#summer boys let's go
dingostrash · 9 months
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I'm really sad I can't get Summer Okita alter. I gotta stay focused for the second banner.....
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cosmicrhetoric · 5 days
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malbecmusings · 6 months
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babygirlgiles · 2 years
I will never understand why most of the men in Buffy who hate “not being able to support her” because she’s stronger and way more physically capable don’t embrace the ways that they can support Buffy. Like Xander hating being donut boy? Riley being bitter that he was left to help around the house, being handed the perfect malewife opportunity?? Couldn’t be me. I’d pack Buffy little bags of snacks for patrol. I’d become a pro at getting blood stains out of clothing. She’d come back from patrol, rugs already vacuumed, soup on the stove, and I’d be like “hi honey how was the violence the death and violence looked fun was it fun?”. I’m gay btw.
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chirpsythismorning · 8 months
When byler is trekking the UD together in s5 and one of them brings up how they’re like Sam and Frodo 😳
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magdaclaire · 10 months
and when i write a fic about bobby callin ellen in a panic because dean, sixteen years old, has been left by john at sonny's and there's nothing he can goddamn do. what then
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thebirdandhersong · 1 month
Lol. Lol. Lol.
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izloveshorses · 11 months
it’s so beautiful to me that what triggers anya’s memory of her past isn’t some big national secret or something inherently tied to the politics of her family or even her social class, it’s just a simple sensory detail of sitting in a carriage on a hot day and catching sight of a boy running after them
#anastasia broadway#anastasia musical#anastasia#dimya#i mean i get that this is the whole point of iacot alksdfj#but like#it's just a small thing?? and that feels so much more honest??#idk#also like#i know she has Been Through It but the narrative is so gentle to her#like this is just such a kind and gentle way to be reintroduced to who you used to be you know??#even though the song ends on a sad note it's still a very safe and comforting environment#a boy talking about a hot summer day and it turns out you were there too#and then we can get into the fact that the way he tells stories is exactly what she needed to unlock her memory#bc he uses sensory memories and specific details in the same way we remember childhood#like we don't think about the Overall Things going on at the time but we remember the way the food smelled or the texture of the clothes etc#and that's a much more interesting and Real story to me than anything else they could have done#letting this girl who has survived and endured so much have a moment to just. be. and letting her think about ribbons and a boy#which is why when ppl try to make her a figure either sympathizing with or against the revolution it doesn't work for me#bc it's not a show about revolution it's a show about a girl remembering the way her nanna smells when she hugs her#and in this context. that matters more#idk it's a story for the girls!!!!!#for the girls who don't remember everything but they remember their grandma's perfume and the way the carpet felt under her feet!!
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tennessoui · 2 years
au where anakin has been the Kenobis’ pool boy every summer since he was in high school and the summer before his final year of college, he starts work as normal but the Kenobis have a very messy divorce in July which means he hears a lot of it while he’s working on the pool. It also means he knows when Satine leaves and he knows when it’s for good. He comes into the house to tell Obi-Wan that he’s leaving for the night if he doesn’t need anything else from him (he has to say something) and obi-wan is drinking tersely but the unlit fireplace, and he’s says something like “what do I do with all the angry words I never told her?”
and anakin, who has had a summer crush on his hot rich older boss for years now is like “well if she left any old clothes, we can dress me up, you can pretend I’m her and tell me them!”
(a normal thing to suggest)
and obi-wan, who has always let his eyes linger on Anakin’s form longer than he probably should considering his marriage, is like “don’t be ridiculous. If you want pretty things, I’ll get you your own.”
(a normal thing to respond with)
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edge-oftheworld · 3 months
do we reckon ashton is gonna drop a single this month like he said?? or is he gonna wait til after boy is out then come in with his music, like they’re taking turns in the 5sos spotlight?
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My apologies for delays in answering asks to all those who have sent them! Just realizing now that I've acquired some and I was not correctly notified. (Usually I get emails when an ask gets sent in.)
UPDATE as of 5/20/2024: Hey, I'm starting college! This does sadly mean that I will not be as available to answer asks (in a timely manner) and push out a heavy flow of content. Expect a constant but lessened stream of archiving; in the meantime I've also been working on a GDrive full of books and essays that people can go through at their own leisure, and I'll be slowly adding content from my own collection to that effort.
I have a handful of people who've asked for references re: various butch-femme & other lesbian topics (this I have and can do); my apologies especially to you folks for delay, you have not been forgotten in any way. :(
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DON’T READ IF YOU’RE NOT DOWN WITH MORALLY GRAY DIRTBAGGISH DILEMMAS IN REAL LIFE! but okay. so his girlfriend leaves for the summer for like three months in aboutttt 2-3 weeks? and i graduate soon so i’m kind of debating partnering with one of my friends to throw another party so i can get him wasted again and see how he acts when he’s drunk around me and she’s not around. because if that’s how he was acting with her standing Right beside us i can’t imagine otherwise….
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mblue-art · 1 year
Hi. I saw that you like Lust. Not many people I see like Lust. Everyone hates him. It's nice to see someone who also likes him. :) Amazing art!
Hullo ! I love Lust, very much so!! 🥺💙💜💙💜
I understand the hate bc of the content made around him by the OG creator,
But what I do is acknowledge that this is the roots, this is how it started, (also if my memory is right and if im not bullshittin i think it was funny that it started as a joke au where 'everyone is mtt except himself' and now ofc it evolved into an actual au— anyway hope op's doing ok 🙏), take what I like from that AU (ex. lust being Very Sans) and then add a shitton of headcanons on top like it's whipped cream/frosting on a cupcake, maybe w/ some sprinkles, even uwu
That's why he's soft, I love soft Underlust Sans, I contribute to soft Lust content bc he's more than just the multiverse's 'pervert' like smhhh 😤😤😤 where's that post— THIS, look at this 👈👈👈
Also ppl can just. Make headcanons/have their own interpretations lol. (Wait ok well some AU creators might not like?? That??? But since Underlust AU concept technically belongs to the community now.........) Go ham, man, you don't have to religiously follow the canon content if you're uncomfy with it <3
Fandom experience is all about having fun !! Look at me I'm doing selfship art bc that makes me happy ! 💜💙 (I may be cringe... but i am free 😎 /ref)
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thedevilsrain · 6 months
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a thousand kisses
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lavenoon · 11 months
I’m sorry to bother you but I’m being haunted by the idea that if Robin had pets, it would’ve made the reveal happen so much faster (or maybe because I can’t shut up about my pets)
Or alternatively, the crucial detail that the thing Robin/Y/n is talking about is actually a pet and whichever boy they’re talking to gets progressively more jealous because they think it’s a person. (Personally I can just see Sun finally snapping like ‘WHO is this person??’ And y/n is just like ‘…my pet?? I’ve told you this before?’) (I also think it would make the rival pretty grumpy since I actually refer to my horse as a teammate/partner quite often. I feel like that would irk both Dusk and Dawn)
Apologies for jumping in here randomly and splurging but I had to get it out. I love your writing and your art, both bring me immense joy. I hope you’re doing well!
It's not a bother at all!! I talked about a pets a liiittle bit here, though there the focus was more on if they'd have a pet at all.
Also don't underestimate how stupid they can be, they're the idiot trio for a reason fhjdks
Definitely thinking of like. That one tweet along the lines of "My neighbor told me she overhears my arguments with my boyfriend but I've just been talking to my cat" so it's like. The neighbor being so well-meaning but assuming there's straight up another person living there. The pet has a person name to make things worse, because Y/N is a little shit and also terribly lonely and is somewhat pretending they have a social circle beyond the boys. Feels to embarrassed to admit to the truth.
Pet turns out to be a cat. Sun wants to scream. He was jealous of a cat but knowing it's a cat somehow only made things worse. Moon is questioning his life, realizing that he was grumpy over 1) Y/N liking their neighbor, who is Sun, and 2) Y/N talking about their roommate, who is a pet.
Once they know it's a pet I think they'd be chill with any terms - just don't use the same for them, maybe hfjdsk like a horse can be a partner but don't call them partner right after, when the horse association is still there!
There's also the issue of the vague large city setting, that'd make some pets trickier n some you just. can't hide. A dog needs to be walked, there'd be dog toys in the lawn, many animals are loud or leave some sort of evidence of their existence - so yeah, if Y/N had a pet there'd be a whole new variable to consider!
(It also would really throw a wrench into the "ohh we are so good for long term missions you want to not fire us so bad" argument that keeps them all employed after Nacreous Cloud)
Lots of potential for hilarity, lots of shenanigans, and some complications I am glad to have dodged in canon - but always fun to think about hehe!
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ashmcgivern · 1 year
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Happy sorta belated Valentines Day have some doodles furthering the gay agenda (ft Zeal and his bf Zala from our dnd campaign)
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