#source: anime films
iconnoteven · 2 years
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Odds and ends from Mary and the Witch’s Flower 💠
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capricavey · 8 months
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Canon AV-1 - Kodak Gold 200
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 months
TT: He's cute. He reminds me of this guy I used to know. He didn't want me either. No one does. For who could ever learn to love a beast?
TG: fuck. have i got a film for u
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dustyoo10 · 5 months
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ultimateinferno · 11 months
TF2 updated so I'm taking this post out of drafts:
The TF2 Mercs are a part of the internet equivalent of the commedia dell'arte stock characters. Being automatically included in Source derivative software such as SFM and GMod, they're very easily available as premade rigs for amateur animators to use in their works. The simple, cartoony, and discernible designs make them very easy to read at any angle, which although originally used to be easily read in a competitive gaming environment, translates well to comedy skits. Unlike similar games such as Overwatch, where they're practically over-designed in a very definite artstyle, TF2 characters are lacking in accessories as a default. Generally wearing simple single color jackets, t-shirts and pants. In fact, the varied nature of TF2's cosmetic system makes them perfect as dress-up dolls, making it very easy to reuse the same base model and differentiate between them.
That brings me to their characterization. Even though most if not all have pretty well defined backstories and narratives, outlined in the supplementary media of comics and Meet the Videos, their baseline personalities can be easily transplanted into various skits and narratives with minimal introduction. Scout is a cocky jackass. Soldier is a dimwitted, overly patriotic American. Heavy is simultaneously soft-spoken and boisterous Russian who revels in violence. These simple yet understood personalities mean you can bypass proper character introductions by identifying who's in what role from the start, similar to the archetypes from the aforementioned commedia dell'arte.
You don't even have to be a fan of tf2 to grasp these roles. The ubiquity of SFM as free 3d animation software is a self supporting introduction. If you are unfamiliar with tf2's narrative, simply consuming a handful of these animations can get you up to speed.
Simultaneously, TF2's narrative is just as batshit as the fan animations that are inspired by it. You could certainly use other valve properties for similar reasons regarding animation accessibility, but TF2 embracing comedy from the start and the simple insanity of its characters means you can transport them to a wider array off stories while asking for a much smaller suspension of disbelief.
A Half Life animation is far more likely to be about Half Life than any given TF2 animation is about TF2. Many of them are, but way more are simply not.
TF2 as a property has a lot of staying power. 16 years now and even with minimal support from valve, it still soldiers on (pun intended) as a significant part of internet meme culture. I find it's notoriety akin to Hatsune Miku, where they're given a second life outside of the purpose of their original creation. They're less FPS characters, and more little dolls novice animators smack together for the entertainment of others.
And at the end of the day that's almost all it really takes. A significant slice of media engagement and fan works for the internet at large could not care less about Canon or the main narrative, even if its well regarded, because the biggest draw for many is simply taking strong personalities and putting them in funny situations. It's why incorrect quotes are absolutely everywhere despite the fact that a good 80% of them do not fit the original characters one bit. Meanwhile, TF2 as a property actively encourages it.
The following are all fan animations that have jack shit to do with each other or the original canon--be it in game, the original animations, or expanded comics--and yet they're still ultimately cohesive as these little shorts that play with the cast as archetypes, with their own recognizable appearances and roles. (Tucked behind Keep Reading to save space)
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thebarroomortheboy · 6 months
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In behalf of the peoples of Blefuscu and Lilliput, with eternal gratitude and love in our hearts, we christen thee, Gulliver!
GULLIVER'S TRAVELS (1939) | dir. Dave Fleischer, Willard Bowsky and Orestes Calpini
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evenceflux18 · 1 year
The last pic, I wheezed, I'm sorry 😭😂 but he's a mood.
Salma calm down😭. But seriously I hope you're fine Wybie. RIP.
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becquerelnoir · 10 months
you know i think part of, not a huge part mind you but still part of, the reason Disney animal companions don't work any more is because they don't usually have the same narrative weight animal companions in past movies did. This is especially true for pre Tangled movies, where the animals were allowed to drive parts of the plot and have dialouge.
The Mice from Cinderella are a good example. Not only did we get to see the dynamic between them and Cinderella, but if their hadn't all decided to make the dress, Ella's step sisters wouldn't have torn it to shreds, and her tears would not have called the fairy godmother.
Flounder, Scuttle and Sebastian are a lesser example (animated film) but they still had enough sway and were autonomous enough to help the narrative (mind you it's been a while since i have seen either movie, especially in TLM's case so they could have done more than I remember.)
I'm including the Gargoyles or Djali from HonD here because one was added into the narrative and aren't animals and the other was based off a pre existing animal in the original narrative.
But i digress. There are probably a lot of good examples in pre Tangled Disney movies, especially in movies before the Disney Reminiscence. And I say pre Tangled but really I think I mean like, pre the loss of the animation department. Pre the Disney Digital era.
After that, the animal sidekicsk would have humanesque mannerisms, but no real will outside of sticking with their respective character. They typically do one or tow things, but nothing major. And some you remember more than others, and they don't speak. Not usually anyhow. There were exceptions but the only animal outside of a live action remake that spoke that i remember vividly is Tamatoa and hes not really a companion. He's an antagonistic force.
But i'm of course behind, and there are a few movies I have not seen in a while, so i could be wrong. I probably am wrong but i was letting my mind wander while trying and failing to hatch a shiny fuecocoa and this is where my brain went.
and this is going off of if animal companions worked at all in didney films
plus i just think the mice are neat
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6 times Madagascar didn't say hell + 1 time they did
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nvcl347 · 1 year
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misterbaritone · 6 months
Watching this new Scott Pilgrim show almost drove me to reopen the book.
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iconnoteven · 2 years
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Maya from Captain Harlock: Arcadia of My Youth ☠️ (requested by Anonymous)
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Kanaya: Go On.
Kanaya: I Know.
Kanaya: Go On.
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transbee · 1 year
Ok im emesis blue posting again but literally the composition in some shots is some of the most coolest most stunning shit ive seen recently and also the way it used color was soo awesome.
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duaa-lipaaa · 1 year
Dua Lipa 😅
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capricavey · 9 months
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Interrupted Nap
Canon AV-1 - Kodak Gold
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