#super turtles
sunnylighter · 1 year
So I mentioned the other day someone stole one of my fics. They have since orphaned the account and marked it as ‘on hold’. So I posted my entire fic on AO3 so if they can’t try again. 
Check it out if you like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and time loops. 
Summary: Like many Universes, the Turtle-Verses have been caught up it the infinite time loops. But since there are so many TMNT out there, things are bound to get crazy. (Includes Mirage, 1987, Next Mutation, 1990-2007 Movies, 2003, 2012, Micheal Bay Film, IDW, SAINW, Super Turtles, and Usagi Yojimbo Loops)
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bellathetmntgeckolady · 7 months
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Day 26: Enemies
I realized I put more effort into the Sliver more than any of the other pieces and honestly I just like the idea of a villain Splinter, even if it’s an alternate version of himself. I wanted to give him something more Samurai-like in the armor department. Maybe he held those ideals up until his eventual descent.
And I do have somewhat of an idea how he fell into madness in my AU. I mean the Super-turtles at one point were his children and well.. he did lose one. You can probably already guess who since she doesn’t even have a proper appearance. (Rip my little lizard in that universe.)
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pocoslip · 1 year
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Would've like to see Casey Jones in some Weird 80s TMNT Anime with April O'Neil but I guess its just not Meant to be...
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duelistofrosebbshm · 2 years
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We need the Rise boys to spoof the OVA - SERIOUSLY. The 2-ep anime was quirky in its own right and a lot of people don't even know this wacky thing has existed since 1996!
Bringing the Muta-Stone concept back but modernizing it fit into the Rise boys' universe would be HELLA cool! I'd be happy with just a spoof! But if they wanna use it as a way to start off Season 3-! Well, I won't MIND in the least. 0_0 *jiiiii*
Seriously, I GOTTA see the boys in their Miyu-Taishi Metal Mutation gear - both the base (as seen here) and the FULL. We need the Metal Turtles back yo!
Bring me "Rise of the TMNT Season 3" in METAL please!
OH, and if you don't know what Leo means by "muta-docking" click here:
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shironezuninja · 2 years
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Like I said, Religion is nothing but trouble in the history of human violence.
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Welp I might as well share these, im very nervous about it, but I have made made two itterations Sessaspartine wrapped with love
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Donnie and Mikey are the oldest at 15 (mikeys like 2 minutes younger) Raph is 14 and Leo is 13
Dobnie is an indian flapshell turtle
Mikey's a bog turtle
Raphs an Arakan forest turtle
And Leo is an albino painted wood turtle
Theres also Dance of the Super Turtles inspired by both seperated aus and the 2003 turtles episode where mikey got sent to a world where they were super heros
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They are all 14 here
Leo and Donnie are aisain giant soft shells and twins
Mikey is a yellow splatted map turtle
Raph is a painted wood turtle
Ill be posting individual images and info over the next few days
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turtleblogatlast · 4 months
It’s a good thing that the boys had cute little button eyes when they were babies, because imagine if they had big ol eyes instead, like
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sinisterduc · 5 months
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what a year this been, we may all haves ours up and downs but we finally made it, looking forward for next year, see you in 2024.
note: I couldn't fit all animation media in this so sorry if favorite wasn't in here.
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idiot-mushroom · 7 months
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trick or treat 🎃🍭🍬
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teenagenutant · 6 months
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hi! i finally updated my fic pressure bomb so. doodles +lil' comic for chapter 3 & 4 ^^
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Language! Part 2
[1 - 2]
The speech bubbles are a little odd, a holdover from when I used to draw these small and all on one layer and canvas.
Somehow, some way, Splinter’ll always catch them and make them pony up to the swear jar! Darn ninja dads, I swear, it’s like they can hide in the walls or something
Anyway, thought it would be fun to hint at Splinter having a life and acquaintances from his time in yokai society, in that weird way that parents have when they mention a crazy skill they picked up from their mysterious life before parenthood that their kids have no knowledge of yet. Plus, it’s interesting to think about what Splinter does in his day. He loved entertaining and stardom, I doubt he’d up and quit forever. His voice is the last thing truly his after his transformation, I’m sure he’d use it somehow to keep doing what he loved! He’s also a ninja warrior specifically trained to fight the supernatural, that probably comes with some pretty fun skills!
My mom once stole a boat and sailed to an abandoned condemned island for a whole couple of days, a story which cropped up once and then wasn’t explained until years later, much to my intrigue. She’s so calm and well collected, it was crazy to hear the shit she used to get up to lol
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katsettee · 9 months
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Queer teens are victims to heteronormativity (real)
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I am so certain this is how their conversation went.
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eldritchgray · 1 year
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Happy World Turtle Day, have some catchphrases!
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cupcakeslushie · 4 months
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Febuwhump day 16: Came back wrong
Future EW Donnie getting trapped by the Technodrome.
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shironezuninja · 2 years
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Is it childish for my angry, independent spirit to call myself “The Banana Mutilator”? Because it was more outrageous when I skimmed through a Rated M TMNT fanfic on DeviantArt that contained the phrase “Shell Yeah” and the nether regional appendage of male reproductive anatomy. Kami-Sama! If the writer was gonna make the content NOT In Between, the word “Shell” needs to be split up into “Shit” and “Hell”. Rookie Baka.
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