#stuart solace
jollyhottubtree · 6 months
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diopsidedruzy · 2 years
what if i killed myself in front of mcdavid. would that help
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derangedrhythms · 1 year
Love’s a grand solace, isn’t it, my friend? Deep and dark as sleep. 
Jean-Paul Sartre, from ‘No Exit’, tr. Stuart Gilbert
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emilyybrown · 2 months
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Name: Emily Brown
Faceclaim: Danielle Savre
Gender & Pronouns: CisGender Female & She/Her
Age: 33
Birthday: March 12th 1991
Occupation: Speech and Language Pathologist
Neighborhood: Downtown
Time in Town: 2 years now, moved away at 20
tw: death, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, car crash
Emily was the fourth child born to Stuart and Megan Brown so her birth didn’t earn the same fanfare as many of the others born on the same day. They were excited of course but they were old hands. The labour was short and Emily was taken home in a hand-me-down onesie. It was a few months later that they learned that Emily was profoundly deaf and that she had been since birth. Her parents went into panic mode, they had no idea how to support a child who couldn’t hear so they took all the advice they could get. They were told to ‘fix’ her and so before her first birthday Emily was fitted with two cochlear implants.
Emily was raised in Providence Peak in a hearing world and treated like a hearing child. She had speech therapy and lip reading classes and her parents tracked how many hours she was ‘connected’ to her hearing devices. Emily never felt like she fit in, she felt  like an imposter somehow but she never really understood why. She loved people, talked far too much for her own good but sometimes she missed things and she was constantly reminded that she was ‘different’. Emily knew no-one else who was Deaf or had hearing loss or required any kind of hearing device, it was just her.
When Emily started High School she discovered partying, a hobby that she took to very quickly. She was good at it to say the least and found a freedom in the way the alcohol numbed her brain. School was no longer a priority, it was all about friends, dancing and drinking. She didn’t do as well as she could’ve at school, one of those children who didn’t live up to their full potential.
She barely made it through High School so college wasn’t really an option for her, at least not a good one. She got herself a job at a local coffee shop, making coffees and serving people with a very forced smile. She was 20 when she finally found a local Deaf club and started to find her people, Emily began to learn ASL and discover that her Deafness wasn’t just a ‘problem’ that needed to be fixed. She started therapy and managed to put the drinking to one side, instead finding a new focus. She trained to become a speech language pathologist. She knew that if she’d had a pathologist who used ASL her childhood might’ve turned out differently.
First step was college, earning herself a bachelor’s degree in communication science. It quickly became clear that Emily’s ineptitude in High School was her lack of effort as she flew through her bachelor’s degree and then her master’s. By 27 she was finally licensed and ready to practice, now living out in Baltimore.
Then when she was 30 Emily and her best friend were in a horrific car crash when Emily was driving, Emily was left with a shattered leg, a broken arm, a nasty head laceration and a concussion, but her friend didn’t make it. It was like the ground had been pulled out from under her. Emily found solace in alcohol and began a dependence on the oxycodone she was prescribed. She disappeared from work, hardly even appearing at her own apartment, always off partying or spending the night in a stranger’s bed, anything to suppress the pain.
It was Emily’s sister who finally dragged her back to reality. She forced her to realise that she needed to make amends, she needed to make something of her own life because Lucy had lost hers. The car accident had only taken one of them, she had survived and she needed to make it worth it. She checked into rehab and finally got herself sober. After that Emily moved in with her sister’s family back in Providence Peak and began to rebuild her life. She left her life in Baltimore behind, starting a new chapter.
Emily has finally moved into her own place but she’s scared. Living with her sister and her family was busy and chaotic but that kept her calm. It is in the silence that the doubts creep up, that the dark thoughts take over.
Emily is a sober drug addict who talks far too much and shares her opinion without prompt. She is confident and loud but can sometimes overstep.
Wanted Connections:
Siblings - she has a few, so there are a lot of options. Exes - all genders may apply, messy breakups and amicable ones. She's only been in town two years. Flirationships - as above. Friends - people that can deal with her chaos. Sponsor - her go to. Patients families - Emily works with kids. Signing friends - people who use ASL.
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shannyh25 · 1 year
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There is a book of Revelation in every one's life, as there is in the Bible. Anne read hers that bitter night, as she kept her agonized vigil through the hours of storm and darkness. She loved Gilbert -- had always loved him! She knew that now. She knew that she could no more cast him out of her life without agony than she could have cut off her right hand and cast it from her. And the knowledge had come too late -- too late even for the bitter solace of being with him at the last. If she had not been so blind -- so foolish -- she would have had the right to go to him now. But he would never know that she loved him -- he would go away from this life thinking that she did not care. Oh, the black years of emptiness stretching before her! She could not live through them -- she could not! She cowered down by her window and wished, for the first time in her gay young life, that she could die, too. If Gilbert went away from her, without one word or sign or message, she could not live. Nothing was of any value without him. She belonged to him and he to her. In her hour of supreme agony she had no doubt of that. He did not love Christine Stuart -- never had loved Christine Stuart. Oh, what a fool she had been not to realize what the bond was that had held her to Gilbert -- to think that the flattered fancy she had felt for Roy Gardner had been love. And now she must pay for her folly as for a crime. Lucy Maud Montgomery quotes-Anne Of The Island.
Follow me for more inspiration! 💜💕
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cherryjoana · 1 year
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a cute family picture of the solaces because it's time to do a round-up!
we are currently in gen 4 as arabella and gabriel just became parents of little stuart, which makes buffy a great-grandmother and kristen a grandmother.
there's also rob, who has been with the family since kristen was a teenager but for some reason i never acknowledged his existence in this blog??? so yeah, kristen created a plumbot who is sentient and overall a bit clumsy and we all love him.
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rockislandadultreads · 11 months
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Read-Alike Friday: Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver
Set in the mountains of southern Appalachia, this is the story of a boy born to a teenaged single mother in a single-wide trailer, with no assets beyond his dead father's good looks and copper-colored hair, a caustic wit, and a fierce talent for survival. In a plot that never pauses for breath, relayed in his own unsparing voice, he braves the modern perils of foster care, child labor, derelict schools, athletic success, addiction, disastrous loves, and crushing losses. Through all of it, he reckons with his own invisibility in a popular culture where even the superheroes have abandoned rural people in favor of cities.
Many generations ago, Charles Dickens wrote David Copperfield from his experience as a survivor of institutional poverty and its damages to children in his society. Those problems have yet to be solved in ours. Dickens is not a prerequisite for readers of this novel, but he provided its inspiration. In transposing a Victorian epic novel to the contemporary American South, Barbara Kingsolver enlists Dickens' anger and compassion, and above all, his faith in the transformative powers of a good story. Demon Copperhead speaks for a new generation of lost boys, and all those born into beautiful, cursed places they can't imagine leaving behind.
Now is Not the Time to Panic by Kevin Wilson
Sixteen-year-old Frankie Budge—aspiring writer, indifferent student, offbeat loner—is determined to make it through yet another sad summer in Coalfield, Tennessee, when she meets Zeke, a talented artist who has just moved into his grandmother’s unhappy house and who is as lonely and awkward as Frankie is. Romantic and creative sparks begin to fly, and when the two jointly make an unsigned poster, shot through with an enigmatic phrase, it becomes unforgettable to anyone who sees it. The edge is a shantytown filled with gold seekers. We are fugitives, and the law is skinny with hunger for us.
The posters begin appearing everywhere, and people wonder who is behind them. Satanists, kidnappers—the rumors won’t stop, and soon the mystery has dangerous repercussions that spread far beyond the town. The art that brought Frankie and Zeke together now threatens to tear them apart.
Twenty years later, Frances Eleanor Budge—famous author, mom to a wonderful daughter, wife to a loving husband—gets a call that threatens to upend everything: a journalist named Mazzy Brower is writing a story about the Coalfield Panic of 1996. Might Frances know something about that? And will what she knows destroy the life she’s so carefully built?
Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart
Shuggie's mother Agnes walks a wayward path: she is Shuggie's guiding light but a burden for him and his siblings. She dreams of a house with its own front door while she flicks through the pages of the Freemans catalogue, ordering a little happiness on credit, anything to brighten up her grey life. Married to a philandering taxi-driver husband, Agnes keeps her pride by looking good--her beehive, make-up, and pearly-white false teeth offer a glamourous image of a Glaswegian Elizabeth Taylor. But under the surface, Agnes finds increasing solace in drink, and she drains away the lion's share of each week's benefits--all the family has to live on--on cans of extra-strong lager hidden in handbags and poured into tea mugs.
Agnes's older children find their own ways to get a safe distance from their mother, abandoning Shuggie to care for her as she swings between alcoholic binges and sobriety. Shuggie is meanwhile struggling to somehow become the normal boy he desperately longs to be, but everyone has realized that he is "no right," a boy with a secret that all but him can see. Agnes is supportive of her son, but her addiction has the power to eclipse everyone close to her--even her beloved Shuggie.
Night of the Living Rez by Morgan Talty
In twelve striking, luminescent stories, author Morgan Talty—with searing humor, abiding compassion, and deep insight—breathes life into tales of family and community bonds as they struggle with a painful past and an uncertain future. A boy unearths a jar that holds an old curse, which sets into motion his family’s unraveling; a man, while trying to swindle some pot from a dealer, discovers a friend passed out in the woods, his hair frozen into the snow; a grandmother suffering from Alzheimer’s projects the past onto her grandson, and thinks he is her dead brother come back to life; and two friends, inspired by Antiques Roadshow, attempt to rob the tribal museum for valuable root clubs. 
In a collection that examines the consequences and merits of inheritance, Night of the Living Rez is an unforgettable portrayal of a Native community and marks the arrival of a standout talent in contemporary fiction.
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Aged thirteen, Theo Decker, son of a devoted mother and a reckless, largely absent father, survives an accident that otherwise tears his life apart. Alone and rudderless in New York, he is taken in by the family of a wealthy friend. He is tormented by an unbearable longing for his mother, and down the years clings to the thing that most reminds him of her: a small, strangely captivating painting that ultimately draws him into the criminal underworld. As he grows up, Theo learns to glide between the drawing rooms of the rich and the dusty antiques store where he works. He is alienated and in love - and his talisman, the painting, places him at the centre of a narrowing, ever more dangerous circle.
The Goldfinch is a haunted odyssey through present-day America and a drama of enthralling power. Combining unforgettably vivid characters and thrilling suspense, it is a beautiful, addictive triumph - a sweeping story of loss and obsession, of survival and self-invention, of the deepest mysteries of love, identity and fate.
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cthulhustu · 1 year
Random thoughts on Religion, because my mind.....
Beware the Man of God, because he is mortally afraid. His delusion brings him such comfort and solace, he will go to any lengths to protect it.
Stuart Mckellar
10th May 2023
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celebdeathnews · 1 year
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Which Actors Passed Away on the Titanic? Check Here!
Gloria Stuart led a long, exciting life similar to that of her "Titanic" heroine. The actor, who was 100 years old when she passed away in 2010, had been in more than 80 films and television shows dating back to Hollywood's Golden Age. See the full story below.
The “unsinkable” liner undoubtedly sailed with insufficient lifeboats, but it was infamously the lower Third Class passengers who suffered the heaviest losses—roughly two-thirds of them perished.
Although sea travel is much safer now, it is still risky, as the recent tragedy on the Costa Concordia in Italy demonstrated. Nevertheless, the sinking still captures the public’s attention, and back then, like now, the crowd was curious about the famous names of the deceased.
1. John Jacob Astor Iv
John Jacob Astor IV, a German-American businessman who had acquired his fortune in real estate and was the great-grandson of John Jacob Astor, the creator of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, was likely the most well-known and wealthy of the victims of the actual sinking.
Astor IV’s wife made it to a lifeboat by following the rule that women and children should be rescued first, but Astor did not and perished at the age of 47.
2. Benjamin Guggenheim
The heir to the family’s mining company, Benjamin Guggenheim, was another well-known and wealthy passenger who passed away.
He believed the catastrophe was small at first, but the tale goes that when he understood the Titanic was sinking and that a rescue attempt was doubtful, he changed into his formal evening attire to prepare for death.
Ironically, he had planned to travel on the Lusitania, but when that ship needed repairs, he opted to travel on the newest, most luxurious ocean liner instead.
3. Isidor Straus
The German-born co-owner of the Macy’s department store in New York, Isidor Straus, passed away at the same time as his wife, Ida.
In the 1997 film Titanic, they are shown laying together on a bed as water pours into the room. They were last seen seated in deck chairs on the deck after refusing to be separated in the lifeboats.
The only solace for the heartbroken family was the knowledge that their infant grandson Stuart was scheduled to travel as well, but had instead remained in England due to his illness.
4. Jack Phillips
Even though nearly none of the crew members were well-known before the voyage, some of them were afterward made famous all over the world. The crew’s mortality rate was as high as two-thirds.
The senior radio operator on board was Jack Phillips, and he was the one who transmitted the distress and rescue signals using the code CQD (although the new SOS was replacing it).
He was ultimately held responsible for not relaying communications from the steamships Mesaba and the SS Californian, both of which had indicated icebergs and ice in the Titanic’s course ahead because he was under pressure to deliver passenger messages as well.
After working until the power went out, Phillips and Harold Bride fled for safety. Bride survived, but Phillips perished in the water while riding on his capsized lifeboat.
5. Thomas Andrews
Thomas Andrews, a Ulsterman who oversaw the building of the Titanic, was unquestionably one of the more well-known individuals after the catastrophe.
Andrews was confident in “his” Titanic and thought it was as well-built as possible. Designers and engineers typically go on the first voyage to evaluate the design and record issues.
But he realized that the iceberg’s gash was too much for the individual hulls to bear and that the ship was doomed. He remained on board until the very end, offering assistance to other passengers and seizing each moment he could before his goal was lost forever.
Let’s discuss the Titanic actors who died.
6. Gloria Stuart (1910 – 2010)
Gloria Stuart led a long, exciting life similar to that of her “Titanic” heroine. The actor, who was 100 years old when she passed away in 2010; had been in more than 80 films and television shows dating back to Hollywood’s Golden Age.
Additionally, she cross-examined luminaries like Humphrey Bogart, Charlie Chaplin, Dorothy Parker, and Groucho Marx.
She has worked on several timeless films from that period, including The Three Musketeers (1939), The Invisible Man (1933), The Old Dark House (1932), and Poor Little Rich Girl (1936).
The last time Stuart had acted in a high-profile production—or even a film at all, for that matter—was in 1997’s “Titanic,” which she played.
In reality, Stuart had practically given up acting by the time she was cast and, according to reports, even didn’t have an agent.
However, the seasoned actor did not let fans down upon her triumphant return to Hollywood, turning in a performance as the elderly Rose that more or less eclipsed the efforts of the entire cast.
Stuart was appropriately honored for her work with her first and only Academy Award nomination, even though she didn’t win the award on Oscar night.
7. Bernard Fox (1927 – 2016)
While a large portion of the “Titanic” central ensemble was charged with playing fictional characters whose names didn’t exist on the ship’s official manifest, many others had the considerably more challenging duty of portraying actual passengers who suffered real-life tragedies as the ship sank.
The latter group included Welsh-born actor and celebrated star of numerous movies and television shows Bernard Fox, who played the late, great Colonel Archibald Gracie IV in the movie “Titanic” with a low-key, aristocratic air befitting the man’s legacy.
Gracie was a writer and amateur historian whose great-great-grandfather constructed New York’s Gracie Mansion, which today serves as the Mayor’s official house. If you’re not familiar with that history, it was erected in the early 1800s.
Gracie initially appears in “Titanic” as Rose is being talked back from committing suicide by Jack, praising the young man for saving her.
Gracie, a real-life Titanic survivor, published “The Truth On the Titanic” in 1913 as a book about calamity.
That book is today recognized as one of the most important accounts of the ship’s sinking (it is currently available under the title “Titanic: A Survivor’s Story”).
Sadly, Gracie didn’t live to see it printed; he died just a few months after his Titanic experience. Regarding Fox, the adored actor, the movie served as one of his final on-screen appearances, and he lived for a full ten years after his “Titanic” performance.
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o-walter · 2 years
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miss olivia walter:
Name: Olivia Walter
Age / D.O.B.: 39/ January 17th 1983
Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Cis Female, She/Her, Heterosexual
Hometown: Cave Junction, Oregon
Affiliation: Civilian
Job position: Defence Attorney, Partner at Shapiro, Stuart & Starke
Education: BA Psych University of Oregon, JD Law Yale
Relationship status: Complicated
Children: N/A
Positive traits: (5) Loyal, Patient, Direct, Dynamic, Quick-Witted
Negative traits: (5) Cold, Selfish, Competitive, Guarded, Reckless
TW: Drugs, Alcoholism, Death
Girls like Livie Walter very seldom make it out of Cave Junction. They’re the girls who get knocked up by one of their older brother’s friends or maybe one of the motorcycle club wannabes, the girls who end up run through by the time they’re twenty five; the girls who look to find solace at the bottom of a bottle or by shoving it up their noses. It’s not that Olivia was a bad kid or had a rough upbringing, it's just that the most exciting thing for a girl with too much brains and not enough sense to do in Cave Junction, Oregon is to get pregnant or arrested. Her family was like nearly every other family she knew growing up. Her mother was a hairdresser, owned her own salon in the same parking lot as the Dairy Queen, and her father worked for the electric company– at least that’s what Olivia was told. She knew he spent way too much time at ‘the clubhouse’ to have actually earned any sort of paycheque, but still their bills were paid and she never had to suffer the indignity of second hand clothes. Sometimes it felt easier to not ask the questions she didn’t care to know the answers to. 
 Schooling came easy and she flew through at the top of her class, graduating high school as valedictorian and earning herself a free ride to the University of Oregon. She had no idea what she wanted to do with her life, all she knew is that she wanted to be the best. 
It was easy to be the best when the pond was minuscule but as her world expanded beyond her little podunk town, Olivia started to notice herself struggle. Her sophomore year was nearly an entire write off and she came home for the summer break eager to spend her days working the desk at her mom’s salon, craving monotony and the speciality she felt amongst the people of Cave Junction. That summer was the worst of her life, although it opened her eyes wider to the underbelly of the town she once thought of as boring and sleepy. 
 Her older sister Beth had been working at some bar when she picked up a little nasty habit, their father had been a heavy drinker but nothing like what Beth got mixed up in. Her once vibrant and jubilant sister now seemed a hollow shell of herself. The light behind her eyes replaced with sallow gaunt features that reminded Olivia of a zombie, not dead but hardly living. Their house was all but a funeral home slowly planning the service of a sister and daughter still very much breathing. Everybody was quiet, their father hardly ever home and it seemed that none of them wanted anything to change. Every day they would wake up and go to their various workplaces, Olivia and her mother only talking once they were outside of their mostly wood-paneled home. Olivia would beg her mother to do something, to say something. Beth was wasting away to nothing, her sinewy arms covered by loosely knit sweaters that did very little to conceal the railroad of track marks that winded their way up and down her forearms. Her mother would placate her, urging Olivia to believe that her father had a plan. That he had it under control. In the least shocking news since the death of her hundred and three year old great aunt Bea, Olivia’s father very much did not have it under control. He acted like he did, like the work he was putting in was dedicated or that the attention he paid his girls was even half assed. It wasn’t enough though, how could it be? 
 The morning before their annual Fourth of July party, Olivia found her sister cold and unresponsive in their bathroom. The memory of screaming out for her mother, seared into her brain and the smell of half decayed flesh would be something she would never forget. Four days later a ceremony was held, half the town lined the pews of the church– Anglican although their family was hardly religious. Olivia was the only one to speak, her mother too emotional and her father too afraid to open his mouth. Whether he was afraid of his emotions, or the lack thereof remained to be seen. Olivia spoke of her anger against the people of the town, she spoke of her desire for justice. Clearly they had all watched her sister ruin herself, shooting up with god knows what all in the ineffective search for solace. She pleaded with her neighbours to watch out for their own, to not let something like this happen again. 
When it was time for her to go back to school, her father asked her what she wanted to do with her life and Olivia very matter of factly told her father that she wanted to study law. She told him that she wanted to speak for those without a voice, that she wanted to stop any other girl from ending up like Beth did. Her father didn’t admonish her or laugh off what she had to say as just the ramblings of an emotional twenty year old. He told her that he would support her, that her dreams were his if she promised him just this; to leave Cave Junction. 
 Olivia went back to school and worked harder than she ever did, once again graduating top of her class with an offer for Yale Law School. 
 Boston was everything she dreamed of, her classmates were interesting and intelligent and for once she felt like she was in the right place and that she had the opportunity to work towards making a difference. She worked part time in a cafe off campus and met some really great friends. Life was starting to look up for the first time since her sister’s passing. After graduation she started work at the Boston DA’s office, immediately enamoured with the fact that she was fighting for justice, for what’s right. Now the thing they don’t tell the idealist, is that life is a lot more exciting when you’re on the other side.
 Olivia and Anthony had only been seeing each other a little while when he started gifting her with extravagance, the first diamonds she ever owned gifted to her on their first christmas together. They took luxurious trips to places she had only ever dreamed of seeing and their home together was expansive, each room not without its own bouquet of whatever flower was the chicest. The day before they were supposed to go look at engagement rings, just look  she had reminded her mother, Olivia walked in to find his brothers in their living room, their knuckles bloody  and Anthony’s eye blackened. She screamed at them, begging for an answer as to what the fuck had transpired on her white carpet of all places. They just told her to leave and not just the room, so she did. 
 She packed up her life and got as far away from that life as she could, telling herself that this was another Cave Junction and that she could never come back. Olivia felt gross, her entire life a parade of one set of unanswered questions after another. Having thought she ditched her naivety long ago, she made a resolution to herself to not let any more questions go unanswered; she was taking control. 
 A move to New York was easy, she had glowing recommendations from bosses and professors and though she was offered a position at the Bronx DA’s office, she opted for what was supposed to be a corporate position at Shapiro, Stuart & Starke. Her first case assigned was to defend an alleged drug dealer, the evidence was undeniable and the case would be hard to lose so she shadowed and when she saw Rochelle Shapiro argue in court and dumbfound the cops on the stand and opposing counsel, Olivia was hooked. She loved the way her boss could make people stammer until she got the result she wanted, Olivia craved the ability to do so. Having shadowed Rochelle on several cases, in her second year at the firm she began to lead teams on proceedings and earned herself a partnership at the firm within five years of being hired, the youngest woman to do so. 
 Married to her job and addicted to her email app, Olivia can’t stop. She wants to take on bigger cases, to make a name for herself. But the higher they rise, the harder they may fall. 
-Rochelle Shapiro (50+) Boss/Mentor
-Casual Sex Friend (25+)
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girish-jha · 2 months
Finding Inner Peace: The Best Mindfulness Books to Reduce Stress by Girish Jha
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In today's fast-paced and demanding world, stress has become a common part of our lives. However, there is a powerful practice that can help restore calm and bring balance back into our lives: mindfulness. Girish Jha, a renowned mindfulness practitioner, shares his wisdom and insights through his books, offering valuable guidance on reducing stress and finding inner peace. In this article, we will explore some of the Best Mindfulness Books to Reduce Stress that can transform your relationship with stress and aid in your journey towards a more peaceful and mindful existence.
Meditation and Mindfulness: The Secrets to Raising Awareness, Attaining Inner Peace, and Living in the Present" Girish Jha's landmark book delves deep into the practice of meditation and mindfulness. With clarity and warmth, Jha provides practical techniques that help individuals cultivate awareness, live in the present moment, and overcome stress. This book serves as a comprehensive guide, making it an essential read for those seeking solace from the chaos of daily life.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: Easy Mindfulness Practices for Living in the Moment" In this accessible and practical book, Girish Jha introduces readers to the fundamentals of mindfulness and stress reduction. By offering step-by-step instructions, Jha guides readers through various mindfulness exercises, Buy Meditation & Mindfulness Books Online breathing techniques, and meditations that can be easily incorporated into a daily routine. "Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction" empowers individuals to regain control and find peace amid life's challenges.
How To Succeed In Meditation: Cultivating Awareness and Finding Inner Balance" With a focus on the art of mindful living, Girish Jha's book explores the transformative power of mindfulness in nurturing a more balanced and fulfilling life. Through personal anecdotes, reflections, and practical exercises, Jha inspires readers to embrace simplicity, gratitude, Popular Mindfulness Meditation Books and self-compassion. "The Art of Mindful Living" serves as an insightful companion for those seeking lasting joy and tranquility.
Awakening Mindfulness: Seven Steps to Finding Peace and Discovering Yourself" In this enlightening book, Girish Jha lays out a clear path towards awakening mindfulness. He explores the seven essential steps that can guide individuals towards a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. Through self-reflection exercises and helpful insights, "Awakening Mindfulness" empowers readers to make mindful choices, reduce stress, Best Books on Mindfulness and Meditation and cultivate inner peace.
In a world filled with constant distractions and stressors, mindfulness has the power to bring us back to the present moment, help us find peace within ourselves, and ultimately reduce stress. Girish Jha's collection of Best Mindfulness Books to Reduce Stress offers invaluable teachings and practical exercises for individuals seeking to embark on this transformative journey. By incorporating these mindful practices into our lives, we can find resilience, balance, and the ability to respond to life's challenges with grace.
Contact Us Visit :- https://girishjha.org/ Mobile :- +1 609 447 5421 Email :- [email protected] Address :- 7304 S Stuart Ave, Gilbert, AZ 85298
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thxnews · 4 months
Stuart Lyle: Revolutionizing Urban Warfare
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A Vanguard of Modern Combat
Stuart Lyle often hailed as the British Jack Ryan, is a pivotal figure reshaping the landscape of urban warfare. With over a decade at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), Lyle's journey is a testament to the profound impact of blending critical research with practical military applications. Furthermore, his work is not just about theories; it's about tangible changes that enhance the operational capabilities of the British Army and Royal Marines. In this article, we will delve into how Lyle and his team's contributions are setting new standards in military strategy and execution.  
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Stuart Lyle on exercise. Photo by DOD.  
Shaping the Future of Urban Combat
Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice Lyle's dedication to transforming theoretical research into actionable strategies is evident in his and his team's approach to military innovation. Their work, spanning various projects, is all aimed at giving the UK's armed forces an edge in increasingly complex urban environments. Lyle further emphasizes the rewarding nature of seeing his team's recommendations come to life, thus influencing everything from organizational structures to equipment procurement.   A Team Effort The success behind Lyle's projects is a testament to the collaborative spirit of his team. Specializing in urban warfare, Lyle relies on the diverse expertise within his group to inform and enhance his strategies. This multidisciplinary approach not only ensures a comprehensive understanding of combat challenges but also leads to more effective solutions.  
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Stuart Lyle at Copehill Down. Photo by MOD.  
Innovations in Urban Warfare
The Urban Phalanx Platoon Concept One of Lyle's notable contributions is the development of the Urban Phalanx platoon concept. Originating from Dstl's extensive research, this innovative strategy aims to improve the survivability and effectiveness of infantry units in urban settings. Furthermore, by proposing a new unit configuration, Lyle's team directly addressed the unique challenges of urban combat, thereby enhancing situational awareness and easing the command burden on junior leaders.   Towards a Next-Generation Combat Team The British Army's Experimentation and Trials Group has embraced the Urban Phalanx concept as a foundation for the Next Generation Combat Team. This endorsement not only underscores the potential of Lyle's work to redefine urban warfare but also actively showcases the concept in international forums and live trials.  
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Stuart Lyle being interviewed at DSEI with Dstl colleagues. Photo by MOD.  
The Man Behind the Innovation
A Career Reflective of a Fictional Hero Lyle's career trajectory mirrors that of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan, earning him the nickname among US colleagues. Despite a pivot from a potential military career due to a back injury, Lyle found his calling in defense analysis, contributing to the UK's military prowess while engaging with global partners and sharing his insights worldwide.   Personal Passions and Professional Drive Outside of his groundbreaking work, Lyle finds solace in hobbies such as wargaming and camping, showcasing his multifaceted personality. Moreover, his unexpected talent in baking, developed from making novelty cakes for his children, highlights his creativity and dedication to excellence, traits that extend to his professional life.  
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Stuart Lyle in a helicopter above LA. Photo by MOD.  
A Legacy of Influence
Stuart Lyle's contributions to urban warfare strategy are reshaping the way military operations are conducted in urban environments. His work not only provides the UK's armed forces with an operational advantage but also sets a global standard for excellence in military strategy and innovation. Additionally, as Lyle continues to share his knowledge and insights across the world, his legacy as a modern-day British Jack Ryan grows, underscoring the critical role of research and collaboration in the future of defense.   Sources: THX News & Defence Science and Technology Laboratory. Read the full article
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cavenewstimes · 7 months
The Resilient Stuarts: Overcoming Plague, Fire & Civil War
Lured by the⁣ tranquil charm of the countryside, I find ⁣myself wandering amidst blooming meadows and whispering rivers, seeking solace in the embrace ⁢of nature. As my restless steps lead me further, I stumble upon a remarkable relic of resilience and endurance, etched in the ‌annals of history. Intrigued,⁣ I delve into the captivating realms of a YouTube⁤ video titled “The Resilient Stuarts:…
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Girish Jha's Mindfulness Meditation Centre in Arizona
Eastern wisdom coaching more info: www.girishjha.org Free to Learn, Read, Watch at: www.girishjha.us Follow Me : https://linktr.ee/girish_jha
Book your free session:- https://girishjha.org/book-your-session.php
Nestled within the serene landscapes of Arizona, Girish Jha's Mindfulness Meditation Centre offers a sanctuary for individuals seeking peace, clarity, and self-discovery. This renowned meditation center, founded by Girish Jha, a distinguished mindfulness teacher and author, provides a tranquil space for the practice and exploration of mindfulness meditation techniques.
Girish Jha, with his deep understanding of Eastern philosophies and years of teaching experience, has created a haven where people from all walks of life can come together to cultivate mindfulness and cultivate a greater sense of well-being. The center's serene environment, combined with Jha's expertise, fosters a profound experience of self-awareness and inner growth.
The mindfulness meditation techniques taught at Girish Jha's center focus on developing present-moment awareness, non-judgmental observation, and cultivating a compassionate attitude towards oneself and others. These practices have been scientifically proven to reduce stress, improve focus and concentration, enhance emotional resilience, and promote well-being.
The center offers a wide range of programs and workshops catering to individuals with varying levels of meditation experience. From introductory sessions for beginners to advanced retreats for seasoned practitioners, Girish Jha's teachings provide a comprehensive approach to meditation. Participants can engage in guided meditation sessions, mindfulness-based stress reduction programs, and specialized workshops focusing on specific aspects of personal growth.
Girish Jha's Mindfulness Meditation Centre is not only a space for individual practice but also a community that fosters connection and support. The center organizes group discussions, community events, and guest lectures by renowned mindfulness experts, creating opportunities for personal connections and knowledge exchange.
The location of the center amidst Arizona's picturesque landscapes adds to the overall experience, offering a serene and rejuvenating backdrop for meditation and self-reflection. Surrounded by nature's beauty, participants can immerse themselves in a calming environment that complements their mindfulness journey.
Whether seeking solace from the hectic pace of modern life, deepening personal growth, or simply desiring a respite to recharge and reconnect, Girish Jha's Mindfulness Meditation Centre in Arizona provides a nurturing space for individuals to embark on their mindfulness journey. Through the teachings of Girish Jha and the peaceful surroundings of the center, participants can cultivate mindfulness, find inner peace, and discover their true potential.
In summary, Girish Jha's Mindfulness Meditation Centre in Arizona offers a tranquil sanctuary for individuals to explore mindfulness and embark on a journey of self-discovery. With its serene setting, comprehensive programs, and the expertise of Girish Jha, this center provides an ideal environment for those seeking to incorporate mindfulness into their lives and experience its transformative benefits. https://girishjha.org/4-step-relaxation-mindfulness.php
[email protected] Contact here:- 6094475421 7304 S Stuart Ave, Gilbert, AZ 85298
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aghotel · 9 months
Derby Cathedral: A historic gem in the heart of Derby
Derby Cathedral, originally established in 943, stands proudly as one of the most captivating historic sites in Derby. With its rich heritage and significant monuments, it serves as a testament to Derby’s and Derbyshire’s past. Inside its walls, a wealth of treasures awaits visitors, including the tomb of Bess of Hardwick, a memorial dedicated to Florence Nightingale, and a stunning wrought iron screen crafted by the talented Robert Bakewell.
The Enlightenment
During the Enlightenment period, the nave of Derby Cathedral underwent a remarkable transformation. In 1725, architect James Gibbs redesigned it in a Neo-Classical style, imbuing the interior with simplicity and an abundance of natural light. Despite having only two modern stained-glass windows, the cathedral’s plain interior is beautifully balanced by the inclusion of a magnificent wrought-iron chancel screen, skillfully fashioned by the local iron-smith Robert Bakewell. Stretching across the width of the church, this screen stands as a prominent feature and a testament to the craftsmanship of the time.
Derby Cathedral
The Bridge Chapel: Beyond the walls of Derby Cathedral, visitors can explore the nearby Bridge Chapel, a short 5-minute walk from the cathedral itself. Situated along the banks of the River Derwent, this medieval bridge chapel is one of only six remaining in the entire United Kingdom. Built to provide spiritual solace to travellers, it also served as a toll collection point for those crossing the bridge into Derby.
Guided Tours: For those seeking a deeper understanding of the cathedral’s history and significance, guided tours are available to individuals, groups, organizations, and clubs. Led by experienced guides, these tours offer valuable insights into the cathedral’s past, its monuments, and the workings of the cathedral itself.
Tower Tour: One of the highlights of a visit to Derby Cathedral is the opportunity to embark on a tower tour. This unique experience allows visitors to climb one of the tallest church towers in England, standing at an impressive 212 feet and consisting of 189 steps. From the top, breathtaking panoramic views of the city and its surroundings can be enjoyed. Additionally, the tower is available for private tour hire, providing an exclusive and memorable experience.
Cathedral Treasures: For those with an interest in ecclesiastical silverware, the Cathedral Treasures await discovery. Housed in the Sir Richard Morris Room of the Cathedral Centre, this collection showcases remarkable pieces, some dating as far back as 1491, with several originating from the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Regrettably, the Sir Richard Morris Room is currently not open to casual visits from the public.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday: 09:00 – 17:15 Wednesday and Saturday: 09:00 – 17:00 Located just a brief 5-minute drive from The Stuart Hotel, Derby Cathedral offers a convenient and enriching experience for visitors. It is one of the best hotels in Derby near Derby train station – just a 5-minute walk away.The hotel is conveniently positioned on the bustling London Road (A6). After a day of exploration, retreat to our modern, comfortable, and spacious rooms for a restful night’s sleep. Alternatively, indulge in a delectable culinary experience at our fully equipped bar and restaurant, the ideal way to complete your stay. Learn more: www.aghotels.co.uk/the-stuart-hotel
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
June 28 ZODIAC
Horoscope and character for those brought into the world on June 28 They appreciate showing their most ideal side in all things. They are a proposition of visual expressions, lovely improvements, exquisite ensembles and wonderful environmental factors. They are very vain individuals, which is immediately seen by their current circumstance. They are capricious and appreciate presenting. It ought to be noted, in any case, that they are even eager. Respectable, kind to other people, appended to their home, enamored with solaces and amicable environmental factors. Touchy, cherishing and friendly, they are portrayed by a decent memory. They are a piece cumbersome, yet can foster incredible power and movement. By then, they perseveringly adhere to their objectives and undertakings. In spite of the fact that they have a decent heart, they are imprudent and showy, which harms them. They know how to live and keep an eye on limits and overabundances. They have a quite unsafe mentality and appreciate experiences. Anything you conclude throughout everyday life, you can accomplish it. They effectively accomplish abundance, however are frequently unfit to appropriately utilize it. Their outings, both land and ocean, permit them to create and arrive at a high social level. His body isn't especially safe and he is exceptionally delicate. June 28 ZODIAC 
 Assuming your birthday is June 28, your zodiac sign is Disease June 28 - character and character character: perfect, keen, normal, fierce, childish, disseminated calling: rancher, cop, stylist tones: olive, silver, beige stone: ruby animal: starfish plant: linden trees fortunate numbers: 12,17,31,42,43,58 very fortunate number: 33 Occasions and observances - June 28 Worldwide Day for Sexual Variety. Worldwide LGBT Pride Day. Peru: Public Cebiche Day. June 28 VIP birthday celebrations. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1900: Giovanni De Pra, Italian footballer (d. 1979). 1901: Antonio Acuna Carballar, Spanish lawmaker (d. 1936). 1902: George Padmore, Trinidadian lawmaker (d. 1959). 1902: Richard Rodgers, American author (d. 1979). 1902: Monchდ­n Triana, Spanish soccer player (d. 1936). 1903: Andrდ© Maschinot, French footballer (d. 1963). 1904: Adrian Rollini, American artist (d. 1956). 1905: Francis Camps, English pathologist (d. 1972). 1905: Henry H. Carter, American Hispanicist (d. 2001). 1906: Maria Goeppert-Mayer, German physicist, Nobel Prize victor for material science in 1963 (d. 1972). 1907: Carlos Encinas Gonzდ¡lez, Spanish painter (f. 1998). 1907: Jimmy Mundy, American jazz author (d. 1984). 1908: Juan Carlos Thorry, Argentine entertainer (d. 2000). 1909: Eric Ambler, English essayist (d. 1998). 1909: Josდ© Antonio Elola-Olaso, Spanish lawmaker (d. 1976). 1909: Francisco Grande Coviდ¡n, Spanish natural chemist (f. 1995). 1909: Josდ© de Magalhaes Pinto, Brazilian investor and ambassador (f. 1996). 1909: Christopher Soglo, Leader of Benin (d. 1983). 1912: Sergiu Celibidache, Romanian guide and artist (f. 1996). 1912: Carl Friedrich von Weizsდ¤cker, German physicist and scholar (d. 2007). 1913: Roberto Grela, Argentine tango author and guitarist (f. 1992). 1914: Aribert Heim, Austrian doctor (d. 1992). 1915: Rafael Bernal, Mexican ambassador and essayist (d. 1972). 1915: David Honeyboy Edwards, American guitarist, delta blues artist (d. 2011). 1916: Steve Calvert, American entertainer (d. 1991). 1916: Virgilio Rodrდ­guez Macal, Guatemalan columnist, writer and negotiator (f. 1964). 1917: Stella Inda, Mexican entertainer and essayist (f. 1995). 1918: Maxine Stuart, American entertainer (d. 2013). 1919: Alfredo Vera, Ecuadorian government official (f. 1999). 1921: PV Narasimha Rao, Indian government official (d. 2004). 1922: Mauro Bolognini, Italian producer (d. 2004). 1922: Robert Campbell, Scottish footballer and mentor (d. 2009). 1923: Tomდ¡s Asiain, Spanish writer (f. 1989). 1923: Howard E. Bigelow, American mycologist (d. 1987). 1923: Conte Candoli, American trumpeter (d. 2001). 1923: Pete Candoli, American trumpeter (d. 2008). 1923: Antonio Hernდ¡ndez Carpe, Spanish painter (f. 1977). 1923: Giff Roux, American ball player (d. 2011). 1924: Manuel Lდ³pez Villasenor, Spanish painter (f. 1996). 1925: Severino Dდ­az, Argentine soccer ref (d. 2008). 1925: Leდ³n Droz Blanco, Venezuelan military man (d. 1954). 1925: Giselher Klebe, German writer (d. 2009). 1925: Fidel Tello Repiso, Spanish painter. 1926: Mel Streams, American screenwriter, entertainer and movie producer. 1927: Jesდºs Nieto, Spanish naming entertainer (d. 1996). 1927: F. Sherwood Rowland, American researcher (d. 2012). 1927: Enrique Velasco Ibarra, Mexican government official (d. 2010). 1928: Hans Blix, Swedish negotiator and legislator. 1928: Wear Dubbins, American entertainer (d. 1991). 1928: John S. Ringer, American physicist (d. 1990). 1929: Antonio Ferraz, Spanish cyclist. 1929: Tomდ¡s Marco Nadal, Spanish sketch artist (f. 2000). 1929: Glenn D. Paige, American political researcher. 1930: Taty Almeida, Argentine essayist and extremist, individual from the Moms of the Square de Mayo. 1930: Josდ© Luis Artetxe, Spanish footballer. 1930: Fernando Delgado, Spanish entertainer (d. 2009). 1930: Norma Fontenla, Argentine artist (d. 1971). 1930: Itamar Franco, Brazilian lawmaker of Italian beginning (d. 2011). 1930: Jack Gold, English producer. 1930: Horacio Gდ³mez Bolanos, Mexican entertainer (f. 1999). 1931: Bobby Hurley, American ball player. 1931 - Junior Johnson, American hustling driver. 1931: Enrique Monsonდ­s, Spanish government official (f. 2011). 1932: Attila L. Borhidi, Hungarian botanist and government official. 1932: Carlos Hayre, Peruvian writer (d. 2012). 1932: Pat Morita, American entertainer (f. 2005). 1934: Carl Levin, American legal advisor and legislator. 1934: Jordi Parra, Spanish ball player, mentor and supervisor. 1936: Toss Howley, American football player. 1937: Richard Splendid, American entertainer (d. 2006). 1937: Carlos Monden, Chilean entertainer (d. 2011). 1937: Juan Josდ© Saer, Argentine author (d. 2005). 1938: Leon Panetta, American government official. 1938: Moy Yat, Chinese military craftsman (d. 2001). 1939: Pedro Luis Barcia, Argentine etymologist. 1939: Goodbye Cedrდ³n, writer and performer of Argentine tango. 1940: Josდ© Sanchis Sinisterra, Spanish writer. 1940: Muhammad Yunus, Bengali investor and financial analyst. 1941: David Lloyd Johnston, Canadian scholar, attorney and government official. 1941: Clifford Luyk, Spanish b-ball player. 1941: Guadalupe Trigo, Mexican guitarist, vocalist, entertainer and arranger (d. 1982). 1942: David Kopay, American football player. 1942: Pedro Navascuდ©s, Spanish history specialist. 1942: Rupert Sheldrake, English author, parapsychologist and organic chemist. 1942: Candid Zane, American jock. 1943: Pietro Guerra, Italian cyclist. 1943: Donald Johanson, American paleoanthropologist. 1943: Klaus von Klitzing, German physicist, champ of the Nobel Prize in Physical science in 1985. 1943: Ismael Laguna, Panamanian fighter. 1943: Alfonso Santisteban, Spanish guide and arranger (f. 2013). 1944: Colette Cusset, French botanist. 1944: Philippe Druillet, French illustrator. 1944: Luis Alberto Nicolao, Argentine swimmer. 1944: Carlos Palenque, vocalist, TV moderator and Bolivian legislator (f. 1997). 1944: Luis del Val, Spanish writer. 1945: Raul Seixas, Brazilian performer (d. 1989). 1946: Bruce Davison, American entertainer and movie producer. 1946: Jaime Guzmდ¡n, Chilean lawmaker (f. 1991). 1946: Gilda Radner, American entertainer and vocalist (d. 1989). 1947: Peter Abrahams, American author. 1947: Robin Ian MacDonald Dunbar, English anthropologist. 1948: Kathy Bates, American entertainer. 1948: Sergey Bodrov, Russian-American movie producer. 1949: Wear Baylor, American baseball trainer. 1949: Jorge Bonaldi, Uruguayan guitarist, vocalist and writer. 1949: Tom Owens, American b-ball player. 1950: David Lanz, American piano player. 1950: Juan Pascualli Gდ³mez, Mexican specialist and government official (d. 2010). 1950: Francisca Pleguezuelos Aguilar, Spanish lawmaker. 1950: Mauricio Rojas, Swedish-Chilean financial expert and government official. 1951: Walter Alva, Peruvian paleologist. 1951: Lalla Ward, English entertainer and author. 1952: Tomდ¡s Kid, Mexican soccer player. 1952: Pietro Mennea, Italian competitor and lawmaker (d. 2013). 1952: Jean-Christophe Rufin, French doctor, author, scholarly and negotiator. 1952: Raდºl Wensel, Argentine footballer and mentor. 1953: Aდ­da Ayala, Argentine writer. 1953: Hდ©ctor Raდºl Rondდ¡n, Uruguayan cyclist. 1954: Anna Birulდ©s, Spanish lawmaker and business chief. 1954: Alice Krige, English entertainer. 1954: Mario Marდ­n Torres, Mexican lawmaker. 1954: Valentina Quintero, Venezuelan TV moderator. 1954: Benoდ®t Sokal, Belgian visual artist and computer game planner. 1955: დ?lvaro Cuesta, Spanish lawmaker. 1955: Thomas Hampson, American baritone. 1956: Bakir Izetbegoviე‡, Bosnian lawmaker. 1956: Helmut Kickton, German ensemble chief and organist. 1957: Luis Pagani, Argentine money manager. 1957: Gueorgui Purvanov, Bulgarian president. 1957: Jim Spanarkel, American b-ball player. 1958: Raდºl Durდ¡n Reveles, Mexican modeler and government official (d. 1996). 1959: Raდºl Vallejo, Ecuadorian author and government official. 1960: Gabriel Donoso, Chilean polo player (f. 2006). 1960: John Elway, American football player. 1961: Jeff Malone, American b-ball player and mentor. 1961: Vდ­ctor Emilio Masalles Pere, Spanish minister, market analyst and scholar. 1961: Willy Mდ¼ller, Argentine draftsman. 1962: Anisoara Cusmir-Stanciu, Ruaman competitor. 1963: Marco Barrientos, Mexican vocalist. 1963: Charlie Clouser, American keyboardist and author (Nine Inch Nails). 1963: Beverley Fainthearted, American artist. 1963: Babatunde Fashola, Nigerian lawmaker and legal advisor. 1964: Daniel Giacomino, Argentine lawmaker. 1964: Mitsuaki Madono, Japanese entertainer. 1965: Luis Abarca, Chilean soccer player. 1965: Tetდ© Delgado, Spanish craftsman and entertainer. 1965: Jessica Hecht, American entertainer. 1965: Cyril Makanaky, Cameroonian footballer. 1965: Raდºl Quintillდ¡n, Spanish console player (Government Carriers). 1965: Joaquდ­n Talismდ¡n, Spanish performer. 196
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