queststar 2 years
Pumpkin carving swanqueen style 馃Β馃憫
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Do You Want A Balloon?馃巿
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Happy first day of sqhalloweenweek2022 day 1, folks! Have a screeeeaaam!
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junetree44 2 years
Sunday, October 30 My entry for #sqhalloweenweek2022
Hearing a haunting voice鈥擵ampire style:
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"As your requested, this is a house to be restored."
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The Heirloom
Emma: Gina, no offense but I'm looking forward to your sis take that "heirloom" out our home.
Regina: Two days, my darling, and it'll be out of here. I'm just happy mother gave something to Zelena too.
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New Friends
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Seeking Answers
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Well Little Mouse, Here They Are
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When the bug broke down in 709 Meridian Avenue
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Thanks to all who took part in #sqhalloweenweek2022!
Here's a link to all the works posted on AO3. You can always add to it if you want to. Just put #sqhalloweenweek2022 in the tag.
Anyway, here's the link.
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Next Tuesday! #sqhalloweenweek2022
Post to whatever platform you like, just remember to use the tag there, and tag via Twitter
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1) Who can enter?
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate but just keep in mind that this is a SwanQueen event.
2) What can be submitted?
A piece of any kind of SQ related art (including fanmixes etc) or writing (including poetry!) that goes with the prompts.
3) Is there a limit to how many times you may submit? Or how many words.
No limit. Post as little or as much as you like. Or as long or short.
4) Where can you post your work?
That one is really up to you. Ao3, Fanfiction.net or even tumblr, is fine. We will be searching the tag so we can reblog, retweet links and share fics.
5) What tag to use wherever you post your contribution?
#SQHalloweenWeek2022 is our official tag.
6) Can I team up with another artist or writer?
Sure, we don't see why not!
7) Is it okay to drop the work if you are not going to finish it?
Of course. And if you decide to finish it later, just use the tag then let us know.
8) Are there prompts for each day?
There will be 2 prompts to choose from for each day. As well as sub-genres which we will put up along with the prompts. You can do one or both. And use any subgenre for any prompt. Or you could do the same prompt but use 2 or 3 different subgenres. If you don't like any of the prompts then just make up your own and post anytime during SQ Halloween week. Just remember to use the hashtag so we can find your fic/creation. 馃拃
9)What are the subgenres?
We have 10 different subgenres which are:
10) How many Prompts can I do?
As many as you like.聽
11) What is the date that you need to have your work done?
SwanQueen Halloween week starts on Tuesday the 25th of October and the last day is Monday the 31st of October. So it depends on which prompt you choose and which day it falls on.
12) Which day does SQ Halloween week start?
Day 1 Prompts on Tuesday 25th
Day 2 Prompts on Wednesday 26th
Day 3 Prompts on Thursday 27th
Day 4 Prompts on Friday 28th
Day 5 Prompts on Saturday 29th
Day 6 Prompts on Sunday 30th
Day 7 Prompts on Monday 31st
13)Will there be a sign up form?
There will be, but it will be聽 just to get an idea of numbers participating and where participants plan to post their stories or art etc. There is absolutely no commitment and you can choose to drop out at the last minute.
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Hey everyone! Don't forget that with the prompts...
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