#strawberry blonde kyo!!!
nympippi · 28 days
Akaren Day Two: Reincarnation
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luv-gin · 2 years
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𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐘. kyo sohma.
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cw — mentions of jealousy, she/her pronouns, short blurb.
ꨄ request — Ooh Fruits Basket can I get a Kyo x Reader where the reader gets jealous of the other girls at school that like Kyo??
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[name] fully trusted kyo, he never showed interest in anyone other than her.
in fact, he'd always look irritated if anyone ever even dared to breathe near him that wasn't his lovely girlfriend but for some reason, the girls that were swarming him today didn't have him reacting in the same way.
"no, what would make you say that?" the girls glare travelled from the group of girls buzzing around her boyfriend to the strawberry blonde friend of hers and the tall girl merely raised an eyebrow in amusement.
"no, what would make you say that?" the girls glare travelled from the group of girls buzzing around her boyfriend to the strawberry blonde friend of hers and the tall girl merely raised an eyebrow in amusement.
"no, what would make you say that?" the girls glare travelled from the group of girls buzzing around her boyfriend to the strawberry blonde friend of hers and the tall girl merely raised an eyebrow in amusement.
"oh really?" she deadpanned and [name] let out a sigh as tohru attempted to comfort her.
"come on [name], kyo loves you and he wouldn't do anything to betray your trust." she reassured her as she sent her an angelic smile and [name] could only pat the cute girls head.
"besides, if you're that mad about it, go do and something." the tall girl suggested as she gave her a shrug.
"maybe I should..." [name] picked up a towel that she brought along with her and a water bottle before making her way to the redhead.
"kyo!" she called out and the redhead perked his head at the sound of his name being called by his beloved. he broke through the barricade of girls surrounding him and stood before her.
"yeah?" he asked but was ignored as [name] handed him a water bottle to drink from and dabbed away at the sweat glistening on his forehead and neck, she was acutely aware of the eyes of the girls which trailed on their figures and so she made sure to press her body against his.
"you were so cool earlier." she compliments and kyos hands find their way at her hips as he holds her in place.
"thanks." his involuntary scrunches his nose and [name] presses a kiss to his cheek before patting at it. a smirk threatens to overtake her features as she audibly hears the dissapointment from the group of girls who took an interest in her boyfriend.
"you can go back now, you still didn't win yet. I'm pretty sure yuki's team is still ahead." a nerve twitches at kyos forehead and [name] lets out a little laugh.
"don't worry, I'll win in no time."
"whatever happens, just know I'm cheering you on." kyo gives his girlfriend a quick peck on her cheeks before he returns to the game.
uotani looks at [name] with an impressed gaze and the girl merely looks ahead with nonchalance "that's how you fix that."
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© 𝐈𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐒-𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐, 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃 — all content rights belong to itachis-girl. do not plagiarize any works and do not repost or translate onto any other sites.
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
chapter 7: Dried Fruits
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[masterlist] [kia’s slambook]
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“We have to add more to Mu-chan’s!” Kia says, getting one of the paper boxes. You giggle as she stuffs it with more dried strawberries.
“You really like Mu-chan, huh?” You ask her and she nods happily. She shows the box to you before she closes it clumsily, spilling a few slices out.
“How about you, mama? Do you like Mu-chan?” She questions innocently.
“Since he’s your friend, I do,” you respond, bopping her nose. You turn the television on, distracting Kia. Her attention is all on the television, so you sit her down on the couch. You go back to the kitchen, where you can still her, and continue packaging the dried fruits for the MSBY management and team.
After packaging all the boxes, which counts to almost 30, you take a box that is larger than the others. You wipe it with a tissue, making sure the corners are clean. You carefully put the dried peaches in it. You put the polaroid picture of Kia holding the peaches to her cheeks smiling widely into a little plastic. You place the polaroid inside the box before closing it. You start writing the notes for the smaller boxes and tied it to the said boxes.
“Kia, let’s wash so we can give these to your uncles,” you call her and she goes to you, following you to the bathroom.
You two change and wear the matching bags Sakusa bought for the two of you. When you first saw it, you wanted to return it to him, but you know that’s impossible. So why not use it to show your appreciation?
You put the boxes into a big paper bag, but Kia holds onto Atsumu’s box. You call for cab and directed to the MSBY’s gym. As you arrive there, you are greeted by their manager.
“You must Sakusa’s girlfriend. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Saito,” he reaches his hand out and you shake it. Before you can correct him about your title, his attention diverts to Kia. “Hello, Kia! We had fun with you last time! How are you?”
“I’m good!” She responds. She takes out a box from the paper bag you’re holding and hands it to the man in front of you. “Mama and I made it!”
“Thank you,” he ruffles Kia’s hair and bows to you. “Come. They’re on a break right now.”
You follow their manager and the familiar smell of minty ointments hit you. You hide your smile, not wanting to weird out their manager. You near in front of two large wooden doors, and you hear laughter from the other side. Bokuto’s voices passes through the closed doors and Kia immediately recognizes him.
“Koko!” Kia cheers with the new nickname she has for the spiker, running towards the doors. She pushes one with all her might and she is successful. The members’ see her enter and she greets them one by one before latching to the grey haired man. She spots the blonde setter and runs to him, leaving Bokuto heart broken.
“Mu-chan! I made this for you!” She shows him the box she’s been holding onto like her life depended on it. “Dried strawberries and mangoes and oranges!”
Astumu squats down, leveling his height with her. She pats her head, taking the box from the toddler. “Thank you. I will enjoy it. Where’s your mama?”
Speaking of, you stand outside the gym’s door, already left by their manager who has to check the team’s lunch. “Kia, why did you leave me? Now I feel shy,” you mutter. You scan through the room first, looking for Sakusa but his presence is nowhere to be found.
“Why are you peeking like a pervert?” A voice from behind calls, catching you off guard. “Go in. My teammates don’t bite.” Sakusa looks at you weirdly before continuing to walk towards your way.
“I’m shy to go in alone...” you confess and he walks past you. “Hey! Wait for me!” You follow him go inside the gym and you feel all eyes on you as soon as you step in.
“Hello... I’m (L/N) (F/N),” you introduce yourself, bowing towards the resting team. They greet you back with a bow. You take out the gift boxes from your bag and give it to them one by one.
Hinata reads the note out loud, “Thank you for taking care of, Kiyoomi.” Your ears turn red in embarrassment as you hear the words you wrote. “That’s so cute! Did you write this, (Y/N)?” You shyly nod, avoiding any eye contact with Sakusa. You continue to give out the boxes, Kia helping you out this time. You have one last box left, Kiyoomi’s.
“Give this to Kyo,” you whisper to Kia, handing her the bigger box. She runs to Kiyoomi, raising the box towards him. He takes the box and thanks her.
“Thank you for this, (Y/N). We really appreciate gifts and visits like this. You should come here often,” Meian tells you.
“I definitely will visit more since I’m jobless now,” you joke, earning a laugh from him.
Kia plays with the boys while you sit on a bench, watching her. Sakusa approaches you, sitting beside you but also leaving a big space between the two of you. You see him open the box and munch on the dried peaches. He places the box between the two of you for you to eat as well. You take a piece and notice that the picture you placed isn’t in the box anymore. You are about to ask him where it is but their coach arrives, which means they have to go back to practice.
“Kia! We need to go home!” You shout to Kia and she pouts. She gives kisses to her uncles and says her good byes to the other players. She bows to the coaches before running towards where you and Sakusa are standing.
Kia raises her arms towards Kiyoomi but he shakes his head as a no. “I’m sweaty,” he reasons. She frowns, then asks you to lift her, so you do. She reaches for Kiyoomi’s face but he moves away. “I told you, I’m sweaty.”
“You just don’t want Kia’s kisses!” Kia huffs, looking away. She buries her face on the crook of your neck, arms wrapped around your neck. Sakusa sighs, moving to the side where Kia’s in. She moves to another side and bites his lower lip, probably praying for more patience.
“Kia,” he calls her, but she doesn’t respond. “When I come home and I get clean, you can give me all the kisses you want. But I’m sweaty and dirty right now. You don’t want germs in your body, do you?” He continues.
You’re stuck in between the two of them and you can’t help but smile. Sakusa has never been this soft with you when you were dating. This is a new side to him which you are liking.
“Pwomise?” Kia finally faces him, her head still leaning on your shoulder. Kiyoomi nods as he gently smiles at her. He still sees the disappointment in her face.
“Come here.” Kia looks at him, her head leaning towards him. He plants a soft kiss on her forehead, gently caressing the side of her head. “Be a good girl, okay?” Kia finally smiles, nodding her head at Kiyoomi’s question.
“Bye,” you tell him softly. He places his hand on top of your head and ruffles it as he walks back to the practice. You blush from his sudden actions and leave the gym with a small smile.
“Nice phone case, Omi,” Atsumu points out as they eat dinner at the team’s cafeteria. Sakusa rolls his eyes at him, but doesn’t flip his phone to cover the back of his phone. He takes a quick look at it and smiles a little.
That’s where Kia’s polaroid has gone.
To the back of his phone, protected by his clear phone case.
The recipe you used for the dried fruits is the one Kiyoomi gave you while you were still dating
Kia doesn’t like dried peaches. She prefers dried mangoes.
Hinata liked the dried mangoes so much he went around the dorms asking for them from the other members
Meian is in the process of asking his wife for a child
Note: This is just some random fluff i wanna throw in🥺👉👈 I hope you all enjoy it.
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Taglist:  @elianetsantana aoi-turtle ptv-hades  aquzairus a-applepi  justoneofthefangirlsarianna-r13 morenabambinii chaelysian loser-keiji mxngy ne-kuroon1fangirlsblog d-efend missalicebaskervillemarvelousbakugou @agaashesmilktea​ bonkyandloki kimi09  ntimacy @mkazuyuh
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Die and Shinya talk event at  Fukuoka Civic Hall 27th March 2020 bits
 Notes by memomomemo3886 at twitter.
 Introducing themselves:
Die: Shinya speaks Hakata dialect….
Shinya: Eh! ?? No, I don't know Hakata dialect at all. What is Hakata dialect?
(Additional note about this by syzuki_k_t_xxx
-How was coming to Fukuoka for the first time in a while?
Die: It's been a while since I've been on an airplane. I'm glad I came. It seems that Shinya will speak in Fukuoka dialect today."
Shinya: Eh? ... I haven't heard it... I can't imagine how it is.  My grandma is from Ehime and says things like -yaken (at the end of sentences) though.
Fujieda " But Ehime is in Shikoku! (Shikoku is another island of Japan, Fukuoka is in Kyushu)
Shinya: ….. ??..... yes….)
  -A method to get better at playing guitar.
Die: Get better at what?
Fujieda: Guitar
Die: Guitar…. Then…it’s shinya (who has to answer)
Shinya: Eh?....after all…isn’t it about fingering? (makes gesture of playing)
Die: Can you play the guitar?
Shinya: No,I can’t
Die: You don’t?....like something…
Shinya: Well….(I can play) my favourite phrases…
Die: I think it’s about practice. Even if you just practice, in a band, the drums pull the whole band together….
Shinya: That’s right…
  -A method to get better at singing.
Shinya: I want to know too
Fujieda: You don’t sing, right?
Shinya: I don’t.
Fujieda: You don’t sing even if you go to a Karaoke?
Shinya: I never sing
Die: Let’s go another time to a karaoke…the two of us… I've never seen him singing…. maybe in the past, at the chorus recording though…..lately we recorded the chorus….I didn’t know where the chorus was placed (in the song) until the day of recording….Kyo explained where it was….but then I was told the recording is going to start) “from shinya”…..
Shinya: I thought “Eh?!!”
Fujieda: You don’t do the chorus of UMBRELLA or CHILD PREY?
Shinya: I do
Die: CHILD PREY chorus is so tiring….the next time we record a chorus….we can film it?.....just shinya’s part…an uncut shoot….and then include it in a DVD….
  -During a question, Shinya was sneezing
Fujieda: Are you ok? Is it because of pollen?
Shinya: I don’t have hay fever, not even 1mm.
  -About Oboro’s photoshoot
Die: I'm finally getting used to see it. It was hard to shoot.
Shinya: For the first time in a long time the 5 of us took a picture together….
Fujieda:  How long was been since….?
Shinya: A while ago….isn’t it….
Die: When was that? Since the chubby person….
Shinya: Chubby?
Die: The one with the chubby person at a table….(Ningen wo kaburu’s one)
Shinya: Ah…but that wasn’t an official promotional photo….
Die The shooting was finished in about 3 minutes. It was hard for Kyo and checked it immediately after shooting. The music video shooting was long and hard.
  -Shampoo you are using.
 Die: I’m using the one that my younger brother sends me….
Fujieda:  Ah, then it’s like “only exclusive sales” thing….
Die: Yes
Fujieda: What about you, Shinya?
Shinya: I’m ok with anything…..I use the ones I have at home….I don’t really care…
Fujieda: How do those one get to your home?
Shinya: Because someone gave them to me….
  -About Members' habits
 Die: He gets exasperated soon…
Shinya: Well, but I don’t get angry….
Die: Ah no, not at all….not even a 1mm….
Shinya: It’s taking out/showing your emotions….
Fujieda: Shinya, what’s Die’s habit?
Shinya: Any in particular…
Fujieda: Nothing….ok….next….
  -Random bit
Die: My favourite song is “Fukai” and the reason is because “Shinya’s drumming is too beautiful”….
Shinya: Aaaa…..thank you….*embarrassed*
  -About hair colour
Takabayashi: You had red hair recently, right?
Die: Red…. I got red hair for a while last year….it didn’t match my outfits/costumes….so it was time to get rid of red….
Takabayashi: You say it takes time to get rid of red….
Die: I bleached it to get the red out, but it took about 6 hours.I was sitting that much for the first time.
Fujieda: What about you Shinya? What colour did you get?
Shinya: A suitable one…
Fujieda: It looks like a strawberry
Shinya: A strawberry?
Die: It looks pinkish….
Shinya: I said pink...
Die: You asked for pink?
Shinya: I did….
Die: (Asking Fujieda) Do you have any hair colour you want to do?
Fujieda: I used to be blonde for a long time, so I sometimes want to do that again. I've only been black or blonde.
Shinya: You were blonde for about 10 years right….it looked like whitish….
Fujieda: That’s right…. That's because Shinya said that the drums aren't noticeable at the back… You do blonde for that reason too, right?
Shinya: Yes….
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soranihimawari · 3 years
Photo booth Shenanigans
A drabble based on this ask.
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With the volleyball season for Seijoh ultimately cut short, the late autumnal break was around the corner. Classmates were seated next to their friends during lunch asking about what everyone had planned. You were on the second floor with the rest of your class, happily munching on your bento.
“So, any plans then?” Your desk mate asked.
You curled a fist underneath your chin to rest your head there on your desk. The bento was closed and being prepared to be put away. Sighing, your ears picked up the shouts of the boys in the soccer fields playing. You saw a flash of blonde leading the charge against the rest of the boy’s soccer team. A few of the other members of the boy’s volleyball club got roped into a cheeky mini-game before the last classes were set to begin.
“Maybe going to the theme park by the pier,” you said. Noticing the near miss of the goal your significant other had kicked, you smirk when he stops a few meters shy of your window to wave at you. You nod your head toward him, a small smile and was he slightly blushing? Maybe, but that would be your little secret.
“Going with Kyo-Kuhn, huh?” Your classmate pressed on.
A hum escapes your lips. “I’d hope so. I am dating him after all, haha.”
A few days later, your hand is intertwined with your boyfriend’s as you drag him to the nearest photo booth. The day at the theme park was filled with a lot of fun: a few thrill rides, many snacks, and several carnival-sec games filled the afternoon.
“Why we gotta take a photo?” Kyotani asks. He was wearing a slight pout after he was dragged into it with you. The cramped space proved to be little more intimate than both of you had thought.
“Because I want to capture this memory with yo, and before you even object, no, I don’t want us to use our phones,” your voice was stern.
Kyotani presses you a little more forward and he stands behind you, his hands wind their way around your waist. They were warm against the mid-riff you were wearing along with the capris you paired them with. The black and cream colored baseball tee is soft against your back when you lean back after slipping the yen note in the machine. The screen starts to count down after giving you both a verbal and visual how-to for every photo to be taken. Kyotani presses next for you, so the first one is a relaxed pose as you both were caught off guard by the flash. The second one has him resting his head against your neck with a calm demeanor, eyes closed because honestly, without you he might have still be an angry little brat since joining the team. You suggest a silly-faced one, so you have a cross-eyed look and Kyotani has his puffed his cheeks (making him look like a cute puffer fish).
“How about you smile for the last one, huh?” You poke his cheek and he blows raspberries. He pouts a bit and he mumbles a soft ‘no.’ You make a hand motion for him to bend down toward you. You hear the video voice over count down from three. Before he could even blink, Kyotani feels something soft press against the right side of his cheek. He lets out a small gasp in surprise when the flash goes off and the printer of the booth spits out the film. Your lips stay there on his cheek for a little while longer before you remove them from his face. Your eyes notice the small curve of your usually rough boyfriend’s lips paired with a strawberry ice blush color the high points of his cheek.
“You looked cute,” you mention, picking up the strip and glancing over the photos together. The first one is your self-proclaimed favorite one because of the way the both of you seemed like you were “caught making out” in the booth with the way your eyes were wide with surprise. Koytani’s mouth is slightly ajar in shock, but you said he was cute regardless and now he’s still on cloud nine. You hand over the strip to him and before you two step out to enjoy the sunset at the pier, you find your lips being pressed against his unceremoniously softer than before. You understand the rough exterior is a side you find unique about your boyfriend, but in the moments like this, you are reminded of how gentle he can be. His hand cups your cheeks, caressing the smooth flesh with his callloused finger pads, making you chortle when he pulls away.
“Kenta? What was that for?” Your voice was no higher than a whisper.
“You looked cute,” his voice tickles your ear. His nose teases your neck before you feel your own blush decorate the tips of your ears. “C’mon, let’s go home bunny.”
You roll your eyes at the nickname a mischievous glare in in your eyes. Oh he knew how to rile you up, grateful you’d have the next few days off. You allow him to lead you out of the photo booth and walk you back to his place.
Several hours later, when Kyotani is leaving brushing marks on your collar bones, you finally did get to feel his smile before you see it in real time.
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yoshiokx · 2 years
|𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐓 ――   Repost, don’t reblog;     
tagged by: stolen!  tagging: @isolatedfeline, @verreprincesse, @lunaerising, @comunidadx,  @pompedia, @heartwilled and anyone else who’s interested! steal it from me!
full name: yoshioka, airi gender: cisgender female height: 5′6″ age: 16-24+ (verse-dependent)  zodiac: year of the dog / gemini spoken languages: fluent japanese, basic english
hair colour: strawberry-blonde eye colour: icy blue skin tone: fair & warm-toned body type: athletic dominant hand: right posture:  ballet dancer approved scars: tiny cuts on her shins, ankles, and calves from broken monitor glass tattoos: none birthmarks:some small freckle on her shoulders
place of birth: osaka, japan hometown: osaka city, chou ward, japan siblings: none (not counting cousins) parents: Yoshioka, Katsuki; Yoshioka (nee Nishimura) Sumire
occupation: dance instructor & choreographer for idols & stage productions close friends: hirai, misao; hirai, kousuke; hiitachin, kaoru ( @comunidadx​ ); sohma, kyo ( @isolatedfeline ) relationship status: verse dependent / initially single financial status: comfortable / expendable income driver’s license: yes, but rarely uses it criminal record: yes. juvenile criminal record for breaking & entering, property damage, criminal mischief, etc. vices: hypocrisy, self-neglect, spite, tactlessness, and psycho-analysis 
𝐒𝐄𝐗 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 ―― [some information only relevant to 18+ verse(s)]
sexual orientation: demisexual preferred emotional role: submissive/supportive libido: very low turn-ons: trust, emotional intimacy, feelings of security & safety turn-offs: feeling controlled or ridiculed, demeaning language,  love language: physical touch (expressing & experiencing) relationship tendencies: she has the tendency to fret and worry so her partner should anticipate having  to reassure her somewhat frequently (especially in regard to how they’re feeling/if they’re doing okay). but she also appreciates some of the day-to-day aspects the most, like asking her partner how their day was or listening to their stories. she loves cute, innocent pda like matching couple phone cases/keychains and letting her partner use her lap as a pillow! she’s a very invested gf who’s always happy to have her partner around!
character’s theme song: What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club hobbies to pass time: dancing, painting, reading,   mental illnesses: anxiety, depression, C-PTSD  left or right-brained: left phobias: monitoring/being watched/spied on & heights self-confidence level: 90% of the time: lower/not great. 10% of the time: high confidence in her hobbies/passions exclusively. 
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yuusa · 4 years
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝟒
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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐𝟖𝟕𝟐
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝟒:
Yuki tapped on the chalkboard as most of the classroom swooned over his appearance. You stood by his side since you were the vice representative of the class, only a few points behind Yuki. You wanted to yawn as he asked the classroom for suggestions. Tohru waved at you from across the classroom when you both made eye contact, you gave her a small smile to acknowledge her wave.
The other girls in the class were insistent on creating some sort of maid-butler service cafe, to which Yuki had to write down on the board despite his protests. Tohru raised her hand to suggest selling onigiris, causing some of the girls to openly mock her. Your eyebrow twitched and before Yuki could say anything, you crossed your arms across your chest.
“Quit your god damn yapping.” You snarled at them, causing all of them to flinch at your cold voice, “unless you have something other than a Sohma advertisement, you’re better off keeping your mouth shut.”
“S-She has spoken!” While Yuki has his fair of fangirls in the school, you were yet again a close second with the boys. You sighed as Yuki only sweatdropped at the number of boys commenting about you. You almost forgot you even had any sort of followers considering how unlikable you thought you were.
Although you were unsure of how you felt about the behavior of them, you found that they were much more tolerable than the other girls who swooned over Yuki. If you asked the boys what they liked about you, they might just rant about your academic achievements and appearance. But, admiration stops here. Many of them choose to respect your own privacy and dare not to overstep their boundaries, it was a simple crush and nothing more. However, you had to say that you were glad that the boys had more dignity than the fan girls. 
“Selling onigiris would be good, it’s easy to make a variety and eat.” You turned to Yuki, slightly motioning to confirm Tohru’s ideas.
“An Onigiri Battle Royale!” Kyo shouted. “Winner will get the onigiri after a bloody battle.”
“No one will be conducting violence here.” You easily shut him down, causing him to sulk in his chair.
One of your female classmates stood up from her chair, “since we are going with the onigiri idea,” You could even hear the girl’s distaste in her voice, “we’re going to need an advertisement obviously!”
“An advertisement. . . ?” You mumbled, you assumed she is going to beg Yuki into doing something uncomfortable. You wanted to openly frown at her next suggestion but you remained straight-faced. 
“We want Yuki to dress up with this dress we recently bought!”
I knew it! You thought, sweating bullets as you turned to Yuki who was already growing pale. You started to feel extremely bad having the boy next you being forced into gender-opposite clothes. 
“Then, (L/n)-san should wear an apron too!”
“No! She should wear a princely outfit! Look at her cold stare within those (e/c) eyes! So fitting!” Someone argued.
“What if she is also a princess?! Two princesses!” 
“Since they’re both representing our class, they should wear something matching!” The blond-haired student called out. You believe her name was Uotani, she seemed to be quite close to Tohru as they hung out together a lot during school.
“Yuki-kun is already going to wear our dress! We aren’t buying (L/n)-san her own!”
“We’ll pay for it!” The boys whipped out their own wallets and presented it into the air. 
“Everyone vote for (L/n)-san’s outfit then!” Uotani announced. 
Your eyebrows twitched again in annoyance but you sighed. This was possibly the best way to get the most people at your classroom for the festival. You turned to Yuki who was still pale from thinking about the horror which will arrive. 
You mouthed to him if he was okay, to which he responded with a nod and a smile to you. You both would have to suffer for the success of the festival then. You wanted to groan as your classmates bickered.
In the end, it seems as if the boys in the class voted for a princely outfit for you. You covered your face with your hands as you tried to catch your breath at this strange class. You wouldn’t even be able to know what outfit you would be wearing until the day of the festival. How embarrassing. 
“Can we set some guidelines first of all?” You asked, many of the boys nodding as you took the chalk from Yuki’s hands with your bandaged fingers.
“Please nothing revealing and it has to follow the school dress code still. Keep the capes at a decent length, it would be a hazard having other students and myself trip over it.” You quickly wrote on the board your specifications, “I will also specify that I do not like the color red.”
“Furthermore,” you continued to write, “for Sohma-san’s sake, ask permission to take photos of him. Do not harass him during his breaks or force him into certain actions.”
“Question!” A male student raised his hand high into the air, “if the students pay for five onigiris, can we make special requests for photos?!”
They were asking for a lot this year, you sweatdropped, “as long as it’s nothing inappropriate I guess that should be fine. . .” You turned to Yuki for his approval, while he isn’t keen on being used for advertisement, he was still on the same boat as you: you both wanted your classroom festival to succeed.
“Then, five onigiris for a special request picture.” He smiled while the girls continued to squeal in joy.
You sighed before taking out your journal to document this classroom conversation.
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“Oh! (L/n)-san, can you get this table’s orders?” Your coworker called out, holding out a tray and a notebook. “It’s a table for two!” 
You scanned the notebook, seeing that they wanted a variety of drinks and food. One of which was a couples parfait. 
“Yes, right away.” You began to sift through the matcha powder into the warm water and continued to stir with your wooden whisk. 
You begin to notice the ever-growing presence of Yuki in your life, even remembering the way you made tea for him that day. You wondered how easy it was for him to simply slip his way into your life. It must have been a very fateful day. You thought back to your first encounter with him, was it really fate which brought you two together? It seemed so unlikely that the Gods would ever want anything to be within your favor.
As you decorated the parfait with various toppings your coworker, whom you often referred to as Shimada-san, came over to say that she needed you to serve table number 4. You nodded before placing all the cups and food onto the tray before making your way to the table.
You approached the table and gave them a closed smile, “thank you for waiting, here is your order.”
“Oh? So the class rep works here? Cute apron you’re wearing.” You flinched as you snapped your eyes open.
Uotani stared at you with her still wearing the school uniform with Hanajima at the other side of the table. Crap! When did they get here?! You could feel yourself getting nervous as you tried to keep a smile on your face.
“U-Uotani-san, Hanajima-san, it’s nice to see you outside of school.” You nervously responded. “What brings you out here?”
“We heard there was a special edition couples parfait that we had to try.” Hanajima immediately dug into the ice cream with her spoon and started to eat away at it. “It’s very delicious, it has the perfect amount of chocolate to strawberry ratio, and it’s even better with the number of toppings.”
“I’m surprised you even work class rep, most of the students who work usually don’t have a lot of duties for school.” Uotani leaned her head against her propped up hand.
“Is that so? I live alone so I have to work to pay off the rent.” You noticed the way Uotani’s eyes seemingly softened at your reason. You wondered if she too understood the struggle of housing.
“Oh, I see. I also work at a convenience store pretty close by here. Why don’t you sit here and talk with us?”
“A-Ah,” You checked behind the counter to see if Shimada-san was okay with it and it doesn’t seem like there were a lot of customers, “I guess I can stay for a little.”
Hanajima pulled up another chair and you thanked her before sitting down. You neatly folded your skirt to keep a modest appearance. From the corner of your eye, you can see her grin widen even more.
“How long have you been working here for, class rep?” Uotani began to eat the parfait, noting that the strawberries were especially sweet today. “Did you burn yourself or something while working the other day?” She pointed at your hands. 
“A-Ah, yes I did.” You gave her a half-lie, “you can just call me (L/n)-san. I’ve been working here since the start of high school. You’re friends of Tohru-kun aren’t you?”
“Yup,” Uotani reached out to Hanajima to bring her into a side hug, “Tohru is always our best friend.”
“Speaking of Tohru, she told us you also went over to her house. Are you also her friend as well?” Hanajima asked.
“Oh, yes, I guess so. She invited me to dinner a couple of days ago. Tohru-kun is very kind and generous.”
“Right?! She always seems so cheerful and happy it brightens everyone’s moods.” Uotani poked at the ice cream.
“She always had that effect on people,” Hanajima added, “(L/n)-san, we never see you outside of classes even during lunch breaks, do you simply eat alone?” 
Your ears perked up at the sound of your name, “O-Ah. . . Yes. Tohru-kun did ask me to sit with her during lunch but I was afraid I might be intruding.”
Uotani slapped your shoulder playfully while laughing, “you should come! We don’t bite after all. You can always hang out with us and Tohru.”
“I see, I’ll take up that offer next time then.” You responded.
“Did you make these yourself (L/n)-san?” Hanajima pointed at the neatly decorated latte that had a foam cat sitting in the middle.
“Yes, is it to your liking?” You scratched your cheek awkwardly.
“It’s very cute, we always thought you had the best grade in home economics since you often made really nice dishes.” Hanajima complimented, almost finishing the rest of the parfait and beginning to eat at the fluffy pancakes on the side.
You cracked a small smile, “They aren’t that great, thank you for your compliments Hanajima-san.”
“You’re always trying to be so humble and polite (L/n)-san, we’re not even at school.” Uotani started to cut into the pancakes, “you should try to loosen up, here.”
She brought over a cut piece of the fluffy dish up to your face, motioning for you to eat some.
“Is it okay? It’s your food Uotani-san.”
She waved the food around in front of your face, “cmon it’s totally fine! We’re sharing with you anyway!”
Your eyes widened for a bit before you decided to tuck a few strands behind your ear, “then, if you don’t mind.” You leaned forward and carefully took the piece of food without sullying the fork with your germs.
“Oh? You eat pretty politely too.” Hanajima said.
You slowly chewed on the food while nodding in response. “Sorry, was that okay?”
“Maaan~ You class representatives always have pretty faces y'know? Look at Yuki Sohma, the girls go nuts over him.” Uotani dug into another piece of the pancake and continued to chew, “do you both have a secret beauty routine you’re not telling anyone?”
You stifle a chuckle, “not really, I don’t think there's much of a secret to Sohma-san’s beauty, but I do wash my face every hour.”
“Woow, does washing your face make that much of a difference?” Uotani asked.
“Hmm. . . It does keep my face from being constantly oily so maybe.”
“I should try that too then. . .” She mumbled.
Hanajima turned towards you, “are you and Yuki Sohma-san close?”
“N-Not really. We’re just friends.” You tried to brush off the fact that he visited your house yesterday and made an effort to keep a straight face.
Hanajima only nodded in response, “it seems like you guys were close. He stares at you in class a lot.”
E-Eh?! He was staring?! While you kept a straight face in front of Uotani and Hanajima, you were blowing up with steam on the inside. Did I do something embarrassing in class?! Your brain halted to a screeching stop.
“Oh. I see.” You deadpanned. “That is nice.”
“Is that your only reaction. . . ?” Uotani sweatdropped.
“I almost forgot, (L/n)-san, does the rest of the class know you work here?” Hanajima asked.
“N-No,” you diverted your eyes somewhere else, “it would be embarrassing to have them see me in my work uniform.”
“Why not? You’ll get a lot more customers.”
“T-That’s true but. . . I just don’t want my personal life being mixed in with school.” You fidgeted with the hem of your skirt, “the only other people who know are Tohru-kun and some of the Sohmas.”
“Hmm. . . I guess so. You’re already dressing up for the festival, it must be hard having a fan club.” She added.
“They’re all nice people, I’m just a bit glad that mine aren’t as vocal as Sohma-san’s.”
You wanted to sigh at this very moment. It was very tough handling even one person from his fan club, you couldn’t even imagine having most of the school head over heels over you. With that much admiration and idolization, you wondered if Yuki ever felt as if he had to keep up his own public image.
He must have felt lonely.
He always had this distant look in his eyes that were shrouded in what seems to be a facade of a prince. Even when talking to other people, it feels as if he too was forcing himself to make a conversation. He would tightly grasp onto the sleeve of his arm whenever he felt stressed, similarly to your own coping habits. 
“I find that. . .” Uotani and Hanajima’s ears perked up at the sound of your voice, “Sohma-san feels outcasted in a way. . .”
“He doesn’t want to show people the real him.” You mumbled, almost inaudible to the other two.
You stood up from your seat and patted down your skirt. “It seems as if my break is over. It was nice meeting you both.” You bowed down to them before repositioning your seat back to the other table.
Uotani only stared at you with a blank stare before giving you a smile, “alright you busy bee, go back to working~”
Hanajima waved you goodbye as they both continued their own conversations with each other. You looked over your shoulder to see them starting to laugh and joke around while you opened the door to the employee’s room. You sat onto the bench and pulled your knees to your chest, resting your head against them.
“We’re similar, Sohma-san.”
You tightened your fists as your nails dug into your bandaged fingers.
You felt so lonely.
Being surrounded by so many people and yet not a single one of them understood anything about yourself. It was so. . . Difficult. It was difficult communicating your inner frustrations and desires, it was difficult even trying to hold conversations with people like Uotani and Hanajima.
You can’t understand how hard it is to simply talk. To just talk to other people and say the things you truly mean. You don’t understand it at all.
“Why do you keep looking at me? Go away.” She tightened her hands together as she prayed in front of the altar.
“You hate me, don’t you? I can see in your eyes. You want me to suffer. . .” She mumbled. “You’re simply a figment of my precious daughter. . .”
She continued to kneel over the altar, your figure hiding within the dark corner as you watched her offer God another worthless gift. You stared at her with wide eyes, your irises never leaving her figure as you watched her every single movement. She fumbled around with the incense and tried to light the tip up with a small portable lighter. She continued to flick at the object, trying to create a small spark of flame.
“It’s all your fault that God isn’t here.” She said, standing up from her position and walking towards the door, shutting it and locking it from the outside. “You worthless spirit.”
You just wanted to cry.
You gripped onto your clothes as you shut your eyes, feeling the cold, wet sensation dripping down your cheeks as you stifled your whimpers.
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bandsilike · 3 years
carter james
the scientists
fern kinney
louis tomlinson
the beatles
neil young
saint motel
beach weather
plain white t's
frankie cosmos
jimmy eat world
two door cinema club
future kings of nowhere
i️ hate everyone
cat power
snow patrol
moose blood
knuckle puck
lil peep
the killers
the greeting committee
brand new
imitating aeroplanes
vinyl theatre
tord overland knudsen
dan the man
au pairs
silk flowers
the flowers
terraplane sun
jimi hendrix
iron maiden
Rick Springfield
the last ten seconds of life
kapono beamer
vhs dreams
the iveys
destructo disk
joyce manor
imagine dragons
the smashing pumpkins
elliott smith
Andy winter
St. Vincent
another perfect day
appearance of nothing
barren eArth
burden of grief
the chariot
the wombats
arcade fire
yeah yeah yeahs
puff daddy
guided by voices
mayday parade
ted leo and the pharmacists
twenty one pilots
the pack a.d.
bad suns
taylor swift
jethro Tull
saves the day
the cannibals (she knows)
mabi thobejane
the bangles
fine young cannibals
zakk wylde
three berry ice cream
black label society
the menzingers
say anything
touché amoré
Eskimo callboy
luke abbott
a perfect circle
daft punk
nine inch nails
goon moon
of Montreal !!!
Sky Ferreira
kyoto black
fu manchu
Chelsea jade
dope lemon
kurt vile
impending doom
brant bjork
hollow prophet
shadow of intent
the desert sessions
the magic gang
the war on drugs
car seat headrest !!!
King krule
lil dicky
cosmo pyke
droid bishop
jamie t
the avalanches
Douglas !!!
vacant home
Joyce manor
iron chic
powers pleasant
bane's world
Rex Orange County
Gus dapperton
the chats
the greyfind...
aristos xanthus
boy Pablo !!!
zack villere
peach pit !!!!
lucie, too
Luke reed
still corners
craft spells
blonde tongue
no vacation
jakob ogawa
velvet morning
yellow days
sacred oath
the band ice cream
tea Leigh and Luke reed
slumbers !!!
varsity !!!
peter littman
lawrence marable
carson smith
koi child
bob neel
it looks sad. !!!
soccer mommy
surf curse
okey dokey !!!
moon tides
teen suicide !!!
Charles Irwin
dandelion hands !!!
hotel books
free throw
crywank !!!
natureboy !!!
the saxophones
pale honey
Boy Scouts
Richard orofino
dead shoto
joy again
phum viphurit
cigarettes after sex
strawberry alarm clock
real estate
mellow fellow
the marías
switchblade symphony
lost film
Mars water
maxo kream
strawberry milk cult
strawberry switchblade
strawberry girls
strawberry mountain
rob $tone
Day wave
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merriberri · 3 years
tagged by @thecitybee thanks Bee! 🥺💖
rules: answer 30 questions and tag others
1. name/nickname: Meredith, Merri, Mer, etc.
2. gender: cis female
3. star sign: Cancer 🦀
4. height: 5′4”
5. time: 7:28pm
6. birthday: July 15
7. favorite bands: Gojira, Opeth, BABYMETAL, Daft Punk, Young The Giant, Twenty One Pilots, Grouplove, Gorillaz
8. favorite solo artists: Poppy, Carly Rae Jepsen, Joji, mxmtoon, Grimes, Hayley Williams, Billie Eilish, Post Malone, Halsey, Mitski
9. song stuck in your head: well, since I just typed Mitski, it’s Strawberry Blonde lol
10. last movie you watched: Bad Education
11. last show: Adventure Time
12. when did you create this blog: oh my god. Prehistoric times. No just kidding but probably in like, 2011 lmfao
13. what do you post: Fruits Basket, lolita/j-fashion coordinates, pink aesthetic, anime, shitposts, anything and everything tbh
14. last thing googled: “yankee candle colorado” 🤡
15. other blogs: none. I refuse to separate my interests. I’ve never even changed my url before. though back in the day I did have a couple Persona 4 RP blogs lol
17. why you chose your url: at 12 years old I asked my best friend what would sound cute with my real name and we came up with this
18. following: so many people
19. followers: somehow!!!!
20. average hours of sleep: 7-8
21. instruments: I’m classically trained in voice and used to play a little ukulele lolll
22. what are you wearing: My Melody tshirt and Adidas sweats. I’m just kawaii aesthetic kyo sohma
23. dream job: doing my resin art full time. or Jerry Jewell’s personal assistant
24. dream trip: Japan, for many reasons but predominantly so I can have the most euphoric shopping trip of my entire life
25. favorite food: Pizza
26. nationality: American
27. favorite song: this question always makes me explode so I can’t answer it I’m sorry please refer to my favorite artists 🤣
28. last book read: Diary by Chuck Palahniuk for the second time
29. top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: WOW imagine having three of these... um I would say I would love to live in Yasoinaba in Persona 4 lol 😭 after that probably anywhere designed by Clamp because you know your outfit is gonna be wonderful. As for my third, I wouldn’t live there but I’d spend a weekend in Hollywoo in the bojack horseman universe 🤣
30. tagging: @lesbian-kyoru @peonyplums @thewinterose and @lolcatsdeamon13 do it if you want skip it if you don’t! 💖
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sotohruebestie · 3 years
I love Strawberry Blond by Mitski, it’s one of my favorite songs ever since it’s about women of color facing western beauty standards and it is something that is very relatable to me as a black woman.
This is still a Fruits Basket blog though, and if someone here follows on me on twitter (@\sotohruebestie) you might know I say stuff like “Tohru singing Strawberry Blond to Kyo” a lot. So now I’ll associate the lyrics with specific scenes and explain why I think about them specifically when I listen to this song.This can and will sound extremely random but it makes perfect sense to me.
“I love everybody because I love you”
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While Kyo’s love language is obviously physical touch, in Tohru’s case it’s all about words of affirmation and acts of service. In this particular scene from season 3 episode 6 Tohru admits that she wants to break the curse because she doesn’t want that to take Kyo away from her. Obviously the consequences of that would be revolutionary not only for Kyo, but for all of the zodiacs. So her love for Kyo seems to be benefitting others as well (in fact, someone uses it to their advantage but no spoilers...).
“When you stood up, walked away barefoot. And the grass where you lay left a bed in your shape, I looked over it and I ached”
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Tohru and abandonment issues, let’s talk about it. Kyo lied on the grass (came into her life) and created a bed in his shape ( they formed a meaningful relationship), Tohru definitely doesn’t want him to stand up and walk away. The thought of it distresses and pains her, making her act “impulsively”, while her body manifests these feelings that at this point in the story (season 2 episode 17) she’s doesn’t even know she has yet.
“I don’t need the city and I don’t need proof, all I need darling is a life in your shape, I picture it soft and I ache”
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Tue form (episode 24 s1) Tohru just wants to go home with Kyo and keep living with him and share life with him. Kyo really fears hurting her but in her eyes he’s soft and precious, she doesn’t demand anything from him, she doesn’t ask him to be different and doesn’t need that to know that he’s a good person.
“Reach out the car window trying to hold the wind”
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When Tohru decides that she’ll actively engage in trying to break the curse, she’s almost immediately hit by the realisation that it is a very difficult thing to achieve and that she might not succeed. When we’re introduced to the curse breaking matter (season 2 episode 10) it does seem like she’s trying to hold the wind, because we don’t really know that that is possible.
“You tell me you love her, I give you a grin. Oh all I ever wanted was a life in your shape so I follow the white lines, follow the white lines keep my eyes on the road as I ache”
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Kyo doesn’t love anyone but Tohru, and he definitely doesn’t love the curse either but he is very resigned to it. He accepted his fate and his living by that, and he won’t even consider the possibility of that fate changing (season 3 episode 2). This deeply upsets Tohru, who is also used to relying on Kyo (him being the only one who really understands her true feelings) but knows that she can’t put this specific burden on him. So she keeps her eyes on the road, meaning she focuses on pursuing this goal on her own.
“Look at you Strawberry Blond, fields rolling on, I love it when you call my name. Can you hear the bumblebees swarm? Watching your arm, I love it when you look my way”
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I could’ve put any light kyoru scene here but I love this one (season 2 episode 7), because It portrays how Kyo manages to make Tohru feel perfectly. These lyrics are so soft and melancholic at the same time, and it’s the same vibes I’m getting from this scene. They’re talking about Tohru’s mum, which is a touchy and bitter subject, but Kyo really shows that he knows what the right things to say are. He looks at her, he listens to her and he knows her, making for an extremely well written relationship. Also, strawberry blond is kinda similar to Kyo’s hair colour?
The end, I could do the same thing with the same song about Kagura and her relationship with Kyo, but I don’t appreciate her enough to do so. Instead I’ll do this again with both “A Pearl” and “Real Men” (always by Mitski) but the subjects will be Akito and Shigure.
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kyosohmastan · 4 years
Doesnt hajime have orange hair?
I think his hair is more strawberry blonde. A mix between Kyo and Tohru’s color which is really cool! Compared to Kyo’s hair, his is more of a true orange.
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kabura-maru · 4 years
I was wondering how Mitsuri or Kyo would compliment. I’ve got long curly ringlets of strawberry blonde hair just past my low back and my eye shirt between gray,green,blue, and even violet depending on the lighting. I have a petite frame with a relatively hourglass figure, I also use an ambulatory wheelchair in public but I swear to goodness gracious if someone picks me up without my permission or moves my chair without asking a would be so disappointed in humanity.
I did both... well, tried at least:
But... but would you let Mitsu or Kyo decorate your chair, though? They’d probably bicker about it, Kyo wanting to deck it out in flames or something of the like and Mitsuri wanting it to be all pink and cute! And trust me, they’ll probably annihilate people who disrespect your chair or your wishes if you let them, lol. Otherwise it’s not a big thing on their mind, they love you regardless, tho they might love you a teeny bit more if you let them decorate your chair.
As for hair? Kyo loves it when you keep it loose and natural. He often runs his fingers through the curls (if you let him) all the while exclaiming non stop about how soft the strands are or what a beautiful blonde they are.
“So soft! So soft! You should wash my hair the same way sometime!”
Mitsuri? Now she’s gonna want to try all sorts of different hairstyles with you. She absolutely adores the way your hair curls naturally and probably says it all the time. She loves even just brushing out the long strands
“Ahhh it’s just so cute! I wish my hair was as soft and pretty as yours!”
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sincerecaptain · 4 years
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* 𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙴 :  Hikaru Imagawa * 𝙰𝙶𝙴 :  16 - 20 (verse dependent, main verse 16-17) * 𝙷𝙴𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 : 5'9″ - 5′10″ * 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙲𝙸𝙴𝚂 :  human * 𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁 :  male * 𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 : Japanese/British * 𝙱𝙸𝚁𝚃𝙷𝙳𝙰𝚈 :  February 14 * 𝚂𝚄𝙽 𝚂𝙸𝙶𝙽 : Aquarius * 𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴𝙽𝙲𝙴 : His own condo * 𝙼𝙰𝚁𝙸𝚃𝙰𝙻 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚂 : verse/thread dependent (Two main verse ships are Haru and Kyo, and then his fox verse he is with Haru) * 𝙰𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙽𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃 :  Neutral good * 𝙳𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙺 : Tazo Wild Sweet Orange Tea / Other forms of actual good tea * 𝙵𝙾𝙾𝙳 : Katsudon * 𝙳𝙰𝚈 𝙾𝚁 𝙽𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃 :  Night * 𝚂𝙽𝙰𝙲𝙺𝚂 :   White Strawberry candy * 𝙿𝙴𝚃 : Cat * 𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚄𝚁 : Pale/neutral colors or Black * 𝙵𝙻𝙾𝚆𝙴𝚁 :  Sunflower / Buttercup * 𝚂𝙴𝚇𝚄𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 :  Gay * 𝙱𝙾𝙳𝚈 𝚃𝚈𝙿𝙴 :  Athletic/slim * 𝙴𝚈𝙴 𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚁 :  Reddish gold * 𝙷𝙰𝙸𝚁 𝙲𝙾𝙻𝙾𝚁 : Ash blonde
TAGGED BY: @catscourged​
TAGGING: Whoever wants to
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reflectingliight · 3 years
Abt to go to bed but the fact that Tohru takes after her mother almost completely absolutely kills me. Even in the way they handle death of their loved ones. Kyoko completely struggling to let go of Katsuya is similar to Tohru not being able to let go of Kyoko. They decided to live for someone else to keep going. Kyoko lived for Tohru and Tohru lived for Kyo. She takes after her mother in doting on her younger friends like kisa. Gives them cute nicknames and thinks up cute ideas. The only reason anyone says that Tohru and Kyoko aren't similar is because Tohru is a brunette who forced herself to pick up her father's polite manner of speaking and Kyoko is a loud strawberry blonde who will absolutely cut a bitch if tried
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jmkitsune · 7 years
1-100 (because revenge)
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
none, I have foobar and all my music is downloaded
is your room messy or clean?
in the middle, could be cleaner but not a disaster
what color are your eyes?
dark as fuck brown
do you like your name? why?
birthname- no
preferred- yes (hence I don’t like anyone knowing my birthname)
what is your relationship status?
describe your personality in 3 words or less
ambitious, lazy, idealistic
what color hair do you have?
auburn/strawberry blond
(Red hair)
what kind of car do you drive? color?
yeah no- don’t drive
where do you shop?
how would you describe your style?
rolled out of bed and making shit up as I go
favorite social media account
what size bed do you have?
futon so a twin
any siblings?
3 half siblings
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
tony stark’s house
do I need to explain? look at that house, it’s fucking gorgeous 
favorite snapchat filter?
don’t use filters
favorite makeup brand(s)
don’t wear makeup
how many times a week do you shower?
every other day optimally (depression days make it like every two days or so)
favorite tv show?
if we’re talking shows that are still going-
archer, arrow, flash, legends of tomorrow and supergirl, star wars rebels and samurai jack
shoe size?
9 1/2
how tall are you?
sandals or sneakers?
converse or boots
do you go to the gym?
describe your dream date
*shrugs* don’t really have one, never really “did dates” growing up so eh
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
3 bucks
what color socks are you wearing?
how many pillows do you sleep with?
3 on my bed, two aren’t used those
do you have a job? what do you do?
long answer is I write/am independently publishing my first book while writing the second and third, I stream on twitch 5 days a week and edit said streams for YT, as well as clean a warehouse/office building once a week, then there is also the whole doing shit around the house cause yeah I’m domestic more than “work force” type
short answer- I am always doin somethin >.>
how many friends do you have?
when I count in my��“still waking up” mind I think...14-18
whats the worst thing you have ever done?
depends on who you ask?
could be simple as a pun I told or I dunno I tend to think everything I do is the worst
whats your favorite candle scent?
eh I’m not REALLY a scented candle person
3 favorite boy names
don’t really have favorite names
3 favorite girl names
see previous question
favorite actor?
I dunno I like actors/actresses but don’t have favorites
favorite actress?
see previous
who is your celebrity crush?
don’t have one
favorite movie?
star wars or the MCU but more so star wars
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?
the star wars EU (legends and canon)
percy jackson books
grisha trilogy
money or brains?
can’t pick, don’t see how one supersedes the other when both can change a person, so case by case or would simply say “why not both”
do you have a nickname? what is it?
how many times have you been to the hospital?
uhhh not many, maybe like 3 or 4 times
top 10 favorite songs
really depends on the week seeing as I don’t NOT have my music always playing
do you take any medications daily?
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
uhh I think oily? I dunno really this is stuff I never really paid attention enough to for me to understand
what is your biggest fear?
lol XD hahahahhaaha
not being good enough
going from cared for and watching someone get over me/sick of me
not being good enough
sensory deprivation
being a waste of space/time to someone
how many kids do you want?
whats your go to hair style?
rolled out of bed and went with how lazy I am for tying it up or not
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
eh it’s a mediumish sized house
who is your role model?
I couldn’t think of someone
what was the last compliment you received?
in relation to “if we were deities of some form or another” from Adrienne
you would be a super interesting not-god though seriously now that I'm thinking about it (-...-)   You do always tend to see the potential for good in humanity where I often only see the potential for more evil. But I do agree that humanity has a stubborn streak to rival your own - they don't give up and they don't quit and neither do you. I admit to a (slightly grudging) admiration in that regard. There's no wonder Deity!JM would much rather make his way among humans than sit in the clouds and listen to a bunch of powerful privileged beings and their constant bickering 
I took it as a form of compliment...or something
what was the last text you sent?
“good good, was gonna ask if you were/did do that already.”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
I was raised by a Jewish Mom/”christian” step dad so I was the kid in school who had that “secret jew pact” we couldn’t tell the other kids bout Santa
what is your dream car?
not really into cars, being in them gives me panic/anxiety attacks
opinion on smoking?
disgusting habit, wouldn’t ever do it, or date someone who does it
do you go to college?
could have skipped senior year to go...didn’t
what is your dream job?
not needing to work to survive
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
retrofitted clock tower home
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
don’t go to hotels enough to really consider this
do you have freckles?
used to have a LOT not anymore
do you smile for pictures?
I smirk at best
how many pictures do you have on your phone?
like 10, I delete selfies after uploading them and I don’t really get sent anything so
have you ever peed in the woods?
name a guy who hasn’t for one reason or another
do you still watch cartoons?
that’s like 75% all I watch
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Favorite dipping sauce?
what do you wear to bed?
whatever I wore that day
yes that means I sleep in like t shirt and jeans
have you ever won a spelling bee?
nope- never been in one either
what are your hobbies?
 video games
staring blankly at a wall cause I’m unaware of anything else to do?
can you draw?
do you play an instrument?
teaching myself over time (reteaching) guitar and  first time ocarina
what was the last concert you saw?
Papertongues, Neon Trees in Boston
tea or coffee?
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
I live in New England, starbucks is the devil I run on Dunkins
do you want to get married?
I look at it this way- this is like asking “do you wanna be rich” ideally people either “yes or no” but it’s not a simple question, being married means so much it can’t be a “Yes or no”
what is your crush’s first and last initial?
moving on
are you going to change your last name when you get married?
*Shrugs* have no attachment to it BUT all my books will have it in the author name soo who knows
what color looks best on you?
I dunno
do you miss anyone right now?
do you sleep with your door open or closed?
closed and locked
do you believe in ghosts?
you mean memories that linger in dreams/nightmares? sure
the undead? not so much
what is your biggest pet peeve?
I guess people invalidating what I say one minute if they don’t like what I say but then the next saying I’m SOO smart on something they agree with
last person you called`
....that was a LONG time ago, I barely call people
favorite ice cream flavor?
regular oreos or golden oreos?
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
what shirt are you wearing?
my gray monarchy card shirt that I like ALWAYS wear
what is your phone background?
Darth Revan is the normal background
Revan and Meetra Surik is the lockbackground
are you outgoing or shy?
shy as fuck
do you like it when people play with your hair?
only specific people are allowed to
do you like your neighbors?
I don’t go out enough to interact with them
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
when I shower I do >.>
have you ever been high?
have you ever been drunk?
last thing you ate?
uhh last night....so well technically YESTERDAY evening around...6 or 7ish had Denny’s with kyo and eden
favorite lyrics right now
little wonders by rob thomas I guess, probably not a good thing to pick a sad song lol
summer or winter?
uhh love winter aesthetic but hate snow
love summer for being able to have a nice breeze/cool nights but hate humidity
day or night?
im nocturnal as fuck so night
dark, milk, or white chocolate?
milk and white
favorite month?
don’t have one
what is your zodiac sign
Pisces - like I am the walking embodiment of the damn sign at times
who was the last person you cried in front of?
probably Kyo or Eden I think if we’re talking bout crying in front of in person and that was a while ago, like few years, normally people don’t see me cry
so Kate- revenge was made, but it took me like...10-15 minutes to answer so :D could have been worse
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