#starts vibrating and bouncing off the walls like a bouncy ball
pokentomology · 1 year
Hello! I'm new to Rotomblr, and I wanted to ask - do you have any fun facts about Tarountula you'd like to share? I have one myself, and he surprises me every day with a new trick! (And new ways to sneak his fat little body into his food drawer. No lock is strong enough to keep him out. UGH!)
Thanks for your time, Ziva!
~ Combs (@malecombee)
cool facts about this creacher
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- its 'ball', though not actually part of its body, is so elastic and sensitive to vibrations that it can detect even a change in air current
- newly hatched Tarountula use this talent to float to their destination
- they come out of the egg with a moderately thick layer of the silk already balled around them. it's hypothesized they start ballin' before they're even fully formed
- they look unnervingly cylindrical underneath all that silk (dislike.)
- while wild Spidops can and do mate, it is much more common for female Tarountula to lay a clutch just before evolution, as they experience a dramatic shift in hormones upon evolution that induces highly territorial behavior
- they place their brood in a sac made of the same extra-strength silk they wrap around their bodies, and it is extremely difficult to remove (lasers, you have to cut it with lasers. it's ridonkulous—good thing theyre not common home invaders)
- nobody really knows why their silk is so ridiculously strong. we can't figure it out
- sometimes their pedipalps are white and it looks like they have little mustaches
- they smell with their feet. sort of. this is common amongst bug-types but "arachnid" (read: eight-legged) types have it most often—Ariados has very sensitive receptors on its feet
- they are soooo squishy and bouncy. boing boing boing boing
- you will never keep him out of the food drawer. Plastic airsealed container that they can't break open is the way to go. or leave a perpetual feeder out so he learns to graze
- domesticated ones like 2 be bounced sometimes its very fun. I had one that enjoyed being yeeted at the wall at mach speed. she was fine she just bounced off like a handball it was great
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lathalea · 2 years
Santaaaaaaa, fluff overload with this one:
how about the Durin siblings (Thorin, Frerin, and Dis) playing in the snow as children? Maybe it's Dis' first winter?💙
Hello @legolasbadass 💚💖💙 It seems that you've been a good girl because you're getting lots of silliness and fluff in this one! Enjoy :) When thinking about what to write today, I found this cute piece of art by @mightysquareroot (check out their art while you're at it!). The feisty Dis made me giggle so much that I just had to include that kind of attitude in this fic. In my mind, she's the mastermind here ;) In my story, the Durin kids are a bit younger, but I hope I captured the spirit there!
Day 11: BAM!
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Fandom: The Hobbit Relationships: Frerin & Thorin & Dis Rating: G Author's notes: mischief and shenanigans, snow, fluff, silliness
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Frerin had a plan.
The old copper washtub was unwieldy and much heavier than he thought, but they managed it quite well in the end. Just before dawn, he and Thorin carried it out from the bathhouse straight under Mistress Njala’s pudgy nose. Now this large metal object stood right in front of him, on a very snowy and very steep slope of the Lonely Mountain. It was going to be so much fun!
“Bam!” Agreed Dis, slamming her rattle against one of the washtub’s walls. Frerin cringed, hoping that they were too far away from the gates of Erebor for anyone to hear the noise.
“Yes, Dee, that’s a ‘bam’ alright,” laughed Thorin, taking her under her arms and putting her into the bathtub. “You’re going to crush many orc skulls with your ‘bams’ when you reach battle age!”
“Thori, bam!” Dis giggled and poked his knee with her rattle. Thorin made a silly face at her and fell into the snow, faking a sudden and spectacular death. It made Dis squeal in delight.
“You see, Thorin? I told you she would like it!” Frerin grinned at his temporarily dead brother. Thorin was only a few years older than him, but Grandfather and Father kept on adding to his burdens since he was supposed to become the king one day and that made Thorin more and more solemn with time. Frerin promised himself to do everything he could to make his brother smile as much as Dis did.
Thorin’s eyes blinked open, “You know that Mother is going to skin us alive when she hears of it, right?”
“First of all,” Frerin protested,”IF she hears about it, not WHEN. Second, we’ll make sure she won’t. Right, Dee?”
“Bam, Freri! Bam!” Dis offered eloquently, slamming her rattle into the washtub once again.
“Bam, Dee!” Frerin replied, kicking the washtub and eliciting a similar sound out of it. The metal vessel vibrated slightly against the snow.
“If you both keep on doing that, Mother will hear about it much sooner than we’d like to,” Thorin got up, shaking off the snow from his tunic. Frerin didn’t like the frown that formed on his brother’s face.
“Come on, Thorin! Dee needs to learn how much fun sledding can be. Just look at her!”
Frerin’s words worked. When Thorin glanced at Dis jumping up and down in the washtub with excitement and giggling at her brothers, he couldn’t stop himself from smiling.
“Thori bam? Freri bam?” She asked hopefully, her big blue eyes open wide, her cheeks pink, her mouth stretching in a toothless grin. At that point, wrapped in her thick winter coat and waving her rattle around, resembled a bouncy ball of fur more than a cute pebble.
Frerin looked at his brother and was met with Thorin’s gaze. There were mischievous sparks in his eyes now. They nodded at each other in wordless understanding.
As their boots slammed into the washtub’s walls, they both exclaimed: “BAM!”
And then the washtub started sliding down the slippery slope of the Mountain.
With their little sister inside it. Alone.
Dis giggled.
Thorin gasped.
Frerin made a shrieking noise.
“Diiiiis!” Both Thorin and Frerin shouted in terror and started running downhill after the copper monstrosity that kidnapped their sister.
“Bam! Bam! Bam!” Dis exclaimed as the washtub bounced up over a snow-covered stone and landed back on the ground with a clunk. Frerin’s heart jumped into his throat and he stopped in his tracks.
“Move!” His brother shouted at him, and Frerin started running again. Dis��� He had to be faster, he had to catch his baby sister before it was too late. She didn’t know how to steer this thing, she had no idea how to stop it, she was so tiny, and Frerin’s brain knew only one thing: run. He had to run as fast as he could.
Thorin was the first one to reach the washtub. He lunged at it, grabbing its top edge firmly with his hands, but it continued to slide down the slope, dragging him downhill. A tiny part of Frerin gave out a small chuckle, amused at the sight of Thorin literally ploughing through the fresh snow and quickly turning into a snowman.
Frerin ran after his siblings as quickly as he could; so quickly in fact that he hadn’t seen that piece of rock sticking out from under the snow. Or rather, he noticed it when it was already too late. He flew through the air while the ground approached his face at an alarming speed. All Frerin could do was to stretch out his arms to cushion the fall.
As he fell to the ground, his fingers instinctively wrapped something hard and frozen stiff. He blinked, realising two things: one, he was now sliding down the slope too, snow falling straight into his wide open mouth; two, how on earth did he manage to grab Thorin’s boots?!
“Wooohooo! Look, I caught up with you!” Frerin shouted at the top of his lungs, laughing out loud, air swooshing past his face, snow getting under his coat as he slid down quickly, towed by his brother. This was what he called fun!
Thorin shouted back something, but Frerin couldn’t make out the words. “Bam! Bam!” Dis added, slamming her rattle into the washtub again.
“Watch out, Freriiiiiiiiin!” This time, Thorin’s words were very clear.
There was a thump and then a thud, Dis squealed, Thorin grunted, and the washtub was thrown into the air with Frerin and his older brother in tow.
Frerin always wondered how it would feel if he could fly. Now he literally flew through the crisp winter air, wind blowing through his hair, his body seemingly weightless, but before he could enjoy the view, all three of them, plus the washtub, fell straight into a large heap of snow.
“Ouch! Get off my elbow, Thorin!”
“I’m not even anywhere near you, Frerin!”
“What’s that then?”
“Ouch! That hurt, you lulkh!”
“You see? Ugh! Ey! That hurt too!”
“Baaaa?” Dis gurgled. “Babaaaa!”
They disentangled themselves from each other and dug through the snow.
“Dee, where are you?” All they heard was their sister’s giggling somewhere further away. When their snow covered heads finally emerged above the snow, both Frerin and Thorin were blinded by the sun shining straight into their eyes.
“Baaabaaa!” Dis giggled again. A large shadow was cast over them and Frerin finally dared to look up.
“Good morning, Grandmother Urtha,” he heard Thorin speak quietly beside him.
Drat. They were in trouble.
“Enlighten me, boys, what were you trying to achieve here?” Towering above them stood Grandma Urtha who looked at the boys sternly, her lips pressed in a thin line. Dis was in her arms, giggling again and pulling at one of her grandma’s red sideburns.
“Umm… Nothing, Grandma,” Frerin mumbled. “We just wanted to enjoy the snow together with Dis!”
“By putting her into that metal monstrosity? Are you both out of your minds?” Grandma Urtha scowled, and then kissed her granddaughter on the top of her head. “Poor baby girl. You don’t need to be scared anymore.”
“Babaaa!” Dis exclaimed with a big smile.
“She wasn’t scared, she liked it, Grandmother,” Thorin protested.
“Boys, I have enough of your ideas! Last week you put her into that barrel of honey…”
“Dee got there by herself! We were just trying to get her out!” Frerin waved his hands, recalling how mortified he was when it turned out that Dis disappeared from her playroom and crawled somewhere away when the nanny dozed off for a moment, and how relieved he was when Thorin found her in the pantry.
“And what about two days ago when the guards found you in the armoury? All three of you, together with Dwalin! Are you going to tell me she took that sword all by herself?”
Frerin exchanged glances with Thorin.
“Well, she sort of did…” he started.
“The rack… it fell… on its own…” Thorin muttered.
“And that explains how Dis got onto your back and waved that sword, trying to poke Dwalin’s eye out?” Grandma Urtha rumbled. Suddenly, Frerin felt very, very small and insignificant under her thunderous gaze. Everyone did, to be honest. Even Grandpa Thrór.
“Grandma, it wasn’t like that at all,” Frerin started. “You see, Dwalin and Thorin are taller than me, and they didn’t want to train with me, so when Dee…”
“I have enough of your explanations! You are her older brothers! You should protect her from harm! Thank Mahal, I was here at the right time. Look what they have done to you, my little princess!” Grandma Urtha booped Dis’ button nose, her angry expression turning into a soft smile. “Now, we’re going back to the Mountain. When your parents hear about this, I expect you will be grounded for at least two weeks!”
“Two weeks?” Frerin moaned.
“But we were supposed to go to Dale tomorrow!” Thorin added.
“Dis will be going to Dale. You two – not so much,” Grandma Urtha stated.
“But Grandma, that’s not–”
“I don’t want to hear another word about it! And while we are returning home, you will recite the list of the dwarven kings of the First and Second age.”
“Ugh, Grandma, please…” Thorin grunted, rolling his eyes.
“You will begin with Durin the Deathless. And now let us return home.” Grandma Urtha added and started walking.
Frerin and Thorin groaned in unison.
“Baaaa!” Dis chuckled and waved her rattle, casting a pointed glance at her brothers. And then she stuck her tongue out and blew a raspberry in their direction.
“Now, now, my sweet little pumpkin, you are a lady! And do you know what ladies get upon their return home if they behave? A cup of hot cocoa and a cookie,” Grandma Urtha explained and Dis giggled again.
Frerin’s stomach growled.
“Ey, Thorin!” Frerin elbowed his brother and whispered behind Grandma Urtha’s back. “That was fun, right?” “Aye, lots of fun,” Thorin grinned, elbowing him back.
“Great! Let’s do it again tomorrow!”
“How are you planning to sneak out of your room if we’re grounded?” Thorin asked. “Well, I heard rumours of a secret passage hidden in the wall between our rooms…” Frerin winked at him, making his brother nod with a chuckle.
“... and then Durin II ascended to the throne. And after him the great Nain the Blacktooth ruled…” As Thorin’s arduous recitation echoed through the forest, Frerin chuckled.
He had a brand new plan.
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Khuzdul: Lulkh - idiot
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
💝My Obsession // Yandere! Leona Kingscholar x Reader// 💝
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Someone, please explain to me how all my Leona fics end up being 2,500+ words?? Also props to whoever figures out which anime got inspired by to write the ending. Any way enjoy also thanks so much to @malleusthorns​ their game motivated me to write this.
Warning: Gore...I guess.
There was a throbbing that wouldn't seem to go away, reverberating through the young girl's skull. Bouncing from wall to wall of her cranium just like a bouncy ball. The pain caused her to close her eyes tighter, trying to lull herself back into the numb comatose that had started to crack under the weight of alertness. Tiny fracture sprinkled around the darkness, noting to fully break her dormant mind. That was until something icy and wet splashed over her face, jolting her from her slumber.
(Y/n)'s eyes shot open, tears forming at the sides ready to slip out. She was becoming cognizant of the hammering in her head. A shiver ran up her spin before creeping over her skin, laying cutis anserina in its wake. As her sense began to awaken one by one, (y/n) started to feel a tug on her shoulder. The poor girl tried pulling her humerus forward, only for her skin to scrape against a smooth, freezing surface. Something was bounding her arms...and her legs she noted as she tried to kick her feet. 
Nervously her bloodshot eyes scanned the room, it was dark and chilly. Something was causing every hair on her body to stand up on high alert, her guts where entwining amongst themselves screaming that something just wasn't right. Endless minutes flew by before a rollicking noise jarred silent darkness. A tapping soon followed, pittering across the floor. One second she could practically feel their presence less than a millimeter away from her. The next all she had was their even,never-changing noise where, she could only assume, was in front of her.
'Please talk' a  timid voice croaked inside her head. 'Please say something' the nervous noise was poking at her tolerance. 'Just talk!' she couldn't tell if she'd actually screamed out the words or only hollered them inside her head. Either way, it did not matter, the footsteps only continued on their way, ignoring her presence altogether. The steps were getting further and further...the footfalls ceased and were instead replaced by a ripping noise that echoed through the emptiness.
In moments the obscurity was pierced by thin feeble rays of silver light. Despite the lights infirm nature it's brightness (y/n) still shut her eyes in an attempt to stop the stinging that had sparked from the back of her eyeballs. Endless minutes passed before a heavy sigh filled the air accompanied by the mirthless voice of the mysterious kidnapper. "Life's not fair is it?"
That question, that signature rhetorical question that had all but engraved its self in the depths of (y/n)'s memory. There was only one person, one person in the entirety of the world that could state such an overlooked fact as if it was the foundation that life was built on, one person...
"Leona..." Her whisper was as light as the air itself, the name of her beloved childhood friend mingled with the air before it was carried off into oblivion. Craning her head to the right, (Y/n)'s eyes caught the ever so familiar frame of the Savanclaw dorm leader. His green eyes glowed in the eerie rays. His posture wasn't as lax like it always was. There was an eagerness to him, an unsteadiness engulfing him. His spin was stark straight, his gloved fingers dug into his hips, scrunching the fabric of his shirt. "Surprised kitten?" his voice rumbled from his chest, echoing through the room. "You really shouldn't be, you've had this coming for some time."
(y/n)'s brows knitted together, whatever had been spilled on her earlier was starting to dry over her face. Sticking to her visage like a second skin. "L-Leona..." her voice was brittle, wither away like a dying rose. "W-what are...are you talking about?" dread was wrapping it's decaying thin arms around her, hover above the doomed darling watching the spectacle. "Wh..why am I here?" questions where bubbling inside the girl, floating out of her mouth and lingering in the stale air. It did little to phase Leona, he just kept starring and starring. Almost like a predator hunting its prey.
Slowly the lion boy stalked forward, his tail swished from side to side, almost like he was nervous about something...When he was close enough he leaned over. With one hand he tilted the metal chair backward. With the motion (y/n)'s head tipped backward. Their faces were close, far too close, (y/n) could feel every breath that Leona took. There was malice and sadness hidden behind his emerald orbs. His face was twisted into a snarl, sharp teeth on full display. "Why do you always have to be so dame clueless?"
(y/n)'s nerves were starting to snap. If this was a sick joke, then it had lost its humor the moment she woke up. "Stop it!" her voice creaked like old floorboards. Her vocal cords strained almost on the verge of bleeding as she tried to morphed her tone into an intimidating one. "This..this isn't funny Leona!!" The older boy rolled his eyes. He tipped the chain back to its initial position. Before waling behind her and undoing the restraints. Just as (y/n) came to move her arms, Leona forcefully pushed the chair into the ground. (Y/n)'s face slammed against the dirty floor, bouncing upwards from the sheer force before falling down numbly once more.
Leon watched as the young girl tried to get up, balancing herself on her hands and knees. as she stretched her neck to look up at him, he noted that blood was pooling under a few areas on her face and left eye. Creating supple red bruises. Though he would never say it out loud, she looked pretty like this, she had always looked her best when she was bleeding of hurt in some manner, it caused a sort of glow to orbit around her. But her beauty did little to make up for her insolence. There was a storm brewing inside him of him the anger, danger, and a newly awoken darkness where entwining birthing the personification of his obsession.
"By the king of beasts," he grumbled as his fingers shot up to his temple, as they always did when the iteration of the situation was planting another neuralgia in his head  "I want you...no, you are mine, you have always been mine! You're just so stupidly dense that you never once realized it!"
(Y/n)'s eyes widen in disbelief, her heart was pounding against her rib cage practically breaking her ribs with each beat. Nervously she brought the back of her hand to her face, trying to distract herself. As she went to wipe the substance off her face. The substance cracked and peeled off the second her hand rubbed against it. As it fell it revealed a sticky layer underneath. Retracting her arm quickly (y/n) tried to see what it was that she had just touched...Another wave of shock rolled over her...
"B-blood?" Frantically her eyes ran up to Leona's begging for answers. The dark-skinned boy shrugged. "I didn't like your history project partner". (y/n) gulped, "How long?" her question silently floated between them, acting as a shield brightened by the dimly light. Leona only raised an eyebrow, he opened his mouth an inch but closed it once he heard the choked sobs and enraged shouts coming from his "lover". "How long?"... there was no reply. "How long have you felt this way!" It was a stupid question. (y/n) knew, if anything she had known for far too long, but she had been so happy in her hubris. So content with playing "sibling" with her childhood friend, she knew how he had felt for far too long. But everything had been so sweet, so pleasant, almost like a fairy tale. It was easier to look for a prince charming in other men and expect her "big brother" to be there and catch her once that prince inevitably broke her heart. 
A sharp pain in her scalp caused the girl to look up. Leona was kneeling in front of her, pulling her hair up to look her directly in the eyes.
"Stop being so selfish and just fuking be mine already! it's not that fucking hard!" His yells held a desperate undertone, the big strong king of Savanclaw was reduced to this? A lovesick boy? Angrily (y/n) took in a deep unsteady breath before bellowing: "I'm the selfish one? You kidnapped me and tied me to a chair! You broke that beautiful illusion we had! To want to throw away our friendship for what? So we can break each other's hearts?!"
Leona remained dumbfound, his grip on her hair strengthened. "Actually I ordered Ruggie to kidnap you so that on him" he tried to keep a haughty prideful tone, but her words had left a growing bruise on his ego.
"Doesn't matter! if anything that just further proves my point! You are the selfish one! Just fess up, you're the one at fault here!"
Leona's body had begun vibrating with rage. Lifting his free hand he struck (y/n)! His claws snipped at her flesh,  tearing apart skin tissue by skin tissue as if it was nothing more then silk fabric. Slashing at the muscles until there was a large enough opening for the blood to flow past. Trickling down her cheek the mood pushed away the rotten plasma caking her face, splattering on her clothes, leaving large messy circular like stains.
"No no! This! This whole fucked up mess we're in is all your fault! It's always been your fault!" Leona roared. His pupils had started to dilate, tears were forming in his eyes. Swiftly the older boy lifted his fist only to smash it onto (y/n)'s, again and again, and again...
Laughter, a sicking, and high pitch bordering on maniacal. Leona stopped his assault, his brows shot upwards, as his mouth twisted in a snarl, creases started forming on the bridge of his nose. How dare she laugh at him! How dare she mock him!
(Y/n) opened her eyes, they were harboring similar insanity as her kidnapper. Her mouth opened permitting her to cough up some blood that had pooled inside. "Why can't you just accept responsibility? You were always like this! Even when we were kids! Nothing was ever your fault because you were such a tragic little prince weren't you! If you really love me then own it! Don't blame me for your obsession! It wasn't my fault! I thought you...I thought you were happy with what we had!" Leona slowly pulled away. His green gaze never once leaving (y/n)'s damaged face. His fingers unlocked from her hair, which causes the young girl to immediately start rubbing the top of her head.
"I don't really care how you see this situation. My fault -which it isn't- Your fault -which it is- the point is...you're mine now and that's how it's going to be..." Leona's hand slithered over to (y/n)'s wrist, gripping it and pulling her into his arms. (y/n) buried her face in his shoulder, breathing in his nostalgic scent, as he calmly petted her head as if she was a pet cat.
Time had frozen, granting the two so-called lovers a break of sorts. For the endless moment. It wasn't until Leona had gotten bored of their little hug, that the two moved. Leona's hands dug into her shoulder, he leaned his head down just as (y/n) tilted her head up. Lips brushing against each other prepping for a kiss.
The quietness was disrupted by a loud banging noise from behind them followed by an airy sound that got louder and louder. Until it struck right past Leona. Cutting the fabric of his jeans and slicing through his flesh. The lion let out a hiss, jumping to his feet and pulling (y/n) up with him. He pushed her to his chest as he maneuvered his body into an attacking pose.
"Let go of (y/n)! You horrible beast!" "Ecoute a lui, roi des lions" "Don't touch (y/n) Onee-chan!"
Those voices, (y/n)'s mind rushed back to the situation. She had seemingly forgotten just what Leona had done to her. The kidnapping, the humiliation, the beating...somehow it had all ran away from her memory the moment her beloved Leona had embraced her. 
Behind the "couple" Rook shot arrow after arrow, aiming for the lion's limbs. One lucky arrow managed to strike Leona's left bicep. The lion boy let out a pained roar, his arm falling limp to his side as blood gushed downwards. "Rook, Ortho now!" Vil's voice boomed through the chamber. Rook nodded as Ortho replied with a "sure thing". The two raced forward, Rook switching his bow for a pocket knife and Ortho punching Leona with his metal fist. Leona tried to fight back but with his wound and the gang up he mostly ended up getting punched.
Sometime before the attack had fully commenced, Leona had shoved (y/n) to the side. Vil ran up to (y/n) grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the exit. Right before he left the "king" of Pomefiore snapped his fingers, causing both Ortho and Rook to leave a bruised and broken Leona. "How did you find me?" (Y/n) asked as she was directed through the maze of hallways and staircases. Vil turned his head to stare at her for a split second before running forward. The hallways were just as dark as the room she had been kept in, the numerous windows were covered by thick black curtains preventing the moon from sharing its light. However, thanks to Ortho's built-in flashlights the gang had a clear, illuminated view of a few feet in front of them. "Idia saw Ruggie knock you out and drag you to the catacombs" Vil explained, his grip on her wrist tightened. As the group ran to the Ignhyde dorm, (y/n) couldn't stop herself from peering over her shoulder. Expecting..no, hoping that her childhood friend would pounce out of the darkness at any moment and chase after them. It was a longing to see the boy she had known her whole life chase after her, the only difference was that this time if he did catch her, she would not object to his advances. But Leona never came...
and she was beginning to think he never would.
Days have a tendency to blend when together there is nothing left to look forward to. (y/n) couldn't remember how long it had been since that night in the NRC catacombs, how long it had been since that "confession"? Time had turned into a paradox, having simultaneously stooped and sped up. Idia and Ortho had taken the role of her caretaker. Bringing her food and checking up on her from time to time. Idia had even broken his shut-in nature just for her, every once in awhile he'd bring over some games to play. Ortho would pop in every day, trying his hardest to entertain the stoic girl. But no matter how hard either Shroud twin tried (y/n) would never smile, her face would never forme any real expression. She only ever spoke when necessary, conversations with her mostly consisted of nobs and grunts. Some days after school Vil or Rook would stop by the Ignihyde dorm with treats. Hoping to return (y/n) to her old, innocent self.
Deep down (y/n) was grateful for the efforts the boys put in. But it felt so meaningless go hollow. What was the point of it all? (y/n) could feel the threads of her sanity slowly ripping. Her days and nights -granted she'd lost track of which was when- where filled with constant pondering over guilty thoughts. Every single one of her waking moments was dedicated to envisioning that damned day, dreaming of just how it could have turned out. Why didn't she just kiss him? Why didn't she jump into his arms and scream that she was his? That she would always be his? That it didn't matter how they loved each other so long as the love was there.
Earlier that morning Vil had stopped by to tell (y/n) that  Leona had come back from the semester break. It had seemed like a warning after all Vil was only trying to look out for her. The thought that Leona was back had sent her heart aflutter. She may have not shown it but her nerves where a wreck, she was both excited and nervous. A nagging voice in the back of her mind kept screaming that he wouldn't care about her that she had lost her chance the night she let herself be rescued by Vil, Rook, and Ortho. But a small piece of her still begged that Leona would come for her, that he still loved her.
Sleep was something that came in waves, sometimes she would sleep for days on end, and other times she would spend weeks in an insomniac daze. Tonight was one of the later nights. (y/n)'s eyes refused to close, her brain resisted the urge to think about anything other than Leona. She spent so many nights with his face in her head, mulling over every little detail. As the hours ticked by, (y/n)'s eyes started to grow heavier and heavier. The final scene the moment he said he loved her or at least tried to was still so vibrant in her semi asleep head. She could still hear his voice, his shouts and cries....his voice why was it so clear?--
"You know~ in another life, we could have gotten married, you could have been my queen and I, your king. We could have been happy like all those other happy idiots of the world." 
(Y/n) bolted upright, her hands suffocating her blanket. Her window had been reduced to dirt. Leaning against the frame of where the windowpane had been was no other than the man that had plunged her thought for far too long. Standing on her bed and walking over to him, (y/n) couldn't help the larger than life smile that spread over her face or the tears of joy that just wouldn't seem to stop.
She came to a stop in front of him. Just like that night, the moon's rays of silver light cast a surreal glow over Leona's frame. He looked almost like an angel sent to free her from her suffering. "What..what makes you think we...we could ever be normal?" A tiny laugh escaped her mouth as she wiped the tears from her face. All Leona did was smirk, he extended his arm, his open palm beckoning her to take it. Eagerly (y/n) grabbed a hold of his arm, her grip was tight, too scared to let go always this all be some illusion fabricated by her tortured mind.
"Oi shut up already idiot...just stay quiet" He pulled her up, back into his arms, right where she belonged. His embrace was nothing short of bone-crushing. But (y/n) didn't mind, the pain proved just how real how was. With a final tug, Leona pulled her out of the window. As they began to fall to the ground, Leona smiled, a genuine smile that for once harbored no ill intent nor ulterior motive and said:
"You will always be my obsession (y/n) just as I have become yours..."
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owlespresso · 3 years
Mechanist’s Machinations/Stephanivien
Warrior of Light/Stephanivien Spice below the cut! If you like what I do, consider supporting me via ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/owlespresso
Twice a year, during each solstice, the high clans of Ishgard held a ball of changing seasons. Being new to the civilization, you had yet to experience one fully. Stephanivien both waxed poetic to you about the glimmering atmosphere and fully admitted to the stuffiness of that came with the formality, but even he could not deny the fairytale-esque nature of such events. The ballroom opened wide. Paintings depicting legends of eld spanned across the domed ceiling, prompting you to crane your neck as you stared up in abject awe.
Perhaps you could have committed more of the stunning view to memory had the toy nestled between your legs not twitched and buzzed. Your thighs squeezed and tightened inside of your grandiose dress, gaze snapping back down to earth as you sought your mischievous partner. 
“Keep your eyes ahead of you,” Stephanivien’s heavy palm pressed to your lower back. Amusement was all too obvious, primely displayed in the curl of his lips and the low set of his eyelids. “Lest you bump into Archombadin de Dzemael a second time.”
“The first was your fault,” you hissed under your breath, gently elbowing him as the two of you made your way into the gathering proper. The rich sound of the orchestra bounced off the rounded walls, filling the room with beautiful music. Nearly every one of your senses was accosted by the pure majesty of the scene… except for touch. The presence of the toy between your legs was painfully obvious to you. Your pussy walls clenched desperately around it, your stance stiff as you accompanied your lover into the incredible ballroom. 
You have to pat yourself on the back for deciding not to wear heels to this occasion. If you had, you would be on the floor in mere moments with the stunted penguin steps you’re taking.
“That much I will concede,” Stephanivien replied, a glimmer of fondness in his gaze. His hand spanned across the small of your back, never once leaving your body lest he lose you in the crowd. You fancied yourself a woman who could take care of herself, but if you were to become separated from him whilst this goddamn thing was in between your legs, you would lose your mind. “My deepest apologies, love. Allow me to make it up to you.”
“Oh, you’ll be making it up to me plenty later,” you scoff at him with a small scowl, a pout turning the corners of your lips softly downwards. If he feels any semblance of sympathy he’ll have no problem with you shoving his face in place of the goddamned toy when you get him alone. 
Simply accompanying him to the ball had been enough of a favor, but going along with his hare-brained sex play was another thing entirely. You feel unnaturally naked and exposed despite the lengthy dress you’ve picked out for tonight. It’s a stunning number that hovers just above the floor, the corset laced firmly yet not uncomfortably, supporting your bust without breathing your back. 
Sharply dressed waiters and waitresses wove through the thinning crowds as the guests spread to different areas of the room, carrying platters of hors d’oeurvres and flutes of golden pink champagne.
You plucked one of the slender glasses as one passed by, giving the waiter a kind smile and a thankful nod. Goddess only knew you couldn’t make it through the night sober. You lifted it to your lips, wincing ever so slightly as the cool taste doused your tongue and slid down your throat, the alcohol melting into a slight, sanguine burn. 
The vibration between your legs spiked at that very moment, causing you to gasp and splutter. Your grip on your glass tightened, the back of your throat itching as you worked the liquid down the correct pipe. 
Several passerby jolted at your sudden fit, causing your cheeks to grow warm. 
“I’m fine,” you assured them with a strained smile.
“Are you sure?” At your side, Stephanivien cooed. He looked to you tenderly, sympathetically. His lips curled into a concerned frown. He played the role of the caring spouse to a picture perfect level, from his dewey sweet tone of voice to the strikingly genuine expression he sported. The large hand on your back brought you close, leaving merely an ilm between you… but it also allowed you to see the mischievous glint in his eyes. The smug bastard was shameless, and the need to retaliate in some way gripped you so thoroughly that your jaw clenched.
“One-hundred percent,” you gritted out. One of your gloved hands perched on his upper arm, giving a squeeze. What could be taken as a reassuring squeeze soon turned into a vice-like grip that had him reeling in place, eyes widening as you held him tighter—a silent threat. His partner or not, you were still the Warrior of Light and you could still kick his ass six ways to Sunday. He paled considerably and nodded.
“...So glad to hear that, my dear. Shall we head closer to the dancefloor? I think I see my father entangled in deep conversation with count Fortemps,” he inquired, motioning in the direction of the aforementioned individuals with his shoulder. The sight of Edmont was a welcome one, but speaking to anyone whilst this damned toy is busy tormenting you sounded like a terrible idea. It was practically asking to be humiliated. 
“And let you make me look a fool in front of my adoptive father and future father-in-law?” you inquire, making sure to sound as incredulous as possible. “I think not, Stephanivien!”
 “I think it would help my father grow accustomed to the idea of you as my wife if he were to see you at one of our formal events.” Stephanivien coaxed, gently nudging you with his shoulder. “Taking part in Ishgardian tradition is a sure way to secure a stronger bond with him. And maybe it would help the both of you get along better. If I remember correctly, you described him as ‘stuck in his ways’?”
You gave an exasperated sigh, leaning into his side. As much as you hated to risk it, you had to admit Stephanivien was correct. There wasn’t anything his father could do to separate the two of you, but having his blessing would make the relationship easier. Ishgardians, despite the way their culture preached modesty, were unabashedly nosy when it came to their family members and said family members’ love lives.
Getting close to his father would make the process of courting seem less taboo. The man had already struggled with accepting you, a foreigner, as a proper bride for his son. If there was to be an official wedding in the coming days, having the current count’s approval was key.
“Alright,” you acquiesce (as though you could ever refuse him in the first place). Before he could take the initiative, you pointedly grasp his hand and lead him in the direction of the two. “Come along, then.” They chatter busily near one of the many buffet tables, both wearing relaxed expressions, a good sign at the very least. House Fortemps and Haillenarte have always been close, so you’ve been counting on Edmont putting in a good word for you.
Edmont greeted you with a wide, welcoming smile—the kind that made you feel like you belonged.
The conversation lasts no more than five minutes before the bastard subtly raises the intensity of the toy. You gasp mid-sentence, barely managing to cover your ass with a half-hearted excuse before you scurry towards the refreshment table, readying a slew of insults to sling Stephanivien’s way as soon as the two of you reach private quarters. 
He follows you seamlessly. A few of the noble folk recognize and greet him, whilst others have certainly noticed your presence and make haste in your direction. It’s not everyday you make yourself available to Ishgard’s upper class (with the exception of the Fortemps), so the party’s other attendants are more than likely to interact with you whilst they can. The very idea of entertaining the uppity rich folk nearly sends a rickety shiver down your spine.
Still, you do your best to make a good impression. The steady buzz between your legs only climbs in severity and to your relief, Stephanivien steps in sooner rather than later. He must have noticed your growing fatigue. When he steps forward to brush away the enthusiastic trio of bouncy noblewomen who have done nothing but cling and fawn over you for the past fifteen minutes, he sends you a knowing and apologetic look.
“My deepest apologies, ladies, but I promised the Warrior a dance and I must deliver it to her. I’m sure you understand,” he says with a teasing smile. The women giggle as they bustle away, doubtlessly eager to gossip about the relationship between yourself and the Haillenarte heir.
The vibrant chandelier light catches on his blond locks. His head is absent of his trademark bandana and goggles, hair done in an elegant braid. 
“Couldn’t have stepped in sooner?” you jibe at him a little bit, reaching up and tugging lightly on the aforementioned length of hair. He winches, but you hold no sympathy for him. He’s earned it, after the hell he’s put you through.
“Why? You seemed to be enjoying yourself… and if you’re going to be living here, then you’ll need to grow accustomed to the people,” he says, a palm pressing to the small of your back. He leads you seamlessly through the crowd, heading at last for the exit. You’ve only been here for a little more than an hour, but you’re already exhausted. You only have so much energy to spend talking to the rich and privileged before your brain starts giving out on itself. 
“Regardless, I’m proud of you for lasting as long as you did,” he admits with a small laugh, “Even I grow weary of all the posturing and negotiating and gossiping. The nobility lacks most of the problems that plague the lower class, so they invent their own. Lady Dzemael has been fitting about her supposedly stolen croquettes as of late.”
“I suppose the impending threat of a dragon attack was second to that on her list of concerns,” you remark wryly, resisting the urge to roll your eyes at the melodrama.
The ballroom, in all its incredible extravagance, disappears behind you. Stephanivien continues to idly banter with you, distracting you from both conversations held inside the ballroom and the toy incessantly teasing your pussy.
The orchestra becomes vague background noise as you head down the winding corridors, too focused on the lone task of returning to the Haillenarte manor to pay much attention to your surroundings. Your panties are near soaked through, cunt throbbing around the intrusive toy nestled inside.
You tense and rub your thighs together every chance you get. If he notices, he does not say anything.
Your little secret makes you feel giddy as you scurry down the hallowed halls of the mansion, pressed against him, as close as you can get. His hand is perched on the small of your back, his voice jovial as he shepherds you to his room with tantamount urgency. None of the staff dare interrupt your rushed journey, all likely knowing what you’re about to do. Normally you might muster up some sense of sheepishness, but you’re too hot and bothered now.
Only when the door of his room shuts behind you are you able to feel at ease. A weight lifts off your shoulders… as do the straps of your dress. 
“Eager, are we?” Stephanivien inquires with no small amount of smugness, as though he isn’t also feverishly disrobing. He has an easier time of it. No zippers to fiddle with, no corsets to unlace. 
“Again, that’s your fault,” you accuse with no venom in your voice, beginning to shimmy out of your formal attire. The dress, as lovely and comfortable as it is, has got to go… though you’ll most likely need his help to untie it.
“As humorous as it is to watch you wiggle around like a mermaid on land, I must offer you my humble assistance. It is the least I can do after all I have put you through, tonight,” he offers. When you glance back at him again, he’s disrobed down to his boxers. His suit and pants have been haphazardly tossed to the side of the room. He’s seated on the edge of the mattress, looking up to you with imploring eyes. His arms are open, elbows resting on his knees.
“It really is the very least you can do,” you remark. Even while sitting, he’s your same height, if not a tad taller. It’s enough to send a flush of heat to your already aching cunt. 
You go quiet as you shimmy over to him. As soon as you’re able to, you rest your hands upon his shoulders and make a small jump to stand in between his legs, using him as a baseboard. The force of you pushing down on him makes him give a small ‘oof’, but he’s otherwise unbothered, too large and well-muscled to be bothered by someone of your size. 
His countless hours at the workshop have served him well. There’s definition to his shoulders and arms, to his abdomen that might lead you to believe he’s been training on the side. Your absentminded gaze reaches it to the v of his hips before he grabs you by your own and abruptly turns you around.
The suddenness makes you squawk.
“Hush. You will have plenty of time to ogle me in just a few moments, I assure you,” Stephanivien says. His nimble fingers dance up and down the back of your dress, expertly untying and unlacing the top garment with practiced dexterity. Mere moments later, it crumples to the polished wooden floor at your feet.
Unabashedly, suddenly, he manhandles you to face him again. You prepare another teasing barb to throw his way, but the words fall from your tongue the moment you see his face. He looks to you with unspoken ardence, a worshipful admiration decidedly different from the way anyone else has seen you with. It quiets and humbles you, to the point where you don’t speak even as he hooks his thumbs underneath the sides of your panties.
“Utterly divine, my love,” he coos. He pulls you forward by your hips, gaze slowly traversing down your body. He starts at your chest, admiring the curve of your bust before reaching your stomach. It’s as though he’s trying to memorize every inch of you, leaving you feeling more exposed and overanalysed than ever… and that’s before he pauses as he reaches your sodden panties. His head ducks, his lips curled into a torrid smirk. His left hand releases your hip and slides across your thigh, long fingers reaching up to caress a single stripe down your still clothes cunt, gently jostling the toy.
The sudden movement inside your already oversensitive cunt makes you jump and gasp, fingers curling tight around his broad shoulders. The shock is instantly replaced with irritation borne of his insufferable teasing.
“Gods, just fuck me already,” you grumble, thoroughly vexed by his sluggish examination.
“Forgive me,” he beseeches, eyes glimmering with untold mischief. “I was so taken by your beauty that I lost myself for a moment. Will you indulge me for the final time tonight, my love?”
“Depends. You’re already on thin ice,” you reply, tilting your head to the side. The hand that teased your cunt navigates around your body, his palm settling over one of your cheeks. His long fingers span over it entirely, giving you a loving squeeze. Your eyes screw shut as you hold in a moan, your cheeks growing even hotter as you realize what he’s asking of you. 
“As rapturous as you are from the front, I believe I can get a better grasp of the toy’s overall performance from the back? Are you feeling up to that, tonight?” The low buzzing in between your thighs is deriving you to the point of incoherence. In the midst of your frustration, you agree with a wordless nod.
“As long as you hurry up and fuck me already,” you try to put extra bite in your words, but any and all threat in your tone is dulled by your currently nude state. 
“Splendid.” Those long fingers tap against your hip, and he gently urges you to the side. “On the bed, my dear. The sooner you get into position, the sooner I can give you what you want.”
You need no further encouragement to scramble atop the blankets, coming to rest upon your hands and knees, sopping cunt and ass presented for his use. A brief sequence of noises behind you, namely the sound of a drawer opening and shutting, let you know he’s suspiciously prepared for this. 
“Lovely. You’re doing so well for me.” There’s jolly humor in his voice and it nearly makes you roll your eyes. He makes quick work of your panties, sliding them down your thighs until they rest in the crook of your knees. Slicked, chilled fingers lightly work their way to your bottom hole, your voice choking around a gasp as he teases it. The toy still buzzes eagerly between your legs, even the slightest bit of stimulation enough to make you push back into his touch. 
“Fuck,” you curse, face pressed to the sheets as he works a single, nimble digit inside of you, working you open. The series of gentle thrusts in and out make you begin to melt, body desperate for any attention he’ll give it. You relax for him, you loosen, gasping and whining, melting into little more than a puddle beneath him. The slicked lubricant chills against your exposed skin, sending goosebumps sprawling over your legs. 
You pay it no mind as you work a hand underneath you, beginning to tease your clit with practiced strokes. Your growing noises of pleasure pitch higher and higher… and then turn into grievous whines as he pulls his fingers away.
“Hush,” Stephanivien soothes, lips brushing the back of your neck. He adorns your unmarked flesh with kisses and nips, occasionally stopping to suck a deeper mark. “I’ll give you what you so desperately crave, I promise. Just be patient. Intricate processes like these require proper preparation.”
The hot press of his cock makes a sudden breath rattle harshly from your lungs as he nears your twitching hole. The tip presses gently to it, beginning a slow slide inside. His fingers are long and practiced, but his cock is decidedly girthier. You don’t realize you’re shaking until he begins to murmur sweet nothings to you, a warm hand stroking up and down your side in an attempt to soothe you. The sudden nerves settle gradually, every muscle relaxing around him as he pushes deeper, deeper until his pelvis presses firm against your ass. 
“You are a wonder,” he says into your hair, his shaking voice betraying his rattled composure. Even the scion of an Ishgardian noble house cannot remain unflinching in the throes of pleasure. The thought somehow soothes you as he pulls back… and thrusts in again. The pace he sets is slow and measured, yet deep and thorough. It’s the kind of mind-melting measure that frustrates and defeats you, the kind that makes your fingers tremble on your clit as you struggle to cling to coherent thought. 
The constant, unrelenting pressure he applies is enough to keep you pinned entirely to the sheets. 
“You’re excellent,” he moans and growls his praise, voice muffled against your shoulder. His words are spaced between frantic, wet kisses. “Truly. Taking me so well after all you’ve been through, tonight. Can you cum for me, darling? I think you can. I know so.”
The raw satisfaction the praise pushes through your worn mind is somehow enough to undo the coil between your legs that’s been wound so tight. The constant teasing has had you dangling on the precipice from the very start, so it should be no surprise when you finally cum, howling your bliss into the sheets as your body jerks and writhes. The toy relentlessly vibrates through it, devastating your plush walls until you at last reach to wrench it out. 
Your entire body shakes as he fucks you throughout, pushing you so far into bliss that you begin to squirm away. His fingers curl tight around your hips, pulling you tight to him. His rhythm falters and his words fail him. You only realize these tell-tale signs of his approaching orgasm moments before it crashes into him. His hips still as he spills inside you. His teeth find purchase on your shoulder as he bites, sucking a brutal mark onto the blank patch of skin.
The blankets pull and nearly tear as you grip them, shaking like a leaf in his grasp. The strength has been all but sapped from your body by the physical and emotional strain of the night. Who knew talking to so many of Ishgard’s most powerful people could exhaust you so much? In the stillness and clarity of your post-orgasm, you can’t help but feel immensely grateful that you’re not in that stuffy ballroom, anymore.
“Forgive me,” Stephanivien says against your shoulder. His soft lips press up against the spot he had just bitten, and his grip on you loosens. There will be bruises where he held you tomorrow, but you can’t find it in yourself to be upset about that. Knowing that proof of tonight will still linger beyond this encounter is satisfying in a strange and animal way. “I was too… ahem, drawn into the moment. I should not have been so brusque with you.”
“No, it’s alright.” Your voice is hoarse as you assure him. “It was good. Really nice.” You grasp for more sophisticated words, but your head throbs the moment you do.  
What you will have to do is see how obvious the hickies he left are going to be. As proud as you are to be involved with him, you can’t waltz into your workplace looking like you’ve just been near choked to death. Heavens could only imagine the way Tataru would tease and badger you for the dirty details. Not to mention Stephanivien’s father… though you’re quite sure he already knows the details of your relationship with his son. 
Being the Warrior of Light has its perks, one of which being that not even the staunchly traditional nobility of Ishgard can take issue with you marrying one of their own. Not after all you’ve done for them.
“Ah. Full glad am I to hear that, my dear.” He raises from his close position, gently shifting you to lay on your back. The toy lays abandoned only a few ilms away, and you wince at the sight of it coated in your juices. He’ll be the one to clean that up, you decide. It’s the least he can do after all of tonight’s shenanigans. His little invention causes you more trouble than you surely deserved. He reaps what he sows, as far as you are concerned.
You allow yourself brief smugness, knowing he’ll be helpless to refuse. For as dominant as he can be, there’s very little he will deny you. Whilst you strive to not take advantage of that good nature, there are times where you think it’s only appropriate to seize what you’ve so painstakingly earned.
Perhaps you should take a shower, you muse to yourself, staring up at the ceiling. The warmth of the afterglow settles over your tired body. The day’s anxieties are done and over with, put behind you. There are no balls to dread attending, no high social interaction for you to worry about. Perhaps you should have something to drink, too. It wouldn’t do for you to go to bed dehydrated—
Something hard and hot presses ever so gently against the outer lips of your cunt, causing your gaze to snap downwards. Stephanivien at least has the good sense to look sheepish after his unabashed ravishing of you, his lips curled in a decidedly boyish smile. His cock, however, is not nearly as shy. 
“What.” You say, doubtlessly looking as incredulous as you feel.
“I cannot help my hopeless attraction to you, my dear. I think you should know that by now,” he wheedles, batting his eyelashes. “You’re up for another round, aren’t you? The night is only so young, as are we, and we should enjoy ourselves while we have the chance—”
Your face warms as his gaze roves up and down your body, worshipful and lustful all at the same time. Whilst he rants about the finer details of your physical form and soul, those large palms and long fingers come to cup your hips, thumbs rolling slow circles into your cooling skin. Like this, both bared to each other, you’re hard pressed to say no. The simplest of touches sends another spark through you, your already overstimulated cunt throbbing. 
He’s impossible to resist. Utterly, irritatingly impossible. 
So, you make a show of throwing your head back and sighing, staring pointedly up at the ceiling.
“If we must,” you say, but the upturned curl to your lips betrays you.
“What would I ever do without you?” he says. Those clever hands have already drawn you closer, the tip of his girthy cock kissing your entrance. You’re already plenty slick from the toy’s… loving ministrations. He slides inside easily, yet slowly, still careful to give you time to properly adjust. The toy’s size pales in comparison to his, but the preparation and lubrication are more than enough. You keen as he presses close, hips canting in a desperate attempt for more of that blessed, sanguine contact. “So receptive, as well.” 
Your back arches, your eyes flutter shut as your walls clench and loosen around him. He presses up against every special little spot, touches everywhere you want him. His very presence is toe-curling, mind-melting in a way you have trouble describing. 
“With an attitude like that, we’ll put an heir in you yet.” he teases, voice lapsing into a playful little lilt. “Would you like that, my dear? Would you like to be bred and round with child?” His jesting tone of voice is at odds with the fire that gleams openly in his gaze. A million thoughts and possibilities seize you at once.
Your answer is lost in a jumbled gasp as he sets a faster, rougher pace. You are sent mindless into a sea of bliss, wave after wave knocking the breath and coherency out of you.
The very idea of his proposal, however, sends a very raw abet confusing wave of heat straight down to your cunt. The logical part of you halts completely at the suggestion, any rational thought shut down by the swift gyration of his hips. Your hands grip the sheets for dear life. Your walls clench around him. Your eyes squeeze shut. 
This will be a long night.
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inactiive-shit · 4 years
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Warnings: references to past issues, intrusive thoughts, Remus-normal stuff
Pairings: Platonic Intruality, background romantic Royality
Words: 2,224
Summary: Remus is like the clock that still has cogs. He does work. It is just a different kind of working than others are used to. Sometimes, he must be wound, sometimes his gears malfunction and he must be reset. Sometimes people ignore his face for the ones printed in pretty, glowing numbers.
Remus is vibrating.
That’s not some weird metaphor for sex, he’s not alluding to anything that isn’t exactly what he means.
What he means is: his body is running about a million gigawatts through every single atom. How else would you explain the flailing arms, bouncing legs, loud screeching noise that is coming out of his mouth, or the white streak in his hair that he swears wasn’t there yesterday? No, there is no other explanation. Remus is being electrocuted enough to kill an elephant ten times over and he still has the unfortunate luck to not only be living through it but aware of it as well.
Which, really, depending on which Gods he’s currently worshipping, is deserved. Zeus would probably smite him, given half a chance. But that isn’t Remus’s problem until it actually happens, and this isn’t that.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This was one thousand - I’ll raise you two - I’ll raise you three thousand percent electricity made and controlled by Remus’s own brain because sometimes even his body is against him. He can’t always control the bullshit that comes out of his mouth, and sometimes he feels disconnected from his arms when they flail around and accidentally land a gnarly black eye, and do you really think he would keep bouncing a hole through the floor with his leg if he had the choice to just stop for a minute?
But he doesn’t, because things often don’t work out for Remus. It’s just what he’s come to expect. Stupid because he can’t do easy things, nonsensical because he can do hard ones. Confusing because he reads with music on, lying because he can hear your watch ticking from across the room and cannot do simple math with a distraction like that. Uncaring being so impulsive, wrong for trying to be considerate. Always, always, Remus is never enough.
Remus is like the clock that still has cogs. He does work. It is just a different kind of working than others are used to. Sometimes, he must be wound, sometimes his gears malfunction and he must be reset. Sometimes people ignore his face for the ones printed in pretty, glowing numbers.
He doesn’t know who the problem really belongs to, whether he is running too fast for everyone else’s day, so that he has twenty-eight hours for their twenty-four, or if they simply don’t know how to read the time on an analog clock, with it’s spinning hands and whirring parts. He figures there’s not much to figure out about all that, not really. At the end of the day, he is the one out-numbered, he is the one impulsive, he is the one with oxymorons that run like code through his system that works for him and no one else.
Remus is not the problem, he is their problem.
But right now, more specifically, he is Patton’s problem. Roman had left him alone in his house, assuring him that he’d be back in half an hour. Due to some crappy traffic, crashes, making a few other stops, and having his other friends require his help, Remus was still sitting - bouncing off the walls in his house alone when Roman’s fiance Patton got back.
In the twenty minutes proceeding, it’s all been downhill.
“Remus, please stop that,” Patton says, mouth twisted into a politely downturned smile most likely because it’s not the first time he’s said it. This is also not the first thing Remus has done that made Patton ask him to please stop. It doesn’t feel like as much of a win as it usually does with Patton’s genuine if nervous smile when he’d first seen Remus today.
Remus launches the bouncy ball at the wall again, snatching it out of the air before it can shoot away to break one of their overly expensive vases. He grins at Patton, lips pulling a little too wide, and does it one more time, then pockets the ball.
“So so so,” Remus sings, flipping himself upside down on the couch and staring at Patton. “What’s up with you, A-Pat-thy? Get it? Like apathy but-”
“But with my name, yeah,” Patton says. There’s almost a smile on his face, which is not the kind of reaction Remus’s nicknames usually get but he’s not objecting. “Wait here,” Patton says and leaves the living room. Remus takes the ball out of his pocket and puts it in his mouth instead. There’s not much reason to it, just rough and round and in mouth. It has no taste but it feels like stretchy sand, which Remus will make the second he gets the supplies he needs.
“Let me ask you,” Patton says, returning with one hand held behind his back, “how fondue you find puns?” He presents Remus with fondue-covered bread. Remus jumps off the couch, clapping his hands.
“Oh, punderful!” he exclaims, accepting the bread for the olive branch it is. Remus may be a million things that other people have accused him of, but he’s never been dense - as much as Roman would have liked him to notice less. He knows a peace offering when he sees one.
“That’s just too cheesy!” Patton says, really laughing.
“You better be bread-y because there’s more where that came from,” Remus says, pointing at Patton with his bread. He cackles.
“Well, well, well, you better just Skittle on out of here, because puns are my business and you are about to go bake-rupt,” Patton says. He makes finger guns at Remus and Remus collapses back onto the couch, clutching his wounds gravely.
“Oh no, the Sheriff of Punnery has yeasted me again.” Patton wrinkles his nose. “On bested?” Remus asks. He refrains from saying his buns were just too powerful because that can carry connotations and this is his brother’s fiance; he doesn’t want to make things too weird when he actually kind of does want Patton to not-hate him.
“It’s passable,” Patton says. “But I think I out-punned you this round.” They both laugh at the last, unexpected pun of their duel, and Remus has to concede defeat here. He nods acceptingly.
“I must agree. My brother has picked a worthy adversary.” Remus’s leg starts bouncing again now that he’s sitting down, and the electricity is coming back full force so that the air around his skin is crackling with energy he can’t touch. It’s arcing through his veins like molten rocks, leaving behind a desire to jump and scream and move, but his leg bounces and he picks at his nails and chews his lips and tries not to be any more obnoxious than he has to be.
“I have some spaghetti I was going to heat up for dinner,” Patton says. “It’s nothing special, and if I’d known you were coming I would have made something better, but we can split it.”
“That sounds pasta-tively delicious,” Remus says. “I can’t remember the last time I had spaghetti.” Patton laughs and goes back to the kitchen - which, from Remus’s limited understanding of their life, is where Patton lives. He can’t say for sure, but he’s pretty sure Patton is some kind of human-sized brownie that enjoys cooking. Is it technically bestiality that Roman is going to marry him?
Remus is still musing over Patton’s perilous status as human and rubbing the carpet bare with the ball of his foot when Patton returns with two plates of spaghetti. He sits on the couch next to Remus, which is strange. Not many people sit next to Remus if they can help it. He doesn’t say anything though. As much as he’d like to make a crude innuendo or pun (as much as they’re clawing up his throat to be voiced), he will not mess this up. They’ve only just decided to be brothers again, and he won’t fuck up like last time.
“Do you like it?” Patton asks, jolting Remus. He nods hurriedly.
“It tastes better than any gourmet rat I’ve ever had,” he says, shoving another handful in his mouth. Patton’s face twists up again, but Remus can’t and won’t just not talk. “You know, there are a lot less rats in dumpsters than you’d expect to find. And there’s a lot of stuff that’s totally functional that people just throw away. It’s crazy. The world would quit working without trashmen. They can make or break an entire neighborhood. Once, when Roman and I were kids, there was a huge storm on garbage night, ended up with trash all up and down the streets. I don’t know who cleaned it up, but it wasn’t us.” Remus keeps talking until he’s forced to stop to breathe at which point Patton interjects.
“I noticed that you move around a lot.” Remus immediately stops all movement before it picks back up and the intensity increases. “Which is fine,” Patton continues hurriedly, “but I was just wondering if you had heard of something called pressure stimming? It helps me when I start to get restless. I just thought of it because fidgeting that much makes me tired.”
“I have never not ever heard of such a thing,” Remus says, speaking quickly. He flutters a hand through the air and it looks kind of like a drunk hummingbird. Wouldn’t that be an interesting sight? Remus adds it to his to-do list. “What does it entail?”
“You just apply pressure to yourself, like sitting on your legs or something. Or you can do it with another person on a larger scale.”
Remus doesn’t say doing it, huh? How forward of you despite that being the loudest thought in his head for approximately five seconds. “You mean punching people.” Remus nods wisely. Punching is a good way to calm down.
“No!” Patton cries. “Nothing violent! Like cuddling.”
“Yeah,” Remus says slowly, “I have no idea what you mean.” He lifts a shoulder nonchalantly and shoves another handful of spaghetti into his mouth. But then his plate is lifted out of his lap and he looks up into Patton’s eyes, much closer now than he had been a few seconds ago.
“What’re you doing?” Remus whines, watching his plate leave him with all the regret he can summon.
“Can we cuddle?” Patton asks. “Like, platonically?”
“Uhm, sure?” Remus says. Patton pushes him so that he’s laying down flat on the couch. Remus turns his head to look at the wall and wonders what on earth his brother’s fiance is about to do. If something goes bad here, if Patton does something Remus didn’t ask for, Roman will still believe Patton over him.
Remus can’t lose his brother again. Not so soon after getting him back.
“What are you,” Remus starts and begins to sit up, but then Patton is flopping carefully on top of him. Remus’s back is pressed firmly into the couch. Patton makes a comforting weight on his chest that almost lets him drown out the stupid voice in his head yelling chew his hair and pull the threads so his shirt comes undone and he’s in eye-poking range.
“Take a deep breath,” Patton says. Remus does as he’s told without thinking about it first - not always a good thing to do - and immediately feels like he’s settled exactly where he’s supposed to be, with the couch firm under him and Patton solid above. He’s content.
He hasn’t felt like that in a long, long time.
“Do you like it?” Patton asks.
“Yeah,” Remus says. He reaches up hesitantly to rub his eyes, almost afraid that if he moves this apparition will evaporate (it wouldn’t be the first time.) “It’s...nice.”
“I’m glad,” Patton says. He pauses for a moment and Remus wonders what thing he’s not saying, what Remus is doing that is wrong and bad and loathed-
“You’re not fidgeting as much,” he says quietly, which is definitely not what Remus had been expecting. “Do you feel calmer?”
“I-uh.” Remus chokes and he flutters a hand in the air before trapping it at his side. He’s surprised to realize that he doesn’t really feel that electricity burning through his synapses, telling him to pick his hand back up and fling it around like a badminton racquet when the shuttlecock has gone out of range. How strange.
Remus’s eyes flutter shut before he can stop it and he sighs heavily, giving himself fully over to the comfort of the moment. “Yeah. I feel calmer.” His fingers trace patterns against his pants and his leg shifts. Patton moves slightly and Remus holds his breath, hoping that he hasn’t done anything to make Patton mad at him, but he only adjusts himself to Remus’s new position and stays where he is.
Patton hums on top of him, and while the otherwise silent house is a bit too much for Remus, this noise isn’t entirely unpleasant. He finds himself slipping away, feeling so tired and okay and really, actually safe here that he shuts off before he can stop it. His last solid thought is wondering if Patton is like a lightning rod, attracting the electricity out of Remus so that Remus can finally relax. His brother really did fall in love with someone good. Despite everything, Remus is glad that he’ll have that.
He falls asleep without electricity snapping against his skin. It is a singularly amazing experience.
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Kong: Skull Island- Brothers
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Pairing: Eventual Reg Slivko x Irene Conrad Brown (OC)
Jack Chapman x Irene Brown (brother-sister relationship)
James Conrad x Irene Brown (brother-sister relationship)
Summary: An ex-mercenary and his younger adopted sister get themselves into a mess because they want money from the US government
Warnings: cursing, crying, etc
Word Count: 2777
I caught the ball as it bounced back from the wall. James had gone out for the night, and he refused to let me come with him. It was already enough that he had brought me out to Saigon with him. The hotel room was cramped, with one bed, a wooden chair, and a TV that didn’t work perched atop a large dresser with drawers that only pulled halfway out. James and I kept our stuff in bags anyway. I had finished reading The Time Machine, and only read halfway through The Island of Doctor Moreau because it was rather horrifying. James told me he’d be back rather late, so I was to lock the door and go to sleep at a reasonable time.
I sighed deep as I threw the bouncy ball again, only this time it bounced onto the floor instead of onto the bed. I let it go and rolled onto my stomach. James had been decommissioned for the past week and a half, but he didn’t want to talk much about the war. It was understandable. I had never been to war, but I had seen things as simple as photographs that had shook me to my core. I couldn’t imagine what being out there fighting would be like.
I realized my body was falling asleep while my mind was still running, which was unsurprising. James and I had spent the day exploring the city. He had almost forced me into picking something out from a store, because my birthday was coming up soon. I responded with a cheesy classic.
“All I want is for you to stay home.”
He ate that one up. James had basically been taking care of me since I was barely a teenager. That was when my father married his mom. My father had died a year or two after, and his mother three months after, of grief. I was thirteen by the time that happened, but James was much older. He could’ve taken me to an orphanage or left me on my own. He took me in instead. He joined British Special Forces three years after he brought me to live with him. He was decommissioned two years later, which brings us to today. I had been living basically on my own for that time, but somehow my brother always found a way to make sure I had enough of everything to get by.
I jerked up when I heard the door open.
“You didn’t lock it?” Blue eyes squinted at me.
“I was going to, I promise. I’m not even asleep yet, Jay.” I stifled a yawn.
He gave me a deadpan face, locking both locks on the door as loudly as possible. His face softened as he pushed me over, making room for himself to sit down next to me.
“What’s up?” I could tell something was bugging him.
I felt my heart drop to my stomach. He wasn’t going back to war, was he?
“Irene, listen … you know I’ve been decommissioned.” He trailed off, picking stray hairs off the blanket as he avoided my glances.
“Yeah, and?”
He sighed, contemplating something. I scratched at my finger, increasingly nervous.
“I’ve been offered a job.” He blurted.
I looked up. Why was he so slow about telling me that?
“Where?” I heard the weak sense of betrayal in my own voice.
He looked up to meet my eyes. I felt like I was on the verge of holding back tears as he stuttered.
“A-ah-an island. An uncharted island in the South Pacific.” He averted his gaze back down.
I paused before speaking, more aggressive than I wanted to be. “You’re ex-special forces, what do they need you for? Who even needs you?”
He sighed. “It’s a group of scientists, Ire. Look, they need me to be their tracker, essentially. It’s only supposed to take a week, and I could leave you wi-”
“No.” I stopped him, feeling my own face contort into one of despair.
“Irene.” He raised an eyebrow at me.
“You did not already say yes.” I felt the tears well in my eyes.
His face mirrored mine, sadness and what was probably regret on his features.
“Jay, you’ve only been back a week, and you’re leaving again?” I cried.
“Irene, I didn’t think it would upset you so much.” He pulled me to him, hugging me.
I slumped against him and whimpered. If he was going, he was taking me with him. I would guilt him into it if I had to.
“Irene, I’m so sorry.” He mumbled, rubbing circles on my back.
I curled up tighter. “James, please don’t leave me.”
“Bitsy, I-I…” He trailed off.
I pulled back far enough to look up at him.
“Take me with you.” I urged with tear-stained cheeks.
He met my eye, which was a mistake on his part. I frowned again, letting my shoulders drop. He sighed through his nose before finally breaking.
“Fine. I’ll tell them you’re good with jungles and animals.” He let his hand drop on the bed.
“And?” I smiled a little.
“And that we’re a package deal.” He narrowed his eyes at me.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I threw myself at him, hugging him tightly.
He hugged back with a grunt, taken off guard by my excitement.
“We’re leaving in a few hours, so pack up whatever’s lying around.”
I finally pulled away from the hug, ready to shove my toothbrush and two books into the bag.
“And the island might be extremely dangerous. So when we get there, stick to me, okay?” He was serious about that part, because he grabbed my hand and practically made me promise.
I nodded. “Okay.”
He broke into a smile. “Now pack and get some sleep, I have a feeling you aren’t going to like the plane ride.”
“James Conrad. This is my younger sister Irene. I need her skill for the biological aspect of tracking.” James spoke to the blond man in a Landsat uniform.
“Oh, no. You can’t bring her with you.” The man answered rather snarky.
“I don’t think you understand. We’re a package deal. If she can’t go, you don’t get me.” James reached back to grab my hand, which I gladly gave with a squeeze.
The man eyed me before sighing. “Fine, whatever. You take responsibility for her.”
James scoffed. “Of course I will. She’s my sister.”
The man rolled his eyes, but James just pulled me past, pushing me ahead of him and holding onto my hand.
“Jay, I don’t know which way we’re going.” I mumbled back over my shoulder.
He pointed ahead, “Follow the soldiers.”
I caught sight of who he was talking about, the group of tall men dressed in army green. I followed loosely, but I stopped when they did. I looked back at James, then to the man that was standing at the start of the boat’s ramp.
James took my hand again, this time leading the way. I stood off to his side as we waited for the men to finish talking to him. As they began to walk away, and James approached the man, one of their hats fell to the ground. I bent down to pick it up before the wind could take it away. I realized how close I was to the guy who’s hat it was once I stood up. I bit my lip, suddenly anxious.
“Here.”  I pushed the hat in his direction.
He grinned toothily before taking it. “Thank you, miss.”
I felt my cheeks heat up, but I was sure that he couldn’t see considering it was dark and he was at least half a foot taller than me.
“Slivko, stop flirting with the girl and get! We’ve got things to do!” The man that James had been talking to yelled.
The guy, who was more likely my age than actually a man, winked before scampering off, following the rest of the army men. James pulled on my wrist, breaking my attention.
“You’ve just gotta stick with me, but other than that Colonel Packard over there don’t care that you’ll be joining us.” He explained.
I nodded, following him up the ramp and avoiding the glare of the colonel.
I leaned against the same wall James leaned against. I scratched at my wrist, uncomfortable around all the Landsat people and the soldiers. I wasn’t sure what we were waiting on, and the loud cranking of the projector in the middle was making my skin crawl. James noticed this, and ruffled my hair.
“This should only take a few minutes, and it’s just a briefing. After this you can hole yourself up in the room if you want to.”
I scoffed and pushed his hand off, narrowing my eyes at him. “I don’t want to hole myself up. I’m just a little antsy.”
“Almost done, Bitsy.” He motioned at the man who had taken his place at the front of the room.
“Hello and welcome. I’m Landsat Field Supervisor, Victor Nieves.” He had an awkward posture, but smiled anyway as he pointed to the blond guy from earlier.
“This is my colleague Steve Woodward, our data wrangler.” There was a light chuckle from the Landsat team, but James remained stoic and I noticed a few soldiers roll their eyes.
The projector cranked again. “Our expedition takes us to a place every nautical trade route known to man has avoided for centuries.”
An image of an island popped up, shaped somewhat like a skull.
“As our satellites show, the island is surrounded by a perpetual storm system, allowing it to remain hidden from the outside world.”
That doesn’t sound right.
I felt James shift his posture, but my eyes remained on the projections as they changed.
“But with Colonel Packard’s helicopter transport, we will be the first to break through to the other side.”
My eyebrows furrowed. This sounded very much like something out of a twisted horror movie.
“We’re also pleased to be joined, for the first time, by the resource exploration team, led by Mr. Randa and accompanied by biologist Miss San and geologist Mr. Brooks.”
“Aren’t those the guys that hired you?” I whispered over my shoulder at James.
“Yeah.” He whispered back, eyes still narrowed.
He didn’t like this either.
Nieves continued, “Our focus will be on the island’s surface, theirs, what lies beneath. Mr. Brooks.”
The man with glasses stepped up to the front of the room.
“Simple, really. We’ll use explosions to shake the earth and create vibrations, helping us to map the subsurface of the island.”
The projection changed again.
“We’ll fly in over the south shore and then strategically drop seismic charges to better help us understand the density of the Earth.”
I hadn’t exactly gone through any type of geological science in high school, but I understood the words “seismic charges” and it raised some concern.
“You’re dropping bombs?” James spoke up.
All eyes turned to him, including mine. I would’ve never actually spoken aloud in a room full of people, but James didn’t care. And I trusted him to make sure things were safe before getting involved.
“Mmm.. S-scientific instruments.” Mr. Brooks countered.
“You hear that, boys? We’re scientists now.” A voice called from the rows of soldiers.
Even though he was sitting low in his chair, I could tell it was the one that had dropped his hat earlier.
Slivko, I think?
The soldiers laughed, but the Landsat people didn’t seem amused. I’m sure James would have laughed, had Mr. Brooks not dodged his question about the bombs.
“You guys are not scientists.” Steve muttered.
I rolled my eyes.
“We’ll then land and make basecamp for ground excursions led by Mr. Conrad and Miss Brown.” Nieves gestured our way.
I glanced up at James. He met my eyes, his face softer now. I shot a face at him, one screaming “I am definitely not a tracker!!” He only shook his head.
“Major Jack Chapman.” Nieves stepped aside.
My eyes snapped up.
Before my father had married James’s mother, he had dated a few women. One of those women had been Elise Chapman. They dated for a few years, during the prime of my childhood. Her son Jack had become my best friend. My dad moved me away after a few years, never really telling me what had happened between them. Jack and I would write each other letters, but after a few years he stopped answering. I hadn’t talked to Jack in two years.
But here he was now, about to tell us whatever it was he had to tell us about this possibly lethal island.
He stepped up and took the pointer from Houston, “All right, once on this island-” he caught my eye.
I shivered, seemingly unable to pull my eyes away. James clasped a hand onto my shoulder. He knew all about Jack, just like he knew about every detail of my life.
Jack snapped himself out of it and started talking again.
“Once on the island, the storm’s interference will block all radio contact with the ship. That means we’ll be by ourselves.”
The projector again. I swallowed hard.
“Three days later, the refuel team will meet us here on the North end of the island. That may be our only safe departure window for an unknown period of time.” He glanced back my way.
“So, tip for everybody. Don’t miss it. Please.” His eyes came back around, but it seemed that James caught him this time.
Jack looked away, and he didn’t look back again.
“James, where are you going?” I asked as he turned to leave the room.
“I want to check something out. Why don’t you stay here, catch up with Chapman?” He tried to pull himself from my grip.
“James, I haven’t seen him since I was a kid.” I grabbed at his wrist again.
He sighed and faced me, hands on my shoulders. “It’ll be okay.”
I bit down hard and closed my eyes, sighing hard through my nose.
“Okay.” My voice was quiet.
“I’ll see you up in the room later?” He patted my cheek.
I nodded, slowly letting go of his wrists.
“Be careful.” I mumbled.
He kissed my forehead. “Of course, you too.”
I heard someone clear their throat from behind me. I breathed hard before turning myself around.
“Hey Irene.” Jack stood there, a gentle smile on his face.
I looked up at him. “Hey, Jack.”
“How’re you, kid?”
I broke into a grin, unsure of what else to say. He gingerly pulled me into a hug.
“I missed you, ya know.”
I hugged back, nodding even though I knew he couldn’t see it. “I missed you too.”
“Colonel told us ‘Conrad’, but I didn’t even think it could be your brother.” Jack finally pulled away, hands on my shoulders.
I only shrugged. “I didn’t exactly think I’d see you here either.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “You haven’t grown since you were twelve, have you?”
“Shut up.” I shoved him, laughing.
We both quieted down quickly. I sighed, twiddling with my fingers.
“How’s Billy?” I asked. Last time Jack had written to me, Billy was four years old.
Jack perked up at the mention of his son. “He’s doing good. Gracie’s sent me a few photographs. I can show you later if you’d like. He looks just like his momma.” He gushed.
“Well I would hope so. Jack, you’re uglier than a dog. I would feel bad if the poor kid looked like you.”
It was a teasing lie, of course. Jack was what I considered pretty, with dark hair that he always styled up at the front, tiny freckles that you could only see if you were close enough, and eyes that switched between shades of green like nobody’s business.
He narrowed his eyes at me. I narrowed mine right back before breaking out into another fit of laughter. He messed my hair up.
“Where’d your brother go? I was planning on introducing myself.” He hesitated on the word brother, but forced it out anyways, looking around the room.
I wasn’t exactly about to tell him that James had gone to snoop around the ship, so I just shrugged again.
“Not sure, he told me I should stay and talk to you. I don’t really think you need to formally introduce yourself, though. He knows all about you.”
Jack nodded. “I see. Do you wanna meet the rest of the boys? I’ve got a feeling they’ll just love you.” He extended his hand to me.
I smiled and took it. “Sure.”
Previous: N/A
Next: Photographs and Flirts
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Down We Go With Trevor Sharp
(prompted by Gleeful Abandon’s MCStory Premise Generator) 
(I am taking the opportunity to do quick mc porn writing using the excellent and weird contraption Gleeful Abandon (GleefulAbandon@Twitter) has created. These are relatively unedited in the tradition of @hypno-sandwich‘s 20 minute porn)
As you clicked the link to Trevor Sharp’s “SharpNews” feed, the familiar green video image opened up, the nightvision camera that Trevor always used for his more clandestine missions. His deep smooth voice already narrating his actions softly. As the view shifted to a storm door, typical in every way, you could see his hands grabbing the handles.
“Literally on the threshold of the greatest discovery mankind has made, this is the moment we have all been waiting for.”
The doors opened easily, leading to steps seemingly carved into the bedrock itself, steps that lead down so far that there was no sign of the bottom. As Trevor quietly stepped down into the earth, he looked from side to side, examining any sign of construction, but it was as if the walls were perfectly smooth, each step precisely shaped.
“Unnaturally smooth. I don’t know if you can hear it but there is a humming. Maybe just some sort of vibration from the ground.”
The humming became both more audible as Trevor went further, but it was overshadowed by strange noises from below. A clapping sound, and then strange high pitched speech, indecipherable. It would repeat intermittently.
“They are talking. Scientists will be studying these recordings in hope of translating the unknown language of these interstellar invaders.”
The moment that Trevor reached the bottom of the stairs, a flare of light blinded the camera until he switched it to regular mode.
“Ow, that hurt, but as you can see this is a well lit..”
“Hi Trevyyyyy!!!”
The camera shook in shock and focused on a woman sitting at a plain metal table with a strange glowing ball that seemed to hover a bit above the surface. All of a sudden it jiggled and bounced and a big smiling face winked from its surface before it went back to normal. The woman clapped her hands happily and laughed in a ridiculously childlike giggle.
“Barbara! Damn it... I mean... Well I see you have accidentally stumbled upon this discovery.”
“Trevy! You came! Come play!!!”
The women looked like Barbara Bright, but her normally rich and serious voice was now high pitched and silly. She started to stand up but almost immediately the little ball smiled at her again and she giggled and clapped like a one year old.
“What is going on here, Barbara. You told me you had a lead in Tulsa...”
“Tulsa is a funny word. Tulsatulsatulsatul sa tul sa.” She continued to babble finally distracted again by the ball.
Trevor whispered, “What is that thing, Bright?”
“It is my bouncy bounce bounce friend, duh!”
Trevor searched around the room, seeing no sign of a door, and infact the door he entered through was gone. The soft humming continued and felt somewhat reassuring, a sign that there was something mechanical somewhere. The room itself was uncluttered, but he noticed a satchel laying at the far wall. As he approached it, he began to slow down.
“This is strange, but I am not worried. I know that we are safe, it is just a matter of figuring out how to move forward, to get...”
He picked up the satchel and found the notebook and video camera of his competitor in news hunting. The camera was still on and as he viewed the footage, he could see nothing unusual. Once Barbara reached this wall she had put her bag down to try and examine something she saw, but the camera did not pick up.
Barbara’s voice came from the small speaker “It was there, for a moment, a symbol, or picture. I don’t know. I can tell you this, that since I have entered this room I have felt sure that I am finally where I need to be. This is amazing, and I know we are on the edge of um... like... that humming just is so nice, don’t you think? I mean it is like a little bit of a vibrating.. Well never mind. I am... it does feel good. I really should sit down. Um. Oh look what is that it is a ball.
Her voice faded away leaving nothing but the sound of the humming.
Trevor laughed and looked back towards the table before a flash of light from the wall distracted him.
“I definitely saw something, a picture or some sort of... Is it warm in here. Mmm it is warm. Too much clothing.”
As he walked back towards Barbara, she squeeled “Trevy why are you taking off your clothing? Oooh Barbie likee” The sound of clapping and her giggling faded slightly as the camera fell to the ground along with the jacket, pants and nightvision goggles Trevor was wearing. The camera now sideways showed him in nothing but his blue boxer briefs walking to the chair that you didn’t remember from when you first saw the table. The ball bounced and Trevor giggled childishly.
A few moments later, both reporters now clapping and giggling, Barbara Bright now discarding her blouse and sliding out of her slacks, throwing her boots to the side. “Too hot. Nudienudienude,” the humming became louder. It almost felt like a voice.
Then there were four of them. They were like shimmers and then the entire room changed. Transparent windows that didn’t seem like glass but some sort of metallic liquid shimmered showing scenes of humans in various sexual poses. At first it looked as if they were manikins but as you stared in horror, it became apparent that they were simply moving very slowly. As you watched, Barbara and Trevor were lead to an empty one, that suddenly took on the look of a high school girls bedroom. Barbara giggled at the pink wall paper, while Trevor slid his underwear off. Barbara giggled and then slipped her panties off and layed back into the bed. The shimmers seemed to move about them, and as they did the two of them began to fuck, with each stroke slowing them down until the shimmers seemed to glow at once.
Barbara’s face became nearly frozen, mouth open, eyes wide, as Trevor very very slowly pounded away. It was as if they were in a different time dimension. The shimmers moved out of the diorama and approached the camera, forming into a symbol. For a moment you had a flash of understanding. The two reporters now believed they were a high school couple sneaking an afternoon fuck while the house was empty, playing hooky and losing their virginity. They would be doing this for a very long time, and the shimmers would feed off the sexual energy, the emotional energy. The competitive dynamic between the two once intelligent reporters was now converted into nearly animal lust of rutting teenagers, their previous lives wiped away, replaced by the minimal amount of conscious necessary to allow their perpetual lust.
Even as this realization flashes into your mind another one slowly becomes apparent, that you will forget you saw this, and forget Trevor Sharp and Barbara Bright. Instead you will look at the pornographic pictures and masturbate, generating more energy for the shimmering beings. The thought of it seems comforting as the hum throbs in you. You know you cannot resist so why bother. Once you orgasm you won’t ever think about it again.
(Prompt: An alien uses subliminal messaging to make two nosy reporters dumb and they're posed and put on display.)  
@diaryofasnowflake, @the-perfect-monster, @h-sleepingirl, @wildnutmeg, @zanydanger
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nyjinxliterotica · 6 years
A Birthday Hoot
“Happy birthday, buddy!” yells Jerry. “Thought we would take you out for a birthday dinner and football at your favorite place!”
You, Jerry, Steve, and Joe pull up to the Hooters on Hennepin Drive in Joliet and you’re looking forward to a fun guys night out on your birthday.
You all jump out of Jerry’s truck and head in the door. The hot hostess, Megan, is there greeting you fellas with a smile and a bounce. “Have a seat guys, I have your table all ready,” she says and as she turns to walk you to the table, all four of you fixate your eyes first on her bouncy tits and then her hard, round ass.
“Oh, and I understand it’s your birthday, darlin’,” Megan says. “You get a seat at the head of the table.” She pushes your chair out and as you sit down, she leans in and kisses your cheek. And you can feel her mounds against your shoulder. The guys are all over that watching and wishing it was their birthday.
Megan walks over to me at the register. “They’re all yours, Marie.” I come over in my Hooters uniform, and tits all up and busting out, the restaurant required attire. “Hello there, I’m here to take your orders. Would you like to start with some drinks?”
You all ordered two buckets of Corona for the table. And within minutes the ice cold beers are on the table, iced up with lime wedges sticking out the top of each. “Let the drinking begin!” shouts Steve.
I come over once again, take your food orders, every so often, flashing you a look and wry smile. Flirting and enjoying small chat with all four you.
After about an hour of drinking and eating, you get up and head to the men’s room.
You walk down a poorly lit corridor and over a half countertop wall, you faintly hear a moan. Then another. You turn to see me and Megan up against each other. You look closer and see my hand between her legs and what you are imagining is a finger in her shorts.
We both see you catch us in the hot and steamy act. “Uh-oh. You caught us,” Megan says in a breathy voice. “Hey, it’s your birthday, shhhh come here,” I whisper. “Her pussy is really wet, we’re so damn horny and you get to have a Hooters birthday present tonight.”
You walk over quickly at the same time look over your shoulder to see if anyone is around. No one.
I grab your hand and put it between Megan’s thighs. Oh, she’s wet alright. You feel her damp shorts right away. I immediately head for your pants, unbutton and unzip. You are already hard as fuck.
“MMMMMMMM,” I moan. “Your cock looks so yummy.” I kneel down between you and Megan and start stroking your hard cock and start licking your soft, silky tip. Megan is sucking on your ear as your head is sunk down into her huge bulging tits and your tongue is licking her cleavage. Your fingers now have made their way to her dripping cunt and your double-digit fucking her. First, you take it slow, then faster as she moves her way from your ears to your mouth.
She’s kissing you hard, sucking on your tongue as if it were your cock.
She’s replicating on your tongue what I am now doing to your rock down below. It’s disappeared into my mouth. You feel me sucking harder, moaning and feel the back of my throat vibrating as you jack in and out of my face. You hear my spit bubbling and squishing with every thrust.
You pull your fingers out of Megan’s pussy and rub up her firm tummy to join your other hand on her swollen breasts, groping and massaging them, pinching her hardened nipples. You expose her right nipple and your lips attach. You can’t help but suck as hard as you can. Circling your tongue and nibbling at her erected nubs. Then the left.
I move down lower and suck your tight full balls. Cupping them and playing my tongue around them.
You want inside us so bad. You can’t help yourself. You grab my hair and pull me up. At the same time, you flip and push Megan against the half wall behind us. Me on the right, Megan on my left. Your pants around your ankles, your cock at attention, throbbing to go into a wet fuck hole. Your cum is building up inside your shaft. Balls so tight you know your gonna blow any minute.
Without hesitation you pull down Megan’s orange shorts, exposing her round hard ass. You immediately shove your dick inside her soaked, shiny, pussy hole from behind. Pumping her hard and deep. One hand on her left tit squeezing hard.
Wanting what she is getting, I quickly slide off my shorts. Your right-hand smacks my bare ass. I flinch but smile and moan in pleasure. You smear my wet pussy juice onto my ass, fingering my hole while u do so, in and out. It’s so tight and inviting. You pull out of Megan and spear your throbbing wet cock with her sticky cum all on it, into my cum-lubed ass. It’s tight as fuck and you’re about to explode.
You pull out, we turn and face you, eager to have a taste of your sweet, fucking cum, and you shoot your load all over Megan’s tits and aim for my mouth.
After we drink and lick you all up, we exclaim,“Happy birthday! Don’t forget to tip your waitress. Oh nevermind. You just did!”
Copyright © 2018 NY Jinx All rights reserved
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beebeecee · 7 years
Captain Taeil (???)
@alittlebitblockbbias: Can someone anyone make me a fic of Taeil the sea captain of his little boat out on the sea shirtless being cool or cute or hot whatever you want it’s your fic. I just need a story about shirtless Taeil swimming or fishing and just hanging out on a boat. This whole fandom needs this so please be the chosen one!
Your wish is my command ~  I don’t think this needs any particular warnings, but it’s like 2800 words. Whoops.. (This ended up being dialogue heavy because the members tease each other, but it’s OT7 so??)
TAEIL!!! We finally have a break in our schedule can we go and take that trip now that you bought your new boat?? :)
Taeil’s phone vibrates beside him, he smiles as Jihoon’s name flashes across the screen.
Great idea! I’ll message the guys and see if they want to come with us 
“Minhyuk, are you seriously not packed yet? We’re supposed to be leaving tomorrow.”
“Oh relax, I’ll be ready.”
“You better be. I swear if I have to listen to Jiho complain about it for the next month I’ll just let him leave you on the side of the road somewhere.”
“Oh haha, very funny, Ukwon. Don’t quit your day job, I’m not sure being a comedian will be a good career choice for you,” Minhyuk retorted, smiling before getting promptly punched in the arm for the unwanted commentary. “Ow.. was that necessary?”
“You know I’m damn well funny, I could be a comedian if I wanted,” Ukwon chuckled.
Ukwon planned to crash at Minhyuk’s place overnight so that there were less places to stop in the morning. Jiho was nice enough to offer to drive, so he thought it would be easier to just go to Minhyuk’s since it was closer anyway. It also gave them a chance to practice their dance stage for the showcase next month. Minhyuk’s minimalist style made it easy to move things around for practice space. This was very different from Ukwon’s place that first required they find somewhere to keep the dog, so they would be out of the way.
At the unholy hour of five in the morning, both boys were woken up by the pleasant sounds of birds chirping … which were being entirely drowned out by their members’ antics.
Jihoon and Jiho barged through the front door, blowing an air horn outside of both rooms. “Rise and shine boys, it’s trip time!” Jihoon laughed at Jiho’s screams.
Why did I give them a key again? Minhyuk mumbled to himself.
The two fumbled around in the kitchen giving the guys a few minutes to crawl out of their rooms.
Ukwon was the first to get up, begrudgingly throwing on some cut off jean shorts, an obscure band t-shirt, and his favourite baseball hat on backwards as he shuffled out in search of coffee. Jiho had a cup held out in front of him as Ukwon trudged over to take it and seek refuge on the couch. Unfortunately for Minhyuk, he had yet to emerge.
Jihoon skipped over to his room and yelled at him.
“Are you decent? I’m coming in!”
There was no answer. 
“Minhyuk?” Jihoon pushed again.
“No, go away it’s too early.”
“Why, do you have a lady in there or something?” Jihoon giggled, briefly pausing. What if he did have a lady in there? Jihoon waited for a response.
“No I just need to-“ Minhyuk trailed off.  
“I told you what time we were leaving,” Jiho yelled over as Jihoon was cracking open the door. “It’s not my fault you can’t listen.”
“I told you what time we were leaving” Minhyuk repeated, mocking Jiho.
“Really?” Jihoon giggled, climbing on top of him.
Minhyuk groaned. “Get off of me. No. What are you do – oh my god. That’s disgusting!”
After listening to the drama, Ukwon petered over to Minhyuk’s door to see what was going on. Before he could ask, he started laughing. Jiho quickly ran over to see what Ukwon was laughing at, almost spitting out his own coffee after seeing the boys.
“As if you just put your wet finger in my ear, what the fuck?” Minhyuk groaned, punching Jihoon in the shoulder.
Before the two could get into things any further, Ukwon stepped in to remind them that they had to sit in a car together directly following this.
“You’re right, Ukwon. You can sit shotgun because these two will annoy me.” Jiho laughed.
There was an awkward pause as the boys waited for Minhyuk to crawl out from under his several layers of blankets.
“Okay, why are you still not getting up?” Jiho said, raising his eyebrow.
“Ten bucks says Jihoon just sat on a man that is not wearing any boxers.” Ukwon said, pointing to the blanket Minhyuk was holding against himself.
“Are you seriously not wearing anything?” Jiho questioned.
“Way to expose me, Ukwon.” Minhyuk said, pulling the blanket closer to himself.
“We lived with you, I unfortunately remember you don’t like clothes. If I wanted to expose you, I’d do this!” Ukwon said as he ripped the blanket from Minhyuk’s hand and fled out of the room howling.
“Great, I’m blind.” Jiho turned toward the door, with Jihoon following suit.
“Is that all of it?” Ukwon questioned, handing Jiho another bag.
“Shit I hope so or we’ll never get out of here.”
“Can you two idiots hurry up and just get in the car? If we don’t leave soon I’m going back to bed,” said Minhyuk.
“Fine, but I hope if we forget anything, it’s yours” Jiho said, climbing into the driver’s seat.
“I call first dibs on the aux cord” Ukwon chirped, breaking the tension.
“No fucking way. You listen to the weirdest shit,” Minhyuk gestured to Ukwon’s t-shirt.
“Yeah, I have to go with Minhyuk on this one, your music taste is really strange” Jihoon agreed.
“Fine, but I’m not listening to Nickleback so don’t torture me like last time.” Ukwon snapped back.
“Are we almost there? I want to see Taeil!” Jihoon whined.
“What about Jaehyo and Kyung?” Minhyuk asked, laughing at how antsy Jihoon had become. He was almost bouncing in his seat, peering out the window.
“I want to see them too, but I haven’t seen Taeil in almost 5 days.” Jihoon said, checking his phone for what had to be the tenth time in the last couple minutes.
The boys were meeting Taeil, Jaehyo and Kyung at the marina where Taeil kept his boat. They pulled up to the entrance, having to use a code to gain access. The matte black gates slowly retracted into the brick wall, and Jiho began to head down the long driveway. All down the sides there were aged willow trees that hung over the path, blocking the view. They did provide a space for a lot of birds to hang out, Jihoon watched as a duck flew along side the car. No wonder Jaehyo loves this place, he thought. 
“Wow, is that the marina?” Ukwon piped up as they came around the last bend.
The marina’s main building spanned several thousand square feet, with giant potted plants placed purposely on either side of the door’s arch. The entire building was situated only meters away from the water, making the boys stop conversation all together to take in the sight. To the left of the monstrous building were the docks where luxury boat after boat were parked next to each other. 
“And you guys think I’m frivolous,” Jiho mumbled under his breath.
“Isn’t that Jaehyo and Kyung?!” Jihoon screamed, trying to open the door before Jiho could even get properly stopped.
He parked just outside of the door, letting the boys get out and meet up with the others.
All of the members hadn’t been together in a couple weeks as they had a break in their schedule, so they were busy catching up. Well, that is besides Taeil and Jihoon. Taeil wouldn’t be able to escape him even if he wanted to.
Jaehyo and Kyung came over to say hi to everyone, but were intercepted by the bouncy Jihoon. Before they went to greet the others, Minhyuk had requested that Ukwon act as his personal photographer so that he could update his SNS. Ukwon laughed, obliging in his self-indulgent need to take pictures in front of anything remotely aesthetic.
“How was the drive?” Jaehyo asked, walking up to the car window.
“Surprisingly not too bad, except I almost had to get the guys to duct tape Jihoon’s mouth shut.” He laughed, pointing to an excited Jihoon who was now after Kyung. “He wouldn’t stop talking about Taeil the entire time, it’s like he’s having withdrawals or something.”
You could hear Kyung screaming in the distance while trying to avoid kisses, “What did you guys feed him?!”
Jaehyo nodded, “something about that doesn’t surprise me”.
“You look like you’re ready to go out already. We should probably get Taeil to show us where to bring everything” Jiho said, pausing. “Where is he anyway?”
“Oh, he’s on the boat getting set up, but said that Jihoonie texted him saying you guys were here so we came out to get you.”
“What’s going on?” Ukwon popped up.
“Hey Kwonnie, how are you?” Jaehyo asked smiling.
“Great! I’m excited to get out and go swimming. Sunhye’s visiting her parents all weekend too so I don’t have to worry.” Ukwon paused, “did you bring your fishing gear?”
“Of course. I got some new lures I’m hoping to test out too. What were you doing with Minhyuk?”
“Oh him? Instagram.” Ukwon sighed.
“Enough said,”Jaehyo laughed, being able to relate to Ukwon’s photography pain.
Before the two were able to catch up any further they were interrupted by Jihoon’s screams as Taeil rounded the corner. A little worried about the commotion, Taeil stepped back a few feet on the walkway, not sure if he was going to be hugged or tackled by the ball of excitement barreling toward him.
“Poor Taeil,” Minhyuk laughed, walking over to the car.
“Poor Taeil? I just spent the last 5 minutes running away from him and none of you did anything to help me.” Kyung whined, joining the circle.
“Is Taeil shirtless?” Ukwon asked, pointing toward the small man being picked up and swung around by Jihoon.
“Yeah, that’s pretty usual for him here actually” Jaehyo replied.
“Something about the boat must give him the confidence, but any time I’ve been out with him on the boat he hasn’t worn one,” Kyung added.
Taeil finally contained Jihoon enough to join the others at Jiho’s window.
“Hey guys, glad you made it. Want to grab your stuff and I’ll show you my new baby?” He chuckled, gesturing to the docks.
The seven of them scrambled to collect everything, Jiho showing off by taking one of the coolers himself, while Minhyuk and Kyung struggled to coordinate on either side of the other.
Taeil led them along the docks, down to the other end where his new boat was sitting. The boat was shining in the sun, with the red stripe down the side reflecting on the calm water. Scrawled across the side was the words “Dime Girl” in thick white lettering.
“You guys are going to love her,” Taeil beamed, “there’s so much seating on the top level and the lower deck has a full kitchen and dining space in the one end and-”
“Gaaahhhh, Taeil is so cool” Jihoon chimed in, then continuing to make a series of inaudible noises.
The guys laughed at Jihoon’s excitement and started to bring their things on board.
“We’re about 5 minutes away from the cove,” Taeil yelled out to the boys.
“It’s a really nice spot,” Jaehyo said to the guys who were sat on the bow. “The fishing is great in the morning here too.”
Jaehyo and Kyung got up to go help Taeil anchor the boat, leaving the others to chat among themselves. Excited about being close to their final destination, Ukwon and Jihoon raced down to the lower deck to get changed into swimwear.
Taeil appeared from behind the captain’s chair once the ship was anchored in place; his inked skin glowing in the sunlight. Minhyuk seemed particularly fascinated with what was on his shoulder.
“Taeil, did you get a new tattoo recently?” He asked, snickering to himself.
“Not exactly. Someone thinks he’s hilarious,” he sighed, pointing to the words ‘Kyung was here’ written on the petals of a poorly-drawn flower. “It’s henna.”
Kyung and Jaehyo had just gotten out the water toys and laid them out on the deck of the boat when the others had come over to see what they were up to.
“Taeil, what are you looking at?” Kyung questioned, backing away from him.
“I was just reminded of your little prank,” Taeil said, stalking closer.
“Prank what prank? W-What did I-?” He stammered, trying to backpedal himself out of trouble. Before he was able to finish his sentence, Taeil charged at him full speed knocking Kyung and himself over the edge of the boat and the two splashed into the water. 
Looking over the side of the boat, the boys couldn’t contain themselves. Jiho was almost bent over in tears. “I can’t.. believe.. Taeil.. tackled him.. off of the side of the boat” he managed to say in between bursts of laughter.
A few seconds later, Taeil emerged to the surface laughing. He shook his head before pushing back his slick black hair and wiping the water from his eyes. Droplets collected on his bare shoulders, with little waves lapping at the back of his neck every so often, intermittently exposing his tattoos. From the surface his upper bodies was just a myriad of colours that was contrasted with the bright blue that stretched across much of the horizon.
Meanwhile, when Kyung surfaced he was blinded by his shaggy hair hanging in his face, gasping for air as he was still in shock that Taeil had tackled him to begin with.
Did that really just happen? He thought to himself.
Kyung dipped his head into the water to better manage his hair situation, pushing it back and out of his face.
“I had my phone in my pocket Taeil, you suck” he pouted, paddling over to the back of the boat. Taeil was close behind him.
“You wrote your own name on my shoulder and it’s going to be there for weeks. I have no sympathy” Taeil glared at him.
“Okay, maybe I kind of deserved that” Kyung admitted, grabbing a hold of the ladder and pulling himself out. Kyung’s once loose clothing clung to his body, hugging every curve as the water drained off of him. Grinning, he flicked water toward Jaehyo and Jiho.
“Don’t make me send you back in,” Jiho threatened him.
“Yeah, I’m sure you want to go swimming in your Gucci shirt,” Jaehyo teased.
Taeil soon followed suit and pulled himself out of the water, the droplets glistening on his upper body. The sun reflected off of his skin almost perfectly, making the coloured art appear brighter. Time seemed to stand still as each muscle in his arms protruded when he grabbed the hand rails on either side of the steps. The black swim trunks he was wearing didn’t leave a lot to the imagination, but he was comfortable. Among his members that he’s known for so many years, he was as confident as he would have been if he was out on the water himself as he often ventured. Taeil loved going out on his boat. There is something so freeing about having the sun warm his skin and the wind running through his hair as he palmed the wheel. Taeil smiled as he thought about it. He was finally able to be shirtless with all of his members around without a stylist trying to put him in another oversized sweater.
“Taeil looks like a model” came a giddy, but deep voice. Jihoon bounced over to Taeil grinning, complementing him on how much muscle he had gained from spending so much time in the gym.
The boys were excited to have some time to themselves without all of the staff constantly running around and fidgeting with each particular strand of hair, or putting an extra layer of powder on their face. There was a mutual feeling of contentment as they settled into the first activities of the weekend. Zico and Kyung soon found themselves basking in the sunshine on some loungers on the water talking about girls, while Minhyuk was firm that he would learn how to fish from Jaehyo. It would surely lead to a great Instagram post if nothing else, he thought.
However, perhaps most comical is that Jihoon had somehow recruited both Ukwon and Taeil to play with a beach ball in the water with him. The game continued on for awhile until Taeil’s spike toward Jihoon was a little too aggressive and it hit Jiho square in the face. Nothing could contain Kyung’s laughter as he fell out of his lounger after witnessing the ball bounce off of Jiho’s nose. The event sent Ukwon into hysterics and soon the others too, even the fishing duo were cracking up as they watched what happened from above.
A feeling of calm rushed over Taeil as he realized they were all really getting to spend some quality vacation time together.  [Yes, It’s kind of a cheesy ending, fight me.]
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