#sundae mae
homura-chu · 6 months
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I feel like drawing and sharing a bit about my D&D characters! So expect 6 more characters art! o v o
This is Sundae Mae - a half elf ranger, merchant, mother, and widowed wife. She is my latest character of a new campaign I joined.
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maessundaes · 6 months
when a girl tells me her favorite anime is naruto, i give her a kiss on the lips. when a guy tells me his favorite anime is naruto, I file a restraining order as quickly as possible. 🤷‍♀️
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spell-fox · 1 year
VtM line-up! Player characters and (some) NPCs from our game ‾▿‾
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Game is run by @urbanknightart, I play Eli (Victorian dandy) and @cynical-tuba plays Nat (croptop twink). @hageshisa-art-blog plays Morgana (smart-casual heterochromia Malk lady).
We have, from left to right; Aiden, Eli's ghoul, with her pup Sundae also Eli's ghoul haha. Gabi, Kuro, his crow Mugicha, Eli, his fox Maggie Mae, Morgana, their adopted gargoyle Gabriel, Nat, Hector, Delilah and her puppies Mr Licorice and Maple, and Miasma \o/
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ohbabydollie · 3 months
honestly I’ve been thinking about it and I definitely feel like mutual break up Schlatt would still want to celebrate your anniversaries together… and imagine if you took a long shift at work that went well into the night, and you came back to your apartment to see a sad Schlatt cause you missed everything he set up…
Just an idea idk 😵‍💫😵‍💫
damn it mae 😔😔 (i pretend not to notice the fact that there is lots of potential for angst)
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You never missed a single anniversary with schlatt, still celebrating what would be your relationship milestones with him as friends. Of course it ended the same, kisses being shared on your couch, an empty bottle of wine and a pack of condoms open on the coffee table.
You honestly didn’t mean to forget, you just had such a busy week, forgetting to check the calendar and when your manager asked you to stay late, you agreed.
The shift went well into the night and you didn’t get home until around 2 am, absolutely exhausted and your phone out of battery completely.
The only chance you got to charge it is when you entered your car and put it to charge as you just took a mental break from everything. You soon saw it light up and start dinging like crazy. You being annoyed you put your phone on do not disturb and drove home, only checking it as you went up the stairs to your apartment.
catbabydaddy: hey, when are you getting home?
catbabydaddy: i got the stuff set up whenever you get off
catbabydaddy: when do you get off?
catbabydaddy: call me soon please
17 missed calls from catbabydaddy
catbabydaddy: i’ll wait for you to get back from work
catbabydaddy: i got the snacks you like
message after message of Schlatt asking when you got home, telling you he had everything set up made a pit in your stomach.
what did you forget today?
was it something important?
not just any anniversary, the anniversary of the first time you met Schlatt. You immediately rushed to get to your apartment, getting the key ready to unlock the door and bursting in.
You noticed the balloons on the wall starting to droop and deflate. The decorations that would’ve been so lovely in the light, hanging in the dark.
It was enough to make your heart break in two, but no, the cherry on top of the sundae of heartbreak was a sleeping Schlatt, tears dried to his face, his nose red and eyes puffy as if he had just recently cried himself to sleep.
It was enough to make you start tearing up, you had missed everything he set up.
Almost immediately you laid down next to him, hugging him softly and sniffling as you press soft kisses to his face, apologizing for missing your anniversary as he wakes up.
“shh, don’t cry doll” he said softly hugging you
“i missed everything!” you sob “y-you set up everything and i missed it, not just that but our anniversary too!”
“ ‘ts okay” he says rubbing your back gently “i know you were busy with work-“It’s not okay!” you cry
“I’m so sorry, I’ll make it up to you”
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
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the end of march is here, so we've got a new monthly fic rec list!!
just like last month, this is only for fics that i read and were also written this month. if you wanna see more of my fic recs and favs, i have em all organized on my recs blog, here!
and as always, if you have any fic recs of your own, feel free to send em my way here or on my sideblog - i love finding new fics and writers!
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Alex Keller
blood on my hands - @uselsshuman
✧ two of my favorite things: alex keller and emma's fics! alex being a great caretaker and having friends everywhere is amazing. this is the perfect fic to scratch my alex itch!
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Joel Miller
to think i'd forgotten - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ i don't think there will ever come a day when i am not completely blown away by just how good anything jo writes is. doesn't matter the fandom or character, everything is absolutely top tier and this joel fic is no exception.
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John Price
the five times - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ a fic i couldn't put down and even after i finished it, i had to read it a million more times. i already love price, but this fic only made me love him more and the writing???? i literally have no words for how good this is.
a handful of birthdays - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ one of my favorite price fics ever. such a cute and fun way to show a relationship evolving over time and written so beautifully. this is definitely a fic i reread whenever i need a pick-me-up.
in dreams - @yeyinde
✧ the day i don't immediately fall in love with one of lev's fics is the day i die. there should be a museum dedicated to her fics because every single one is a piece of art.
gravity - @soapskneebrace
✧ drunk shenanigans are always a fun time, and price being a gentleman at the end is the perfect cherry on top of this well-written sundae.
afternoon coffee - @lunarvicar
✧ another spectacular addition to the mothiverse! price being a mother hen is too perfect and him demanding moth lick the spoon again even more so. i may be a bit biased, but the mothiverse is one of my fav price series and every addition just makes me love it more and more.
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John "Soap" Mactavish
sweet melodies - @johnnytavish
✧ everything i've ever wanted and more. i'm a sucker for singer!reader and this is so perfect. the teasing from her and the rest of the 141? amazing. the reader being a siren on stage? fantastic. this entire fic? perfection.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
gossamer silk smiles - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ whoever the anon was that requested this is doing the lord's work because i have never read a more perfect gaz fic in my life. perfect doesn't even begin to cover it. i love this fic with every fiber of my being and every piece of my soul.
kiss prompts || kiss 39: last kiss before dying | kiss 3: forehead kiss | kiss 13: morning kiss - @cowboybxtch
✧ do you want to have your heart broken into a million pieces and then put together with the cutest and most wholesome fluff you've ever read? then these kiss prompts are for you! i know i say fics are beautifully written a lot, but there's no other way to describe this little series. they're beautiful. gorgeous. stunning.
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overflow the stars - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ listen, i'm not a könig girlie, but this fic right here? chef's kiss. i swear, there isn't a single character that hal can't make me love. everything she writes, every character she writes for is so well done, her talent floors me.
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Leon Kennedy
in my veins - @uselsshuman
✧ did i create a resident evil section in my fic recs just for this fic? yes, yes i did. and i have absolutely no regerts because i love this fic and i will never be normal about any of the amazing stuff emma writes.
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Multi Characters
141 sleeping headcanons - @maes-chocolate-cookie
✧ this is so cute and i love it. they fit the characters so well, especially price sleeping with a thick blanket no matter the temperature. i feel that on a deep level.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
sassy series || grocery list | cough - @peachesofteal
✧ i saw the words soft dad!simon and was immediately sold. then i read the rest of the fic and felt my heart clench at how goddamn cute this entire series is. "Simon is a good partner and dad I will be taking no questions." you're right, peach, and you should say it.
something tells me, i'm going to love you forever - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ no words, just this:
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your blood on his hands - @vesper-tinus
✧ i had to take a lap around my living room after i read this. this fic killed me. it destroyed me in the best way possible. "Maybe in the next life." how dare you do that to me but also i love it so much.
happiness series || a late night last minute request | four - @lethalchiralium
✧ more for one of my favorite family man simon riley series! the interactions between simon and his kids always get to me, this is such a soft and wholesome series even when it hurts.
pi day - @kioplama
✧ went in for a cute little fic for pi day, came out blushing and tearing up over "Professor Riley". really, really cute and the reaction to simon pulling out a ring made me laugh.
about someone, that isn't you - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ this fic killed me. absolutely wrecked me. completely destroyed me. jo is too good at the angst and making me feel and getting me all caught up in my emotions. i don't know how she manages to create such stunningly painful fics, but it's a skill to be admired. i don't think I'll ever get tired of how good her fics hurt.
you wake up together - @ninetailedfoxmanchi
✧ lazy morning fics are the best. something about the pure domestic bliss and reading about ghost being calm and happy just sends my heart sailing.
untitled - @blackssuunn
✧ a lovely fic with simon being a big softy. as someone who mostly writes and reads fluff, this is top tier, grade a, perfectly written fluff and all i want to do is curl up and reread this fic over and over.
cuddlebug - @saltycurry
✧ self-indulgent tooth-rotting fluff? sign me tf up. i am absolutely here for it and i loved every word of this fic. i know there's a theme of super fluff in these recs, but i won't apologize for it when i get cute fics like this to read all day.
a good man - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ this is gonna be another picture because i can't find the words to explain how much i adore this fic and i feel like my emotions are best described like this:
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andyyywastaken · 6 months
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Skin: Fish Thicc (Reef Cake Style)
Back Bling: Mae Jr (Gradient)
Pickaxe: The Original Bonk Bunny (Gradient)
Glider: Sundae Glider
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buggybambi · 4 months
mae bae i dont know if you've talked about this already but imagine the olive theory with carmy
STOP. IMAGINE OH MY GOSH also i think i have talked about it before but we're discussing it again!
for anyone unaware, the olive theory stems from himym. basically it's someone who hates olives would give their olives to a person that loves them, and their relationship could work out because of it
but i so see carm doing this with something like pickles or like cherries on top of his sundae / milkshake and one night he orders a hamburger with pickles on it and you're like "?? you hate pickles, carm. you never eat them" and he's like "yeah but you like them:)"
guys the olive theory is my fave thing ever omg
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
“Okay, we’ll take everyone to the estate. Bunny call your parents, Beau call yours. I’ll warn my father his best friends are coming. Let’s go. Papa will make the biggest and bestest sundaes for you. And I get one with my little space sprinkles.” // Okay, but now I need to see this. 😂 Ransom just eating it all up with a spoon, threatening the geese of the world. - 💫
Okay! But Ransom listening to every traumatizing moment. Like he knows that Squish normally handles herself, but that sweet little Birdie being scared too?? He can't handle it!
Pause the Movie
Summary: it’s sundaes with the grandpas
Pairings: Ransom/Frank/Ari/Curtis X Birdie Mae/Fable
Rating: sprinkles
Warnings:  none, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 400
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
The Turtledoves Masterlist
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“It did not do that,” Ransom says as he pours some melted cookie butter on top of the ice cream. The way that the little girls sitting on his counter top were talking, they needed the works. Sundaes with everything, even a Biscoff.
“Yes, huh, Papa! It chased us. Did you know geeses have teeth? Twaumatized. It bit Biwdie.”
“Papa, it bit my shirt. Not me. But it was scary. It was. Can, can I put on my sprinkles?” Random loves extra grandbabies, and Birdie Mae was particularly sweet. He slides down her sprinkle mix of cows, sheep, different colored green Jimmie’s, lime green pearls, and leaves, and she starts to move to her bowl.
“Wait!” Fable shouts. “Papa has to do the swiwl and the chewwy. Do it Papa, do your stuff,” with a giggle he gives them each a swirl of whipped cream, and a bright red maraschino Cherry on top. “Papa, my spwinkwes, pwease.”
Birdie Mae begins sprinkling on her mix, when he slides down Fable’s pearls of different shades of pink, and neon green and white Jimmie’s, “Papa, do you fink I need special spwinkwes.”
“You do. Yours are full of pearls.”
“No, No, like Mimi’s have coffee cups, and youws is evewyone’s, and Stowy has woses?”
“If you ever want to add anything else, sweetheart, you let the Sprinkle King know, and we’ll make you another mix okay?” she gives him a cute little nod, and he gently places both girls on the floor, handing them their bowls, and Birdie Mae looks up at him.
“Papa, where’s yours?”
“I eat from yours. Come on, let’s start your movie, so you ladies can relax. I believe the others are coming over.”
He sits between the two girls, and they take turns feeding him, and when the other three men stand in the doorway, it’s just not fair.
“You didn’t save any for Boppy?”
“Ransom, I thought you was making everyone sundaes?”
“I guess I could just go ask, Kitten,” Curtis says with a smirk at Ransom.
“No! You are capable of making your own. If I made you a sundae, it would have been melted slow pokes.”
“I heard it was a traumatic day, Birdie,” as soon as Frank sits down, Birdie Mae crawls over into his lap.
“Well, I need to find my mini Ari, then.”
“Ransom, I’m borrowing Beckett. Pause the movie.”
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merlamae · 1 year
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Sundaes on Sunday 🍨~ and every day! #merlamae #merlamaeicecream #sundaes #icecreamlover #sundaeonsunday #londonontario #ldnont #icecreamforlife (at Merla Mae Ice Cream) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co2-BIvu7-9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sukiwinters · 2 years
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that warm, tickling feeling
Outfit: Rainbow Sundae - Beca's Beach Hat @ Summerfest Belleza - Summerfest Eyeshadow @ Summerfest Belleza - Summerfest Matte Lips @ Summerfest UniCult - Daisy Mae @ Summerfest YOSHI - Shi 2 Eyes YOSHI - Zima Eyelashes Magika - Michelle Hair
Pose: endorfin - MYRA Pose Set
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FULL REVIEWS: My Fave 5 Episodes
Well, I’ve done it. I’ve seen every episode of The Owl House. One episode a day and reviewing them right after. Do I recommend it? Yes. Yes I do. With the series still fresh in my brain I’m gonna count down my five favorites because why not?
5. “Understanding Willow”
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“You were never too weak to be my friend. I was too weak to be yours.”
This episode really brought the drama. Being a lifelong fan of cartoons, I’ve discovered that what gets me hooked on a show is its characters. The plot could be the greatest most revolutionary thing ever, but if I don’t like any of the characters involved don’t expect me to bother. The Owl House is the opposite. I love all (most) of the characters. I care about what they’re going through, so character drama like this really pulls on the heartstrings.
The revelation that Amity’s parents threatened Willow’s position in Hexside doesn’t completely get Amity off the hook for her behavior, but it gives more depth to all the characters involved. We can only speculate how long this resentment could have kept going if Luz hadn’t gotten involved. The sequence of young Willow and Amity burning away to reveal their current selves is haunting. So much (and so many) emotion in that short segment.
Luz encouraging Amity is cute and really starts to lead us in as the beginning of what I call “The Lumity Trilogy” of episodes.
4. “Lost In Language”
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“Cool teens like me! Call me a library book because they were checking me out.”
A lot of episodes take jabs at and subvert Harry Potter tropes since Harry Potter is the big name in these kinds of stories. There’s always a Draco Malfoy-type asshole rival character. The kind of character who only lives to torment our heroes. While I thought it would be fun to hear Mae Whitman voice a bully character, Amity thankfully is more than meets the eye. This episode excellently portrayed that when you compare her to her siblings. Amity seems mean but is actually kind. The twins seem cool but are actually vindictive.
Luz had some funny ass lines that I still quote today. While they started off on the wrong foot, we didn’t know that this was the start of something beautiful.
3. “Enchanting Grom Fright”
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“I got kicked out of my last school dance for dressing like an otter.”
Case in point, the beautiful. The centerpiece of The Lumity Trilogy. As the main character, Luz’s affectionate personality has had a major effect on all the other characters. While we saw hints and clues here and there, we didn’t know how far Amity had fallen until grom night. 
Luz willing to face a fear monster but not her mom is all too human. She knows she’s lying to her and it’s wrong but still. Dancing with a witch in the moonlight is better than being stuck at learn-how-to-concentrate camp. 
I still skip the B-plot when I watch this episode which is why this isn’t in the number one spot. Lumity is real and it’s going to keep on loving like it’s grom night.
2. “Adventures in the Elements”
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“Magic is a gift from the island.”
Damn is this episode fun. This is probably the episode I’ve watched the most. We’ve got all my favorite character doing funny ass things and learning lessons. It also has one of my favorite B-plots thanks to Hooty acting so...Hooty. The image of him rocking out to his little headphones I think is cute and hilarious. 
Eda finally gives Luz another magic lesson but The Blights are also there to contrast Eda’s wild magic. As much as Luz wants to learn magic Harry Potter style, she has to figure it out herself in her own way. I love how wild magic is free and natural compared to the coven system’s ridged ways. 
This is where we see that Luz’s friendly personality has had an effect on Amity for the better. That’s good character development with a healthy side of funny jokes.
1. “Wing It Like Witches”
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“Oh. Wow. Sports.”
This episode capped off The Lumity Trilogy and my fave five list. It’s funny. It’s cute. It’s heartfelt. It’s dramatic. It has a montage. It has everything. It’s a ripping good time. Having Amity admit (by accident) that she loves Luz was just another cherry on my fun sundae. 
Heavy plots are cool and everything, but when I watch cartoons I wanna have fun. This is fun to me. Thanks for reading. Next time, fave five characters
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maessundaes · 6 months
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[1] Abad, Ricardo G. “Filipino Religiosity: Some International Comparisons.” Filipino Religiosity: Some International Comparisons, vol. 43, no. 2, 1995, pp. 195–212. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/42634069?fbclid=IwAR0Gz0Jtj8JBIzcXG8hC4qagRiyB_sKsaLgnuzSiabd9k1u07OYtOchHKzQ.
[2] “A Veil of Superstition Unveiled – An Exotic Manifestation of Susuk.” International Journal of Research and Reports in Dentistry, vol. 3, no. 2, 2020, pp. 30–34, www.journalijrrd.com/index.php/IJRRD/article/view/30116?fbclid=IwAR3zZjsOZK9fMIWpeEHpN1fmNbmwkH68-CnxFF8pfNsKEJAd7DN_aFnm4d8.
[3] Trianti, Rani. “The Existence of Sunda Wiwitan Among Sundanese People As a Local Belief In Indonesia.” Indonesian Journal of Community and Special Needs Education, Kantor Jurnal dan Publikasi UP, 12 Mar. 2021, ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/IJCSNE/article/view/32666?fbclid=IwAR2xjl41Fhkg0XQ841knib5MnUu58yclWcdewQyjHnBMzygsOwSwNb04w-k.
[4] Monzon, Geraldine. “PAMAHIIN: Kuko, Bawal Gupitin Sa Gabi.” PhilippineOne, 4 Sept. 2018, philippineone.com/pamahiin-kuko-bawal-gupitin-sa-gabi/?fbclid=IwAR03ndsyWnPk_cRDa43N2MdpOLv580-FMEIUrzBU7D0uo_IqP5TrBx_amqY.
[5] Melanie. “Sugbuanong Tuo-Tuo – Superstitious Beliefs Among Cebuanos.” Cebu Philippines Ultimate Travel & Food Guide, Queencitycebu.com, 26 Aug. 2020, queencitycebu.com/sugbuanong-tuo-tuo-superstitious-beliefs-among-cebuanos/?fbclid=IwAR1ANzBpr0dC1DtK01Hbzh8N8LH4-IP60l_Zj560sIVjK8e8jTe-eTNTnUE.
[6] Metaporista. “Linaw at Paliwanag Sa Mga Kasabihan at Pamahiin Ng Matatanda.” Metaporista, Metaporista, 18 Oct. 2020, metaporista.com/2010/07/08/linaw-at-paliwanag-sa-mga-kasabihan-ng-matatanda/?fbclid=IwAR2fOp7TCm-VZCditgovhGJhoS0CZghlRdChaXZWuPQ6duJ871DhktOanqs.
[7] Dakilanglaagan. “Cebuano Superstitions on Death.” Cebu Philippines Ultimate Travel & Food Guide, Queencitycebu.com, 15 Oct. 2020, queencitycebu.com/cebuano-superstitions-on-death/?fbclid=IwAR36hp8hDfasp3yLgewvbeHxDtGYw01ikYqkze5rZsqGRCnO967e9IPKK_k.
[8] Demetrio, Francisco, and S.J. “Towards a Classification Af Bisayan Folk Beliefs and Customs.” Towards a Classification Af Bisayan Folk Beliefs and Customs, vol. 17, 1, 1969. Philippine Studies, asianethnology.org/downloads/ae/pdf/a213.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0YJ7Ox_5-v6Ucypbvvh2SRBvhZT7L0Wxzue55fvpqwZr7mKe21iUv8UTE.
Nota: Pamahiin: Mga Paniniwala na Humubog sa Kasalukuyang Kulturang Sebwano (PDF). Kopyahin at i-paste ang hyperlink sa web search upang mag-acess:
Mga Tungkulin ng Bawat Kasapi:
Tagapagpanayam: Tricia Dominique L. Verzosa at Krianne Joy M. Atim
Manunulat/Kritik: Tricia Mae V. Edisan at Angelica D. Waskin
Video/Content Editor: April Rose Z. Siacor
Tagapagtaguyod sa Panlipunang Midya: Aileen D. Abatayo
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anamericansinger · 4 years
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For @hugallurfriends (Mariana):
Waves - chloe moriondo
Vanilla Sundae - Emily Burns, Olivia Nelson
Out Like a Light - The Honeysticks
I’m Not Her - Clara Mae
Side Effects - Carlie Hanson
Think Before I Talk - Astrid S
Sleep Talking - Charlotte Lawrence
fever dream - mxmtoon
After Life - Ashe
Bad Ideas - Tessa Violet
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waitstay · 4 years
Les dernières histoires mcdonaldiennes
Hello les amigos. C'est déjà la fin de cette saga. Vous pouvez lire les autres histoires mcdonaldiennes détaillées en cliquant sur les liens :
Rose Barbie
L'homme à l'araignée : partie 1 et partie 2
Le professeur d'auto-école : partie 1, partie 2, partie 3 et l'épilogue.
J’ai fait 3 restau en 6 ans et il m’est arrivé beaucoup de choses, ainsi qu’à des collègues, cheloues, inclassables, dont je vous donne un petit florilège ici, en guise d’adieu.
Un jour, des mecs ont demandé à ma manager : “c’est quoi le meilleur entre la sauce M et le sperme ? - je ne sais pas, je n’ai jamais goûté la sauce M”.
Un jour, un mec arrive à l’encaissement drive et me dit qu’il a oublié un happy meal sur sa commande et demande s’il peut l’ajouter, je dis “ok je met quoi dedans ? - comme d’habitude”... ? donc je lui propose le truc classique “nuggets frites coca yaourt à boire ? - BAH NON HEIN HAMBURGER TOMATE ICE TEA ANANAS” soit LE truc le plus improbable.
Un jour, vers 23h45, un client m’engueule pcq je n’ai plus de potatoes à vendre. A l’encaissement, je sors un peu de mes gonds et je lui dis qu’il n’avait qu’à venir plus tôt dans la soirée. Le gars m'a criée “BAH C’EST PAS DE MA FAUTE J’ETAIS AU CONCERT DE CHRISTOPHE MAE !!!!” Déconcertée, je lui ai demandé en rigolant si c’était bien, il s’est adoucit et m’a raconté sa soirée (et il a finit par manger des frites).
Un jour, de nuit, des mecs ont dit à ma meilleure amie (manager) “tu devrais te mettre un wrap dans le cul ça te détendrait - je préfère mon gode il est plus grand.”
Un jour, un mec torché à 6h du mat’ nous a acheté à tous des cafés (alors qu’on les avait gratuits hein mais il était très agressif quand on refusait), pour célébrer “la gloire d’Israël”.
Un jour, un gamin s’est ouvert la lèvre en 2, des meufs se sont battues et un client a fait un tel scandale qu’il a voulu bloquer le restaurant, et on a du appeler pompier/police. Dans la même soirée.
Un jour, mes collègues se sont fait braquer par un mec (qui avait un flingue), il s’est fait attraper 2h plus tard et la police a ainsi pu restituer les 1120€ volés à ma directrice.
Un jour (et pas qu’un), des clients me demandent “Une boîte de nuggets - d’accord, 4, 6, 9 ou 20 ? - 8/12/16″ (en général 3 fois d’affilé).
Un jour, on célébrait le départ d’un de mes managers. Quand quelqu’un part de McDo on le baptise avec tous les trucs les plus dégueulasses qu’on puisse trouver. J’ai voulu jeter un frappé sur mon manager, il a atterri sur une cliente.
Un jour, alors que je lui passais sa commande au drive, un client a collé son front au mien et m'a dit "si tu savais à quel point j'ai envie de te cracher dessus" pcq j'avais refusé de lui faire un supplément chocolat gratos dans son sundae.
Un jour, enfin, plusieurs, j'ai vu des mecs pisser juste sous les caméras du drive et d'autres se faire sucer dans leur voiture. J'ai vu plus de zizi en milieu professionnel que dans ma vie personnelle.
Un jour, je suis arrivée à McDo, j’avais 18 ans. Un autre jour, 6 ans plus tard, à 24 ans, je suis partie. Et entre temps, il s’est passé plein de trucs. Merci le M.
THE END. Merci à tous de m’avoir lue, soyez gentils avec le personnel de la restauration rapide. 🖤
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hajimarinofun · 4 years
Día 0 - Parte 2
- Justo al salir te encuentras con un NPC-
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男 ディックル鉱洞は今、立ち入り禁止だよ Dikkuru kō hora wa ima, tachiiri kinshida yo この間の地震でいろんなとこが konoaida no jishin de ironna toko ga くずれてて、あぶないんだ Kuzuretete, abunainda
En este momento está prohibida la entrada a la cueva Dickle, Durante el terremoto ocurrieron incidentes, Esta desmoronandose y es peligroso.
Dickle Cave is off limits right now Many things happened during the earthquake It's crumbled and dangerous
-Llegando al pueblo te encuentras con un niño-
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子供 おおきくなったら Okikunattara けんしになって Kenshi ni natte はぐれをたいじするんだ Bogure wo taijisurunda
Cuando sea grande, me convertiré en un espadachín, Y me haré cargo de los vagabundos (Se referirá a las invocaciones?) Kid
When I grow up, I will Become a swordsman To Get rid of stray 
- mientras rif va camino a casa, es detenida por alguien...- - On the way home she is stopped by someone -
村長 おお、リフ
Jefe del Pueblo/ Village Chief
Hey, Rif
リフモニカ あ! 村長
Ah! Alcalde! Ah! Chief!
*El dialogo es muy corto, lo dejé así, aunque no me agrada :’) *The dialogue is too short, I kept it like that, but still didn’t like it :’)
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村長 さっきは剣の修理ありがとな Sakki wa ken no shūri arigato na 前よりダンゼン斬れ味が良くなったぞ mae yori danzen kire aji ga yoku natta zo
ヴィーねえさんに vu~ī nēsan ni ありがとうっていっといてくれ arigatō tte ittoite kure
お前ねえさんの片ウデになれるよう omae nēsan no kata ude ni nareru yō ちゃんと修行すンだぞ chanto shugyō sunda zo
Jefe de la Villa
Gracias por reparar mi espada, Esta más filosa que antes!, Por favor dale las gracias también a V.E Mantén tu entrenamiento para que te conviertas la mano derecha de tu hermana ¿De acuerdo?
Village Chief
Thank you for repairing my sword, It’s sharpness is better than before! Please give my thanks to Miss. V.E as well Train properly so you can become your sister’s Right-hand, you heard me?
リフモニカ はい! Hai!
村長 良い返事だ Yoi henjida 今日はキゲンがいいから kyō wa kigen ga īkara 特別にこれをやるよ tokubetsu ni kore o yaru yo
Jefe de la Villa
Eso me gusta oir, Estoy de buen humor el día de hoy, Te daré esto especialmente a tí.
Village Chief
Good answer! I’m in a good mood today, so I’ll this specially to you.
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 鉄鉱石を入手! Tetsukōseki o nyūshu ¡Recibes mineral de hierro! Iron ore obtained!
リフモニカ これ、武器の材料! kore, buki no zairyō! もらっちゃっていいの!? Moratchatte ī no! ? 
Rifumonika Esto ¡es material para el arma!, ¡¿De verdad me lo puedo quedar?! This, is weapon material! Can I really have it?!
村長 オレの鉄鉱石だからな ore no tetsukōseki dakarana 店の商器じゃねぇ mise no shō-ki jane~e 気にしないで取っときな kinishinai de tottoki na
Jefe de la Villa Este mineral es mío, No es de una tienda, No tienes de qué preocuparte, llévatelo.
Village Chief This Iron ore is mine, it ain’t from the store, so don’t worry and take it,
リフモニカ 村長 Sonchō カッコイー! kakkoī!
Alcalde, ...¡Eres genial! Chief, ...you’re awesome!!
村長 ありがとよ arigato yo でも今回だけ特別だからな demo konkai dake tokubetsudakarana ヴィーねえさんにはナイショな vu~ī nēsan ni wa naishona
Jefe de la Villa Gracias, Pero sólo por esta vez!, No se lo cuentes a V.E Village Chief Thanks, But just this time in special, Don’t tell Miss V.E about this.
リフモニカ はい! Hai! ありがとう! Arigatou!
¡Si, alcalde! Gracias! Yes, Chief! Thank you!
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リフモニカ 材料がそろちゃった! 帰って武器をつくろう!
Ya tengo los materiales, Es hora de volver a casa y forjar un arma! I have all the materials, it’s time to go home and craft a weapon!
- De camino a casa Rif se encuentras con los chicos de la forja rival- - On the way home Rif meets the guys from the rival smithy
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リフモニカ なんか用? Nakayou?
Rifumonika ¿Qué quieren?
What do you want?
男 ウチの工房の前をうろちょろと Uchi no kōbō no mae o urochoro to なにしてんだよ nani shitenda yo はぐれ召喚獣の弟子が hagure shōkankemono no deshi ga
Hombre Que haces merodeando en frente de nuestra forja, Discipulo de una bestia callejera! Man What are you loitering in front of our forge, Stray summon’s apprentice!
リフモニカ なによ! その言う方
Rifumonika ¡¿Que has dicho?! What did you say?!
男 主人がいなくなった召喚獣は Shujin ga inaku natta shōkankemono wa はぐれだから、さっさと処分 haguredakara, sassato shobun してくれよ shite kure yo
テメェができねぇんなら teme~e ga dekine~e n'nara オレたちがやってやろうか? ore-tachi ga yatte yarou ka?
Una bestia invocada sin dueño es un vagabundo, por eso deberias deshacerte de ella,
Si no puedes, ¿Deberiamos nosotros hacerlo?
A Summon Beast without a master is a stray, so get rid quickly of it. If you can’t do it, should we do it for you?
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そうだな! Sōda na! オレたちの親方に大ケガ負わせた Ore-tachi no oyakata ni dai kega owa seta はぐれ召喚獣の仲間だ hagure shōkankemono no nakamada
放っておくワケにはいかないぜ! hanatte oku wake ni wa ikanai ze! あいつ、どこから召喚されたんだっけ? Aitsu, doko kara shōkan sa reta nda kke? ロレイラルだっけ? Roreiraruda kke?
Hombre 2 ¡Asi es! Debe ser uno de los compañeros de la bestia que atacó a nuestro maestro ¡No lo vamos así! Esa cosa ¿donde es que fue invocada? ¿Fue en Loreiral?
Man 2 That’s right! That thing must be an ally of the beast that injured our master
We cannot just leave it like that! That thing, where was it summoned from, Was it Loreiral?
男1 あいつが機械兵士かよ aitsu ga kikai heishi Kayo ありぇねぇ ari ~ene~e シルターンの鬼じゃね? shirutān no oni ja ne?
Hombre 1 Esa cosa, un soldado mecánico? ¡Imposible! ¿No era un Oni* de Siltrun?
Man 1 That thing, a machine soldier? No way! Wasn’t an Oni* from Siltrun?
Oni: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oni
男2 ちがうって! chigau tte! サプレスの悪魔・・・じゃなかった Sapuresu no akuma... janakatta メイトルパのケダモノでもなくて・・・ meitorupa no kedamono demonakute ....
Hombre 2
¡Te equivocas! Es un demonio de Sapureth...quizás no. Tampoco es una bestia de Maetropa... Man 2
You’re wrong! A Demon from Sapureth...Maybe not. But it’s not a Beast from Maetropa either...
男1 名も無き世界からきたんだってな! mei mo naki sekai kara kita n datte na! 使えねぇ召喚獣だぜ! Tsukae nē shōkankemonoda ze!
Hombre 1 Debe venir del mundo sin nombre, ¡Que invocación mas inútil! Man 1 It must be from the nameless world, What a waste of summon beast!
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リフモニカ あんたたち・・・ antatachi... いいかげんにしなさいよ・・・! īkagen ni shi nasai yo!
Cretinos... ¡Ya basta!
You bastards.... Stop it already!
男1 うるせぇ!てめぇ、ムカつくんだよ uru se ~e! Teme~e, mukatsukunda yo はぐれがやってる工房のくせに hagure ga yatteru kōbō no kuse ni 鍛冶師とかぬかしやがって! tan'ya-shi toka nukashi ya gatte!
Hombre 1
Ya callate!, eres una molestia! Sólo porque esa callejera dirige una forja, ¡¿Puedes llamarte a ti misma CraftKnight?! Man 1 Shut up! You’re so annoying! Because a Stray is running a workshop, Can you dare to call yourself a CraftKnight?!
男2 オレたち鍛冶職人よりエライつもりか? Ore-tachi tan'ya shokunin yori erai tsumori ka? まずテメエからぶったおしてやろうか! Mazu temē kara butta o shiteyarou ka! はぐれの仲間が! Hagure no nakama ga!
Hombre 2 ¿Te crees mejor que nosotros, los herreros? ¡Comencemos dantote una paliza! ¡Amigo del callejero! Comentario: suena mal pero ; w ;
Man 2 Do you think you’re better than us, blacksmiths? Let’s start by beating you up, Friend of the stray!
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リフモニカ もう! mō! アッタマきた! Attamakita!
Rifumonika Ugh! Estoy perdiendo la paciencia!
Ugh!, I can’t deal with you anymore!
??? ジャマなんですけど Jamanandesukedo,
Estas estorbando, You’re in the way.
リフモニカ あ?
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男1 レミィ・・・ Remi...
Hombre 1/ Man 1 Lemmy....
レミィ 聞こえなかったですか? Kikoenakattadesu ka? ジャマなんです Jamana ndesu どいてくれませんか? doite kuremasen ka?
Lemmy ¿No me oiste? Estorbas, ¿Podrías moverte a un lado?
Didn’t you hear me? You’re in the way, Can you please step aside?
男1 なんだよ Nanda yo お前だってこいつはニクイだろ? omae datte koitsu wa nikuidaro?
オレたちの親方に大ケガを負わせた Ore-tachi no oyakata ni dai kega o owa seta はぐれ召喚獣の仲間なんだぜ hagure shōkankemono no nakamana nda ze ふったおしたいだろ? futta o shitaidaro?
Hombre 1 / Man 1
Que fue eso, Tú igual detestas ¿no es así? Ellos son compañeros de esa bestia callejera que atacó a nuestro maestro, ¿No deseas darle una golpiza? What’s that, You hate them too, right? They are commrades with that stray that injured our master, Don’t you wanna punish her?
レミィ はぐれの仲間、か・・・ Hagure no nakama, ka ...
たしかにそんな人間は tashikani son'na ningen wa 許せませんね・・・ yurusemasen ne ... ぶったおしたい・・・ buttaoshitai ...
Lemmy Así que.. amigos... Claramente este tipo de gente debería ser castigados... Desearia darles una golpiza...
They...are friend, huh... Those kind of people should be punished, I really want to beat them up
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リフモニカ あんたも・・・!
Rifumonika ¡¿Tú también?!
You too?!
レミィ けど、やめときます kedo, yame tokimasu
ムダなさわぎを起こすと mudana sawagi o okosu to ボスタフ工房の品位が bosutafu kōbō no hini ga おちてしまいますから ochite shimaimasukara
Lemmy Sin embargo, me abstendré empezar un escándalo sin sentido, arriesgaria el prestigio de la herrería del maestro Bostaph
However, I’ll refrain from it If we start a meaningless uproar, The Bostaph workshop prestige can be compromised.
男1 な・・・ Na....
Hombre 1 / Man 1
Qu- Wha-
レミィ みなさんも注意してください minasan mo chūi shite kudasai ボスタフ親方のために bosutafu oyakata no tame ni
Lemmy Tengan cuidado, Piensen en el maestro Bostaph Please be cautious, For master Bostaph’s sake
男1 ちっ・・・! Chi-...! わかったよ Wakatta yo
Hombre 1 / Man 1
Tsk, Lo entiendo, Tsk, I got it,
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レミィ 君も早く消えてくれないかな Kimi mo hayaku kiete kurenai ka 言ったよね itta yo ne ジャマだって jamada tte
Lemmy Y tú, que sigues haciendo aquí, desaparece, Ya lo dije, Me estorbas. And you, what are you waiting for, hurry up and leave, I said it, didn’t I? You are in my way
リフモニカ なによ nani yo その言う方・・・ sono iu kata
Cual es tu problema, Hablando de esa manera...
What’s your problem, Talking like that...
??? レミィさーーーん! Remisa----n!
??? Lemmyyyyy!
リフモニカ うわ!? Uwa!? なによ!? Naniyo!?
Rifumonika ¡¿Pero que?! ¡¿Que pasa ahora?! Wha-?! What is it now?!
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レミィ ザック・・・ Zakku... 君か・・・ Kimika...
Lemmy Zack... Asi qué eras tú...
ザック ダメですよ! Damedesuyo! ちゃんと休んでないと・・・ Chanto yasundenaito... 調子よくないんでしょ? Chōshi yokunai ndesho? 
Zack !No esta bien que este aquí!, Debería estar descansando, Aún no se recupera del todo ¿no es así? This is not good, You should be resting, You aren’t feeling well, aren’t you?
レミィ 大丈夫 Daijōbu 十分休んだよ jūbun yasunda yo
Lemmy Estoy bien, Descansé lo suficiente It’s alright, I’ve rested enough
リフモニカ もしかして・・・ Moshikashite 調子悪いからそ~んな chōshi waruikara so ~ n'na 景気の悪い顔してるのかしら? keiki no warui kao shi teru no kashira?
Rifumonika ¿Será acaso que esa horrible cara que llevas, es porque no te sientes bien?
What is this, perhaps that scary face of yours is because you’re not feeling well?
ザック なにを! Nani wo! ・・・って、お前は ...tte, omae wa はぐれ召喚獣の弟子!? hagure shōkankemono no deshi! ? はぐれ召喚獣の弟子のくせに Hagure shōkankemono no deshi no kuse ni レミィさんをブジョクするなんて remyi-san o bujoku suru nante ぶっとばすぞ! buttobasu zo!
Zack ¡¿Que has dicho?! ...espera, tú eres, ¡¿La discipula de la bestia vagabunda?!
Cómo te atreves a tratar de esa forma al joven Lemmy, si eres solo la discipula de esa vagabunda, ¡Voy a darte tu merecido! Zack What did you say?! ...Wait, you are, The disciple of that stray summon beast?!
How you dare to trait like that to young lemmy, You’re only a disciple of that stray beast, I’m going to beat you up!
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リフモニカ あんたもなの・・・
...¿Tú también? ...You too?
レミィ はあ・・・ haa... もういい・・・ Mouii...
Lemmy -suspiro- Ya fue suficiente... -Sigh- That’s enough...
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ザック ああっ! Aa! 待ってよ、レミィさーん!! Matteyo, Remisa-n!
Zack A! Espéreme ¡joven Lemmy! Ah! Wait for me,young Lemmy!
リフモニカ なんなの、あいつら Nan'na no , aitsura もう! Mou!
あー、もういいわ! A-, Mouiiwa! 気にしない! Kinishinai! 帰って武器作るぞ! Kaette buki tsukuru zo!
¿Pero qué les pasa? Ni al caso,
Bah, ya tuve suficiente de ellos, No me preocuparé más, Regreso a casa y ¡forjaré mi arma!
What is wrong with these guys? Enough, I won’t worry about it , I will head back and forge my weapon!
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リフモニカ あ! A! 親かだ! Oyakatada!
AH! Maestra! Ah! Master!
ヴィー どうだい、リ���? Doudai, Rifu? いい音をかなでそうな Ī oto o kanade-sōna イカス材料は手に入ったかい? ikasu zairyō wa te ni haitta kai?
Que tal te fue, Rif? Encontraste el material adecuado? Que produzca buen sonido cuando se forjando?
How’s itgoing, Rif? Did you found good materials? that produces a good sound when it forging?
リフモニカ うん! Un! 村長から・・・ Sonchō kara   ・・・ってのはナイショだったから ...tte no wa naishodattakara
Sí De parte del alcalde... ...pero debo dejarlo en secreto...
ヴィー は? ha? なんだい、歯切れは悪いね Nan dai, hagire wa warui ne そんなんじゃ武器のキル味も落ちるよ son'na nja buki no kiru aji mo ochiru yo 
V.E Huh? Que pasa, no esta bien estar murmurando, tu arma se terminará estropeando por ser así huh, What is it, you know that mumbling is not okay, Your weapong would be end up dull if you're like that
リフモニカ ええと eeto そ、村長が so, sonchō ga 親方にありがとうって! oyakata ni arigatō tte!
Rifumonika Bueno, Pues, el alcalde, ¡Quería darte las gracias! Woops, Well, The chief , wanted to give you his thanks!
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ヴィー ん?そうか N? souka とにかく材料がそろったんなら tonikaku zairyō ga sorotta n'nara さっそく武器を作るとするか sassoku buki o tsukuru to suru ka 工房へきな! kōbō e ki na! もりあがっていくよ! Moriagatte iku yo!
V.E huh ¿En serio? Mientras, ya que trajiste los materiales, Comencemos entonces con la creacion del arma ¡Ven al taller! ¡Se esta poniendo emocionante!
Huh, it’s that so? Anyways, since you brought all the materials, Let’s get started creating your weapon. Come to the workshop! This is going to be exited!
リフモニカ おー! O!
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- Inmediatamente al ingresar, un aviso de información de punto de guardado-
  - Immediately upon entering, an information, a save point-
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ヴィー さて Sate これから武器を作るわけだが korekara buki o tsukuru wakedaga 工房を使う時は kōbō o tsukau toki wa 
Muy bien, A partir de ahora comenzaras a crear tu arma, Sin embargo, al momento de usar el taller nunca debes... Well then, Now you’ll be forging weapons. However, whe you’re using this workshop you never...
リフモニカ 初心忘れるべからず! shoshinwasurerubekarazu!       でしょ? Desho?
¿Nunca debes olvidar las bases! ¿Estoy en lo correcto?
Never forget the basics! Right?
ヴィー そうだよ Soudayo ケガしないように kega shinai yō ni やることをちゃんと思い出すんだ yaru koto o chanto omoidasu nda
V.E Exacto, Debes recordar bien como se debe trabajar, Para que no te hagas daño
That’s right, You must remember how the work is done, so you don’t get hurt.
リフモニカ はい!
¡Si! Para crear un arma, primero... Debemos colocar los materiales en la fragua...
Yes! to create a weapon, first... We must put the material in this furnace...
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じゃあ、タタラに材料をぶちこみな! Jā, tatara ni zairyō o buchikomi na! そしてハンマーで魂をたたきこんで Soshite hanmā de tamashī o tatakikonde 武器という形に仕上げるんだ! buki to iu katachi ni shiageru nda!
V.E Bien, es hora de añadir todos los materiales a la fragua, Y transmite tu alma por medio de ese martillo, ¡dale la forma de un arma! Very well, now is time to add all the ingredientes to the furnace, and transmit your soul with your hammer, give it the a shape of a weapon!
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- Tras un par de martillazos....logras crear tu arma! - - After a couple of hammer blows ... you manage to create your weapon! -
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Hasta aquí, la parte 2. So far, part 2.
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