#stupid move
baileys101 · 9 days
So having seen the Lore FM issue I've learnt more about podfics (yes I live under a rock- with Cas) and promptly went to update my fic tags to include podfic welcome, just incase anyone did want to make it accessible - I felt they shouldn't have to ask, and I should make it clear I was cool with that.
Anyway, I thought I was being clever using edit all fics function. I was not. I've accidentally deleted all my additional tags 😆. So instead of 1 by 1 adding podfic welcome, I've now got to remember tags on all 61 works (I prob won't do all - some likely didn't have them since were pulled over from other now none existent sites).
Think of me in this time of stupidity 🤪
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periwinklefox13 · 23 days
I love how yesterday, I ran into a wire fence. I didn't see the top wire of the fence so I just jumped over the bottom wire and ran into the top one. I didn't see the top wire, idk how.
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inkskinned · 9 months
hey btw if you're in the USA at  2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4, they're testing the emergency broadcast system. your phone is probably going to make a really loud noise, even if it's on silent. there's a backup date on the 11th if they need to postpone it.
if you're not in a safe situation and have an extra phone, you should turn that phone completely off beforehand.
additionally, if you're like me, and are easily startled; i recommend treating it like a party. have a countdown or something. be surrounded by your loved ones. take the actions you personally need to take to make yourself safe.
i have already seen mockery towards any person who feels nervous about this. for the record, it completely, completely valid to have "emergency broadcast sounds" be an anxiety trigger. do not let other people make fun of you for that. emergency sounds are legitimately engineered to make us take action; those of us with high levels of anxiety and/or neurodivergence are already pre-disposed to have a Bad Time. sometimes it is best to acknowledge that the situation will be triggering for some, and to prepare for that; rather than just saying "well that's stupid, it's just a test."
"loud scary sound time" isn't like, my favorite thing, but we can at least try to prevent some additional anxiety by preparing for it. maybe get yourself a cake? noise cancelling headphones? the new hozier album? whatever helps. love u, hope you're okay. we are gonna ride it out together.
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vebokki · 1 month
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i present to you for your consideration: luo binghe and sha hualing as roommates. also they're both going to be late to their respective dates
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thirdtimed · 1 month
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convex...? i find it quite simple really
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folklorehoon · 1 year
Naurrr I can't build Noelle even tho she's annihilating lvl 60 enemies at lvl 50 with 3 4* artifacts and a stolen claymore😭😭
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dr111ft · 5 months
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semisolidmind · 3 months
I'd like to ask for a family photo of Angel with their found family. Kissy and Poppy included if you please.
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a photo found on the bedside table of an upstairs bedroom of a long abandoned house in the woods. the owner was a recluse who supposedly died on the property.
it's strange... what are those things? like old toys that were popular a long time ago, but; they look too... alive to just be toys.
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nyancrimew · 1 year
moving soon and i really don't think i should have to pack as a trans girl
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bulkhummus · 5 days
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so blessed to own a Tesla🙏 🙏
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basedandlovepilled · 1 month
sexualization of female athletes is so disgusting and it makes me SO mad. a woman can never focus solely on her sport, she also has to make sure her physique looks good in skin tight spandex. and she has to constantly self-monitor to make sure she’s not accidentally flashing the crowd. and even if she’s the most skilled and talented athlete in the world, she still gets dolled up and paraded around like some kind of sexy show pony. it’s seriously ridiculous.
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tubbytarchia · 3 months
For the ranchers a bit more shleep i just really like charakters comfy and nice:Dc /nf
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Eepies. Jimmy woke up to really sore wings but its okay because Tango
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trmpt · 2 years
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defsiarte · 5 months
I think it’s weird how hostile the art community, on Twitter especially, has become towards children as of late? Like artists that i follow one or two people in common with, I’ll go to their bio and there’ll be something saying “minors fuck off” (or something more violent like kys) and like… dude did the 🔞 emoji not suffice? I completely get not wanting to engage with children (I’m gradually reaching a point where someone follows me and I see they’re 15 or so and get Stressed™️), but that’s still a human person. Grown ass adults will have some weird hatred of kids online for the crime of being children. Something they can’t change.
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introspectivememories · 4 months
too many of you guys think nico is the loser and not lewis for letting the divorce go on for so long. like they're both losers about each other. emotionally constipated idiots who can't talk about their toxic homoerotic friendship that imploded on itself like 8 years ago and are now making it everyone else's problem. yeah nico's on television or in beer gardens talking about lewis all the time but like every other month some reporter is like "lewis, what's your favorite moment in your career?" and lewis no hesitation is like "oh man, karting, y'know? everything was simpler then" and then spends another six months skirting around nico's name. like this whole thing they're doing in the media isn't some kinda extended foreplay for them. they're both still pressing on the bruise to make sure it's still there!!! every few months, they're literally just asking on public television, does it still hurt for you like it does for me? and like clockwork, someone will release new information about them or one of them will say something about each other (in my heart, he's still my best friend/yes... and teammate) and the answer will remain the same, yes, of course, always.
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ohitslen · 11 months
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Sharing a blanket
Request by @volaenii ✨
Accidentally incorporated this to my uni au oopsieeees
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