#tang shen swap au
themetallicnemesis · 2 years
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Doodles for a tang shen swap au
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Having the neat idea of making a ROTMNT AU were Tang Shen swaps with Splinter... but I don't know what animal to use for her mutant form 🤔🤨
I got the base idea of a muse, but then the idea of a snake came to mind after remembering TMNT2012, and then the idea of a spider because of the funny idea of Splinter having two spider exes lol
Any ideas???
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leadenn · 8 months
More Tang Shen Mom AU
part one
"Did you shower yet?" Shen asked, looking at her husband standing in the doorway. He was wet, so that answered her question. He was in his usual bed clothes, the clothes he came in wearing hopefully in the bin. Tang Shen hadn't changed since getting home from work, she hadn't slept much since Yoshi went missing.
"Yes." He replied, Shen wondered if he just used shampoo to wash himself or if he used body wash at all. She doesn't think he's ready for her to ask him that question yet. "Shen, we need to talk about-"
"Names?" She questioned, looking at the little turtles who she had sat on the table. Well, three of them. One of them, he had the darkest green complexion, couldn't be put down without getting fussy. It reminded her of Miwa, and it made her heart ache.
Her beautiful baby girl would be nearly three now. She'd never get to meet her little brothers. Shen likes to think that she'd be a good sister.
"No I- this." He points to himself. "I'm not human." Yoshi said, and she hadn't heard him sound so scared since the fire.
"You're still Hamato Yoshi, right?" Shen asked, she didn't take her eyes off the boys, and stopped the one with the lightest green skin from wandering too close to the edge of the table.
"Yes." Yoshi said, "I am, but I don't look... I'm a monster. I'm a giant monster and I don't want you to stay with me out of pity." Yoshi said, he put a hand on her shoulder. "I will always love you, but if you do not want to be with me anymore, I respect your choice." He explains.
Tang Shen gives the boys a glance, none of them were about to fall or walk off the edge, and she gives Yoshi a kiss on his little rat nose. it twitches, and she smiles at him. "If you're still Hamato Yoshi, I don't care what you look like. Now, have you named our sons yet?"
"You're holding Raphael." Yoshi said, he picked up the lightest green boy. "This one is Michelangelo."
"He's very adventurous, isn't he?" Shen asked, and Michelangelo reached out for Shen to hold him. They wordlessly swap, and Shen had a baby in each arm. "Hello Michelangelo, hello Raphael." She said, pressing a kiss to each of their foreheads. "Can I guess the other two?" She asked.
"You'll never guess." Yoshi teased, and she rolled her eyes. "Leonardo and Donatello." He said, and Shen handed the boys in her arms to Yoshi. Raphael began to whine without Shen holding him. "He loves you already."
"He's a Momma's boy." Shen replied, limping to the counter. "Just hold them while I cut the cucumber small enough to feed them." She added, "I'm not sure what else to feed them and I don't want our boys to choke."
"... They like algae." Yoshi said, and Shen looked over her shoulder at them.
"I do not work as hard as I do for our sons to eat algae." Shen protested, and she thinks about how the boys looked back when she saw them in Japan. They end up very short, maybe she needed to feed them more. Shen moves the cucumber mush into a bowl and grabbed a spoon. She limped back to the table to feed the boys.
"Do you need me to get your cane?" He asked, she waved him off.
"I'm not an old lady." She replied. Raphael whined louder, wanting to be held. Shen took him, and Donatello tugged on her shirt. Not for her attention, but because he was studying her. Or that's what she guessed. Leonardo stared at Yoshi. "I think he wants you to hold him."
"Leonardo and I will get your cane then." Yoshi said, he picked the little turtle up and he exits the kitchen of their small apartment. "Shen?" He asked.
Shen gave Michelangelo a spoonful of cucumber. "Yes?" She asked.
"Thank you." He said, relief in his voice. Shen looked at her sons, and smiled back at Yoshi.
"Thank you." She said, and then Mikey grabbed the spoon in her her and shook it, demanding more mush. "You're very impatient, little Michelangelo." She scolds.
For the first time since she lost Miwa, Shen felt complete.
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iamheretemporarly · 1 year
Alright yall are getting my good ol tmnt iteration and my new obsession rn
Ok so
Teenage mutant ninja turtles: Land over water"
(first of all i wanna thank @lieutenantbiscute cause she was such a help in making this)
The reason behind the name of the au originated from the species of the turtles
These guys are tortoises in this, bot turtles, so by nature they'd prefer land over water.
Here's the species of each turtle
A pancake tortoise
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He is the shortest and smallest but he's also the eldest, he's chill most of the time, but worries too when in mother hen mode, he's the medic and leader but donnie is also secondary medic when leo is out of commission, he's got sass and a cain instinct
He's an elongated tortoise
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he's the second eldest, he's the genius and secondary medic of the fam, he makes the medicine that leo uses, he's a worry worm, anxious, but also calm and collected when needed to be
He's a Russian tortoise
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He's the middle child, very funny and laid back, doesn't take stuff seriously but mostly to hide the fact that he's worried or scared, optimistic and a jokester
He's a galapagos tortoise
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Yes he is the youngest, yet he's still a hot head, but a bit toned down because he's so damn huge based on his specie
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He likes to make fun if leo for his height a lot and calls him "fearless pancake", he's snarky, sassy and sarcastic but also affectionate and caring
As for splinter, i kind of swapped the whole thing
In this au the backstory of the hamato family goes like this:
Gamato yoshi the heaf of the hamato clan and Tang shen get together and have a beautiful baby girl named Miwa and years later adopt a little boy named saki
Saki and miwa are pretty close siblings, however jealousy sparked in between
You see, when it came to the art of ninjitsu, miwa aways proved to be better than saki in evry single way
And saki was jealous, however that jealousy burned into hatred when on the night their father was to choose a new head of the hamato clan, he chose miwa
And on the same night, the dark truth of his origins belonging to the foot clan that got wiped by the clan that raised him
He was angry, jealous and vengeful
He manipulated the hamto clan into his favour, and those who refused got killed
Tang shen didn't survive
Hamato yoshi did barely
And karai managed to escape to new york
Before she did she had to pay a cost
The hamato family had a chemical business on the side, and in her fight against her brother he used the ooz against her, little did he know that she had her four pet tortoise tots on her, who also got splashed by the ooze
She got mutated into a snake while her tortoises mutated into more humanoid looks
In new york she took shelter in the sewers and changed her name into karai
She raised her boys and taught them the art of ninjitsu, and down the road she'd teach them the spiritual arts
Bits that's a story for another day :)
Yeah, splinter in this is karai instead of yoshi, yoshi is the turtles grandpa that they don't know is alive and assumed him dead he's also blind btw
Saki or the shredder is karai's brother instead of father
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cienie-isengardu · 2 months
Au Raphael and tang shen swap body the horror and confused on everyone else
Can’t blame them. Ending in a turtle body for sure would be confusing, however people who know Tang Shen would be terrifying when she out of nowhere became violently angry, as I assume Raphael would need to unwind the stress of being in an unknown body, potentially far away from family and friends. On the good side, turtles and Splinter will protect Tang Shen once they learned about the body swap while Raphael in her body could defend himself, for example from Oroku Nagi’s attack. Still, definitely a messed up situation.
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i-am-a-living-god · 2 months
14 for the purim ask game!
Well alright then, let's do a tmnt 2012 swap au.
Oh ho ho, swap au where shredder raised the turtles in the sewers instead.
Ok so, saki was kind of a dick. he was jealous of yoshi, who was next in line as leader. Saki fell in love with Tang-shen who was engaged to yoshi at the time.
Saki confessed his feelings for Tang-shen days before hers and Yoshi's wedding, and when she rejected him, he tried to... Force his love onto her. Yoshi stopped him, and kicked him out of the clan for his treachery and disgusting actions.
Bitter and angry, he fled to NY to rebuild an old clan, one that had been destroyed decades ago, the foot clan.
He was close to achieving his goal, but the universe had other plans for him. He bumped into the kraang one day, who were carrying a canister of mutagen, and 4 baby turtles.
The kraang and saki got into a fight for whatever reason, and the turtles fell alongside the canister and they mutated, as did saki.
Saki and the turtles fell into the sewers I guess. Saki took the turtles, because he realized that they could be useful.
He was by no means a good father, however he was a good teacher. He managed to teach them lots of fighting styles, and how to wield many different weapons ect.
Anyway so saki changed his name to shredder, he felt like it made him seem more powerful.
He was an abusive father, and he showed clear favoritism towards Leo. Donnie is definitely his least favorite, simply because he follows that rule all supervillains have, called "having no damn respect for the scientists."
He likes Leo for obvious reasons, 1. It's the law. 2. Leo's a suck up. 3. He actually puts in a lot of effort to learn things. 4. He's Leo, it's kind of the rule.
His second favorite is Raph, because Raph is 1. Strong. 2. Angry.
Mikey Is his second least favorite, no he doesn't really like him because 1. He's Mikey. 2. ADHD traits. 3. Stupid. Shredder doesn't really care about his existence, he's kind of there, another soldier amongst his imaginary army.
Donnie is his least favorite because 1. Villain rule. 2. He's cheeky and annoying. 3. Respectless.
Anyway so, yoshi ends up in NY for a family vacation, with Tang-shen, Miwa and a couple hamato ninjas that are close friends.
The turtles are raised in the sewers with shredder, being told story's of the monstrous hamato yoshi, and how he stole Tang-shen from shredder. They grow up believing that their one purpose in life is to end yoshi, and to return Tang-shen to her true love, the shredder.
Aight, and that's all I got
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I dont have anything specific to ask, but I want to know more about your Parent Swap AU. Why does Shredder favor two of his sons more than the others? Are there gonna be any ships in the story?
Shredder favors Raph and Mikey (Aka Raion and Keiji) because they tend to do what he would do. In the show, during seasons one and two, we see that Shredder's strategy is mostly "keep attacking until they falter" like during that one episode (that I can't remember) when they're talking about beating everyone in the foot clan, comparing the fights to a video game. That's more Raph's fighting style, which is why he's the leader and favorite. He also is most likely to tell the others to follow Shredder, which earns him favors, though not out of any loyalty, but fear for their safety.
Mikey gets slightly favored because he's always been the most excited and interested in stories about Tang Shen and Miwa. Shredder views that as support for himself, which is why Mikey gets more favors, though not as much as Raph, due to his short attention span. Though there are things Mikey doesn't agree with, he's able to hold off and hide it until Shredder's not there.
Leo and Donnie are different because they outright didn't agree with him. Donnie, as we see in the show, isn't afraid to speak his mind if he thinks something is dumb. He's also very inventive, which has led to problems. I figured Shredder would be less tolerant than Splinter when a machine fails, leading to Donnie drawing his ire more often than not.
For Leo, part of the reason I had Shredder hate him so much was simply the amount of hatred he has for him in the show. In this AU, Leo's still the mom of his brothers, and he always gets between Shredder and his brothers. Not only does this anger Shredder because he's getting in his way, it makes him think of Yoshi, who he hates more than anyone in the world. Throughout the story, this is going to become more and more ironic (situationally) as it's revealed that Leo's more like Shen, the woman Saki worships. (I really like how @virgilisspidey wrote about it in their Mama Leo fic, which is also what made me realize the comparison for the first time).
(Also, a little thing I try to keep consistent is that Shredder never refers to the turtles as his sons. They call him Father, but he doesn't call them his sons, he sees them as weapons. As such, he favors the best fighters.)
As for ships, probably not in this story. The way I'm planning it is that the fic out now, Parent Swap, is going to be the first part of a series, and is mostly going to follow season 1, though I deviate at many instances. In this one, the overarching plot is the turtles escaping Shredder and his abuse. As such, they don't really focus on anything like that. I would like to add more later, but I also struggle to write romance as an aroace. I would like to add Capriltello, though, later in the series, as that is one of my favorite ships.
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skeleton-in-a-hoodie · 9 months
persenaliy and silmeleretis
Pre mutesion oroku nagi is vary simeler to age swap yoshi in the sanse that der faral (do es nagi is just a animal in a human body) children who love der family
Tang Shen is the cool and collect sister she feels like an outcast thank to the fact she is born from an affaric (she only knows her bio-dad was not ready for children) but she is not scared to protect people she carst about especially yoshi
Yoshi is a huge dirk who loves art, animal and of course mersal art he is a typical ninja in personality but is fary fartherly to and cakstent he treats nagi and Shen like his own children (his heart will break wen he kills his bff) but he doesn't know about saki or Amaya since they know he will try to adopt them
Nagi 🤝ageswap!Yoshi: Being willing to stab someone for their families
Pre-mutation Yoshi is going to kill Nagi!? Oh that's, that's going to wreck him. If it's okay for me to ask questions, is it for the same reason that Yoshi killed him in the mirage comics, or are the circumstances different in your au?
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karlyanalora · 1 year
The idea of making another ROTMNT is kind of tenting, already made one as a crossover with Inside Job so why not another one 😗
Wanna know of what it could be?? Well in simple is swap AU Were Tang Shen takes Splinter's place as a mom.
Don't know if it actually sounds that interesting since Rise hasn't shown any character similar to her.
I will admit my experience with the turtles comes from the original cartoon when I was a wee lass and ROTTMNT. I don't know who Tang Shen is, though having the turtles raised by a single mom may be a nice change.
Tbh, I'm not the biggest fan of change, so a new version of the turtles doesn't really appeal to me. The turtles raising a new generation though and still being present in the background as mentors (think Justice League and Teen Titans style) does appeal to me though.
What I really want to see is a new movie with ROTTMNT and Batman. (It happened once, it can happen again.) Batman would hate working with these goofballs but it would be hilarious. I'd want Nightwing and Damian to be there for sure. Mikey trying to befriend Damian only for Robin to loathe him and his unprofessionalism. Vigilante work is serious business! And Nightwing's fighting style would go great with the turtles for some epic fight scenes.
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owldart · 4 years
I have a question about your TMNT Karai Au: do the Bros exist there? Like, did they mutate at all, or what? What's up with them? The all-girls team is awesome, BTW!!
honestly, i was figuring it was a swap au, sort of- where the girls are the ninja team, and the boys are their friends/confidents/helpers. so like, in this version, the group’s ‘april’ is donnie, their ‘casey’ is raph, that sort of thing.
in the recent idw comics there was a plot point that the boys were the reincarnations of the original splinter/hamato yoshi’s four sons, who were also ninjas. i’m thinking that in this verse, they’re also hamato yoshi’s sons, but from before karai was born and the shredder killed him. however, due to the fact that  yoshi divorced their father, Splinter, Shredder didn’t find out about them immediately and considered taking karai and tang shen to be a worthy punishment. but of course, when karai finally ends up failing him ‘for the last time’ and he gives her to tcri, shredder starts looking into the past... in order to find leo, an actual worthy successor for his clan and a final glob of spit on yoshi’s grave.
of course, karai is bitter about this and can’t stand leo because of it. like, not only does she train for YEARS and have to do things no person should have to do (ninja murder) but she’s still not good enough for her father figure, who decides some rando with a few martial arts skills is better at the drop of a hat. sort of like in movies where the Chosen One is some random guy, and the person who trains him is a woman who’s spent her whole life trying to get there only for her father and the mentor to decide this New Guy is more important because he’s got a Prophecy behind him.
 she is SALTY. it doesnt help that leo IS genuinely talented, and that karai’s new adopted sisters have convinced her revenge murder isn’t healthy for her.
donnie’s a college graduate and works in IT, raph’s a part-time mechanic and vigilante, leo helps run a karate dojo, and mikey is trying to finish up high school. he’s babey. he’s the mascot for basically all the sports teams at the school, cowabunga carl.
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spectrumscribe · 6 years
Hey there!! I absolutely love your fics (I've been sketching nonstop for it for days now you monster XD especially for issues and your age swap au) and I was just wondering about a really weird character advice. How would you characterise Tang Shen for 2012? I wanna do a Tang lives and raises the turts with miwa being their big sis (no splint or shred), but I kinda don't want to fall into the trap of perf mum trope. But, like, I don't want her to be bad exactly?? (also she a ninja cause fuck it)
okay so tbh, i think i’d have her be kind of overwhelmed by her kids sometimes? like, raising one temperamental ninja daughter is a task alone. raising a ninja daughter and four non-human ninja sons is intimidating just to even think about. and even if you didn’t mutate her, it’d still be a lot of work to provide for all of them. a single mom of five kids?? with zero parental experience prior to this??? oof. and it doesn’t help that they’re all very eccentric in their own ways, with very different specific needs and interests.
i’d base her character kind of on my own mom- trying her absolute best, doing everything it takes to provide for the family, but ultimately being unable to be everywhere at once for her kids. so like, she’d catch a lot of the problems that pop up, and be there for most of them, but sometimes they’ll slip past her because there’s just so much going on in their lives.
also, side note: oh my god, my age swap au, that ridiculous thing. i can’t believe you’re reading it. and hinting at having done art no less. please tell me i’m not reading that hint wrong, omg.
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themetallicnemesis · 2 years
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Some more doodles for the tang shen swap au
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themetallicnemesis · 2 years
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In your age swap AU, what do the gang look like?
June: Excluding Shadow, who's 9, June is the shortest of the group at around 5'0. Her hair's naturally straw blonde, but she dyes it alot. During ageswap's 4th season it's dark purple and shaved short. Very bright mutagen green eyes (they glow in the dark!). June works with Donnie in the lab building stuff, so even though she's short, she's also incredibly strong and muscular, she looks like she weight lifts in her spare time. She's also got olive skin and freckles. Likes overalls with as many pockets as possible so she can keep tools in them. Also always wears long sleeves and only rolls them up if she's working on something in the lab - she was experimented on the by Kraang when she was a baby, so has a lot of needle scars across her body with her arms getting the worst of it and she hates looking at them.
Mayday: her proportions are kinda odd, in that she changes them based on what she's feeling at the time e.g. if she's angry her nails become more like claws, and she can make exaggerated cartoon character faces. Generally tall and built like a beanpoll. She moves like she either has no knees at all or far too many. She also has two forms. The first looks human for the most part. It had bright yellow hair (like Spongebob yellow) and green eyes. She likes to wear short sleeved button ups with the most eye searing colour combinations possible. Changes her hair style daily - people at school think she's got to have an extensive wig collection. Mayday's face is very sharp and angular as well - June and Shadow both have rounder faces. Mayday is all broad grins and laughs a lot. Her second form has completely black eyes and blue skin everywhere but her face, which looks like it's covered with a pink wooden mask. The 'mask' has horns that branch off like tree branches. There are similar wooden sections around her arms and legs. Her 2nd form's exact shape changes a lot, but the 'default' is similiar to the one she uses in her first form.
Shadow: shoulder length black curly hair, freckles, and dark brown eyes, light brown skin and freckles. She wears a lot of sports shirts - she's got one of Casey's old hockey jersies that she wears everywhere. When the ageswap gang start going on missions, she's the shortest of the group, but by the end of the age she's at least 5'3. Has a tooth gap on her bottom teeth. Shadow is also like April in that the more she uses her powers, the more Utrom features she gets, although during season 4 that mostly means she starts getting purple markings on her skin. Also has a similar pair of roller skates to 2012 Casey, and she wears them pretty much all the time - she likes going fast.
Tang Shen: she's one of the tallest out of the gang, getting up to around 6'0. She has long dark hair and dark grey eyes, and her skin's a bit darker than Shadow's. Shen has vitiligo - there are patches all over her body, including her face and hands. When she's at school she uses makeup to hide the patches, but when she's with the rest of the ageswap kids she's comfortable enough to not hide them. When she sneaks out at night she wears a theatre mask to hide her face (she does not want her parents to find out what she's up to). At first the clothes she wears at night are mostly designed to keep her warm and be easier to climb in, but she gradually gets clothes that protect her more in fights. Wears a lot of sweaters and thick jackets - she gets cold really easily. Kinda slim build, with very strong legs and shoulders - her parents think she joined a martial arts club or wrestling, they can't agree on which one.
Yoshi: this boy is going to be so tall when he finished growing - by the time he's 14 he's already 6'2 and ends up having another couple growth spurts throughtout ageswap. He's also built like a string bean and doesn't start putting on muscle until he's 17. Brown fur like 2012 Splinter, with the white fur down his nose. The rest of his facial markings will eventaully look like 12! Splinter's, but whilst he's a teenager they look like a simplified version. He's also got a white patch on his torso and stomach, and black patches that are in similar places to 12 Karai's body armour. He's not got his adult coat yet, so his furs fluffy in some places and smooth in others. None of his clothes really fit - trousers are a bit short and his t-shirts tend to be baggy. During season 4 he has a coat that's at least a size too big with a hood he can pull up. Same amber-brown eyes as 12 Splinter.
Kirby: taller than June but shorter than Shen. He's got very curly ginger hair and dark blue eyes. Kirby is the same age as the rest of the ageswap kids, but he wears sweaters and cardigans. He also gets turned into a bat mutant in this au, though it looks different than in cannon - he's a lot fluffier and has a more bat-like face, but I've not pinned down what speices of bat he mutates into yet. Sort of gets cured, in that Donnie manages to make a serum that allows him to shift back and forth between human and bat-mutant. Team medic, so he's always carrying around a bag stuffed with medical supplies. He's also a very nervous person, but that disappears the moment he's got a patient.
Saki: he kind of has 'asshole' written all over his face when he first appears - he's very cocky and sure of himself and it shows in how he looks at the people around him. Wears similar armour to 2012 Karai's. He's got long dark hair that he ties back and hazel-brown eyes. Starts out the au taller than Yoshi, but Yoshi's second growth spurt puts Saki about chin height for him (he's not at all mad Splinter is taller than him, nope, not one bit).
Apolex also joins the ageswap gang, but I've not figured out what she looks like yet. I keep hopping between a more show accurate idea and one that looks similar to her appearance in the IDW comics. She's a bit older than the rest of the ageswap gang (June, Mayday and Kirby are 16; Saki, Yoshi and Shen are 14; and Shadow is 9), but still young, about 18-ish when she's introduced.
Thanks for asking! Sorry if this got a bit long!
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