#tanis the mummy
insanelyadd · 8 months
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31 Doodles Of Halloween Year 10 | Day 6 | Ghoul School Girls
Yeah when I draw them, I always include the three from the end of the movie. Thought it would be fun to draw them posing like they're having a fun photo taken (or painting, considering Sibella is a vampire).
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sarahaster · 2 years
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The Gals!!!
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switchbladeclub · 5 months
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katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2015 + 2016
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
A bunch of commission art for:
1. JenTheHuman of their OC, Davey the Demon
2. JenTheHuman of their OC, Emile the Angel
3. JenTheHuman of their OC, Jen the Human
4. topaz-scorpions of their OC, Veylen
5. sentientstarstuff of their OC, Carter
6. EmilyHoward98 of Emily Elizabeth from Clifford the Big Red Dog
7. AriaGrill of her OC, Zorrah
8. EmilyHoward98 of Little Suzy from Johnny Bravo
9. EmilyHoward98 of Tanis the Mummy from Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School
10. AriaGrill of her OC, Amaya
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chaotictoon · 1 year
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Monster Girl Alphabet: M
M is for Mummy
Mummy a body of a human being or animal that has been ceremonially preserved by Mummification with natron and resin, and wrapping in bandages.
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scoobydooobsession · 1 year
Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School thoughts
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- I have a soft spot for this movie, it was my grandma’s favorite.
- Shaggy is a good teacher when he isn’t overcome by terror.
- It’s kind of funny he’s so scared of these children at all, like, he’s bigger than they are and they’re very obviously not dangerous.
- Miss Grimwood seems to have no idea that humans eat and drink different things than monsters. I think she’s either a very dedicated troll or she just hasn’t bothered to learn the differences. Which is out of character for the headmistress of a Finishing School, a place where girls would go to learn social graces. 
- The girls ages seem to range between 6-14. Most finishing schools are for older teens, so this is a plain boarding school that focuses on etiquette. 
- Come to think of it, the two different schools are more like camps than actual finishing/boarding  schools.
- Me at several points: “Shaggy, those little girls LOVE you! Stop being so rude!”
- HC that Phantom Father adopted Phanty after she died.
- I really like Matches. He constantly chooses violence and hatred.
- If the girls are the daughters of famous monsters, than who are the boy’s parents?
- The Volleyball game should have been the B or C plot and Revolta the A plot. 
- I think a better motivation for Revolta would have been holding the girls hostage and trying to force their parents into helping her take over. 
- Alternately, she kidnaps the girls to teach them to be evil, because the point of Miss Grimwood’s school is to teach them to live at peace with humanity, without rejecting their monster selves. Because their fathers all want better for them and Revolta doesn’t Get that.
.-  In my alternate plots the cadets could be trying to convince the Commander that the monster girls are monsters but it goes over like Candace in a Phineas and Ferb episode. The Commander just thinks they’re eccentric because they come from wealthy families. He never figures it out and is actually friends with Frankenstein, they have coffee on Sundays.
- I don’t usually like Scrappy but he’s okay in this movie.
- The Leg Warmers and Headbands are very 80s.
- I like imagining Shaggy, Scooby, and Scrappy trying to explain all this to the rest of the gang later on. 
Shaggy in Scoobynatural: We tried to tell you! But did you listen?! No!
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Around 1539 BC, the Pharaohs stopped using pyramids to bury they're dead kings/queens, and started using the Valley of the Kings. (It was easier to protect from robbers) There was also a Valley of the Nobles, which was for rich/important individuals who weren't royal.
Usually there are only 4 canopic jars, the heart is actually left in the body because it's believed that they need it to enter the after life. So in cases where the mummy is undead, you can use this as a plot point as to why they're undead and not dead dead.
Some Egyptian names;
Some more sources about they're daily lives and culture;
and some mummification stuff;
If anyone has any additions, feel free to add!
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egypt-museum · 4 months
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Silver Coffin of Psusennes I
Third Intermediate Period, 21st Dynasty, ca. 1047-1001 BC. Tomb of Psusennes I, Tanis. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 85912
Psusennes I’s silver coffin is especially remarkable (silver being considered rare than gold in Egypt) and bears the likeness of the King, as does the stunning gold mask found within placed on the mummy.
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theizzifromosaka · 9 months
Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School
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Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School is an animated film released in 1988 featuring the titular Scooby-Doo as he follows his keeper Shaggy to his new job as a Gym Teacher. Unfortunately for the three, what they thought would be an easy paycheck turns out to be a harrowing experience as they misread the name of the school as Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Girls, when in actuality it's a Finishing School for Ghouls. Who are also girls. Hence why I'm talking about it.
So this film has a suspiciously large fan base for what on the outside appears to be an innocuous Scooby-Doo film, so one of my goals for this review was to try and figure out why that is. So this will be a sort of combo review, the small text will be talking about the film while the larger text will be about the Girls featured in it.
The movie opens up with an adorable scene of Shaggy driving to their new job as Scooby freaks out as magical floating words introduce the main cast. This concludes in the words along with a heavy downpour obstructing Shaggy's vision, so he ends up at the nearby Calloway Military Academy by mistake. This is a great way to establish the setting, these two schools are situated right beside each other.
Correcting his mistake, Shaggy drives to the correct school, still unaware there's anything amiss until Miss Grimwood begins to introduce her students, where in classic Scooby-Doo style Shaggy and Scooby end up running around the school in fear, running into every single monster on the way. Excellent way to naturally introduce Shaggy and Scooby to the new characters, it ends up feeling pretty organic.
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The first student we're introduced to is Sibella, the daughter of Count Dracula (THE Count Dracula this time). She gets the most screentime of any of the students by a less than slim margin, though honestly there still isn't much to say. She litters her speech with puns, something we learn later she likely got from her father.
She's got an alright if basic design. Nothing that really reads as "vampire" besides her fangs, though she likes fanning her hair out as if it were wings. Her bat design is very cute, it retains her eyes, color pattern and the "tuft" on top of her hair, so it reads very easily as Sibella.
As Shaggy stumbles around the school he eventually meets Tanis, the youngest of the girls at the school who hopes to fill her trophy case with the volleyball trophy traded between Miss Grimwood's school and the Military Academy next door. This element is introduced kinda awkwardly.
The next day, Shaggy is still somewhat on edge but has uncharacteristically become more accustomed to being around the girls. He and Scooby proceed to with little resistance lead the group in a ballet routine, with tutus and everything. The film then cuts to the Military Academy where we're introduced to the boys of the school. Their personalities aren't all that distinct but their dynamic works well.
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Winnie seems to be close friends with Sibella. She's got several doglike qualities.
Her design doesn't immediately read as "dog", which honestly I kinda appreciate. She's a furry little creature. Nice color palette on her too, and the torn dress and bow invoke how werewolves are depicted with tattered clothes.
The bizarre rotten food of the school proves to be inedible even for the iron guts of Shaggy and Scooby, so in a cute show of appreciation Sibella springs for a pizza for the two. As the group explores the school's garden a pair of eyes are revealed to be "Venus spytraps", planted by the assistant of a witch called Revolta.
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Tanis is a mummy and the youngest of the girls at Miss Grimwood's. Despite her youth and habit of sucking her thumb I was glad to find out she's not a token little kid character with matching mannerisms.
She's got a fine design. I really like the eyes poking out of the darkness trope, and her bandage ponytail is a cute touch. I wish there was something else breaking up her design, I guess that's the idea behind the ribbon, but even her dress is bandadges.
The two teams play, both sides using all manner of trick available to them, but in the end it's a narrow victory for Miss Grimwood's school. The trophy is begrudgingly handed over to Tanis.
Cut to the girls decorating for their upcoming Open House, excitedly waiting for their parents as Shaggy and Scooby panick in a similar fashion to when they first arrived. Despite their best efforts, the girls' parents find them with little effort and thank them.
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Elsa Frankenteen (her actual name) is the daughter of Frankenstein's Monster. She comes off as a bit brutish but is revealed to be decently intelligent.
Her design is a different take on "teenage Frankenstein's Monster" than Frankie from Monster High or Vicky from Monster Prom. She takes a bit more after her father than her presumed mother, though like the other two her hair is also black with white streaks.
On their way out, the parents individually threaten Shaggy and Scooby if anything happens to their daughters. I like to think this is a way to assure the audience this won't lead to the pair confronting their phobias but it's more than likely just setting up something for later.
That night Revolta finally makes her move, siccing one of her minions on Shaggy. After some hijinks with Scooby the Spider Bat successfully infiltrates the school and hypnotizes Shaggy into planning a field trip.
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The disturbing prospect of ghost genetics gets brought up as one is left to wonder: is this a dead girl or are ghosts capable of reproducing and aging? Would she even really be a ghost then? Anyways Phantasma is a giggly girl who likes to play the piano and twisting her head too far.
She's completely blue, kinda like how Polly was from Monster High, which kinda makes me wonder if there's some rule I'm not aware of that ghosts are blue. When I think of a ghost the first color in my mind is green, is that just me? Her boots feel slightly out of place and her hairstyle perhaps was a poor choice for a character whose head rotates all the way around but despite those small isssues she might be my favorite design so far.
The next day, Shaggy decides to take the group to a nearby bog, coincidentally the same day the boys of the Military Academy are out for some field training. The girls are slowly snatched up one by one by Revolta's minion the Grim Creeper, with Shaggy and Scooby giving chase and the boys reluctantly deciding not to follow.
At her lair, Revolta plans to permanently brainwash the girls into serving her for life, and Shaggy, more afraid of the girls' parents than of Revolta, is determined to rescue them. Stumbling around her lair eventually leads them to the girls, where the boys of Calloway Military Academy regret their decision and show up to help. Revolta's potion becomes volatile and the group narrowly escape. In classic fashion the film ends with dancing, and a fun gag where more monster girls show up and Shaggy decides he's had enough and resigns.
Scrappy-Doo: The TRUE Monster
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So I've completely neglected to mention up until now that Shaggy and Scooby did not arrive at the school alone. I, like many people my age, grew up too late to have really known Scrappy, with my only familarity with the character being his mischaracterized appearance as the main antagonist in the first live action film and hearing older fans talk about how Scooby's nephew "ruined the franchise".
There may or may not be legitimate reason to dislike Scrappy-Doo, but you won't find it in this film. I found the way he idolizes his uncle and is constantly making excuses for him to actually be endearing and though he does end the film with a "rap" it's not enough to ruin the experience.
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The Witch of the Web is introduced a short ways into the film but constant reminders of her interloping make sure you never forget she's lurking. Her goal of commanding the girls as servants is said to stem from her bitterness towards their parents at having "gone soft".
Her physiology isn't made apparent but she's got four arms and orange eyes. She may not be the most pleasant character to look at but there's enough to like for me to say I appreciate her design.
So if you're familiar with these characters but haven't seen the film it's likely because this movie has an almost suspiciously loyal fanbase. Maybe it aired on a popular TV network often at some point, or maybe it was a cheap home video when it first released? I'm not sure but this film is actually not these girls' only appearance.
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I'm not familiar with OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes beyond it's that Cartoon Network show that's crossed over with what feels like just about every other Warner Bros property, and among those crossovers is a single episode where slightly aged up versions of these characters visit one of the characters from the show.
Besides that that's it though. Still not completely sure why it's so popular, though it's a fun enough movie it's by no means my go to Scooby-Doo film, though it might be something I'll go back to once in a blue moon. It's a cute enough little film.
As for the Monster Girl fans, there's something about these girls that have stuck with other people for a long time, and who knows, maybe they'll stick with you too.
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imsparky2002 · 10 months
Grimwood Gays
What if Ghoul School was about Shaggy teaching the daughters of a polycule consisting of some of the greatest monsters of all time?
Count Dracula - An eccentric but distinguished vampire with a flair for the dramatic, Dracula loves to play up the theatrics of being a creature of the night. He’s a huge flirt, who especially loves to playfully tease the Wolfman, bickering in a loving sort of way. His daughter Sibella is his little princess, and he has a hard time telling her no. Overall, he may be a bit cliche at times, but he’s a loving partner and father.
The Wolfman - The bear of the dad group, the Wolfman has a love for all things manly, especially football, wrestling and hunting! Despite his tough exterior, he’s a loving partner and father who’s always up for a hug, he’s also a Papa Wolf through and through, always ready to protect those he loves. He’s very close to his daughter, Winnie, the two do everything together, and he couldn’t be prouder of her strength.
Frankenteen - A dedicated scientist, Frankenteen is an even-tempered and kind man who sometimes gets a *little* too into his experiments. He loves to craft and build things with his partners, especially gifts for their daughters. Though he may do a lot of groaning and growling, he is a caring man who loves to conduct experiments with his daughter, Elsa.
The Mummy - Described by the girls as their ‘hippie dad’, the mummy is typically the one keeping things chill and relaxed around the house. While typically nonchalant, he is very protective of his family and will curse anyone who messes with them. He loves his beauty sleep, and despises cats. He loves spending time with his daughter Tanis, being the guest of honor at many of her tea parties.
The Phantom -  A fun-loving and mischievous spirit with a taste for music and cracking jokes. His vocal inflection has the tendency to make anything he says sound sinister, but he’s a kind soul. He loves to serenade his partners and always delights in performing with his daughter Phantasma and the rest of their family.
The Lagoon Creature -  The suavest of the bunch, The Lagoon Creature can make any of his partners weak in the knees with little more than a look. He knows just what you say and it’s hard not to feel breathless around him. He’s the most proficient at girl-dadding, always up to go for a shopping trip or offer advice.
The Martian -  An overall nice and jovial fellow, the Martian isn’t particularly inclined to act terrifying, though he enjoys the sounds of screams. He has unique way of speaking and expressing himself, which is something that only makes his partners love him even more. He’s always up to learning new things about Earth, though he can be a bit awkward socially, a trait he shares with his daughter.
Godzilla -  A true gentle giant, Godzilla is never one to go out of his way to scare people, though he can’t help doing so anyway. He’s also a massive geek with a love of anime and film culture, just like King Kong and Mothra, his lifelong best friends. He’s also one of the best at girl-dadding, and helps his daughter in becoming a ballerina. He may not be the roughest guy around, but lord help you if you mess with his family. Overall, he’s a big guy with an even bigger heart!
More will be coming soon, but this is just to give you and idea of the dads and how they interact with each other. Thank you to Weeby for helping with the summary and writing the lore with me! Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask. @artzychic27 @msweebyness 
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video320 · 2 years
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My October Project. Ghoul School Portraits.
Tanis Daughter of (The?) Mummy.
(Daddy Mummy is definitely A mummy, but as far as i can tell no one specific)
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 years
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Just some (late) Halloween pics!
Picture 1: Monster High Gen 3 Ghouls (Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura, Frankie Stein, Cleo De Nile, Toralei Stripe, and Lagoona Blue)
Picture 2: Daughters of Dracula: Chocola Don Dracula (Don Dracula 1979), Sibella Dracula (Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School), Draculaura (Monster High Gen 1), Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania movie series)
Picture 3: Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School (1988); Sibella Dracula (Daughter of Dracula), Winnie (Daughter of the Werewolf), Tanis (Daughter of the Mummy), Elsa Frankenteen (Daughter of Frankenstein), “Phanty” Phantasma (Daughter of the Phantom)
Picture 4: Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family), Coraline Jones (Coraline), Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
Picture 5: Morticia Addams (The Addams Family); Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, Lily Munster (née Dracula) (The Munsters), Vampira (Maila Nurmi)
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oliolioxenfree1 · 10 months
It all started with a letter on his doorstep. An old worn envelope neatly sealed with wax.
'Dear Shaggy Rogers,
You have been invited to the Grimwood Finishing School ten year reunion on Friday October 13th at 12:30 am. It is being held in the theater at the school. Please RSVP so we have enough food and chairs. We hope to see you, scrappy and Scooby! Bring friends if you'd like.
Sincerely, Ms. Grimwood.'
Shaggy glanced at Scooby, sound asleep at the foot of his bed. Ever since his year of being a gym teacher for the school he'd missed the girls. He was curious about what they'd been up to. Had Tanis gotten more trophies for her Mummy Case? Had Sibella stuck with ballet?
He smiled down at the letter before folding it back up and placing it into the envelope. "Hey Scoob!" He softly shook the dog to wake him up.
Scooby quickly shot up with a scared look, "What?! Raggy!? Is there a roast!?"
Shaggy laughed softly before asking his head "Like, no ghosts. Remember when we were, like, gym teachers for that ghoul school?" Scooby's eyes widened at the mention of the school and nodded excitedly.
"Well they're, like, having their ten year reunion, and they invited us." Scooby leaped off the bed and began jumping up and down in excitement.
"Do you wanna, like, invite the gang?" Scooby gave an ecstatic nod and Shaggy grinned, scratching behind his ears.
The Gang sat in the Mystery Machine in their usual spots. Fred in the driver seat, Daphne next to him and Velma next to her, Shaggy and Scooby chilling in the back.
"Hey gang?" Shaggy spoke up, tapping his fingers against the headrest of Fred's seat.
When the three looked back at him he began speaking "Do you guys remember when I, like, worked at that school as a gym teacher for a year?" The trio nodded.
"Mhm. What about it?" Fred asked, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel.
"They're, like, having their ten year reunion and I wanted you guys to come. It'd be fun for you guys to meet."
Daphne nodded and smiled at them, showing off her straight, white teeth. "Sounds fun. When is it?" Shaggy told them and they all looked at him, confused.
"Why so late?" Asked Velma.
Shaggy shrugged "They don't really like the day time."
Daphne and Fred glanced at each other but didn't speak up. "Well, we'll be there!" Fred confirmed, grinning.
Shaggy told Fred where to turn as he drove. "Like, take a right here." He pointed to a dirty road.
"I don't think that's a road Shaggy, also there's a bunch of thorns."
"I know. That's the path that leads to the school." Fred looked at him, concerned, before hesitantly turning right into the winding, bumpy path.
They continued driving until Shaggy said "Right there!" He pointed toward the school, a few windows had cracks and there were spiderwebs everywhere.
"Are you sure? It seems… abandoned." Daphne spoke, raising one eyebrow.
"Yup! Rat's the school!" Scooby spoke, already at full attention.
Velma gave a confused look to the boy and the dog as they turned toward the worn building.
Once they stepped out of the car into the cold air they heard music playing from the school.
"Boy, it sure is chilly out here." Fred mumbled as they walked toward the school.
Shaggy and Scooby sauntered toward the gate and pushed it open. Daphne, Fred and Velma all jumped and covered their ears when the gate’s hinges squeaked loudly, oddly sounding like a human scream.
"This is strange. This is a perfect example of a scary haunted school and they're not scared one bit." Daphne murmured to Velma.
The drawbridge groaned under their weight, the wood was moldy and worn, looking like it would collapse under them at any moment, but it didn't. It stayed strong.
Shaggy stared up at the school, seemingly admiring the cobwebs. His eyes landed on one and he smiled, the web was an intricate mandala design. "Good job Legs. I bet that, like, took time."
Daphne, Fred and Velma all looked at eachother confused before a large spider crawled up Daphne's leg.
Daphne screamed and jumped back, attempting to bat the spider off her leg.
The spider seemed to scoff and jump off, skittering off to Scooby. "Sorry Legs. Raphne isn't a ran of spiders." Scooby quipped as Legs climbed up the pillar of the school and disappeared.
"What is happening.." Velma mumbled as she helped Daphne up.
Once they finally got inside of the school they saw a short woman with black hair in a pink dress "Oh! Shaggy! Scooby!" She grinned and pulled them into a hug, despite being half their height.
"You're early! The girls should be arriving any moment." She smiled and kissed them both on the cheek, Shaggy and Scooby giggling.
"And who are these lovely folks?" She asked, moving her attention to Daphne, Velma and Fred, who all waved.
"Like, this is Velma," Velma shook her hand, "Daphne," Daphne waved daintily, "And Fred." Fred adjusted his ascot and gave her a firm handshake.
"Oh I'm so happy to be meeting Shaggy and Scooby's friends! Ever since you stopped teaching here you're all the girls talked about. They're going to be thrilled to see you after all this time." She smiled faintly, as if reminiscing on old times before leading the group to the middle of the theater.
An old time-y phonograph played soft, classical music and a large table was covered in homemade food.
"Boy, did I miss your food Ms. Grimwood!" Shaggy grinned, licking his lips, him and scooby were practically drooling as they stared at the table.
"Now, Now boys! No eating until everyone arrives." She scolded.
Suddenly a cold hand landed on Fred's shoulder, he turned to see who it was but he saw.. nothing? He looked at Daphne and Velma to see them both slightly pale, he raised an eyebrow and looked at his shoulder, only to see a stark white disembodied hand with long fingernails resting on his shoulder.
He yelped and stumbled backwards, landing on the ground.
"Oh, don't mind that. It's just saying hi." The hand waved at the three before moving from Fred's shoulder onto Ms. Grimwoods.
"What is this place? Are you playing a joke on us?" Velma asked, raising an eyebrow at Shaggy and Scooby, who quickly shook their heads.
"Why, it's Ms. Grimwood's Finishing School!" Ms. Grimwood grinned, her teeth slightly yellow.
"Oh!" She exclaimed, seeming to have remembered something. "You must see Matches! He's gotten oh, so big!" She scampers off into a room and quickly comes back with Matches. He definitely was bigger. Now around the size of Scooby.
Matches smiled at the boys and nuzzled his face into Shaggy's hand. "Wow! He's sure, like, grown a lot."
Ms. Grimwood nodded just as a loud knock sounded through the theater. "Oh! Our first student has arrived!" She said excitedly as she ran to the door, opening it to reveal Sibella.
She didn't look too different. (y'know with the whole undead and never aging thing) Her hair was straighter and her dress was a darker purple, it pooled around her feet and accentuated her tall black heels.
"Oh hello Ms. Grimwood." Her voice still had a soothing drawl to it, her eyes were still slightly droopy.
She gave a tight hug to her former teacher. Digging her long, sharp nails into the fabric of her dress.
She grinned at Grimwood before looking around. Her eyes fell on Shaggy and Scooby, her eyes brightened and her smile widened. "Oh hello!"
She pulled the two into a hug, scratching under Scooby's chin.
"Hello! You must be Scooby and Shaggy's friends." She turns toward Daphne, Velma and Fred and smiles, showing off her sharp fangs.
"So amazing to meet you. I'm Sibella. Daughter of Dracula." She offers a handshake which Fred slowly returns.
"Shaggy, is this a joke?" Velma asked, deadpan.
Shaggy looked confused.
"Vampires aren't real. Dragons aren't real. Disembodied hands that fly around willy nilly aren't real." The phonograph scratches to a stop as the hand stops turning the lever.
"What do you mean?" Grimwood asks, cocking an eyebrow.
Velma is about to continue arguing when the door creaks open.
Winnie stands in the doorway, her hair is basically the same, curly and orange. She wears overalls and a white T-shirt, but the most shocking thing is the pup sitting on her shoulders. A wide grin showing of their sharp canines and floppy ears poke out of their curly brown hair.
"Winnie!" Shaggy greets, going over to her.
She grins at the group as she enters the theater. "I couldn't get a pup sitter. I hope it's ok I brought her?"
Ms. Grimwood nods quickly. "Oh, of course! She's adorable! What's her name?"
Winnie giggles as Grimwood coos at her daughter. "Her name is Rocky." She smiles.
"Oh that's just positively adorable!" Rocky giggled as Grimwood tickled her belly.
"Sadly my wife couldn't make it. But she says hi!" She smiles at Shaggy and Scooby, pulling them into a tight hug. "Hey oldies!" She laughed, giving them noogies.
"We're only like 27!" Shaggy countered, fighting against her grip.
"Exactly! Old!" A deep voice called from the door. Everyone turned to see a tall girl with long black and white hair, she wore torn up cargo shorts and a baggy button up.
"Elsa!" Sibella cheered, running up and pulling her into a tight hug.
"It's actually Elias now." He stated, hugging Sibella tightly.
"Of course. My bad." She nodded and smiled at him. "I've missed you. It's been so incredibly long." She sighed, placing her hands on her chest.
Velma skeptically looked at Winnie. Specifically Winnies ears. "So what are these? Costume ears? Is this a costume party?" She asked, poking her ears, causing them to twitch.
Winnie, confused, stepped backwards. "Excuse me?"
"Well werewolves aren't real so I'm just wondering how your costume is so realistic. Did you make it yourself? If so, I must say you're a very good seamstress."
Winnie scowled at her, "Well this is news to me. Werewolves not existing? Better call my family." She pulled Rocky off her shoulders and held her on her hip.
"There's no scientific reason for a full moon to turn regular humans into wolf hybrids. That's just preposterous." Velma argued. Fred placed a large hand on her shoulder and spoke.
"Velma these guys seem pretty real to me." He looked around, these people weren't what you'd call 'normal'. Sibellas purple skin, Winnies ears and paws, the bolts protruding from Elias' neck, the dragon that sat on the carpet.
"Oh c'mon Fred. You know I'm a woman of science, of facts. We see fake monsters all the time, I think I can tell when something is a costume."
Daphne stood slightly behind her, she looked over the girls, these didn't look like costumes. "Velma I'm pretty sure you're wrong on this one."
Sibella looked at Velma, running her tongue over her fangs, she seemed offended. She was very proud of her background as the daughter of Count Dracula, she didn't enjoy people doubting her.
Velma rolled her eyes but stopped arguing nonetheless.
"Well hello everyone. Hehe! Hahahaha!" Manic laughter followed the greeting from one of the seats. "Sorry for being late! I was in the cemetery talking to my friends and I lost track of time! Hahaha! Hehehe!"
Phantasma was probably the one who changed the least in the past ten years. She still wore her torn nightgown and her white ankle boots, although her hair was now cut into a short pixie cut. She glided over to the group and greeted them all with excited 'Hello!'s
"Oh! Are you Shaggy's friends?! He used to talk about you guys, like, all the time! Which one of you is Velma? He talked about you the most! Although he always said Fred was the leader! Whoever Fred is."
Daphne felt like her head was spinning, this girl was energetic.
"I'm Phantasma!" She waved at them excitedly.
Tanis arrived not long after.
"Wow Tanis! You sure had a growth spurt! You're, like, almost as tall as me!" Shaggy exclaimed.
Tanis, despite being the youngest of the girls, was now the tallest. Only a few inches shorter than Shaggy himself.
She wore tight bandages over her body, her brown, doe eyes crinkling at the edges as she smiled "Oh thank you Shaggy! I've missed you. I still have the trophy in my mummy case." She stated holding her hands close to her heart.
Shaggy was about to respond when Daphne dragged him and Scooby to another room.
"Like, what's up gang?" He asked, Daphne, Fred and Velma stared at him with wide eyes.
"What is happening Shaggy? Werewolves, vampires, mummies? This makes no sense!" Velma shouted, digging her short nails into her sweater.
"Oh well.. I don't really know either, man. We were, like, scared too when we met them but they're nice. I promise."
Daphne takes a deep breath, exhaling out her nose before speaking. "They seem nice so we won't ask questions but you are explaining on the way home." He nods before they make their way back to the theater, the girls standing around the food table, making plates.
"Oh boy! Food!" Shaggy chuckled and he and Scooby ran to the table, piling as much food as they could on their plates.
Velma took a bit of salad and took a bite, although the lettuce seemed off. "Um.. Ms. Grimwood?"
"Yes dear?"
"The lettuce in this salad is a bit.. scratchy? I don't know, it might be a bit old."
Ms. Grimwood looked a bit confused before chuckling. "Oh no! That's not lettuce. That's my famous Poison Oak Salad!"
Velma's eyes widened and she immediately spit the salad in her mouth into the trash can next to her. Grimwood didn't seem to take it as an insult.
"I'll take the rest of your salad!" Tanis called, holding her hand out to take the plate. "I love poison oak! Makes my tongue all tingly!" She smiled sweetly and took the plate, gathering a large bite of salad onto her fork.
Fred looked over to see Sibella drinking some red liquid from a can. She punctured two holes into the aluminum and drank from the openings.
Fred nursed his empty glass and turned to Winnie, who was currently trying to get Rocky to eat a piece of raw bacon.
"Do they have any.. normal drinks here?" She looks up and smiles at him.
"There's lemonade over there. It's my personal favorite." She gestures to a large pitcher of yellow liquid.
He nods thankfully and pours himself a glass. He takes a small sip, his face immediately scrunches up at the taste, it's quite possibly the most sour lemonade he's ever tasted. It tasted like straight lemon juice. But he continued drinking it, seeing as it was probably the most normal beverage on the table.
Daphne stared at Shaggy and Scooby chowing down on their food, it wasn't off to see Shaggy and Scooby eating a lot, it was their favorite activity after all.
She picked up a small sandwich and immediately dropped it when she saw the gray furry mold that covered the bread, "Oh my! It's moldy!"
Elias laughed and picked up a sandwich for himself, taking a large bite. "But the mold is the best part." He smiles and closes his eyes, savoring the taste.
Shaggy walked over to Phantasma who floated next to the table in a criss-cross position, enjoying a cup of toadstool tea and a single caterpillar cookie that erratically crawled around her plate.
"Do you still write songs?" He asked, remembering how much Phantasma loved playing the piano when she was in school.
"Oh! Yes! I recently wrote a song for a very popular opera!" She was so excited the caterpillar cookie nearly escaped her plate but she quickly caught it and took a small bite.
"Oh wow! What opera?"
"You probably don't know it. It's more popular with ghosts." She shrugged and took a sip of her tea.
Shaggy nodded.
"What have you been doing since you stopped teaching here?" Sibella asked, wiping a bit of red liquid from her lips.
"Oh! Well I solve mysteries with the gang." Sibella and Phantasma nodded along. "They're normally just guys in masks though."
"Everyone!" Grimwood yelled over the music, tapping her tea cup with a butter knife. The theater went silent.
"Dessert is ready." The disembodied hand came in with a plate with a large pie on it. It placed it on the cake stand and sprinkled a bit of powdered sugar over it.
"Oh! It's cherry pie!" Tanis exclaimed with excitement.
Fred seemed skeptical. Everything tonight had been weird and rotten, it was hard to believe this was a normal cherry pie.
Everyone took a slice and Velma investigated it, looking for any mold, bugs or anything abnormal. She didn't see anything and took an experimental bite only to be hit with the tart taste of homemade cherry pie. It was amazing. Clearly made with love.
"Ms. Grimwoods cherry pie is simply divine." Sibella grinned, her teeth coated in a red that was either cherry pie filling or that mysterious red liquid she was drinking before.
Tanis did her best to not get the red cherries on her pristine white bandages and somehow succeeded, not getting a single stain on the fabric.
Winnie shared her slice with Rocky, chuckling when Rocky's face was covered in bright red pie filling.
Once all the food was gone they simply talked for a bit. Shaggy found out Tanis indeed got more trophies, Sibella found her love for ballet and currently teaches young vampires and Elias had a wife at home.
"I sadly have to get going. It's nearing dawn." Sibella said sadly. She said her farewells and quickly turned into a bat, flying out the window and into the dark woods.
"Yeah I should get going too. Rocky is getting real tired." Rocky yawned and leaned her head on Winnies chest causing her to chuckle and kiss her head.
Phantasma glanced at Elias "Could you give me a ride to the cemetery? Hehehe! My dad is waiting for me!" Elias nodded and grabbed his keys from his pocket.
"It was so fun seeing you guys again. Especially you Shaggy." He gave him a tight hug and exited through the door while Phantasma went through the wall.
Once The Gang was back in the van it was oddly silent. Something not usual for the Mystery Machine.
"Oh Shaggy.. I must ask… what was that?" Daphne asked, looking Shaggy in the eye.
Shaggy scratched the back of his neck and shrugged. "Ok. Well.. while you guys were all at camps and stuff.. I got a substitute teaching job. It paid well and didn't seem hard. Turns out it was at Ms. Grimwoods." Scooby lays his head on Shaggy's lap and closes his eyes, clearly tired.
"Me and Scooby were, like terrified at first. Obviously. But the girls are so sweet and we got closer. Me and Ms. Grimwood still, like, message sometimes."
The rest of the ride home was filled with question, after question.
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threephantomrey · 8 months
thoughts on the Ghoul School movie as i watch it:
• the opening is cute. gave me kind of a warm & fuzzy feeling that i can’t really explain
• i love Scooby using his tail to wipe the windshield. good thinking, Scoob.
• “Uncle Scooby likes to arrive with a big bang!” is a funny line im ngl
• fangTASTIC!!! i can’t believe i forgot about that pun for a bit
• also i like the art style in general here. it looks good, especially on the trees
• if i had to hear that rooster when i wake up every morning, i’d be so mad. and i’d be even more angry if i was woken up the same way Shaggy and Scooby were
• the Calloway boys are annoying me im sorry i don’t care for them LOL i’m skipping their scenes. i like the Ghoul School girls though i think they’re cool and adorable. Matches is also adorable.
• Sibella scaring Colonel Calloway when he sees her… she’s so real for that
• “how about some tea and sweets?” i want them, Ms. Grimwood!
• this movie is a little too long imo i feel like i should be halfway through this already
• “i’m gonna bring a trophy home to my mummy” you go Tanis!
• cheerleader Scooby ily
• Calloway boys stop cheating challenge (impossible)
• Count Dracula caping the Mummy out of the rain is so sweet🥺 and so is the love that the monsters have for their daughters
• Phantasma’s music goes hard when is her album dropping
• Revolta’s spell scares me ngl. she’s a good villain
• also Shaggy’s red shirt and blue pants are iconic. i still prefer his green shirt and red pants but i love this look on him too.
• the flying shack😭😭
• i love whenever Scooby unlocks doors with his claws
• evil Shaggy from the mirror is so funny to me, and so is the Giant Well Dweller’s design
• ugh the movie freezing when there’s 7 minutes left. don’t do this
• ok it’s unfrozen now
• “you can’t tell Elsa Frankenteen what to do” say it louder for the people in the back!
• “you haven’t seen the last of Revolta” and then her place explodes PLEASE😭
• the instrumental of Scrappy’s Rap is a banger. when can the instrumental version be available on youtube i need to listen to it
• and awww the girls waving goodbye to Shaggy, Scooby, and Scrappy🥺
ok my overall thoughts are that the movie was fun. there were some parts where i was bored but i liked the movie. definitely has a vibe of Halloween when you’re a kid. also i remember having this on DVD when i was younger and i think this was my first introduction to Scrappy. if i were to redo my ranking of Scooby movies, this would be in the good tier
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densesindealer · 3 months
My Full Muse List, Updated
I decided to go through and update my entire muse list, adding and removing characters, and I decided to make a post with the list that I intend to give easy to find tags on my blog, or to pin it later on.
All male muses can be used for gender transformation asks, and any males from their series can be used for gender transformation asks so long as they follow the other rules of my blog. This applies even if a male character from the series isn't normally on my muse list as their male counterpart. I.E. Byakuya from Danganronpa as a woman with Makoto, or Bakugou from My Hero Academia as a woman with Midoriya.
Makoto Naegi
Junko Enoshima
Mukuro Ikusaba
Celestia Ludenberg
Aoi Asahina
Sayaka Maizono
Kyoko Kirigiri
Sakura Oogami
Toko Fukawa
Chiaki Nanami
Mikan Tsumiki
Hiyoko Saionji
Akane Owari
Peko Pekoyama
Ibuki Mioda
Mahiru Koizumi
Sonia Nevermind
Komaru Naegi
Kanon Nakajima
Hiroko Hagakure
Kotoko Utsugi
Monaca Towa
Chisa Yukizome
Miaya Gekkogahara
Seiko Kimura
Aiko Umesawa
Ando Ruruka
Kirumi Tojo
Tsumugi Shirogane
Angie Yonaga
Tenko Chabashira
Maki Harukawa
Miu Iruma
Kaede Akamatsu
Himiko Yumeno
Spy x Family
Yor Forger
Anya Forger
League Of Legends
Miss Fortune
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Momo Yaoyorozu
Ochako Uraraka
Mina Ashido
Tsuyu Asui
Toru Hagakure
Kyouka Jirou
Mei Hatsume
Melissa Shield
Nejire Hado
Nemuri Kayama/Midnight
Rumi Usagiyama/Mirko
Kaoruko Awata/Bubble Girl
Emi Fukukado/Ms. Joke
Ryuku Tatsuma/ Ryukyu
Yu Takeyama/Mt. Lady
Shino Sosaki/Mandalay
Ryuko Tsuchikawa/Pixie-Bob
Tomoko Shiretoki/Ragdoll
Inko Midoriya
Mitsuki Bakugou
Kinoko Komori
Tokage Setsuna
Yui Kodai
Ibara Shiozaki
Pony Tsunotori
Itsuka Kendo
Reiko Yanagi
Himiko Toga
Manami Aiba/La Brava
Nana Shimura
Camie Utsushimi
Chitose Kizuki/Curious
Fuyumi Todoroki
Rei Todoroki
Kaina Tsutsumi/Lady Nagant
Merlin (BBC Series)
Merlin Ambrosius
Morgana Le Fay
High Priestess Nimueh
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Cho Chang
Luna Lovegood
Fleur DeLacour
Gabrielle DeLacour
Hermione Granger
Katie Bell
Alicia Spinnet
Angelina Johnson
Lavender Brown
Susan Bones
Hannah Abbott
Daphne Greengrass
Astoria Greengrass
Bellatrix Lestrange
Narcissa Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Nymphadora Tonks
Andromeda Tonks
Aurora Sinistra
Septima Vector
Tracey Davis
Rowena Ravenclaw
Helena Ravenclaw
Penelope Clearwater
Amelia Bones
Lily-Evans Potter
Rose Weasley
Lily Luna Potter
Sue Li
Romilda Vane
Padma Patil
Parvati Patil
Mirabel Garlick
AI The Somnium Files
Kaname Date
Shizure Kuranushi/Boss
Mizuki Okiura
Iris Sagan
Amame Doi
Phoenix Wright
Phoenix Wright
Mia Fey
Maya Fey
Pearl Fey
Trucy Wright
Ema Skye
Franziska von Karma
Athena Cykes
Lana Skye
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Ryunosuke Naruhodo
Susato Mikotoba
Iris Wilson
Nikolina Pavlova
Gina Lestrade
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Hazel Levesque
Piper McLean
Annabeth Chase
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
Thalia Grace
Zoe Nightshade
Clarisse La Rue
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Silena Beauregard
Sally Jackson
Bianca di Angelo
Norville ‘Shaggy’ Rogers
Daphne Blake
Velma Dinkley
Tanis The Mummy
Sibella Dracula
Jaune Arc
Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Yang Xiao-Long
Pyrrha Nikos
Nora Valkyrie
Coco Adel
Velvet Scarlatina
Glynda Goodwitch
Cinder Fall
Emerald Sustrai
Ilia Amitola
Winter Schnee
Willow Schnee
Kali Belladonna
Summer Rose
Raven Branwen
Penny Polendina
Neon Katt
Saphron Cotta-Arc
Terra Cotta-Arc
Street Fighter
Cammy White
Rainbow Mika
Mortal Kombat
Johnny Cage
Cassie Cage
Jacqui Briggs
Li Mei
Fairy Tale
Erza Scarlet
Lucy Heartfilia
Brandish U
Avatar The Last Airbender
Toph Beifong
Ty Lee
Danny Phantom
Ember Mclain
Dani Phantom
Sam Manson
Jazz Fenton
Madeline Fenton
Johnny Test
Johnny Test
Susan Test
Mary Test
Sissy Blakely
Lila Test
DC Comics
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Thalia al Ghul
Zatanna Zatara/Zatanna
Barbara Ann Minerva/Cheetah
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
Teen Titans
Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson/Robin/Nightwing
Rachel Roth/Raven
Tara Strong/Terra
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Barry Allen/The Flash
Nyssa al Ghul
Sara Lance/White Canary
Laurel Lance/Black Canary
Thea Queen/Speedy
Shado Fei
Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl
Marvel Comics/MCU
Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Leopold ‘Leo’ Fitz
Steve Rogers/Captain America
Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
Jean Grey
Emma Frost
Mary Jane Watson
Gwen Stacy
Susan Storm/The Invisible Woman
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
Kamala Khan/Mrs. Marvel
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel
Felicia Hardy
Kitty Pryde
Ava Ayala/White Tiger
Lady Sif
Daisy Johnson/Quake
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Genshin Impact
Kamisato Ayaka
Raiden Shogun
Kujou Sara
Yae Miko
Hu Tao
Sangonomiya Kokomi
La Signora
Code Geass
Lelouch Lamperouge/Lelouch vi Britannia
Cornelia li Britannia
Euphemia li Britannia
Nunnally vi Britannia
Kallen Kouzuki
Villetta Nu
Kaguya Sumeragi
Shirley Fenette
Milly Ashford
Nina Einstein
Cecile Croomy
Infinite Stratos
Ichika Orimura
Chifuyu Orimura
Madoka Orimura
Cecilia Alcott
Laura Bodewig
Lingyin Huang/Rin
Charlotte Dunois
Houki Shinonono
Tabane Shinonono
Tatenashi Sarashiki
Kanzashi Sarashiki
Maya Yamada
Guilty Crown
Shu Ouma
Inori Yuzuriha
Hare Menjou
Haruka Ouma
Mana Ouma
Ayase Shinomiya
Mikado Ryuugamine
Celty Sturluson
Anri Sonohara
Super Mario Bros/Super Crown
Princess Peach
Princess Daisy
Shy Gal
Five Nights At Freddy’s
Toy Chica
Roxanne Wolf
Glamrock Chica
Every Male Animatronic As A Female
Kingdom Hearts/Disney
Go Go Tomago
Snow White
Helen Parr/Elastigirl
Violet Parr
Judy Hopps
Your Turn To Die
Sara Chidoun
Tia Safalin
Reko Yabusame
Kanna Kizuchi
Tiffany Maye
Audrey Belrose
Kyu Sugardust
Kyanna Delrio
Celeste Luvendass
Persona Series
Yu Narukami
Akira Kurusu/Joker
Chie Satonaka
Yukiko Amagi
Naoto Shirogane
Rise Kujikawa
Ann Takamaki
Shiho Suzui
Makoto Niijima
Haru Okumura
Futaba Sakura
Kasumi Yoshizawa
Sae Niijima
Tae Takemi
Sadayo Kawakami
Leanan Sidhe
Hua Po
Pokemon Series
Officer Jenny
Nurse Joy
Magma Admin Courtney
Professor Sada
Professor Juniper
Doki Doki Literature Club
Hana Song/D.VA
Amelie Lecroux/Widowmaker
Ana Amari/Ana
Angela Ziegler/Mercy
Lena Oxton/Tracer
Olivia Colomar/Sombra
Fareeha Amari/Pharah
Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe/Ashe
Brigitte Lindholm/Brigitte
Mei-Ling Zhou/Mei
Kiriko Komori/Kiriko
Illari Quispe Ruiz/Illari
Zero Escape
Sigma Klim
Clover Field
Hazuki Kashiwabara/Lotus
Akane Kurashiki
Resident Evil
Ethan Winters
Leon Scott Kennedy
Mia Winters
Claire Redfield
Jill Valentine
Sherry Birkin
Ada Wong
Rebecca Chambers
Sheeva Alomar
Bela Dimitrescu
Ashley Graham
Dragon Ball Z
Android 18
Android 21
Bioshock Infinite
Booker Dewitt
Elizabeth Comstock
Kim Possible
Ron Stoppable
Bonnie Rockwaller
Kim Possible
Monster High
Clawdeen Wolf
Cleo de Nile
Lagoona Blue
Toralei Stripe
Abbey Bominable
Venus McFlytrap
Spectra Vondergeist
Final Fantasy
Tifa Lockhart
Aerith Gainsborough
Yuffie Kisaragi
Jessie Rasberry
Stardew Valley
Animal Crossing
Infamous Second Son
Delsin Rowe
Abigail ‘Fetch’ Walker
Saints Row
The Boss
Kinzie Kensington
Asha Odekar
KiKi DeWynter
Viola DeWynter
Sam Winchester
Jo Harvelle
Ellen Harvelle
Ava Wilson
Bela Talbot
Sarah Blake
LOTR’s Shadow Of War
Adventure Time
Marceline The Vampire Queen
Flame Princess
Ice Queen
Scream TV
Noah Foster
Riley Marra
Brooke Maddox
Piper Shaw
Corvo Attano
Emily Kaldwin
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Xander Harris
Buffy Summers
Dawn Summers
Willow Rosenberg
Cordelia Chase
Jenny Calendar
Amy Madison
Faith Lehane
Tara Maclay
Until Dawn
Chris Hartley
Matt Taylor
Emily Davis
Jessica Riley
Samantha Griddings
Hannah Washington
Beth Washington
Corpse Party
Ayumi Shinozaki
Seiko Shinohara
Naomi Nakashima
Yui Shishido
Date A Live
Kurumi Tokisaki
Tohka Yatogami
Yoshino Himekawa
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines
Pacifica Northwest
Wendy Corduroy
Total Drama Island
Charles ‘Chuck’ Bartowski
Ellie Bartowski
Sarah Walker
Carina Miller
Lou Palone
Anna Wu
Alex McHugh
Beautiful Creatures
Ethan Wate
Lena Duchannes
Ridley Duchannes
Olivia ‘Liv’ Durand
Jurassic Park
Alan Grant
Zach Mitchell
Owen Grady
Ellie Sattler
Lex Murphy
Claire Dearing
Zara Young
Telltale’s The Walking Dead
Lee Everett
Javier Garcia
Freddie Benson
Carly Shay
Sam Puckett
Jade West
Tori Vega
Trina Vega
Cat Valentine
Alice In Borderland
Ryouhei Arisu
Hikari Kuina
Rizuna An
Yuzuha Usagi
Asahi Kujō
Saori Shibuki
Elden Ring/Souls Series
The Fire Keeper
Lies Of P
Red Fox
Youngest Of The Black Rabbit Brotherhood
Wendy’s Mascot
Starbucks Girl
Samsung Sam
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Lola Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Chika Fujiwara (Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War)
Hinata Hyuga (Naruto)
Akeno Himejima (High School DxD)
Rin Tohsaka (Fate/Stay Night)
Hestia (Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon)
Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Samus Aran (Metroid)
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars)
Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw)
Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers)
Kitty Katswell (Tuff Puppy)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Faith Seed (Far Cry 5)
Marge Simpson (The Simpsons)
Lois Griffin (Family Guy)
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz (Phineas & Ferb)
Ciri (The Witcher)
Quiet (Metal Gear Solid)
Loona (Helluva Boss)
Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)
Frankie Foster (Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends)
Super Sonico (Nitroplus)
Faith Connors (Mirror’s Edge)
Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
2B (Nier Automata)
Alice Angel (Bendy And The Ink Machine)
Piper Wright (Fallout 4)
Saeko Busujima (Highschool Of The Dead)
Komi Shouko (Komi Can’t Communicate)
Rem (Re:Zero)
Raphtalia (Rising Of The Shield Hero)
Velvet Crowe (Tales Of Berseria)
Smurfette (The Smurfs)
Lady Love Dies (Paradise Killer)
Tatsumaki (One Punch Man)
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fuzzychildchopshop · 8 months
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