#storytelling techniques
severussnapemylove · 8 months
Ya know, the Death Eater storyline could have been a great exploration into the processes of radicalisation and how and why different people are drawn into cults or cult like mentalities. Instead we got the one dimensional, lazy storytelling of “Death Eaters are nazis”. As if there’s only ever been one group of villains who thought themselves superior due to their bloodline. The author should take a closer look at her own country’s aristocracy. A golden opportunity of storytelling, social exploration and character analysis was missed here because of overdone plot devices.
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rrcraft-and-lore · 8 days
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mightymur · 21 days
[ISBW] From Patent Memos to Nebula Nods with Wole Talabi
S20 Ep13: In Which Mur Attends Wole Talabi’s Creative Alchemy Transcript   “The primary driver of my sense of success is, ‘do I feel happy with what I’ve done?'” – Wole Talabi Mur chats with Wole Talabi, an engineer turned author (but still engineer). They discuss the Schrodinger’s Cat of publishing, the thrill of rewriting old stories for new audiences, and the joy of challenging the norms of…
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lulullia · 11 months
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Lyphuriaa Progress Report #1
Well, it's been a long while since my last post, because since then I've been in input – or learning – mode and spent my days absorbing information on my favorite topic: storytelling.
Before that, I was really creatively blocked, unable to do anything but stare at the screen trying to get my body to f-ing move and start drawing, writing, or coding – with little success. And so, in the process of searching for stuff to consume and kill time with, I remembered a favorite, huge resource I had already started reading but needed to finish, and that's how I ended up switching to input mode.
Lesson learnt: sometimes, if you're blocked and taking breaks doesn't help, it may just be because you're trying to output when you're really in need of input. That can take the form of inspiration (like browsing Pinterest or going back to a favorite book/movie/game…) but also actual education (like an online course or book, articles and videos on the topic, etc).
And sure enough, as I was expanding my knowledge on storytelling, I couldn't help but go and apply that to my current projects. I'll summarize the progress made on Lyphuriaa (or more like massive problem-fixing), and also share the two amazing resources I've been binging at the end, if you're making stories too!
Bird's eye view on the plot
For the longest time, Lyphuriaa was mostly in my head, and the plot was nothing more than "Lulu's life". That's because I started imagining it when I was a kid, and so it was never properly structured the way a story ought to be. Almost exactly a year ago, I realized the problem and started fixing it, cutting the boring parts, beginning the story at a more exciting point, changing up variables…
The result was already something that felt way more like I'd enjoy reading it myself, more mature and cohesive, but it still very broken structurally. It's only these past few weeks/months that I really started digging deeper and fix the core.
The core being, of course, the three basic components of a story – the Story Goal, the Protagonist (person pursuing the goal), and the Antagonist (person in opposition to the goal being achieved). Yeah, Lyphuriaa was that broken. Let's see how exactly, and then show the current fix.
The problems
The story goal was super fuzzy. I knew it was something along the lines of "taking back Lyphuriaa to rebuild it" but NONE of the characters, or events actually worked towards it. I also had no idea on the actual steps to fulfill it. Something fuzzy like "board airship or ship, fly/sail to the place, remove any stupid goons tryna stop you, plant flag, done! then epilogue showing the place rebuilt!" Plus, I didn't have enough details on the situation on Lyphuriaa (the place), like Why did it get abandoned if its people were literally genocided to take over the land? What's the situation outside Lyphuriaa – do the winners still have their eyes on it, don't care about it anymore, still claim ownership of the land? What about other countries? etc, etc.
The protagonists – Lulu and Vlad – are completely fleshed out as characters, but the problem was within their personal goals and motivations. If I just let them do whatever they wanted, they'd go live on a boat and sail the world, not "take back Lyphuriaa to rebuild it". I just struggled immensely to tie them to the "goal" somehow. That's part of the reason why none of the plot points worked towards the goal – the main characters don't even care about it. At some point I even considered the fact that maybe, they're not meant to tell this story, and that I should change either the goal or the protagonists.
That antagonists, well, they were almost non-existent. They're the least developed element. I just knew there was one group trying to get Lulu to use her unique power to open portals so that they could invade (a plotline that's now scrapped, because I figured a threat coming from inside the world is more interesting than one coming from outside, plus, I want Lulu to be special because of what she does, not what she's born with). And another group, the ones instigating the Lyphurian war, who don't want Lyphuriaa to be rebuilt again. And that's all I knew about the people who are supposed to bring as much conflict to the story as possible. Needless to say, they really did nothing throughout the story, it's as if they only woke up at the end when the cast finally set foot on Lyphuriaa, or something.
The glaring, glaring problem that took me a lot of time to spot, is the absolute lack of conflict. I had a 2k words outline of the story, but it was just about Lulu, Vlad and a few others going on about their life, smoothly. Then there were a few events that really had nothing to do with that, aka the "main plot".
Nothing is connected
I literally have a line saying, "somehow they find her father". Like, is it something that happens randomly (in which case it's lazy), or is it unimportant enough that we don't even need to show how it happens (in which case why keep it at all?), or it's supposed to be part of the plot (in which case why have the protagonists never even show a sign of wanting to do that)…?
"Somehow" is a red flag practically all of the time in storytelling, as it breaks consistency and believability. I know that in the outline, I wrote "somehow" as a shorthand for "this needs to happen and I have no idea how to connect it so I'm leaving it to you, future self :D" but even so it's a symptom of a larger problem underneath.
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Literally the last bullet point of the whole outline: "I almost forgot that the story isn't Vladleen but Lyphuriaa. So I guess here be adventures to take back Lyphuriaa! yay!"
Random fluff adding dead weight
Another easier to fix problem was scenes or entire plotlines that were completely unnecessary to the story. As I said Lyphuriaa exists since my childhood and so, there were a lot of random stuff I added because I thought it was cool and I had no idea how to make a properly structured story, but that I never questioned when overhauling it. It's only when I realized that nothing is set in stone until I say so, and that I'm not bound by these boundaries just because they've been here a long time, sometimes even since the very beginning, that I started cutting stuff and, most importantly, change key parts to make them infinitely more interesting.
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The scrapped plotline. The stuff about a virus, and Lyphurians having a special purpose, is scrapped too. Cutting such a huge part of the story led to literally no consequences, and felt so relieving.
Playing around with key variables
For example, I was under the assumption that Vlad can only come in later in the story and not the beginning, and that the Liance between him and Lulu can only happen waaay later when they start having feelings for each other. But one day I had this idea: what if we start the story at the point of their meeting, and have them be lianced right then and there, maybe even against their will?
And that's how one of the key moments in Lyphuriaa was born, bringing a ton of conflict and interesting situations and characterization with it to the table that could never have happened otherwise. Now both protagonists are on-screen right away (especially since Vlad is the most interesting out of the two at first), the Liance functions like a character arc for both of them because it's a problem they have to overcome, that results in a much more interesting relationship than just lovers, and is also an interesting concept to explore right off the bat that can play a part in hooking the reader, and on and on. All of that just from changing two variables.
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Yeah, I write a lot in my notes. It's helpful to order my thoughts in the present, and leave a trace of the past for when I find it again in the future.
The fixes
This is getting very long, I wonder if you'd prefer if I split posts like these in parts…
The story goal – thanks to some adjustments and lots of inspirations from the resources below, I could finally find a goal that is similar to what I had in mind, but also agrees with the protagonists and antagonists. Even though I'm presenting this as three bullet points, the truth is, it's all interconnected and should be worked on as a whole, not just one at a time. So, now the main goal of Lyphuriaa is, "to (re)build a place where all Lyphurians can call home". It's not only clearer, but also more personal, and ties in perfectly with the theme of the story (finding the people you belong with – whose side you can call home).
The protagonists now have proper motivations and goals that align with the story goal! They became tied to it way more naturally, plus it connects with the theme again and provides conflict: Lulu is a Lyphurian, and because of her species' defining traits simply cannot feel like she belongs amongst Vampires and other people. Even better, she doesn't feel safe. Lyphurian blood is a luxury for Vampires, their horns valued products, and their glowing skin scare people away (especially since most people aren't aware of the existence of Lyphurians; they may be ghosts for all they know). And thus, coupled to something else that is spoilers, she sees Vlad as the perfect opportunity to stand up for her people and make a place where they can feel at home, together (Vlad has money and means). And what better place for this if not their original homeland? (The only issue still left is to tie Vlad into this as well, I already have an idea for this that also ties into the theme of finding home that needs tweaking, but it's spoilers too so I'll leave it at that.)
The antagonists… are still the least developed, but at least now I'm clear on who are the antagonizing groups, and what's their goal so I can build what they'll do on top of that. I still need to go closer and build them as individuals and give them a personal stake. What's certain is that I want them to be smart and unpredictable, playing an intense game of "who is actually one step ahead the other?" with the protagonists. They are active, just as active as their enemy. There are also a couple other surprise major characters that don't fit in either category, but will stir trouble in trying to achieve their own personal goals – aka pushing the story forward.
You can see the difference, now the story is packed with conflict and potential for conflict everywhere. It's starting to take the shape of one intense ride! There are a ton of little tweaks that improve the story overall, here's a few…
Everything is interconnected
Sharp contrast to how it was before, now every event serves a purpose in either the main plot or in major subplots (I took the time to clearly lay out the different plotlines, that's what the very first image is about; each "row" is one plotline). Not only that, but each character has a link to the main plot, or at least thematic relevance.
The side-character I'm most excited about is Ava, Lulu's bestie. It's through her that a lot of Vladleen's relationship is brought out, because these two mostly don't need to actually talk, they can just send brain signals. Ava is the kind of person who has no filter, can't read the room, but can easily spot subtle differences around her. Kinda hard to explain, but she does a good job of getting Vladleen to show themselves to the reader. Plus, she's gonna be the center of a very big choice (aka conflict) both Vlad and Lulu will have to make, you could say the ultimate choice that will show who they truly are, what they care about more than anything else (and thus ties into the theme as well).
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Little preview of this energetic and fun character~
More playing around with variables
As I was reading up on the resources mentioned before, key points of the story kept getting challenged. Long-lost heir to a throne as a plot twist? Check. Heir characterized only by their blood? Check. Mentor who comes take said heir and push them forward themselves instead of letting her walk by herself? Check. Protagonists only acting after antagonist strikes, and never before? Check. Mentor keeping key info secret for no reason? Check.
That's a lot of hidden clichés I was aware of but thought I had added enough uniqueness to them, and I'm glad the articles made me see them in their true form and their bad consequences. So I took all of those and more and switched variables around.
The most important change was a set of tweaks to Lulu and her "heritage". She not only isn't a good fit to be a ruler, but also doesn't want to rule (remember when I said the MCs didn't care about the goal?). I didn't have any specific reason as to why her bloodline was special and why it had to be the ruling one. All of this made her into something I really didn't like: a person defined by what she was born with, not by her actions. She would have never been on this path if she didn't have this blood and powers. I don't know if you can see it but, it all feels like her actions are determined by her blood; she would have always made the same choices even if circumstances were different; she doesn't have free will. And when you know that protagonists' most important role is to make choices… Well.
So the first thing I did was dig into the bloodline's origin, which made me realize that if that's how it originated, then there should be more than one family with the same special characteristics, not just one. Just this change implies so much: the bloodline alone doesn't give you a right to the throne anymore, and Lulu can just rally her people and lead them to the goal, and step down then; Lulu is no longer the only one who can unseal Lyphuriaa, if there are other families, and thus her decision to do so anyway comes from inside her and not outside; imagine the amount of exciting stuff (aka conflict) that can happen with having other bloodline members around!!! and so much more.
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Lulu getting back her agency to do what she wants is the highlight, though. I remember reading/watching a pretty long manga/anime (won't say the name to not spoil) where at the end it's revealed that everything that happened, only happened because a higher entity kept resetting time until they got the course of events that they wanted to see. It truly made the whole thing meaningless, just like "it was all a dream!" endings, it means the characters never earned anything by themselves, they're just puppets; I want to avoid that at all cost.
As much as I'd like to keep writing, I think I've covered the most important parts; this is long enough as it is.
Zeroth draft
Alright, I'm done talking about the plot changes, here's something more concrete: I think I'll participate in Camp NaNo this july to get a "zeroth draft" started.
Basically, that's a draft before the first draft. It's not meant to be the first stage of the final product, but something more meta before it. I have no pressure to make it make sense; I just write with what I currently have and improvise to fill in the gaps. What I actually write can range from detailed description of the action, to one-line scenes such as "here they fight". A barebones text that I can then use to make the actual first draft, later.
This is all because, for the longest time I thought I was a planner, but it turns out I may actually be a pantser, discovering the story as I write it. So I want to put that theory to the test and write like a pantser during Camp NaNo. I really, really want to write this story.
Here's a link to my NaNoWriMo profile, where I set myself a goal of 20k words for this month. I have no idea whether it's big or small, we'll see. (feel free to add me if you write too.)
This post took me a whole day to write, but I had fun summarizing these past months' progress. I also really want to try out animating a scene, and coding a prototype with it, but I'll make a post about that when I have something to show.
If you made it this far, I thank you sincerely. I know that people who enjoy long-form content aren't extinct, but it's getting harder to find them. Reblogging and sharing helps, but a simple like can let me know it's reaching some people at least c:
Storytelling resources
Two big resources that pack a ton of valuable advice and storytelling principles.
Limyaael literary rants – about 400 individual essays, mostly geared towards fantasy. Helped me improve my story in so many ways, and I'm still halfway through it. Start from the beginning, everything is useful.
Filmento – an absolutely incredible channel, each of his videos feel like a university-level lecture on storytelling and sometimes cinematography. The video is separated into clear points, always taking example from a movie, so you can see it in action, and it's super engaging and funny to boot. Most of the stuff applies to stories in general, don't let the word "movie" scare you! See his "Film Perfection" and "Anatomy of a Failure" playlists especially.
Taking notes is a must, if I had read/watched through all of these without taking notes it'd have been a monumental waste of time since I'd have forgotten all of it. Also, it's not enough to take them, if you can't find them later, be it tomorrow or in a year (looking at you, people who take notes in Youtube comments).
My Obsidian vault has close to 1,000 individual notes, and in 99% of the time I can find any note I need in less than 5s, even if I don't remember the note's title, because I have so many different ways to search for it. So find yourself a tool that helps you use your notes, not just create and forget them.
After only a few days of reading/watching, when I came back to my story's beginning that I previously thought was perfectly fine, I could 1) immediately spot problems and 2) immediately know how to fix them. Literally, I'm tempted to say that's all you need to learn storytelling in-depth.
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allnovellas · 11 months
Keeping the Beat: How to Maintain Consistent Pacing in Your Story
In storytelling, pacing is like the heartbeat of your narrative, providing rhythm and timing to your story’s unfolding events. It controls the speed at which your story progresses and influences how engaged your readers are throughout your narrative. However, maintaining consistent pacing can be a challenging task for many writers. This guide will provide insights and practical techniques on how…
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
"What Makes Anime Great and why Hollywood Ruins it" by Corridor Crew
Scene analysis comparison, in terms of storytelling techniques, for Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, and Death Note.
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How to Create Passive Income With Ai-Powered Children’s Storybooks
Create passive income by developing AI-powered children’s storybooks and selling or licensing them online. Monetize through regular sales, subscriptions, or ad revenue.
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The key is to offer unique stories which adapt to the reader’s responses, creating an immersive experience. Utilizing platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or establishing a dedicated app, authors can reach a global audience. As digital media consumption continues to rise, parents and educators seek out innovative educational materials, positioning AI-generated storybooks as a lucrative venture. By establishing a robust online presence and employing strategic digital marketing techniques, you can attract a loyal customer base, ensuring a steady stream of income with minimal ongoing effort.
>> My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS Video FREE Training to START >>
The Rise Of Ai In Publishing
Imagine a world where books come to life with the help of AI. That’s what’s happening in publishing today. AI is changing the game for authors and readers alike. Stories can now be personalized and crafted in ways we never thought possible. This rise of AI is making it easier to create passive income streams, especially in the world of children’s storybooks.
Innovations In Storytelling
AI-powered storytelling introduces a new era in children’s books. Interactive experiences now captivate young minds like never before. Let’s explore this innovative world:
Personalized Endings: AI can create multiple story endings. Kids feel the thrill of unique outcomes each time they read.
Character Customization: Children choose and name characters. This builds a personal connection with the story.
Language Learning: Stories adapt to include new words for language skills. Kids learn while they enjoy a magical reading journey.
Ai’s Role In Content Creation
AI is not just a tool for innovation; it’s now a creator. In the realm of children’s books, AI aids content creation by:
AI FunctionContent Creation ImpactWriting AssistanceAuthors receive help with grammar and story flow. Stories become polished and more engaging.Image GenerationCustom illustrations are crafted at the click of a button, bringing stories to life in vivid colors.Interactive ElementsStories gain puzzles and quizzes. These elements make reading fun and educational for kids.
Identifying Opportunities In Children’s Literature
Exploring the magical realm of children’s literature opens doors to incredible passive income possibilities.
Dive into the world of kids’ stories and discover how leveraging AI can unlock earning potential.
Gaps In The Market
Uncovering hidden niches in children’s books is akin to finding treasure. Look for:
Underserved genres: Seek out themes or topics less common yet in demand.
Age gaps: Find age groups that lack variety in storytelling options.
Cultural diversity: Offer tales that embrace different backgrounds and experiences.
Languages: Tap into the need for stories in multiple languages.
Trends In Children’s Preferences
Keep a finger on the pulse of what captivates young minds:
TrendOpportunityInteractive StoriesCreate engaging experiences with choices that shape the tale.Educational ContentCombine learning and fun to attract parents and educators.PersonalizationDevelop stories that can be customized to each child.Augmented RealityIncorporate AR to bring narratives to life in a new dimension.
By identifying these opportunities and capitalizing on them with AI, creators can craft stories that not only enchant but also generate passive income.
>> My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS Video FREE Training to START >>
Building The Foundation For Your Ai Storybook
Welcome aspiring authors to the exciting journey of bringing stories to life through the power of Artificial Intelligence. Crafting an AI-powered children’s storybook is an adventure in itself, one that begins with laying a solid groundwork. This foundation is crucial for creating a passive income source that entertains, educates, and inspires young minds. Let’s start with the basics and build our way up to a magical AI storybook!
Choosing A Theme
First things first, selecting a theme is like picking a destination for your storybook adventure. The theme serves as the backbone of your AI tale, guiding the plot, setting, and characters. For a children’s storybook, consider themes that are enchanting, educational, and relatable to young readers.
Adventure in Outer Space
Secrets of the Enchanted Forest
Life Lessons at Summer Camp
These are just a few ideas to get the creative gears turning. Think about what captivates the imagination of children and embark on a theme that unlocks a world of possibilities.
Crafting A Diverse Character Cast
Next up, we create a cast of characters as vibrant and diverse as the world around us. Each character should bring their own flavor to the story, promoting inclusivity and representation.
CharacterRoleUnique TraitZara the BraveHeroineLoves to solve puzzlesLeo the InventorSidekickInvents cool gadgetsMr. WhiskersMentorWise talking cat
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Credit: m.youtube.com
Leveraging Ai For Personalized Stories
Leveraging AI for Personalized Stories is a game-changer in the world of children’s books. Such technology allows for unique narratives tailored to each reader. Imagine storybooks that address your child by name and incorporate their interests. This is not just a dream anymore; AI makes it possible for every story to be as unique as the child reading it. Engage young readers like never before with tales crafted specifically for them.
Customization Tools
Create magic with AI-powered storybooks using advanced customization tools. Start by selecting story themes and characters. Build an imaginative world with options that mirror your child’s world. Choose a protagonist with the same name or similar traits. Decide on settings familiar to the child or fantastically exotic. With AI, each book morphs into a private universe where every plot twist feels designed just for them.
Choose protagonist names
Select favorite themes
Personalize character traits
Custom environments
Interactive Experience Creation
Beyond names and traits, enrich your stories with interactive experience creation. AI integrates puzzles and educational challenges relevant to the story. Children interact directly with the tale, making choices that influence the outcome. An endless combination of options means no two adventures are the same. Kids stay hooked. Learning becomes fun. They grow through play and storytelling.
Integrate interactive puzzles
Include educational activities
Offer choices that affect the story
Provide a variety of outcomes
AI-powered storybooks offer personalized and interactive experiences like never before. They captivate young minds, making reading an adventure uniquely theirs. Customization tools and interactive experiences empower kids to be the heroes of their own stories.
>> My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS Video FREE Training to START >>
Monetization Models For Ai Storybooks
Exploring the ‘Monetization Models for AI Storybooks’ reveals effective ways to turn smart, AI-crafted tales into streams of passive income.
Subscription Services
Subscription services offer readers a treasure of stories. They pay regularly to access new AI storybooks. This creates a dependable income for creators. Here’s how to shine with subscriptions:
Set clear plans: Offer monthly, quarterly, or yearly options.
Provide perks: Subscribers love exclusive content or features.
Keep content fresh: Release new books consistently to keep kids excited.
With the right books, children will eagerly await each update. This model builds a loyal audience. Loyal readers are assets.
One-time Purchases
One-time purchases are simple. Parents buy a book and own it forever. Here’s why this model works well:
Easy to understand: Pay once, enjoy forever.
No commitment: Perfect for those hesitant to subscribe.
Sample your service: Lets families try your stories without pressure.
Creating combinations of popular stories can lead to special edition sales. Bundles attract purchases. Kids love collections!
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Credit: clydedz.medium.com
Marketing Strategies For Success
Embarking on the journey to create passive income with AI-powered children’s storybooks requires savvy marketing strategies. These strategies are vital for success, turning a great product into a commercial hit. Let’s explore how to capture the hearts and imaginations of both parents and children for your AI storybook adventure.
Social Media Promotion
Make waves online with social media promotion! Showcase your storybooks where parents and children spend time scrolling: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Vibrant images and engaging snippets from your books will spark curiosity. Here are some social media tips:
Create captivating visuals: Post colorful and immersive book scenes.
Interact with followers: Respond swiftly to comments and messages.
Use hashtags strategically: Help your content reach a wider audience.
Run contests and giveaways: Engage users and spread the word.
Share testimonials and reviews: Build trust with real-life feedback.
Partnering With Educational Institutions
Forge powerful alliances with schools and learning centers. This partnership can give your AI-powered storybooks a stamp of educational approval. Here’s how:
Pitch to educators: Show how your storybooks can aid learning.
Offer samples: Let the quality speak for itself.
Propose co-branded events: Fun reading sessions or book fairs.
Provide discounts: Encourage bulk purchases for classrooms.
Seek endorsements: Earn recommendations from teachers and librarians.
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Credit: www.udemy.com
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
How To Use Ai For Passive Income?
To generate passive income using AI, you can create AI-powered content for blogs, develop smart tools or applications, and trade using AI-driven investment platforms. Always monitor performance to optimize revenue.
Can You Make Passive Income From A Book?
Yes, you can earn passive income from a book by self-publishing or securing a traditional publishing deal, thus receiving royalties from its sales over time.
What Is Passive Income With Ai Storybooks?
Creating passive income with AI storybooks involves leveraging artificial intelligence to generate children’s books that continually produce revenue with minimal ongoing effort.
How Do You Monetize Ai-generated Storybooks?
Monetizing AI-generated storybooks can be done through direct sales, subscription models, or by placing them on platforms that offer royalties or pay-per-read schemes.
Can Ai Create Original Children’s Stories?
Yes, AI can craft original children’s stories by using natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate unique content.
Embarking on the journey of AI-powered children’s storybooks offers a new frontier in passive income. It merges creativity with technology, helping writers tap into a lucrative market. As we’ve explored, the right tools and strategies can turn a simple idea into a steady revenue stream.
Let’s transform storytelling and financial growth together by embracing this innovative approach.
>> My Best Recommended & Proven Way to Make $100 Daily — Watch THIS Video FREE Training to START >>
Thanks for reading my article on “How to Create Passive Income With Ai-Powered Children’s Storybooks”, hope it will help!
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This article Contain may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : How to Create Passive Income With Ai-Powered Children’s Storybooks
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joncronshawauthor · 2 months
🧟‍♂️ New Episodes, DJ History & Zombieland Rewatch | Author Diary, March 15, 2024 #amwriting 📚🎥
📝 “Punks Versus Zombies” Updates: This week has been productive with the addition of two new episodes to the “Punks Versus Zombies” series. Each episode brings its own set of intriguing challenges and exciting developments in this thrilling zombie narrative. 📚 Reading & Inspiration: Reading: My current read is “Last Night a DJ Saved My Life,” an engaging exploration of the history of DJing. It…
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lnk-and-lnspiration · 3 months
Crafting Effective Plot Twists: Surprising and Delighting Your Readers
As authors, one of our biggest goals is to keep readers engaged and eager to turn the pages. We spend countless hours outlining and developing characters, carefully crafting dialogue and vivid descriptions, all in an effort to create a gripping story that will captivate our audience. But there’s one element that can truly take a story from good to great – the plot twist. A well-executed plot…
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ancientroyalblood · 6 months
Building Believable Relationships: Writing Convincing Romances
Romantic relationships are a cornerstone of many narratives, and crafting them convincingly is an art that requires nuance, depth, and emotional resonance. This exploration delves into the intricacies of creating authentic and compelling romances that resonate with readers. Understanding Authentic Relationships: Start by discussing the hallmarks of real-life relationships—trust, compatibility,…
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gabinalearningcenter · 8 months
As toddlers explore their world, their cognitive development takes center stage. One of the most effective ways to enhance their cognitive abilities is through storytelling and encouraging imagination. Storytelling goes beyond mere entertainment; it opens up possibilities and nurtures their developing minds. Being providers of childcare in Bowie, Maryland, we at Gabina Learning Center
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rrcraft-and-lore · 1 month
Shakespeare was the pulp writer of his day (mad love here but be honest/real about it).
He put a fucking bear in a scene cuz someone paid him to.
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You've probably seen that post floating around on off about the lit fic/creative writing teacher who poo-poo'd a student's love of Terry Pratchett (one of the greatest to ever play in this sphere) because he was a "pulp" writer.
Well, so was Shakespeare. And that's not a bad thing. But get off your high horse about it. The pulp writers shaped and defined the arts. You wouldn't have noir/detective stories like we do without Raymond Chandler, which means very likely, no urban fantasy in one of the most popular ways - like Dresden Files and all of the similar styles of that. Of course the genre is broader than that. Or cyberpunk in many ways, which is a SF evolution of the noir genre in many ways similar critiques done in a high tech world of corruption in govt/business levels, societal issues that the early noir also tackled and brought up, social inequality, all of that.
Christmas was redefined by a pulp writer, Charles Dickens.
Robert E. Howard was a pulp writer with Conan. How much did that do for Sword and Sorcery. And there are many more.
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mightymur · 23 days
[ISBW] Riding the Revision Rollercoaster
S20 Ep.12: In Which Mur Plans to Turn Hurt Feelings into Finished Drafts Transcript   “I read over the notes and I got mad and I got my feelings hurt.” – Mur (being fussy) I’ve received my edit letter about Infinite Archive, so I’m handling all the emotions that carries with it, which call the revision rollercoaster.  ADHD complicated my perception of time, so figuring out how long it will take…
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open-era · 9 months
Magnetise Your YouTube Channel's Growth
The Hidden Power of Storytelling: Transforming your YouTube channel into an irresistible narrative journey. Elevate your success with captivating storylines that leave viewers spellbound. #YouTubeGrowth #StorytellingMagic #ChannelSuccess #YouTube
In the vast digital landscape of YouTube, where countless creators vie for attention, mastering the art of storytelling can set your channel apart and propel it to new heights. Storytelling holds immense power to captivate and engage audiences, creating lasting connections that translate into loyal subscribers and exponential channel growth. Within the confines of this article, we shall explore…
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allnovellas · 11 months
Descriptive Writing: Breathing Life into Your Words
Descriptive writing is a literary tool that breathes life into your narrative. It paints vivid pictures in the minds of your readers, immerses them in the world you’ve created, and heightens their emotional engagement with your story. Yet, mastering the art of descriptive writing can be a challenging endeavor. This guide aims to demystify the process, equipping you with valuable techniques to…
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stefen-ema · 1 year
The Power of Business Storytelling: Examples of How to Build a Strong Brand Identity and Customer Loyalty
In today's fast-paced business world, storytelling technique has become an essential tool for companies to communicate their brand message and values effectively. Storytelling is not just about sharing stories; it's about creating a connection with your audience by engaging them emotionally, intellectually, and culturally.
The storytelling technique has proven to be an effective way to capture and retain the attention of the audience. By using storytelling in business, companies can convey complex ideas, values, and concepts in a simple and understandable way. A well-told story can be more memorable and impactful than a PowerPoint presentation full of facts and figures.
One example of a company that has successfully used storytelling technique to create a strong brand message is Nike. Nike's "Just Do It" campaign is a classic example of how a brand can use storytelling to motivate its customers. The campaign features stories of real people who overcame obstacles and achieved their goals with the help of Nike products. By telling these stories, Nike created an emotional connection with its customers and conveyed the message that anyone can achieve their dreams with the right attitude and tools.
Another example of a company that has used storytelling technique to create a strong brand identity is Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign is a great example of how a brand can use storytelling to create a sense of community and inclusivity. The campaign features personalized Coke bottles with people's names on them, encouraging customers to share a Coke with someone they care about. By telling stories of people sharing a Coke and creating meaningful connections, Coca-Cola created a positive brand image and increased customer loyalty.
Business storytelling examples are all around us, from the most successful global brands to small local businesses. These examples show us how storytelling can be used to create a strong brand identity, build customer loyalty, and inspire action. By studying these examples, businesses can learn valuable lessons on how to effectively use storytelling to achieve their goals. It's not just about telling a good story; it's about telling a story that resonates with your audience and conveys your brand message and values. With the right business storytelling examples and techniques, businesses can create a connection with their customers that lasts a lifetime.
Storytelling technique is not just limited to big companies with huge marketing budgets. Small businesses can also use storytelling to create a connection with their customers. For example, a small bakery could tell the story of how they started with a family recipe and grew into a successful business. By sharing their story, they create a sense of authenticity and trust with their customers.
In conclusion, storytelling technique is a powerful tool for businesses to communicate their brand message and values. By engaging customers emotionally, intellectually, and culturally, businesses can create a strong brand identity and increase customer loyalty. Whether it's a multinational corporation or a small local business, storytelling can help businesses connect with their customers and achieve their goals.
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