#swts hcs
allgremlinart · 9 months
oh moon spirit sokka... I am never going to draw you...
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sleptwithinthesun · 1 year
i feel that it's time to complete the set. hopefully, you know what it is. s/teve h/arrington c/hicago au snzcanons.
- no sneezing pattern. ranges from singles to triples, but it's really just unpredictable. triples are rare, but happen often enough that it's not exactly surprising when they happen
- has the most DRAMATIC buildups ever. this fuckin' guy
- cannot stifle to save his life.
- absolutely has dad sneezes. i'm sorry b/c i do make the rules but like... i'm unlikely to write snz content for steve so it doesn't matter.
- gets sensitive? like, if he's being triggered by an allergen or is sick, it's usually not too hard to make him sneeze
- steve kind of shudders into his sneezes, meaning that he won't bend into them but he will move with them, if that makes sense
- sneezes into his elbow! good job sir
- is fine with being sick. honestly, steve's the only one who genuinely doesn't mind being sick, mostly because his partners dote on him and they're generally very sweet :)
- runs warm. very warm. not enough to be considered feverish, but he's like. a full degree above the average person and is pretty much a space heater. can be very nice or very bad to sleep with
- gets sick once or twice a year, nothing more or less than normal
- illness for him is usually nothing or mildly Bad
- allergic to mold, but it's rarely, RARELY an issue for him
- embarrassed about his sneezes just because they're loud
you can tell i am tired. finished my big final earlier today, so i am fucking exhausted lol. hope these were okay; i do enjoy steve as a character but not making him sneeze ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
Do you have any really specific and/or personal Zukka headcanons that you’d be okay with sharing? I eat up every hc you put into your drawings like they’re candy, I was wondering if you had any others :D :D
OH boii i sure have,,, nothing coherent is coming to mind atm so ill just expose my Extensive backstories of zukka bethrotal armbands that idk if i will find a way to sneak into art.
sokka’s armband for zuko is forged back at Piandao’s mansion, and it's one of the most fine stunning pieces of jewelry ever crafted. it’s not the usual southern ivory but metal, more similar to the armbands worn as an accessory in the fire nation. it’s made of intertwining bands of gold and black meteor metal, with patterns of waves and dragon scales that seem to ripple and move when the light catches on them just right. and the pendant is a traditional blue stone from the swt.
There are no particular engagement gifts traditions in the fn, so zuko goes on a deep dive into southern water tribe ones, asking sokka’s family and friends about jewelry making and learning to engrave over the course of several trips to the swt. He makes sokka’s armband with ivory from his own first (successful) solo hunt. i’m not sure abt the material of the pendant lmao maybe gold? but amber would also be cool methinks
as for the pendant engraving they display a unique single braincell moment (untrue i just want them to match). love the fact that both of them are sea savvy navigators, love to think that in their pining era they spent a lot of time watching the stars and showing each other the different constellations and navigation pointers of their nations, so in both of their armbands’ stones are depicted the constellation used to guide sailors back home, sokka engraving the swt’s one on zuko’s armband and vice versa.
if they were sun’s out guns out kinda guys before this only gets worse during the first weeks of their engagement. shirts are banned. everyone look at the bethrotal armbands NOW.
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comradefleur · 1 year
zuko immediately sweating around kanna and hakoda whenever he's in the swt is so funny and my fav hc ever. it's even worse for him bc his bf will NOT help him whatsoever bc he thinks it's the most amusing thing ever. zuko will look over at sokka with the most pleading eyes whenever hakoda is like "come fishing with me, son" or kanna is like "have you not been eating!?" and sokka is just like "figure it out jerkbender"
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appalesbian · 5 months
Minor ailments: Asami Sato edition
I’ve seen a few of these floating around so here’s my take on HCs for one of my favorite ladies
-Asami had quite bad acne as a teenager (and actually got into makeup to cover it/distract from it) and she still gets breakouts well into adulthood for hormonal/stress reasons
-she has pretty much permanent eye strain and tension headaches from staring at tiny things in low light (she has a pair of readers but is generally too stubborn to wear them) (pretty sure @korrasamibottles was the first person I saw express something like this)
-she gets achy joints when it’s cold (good thing she has a firebending gf to keep her warm on her visits to the SWT🥰)
-so sorry, but Asami’s got frequent UTIs (do you think she’s hydrating properly and listening to her body? When there are things to design and a company to run? No, no she is not)
-she has some hearing loss from all the industrial noise exposure but has gotten really good at reading lips/interpreting context so it doesn’t interrupt conversational flow too much (with the occasional exception of her just. Mishearing something so badly and Korra thinks it’s funny as fuck)
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transboysokka · 3 months
fibro sokka who tolerates the cold less and less and he gets older and how his native environment becomes uninhabitable
Yesss I mean I USUALLY HC that he kind of has to stay away from the SWT anyway because of trauma but you KNOW he gets homesick and what about when he HAS to go??
Forgive me for being the King of Angst but he goes back for Gran Gran’s funeral and it’s just SO unbearable for him down there, and everyone’s trying to be polite but they can see it…
So that when he’s even older and he loses his dad… it’s decided by Zuko and, more importantly, Katara (who is very much his Doctor for all Fibro Matters) that he CAN’T go for it
(They arrange the memorial to be somewhere warmer but still…)
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waterfire1848 · 4 months
You tagged Kya x Ozai in one of your recent posts and now I have to ask for your thoughts or hcs on that ship because my curiosity is PIQUED
Thanks for the ask!!!
Hmmmmm…Honestly not my top water/fire ship but it could have potential. We don’t know much about Kya’s character but I feel like if you write her as someone who’s ready and willing to argue against Ozai then you could have something interesting.
Ozai’s used to Ursa (and kind of everyone) being more passive and secretive around him so having someone who will snap at him, yell or tell him the blunt truth is a shocker and gets Ozai’s interest. That being said, this would probably be a ship that isn’t very healthy.
Here are some headcanons though:
- Kya is never killed in the raid. Instead, she’s brought to the palace right after Azulon dies. Ozai doesn’t believe the SWT is any real threat, much less a single waterbender, so he just orders her thrown in the palace prison. Still, he gets interested and travels down to see her which is when they have their first conversation.
- Ozai realizes pretty quickly that Kya isn’t a waterbender but, again, he doesn’t see a single waterbender as a threat so he simply fires Yon Rha for his stupidity and keeps Kya in the cell.
- Based on a fic that I read but now can’t find, Kya and Ozai play board games. It’s one of the ways that they bond. Ozai is a poor sport so Kya lets him win and the start to bond more and more.
- As they play, they get to talking, because that’s what you do when you’re playing a board game. Kya doesn’t say a word about her family but she does talk about the South Pole and Ozai speaks about the Fire Nation. Eventually, Kya says something about never having some kind of food or something and Ozai decides to take her out of her cell to bring her into town.
- Of course, it looks weird for the Fire Lord to be walking around with a woman from the Water Tribe but Ozai is the Fire Lord and no one says anything. When they return to the palace, Kya meets Azula and Zuko and they hit it off.
- I don’t know where it would go from there but sooner or later Kya starts living in the palace as Ozai’s kind of partner and Azula and Zuko’s “mother”. Zuko’s Agni Kai never happens because Kya talks Ozai out of it and Zuko only leaves when Aang is actually discovered and said to be traveling with two Water Tribe teenagers.
- Two mini Headcanons: Ozai talks to Kya about Ilah and Azulon. Azula’s first positive mother figure is Kya and Kya learns how to make mochi for her.
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allgremlinart · 9 months
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Sokka + Yue pre-unification designs cus I haaad to get some more water tribe ones out there.. .. tangentially related, personal hc of mine is that the SWT used to have settlements on islands farther north/closer to Yakoya/Southern Air Temple and well.. technically there's no lore DISproving that sooo yeah
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sleptwithinthesun · 1 year
the c/hicago au n/ancy w/heeler snzcanons, because why not. considering possibly doing snzkink hcs for her and steve as well? perhaps? idk. if y'all are into the au, i'll definitely write them :)
- sneezes in doubles, with a slight pause in between. it's not really long enough for people to think that she's done, but it's long enough that there's a sense of ✨anticipation✨ lol
- pitchy buildups. you know those people whose pitch just gets higher on each breath? yeah that's nancy. they're not long, but steve did tease her about it a bit when they were dating in high school
- can stifle, but doesn't like to? nancy finds it uncomfortable when she does it, and tends to get a little self-conscious because like. stifling is something she likes, so to her, it's a lil funky to be fulfilling her own preferences
- unrelated, but hair bounce when sneeze. idk it's just cute to me
- i've never seen this next one talked about before, but i think nancy would close her eyes pretty hard whenever she sneezes, regardless of the force.
- sneezes into her elbow or the back of her wrist. the latter is only when she's forced to stifle though
- isn't afraid to admit that she's sick but also just won't stay put. like she'll tell steve and jonathan that she's sick and they'll be like "cool now please stay in bed" and twenty minutes later they'll find her cleaning the dishes or something. nancy please rest
- normal temp! she would make it easy to tell if she's actually running a fever or not, unlike her boyfriends
- straight-up just doesn't get sick. nancy got sick badly once as a little baby and her immune system fully went "yeah no we're not doing that shit again" and toughened up. she hasn't been sick once since eighth grade
- that's part of the reason why she doesn't like resting if she's sick; nancy doesn't ever consider herself "sick enough" to take a break, and she's usually correct.
- if she were to get sick, her symptoms would literally just be a cough and a headache or something. like illness does NOTHING to her, making her the designated caregiver <3
- very few allergies as well.
- maybe she'll react to dust if there's a lot of it? really it's nbd though
- the one thing that DOES get to nancy is this spice called star anise. it's used in a lot of asian dishes (pho, biryani, etc) but i think american people mostly use it in cookies and jams and stuff. but yeah it really gets to nancy, although her reactions are pretty quick. remove the allergen and she'll be fine in a minute or two
- hates sneezing. she likes it for other people, but not herself
ye. i hope those were okay lol :) if you want, you can send me an ask about the au and i will be more than happy to answer it
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not the same anon but i also hc sokka as autistic (specifically audhd), bc there was always certain ways he behaved that i found i related to a lot. a lot of them are just reasons you mentioned: he can be very blunt, and one thing about sokka is that he is a tendency to put his foot in his mouth sometimes, just saying things as they are without realising it might be insensitive or that it might not be the best thing to say. and i know that him overlooking certain important details, such as toph being blind at times, can be attributed to adhd but i think that forgetfulness in regards to other people is something that can be attributed to autism, in that he doesn't really think about the fact she's blind despite obviously knowing. on the contrast though, whilst at times he seems unaware, i think sokka can be very hyperaware of very small things that hes insecure of that other people don't really notice, or that other people have pointed out that he might not have thought much about before which is also smt ik some ppl with autism struggle with. and even though he is a social person, like i mentioned before that at times he seems slightly unaware of certain things, but a lot of his social behaviours can be read as masking, like his insistence he is the "meat, sarcasm and planning" guy, trying to pin his personality on these key things, and whilst his attempts to be like hakoda are Daddy Issues it can also be read as the fact he knows his dad is a well respected, well liked man, and that by mimicking his behaviour he will be perceived as more socially acceptable.
the most obvious thing is the scheduling, we know he loves his plans and he's the self proclaimed "plan guy" but he gets quite grumpy when people don't abide by them and happy when people do. sokka is a very routine person, when we first see the swt he gets frustrated when the kids don't want to train, another thing that could be read as them throwing off his schedule. there's also the thing with the fortune teller- sokka is very insistent on his science, something he's very passionate about, and gets really easily frustrated when people won't listen to him when he's trying to explain something, and can't understand why people would believe that instead of what he believes, which also kind of leans into the whole social unawareness thing. nowadays i write him more as having audhd just because i think it fits more- a lot of autism traits and adhd do overlap, and it's very common for ppl with autism to have a lot of adhd traits, vice versa. that's all i can personally think of tho, but yeah all nd hcs are neat. need more in the world
you're so right actually. i've been fully convinced. i think because i'm audhd it's hard to separate out whether it's the adhd or autism that makes me relate to a character. it could be both! also i think that the way sokka is widely perceived as dumb and silly when he's actually very intelligent is very similar to adhd stereotypes and less similar to autism stereotypes, so it was easy for me to just kinda pick that one.
his insistence he is the "meat, sarcasm and planning" guy, trying to pin his personality on these key things
i have a whole post in my drafts about how his various different "[x] guy" titles throughout the show are evidence of adhd because you feel like you can't focus on one thing and you feel like a fuck-up (bc you may forget things/be disorganized) and you're desperately trying to find the one thing that will make up for you being an unfocused fuck-up. but it actually makes so much sense as autism too, as a social script that makes it easier to define himself to other people. also defining yourself by your interests and only wanting to interact with people through them is very autistic. i think it's a question on the raads-r. also it's why i'm on tumblr.
anyways, the fun thing is that both can be true simultaneously. it's a product of insecurities about adhd and also an autistic social script.
and whilst his attempts to be like hakoda are Daddy Issues it can also be read as the fact he knows his dad is a well respected, well liked man, and that by mimicking his behaviour he will be perceived as more socially acceptable.
i think this might've also been why i initially read him as only adhd. i fell for his mask! what we know of hakoda reads as only adhd, so i made the mistake of assuming that was it. and i'm a huge proponent of "hakoda and sokka are actually different people"! shame on me.
like, generally the way he's trying to play this warrior role that doesn't fit him because he thinks that's what he's supposed to be can be read as autistic masking. he imitates how he thinks strong men are and it comes off as comical and fake bc attempting to mask sometimes means the fact that it's a mask is really obvious.
yeah i'm into this. audhd sokka!!!!!
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survivalove · 8 months
katara in canon, based in atla, lok and the comics:
hates palaces
mocks monarchy
hates sexism lol obvi
spiritually inclined
loves southern tradition
a bit averse to change (at least at first)
actively into politics at some point
political headcanons:
anti monarchist (i mean this is just factual at this point)
feminist (not getting into which kind of feminism cuz lol)
traditional medicine advocate? this is more oomf’s hc but I think it’s interesting
I won’t say she’s a swt nationalist like the extremists in N&S but she is very patriotic and believes in southern independence.
feel free to add input cuz i’m literally just chatting 😭
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northerngoshawk · 2 years
happy ffwf! any headcanons or theories (for any fandom!) that you've been dying for someone to ask you about?
happy ffwf! i really don't have many hcs or theories that i'm dying for someone to ask me about, but i do have one that i wish i could incorporate more into my fics/talk about more!
this hc is one that appears in my Katara-centric fic teach me how to live my life (because I can't remember how), which deals with colonialism/cultural genocide/assimilation through Katara's eyes during the show. the hc i have is that when Aang was younger, Gyatso would travel to the SWT, and when he came back, he would always tell Aang myths from the tribe. as an extension to that hc, i would like to think that when Aang got older, he and Gyatso would travel down to the SWT, and Aang would watch some of their cultural practices, which he would then use to help Katara remember the culture she had lost because of the war.
while i don’t really have much to talk about this hc, since i myself am not familiar with Inuit practices enough to develop what exactly Aang could’ve remembered, nor what myths he would’ve been able to recall, i really hope i (or someone else!) can one day develop this hc further and write a fic about Aang helping Katara remember her culture. i think a lot of people forget just how much Katara’s culture means to her, and i love the idea that Aang is the one who gives a piece of it back, since he is the only one who can understand what it’s like.
thanks for the ask!
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flameohotwife · 2 years
for the snippet ask game, from With You:
“I was happy about the baby already–really. But seeing Gyatso just now…I didn’t realize how badly I needed to tell someone, too. Someone who knew me from before.”
“The spirits were kind, today,” she says, slowly caressing his chest with her fingers. “They owe you that much, after all the times they’ve pulled you from this world for their emergencies.”
Aang chuckles. He knows how she frets over him every time he starts unexpectedly glowing during meditation, never sure when he will come back.
“I’m sorry if I worried you,” he says, but she cuts him off.
“Sweetie, I’ll always worry about you, but I trust you. I know you can take care of yourself in there. You are the Avatar.” She wiggles her eyebrows on this last bit and he laughs, feeling so loved. He bends to kiss her hair.
They curl up for sleep, and for the first time in years, fire does not consume his dreams. He dreams of his new child, of his family. He dreams of baking fruit pies and chasing each other around the island until their sides hurt from laughter. He dreams of taking them to the Spirit World to meet Gyatso, and his heart bursts when he sees them all together; all of the people who have loved him most. He knows now that nothing is missing. He pulls Katara closer in his sleep. Everything is as it should be.
Hiiiiii Northern! Sorry this is so late--kid stuff, birthdays, and holiday weekend got me. This snippet is basically the resolution of With You, which as you know was my Aang-centric secret santa gift for @itsmoonpeaches. It was where I was trying to wrap up all the loose ends and tie them into the purpose of the story.
The gist of it is that Aang is struggling with mourning his people and celebrating new life at the same time. They've just gone to the SWT to tell her family and he's sad that he doesn't have anyone to tell, too. When you lose someone, but I imagine *especially* when you lose *everyone* like Aang did, sometimes you still want to call them up and tell them things that happened to you. Sometimes it feels like you shouldn't be celebrating something without *them* there. Sometimes even the happiest events of your life are tinged with *hurt* because *they're not with you.* Add onto this the layer of war and genocide and being separated from everyone who knew you by a century... and Aang's gonna have some FEELS.
I also HC that Aang was kinda busy with both the mortal and spirit world after a century(+, if you include the time between Roku's death and Aang going into the iceberg) without an avatar. And sometimes the spirits don't necessarily think of human obligations when they have a problem that needs to be dealt with, so they might just steal Aang away on a whim during meditations or solstices or times when Aang is closer to the spirit world in some way. And we KNOW Katara is a worrier. BUT that doesn't mean she doesn't trust Aang to do what he needs to do; to do what's RIGHT. And to come back to her as soon as he can. Katara's remark is also a followup to earlier in the fic, where she prays to the spirits that his meditation will bring him peace.
And that last paragraph. OOOF. I contemplated writing a whole scene of it, but I was running out of time before the secret santa fics were "due" and I wasn't sure it would really fit... or if I really wanted that to be a real possibility or just something that happens in his dreams, to take away the pain and the fire and the guilt from before... I mean, obviously I *want* it to happen but you know. And I guess we *do* see the cloudbabies meeting Iroh in the Spirit World in LoK so it *is* possible... hmmmm maybe one day. And peaches pointed out that in ending the fic the way it started (with a dream) I brought it full-circle, which wasn't a conscious intention but sometimes our subconscious really knows what it's doing I guess, haha. Thanks for the ask, friend! This was fun :)
Send me a snippet of one of my fics and I'll give you a behind the scenes commentary on it.
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maaaxx · 1 year
Random fic rambles ⬇
The new fic im working on (cots) is really annoying because the two Main main people are sokka and zuko bc you know zukka
(Azula and katara are the secondary main people)
But i dont know what to do with zuko in the first part of the fic. So im Thinking i should make this another 'the swt adopts zuko' fic bc i miss that part of ihiap so much. And because of the certain circumstances of this fic it would be so much more interesting
And it would give me a chance to develop certain ocs more that dont get enough time in ihiap. (Kali, Kiona, Nayeli, Kima, Ilik, Baniq, Kovak, etc). Because their dynamic and their upbringing is so interesting and fun but its not relevant to ihiaps plot.
Theyre so different than nanook and tomkin and i just think it would be neat to keep their backrounds that are implied AT BEST in ihiap in this other fic.
Especially the dynamic between Kovak and Kali (who are twins) is so interesting and complex. Theyre slightly comparable to Azula and Zuko but also not really idk.
I think im going to touch on them more in my side series.
Im getting off track.
So I want to intigrate that specific trope into cots and maybe even do it justice this time but I dont want to be repetetive.
But Zuko will be his canon age and the dynamic between him and everyone else would be SO different because of Sokkas part of the fic. idk if that makes sense, you'll just have to read it
Also itll get me a way to focus on my ACTUAL ocs and not the ocs i accidentally stole.
AND Id get to make more swt ocs which are my favorite ocs to make because if their culture and day to day lives and my hc for their beliefs and morals and values and whatnot.
I just love how familial the swt comes off as, so i love writing them.
If i dont take the 'zuko gets adopted by the swt' route again the swt probably wont be very relevant.
and i wouldn't know what to do with Zuko.
As im writing this I just thought of a new scene that would add so much to this and will be great.
But again i dont want to be repetetive.
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azamdatomohd · 2 years
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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... Congratulations, Datuk Seri Diraja Dr. (HC) Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI), for being elected as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia...!!! May Allah SWT Alone shower you with His Blessings & Mercies for your efforts - ALL for the Sake of Allah SWT Alone and for the betterment of the Ummah entirely...!!! Ameen Ya Rabbal Alamin Ya Allah...!!! Dato' Seri DiRaja Dr. (HC) Anwar bin Ibrahim (born 10 August 1947) is the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia. He was previously a Malaysian politician who was the 12th and 16th opposition leader, chairman of Pakatan Harapan (PH), and president of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR). He has served as a member of parliament for Port Dickson from October 2018 to November 2022 and for Permatang Pauh from March 1982 to April 1999, and again from August 2008 to March 2015. He has also been the deputy prime minister of Malaysia and held several cabinet positions in the Barisan Nasional administration. (BN) under the previous prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, from 1982 to 1998. *** *** *** Dato' Seri Diraja Dr. (HC) Anwar bin Ibrahim (lahir 10 Ogos 1947) merupakan Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang ke-10. Beliau sebelum ini merupakan ahli politik Malaysia yang telah menjadi ketua pembangkang ke-12 dan ke-16, pengerusi Pakatan Harapan (PH) dan presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR). Beliau telah bertugas sebagai ahli parlimen Port Dickson dari Oktober 2018 hingga November 2022 dan Permatang Pauh dari Mac 1982 hingga April 1999 dan sekali lagi dari Ogos 2008 hingga Mac 2015. Beliau juga pernah menjadi timbalan perdana menteri Malaysia dan memegang beberapa jawatan kabinet dalam pentadbiran Barisan Nasional (BN) di bawah perdana menteri terdahulu, Mahathir Mohamad dari 1982 hingga 1998. #DSAI #AnwarIbrahim #PM10 #PM10Malaysia #Gold #Silver #GoldDinar #SilverDirham #AlaDeenGold #AlaDeenGoldWallet #AzamDatoMohd #MohdNorazamDatoMuhammad #AlEbreizGlobalCapital #PaxosEbreizSkylight #FinTech #Blockchain #BlockchainTechnology #MalaysianGoldAssociation #MovementforMonetaryJustice (at Al Ebreiz Global Capital Berhad) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClYWXuyJvk_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kadaryanto97 · 2 years
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Sunnah-Sunnah Pilihan : Seluk Beluk Penyakit Ketabiban dan Pakaian hc Penulis : Majelis Tertinggi Urusan Keislaman Mesir Penerbit : Angkasa Bandung ISBN : 978-979-665-486-4 Tahun : 2007 Edisi Revisi Tebal : xi + 354 halaman Berat : 588 gram Ukuran : 16 x 24 cm ORIGINAL Harga Rp. 147.200 diskon 15% Rp. 125.120 Sinopsis Ada ungkapan bahwa sehat itu mahal. Dengan kesehatan, manusia dapat melakukan beragam aktivitas. Akan tetapi, manusia kerap kali lupa pada nikmat sehat yang diberikan Allah SWT. Mereka jauh dari-Nya pada saat sehat, tetapi baru tersadar pada-Nya saat penyakit menimpa dirinya. Sangat jarang manusia yang tidak pernah sakit selama hidupnya. Penyakit yang diderita setiap orang berbeda-beda. Ada penyakit berkategori ringan, sedang, atau penyakit berat yang sulit disembuhkan, bahkan sampai seseorang menemui ajalnya. Pada dasarnya, tidak ada penyakit yang tidak dapat disembuhkan di dunia ini. Apa saja sebenarnya penyakit-penyakit yang pernah muncul semasa Rasulullah? Bagaimana kiat-kiat Rasulullah mengatasinya? Bagaimana kondisi pengobatan dan ketabiban saat itu? Apakah dunia pengobatan dan ketabiban masa Rasulullah sama dengan dunia kedokteran modern dan cara-cara pengobatan alternatif yang berkembang pesat dewasa ini? Bagaimana pula Rasulullah Saw. berpakaian dan memelihara pakaiannya? Inilah buku yang secara detail dan gamblang membahas berbagai penyembuhan penyakit yang dipraktikkan oleh Rasulullah yang notabene sesuai dengan tuntunan Islam, Al-Qur'an, dan hadits. Buku yang merangkum berbagai Sunnah-sunnah Pilihan tentang Seluk Beluk Penyakit, Ketabiban, dan Pakaian ini sangat cocok menjadi pedoman umat Islam yang menjadikan seluruh sikap dan perilaku Rasulullah Saw. sebagai anutan atau teladan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. #sunnah #islam #muslim #hijrah #quran #allah #muslimah #dakwah #tauhid #islamicquotes #dakwahsunnah #salaf #kajiansunnah #manhajsalaf #dakwahtauhid #deen #pemudahijrah #islamic #hijab #prophetmuhammad #jannah #allahuakbar #makkah https://www.instagram.com/p/CeoYHb4JJ0K/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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