#tarlos college au
rmd-writes · 1 year
11. toothpaste kisses - Tarlos 🥰
Sorry this took me so long to get to!!! I went a little rogue and you’re getting a college au, hope that’s okay! 💖
TK is standing in his pyjama pants, brushing his teeth when Carlos comes into their shared bathroom in nothing but his boxers to do the same. He watches as Carlos squeezes the toothpaste onto his toothbrush, pointedly puts the lid back onto the tube – something TK doesn’t always do – then briefly wets the toothbrush before putting it into his mouth.
Despite the fact that they’ve been roommates for over a year now, and friends for longer than that, this isn’t something that usually happens.Things are different now, now that they’ve gone from being just roommates to something more than that, to being boyfriends, but the fact of the matter remains that things between them are new, their bathroom is small and there’s only one sink, and so brushing their teeth is generally a solitary activity.
The thought of Carlos being his boyfriend now makes TK smile around his toothbrush and Carlos catches his eye in the mirror. “What?” he mumbles around his toothbrush.
TK spits some of the foam in his mouth out into the sink. “Nothing,” he answers, smiling at Carlos before sticking the toothbrush back into his mouth again.
Carlos spits. “What’s so funny?”
TK just shakes his head at him and shrugs, moving the toothbrush around his mouth. Carlos raises a brow and stares at him in the mirror for a few seconds then goes back to brushing his teeth. TK spits again and grins at Carlos. Carlos does the same. They don’t say anything, just brush and spit and brush and spit and it feels competitive like one of them is going to win at this. It’s probably unnecessary and honestly, a little gross, but somehow there’s an inexplicable tension building between them, like a slow-burning fuse that’s been lit.
Maybe it’s the fact that it’s the first night they’re both back in their room after the holidays. Maybe it’s that the bathroom is small enough that they’re basically standing shoulder-to-shoulder at the sink, TK’s right arm brushing against Carlos’ left as they shift their weight, exchanging glances and smirking around their toothbrushes. Maybe it’s that they’re both shirtless and TK is being shamelessly bold about his appreciation for Carlos’ bare torso, letting his eyes roam hungrily across Carlos’ body and Carlos isn’t being subtle about looking at TK either.
TK spits and rinses his mouth, wiping it on the back of his hand, but doesn’t move, waiting for Carlos to do the same. Carlos puts his toothbrush on the counter and turns to face TK, his eyes slowly dragging down TK’s body, lingering below his hips where TK knows it’s probably obvious through his thin pyjama pants that he’s half-hard with anticipation. He’d be embarrassed about it, but Carlos is too.
Carlos steps towards him, reaching out to wrap his arms around TK’s waist and TK winds his arms around Carlos’ broad shoulders in response. It feels as if the moment stretches forever, and yet in an instant, Carlos’ lips are on his. It’s not the desperate kiss TK was expecting; it’s tender and careful, soft presses of Carlos’ lips against his before a light brush of his tongue coaxing TK’s mouth open. Carlos tastes like toothpaste and smells like apple-scented shampoo and when TK scratches a little at the nape of Carlos’ neck, he hums a little into the kiss and TK can feel the way Carlos is smiling against his lips. It makes TK smile too, until they’re both smiling so hard they’re barely kissing anymore.
“Hi,” Carlos whispers.
“Hey.” TK pulls back a little so he can see Carlos’s face. “Can we do this somewhere else?”
“Sure, your place or mine?” Carlos says, waggling his eyebrows as TK groans at the joke.
He kisses Carlos again instead of answering, and thinks that if being Carlos’ boyfriend and roommate means minty toothpaste kisses on demand, well, he’s more than okay with that.
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heartstringsduet · 1 year
Danger Zone - Tarlos College AU Pt. 1
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Summary: Of course, it was TK’s idea to get a sign on their door for ‘when one of them was getting it on.’ One of them always ends up being TK. Carlos is just the one forced out of their shared dorm room, waiting.
aka: TK is Carlos' first roommate at UT Austin. Too bad he's as handsome as he is messy, loud and absolutely insatiable. Series: Hook ‘Em Verse (Part 1)
There is no closer bond in college than the one you make with your first roommate. That’s what they say. That’s what they say - and Carlos wants to ask whoever made that statement first how the hell they got this lucky. Because for whatever reason, he’s cursed with TK Strand.
It’s 11:30 am. He has half an hour to Intro to the Criminal Justice System, which isn’t lot of time. Not when it’s all the way across campus and he still has to get his books. And yet, Carlos paces in front of the door of his dorm room, eyes on the small sign turned to ‘Danger Zone’. 
TK’s idea, of course it was TK’s idea to get this tacky sign for ‘whenever one of them has sex.’ One of them always ends up meaning TK. The one time Carlos hooked up with someone was in their house off campus. Because unlike TK, Carlos knows how not to be the worst possible roommate.
When Mateo from next door passes him in the hall, he pats Carlos’ shoulder. “They’ve been at it for an hour. Maybe you’ll be lucky and they’ll be done in a few?” 
Read the rest on my AO3
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alrightbuckaroo · 9 months
Fanfic Friday
Thanks for the tag @three-drink-amy!
Rules: share a fic you wrote that you are proud of! Moodboard optional!
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come and take a walk on the wild side
Play the part, live the lie; this is how we survive.
Carlos Reyes is a college student who's trying to pay his New York rent, get his cybersecurity degree and make his dad understand he doesn't need to worry about his son's future. That said, Carlos isn't too sure he's not worried about his own future. It feels like each day begets a question that can't be answered.
After meeting TK Strand during a night out; he thinks he might just be the answer he's been looking for. What they didn't plan for, was Carlos being the answer TK wasn't looking for.
I don't know, I just really love this one. I accidentally fell in love with the aesthetic, I've had a blast writing my favorite villain, Sampson "Sam" Hartlock, and it's given me a whole new meaning of slow burn. Yeah, just really love this one.
tagging: @reyesstrand, @carlos-in-glasses, @heartstringsduet, @bonheur-cafe, @sanjuwrites, @orchidscript, @birdclowns, @inflarescent, @welcometololaland, @rmd-writes, @rosedavid and @chaotictarlos :)
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detective-giggles · 1 year
Unexpected Dates
Three fics in a week, who even am I??? Okay, just another short little ficlet for the Tarlos Wedding Celebration. I love alternate meetings, can you tell? Anyway- truth is, this has been finished for a while and I’ve just been looking for an excuse to post it. @sanjuwrites and @chaotictarlos have been very encouraging with this one, so… A little college AU
Carlos pushed his way through the throng of mostly drunk college kids on his way up the stairs. This frat party was not his scene, and he was counting down the minutes until he could make his way back to the quiet of his dorm room.
The door to the roof was, surprisingly, unlocked and he let out a little sigh of relief as he escaped the overcrowded frat house to the rooftop. He was expecting that the roof wouldn’t be completely quiet but he wasn’t actually expecting to bump into another person up here.
“Oh! Sorry! I just had to get out of there for a few minutes, I didn’t mean to bother anyone.”
“You didn’t.” He shrugged and smiled, handing over a blue glass bottle. “Want a drink?”
“Huh? Um, no, thanks. I don’t…drink.” Carlos murmured.
The other man laughed and his green eyes twinkled in the moonlight. “I don’t either. It’s just mineral water.” He raised his eyebrows and offered Carlos the bottle again.
“Oh. Yeah, okay. Thanks.” Carlos took the drink gratefully, popped open the bottle and took a sip. “Uh, I’m Carlos.”
“Does that stand for something?”
“Sure does.” TK nodded but didn’t elaborate. “It’s nice out here.”
“Uh huh.” Carlos took another sip of water and leaned his forearms on the ledge, watching the students below.
“You know this is a rush party? You’re not really gonna make a good impression with the brothers hiding up here with me.”
“I’m fine with that. This isn’t my idea of a good time,” Carlos admitted. “Mateo, my roommate begged me to come and then promptly ditched me when we got here.”
“He’s not too bright is he?” TK asked. “For ditching you, I mean.”
“What about you? Not worried about making a good impression?”
TK shrugged. “I’m a legacy. They’re stuck with me, whether they want me or not.” When he caught Carlos’ blank look he explained, “My dad was an Alpha Beta Zeta. They have to take me. It’s like a rule or something.”
“How do you feel about that?” Carlos turned his gaze to TK who shrugged again. “Do you want to follow in your dad’s footsteps?”
“My dad’s a great guy. I’ll be lucky to be half the man that he is.”
“That doesn’t really answer the question.”
“You know, I actually think we have a math class together,” TK said.
The change in subject caught Carlos off-guard and he paused, trying to remember if he’d seen TK around the auditorium. “Maybe? That class is huge. I don’t know how you’d notice anyone in there.”
“You’re hard to miss. You sit in the second row. Glasses. And you chew your pen when you get anxious.”
Carlos felt his cheeks flush.
“I’m actually doing okay in that class- if you ever want a study partner,” TK offered.
“Oh, maybe? I mean, sure.” Carlos pulled his phone out of his back pocket, unlocked it, and handed it to TK. “I’d like that.”
TK grinned and typed in his number before handing it back to Carlos.
“So, your roommate is still down at the party?” TK confirmed.
“Yeah, I think so. He hasn’t texted me to tell me he left, so…”
“And we’ve both agreed that neither one of us wants to be here?”
Carlos flashed a little grin. “Definitely not. I’ll be happy if this is the only frat party I ever attend while I’m here.”
TK hopped off the ledge and dusted the dirt off his jeans and the back of his hoodie. “Excellent. I could walk you back to your place?” he offered with a mischievous grin.
“Come on.” TK put one hand on the small of Carlos’ back and opened the door with the other, leading Carlos back inside and down the stairs.
Taglist: @chaotictarlos @noxsoulmate @plaidbooks @tailoredshirt @meditating-honey-badger
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honeybee-taskforce · 1 year
seven sentence sunday (but I'm bad at math)
my first one!
College Theatre AU, meet at a summer camp and end up separating for a few years until TK transfers to The University of Texas.
Footsteps approach and Carlos gives a quick glance to see TK making his way over with an extra blanket from their cabin draped over one arm. He watches as TK greets another group of counselors behind them and makes his way over, placing the blanket on the log behind Carlos. He settles down next to Carlos and reaches over behind him to grab the blanket, accidentally bumping the back of Carlos’ head with it. He apologizes and spreads the blanket out over his own legs and gets comfortable then lifts the side and raises an eyebrow at Carlos. 
Carlos matches him, and TK rolls his eyes. “In case you get cold.”
Carlos side eyes the lively bonfire in front of them, but scoots closer and accepts the blanket anyways. TK shuffles a bit and helps him adjust the blanket so that it covers both of their legs, then tucks his arms under the blanket. 
Carlos wants to say something, after an eternity of silence, but TK beats him to it. 
“I talked to my dad earlier.” TK says.
Carlos looks at him, TK is staring at the ground, “How’d that go?”
“He’s excited for me to come back so we can spend some time together, but I had to remind him my flight leaves the day after.”
“Well, that’s not too bad right? One last dinner?” 
“I guess.” TK shifts his arms to his chest, guarding himself from the flames (and maybe more?), eyes still distant and lost. 
coming to you summertime 2023 I HOPE
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breannacasey · 1 year
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After leaving high school with bad memories, Carlos and TK are ready for a new start in cegep, little do they know their new starts will entwine.
Chapter 1 on ao3
Late August, with its perfect weather, still warm, but not hot, and just starting to smell like autumn’s on the way. There was something familiar about the way the morning felt, like every other back to school season. It was comforting in a way, because it was the only familiar thing about this year.
Carlos was seventeen years old, fresh out of high school and here he was, in a big city, all by himself. There were no cegeps near his parents’ farm, and so Carlos had to move to the city. It wasn’t only for the two years he’d have to do in cegep, he was in a pre-uni program, meaning he planned on going to university once he finished cegep.
Lucky for him, his friends, Judd and Michelle, already had to do it the previous year and had a room for him in the apartment they shared. It saved him the trouble of having to find a place to live himself, and ending up sharing a place with strangers. And both of them were in a technical program, three years to a career. So the three of them could live together for the next two years and graduate at the same time. If they all graduated in the minimum amount of time. Carlos heard a lot of people stayed in cegep longer while they figured out what they wanted to do the rest of their life. After all, seventeen was a young age to decide on your entire future. Too young to really know yourself yet, let alone what you’d want to spend the next 40+ years doing.
There was something exciting about the idea of being away from home. As the son of Gabriel Reyes, who worked for Sûreté du Québec, best referred to as a cop, and also coming from a family of farmers, Carlos had a lot of attention on him back home. He’d also just come out to his parents a few months ago, without any word about it being spoken since. Getting to move to Montreal where no one knew him and he could be himself more freely was a great opportunity, as scary as it was.
Keep reading
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sivan325 · 2 years
Written for @tarlosweeklyprompts -  June 15 - Prompt: AU where TK and Carlos both work as professors and their students set them up.
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chaotictarlos · 11 months
I’ve always dreamed of me and you, now here we are
ship: Tarlos | fandom: 911 Lone Star | author: chaotictarlos | read on ao3
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Rating: Explicit | Warnings/Tag: Secret Dating AU, Social Worker!Carlos Reyes, Professor TK Strand, ex’s to lovers, warnings to be added, smut in later chapters, m x m, anal sex, m x m smut
Summary: It’s a tale as old as time, meeting the right person but during the wrong time of life. TK Strand and Carlos Reyes dated in college but parted ways when they graduated, not knowing they would ever see each other again. Six years later, Carlos is working as a social worker in Travis County and TK has just accepted a position as a professor at The University of Texas at Austin. They run into each other when a mutual friend invited TK out for the evening.
Authors Note: I stepped away from this fic for a few months because some people can be so mean and hateful that they made me feel like I shouldn't continue it because they didn't like the direction the story was going / how the characters were being. I'm still struggling with this fic, but I'm trying to overcome it because not every fic has to be liked be everyone. Not every fic is written for everyone. There are millions of fics out there and I don't like every single one of them. That's okay. There are plenty of Tarlos fics that I don't like, but I don't make it the author's problem because it's not their problem. If you don't like this fic, that's okay but keep that to yourself. If you do like this fic, I would like to hear about your thoughts. I'm going to try and get back into this and get it finished up soon, but we'll see how I feel about it.
Thank you to @noxsoulmate for beta'ing for me. I hope you guys are enjoying this fic as much as I am! Leave me a comment and check out my other fics!
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
When Carlos shows up at the place he’s supposed to meet the guy that Marjan has set him up with, he’s early - almost too early for it to be considered normal but he’s nervous. It’s been some time since he’s gone out on an actual date and not just found someone at a club or bar to hook up with for the night.
He takes a look around the restaurant, trying to decide if he wants to find a table to sit down at or get a quick drink at the bar - when his eyes land on TK.  
Carlos feels his stomach turn slightly. 
TK’s out on a date and for a moment that’s all Carlos can focus on. He looks hard at the man he’s with and realizes it’s not Michael. Carlos also knows Michael - there was a time when Paul tried to set him up with Michael but he wasn’t really Carlos’ type.
No, this is another guy. A new guy.
Carlos feels his stomach twist into knots and the unfamiliar and ugly feeling of jealousy fills his veins too. He hates the feeling but the longer he stares at TK and his date, the more it grows. He turns on his heel and heads straight for the bathroom, needing a moment to breathe and get his head on straight before his own date arrives.
Carlos steps up to a sink and grips the edges, looking down and letting out a deep breath. He’s being ridiculous, is what he’s being. There’s no reason for him to continue to pine after TK and what could have been. If TK wanted any part of that - of him - he’s had plenty of time to say something but instead he’s gone on a few dates with other men - which is fine, TK owes Carlos nothing and Carlos knows that.
He looks up at his reflection and reminds himself that he has also had plenty of chances to tell TK that he still has feelings for him and has thought about what it would be like to try again, but he hasn’t said anything either. He rubs a hand over his face and tries not to mess up his hair.
He squares his shoulders and looks at himself intently.
tags: @strangefurychaos @sapphire11 @first-kanaphan @noxsoulmate @rangergurlgleek1211 @detective-giggles @lonestardust @bubblesandroses8 @thebumblecee @mooshkat @importantbailiffpaperpony @a-j-cowwley @meditating-honey-badger @paperstorm @otter-love-asl @kiloskywalker @angeltk @firstprince-history-huh @brouill3r
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liminalmemories21 · 6 months
Fic Writing Review
tagged by @jesuisici33. Thank you!
I have a window between baking cookies and finishing dinner, so here goes.
Fic Writing Review!
tagged by @monsterrae1 and @hippolotamus
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Words and Fics
470,361 words published to ao3 okay here is the dirty secret nobody tells you about college/grad school - you spend all this time learning how to write 10/15/20/50/100 page papers, and then you graduate and at no point in time in the rest of your professional life will you write anything longer than a paragraph (unless, I guess, you become an academic). Anyway, writing is fun. It's even more fun when you don't have to turn it in for a grade or a paycheck.
1 fandom - 911: Lonestar
Most recent drop: Think It Over, Think It Under (911:Lonestar | Tarlos | T )
Longest fic: We Were in Screaming Color, 66k (911: Lonestar | Tarlos | E) sort of vaguely surprised by this. I was sure it would be a Knave-verse story (and they're close, but not quite).
Top Fics by Kudos
Top four are all from the Long Story Short collection, which was me working out my ya-yas about the way Carlos's family finds out about TK - 5+1 ways Carlos's family could have met TK, + 1 way Carlos met TK's.
Upcoming Events and Projects for 2024
I'm posting the Bus Driver AU before the end of the year, I just need a slow day somewhere to edit . . . which is, not this week or weekend. But I have the week between Christmas and New Year's off, so maybe then.
Knave 4?
tagging @lemonlyman-dotcom, @chicgeekgirl89, @carlos-in-glasses, and @ramblingdisaster73 in return.
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tarlosweeklyprompts · 10 months
TWP EVENTS: Back to School
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Hello and happy August! Since August is typically the back to school month for most schools, I thought it would be fun to do a "back to school" theme! Below are the rules and several prompts! This event will span the month of August. If you have any questions, let me know! An additional prompt will be added each Sunday to spice up the list.
College AU
Meet Cute - both go to the same coffee shop to study for an upcoming exam and accidently get the other's coffee order
TK the lead singer of a band that travels around to different colleges. Carlos attends one of his shows.
Enemies to lovers - TK and Carlos are roommates who hate each other.
"I don't want to be here, my friend made me come."
Summer Fling - TK and Carlos meet over the summer during a vacation trip. They part ways, thinking that they'll never see each other again only to see each other a few weeks later at the same college. Was it just a summer fling or something more?
Carlos and TK are both professors that teach at the same college. Nobody knows that they're secretly dating.
"I need someone to pose for my art finale, and I want it to be you."
After Gabriel's death, Carlos decides to leave the police life behind and go back to school to do something else.
Carlos works in the college library and TK goes there pretending to study but really it's so he can stare at Carlos.
Carlos and TK take their kids back to school shopping
Carlos works at the college radio station and he keeps playing songs that TK likes to try and impress him.
Childhood best friends who reconnect at college
"I always see you sleeping in the most random places."
"Can you help me study?"
College Party
Mutual pinning - TK and Carlos both like each other, but think the other doesn't and doesn't want to bring it up because they don't want to ruin the friendship.
Instead of following in his father's footsteps, TK decides to go to college instead of being a firefighter. There he meets Carlos, who's decided to take a different path too.
RA Carlos Reyes who always has to get on TK Strand for being the loudest person in the dorm.
TK and Carlos are roommates, one of them walks in on the other masterbating.
The work has to be Tarlos centric but can include other characters.
All work must be properly rated and have appropriate warnings.
Accepted works: fic's, moldboards, fanart, gifs
All fics are due September 6
The prompt needs to be incorporated in some way in the fic
Minimum word count of 500 words
Please tag the blog url and tag it with the hashtag #twpbacktoschool
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rmd-writes · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks @cha-melodius @hippolotamus @mammameesh @kiwiana-writes @happiness-of-the-pursuit for the tags. I'm sure I've done this before but I can't find it to see how long ago!
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
591,653 but that's inflated by a number of collabs, I think the number is closer to 400-450k
What fandoms do you write for?
RWRB, 911 LS and SC (rarely these days)
Top five fics by kudos:
Excluding any collabs (there's a couple in particular that are right up there)
Everybody needs good neighbours | RWRB | E | 14.3k | neighbours au
to the victor, the spoils | RWRB | E | 19.4k | lawyer au
yours for the afternoon | RWRB | M | 4.6k | coffee shop au
what, like it's hard? | RWRB | E | 65.1k | lawyer au, the prequel
I want you, I need you, oh baby oh baby | RWRB | E | 7k | college au
Do you respond to comments?
Yes, I try to! I'm not always prompt but I do respond to almost every comment
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Happy endings only here. I do have one unpublished Tarlos ficlet that's kind of a Queen Charlotte inspired future fic that is the saddest thing I've ever written which is the result of @howtosingit saying "whatever you do, don't think about X" which of course meant that I did and I wrote it in a fever dream, cried then buried it in my gdocs.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them hahaha
Maybe the ending to what, like it's hard?
Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten some strange comments but I don't know that I'd class it as hate, as such (thankfully)
Do you write smut?
nah yeah lol
Craziest crossover:
It's not a proper fic, but I wrote this in response to an ask about what would happen in Alex & Henry, David & Patrick and Carlos and TK all met.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not as far as I am aware!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes and I love it! I've done collabs where we each write a chapter, one where we each wrote a chapter and then fully co-wrote the final chapter, a full co-write with @welcometololaland (that ended up morphing into each of us alternating chapters), and I'm in the process of another co-write with Lola atm.
All time favorite ship?
you can't make me choose
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't like to say never, but probably the SC paint & sip au
What are your writing strengths?
based on the comments I get - smut with feelings, banter/dialogue, characterisation
What are your writing weaknesses?
World building, pretty metaphors, I'm far too fond of run on sentences to the point where if I was beta reading my own writing there are SO MANY sentences that need to be cut down so that the reader can breathe.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If it fits the character, I love it! I generally ask a native speaker to help me with translations for accuracy
First fandom you wrote in?
Schitt's Creek
Favorite fic you've written?
I don't wanna choose
I've got no idea who's done this already but I'll tag @welcometololaland @everwitch-magiks @clottedcreamfudge @indomitable-love @three-drink-amy
@never-blooms @freneticfloetry @strandnreyes @heartstringsduet @reyesstrand
@indestructibleheart @orchidscript @maxbegone @carlos-in-glasses @beautifulhigh
and an open tag if anyone hasn't been tagged and wants to play 💖
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heartstringsduet · 1 year
danger zone - tarlos college au pt. 4
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Summary: Of course, it was TK’s idea to get a sign on their door for ‘when one of them was getting it on.’ One of them always ends up being TK. Carlos is just the one forced out of their shared dorm room, waiting.
aka: TK is Carlos’ first roommate at UT Austin. Too bad he’s as handsome as he is messy, loud and absolutely insatiable. Series: Hook ‘Em Verse (Part 1)
Chapter Warnings: Homophobia, Slutshaming
It’s hard for him to take his eyes off TK Strand. Their room is so tight, so empty still before they get properly settled in, no wonder he gets drawn to the most interesting thing in it. To hazel hair that curls around ears, to light turquoise eyes and to a smile that hides mischief. 
Of course other people notice TK too, but Carlos only truly understood that when Marjan had barged into their room that very first morning, no knock, no friendly greeting. His best friend was a force that etiquette couldn’t hold.
“Did you not get my text? The CA told me that if you're late to some of the activities all the free shit will be grabbed up and-”
Her dark eyes blew wide open at the boy sitting up in the bed. At TK, who complained about Austin heat and had apparently used that as an excuse to sleep with only his short pyjama bottoms. Carlos had quickly averted his eyes, back to the books he was sorting into his shelf alphabetically. 
“Wrong room?” TK murmured.
Chancing a look at Marjan, Carlos saw her shake her head and theatrically lift her eyes to the ceiling. “Right room, but you’re the wrong roommate.”
TK blew out an amused puff of air, then laid back down. Marjan finally caught Carlos’ eyes and silently gestured to the half-asleep boy on the right side of the room. Her eyes said it all: why didn’t you text me that you had a hot roommate?
She said as much as soon as they were out of the room, walking down the drab corridor of the new dorm that would be theirs for at least a year.
“So your roommate’s a smokeshow.”
“Don’t deny it.” She said, poking his side.
Read the rest on my AO3
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tarlosobsessed1 · 2 years
My favorite tarlos fics
one single thread (72937 words) by strandnreyes (professors AU)
I promise that it’s worth the risk (24209 words) by brilliantbanshee (Amnesia Carlos, the first fic i read)
Life, believe, is not a dream, so dark as sages say (17262 words) by imaginentertain (Carlos and Grace get stuck in a bank robbery)
let me take your heart (love you in the dark) (28687 words) by ksmalltalk (firefighter Carlos AU)
Begged And Borrowed Time (82199 words) by IBoatedHere (Ranch AU, this one is a fucking masterpiece)
Swing For The Fences, Run To The Line (52407 words) by IBoatedHere (Baseball AU)
So Many Somethings (22697 words) by IBoatedHere (AU based on a movie, enemies to lovers that we stan)
Secret Moments In A Crowded Room (52217 words) by strandnreyes (actors AU, this one is so good that is a crime)
When Snow Falls, We Listen (77826 words) by destimushi (the AU they got stuck together in a snowstorm, SO GOOD)
to live for the hope of it all (54102 words) by strandnreyes (the AU they are lost in an island, a masterpiece)
The Ring-In (87383 words) by ifyoustay, LolaLand (the one they go to a wedding in Hawaii)
Love Game (142953 words) by LolaLand (Tennis AU, i just fucking binged this even without having a clue about tennis, that's how good it is)
'tis the damn season (52401 words) by WeWereEmergencies (AU based on Taylor's song. This fic got me SOBBING and i love it)
time, curious time (51127 words) by strandnreyes (AU of reincarnation that got me SOBBING)
What You See Will Be (64120 words) by fiddlersgreen (beautiful, it's like their love through poetry)
Seven Ways (Back to You) (32.590 words) by LolaLand (Lola_di_Penates) (missing conversations 3x04, this whole serie is chef kiss)
into you (19677 words) by ksmalltalk (Tarlos College AU, Carlos painter)
Love in Slow Motion (32797 words) by LolaLand (A sequel to the Tennis AU)
Magnetic North (145796 words) by paperstorm (Hockey AU, so GOOD)
Is kinda obvious that i mostly enjoy AU's and long ones, right? LOL but i read A LOT and have a bunch bookmarked, this ones are just a little more especial to me <3
Last updated: February 01, 2023
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iboatedhere · 1 year
❛ this is a one time thing. ❜ for the tarlos prompts
From the Secret Service AU.
“Chacun d'entre vous a quelque chose dans lequel…umm. Vous….something, something, fuck.” TK flips back through the phrase book and then swears again. “I’m never going to get this.”
“No one said you have to,” Carlos says from the seat across from him.
He’s flipping through an old People Magazine left behind by whoever was on the plane before, his glasses on and the crease between his eyebrows out in full force as he reads about an alleged feud between two pop stars. He looks adorable, but TK is in crisis, and he can’t let himself dwell on that right now.
“This is my first solo trip overseas…that’s not going to end with me drunk and swimming naked in the Mediterranean.”
Carlos’ eyebrows raise, and TK shrugs.
“It was college,” he explains simply, and Carlos sighs. “What I’m saying is this is my first important trip overseas. I’m representing my mother and America. I don’t want to screw that up, and not just because people probably expect me to screw it up.”
“We’re going to France,” Carlos says. “They’ve been our allies since the revolution. I don’t think your speech at a charter school will jeopardize that.”
“I have a lot to prove right now. Am I even qualified to be giving a speech?”
“You’re young, you’re smart, and you graduated from college. You’re perfectly qualified to give a speech to a group of students starting to think about pursuing higher education.”
“I want to do a good job.”
“And you will,” Carlos stresses. “I’ve heard you rehearse your speech a million times. It’s great…in English.”
“But I’ll be in France, I should be speaking French.”
“I promise you they all speak English.”
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honeybee-taskforce · 1 year
Seven Sentence Sunday (but I'm bad at math)
Another snippet from my College Theatre AU <3
“It just-” Carlos doesn’t recognize his own voice. “Hit me that uh- I have a lot to prepare for tomorrow.” he tries to laugh it off.  Nancy nods and gives him a small smile, but doesn’t look like she believes him. He ignores the look and raised eyebrow from Paul as he stands.  “I’m going to get started, you guys have a good night.” It’s not a total lie, he does have a lot that he needs to look over, and they all know it.  Nancy and Paul look at each other, unsure what to say. A beat of silence stretches for too long until Mateo breaks it with a smile, “Sure man. Good luck tomorrow, if I don’t see you later.”  Carlos nods a thanks and makes his way down the hall and back to his room, closing the door carefully. He leans against it and rests his head there, still processing.  TK is in Texas.  TK is here.  TK is here and hasn’t said a thing to Carlos.  Carlos finally acknowledges the anger and hurt bubbling up. He wishes he had an answer for why he still felt upset about TK almost two years later, but he doesn’t.
coming sometime soon in 2023 if all goes well with work!
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alrightbuckaroo · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thanks for the tags @jesuisici33 and @welcometololaland :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
36! I'm hoping to hit 50 by the end of next year. I've got plans >:)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
161,211 (and 150k of that is from THIS YEAR(ish))
3. What fandoms do you write for?
911 Lone Star
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
sugar, spice and everything nice (tarlos fans really love food as a love language and with this story it shows lol)
you've made me so very happy (a high school reunion one off that might get a sequel, you know, never say never)
wedding bell blues (thinking about this story makes me want to write more of the 126)
you drive me wild (passenger princess tk spilling iced coffee in carlos' car, what more could you ask for?)
will you bee mine? (the teeniest, tiniest au where carlos is a teacher and tk is a school nurse)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try to! It's funny, I'm writer but sometimes I'm absolutely stalled at what to say. If you've commented and I haven't replied, it's not a slight against you; I'm either thinking of what to say, or just haven't gotten around to it yet.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have some that haven't been published that end a little open-ended or ambigious, but if we're talking published, part ii of summer slipped us underneath our tongue felt kind of evil lmao (I kept saying, "I'm such an asshole" when I was writing it.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my one-shots have happy endings, but I think the sequel to summer slipped us underneath her tongue will have one that's so sweet it'll leave you with a cavity.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten one comment recently but it seemed like the person was more upset with the show rather than the story itself lmao
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nothing that's published, but I have quite a bit planned for future works. I feel like the tone needs to be fitting for it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, but I'm not against it. Though, if I were, it would most likely be a 911 x 911 Lone Star one, and it would most definitely be a bit of an AU.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God, I hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'm always down if someone wants to; just let me know!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't, but I'm not opposed to it! That said, I don't know if I want to subject someone to my ridiculous writing schedule lmao
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
It's gotta be Louis and Lestat from AMC's Interview With the Vampire; that's a love story that'll always be crossing through my mind.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm not sure; I hate to say goodbye to anything, but I'm sure there's a couple of one-shot prompt fills that'll probably never see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like think my world-building is pretty good because I'm very focused on imagery. I took a screenwriting class in college and we mainly focused on action and setting so I think that lends itself to my writing. I also think my angst can be very poetic without being too kitschy.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Honestly, I think it's just trusting myself. I've talked at length with @heartstringsduet about how I'm slowly unlearning being a perfectionist and just writing what comes to mind and then fixing it later. It's been freeing lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm terrified to do it at risk of sounding absolutely ridiculous to people that speak the native language so I try my best to write around it, if I can.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh, it was [redacted] :)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
If we're talking finished, it might be summer slipped us underneath her tongue, but that might be recency bias. come and take a walk on the wild side is still very much in progress, but the scenes between TK and Sam are, without a doubt, my favorite dialogue I've ever written.
tagging: @heartstringsduet, @carlos-in-glasses, @reyesstrand, @bonheur-cafe, @lemonlyman-dotcom and anyone else who wants to play :)
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