#still fencing lefty too
aurosoul · 5 months
fencing update: still can’t win against my bf but I scored a point off a successful feint today 🤺 skills are growing again…..
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lovable-liar · 4 months
IDK IF UR STILL LOOKING FOR BASEBALL SCHLATT but as someone who's played softball for years, and who's brother played baseball (meaning i was always dragged out to his games) this is what i can say:
- he's always trying to get you to do something baseball adjacent w him, especially if you don't play it/anything similar!!! for some reason, one of the best dates i had was when i was seeing this guy who played tennis, and he took me to a court so i could try it. i was kind of crap but we laughed so much that istg i fell in love. if you're good he's either trying to play off how impressed he is (or is super vocal abt it, depends on how u see it), and if you're bad he's teasing you with the biggest shit eating grin on his face (he means well, sort of)
- if you go to his games, he will absolutely try to get you to kiss him for good luck. like actually begging you to slip over to the dugout, so he can kiss you through the fence before he goes out on the field or to bat. probably just trying to show off that he's got someone.
- somewhere along those lines are how big his eho gets when you cheer for him. especially if you're super loud (and even if u aren't). like that's his personal cheerleader!!! definitely gloats about it (no one gaf but he doesn't either - he's yapping about it for sure)
- you already know how competitive he is. im pretty sure he mentioned he was first baseman, which is such a core position on the feild. as soon as that ball is hit, you NEED to get it to first before the runner gets there. so much pressure for sure, especially since being under pressure to get it to first always made my throws shitty. and yeah, he's great at his position for sure, but no one can be perfect. definitely seeks your comfort after losing a game, ranting about how the opposing team was so shit, there was no way they could of won (denial), or just about what everyone did wrong (especially if they're "stupid mistakes").
- sometimes (at least when i was younger), even when someone was batting, they'd send the next batter out to practice their swing on the side of the field. schlatt is probably just mostly staring at you, getting you to wave at him just so he can do something stupid like winking at you or blowing you a kiss.
- is he always at practice? probably. does he always ask to see you after? yeah. he wouldn't even care if he's still sweaty, he'll collapse into you like you could hold him up. definitely has almost killed you that way.
- final thoughts: butt. baseball guys have big booties. i don't make the rules, that's just how it is. do with that what you will. ik he's looking way too good in his uniform.
I am currently employing people with good baseball knowledge and the skills to dumb said knowledge down enough so I'll understand, but you didn't hear that from me.
If you're already good at baseball, he feels a little butt hurt.
HE was supposed to teach you how to play!
HE was supposed to be stood behind you to show you how to hold the bat!
HE was supposed to show you which hand to use when pitching!
Not some random P.E. teacher!
But alas, at least you're pretty fuckin' good at it.
He get's so competitive, he almost forgets he's steps away from becoming a professional baseball player and that he should probably (definitely) tone it down a bit.
But, if you're not so good at baseball, he *does* get to teach you all of those things!
And he's reeling about it <3
"You know how to play?"
"No, not really, but I'm willing to learn!"
"Oh, you're willing to learn, are ya? Well! Lemme teach ya."
"So, ya wanna get to one of the stops before I can catch ya out, yeah?"
"Gimme ya hands, I'll show ya how ta hold the bat."
"You a leftie? 'Cos ya gonna wanna be a leftie pitcher. Rightie batters can't see nothin' comin' when ya pitch with ya left. Ya got the advantage."
He loves watching you improve over the course of your three hour long date.
He definitely goes easy on you.
If you have mobility issues (like I do) or if you hate running in general, he probably takes a little longer to retrieve the ball or he'll stumble when catching it so it falls just out of reach so you can walk over to the stops.
But he absolutely loves seeing you get all competitive, running as fast as you can.
He'll probably stay pitching 'cos he knows he'll hit it out the park if he bats.
At his games, he picks out a specific seat that he dubs 'your seat'
Doesn't matter if you're home or away, he's got a specific seat, right in front of the fence next to the dugout, that's entirely yours in his mind.
"Sorry buddy, that seat's taken. No, I know it probably says this is ya seat on the ticket, but the seat's taken! Look, dude, there's plenty of other seats, now, move."
Absolutely begs you for a kiss through the fence.
"Just one? A tiny one? A tiny peck? Just a peck! On the lips? On the cheek? On the nose? Just one tiny peck on the forehead! Toooots, yer killin' me here! You betcha lucky star I'm givin' you the fattest, wettest kiss on that mouth of yours once I get into that dugout."
And he does!
You've got him wiping your saliva off of his mouth before he pitches, just to make even more of a thing about having a partner and how much he loves you.
If you're a super loud cheerer, you've got him BLUSHING
And even if you're not, he's still all bubbly like a school boy with a puppy love crush when he merely thinks about the fact that you painted his colors on your cheeks.
"Yeah, that's my one, right there. Shut the fuck up, they're not loud! They're passionate."
"Yeah, that's my one, right there. The one there! Shut the fuck up, they're shy! They're not bored."
When his team loses a game, he blames it on one of three things.
1. The other team.
"They fuckin' cheated! Multiple times! If I find out that ref has somethin' ta do with them, well, baby, that just fuckin' goes to show how corrupt that team is. Swear to god! Since my pa was playin', he always warned me 'bout 'em."
2. Other players on *his* team.
"Fuckin' fielders don't know what they're doin. 'nd don' even get me STARTED on that fuckin' pitcher! Looked like a newborn deer! Who pitches like that?! 'S slow, and sloppy. Looks bad for the team! I tell ya, I could do so much better than that if Cap gave me one fuckin' chance."
3. Basically anything but him - if the other team played 'fair' in his eyes, and if his team played good too.
"Fuckin' sun was in my eyes."
"I knew today wasn't gonna be ours. The fuckin' wind told me."
"Too goddamn cold. NO IDEA what those motherfuckin' refs were talkin' about 28°F, it was too goddamn cold to be playin' today."
"Ya gotta stop lookin' so cute, toots! Swear. Gonna make ya stop comin' to my games, 'n you know how much I hate it when ya don't come to my games."
"You got me BLISSFULLY IGNORANT, sugar! Ignorant to the fuckin' game goin' on! God..."
When he's practicing?
He's making a show of it
Flexing reaaaaal good
Popping his ass out
Yes, yes I did just write that.
He'll wave at you, wink, blow kisses, pretend to eat you out/suck you off-
You two definitely have a secret handshake
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sunnysheep · 1 year
played around with a stick and puck for the first time ever today!!
so i checked out a new rink (as one does), and the open skate ended up being a few older guys who like to shoot pucks around and stuff. they bring out a net and those cool bumper pass things and some cones and pucks, and so i was like puck!! puck!! puck!! and was kicking around a puck in the corner having the time of my life, and this one guy was like "hey, do you want to try my stick?" and i was like omg yes pls
so then i tried his stick and i was like this is so cool and so he went found me a stick from the lost and founds (wayy too short like it was definitely made for kids) and!! it was amazing!!
dudebro chatted with me about stickhandling and taught me how to pass - so cool!! like i can't say how excited i was!! these men were so friendly and so nice and inclusive and i loved it!! like it was apparently a pretty tightly-knit group without many newcomers and they were so welcoming!
i've been on the fence about trying out playng hockey because it's such a big investment to get all the gear to even try having a puck and stick in hand (all the rinks ive been to require full equipment to even be on the ice with a puck so ive never gotten the chance before). But! now i have gotten a taste of the wonders of hockey!!!
and now a few things i noticed as a complete newbie stickhandler:
it is very hard to even do a crossover while still keeping control of a puck. like you think, "oh i can do crossovers with my eyes closed, this will be easy." No. No it will not. my hand-eye coordination is absolute shit so it was a struggle to do any type of sharp turn without losing the puck entirely despite my pretty decent skating skills
it is also not easy to just kick a puck around. pucks are wild little beasts that just want to go everytery where you are not. my respect and awe of players who use thier skates to bounce the puck onto their stick has increased tenfold
two (2) guys asked me very seriously how i hold the shovel when i shovel snow. do you know how hard it is to visualize your own grip on a snow shovel out of hte blue? i have shoveled snow. i have shoveled snow Recently. and yet i completely blanked like idk man i just shovel it. Anyways, this is apparently a the way you determine if you are a righty or lefty for stickhandling (i think i am a righty but idk)
i did not know that sticks had a curve on the blade.. i mean objectively i knew that different sticks were different but i never made the connection until i was staring at a bunch of sticks up close
you don't have to know jack shit about what you are doing!! i had an absolute blast just shoving pucks around! you won't see me doing any sort of wild puck handling moves (or even skating very fast with a puck lol), BUT you will see me having an absolute blast!!
All in all, it was an amazing experience, and i felt like i needed to document it somewhere bc i am nothing if not a sucker for looking back on first impressions!
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xxblackballoonxx · 2 years
Electric: Chapter 3
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^^^I friggin' love this scene where John grinds the pencil down into a piece of paper (shout out to both Joe and John being fellow lefties) and then having a tantrum. Makes me laugh every time^^^
Modern John Shelby AU
This fic is being posted simultaneously on FanFiction.net and Ao3
Chapter 2 J&Gem Chats 2 J&Gem Chats 3 Chapter 4
Chapter 3: Whiskey
The Shelby siblings sat through a morning of mind numbing meetings at Shelby Company headquarters, listening to Tommy drone on about a liquor license and construction permits.  Arthur was sitting front and center but mentally checked out. Ada looked like she was paying attention, but was really working through her own mental list of to dos.  Finn was half asleep. John was trying to focus on what he needed to do at The Garrison when he got back home, but his mind was really only on Gemma.
The group finally took a break for lunch, and Finn practically ran out of the room, his older siblings laughing, even Tommy cracking a small smile. Tommy's office manager, Lizzie, always had these meeting days catered, and on nice days they would sit on the terrace. John wandered out before anyone else, pulling out his phone to message Gemma.
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He grinned at her reply, and closed his eyes for a moment, leaning back against the wall. He'd only felt like this once before, and it had been the same. From zero to high speed within a matter of days. He knew when something was right and he knew what he wanted. If his life had taught him anything, it was to not wait, to seize the moment.
"John boy! What are you smiling about?" Arthur asked, jokingly.
"Happy as fuck that bloody meeting is over." John replied.
"You said it, brother. Now let's see what Lizzie ordered for lunch this time, I hope she got those sandwiches I like."
John and Arthur walked over to the catering table to inspect the lunch options, Arthur mumbling about the lack of condiment choices. John felt bad about not telling Arthur the real reason behind his smile, but it wasn't the time. Too early for anyone else to know, and too much to tell Gemma before his family got any more involved.
After the final meeting of the day, the Shelby clan headed over to Tommy's place, a large penthouse not far from the offices. It was tradition for the family to have a meal together during these business trips, and usually Tommy and Grace hosted. It was also usually the only time that Tommy relaxed enough to have fun.
Grace greeted each of the Shelbys in her usual way, warm but somehow a level removed. John had long been on the fence about Grace, she balanced out Tommy well, but the two of them were always slightly aloof. Fortunately that hadn't translated to their seven year old son, Charlie, who was running full speed ahead towards John.
"Uncle Johnny! Come look at my new Lego set!" Charlie yelled and dragged John down the hallway towards his bedroom.
John sat on the floor with his nephew, who seemed to have the entire stock of a Lego store scattered across an area rug. Was this even just one set? John had no clue.
"Uncle Johnny?" Charlie asked, focusing intently on building some kind of car.
"Yeah, kid?"
"Can I come visit you sometime?  Mummy and Daddy said it was ok, but that I had to ask you first."
" 'Course you can." John confirmed, gently rubbing Charlie's head.
John suspected that Charlie lived a lonely life sometimes. With no siblings, no neighborhood kids (made harder when you lived in a penthouse), he only had Karl as a close relation. It was very different from how John and his siblings had grown up.
The pair sat in comfortable silence for a while, working on building whatever Lego set this was, John still didn't know.  He had been Charlie's clear favorite practically since birth, and it meant a lot to John, to share that bond. He was close to Karl as well, but Karl lived a more well rounded life. Ada made sure of it.
"Hey kiddo, I think it's supper time. Let's go to the table before we get in trouble, yeah?"
John swung a laughing Charlie up onto his shoulders, and they walked out to the dining area.  Karl and Freddie had just arrived, and the gang was complete, minus Polly and Aberama, who were traveling.
It was just past 10 pm when John arrived back at Ada's. He poured himself a whiskey from the bar cart in the parlor, and then headed up to his room. Normally, he'd have spent the remaining hours before bed sipping his whiskey and reading or watching a series. Not tonight.
"Hi, John." Gemma answered his call, smiling.
"Hey, Ms. Gemma. Just got back to my sister's place. Not too late, I hope?"
"Not at all. I was hoping you would call. How was the rest of your day?"
John filled in Gemma as much as he could, making her laugh when he described the Lego apocalypse of Charlie's bedroom.  Love hearing her laugh, he thought to himself.
"So, where are you taking me to dinner?" Gemma asked casually, but secretly dying to know more about his plans.
"What kind of food have you liked, since being in England?"
"Honestly? I love a good fish and chips and a cider."
"Well, in that case, we could go to one of my favorite pubs, The Yard. Great fish and chips. You ever been?"
"Heard of it, but haven't gotten there yet. Sounds great."
John reclined back on the bed, adjusting the pillows behind him.  He listened to Gemma explain how fish and chips in the US just weren't as good.  He laughed at her impression of the man who owned her local chip shop. He pictured them trying every fish and chips in Birmingham, because she said that was her goal.  He'd do it with her.
As the conversation wound down, there was a silence that appeared, as both John and Gemma sensed the other had something important to say.
"I know we've known each other for like, four days, but I'm in this. One hundred percent." John finally said, quietly, his nervousness dulled by the now empty glass on the side table.
"I feel it, too." Gemma responded back softly.
"Talk tomorrow? Finn and I will be back home tomorrow night."
"Call me when you get in. Be ready for me to eat my weight in fish and chips." Gemma responded, laughing.
"I'll be ready, love. Ready for all of it. Sleep well, darlin'."
"You, too, John. Night."
John hung up and stared at the ceiling for a bit. And for the first time in years, he didn't refill his glass.
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honeyblockm · 3 years
Fencing au time? Fencing au time. (aka the au i think about when I'm zoning out of fencing practice /j)
Starting with Technoblade, because people making him a fencer in their fics is what made me start thinking about this
Also disclaimer the competition systems and everything I mention are US ones because you see. I have never fenced outside of the US except once in Shanghai.
Disclaimer 2: I'm a foil fencer and don't know quite as much about the other disciplines
Techno's a sabreist! Really fucking good, A rated, fences internationally. Fences smart, not necessarily super aggressive. (by like, sabre standards.) Improved really fast once he hit like, 14 and never stopped. I'm putting him on like, his last few years of junior? Definitely can't fence cadet anymore, like 18-19.
Wilbur's his brother, local foilist, I'd say like B rated, could be an A but he's consistently unlucky. He and Techno are both licensed referees but Techno doesn't really do it as much as Wilbur does. He only steals snacks from the refs section for other people on occasion.
Tommy, sabreist, 15-16, Good but not super great but he's getting there! Wildly out of line and unpredictable fencer, just a real delight to face every time. Teams up with Techno to rag on Wilbur for being a foilist.
Ranboo, epeeist. Tall, and a leftie. Good God Why Are His Arms So Long. Afraid to talk to his refs.
Tubbo, epeeist! He does the fleche. He does the counterattack. Short and resents it. Can still beat Ranboo 2/3 times though. He and Ranboo are in the same age range as Tommy.
Niki's a sabreist, terrifying on the strip, gives hugs after crushing her opponents 15 to 5. My notes on this from a previous draft: she takes command of the flow of the bout really quickly so if you don't get your wits about you quick you are kind of just reacting to everything she does.
Phil's like 30-something, fresh from his last Olympics and subsequent retirement. Sabreist, but god help him he picks up epee and foil too because he's like the only coach at his club. Came back to his hometown to kick the fencing club there back to life.
Speaking of, Phil's a great coach but their fencing club still counts as very small, due to being in an area where not a lot of people fence.
There's definitely more characters in this au that I just don't feel like typing out rn including another club with BBH
do feel free to ask me about this au or just olympic fencing in general i'm so down to talk about olympic fencing in general
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gendercraft · 3 years
Outast: Revisited [Chapter Eight: Waylon]
Read on ao3
Synopsis: I’m rewriting Outlast where the first game and Whistleblower are combined, Miles and Waylon are more connected, and also they kiss
Trigger warnings: Sexual assault plus everything already in the game; eye gore; the gore actually gets kinda intense here; let me know if i missed anything
The warm gas spilt over Waylon in the decontamination chamber. His heart raced, his muscles tensed; he was ready to run. The doors were barely open by the time he made it out. 
Manera cut him off as he flew through the labs. Waylon skidded to a stop just in time, the buzzsaw tickling his nose. The saw swung, and Waylon ducked, gasping. Stumbling backwards, he staggered to his feet, and caught the saw just as it came down on his chest. 
Fabric tore, sterile air brushed against his chest. Waylon yanked the saw as hard as he could, and it came free from Manera’s grip, only to hurdle over his head, down towards the decontamination chamber. 
Manera and Waylon stared. Waylon was tense, ready to fight. Manera’s gaze slipped past his, landing on the still buzzing saw. 
Throwing Waylon to the ground, Manera raced towards his weapon. Waylon hit the concrete with an ‘oof’ but immediately stumbled up and sprinted for the door. 
He made it back to the hall and didn’t stop until he reached the chamber with the victim. Heart sinking, he stepped inside. 
The man was dead. Keeping an ear out for the saw, Waylon knelt down and looked closer. It was a security guard. A little bit of weight lifted off Waylon’s shoulders. The security guards had been cause for death even before all this, he couldn’t imagine what this man might have done to patients in the chaos. 
He straightened up and took a second to close his eyes. His mind tried supplying him with thoughts of family, things this man might be leaving behind, but Waylon pushed it away. He wasn’t a man. He was a Murkoff employee. Waylon had better things to be worrying about. 
Like if Miles Upshur would be waiting for him in the prison.
He stepped through the chamber and it led him into the dense gray fog outside, a staircase encased in chainlink. Reloading his battery, he hurried down the stairs. When he arrived on the dirt, he brought his night vision up, only to wince at the brightness. Bringing it down, though, he couldn’t see two feet in front of him. There was no way to cut through the fog. He’d have to be blind. 
“No! NO!” 
A scream. Is it him, the cannibal? Could be pleasure or pain, Waylon wouldn’t guess. Did Manera even know? His voice sounded like… something I wanted while watching the Engine. Its only message was hunger, to crush and consume. 
Waylon whipped around. No one was there. 
“You were mine!” 
Peeking through his camera, he zoomed to the building, one of the upper windows. Manera stood in the frame, face twisted. 
I’m going to try and forget it, Lisa. If I get out of here, I’m going to come back to you. 
He found his way to an open chainlink door, the floor covered in bloody footprints. The trees surrounding him were dead, bare branches arching into the air and poking at his back. Footsteps sounded from every direction, sometimes far away, sometimes close by, and the occasional scream or curse carried in the howling wind. Part of Waylon was curious about what else was going down in the asylum; how many people were trying to escape? How many were succeeding? How many were just venting, killing out their frustrations? The other part of him knew he’d never recover if he found out. 
Two patients ran across his vision, almost entirely obscured by the fog. Waylon held his hands out and got ready to dash but neither of them saw or cared that he was there. He swallowed. There was never any telling who’d attack him in this place. 
A cobble path appeared in the dirt. Waylon followed it to a stone staircase leading to the left and the right. The right was locked, so he headed through the chainlink doorway on the left. It was a small alley between the prison watchtowers and a bricked-in basketball court the patients were supposedly allowed in every now and then. Emphasis on supposedly. 
“Three hundred sixty four…” 
A grunt, a smack. Waylon trailed around the brick until he found a grated door. He zoomed in on his camera, and his stomach lurched. A patient, shooting hoops, with a human head. 
The head looped around the rim and smacked to the ground. Blood dusted the concrete, and the patient strolled over to pick it up like nothing was amiss. 
He’s playing alone and losing. Waylon took a step back. That is what the game is. 
There is a mathematical proof, if you add 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 and so on up to infinity, you can arrive at an answer. If you stop shy of infinity, you have an indescribably large number. If you continue all the way to infinity, you arrive at—1/12. Negative 0.0833333 repeating. I’m losing my grip on things. 
Waylon was thinking about the drive to Mount Massive, 400 miles in a rented truck. The job that showed up just in time to cover their bills, their debts, the insurance. The boys sleeping in the back. Nothing but AM radio. Gospel, Country-Western, late night paranoiac talk radio. They sang Patsy Klein songs and laughed at conspiracies of aliens and ghosts. Mile marker numbers passing in headlights. 
I don’t want to die here. 
There was no way forward, so he backtracked. Out of the previously locked right side of the staircase, a patient came running out holding a pipe. Waylon leapt back but the patient ran right down the stairs and disappeared into the fog. Swallowing, Waylon pushed forward through his abandoned open door. 
The ground was wet. Waylon’s bare feet ached, stung, burned. He’d never felt grosser in his life, covered in sweat and blood and snot. 
He didn’t have time to think about that. Finding a hole in the fence, he dropped himself onto a metal walkway. It clanged as he rushed through. Dropping down to the concrete at ground level, he found a ladder that led him up to the courtyard. 
Mount Massive’s prison courtyard was split up into several very small sections by chainlink. Most of the doors would be locked—a maze. He passed by a few wooden picnic tables and reached a hole in the fence that allowed him into the main pathway. The metal poked and scraped at his sides as he slid through. 
Despite the fog, it was a bit more well-lit here. With all the puddles, it must’ve rained recently, and looked like it was about to again. 
He paused as voices purred from the shadows. 
“I would like to kill him.” 
“As would I.” 
Waylon’s hairs stood on end. Two men, naked, identical, passed by the locked chain door inches from Waylon’s face. They disappeared into the fog. 
They can’t find you. Keep going. 
He kept going. 
He arrived at another small area with a picnic table, surrounded in chain link and brick, only for the two men to enter through a side door. One took the right side, the other took the left. 
They stared. 
Waylon inched towards the door they came in from. 
A smirk curled on Leftie’s mouth. Waylon prepared himself to run, to leap, to dodge, anything, but the twins just stared, grinning, smirking, eyes twinkling. Their machetes glinted in the moonlight. Where the fuck did they get machetes? 
Waylon slipped through the door and slammed it closed behind him. He broke into a sprint, racing through the fenced in main path, stepping on broken glass and twigs and rocks. Slamming a chainlink door open, something flew in front of his face. He yelped and stopped. Glancing back, panting, he frowned. Did they follow him at all? They were nowhere in sight. 
He looked down, and his mouth went dry. Another head. What was with these fucking freaks playing basketball with heads? Could they really find nothing else? 
He zoomed in with his camera. The hoop was full of carnage, dripping body parts, red all over the ground below. A shuffle behind him—he whipped around. The twins were coming. They’d been following after all. 
Stumbling into the court, he dodged the blow from the player, who rasped out, “Shirts and skins or fuck off!” 
The player shoved Waylon towards the exit, a ladder leading up the side of the building. “Spoilsport!” 
“Yeah, my bad,” Waylon gasped. The gate creaked open. The twins stepped inside. Waylon ran for the ladder. It led him up to a watch tower, where he took a moment to lock himself inside. He pulled out one of the wooden chairs and dropped his face in his hands. 
I don’t want to die here. 
Something on the table caught his eye, the words ‘exposed to the Engine.’ Pulling the email closer, Waylon squinted at the paper. 
Subject: re: “Patient” Samul 
 Kurt, we’ve got another one, and I’m not sure you’re gonna be able to check it off as “Psychopathic Proximity Disorder.” 
 Security guard all the way up in the Admin block is our latest non-patient employee to start seeing Wernicke’s fairy tales. He was never directly exposed to the Engine, never even made it below level 1 in the building. It would be an enormous breach of protocol and security if doctors were speaking of the Walrider within hearing of a contracted security guard. And seems vanishingly improbable that he would stumble into such an obscure mythological story on his own. 
 It’s too similar to the Dr. Samul case, or the others before him. It’s one thing for formally sane medical personnel to fall under the delusions of their patients. It’s another thing entirely for those beliefs to be… I don’t know. Airborne. We need to talk in person. 
 Waylon stuffed the paper in his pocket. He had no idea what to make of it. Wernicke… Waylon had heard that name before. Checking through the other documents he’d collected, he found mention of Wernicke’s research. Wernicke was why the Walrider existed. Wernicke created the engine. 
Wernicke was the reason he was trapped here. 
He forced himself to leave the safety of the watchtower to head across the catwalk. A patient ran past him. 
“Shhh! Shut up! Shut up, all of you! We’re not alone down here. It’s just what they want us to think. You’re going to draw it. Shh!” 
We’re not alone down here. 
Waylon swallowed. 
He reached another watchtower and climbed a ladder, bringing him even higher. A patient stood at the railing, looking down, looking very much like he was contemplating. 
“Don’t trust them,” he said with a sigh. 
Waylon brought his camera up. 
“They’ll tell you it’s science but it’s not. They were… waiting for us. In this place. Billy understood. They’ve always been here.” 
He wiped his sweaty palms on his jumpsuit and headed for the nearest door. It let him into a larger building, and down the hall by the flickering light, a few patients ran past. Blood splattered the walls. Waylon passed by a barricaded door cracked open, the shadows on the wall beating another to death. Everywhere he went, patients were running, hiding, killing each other, barricading themselves in doors. 
Waylon finally found his way to the security room, where a dozen screens showed the entire prison block. 
And the radio. 
Waylon broke into a sprint. 
“Leadville 911, what’s your emergency?” 
“Mount Ma—” 
A hand closed over the radio. An elbow slammed into Waylon’s nose, his vision blurring as he choked and fell on his back. Jeremy Blaire smashed a police baton into the radio, once, twice, three times—Waylon had to run. He jumped to his feet and headed for the door, only for the baton to crash into his face and land him back on the floor, staring at the ceiling. 
“Fuck!” He gasped. 
Blaire climbed on top of him and pressed the baton to his neck. “Waylon Park!” He laughed dryly. “You couldn’t just…” A growl built in the back of his throat. “You couldn't just keep your mouth shut. You couldn’t just play along. But you’re done talking now.” 
Waylon’s throat burned. His vision was pulsing, his eyes throbbing. His head was going to explode. 
Something crashed. 
Blaire looked back. 
He climbed off of Waylon, who sucked in a huge, gasping breath, and waved the baton at him. “Do me a favour and die here, Park,” he snapped, then ran from the room. 
Waylon couldn’t get up for a good few minutes. He gasped for breath, holding his throat, his heart racing through his entire body. 
He ended up on all fours, dragging himself to the doorway. He was almost to his feet when a body flew through the once-closed door that led deeper into the asylum. Huffing grunts and snorts sounded down the hall. Waylon pressed himself against the back of a desk, eyes wide. He peeked around the side. 
Chris Walker.
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malewifegrantaire · 3 years
The Birthday Thing
PART TWO: Guess who’s coming to dinner hang out for no apparent reason (as far as Grantaire can tell)?
Combeferre had inadvertently ruined the rest of Grantaire’s week. It wasn’t his fault, of course. He couldn’t be blamed for Grantaire’s Incredibly Bad Brain. But still, “I just know Enjolras and I know he likes you” is a very reckless phrase to pepper into a conversation with someone of Grantaire’s constitution. He could hardly fall asleep that night because the words I know he likes you were clanging too loudly against the bars of the jail cell he called a mind. He didn’t mind too much though. The clanging was because Enjolras liked him, which made all of the noise sound a bit like music.
Grantaire picked out an outfit for the party and laid it out like he was a little kid excited for a school trip. Embarrassed with himself, he threw the entire outfit into his clothing hamper so he wouldn’t have to look at it lying out on his dresser anymore. Which was obviously a mistake, because now the clothes were are wrinkled and they were touching his actually dirty clothes. Which meant now he had to do a half load of laundry on a weekday, which he really didn’t like doing.
As he folded his laundry, Grantaire felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Huh. It was from Combeferre. Odd.
hey, are u free? sorry lol i am bored and wanted to know if u wanna hang out ??
Very odd. Maybe the wrong number? Just to be safe, Grantaire texted back:
grantaire is folding laundry right now, like a responsible adult.
Two texts back:
very interesting use of third person..
i can help if u want! i love 2 fold things
So this was Grantaire’s life. He used to be young and wild, and now he’s the sort of person that makes plans with people who text him sentences like “i love 2 fold things.” He typed his response.
uh, sure? might get boring, but i’ll never say no to an extra set of hands.
About fifteen minutes later, Combeferre was inside of Grantaire’s apartment. “You got here fast.” Grantaire said.
“I was in the neighborhood.”
“Aren’t you always?”
Combeferre took in Grantaire’s apartment, which gave Grantaire such a wave of self-consciousness that he thought he might be sick. It was a fine apartment, kept clean mostly because Grantaire hardly spent any time in it. The ceilings were far too low for Combeferre.
“This is a really nice place.” Combeferre said. “Have you lived here long?”
“Five years, I think.” Grantaire said. “I think the landlord thought I’d have left by now, but, well. I’m still here.”
“Yeah, I mean, it’s nice. Good windows. Not easy to come by.”
Grantaire laughed at that. “Hey, was there something you wanted to talk about? Or are you just here to admire my big beautiful windows?”
Combeferre looked slightly embarrassed. “Uh, the latter, I guess.” he said. “I mean, just what I texted, I was bored, and I guess . . . I don’t know. I guess I thought we could just hang out?”
Now it was Grantaire’s turn to be embarrassed. Of course. Combeferre is the sort of person who’s actually, you know, decent. He was just trying to be nice and Grantaire was accusing him of having an ulterior motive. Way to go. Grantaire cleared his throat. “Well, thanks for coming. Feel free to park wherever. I only did a half load of laundry so I’m finished folding, sorry. I know how much you love to fold.”
“I went through a very intense Marie Kondo phase.” Combeferre grinned. “Let me know if you ever need your closet to be reorganized.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Grantaire said. It was dawning on him that, being more of the roaming type than the nesting type, Grantaire almost never had people over his apartment, and therefore had very little hosting experience. So he did what he always did in situations like this - said what people say in movies and books and all that.
“Can I offer you a beverage of some kind? I’ve got . . . tap water. And orange juice. And maybe beer?”
“I’m alright, thanks.” Combeferre said kindly. Combeferre’s fridge was probably fully stocked with sparkling water in every flavor for guests to sip on, the bastard. He sat down in a little chair by the kitchenette. “What, what is it?” he asked, looking at Grantaire’s expression. “Why are you - what’s funny?”
“Everything is too small for you in here. It’s like shoving a Barbie doll into a Polly Pocket house.” Grantaire said with a laugh. Combeferre tucked his long legs a bit closer to himself.
“Well, Barbie is a good role model, so I’ll take that.”
“I think an averaged sized woman or two might disagree. Anyways, you’ve got impeccable timing.”
“What do you mean?” Combeferre inquired.
“I mean that someone must have wanted us to hang out today. God, the Fates, some non-denominational arbiter of Destiny.” Grantaire was doing that thing he always did where he ended sentences in a way that begged the listener to ask him to explain himself. Why he chose to speak in these irritating circles? We will likely never know. Grantaire sure as hell didn’t.
Combeferre rolled his eyes, but he seemed more amused than annoyed. “You’re impossible.”
“It’s been said before.” was Grantaire’s reply. “What I mean to say is I’m literally never home. Not literally-literally, but, you know. This apartment is basically a glorified storage unit that I visit when there is absolutely nothing else to do. So the fact that you happened to be passing by on a laundry day...”
“... a work of divine intervention?” Combeferre finished.
“I’d go so far as to call it a miracle if I believed in that sort of thing.” Grantaire said.
Combeferre’s next question caught Grantaire off-guard somewhat. “So you’re an atheist, then?”
Grantaire had never actually seen a shrink, but he had the passing sensation of being sprawled out on some brown leather fainting sofa. Maybe that’s what this was, a psych eval. He’d get a message from the official Les Amis de l’ABC e-mail account later in the week saying “sorry, R, you’ve been deemed mentally unfit to be a part of this organization. We know the Musain is public property, but if you could avoid the premises during our scheduled meeting times we all think that’d be for the best.”
“Well, yeah, aren’t all of the lefties heathens nowadays? At least that’s what Twitter tells me.” he said. His paranoia would not rob him of his (debatable) sense of humor.
Combeferre just shrugged. “I guess if I had to call myself something I’d say I’m agnostic.”
“Huh!” Grantaire said, genuinely surprised. “A member of the ‘namby-pamby, mushy pap, weak-tea, weedy, pallid fence-sitter’ brigade, are we?”
Two things occurred to Combeferre at once: One, that Grantaire was quoting Richard Dawkins, and two, that Grantaire could not have been certain that Combeferre would recognize the quote when he said it. Grantaire was both the sort of person that committed Dawkins to memory and the sort that didn’t really care if someone mistook his references for a string of improvised insults. The more Grantaire spoke, the more Combeferre became aware of how little speaking they’d ever done.
“I guess I just think one can never be sure.” Combeferre said.
Grantaire thought now would be a good time for a subject change. “So, how is party planning going?” he asked.
Combeferre sighed. “It’s . . . it’s going.” he said. “Well, okay, I’m being dramatic. Courfeyrac is actually the one doing most of the planning. I just get weird about stuff like this. I want Enjolras to like everything, you know?”
“I don’t think Enjolras is capable of disliking anything you do.” Grantaire said in a way that to the untrained ear might sound like a veiled insult, but that Combeferre suspected was an attempt at genuine sincerity.
“Well, thanks.” Combeferre smiled gratefully. “I just want him to have a good time.”
“He will. It’s the rest of us you’ll have to work to entertain.”
“Well, Courfeyrac has a slew of party games he’s preparing. Oh, and, uh, Enjolras mentioned he’s glad you’ll be able to make it. By the way.” Combeferre said, which made Grantaire blush, which made Combeferre smile.
Grantaire hated that. Not just when Combeferre did it, when any of them did. Making faces or little comments, as if they were in on some big secret. It’s like they were proud of themselves for noticing Grantaire’s little crush, like they knew something funny or scandalous or cute. But they didn’t know anything, not really. Grantaire didn’t have a crush on Enjolras at all. It was more like a religion. Maybe he’d been too quick to brand himself an atheist earlier.
His annoyance with Combeferre soured the rest of their conversation. He became mean, curt, and downright humorless. This wasn’t at all fair, he knew. Grantaire probably annoyed Combeferre every third sentence (maybe every third word) and that had never stopped Combeferre from being his usual amiable self. There was another difference between the two: Grantaire lacked both grace and graciousness, and Combeferre, it seemed, never ran out of either.
“Well, I guess I should be leaving.” Combeferre said after a while, rising from the squat chair he was sitting in.
“I guess.”
“Uh, thank you for having me over. We should do this again some time. I had fun.” Combeferre lied.
Grantaire smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes. “Yeah, why don’t we all do brunch some time? You can bring your friends, it’ll be a real party. Everyone can sit around admiring my huge windows. What a blast!”
Combeferre knew he was joking, but he couldn’t decipher the punchline. What would be so bad about having all of their friends over for brunch? Why did he say the word “friends” like that, all sardonic and italicized? Combeferre almost asked him, but instead he just shook his head and smiled.
“Okay. Well. Bye!”
Grantaire waved lazily. “See you around.”
Under normal circumstances, the phrase “Enjolras mentioned he’s glad you’ll be able to make it” would have found itself fluttering in the pit of Grantaire’s stomach. Instead, there was something else sitting in there. Something that felt a bit like failure, a bit like guilt, and - most surprising of all - a bit like affection.
This is precisely why he didn’t like having people over.
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Could we get a short story about Millie having a nightmare about Molten Freddy?
Millie was in the graveyard, it had become like her original Dreamscape for the last few months.
It was more like Hell.
Her own personal handcrafted Hell.
It was always cold here, even wearing her black and purple hoodie, she was hugging herself to keep herself warm and to try to feel safe.
She walked ahead, she was not wearing shoes but she didn’t feel the ground physically on her feet, she just felt numb besides the feeling beneath her cold skin, it was like a cold that was freezing the insides of her bones, like sharp icicles grew in her body and muscles, making her walking almost robotic and stiff.
She ignored the tombstones around her, there were many, she knew looking at them was a mistake, there were the many, many symbols of death. She wanted to forget this place but something just kept bringing her back it appeared.
She looked around, she knew she was alone but she felt like she was physically stalked by a predator, she wondered if this was how someone as paranoid as Delilah felt at times, just the deep pit in the gut feeling, something dark creeping not too far behind, sharpening its claws.
She wanted this to end, it was just an open dead land full of broken tombstones, open graves, and trees that snapped like bones when she stepped on them, and a ground that was dead and dry.
Millie started to walk up a hill, the ground almost seem to scratch at her feet like it was trying to make her uncomfortable, she kept going, she tried to push away the thought that something bad was there, she was in control of her dreams, she could leave when she wanted, she wasn’t trapped against her will.
She sometimes couldn’t help but feel like a lost spirit looking for a purpose, even in the real world. She just existed instead of living, she could walk in the streets, listening to music and feel just as empty as right now.
Like something was missing.
Maybe something actually did die on that day when she met Funtime Freddy.
Maybe it was her hope if she ever had any in the first place.
“Keep running, we'll be there.”
Her empty feeling was replaced by fear, it grew deep roots and twisted her in such a way she stood still, hearing leaves rustling around somewhere. She didn’t like how quiet this world was.
“The dead are also quiet.”
No, you won’t.
She started running forward, as she did, her legs started to burn and ache, she felt some resistance like something was trying to pull her back, she kept reminding herself of how strong she was, she was still alive and she wouldn’t fall, so each time she was caught and put down, she could rise stronger than ever.
The ground started to wobble like she was running on a soft surface like pillows, Millie tried to keep running but fell back into something, her heart gave a nasty start as she looked up and saw a glowing orange eye and sharp teeth greeted her.
She jumped up to avoid a wire grabbing at her, she ran ahead, seeing it had given her the strength to run in fear, this isn’t real, she reminded herself, I’m not trapped, this is just a stupid dream!!
The beast snarled at her, she heard it pounding the ground behind her as it ran, well it ran strangely. It was a strange version of Funtime Freddy, it was missing its body and only had the broken, jagged face, sharp teeth and sharper claws, the whole body was made up of wire tendrils that twisted and slithered like a snake. She heard it make another strange gargled sound.
She tripped, she didn’t realise it tripped her leg until she was dragged backwards.
“sTAy wITh mE, L-LeT'S cOunT thE wAys.”
Her fingernails tried to dig into the dirt so she wasn’t pulled backwards, all it accomplished was her fingernails getting large chunks of dirt that started to get under her skin, making her whine in pain, she turned to see the broken face, it had a face.
It had a weakness.
Millie let herself be pulled towards him before lifting her leg, and delivering a hard kick to the broken face, hearing it crack and crumble, the beast grabbed his face with one of its hands and screeched in what sounded like pain. Millie felt the wire on her leg was loose so she backed away on her hands and knees before she stood up and ran as fast as she could, reasoning she had time to outrun it as it didn’t even have a real body.
Plus this was Funtime Freddy.
Well a version of him at least, she had seen he wasn’t a fast runner.
She felt a rush of adrenaline and almost pride that was shown in her running picking up speed, she had always been a scared little girl and she had just kicked him to escape, she never stood up to him, usually, she'd cower like a little rabbit and someone else would have to help her. Her heart felt ready to explode from her chest, she didn’t know if it was from fear or feeling happy she escaped without help.
She could see the sky above change, from the endless cloudy night sky to sunset colours, vibrant splashes of orange, yellow and pink, this filled her with hope, she kept running, wanting to escape the dark and go to the light, the hope of a better tomorrow.
She was on the top of the hill, she saw the tall iron fence, and the gate.
She ran to the gate, trying to pull it open, but it only rattled slightly, she looked at the giant padlock on the other side. Locked, she immediately grumbled in her thoughts thinking of the inconvenience of it being locked.
She thought of how she could open it, forcing it open wide enough so she could squeeze through or even climbing over the fence, when she saw a few metres outside of the fence was a wooden bench with a man sitting on it.
She recognised him immediately.
Her Grandpa just sat there, he was looking around, all Millie saw was the back of his head.
“Grandpa, I’m here! Can you help me?” She asked.
She heard footsteps, she saw Lefty had come from nowhere, his face was fixed into a frown.
“What are you doing outside? It's cold.”
“Lefty! I need help he's after me!!” Millie told him.
Millie realised that was her Grandpa, he didn’t even seem to know she was there.
It was like she disappeared completely.
“Lefty, I need help!!” She started to shake the gate nonstop, she looked behind her anxious it would crawl up behind her at any point, she started to sweat and shake at that possibility.
Lefty stepped to her Grandpa, putting his hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” Lefty shook his head.
“No, no, it's not your fault,” She heard him sniffle.
Was he crying? She had never heard him cry, he was such a positive person, he never cried, he did look sad and disappointed but Millie had never seen him cry
“Oh no, please don’t cry...”
“I would honestly give anything for another day with her...”
“We all would, Millie was more valuable than she thought... and I will not let a monster steal another child from me...” Lefty responded, “Let's go away from this place of misery...”
“Lefty!! Grandpa!!” Millie cried desperately, she looked behind her again before shouting, “He's going to kill me, help!!” She watched helplessly as they walked away, she reached out her hand waving it around watching them slowly faded into the white space ahead, Millie saw a better place within her grasp and it was fading away.
She started crying and let out a scream, she wanted to be seen. She wanted to be heard.
She existed!
She was real!
She screamed again when she was pulled backwards.
She was forced face to face by the beast, it snarled at her, wires tangled around her torso, hanging her off the ground, she used her hands to try and force them off, she looked behind her and she could still faintly see Lefty and her Grandpa.
“ThEy cAn't hear you lambchOp...”
She looked at Funtime Freddy's broken face with teary eyes, she could see the orange light flicker blue then turn red, a bright red that blinded her, she shielded her eyes, frowning and pulling herself to get away from him.
“How UnFortuNAte...” Funtime Freddy snapped his jaw after saying that, Millie flinched, seeing the wall of teeth.
The wires around her torso tighten, it felt like a series of ropes pulling and pulling, she swore she felt her skin burn and her muscles tensed.
She was suddenly thrown upwards then abruptly thrown back down, and she realised the ground was there, she was going to have her head smashed.
She couldn’t even scream.
She felt her head beginning to ache, she turned her head to try to shield the impact, hoping it would be quick at the very least.
She gasped as she fell out of bed instead, landing on the floor with a thud.
She looked around, everything changed.
She forgot she was in a nightmare.
She was in her room, she had tangled herself in her blanket, which she immediately pulled apart, thinking of the constriction and wanting to be free.
She looked around, she could hear the faint ticking of Sarah's wristwatch across the room, she saw the silhouettes of the bookshelf, the closet, and Sarah herself, still asleep, obviously having a dreamless sleep tonight.
Millie sat on the ground, trying to make sense of what she saw when she realised she was still crying.
She was just terrified, having no real idea of where that manifestation came from, it was like a snake, ready to strike whenever.
Like the real Funtime Freddy, moving silently in the night like a monster.
She got to her feet, wobbling, she grabbed onto her bed to support herself while she stood up, she walked a few shaky steps and reached for the door handle, pulling it open then looking outside.
The hallway was empty, she could see the darkness ahead but she knew at the end of the hallway, Lefty was asleep in bed, undisturbed.
She wondered if he ever had nightmares.
She stepped back to look at her bedside table and felt around for her phone, she didn’t keep much on her little table, usually, the current book she was reading, her medication, a small notebook, earphones, and her lamp.
She finally got a grip on the shape and pulled it up, pressing the button which illuminated the screen and the current time.
4:56 AM.
Of course, everyone else would be asleep, she would have to be awake for school at 7:30 AM. School was actually the last thing on her mind right now, she couldn’t really talk at school.
She pressed the button to turn off the screen and placed it down, she then looked back into the hallway.
She took two steps out and silently closed the door behind her, she then quietly walked ahead to Lefty's room.
She was confronted by the door, which was the final gate.
A gate which she could open.
She had a decision, a sense of freedom she never had before.
She didn’t want to keep living in darkness, she had seen others living in the light.
She wanted that.
She knew she needed help.
Asking was difficult.
She grabbed the door handle and pushed open the door, closing it behind her, she saw Lefty asleep on his bed, on his side, looking like a real bear in the dark.
She tiptoed over and was directly next to him, she pushed his shoulder back, Lefty didn’t even move, she gripped his shoulder and shook it.
During the shaking, Lefty's eye cracked open and he looked at Millie.
“Wat do you want...?” He said sounding half awake.
Millie didn’t say anything, Lefty then blinked and it fully opened his eyes, his eye started glowing in the dark room, it was a soft glow like a nightlight.
“Millie?” He asked, his voice still sounding groggy, he pushed himself to sit up and looked at her.
“What's wrong?”
Millie felt her throat tighten, she felt like the monster was behind her, ready to catch her, it seized her throat and stopped her from talking.
She didn’t know if it was Funtime Freddy or fear.
Thinking about that brought tears to her eyes.
She let out a sob before becoming silent, tensing up.
“Millie, it's okay,” Lefty said, he got out of bed, and stood up, immediately hugging her to his torso, she hid her face in the mass of fluff on his chest, “I'm here... It’s okay...”
Millie felt trapped by this real-life nightmare.
“Did you have a nightmare?” He asked.
She pulled away slightly and nodded.
“Would you like to tell me or no?”
Millie wiped away her tears then answered, “Funtime Freddy is a monster...”
Lefty nodded, “I know... he is selfish... it's okay now... it wasn’t real... you're okay... and I would personally throw Funtime Freddy into open traffic before he ever got near you...”
Millie wiped her eyes again, she hated the feeling of crying, it made her feel pathetic, especially crying in front of other people, it was a weakness they could pick.
“You're supposed to be awake in a few hours... Millie...” Lefty spoke softly, “Would you like me to call your Grandpa? You can take the day off school and spend the day relaxing if you want...”
Millie looked away, “He'd be asleep.”
“He said if you ever needed him, you could call him, at any time, I’m sure he doesn’t care if you wake him up.”
That was the type of person he was.
She remembered how awful she was to him at times, how snappy and annoyed she sounded.
He was always so sweet and caring.
“Yes... I'll call him...” She nodded.
Millie was sitting on the sofa downstairs, she had taken her blanket with her, Annabel Lee, being disturbed by her, followed her downstairs and jumped into her lap, Millie held her phone in her hand, hesitating to actually wake up her Grandpa. She looked up at Lefty, watching him talk to Helpy in the kitchen, they were going back and forward, Helpy looked worried and looked around, Lefty shook his head and said something that assured him because his worried look disappeared, Lefty smiled at him and Helpy walked away from the conversation. Surprisingly, Helpy immediately walked over to Millie and jumped onto the sofa, sitting next to her.
As scary as he was because he looked like Funtime Freddy...
He thought about the comment Sarah said about him...
He was like a marshmallow, soft and puffy, and an absolute sweetheart.
“You are much braver than you realise... a normal person would have died by now.”
Helpy turned his head to her, she would sometimes see the menacing blue eyes of Funtime Freddy reflected back... the eyes that wanted to kill her... the bloodthirsty eyes...
But this time she saw almost the colour of the sky.
A bright blue sky in Helpy's big, child-like eyes...
Seeing the sky reminded her she was still alive.
“Are you going to call your Grandpa or do you want me to?” Helpy asked her.
“No... no... I will,” she finally pressed the icon to call the home phone at her Grandpa's house.
She pressed it to her ear, it rang a couple of times before she heard a click.
“Grandpa? I hope you don’t mind...” Millie spoke sounding nervous at waking him up early.
“No, no Millie... I’m happy to talk to you...” She heard his voice, while he sounded slightly tired, she could hear the warmth in his voice.
She felt relieved but didn’t expect what he said next:
“I'm glad you still talk to me.”
Millie blinked, she then answered, “Of course I want to talk to you.”
“It's always nice to hear from you Millie, you are surrounded by people that care for you, and even when I’m not next to you, I'm still thinking about my brave granddaughter... and how far she has come...”
Millie smiled, life wasn't perfect, but it was the best it could possibly be at this stage.
It was helped greatly by Lefty and her Grandpa, and their reassuring words.
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callioope · 4 years
I'm curious about the fencing au, if you'd be willing to share. =)
Hello! Sure. (I’m a little less satisfied with what I have for this, but happy to share!) 
I used to fence back in the day (it hurts me to say just how long ago), and I was feeling pretty nostalgic for it sometime around two years ago, so I decided to write a rebelcaptain fencing AU and thought for sure I’d be able to post it in time for the Olympics. Hahaha... well, I guess technically they haven’t happened yet, so I’m not quite late with it.
[This is in response to the WIP Title Game I did; anyone else reading this, please feel free to send an ask! I will actually answer in a timely manner this time…]
Anyways, the plan was to write a modern fencing AU, where Jyn (and everyone) competes on an Olympic level. I’d take a handful of important moments of Jyn’s life related to fencing. I only really finished like two scenes, and the rest were just collections of lines and ideas and not really fleshed out.
But it starts with Jyn hanging out at the YMCA while Bodhi’s taking a beginner lesson (Saw refuses to teach anyone younger than 10 -- which was my instructor’s rule). Jyn’s just watching, and at the end, when Saw is talking to the parents after class, she nabs a sword and a fencing mask and starts goofing around with Bodhi. She thinks she’s gonna get in trouble, but Saw is impressed and makes an exception to teach her despite being, just like, a year or two too young. (I almost posted this scene, but c’mon, y’all want the rebelcaptain right? Right.)
Throughout the years, she meets Maia, becomes really good, competes in the Junior Olympics, and then... when she’s 16, something happens with Saw where he can no longer be her coach. I never figured that part out (maybe he got sick, maybe they had a falling out about her training, maybe he just thought he’d taught her everything he knew and wanted her to go somewhere else), but Jyn doesn’t take it well.
Then comes this snippet:
At eighteen, she walks into Alliance Fencing, a thrill running through her at the sound of blades clashing, the beeps of scoring machines, the voices of directors calling touches. 
A tall fencer wearing a foil lamé watches her as she crosses the room and sets her gear in an open spot next to the wall. He’s talking to a red-haired man, who she recognizes as the epee coach. There’s no name printed on the back of the fencer’s lamé, so she pays attention when the director calls them to fence. 
“Erso fencing Andor!” 
Andor. Isn’t he an epeeist? She has just enough time to flip between confused to annoyed, and she channels that to defeat him. He certainly knows tactics for lefties, concentrating his attacks in five, going for the back of her left side, but he’ll have to try better if he thinks those tricks are enough to break her defenses.
Jyn’s focus rarely leaves the strip, when she’s on it. But peripherally, some part of her brain registers that a crowd is gathering. 
Blades never clash the way they do in movies — swords crossed, adversaries glaring dramatically over sharp edges. Getting so close, knocking bell gardes like that, only results in frantic flailing, as two opponents try awkwardly to contort their arms to bring the tip of their blade back around to the target area before the other retreats. No, infighting is never pretty, and better avoided. 
She wins, of course — his style betrays his preferred weapon — but she refuses to admit she’s impressed. 
“Don’t worry,” Leia tells her after. “That’s his idea of a welcome.”
Later, she challenges him to an epee bout, just to prove a point. When she loses, and they shake hands, breathless, she says, “I’d’ve won, if I hadn’t taken a nap out of boredom.”
She’s surprised to win his smile — and more surprised how good it feels to earn it.
...yeah, it was still a work in progress.
I feel like this probably suffers from too much jargon, although some of that probably would have been explained earlier in the story, when Jyn is still a beginner.
Bell garde: I think this is pretty obvious but it’s that silver part by the hilt that protects your hand. 
Bout: a match between two fencers
Epee: one of the three types of fencing weapons. Target area is the entire body. 
Five (as in “concentrating his attacks in five...”): ummm short story, basically the body is divided into different target areas. usually beginners learn 6, 4, 8, 7. 
Foil: one of three types of fencing weapons. The smallest weapon with the smallest target area (torso only).
Infighting: basically when fencers are too close so it’s harder to use normal techniques
Lamé: a vest that foil and saber fencers wear to define the target area. It’s covered in little wires so that when a fencer is hit, a red or green light goes off on the scorebox indicating it was on target. (If you hit off target, a white light goes off.)
Saber (not discussed in this snippet, but for the curious): the third type of fencing weapon. Target area is waist and up. 
And yeah, it’s lame to have to explain my own joke so I probably need to rewrite it, but re: the ending of the scene: epee is more of a slower, strategic, longer game, so Jyn’s just teasing Cassian by trying to say his preferred weapon is boring. 
I decided Leia fences saber. Bodhi fences foil, like Jyn. Luke was either foil or saber, I apparently hadn’t decided. Cassian and Kay are epee, and Han is saber. 
I didn’t have a very compelling plot in mind, other than Cassian and Jyn just gradually falling or each other. That’s probably one reason I never finished it. I couldn’t figure out the conflict! 
Yeah, I think this suffers from being rather niche, but presumably before I ever post it, I’d fix that to make it more accessible. For the record though, I deleted a ton of dumb opining about fencing so if anyone ever does want to talk about fencing with me, clearly that is a thing I want to do.
ANYWAYS this feels like I’m workshopping myself at this point, SORRY this scene leaves a lot to be desired, but there you go, the reason I never got anywhere with this fic!
Thanks for asking!
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hotchkiss-and-tell · 4 years
The Shimizu women— Yumi, Miwako, and Kasumi for the headcanons?
Headcanon Game
What they smell like: eggs and cheese (at least when she’s working the bento stand); on her own time she smells like cotton candy body spray
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): She has adorable matching pajama sets and braids her hair with ribbons too. To her, fashion is just as important when you’re asleep. Tries to fall asleep looking cute with her hands under her cheek but always wakes up curled into a ball on her stomach and wrapped in her covers.
What music they enjoy: she’s learned to like the latest techno and j-pop since that’s what plays at the expo center all day, but personally she prefers mariah carey and whitney houston
How much time they spend getting ready every morning: 30 minutes - she’s learned to do her makeup and hair well in a hurry (or on the train) as she has to open her booth for the morning rush
Their favorite thing to collect: phone charms
Left or right-handed: Right
Religion (if any): she picks up pieces that appeal to her from multiple religions
Favorite sport: She loves ogling the players in men’s water polo. And she can bowl. Sure her ball is seven pounds and bright pink, but her average is over 200.
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): Takes pictures non-stop and looks for the best nightlife spots.
Favorite kind of weather: Sunny summer days (it gives her a chance to whip out parasols that match her outfits)
A weird/obscure fear they have: going blind
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: She’s super lucky at roulette and raffles.
What they smell like: aloe vera and essential oils
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): She HAS to have insomnia. How else could she work a 19 hour shift every single day with the front desk open from 6 am to 1 am? Granted, Nancy can only see her after 7 pm so it’s possible Takai or Rentaro work the desk in the morning and afternoon, but it’d be just like Miwako to martyr herself as the sole concierge. She gets off desk duty, changes into her pajamas and lies down on her pallet with lavender oil on the pillow for calm and soothing scents, but then she just never falls completely asleep. She lies there drifting in and out until 5 am. She gets up, showers, presses her suit, grabs a simple breakfast and caffeinated tea, and goes to work.
What music they enjoy: the tranquility meditation music in public, screaming death metal in private (it’s how she really feels inside from her customer service job)
How much time they spend getting ready every morning: An efficient 20 minutes, including shower.
Their favorite thing to collect: Fidgets. She has cubes, spinners, fans, putty, slinkies, and balls (plus the puzzle box gets opened at least 50 times a day as she sits at the desk). 
Left or right-handed: Left
Religion (if any): Shinto
Favorite sport: Fencing
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): taking carriage rides or trolleys through the city
Favorite kind of weather: Spring when it’s still a little cold out, but sunny skies
A weird/obscure fear they have: Bees and wasps
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: tossing a ping pong ball into a fishbowl
What they smell like: pleasant perfume
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): Her undiagnosed depression had her sleep long hours on some days and not at all on others. On the nights when she couldn’t sleep, she designed a puzzle that she hoped would bring her quarreling daughters together and installed the pieces in the ryokan.
What music they enjoy: the Beatles and any mix tapes her friend Mary Ann sent her
How much time they spend getting ready every morning: A woman with a business, a live-in elderly parent, and two young daughters? 10 minutes.
Their favorite thing to collect: letters from her pen pal
Left or right-handed: Left (it’s a connection Miwako loves to have to her mom even though being a lefty has its challenges)
Religion (if any): traditional Shinto with a bit of Universalism perspective from her American pen pal
Favorite sport: mini-golf (when she learned about the game, she set up courses all through Takae’s beautiful garden, occasionally causing destruction with the ball and club.)
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): Buying souvenir t-shirts. She’d wear them for mom activities and whenever she started to feel trapped at the ryokan.
Favorite kind of weather: early spring - the sakura blossoms were her favorite thing about living outside the major cities because there were just so many of the blooming trees
A weird/obscure fear they have: needles
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: reaching into a closed box and identifying what’s inside
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nuisancehelicopter · 4 years
tenipuri baseball au
Tezuka and Fuji are from the Senior League but they never met each other in middle school because they were from different districts. Their potential was about the same. Tezuka hid his injury for most of their 2nd year though because the senpai catcher made him pitch too many forkballs and splitters. Fuji still thinks he’s no match for Tezuka even though he has good control over his balls. Fuji is also the first one who noticed Tezuka hiding his injury and was the one in most despair after Tezuka’s injury was finally diagnosed which pushed tezuka to undergo intensive rehab.
Echizen has been playing baseball since he was young but he really doesn’t love it. HIs father was a former pro in the NPB though and he had been training his son to follow his footsteps. If there’s a position Echizen likes, it’s 2nd base but since he’s a leftie, the coaches in the little league trained him as pitcher. He has been considered a baseball prodigy as a child. He’s one of the relievers for his school now but there is a possibility that he  will switch to infield during college. Even if he likes infield more, he doesn’t hold back in wanting to take the Ace position from Tezuka.
Ibu Shinji is a quiet guy but also a talented pitcher like Echizen. He has decent control over his fastball (strike zone divided to 4 parts). He’s currently learning some breaking balls to make his fastball more effective.
Kikumaru and Oishi have been together since Senior League and have seamless cooperation in the defense. Oishi wanted Kikumaru to be pitcher and form a battery with him but Kikumaru loves the freedom of leading the infield and is more attracted to highly acrobatic plays. He’s also the reason why Oishi’s aim to 2nd Base when they tag runners out never falters.
Tezuka struckout Tachibana multiple times in Senior League that’s why they have deep respect for each other as Ace and Captain. Tachibana was glad that he’d have Tezuka as a teammate but was also devastated when the full extent of Tezuka’s injury had been known. Tachibana is quietly encouraging Fuji to take up temporary Ace position because he knows Fuji has the ability and potential to  be a true Ace.
Kawamura loves baseball with all his heart. He’s an absolute beast when given a bat and is a true slugger who wants to hit everything for the fence. He’s gonna stop playing baseball after highschool and focus on becoming a sushi chef. That’s why he gives batting his all. He also loves to spout random english words while on the plate. Let’s pray he won’t be ejected by the umpire for being a loudmouthed idiot. He’s the next cleanup after Tachibana and he’s darn good at it.
Coach Ryuzaki is the rare type of lady coach but she has prove her mettle once again. She’s well respected by other coaches in the prefecture for being no nonsense and strict. Her granddaughter Sakuno and friend Tomoka act as managers on the team.
seigaku + fudomine baseball team
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originallonemagpie · 5 years
Last night's was the last in-armour (for Lesley and Yannick) fight practice before Crown. I brought stick and shield, so did some technique stuff with the new centre-grip and figuring out the best things to drill with it between now and Crown. The hand works fine with the shield, but still isn't 100% - it won't have enough control of a weapon on that side, so if winged I'll just be yielding rather than fighting leftie.
So, yeah, my first time in armour since Raglan *will* be in Crown tourney, with a new shield type meaning a new style, and no practice... (As Yannick pointed out, one evening bashing around wouldn't make a difference) Which according to every sporting movie ever made should be a recipe for miraculous coolness.
The other thing that relates to the Crown event rather than tourney is that, while the hand has been fine fencing with a gauntlet and buckler, experimenting with other parry devices had downsides - Even with gauntleton, the other fingers wrapping about a crop or hilt meant the recovering finger tried to do that, the joint was more under tension, and it wasn't consciously painful or anything, but just interfered enough on a subconscious level to tweak my calibration upwards. So after about three  too-hard hits on Alexander in the space of ten minutes, I declared myself unsafe and went back to talking technique and drills (having earlier done some footwork explanation and so on)
Thing is, the last of those overcalibrations was after I'd switched back to buckler, but the effect had already taken hold, so what that means is that - given we're talking a left pinky with swollen joint that is still painful under one angle of leverage and won't curl completely closed, cos it's still in the healing phase (and at that stage where now it joins in with what the rest of the hand is doing, but that causes discomfort) - I think it'll be tired out sufficiently by the Crown tourney to risk my calibration to rise unsafely in the Rapier Protectors, which means I probably can't go in that. Which pisses me off (aside from feeling guilty)
Certainly if it was this weekend that'll be the case - whether another week will make a difference... Can but hope - but even if it did, that'd be another thing where I'd be limiting myself and going in at less than 100% - and since I've won fencing tournaments before, that'd be even more annoying. Meh.
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the-simplest-writer · 5 years
✨, 🍼, 🎂, 💒, 🕊️, 🍓, 🔪
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
That’s a hard question! Without including his tragic backstory, probably Zuko from AtLA; broody, likes to teach, and socially inept.
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
Favorite memories are tied between two.  First would be meeting my best friend for the first time in 7th grade after gym and bonding over a manga magazine she was holding. Then we went to an anime expo together and grew closer and closer.
The other would definitely be getting my acceptance letter into college. I kept refreshing the page and when I finally got into Columbia University, I quietly celebrated (no crying, shouting, or jumping like that). Instead, when I told my parents, they were the ones who were shouting, my dad especially. He started calling everyone he knew and telling them I got in. Pretty sure he was more excited than me.
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
Stop climate change (idk how, but just make it stop lol)
Have enough money to live my life comfortably and always have enough to give to those in need
More wishes... or always be able to finish whatever I start successfully
💒- which show would you want to live in?
Well, if it’s a show, probably My Hero Academia (hopefully with a good quirk). But if you include books, definitely Harry Potter (with magic).
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
1. In the morning, I always put my hair in a ponytail even if I take it down the moment I get out of the bathroom2. When I get bored and have nothing to do, I’ll start splitting apart my split ends3. Biting my fingernails (not too often nowadays).
🍓- one secret about yourself
I’m actually mixed handed! When I was younger, I was a lefty but since the rest of my family was right-handed, I switched because I watched them. I still do some stuff left-handed tho, like using scissors and do fencing.
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
Not sure how old I was, but one night when I was pretty young, I just couldn’t sleep. While I was lying in bed, I heard a woman’s scream outside. My neighborhood is pretty chill and quiet, so I didn’t know if that was real or not or if was a fox or something else. Ran to my mom’s bedroom and stayed there for the night. Really spooky.
Thanks for the ask! Ask me a question!
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gastrobrack · 6 years
Emoji review fencing
whats up boys and girls and everything in between today is gonna be a fencing emoji review from a foil fencer so lets go
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okay so this ones not too bad at first glance but then you start to notice some big problems. first off, why is the lamé beige instead of grey? and why do they have a glove on their off hand? why are they using an epee while wearing a foil uniform? why are they doing a sabre attack? overall 6/10 not accurate but not ugly either, clearly they were trying to incorporate all 3 styles.
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why is the sword yellow? why is it so short? that’s not right. the gradient’s kinda ugly and it’s not really as pleasant to the eye as apple. the pants aren’t right and again, why is there a glove on the off hand. they need to bend their knees more nice touch though making the mask transparent. 3/10
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ew. sword still too short but it looks like an epee but with a foil outfit. theres still a glove on the off hand. why is it so blocky? the black outline is gross. the form is awful. 0/10
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this person clearly has no idea what they’re doing. why does it look like they’re pregnant? why is there still a glove on the off hand? they look like they're dancing more than they are fencing. why is the sword actually sharp and thick? the mask bib is just gone i guess. it just clipped through the lamé. 0/10
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this one has all the same problems as the apple one, but i like the orange socks so it gets a higher score. really looks like the fencer’s not trying very hard though. 6.5/10
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ok so once again, glove on the off hand. why? if you just look at a picture of any fencer you’ll see they dont have one. she needs to bend her knees a lot more and has not very good form. the coloring feels really off, even though i normally like the flat colors on twitter emojis. the mask bib doesn’t have a lamé bit on it, but at least the sword is somewhat correct. although it’s still too thick and pointy. this feels very soulless and menacing. 2/10
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first off, i can respect this guy’s enthusiasm. their form is pretty bad, and they’re using an epee when I can only assume they’re doing foil, but it’s hard to tell with the wacky old timey equipment. the colors look nice and i admire their enthusiasm, but I just don’t get the getup. also there’s still a glove on the off hand. 6/10 for effort.
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first of all, minus the glove on the off hand, the outfit looks nice. it’s nice to see someone else including the proper pants. although the bottom of the mask is just gone and the gloves seem to be made out of lamé material. overall though good bent knees and posture, but they suffer from an issue prominent in most of these emojis, which is a very stiff looking back hand. you don’t have to do that you know. overall the colors look better than this gradient usually would but the lamé is too dark. also why are they using an epee. this is foil. 7.5/10
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 2 things immediately stand out to me with this one, first of all, no glove on the off hand! second, lefty rep! it’s a bit unsettling that the skin is so yellow though. the proportions seem a little off. also it suffers from the opposite issue most of these do, why are you using a foil in epee? also the lunge form is pretty bad. they’re leaning really far and aiming really high. also if you roll the back ankle like that you’re gonna kill the achilles tendon. 8.5/10 sloppy form and incorrect weapon, but making more of an effort than the other ones.
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this one.. is actually pretty solid. still glove on the back hand and the pants aren’t right, but they have good form except for leaning forward and they actually have the correct weapon. the lamé looks good and overall looks pretty accurate. 9.5/10 fix your form and glove
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handyguypros1 · 3 years
Best Commercial Weed Eaters HandyGuyPros
When you have a lot of ground to cover regularly, it’s smart to upgrade to one of the best commercial weed eaters. What’s the difference between a professional string trimmer and one made for homeowners? The pro weed whackers are built to withstand long hours of use and much more abuse than a homeowner model.
Companies that make commercial line trimmers are moving to four-stroke engines because of EPA requirements regarding pollution. This is advantageous for home users because four-stroke engines don’t require you to mix gas and oil. They are also quieter.
If you’re new to shopping for weed eaters, there are three things to remember. The first is to consider the weight and balance. If there is a way you can experience how the trimmer feels in your hands before you purchase it, that’s very helpful for ensuring that you’ll be comfortable using it.
Second, you’ll need to choose between straight shaft or curved. If you trim underneath bushes or along fences, a straight shaft is convenient. But if you need to navigate a lot of structures like flowerbeds, you might appreciate a curved shaft. (Plus, remember that some weed whackers are made for right-hand control only.)
Third, for your long-term health, consider how much the trimmer vibrates. Strong vibrations over time can damage the nerves in your hands and arms. Opt for one with low vibration and plenty of padding if you’ll be trimming frequently.
Best Commercial Weed Eaters
Now let’s look at reviews of top commercial weed eaters. We hope to help you discover the perfect one for the job you need to do.
Husqvarna 324L Straight Shaft String Trimmer
Husqvarna’s 324L straight shaft string trimmer features a four-stroke 25cc gas engine. That’s 1.07 hp with a top speed of 7000 RPM.
Unlike a two-stroke engine, you’ll never have to mix fuel and oil for it. Also important, it’s made to start on the first pull. It has a Smart Start motor plus an air purge for the carburetor. But you’ll still want to wear hearing protection.
The 17-inch base helps you cover a lot of ground quickly. And the loop handle allows you to hold it however is most comfortable for you. That’s essential when it weighs 11 ¼ pounds and measures 58.4 inches long.
Husqvarna also provides information about the vibration. The front handle was tested to have 9.1 m/s2 and the rear handle 8.2 m/s2. Double-check that against OSHA regulations for your job.
Husqvarna 967175201 322L Straight Shaft Gas String Trimmer
The Husqvarna 322L is slightly less powerful than the 324L weed eater above. It has a 23cc X-Torq engine with easy start technology and low emissions. Fans of this model like how easy it is to refill and use Tap ‘N Go trimmer line. Moreover, the controls are so straightforward that anyone with limited experience can pick it up and go. The heavy-duty gearbox ensures that it will stand up to years of use.
Tanaka Commercial-Grade Straight Shaft Trimmer TBC-340PF
Tanaka’s commercial-grade trimmer doubles as a brush cutter because it’s compatible with attachments. The 32cc two-stroke engine offers 1.6 hp, enough to slice through the toughest weeds and young saplings. It’s noisy, but it’s a PureFire with CARB-compliant Tier 2 low emissions. Also, it starts quickly because of the Walbro carburetor with primer.
Overall, this weed eater weighs 13.2 pounds. Part of that heft is due to the 59-inch solid steel shaft that comes with a lifetime warranty.
Echo GT-225 Curved Shaft Gas Trimmer
Echo’s GT-225 had a glowing review from Popular Mechanics that highlighted two benefits. The first is that the 48-inch curved shaft balances the weight well. And the second is that the two-stroke 21.2cc engine starts quickly and has the power.
We also noticed the two-line Rapid Loader head. But if you’re not a fan, try the EZ Feed attachment instead. And lefties beware: this trimmer has the throttle mounted for the right hand.
Hitachi CG23ECPSL String Trimmer
If you’re tall, take a look at Hitachi’s CG23ECPSL weed whacker. It has a 69.6-inch length so that you can stop bending over to get the work done. The 22.5cc PureFire two-stroke engine keeps emissions down. Furthermore, users say it always starts by the second pull when it’s cold, or the first when it’s warm.
Other vital features include an anti-vibration system and a solid steel drive shaft. You can also make it easier on yourself by purchasing premixed fuel/oil.
Tanaka TCG27EBSP 2-Cycle Gas String Commercial Grade Trimmer
Our other pick from Tanaka’s lineup weighs only 11.2 pounds. But it still has a solid steel drive shaft with vibration-reducing technology and padded handle. It’s powered by a commercial-grade 26.9cc two-cycle engine. The engine is CARB-compliant and has a Walbro carburetor with purge primer .
You won’t need tools to change the attachment since it has a built-in spindle lock. And every part is built for durability. For example, even the fuel tank has a protective housing. Tanaka offers a two-year commercial or 7-year consumer warranty. Should you purchase it to loan as a rental, they offer one year’s coverage.
Toro 2-Cycle 25.4cc Gas Commercial Straight Shaft String Trimmer
Would you like to save a little money? Then try a refurbished model. Toro’s 25.4cc engine is commercial-grade for long life and quick starts. The string trimmer has a 60-inch straight shaft and a bump-feed head.
Blue Max 52623 Extreme Duty 2-Cycle Dual Line Trimmer and Brush Cutter
Blue Max’s Extreme Duty trimmer and cutter is powered by a two-stroke 42.7cc Blue Max engine that runs on a 40:1 fuel to oil ratio. It weighs 17 pounds and has a straight shaft with anti-vibration handles. Users say that the three-prong brush cutter blade slices through 2-inch saplings with no problem even though the manufacturer states that the maximum is only one-inch thickness.
Southland Outdoor Power Equipment SWFT15022 150cc Field Trimmer
Save yourself from an aching back and arms with this professional weed eater. It’s a field trimmer that you push similar to a lawnmower. You don’t have to balance and sweep a string trimmer to edge your driveway with this tool.
Notice that it has a150cc engine that can tackle overgrown spots in a flash. The 22-inch cutting swath and 12-inch wheels help you cover a lot of rough ground quickly.
The folding handle is coated with anti-vibration foam. Additionally, the trimmer comes with a two-year limited warranty and it’s both CARB and EPA-certified.
Poulan Pro PR22WT Walk Behind String Trimmer
Poulan Pro also makes a back-saving line trimmer that you walk behind. The 190cc Briggs & Stratton 675 EXI engine and 22-inch cutting width slices through rough terrain with weeds and brush. The 12-inch diameter wheels make sure you don’t get slowed down by ruts and rocks. Best of all, you can throttle down to tackle difficult spots.
Remington 25A-26J7783 22″ Hi-Wheel Trimmer
Remington’s walk-behind line trimmer makes a lot of customers happy. That’s because it’s trouble-free for non-professionals to use. It has a 22-inch cutting width and uses standard 0.155 trimmer line. You can adjust it to three different cutting heights to keep everything neatly manicured. And users appreciate that it doesn’t throw debris at them the same way a conventional weed eater does.
It has a 159cc four-stroke OHV engine with plenty of power to slice weeds and tall grass. The off-set trimmer head makes it simple to reach awkward places. Finally, it’s covered by a two-year limited warranty.
Swisher STP4422HO Self-Propelled String Trimmer
The only thing lacking in Swisher’s self-propelled string trimmer is a robot brain to operate it unattended. It has a 4.4 hp 160cc Honda engine that moves it forward at 2 mph. The 22-inch cutting width resembles a lawnmower’s work since it provides precision cuts with eight effective cutting lines. You can also adjust the height between 1.5 to 3.5 inches.
Since the trimmer head is off-set, it allows you to reach into nooks and crannies. And you can turn the trimmer head on or off from the handlebar. This allows you to drive it without cutting anything.
Husqvarna 128LD Straight Shaft Gas String Trimmer
Yes, we know this is not a commercial-grade weed whacker. But there are pros who love to use it. That’s because Husqvarna’s 128LD string trimmer is compatible with attachments. This fact alone gives this one tool the ability to replace six others. You can match it with Husqvarna’s (or Poulan Pro’s) brush cutter, pole saw, hedge trimmer, tree pruner, sweeper, and tiller accessories.
It’s powered by a 28cc two-stroke engine and has a 17-inch cutting width. It uses 0.095 trimmer line and has a straight shaft. Husqvarna’s Smart Start technology ensures that one pool has it ready to go. Finally, it weighs only 10.8 pounds.
Tips for effective weed trimming
Chances are, you’re an old pro at weed whacking. If not, try these tips to make the job go easier.
To get rid of weeds growing in the cracks of the pavement, tilt your string trimmer so that the tip of the string is just brushing the pavement. Then move into the base of the weed to cut it flush. This takes a little practice as tilting too much or too little won’t get the job done right.
Next, you can achieve a perfect edge between the grass and the sidewalk. Turn your trimmer till the string is vertical. Pass it along the edge. If you’ve never neatened up the grass in that spot before, you’ll probably dig up debris. But after you do this for a few weeks, you’ll train it to stay tidy.
To wrap up, there’s one spot in your yard that you need to avoid. Never use a string trimmer right up against a tree. That’s because the string will cut into the bark and expose the tree to disease and pests. Instead, save yourself from future problems by laying down mulch around the base of the tree. Then you can edge around the mulch and never touch the tree.
Which commercial line trimmer did you choose? We’d love to know which tool we helped you find. That’s because we’re always on the lookout for the best home and garden products.
Source : https://handyguypros.com/best-cordless-electric-lawn-mowers/
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evangelene · 7 years
92 statements tag
I was tagged by the ever lovely @ebullientbun !! Thank you sweetie for thinkin of me!! <3 <3
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
Me: gonna answer them and break dem fuckin rules cos I don’t know 20 people who’d I think would be comfortable wit dis
THE LAST: 1. drink: Archer farms sparkling water that I have consistently knocked over six times in the last ten minutes. 2. phone call: My dad asking if I wanted cheese on my subway sandwich 3. text message: “show me the bling damnit!” to my friend who’s boyfriend finally fuckin proposed. 4. song you listened to: Soldier by Fleurie 5. time you cried: Literally yesterday, I had a weird pmsing breakdown at work in the bathroom for whatever idiotic reason. Weeeeee~
HAVE YOU EVER: 6. dated someone twice: Since I’ve only ever dated one person and I am still dating them....no. 7. kissed someone and regretted it: that one time I kissed a sunfish I caught just so I could chase my partner around and shout “WHY WON’T YOU KISS ME?!”  as he runs screaming from me. (he hates fish) 8. been cheated on: Don’t think so? No.  9. lost someone special: Yes. 10. been depressed: Chronically. 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Never been drunk and never want to be drunk--so no.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14. - dark purple, dark teal, and like a salmony pinkie color. IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: Duh.  16. fallen out of love: Nah, once I love something I generally continue to love it for the rest of my life. Unless you’re a backstabbing bitch of a friend, then yes I will fall out of friendship love with you.  17. laughed until you cried: Yes, we were in the car and my dad was screaming Naf Naf in about seventy different voices for whatever reason.  18. found out someone was talking about you: Positively usually, yes. But I’m also oblivious AF.  19. met someone who changed you: I like to think that every person I meet changes me in some way. Some for the better, others just make me hate a certain breed of old person more.  20. found out who your friends are: Pfahhaha, oh hell yes. 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yea, and I’m labeled as “in a relationship” with him.
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: IDK like I used to know some of them--maybe like 90% I have a bad habbit of accepting everyone who sends me a friend request because I can’t remember anyone for shit. Turns out at least ten of my friends I have no fucking clue who they are but I hope they like the shit nothing I post.  23. do you have any pets: A rabbit, two gerbils, three golfish, four bettas and a whole fuckin forest of plants.  24. do you want to change your name: Nah, I’d forget to respond to anything else.  25. what did you do for your last birthday: Sat alone on my computer at my partner’s house hoping anyone on tumblr or facebook or just in general would remember my birthday. Surprise, not really. And then we went out to eat and I got ravioli and pet dogs and got happy.  26. what time did you wake up: 3am, 4am, 6am, 7am, 8am and then finally 9am. It’s rare that I sleep through the night entirely. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: passed out having a dream that I couldn’t breathe--turns out I couldn’t because I was fucking accidentally suffocating myself in my bed of pillows. 28. name something you can’t wait for: moving out of this damn house and not telling my mother where I’m going. 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: yesterday but I hope that soon it will be never again. 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my flabby fatness but my meds are making it nearly impossible for me to lose it currently.  31. what are you listening to right now: The pleasant background noise of a horrible mother on Say Yes to the Dress. 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yeah, he’s my boss and I always feel like I’m incredibly nervous talking to him because like yo--what if he fires me for yawning? 33. something that is getting on your nerves: my mother but that’s nothing new. 34. most visited website: Youtube 38. hair color: auburn/red 39. long or short hair: long AF 40. do you have a crush on someone: yes, my partner--though he’s aware that my heart belongs to every single animal I see before it belongs to him.  41. what do you like about yourself: I’m secretly a badass but no one believes me because apparently I come off innocent and incapable of protecting myself.  42. piercings: 11 ear piercings. 43. blood type: A positive I think? Idk, the red cross vampires keep calling for more of it. 44. nickname: Sam? Hey you? Sami? 45. relationship status: in one? 46. zodiac: Gemini 47. pronouns: She/Her 48. favorite tv show: Wynonna Earp 49. tattoos: Two and counting. 50. right or left handed: Leftie in writing but ambidextrous in everything else 51. surgery: Yeah that one time they though I had cancer and operated on my mouth. Also wisdom tooth surgery in which I sobbed because I thought that they took my lips from me.  52. piercing: I want an industrial bar real bad. 53. sport: fencing, sometimes walk/run if my asthma allows for it.  55. vacation: Not till august but I’m hoping that my partner will make good on his promise to take me to Disneyworld. 56. pair of trainers: ???the fuck this mean????
MORE GENERAL 57. eating: I had a piece of cake. It was delicious 58. drinking: that same sparkling water I keep knocking over 59. i’m about to: write, clean, or nap. I haven’t decided yet. 61. waiting for: My anxiety and depression to magically be cured. 62. want: to just sleep forever. 63. get married: I want to literally just so I can wear the dress. I don’t give a fuck otherwise but damnit I want an excuse to doll myself up to the high heavens. 64. career: I’d like to be an art teacher but if that doesn’t pan out then I’ll just become a professional dog hugger. 
WHICH IS BETTER 65. hugs or kisses: Hugs, but I like kisses too. 66. lips or eyes: Eyeballs, but I have a hard time making eyecontact in person so probably actually lips. 67. shorter or taller: It doesn’t matter? Like rude? I like em in all shapes in sizes. 68. older or younger: Older, but not like grandparent aged.  70. nice arms or nice stomach: I don’t give a fuck. Where’s the option for personality? 71. sensitive or loud: Sensitive because I’m shy and if the person is too loud or insensitive then I feel like I would start crying because yo like being in the spotlight gives me hardcore anxiety. 72. hook up or relationship: Relationship.  73. troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant; I’m not about to fuckin babysit who I’m dating.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: No 75. drank hard liquor: Yes, and then I punched my dad’s sunburn because he tricked me. 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: All the time.  77. turned someone down: Yes,, but the best way to turn people down is to show them pictures of Kim Seokjin. 78. sex on the first date: Hell nah boi. Unless you’re female, then I’d be down for it.  79. broken someone’s heart: Probably? By accident? 80. had your heart broken: Hell yes. 81. been arrested: Fuck no, I haven’t even been pulled over. 82. cried when someone died: Um, duh? 83. fallen for a friend: No? 
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: Maybe like 10%. Okay, I have an irrational fear of mall railings because I don’t trust myself to not trip and accidentally fall over it. 85. miracles: Sure, some bullshit miracles tho? Nah. 86. love at first sight: I believe that is called attraction. For me, love comes with knowing a person not just being like--oh they cute I bet they have a great personality too. 87. santa claus: Nah, I deadass watched my mom write Santa on one of my presents as a child. 88. kiss on the first date: Sure? IDK, my partner kissed me before we even had our first date because motherfucker was antsy. hahah.  89. angels: Yesh.
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: I have so many of them--but like Kylee, Maria, Ashleen, Serena, Laura...... 91. eye color: Hazel AF. 92. favorite movie: Bitch I have so many. Split, terminator, Get Out, the purge movies, Brave, Moana, etc.
@g-d0818 @daegu-dreamin @seokjinaf @arisuna @anyoneelsethatwantstodothis
Also, feel free to not do it if I tagged ya. I’m just spacey and forgetful!
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