#tbh its mostly about lusamine
joviantwelve · 16 days
okay you said you had a pokémon fanregion in your head, and now i gotta hear all about that, is the thing
OH god actually it's really funny how much shit that was in it has come to pass in canon by now, because I originally conceptualized it circa gen 4. It's usually what I think about if I think of like pokemon fancharacters or whatever. here we fuckin go
It was based on the Holon region in the TCG which has pokemon with funny types. we have Tera types now... the idea was that it would be begin further expanding and adding its own League and whatnot. I put it as above Johto/Kanto so relatively gen 1&2 selection of mons. keeping it simple.
it was more about the Weird Type Shit, which the pokemon prof of the region was studying under an organization she was a part of (the evil team, which was not branded as "Team (x)" just like Aether Foundation lmao). anomalies to track down and whatnot. but they were also inducing it themselves and studying other detected anomalies in the region. or sometimes the experiments they did created new, unintended anomalies of their own
this was mostly to make Missingno canon. which is like the only thing that hasn't still come to pass yet (BUT IT SHOULD!!!!!!). my dearest darlingest Missingno, the entire reason I love glitches today, was effectively my box legendary. the backstory of the prof was much like Lusamine in that she saw this Fucking Weird Pokemon a long time ago due to her Experiments and it fucked her up and she became a weird bad anime mom afterward. SHE EVEN HAD A DEAD HUSBAND!!!!!!! I FUCKIN INVENTED LUSAMINE FIRST
oh I should mention the "protag" analogue of the region WAS the professor's child. SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you had to fight your mom. who is the prof. who is also the evil team leader. and corrupted by some messed up videogame code. damn that sucks
later when we started getting more AI-feeling Rotom characters, I imagined a Rotom in a more robot/android body as one of the team underlings. he was the protag's buddy back home but now he has to fight you :( sorry i dont wanna do this but my programming is telling me to (throws a pokeball out halfheartedly)
(ASIDE: I remember in the first movie when they were like flabbergasted at Mewtwo technically qualifying as a pokemon trainer. that was kinda fucked up and weird, can we go back to that? tbh when I think about it, a lot of the vibe of my fanregion is based on how Weird early pokemon gens felt. they really dont make it like this anymore. Ape Inc became Creatures, I'm certain some EarthBound talent factored in)
I think I was also imagining weird-typed versions of the legendary birds for a trio, which is funny cuz we got Galarian versions of them now too....
Hooke was originally a Pokemon OC and was my first one actually, he ran a Dark-type gym because one didn't exist in canon yet. he was ex-Team Rocket and moved up north to turn a new leaf. thought it fit Dark's vibe as like the Schemer Type. I had to wait amazingly long for an actual Dark-type gym in canon which is kinda funny. it actually felt a little sad when we finally got one because it had been 11 years since I had made Hooke in protest of this
if you remember my OC Serafine (she doesnt have a TH SORRY), she was also an evil team exec.
she doesn't have a modern analogue but another one of the fancharacters was the rival-type one and she was Lt. Surge's spoiled neice
the Ghost-type gym leader I can describe as a Super Nerd with the constitution of the Hiker. can see ghosts but is a social outcast but more in a nerd sense than a goth sense. I liked him a lot but I haven't had anywhere to put him :(
the Psychic-type leader was extremely tsundere and her mind reading helped her out with all those tsundere insecurities (now she's just paranoid and preemptively reads people's minds)
the Fire- and Steel-type leaders were a duo battle of "smoke and mirrors" themed magicians. and also married
this is largely stream of consciousness I hope this post makes SENSE
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dandyshucks · 1 month
hiii dandy !! i wanted to ask, what do you think you and guzma would do post-canon after the events of sun & moon ? (i might have asked this before - if i have, i apologize..) (i also wanted to say that its been really cool seeing ur progress on ur plush!! it seems so hard, so you having that skill is rly admirable and i wish u lots of luck w finishing it!!) (@dmclr)
CLARA HI i hope u (and dimitri hehe) are doing well :] !!! wah thank u for the question, u havent asked it before dw !!! 
OKAY SO admittedly I mostly only know the story through reading Guz’s wiki page a few times (teehee) and through osmosis from the general fandom dsgjkl, i want to play the game one day and maybe read the manga, and I’ve watched the anime eps he’s featured in and that’s all i’m watching of that LOL. I haven’t actually experienced much of his story (or su/mo in general) first-hand myself though fdsjkl
answer below the cut because.... the rambler's curse got me LOL
after the events of su/mo, I don’t think he’d actually disband Team Skull because… what is the point of that honestly LOL, so Team Skull stays together in MY version of the world hehe. they’re required to do community service to make up for whatever shenanigans they get up to, but they stop stealing pokemon and move onto just like… graffiti and casual pranks and stuff. they still cause trouble, but it’s mostly mischief now rather than any actual crime. I set them up to work on murals for shop owners around the islands so they can spraypaint and be artistic that way rather than randomly tagging walls and getting into trouble for it fjdskl. they keep their disdain for authority figures and rules because at the end of the day most of them are rowdy teens who feel outcasted from society, and that’s just the way the ball rolls with them (also a certain level of that is healthy and warranted tbh). I work with Plumeria to organize events and outings (outside of community service) for the squad though, which helps give everyone healthier outlets for their energy and focus.
Hala mentors Guz to help put him onto (and keep him on) the right track, and Guz learns to appreciate the islands and their traditions a bit - even if he still doesn’t agree with all of them. Part of that mentorship is also sort of therapy (in a more holistic naturally-occurring way rather than like... clinical therapist sitting with patient), so trauma gets unpacked and healthier ways of handling emotions are learned and implemented. Also fuck the Aether Foundation HFDSJKL I keep Guz far away from Lusamine and make sure she never gets close to him again (idk what Gladion and Lillie get up to, I haven’t thought enough about them yet fsjkl). There’s a lot of healing and self-improvement and learning how to Be A PersonTM for both of us tbh!
Beyond that, it is mostly just regular Alola/island living!! Beach visits, walking around, getting ice cream and popsicles, casual battles with tourists, catching wimpods, all that sort of thing :] Also we visit Sinnoh (my home region) for half the year (i have… a whole schedule worked out for that actually LOL) so there’s that, too.
as for the plushie omg thank u sm WAUGH :D i cannot tell if it’s just because i have a weird hodge-podge skillset but i DO think it is not actually all that difficult !!! you just need a pattern for cutting the felt and then I learned the ladder stitch for hand-sewing, and it’s been very straightforward on how to sew the pieces together!! the hardest part so far has just been the hair because I have a difficult time translating 2D images to 3D reality in that way.
I just really want to encourage ppl to try their hand at new crafts and creative skills because I think it’s really fun and honestly really good for ppls well-being!! i am very passionate about making creativity accessible to people as much as possible!!! maybe i could make a tutorial or smth… the pattern I'm using is free and available on the creator’s website, and it’s genuinely not that difficult esp compared to some other things i’ve tried my hand at in the past LOL I feel like some of my paper mache projects have been more complex than this lil goober!!
THANK YOU AGAIN, AND SORRY ABOUT BECOMING THE RAMBLING RAMBLER LMAO i actually entirely rewrote this once because I wanted to shorten it and it STILL ended up this long 😭
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sometipsygnostalgic · 7 years
pokemon villains and their goals
it’s funny because every evil team in pokemon usualy has a great ambition of some kind. team rocket wanted to take over specific locations and steal pokemon as a big mafia, team magma and aqua were.... environmental extremists, team galactic's leader hated emotions and wants them to be wiped from the world, team plasma was a version of Peta that was secretly working towards the greater goal of taking over the country through manipulation so basically still Peta, and team flare’s leader believes that the only way to create world peace is to heavily reduce the populaton, while all the people he was going to save are extremely vile but here you go.
but team skull, they don’t have any ambition. that’s their entire point. they’re a bunch of punks (literally their trainer class) who failed at their goals and gave up. there’s a bit of backstory about them being from a group that formed around one of the old kahunas but the wrath of the tapu being brouht on them, so i dont knnow what happened there. was that kahuna hala or was there an Asshole kahuna? but Guzma’s main motivation is that his parents are assholes, he failed to become a trial captain, and he’s trying to retain his extremely fragile masculine ego by leading a disruptive gang. Even the “mansion” they take over is completely trashed, and he goes so far as to befriending the Aether President because she strokes his ego and manipulates the poor lad.
talking of the Aether President, it seems that the Foundation has mixed goals; they seem to be a genuine pokemon rehabilitation program, founded by a rich man who deeply cherished pokemon,  that under the direction of President Lusamine and Branch Chief Faba has taken a darker turn. since her husband was taken into an ultra wormhole, Lusamine’s sanity has slipped and she’s grown obsessed with ultra beasts, trying to find ways to either join or destroy them, taking out all of her built-up bitterness on her children and the pokemon they wish to protect. It’s telling when Gladion says they straight up found Cosmog on their side of the same wormhole that stole Mohn - no wonder Lusamine hates poor Nebby so much, but it makes it even more significant that Lillie saved Nebby anyway, that unconditional empathy contrasting with her mother’s rage. Anyway Lusamine’s endgoal is to just... love pokemon and ultra beasts because fuck family, but she doesn’t really care if they’re happy or not, she’ll feeze them forever. An obsession with beauty that outdoes even Lysandre, she dresses her kids up as ultra beasts and beats down their confidence when they show the slightest hints of individuality. I think that Lusamine believes she was “chosen” by the ultra beasts, when Nihilego stole her husband, and this is not only her motivation to reunite with the jellyfish but also to defeat Necrozma. she just... thinks she’s supposed to live with ultra beasts. it’s not until you kick either her or necrozma’s ass that she begins to realise this is a load of horse shit.
faba and wicke show off the two sides to Aether that are also presented by Lusamine, but in a more coherent, sane light. wicke is a kindhearted pokemon conservationist who stays by the president’s side even through all the corruption because she knows that, some day, the aether foundation may return to what it was. she also looks after lusamine’s kids and prevents their mother from, like, freezing lillie or whatever it is she might have done after gladion ran away, and even orchestrated lillie’s escape with cosmog. wicke is the unconditional love of the aether foundation, the spirit of its creation.  faba meanwhile is its corruption. he has no loyalty to anything but his own ambiion, even creating the Type: Full Beast Killer project without Lusamine’s full knowledge but getting caught (in all games and anime btw, just Lusamine had different reactions). he hates the righteous spirit in children and how they meddle with his plans, but he’s so pathetic that they kick his ass easily. faba is a saturday cartoon villain, and even when the aether foundation is returning to its roots, he always remains the same scumbag as always. it’s not until he’s demoted that his ego takes a huge enough strike for him to change.
i want to make note of mohn as well. if all the characters lusamine interacts with are also representations of herself, wicke and lillie her kindhearted determination, gladion her forward-burning force of will, and faba her shady ambitions, then what does mohn represent? he’s a simple, kind man who cares for pokemon that are abandoned into PC boxes by their trainers. he saw a loophole in the way people look after pokemon and decided to patch it up. lusamine’s encounter with mohn in USUM indicates that she never saw him smile much when he was a scientist, and also that deep down she shares his ideas about letting pokemon in boxes be free, something she teased the player character with in the original Sun and Moon. mohn represents what lusamine used to be, what she can be if she lets go of the whole ultra beast nonsense like he did.
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fandom meme yay [ACCEPTING]
Favorite character: im sorry im gonna go with my Top Boys Trifecta with Silver, Guzma and Spark
Second favorite character: Leon, Lance and Burnet!! again with a Second Top Trifecta
Least favorite character: tbh there isnt anyone i actively hate, even People Id Punch like ghetsis and lusamine i consider gr8 characters so... i. might go with literally any kalos gym leader simply because they’re awfully forgettable
The character I’m most like: i've been told i remind ppl of Lyra and honestly???? nice. i’ll take it
Favorite pairing: preciousmetal!!!!!! with dreamparadise and originalshipping being close seconds
Least favorite pairing: again pretending any shitty incest/pedophiliac ship dont exist, i talked plenty about my distaste for Leon/Raihan so. Yeah.
Favorite moment: oh boy going for one for each region aight? aight. kanto the entirety of the S.S.Anne is very fun; johto i ADORED the clair and dragon’s den segment simply because I Love Dragons but tbh any silver moment is a favorite moment; hoenn the final battle with wally in ORAS made me CRY A LOT shut up; sinnoh the distortion world bc we stan giratina in this household; unova call me a normie but the ferris wheel scene with N is Good; kalos uhhhhhhh the lysandre battle i guess; alola PO TOWN PO TOWN IN THIS HOUSE WE STAN TEAM SKULL; galar again obvious shoutout to the battle with leon bc i cried
Rating out of 10: again going for each region bc uhhh. the ratings vary a lot. and i’m going to put them under read more bc damn i do get long in these
and starting with my controversial opinion that kanto is a 5/10. it has some goods, most of my favorite pokemon are in this region and without it we wouldnt have pokemon, but no matter how many times its remade the kanto plotline aged poorly and i found myself bored in most kanto-only games :/// GAME-SPECIFIC VOTES: RBG is 4/10; yellow is 6/10; FRLG is 5.5/10; LGPE is 5/10
johto is a hard 10/10, if not more. maybe i’m biased since it was my first region, but it’s the perfect sequel. the story and characters, are simple as they are, is memorable and interesting, the lore of the region is splendid, the pokemon are nice and the battles with lance and red are still some of my favorite in the entire series so. yeah.  GAME-SPECIFIC VOTES: GS is 10/10; C is 10.5/10; HGSS is 11/10
im sorry i’m gonna be biased again but hoenn is a 9/10. the original is the game i played the most with my friends and the remake brought me back in the series properly. yes the plot is stupid but its the region i remember having the most fun in; i love kyogre, i love the secret bases, i LOVE the double battles and steven is an underrated champion. plus so far it has the third best post-game content when it comes to the remake, the delta episode really took me by surprise and i love it. GAME-SPECIFIC VOTES: RSE is 8/10; ORAS is 9/10
this is going to be a lil mess bc i havent played it properly yet for various reasons so it’s gonna be mostly based on the few hours i played before my DS decided to die and stuff i know for lore and stuff, but sinnoh is a 7/10. i’m not big on the snowy aesthetic and idc much about the gym leaders, but the plot is VERY interesting, cyrus is a surprisingly great villain and i mean. giratina best boy. deserves a remake already. GAME-SPECIFIC VOTES: just 7. might get better when i finally get to play it
unova is also a 7!!! it’s criminally underrated, and while i do agree that maybe they tried to bite more than they could chew the plot and the characters are amazing. doesnt deserve the hatred the fandom gave it especially when it came out. it’s fun. the first game is maybe a lil slow and sloppy but the sequel is Very Good. we should bring back rotation battles im just saying GAME-SPECIFIC VOTES: BW is 6.5, BW2 is 7
kalos is a 4, sorry fellas. i really didn’t like this. it wasnt half bad, i like a lot the fairy type and most pokemon are great, the elite and lysandre are VERY interesting and the music slaps (COUGHS LYSANDRE’S THEME COUGH) but i couldn’t care less for this. it’s bland, it’s boring, it’s lowkey annoying here and there, i’m glad we didn’t get pokemon Z
alola is another 8!!! while oras is the one that brought me back, sumo REALLY reeled me into the fandom. after gen 2 id say it has the best cast of characters, it’s an amazing new spin on the formula and alola is genuinely one of the most beautiful regions. also the UBs are fun!!! theyre nice!!!!!!! stop being mean!!!!!!!!!!!! ...too bad USUM is. bad. it’s very bad. it’s the same game up to one moment and then it SLAMS into shit. i liked necrozma but everything else after the aether paradise is stupid and i hate it and i pretend i didnt see it  also sad emoji for the post-game, it’s not BAD but it’s a lil underused :c GAME-SPECIFIC VOTES: SuMo is a hard 10, UsUm is a 6 bc at least half of the game is still good and i love myself some more guzma
galar is an 8, and i already said plenty about it!!! story is a lil rushed, but the characters are spectacular. plus galar itself is Very Pretty and i hope we get more open world in the future
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stardustwink · 5 years
I wanted to talk about swsh bc I’m almost done with post game and I needed to write down my thoughts somewhere so. Here we are. Story spoilers ahead btw. Also a lot of gushing abt the rivals bc they’re my children now
I have. So many feelings about this game. tbh the story could have been so much better (and there was potential for something great. But I think it’s mostly bc I disliked how they built Rose’s character as the main villain, more about that later) but the characters... they’re really good.
First bc they gave us Hop and his insecurities as the rival that always loses even though it’s his dream to be champion too - something I’ve always wanted to see in a rival ever since Blue left me hanging (though I understand, as he was the very first rival and we couldn’t have a full plot heavy pkmn game back then), and that I felt was touched upon in Cheren but not really worked with? Anyway. I’m glad they took the time to add his insecurities and his need to keep up w/ Leon to his character and how he grows past it later, it made me actually feel bad for having to take his dream away from him at the end (though!!!! I’m really glad he’s training to be a professor now, bc it really does fit him better! Making his own path and all that) A very good character imo, definitely going into my fav list. The fact that he takes his Wooloo off the team when he’s conflicted abt his fighting style and puts him back in after making up his mind still makes me a bit emotional if I’m going to be honest :’’)
And then there’s Bede. God he’s!!!!! Such a good character!!!!!! How I missed having a rude rival like that! I loved the way his story was handled (though I did wish he’d appear a bit more...but that’s just bc I like him way too much;;), from starting out as a stuck up jerk to getting tricked and then finding a place to belong after Opal took him in. I have so many thoughts abt him. About how he speaks so politely even though he’s a stuck up brat, about how he wears a watch that is way too big for him bc it was a present from Rose (and how much it fits his character as someone trying desperately to fit into a role he’s been given by a man who didn’t even care to get his wrist size right), how after he turns into the fairy gym leader the watch is nowhere to be seen bc, as Opal says, he doesn’t have to follow anyone’s whims anymore and- at the very end! How he hijacks the competition to battle you bc his disqualification was unfair and he deserved to stand there! The way he looks so much happier and smiles as he accepts defeat! I love this kid so much. also bc his entire color scheme and pkmn choices are my complete aesthetic, the fairy fam is literally A+ (also god will we ever know what happened to his parents??? What’s “ran into some trouble”?? Did they die, or did they abandon him bc of money issues??? @/gamefreak I NEED ANSWERS)
Marnie was adorable too, her slight accent is a very charming addition to her character and the slight foreshadowing of her ties to the last gym were great! Also she’s so cute. I wanna become a team Yell member after seeing her smile. She’s a dark type specialist man!!!!! That’s so cool!!! Why are the rivals so cool!!!! And her relationship with Piers is so cute too, they’re great siblings. I loved that when Piers asked her to become the next gym leader she was like “thanks brother, but I refuse. Im gonna be champion! :)” . Her cheering made the end fights so much better. I just wish we had some more interactions between the three rivals bc hop and bede’s fight was great but I wish marnie interacted more with them ):
Sonia and Leon were also very good. Watching Sonia find herself in her research and become a proper professor during my travels was SO SATISFYING YALL HAVE NO IDEA. Her interactions with Leon were so great too, and I’m very happy that she’s good friends with Nessa! Leon is a dork and I also love him, and I kinda enjoy that they both took the role of investigators and let the kids continue w/ the gym challenge by themselves (finally some responsible adults not leaving all the problems for 10-13 yr olds to solve am I right!). Also, LEON PLEASE TELL YOUR BROTHER YOURE PROUD OF HIM HE REALLY NEEDS TO HEAR IT!!!!
but I’ve praised swsh long enough so let’s talk about Rose. I felt like he was an attempt by nintendo at first to try and portray a corrupt businessman but they ended up not following through w/ it and the end result was....that. Don’t get me wrong; there are some points abt him that I enjoy, like the terrible fact that he basically ‘adopted’ a kid to use for his own benefit and couldn’t even remember his name properly, and that he wears dorky clothes off work. But they tried making his motives sympathetic and they didn’t make any sense??? What’s up with “being worried about the future of Galar” when he LITERALLY ALMOST CAUSED THE APOCALYPSE?? Being worried about not having enough energy for the country to survive after like 10000 years ain’t a good motivation for putting everyone in danger, chief.
 And here’s what they could have done: show just how corrupted by his own mentality and power Rose was; show him charismatic on the outside but completely apathetic to the people and justifying his actions by wanting Eternatus’ energy to keep modernizing Galar at the expense of some casualties bc hey! As long as the country will live on and keep progressing, what’s the problem with some lives being lost along the way if its for the greater good? Show him as the evil rich businessman he was meant to be! One that can’t understand that giving a pokemon and a golden watch to an orphan and “saving” him doesn’t give Rose the right to use him and discard him like a tool, one that tries to manipulate the Champion to do what he wants bc he’s given him the fights he wants and promised his family would be safe; just give me a character I can properly hate without feeling disappointed! You’ve done it with Ghetsis and Lusamine, you can do it with Rose too! Commit to your evil rich apathetic businessman plans, nintendo!
I felt both Oleana and the weird hair twins were better antagonists in this front. I even thought like SHE was the true villain and was using Rose’s apparent naïveté as a well intentioned but stupid rich guy and her position as his secretary to get what she wanted at the beginning; alas, that’s not what happened unfortunately ): but she had a proper motivation and enough foreshadowing for me to suspect her and still think she’s cool (her backstory is great for example. I was so surprised when she used a Garbodoor after all those cool lady pokemon!) the twins are both stupid looking and Swordward and Shieldbert are TERRIBLE names, but I feel like they’d be more iconic as main villains too.
I think that’s all for now, ive written way too much already djdflgjf if anyone managed to read all of this then thanks for reading my rambles 
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Gladion and Type: Null/Silvally Headcanons
gladion = edgy anime boi. 
me: edgy anime bois = H O T 
well actually no bc he cant be older than 12 but if WAS OLDER then maybe i could call him hot. anywho! im training my type:null to become silvally, so i thought making headcanons like this would be appropriate. these headcanons will be about the relationship between them, and yes i AM MOST CERTAINLY making a lillie/nebby version
-  okay. but imagine this. lusamine starts threatening gladion (yeah, this is after she became a horrible bitchy mother) which obviously made gladion scared, since he was young. he was afraid lusamine would hurt lillie too, so he took her with him, as they tried to hide in the aether labs. 
- okay but... both type: null and cosmog were abused pokemon, like gladion and lillie were abused children. i think thats almost a fact by now.
- so obviously, the pokemon were very scared. all humans had ever done to them was hurt them, so why trust these two children who have just stumbled down here?
- well, the first thing that happened was that type: null freaking TACKLED GLADION. its like the scene in how to train your dragon, where hiccup frees toothless. tbh, type: null was ready to cut gladion’s head off. but lillie screamed so loud that it not only made type: null’s ears hurt (im assuming it has ears under that mask) it also gave away gladion and lillie’s hiding spot...
- which lusamine caught them both. and then... she started hitting both of her children in front of type: null and cosmog. 
- (i have this headcanon that type: null and cosmog are so afraid of lusamine that they dont even want to get near her. again, like gladion and lillie, but the situation is different bc they dont even understand why lusamine was like that. so type:null just kinda sat there, not knowing what to do. yeah, too scared to face off even lusamine)
- “You wretched children! Don’t you ever even THINK about going down here again! I am the adult, and you need to listen to what I say, or else it WILL be worse next time. Do you understand?!”
- (i wanted to kill lusamine while i writed that)
- lillie is more obedient than gladion, thats kind of fact. so lillie didnt go down to the labs again, not for a long time. but gladion saw the  look in type: null’s eyes. both when gladion was tackled by it, and whenever type: null saw lusamine abusing the siblings. when he saw the tortured look... he couldnt stay away.
- he literally came back to the labs right after the night that lusamine hurt him and lillie. problem was: he had no idea what to do. type: null was put inside a cage now, so type: null could only stare and growl at gladion. gladion just stared back at him. it was awkward...
- gladion STILL came back to look after type: null, though. eventually, null got used to it. then gladion realized the horrible shit the scientists probably tried to feed null... so gladion stole some food and the key to null’s cage and started feeding it. 
- gladion would come back to feed null constantly, and it basically became like a chore from him. it was a chore he was glad(ion) to do. they both became more close due to this.
- BUT IMAGINE ONCE MORE: gladion is late to feeding null. null gets worried for gladion... until gladion finally gets into the labs. and he is in the worst state you could imagine. (i cant even describe it, thinking about it makes me depressed..) gladion tells null not to worry about it and feeds him, even though gladion can barely walk. he still went down there to feed null.
- null could easily tell lusamine was the one who hurt gladion. the next time null sees her, he doesnt hold back, even with the intense fear of lusamine. yes, NULL STRAIGHT UP TRIES TO ATTACK LUSAMINE. SOMEHOW, I LIKE THAT IDEA. 
- but yeah, gladion gets tired of lusamine’s shit. so thats when he runs away with null. its hard at first. of course, gladion stole a bunch of money before running away so he could pay for the hotel on akala island, but even then, its just terrible. they grow closer, though... and they protect each other, no matter what.
- btw, gladion wasnt going to get a job as team skull’s enforcer at first, but then they found out he had a killer dog dragon thing and he was instantly hired. the team skull grunts were jealous tho and they tried to steal null from gladion a few times 
- thats why gladion and the grunts dont really get along
- null attracted too much attention so gladion mostly kept null in his pokeball unless he wanted to battle somebody. null didnt go outside very much tbh. silvally got to follow gladion around everywhere, since gladion got more confident (and less scared about the aether foundation)
- speaking of silvally, after type: null evolved, gladion named it silvally because: he got a silver-ish color + he was gladion’s favorite ally <3
- also even though gladion knows null and silvally doesnt have a gender gladion calls them both boys a lot, they dont mind being called either gender.
- silvally likes to bother gladion by playfully biting his head and pushing him everywhere. for some reason, null didnt really do this. silvally is more playful pokemon tbh
- the way that silvally changes types is like who it happens in the anime
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slugpaws-remade · 7 years
why do you hate ghetsis but love cyrus? tbh the villains are all equally bad
well you see the thing is theyre literally not the same at all bc uh setting aside the Villainy if youre talking about how they are as people then uh.Cyrus was abused as a child and Ghetsis abused his kids so like they're.... worlds apart? cyrus would take one look at ghetsis and punt that morherfucker into the core of the earth cyrus has always been a comfort character for me and though I never played any of the sinnoh games myself I saw playthroughs and everything about him has always resonated wit me a lot as a fellow Abused Kid™ so like of course im biased but its for a good reason you feel meon the other hand I used to be genuinely scared of ghetsis bc the way he talked to N was. familiar to say the least so yeah im not fond of him. I can appreciate him as a character but i dont really. like him yeah hopefully that makes sense its mostly personal (its the same with lusamine tbh even tho people get mad at me for saying I dont like her bc shes the only girl villain lmao )
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rohanite · 7 years
What's your opinion on the SM anime so far? A lot of it can be a little too slice of life but I think they're trying to portray what life in tropical alola is like. They've also subverted a few common series tropes already.Team rocket winning against ash with their own Pokemon/ Ash's mom coming back. There's this life and death feel that this season gives me that was only touched upon in XY. Mimikyu's killing intent and Stoutland passing. I feel like it's building up for the game's darker themes
SM so far is great in what I think it’s most interested in being. That is, a fun, colourful show full of life, character and cute, heartwarming moments. The Litten “arc” also showed that it can pull off some genuinely emotional stories as well (I’m not gonna use the word sad because the Stoutland angst was, at the end of the day very low key and the episode ended in hope). We will probably see more of that note once Lillie’s family gets focused on somewhere down the line.In terms of battles it hasn’t impressed me yet. Neither the strategies, animation, nor the actual number of battles has improved over XY, and Z moves feel pretty repetitive already (sort of made up for by the AMAZING soundtrack choices for most of them, and I’m also a fan of Satoshi’s new “KORE GA ORE-TACHI NO ZENRYOKU DA” catchphrase). And while I love many things about SM Satoshi, I miss Rica’s more gruff voice acting for action scenes. I’ve been rewatching some older stuff recently and ugh her voice is just so cool, it’s perfect when it’s just a bit lower. Guess her throat does deserve the break tho. :PBut anyway that’s just my long time fan and battle maniac self talking. Like I said before, I don’t think this is what the show is most interested in being about anymore. And I can respect that, I appreciate them wanting to put more effort into the fun, cute side of things. And it’s for the best tbh, Satoshi’s Pokemon master goal effectively died for me at the Kalos league, I still enjoy watching him do his thing, but I’m not looking for clues of progression or anything.Saying that SM has a “life and death” feel is exaggerating things imo. A death isn’t some revolutionary thing that somehow completely changes the show, especially when handled like Stoutland’s was. And Mimikyu’s killing intent is mostly used for comedy. The darkest I can see the show getting is, again, when Lillie’s family appears, depending on how anime Lusamine treats her children. Other than that I don’t really care about any overarching plot stuff right now, I don’t think Tapu Koko’s interest in Satoshi means anything, and I don’t think their relationship is very well handled cause Satoshi literally didn’t do anything to earn its respect. But again, that’s another aspect of the show that feels like an “extra” for me rather than something they really care about. Slice of life is the name of the game, even the new characters, while all likable, all lack goals that they can actually work towards on screen in interesting ways, they’re just there for the fun hijinks.So yeah, I like SM a lot, I don’t look forward to it the same way I used to look forward to Pokemon (which is why I’ve taken up the habit of letting a few episodes pile up before catching up) but I smile pretty much every time I watch it which I’d say is more valuable than hype. Alola~
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sage-nebula · 7 years
In terms of heroic achievements which pokemon protagonist do you think accomplished the most/least?
I’m assuming you mean objectively, in terms of the player characters we see in the games, rather than my specific ‘verse, so I’m going to go just based on what we see in the games without applying any characterization. So that said, let’s just list out their heroic accomplishments, shall we?
Forced Team Rocket, an organization equal to the mafia irl, to disband.
Defeated Green, who was acting like a power hungry twit, and took his place as Champion. I’m counting this because Green being so drunk on power would have made him a terrible Champion for Kanto.
Forced Neo Team Rocket to disband (again).
Defeated Lance, who was acting like a power hungry twit in a different way, and took his place as Champion. (i.e. Whereas Green crowed about being “THE MOST POWERFUL TRAINER IN THE WOOOOORLD!!!!111!1″, Lance was going around berating children and siccing his dragonite on unarmed trainers. Both were power hungry, but they just demonstrated this in different ways.)
Stopped Team Aqua/Magma’s various villainous activities all over the region, similar to Red/Leaf and Ethan/Lyra with Team Rocket, ultimately making both (depending on the version) teams disband.
Confronted the legendary pokémon (either Groudon, Kyogre, or both, possibly primal) and captured them in order to avert/end the apocalypse.
In ORAS, captured Mega Rayquaza, and then rode Mega Rayquaza into space in order to capture/defeat Deoxys and avert another apocalypse, this time via meteor.
Confronted Team Galactic’s terrorism head-on in numerous instances, similar to the other anti-Team examples above (but more extreme in this case when you remember what happened at the three lakes). This ultimately resulted in Team Galactic disbanding, especially when Cyrus was trapped in the Distortion World in Platinum.
Confronted the legendary pokémon (Dialga/Palkia/Giratina depending on the version) and defeated/captured them to stop Cyrus’ plan/avert the world’s destruction. Possibly also traveled to the Distortion World to do this.
Fought through the Elite 4 at double speed in order to try and reach Alder before N did, though this endeavor ultimately failed.
Stormed N’s castle to face him / revive the legendary pokémon as the other Chosen Hero. This endeavor ended in success.
Fought Ghetsis after fighting N in order to end Team Plasma’s regime once and for all and restore the government of Unova back to what it was before N/Team Plasma took over.
Helped Looker track down the remaining Sages of Team Plasma so that they could be arrested and held accountable for their crimes.
Combated Neo Team Plasma’s criminal activities all over the Unova region, particularly since Lea/Blair had left this mess to be cleaned up in favor of hunting down N instead. Ultimately, this led to Team Plasma being disbanded again, once and for all this time.
Helped sort out the mess that Ghetsis and Colress were making with Reshiram/Zekrom being fused with Kyurem. This helped restore Unova back to its original state (i.e. not frozen)
Helped N confront Ghetsis.
Combated Team Flare across the Kalos region, and ultimately stopped Lysandre’s mass genocide attempt by capturing/defeating the legendary pokémon he was going to use to power the ultimate weapon. Lysandre then killed himself(?). Team Flare was disbanded, but Malva is still at large for reasons unexplained.
Helped Looker stop Xerosic from forcing Emma (as Essentia) to commit petty crimes across Lumiose City. This culminated in Xerosic’s arrest.
Stopped Team Skull from being nuisances at various instances, and also rescued a yungoos they stole for the lulz. (As in, they stole it for the lulz. I can’t imagine why else they’d waste their time stealing a yungoos from a preschooler.) Ultimately forced Team Skull to disband. This is only arguably heroic, however, as Team Skull were never truly threatening, and they seem to be a bunch of severely impoverished teenagers led (kind of) by a severely emotionally unstable, potentially alcoholic abuse survivor. They were never actually helped, so ymmv on the heroism of just disbanding them and then leaving them to fend for themselves.
Helped Professor Kukui overthrow (at least partially) the religious oligarchical style of government Alola has operated under for centuries to create a League instead. “Helped” is used loosely here, however, as Kukui did pretty much all of the work himself, and all the Sun/Moon PC did was take the throne when the time was right.
Stormed Aether Paradise in order to rescue Lillie and Cosmog. Succeeded in rescuing Lillie, however, Cosmog was tortured and reduced to its second-stage evolution.
Traveled with Lillie to retrieve the second flute, and help Nebby (now a Cosmoem) evolve (into either Solgaleo or Lunala). 
Traveled into Ultra Space to aid Lillie in confronting Lusamine. Battle Lusamine/Motherbeast while in Ultra Space in order to protect Lillie and stop her nonsense, even though tbh she wouldn’t be hurting anyone if she was just left alone in Ultra Space with the Nihilego like she wanted. So, again, YMMV, since the world wasn’t actually in danger anymore (and her kids would be much, much, MUCH better off without her).
Assisted Looker, Anabel, and Nanu with tracking down and capturing the Ultra Beasts that had been unleashed on the world. Since the Ultra Beasts were shown to be legitimately dangerous, this is probably the most heroic act under the Sun/Moon PC’s belt.
So with all of the feats listed out above, if we made a list of Most Heroic to Least Heroic, I think it would look like:
Brendan / May (as of ORAS)
Lea / Blair
Rosa / Nate
Dawn / Lucas
Serena / Calem
Sun&Moon Boy / Sun&Moon Girl
Lyra / Ethan
Red / Leaf
Brendan/May averted two (2) apocalypses as of the ORAS remakes, and one apocalypse aversion resulted in them flying into space on a giant dragon in order to battle a sentient alien virus. If that’s not heroic, I don’t know what is.
Lea/Blair had their entire regional government overtaken by a totalitarian dictatorship, and they resisted this despite not knowing whether or not they were going to be able to awaken their chosen dragon. They also succeeded in this, and then took the time to help Interpol hunt down the remaining Sages before they left on their own personal quest. Especially considering the fact that they originally faced N without Zekrom/Reshiram, I’d say that counts as pretty heroic.
Rosa/Nate did similarly, but their quest was mostly focused on cleaning up the remnants of Lea/Blair’s quest, which is why it comes in third. However, they do get extra points above the rest given the fact that Kyurem was steadily icing the entire region, and they helped stop/put an end to that. So they do still have a respectable third slot.
Dawn/Lucas get the fourth slot because Team Galactic pulled off actual acts of terrorism, such as bombing lakes and mass killing the pokémon inside so that they could capture the lake guardians and then torture them in order to create devices to restrain the mascot legendaries. They also, as of Platinum, went into the Distortion World itself to deal with this threat and avert that apocalypse. That’s pretty damn impressive, and to be honest I’d be tempted to swap them with Rosa/Nate. The only reason why I’m not is because Unova was literally being destroyed, whereas Sinnoh (aside from the lake bombings) didn’t face a similar threat (like, Cyrus was going to remake it in his image, but the Unovan people were actively suffering due to the ice; the Sinnoan people weren’t suffering like that yet). It’s close, though.
Serena/Calem are up next, and while they do get major, major props for averting a mass genocide (which is a very big deal), they also lose some heroism points because, prior to Lysandre announcing to everyone that he was about to murder everyone who hadn’t paid him an exorbitant amount of money to be saved by joining Team Flare, Team Flare didn’t actually pose very much of a threat. The most threatening thing I can remember them doing is taking over the Pokéball Factory, and that wasn’t a very big deal. Serena/Calem also lose some points for not doing anything about Malva, and they also didn’t really do too much in the post-game subplot (instead, they were mostly our vessel for watching that story unfold)—and even if they did, Emma/Essentia’s crimes were mostly petty, although they were escalating in violence. So all in all, while Serena/Calem were very heroic by stopping a genocidal maniac from, you know, committing genocide, the rest of their feats (or lack thereof) land them in slot five.
The Sun/Moon PC has the most items on their list, however, most of their feats are dubious at best due to Gen VII’s shaky (at best) writing. While they certainly accomplished some of the most amazing things (riding a massive sun lion/moon bat into Ultra Space certainly sounds/looks impressive), the true weight behind them is skewed when you realize that the morality behind their actions is so tenuous (i.e. Team Skull clearly needs help, and yet they were offered none), they really didn’t do anything at all (i.e. Kukui formed the League while the PC did fuck all), or the world was never really in danger and everyone would have been better off had Lusamine been left to rot in Ultra Space. The only inarguably heroic thing that the Sun/Moon PC accomplished was the post-game subplot, in which they actively worked to save people from a very real and present danger. Otherwise, they didn’t do very much, and though Lillie credits the PC wholesale with helping her, I would argue that Lillie accomplished what she did as a result of her own strength and mettle, not because of the PC. Therefore, they’re sixth.
Lyra/Ethan come in at slot seven, the reason for this being that they … didn’t really accomplish very much. I’m being generous by giving them defeating Lance simply because he wasn’t a good Champion, but other than that the most they did was disband Neo Team Rocket, who weren’t posing any major threat to the world. That said, Lyra/Ethan did directly combat some of their more villainous activities (the Slowpoke Well, the Mahogany Town experiments, Radio Tower takeover), and since they had the bravery to stand up and stop Neo Team Rocket in those instances, they get slot seven …
… versus Red/Leaf, who come in at dead last. The most Red/Leaf did was stop Team Rocket’s activities in the Silph Co. building, and defeat Green (and again, I’m being generous by giving that to them). That’s it. Team Rocket wasn’t even posing that serious of a threat to the world (even less so in Gen I than Gen II), and so while it was still brave of Red/Leaf to do something about it, it’s not like they were saving the world. Therefore, they come in dead last since they objectively accomplished the least.
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