drugtripglasses · 2 years
so that's where my afternoon went
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ukulelegodparent · 4 months
Really deep in the German meme songs that were already cringe 10 years ago. Someone save me.
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ifartconfetti · 7 months
It's a shame german isnt more widely spoken because if it was the Superperforator Song would be a widely adapted animation meme
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Random 4><Z headcanons (pt 1)
Joa, der Titel ist eigentlich ziemlich selbsterklärend, bitte nehmt das alles nicht zu ernst 🧍‍♂️, viele der Sachen sind mir komplett übermüdet und leicht angetrunken auf einer Random Karnevalsveranstaltung eingefallen 🧍‍♂️, das Ganze wird vermutlich ein Zweiteiler und in Teil eins wird es um die Character der Oberwelt gehen 🧍‍♂️
Hat das Lied aus der superperforator Werbung als seinen Klingelton
Ist vom Comeback der Schallplatte absolut überzeugt
Benutzt Jugendsprache um seine Kinder zu nerven
sagt zu McDonalds "McDoof" (und fühlt sich lustig dabei)
Hatte mal Mario Barth Phase
Geht ab zu Mickie Krause
Hört Helge Schneider
Helge Schneider Ultra
Liebt Zoosendungen (Lieblingstier: Giraffe )
Liebt es kreativ sein
war ein Reise fan
(mehr ist mir zu ihm irgendwie nicht eingefallen, vielleicht wäre das ja nicht so, wenn wir ein bisschen Backstory zu ihm bekommen hätten, aber die wurde uns ja leider nicht gegönnt 🧍‍♂️)
Lieblingstier: Elefant
Lebt (größtenteils) für Heimat- und Sachunterricht
Lebt für Erdbeermilch (Leonie bringt ihm manchmal welche vom Schulkiosk mit )
Hört Hörspielkassetten zum Einschlafen
(Auch hier wäre mir safe mehr eingefallen, wenn der Typ wenigstens etwas an Backstory gehabt hätte, aber Backstories sind ja leider eine absolute Rarität in dieser Serie )
Hatte mal den Spitznamen "Ottifant"(der sich aber nie wirklich durchgesetzt hat )
Hatte eine "Die drei Fragezeichen" Phase
Schaut Fsk 18 Filme obwohl er zu jung ist
Nimmt Völkerball zu ernst und schreit rum, wenn jemand den Ball nicht fängt
Hört Heavy Metal um cool zu wirken
Joa, das war auch so ziemlich alles was mir eingefallen ist 🧍‍♂️
wenn ich das Ding nicht wieder komplett vergesse, wird auch ziemlich bald ein zweiter teil mit den anderen Characteren kommen🧍‍♂️
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bowofbalance · 6 months
The superperforator song finally made it on my study playlist. I am unhinged
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karaoketracks · 4 months
Tumblr media
Superperforator by Der Schuh Des Manitu Custom Mix Backing Track
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brigittespuck · 10 months
you dont have to wait for later here's a new eliminator ask your local weapon trader for the superperforator
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janjan-the-ninth · 7 years
I think Germany should send Sky du Mont with the Superperforator song to the next Eurovision Song Contest.
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laura491 · 7 years
Anyone ever wondered what German humor was like?
“Do you have any last wishes?” - “Yes, the song from the Superperforator advert.” ...
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saucy-mesothelioma · 2 years
Meso's Mixtapes: Vinnie
One of the characters I've been looking forward to doing with this is Vinnie from @zeddyzi's comic Ramshackle, which I highly suggest reading, because it's amazing. The art style is incredible, the characters are amazing, and I fucking love the atmosphere. She's my favorite character from the comic and I just had to do a playlist for her. I plan on doing playlists for Skipp and Stone as well, but since the crime gremlin is my favorite, I just had to do her playlist first.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage The Elephant Mustang Sally by Wilson Pickett Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard by Paul Simon Girls by MARINA (I mean, come on. I don't think I have to explain this one.) Firefly Main Theme by Sonny Rhodes (Don't Fear) The Reaper by Blue Öyster Cult Travelin' Band by Creedence Clearwater Revival One Jump Ahead from Aladdin (I'm pretty sure it's illegal to make a Vinnie playlist and not have this song, so I had to add it.) Free Ride by The Edgar Winter Group Born To Be Wild by Steppenwolf Hit Me With Your Best Shot by Pat Benatar (This song really resonates with her personality in my opinion. Just the "come at me" attitude represented here definitely screams Vinnie) Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne We're Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister The Railroad by Goodnight, Texas (Because this is a Ramshackle playlist, I had to have at least one bluegrass/southern gothic song because I strongly associate those music genres with the comic. This is the one that I feel fit her best.) Tequila Song by Johnny Kowalski and the Sexy Weirdos Volunteers by Jefferson Airplane Roxanne by The Police (I can clearly see a drunk Vinnie as Britta in "Remedial Chaos Theory" from Community. I don't know why, I just do.) Wild, Wild West by The Escape Club Hound Dog by Elvis Presley Bamboleo by Gipsy Kings Godzilla by Blue Öyster Cult (It's a song about Godzilla. It's Vinnie. I feel like she would like it just because it's about a fucking lizard murdering people. It just fits to me.) Miserlou by Dick Dale Rock the Casbah by The Clash Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival Drikken Natten Væk by Østre Gasværk Teater (This is the drinking song from Skammerens Datter. I feel like the tone fits Vinnie well and I really couldn't pass up an opportunity to include it.) Tank! by SEATBELTS Brighton Rock by Queen Neat Neat Neat by The Damned Superperforator from Manitou's Shoe (I'm not entirely sure why this song came to mind, but I decided to include it anyways.) Henrietta by The Fratellis (Let's be honest, a lot of Fratellis songs could be associated with Ramshackle, and I have no problem with that. I just chose this one because of the art Z posted of the trio with lyrics to this song.) Emanuela by Fettes Brot Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry Rasputin by Boney M. (I feel like this would just be a song she would sing drunk, but then again, that's half of the songs on the list lmao) It's Tricky by Run-D.M.C. (Refer to my Rasputin note)
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chokememrstark · 7 years
Personal aesthetic: Santa Maria in Der Schuh Des Manitu
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I really wanna hear Neil and co. speak German. So have some German hcs
"Neil was fluent in German" and I think that's very sexy of him. I bet he doesn't really have an accent because he probably had to stay stealth in Europe and therefore perfected his accent. But I think if you listen closely you might hear how he still slightly struggles with our R and CH.
He can do a Swiss accent, which is hilarious.
I'd love it if he used Austrian words instead of the German versions! (I'm Austrian, let me have this) Imagine Neil addressing a rude reporter with "Oida" cause he's just done with them.
Dan asks him to translate that but he somehow can't find a good translation for it. (Because I can't)
I am aware that he doesn't know memes but "Bruder, muss los" (basically Ight I'mma head out) is his entire situation.
Nicky would call him "Dicka/ Digga" (dude) cause they're jocks.
And I'm begging for Neil to call Drew "Schatz" (darling; lit. treasure) just ONCE. He'd get a glare in return but I feel like Andrew would secretly gay panic.
Nicky's accent would be good, pure high German, since he's studied it for a long time and Erik gave him good experience. I bet they love hearing each other speak German and Erik is super supportive.
S*x happens in English tho because German dirty talk sounds DISGUSTING.
Der/die/das Nutella? They start fighting and betting until they think to ask Erik, who doesn't know it either but joins in on the discussion because he's highly opinionated on the topic. They're yelling, team bonds are being destroyed. The other Foxes think they've finally lost it.
Neil refuses to say "Schulz". Andrew considers breaking up with him about this but has a reputation to uphold so he pretends to dislike that rule as well.
Erik would show Nicky the movie "Schuh des Manitu" to culture him and they'd jam to The Superperforator Commercial because it is indeed a timeless bop.
Aaron and Andrew definitely have an accent. Apparently they have strong vocab because they use big words. I can imagine them struggling with articles and grammar tho. Andrew not so much because of his eiditic memory ofc.
Aaron wonders why tf "bitte", "so!" and "tja..." are being used in so many different contexts.
Nicky keeps a list of strange German words like Handschuhe (gloves, lit. hand shoes) and Kabelsalat (lit. cable salad) because he finds them funny.
One day Aaron behaves unusually upset and when Nicky asks him about it he says that he's mad that Haribo does NOT make him happy. Nicky joins in on being upset now. Andrew is in the back eating Haribo, unimpressed. The artificial flavours hit different that day.
manic!Andrew will directly translate German expressions like "How much clock is it?" or even worse "This is sausage to me". It annoys everyone. Most of all me.
Aaron mixing up the ways to say Why. When do you use which one? Ugh screw it, just say "warum".
When is it ss and when is it ß? Do it randomly, it is now süss and müßen (technically not wrong but you sound like a boomer)
Neil: Paradeiser (Austrian word for tomato)
Andrew: Tomate (German word for tomato)
Neil: -.-
Andrew: nobody fucking says Paradeiser ketchup!
Neil: Erdapfel (potatoe)
Andrew: that sounds horrible. It's Kartoffel.
Neil: Gelse (mosquito)
Andrew: it's Mücke
Neil: okay but get this... Polster (pillow)
Andrew: I will murder you
Nicky calling the shorter foxes Knilch, Schlingel and other cute, stupid expressions for which he gets ignored. Once he says "Füchschen" (little fox) to Andrew and that's when he snaps :)
"Stop! It all stays as it is, whether you're here or not!", Nicky yells. Neil looks very tired. It's one of these rare moments, in which he makes eye contact with Aaron and in that second, only that second, they feel a deep connection based on shared inner pain.
Anybody could be Manuel Neuer at this point and it is driving them crazy.
Aaron messes up and says "schwul" (gay) instead of "schwül" (humid) and Nicky laughs really hard at him.
Whenever one of them uses the Dativ instead of Genitiv the others immediately jump in and correct him. "It's wegen+Genitiv, you moron!!"
German jam sessions in the car on their way to Columbia. "Ich muss durch den Monsun, hinter die Welt" and "Du sitzt im Maserati Mercedes und siehst aus wie ein Loser", throw in some Trailerpark and Bausa too. They have a whole playlist with different artists and all the iconic songs. Kevin is suffering, as always.
Something is in the street and one of the boys yells "umfahren!" (run it over/ drive around it) but Nicky doesn't know which one is meant so they awkwardly swerve while screaming.
Aaron knows that German anime openings are the best. One piece, Digimon, you name it. They use anime as a form of confrontational therapy for Kevin. The two of them would watch an anime in Japanese with German subtitles.
Nicky once accidentally addressed manic!Andrew with "Sie" (formal you) instead of "du" (informal you) and Aaron would mock him going "Ihr" (very formal you) and "Eure Majestät" (your majesty) so Andrew is like "That's right, Riko can leave, I'm king now", which actually gets a little laugh out of Aaron. Nicky is really happy that they had a brief bonding moment.
"Alles bäm?", Nicky asked. In that moment Neil could've sworn he was back on German soil with his mom, drinking the clearest water, while making his way down to Stuttgart. "Läuft", he responds blinking tears away. He hadn't thought anything besides torture could make him cry.
Aaron calls Riko "Hurensohn" (son of a bitch; very common insult) once and at some point teaches Kevin how to say it.
Andrew's famous "That doesn't mean I wouldn't blow you" (Das heißt nicht, dass ich dir nicht einen blasen würde) in German sounds kinda nasty imo. But Neil's shocked "You like me?" (Du magst mich?) is honestly pretty cute.
When they're in Germany Erik once makes a stupid reference "Warum liegt da Stroh?" (Why is there straw lying around?), which is a porn reference that somehow everyone in Germany knows, even if they haven't watched it. He is surprised when, of all people, Aaron is the one who reacts with "Why are you wearing a mask?", who now has to hastily explain that in high school German class someone mentioned it and he wanted to know what it meant so he unwisely looked it up.
Erik sends Kinder Surprise Eggs to Andrew to earn his trust.
Nicky makes up stupid German sayings. "You know in situations like this they say This is really flipping my pancakes right now but at least the pigs fly high". Neil thinks it sounds fishy but doesn't know for sure because German expressions are weird so he doesn't say anything. The others just have to believe it. One day Andrew brings it up in front of Erik to impress him but Erik just blinks at him in confusion. Andrew is angery. Nicky has to hide for the rest of the day.
Matt finds their German conversations very fascinating and asks for a few words. Neil makes him say "Eichhörnchen" (squirrel) but Matt fails miserably.
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estelanel · 4 years
A quick insight into German (Millennial) meme culture (inspired by the blast to the past this uquiz gave me):
Bernd das Brot (a depressed bread puppet, originating from a children’s parody on advertising shows, later getting his own show)
The Bielefeld conspiracy: Bielefeld is a city in western Germany with about 300,000 inhabitants; there is also a running gag that Bielefeld doesn’t actually exist. The origin of that joke seems to be extremely random, there isn’t really a big story behind it. 
Germans like to argue about name and gender of their food. Ask a group of German people what they call the inside of an apple, or what gendered article to use for Nutella, and watch them yell at each other for half an hour.
The song from the Superperforator commercial (from a parody on Western movies that gets way more credit for being LGBT rep than it deserves (the song’s a bop tho))
Gays in Space (a parody on Sci-Fi movies that gets way more credit for being LGBT rep than it deserves)
A coke commercial with the keeper of Germany’s national football team lead to the “maybe it’s not [...], maybe it’s Manuel Neuer” meme
This super weird opening to a porn which I am going to translate real quick: “This is the fuse box we always have problems with, can you look at it?” “With pleasure, but why is there straw lying around?” “And why are you wearing a mask?” “Mmmh... give me a blowjob then.”
Bravo, the biggest German youth magazine, is infamous (amongst other things) for cheesy photo love stories, failing gloriously at using authentic German youth slang. This panel is the origin of “alles bäm?” (”all bam?”), a greeting nobody ever used before, but for a while everyone used it ironically after that.
Once a year every school in Germany holds a sports competition called ‘Bundesjugendspiele’ (Federal Youth Games). Participation is mandatory. It literally serves no purpose. You’re not even competing against other schools. Based on your score you either get a ‘Participation Certificate’ (’you participated but you’re also a loser’), a ‘Winner’s Certificate’ (you participated and didn’t win shit, but we want to make you feel better about yourself’), or a ‘Honors Certificate’ (’you can now brag about how good you are at sports’). Everyone hates it. Ask a German about Bundesjugendspiele and see their eyes go blank from hot fury and/or unprocessed childhood trauma.
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Ist das das Lied aus der Superperforator Werbung?
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1337wtfomgbbq · 2 years
Stop stop stop!!!
Wenn Dieter und Samuel so von Meg oder big daddy gelb Auge gefangen genommen werden, und die fragen, "Noch einen letzten Wunsch?"
Kommt Dieter dann so, "Ja das Lied aus der Superperforator werbung🤗"
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chaoslaura · 3 years
to combine the posts "das gleiche wie: gras ist verboten weil es verboten ist" + "deutschland hat wieder richtige auswahlen für den ESC" - kennst du Brokkoli (Muffelwild)? esc deutschland kandidat? (ODER "das lied aus der superperforatorwerbung"! eskimo callboy? irgendwas buntes mit viel glitzer?)
I don't know if it was my morning brain but I needed a very long time to follow your ask and understand what you wanted to tell me.😅
I'm ashamed I had to search up Brokkoli on youtube because I've been watching Space Frogs since their early beginnings, so yes I know this song! I've listened to this song a lot because I like the Seeed vibes of it.
Kiffen ist nicht cool, es ist cool nicht zu kiffen // Hold my beer, muss zum drölften mal schiffen // Das hin und her Gerenne hält mich fit // Schau was du für 'n fauler Stoner bist
I highly doubt they would even contemplate trying out but oh my god would that be funny. First of all it's in german so no other country would understand anyway and there would be a lot of people trying to boycott it. But at least it would be a fun song.
Same with the Superperforator (okay how did you come up with this idea?). I think the song isn't allowed to be older but imagine the people watching three cowboys dancing to this.
But Eskimo Callboy! A lot of people have said they should paticipate. They themselves asked if they should do it and I really think they would be up for it. They're a fun group and wouldn't mind being the clown of the show even though musically they're good and I would go so far as to say better than most stuff I've seen over the years in eurovision. So I really hope they go through with it. I would vote for them. They can pull off the glitter, the show would be ridicuous and the audience would love it, well, I'm not that convinced that it will bring us more points but we won't be boring germany anymore.
Also if you like the first one, look up Each Side Story (Oh! Ah!) by Marti Fischer and another fun youtube group. You won't get the song out of your head afterwards, promised.
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