love-for-burgundy-blog · 10 months
Hi guys! This is my updated about me post since the old one was kinda cringe lol. So this one is now going to be the post that talks about me.
I am a very nostalgic person so if I come across content that I saw as a little kid, or a place that was a big part of my childhood then my mind tends to get flodded with memories about that thing or place. So you might start seeing some reblogs on this blog about things that I grew up with.
I really love pokemon generation 5, the games, the anime, and the manga. Even though as a little kid I grew up with Gen 3 for the games, and Gen 6, and Gen 1 for the anime, Gen 5 is my favorite one, and I am kind of obsessed with it!! Like I have so many headcannons for the characters and they are my hyperfixation for fanfiction. Even though most people didn't like the pokemon best wishes anime, I loved it when I watched it for the first time and I still love it. It is my comfort show and I am proud that it is.
I created this blog and joined the community because I didn't have anybody in real life that I could talk about my common interests with. I was heavily encouraged to find people in real life who had the same interests as me, but it was difficult since I am introverted and quiet around other people my age so when I tried to talk to them, they weren't interested in becoming friends. But I now have met very nice people on this site who could talk about Pokemon BW all day with me. So thank you very much everyone!
Favorite Music Artists: Taylor Swift, and Avril Lavinge.
TV: Pokemon Best Wishes, TAWOG, and Bunk'd (mainly seasons 1 and 2)
Games: Pokemon White Version and Minecraft.
Books: BW pokespe, Out Of My Mind, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.
Favorite pairings: Negaishipping (platonically) Elesa and Skyla(platonically) Dragonvilleshipping(platonically) Sourgrapeshipping and Sommeliershipping.
Least favorite pairings: Amourshipping, Cookieshipping, Ikarishipping, Any Incest or AdultXChild ships.
Quick facts about me.
💗: aspiring writer
💗: Gemini ♊️
💗: Pokemon BW fan/defender 🤍🖤
Other links:
Instagram: polarbearcub7
Ao3: UnovaFangirl868670
BW fan account on Instagram: sourgrapesshipping
Feel free to like, comment, reblog, and share any of my posts <3
This blog is not a NSFW blog so I will not reblog or post any content of that type.
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owls-den · 2 years
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Georgia and Burgundy are having a sleep over! They seem to be online... What crimes will they commit 👀?
Probably one of my most detailed piece to date. I'm not super good at drawing backgrounds but I gave it a go! Only the best for my gal pals!
Georgia has a couple bandages from her training with Brycen :)) Apparently, learning martial arts on ice? Yeah not the safest. There are tons of other small details that mostly make sense considering my numerous hcs don't worry lol
Hope you guys like this!
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Rosemary, Lavender and Poppy Bordeux, Burgundy and Chili’s triplets who they co-parent. 
Rosemary, the oldest, has been blind since birth. She plays the piano and has a support Sylveon that accompanies her everywhere she goes. 
Lavender, the middle triplet, loves to cook and helps run her father’s gym/restaurant. Like both of her parents she can be quite a hot head.
Poppy, the youngest, is a model and fellow connoisseur who enjoys spending time with her stepmom, Georgia, because they both have similar temperaments. She also used to attend one of her uncle Cilan’s classes.
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movedsomewhereelse · 1 year
every now and then i remember burgundy and georgia and i wail
i miss them
(and god do i dislike that one fic i made of them but sourgrapesshipping fandom needs it so I'm not taking it down but eugh)
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cosmicheartz · 2 years
Shout out to the person who wrote a sourgrapeshipping fic on ao3
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seadolph · 3 years
I have no ide if you are still doing the fankid meme but would you be willing to draw SourGrapeShipping (Burgundy x Georgia)?
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Name: Framboise
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Curly fuschia hair, tied back into a low ponytail. Teal eyes, matches his bowtie. Some sort of vest and collared shirt combination. Colour coordinated, snappy dresser. A Presence that visibly plays to a tv persona on screen and melts away off camera.
Personality: Irritated, haughty, and grumpily flamboyant on camera. Softer off camera, and although still grumpy, it's more of the quietly grumpy kind of low buzzing frustration and stress. Cheerier off camera too, although it's somewhat hard to tell. He's picky and exact with the standards he sets for himself and other people, because of the immense respect he has for the art of baking.
Special Talents: Amazing baker, good chef. Supertaster, picky, picky eater. Good at keeping track of time without a clock. Also, able to drink people under the table despite his small size. Masterclass at complaining.
Who they like better: Georgia
Who they take after more: Burgundy
Personal Headcanon: He's a kid celebrity baker and tv personality that they bring in to judge people's work on baking shows. While it was fun at the beginning, he's starting to have second thoughts about the character he plays on them, and wishes for the old days of just baking without the fanfare.
Thank you for the ask!!
(meme link here!)
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kalosstarters · 7 years
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ok but I ship them. 
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estrelatzia · 5 years
your fav pkmn anime ships and why!!
Aaaa the problem with me is that I have so many ships that I love x,D So please bear with me!
Not so long ago, I made a list of my top 5 pokeani ships and why I love them. I feel like I explained very well then and can’t write it better, so here is the link 
And then there is my other fave pokeani ship (in no particular order):
-Eldershipping (Delia and Prof Oak.): Ok, I know it sounds weird (this was so weird for me when I was a kid). But please listen, I learn to find this ship sweet in the context that their relationship starts way after Ash and Gary leave home. Like I don’t believe Prof Oak is Ash’s dad or that Delia was dating Oak at the start of the anime. I prefer to think that once Ash and Gary left on their journey, both Delia and Oak missed them so much and felt lonely at home. So they kept each other company. And no, they didn’t start dating right away, it was something that came gradually with time. They simply helped each other or had some coffee together, talk about their missing son/grandson, just to feel the void of Ash and Gary. And with time learned to really appreciate each other’s company. That’s the scenario that I feel in love with ;;
-Diodeshipping (Ash x Clemont): I feel like from all the people Ash met in Kalos, it’s interaction with Clemont were the most sweet and interesting. Their personality merged so greatly and it was so nice how Clemont learned to be more confident thanks to Ash ;;
-Pearlshipping (Ash x Dawn): Believe it or not, this was my notp for a long time when I was a kid lol x,D The only reason was because I thought the shippers in the forum I spent time on at the time were really obnoxious and I lost a friend over it because I said I didn’t really ship it (it was my first pokefriend ever and she was so important to me at the time. I was heartbroken and grew bitter over this ship because of that). But recently I rethink about it and realised that it is a very good and cute ship. I think from all the pokegirls, Ash’s interaction with Dawn is the most precious and cute??? Like I never cared about Ash’s ships, so if I would choose a ship I would go by default to Misty because to me it was the most dynamic and original interaction, but Dawn’s is really up there too. These two really complimented each other and were really cute together.
-Pokeshipping (Ash x Misty): I feel like their interaction are too funny and interesting to not ship them together. Like I said, I never really cared about Ash’s ships, but I can’t help but to find all his moments with Misty priceless!! I love how they bicker, yet care about each other a lot. I don’t know it it was an accident, but I feel like they wrote that type of relationship so well. 
-Snowpointshipping (Candice x Zoey): I just thought their interactions were cute and they had a wonderful chemistry. I wish we could have more moments of these two together.
-Appealshipping (Zoey x Dawn): They are so cute and I love all their interaction from beginning to end and how much Zoey cares about Dawn.
-Sourgrapeshipping(Burgundy x Georgia): I can’t believe this ship is not popular ;; They would make a wonderful couple. They have such a great personality and I feel like they would have a wonderful chemistry together. Seriously, this ship needs more love.
-Brunet x Kukui : Have you seen how cute they are together? Seriously don’t know what to say. It’s just absolutely cute! They can almost be like a Disney couple, don’t @ me.
-Meowth x Litten: I am a sucker for Black cats & White cats aesthetic (prob because of Sailor Moon). Besides, Meowth and Litten’s interaction in the anime are really cute and interesting.
-Mallow x Lillie : They are in love! The writers just can’t put it officially in the anime because of the censors, I am sure! They are always together and they are just so cute!
-Calendarshipping (Barry x May): I just adore crack ships, okay x,D And I know it’s so out there, but they both have friendly and warm personalities that I feel like they could make an interesting pair, no matter if it’s platonic or romantic.
I am probably missing some, but like this list is so long already, so I need to stop lol
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love-for-burgundy-blog · 10 months
I was randomly wondering what ships you liked that aren't negaishipping and sommeilershipping
I'll share a few of mine
I managed to get into mechanicaldancershipping (Kiawe x Sophocles) and I dragged myself into dragonvisionshipping (Serena x Iris)
Thanks for the ask!! On my updated pinned post. I listed down a few other ships that I liked or got into besides Negaishipping and Sommeliershipping. To name a few, I like Airplaneshipping(Elesa x Skyla) Sourgrapeshipping (Georgia and Burgundy) and Dragonvilleshipping (Iris x Shannon). Yeah, you can tell that I mainly am into the fifth generation of Pokemon. As for your ships, I like that your opinions are unique since I never heard of anyone liking the ships you like. Good for you!!
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owls-den · 10 months
Hi! What are your favorite and least favorite pokemon human character ships and why?
Thanks for the ask! Oh, that's a tough one... I got quite a few ships I prefer!
In term of favorites, I really like PerfectWorldShipping, ComaShipping... In the new series, I'm really beginning to be a big fan of Liko/Dot and Murdock/Friede. For BW, I adore SourGrapeShipping (Burgundy and Georgia's dynamic is just m w a h) and... Well I kinda appreciate any ship with Trip tbh but I don't exactly have a favorite persay haha—I've been drawing some Trip/Benga stuff lately but I just think it's cute, idk if I'd call it my fave yet. (As for a personal crackship I love it'd be CalmPrinceMegaKnightShipping which is Calem x Alain. All started in rp and escalated) I know it's a lot! I got a lot of other ships, especially in SM that I like but yeah! (of course I've seen the HanaMusa comics and I loooove them sooo much too!!)
As for least... Well, honestly, as disappointing as this might be I don't think I have any I really dislike? I mean, at most I think that AmourShipping is overrated because to me there never really was that much chemistry between Ash and Serena. It felt very one sided. Other than that... I guess I dislike Ash/Latias??? I'm mostly saying that because of one of the last episodes of Ash's series where they seemed to canonize the events from the movie which honestly shocked me (in a "I laughed very loudly in reaction to it" way). But like, I'm fine with it, I just find it weird that it's "sort of" canon?
I'm honestly very open when it comes to ships. I respect everyone's ship, no matter if the characters had 2 seconds of screentime and/or if they never met. I find shipping different characters so fun cause characters bring different personality traits out of the other when interacting! It's one of the reason why I love the romance genre so much: the characters and their relationship changes thanks to their interactions.
Haha I'm sorry if that answer wasn't super clear! What are YOUR favorite ships?
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This didn’t stay consistent T-T  Here is another update for some kids whose like names and parents I updated. Not as many ships changes this time I promise!
I put a + in front of the fankids that have one or both parents that are game only characters. My fankid universe is more anime centric but mingled with gameverse stuff. I left the + next to Hop and Victor even tho they were just in evolutions and are the whole reason I made most of these Galar ship changes, but it’s not the main anime so that doesn’t count.
I put a * next to kids whose names I recently changed, there is a ** next to kids that are new to this particular version of the list. The kids who changed ships but not names have ^ in front of them. ? aspect of the characters up in the air.
Kanto (13) :
AmourShipping: Lyn and Taylor Ketchum
CavalierShipping: Azure and Ryder Oak
RocketShipping: Jamie and Josie Morgan ?(reworking the twins)
HandymanShipping: Samantha Sketchit
Jessebelle and Pierce: **Leo and *Octavia Hyde
NeoShipping: Eliza, Clay and Doe Parker (Doe is adopted)
VermillionShipping: Paige Cerise (last name might change)
Johto (6):
Violet Waterflower (Single Mother): Rio Waterflower
QuestShipping: Una Kim
JohtoFestaShipping (divorced): Sterling Swivet
+SoulSilverShipping: Vega Castillo
FastFoodShipping: Dominic Blakely
MusculatureShipping: **Dionne Sutton
Hoenn (3):
ContestShipping: Fiore Rosales
KantoContestShipping: Marisol Meadows
OriginShipping: *Niobe Rivera-Stone
Sinnoh (4) :
SnowPointShipping: Baron Donohue (Zoey’s biological nephew)
ColdCoffeeShipping: Hazel and Dulce Fyne
CurtainShipping: Orion Wayland
Unova (11):
SnarkyShipping: Cordelia Shutter
WishfulShipping: Ione and Chloe Primarie
SpokeShipping: Barrett Dunstan
SourGrapeShipping: Rosemary, Lavender and *Poppy Bordeaux (triplets born from Burgundy with Chili when they had a fling)
AirplaneShipping: **Sophia Avion
+ElectricBlackShipping: Nike Blackwood
+FerrisWheelShipping: Talulla Harmonia
+ RoyalLectureShipping: Chesil Brook
Kalos (7):
RoyalStalkerShipping: Araminta Regan
LaserBladeShipping: Camille and Lisette Ferrand
MarissonShipping: André Tremblay
BunnyPuffShipping: Cella Doux
FleurDeGrenadeShipping: Cybele Harlow
PhaesporiaShipping: Chrysanta Gardner
Alola (5):
JellowShipping: Felix Kapua-Himmel
MonolithShipping: Lucious and Kekoa Harrison
SteamShipping (separated): Leilani “Lani” Mahi’ai (Gladion is Lani’s stepdad w/Kiawe, Misty is Lani’s stepmom w/Lana)
SkullFlowerShipping: Keomi Maltby
Galar (7):
+Trainshipping: Skipper “Skip” Viorel
+PastelGothShipping: Sini Brine
+SuperSedeShipping: Peter Tate (Adopted by Gloria/Marnie/Bede)
+CuteDarknessShipping: Eirwen “Eira” and *Rhosyn “Ro” Magnolia
DeadlyRoseShipping: Gilbert Fang (estranged from parents and adopted by Raihan/Leon)
Rei (aka Lucas) x Wanda (yes the NPC you have to keep hunting down in those side quests) their descendant eventually lead to Joanna and her daughter Dawn.
Irida x Adaman descendants eventually lead to Palmer, then Barry.
Calaba’s descendants stay in Sinnoh, and lead to Paul and Reggie. I am kinda subscribed to Brandon being their dad tho but he only goes to Hoenn for work. She is also an old holy woman with no kids to speak of in the games so maybe her line continues with a sibling or something.
Melli somehow leads to Harley. I know this man would never marry a woman but Harley comes from his loins somehow they are too fucking similar-
Akari is the ancestor to Lucas who eventually get’s thrown back in time. Thankfully they immediately pick up on the family vibes and just treat each other like brother and sister. Maybe she get’s with Wanda’s brother, Zeke, so that’s why Dawn and Lucas end up having similar appearances.
Cyllene x Prof. Laventon. Okay so this would make Cyrus, Leon and Hop related somehow but to add some degree to separation to that let’s just say Cyrus’s part of the family comes from a sibling of Cyllene. Also since Cyllene is someone who seems to care for others unlike Cyrus I want her to have the fun descendants. But Cyrus got the no eyebrows and bad at feelings part of that bloodline.
Iscan x Palina’s descendants lead to Marlon. It still works weather you acknowledge the weird tan or just pretend he’s that shade all the time. 
Tuli is the ancestor of Bianca, this was something I thought the moment I saw her in game but I am going to take something else from this video on ancestor speculation and say that she is also Ginter’s wife which would make Bianca and Volkner like cousins or something. (that video I linked is very good and it’s also where I got the Marlon idea from so go watch it 😊)
Total number of fankids: 55
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rivalswishes · 10 years
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severalshadesof-blue · 11 years
I feel like the only SourGrapeShipper. *le sigh*
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rivalswishes · 11 years
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ら ん か べ by 郁
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