#story wise the update is also neat
angerinc · 2 years
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Finally got time to catch up with the last updated sooo
here's a low quality doodle of WildBerry and some random rants in the tags
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hiveworks · 11 months
Hiveworks Interview with Clover, author of Go Get A Roomie! and Little Tiny Things
June 2023
Go Get A Roomie! is a queer found-family slice-of-life comic that began in 2010, featuring Roomie and her friends as they work through their internal and interpersonal struggles, as well as journeys of self discovery.
This month, Hiveworks is hosting a crowdfunding campaign to print the fourth and final volume of beloved webcomic Go Get A Roomie! by Clover.
We asked author Clover to talk about their experiences with GGAR, webcomics, and staying creative.
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As the creator behind several comic series, what drew you to the webcomic medium?
I first found out that webcomics existed around 2008 and had a few favorites I followed regularly. Being into drawing comics myself, the thought of doing a webcomic creeped into mind slowly but surely. I loved how accessible webcomics were, how easy it seemed to be to start one, how certain webcomic communities were. So I started one :)
Go Get A Roomie! started in 2010. The world has changed a lot since then! What was it like to post queer content online then and now?
There are way more queer webcomics now than before! Go Get a Roomie! probably partly owes its success to the fact that there weren't too many queer ongoing webcomics back then.
Readers demanded more queer content, more specific to their needs. Now there's more choice. If you don't like a queer webcomic, you can find another one without any hassle!
How has the landscape of posting webcomics online generally changed for you? Has your audience changed?
Posting for three different webcomics means discovering what it's like to have a different audience for each, though some webcomics are similar enough that the audience remains largely the same. Generally though, I've had very positive experiences with most of my audience! They've been caring, and understanding enough that I've never felt rushed, or judged for taking time off when needed.
Go Get A Roomie! has concluded and you're now onto your newest slice-of-life work, Little Tiny Things, which updates Tuesdays and Thursdays. How do you stay motivated with posting your comics regularly?
I do it because I love doing it! Not that it's always easy to maintain the same schedule, but I like knowing that the story advances at a "fast" enough pace. I want readers to discover more of what I want to show them!
In addition to LTT and GGAR, you are also the creator of Headless Bliss, a surreal comic that bends towards horror. It's very different from your slice-of-life work. How does Headless Bliss fit into your creative process and identity as an artist?
Go Get a Roomie! had a few surreal elements when a character dreamed, or told stories, and I had a lot of fun with those moments because it was so different from the slice-of-life, 4-paneled, jokes I wrote for GGAR. It meant I could explore more, narration-wise and tool-wise. But it wasn't enough, I had ideas for another story that was way more psychedelic, because I've always loved those kinds of stories too (comics like Sandman have inspired me a lot), and so Headless Bliss was born. I loved having two comics of two different vibes to jump from one to the other.
Go Get A Roomie! has been successfully crowdfunded into three books, with the fourth and final volume currently underway. What do you think are the benefits of transforming webcomics to print? What are the challenges?
Webcomics online are neat because they're accessible for so many people, for free! But having them on print means more people can enjoy them, and I'm one of those who prefer reading on print than on screen. Crowdfundings are a great way to make a little more money from your hard work, but they're also a challenge because of all the extra work that needs to be done! Preparing the book, the rewards, sure, but also managing everything else surrounding the printing and the shipping of the materials promised, and on time too! Thankfully, having Hiveworks as a partner in crime means being able to share some of all that work, it's an immense help!
Outside of comics, what do you do to refuel your inspiration?
I try to not work too much! Give myself time to do something else, to go outside, breathe a little, you know? All that is told within stories has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is you living things.
Any advice for comic artists who find themselves stuck in a rut?
Take a break and try not to feel too guilty about it. It's okay not to be at your best all the time!
What is something you're looking forward to?
Right at this moment, settling down in my new home, to be able to work once more on comics in a nice and welcoming environment. Once that's done, I'd like to try out the more "traditional" path to publishing and start a new comic for a publishing house! While still continuing webcomics because I love doing it :)
Go Get A Roomie! Book 4 crowdfunding campaign is hosted by Hiveworks. The campaign concludes June 16, 2023, at 12pm ET.
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*sigh* 2003 turtles should’ve made a radio station
Did anyone see that one video of Raph and Mikey doing a podcast and answering questions? How neat would it be if they just… had a radio station??
Imagine, right, Mikey reads scary stories and he and Donnie are writing an episodic murder mystery story. Leo does mini-lessons in Japanese language and culture. Raph blasts absolutely banger music and gives updates on any new happenings New Yorkers should watch out for - ongoing gang wars, aliens on the loose, but also charity events outside of Oroku Saki’s work because. Fuck Oroku Saki lol
Whenever they get into trouble and can’t get to their radio station or are too busy fighting something, the few New Yorkers that listen to them worry, and as they worry, they talk, and so ironically anytime the station goes quiet, the awareness of it spreads. The turtles keep coming back to new listeners, and they make more stories, more little lessons, they share little censored bits of their life. Mikey does in-depth analysis of superhero comics and shows like Star Trek, and very often reminds his listeners to Be Fuckin Weird!!! Be you be fun be interesting, your interests and hobbies are so cool I promise you, your outfit is banger and your hair is stylish and you deserve to feel confident in yourselves!!
Donatello shares hacks to make putting together machines easier for yourself, especially encouraging women to not feel intimidated or ridiculed by men for never being taught stuff like car mechanics — once you know where to start and what things look like, it’s easy enough! He researches reliable resources both online and offline, and occasionally rambles about new breakthroughs and what they mean in the bigger scope of all things science.
Leo has little episodes about exploring the soul - learning to understand yourself, meditating on who you are and want to be, but also how to cope with dangerous or traumatizing situations (shoutout to the Ancient One). Lots of queer folk lightheartedly agree that they would come out to him without hesitance because he “would be so so nice about it I bet.”
Raph starts setting up interviews, at first with the humans he knows - the kind Mrs. Morrison, talking about the horribly unfair housing policies making her life harder, the Professor, to humanize the homeless, but then he gets a little braver and starts interviewing nonhumans that live in the city — Leatherhead first, and then Sydney and the other people from the Underground City. A stray Utrom that settled down here and opted to stay when their peers left for home. Professor Honeycutt, when he visits - that interview sort of cements that he’s not making these people up, because, well. Everyone had seen and heard the fugitoid during the invasion. He interviews superheroes, both those that work during the day, and those that work during the night (and yes, he does interview the Turtle Titan). He invites the Battle Nexus Daimyo for a visit. But the interview most beloved by the listeners… is one Raphael conducts with his dad.
They never mention they’re mutants, but I wonder how many people feel something click in their minds when Raph starts the interview by going “so. Just you and four kids, practically homeless, hiding in the shadows. How did you manage, those first few years when we were really little?” And they talk about being a single dad who was “barely an adult” (read: still learning himself how to be a mutant) and all the folks out there who maybe had to deal with having kids too early or at a time where they couldn’t properly take care of them as much as they wanted to, they all lean in, because this man sounds like he’s about sixty now - surely he’ll have some wise words of advice? And he does, Splinter talks about having to learn what kids are even like, never having had interacted with that many people in general before, he often had to guess at what was a serious ailment and what was simply a byproduct of childhood and later puberty, he talks about how visiting his few friends (the Ancient One, and the Daimyo) helped him remember that he’s not all alone to do this, he talks about how what worked for one of his sons didn’t work for the other three and how a parent should always remain flexible and open minded and accepting of change, as change is natural to life and inevitable especially during the early years. And they talk and talk and I bet a bunch of New Yorkers go “wait a minute.. four guys that live on the streets with a dad they occasionally call a ‘master,’ one of them constantly talks about machinery, they all speak fluent Japanese… could these possibly be the fucked up little guys that saved my ass that one time? Could this be the guy I punched that one time cuz I freaked out?’
Like. Just consider it okay. A turtle radio station.
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Hello there!
a little "about me" post
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I'm a very long-winded person and when I like doing something, I like doing A LOT of it. I recently moved to Tumblr full-time after being stuck with 200-symbol posts on Twitter (ugh), so I'm using the full power of this blogging platform. I'm concerned about the AI, so it's all switched off on all my blogs. I hope Tumblr will wise up and survive, because I love it here so far 💛
I have a lot of fandoms, I like pretty art, I write and muse about stuff - it's all a huge mess if I put it one place. So that's why I decided to split my obsessions into several neat piles, so people could have an easier time decining whether to follow, ignore or block my stuff according to their preferences.
Here are my blogs which you're free to explore and follow as you like:
» ur-friendly-nbhd-cardassian
The main blog where I shout into nothingness. But where I also post lots of Star Trek, mainly about Cardassians (bc I love them). I do not do Garashir, tho, look for that particular bit elsewhere (not bc I don't ship them, but bc I'm severely overfed to the point of having an allergic rection). My focus Cardassian is Damar, followed by Dukat. I'm super open to reblogging your OCs, though. My other favorite fandoms you might come across on this blog (which I don't post enough about to make a separate blog): Mass Effect, Discworld, Tolkien, Detroit: Become Human, Apex Legends, Marvel/DC, Hunger Games. I also ramble, post about writing in general, reblog some fitting memes and pets/animals, share my own photography, reblog art etc.
» pixie-in-a-moonlantern
The initiated already know: Baldur's Gate 3 brainrot blog. I post my OC screenshots, maybe some stories, perhaps one day I will even finish a fic (started one, didn't finish). My all-time favorites are: Halsin, Gale, Rolan, Emperor. I do not have any VP tools, so my screens are only lightly edited to be prettier, and that's it. I do not draw or paint (tho I so want to). It's mainly reblogs and discussions so far, with my screenshots sprinkled in between.
» shaved-wampa
Diehard fans surely got the joke: Star Wars brainrot, and that goes for every conceivable piece of the fandom, even the bits you might not agree with - I don't discriminate. My all-time favorites are: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bode Akuna. Yes, just the two, because I also have a huge pile of characters I love, but don't really focus on: Padmé, Ahsoka, Ventress, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Din Djarin, lil Grogu, Cody, infinite number of other Clones, ... soooo many. My top two are just the guys I actually write about. Bode is getting his fic right now, Obi-Wan's is on hold.
» cyber-vianne-77
As the name suggests, this is my Cyberpunk 2077 blog. I used to do a lot of virtual photography in that one - and yes, this time I mean real VP, though still no paid tools, just vanilla and free mods. I love Goro Takemura and ship my fem V with him heavily - wrote a dope fanfiction about them, too. I reblog other cp77 vp (especially of Goro) and fanart. I don't currently play the game or shoot photos, but I have a large collection I plan to drizzle over the next few months, until I maybe decide to go back to cp77 for a while again and finally play Phantom Liberty that's been waiting for me for a long time now xD.
» goodness-all-around
My "assorted dopeness" reblogs. I love pretty pictures and I love supporting artists in my own small way, so it'll be reblogs of general beautiful things I can't stuff into my other blogs, and reblogs of commission offers. Perhaps even some theory and discussion if I happen to like any.
I will update the list if I happen to change things or add/remove blogs. Thanks for your attention and see you in the activity notifs! 💛
Bits of trivia: I'm Czech, cis woman (bi & poly and, frankly, hyper), 32, in a relationship, mom to a 5yo boy, a writer struggling to finish and publish her first original novel, drowning her sorrows in fanfic instead :). I got to most of my fandoms quite late in life, because where I live this info only started to properly flow in with the coming of the internet. I'm usually a casual fan, though when I hit a gold vein I can get a bit obsessed. I love writing fanfiction, which is mostly why I'm here on this site. I self-insert a lot (therapy writing) and usually ship us, with the rare occasion of finding a couple where I can identify with one of them (or mold them to my image because I like or even fancy them). I've spent my life believing I was hetero and discovered I'm not only once I (finally) was in a hetero relationship and had a kid, so... my ships are also hetero. It's a habit, not hating, I don't discredit any gay ships (maybe quietly to myself when they don't make any sense to me character-wise, lol). My AO3 account: XindiChick I usually try to write even the most niche of my ships in a way that doesn't require much knowledge of the original, so you're welcome to browse and read to your heart's content if you happen to like my style. I welcome any interactions, especially comments, because I don't get many.
I think it's something everyone should always be aware of, but I've also seen many people ignoring this unsaid rule:
- lest they get blocked. I'm not here to argue with you about why I like certain characters and why you think I shouldn't. Go simp for your own top picks on your own blogs and leave me alone. Same goes for any of my personal trivia I shared.
DISCLAIMER: My blogs are a safe space for everyone who doesn't go around hating on everyone else. I will block assholes of every shape, color, faith, gender, orientation etc. indiscriminantly, just as I will happily interact with good people of any kind. Idc what your deal is, I just wanna enjoy being on this platform, so if you plan to rain on it, don't expect me to indulge you.
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Icons by: @rpschtuff
By the way, a fun fact known only to people aware of my main fanfic novel, The Casualty, the Cardassian in my username was actually born Bajoran, but raised Cardassian, which is why she's a Cardassian in heart and spirit. She's your friendly reminder that not all Cardies are the same and as a nation have the capacity to be much better than how they were presented in the DS9, which is what she's trying to achieve.
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multifandom-onigiri · 8 months
Breakdown of thoughts before the Golden Cheese Update drops
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Too lazy to screenshot every character but interesting cast we have here to begin with (Gingerbrave + Wizard + Adventurer + Black Raisin + unnamed cookie that’s probably an archaeologist/historian)
I feel like Black Raisin has to be an intentional choice beyond birds (both her own crows and the cheese birds) but maybe I’m overhyping myself
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Crew enters a pyramid goes through some mines and falls into the depths after losing their footing and this is the meat of what I’m really excited about because 1) woah this is much more futuristic than what I was expecting 2) highly likely it’s virtual???
I think what’s the giveaway for me is the previous photo because we can see that there doesn’t seem to be any outside natural lighting like a sun or a moon. All of the lighting is coming from the city itself.
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I think the pyramid structure in the third image is the city Gingerbrave and co end up warping into especially since the rectangular structures on top of it could match the skyscrapers that we see. This moment also shows us the person who’s in charge of looking after the virtual city tech wise, which is interesting because they are also in the simulation too. Meaning we technically have two versions of them right now. The person sitting in the chair
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And the person in the throne room alongside Golden Cheese and the other guy that I think is based off Horus?
I think this might also apply to Golden Cheese where we see her in this virtual city but most likely in the real world, she’s probably in the sarcophagus we see in the beginning of the trailer.
I don’t know how to segueway into this mostly because I have no idea what this means for the story because I’m not too knowledgeable on Egyptian mythology but I basically agree with what some people have guessed about some of the characters representing Egyptian deities. So I’ll just throw this here
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Honestly, I think the contrast between the actual real world Golden Cheese pyramid being what you’d expect (ancient, probably desolate) and the virtual Golden Cheese Kingdom where it has so many futuristic elements and it’s bright and bustling and so full of life is such a neat concept already especially in terms of what that might mean for Golden Cheese’s character??? Im actually really hopeful and excited about it I can’t wait for next week
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stvles · 1 month
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just finished chapter 5. overall the game is... okay? i'm not gonna say i haven't had any fun, but it is lacking, and it's definitely not polished. aside from just feeling very rushed, the cutscenes tend to end very abruptly, sometimes cutting off audio. i've also experienced major problems with audio being out of sync/cutscenes lagging, especially during the 2d scenes, on both pc and switch. there are also a lot of spelling/grammar mistakes in the english subtitles, which just feels extremely lazy.
design wise... i'm probably in the minority here, but i love the design of the town and a lot of the maps. it's really cool to walk around the houses/shops and the wilderness, the lighting effects are actually very pretty, and i really don't mind the boys' 3d models, if only for nostalgia's sake. however, the adult characters are especially rough, and some of the npc and idle/taunt animations are very choppy. i do like the enemy kids' costumes, though, and the power/effect animations are pretty neat, if not horribly confusing at first. it definitely takes a minute to get used to, which applies to most of the gameplay.
gameplay overall is kind of iffy. some powers when used in combination with others (all randomized) are bullshit extremely OP, which... fits with the story, i guess? but it makes it extremely annoying at times. i didn't like the card system at first, but i've gotten used to it. what i really hate is having to start a chapter over from the beginning, regardless of how close i get to the end, when i'm unable to be revived. it makes a lot of the game very tedious in the end, and though the ai players are usually good about staying by my side, i do lose them enough to get really frustrated.
all of that said, i haven't played with other players, and i haven't bought any dlc, so i don't know what those aspects of the game are like, or if they make the more frustrating elements better or worse. i also have to remind myself that we're meant to get more updates in the future, if they keep up with the idea to bring in content from the show as it airs. i guess the biggest disappointment is (as most of the reviews say) that it doesn't feel like south park. it lacks its usual bite and humor, and the story overall is very anticlimactic; most of it just doesn't feel like matt and trey, and i have to wonder if this is the story they wanted to tell/the game they wanted to make. it's missing all the drama and shock value of sot/fbw, as well as the character interactions i was hoping to see. they really had me thinking we'd get to see king stan's epic and angsty betrayal of high elf kyle...
anyway. i think i primarily enjoy the aesthetics of the town and the music, which is actually just fantastic. playing it also just kind of takes me back to my childhood. too bad there's not a turkey level for that ultimate hit of nostalgia lmao
but you can pet the cats. 10/10
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dokidokidemons · 2 months
My typical way of experiencing... well, everything, if we're honest... is to avoid having any expectations. It's something I learned how to do, and I stick to it pretty well. While it was originally mostly a bulwark against a chaotic childhood making my lil autistic ass have to figure out how to do without any sort of routine, the most profound effect it has these days is drastically increasing my enjoyment of media.
The only time I find myself disappointed with something, in that sense, is when they do something that it literally would have been better to have done nothing at all. Solmare has managed to do this a few times.
And YET. Here I am. I think so much about Obey Me that I can't help but speculate, and I've gone and got my hopes up because I've realized that there are some really fucking cool things they could do. I'm feverish, so this might get long... gunna put it under a cut.
So. I started playing the OG Obey Me about a year and a half ago. The fourth season either came out right as I started, or was already out. I never was really effected by the wait time for the next season drop, and the limbo that left fans in, so I get that my perspective is different than most.
But my perspective is this: they had a cool story with some neat concepts, both story-wise meta game stuff, but the game play was so ass it could barely be called game play, the balancing is insane (I've scraped through the main story using countless glow sticks but most of the extra lessons are still beyond me will full teams of lvl 100+ cards), and they'd written themselves into several corners they didn't know how to get out of.
Then they released Nightbringer. It has it's issues, sure, but as a game? I enjoy it about 1000% more than OG. The story is one of being thrown back in time and trying to find your way home, which we managed last chapter. On April 13th, the game will have been out one year. I think that's when they'll drop the next season but...
It would be so wildly cool if they also merged the games. The MC's just returned to the timeline from OG, supposedly, though hadn't Solomon suggested that... y'know, everyone had noticed you disappearing? OG is at it's end of life. It's pretty clear they're going to shut it down at some point. I want, so so so badly, for 4/13 to hit, a massive update to be available, and the entirety of OG's story line to have been ported to NB. I want the accounts to merge together. I want to have all my cards and I want there to be a new Nightmare chapter with all the old cards from OG and I want the plot moving forward to be a mess of scrambled timeline shit, trying to figure out who NB is, and stress. From a game dev perspective, they have the chance to do something so so wildly awesome and I KNOW they won't. I KNOW I'm going to be disappointed. But FUCK it'd be cool...
I have so many ideas on how it could be done... and I'm well aware it'd probably piss a lot of people off still, but people are pissed off anyways. I think it'd make more people happy than it did angry.
And I know some people don't like Ruri-tunes but like... at least it's a game. I'm no huge fan of rhythm games tbh. I honestly hated them before Ruri-tunes, but I disliked the dance battles so much that I've started liking rhythm games more just because it was suck an upgrade imo
Anyways. That's the end of my rant. I want them to do meta shit that ties into their story basically. Thank you for coming to Mal's fever talk.
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quick-drawn · 9 months
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so BARS is a pretty interesting character — in my head at least.
canon wise, we know very little about her, other than she's an omnic sniper within the deadlock gang, as seen in the reunion short. knowing this and hearing a voiceline or two referencing her over the years, i created a base for her and ran with it. consider anything else you read here to be headcanons and only pertain to my portrayal of cassidy / bars. these ideas will also tie heavily into this headcanon post. these ideas will also be a little sporadic and may not make any sense at all, i never promised a good hc post.
an omnic of few words — a founding member and right hand to colton's gang leader father, she was an ever present body at the ranch. she was respected by all and maintained high ranking throughout her entire time with the gang. intuition as sharp as her aim, she'd protect his father and the others as if they were family — seeing as she didn't have anyone else, maybe they were. nobody really knew the full story of bars, her true purpose or where she came from, but everyone knew better than to ask.
she remembers the day colton was born. and she remembers it so vividly because it was the day the boy's mother had her promise to protect him. over all else. his father included. she agreed and became a constant in colton's life from that point forward. she'd teach him firearm safety and how to shoot at an extremely young age — FIVE, "and-a-half" she'd remind his mother after giving her a near heart attack the day she found out, but bars would insist that she had everything under control, and later pointing out that he won't always have others to look after him. that even an omnic won't be around forever. that this is something good, something he should be prepared for.
they'd continue their lessons over the course of several years, colton forming a close brother / sister-like bond with the omnic. they grew attached at the hip ( maybe a bit reluctantly on bars' part ), colton always following her around during farm duties, hunting her down when he found a new game to play, or the second he'd run into any sort of problem, she was the first to know — including the night his father was killed.
bars was the only member notified — the one entrusted with getting rid of the body and scrubbing the house of all evidence. she kept the rest of the gang off his back for as long as she could, and sent him and his mother away to texas once the allegations began.
it didn't take long for the leaderless group to disperse, bars choosing to keep her distance to ensure safe keeping of the two. until receiving a phone call from colton's mother — about the trouble her son's been walking himself into as of late. how she's not sure exactly what he's up to, but she's sure it's no good.
upon her arrival to texas and swift interrogation with the teen, she finds the beginning foundation of the deadlock rebels — to no one's surprise. serving her promise to keep him safe, but at the same time knowing she can't make decisions for him, she joins the ranks of the reconstructed group.
during the overwatch raid, bars had the opportunity to keep colton from being captured, or at least aid in his escape. but she chose not to. to continue to uphold her promise to his late mother.
while his fate in the hands of overwatch were unknown, she did know his fate should he continue down the deadlock road. she's seen it before, with the ranch, with his father —
she'd watch him go, but stayed with the rebels under ashe's command, keeping a close eye on her as emotions flared once the assumption was made that he willingly joined overwatch over rejoining the gang. the two kept in touch over the years, bars updating colton on the gang's whereabouts and up-to's in an attempt to avoid potentially deadly conflict. so, needless to say, she was very surprised to see him show up to the train raid on route 66 —
anyway, neat little fact: in my modern verse, when jesse's ran out of the gang, bars goes with him. she runs the kitchen at the bar and can cook up a pretty mean burger.
she also reminds him on a daily bases that she does not care for the name he chose for the bar — :))
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blastedking · 1 year
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State of the Kingdom - 27.05.2023
I actually managed to finish "The Court Wizard" - didn't think I would but that's how this usually goes. I say "there is no way I get this finished in time" publicly and then my brain goes  into stubborn "but what if I did?" Mode. And here we are. Some 50k words of Zargothrax mischief. 
The Covers are all sketched out, but there are 23 of them and only 5 are outlined yet. Since the story itself still needs some edits for sure that checks out time wise. So nothing today, probably next week too since I won't be around much next week in the first place (some minor hospital stuff)
Will try for the 10th of June to start uploading this one. 
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I pushed out a major update to the side last month, including:
Addition of all Gloryhammer / ULF pictures uploaded so far (aka. Like 250 pictures uploaded which drove me near insane by monotony despite writing a dedicated mass upload function for it) - now only the Story Covers are missing.
Updates to the look and feel of the gallery
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Major additions to the Wiki, including a now extra page for all Characters. I added a lot already, not all of them have info yet, but they grab all the relevant pictures from the gallery and display them for each character which I think is pretty neat! 
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Also added files for some other things like the Hammer and the Planets Hatir and Tyr!
Major overhaul of the Theshvo Page - now ordered with sense. Disclaimer; I have no clue about grammar. I barely know what word is what kind of word on the best of days xD
The last of the more random art is getting out now, after that there is a whole set of ones I'm really happy with. Seemed like I had an episode there xD One RttKoF art thing too is queued for the release week of the album!
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ansu-gurleht · 7 months
so for me personally i only really care about wow for world content and story which means the zones are kind of the most important part for me? so i wanted to talk a bit about the zones in dragonflight. in the order you visit them:
the waking shores: gives me wod and bfa vibes tbh. i quite like it! it's not my fave zone but it's cool, the spires everywhere are annoying when you first visit on your first character but once you get all the dragonriding tokens and talents it's pretty cool. cool vibes overall
ohn'ahran plains: LOVE this zone. really grew on me more and more as i explored/quested. the flat/slightly hilly layout of it reminds me of the barrens tbh, when was the last time we had a cool zone like that? wod nagrand maybe? nagrand vibes as well minus the floating islands. LOVE the centaur as a race and culture, they're really neat. their faction armor pieces are also dope. love this place
azure span: when was the last time we had a proper "snow" zone? frostfire in wod? there were some snowy areas in kul'tiras in bfa, and some in highmountain in legion iirc, but not a full-fledged snow ZONE. i love snow zones, bc i was addicted to dun morogh as a kid. azure span has more northrend vibes than dun morogh tbh but it's still nice. love the tuskarr as well, and the emphasis on fishing for them. only gripe with this zone really is the way the elevation works? like there's a huge drop in elevation as you travel east-to-west. it's a pain when you're flying east, especially before you get all your dragonriding talents. other than that, and some collision issues with trees completely killing your speed, it's a really great zone!
thaldraszus: kind of boring tbh, which is sad, it's cool in theory. big mountainous zone with floating islands and a vague autumnal color scheme, what's not to love? there's just not a lot going on here, unfortunately. you barely spend any time here in the main quest. there's some side quests to do here and there but most of the zone's questing takes place at that hourglass bronze dragonflight place. which was a cool questline i'm ngl but still, the overall zone felt really underdeveloped quest-wise. valdrakken is nice, has everything you'd need out of a capitol city. very easy to fly around on your dragon as well.
forbidden reach: it's a cool starting zone, fun to fly around in. don't have much to say about this one tbh. it's cool.
zaralek caverns: have not explored this one much yet. working on it. might update this post later after i've played in it more.
the emerald dream: not out yet! might also update after it's released and i've had a chance to play in it.
overall: i really like the dragon isles! it's all connected, unlike shadowlands, the disjointedness of which was really disappointing tbh, and the dragon isles being back on azeroth and as a result less cosmic in nature is refreshing, even though the shadowlands concepts were really cool!
i do have a small gripe with the overall progression of the dragon isles, though, and that's that you get flying almost immediately. i always liked the period at the beginning of an expansion before flying was unlocked where you just had your ground mount and you had to really explore the land itself. but i understand that dragonriding was a big selling point of this expansion and so it had to be introduced early. it doesn't take TOO much out of the exploration, but i feel like there are a lot of place my feet have never touched because i just fly over them.
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doublegoblin · 1 year
Hello hello!
 So I’m a little late on making an intro post but better late than never I would hope!
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: I was born in the 90s
A little about me:
I’m newer to both the writing and tumblr side of the internet. Long story short I took up writing as a hobby when I was going through a rough spot in life and was between jobs. I was feeling the need to be creative and I had always been interested in short stories and stuff. So I just started writing in a google doc with my first WIP. Which was a good outlet and really helped through the rougher times. Now I have really latched onto it as a nice hobby. When I get time and also have the craving to write. I don’t have any aspirations of fame or greatness; I just really like writing stories and figured I should pester somebody other than my partner with them. So here we are!
Favorite color is red (more skewed towards crimson or scarlet)
I play MTG (Commander/EDH mostly).
Reading has always been a chore for me so I tend to listen to a lot more things than read, which is nice because my job lets us have headphones. I mostly listen to long format videos ranging from video essays to lore discussions.
All in all, like my profile says I’m just a little guy looking to have some fun. Also I may occasionally come back to this and update things when new things happen or I figure out how to talk about myself more lol.
Chapters for WIP and One Off stuff will can be found on the Desktop view of the profile or as an embedded hyperlink in the title of the WIP under the Read More tab. Recently figured out how to do this so give it time to be up to date lol.
More edited chapters can be found on my WattPad
What you can expect to find on this blog: 
Style wise most of my stuff could be called horror or horror adjacent. When I write I'm more writing to fit a vibe rather than to fit it into a genre ya feel? That vibe is usually spooky in some flavor though so here we are.
Rituals and Red Tape(Tag is RART): My first WIP. Slice of life/horror story told from the first person perspective of Alex, manager of the auditing department. Set in a dream like world crafted by an enigmatic group of outer beings known as The Board. Their main duties are to stop problems before they happen that break the rules of reality, or, fix the problems if they are too late. When I've described the story to people I've been told it is kinda Douglas Adams like but with a Lovecraftian varnish. *Update* Please know that the stuff I post is the first draft, please feel free to comment in...the comments any questions or suggestions that could be of help during the editing process.
Content warnings for this story (I'll try my best to include everything that will/may show up in changing degrees): Body horror, loss of identity, ego death, unsettling imagery, language, drug and alchohol use, manipulation, worker exploitation, uncomfortable situations, power discrepancy.
Abnormal Analytics(Tag is CavernCC): Found footage/document style story. Very heavily inspired by things like the SCP foundation and minorly inspired by content surrounding what is known as the 411 phenomenon (never read or watched the movie but have watched things tangentially related and just found the concept neat). This story, or rather each "case", is experienced via the messages and emails between members of some kind of research organization. While these is no main POV character it can be assumed that most of this information is viewed through a single terminal.
Other Fandom related stuff or things I like.
Closing words:
I guess I’m excited to just kind of vibe on here. Sorry if a lot of this stuff is kind of vague. I’m not trying to be mysterious or enigmatic, I just don’t know how to talk about myself lol. So if you have questions I am more than happy to answer them…when I have time. As I’m also still newer to writing I’m open to advice! 
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dogtoling · 1 year
Hi! First, I want to say that your art is beautiful! And, that I also think your splatoon hcs and theories about the game and how it may work are amazing. There's just something so neat about them that I can't quite describe, but it probably is the fact that they make a lot of sense canon-wise.
And, well, second: I wanted to ask if it's okay if I use some of the hcs and theories that you have made as a base for a fic I'm writing (that I'll probably just update once a century...). I'll credit you, ofc! Just wanted to know if it's okay, because I'm planning to use a lot of hcs and theories for the story.
Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy them (and I try to make sure they stay mostly canon-aligning). And yes of course it is okay to use my hcs and theories, goes for anybody. I'd love to see them be used around, especially in fics, since I can't drag myself out to write on my own lol. It would be so cool!
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max-nexus · 9 months
First Analysis Previous Analysis Next Analysis Tumblr Destroying this post count: 1
Alright, Well lets get to the point here, I wouldn't be making this analysis if it weren't for page 2099 as it has some genuine meat on its bones there. But there's still a bit to talk about.
KGTAC Page 2095
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Wait, why couldn't Fred use one of his TWO (2) LEGS. It's interesting characterization especially with
KGTAC Page 2096
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This page where his most reasonable solution was to eat the Fritos and close the container with his right hand. It's neat characterization especially with the fact he didn't think of trying to clean it, not even the classic lick your fingers and wipe the saliva on your pants trick. It really comes off as he doesn't try to keep himself nice and neat.
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GO TO THE DAMN BATHROOM YOU FILTHY PIG. Oh, and there used to be more doors here in this hallway.
Home-Skillet Page 32
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And I just realized that the circle turns green after he chooses his PHOTOCHAT Color in Home-Skillet... Neat!
KGTAC Page 2099
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Now we've got some actual analysis here. To assist i will list each thing with its own unique image.
Home-Skillet Page 32
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The room has been completely redesigned to look more "roomy" i guess. We now have TWO (2) windows showing the outside. Although oddly enough no door?
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In this image, we get a nice closeup, sadly it doesn't show anything big, though at least we know there is nothing of importance in the Display cases. Just some plates. SKETCH OF WHAT THE PORCH MIGHT LOOK LIKE
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We also can't see much outside, it looks like the front yard oddly enough, Maybe we're looking at a porch. This would explain why the glass goes down to the floor, although i don't see any handles. It could just be windows but that makes literally no sense but meh, I don't have the house layout, and we haven't seen enough to be able to construct one, the only thing supporting the idea that its just a window is the fact Fred's room has a really big window (with no curtains, Jesus, someone could just peek in).
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We see a portrait of a man interestingly enough, maybe a Grandpa? Though we'd need a closer look. This is the best reconstruction i could make, It took multiple guesses, The one on the right is traced on a 10x resolution version of the photo, We'd need a slightly closer view if we want to see who this guy is. He kinda looks like a moai head.
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Under the TV appears to be something computer like, maybe a DVD player? it would explain whats on the other side of this cubby as cases of DVDs, although this is a bit early for someone who is implied to be behind the times tech wise (DVDs just started being massed produced in 1996, and 2 years after this story starts 1/4 American households had a DVD according to Wikipedia).
We can also see from our perspective a literal Easter egg. One that's actually decently hidden unlike in the original H-S.
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Under the Fax Machine (Right side, under the portrait of a disgusting pig-like being.) is a Yellow Book of notable size.
On the table with the Fax Machine are some orange notes. Maybe DubiousCrustacean from the original H-S? since his color was orange. It's possible they're pestering him via Fax since he doesn't have a computer. (Wow that so stupid, I love it) There is also another paper but we can't figure anything about it at the current moment.
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Behind the farthest right Couch Cushion is another Easter egg of the literal variety.
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On the couch there's a literal black thing… I can't tell what it is at all. It a black thing with a dot in it. Maybe a remote in the couch cushions. There's also a bowl of something with napkins next to it (or papers). I guess it might be a candy bowl?
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In the left side there are TWO (2) EXITS. you can barely see one of them, just like the edge of it. I point it out in the image with a black arrow. I just barely noticed it myself.
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And finally, WHATS IN DE BOXX!!!?!?!?
Conclusion: Well this is the end of this update's analysis. We got some good mileage with that last page. So much to talk about and think of. Like whats with that old man? is Fred getting pestered by his friends over fax. Who knows, if anyone else has any ideas. I'd like to hear em. also i had to keep resisting the temptation to mark everything of importance in CAPITAL LETTERS. like this is Homestuck ACT 1.
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crazed-reviews · 2 years
Review: "Vesperia" Fashion Doll from Playmates Toys
So, I'm currently down with a torn ligament in my foot, so I bought Vesperia to play around with while I heal. She arrived today, and I decided to review her!
Vesperia was first teased in January of 2022 on the Zag Store's Instagram story, and was officially announced the next month, in the February issue of the Toy Book. She released in March in Europe, and in the U.S. on August 1st.
I was pretty impressed by this, since Vesperia debuted in the episode "Queen Banana", which aired on May 28th, 2021, so she was designed and released less than a year after her introduction into the show. I will say though, I find it quite amusing that her U.S. release was after the season 4 finale of Miraculous aired, where... well, I won't give it away, but if you've seen the finale, I bet you'll get what what I'm talking about.
Onto the doll!
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Vesperia has the new package design I briefly mentioned in my post about the U.S. Bunnyx. The package has the rainbow pattern that's been all over the season 4 merchandise, and the updated Miraculous logo, with a yin-yang symbol as the 'o' instead of a ladybug pattern.
The back, instead of the standard back that all of the previous dolls had, the new package design is specific to each character, with an image of the character on the left, and information on the right, including their civilian name, superhero name, Miraculous, Kwami, superpower, and transformation phrase, as well as a short blurb about the character. I like this in theory, but both Vesperia and Lucky Charm Ladybug's have some wrong information on them, which I'll get into in another post.
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Right out of the box, Vesperia comes holding her spinning top, and with her Bee Miraculous next to her. Unfortunately, unlike Queen Bee, she does not come with her Kwami, Pollen. I suppose if you have both, they'd have to share. I do wish she came with her, though.
I also found a little catalogue pamphlet tucked into the box next to her feet! I love when toy companies do this. It's neat to look through, especially many years down the line when all of the items are no longer available, it's cool seeing what had been available at the time. I believe Vesperia, Lucky Charm Ladybug and her scooter, Talk and Sparkle Ladybug, and the movie dolls come with it. I may do another post just about the catalogue.
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Like all of the Playmates Miraculous hero dolls, Vesperia has a one-piece suit with separate shoes. I think it's pretty accurate to Vesperia's suit in the series, except she doesn't have the gold stripe down the front or the gold 'V' at the top. Lucky Charm Ladybug has a similar issue, where she doesn't have the zipper-like black stripe down the front with the ladybug charm at the top. While it looks odd on Ladybug's simplistic suit, Vesperia's suit has enough going on with it that it looks fine without it.
Her hands are also bare, but I've come to get used to it with the Playmates dolls.
Design-wise, I find it quite interesting how Vesperia looks more like a wasp than a bee, especially considering she has the bee Miraculous. At first, I thought it was just me, until I read the Playmates description for her, which calls her "waspish" and that her suit is wasp themed.
She has 15 points of articulation, with movement at her:
Double-jointed elbows
Wrists (which only swivel)
Double jointed knees
Her neck can only move side to side, which seems to only be an issue with this initial wave of U.S. Vesperia dolls, it isn't supposed to be so limited. I also find my particular doll seems to be on the looser side. She isn't loose, she can still hold a pose, and isn't floppy, but isn't super tight, either.
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I really like Vesperia's face! I think she bares a great resemblance to her character in the show, even down to the orangy shade of her lips!
Vesperia has blue eyes, orangy peach lips, and and a large black and yellow mask.
My particular doll has a few imperfections in her paint, but it doesn't bother me too much.
She has blonde and black hair tied back into a braid, with two sections of her bangs sticking out, and two blonde sections twisted back. Unfortunately, my Vesperia's bangs are cut pretty short, and slightly choppily.
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Here's the back of her hair. It's actually super soft! I haven't had any other Miraculous dolls with hair this soft! The only parts of her hair that aren't soft are her bangs, which are gelled, and the cut end of her braid.
She's also *very* bald. Her hair is only rooted around the edges, since it's intended to remain in the braid. Despite being so thinly rooted, she still has a pretty thick braid!
I noticed she has little black pieces of loose hair near her bangs and the end of her hair, where her hair was cut. I guess it's cut after being styled, that's interesting! They dusted off pretty easily.
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And here's her (slightly crooked) Miraculous, the bee comb, in her hair. It isn't actually a comb, it's a clip, which is why the (overexposed) end doesn't actually go in her hair. It kind of looks like it's floating. It's the same mold as Queen Bee's, but is painted differently. I do wish it had the antenna(?) it has in the series, but it looks fine, and does it's job.
I was a bit nervous about clipping it into her hair, not wanting to mess up her hair, but the top of her braid isn't super tight, so I was able to easily get it in. In fact, I think I could actually get it out without messing up her hair as well!
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Her shoes are so cool! Instead of the regular boot mold, Vesperia has a new shoe mold. The ankles go up higher than the regular boots, which I think really helps. My biggest issue with the Playmates shoes is that the doll's ankles are almost always showing. With Vesperia, her ankles are almost always covered?
And do you see that? Her shoes have painted details, and she's a U.S. release!! With the Playmates Miraculous line, many of the dolls have painted details on their shoes when they first release, but they're usually removed for the U.S. release. Vesperia got to keep hers, but I'm unsure for how long she'll keep them. I recommend purchasing her sooner rather than later if the painted shoe details are important to you.
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Lastly, she comes with her spinning top. It doesn't actually spin, but it does have a string with a loop so she can hold it, as well as a hook on the top itself so you can either hook it to her finger, or hook it onto the string's loop so she can wear it around her waist.
Overall, I'm very pleased with Vesperia, and I'd give her a solid A. While she has a few issues, none of them are too glaring to me, and will most likely be fixed with later waves, if they will be an issue for you. I do wish she came with Pollen, but her face and shoes really make up for it. I definitely recommend her!
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lea-andres · 2 years
Hello again 👋☺️ just wanted to know if you’ve seen my latest au updates I made recently
also how many lgbtq 🏳️‍🌈 ships do you have in your fic cause I literally just started reading some of it both today and yesterday especially the part where tumble almost broke his hand punching bark
anyways I hope you’re having a good day 😊😉
I've poked around some, and I'm gonna take more of a look when I'm done cooking dinner. You've got some neat stuff though! ☺️
As for lgbtq ship content in my fic... Really kinda depends on what you're looking for. Since I'm firmly of the opinion there's no such thing as a straight Sonic character (even if there are characters that are convinced they are... *stares long and hard at Fang*), not even the seemingly straight ships could classify as that. But we'll ignore Bark and Jewel and Fang and Mina for now. Here's a round up of all the other ships that will appear, in one form or another, in When the Day Met the Night:
-Whispangle - They've been together for years in this fic. They live together, they get a subplot where they're both planning to propose to each other on the same day, we might get a couple stories about Tangle's childhood as a disaster gay, from both her and from Jewel. We love to see it.
-Espilver - We never see Silver, and they're not together yet, but Espio's crush on the hedgehog gets discussed several times... even by the ninja detective himself later on in the fic... 👀
-SonJet - They're not together, but we find out later Jet has feelings and Amy's trying to help. (She's legitimately trying to help BTW, she's moved on from Sonic, so no sabotage here! Except for maybe self sabotage, because Jet is a disaster. 😂)
-Mightourge - We also, sadly, never see Scourge, but Mighty tells the tale of their love story to Jewel in a later chapter. They, like Whispangle, have also been together for some time. Also, if the tale sounds familiar, it's totally @mightourge 's tale of how they got together. 😂
-Cuorb - We'll only see them for like, a chapter and a half near the VERY END, but we've got gay robots! ☺️
-Shadfinite - IF YOU KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR, THERE'S THE TINIEST HINT OF SHADFINITE LMAO! I bet @bitter-sweet-coffee can find it! (It's in Chapter 5, Izzy! 😂) It's admittedly, a very vague line of dialogue, but we'll see more Shadfinite in my later fics. (This probably doesn't count, I just wanted to set off Izzy LOL)
-Donite (Don the Rooster and Nite the Owl) - We'll see them for a paragraph way later, but those are two gay birbs, you cannot convince me otherwise. They're husbands in this, we'll find out. 🥰
-Misc. OC ships: Rune's (@mightourge ) Sting the Wasp and Tough the Beetle, my Spinella the Spider and Mae the Red Panda... that's all I can think of right now OC wise. I might be missing someone. 🤔
The good news is WtDMtN's the first of a whole series I'm working on, so there will be pay offs to some of these hinted at ships and more ships that will follow in later fics. One hint for a future bit you might take interest in is Bark's cousin Crystal (a very butch jock lesbian, we find out) gets together with Fiona Fox eventually. 👀
I hope you're enjoying the fic! I had fun writing those Rough and Tumble fights. 😂
And I hope you're having a good day too! ☺️
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jchanart · 2 years
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Warning for mush feelings & 💕rambling thank post! @therealshortstackpack a.k.a @teenytinynoni / @pumpkinhead902 & I would like to thank all who stopped by our table @flamecon Saturday & Sunday. It was an absolute treat meeting up with friends in person, people who I haven’t seen in over two years or ones that I would call new friends and we bonded online, but never met until now. We are always blown away by the love, support, and kind words. We take them to heart and carry them with us in hope that we become stronger. 🌈✨🌈✨🌈✨🌈✨🌈✨🌈✨ 🔥Full shop updates will be up sometime this week, you can check my stories for updates as well as some neat swag I got from other cool artists. 🎨Also I have all, but the Sulu mixed media painting, so if anyone is interested in those original portraits feel free to dm about purchasing! I’m thinking price wise, $150 w/ free shipping U.S. only. P.s. flood Noni’s inbox with messages that you want to buy her amazing spoopy goth gf goods online. :) #flamecon #nonbinaryartist #artistalley #queerartist #flamecon2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/ChlRzTpLFOh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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