects, so I’d like to think that my words here carry a bit of authority. Not saying it replaces a degree, but I sure as hell know more than the average person if I’m being blunt.
First thing’s first, sex is determined by 5 categories: chromosomal sex, gonadal sex, hormonal sex, internal and external genitalia, and by extension one’s phenotype. All of these barring chromosomal sex are modifiable to some degree, some of which (like hormonal sex) are able to be completely flipped to cis standards. Honestly if you’re gonna argue that you can be 4/5 for one sex and say “actually your sex is based on the 1/5” when chromosomal sex is... dubious at best, then I’m sorry but you’re just.... wrong? Anti intellectual? You don’t like science? I’ll break down some common arguments here.
“If it’s surgery it doesn’t count/because hormones are not naturally produced it doesn’t count, you’re still your bio sex”
This usually results in a thought process where we apply our understanding of intention to the human body. The body is a biological computer, it is a complex machine that can grow and change in a multitude of ways and is very much in constant change, but it doesn’t really “know” what’s going on. It doesn’t care that HRT is man made, all the body does is revive these chemical signals which activate different processes within the body. Legit 90% of your physical makeup is all determined by hormones. If you have the hormonal sex of a male, it doesn’t matter if it’s the result of HRT or not, the body interprets this the same way it would if it was natural and the resultant biological processes follow suit. It is a biological computer following the hormonal code it’s been given, and if the receivers are active then it’ll adjust its software and to the best of it’s abilities it’s hardware accordingly. Same goes for surgery to an extent as well, the body incorporates modifications to itself typically to whatever hormonal instructions have been given, it doesn’t care if it’s “real or not”, your bio sex HAS BEEN MODIFIED. Trying to argue against the fluidity of sex is partaking in biological metaphysics, and is not reflective of what we understand of reality.
“No matter what your cells will always be (XX/XY), every cell is sexed inside you”
For starters, the SRY gene in the Y chromosome determines your birth sex, not your actual chromosomes. Anyone competent at biology will know this. Secondly, being XX or XY with properly functioning SRY genes or lack thereof doesn’t determine as much as TERFs will have you believe. The SRY gene is an activator gene, it doesn’t technically code for a whole new body, it just determines embryonic development. All of us have genetic code for both male and female phenotypes, and we all start out sexless at first. If the SRY is activated, and the proper hormone receptors are working, and the following “hormonal code” runs as it should, then the embryo will change course and develop as male. (Any interruption during this process can result in an intersex condition, and there’s a myriad of ways this can happen. Sex is a tricky and complicated thing, not some stupid binary). If there is no SRY gene activated, or there’s an issue with androgen hormone reception, or an issue with carrying out said hormonal instructions, then typically the embryo will resume “default development” which is female. So in reality, chromosomes are almost meaningless when it comes to determining sex and even SRY presence/absence isn’t straightforward either. You can have XX or XY chromosomes and have your body actively following blueprints for male/female respectively thanks to how hormones interact with the body and our genes. In any event, additionally it’s proven that our genetic code is literally in constant fluctuation and modification. You don’t need to be hit with radiation to have DNA changes, commonly it’s being constantly effected by one’s environment. Literally genes linked to increased risk of depression can be “turned on” even if one was born with their activation absent is introduced to high stress environments. Basically our bodies are never static and trying to argue that your sex is based as what you were born as is just... wrong. Saying that one is male/female based on chromosomal sex alone is just flat out admitting that you’re either ignorant or anti-intellectual when it comes to biology and you should be ashamed.
Also just in general genes are weird. We’ve got fossils of prehistoric retro viruses inside us which make up 5% of our DNA as opposed to our 2% of DNA which codes for active protein creation. We’re literally more genetically fossilized viruses than what codes us specifically as human, and we all have more bacteria on and within our bodies than our number of actual cells. Literally trying to prescribe complex modes of human interaction and existence from our biology is, to put it scientifically, very fucking stupid.
That’s all I really have for now, this was solely discussing medically transitioned trans people and I didn’t get into the intricacies of sex/gender in terms of their historical social and cultural meanings, and how sex need not align with gender. For most situations outside of medical needs, gender within its social context is the only thing relevant to our day to day interactions, and it cannot be accurately determined through scientific means how much of it is socially constructed vs how much of it is Innate or to what extent it may be immutable.
Oh and minor footnote before I gotta go back to my work, non medically transitioned trans people are valid nor should you have to medically transition to be recognized as your gender. This was merely a post discussing how TERFs have no idea the complexities of biological sex and have an outdated binary based view of how sex is actually categorized and recorded.
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fierceawakening · 4 years
@roseapprentice I think "sex is a social construct" is another way of saying "sex is a blurry catagory." Sex is an assessment of a whole pile of factors: genetics, physical form, hormone levels, proximity to one type of fertility or another...
Some ideas are more socially constructed, and some are more directly observational (like basic math and physics).
Sex is less of a social construct than gender is, but it's still much more of a construct than TERF ideology allows for.
Oh, if that’s what it means I totally agree. If it means “intersex people get to call themselves male, female, neither or both at Will because it’s fuzzy” I agree 100%.
What confuses me is the way it’s used to say, like... back when I first joined tumblr the iteration of the terf wars that was going on at the time involved a lot of trans woman activists saying stuff like “suck my female penis” to piss off the terfs. And when this got the intended reaction the argument was “sex is socially constructed, so I don’t just get to call myself a woman whenever I want, I get to call myself female whenever I want too, regardless of whether I’ve altered my body.”
And while on the one hand messing with terfs is generally fine with me, I have dysphoria. So all these people talking about their female penises just alternately made me want to ask when mine will grow in without hrt, or want to ask why I still felt uncomfortable in my body even when I thought male at it REALLY REALLY HARD.
And it still kind of makes me uncomfortable. I don’t think I have any right to the kind of information that would lead me to make pronouncements on some other human’s sex, particularly if they’re not interested in disclosing to me how they have or haven’t modified their body. But “I’m being a dick if I demand that information and should shut the fuck up forthwith” is not the same as “there isn’t a fact of the matter,” to me.
And it doesn’t seem to bug other people the way it bugs me, but I’ve never quite been able to make it not bug me. There are facts of the matter! Many of them, liek “humans cannot currently fully change sex at will and instantaneously as many times as they wish” are STUPID facts of the matter that SHOULD be different than they are.
But that doesn’t make them untrue.
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nightcoremoon · 6 years
gay community acronyms are flawed monikers
here let me explain
it used to be LG for lesbians and gays
then bi people were like "hey we exist"
so it was changed to LGB
then trans people were like "hey we exist"
so it was changed to LGBT
then other people were like "that doesn't cover me and we can't sharpen our definitions to fit a specific label"
so it was changed to LGBTQ
then aro/ace/agender people were like "hey we exist"
so it was changed to LGBTQA
then intersex people were like "hey we exist and face a lot of the same discrimination as trans and gender nonconforming people"
so it was changed to LGBTQIA
but what about pan and omni people? will it soon become LGBPOTQIA?
and of course nonbinary people. LGBPOTNQIA?
but then again, pan and omni are covered under bisexuality because they all mean attraction to multiple genders, and nonbinary people are trans since doctors never say "it's a baby with a gender undefined by binarism" they always say "it's a boy/girl" and then they do illegal genital surgery if the baby is intersex anyway so yeah, that nullifies the need for PO and N, leaving us with LGBTQIA
but a lot of people have problems with the reclamation of the word queer
and a lot of intersex people don't want anything to do with the community
and there's a huge wave of ace exclusionism going around the obnoxious discourse tweens
and there's still an incredible amount of transphobia especially from parts of the drag community (*cough* rupaul *cough*) and all the damn terfs
and there's still a ridiculous amount of biphobia from the monosexual gays and lesbians and hetero trans people
and there's a bit of misogyny and subsequently lesbophobia coming from gay men (because of patriarchy and toxic masculinity) even today
and of course the militant misandrist lesbians who hate gay men and literally want them to die
so some people just want a gay community. some people just want LG. some people just want LGB or LGT. some people just want LGBT. some people just want LGBTQ. some people just want LGBTQI. some people want LGBTQIA. some people might want LGBPOTNQQIAA (the second Q for 'questioning' and the second A to distinguish between ace and aro even though people are dicks to both of them equally). and in any of these cases The Cishets™ are dicks who make alphabet soup jokes which progress to denial of rights as is the nature of bigotry. it detracts from the overall aim, to be able to live as whatever gender or sexuality without being mistreated for it, especially with the infighting.
you can't call it the gay community because we're not all gay. you can't call it the queer community because not everyone is chill with slur reclamation. you can't call it mogai since it rustles the jimmies of the discoursers and they foam at the mouth cyberbullying other tweens. you can't call it the acronym because it causes the problems I outlined above.
but that's just social engineering. not to get too into conspiracy theories or anything but I firmly believe that whatever force governs the shape of human social evolution running things (call it gods, or call it angels, or call it demons, or call it aliens, or call it the illuminati, or call it straight white ambiguously-christian rich cis men or whatever else you like) purposefully made it this way so that we would encounter nothing but problems, and have supplanted people here and there as sleeper agents or fourth dimensional ouroboros or otherwise wolves in sheeps clothing, to instigate arguments and attempt to sway lots of people to adopt certain harmful opinions and then sit back and watch the world burn. I'm sure they do it the same way with ethnicity, religion, class, economic status, gender, mental and/or physical ability, basically every potential for minority in the world. whether that's true or not, the point still stands.
whether the exclusionists are being controlled and brainwashed by the illuminati or if they're just a bunch of stupid fucking assholes, they're a problem, a problem that manifests itself as getting upset over semantics. semantics and fuckups is all that an acronym generates. CIA, FBI, KGB, IRA, SS, FOX, acronyms are just bad news in general. but then again there's NASA and the EU and the UN that aren't all that bad. plus the good parts of the LGBTQIA are good. huh. you know what, fuck it.
the problem isn't the acronym LGBTQIA.
the problem is the assholes being assholes.
so stop being assholes.
you assholes.
stop excluding bi/pan people. stop excluding trans people. stop excluding queer people. stop excluding nonbinary people. stop excluding ace people. stop excluding aro people. no straight dominant community will EVER accept any of these groups into their ranks so we are all that they, that we, have.
but then again I expect the same thing from a predominantly white group that just loves to co-opt cultures of color and then kick all of the people with that color to the curb in a spritz of non-biodegradable glitter and sticky dildos...
in closing, just love that the conservatives and exlcusionists have the same issue with this opinion. that I'm a bleeding heart idiot with wide open arms who will let just anyone into my super secret special club as opposed to being a tight fisted gatekeeper. to me they're all the same people. bigoted lonely pathetic morons with nothing better to do with their time than tell people that they don't belong somewhere. I'd much rather be around a liberal straight ally and a cishet ace than anybody who tries to tell any person (who isn't cisgender & heterosexual & heteroromantic & nonintersex all at the same time, obviously) that they don't belong here in the LGBTQIA.
the only other people who don't belong here are kinksters (kinky isn't queer, they belong in their own subcommunities, and if they're both then it's totally possible to keep them separate, trust me as a kinkster myself), pedophiles & rapists (who all belong in prison and then hell), bigoted assholes (this especially means you, White Gays™), and obviously actual cishets. only the kinksters and cishets are cautiously allowed to be near us but they're on thin ice. the bigots and sex criminals can choke & die.
this isn't hypocrisy. it's common sense. tl;dr no assholes or monsters anywhere, no cishets in the LGBTQIA, aces are not cishets. thank you for reading, don't all tell me to kill myself over anon again because deleting all that vitriol and shit is fucking annoying, fuck trump, eat plants, punch nazis, and don't be dicks to each other. sorry for long post. have a good day.
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OP is NOT a libfem.
OP critiques when feminism works against itself.
OP believes ya’ll overreact on here
OP’s inbox is open
Gender Beliefs
- there are 2 genders. If you’re intersex you can get a pass but most choose one or the other
- you need disphoria to even consider yourself trans why is this an argument ya’ll are the dumbest of all.
- non-binary is really dumb stop being ashamed of your gender and face the facts. Society will still treat you like the gender you look like.
- no fluffy pronouns or kin
-mogai is dumb as fuck
-OP believes there is a difference between a trans woman and a woman but thats obvious however, you shouldn’t hide that experience because it’s not “bad”
- OP has been in a 2 LTR with an intersex trans woman who hates the trans community if TERF trans person is a thing she’s it (we’re still friends). And is friends with many trans women who hates how trans people are not critical of discussing gender or passing and has become a shit general show where nobody can criticize (even trans people. If you make 0 effort to pass you’re stupid.
- you can’t help who you’re sexually attracted to. Don’t be mean to people for not liking your genitals or appearance.
- bisexuals are amazing
- you can be a straight radfem
- lgbt community is tearing itself to shit
- ace is not inherently lgbt
- MAP is not lgbt (do I even have to say this???)
- feminine is beautiful and one of the best parts of being a girl. 10/10
- (see above for trans belief)
- women are universally defined by how we are treated by society as women. We all share this experience as women. Majority (i have to say this or else ill be flamed) of us bio women are united by our biology and experiences with hormones and reproductive issues.
- it is a woman’s duty to help and inform other women and deter creepy dudes from them.
- gender based oppression against women is real. Using silencing tactics have just changed.
-abortion is a choice
-motherhood is a choice and OP hates kids but supports the rights of moms
- vagina is cool 💯 it has been historically not depicted in art or seen as “dirty” in abrahamic religions so it is not talked about. The vagina is important to many of us for this reason and is why lots of us go nuts over it.
- freebleeding doesnt mean what you think it means... the weird tumblr version is a biohazard
- always give out tampons and pads if you can!
Law / Politics
-men can be raped by women, women can be raped by women
- boards of directors, japanese diet, parliaments, congress and senate should be 50% Women and we should strive for that
- more rights for working moms and women who want to breed
- yes breast feeding in public
- rape is a serious thing not to be thrown around or made fun of and sexual misconduct is serious.
- equal wages for genders. Yes I’ve seen relevant arguments on why pay gap isnt real but if you look again at some jobs who report how many women work there and how many men and see the pay rates you can see why this is still an issue.
- a lot of religions, Especially abrahamic faiths, are inherently homophobic and misogynistic as fuck like why is this even debatable lol.
- Islam oppresses women globally and I’m not about to deny that. You say a few radicals but entire countries believe this soooo....¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I don’t see how Islam (at its core) and feminism can work together. You can believe what you want but also look at memri tv
-fgm is horrible
The Shit Men Flame Over Online
- mansplaining is real. Sooo real.
- manspreading is a stupid concept I agree just don’t be a dick on public transport is a general rule for all
- if you have to chime into every women’s issue with BUT MENNN pls stop. We can and should talk about your problems but you can care about two things at the same time
- ya’ll dont know how to behave on dating sites for real...
- I’m personally not angry at “all men” and like dudes. Majority of my friends are dudes who support me and my beliefs.
- I would greatly welcome the island of women in power though like an unironic matriarchy ....literally
- circumcision is amoral and awful. It is not as bad as FGM but it is still a barbaric practice.
- look at society... look reallll hard... beliefs tend to be reactionary. if you can’t see why we have these feelings please look harder. If you don’t see why we feel this way (even if you disagree) you’re stupid.
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