#svsss fic
Who wants to bet Peerless Cucumber has an entire fan base within the pidw’s fandom? Potentially even bringing in a portion of pidw’s readers who just want to enjoy shen yuan just loosing it in the comments.
Like sure, some of the fandom’s definitely there for the toxic masculinity and papapa, but I guarantee you there’s an entire section dedicated to gleefully watching the fandom sewer rat being feral.
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binggeyuan modern!AU based on this prompt where shen yuan and luo binghe live in the same apartment building, but have never met each other. SY is more-or-less his regular shut-in self, and keeps very odd hours, which means that he happens to be wide awake the first time LBH gets back to the apartment building at 3 a.m. after some manner of illicit activity and realizes he doesn't have his fucking entrance key. LBH hits one apartment number after another into the intercom, fully prepared to dazzle his way into getting one of them to open the door for him, but the intercom is old, and people come and go from this building often enough that most people don't bother getting it set up, and he's having no luck.
finally, just as he's about to give up and bully his way onto mobei-jun or sha hualing's couch for the night, someone picks up. he doesn't even remember which specific apartment number it was, he was just entering them mechanically. immediately, LBH pulls on his smoothest affect (sure the intercom has no video, only shitty, garbled audio, but that's no reason to let the universe catch you slipping) and prepares to give the sob story performance of his life. before he can even get a single word out, however, there's a crackly, almost indiscernible "Open!" and he hears the click of the entrance door unlocking before the intercom call is ended. he stares at the intercom for a minute, somewhat wrong-footed, but then shakes himself out of it in time to catch the door before it locks again.
SY, for his part, was broken out of a binge-reading spiral by the intercom call, and fully did not realize how late it had gotten. he assumed he had ordered something that was arriving earlier than expected, and kept an ear out for a knock on his front door from the delivery person for a few minutes, but then got sucked back into the target of his current literary criticism.
the next time LBH gets locked out, he starts in the general number range he remembers striking on the last time, and pays closer attention to the numbers this time. he's curious if his little philanthropist will be so accommodating again. SY orders a lot of packages, okay! the one time he didn't pick up the intercom he had to wait an extra three days for his ultra-rare, limited edition merch, which he will not be going through again. this time, though, when the intercom picks up, LBH is prepared. he starts talking immediately, playing up his stress at being locked out, how sorry he is to be a bother, and how much he really, really appreciates it. SY fully blue screens at this unanticipated display of emotions, blurts something out about how it's not problem and of course he's happy to help out a neighbor in need, then hangs up (after unlocking the entrance, of course). it is perhaps fortunate that the intercom has no video, and thus he can not see the look on LBH's face.
LBH gets more and more consistent pushy with his calls, curious how far this little philanthropist will go for him. he knows his apartment number, of course, he could just knock and introduce himself, but he'd rather let him come to him. LBH starts interjecting little questions here and there, trying to glean any information about his mysterious benefactor. SY, meanwhile, is lighting a daily candle for this poor little bun somewhere in his building, who has truly the worst luck in the entire world! who ever heard of a gang of pickpockets stealing someone's keys not once, but twice in the same week!
LBH gets comfortable with the state of things — as ever, too comfortable. nothing good can last forever. one night, after a long and utterly shitty day, for the first time in ages, he loses his key for real. he's tried to avoid reaching out to SY at any time when he's not 100% in control of himself, but there's nothing for it. he punches in the numbers for the unit he knows by heart at this point, and when it picks up, he sighs tiredly, and waits for SY to speak first. after a moment of silence, the call drops, and the door remains locked. LBH is almost shaken entirely out of his malaise. not even a word? he puts SY's apartment number in again, but this time it doesn't even pick up. he stares at the intercom in unpleasant shock for a few minutes, then punches the wall next to it and leaves. he spends the night on mobei-jun's uncomfortably small couch, staring unseeing at the ceiling above him. at least the other man doesn't ask him any questions.
their easy rapport broken, SY starts to worry when he hasn't heard from his unfortunate little neighbor — maybe he's moved out? hopefully to a place with a more accommodating security system... after a full week, his worry ramps up even higher. he wants to believe his neighbor just found a system to keep track of his keys that works for him, but statistically, it seems unlikely. feeling like the most awkward, overstepping idiot on the planet, he scribbles off a few short notes, and sticks one by the the intercom, one by the mailboxes, and one in the laundry room. his neighbor will have to go at least one of those places, certainly?
to my keyless neighbor - hope you're well! i was worried- if you ever need me, you know where to reach me. you weren't a bother- - XX4
the next time LBH stops by the apartment (he's been avoiding it by couch-hopping as much as possible, to the great aggravation of his friends) he carefully avoids looking at the intercom. as such, it's actually sha hualing who spots the note first. (she bullied her way into an invite to make LBH actually go home.) she crows out a harsh laugh, snatching the note off the wall and holding it up dramatically, cackling about "rom-com shit". LBH isn't really paying attention, until he catches a glimpse of the apartment number at the bottom. eyes flashing, he snatches the note out of her hand, and reads it over once, and then again. after a moment, he turns to sha hualing, and tells her to go home, that he's got plans, actually. she gapes at him for a moment, then scoffs and turns on her heel, flipping him off as she goes. whatever! she didn't want to babysit his mopey ass any longer anyway!
LBH spends a few frozen moments running over his options, torn between calling right now just to see if his philanthropist will pick up this time, and giving himself a chance to freshen up, and maybe make a good enough showing for himself that whatever it was that caused him to be ignored before will never happen again. ultimately, he decides on the latter, but rushes through all his preparations as much as he can while maintaining sufficient attention to detail. he wishes he had the materials to make something truly spectacular, but his apartment is showing his absence over the past week. he settles on a meal that just barely feels sufficient, and finds himself more anxious than he can remember being in years at this point, staring at his philanthropist's apartment door, two levels below his.
he raises his fist to knock, tentatively at first, too quiet to hear, and then once more, louder. a muffled voice comes through the door, and a few moments later, it cracks open to reveal a man just a bit shorter than him, with a rumpled shirt that looks like it has just been haphazardly thrown on and hair that might not have been brushed in days. he's... really cute.
LBH and SY just kind of stare at each other, frozen, for a bit, until LBH proffers the food he's brought, and SY's archaic etiquette subroutines kick in, and he invites LBH in before he can even think about. his immediate wince makes it clear he had not meant to do that, but LBH is not above making a situation work to his advantage, and graciously accepts, stepping into the somewhat cluttered apartment before SY can recover from his slip-up. they still have not exchanged names.
ultimately, they get themselves figured out. LBH introduces himself, and SY follows suit. there's a beat of silence as they both realize that this does not actually clear up anything about how they know each other. LBH finds the words to explain his own part in this are slow to come, so he finally just hands the note, neatly folded, to SY. SY's face colors, but he overcomes it to fussily poke at LBH about how worried he was, when the other just disappeared! LBH stops for a second, hearing that, then slowly responds that it was SY who cut him off first. SY gapes at him, then demands to know when he did a thing like that! he set his intercom call sound to caramelldansen and max volume so he'd be sure not to miss it!
LBH gives him the date, and SY flushes again, then looks away, muttering something unflattering about a "qingge". LBH feels a wash of jealousy, that he's misread the situation and SY is already spoken for, but SY goes on to explain that he had been stuck overnight at the hospital - for nothing major! pretty routine actually! - and the friend that was staying with him must have picked up, then hung up when he couldn't figure out who was calling.
LBH sits back, somewhat at a loss. so it... wasn't because SY was tired of him? SY sputters, waving his hands about. absolutely not! he might be slightly forgetful, but binghe is clearly a wonderful young man and it's not like SY has much else going on in his life!
LBH determines to himself then and there that the only way to ensure such a thing does not happen again is to make sure that he is the one staying with SY the next time he's in the hospital.
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cocoacat323 · 6 months
Scum Villian Fic Recs
So, I've been reading fanfiction for a long ass time, longer than I've been on Tumblr and have always loved fic recs, and now I realize I can make my own(yay!), so here it is. None of these are explicit or anything, but they are super good.
A Transmigrator and a Time Traveler Walk Into The Bamboo House Summary:
Over a year after Shen Qingqiu's death, Luo Binghe consults his servant's servant, concurrently his disgraced martial uncle, for a way to bring the love of his life back. Shang Qinghua sends him in the direction of a certain time-traveling artifact, which supposedly brings one to the day they first met their soulmate. Odd, though, that the artifact ends up missing the destination by just a few years…
A story in which post-Abyss Luo Binghe relives his disciple days, while juggling his secrets, traumas, and some unexpected revelations about the man he loves on top of that.
Unveiling The Imposter Summary:
While tracking a suspicious fortune-teller, Shen Qingqiu falls unconscious. The fortune-teller extracts a glowing orb from his body, telling Luo Binghe and Liu Qingge that this Shen Qingqiu is an imposter, and they can see for themselves if they don't believe it.
Alternatively, the Demon Lord and Peak Lords watch Scum-Villain's Self-Saving System.
Characters Watch the Series fanfic. Post-Canon.
High Mountain, How I Long Summary: Shen Qingqiu, after enduring his trial, is placed into Luo Binghe’s custody at Huan Hua Palace.
meta madness Summary: Looking at SVSSS through the eyes of the universe left behind when Airplane and Cucumber died. (Note: Not a fic, but a series, but every fic in it is so good so definitely check it out.)
it's only shameless if you had any shame to loose in the first place Summary: They have not told anyone about their marriage, and at Shen Qingqiu's request, they will only do so once the wedding preparations are done. No one will have time to nag!
But in the meantime, Luo Binghe, demonic lord or not, is only an alpha. He must do something to show off his claim or he'll go insane, he really will. He'll qi deviate terribly, see if he won't.
Fortunately, as thin-faced as he is, his Shizun does not care much for proper dynamic etiquette...
love's worth running to Summary: “Shizun,” he purred, darkly calm despite the anger oozing out of his mock-respectful smile. Luo Binghe's grip on Xiu Ya's blade tightened, and he realised with belated horror that his blood was running down the sword and dripping by Shen Qingqiu's feet. His sword had to be held at an upwards angle now, to reach the place where he pierced him back then.
Shen Qingqiu felt sick. There was something wrong in this dream.
“I ask you again. Do you regret it, Shizun?”
Shen Qingqiu can't answer whether he regrets betraying him. Luo Binghe wants his Shizun to understand how he suffered, and drags Shen Qingqiu into his dreamscape of the Endless Abyss that night.
The only problem: Shen Qingqiu isn't waking up.
We Are Not Wise Summary:
When Shen Qingqiu drew Shen Yuan’s soul sword, it felt like being burned from the inside out. The fire wasn’t cruel, but it was still fire—hot and destructive, searing the softest pieces of him.
When Binghe’s fingers touch the hilt, he is ready for pain.
Transmigrated into a version of Proud Immortal Demon Way where cultivators manifest their own souls into spiritual weapons, Shen Yuan finds himself sort of kind of…accidentally blackmailing Shen Qingqiu into taking him on as a disciple before Luo Binghe joins the sect.
That should give Shen Yuan plenty of opportunities to make sure nothing goes wrong for his favorite protagonist, right? RIGHT!?
A story of twists, turns, hope, despair, and soul swords. Written for the Bingqiu Reverse Minibang 2023, illustrated and conceptualized by the incredible Suzu!
The Cultivating Force Summary: In which a Master and a Padawan run into a Shizun and a... Sith?
and judgement is just like a cup that we share Summary: The blob finished rotating into place in a way that wasn’t quite compatible with geometry as Shen Qingqiu understood it, and cleared a throat it didn’t seem to have.
“Greetings,” it said, somehow clearly addressing him in particular more than the room as a whole despite its total lack of features other than blueness and translucency. “I’m here on behalf of the Hyper-Celestial Peace and Order Enforcement Bureau. Crime scene secure, proceeding to interviews. Beginning with Subject One: You are Shen Qingqiu, formerly Shen Yuan, also known as Peerless Cucumber?”
"Proud Immortal Demon... Protection Squad?" Summary:
[ REWRITTEN 2023 ]
in which shen qingqiu, the nation's scum villain, doesn't perish from a qi deviation and instead, after dying tragically in his pathetic, sickly, 20 year-old body because he ate some definitely rotten yogurt he mistook for cream cheese like the absolute knob that he is, shen yuan wakes up to find himself in the body of a child, in the middle of a forest, and with absolutely no clue what world this shitty system had dropped him into. he decides to just go with the flow, one step at a time.
what could possibly go wrong?
(the answer is: everything)
(Shen Yuan Might Die Often but His) Old Habits Die Hard Summary: When Luo Binghe asks about his spiritual veins in the Holy Mausoleum, Shen Yuan's chest feels so funny that a lifetime of being chronically ill and reassuring his loved ones that, actually, he's fine kicks in. It is fine, really, because every problem in Airplane-bro's world can be solved by something that's penciled regularly into Shen Yuan's schedule at least eight times a week now.
Except the cure for Without a Cure doesn't work, and Shen Yuan's unlucky enough that Airplane-bro's plot device for winning over a tsundere via 'walking a mile in each others' bodies' hits him before he can figure out an alternative to telling Binghe that actually his five years of rebuilding Shen Qingqiu's spiritual veins diligently failed to cure him.
Luo Binghe is, of course, less than impressed to discover through personal experience what Shen Yuan, with his pain scale so skewed by years of chronic pain, never did during all his time poisoned: that, actually, having spiritual energy forming blockages and blood stagnating in your body hurts like hell.
Anyway, that's all that I've got for now. I hope that if you do take my recs you enjoy them, and remember to read all of the tags. Have fun reading!
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taizi · 3 months
gently in the cold dark earth
scum villain's self saving system word count: 2k canon divergent / no system au; sy transmigrates into an empty npc role; gray lotus binghe loves his shixiong more than life and he's ready to make it everyone's problem
title borrowed from work song by hozier
read on ao3
The first thing Luo Binghe does when he escapes the Abyss is return to Cang Qiong Mountain. 
With Xin Mo secured to his back, the way could be instant if he so chose—the journey of a thousand miles reduced to a single step—but he unsheathes the elegant jian at his hip instead.
Yong Liang sings sweetly for him, the snow white blade still shining and untainted even after years of helping Luo Binghe carve his way through hell. It has never once failed him, soulbound to the one person still on this earth who has never failed him. 
“Take it,” his shixiong insisted, low and urgent. The Abyss was behind them, an even deadlier threat was ahead, and Without A Cure clogging his meridians made Luo Binghe the best choice to wield the only unshattered spirit sword they had between them. “Binghe, take it.”
He pressed until Luo Binghe’s grip curled tight around the hilt, not hesitating to put his soul in Luo Binghe’s hands even with the rosy glow of an unsealed demon mark shining on his face. 
Luo Binghe flies at a pace best described as dangerously reckless, hardly smelling the fragrant spring air or feeling the sun on his face. His robes are a disgrace, his hair a tangled, matted mess, and it occurs to him that he could stop somewhere and clean himself up, make himself presentable, but it’s a brief, fleeting thought. 
Shen Yuan would be furious to find out that Luo Binghe wasted even a single second returning to his side. 
He passes through the ancient wards effortlessly, feeling them fall away from him like water. It’s a simple thing to tamp down on his demonic qi, to disguise the parts of him that those so-called righteous cultivators would scorn. He ghosts through the familiar grounds as eagerly as a starving animal bolting down a fresh game trail, but one by one, all of their familiar haunts come up empty, without even a lingering trace of Shen Yuan’s spiritual energy left behind.   
The head disciple’s room is dusted and undisturbed, as if its occupant might walk through the door at any moment, but the lack of clutter and the empty book shelf makes it very clear to Luo Binghe what the truth must be.
If Shen Yuan returned to the peak after the Conference, he didn’t stay. 
All at once, images crowd the front of his mind—his shixiong grieving, pulling away, turning his back on those responsible for his heartache. 
Yue Qingyuan, always only a step behind wherever his precious Xiu Ya sword went, promised that no one wanted to hurt them. They only wanted to help.
He looked so solemn and righteous that Shen Yuan reluctantly allowed himself to be convinced. Luo Binghe, who had gone to the man for help after a bloody whipping when he was a child, only to be given a walnut cake and turned away at the door, knew better. 
He wasn’t surprised when Shen Yuan was wrenched away from him, and shizun sent him staggering off the cliff with a spiritual dagger buried to the hilt in his chest, all of it happening within a matter of seconds—but it still hurt. 
Shen Yuan’s scream followed him all the way down. 
I’m alive, Luo Binghe thinks, with no one there to tell it to. I came back to you. Let me come back to you. 
Including time spent in the abyss, it’s three years before they meet again. 
Luo Binghe’s revenge is his second priority at best, but he is nothing if not efficient and knows how to kill two birds with the same stone. Huan Hua affords him ample resources and opportunities to scour the world for his missing shixiong while playing the role of earnest and diligent new disciple. He snatches up each mission that comes along as though  eager to prove his worth to the sect that so graciously took him in, but he takes every excuse to wander, to search, to make conversation with vendors and innkeepers and passing strangers. 
Have you seen my heart? It lives outside of me in the form of a beautiful young man and tends to wander. Very contrary, likes to fuss over people, could argue the stripes off a lushu just for fun. You’d know it if you met it. You’d never forget. 
The days blur together, meaningless and gray, but he doesn’t stop looking. Shen Yuan still exists somewhere in this world, because otherwise Luo Binghe wouldn’t. It’s the only thing that makes sense. The alternative doesn’t bear thinking about. 
And then, finally—an afternoon in Jinlan City, when Luo Binghe arrives in a throng of incompetent gold-clad Huan Hua disciples, to investigate a plague of all things—
He’s there. 
In dark, neutral colors and plain clothes, a traveling cloak with its hood resting down around his shoulders, as if his beauty could possibly be lessened by cheap, shapeless fabrics rather than effortlessly enhanced. His hair falls from its half-tail in glorious waves—he never did have the patience for anything elaborate, only wearing braids when one of his sticky shidimei cajoled and convinced him. Traveling alone, who could he possibly have to roll his eyes at and complain about and sit patiently still for?
A pale green ribbon is all that decorates his hair. Luo Binghe recognizes it instantly. 
“You should spend your allowance on yourself, Binghe,” Shen Yuan scolded him, not for the first time and certainly not for the last. 
“But I did,” Luo Binghe protested, widening his eyes and clasping his hands earnestly, the way he knew worked best. “I wanted it! And now that I have it, I want to give it to you.”
Shen Yuan was too clever by half to be truly fooled by the innocent act, but he always folded like paper anyway. He spoiled all of his shidimei but Luo Binghe most of all. Anyone on Qing Jing Peak would be hard-pressed to think of a single example of Shen Yuan telling Luo Binghe ‘no.’ 
Sure enough, after a second spent visibly wrestling with himself, he blurted, “Oh, fine! Hand it over.” 
He wore it every day since. He’s wearing it now. The wind catches the ends of it, sending it streaming behind him like the tails of a paradise flycatcher. Lovely. 
For a brief moment, Luo Binghe is frozen where he stands, finally faced with the very thing that he’s been missing for years, that he’s been living a miserable half-life without. 
And then he remembers himself and lurches forward. His voice is a tangle in his throat but he manages to choke out, “Shixiong!”
A strike of lightning couldn’t have jolted Shen Yuan into more perfect stillness. He stops mid-step, every inch of him as good as carved from precious jade. He doesn’t turn his head, and the sliver of his face visible from where Luo Binghe stands is very pale. 
Luo Binghe wonders suddenly if this has happened to him before—if Shen Yuan has heard a voice on the road or in the market that was almost familiar, that was almost the one he was hoping for, only to be disappointed when he turned to follow it and found a stranger. 
Luo Binghe shortens the distance between them with a few anxious steps and tries again. 
The older boy whirls around abruptly, as if to get it over with. He’s bracing himself, but Luo Binghe barely has a second to absorb Shen Yuan’s painful-looking anticipation before it bleeds out of his face in favor of something else entirely. 
He looks like the earth has fallen out from beneath his feet, like he hardly dares to believe his eyes. Zheng Yang gleams golden at Shen Yuan’s hip, reforged and whole again.
“It’s me,” Luo Binghe says softly. 
There’s a tableau he’s afraid to break, as if they’re in a delicate dreamscape and a move too sudden or loud might dissolve it. He wants to say I’ve missed you the way lungs miss air, immediately and needfully, I haven’t breathed at all since we’ve been apart. He wants to say you’re my light in the dark, I can only stand in front of you now because I love you too much to ever truly leave you. 
Instead, he tells his dearest friend, “This one made you wait. But your Binghe is here.”
Shen Yuan sprints the rest of the way to meet him, almost before he’s even finished talking, and they collide in a solid embrace that knocks the air from them both. 
His arms wind around Luo Binghe’s waist like steel bands, fingers digging into the back of his robes, precious face pressed into the crook of his neck and shoulder. Luo Binghe doesn’t hesitate to gather him up close, holding him as tightly and securely as he knows how, burying his nose in his shixiong’s hair and breathing in the familiar, beloved smell of him.  
Shen Yuan is a few inches shorter than he remembers. All the better to tuck him beneath Luo Binghe’s chin, to cover and surround him so completely that not even the heavens above can get a decent eyeful. 
He wants to grab and bite and pin Shen Yuan beneath him and never let go. His jaw aches with wanting it. 
“I’ve been looking for you,” Luo Binghe says, eyes wet. “I went home first.” Unsaid goes the obvious but you weren’t there. 
“How could I stay?” Shen Yuan bites out, managing to sound all at once strangled and bewildered and—charmingly—offended. He shakes his head without lifting it, an aggressive nuzzle against Binghe’s shoulder. “After what they did to you, I’d rather die than represent their stupid sect another minute.”
“Step away from it, Shen Yuan,” shizun said coldly. “I’ll put that beast back where it belongs.”
“No,” shixiong said in a voice that was smaller than usual, one that shook. He was frightened, clearly overwhelmed, but he didn’t budge from where he was plastered in front of Luo Binghe like a breathing shield. 
“No, shizun.”
“Shizhi,” Yue Qingyuan said gently, offering his hand. “Come here. It will be alright.”
Shen Yuan said, “No. You can’t hurt Binghe. He’s not bad just because of who his parents are. He’s as good as he was yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. He’s hardworking and loyal and a sweetheart to anybody who gives him half a chance. He’s so good.”
Liu Qingge was behind the sect leader, sword drawn. Shen Qingqiu was quickly losing what little patience he had, face twisted into a sneer, dark eyes stabbing hatefully at Luo Binghe from over his head disciple’s shoulder. There were more figures rapidly drawing closer, the other peak lords following the flare of Yue Qingyuan’s qi. The standoff was becoming more and more untenable, and Shen Yuan was too smart not to see that, shrinking back against Luo Binghe as much as he could without crowding him closer to the edge. 
“You can’t hurt him,” he said again, the closest Luo Binghe had ever heard him come to tears, “he’s my shidi.”
Luo Binghe is unsurprised by his shixiong’s loyalty, because it’s already been proven to him over and over. It’s unremarkable at this point, which is an absolutely remarkable thing in itself. It makes him feel warm with gratitude and affection and ownership. 
Shen Yuan is clever and quick on his feet and always three steps ahead, more knowledgeable about flora and fauna than anyone else Binghe has ever known combined, and probably a force to be reckoned with as a rogue cultivator, where the only rules of conduct he has to adhere to are his own. 
But Luo Binghe hates to think of him on the road alone, without the little martial siblings who follow him like ducklings, without his Binghe there to make sure he remembers to eat all his meals and comb out his hair before bed. He’s a creature of comfort, made for airy rooms with too many cushions and an abundance of sweets and books to read. 
Luo Binghe has fantasized more than once about building a home for Shen Yuan to lounge prettily in. It was, in fact, his favorite flavor of daydream since he was about thirteen. 
If Shen Yuan wants to rogue cultivate, then that’s what they’ll do. But Luo Binghe thinks, if he constructs a palace that’s as comfortable as it is grand, and fills it with trashy romance novels and obscure beasts and his own hand-made meals, he can convince his friend to live in it with him.
Shen Yuan needs to be taken care of. Luo Binghe needs to be the one taking care of him. They’re together now and they’ll never be apart again and those needs can both be met. 
That possessive, proprietary feeling coils dark and deep inside him, undulating lazily like a serpent who’s fed enough for days, reminding him over and over what he already knows:
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marshymeds · 7 months
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Good morning Im having lots of thoughts about an AU @merlinnski is working on
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 28 days
I am SO curious about the SQH Burnout Fic 🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️🙇🏽‍♀️ i beg <333
i have a bad habit of writing a new sickfic to cope every time i feel unwell 😂 this one is SQH gets anxious about the future, overworks himself, and gets pneumonia. excerpt from near the end of the fic, which i wrote first for some reason?
Shang Qinghua isn’t sure what makes him aware of the change in the room. A shift in the air, a sound, maybe just the slightest drop in temperature. He blinks, sleepy and bleary, at the pages of the novel he was failing to read, feeling warm and syrupy from whatever was in the medicine Mu Qingfang was dosing him with. “My king?” Mobei-jun steps from the shadows silently, and comes to sit at the edge of his bed. He’s dressed down, unarmored— just soft silk robes and simple boots, no weapons or jewelry save a pendant around his neck. Shang Qinghua recognizes it as one he gave his king when he was still a disciple, some ridiculous one-of-a-kind protection artifact that he’d known to snatch out of a crumbling temple thanks to special author knowledge, about forty years before it was going to become plot relevant. He hadn’t realizes that Mobei-jun still had it. Had he been wearing it all this time? Mobei-jun’s cold claw-tips brush through his bangs. “Shang Qinghua,” he says, rumbling and familiar. Shang Qinghua blinks up at him. “My king,” he repeats. And, suddenly struck by the memory of exactly what position(s?) the king of the Northern Desert last saw him in, feels his face heat in a way that has nothing to do with any lingering fever. “My king! I’m so—” Mobei-jun halts him with a raised hand. “You are recovering?” “Yes, my king,” Shang Qinghua says. “I’m doing much better already.” “Good.” Mobei-jun pulls over the chair that Shen Qingqiu was sitting in earlier. The sight of his hulking form dragging over and delicately maneuvering into the small chair sparks something warmer than amusement in Shang Qinghua’s chest. “This king… must apologize.” Shang Qinghua’s gaze jerks up. “W-what?” “You were sick. Humans are weakened by the cold. I allowed you to stay and work in the North anyways, and missed the signs of your ill health. Qinghua could have died.” “But I didn’t. I wouldn’t have! My king, I was just sick, it wasn’t… as bad as all that. I’m a cultivator, it takes more than some cold weather to take me out.” He gives an awkward laugh. “It does take more than the cold. Qinghua was overworking himself, and was hiding from this king.” “But I overwork myself all the time,” Shang Qinghua says, the words coming out more earnestly than he means them to. He drops the book and wraps his arms around himself, looking away. “I’ve been working like this since I was a disciple. I don’t understand what’s changed. I should have just felt bad for a little bit and then dealt with it and gotten better. It shouldn’t have been such a big deal.” “I am sorry,” Mobei-jun repeats. He runs his fingers through Shang Qinghua’s loose hair again, and Shang Qinghua leans tiredly into the touch. “I… regret. The part I played in not allowing Qinghua to rest. Then, and now.” Shang Qinghua’s face feels hot. He scrubs at his eyes, the feeling only intensifying as Mobei-jun continues to run his cold hands through his hair, his claws pleasantly scraping against his scalp, the touch comforting. “It’s fine, my king,” he says. “It is not. But I will endeavor not to make the same mistake again.” Shang Qinghua leans miserably into Mobei-jun’s cool touch.
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gucciflippidyflops · 23 days
I seriously thought that Bingpup was a canon thing I had forgotten about but no - purely fanon. It's insane how much fanfic makes you forget what actually happened in the series lol
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ineffectualdemon · 11 months
Wait no wait! The "Who did this to you!?" Trope but with Bingliu and it doesn't follow the script:
Luo Binghe grit his teeth before answering the door. As much as he hated any intrusion into their home he promised Shizun he'd play nicely with others.
Besides it was probably either the sect leader or Mobei's rat and he had reasons not to be rude to either.
He was not prepared for what he saw when he opened the door.
Liu Qingge leaned heavily against the doorframe, his left eye was swollen, a cut was on the cheek below and there was blood matted in his hair. As Binghe trailed his eyes down he saw how Liu Qingge was shaking as he tried to stay on his feet, blood soaking his robes from various wounds.
Binghe felt like a thick dark syrup was climbing up his throat and filling his chest.
"Who did this to you." He asked in a flat cold voice.
Liu Qingge, his good eye struggling to focus, tilted his head to see him better.
"Huh? I don't know, some demon assholes. They jumped me from behind. It was only like 20 or so. Look is Qingqiu here? I need a lift to Qian Cao." The admission cost him, his cheeks coloured slightly under the bruising.
"I'll kill them" Luo Binghe heard himself saying even as he reached for the remade Zheng Yang.
"What? No you won't- what are you doing!?"
But despite Liu Qingge's protests he already had him in a princess hold.
"Shizun is out at the moment teaching a class and I don't wish to disturb him. I'll take you myself." Luo Binghe explained as they lifted into the air.
(It had taken a long time for him to regain flying privileges.)
"Why can't I kill them?" He pressed on.
"Because I already killed them you idiot!" Liu Qingge shouted as he looked away from the other man. They both thought they knew he was only sitting obediently in Binghe's arms because Shen Qingqiu had also asked him to play nice.
But under the bruising the blush was brighter...
Binghe didn't like Liu Qingge's answer. It did nothing to quell the turmoil of thick black syrup that has filled him with deep desire to leave a claim or a mark on Liu Qingge or to murder violently anyone who touched him.
Trying to sort out that feeling kept him there as he waited for his rival's wounds to be patched up.
Once he was all fixed Luo Binghe couldn't help it anymore and walked over, standing over Liu Qingge on the bed and trying to show how strong and capable he was.
Liu Qingge just looked confused.
"You fight me." Is what Luo Binghe eventually said.
Liu Qingge looked puzzled.
"Yes..." Liu Qingge replied cautiously.
"You only fight me." Luo Binghe said more firmly.
"What the-" Liu Qingge started only to be immediately cut off.
Luo Binghe leaned forward until their faces were so close he could feel Liu Qingge's warm breath on his own lips.
"You don't need other demons." Luo Binghe attempted to explain, "you have me."
His words were cold and intense and the light from his heavenly demon mark shone bright for a moment before he leaned forward and pressed a hard, hungry, kiss on man in front of him.
"Do NOT forget it!" He snarled.
He was halfway back home before the realisation of his actions nearly made him fall off his sword.
Meanwhile back on Qian Cao Liu Qingge stared blankly at the wall for 5 minutes before deciding this wasn't a reality he wanted to deal with right then and went to sleep.
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Concept: after Shang Qinghua lost his original draft, he said fuck it and wrote progressively worse and worse gibberish content for Proud Immortal Demon Way just to enjoy watching his favorite anti-fan, Peerless Cucumber, loose his shit.
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Shen Yuan!!!! Unknowingly, holding a demon general?! Ooof
Made this because of my writers block. This is how I wanted the beast peak uniform to look like somewhat.
 I think it looks cutehehehhehehehhehe
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greeniegaes · 2 months
Cumplane Shenanigans
Little silly Cumplane Drabble I have in my docs with SY trying to threaten the sect just because he wants his husband home for their anniversary
Feat: disapproving brother and brother in law SJ and YQY, confused/intimidated peak lords watching all of this happen, Shen brothers
The doors of the meeting hall dramatically slammed open, a rather pretty man wielding a sword in hand.
“Sect leader Yue Qingyuan! I demand you give me my husband back!” The man pointed the weapon at the table, obviously agitated over something.
Everyone turned to look at him, silence sweeping over the room. There were slight glances, looking at the strange man, then the sect leader, then back at the man.
“….Xiao-Yuan?” The man finally spoke, tilting his head in confusion for a moment.
“Yea yea, that’s me.” The man allowed his sword to dissipate, crossing the room and folding his arms over on another “not important though! I would like my husband to return for our anniversary. Cang Qiong Sect overworks him far too much.”
“Apologies, but I’m not aware of anyone being marri-” the sect leader starting, cut short by the snap of a fan.
“Shen. Yuan. You have not seen either of us for years, though I’m sure you knew where we were this whole time, only to complain about a husband? Whomst did you bow to at your wedding?!” Shen Qingqiu started, getting out of his seat and grabbing the man’s cheek. “Have you no shame?! Is there not more important things to worry about? How dare you storm in here so disrespectfully, during a meeting no less!” He chastised, starting to bicker with him.
As the two stood next to each other the other peak lords noted how alike they were. Same shade of ebony hair, pale jade skin and bejeweled green eyes. The both of them starting to argue a bit quieter as they delve into new topics. At some point the most people could see was a blur of hands as they smacked the other away. The An Ding peak lord sighed, standing up from his seat.
“A-Yuan.” The man put a hand on the small of the newcomer’s back, trying to save the brothers’ fight. “I thought I told you I’d be heading home soon. There’s no need to try and fight the sect leader.” Shang Qinghua gave a shaky smile, purposefully ignoring the glare from the older Shen.
“You’re married to An Ding peak lord, Shang Qinghua?” Shen Qingqiu asked, crossing his arms.
“Yes we have been for some-“ the man started, quickly being cut off
“Absolutely not.” Both Yue Qingyuan and Shen Qingqiu started, glaring down at the smaller peak lord.
“What do you mean absolutely not?!?” Shen Yuan shrieked, standing in front of his husband protectively, brows furrowed.
“I’m not letting my didi marry him. What do you even see in him?!” The Qing Jing peak lord glared down, his fan snapping open and hiding his face.
“Plenty! He has been there for me for years! I had gone to you once and you sent me away! For goodness sake you only start to act like a brother when I do something you don’t approve of.”
“I understand I made a mistake but why him?!”
“Jiu-Ge, I for one thought you’d understand liking pathetic men.” Shen Yuan sighed, looking past his brother to Yue Qingyuan. “Speaking of which, Peak Lord Yue, what is the matter with my choice of husband?”
“Ahem… Peak Lord Shang is just.. well..” the man stammered, avoiding eye contact.
“Maybe don’t try to insult me to my face.” Shang Qinghua sighed, leaning onto his husband. Shen Yuan looked over to him, a hand raising to hold the man’s cheek.
“Ah, apologies my dear.” The younger Shen sighed, shaking his head. “I’m just peeved that my husband has been overworked and my brother has finally decided that my life is his business again.”
“I understand, you looked cool yelling at him.” Shang Qinghua complimented, smiling softly. He was able to ignore the other peak lord’s whispers, only having eyes for his spouse.
“Ahem- well I suppose you should get going to celebrate another year of your marriage.” The sect leader coughed into his fist, awkwardly trying to break up this whole ordeal.
“Thank you for your understanding. I’ll return another time.” Shen Yuan bowed, fist in palm as he showed his respect. He made his way out of the meeting hall, Shang Qinghua still standing there for a moment.
“Shen Qingqiu.” The An Ding peak lord addressed him, looking directly into his eyes. “Your brother makes a lovely little wife.” He smiled, running after his spouse. The Qing Jing peak lord stood there for a moment, snapping his fan closed against his hand.
“SHANG. QING. HUA. Stay away from my brother you bastard!” Shen Qingqiu shouted out after them, too late as they both disappeared with the help of a teleportation talisman.
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themagicmistress · 5 months
There is something wrong with Shen Qingqiu.
There has been as long as Liu Qingge’s known him, but it used to be that he spoke with the too-sharp syllables of a young master and liked to smack his fan in his palm like he was thinking of stabbing you with it. Now, the genre of ‘wrong’ Liu Qingge associates with Shen Qingqiu has more to do with the way he takes his youngest disciples for rides on Xiu Ya and keeps a specific teacup for Liu Qingge’s visits.
Can a qi deviation change one’s entire personality? Down to the way they speak?
“See, shidi?” Shen Qingqiu tilts up the scale of their latest catch with his blade. Underneath glitters a hard, reflective surface. “They’ve got two hides! Ah, only complete noobs scrape it off without clipping it from the skeleton.”
Liu Qingge doesn’t know what a noob is.
“Is it more valuable that way?” He says.
With a flick of his sword, Shen Qingqiu snatches out the top scale.
“It’s about pride! Are you cultivator or an idiot with a sharp object, hacking down everything in your path?” Shen Qingqiu grumbles. “This is good loot.
Shen Qingqiu is much more serene in viscera up to his forearms than at the Peak Meetings, Liu Qingge notes. He thinks doing this–the complaining as much as finding the creature itself–might be where Shen Qingqiu is at his most content. This is the man who grins behind his fan when Shang Qinghua spills tea in his own lap.
He raises an eyebrow at Liu Qingge. A curved, silver carapace balances in his one hand, a stack of silver scales piled inside. All finished, then. Liu Qingge offers him a hand, but Shen Qingqiu’s already risen to his feet.
Liu Qingge lowers it, but Shen Qingqiu’s already taken it with a mildly amused look on his face.
“I think we’ve moved past these sorts of formality by now,” Shen Qingqiu… wiggles Liu Qingge’s hand? He rattles it up and down and Liu Qingge doesn’t really know what’s happening. “But sure! Good job to both of us today.”
He lets go after a few seconds. Liu Qingge puts his hand down, his skin faintly tingling. Internally, he notes that in certain situations, if he gives Shen Qingqiu his hand, Shen Qingqiu will clasp it in his own.
He’ll have to pay attention to what times it would be appropriate to do it again.
“We were efficient,” Liu Qingge says in what he hopes is a normal voice. He’s fine. He clears Shen Qingqiu’s meridians all the time. “Your knowledge of the Five Mouth Mountain Pangolin is impressive.”
“Please,” Shen Qingqiu waves a hand dismissively. “If you don’t know about their three acid stomachs, you’re hardly a scholar.”
“Don’t forget the second hide,” Liu Qingge says.
Liu Qingge drops his sword for them to ride and Shen Qingqiu grins.
“Don’t quote my words to me!” Shen Qingqiu bats his shoulder with a hand, stepping onto Cheng Luan, “Eventually I’ll run out of things to tell you. Shidi, you don’t have to listen to me rambling so closely. I’ll get self-conscious.”
“I’ll make sure to forget everything you said by next time,” Liu Qingge says.
Cheng Luan sprints into the sky and Shen Qingqiu laughs. It sounds nothing like his laugh. It sounds beautiful.
Yes, there is something wrong with Shen Qingqiu. Deeply. Intrinsically. But Liu Qingge doesn’t mind so much. The parts that are wrong are his friend. And someday, more than.
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“Do you remember your mother?” Tianlang-jun asks the squirming, half-serpent thing he’s ninety-five percent sure is his nephew. The creature is far tinier than he thought it would be but that can perhaps be attributed to a lack of proper nutrition. He can’t imagine there is much for an infant to eat while crawling around the southern border. “It’s only been a year or so since you saw her but I don’t believe she kept you for long. It would not surprise me if your little brain discarded such memories.”
His nephew, as expected, does nothing other than continue to wiggle around in the mud.
“All that aside, I’m her older brother. She asked me to—oh, dear.” His nephew has begun to slither up his leg, dragging dirt and possibly poisonous secretions onto his elegant black clothes. Tianlang-jun lifts his foot, bending his leg at the knee; his nephew manages to cling to him despite a lack of limbs. Large yellow eyes peer out of a dirty, scale-dotted face. Tianlang-jun shakes his leg, testing his nephew’s resilience. The infant holds on, tail curled around Tianlang-jun’s ankle.
“Release me,” Tianlang-jun says. It’s a gentle order but his nephew almost certainly does not understand human speech yet. “This sort of behavior is quite unbecoming of a heavenly demon. Has nobody taught you manners?”
Tianlang-jun disentangles his nephew from around his leg and holds the child up to get a better look. Sickly pale skin, matted hair, a serpentine body that barely resembles anything human. “How ugly you are.”
The infant just looks at him. A small forked tongue flicks out.
Tianlang-jun sighs, glancing back at the army of mindless soldiers behind him. “The original plan was to give you these. Make you a lord.” He regards his nephew again, meeting those strangely intelligent eyes. “But as you are, I do not believe you have the capability to lead. You will have to be taught.” He shifts to hold his nephew like one might carry a ball meant for play, trapped under his arm. His nephew’s tail slaps against his back.
“Oh, right.” Tianlang-jun taps the child’s forehead with his other hand, sending a brief pulse of qi. In no time at all, there is a baby with four little limbs—no tail or scales in sight—caught in his grip. “That’s better, isn’t it?”
The baby blinks at him before tears well up. Hiccuping sobs force their way out of the tiny creature.
“Why are you crying?” Tianlang-jun brings his nephew to rest against his chest, awkwardly patting his back. Little hands fist in Tianlang-jun’s hair. “If this is your way of showing gratitude, it needs some work. I have a couple of suggestions—ah, let go of jiujiu’s hair.” Tianlang-jun carefully extricates his still-crying nephew’s remarkably strong hands from their undesirable goal of yanking out entire chunks of his hair. “There we go. Good child.”
His nephew sniffs, lip wobbling but tears beginning to slow. Tianlang-jun swipes a thumb across ruddy cheeks, drying the wetness that remains. His nephew clumsily grabs Tianlang-jun’s thumb and holds it.
“Excellent. It appears I don’t have to teach you how to be cute.” Tianlang-jun turns to leave the way he came, his new companion secure in his arms. “Now, as I was saying…”
[also on ao3]
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cursed-angelic-art · 7 months
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My first piece for @moshangevents Moshang Big Bang 2023. This piece accompanies the magical fic Wishes by @fallloverfic. The story is a fairy/demon au set in the canon world of Scum Villain!
alt text: Fanart of Shang Qinghua kneeling on a blue cushion. He has sparkly golden fairy wings.
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 22 days
if your still doing the fic-wip thing, i would love to know about the YQY and SQH De-Aged Fic or the shen yuan transmigrats into YQY fic.
i also really loved the two YQY and Zhúzhī Láng adventure snippets u posted🩷🩵
ahh thank you so much!!! ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ
theres another bit of this fic here with a description, but here's a later scene! this fic is everything to me yall are making me so excited to finish it
"You're Shen Qingqiu." The boy exclaimed, eyes wide. "How do you know that name?" "Wow, you look just like I imagined! Haha… ha." His laughter trailed off and he lifted a hand to thread into his shorn hair and tugged tightly. His voice took on a sharp quaver. "That's it, I've really gone insane, huh?" Shen Qingqiu turned to Mu Qingfang. "How could he know that? Shang Qinghua was older than I was when I joined the sect. I wasn't named Qingqiu until years later." Mu Qingfang knelt by the side of the bed. He had a way of making himself softer, nonthreatening, that annoyed Shen Qingqiu both for the saccharin quality of the affectation and, privately, his own inability to immitate it. One might catch more flies with honey, but Shen Qingqiu has only ever had vinegar in his arsenal. The young Shang Qinghua didn't seem comforted by it, and leaned away warily as Mu Qingfang settled next to him. "Do you know where you are, Shang-gongzi?" he asked. The young Shang Qinghua swallowed. "If he's supposed to be Shen Qingqiu, then this is Cang Qiong Mountain, huh?" The doctor nodded. "Yes, that's good. You remember entering the sect then?" "Entering the—no! What is this, some—some isekai shit? Into my ideas? This—this isn't real. I'm hallucinating." "You know who we are and where you are, what makes you feel it must be a dream?" "This isn't real. You're not real, Cang Qiong isn't—Shen Qingqiu isn't real. He's just a character I thought of, I haven't even written it down yet." "A… character?" "Yeah, you know." The boy bunched his hands up in the thin blanket and looked down at his lap. They were trembling. "Shen Qingqiu and Yue Qi, Yue Qingyuan. Two slave boys who are seperate when they're children, and fight their way back together at Cang Qiong mountain and become top cultivators. But there's like, you know, drama and stuff."
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noswordinourlake · 5 days
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu Characters: Luo Binghe, Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu, Sha Hualing, Mobei-jun, Shang Qinghua Additional Tags: inspired by Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino, no knowledge of this book is required to understand the fic however, Travel, False Identity, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, plant body shenanigans, what if SQQ was more of a clown the first time he saw Binghe again? let's see what happens! Summary:
Huang Feng is a rogue cultivator attached to the court of the newly minted demon emperor. By day, he travels the Junshang’s domain, and at night he reports what he sees on his travels to the emperor through his dream arts.
Shen Qingqiu is freshly established in his sun-moon dew body, freshly unearthed, and traveling around the jianghu, making money off of small-time night hunts and trying to stay ahead of Luo Binhge’s retainers who are somehow always hot on his trail. He is ready to be excused from this narrative!
To the surprise of no one, these pieces of information are not at all unconnected.
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