#super amazing art for fics by super talented artists
kristylime · 5 months
My What We Do In the Shadows Fanfiction Works on AO3
I currently have 30 WWDITS works posted on AO3
Many of these works contain incredible art that has been either gifted or commissioned from a number of talented artists... @weakformemo , @starkurt, @indigayghost, @indashadows, @cottoncandysprite, and @stephpotterart ...
Related Playlists:
The Latest:
As is often the case, this one is for @weakformemo and @indashadows
While on a vacation to Las Vegas, Guillermo de la Cruz wakes up with a killer hangover, an array of mild injuries, an interesting new accessory, and a ton of questions...
Three chapters down, one to go...
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to check out my work. <3
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bluegarners · 1 year
for the next few weeks, im going to be rb a lot of the same/original content so if it bothers you or you'd rather not see it, you can block "solar flares" and that should cover most of the same rb content <3
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
hello again, i’ve requested a few times (the feels and sweet nothing) and i was hoping i could request again? (i think i might add an emoji at the end bc i love your writing and will keep requesting as much as you allow ❤️❤️) anyway, i hope you’re doing well and things are going good.
i was wondering if i could request a buck fic where is partner is an artist and he finds a sketchbook of sketches of him and when he asks about it they talk about how pretty he is and how deserves to be appreciated and just making him feel super loved with it. thank you if you get to it and ofc no troubles if you don’t. take care 🥰
also is 🚒 good for a way to recognize me??
wasteland, baby! - e.b
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summary: request
evan buckley x reader
a/n: omg you always have such creative ideas! i love receiving requests so always feel free :)) 🚒 = ❤️‍🔥 i also won’t be posting as frequently for the next few weeks due to finals, but after that i’ll be posting a ton!!
buck had come over to y/n’s apartment after his shift for dinner, and the scent of thick acrylic paint and primer had stung at his nostrils. he began to love the smell, as he knew that it meant she was around. he had let himself in with his key, taking in all of the perfectly placed plants and artwork on the walls.
she had a canvas that was almost complete, with just a few finishing touches. buck had walked over to it to examine. her talent was extraordinary. he knew it was out of this world, and the way she was so proud of her pieces his made his heart swell up with love.
“hi, buck!” y/n says, beginning to walk out of the hallway from her room to her art. she was wearing a pair of dark green pants and a white t-shirt which somehow complimented her beautifully. her face had small specks of blue and red on her cheeks and black and grey streaks on her shirt. “sorry it’s such a mess in here, but doesn’t this look great?”
“no, don’t worry about the mess, but how long did that take? it’s amazing!” buck stutters a big, not being able to comprehend how art like that could come out of her hands.
“thank you, love,” she replies, taking his belongings and placing them down for him. “how was work today? anything good?”
“just a normal old day, but you know it’s the 118.”
“it is never normal at the 118,” y/n smiles and gives him a cheek kiss before going to wipe her face off. buck goes to sit down in her living room on the couch, and she follows behind him with a quick change of shirt. she placed a small pizza in the oven to cook for them, and cuddled up next to him while they told each other stories about their day.
“it was wild, y/n,” buck starts. “i mean this woman literally rose from the dead after like 15 minutes, after being under a street. oh! you’re going to love this- and we saved some puppies in a sewer.”
“oh my god, are they ok?”
“they’re all fine, but i’m not sure if we are right now.”
“what do you mean?” she asks, slowly and carefully.
“you don’t smell something burning?”
she takes a deep inhale and looks over to her smokey kitchen. it wasn’t too bad, but definitely enough to make it inedible. “shit! fuck, i forgot about it!” she says, bouncing the pan up and down while trying not to burn herself.
y/n was busy discarding of the pizza when buck looked over at her with joy. he had a cheeky smile on his face and was laughing at the forgetfulness of both of them. he looked back down in front of him and the coffee table, and he saw a book that y/n always has on her. she brings it to work, to her family, anywhere she goes, she has it. it was her beloved sketchbook, filled with hundreds of small doodles and big pieces. buck has seen a lot of things in it, admiring each one before he comes across a bookmarked section.
when he flips the pages of the book, he notices that the person that is sketched and shaded looks particularly familiar. he makes note of the sharp nose and soft, but hard jaw. he sees the famous birthmark on the side of his face. he’s never looking right on, though. he’s always focused on something or has a light grin on his face. buck knows these are of him, but he doesn’t think he had any importance to be the top drawing in her book.
y/n walks back in to greet her boyfriend, “i think we might just have to ord-“ she looks at the sketches that she had put on that paper. a heat rose up into her face, reddening her cheeks and making her feel a sense of embarrassment.
“a-are these me?” buck asks, quietly. y/n nods, slowly, praying that she didn’t make him uncomfortable and that she will see him again tomorrow. “i-um..”
“you don’t have to say anything, buck. i never meant for you to see those and if you don’t like them, i’ll never do it again i swear. you just, you’re so beautiful, buck. and i love to draw beautiful things.”
“i just don’t know what to say, these are so good. i feel like you know me more than i know myself,” he says, chuckling a bit.
“you like ‘em?”
“i love them,” buck says.
“good, i just couldnt stop myself. you are always so pretty, no matter what and i want you to know that, so i tried to convey it through this. i was going to show you eventually, but i wanted to do more.”
“why me, though? you could draw anyone,” buck asks.
“no one else is you! you might have a pretty face and all but there is really nothing more beautiful than your soul. you are filled with so much love and sweetness and i’ve been dying to find a way to show you, because you are loved, evan. i love you and i wanted to put my two favorite things together. not a day goes by where i have anything but love for you.”
suddenly, the feeling in bucks chest is rising stronger, feeling like it’s going to burst. when it does, he has strong riptides of tears in his eyes. with a pure smile on his face, he passionately leaves a kiss on her lips, and he feels loved for the first time.
growing up, his parents never showed him love. he always begged for it from everyone he knew, and now he feels like it isn’t deserved. but someone, y/n made him feel like he will forever be worthy of love. and he will never forget how she fixed him for the best.
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xfancyfranart · 10 months
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This is my art masterpost for this year's @dadstielminibang brought to you by our fantastic mods @hawkland, @haus-seeblick & @tsujiharu! I was lucky enough to claim one of the most amazing concepts a.k.a. an artist's wet (ha!) dream by the super talented tiamatv: Merman!Dean and Cecaelia!Cas! 😍
TIA, WE DID IT! or should I say, we're FINished? 😏😂 (Many more fishy puns and ocean lingo can be found in the fic itself - and let me just say, I never thought it was possible to execute this SO flawlessly. Tia's knowledge of everything undersea literally blew me away and makes for such a witty and hilarious reading experience, all while keeping our boys perfectly in character. I salute you, my friend! 🥰)
I had such a great time getting to know Tia, making her write ocean smut xD and figuring out a) the look of the fishy boys and b) my very first mini animation. Unfortunately I can only post the gif in low quality on Tumblr, but you'll find a better looking one in the fic ☺️
There's also an additional last minute artwork that you'll find below the cut. It's a tiny spoiler for the last chapter, so proceed at your own risk!
Have fun reading "Mutualism" here 🧜🏻‍♂️🐙
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wolfie-bee · 10 months
Very excited to share my Supercorp Big Bang 2023 fic:
the pieces of me (cling to you)
Em (@shipinsight) was my lovely artist for this collaboration and she made stunning art for my fic here: the pieces of me (cling to you) Art
Please go show her some love, she did such an amazing job 💗💗
moodboard below done by my talented friend (@awaitingrain ) 💗💗
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the pieces of me (cling to you)
"To know me is to know pain, Supergirl." Lena says simply. "To know me is to know that coincidentally, on the same day you disappeared, my helicopter was blown out of the sky."
Lena's words land their intended blow. Supergirl flinches, guilt etched across her face like Lena had just damned her to Hades. And maybe she did.
"To know me," she continues, stalking forward once more, watching in sardonic glee as the veins in Supergirl's body light up once more."is to understand that I don't care about what if's and altruistic Supers who also want to do no harm." She says, pausing when Supergirl’s prone form is but an inch from her boot.
What if Metallo Lena meets Supergirl and feels a strange connection to her that she couldn't identify the source of? And what if she kept Supergirl around long enough to explain this strangeness to her?
Written for Supercorp Big Bang 2023
And thank you to the awesome mods who organized this event 💗 @supercorpbb
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alexisomnias · 1 month
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— I admire the stars from afar with closed eyes
i love my mutuals 🤍🦢 ( appreciation post )
. alphabetical order
aly @soleillunne
we dont talk all that much, but i see you on my dash and smile, like, every single time. im so nervous to talk to you and i dont even know why DJUSHSJ your just so cool and friendly and literally a superstar to me idk 💕 your sososososo awesome and i admire you a lot!
ceru @ceruleancattail
so awesome, literally such a star. your talent is out of this world, and the kindness in your heart is above all. your one of the most friendly people ive met, and your so so loved and admired, especially by me!! Seeing you on my dash is always such a highlight, and seeing your work is even better. Keep doing what you love because i know you can never truly fail 💕 your just too talented..!!!!!
faera @atsdlura
faera ☹️💕 i love you so much/p, your so light, and full of just love for so many others. your probably one of the most genuinely sweet people i know, and I adore your art. everything about you is sweet and so uplifting! whenever i talk to you I feel better and ready to finish the day! your genuinely sooo awesome and Im sososososo happy we met.
hana @haismie
one of the sunshines of my life. i can never truly put into words how much i actually care lmaoo, your my friend from before the platform, and I’ve seen you grow so much, in both terms of writing and drawing. your so utterly talented and the way you weave words leaves my heart burning! ughhh the boy you are!!! thank you for making my day, everytime you send me a message.
khoi @khoipyan
I MISS YOU BROTHER. everytime i see you pop up instantly my mood is lifted!! your very talented, and awesome, and amazing, and i love seeing you talk about your interests!! THINKING OF YOU 💕 take care
kei @keii-starz
oh kei, i always adore seeing you on my dash. you are so loved, and cared about 💕, im so happy i met you because our conversations always brighten me up. your so supportive and kind, and i just want to cover you in soft blankets as you deserve. thank you for always being so kind!
lei @trappolia
lei, the loml… your so fun and always such a highlight of my day… i love talking about everything ever with you, and dont forget about the birthday fic you wrote me?!?! hello?!?! still look at that consistently btw bcs of how sweet it is! your so talented and i adore your writing so much! your super awesome and im grateful ive got to know someone as bright as you.
millie @poppurini
millie you have to be one of my favorite people on the website tbh, we dont talk as often but literally your so fucking talented and i just want to hang everything you do up in a museum and explain it to passerby’s. your personality is so wonderful, and always cheers me up. your so cool, and fantastic as well, i can find no negatives at  all for knowing you! I appreciate you and your work a lot…!
mika @mikacynth
mika the sweet girl that you are omg. your not online as much anymore but every time you are I can just feel the positive vibes uplifting 💕 you mean so much to so many people are your very cared about i hope you know. your very talented and super intelligent. i appreciate you a lot!
misha @mishantics
MISHAAA i hope you know everytime i come across something you reposted on tiktok i scream your name in my head!!!!!! your such a talented artist and someone worthy of inspiration! I appreciate you so so much, and you deserve the best!
skylia @kaiserkisser
skylia oh what a flower you are. YOUR SO AMAZING AND KIND!!! your one of the people i’ve known for longest, and i appreciate you so much for all the kind words you throw at everyone. i love seeing you on my dash, and i appreciate you silently 💗 even if i dont message you a lot i hope you know i do see you
vi  @floraldresvi
. vi, to me your everything good in this world. your always there for me no matter how small or big and you always make me feel included, make me feel worth something. I admire you a lot, and i think your plenty awesome with everything you do, your totally lovable! im sooo grateful i met you, genuinely, you make so many of my days full! 💕
ying @xianyoon
YING YOUR SO COOL… your such a big sibling figure to me and I look up to you so so much, more then you could know. If your the sun, im a star taking in your light in the hopes i can shed that much love on others you do with your warmth. your so admirable and i want to be like you!
. . .
this has been a stressful tiring month for a lot of us, so just know your all cared about and loved 💕
if your a mutual and not on here, wait awaiting in your inbox
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uniquevoidflowers · 5 months
Merry Christmas!!
For the moots I promised fics, I’m getting to those as soon as I can!
In the meanwhile I’m gonna say this:
I’ve only been here since like May, but I’ve been shown so much kindness and patience from those around me! To all my followers: Thank you so much for being here! Even if I don’t know you, it also brings a smile to my face when I see you like or reblog something :)
@whyoneartheven, you are so kind! I love your art a lot, and seeing you on my dash always makes me feel good.
@r0achezz, You are so fun to talk to!!! Your art style is amazing and ahhh I love your writing a lot!
@isasan347, I cannot express how much I adore your art! It’s so pleasing to look at! Also, you have amazing ideas!!! I like reading your ideas every once in a while :)
@ladye-zelda, Gosh you are so kind, and it makes me smile when I see you on my dash. Thank you for being here!
@akchimp75, YOU ARE SO COOL! Ahhh your art is just as cool as you! (Meaning really really cool) I’m grinning so much when I see you on my dash!!
@almost-an-artist, Your art. Is. So. Freakin. Awesome!!!! And you are really friendly!!!
@/a-random-somebody, AHHH YOU ARE AMAZING! I love you so much/p
@finleyforevermore, you are so kind and funny/pos, and brilliant! Thank you for making me laugh this year!
@frostedshadow, you are literally so cool?! I think we haven’t talked a lot, but the times we have talked have made me smile.
@here4dragons, 🫂🫂🫂, I love seeing you on my dash you wonderful person. 🫂🫂🫂
@kiwi-der-vogel-alt, Your art makes my day, just the colours and shapes! Also you are really funny/pos
@kommandantpinks, I haven’t known you for awhile but I have seen your art many times and I love it so much! You seem really cool and kind as well!
@cal-the-duende, You are so so so so cool! I love talking to you!
@vio-starzz, love your art style so much, it’s so cozy. You’re amazing.
@baileyboo2016, Your art?! Literally so cool. And your writing! I enjoy reading your fics!! You are so talented and creative, also your enthusiasm makes me smile.
@not-freyja, your writing makes me cry and smile, I love it so so much. You are very cool :)
@majorproblems77, This year has been super fun with you in it. I love love love talking to you, and your writing literally blows me away. Thank you so much for everything!
@margindoodles2407, you are so amazing?! I would frame your art, and read your writing any day. You are also really kind!!!
@luna-lovegreat, I swear, I smile every single time you message me, I see you on my dash, I just see your url. You are so incredibly kind, and I revisit your rants a lot, because you are so smart. Thank you for everything <3
@1000emotions, I know we haven’t talked a lot this year, but you are so amazing! I love you/p
@arsonisticscholar, You are so cool! I love love love seeing you on my dash even if we don’t talk a lot. Happy Holidays :)
@graves-doodles, I don’t think we’ve been mutual for long?? But that doesn’t matter. Your art is just so beautiful, and it always makes me feel something/pos
@prince-of-red-lions, WINDY YOH ARE SO FREAKING AMAZING AND askjbfjddkjs. I love talking to you, and I freakin love your art. I’m so glad I met you this year.
Sorry if I missed anyone!
I appreciate you all. I appreciate all the artists, writers, and others, you have made my year. You are all so cool! Hoping for a good year next year ;)
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willalove75 · 5 months
Firstly, I just want to express how much I admire your writing/stories. I get excited to read your work, either here or on AO3!
Secondly, I just want to thank you for being such a supportive person when it comes to other people’s work/writing. Not many authors who are as popular as you support fellow authors and artists. Many “big name” stories and authors (that I shall not name but they likely know who they are) tend to either only support their friends/people they speak with on Tumblr or not at all. It is a bit discouraging when so many readers look for that “stamp of approval” and avoid great stories because they don’t generate enough buzz with the more veteran writers.
You and perhaps a handful of other authors support many stories (popular, new, or even unknown).
This is by no means a bashing or negative statement from me. I only wish to shed light on a very real issue facing many writers (especially in this fandom).
I even see it with relatively popular stories (a few you recommend and were recommended to you) some of those stories should be much more popular and shared. Especially when I see those authors support new stories.
I just hope we can get to a place where talented and well-known authors such as yourself uplift others. Especially when I’ve seen so many post about people upset with the lack of Lady D content (either writing or drawing) yet, this fandom isn’t as supportive as it should be, which is why so many people are discouraged to start writing or even finish their current stories.
I think for 2024, if a story is within your filter, everyone should make an effort to read the new and old stories. If a story has been on your “to read list” now should be the time to open it up and perhaps drop a kudo or a comment if you enjoyed it. We all know how amazing, validating, and encouraging that feels. We should want to spread that feeling!
So thank you, for all the support you show. And I hope you are able to share this post because I think so many need to see it and know they aren’t alone if they feel like this.
AW thank you so, so much!!
I love being able to support other artists & writers work! I also think it's super important to support those that do/have contributed to the fandom! I know for a fact that I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the art and fics I've found, which in turn gave me the confidence to create my own stories.
I've been lucky enough to have gained a small following here and I owe pretty much all of it to the people who reblogged and supported my stories when I first started. When I see artwork or fics pop up in the tags I follow or on my dash I always try to reblog them and support the creator.
I totally understand the "stamp of approval" thing you were talking about, and it's something I've definitely been guilty of looking for. But at the end of the day, as long as there are people who are still enjoying my stories and what I create, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. It doesn't matter if it's 5 or 500 people that are interacting with your art/writing, as long as you enjoy it, I say keep at it!
For me, I love being able to share new (or old!) artworks and fics I find on here with my followers and I have no plans on stopping anytime soon!
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kafka-ohdear · 6 months
so, my dumb ass forgot about this ask in my drafts so i'm remaking (?) it because i can't edit the original post anymore.
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i love every blog related to the fandom so get ready to hear me rambling shits in this post.
i'd list my favourite hbo war related blogs hehe, and here they go:
@fkmylif3 - HELLO my favourite gif maker!!! literally the best gifs with best qualities + colouring <3 can't find anything i don't like about you for real 😭 i love the sisk gifs with my whole existence!!!
@mutantmanifesto - eugfjshksk another super talented and skilled artist! i love every painting that was posted on this blog.
@onefineginger - i love their art very very much, honestly i have saved a lot of them on my phone because every single one is so gorgeous.
@thewayisset - one of the first hbo war artists i know when i got into this fandom. unique and super gorgeous artstyle!
@fromcrossroadstoking - i love their m*a*s*h au very much! also the siskroe fanfics of them made me obssesed with their writings even more.
@ronald-speirs/@luckynumber4 - super supportive and amazing edits, writings + posts too! sorry i don't know which blog of yours to tag so yeah 😭 i'll go with these two.
@sweetxvanixlla and @footprintsinthesxnd - PRETTIEST MOODBOARDS OMG!! the theme and colour + pictures choices never failto amaze me.
@liptonwashere - beautiful edits omg!! the song choices, the quality and transitions are all amazing! lovely blog too.
@liptonsbabe - your memes make me rolling on the floor whenever i see them! keep them coming hehe i'm waiting for more memes from you!
other contents creators/blogs that i absolutely adore but never got many chances to interact/see their works:
@mylastresortiswriting - i love the baberoe fanart of yours very very much!! never read any of your writings before but a hundred percent they are amazing as well! loveliest person on tumblr <33
@deputy-buck - just got to know you more recently but i love your moodboards and literally your whole blog too!!
@david-sharkthot-webster - i saw the posts before i even own a tumblr account 😭
@incorrectbandofbrothersquotes - same as above 😭 eughfjsk i love the incorrect quotes with my whole being.
@auroargraves - you might have seen me spamming bunch of notes on your webgott + baby sisk posts and headcanons before eugjhfhks i'm sorry for that but i really adore them!!
@malarkgirlypop - !!! your oc fics and bofb imagines are so amazing and ypu're awesome too 😭 i love them.
sorry (again) if my dumb ass accidentally forgot anyone but that's all i could remember so far 😭. btw let me know if you don't feel comfortable being tagged 🥹 sorry in advance...
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mickmundy · 10 months
i am now hooked on bushmedicine bc of your fics, would u happen to have fic/blog recs? 👀
OH MY GOSH EEE THANK YOU SO MUCH MY FRIEND ;__; I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE ENJOYING MY SERIES!!!! ;u; as for recs.. ohoho... yes... i do.., fortunately i have amazing talented friends whose work i admire and adore!!! just going to say that this list is by no means exhaustive or complete and is being done completely off of the top of my head, so PLEASE don't feel bad if i leave anyone out!! ;__; <333
also i'm really not super active on here so i mostly know twt accounts but i'll do my best! i'll firstly advise you to just look through my bushmed tag on my blog. lots of great folks in there!! ^v^ so much talent!! aoguaougaaa!!! and to my friends who have supported me with my own fics thank you so much ;;; i owe u all everythign!! <333 going to stick this under a cut since it's kind of lengthy!!
for fic recs, i actually don't have a lot of time to read many, sadly!! ;_; BUT i'll gladly point you in the direction of some of my besties' fics that i have read and absolutely adore!!:
see that my grave is kept clean by @fairyouth.... my favorite. john is a freaking MASTER of writing them and i love his big huge creative mind!!
heatstroke by @eurovamp... kat is so talented!! i LOVE her interpretation and they have so many fun au's!! i haven't gotten a chance to read it but she also wrote a bushmed naga fic that they've been talking to me about and AAHHH IM SO EXCITED TO READ!!
as for fanart, i'll also use this as a chance to promote my lovely talented friends!! i don't speak for them of course but i believe some of them (myself included) might be more active on twitter, i'm not sure! :( but i'll rec them here regardless hehehe!! some accts are ns/fw too so just a heads up!
@lovey2dovey2 YESSS FELLOW MEDSNIP LESBIAN!!! HEHEHE!! she's SO talented and kind, and all of her interpretations are SO fun and creative!! absolutely adore her art style!!
@5piecechickendinner / @5piececockdinner DEEEEEE absolutely stunning pieces, great moody art and a joy to talk to!! a blast to talk headcanons with too!!
@rabidratbaby -> twitter acct! amazing pieces, conveys such tenderness and sweetness in their art, both nsfw and sfw!! super chill and immaculate vibes in general!!
@radioactive-gremlin -> support her on patreon! char's got it all... lighthearted silliness and super sexy comics!! a total delight to follow and befriend!
@lubby-beez LUB!! so sweet to know, and the queen of saucy medic art!! amazing coloring and body type representation and super fun ocs!!
@poisonedflame if you follow me on here you've probably seen me reblog ren's amazing sfms quite a few times hehe... so kind and talented, huge-brained and a wonderful friend!!
@skymacaroon fantastic art and super fun to talk to, absolutely love how he draws medic and sniper!!
@oldkamelle one of the accounts that warmly welcomed me to tumblr.. ;u; very kind and so great to talk to, totally wonderful artistic talent!!!
as for folks who i am not very close to but whose works i still adore and cherish and scream so normally and lovingly any time i see them on my tl and who i want to still give some spotlight to! i hope it's okay that i'm tagging you in this! ;-;
@goo-p absolutely no notes... ellís's style yields so much range for whimsy And more somber/serious pieces... absolutely stunning!! a joy to work with creatively and to speak with!!
@hootsimedes such cute style and so many amazing creative ideas!! and so kind!! ^u^
@halfhihat SUUCH a cute style!! absolutely love the cute little comics he draws!!
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officialdaydreamer00 · 11 months
TWST spotlight!!
thank you to all the people who tagged me in their twst spotlight :o yguys are such darlings and i love how my circle expanded in just a month or two! ily mwah <3 /pla
i can't remember my early mutuals' order but anyways look at my friends!!
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@azulashengrottospiano aka aubbie 🐙!! my first mutual on tumblr and THE author who singlehandedly fuel my love for twst in my earlier days in the fandom :D azul's legal wife and writes characters x reader oneshots SO HONKING WELL i am blushing giggling kicking my feet ESPECIALLY HER OCTAVINELLE FICS :000
@shyhaya aka hayami 🌺!! oh so shy but she's such a darling to talk to <3 has beautiful fics for so many fandoms HOW ARE YOU SO TALENTED?? i am in love with your writings shaking you hard
@hisui-dreamer aka rinna 🌟!! one of my fellow jade kissers and writes VERY DELISH fics (i am in shambles over this one in particular) eating your writings om nom nom
@identity-theft-101 aka denti 🪓!! a menace, he's just like me fr fr :D one of my fellow eel kissers and the enabler of my ever growing obsession for the tweels AND I AM LOSING IT OVER HIS DOODLES OF THE TWEELS AND HIS OC REMY
@aqua-beam aka calira 🎉!! my platonic soulmate and fellow jade kisser 🫵🏻 (/aff) brings me so so much serotonin whenever we interact, her reblogs on my posts always succeed to make my day :D
@siren-serenity aka rennie 🌙!! one of the writers i look up to the most in the twst community :D i don't think she's usually active, but whenever she does, it never fails to bring a smile on my face c: absolutely beautiful writings and a super cool oc named melody striker whom i love a lot!
@shinysparklesapphires aka sapphy 🎀!! she's so passionate about precure :D has a cute artstyle and very cool ocs, i think navi is the first one xe introduced to me through my earrings event :o phrog prince my beloved c:
@ceruleancattail aka ceru 🔷 another one of the writers i look up to the most bc their writings have me in a chokehold ACK their twst aus are so very creative and bantering with mooties about cater diamond is very entertaining ^^
@cecilebutcher aka cece 🪩!! fellow floyd kisser and has a great masterlist :D they write for twst and obey me and i adore their ocs! also AESTHETIC MOODBOARD FOR EACH OF THEIR OC I EAT!! :O
@moonlit-midnight aka hannah 🌸!! beautiful writings that makes me cry randomly when im in the mood to read at night c: the fellow jade kisser and writes TWO octavinelle masterlists + twst hcs in which my heart go brrrrrrrrr
@leonistic aka soru 🍞!! number one leona kisser on my blog lmao c: HER WRITINGS IS SO BEAUTIFUL I AM SHAKING YOU BACK AND FORTH :0
@nem0-nee aka nem 🃏!! my newest mootie and THE artist whose art had me in a chokehold for weeks now c: her art is so srcumptious i want to put it on a pedestal and stare at it in awe :D also AESTHETIC *om nom nom p2*
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any of my other mooties who are not on here are also very amazing c:
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f1-techsupport · 9 months
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my main where I post my art: 💕 @superion-artworks 💕
blogs I love & recommend in the F1 space because let's share the love!!! let's go!! 👇
@monacobasedgirldad Amazing humor, Nico Rosberg afficionado, very entertaining tags
@estiebestieban fantastic fic writer who made the bride!Esteban and bodyguard!Fernando period fic Ambiramus
@n-ico-ando very sweet & creative, writes & makes fem edits of the drivers
@cedobols wonderful creator, backbone of sebmark shippers, draws the most beautiful twink seb I've ever seen, cute personality
@kimio7 very talented artist with a very strong visual language and intense colors / gazes, loves to put our boys in situations
@husbono very talented artist with an amazing, soft style that fits retired seb incredibly well. fellow bono enthusiast
@sunshinesebby writer of Sebchal wilderness survival / horror / monster fic Sanctuary which has consumed me for the last 2 months. read this even if you don't like Sebchal I'm begging you
@rosyjuly writer & artist who understands my sebmick insanity. Wrote Worked the Blade and Spoils of War who are a must read (heed the tags).
@umlewis posts super beautiful gifs! also has more side blogs for mick and seb for example!
@vicsy writer with a very flirty, rough style of writing Fernando and Lance, giving us classics such as the crime lord Fernando AU
@kritischetheologie writes very intense fics, gorgeous writing style. likes to explore emotional burdens & kinks of the characters.
@feraltwinkseb just think they're neat, very entertaining blog, and they knit, so I love them
@fernandoalonzoo fellow Nando fan, shitposts every now and then, very entertaining tags
@flopnandoalonso Nando slander (beloved). Nando fan with lots of humour
I'll expand the list soon!
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cuips-not-cute · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
thanks @toburnup, @numinosmoon, @pearynice, and @morningberriesao3 for tagging me, y'all are the coolest<3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
nine!! but one of them is my darling friend @lollaika's amazing fic, The Agony Of A Loving Gaze, of which i am merely the artist
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
269,805. whew.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
stranger things at the moment lmao but i've written for good omens and our flag means death before, too
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
he could be brave, blood is an aphrodisiac, honeyed affection, cyclical, and lover, be good to me.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes i do!! i'm horribly, horribly behind atm but i will catch up!! love engaging with people who like my stories, and i've made some fabulous friends thru ao3 comments, too<3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
don't think any of mine?? big fan of happy endings
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
gosh i don't even know they all pretty much have the "and they lived happily ever after" vibe at the end i'm a sucker for sweet stuff what can i say??
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i've gotten a couple weird comments from peeps who don't know how to read tags but those go straight in the trash, good vibes only
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
me?? smut?? never!!! lmao i like it all, the kinkier the better. one of my most proudest smut scenes i've written involved some super sweet fisting. i love stuff that's fucking depraved but still with a good undercurrent of softness. love it when they're gross and in love
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i haven't!! generally can only focus on one fandom at a time so i don't know that i ever will but i love a good crossover fic
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not as far as i know!! just waiting for the day that i see my art on like pinterest or smth, tho
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no but gosh that would be SO COOL!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have not!! love beta'ing and being a soundboard for all my super cool and talented writer friends but i write so erratically that i doubt i could co-write with someone
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
...steddie. i'm so embarrassed but i love them. ineffable husbands is SUPER close behind, tho
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
hmm, had a kooky tentacle porn oneshot in the works but that always gets put on the back burner while i'm writing a multichap thing...and i seem to always be writing a multichap thing. maybe one day
16. What are your writing strengths?
oh smut, probably. my fav thing to write , too, so it makes sense. tho i've heard from multiple sources that my kiss scenes are good, but those usually lead up to the smut anyways lololol
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
hmm, scene transitions or points where i need the mood to shift dramatically. usually skip around those and write them later during the second draft
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
it's cool!! i'm lame and don't know any other written languages so i prolly never would do it for fear of mistranslating smth but it's neat to see, especially when it's the author's native language
19. First fandom you wrote for?
technically i think way back when i worte a lil thing for the gemma doyle series, did not think of it as fanfic at the time, tho
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
cyclical!! that one was a BEAST but i'm stupidly proud of her. as it is a time loop fic it was THE angstiest thing i've ever written but i had a great time making it.
honorable mention for my current wip, tho, which will be a steddie sex tape au chock full of pining and porn. hopefullyyyy the first chapter will be out soon (!!!)
tagging the lovelies: @lollaika @jhrc666 @steddielations @thefreakandthehair @phantom-organism and @wormdebut <3<3
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lovova · 5 months
I see artists doing little showcasings of what they've accomplished creatively in the last year, decided that looks fun, and decided I'd do for myself an little inventory of what I've written in the last year as well, based on archive posts and what I can recall (I specify 'what I can recall', because I was not keeping track of when I did or did not update my main fanfic "Video Game Cruelty Potential" so...guestimates for that fic! I have 36 chapters, I can probably guess it was updated at least every other month) ~ So! For 2023: January: Did a fan-fanfic for my friend Lex called "The Other Rooms" where I explored off-scene implications of his cool-ass fic Room No.5 February: Created an alternate version of VGCP called "VGCP: Characters at their best" where I tried to explore some of the chars in the same setting being more well adjusted. I haven't gotten very far in it, but I am determined to get back to it this year! Also probably updated VGCP March: Did two short Kaito stories, an Oumota called "Playing with Phobias" where Kokichi messes with Kaito and a Saimota called "Luminary Hero of the Track Field" where Shuichi worries over Kaito's enthusiasm to sports while sick. April: Started what was MEANT to be a multi-chaptered Homestuck!V3 Kaito fic called "The Devotion of the Luminary of Skaia", but I haven't gone back yet to figure out what happens next yet. Thinking about it now, I think I was to make it a three chapter fic, but I just need to save some space to go back and outline it someday. VGCP? Maybe? May: A short Oumota piece called "Carnation: Please Handle Gently" that I got some awesome art commissioned for by the incredibly talented Ere. This short story inspired me so much that I'm actually basing a new original novel on the same concept~
June: I (believe) this was the month I finished Kaiden! An omegaverse original story I was writing and posting to Kindlevella. I am super proud of finishing that piece, and while I want to go back and create a more refined second draft before selling it as an Amazon book, I still LOVE this version as well. Very proud~ And VGCP!
July: Two Oumota short stories, "Touring Mortality" and "Execution Failed". Touring Mortality was especially fun to write, though I was amazed at the positive feedback Execution Failed got. It was very uplifting XD This was also the month I (re)started my original story "Pearls and Shackles". Also probably VGCP August: More Pearls and Shackles, more VGCP. September: Pearls and Shackles! Probably more VGCP! Can't remember! October: Can you guess? PEARLS AND SHACKLES! VIDEO GAME CRUELTY POTENTIAL!! November: This was a purely Pearls and Shackles month, and that was because I dedicated NANO (National Novel Writing Month) to finishing it. AND I DID! It super needs a second draft, its not ready to show off, but it EXISTS! So hell yeah!
December: A funny short V3 story called "Soulmate Goose of Enforcement!" I had a lot of fun collaborating with this one with Lex, and am hoping to do a chapter 2 with another great writer added to the mix too, Andromebaa. I also started the first two chapters of a new novel manuscript, a Hanahaki story about a pair of lesbians struggling with love in their own ways, but both trying their best! And, also, I updated "Video Game Cruelty Potential"
Did I overestimate how often I updated VGCP this year? Underestimate? I have no idea, that fic is almost 300,000 words long by this point, let's call an update every other month a generous average of how often I add to it. Other then VGCP, I did 8 Short Fanfics, finished a book, started and finished another book, and started a third book. And I'm not counting stories I had to write for my school year. Just ones I did out of the passion in my damn heart.
So, yeah! I'm pretty proud of this year, it was a good one. I hope anyone reading this had just as good a year! Writers, steal this idea, go looking back the year and brag about what you accomplished! You deserve it!
Have a good 2024 everyone!
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angeart · 5 months
kyzngsngNzgznfzhmsjt I don't really talk to you as much as I would like to recently but I still love your art and writing and everything and I'm so glad that I met you. You're an absolutely amazing person and super talented artist (in both the writing and drawing sense), I have never once regretted commenting on your fic. Speaking of which, I swear imma get back into hmtb, mental health has been messing with me but I really do want to actually read it ):
Trying incredibly hard to keep this anonymous lol. I love you /p so much! Happy New Year!!! 💞💞💞
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(this is me rn)
your words are so nice and kind, thank you so much for coming here to say this <3 and!! get back to hmtb on your own pace and terms. it'll be here for you whenever you're ready, promise.
your mental health is important, remember to try to take care of yourself as much as you can, because you matter a lot, mkay? <3
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kitkeithkat · 2 years
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Do you like pirates? And kakaIru?! Well, have a got a story for you!
If you’d like to see the awesome fic I made this art for, check it out HERE
The fic was written by my awesome teammate @mandapandabug20 for a super fun event called @kakairu-reverse-bang !!! Check out all the amazing works being posted .;) so many talented artists and writers participated!
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