#still getting a bit confused at turns never played a videogame rpg before
maxwell-grant · 4 months
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Every conversation I have with her listening to her foreboding choir music makes me feel like I'm in a cutscene conversation with the Final Boss, except that conversation never ends, and the Final Boss won everything before I was even born, and it couldn't be bothered to show up so it just sent one of it's teeth after me to make small talk, if only to have me recoil before it's pleasing sharpness. I adore talking to her and it makes me feel sick and hollow. why is this game so horribly addicting.
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The clones and videogames.
So there is a lot here! More under the keep reading cut! :)
·         Fives; He is pretty dam good at them. He has spent far too many hours gaming. On shore leave it’s all he does. Plays video games in his underwear for a minimum of 6 hours a day whilst on shore leave. Please don’t challenge him you will lose. He’s the type of person that has memorised Mortal Kombat finishers, looks at you whilst punching the combo in before smirking and muttering the word “Fatality” and watching the life drain from Echo’s eyes as he realises, Fives has just beaten him for the 40th time today. He’s really good at them, possibly the best in the 501st at any game. Doesn’t matter if it’s a first a person shooter, a fighting or a RPG he’s great at it. He loves Mortal Kombat, it’s his go to game. Rex comments on how he’s confused at how Fives can gracefully and quickly enter a combo but cannot gracefully throw a punch.
·         Echo; He likes video games, wouldn’t say he was into them as much as Fives but he likes them. They keep him occupied and he does like to be kept busy. He isn’t as good as them as Fives but can easily beat Rex and Kix at something like Tekken. He’s really bad at online Shooters like Halo and Call of Duty. He’s good in war but he’s terrible at shooters online. He does like his RPGS, Dragon Quest definitely is his jam.  Sentinel of the starry skies is probably one of his favourite games of all times. It’s old he knows but he could still sit and play it till 3 in the morning. He’s really into Witcher and Skyrim, really long-winded games that have a lot of lore and a lot of story. He’s such a whore for lore and story in games.  Him and Fives can get really competitive. It usually ends with Echo regretting getting competitive as Fives can and will beat him. The one time Echo beat Fives was at Soul Calibur by button mashing and when Fives was playing as Voldo.
·         Hardcase; He loses the spur to carry on playing, his attention span will not let him play a long-winded game, unless the story is really good he’s not invested and will get really bored easily. He’s okay at multiplayer games, but he really isn’t the best. He likes games with colour and excitement that are fast paced. He is a pro at Mario Kart, but only on Rainbow road? Like everyone else is falling off the map but he’s like beating everyone. He’ll only play after a few drinks or when everyone else is playing. He once let go of a pad and it hit Echo in the face. He said he was sorry but he still laughed. Also, he can actually use Voldo on Soul Calibur really well, like everyone is confused but he just seems to be able to use him.
·         Jesse; He sucks at video games but he is a pro at one thing. Trolling. He’s a troll on multiplayer games and online. Once when on Monster Hunter, he shot a health ammo at a Jho and healed it because he thought it would be HILARIOUS. Echo’s eye twitched, Kix wanted to cry and Fives was heard screaming from the living room. He and Hardcase eventually just try to outdo each other on the annoying front. He sucks at them and instead opts to just be a massive pain in the arse. It starts off funny but then just ends up annoying Fives. He’s a camper. He lives to be irritating to make up for his lack of skill.
·         Kix; He never takes a day off from being a medic. This guy is a healer. On something like Overwatch he’s a Mercy main… when he’s on a team of ungratefuls who spam “I need healing” when they don’t or just don’t stay on the Payload and then complain that he didn’t heal them when they were on the other end of the map; he’ll switch to Moira and become a salty piece of shit. He’ll just mutter under his breath “Oh you need healing? Well tough shit should have stopped me from dying last round” SALTY. Echo and Fives always upvote him… not because of skill, but because if they don’t he’ll be even pettier next match.
·         Rex; He says he doesn’t have time and doesn’t like to play them. But secretly he loves playing them. He wouldn’t do it often by himself but with the others he gets really into it. He always aims to get on Five’s team. Why? Because Rex is competitive AF and doesn’t like to lose and Fives happens to be a king. He can’t drive so he sucks at Mario Kart but laughs about it. Usually plays it when a lil drunk so that explains why he’s laughing at losing. He once invited around members of Ghost and the Generals and they all got SLAUGHTERED. They put Hardcase (Who is the worst at it) on Dark souls and played the drinking game of it. Had to stop after 10 minutes. Rex is actually really good at Halo. Fives and he annihilate everyone else in it. Not graceful winners at all. Will rub it in your face.
·         Tup; Yeah, he doesn’t really like Videogames. He does play the Sims though. Why? Because a man needs a hobby, and if he wants to build extravagant houses he knows he’ll deffo not own after the war he can do! He made a house with Torrent in it. Fives was so happy with how his character looked… Tup accidentally killed him by letting him eat from the Jelly Bean tree… so now he’s just a ghost haunting everyone with his presence and keeping everyone awake at night by screaming. He’s still not told Fives and insists he’s away on dates and that’s why he’s not in the house. He’s actually envious his sim just gets to draw all day and gets paid for it. Lucky bastard.
·         Cody; He doesn’t do videogames. Except strategy games, stuff like Command and Conquer. He doesn’t let Kenobi know he plays them. Claims he’s working on strategies… which he sort of is. He’s really good at the Soul series and Bloodborne. Like he’s exceptionally good at them. He dies the least on them out of everybody. Watching him go through the game is like watching Bambi on a minefield. He garners quiet a crowd when playing it. Drinks are promised if he can beat Ornstein and Smough without dying. He tells Rex to make it a double before landing the finishing blow.
·         Wolffe; He hates playing videogames and finds them a waste of time… he’s just saying that because he sucks at them and that’s his cover. He doesn’t like losing and doesn’t want to risk losing to a shiny. He just doesn’t understand the appeal to them. He does play a little bit of a Skyrim though now and again. He totally did the companion quest line first and is totally still a werewolf. When the Wolf pack started playing Pokemon go his face was just a constant unimpressed glare. “Are you taking a photo of me?” “No there’s just a Haunter near you” He has no idea what that is and actually turns to see what’s near him. He just doesn’t understand. In a Games tournament to decide which Battalion is the best and a pointless and waste of time skill, he’d go with Sinker to try and save their pride… Fives is the reigning champion.
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