#swtor worldbuilding
Random lil swtor idea for world building:
-Theron had called Senya by mistake « mom » and she never corrected him.
-Lana have teased him a few times about it.
-Some times before the traitor arc, he started to be around Senya more, like a lost duckling seeking for advice and support. (Lana own words)
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sith-shenanigans · 2 months
Qoritwaiyut = immortality (metaphorical), the period someone’s deeds are remembered in legend, the state of being a ghost, lit. “the act of not ending”; may be written as a common noun when religious connotations are not present
Qoritwaai = ghosts (euphemistic), lit. “those who do not end”; roughly equivalent to calling faeries “the Good Neighbors” or “the Gentry”
we’re having a good time in the Sith linguistics department tonight
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sunderedazem · 2 years
Wreyn-Tsatke Cyber-Psychology Scale (SWTOR)
So! This thing not being actually EXPLAINED in SWTOR has always bothered me b/c I like it when things like measurements and scales are given out, so I made up the rest of it myself! Feel free to steal and use.
Now, this scale has four parts, as seen with SCORPIO's score in her Intelligence file (it was a 9-NIX). I've broken each section of the rating scale down below and made some Shit Up so it makes sense to me
1-10 - Intelligence/complex calculation scores
This is the number that precedes every rating. 1 is the average calculator, 10 is organic brain equivalent complexity (or better, probably). Beginning around level 6, sentients stop being able to tell they're talking to an AI. Also, when I say 'organic brain complexity' - human neurological systems have to micromanage about 800 processes at once, not just our 'higher thoughts' (which happen mostly in the prefrontal cortex). Balance, heartbeat, breathing, sensory processing, memory, etc - matching all those simultaneous processes plus higher thought is part of what I'm considering here for "intelligence"
H-N-U - Thought Process Model - three choices here
Human = proliferation-focused, behaves like a sentient species. Generally speaking that means its goals would be identical to a sentient species' goals, particularly from an evolutionary standpoint - i.e. survival or preservation of the 'species'
Non-human = alternative goals, does not behave like a sentient species, but endgoal is comprehensible by organic species. This is SCORPIO - her focus is less on survival and more on accelerated and continuous rapid self-alteration and accumulation of technology
Unknowable = no comprehensible or apparent endgoal, does not behave with any apparent rationality.
C-S-I - Interface/Affiliation Model. - three choices here too!
Collective = hivemind style, indiscriminately uses and incorporates anything it can link to. (example here is Mentor, from the Directive-7 FP)
Selective = hivemind style but limited to similarly created/coded physical units. (this would be like the GEMINI system)
Independent = Single-unit system, intelligence is contained to the original physical base or transferred between single unit bases. (and this is SCORPIO - at least until the whole Iokath Thing)
B-N-M-X - Disposition (towards organic life.) - Four options here! Arguably the most important factor for organic life when interacting with AI.
Benevolent = LPP protocols in place or self-contained AI determination resulting in benevolence towards organic life. Best Boi bots fall here (yeah, like T7 and other droids)
Neutral = LPP protocols semi-functional or self-contained AI determination resulting in apathy or ambivalence towards organic life. May be negotiated with to assist organic life but unlikely to show interest.
Malicious = LPP protocols severely degraded or absent, and self-contained AI determination that organic life is inferior, resulting in stringent control exerted over or active hostility shown towards organic life. AI that determine sentients don't know what's best for themselves and must be subjugated would go here alongside AI that determine sentient extinction is the best option.
X/Unknown = disposition unknown, approach with caution.
Ergo - SCORPIO is 9-NIX when you meet her but would probably be reclassified as a 9 or 10-NCN after she uploads herself into Iokath (if you let her do that), Mentor was 10-NCM, etc! And under this system, GEMINI is likely 8 or 9-NSN when the Eternal Throne controls them, and an 8 or 9-NSM when the Throne is offline.
(Also YES i know. Life Protection Protocol Protocols (LPP Protocols). It just SOUNDS weird when you don't add in the second protocol word.)
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darth-atarah · 2 years
EPISTULAE - Those Five Years
A series of letters my characters send to each other or to some companions between 16 and 21 ATC, while the Outlander is frozen in carbonite. I may write more of them in the future as I figure out what everyone of them was doing, and I will update this post.
See the end for some notes.
The Force has spoken to me once more. For what our differences are, I know it has spoken to you as well.
I am going into hiding, and bring those who want to follow me. You may criticize me for my cowardice or inertness in your next letter if you wish, but I hope one day I can explain you my reasons for such a choice in person, and that you will understand.
For the first time in months, the path is clear. It is now the moment for us to retire, so we can return stronger in the future, and fight once more.
“When the Faithful shall doubt
When the Proud shall rest in pride
and the One who once escaped will dare to look behind,
The Spark shall ignite once again”
This is what my visions said to me, this is the time when we will act. Though when this future will come, I do not know. For now, all I can hope is that, when the signs will manifest, you and I will be able to recognize them.
Until then, stay safe.
[Classified dispatch delivered to Darth Nox, 18 ATC]
I had good news from my sister, more or less. Some days ago, a group of Zakuulans arrived to her enclave, disguised as refugees. They definitely knew were to look and for who. Sofia obviously had them spitting out everything in a matter of hours with all that charm of her. I would have opted for a blaster to their heads, but that’s not the point.
They’re deserters, Theron, DESERTERS. And apparently willing to give some infos you and Lana might want to hear, but let’s leave the rest for when we meet in person. Those fuckers already know too much about my businesses for my own tastes.
As if we hadn’t our hands full already, their leader says one of the damn Knights is hunting him down. We have to move quickly, I’ll find a way to have him brought here, so I can see for myself if this guy is as useful as Sof says. She also kept mentioning some Force vision and one of those cryptic poems she writes, but I think I’ll keep relying on facts.
Whatever blasted hell you are in, fly safe.
[Message delivered to Theron Shan’s personal shuttle, 19 ATC]
By the time you read this, I will already be in the Unknown Regions.
I know I will disappoint you with my decision, and as I leave Dromund Kaas that is my only regret. But my instincts have never betrayed me, and it is my intention to follow them, even if this time they bring me far from you, from our son and our home.
For the first time, Lana and Theron seem to have a true lead. A part of me still refuses the idea of a single Jedi being the key of this war, but I am willing to take the risk if this can save the Empire from its degrading condition.
I now speak to you not as your Lord, not as the Empire’s Wrath, but just as a wife, and a mother. In the name of what we shared, I ask you to read carefully.
This message will automatically delete as soon as you close it. For no reason you must be linked to my actions in any way. If there is any affection for me left in your heart, do not try to reach out to me until I do it myself. Do not try to find me, or send agents trying to.
Take our son and leave Kaas City. To defy the Council has consequences, the capital is NOT safe.
Watch over Vidarr and stay safe, my love.
[Automatic message sent to Captain Malavai Quinn’s personal frequency, 19 ATC]
Consider yourself lucky, for your husband had the sense to contact me instead of his dear High Command before the whole Empire could learn about your foolish act.
I won’t even begin to explain how much of what we were planning is now undone. I thought you had come to terms with your mistake of favoring Acina, years ago. All she was able to do was condemning us all to this humiliating subjection. Your support to my claim as Emperor would have been invaluable, since every other remaining Lord seems to lack any sense or nerve in these times. In light of your recent actions and the chaos that will succeed, I have no other choice than to keep working in the shadows.
But it is not my intention to send my army after you, or the Intelligence, not for the moment, even if it would be my pleasure to scold you in person. Another one already came to me before, sure that what you, Shan and Beniko intend to do it is the ultimate solution to turn the tables of this conflict. I remain skeptical about said “solution”, but should you succeed in your search, I will follow the developments with great interest.
I will do what I can so no one learns about your true purpose. However, I don’t think I will be able to do much for the reputation you shall gain in the eyes of the Dark Council and of the Empress. Most likely, they will decide to mark you as a traitor when Zakuul comes to us, demanding explanations for the sudden absence of the Wrath.
I trust you won’t be foolish enough to answer this message. I will wait for more favorable times, should you hear from me again.
[Encrypted message delivered to the Empire’s Wrath personal ship, 20 ATC]
It has to be tonight, Elara.
We finally have a lead. If what I learned from Theron and Lana is true, we are closer to Master Mynehart than ever before.
My family got us an unregistered ship that will be ready by the end of the day, settled on a route for Zakuul. No one will stop us at the spaceport.
Aric and Yuun are coming too, and I was able to persuade the others. We’ll leave Forex behind for now, too many risks. And I heard nothing from Tanno.
I am aware of the position I am putting you in, but this inertness is sickening to say the least. Havoc’s dismissal was the last insult; as a soldier of the Republic I can’t tolerate this situation any longer.
Docking bay 61-b, 20.00
I trust to see you there, my friend.
[Message delivered to Sergeant Elara Dorne, later turned in to Supreme Commander Jace Malcom, 20 ATC]
[Transmission repeated on every available frequency approximately 48 hours after the Outlander’s escape, 21 ATC. Zakuulan Intelligence wasn’t able to detect the exact source]
Battlemaster Phoebe Mynehart is the Outlander.
My Sith Warrior, Rhy’Lis Akrasia, joined Lana and Theron on their search for the Outlander.
Barsen’thor Sofia Naerie and Domiras Kallig aka Darth Nox have been secretly in contact, exchanging informations and trying to limit the sabotage actions between the Republic and the Empire. Rumor has it that they have been emotionally involved.
My Smuggler, Elias Naerie, is Sofia’s older brother and helps her by smuggling goods and transporting refugees to various safehouses around the Galaxy.
Clotilde Feyre, my Trooper, remained in command of Havoc Squad, and is an open opposer to the peace treaties with Zakuul.
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hizurilegacy · 2 years
The Twins
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Worldbuilding & Introductions
Since my fanfiction are all one-shots and aren’t surrounded around my OCs thus far, I want to take this time to introduce the two most mentioned OCs in my fics:
Yrielrivia (top), the Sith Inquisitor and Commander.
And her twin brother, Xythirn (bottom) - Emperor’s Wrath.
aka Vi and Cy.
Cy is the older twin, though Vi often acts like the older one.
It’s not that Vi is necessarily more responsible, but it’s just that Vi knows Cy is the least responsible one of them so she often picks up the slack her brother leaves behind. But Cy can be reliable when you need him to be. And he’s actually good at it if he tried. It’s just that he absolutely hates politics and all the bullshit surrounding the Sith that he’d rather not have to deal with it. Though having his twin sister in a position power, he knows he cannot avoid responsibility completely. 
They do love each other dearly, even though they have a weird way of manifesting it. Like annoying the hell out of each other. But most siblings do that, I guess...
When it counts, they know they have each other’s backs and will basically do anything to protect each other. 
The twins grew up in an orphanage before they were taken away by slavers when the orphanage was essentially ransacked. At that point, they about 10 years old. Give or take. At that point, they were separated for a few years until they found each other again at the Sith Academy when they were teens. It was very tempting for the twins to go back to the way they were and do everything together, like they used to, but they knew that it wasn’t going to be that simple anymore. The several years they had been apart had changed both Vi and Cy. Vi ended up working as a slave, while Cy was much more fortunate and was taken in by a family of rather neutral Sith. They were simply just different people. And if they wanted to survive in the Sith world, they needed to learn to work separately and take a different path. So they did.
While they still supported each other in the background and their paths crossed often due to similar missions, they continued to find their own path in the world until both of them became Darth Nox and the Emperor’s Wrath, respectively.
The one detail that I’ve been very clear about is that they are force-bonded. They have been force-bonded since... forever. Maybe even since birth? Cy nor Vi wouldn’t even be able to tell you. All they know is that they’re been able to communicate with each other through their minds even before they knew what the force was, and it’s completely effortless for them.
There was a time where they weren’t able to filter themselves, but they’ve essentially done it so much now they know how to shut each other out if they need to.
Their force bonds are limited in distance though. They’ve never exactly tested how far-reaching it is. All they know is that they can clearly communicate with each other if they’re in the same world, but once they are off-world and have some distance put between them, the bonds basically weaken. Telepathy is the first to go. But it seemed like they can still feel each other’s presence very strongly no matter where they are in the galaxy.
When Valkorion did his little mindscape invasion, it ultimately only affected Yrielrivia. But because the twins were force bonded, Xythirn got affected through her as well. Essentially Valkorion lived in Vi’s mind, but also had access to Cy. Valkorion clearly thought this through. LOL.
Vi’s Memory Loss
The game basically makes Darth Nox like this invincible force ghost sucking powerful Sith, and they briefly gloss over how this is damaging to her physically - but in my mind, I feel like she’s most affected by trauma. Not just by force ghost rehoming. Having been a slave at one point, than housing ghosts and then mindfucked by Valkorion can’t be healthy to her mind. 
I do argue that having her have a history of enslavement probably strengthened her as a person and mentally. I don’t think she would have been able to accomplish what she did had she not experienced hardship. But whether she realized it or not at first, each force ghost she housed made her forget a part of her childhood she once had. The more she took in, the more memory she begin to lose. She didn’t realize it until maybe towards the end, when she realized she couldn’t recall a good chunk of her life as a child at all. 
Cy knew well what had happened, and would remind her of things that when it came up. Except honestly, there’s not much of her childhood that needed recalling anyway. And Vi never quite bother to recover what doesn’t really matter.
At least, it’s not so important until recently. With a certain Darth in her life who seem to have been a profound part of her childhood which she can’t seem to recall......
Neutral Siths
Even though both twins grew up in different environments at one point, they both share a similar ideology of being neutral. They knew they aren’t Jedi material. Being Jedi just seems way too suffocating for their personalities. They can barely manage to get up on time every day, and you expect them to manage the strict rigorous lifestyles of a Jedi? Yeah right. 
And it’s not that they love being Sith either. Sure, some... no, A LOT of people deserve to be killed and tortured, but they don’t particularly enjoy doing this on innocent people. If they are innocent at all. These days no one is truly as innocent as they seem anyway. They’ve seen it all. Even the Jedi themselves aren’t always as innocent as they make themselves seem. Making being a Jedi sound like a ton of bull, to be honest.
They both truly want to do good. It’s the reason they both rose up the ranks as Darth and Wrath. Getting there probably made them darker than black, but they both knew they needed to get stronger and be in a position of power in order to do good. To have people take them seriously. And they did just that.
Vi had a vision she wanted to build. Getting to a position of power meant she could take out the slavers, little by little. Yes, as Sith, slavery is common... but if she was in a position of power, who was going to tell her otherwise? She could tell slavers to fuck off however she wanted. And she had.
(will be updated as I go)
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spitzobsessed · 1 year
Is she a 'Lord' or a 'Lady'
Not sure how it is canon-wise, but I stand by this:
Sith Lord is a gender-neutral title, like Jedi Master is. But it is a title earned, not inherited. Male or female, a Sith will be referred to as (my/mi) Lord if they rose through Sith ranks.
Hovewer, if a Sith Lord marries a Sith of lower rank or non Force user who is female, the latter may be referred to as Lady [insert family name she married into], which is not equal to Lord.
I'm fairly sure this was talked and argued about before, but when I had to brainstorm about my Sith OCs for swtor, one of them, the Sith Inquisitor, is female, and I had to decide to myself whether she'd be new Lord Kallig or Lady Kallig. She is Lord Kallig, but if she were to marry a woman, her wife would be Lady Kallig.
Don't care if it'll irk others, but I have decided for my own worldbuilding of swtor that there is a Sith Lord/ Dark Lord etc, which is superior to Sith/Dark Lady. My Ashara will be called Lady Zavros in the Empire since she is not a Sith but an apprentice to one, same as Jaesa is Lady Wilsaam (Light! Jaesa and Sith apprentice Jaesa until she 'graduates').
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eorzeashan · 2 months
Commander Stew
Theron cooks something for the Commander.
Odessen - The Kitchens
A young man sporting a dollop of white hair and refined features entered the communal kitchen of the Alliance carrying a large crate, wearing a plain burlap apron, rubber gloves, and waders over what usually would qualify as a stealth suit–a bit of an odd sight, but one Theron had gotten used to over time.
“Hey! You’re back early. Put ‘em down over there,” Theron glanced over his shoulder, nodding briefly at the young man, then motioning with his head at the kitchen island. Eight squeezed past him as he ran his hands under the faucet, careful not to bump into the other spy. They set down the box on the counter and patiently folded their hands, awaiting instructions.
Theron turned off the sink and flung the remnant droplets off his hands, drying them with a slightly stained checkerboard dish towel.
Even with his fearsome past, Theron found the quiet operative to be pleasant company most days, with Eight acting as his assistant in daily matters ranging from mundane chores to deadly missions. All at the behest of Lana, of course. She was the one who insisted on (see: forced) a pair of helping hands for him after he'd incorrectly assumed she’d wanted him to take on all her burdens.
Not that he was complaining about the extra hands. Certainly not today of all days–he was planning something special, and that required all of the help he could get.
Theron opened the flaps of the crate. Fresh from their gardening plot in the Odessen fields, the box was practically bursting with colorful root vegetables and leafy greens native to the planet. Purple, orange, striped yellows and swirls of blue–all packed with vitamins and the healthy color of a successful crop. Plain proof that their efforts to cultivate more organic food for the personnel had finally given fruit, after several long winters of withered stalks and exhausting meals of food chips.
Theron smiled wryly. He’d have to make a toast to Dr. Oggurrobb’s fertilizer and the Force Enclave’s agricultural knowledge later.
“Will this be enough?” Eight asked, mellow as ever. He watched him coolly through deep umber eyes.
“It’s more than enough,” Theron answered, a bit of uncertainty leaking into his tone as he stared at the foodstuffs. The vegetables taunted him from their comfy spot atop the counter next to the impressive array of knives and cooking utensils laid out side-by-side like an interrogation toolkit. “...I think.” He wiped the tip of his nose.
Theron hated to admit it, but he was no culinarian. Master Zho had never taught him (really, what could you teach a kid to cook in the wilderness besides canned goods and pre-packaged rations), and his stint as a SIS agent since his youth had left him with little time to prepare nor care. The extent of his cooking repertoire could quickly be summed up to sticking a frozen Orobird leg in the flash oven and waiting for two minutes, sadly.
So why was he making an effort now?
The image of the Commander’s tired face weary from battle and sleepless nights, aging lines etched deep into their skin with the carvings of a destiny too large for one person, flashed in Theron’s mind. He’d seen the way they’d fought–skipped meals, denied themselves sleep, hid the way their gaze turned vacant when they thought no one was looking, left their cafeteria plate practically untouched, compounded blackened bottoms of endless cups of caf, the stims—the Commander was burning themselves at both ends.
Hypocritical as it was, he couldn’t stand watching them drive themselves into the ground. The galaxy’s fate was important, but…not as important as they were to Theron. Yet he found himself at a loss; what words he wanted to tell them to eat better, to sleep more, to stop hurting themselves fell short whenever the Commander gave him that one look. That look of resignation, deep as the dull ache that would settle in his chest afterwards.
“I’m okay,” They’d tell him, smiling wan, “Thank you, Theron.” It’s alright. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about me.
Like hell he couldn’t. He–
Theron snapped out of his reverie, realizing he’d been wringing the dishcloth far too tightly for too long. Eight stared at him, puzzled. He released it. His knuckles returned to their previous pink.
“...Sorry. Just. Tired,” Theron shook his head, massaging his temples. Tired. Yeah. He was sure someone else was too, and he hadn’t asked Eight to come here to watch him have a breakdown. Pushing off from the counter, he clapped his hands together, mustering up a second wind. “Let’s get to work. Shall we?”
Commander Stew
Young Makrin Legs
Orobird Soup Stock
Rootleaf, 1 Head
Imperial-issued Instant Glowblue Noodles, 1 Package
Republic Synth-Ham and Grophet Sausages
Odessen Wild Onions
Mandalorian Spice Sauce
Zakuulan Swamp Glowshrooms
Slice of Ration Cheese
Prepare the young makrin legs by soaking them in water and shaving the fibrous exterior with a peeler.
Theron stared at the unassuming pile of…legs that resembled roots more than they did the limbs of any creature, and secretly shuddered. Makrins weren’t particularly uncommon on terrestrial worlds, but their crabby, tree-like appearance and tendency to wallow in loam didn't make them his first choice to eat. He wasn't exactly opposed to adventurous cuisine, but he wondered how exactly the legs of a chitinous creature equaled something that would make the Commander more appetized.
As if sensing his cause for pause, Eight peered over his shoulder where he stood frozen with peeler in hand. “The Jedi recommended them for use in medicinal dishes. When eaten boiled, it lowers blood pressure, and contains many nutrients.” He said thoughtfully, as if reading an entry from an encyclopedia.
“Is that so.” Theron inwardly balked at the mention of the Jedi–a little known fact was that Master Zho had raised him on Jedi cuisine, most of it vegetarian, but even then he hadn’t sampled every bit of agriculture the galaxy had to offer. Makrin legs were a bit out there, but seeing as they were native to Odessen, recommended by the enclave and another piece of stress relief on a plate for the Commander? His survival training told him the harmless limbs could only benefit, despite their gnarly appearance.
Remove the tips and fibrous base. When cleaned and processed, set aside.
He buckled down and began shaving the legs. Lack of proper nutrition was always a deciding factor in conflict–Theron had seen his fair share of soldiers who contracted disease from improper eating and lack of supplies– and he would feed the Commander any bit of ugly vegetables if it meant seeing a little more life restored to their pallid cheeks. His fingers found their rhythm as he removed the tough outer skin from the legs exposing their soft white core beneath the blade of the peeler, their texture reminding him oddly of Dantooinian tubers with an extra coat of slime.
Slice and dice half of a medium-sized onion.
Theron had to pretend he wasn't looking particularly emotional as he chopped the onion. Or maybe he was simply brought to tears at the thought that their food could have flavor for once, all thanks to the Alliance’s team of scouts who procured such supplies for them from the unmapped regions of Odessen’s wilds. Eight was among that team, hence Theron's willingness to let an Imp spy of all people join him in cooking. There was only a small handful of people he could use to conceal his efforts from the Commander, and Theron would make use of both his ability to obtain food in secret and his espionage skills to see this through, opposing factions be damned.
And if others worried about poisoning, well. He didn't pride himself on being Chief of Security for nothing. The safety of the Commander was his priority, as were the characters of those he chose to fight alongside them. They were his responsibility. His to trust with their most important fight and everything in-between. Theron couldn't afford to keep the old grudges that the Republic and Empire maintained in these desperate times, and he would not fall victim to their need to blind themselves with their unending war. He had to fight for what was important, and that was…people. Not sides.
Theron would always be a son of the Republic at his heart. But now his heart belonged to another, and those lines had long blurred.
Slice the glowshrooms length-wise, removing the head from the stems. Set aside.
Clean and cut the rootleaf in half, then the following halves into quarters; chop into smaller squares until you have about 1 cup’s worth of rootleaf. Store the rest in a cool, refrigerated place.
Unpackage the Synth-Ham, Republic Ration #0625, and slice to desired thickness.
Theron opened the can of mystery meat and upended it onto the chopping board. The green ham-like substance plopped onto it with gelatinous grace. He poked it with his cooking knife. It jiggled away from the tip.
Eight placed an empty pot next to him along with a can of opened grophet sausages and an unwrapped package of Imperial ration Glowblue Noodles, their signature color shining through the foil. Theron quickly thanked him out of the corner of his mouth.
Arrange the rootleaf, onion, makrin legs, and glowshrooms at the bottom of the pot in even layers.
Add a helping of Mandalorian Spiced Sauce on top.
Theron couldn't forget Torian and his people. They were the ones who suggested using their own spices for the hotpot, as “no other spice in the galaxy compares to that of a Mando’s.” Though he’d initially expressed some reservations at setting the Commander’s tongue aflame, this special mix had been made with their preference in mind; Shae had been so impressed by their valor that she presented several crates worth as a gift after the battle of Darvannis. Spices were a luxury if not a grand gesture in wartime, and not one Theron intended to use lightly.
Add the Synth-Ham, grophet sausages, and top with a slice of ration cheese over the previous ingredients.
Finally, add the Glowblue Noodles and 3 liters of Orobird stock.
Theron blinked at the finished product. “Wait a minute. This is…”
“Revanite stew?” Eight once again helpfully supplied.
It was Theron’s turn to ask the questions as he raised a suspicious brow towards his sous-chef. “They ate this during the coalition, when the camps combined. How did you get the same recipe?”
Eight smiled quietly to himself, in his mysterious and elusive way. “Our Commander was there. It was their idea to share food across factions. I still haven't forgotten its taste. If you ask any of the soldiers from that time, they will say the same.”
Theron stared at him, speechless. To think the same recipe he’d been making this entire time was a result of their union on Rishi…he recalled seeing Imperial and Republic soldiers bonding over a cookpot, but hadn't joined in, content to watch the proceedings from a distance. So much had happened during Revan’s rise that he’d failed to pay enough attention to something so innocuous as a moment of camaraderie between unlikely allies.
It had been their idea to eat something both Imperial and Republic that fateful night. To form the basis of their Alliance over a simple, warm bowl of soup.
Theron felt his heart swell.
He…he had to remind them of what they had built. What they meant to him. With this.
Set on top of a burner and deliver to recipients with bowls to share.
Theron held his breath as he wheeled the cart of foodstuffs to the Commander’s quarters, careful to avoid jostling the stew that balanced atop it as he reached his destination. He rapped on the door with the back of his knuckles.
A puff of pnematic air revealed the Commander, yawning wearily from yet another sleepless night of work and burdens. “Yes–” They stopped. “Theron? What are you doing here?” They eyed his cart. “And what's with all the food?”
Theron cracked a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thought you could use some dinner, so…I brought you some. If you don't mind, that is.” He quickly added, feeling out of place in the deserted hallway.
The Commander smiled, a genuine one that reached their eyes, crinkling at the edges. “I’d love to try whatever you made. Come in, we can eat it together.” They stepped aside to allow Theron room to maneuver.
Enjoy with your intended party.
As expected, it was delicious.
Not as filling as seeing the Commander laugh to the point of tears at his explanations as to why he'd been so secretive all week trying to hide the fruits of his cooking from them, but filling nonetheless. He'd give it a 5/5, personally, as a true soup for the soul. (And a note to make it again with less sneaking around).
If the Commander was satisfied and satiated... so was he.
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Jedi robe significations
[NB: all of this is headcanon, derived from what clothing items are named in-game, what various Jedi NPCs wear, and also things I just made up because I like them.]
White robes indicates a consular whose work is primarily in diplomatic or other physically “safe” arenas, as white is a hard colour to keep pristine in rough environments and in combat.
Likewise, particularly trailing sleeves indicate the same.
One or two pieces of light leather armor (e.g. shoulder-pads and vambraces) indicate a Jedi regards putting themselves in physical danger in warzones and other combat to be part of their personal duties.
Heavier armour indicates that a Jedi is primarily involved - as in, their current mission is - in war.  This is often a way to spot a Jedi who is more willing to fight than many of their peers are.
The Ansata are a sub-group of Jedi that believe they follow the Force’s will specifically by gathering and protecting knowledge.  Ansata patterns and hair/head jewelry, such as those worn by Jocasta Nu and Atris, indicate a Jedi belongs to the Ansata group.
It’s rare to see a Kyber Jedi away from Ilum, but if you do, they can be distinguished by their kyber crystal being not carried as part of a lightsaber but carried in a clear case or on its own as jewelry.  Their robes are embroidered or cut into fractal patterns, and often have transparent, glowing, or shimmering elements.  Cold-weather gear is commonly worn by Kyber Jedi even in warm environments, and many will never appear publicly unhooded.
Dark grey robes indicate either work with the criminal underworld or status as a Shadow.
Jedi in green robes are, of course, usually Corellian Green Jedi.
While brown robes are extremely commonly worn by Jedi - indeed, a plain brown robe over cream or brown tunics is known galaxy-wide as what a Jedi is “supposed” to wear - and golden elements aren’t overly uncommon, wearing red robes is taboo, due to association with the Sith.  For this reason, dark orange is also best avoided.
Visibly repaired (patched, ragged, re-stitched, etc) robes, when not worn out of necessity, indicate a Jedi who is primarily devoted to alleviating social inequality.
Jedi who wear animal fur, pelts or skins, and are not from a species or heritage that values the use of animal products (e.g., Togruta or Trandoshan Jedi), are animal specialists, training, befriending, and working alongside any animal from acklays to gundarks to zeldrake.
Many Jedi healers wear the medical emblem in an easy-to-see location on their upper sleeves.
Jedi stationed on Coruscant or Tython often incorporate gold-coloured elements into their robes.
“Mismatched” robes, with each clothing element being of a different material, in a different style, and with different motifs, indicates a Jedi whose focus is communication between differing cultures, whether as a diplomat, a translator, or simply someone whose circle of contacts is extremely diverse.
Want to know if a Jedi has just thrown on their current robes to fit what they’re doing today? Look at the boots. If the boots don’t match, they’ve either just switched assignments or this isn’t their usual work.  Similarly, a Jedi’s robes should in some way match the style of their lightsaber(s), and if they don’t, they’re not in robes they wear often.
If a Jedi’s robes and lightsaber are black and spiky, that’s probably not a Jedi.  Move along, now.
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snootysith · 1 year
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Tack on "screaming insecurities" and that sounds about right for him.
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Thanaton tripped over himself to fit his preconceptions of an "ideal Sith", constantly seeking approval from others because he feared deep down he'd never really escape his own past as a slave, so he overcompensated in his "Sithiness".
For awhile, I assumed "tradition" was just a tool he used to further his goals. And it was, but I think he genuinely believed in it, too, which makes it that much worse.
I do like how Mortis called him out on it.
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I settled on a different take with Aruk now though. As I see it, the Sphere of Sith Philosophy is the spiritual cousin of Ancient Knowledge so I racked my brain trying to think up ways that would translate practically.
For plot purposes, I made it so that the Empire's propaganda machine, the Imperial Outreach Division, is jointly run by Sith Philosophy and Imperial Intelligence. Due to Jadus's persistant absence, Aruk usually holds more power in this and generates most if not all types of broadcasts, including those based in faith.
Similar to Jadus, he's low key and rather sinister but unlike Jadus he takes his role very seriously. Aruk is fairly absent himself during council meetings, but there's an unspoken understanding it's because he's actually doing his job. If he shows up, it's because something publicly catastrophic happened.
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themildestofwriters · 2 years
Imperial Calendar (Ziost Standard)
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Fantasy Calendar version here.
Because I desperately need a calendar for The Saga of Zero (the WIP fanfiction reboot formerly known as The Sith, Zero), I made my own. Two, actually. One for the Sith Empire (circa. 10 ATC Star Wars: The Old Republic) and for the Holy Kingdoms of Halkeginia (3159 AG The Familiar of Zero). This post will be focused on the Imperial Calendar.
There are 322 days a Common Year, broken down into 10 months of 4 weeks and 32 days with a pair of intercalary days at the end of the 5th and 10th month. Every sixth year is a leap year, adding a single day at the end of the year.
1. Ahmurnjat, "Month of the Supreme One" 2. Bašarayjat, "Month of Bashara" 3. Marsarjat, "Month of the [Great] Mother" 4. Tukatjat, "Month of the Hound" 5. Ašayjat, "Month of Victory" - Qyâtak I, "Day of Life" 6. Kâlbjat, "Middle Month" 7. Nwûljat, "Month of Peace" 8. Tyfojat, "Month of Typho[jem]" 9. Kegimjat, "Month of the [Bleak] Aegis [of Calamity]" 10. Sahlayjat, "Month of the [Red] Lady" - Rânaqorit I & II (L), "Year's End"
I'm not going to lie, but a lot of these month names came from both @fluffynexu and @inquisitorhotpants, both of whom have done a ton of worldbuilding for the Sith Empire.
Qyâtak I and Rânaqorit I are the intercalary days, with Rânaqorit II being the leap day appearing every sixth year.
Istak "First [day]" Dišak "Second [day]" Benak "Third [day]" Limûk "Fourth [day]" Kamsak "Fifth [day]" Asûk "Sixth [day]" Qabbrut "[Day of] Meditation" Gawnut "[Day of] Preparation"
Unlike the months, the days are purely my own construction. I'm not pleased with the names. I'm fine with the "first, second, third... day," but conlanging is really, really hard, y'all. If y'all got better names, feel free to share because I'm strugglin'.
The year is 1526, Reign of the Immortal, by the Reckoning of Ziost. It has been 11 years since the Treaty of Coruscant.
Like in @inquisitorhotpans's calendar, year one marks the foundation of the Sith Empire under Emperor Vitiate. However, one detail I added was Eras. Canonically, the period of time when King Adas ruled was known as the "Reign of the Axe." So, I took that idea and went with it. The Empire divides their history into various eras based off the current state of society.
How many eras are there? I have no idea. But considering there's 27,510 years since Adas... that's a lot of time and therefore there should be many eras listed.
Eras I've created myself are:
Wars of the Sith'ari, began with the collapse of the Ancient Sith Empire (Adas' kingdom), with everyone declaring themselves successor to King Adas and promptly spending the couple centuries to millennia fighting one another.
Reign of the Thirteen, began with the establishment of the Thirteen Kingdoms of the Sith which served as the forerunner of the twelve and one council system used by the later Sith Empires.
Reign of Graj'uš, began with the establishment of the Grajuš dynasty (Graush in canon, but Sith linguistics are not consistent) who united the Sith once again, either for the first time since King Adas, or the nth. Notable figures are the infamous Dathka who was assassinated for being a dick, and Hakagram, last King of the Sith, whose death marked the beginning of the...
Reign of Subjugation, which followed the dynasty of the Jedi Exiles, which was cut short by the Sith rebellion, which led to the...
Reign of the Jen'ari, which followed the dynasty of Dark Lords of the Sith from Tulak Hord to Marka Ragnos and the rest.
Considering the Sith'ari Wars, Graj'uš dynasty, and Jen'ari dynasty lasted at least a millennium each, there's a case for upwards of twenty eras to figure out and play around with.
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Star Wars Ultimate Sheet 2.0
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Okay so I have rework slightly on my previous character sheet for Star Wars. Same as the previously, it have made as an help to develop your original star wars character, but also canon etc... I use it to put down all my ideas for a character, as well than picking up some ideas to develop an OC whith competence than I wasn't thinking of before (like picking up details for an unusual weapon, or crafting skill etc)... Of course the sheet isn't fully complete, there is a lot of hobbies, skills, personnality trait that I haven't put there, but please, please, feel free to add anything you wish, or MP me if you have more idea to add or anything to correct! Also of course you can use it as you wish, and don't complete all informations!
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Name - gender – race – age – sexuality – homeworld
 GLOBAL Nickname – place of residence – main languages spoken - their ship/speeder/mount owning name/class – marital status – pet? – education level
BACKGROUND + ERA in which era your character is evolving – summary & main backstory info (ex: your family caste, previous work etc.)
BODY DETAIL shape – height - hair – eyes - skin - freckles – scars – birthmark – cybernetic – tattoo – prominent feature - natural hair color – accent - etc.
DISABILITIES / or chronic heal condition etc.?
RELATIONSHIP family - lover/partner - allies – enemies – friends - famous connection - mentor - student
ALIGNEMENT chaotic/neutral/lawful - good/neutral/evil - faction - religion
ACTIVITY career/ job – etc.
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STRENGHT stamina - athletic
DEXTERITY acrobatics - stealth/sneaky - sleight of hand/thievery - insight - piloting
INTEL investigation – perception - history: native/faction/other culture – quick learner – language – tactical (strategy making) – adaptation – cartology
WISDOM nature knowledge: animal handling/taming, fauna/floral specialist, herbalism, surviving, gardening, farming – biology mastering: emergency medicine, medicine, chirurgical, cyber-prosthesis technician, alchemy, biochemical etc. – teaching – force knowledge: jedi order, sith order, ancient red sith science and magic, planet mystics (Gungan on Naboo, Voss, Nightsister, etc.), minor cult etc. – astrology – geology – protocol - demolition
CHARISMA deception – intimidation - persuasion – debating – diplomacy – leadership – acting
TECH slicing - engineering -tech maintenance – droid/machine technician -
CRAFTING forge: armor/weapons - sewing/embroidery/colorist textile(dye)/leatherworking/ etc. – handcrafting: wood, pottery, plasteel, etc. - cooking/bakery/mixology -
ART writing: lyrics, poetry, books etc. – drawing: tagging/painting/ etc. – dancing (style?) – singing – playing instrument –
INVENTORY does they have a special object of which they are proud? – what contain the bag/ belt pouch they often carry around?
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FIGHT weapon: type, left/right/ambidextrous and medium/heavy/light - explosive - medical fields - night battle - Melee/mid-distance/distance/far distance - riding fight - artillery, etc.
WEAPON one/dual/two hands in one - shaft - cultural weapon - vibroblade/vibrosword/vibroaxe/ vibrostaff - flamethrower - grenade - missile/rocket - combat gloves - sniper rifle - hold-out pistol - blaster rifle - blaster pistol - gatling - energy canon - experimental weapon - laser bow/crossbow - shield, etc.
ARMOR light/medium/heavy/none - stealth and/or technologic suit - secret weapon inside suit (like Theron Shan bracelet/Mandalorian etc.) + outfit style: casual/formal/fancy/plain/comfortable/sportive/smuggler/sithy/jedi etc.
LIGHTSABER barrier - throw - Telekinetic lightsaber combat technique - sith alchemy(DS)/ force weapon ritual(LS) - jedi stance discipline (Shii-Cho, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Shien/Djem So, Niman, Juyo/Vaapad) - new jedi order stance (Strong, Medium, Fast) - wielding style (dual, solo, pike, double-bladed, Lightwhip) - other fighting Forms and Style (Unorthodox and Hybrid Fighting Methods, Trispzest, Tràkata, Sokan, Dun Möch, Lus-ma, Su ma)
Light side: force listening (communicate with someone while not speaking their native tongue) – animal friendship - plant surge – Severe Force/Force light (jedi only user is directly attacking a Dark Side user's connection to the Force and negating their ability to communicate with it)-
‘Gray’: healing (revitalize other ppl, hibernation trance themselves, dark transfer, rez) - psychometry/retrocognition² (feeling memories of people who have touched an object) – telekinesis (force barrier, lightening: shock, lightening channeling; force push², force blast², &force burst, &force grip, &force wave, &force repulse, force destruction, force crush, deflection, whirlwind, &storm,  slow, shadowstrike, stealth², &pyrokinesis, &force travel(DS)  -  &levitation/flight – force sense (tracking, traumatic events, physical danger to a loved one, interconnectivity to the universe) – &force illusion (conjure projections, apparitions, or even Force projections of themselves, hiding their signature from the force)- precognition – body enhancement (running, charging, jump; berserk, agility, strength, unbreakable will, ) - &metamorphosis (shape into that of another person, creature, or entity, mask: reshape an individual's appearance, altering the subject at the molecular level ) –
Dark Side: &force walk (interacting with ghosts, bind them to the user ) - &life manipulation (dark side only, force drain: life sucking from another person; Midi-chlorian Manipulation; dimmish: damage to an opponent's health and vitality) –  control² (mechu-deru: mechanical structures could be bound to the will of the user and imbued with the force, creating technobeast // mind trick/control, emotions, mind probe, crushing darkness/horror/insanity, malacia: troubling opponent equilibrium, stun, stasis²,) -  &Battle Meditation (mass mind control) - &Corruption (force plague) - Dathomir magic (traditional Allyan Magic//Shadow magic: force healing, bubble shield, whirlwind, teleportation, enhance physical, Nightsisters talismans crafting, mommies rez, conjure solid items, communicate with the other realm, rituals, spirit-conjuring techniques linked with Nature, heartshadow: foresee the various possible futures, scrying: peeping, Mesmerism : mind domination) – old sith sorcery (diseases such as rakghoul, rituals) – old sith alchemy (permanently alter an item or living being, nefarious toxins, crafting artefacts, creative dark side creature, enhance the strength of weapons and armor, Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut : waking dead servitor) -
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INTEREST sleeping; romance; friends; one-night stand; imagination; creating; flora; fauna; photography/video; reading; food; conversation; fashion; entertainment; fighting; debating; ruling; credits; pranks; droid; spaceship; etc.
CHARM lively – confident – persuasive – charming – chatty – diplomatic – cheeky – cocky - popular – funny - friendly
NEGATIVE - cruel -  mean - etc.
MOOD active - calm – dynamic - cheerful – lazy -  // childish – mature // aggressive //  adventurous – creative – enthusiastic – intuitive – optimistic
PERSONAL sociable – loud – quiet – reserved - unconfident – self-deprecating – humble – proud - arrogant // authentic – honest – manipulative – ambiguous – helpful – unreliable // shy – extrovert //  neat -  // realistic -
RELATION possessive –insecure - understanding – arrogant // Loyal – respectful - insolent – polite  // affectionate – gentle  // selfish – easy-going – generous - // magnanimous -
R dominating – bossy – ambitious – power-anger -  submissive // careful - conscientious - focused – adaptable – determined – deliberate - impulsive – patient - stubborn - truthful – unpredictable -  hard-working - meticulous// frank – bold – tactless // argumentative – circumspect – //
L lucky – unlucky - clumsy //  fearless – prudent – cowardly  - brave - // spoiled - // silly – crazy - wise //
OUTBURST delusion – berserk - excited - obsessed - despair – angry - belligerent -  stress crisis
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- and // is to separate two ideas
italic is the main idea of something who is developping after the word
& in force abilities means that it's a very very strong technique
² in force abilities means it's a rare and moderate hard technique
DS: Dark Side force technique
LS: Light Side force technique
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All the dividershave been made by the fantastic @firefly-graphics
An old character sheet that I have made some times ago, in a roleplay chart character style for Star Wars
Swtor era: The Alliance personal headcanon & worldbuilding
An awesome name generator for SW, based or races!
SW character generator (Race, faction, homeworld, Ship, weapon)
SW Galaxy Map + ressource for this map
The Ultimate Star Wars reference link, very useful (I don't even know why I have lost my time searching for all my link reference when this guide is just so complete fjsdjdjdjsdk)
More SW resource link because we never had enough
My alt blog SW resource tag in case you search even more references
Medic writing resource: 1 2 3 4
Togruta: * and **
Sith pureblood culture: red sith face, red sith biology, red sith global links of worldbuilding of @fluffynexu
Sith tattoo *
A big SW worldbuilding links by @badsithnocookie (jedi & sith culture, language etc)
GAR: batalion organization;
Jedi resources by GFFA and more jedi
... I will probably add more later or made a special post...
⋆ ࣪.  ⁺⑅ ⋰˚ *.゚ .˳⁺⁎˚ ˚⁎⁺˳ . ༺ ˖࣪ ˖࣪ ∗
Thanks you'all for reading this post, again if anyone wants to add or correct something please feel free to said anything. You can freely use this "sheet" as you please! :)
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sith-shenanigans · 9 months
I’ve been thinking about this for ages, and I figure you might have some thoughts about it so: what even IS an Overseer? Are they just lords? Are they a separate thing? It bothers me
So, to understand the context on this, you need to know that the writers—for at least some portion of the plot—didn’t think “apprentice” was a rank. You have a master, and you’re their apprentice, but you’re a full Sith the moment you pass your trials; lords are just more important Sith.
Sith Titles - SWTOR Codex
The Sith Order bestows a number of titles upon its followers, as befits their rank and power. These are the most common:
Acolyte: A Sith acolyte has not yet completed his or her trials in the Sith Academy, and may well die before becoming truly 'Sith.'
Sith: An acolyte who completes the trials and is accepted as the apprentice of a Sith Lord is considered Sith--no more, no less. Any non-Sith, however, is expected to refer to a Sith as 'my lord' out of respect.
Overseer: An instructor at the Sith Academy is called an overseer. Overseers are often Sith Lords, but that rank is not a requirement; they may simply be Sith with a talent for instruction.
Sith Lord: A Sith who advances in the order's hierarchy will eventually be elevated to Sith Lord. His or her name is preceded by 'Lord' in formal address. In the modern Empire, 'Dark Lord' is synonymous with this term.
Darth: The strongest Sith Lords ascend to the position of Darth. Many take a new name at this point, symbolically embracing their transformation into something greater.
Emperor: There has been only one Sith Emperor since the Great Hyperspace War over 1,300 years ago. He is supreme.
This is, obviously, incomprehensible nonsense. Even the writers themselves thought so, since in most cases they very clearly do treat “apprentice” as a rank, and “Dark Lord” is almost never used for anyone but a Darth except in Korriban dialogue. The weird inconsistencies in how Sith ranks work are mostly centered around Korriban—they show up in the dialogue, a bit, and in a Korriban lore object. And the way the overseers are written is based on that half-deprecated lore: they’re Sith, and they’re not apprentices because they don’t have masters, but many/most of them aren’t lords.
In a version of the Empire where the worldbuilding is a bit more consistent… we’re told that only Sith are allowed within Academy walls (barring orders from on high), and shown that sometimes failed acolytes are sent to work in Academy infrastructure (Klemral, if the warrior takes a light side option, even if he doesn’t stay there). It’s likely that most overseers are drawn from the ranks of acolytes that have enough skill to make good teachers, but don’t have the power to make it as true Sith. A few of the others are former apprentices or lords who were disgraced, and are serving the Order in their punishment. The remainder are lords in the Sphere of Sith Philosophy who simply treat their job title as taking precedence while on the job—as the blue-robed Inquisitors do. Inquisitor Zyn is probably a lord too, but you wouldn’t call him “Lord Zyn” unless you met him at a gala.
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fluffynexu · 1 year
I just found your site and I absolutely love the world building for the Sith Species you have done! I especially love the Great Mother, the Sacred Sith Tree, and Sith Biology. What do you think Sith Fashion is like on Korriban and how do you think it’s changed over time?
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oh gosh thank you so much!
and i have thought of fashion a bit, but never really Formalized it like my other posts. ^-^;
if you don't mind delayed responses my dms are always open. :D
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are the shoulder pads sort of a hidden weapon? you know, like those totally-not-suspicious necklaces or keychains you can stab people with? I mean, has Serra ever accidentally stabbed one of her rivals in the crowd??? I have so many questions 👹
I love to think of the pointy shoulder pads as a weapon! Very funny to imagine Sith acting like wrestlers. I mean imagine Serra in all her pointy glory just doing this?
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Though I actually see all the spikes and pointy fashion that Sith have as being more of a symbolic warning to others. Its a way to keep people at a distance or you risk being stabbed. Having someone be physically close to you, past the spikes is a huge show of trust.
I also like to imagine that the spikes are often laced with toxins so that if someone is foolish enough to casually approach you without caution and care then they risk death.
And yes I definitely do think that Serra has caused the death of others because they got too close and were poisoned by her shoulder spikes. And if some of those were political rivals then that’s all the better for her.
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sunderedazem · 1 year
Worldbuilding Wednesday! (on a Saturday!)
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• Full name: Corrain Gealai
• Gender: Male (transgender)
• Sexuality: Bisexual, Polyamorous 
• Pronouns: He / Him
O T H E R S 
• Family:  - Father - Valkorion/Vitiate/Tenebrae, former Emperor of both the Sith and Zakuulan Empire, Celestial pawn, eventually deceased. - Mother - Iomlan Greine, Zakuulan Scion turned Imperial Ensign (Medic) turned Zakuulan Scion again, living alongside her son and his family on Odessen and Zakuul. - Half-brother - Prince Arcann Tirall, former Emperor of Zakuul, Executive Advisor to the Zakuulan Upper Cabinet and Zakuulan Liaison to the Eternal Alliance. - Half-brother - Prince Thexan Tirall, deceased. - Half-sister - Princess Vaylin Tirall, former Empress of Zakuul, Captain of the Zakuulan Kingsguard. - Spouse(s) - Theron Shan and Lana Beniko, Duke/Duchess of Izax's Spire (by marriage), Intelligence and Operations Advisors to the Eternal Alliance Commander. - Daughter - Crown Princess Imeacht Gealai, Jedi Initiate and Scion trainee (She's five-ish years old in the epilogue)
• Birthplace: Alderaan, Jedi Enclave - Glarus Valley
• Job: Jedi Master, Jedi Battlemaster (former), Eternal Alliance Commander (current), Emperor of the Zakuulan Principate (current), Jedi Council Advisor (informal, current)
• Phobias: Blood/Medicine, needles, literally ANY medical procedure
• Guilty pleasures: SWEETS (he bakes), actually intimidating people
M O R A L S 
• Morality alignment: Neutral Good, with a brief, painful spell of True Neutral
• Sins: lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
• Virtues: chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T 
• Introverted/extrovert: He's a classic "ambivert" to be honest - he's not really one or the other, and even as a younger, more nervous Jedi Padawan and Jedi Knight he's always vacillated between loving people and then needing downtime to recharge. He's right in the middle.
• Organized/disorganized: He's...a little scatterbrained, sometimes. Stress and anxiety make it difficult for him to not actively be trying to solve 800 problems at once and that means he has piles of random things cluttered around his room on the Odessen base. T7 tends to help him sort things out every so often.
• Close-minded/open-minded: It's really hard for him to not be open-minded, given his history as a Jedi and then capture and torment on Vitiate's whim. He's far more understanding of people who are forced into making horrific choices due to his time as Lord Lune.
• Calm/anxious: He's never NOT worrying about something or another. There's so much pent-up nervous energy in this man. And it's even worse when there's actively a problem. Like the Sith Empire. Or the Zakuulan Empire. Or the Celestial invasion force- yeah anyway
• Disagreeable/agreeable: He's relatively easy to get along with, and is straightforward enough to leave a social situation he's unhappy with - the only person he make a point of Being A Jerk To on occasion is Lord Scourge.
• Cautious/reckless: Cautious mostly, because he values life above anything else, but when it comes to his OWN life he's incredibly reckless.
• Patient/impatient: This man CANNOT sit still ever and he will do it HIMSELF if he has to wait even five more seconds.
• Outspoken/reserved: He can and WILL publicly shame the entirety of the Senate for being uncharitable greedy assholes and he will also do it with fiery language that smears them. This man will NOT shut up if he sees something he has an Opinion about.
• Leader/follower: He's comfortable following the direction of people he trusts, but he has an authority complex and balks at being told what to do for the most part
• Empathetic/unempathetic: Empathetic to the point of reckless stupidity, sometimes.
• Optimistic/pessimistic: He'd say "realistic." Lana and Theron would say "rose-colored glasses?" - he believes in sentient life being fundamentally capable of cooperation and refuses to see it differently.
• Traditional/modern: He respects old traditions and actively studies them to become a proper Scion of Zakuul, but he refuses to put tradition before progress and the improvement of the galaxy.
• Hard-working/lazy: he's married to Theron and Lana. these three are AWFUL at vacations.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S 
• otp: N/A he's poly and wants two people
• ot3: Lana/Theron/Corrain. They're both very sweet on him and he's very sweet on them. Here's my take on their relationship.
• brotp: Kira & Corrain! the most UnOrthodox Master-Padawan duo ever
• notp: Corrain/Doc, Corrain/Kira - just not my taste, you know.
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sullustangin · 2 years
Worldbuilding Wednesday: “The Force” *Supposedly*
Spoilers ahoy for a character in Obi-Wan: Haja Estree.   This is a brief look at the character, then discussion about building a Force skeptical character in fic.
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In Episode 2 of Obi-Wan Kenobi, we meet Haja Estree.  He pretends to be a Jedi as a means of smuggling people off Daiyu... and taking all their money.
Haja Estree made me so happy to see because a) there are grifters like that in every culture that prey upon believers; b) it substantiates some skepticism and irreverence toward Jedi; people like Han Solo have seen this guy in some form, in their life.
Prior to Order 66, there were probably a lot more people like Haja Estree in various backwaters and underworlds in the galaxy, pulling the same stunt.  We see this in SWTOR itself, somewhat, with Guss Tuno -- who really does have access to the Force, but he can only see it.  He can’t use it.  He is a failed padawan, but there is something more to him than someone who didn’t have the Force at all.  He still fakes being a Jedi Master with a stolen lightsaber, and he runs a good game until busted by the smuggler.
Haja is probably a dying species because the Empire is keen to stamp out any traces of the Jedi Order and any ‘fandom’ that might follow it.  Even grifters are dangerous to the absolute authority the Empire wishes to assert.  Haja is playing a dangerous game -- but it’s one that is highly lucrative, because who wouldn’t trust a Jedi?  He’s “one of the few left.”  He’s “in hiding.”   It’s very daring, and he’s selling a romanticized view of the Jedi, as people would like to remember them under an oppressive Empire.  It’s brilliant, but potentially deadly as we saw at the end of Episode 2 of Obi Wan Kenobi.
We can view Haja Estree as either really cynical or really hopeful.  On the one hand, he’s making tons of money off vulnerable people.  On the other hand, he is delivering on what he promised, based on what is conveyed in the TV series.  He is saving people... and the Jedi live a little bit long through him.  He keeps the memory alive.  When it comes down to it, he does try to delay Reva long enough to save Obi-Wan.  There is a moment where he realizes his scam  -- and the Jedi ‘scam’ -- isn’t actually a scam for some people with certain gifts.  He might have liked Obi-Wan, but maybe he didn’t actually believe in this Force thing until that second when Reva dove into his mind.
I do hope Haja survives to flim-flam again.  I think it would be the ultimate irony if he was found to have  a little Force Sensitivity... but only enough to manifest in strange luck or attracting people to him like some bizarre magnet.
Below the cut are ideas about building a Force-Skeptical character -- who might take the form of someone like Haja Estree.
NB:  This is not an Order 66 stan, nor an anti-Jedi one.  Rather, it discusses the crafting of a character that doesn’t believe in the Jedi/Sith ways about the Force.  They don’t buy into the religions/philosophies, but that doesn’t mean they’d be ok with genocide.  It must be acknowledged that canonically, Palpatine played on the skepticism surrounding the Force in the way the Jedi wielded it to make people hostile toward them,  indifferent to their extermination, or terrified that they would be killed alongside the Jedi.  There were still those who were not believers and resisted the propaganda.
Do you believe in magic?
Skeptics have a lot of ways of being doubtful about the Force and its Adherents.  Are they doubting the existence of the Force itself?  Doubting the Light Side/Dark Side thing?  Doubting the Jedi/Sith teachings on it?  Doubting the organizations, rather than the teachings?  This is one thing that needs to be determined early on when making such a skeptical character, especially if they deal with Jedi/Sith on a regular basis. 
Haja Estree made me happy because he’s sort of the “Exhibit A” in a Force skeptic’s portfolio.  It’s a scam -- or at least it doesn’t work like you think it does.  Canonically, Sith and Jedi are relatively rare in the universe.  By the end of the Republic, they’re down to about 10,000 prior to Order 66.  Some of stuff Force Users do is wild -- you’d have to see it to believe it. Your odds of seeing a Force User in action are low, unless you have the misfortune of being in a warzone.
The fake “Jedi” con artist appeals to me because there are people like that in every world -- he’s a ‘real’ character we’ve seen.  We read in the papers ‘couple busted for selling tickets to heaven’ or ‘holy water actually tap water’ in real life. They may have always existed (in fan works or in the EU), but they haven’t really been visualized to this point. 
Eva Corolastor is my OC from SWTOR -- Old Republic Era, wherein the Jedi are more numerous and there is a Sith Empire.  Still, these Force Users are relatively rare.  I’ve headcanonned that, although maybe 10% of the entire Galactic population has some Force Sensitivity, that can manifest as just being really  good at cards or slot machines, great reflexes as a pilot or athlete, seeing the Force but not using it (Guss Tuno), or full-blown “I can chuck rocks with my mind.”  Lucky people may not have enough Force Sensitivity to join the Orders, but they have enough to do well at other things.  I leave the actual number of full-fledged Jedi/Sith ambiguous. 
Haja is the type of charlatan that Eva thinks most Jedi and Sith are. He has magnets and electronics that simulate Force powers.  Haja has partners that make it all possible, from the departure gate to Coruscant -- it’s a little conspiracy.
Eva thinks that’s probably how it all works, up and down the chain.  Eva believes ‘something’ is out there.  She’s not a complete Force atheist.  For her, there are some people that really have ‘something else.’   However,  she thinks the organized religions and philosophies -- the Jedi and the Sith -- are BS.  That’s her verdict later too with Zakuul and their flying dragon god thing.  (It makes so much better sense when it’s the Gravestone; she understands legendary flying ships, as a pilot).  Eva has also impersonated a Jedi once or twice; she knows that these tricks can be done with the right tech, not ‘a connection to the Force.
From a piece posted in 2020:
Eva saw Corso appear at the top of the ladder, having emerged from the cockpit.  He picked up the manual as she finished her climb.  “It was kind of rude that the Sith lady referred to you as ‘inadequate.’”
Eva hoisted herself up to her feet at the top of the ladder.  “To me, they’re actively running a scam – a well-orchestrated scam with religious decorations and feel-good mysticism, whether you like helping people or helping yourself.  They use magnets, anti-grav units, laser lights – high-end con tricks.  I’d feel better about them if they just copped to it.”  Eva took the book from Corso’s hands and the two of them walked back up to the cockpit.
“Ah, but you believe Guss when he senses things.”  Corso waggled a finger at her as they sat down in the pilot and co-pilot seats.
“I totally believe Guss when he senses things.  I believe something is out there in the universe.  You know that.”  Corso nodded; she had said as much in the past.   “I just think the Jedi and the Sith have it wrong, and some of them know it.”
What does the character actually ‘know’ about Force Users? And how do they know it?
An outsider looking in on the Jedi or Sith Orders would have a very different perspective on them compared to someone who is either raised within the Order (but didn’t become a full-fledged member) or has a close relative that joined the Order.  All of those scenarios can result in the facts of the Orders being spun and affect how people feel.  But we also know that information about Jedi and Sith are taught to children in the Empire and the Republic, sensitive or not.  Obviously, there is more fact than fiction in the Old Republic, compared to what people whispered about post Order 66. 
I’ve written Eva as someone who never went to school; her parents were smugglers -- criminals.  In my headcanon, you have to register your ship for distance learning or accredited homeschool curricula -- that’s not an option for career criminals.  So Eva’s education is piecemeal .  She’s highly intelligent, but what she learned was ‘I need to know this for this illicit job.’ She does have blind spots - areas of ignorance.  People with formal educations can also have similar blindspots, but that’s due more to eyerolling dismissal or being more interested in the latest holonet serial instead of class; it happens to all, in some way, on a variety of topics.  Character education does matter, especially when we start treading around conspiracy theories about Force Users. 
Eva does believe a conspiracy is possible.  She is a bit of a troll; she likes riling up Corso, who is very pro Pub, Pro Jedi.  She’ll say to him that Jedi and the Sith are doing these laser light shows with organized backing and professional training.  They put on the show, and they profit -- the get deference, political power, preferred status in educational curricula (there’s how many of then in the galaxy?  And everyone learns about them in school?).   Someone’s gotta build those Temples, and in the Republic, the workers gotta be paid wages and get theri union smoke breaks.  Someone pays: the government, who buys into the Force User scheme...
Some of this is bravado, things that she loudly talks about at bars with other non-Force Sensitives.  Some of it is a byproduct of a narrow education.  Some of it is her knowledge that she -- who is Force-Null as a bantha -- can imitate the effects.  Eva also doesn’t like being bested by Force Users, so it’s a little bit of ego too. How much of this does she believe, really?  Hard to tell.  Eva does start to buy in more to certain aspects of the Force and how it operates after her experiences in KotXX and Echoes of Oblivion... but she will still go to less 'magical’ explanations first. 
That brings up a good point:  what do you think is said about Jedi and Sith in public education in the Star Wars universe? In our world, public educational systems were created in the 1800s to indoctrinate young people:  make good citizens, make a good workforce, and make successful people.  That last one is kinda optional; depending on the priorities of a nation, they either want loyalty or workers most of all, with people doing ‘well’ in life sort of a secondary thing.  This isn’t me being cynical -- this is history, quite literally (but the bit you’re not supposed to say out loud).  What are the galactic standards?  What varies on a planet-by-planet basis?  The Core Worlds and the Seat of the Empire probably have an entire section of school based on their Force Users.  Someone who went through the paces of a public education in the Republic or the Empire would know and have positive impressions of the Jedi or Sith -- or at least a healthy respect for what they could do with their power.   but what about in the Outer Rim or in a colony?   Probably better than an uneducated character, but some things may just not be relevant to them; agriculture may take the place of something else. 
As a result, we have a double-edged sword of Eva’s home education:  she doesn’t buy into what most other people do (lack of political indoctrination) but her education lacks scope.  While the student isn’t burdened by excessively structure and unnecessary factoids, she also lacks knowledge in anything beyond what she’s good at and prepped for by her parents, who are smugglers themselves. They narrow the curriculum -- which leads to bias. 
How do you feel about space wizards?
Haja is also interesting because he doesn’t bear the Jedi any ill-will, personally.   If anything, he’s banking off their good reputation -- and doing some good in a  chaotic way.  That said, was he the sort of guy to stand up and fight against Order 66?  Probably not; survival for him was probably marginal in the first place, and that wasn’t going to feed him.  Does he believe in the Force himself?  Eh, who knows.  They had their gig.  They’re gone now. 
People’s interactions with Sith or Jedi shape their world view of them.  As mentioned above, for many, they are fairy tales, even when they are alive and well in the Old Republic.  There’s so few and they are so fantastical.  However, once they are saved or harmed by a Force User, that will absolutely give them an opinion! 
That opinion may run contrary to how the rest of the galaxy perceives that group: a great example is Din Djarin’s rescue by Deathwatch.  They were ‘bad’ in Star Wars Clone Wars... but they saved him.  We like/love/lust after Din, even as we understand that he’s technically a member of a cult that operates in religious extremes, such as never taking off the helmet.
Din doesn’t see himself as a cult member or an extremist, at least until he meets other Mandalorians.  He still may not, since he wishes to do penance for removing his helmet and violating his religion’s rules (does checking the Dark Saber as luggage count as a religious violation, if weapons are your religion?). In the same way, your character can see of Sith or Jedi as good rather than bad or bad rather than good.  Building a Revanite OC for SWTOR would be an example of this, if your character was rescued by the Cult of Revan. 
With any character looking at a Force User, when not in a ‘saving!’ situation, do they assume benevolent intent or bad intent?  If they think the Force is a scam, is that necessarily a bad thing if good comes from it?  Or do they just sigh and think ‘bless their hearts’ and let them do whatever handwaving they want?  
Personal interactions with the Orders will shape what your character feels about the Force Users.  If you’re jealous of a sibling that got in and you did not -- that changes things. If you feel like your relative was ‘stolen’ -- that changes things.
If you feel like you are special and have the power... but you’re too far away from the Core for anyone to sense you -- that changes things.
However, what if a character views a Sith as a witch?  or a Jedi as a magician?  Are witches good in their society?  Is magic outside the bounds of the sanctioned local religion bad?  Does it automatically come from the ‘bad place’ if it doesn’t explicitly come from the ‘good god’?  Are Force Users blasphemous in some way, by their very nature?  The Force is something supernatural.  There are religious elements to it.  Your character’s own personal religious views -- whether it’s Mandalorian, Trandoshian, or something else -- may come into conflict. 
Or it might not; George Lucas envisioned the whole Force religion thing as Space Buddhism, which is a non-competitive religion.  It doesn’t demand sole adherence; you can be a Buddhist and worship other gods/practice other religions at the same time.  It’s the other religions that DO demand one-god worship or sole adherence that have a problem with multi-tasking here. 
Force-Skeptic characters can be a lot of fun to play around with, but there needs to be nuance and consideration as to how and why they think as they do.  Bigots are easy, as are devotees.  It’s the in-between that can be challenging for writers, but they’re often some of the most interesting characters.
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