#studio ghibi au
stardust948 · 2 years
Zuko glanced nervously behind him at the dollhouse that had gone quiet. He was worried for Katara but lingering any longer would make Hama even more suspicious. Zuko knew she was snooping around the house making adjustments as she pleased even if Uncle insisted she was just being neighborly. Zuko tsked. If he hurried, he could get the crockpot and get back before Hama discovered Katara. He scooped up the Momo then sprinted downstairs.
He just hoped he was making the right decision. 
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huush-galaxy · 4 years
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Reylo Ghibli serie! 
The old woman looked at the huge ebony dragon.
“Ben, I no longer blame you for what you did...Just be sure you protect the girl”
Her sincere words. Saying what he wanted to hear from his own parents. Ben smiled, showing a row of sharp teeth. Then he look at Rey. He would protect her with his own life.
“Maz!... Thank you. I´m going now”
“I´m sure you can manage everything”
“...My real name is Rey”
“Rey... What a nice name! Take god care of it, it´s yours”
“I will!”
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thejanewestin · 5 years
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Hermann’s Delivery Service
I feel like this was the natural progression from this:
@newts-geiszler and wba you genius whoever you are this is for you (I added your tag hehe)
Also!! I painted a background!!! Which is why it is garbage
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daemour · 3 years
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I am excited and proud to announce The Ghibi Collab masterlist! 8 different authors (all very talented) have joined me on this quest to write a story based of the beautiful works of Studio Ghibli.
Without further ado, let’s move on to the masterlist!
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Title:  Herding Raccoons
Genre: Fluff, Angst, S2L, Shifter AU
Pairing: Mark x Reader
Fandom: Got7
Movie: Pom Poko
Warnings: mentions of animal abuse
Summary: Years after the raccoons initially joined the human society, many raccoons lead human lives. Their tired composure common in the ever moving society. Y/n, a shy and hard working raccoon working as a research assistant to fund her way though college, finds herself face to face with a inexperienced and scared raccoon desperate for time as a raccoon. Can she help him?
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Title: Breathe Again
Genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst, childhood friends to lovers 
Pairing: taehyung x reader
Fandom: bts 
Movie: my neighbour totoro
Warnings: mentions of burnout and depression
Summary: everything in your world has changed. everything, that is, except the boy who still believes in the spirits of the forest.
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Title: The Sky Prince
Genre: Angst
Pairing: Muska!Jinyoung x f!Reader, Duffi!Jaebeom x f!Reader
Fandom: GOT7
Movie: Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Warnings: Bullying, mentions of death, death, violence
Summary: Maybe Jinyoung was a little mean to you, but you think it gives him personality. You kind of like it. But he leaves you all alone.
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Title: Waltzing Sea 
Genre: angst, best friends to lovers
Pairing: Ponyo x Sosuke
Fandom: Ponyo
Movie: Ponyo
Warnings: sadness?
Summary: It has been thirteen years since Ponyo decided to become human and live on the surface with her beloved Sosuke. Now that time has passed, she wonders what is different about her feelings towards him, while facing the consequences of giving up her magic.
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Title: made by magic, delivered by broom
Pairing: seokjin x reader x namjoon
Fandom: bts
Movie: kiki's delivery service
Warnings: angst, weird spells, smut, wayyy too much fluff
Summary: She was told to find her passion through whatever means. Well, she did-in love and in delivering herbs.  However, when the two men she's enticed start to grow jealous, strange things start to happen around her.
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Title: Remember You
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Light smut
Pairing: Yugyeom x Reader x BamBam
Fandom: GOT7
Movie: Only Yesterday
Warnings: Bullying, minor sexual harrassment
Summary: Life is mundane. When you and your boyfriend drop everything and move to the countryside in an attempt to start over, you struggle with finding a balance between country life and city life, as well as coming to terms with your own feelings and memories.
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Title: Home Is Where You Are
Genre: f2l, fluff, angst, university!AU, smut
Pairing: Wooyoung x Reader
Fandom: Ateez
Movie: Whisper of the Heart
Warnings: slight heartbreak (but it gets better) and some sadness but that's it
Summary: You're in your second year of university, still young and wide-eyed, when your life seems to flip completely upside down. First you start to develop feelings for your best friend, a guy you've known your entire life, just for him to confess to you that he's planning to move to the other side of the country to become a singer, and then you realise that the life you've been living isn't the one you want, but the one your parents had forced you into. With the one person who had always kept you sane gone, how are you supposed to know what to do next, if not follow him into the big city and live your dream there?
Updated September 15, 2022
With every update, this post will be reblogged
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edwardslostalchemy · 4 years
Shouto.....Shouto making so many FRIENDS has me WEAK, you guys. I'm telling you, I have been sobbing about this for MONTHS because I love platonic relationships and friendships and they're so GOOD and I want for my son to have ALL OF THE FRIENDS, DAMN IT. LISTEN TO ME.
Shouto, Momo, abd Tenya knowing each other since they were kids???? So good. The rich kids club is wholesome not because they're rich, but because they love and support each other.
Shouto and Momo being like siblings???? Oh my God I'm in TEARS. Both of them looking out for each other and knowing each other's cues. They can talk in a certain manner to each other because they care. Like Shouto making Momo eat if she skips a meal and he gives her half his food like "you are NOT going hungry" and shes like "you're such a mother hen".
Shouto and Tenya being those pals that are just. Really in tune with each other???? Like!!!! They don't have to tell each other something like "I got your back", they just DO.
Shouto and Izuku!!!! Oh my GOD these two could kill a man and get away with it, but they don't do it because they're good kids, Brendt. These two are in tune, too!!!! Like they GET IT. Izuku gives Shouto one look and Shouto knows what he has to do. Or Shouto starts walking somewhere and Izuku doesn't even have to ask, he just follows because they come in a package.
Shouto and Ochako!!!!!! My sweet winter children!!!! They're so chaotic!!! If you think Shouto and Izuku and Tenya are chaotic, you have not met Ochako!!!! The pranks these two can pull!!!!! They WILL miss with you and your stuff!!! Make your stuff float while it's frozen solid oof rip your favorite lamp or whatever. Also she gets him into Disney and Studio Ghibi movies!!!! Ponyo is their movie!!!!
Shouto and Kyoka oh my God. Shouto giving her feedback on her music and telling her she could maybe mess with different genres. I love the headcanon of him knowing how to play the bass and sings like an angel, so I can see them bonding for their love of music and also writing music and lyrics together. Wholesome. So very wholesome.
Shouto and Denki. Meme Lords Extraordinaires. Denki is responsible for educating Shouto on memes and you better believe he's a good student. He's a little confused but he got the spirit and then he finally gets it! And Denki is so proud of himself ohmg. Aizawa gets extra gray hairs when he sees these two together. No brain cells found and that's the point.
Shouto and Eijirou please oh my God please. Training with ice, Shouto making it and throwing it at Eijirou while Eijirou uses his hardening to break the ice. Them being cool work out buddies (with others like Mido and Iida) and like being spotters for each other or whatever theyre called, idk I dont lift weights. MANLY.
Shouto and Yuga ahhhh pretty boys UNITE. Please oh my God Yuga has been wanting to dress Shouto up because he's just. Really pretty. And Yuga is like I must advise him. He can look fabulous. And he does. Everyone dies because Shouto comes out with shiny fashion clothes and it's Shoujo Shouto all over again rip in pieces.
Sho u to and Mina!!! Mona teaching him how to dance hello???? Or he already knows how to slow dance and she teaches him new things ahhh get on this with me!!! Imagine!!!! The possibilities!!!
Shouto and Tooru!!!! It would be so cool if they could work on quiet operations together. He is a quiet guy in demeanor, but his quirk is loud, so it would be cool if he could work with Tooru to be sneaky. In turn, Tooru is a quiet girl with her quirk but she can be a loud person. So Shouto teaches her how to keep quiet. STEALTH FRIENDS.
Shouto and Rikitou!!!! He teaches Shouto how to bake!!! One day Shouto comes in to the kitchen and brownies are ready and there's Rikitou cutting them in squares and Shouto is like *star eyes* and asks if he can teach him. And when Shouto learns, he makes Rikitou and the rest of his friends cakes and brownies and pastries alskdjslafk. Making food for friends is the way I show my love and I think Shouto would do the same thing.
Shouto and Mezou!!!! Quiet guys!!! But cool guys!!! I think it would be adorable if Mezou would give his friends piggy back rides like how he carried Izuku, and I think Shouto would Crave a Piggy Back Ride, and so. It would happen. Please Mezou carries Shouto if he's super tired like ready to pass out tired and Shouto, to return the favor, can be like his hot/cold compress if he gets any of his appendages hurt. They can also relax together like can these two please meditate together?
Shouto and Fumikage!!! I know Shouto provides light with his fire and Dark Shadow is not a fan of light, but what if he was a fan of warmth, like a cat? And Shouto is very warm. I can see Dark Shadow gravitating towards Shouto and Shouto is real cool about it like yeah get your warmth. And Fumikage is embarrassed at first, but it like helps them to become friends. They trade offence/defence secrets.
Shouto and Tsu!!!! SWIMMING BUDDIES. SWIMMING BUDDIES. SWIMMING BUDDIES. It would also be cool if they trained together to help Tsu with the cold and it could be a way for Shouto to train his temperature regulation, too. Getting too cold for Tsu and shes about to hibernate? Turn up the heat from your left side. And Tsu would be a happy frog.
Shouto and Ojirou!!! (Idk how to spell his first name!!!) Their first mock battle experience is behind them. They are sparring buddies. Shouto is lacking in close range and Ojirou is lacking in long range fighting so they team up to spar and work on that. Shouto can spar with others, too, like Ochako and Izuku, But Ojirou has a lot of experience in martial arts and Shouto has a lot of experience in long range fighting. They get stronger together.
Shouto and Koji!!!! More quiet guys!!!! And very sweet guys!!! Shouto tends to draw the attention of cats because he is Warm^TM, and Koji tends to attract cats by talking to them. So they have a very good time while going outside and cats just. Come to them. Its so good okay. They love cats. They have snuck in a cat together before and Aizawa hasn't found out, mainly because Koji has been talking to the cat to stay quiet and Shouto is attentive to feed it and let it outside.
Shouto and Hanta!!! THE SPORTS FESTIVAL IS BEHIND THEM. I can see them training, playing video games, sending memes, causing absolute chaos in the group chat, you name it. Mischief like the kind Denki would be proud of. They have... That suspicious air that theyre up to something and their friends are like "should I watch out for something?" At this point, everyone is suspicious of them but they havent pulled any shit lately to keep people on their toes. Next thing the kids know, the whole common area has been rearranged. Not in a new position. Just a little to the left, enough to make people slightly uncomfortable. Its hilarious.
Shouto and Katsuki ahhh ive been thinking about them for an au and for my fic. What I like is that they have synergy (thanks Two Heroes) and they exploit this synergy. And I find the dynamic of frenemies to be absolutely hilarious. So they're those friends who are like "yeah, he's a stupid bitch", but if ANYONE ELSE insults them, They're like "THATS MY STUPID BITCH, GET YOUR OWN."
Shouto and Hitoshi!!!!! Sleep deprived but will still cut a bitch, individually or together, doesn't matter. But when they team up, run. They are the kings of snark and puns and Aizawa has had enough and its only been two days. Hitoshi ALSO loves cats, so Shouto attracting them has Hitoshi going "hmmmm perhaps I will keep you around after all", and Shouto is like "wait until Kouda gets here" and oh boy. They all have the time of their lives with the cats. Also, good quirk training for them both. Shouto can banter, but he will not speak or answer any of Hitoshi's questions so he doesnt brain wash him. And Hitoshi will capture Shouto with his capture weapon and leave Shouto literally hanging and feeling like it's his final exam all over again goddamnit war flashbacks.
BONUS: Shouto and Mei!!!!! Besides Tenya and Izuku, Shouto is Mei's favorite guinea pig!!! She goes absolutely nuts with his support items and she comes up with new things for him all the time. He is the perfect little person to test out all her fire proof babies and water proof babies and OoOh her ICE proof babies!!! ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A CAPE?? ITS FIRE AND ICR PROOF. IT CANCELS OUT AIR RESISTANCE. And at first hes like ahhh too loud, but then he gets used to her and hes like give me everything you got throw it at me. She has code names for her customers and she calls him Iced Venti Chai Latte. VERY GOOD.
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