#surprise story!
gatorinator · 3 months
“Walrus on your doorstop” this “fairy’s more unrealistic” that my professor just uttered the sentence “there was one day I found a real octopus in my backyard” this man hasn’t left Utah his entire life. How was there an octopus in his backyard in Utah. He then said “I do not have time to elaborate we need to cover a lot today in class” GIRL WHAT DO YOU MEEAN
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ncutii-gatwa · 6 months
really makes me laugh seeing some people complain doctor who is gay now. babe THIS aired in 2005. doctor who has been gay a long damn time get with the program
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gaddaboutgriffon · 7 days
Future Son????
It has been a while since I have done an original prompt. So DCxDP prompt #2
Danny gets into a fight with Impulse/Bart about Bart changing the timeline messing things up for Danny and effectively erasing his family, because the change made it so Maddie and Jack never got together. But because of Clockwork sending him on a mission to the past while Bart changed the timeline and the medallion Dan had phased into Danny he remembers the old timeline. Also he has access to his powers but for some reason can’t change into ghost form.
This fight happens in front of the rest of the young justice team. And Nightwing was coming there to teach a training lesson and over hears half of what Danny is shouting.
From Dick’s point of view there is a black haired, blue eyed kid with powers that are suspiciously like a Tamuraneans, yelling at Bart about losing his family because his parents never got together. Also Dick and Kori had recently broken up. (Feel free to make up a reason.)
Due to a misunderstanding Dick is going to help his time displaced “son” adjust to the new reality.
Do I tag people too much? @azulhood @bianca-hooks123 @bloggerspam @confusedshades @dragonsrequiem @evilminji @flamingpudding @fightmebissh @ghostbsuter @hypewinter @help-itrappedmyself @hdgnj @kizzer55555 @menolly5600 @ourrechte-blog @puppetmaster13u @rboooks @starlightcat04 @stormikitty @virgamsysxvolumes @zeestarfishalien @zylev-blog
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nerdpoe · 1 month
Jazz and Johnny got...way more involved that Danny will ever want to know.
And Jazz, very liminal, actually fell pregnant.
She opted to leave for a bit, have the baby, and adopt it out. It was half ghost and half very liminal human, she had no idea what the GIW would do to it.
So she left on an "extended study trip", gave birth, gave it over to the adoption agency, warned them there was a high chance the kid would be a meta, and went about recovering.
Unbeknownst to her, that baby was immediately stolen by one Sheila Haywood for the purposes of tax fraud.
From there, the baby was given to Willis Todd, after Sheila lied and said that he was the father.
From there, the baby was put under the care of Catharine Todd, who died far too young.
From there, the kid tried to steal Batman's tires so he wouldn't starve.
Fast forward, and Jason Todd, now an adult, decides to pay a visit to the new head Psychologist of Arkham to vet the lady.
He ends up staring into a set of eyes that mirror his own, and when he runs the DNA from the hair he stole off of her, it comes back positive that yeah.
That's his mom.
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starbuck · 7 months
reading and watching “classic” books and films is such an interesting experience because, before you get into them, when you only know them by name and maybe the vaguest plot outline, they’re intimidating and stuffy and up on a pedestal, but then you finally take the leap and check them out and realize that almost every story that’s achieved such a legendary level of popularity did so because something in its emotional core reached out and grabbed a lot of people by the throat and you are NOT immune.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Congratulations to Dungeon Meshi on the first episode of the animation adaptation!
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bonecouch · 8 months
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idea i had
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princesskuragina · 10 months
When a relationship is "like family" but in a bad way. "Like family" in the sense that it becomes the only allowable place to seek care. In that it legitimizes the isolation and violence of an us-vs-them mentality. In that it creates hierarchical power structures and conditions where abuse and control are both easily rationalized and near impossible to break out of. Where the only way to escape your subjugation is to stop being the child and become the parent, starting the cycle anew. And this is both expected and encouraged. Where you feel obligated to repay your caretaker by becoming the kind of person they want you to be. Where everyone looks a little too much like you.
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theethoslab · 3 months
Absolutely losing my mind over Scar’s stream today
He was already talking to Etho while catching ocelots
Joel logs in and Scar immediately asks if Etho wants to go visit him
We get so many Etho lore crumbs (although he doesn’t fully confirm anything except having stubble and trying to get rid of 2 extra house generators)
They hang out for like 2 hours doing nothing hut chatting
Eventually Scar leaves but forgot that he left his ocelots at Etho’s because he was so excited about boat boys that he never brought them home
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the crazy thing is that malevolent really seems like it's gonna be one of those "there's nothing actually special about this guy, he just has very bad luck." stories but no. there IS something special about that guy. there's a REASON this is happening to him. this story could NOT have happened to anyone else the way it did to him. somehow, for some reason, arthur lester is special. and even more absurdly, this specific version of arthur lester is special. that's insane.
so much of the horror genre is all about how these things could happen to anyone, but malevolent wants you to explicitly know that arthur lester is important. arthur lester is the reason this story is happening. arthur lester is different, in some strange way that even he doesn't fully understand.
and that's what makes him the main character, not just the protagonist.
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squeeneyart · 4 months
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[Image description: A digital pencil comic of Loid and Yor Forger. Panel 1: They sit on a couch, Loid slightly hunched forward and Yor slouching into the seat back.
Yor: You know...
Loid: Hm?
Yor: When Yuri moved out, I remember thinking- Eventually we'll run out of 'clients'. It has to end at some point right? "When does the fighting stop?".
Panel 2: Yor from Loid's pov, slightly turned away.
Yor: And here I am.
Panel 3: Loid looking forward with a look of exhaustion.
Yor (off-screen): Still on call.
End ID]
gotta do everything myself. anyway the ramifications of a war that never truly ends, causing people to do terrible things in the name of a peaceful future that may never happen due to powers much bigger than them
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 months
I was hanging out with one of my exes and she asked if I wanted to see the sexy outfit she got to surprise her wife with. I said sure and a few minutes later, she comes out wearing and pink and white bunny costume. Full on A Christmas Story without the head/hood. I told her she had great taste and her wife would love it.
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sidsinning · 1 year
Also pretty cool how Gwen's role at the end of the movie is to lead the team to save Miles
Not what you see everyday in a superhero movie since the target demographic is men usually
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gunsatthaphan · 25 days
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 2: Indocktrination
(Part 1, Part 3)
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sagaduwyrm · 6 months
DCxDP Idea:
Danny is Constantine's son (Either the Fenton's had a threesome or there was a weird lab accident) and that gives him first dibs to the guy's soul. Maybe some old magic law about how if you sell your firstborn and that firstborn turns out to be, say, an Eldritch deity with dubious morality and teenage spitefulness, or similarly powerful being, that kid gets their parent's soul as recompense. Except a lot of other beings already had claim to Constantine's soul, and now they're sending Danny whiny letters about it. Danny's eighteenth birthday basically goes: hurray! Now have all this whiny paperwork from asshole demons.
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