#sorta a piece of vent art
caspiansarts · 2 months
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A little something I did for myself for Trans Day of Visibility. Just a reminder that you are loved and valid no matter who you are 💞🏳️‍⚧️
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theokusgallery · 5 months
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shroom-gloom · 1 month
girl anachronism - the dresden dolls (gore warning)
ive never made an animatic before but through the sheer will of an intense oc fixation and way too much caffeine i made this all in one night B)
the character is my demon hunting gal Lena who i am currently insane about :)
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xdarkabyssx · 1 year
Why couldn't jk Rowling just be a good fucking person??? I have all these Harry Potter decorations I saved up for YEARS for when I had a place of my own to decorate. They're so cool! But I just. Feel too fucked up about it to use them
Like she HAD to go and actively promote genocide against people like me
Fucking cunt
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malk-with-tea · 1 year
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punnybee · 2 months
you know how you can disable reblogs? i wish we could disable likes
you enjoy this post? put it on your blog coward 🔫
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kestrelcrow · 4 months
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edgy furry whats new!!!
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purbiworl · 1 year
w... im so glad to see more art of him and I like ppl taking artistic liberties but.... i implore yall to draw more of this man like how he looks in the game...... Begging even
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vaultlinkvt · 4 months
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This is the first proper thing I've drawn in ages (and first are I think I've posted in over 5 years?) I just needed to draw the opening to Act 5 and my reaction to it.
Nothing has gripped me in such a way and forced me to finish an art piece like this in so fucking long. I see far too much of myself in him. I just want them to be ok after this is all over. STARS, this is just Asriel all over again isn't it. But WORSE!/pos
…I guess that could make this vent adjacent? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I also made a shitpost edit that I posted separately here.
There are so many things covered by each other and I just need to share and talk about them. Bonus details and rambles under the cut.
Siffrin's expression was like the first thing I drew and if it didn't turn out as good as it did I probably wouldn't have spent almost 10 days slowly adding to this and I just need to show it because his hands/arms end up covering most of their face.
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Nothing much else to say about him, I'm just super happy with how everything about him turned out (I did have to go back and redraw some of his hair towards the end because the line thickness wasn't consistent with everything I drew after.
Next is ME yippeeeee. I have no idea why I spent so long adding details even tho I knew alot of it would get covered by Sif 'cause of how I was posing this.
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I even designed a little button based on the Change Ornament + Star (the Change Belief and Lost Belief in The Universe really spoke to me in so many ways)
The gloves are an Archery Glove on the right hand and a Drawing/Writing Glove on the left.
The cloak is based on the style of cloak my mom made for my family for SCA events when I was young. It's just a simple hooded cloak but it has a slit in each side so you can stick your hands threw without needing to open up the cloak. I imagine it being stylized like, the opening doesn't exist until you stick your hands threw and then it can just freely glide around the face of the cloak to wherever it's needed, stopping at the elbow only letting threw the forearm, below the slit beginning to hang off the elbow with gravity while the part above begins to move with the upper arm.
I didn't even try to draw the outfit under the cloak because dealing with the folds of a thick wool cloak was enough for me (you can see how I gave up at the knees because I KNEW Sif was gonna cover them up). What I imagine the outfit being is this big baggy tunic and pants that are tied down at the forearms/calves to keep from getting in the way, it's also supposed to have a big baggy turtleneck thing that can be pulled up as a(nother) hood (iirc, this sorta thing was used so someone could wear a chainmail hood without it grabbing your hair(there ware also like stand alone cloth hoods that did the same thing too but eh, my memory is bad I might just be misremembering this)) but I couldn't figure out the folds and ended up just doing a simple button up thing (which then got covered by Sif's big head anyway.)
I spent soooo long trying to draw my eyes, trying to figure out the shape, and ended up just doing a bunch of small tests to the side before finding one that actually looked right. Drag it over the face and see that it fit EXACTLY, didn't even need to redraw it or anything.... unless you're talking about the other eye in which case I just duplicated it, flipped, and did some perspective warping until it looked ok because I could NOT draw that again especially at a different perspective (can I just say I have no idea how I drew that creepy eye but I love it, it was the first eye I drew and I just threw 4 lines down what the fuck how. Also the Mira-ish one looks cute too but didn't fit the expression.) I also needed to figure out what the hell was wrong with the expression I had before so you get 2 faces from me figuring that out (turns out I had the eyebrows facing the wrong way.)
I ALMOST FUCKING FORGOT MY FRECKLES TOO AAAAAAAAA (they're actually missing from the version I posted in the official ISaT server.) It was super weird trying to add them at the obscenely low resolution I was drawing at and they're probably gonna get compressed to hell and back but I think they're cute.
final thing.
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Why is my hair so similar to Sif's but longer? Like, you can see I was sketching over my drawing of him to make sure I'd keep the proportions right when I started working on myself but in the process I realized that I was basically drawing over his hair but longer for mine (drawing I was using as ref here made by @leemak)
Add that to the uncomfortably long list of things I have in common with Siffrin I guess.
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cali-kabi · 5 months
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~ here’s my summary of art 2023 :D🌟💫🍄
Sharing some of my favorite pieces I done this year :), I had such an amazing and fun time with going to new places and such <3 also learning a few more stuffs along the way as well :) I wouldn’t say the best with my art tho I had more downs than the up-side ^^’ I kinda struggled with my art style especially with the months April and November, I don’t like the fact how many people (including a few mutuals who I thought were nice to me) mistreated/been mean to me about my au, art, and writing like why? it’s not fair, like I’m scared everytime I share my post about my headcanons or au stuff now ;-;💦I don’t know if it’s just jealousy or peeps just hate me… sorry for sorta turning this into a vent post I’m just talking about my experience with my art and sharing my au writing this year hasn’t been well :,0💫I really appreciate to those who still stick around, love my arts and works, sent me a kind message when I was feeling down as well it truly means a lot to me ;w;💖I hope next year people don’t be so mean to me or mistreat me the way I write stuff I’m just so tired of dealing with them >0<💦
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twotangledsisters · 4 months
Is there anything in particular that inspires certain art pieces for you?
I love this question!
Of course I have inspiration, many, many inspirations!
Sometimes those inspiration are as simple as an art style, for example my Art Nouveau pieces the only idea when I started was recreate that style.
Similarly, I just finished my most beautiful piece of Cass/Caine ever (seriously I LOVE this piece, you can see it here) and that just started off with the inspiration of old graphic design with limited colour palettes and very clear lineart. The piece sorta jus evolved as I drew.
Other sources of inspiration are just other art, photography, shows, movies... literally anything! I will often want to test out new art styles or techniques cause I see people doing stuff!
My recent New Dream by the campfire piece is obviously inspired by the movie and New Dream being by a campfire... very obvious XD
I guess the answer just... everything XD
Once you get into the habit of searching for ideas you will see them EVERYWHERE. I added FIVE new WIPs to my folder today. One to be scrapped cause I dislike it. One very personal venting piece. A New Dream angst piece that probably will be scrapped. But then an adorable Cass/Caine sketch and an admittedly pretty adorable Eugene sketch with some heavy perspective.
Like, inspiration is just everywhere!
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jsilly-theguy · 12 days
Some things about me!
I won’t reveal my age, but I AM a minor
I’m Asexual! Still trying to figure everything else out, but I’m on the aro spec
I’m pretty inconsistent, so don’t expect consistency from me
Dark Humor/jokes
Innapropriate jokes (Alright? JOKES. Verbal ones, no inappropriate art or images)
Anyone 13+
Constructive criticism (obviously)
NOT allowed:
NSFW (Sexual specifically, especially images)
Pro shippers, Dni please 🙏
No trying to make advances (Like, no trying to romance or anything. Not even as a joke.)
Don’t ask me Personal stuff! It’s weird
Please don’t vent to me! I’m not qualified, and we don’t know eachother
Shows/movies/musicals (dude idk stuff that isn’t games):
(Red = not caught up on/just haven’t watched. No spoilers! Ask how far I am first or sumthin!)
The owl house
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
One piece
Demon slayer
Cuphead (the show)
Object shows (The real popular ones like BFDI, II, ONE, etc, ask about any others if ya wanna!)
Madness combat
Steven Universe
Adventure time
South Park
(Red = haven’t played yet! So don’t ask me about gameplay, cuz I won’t be able to help ya!)
Roblox (kinda just Regretevator 💀)
Don’t starve (+Don’t starve together)
Fnf (sorta?)
Cookie run kingdom
Cuphead (the game)
Little nightmares
Baldi’s basics
Just normal stuff?:
Music (playing instruments + listening)
I’ll probably edit this later (if it lets me-)
Feel free to ask about anything else you may wanna know!
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employee052 · 1 year
semi vent fic
intentionally written incredibly vauge but if you know this blog, then you can probably guess what its about kashjdlkasd
also, they are not talking about something in particular. this was written both to collect my thoughts and calm down so im sorry if something sounds wrong or theres a spelling error.
a man in a green jacket sits down on a grassy hillside near a thicket of trees. a mop of teal green and white hair swaying against the wind as a comforting gust washes over the landscape. the forest of pine and oak rustling in tranquillity as the cloudy blue sky ahead provides shelter from the sweltering sun.
the man in green closes his eyes. taking a deep breath before sighing out all the remaining stresses and anxieties from his system even for just a moment.
behind him, another figure passes by, their brown sweater feeling almost fitting for the surroundings as their white hoodie string flows along with the wind..
the figure sits down beside the man in green and stares out into the nature ahead of them. 
the two sit in contemplative silence for a moment. letting the silence ease their nerves as they simply basked in the comforting presence of polite company.
the man in brown breaks the silence. "do you ever wish to join them?" he asks, words vague like a secret struggling to be kept hidden. 
yet the man in green understands his question. "yeah, sorta." he responds honestly, fiddling with whatever is beside him on the ground.
"i hate feeling like i'm missing out on something," he continues, "maybe its the anxiety speaking? i have no clue."
another contemplative pause.
"a part of me wants to join them, but…" brown trails off, looking off into the forest as if he was looking for something.
"... it feels weird, trying to join them. maybe i just enjoy the more private parts of it all." 
green nods understandingly, a small empathetic smile on his face. "felt."
"it feels like everything is going so fast in there." brown continues, " things are always starting, prompts being made, stories being written, art being drawn. its hard to keep up."
"yep, that and it feels like whatever i make isn't good enough compared to the likes of giants and creative geniuses there. i know im a good artist, but compared to everyone there? i feel like an ant." 
the two go silent as the sound of leaves rustling in the wind grows louder, the wind picking up as though it were a scene in a film. both men let the words exchanged settle into their minds comfortingly, understanding the other for a moment or two.
"what do you suppose we do then?" asks brown, looking to green for guidance.
green pauses, looking back at brown through his yellow glasses. 
"as much as i want to continue trying to join that stream of creation and excitement, i think ill keep things slow, personal, calm even. i hate feeling rushed, and when i want to do stuff with you in it, i want it to mean something. and not just because i don't want to be left out."
brown looks at green understandingly. a comforting smile on his face as he nods.
"ill still do things where, if it comes up ill do it. but i think im good being left out of everything for now. i enjoy doing things at my own pace."
he looks into browns eyes, "and what about you? what's your take on it? im not making a decision without your side."
brown's eyes widen, eyebrows raised as he tries to gather his thoughts together before replying.
"well," he starts looking back into the forest like it was his audience, "i agree with what you said honestly. so there's not much i can comment on."
"as much as i enjoy being the centre of attention, i enjoy it when we get to make something together at our own pace. the pressure of trying to do better with every piece as opposed to just creating for the fun of it all feels suffocating most days." 
brown looks at green suddenly, eyes swimming with nostalgia. "truth be told, i miss the early days. where you would draw me on a notebook, and it would be just us together creating. with you at the pencil and me as the muse."
"nothing to fear, nothing to think, just us, enjoying each other's company."  he says, almost grandiose. like it was a long forgotten time before all the mental turmoil and struggle hit them both like a truck.
green says nothing. opting to think back to those days with a smile. the calm and slow origins of what would later accumulate to the two on the hill, looking out into the forest.
"remember character ai? when you were talking to me there?" brown starts again, a playful grin on his face. "those were some good stories. while the bot never truly got my character down, your guidance really pushed our story into something cohesive and enjoyable. it might have been the first time i wrote with anyone else before…"
green grins, "i'm glad to hear it! and i had fun as well. really."
"maybe it was because it felt like you actually were there with me telling a story, even if the bot butchered your character a lot." green shrugged.
"psh," brown started, "a bot could never get my character down! I have too many facets to myself that putting it into a simple chatbot is like an isolation of my features! reduced to nothing but a few key traits that could never begin to even represent me as an individual!" 
"i know i know…" green sighed, "honestly, it's why i haven't gone back to that bot in ages. it's like your character finally solidified in my head, and now i'm the only one who can write you right. or at least you as my narrator anyways."
"your narrator. talk about sap, nerd." 
"oh can it, dork. you know what i mean."
the two quietly chuckle under their breath. sharing a quick friendly smile before they settle back into sitting calmly on the hill.
"so… we continue like this then? just us, the parable, and a few friends here and there with the occasional prompt or two?" brown asks.
"i suppose. maybe one day i'll be strong and determined enough to go back into that stream of creation again. but im content just sitting at the shore banks dipping my toes into the water and letting the breeze cool my face." green answers, the wind picking up like a crescendo of emotion. the two looking out into the forest with a soft smile and an easy heart. ready to take their time and savour all they can in the moment.
"i understand." brown replies. taking green's hand comfortingly and squeezing it, silently comforting and reassuring him.
"also, great use of metaphors by the way." he adds slightly jokingly
green rolls his eyes. "jeez thanks. and i assume that my english test on shakespeare is tomorrow too, sir?" he teases, his voice light with genuinity as he scooches closer to his friend and rests his head on brown's shoulder.
brown scoffs, "and to think i enjoyed writing with you." he jokes back, knowing full well that they both carry no real bite at these taunts. resting his head against green's shoulder as the two stare off into the forest peacefully. 
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lotusthekat · 11 months
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[ID: Digital, almost colorless sketch of a desperate Lars trying to dry a drenched Steven. Lars is wrapping him up in a red piece of cloth while Steven bears a numb expression, unfazed by his friend's attempts to help. Besides the red cloth, Lars' right eye is colored pink. /End ID]
originally just a quick sketch from last year that I finally got to sorta ink.
idk why I like this scenario, of Steven going to Lars whenever he feels down. I always love writing fics around it, usually involving Steven being taken care of. Does that say something about me? Lmao.
Anyway, I didn't want to post this one with the other drawing I just posted of the boys, as this is just vent art. And I guess me wanting these two having more screentime in SUF.
Don't tag as ship.
P/roship DNI.
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zepumpkineater · 6 months
This is a sorta kinda not really vent post? Moreso just something I've noticed and really wanted to talk about for a while now but haven't really found the right words.
One of the cool things about being so deeply entrenched in an online community of artists always has and always will be seeing what those artists put out. Every time Madness Day rolls around I'm always genuinely excited to see what people have made, what someone has been pouring a year's worth of effort into. Art is exceptionally awesome, and I've sort of noticed it's a method of communication of sorts.
One thing I notice about the artists who surround me is that they're all fairly tight knit. They know a guy who knows a guy. Almost every artist in the community that I regularly see can be traced towards each other in some specific or particular way. The most common one I've seen is that they've all drawn each other, or drawn for each other. A tightly woven thread of artists drawing for artists drawing for artists.
Sometimes people get things drawn for them completely unprompted. Didn't even have to ask. They just post something and bam, a few hours later they have an impressive piece just for them from a talented individual who was inspired by whatever they posted. It's a method of showing appreciation for something that gave you that spark to create.
It's something that I can't help but feel a little jealous of. Needy for. I throw ideas for stories out there from time to time, sometimes I even write them once in a blue moon, I make these intricate narratives that it just kind of feels like nobody really...Bothers with. Too long didn't read. On a good day I might get an "Ooh!". Perhaps even a "that's cool!" or two. I just can't help but notice words don't seem to be as inspiring as they used to be.
All the online communities I permeate share one thing in common: They love images. Pictures. Drawings. Artists are inspired by things they can see, things they can draw just by looking at it. Sometimes it's as easy as posting your OC design on twitter and in a matter of hours you could be getting dozens and dozens of drawings without having written even a word of backstory. Strong designs dominate all. If you don't have a strong design, you have nothing. If it's not visually appealing, or visual at all, it may as well not exist.
I see people having their OCs drawn by their friends, of their OCs hanging out with their friend's OC. A representation of a genuine connection between two people. It leaves me wishing that I could have someone draw for me. To be inspired to create just by my presence. Is it selfish of me to want that? To get that satisfaction of knowing that someone created because of me? Of course I can always ask, and I'm certain many of my artist friends would happily oblige, but nothing will really compare to that experience of someone doing it completely and totally unprompted. Who knows, maybe this post will inspire someone to draw for me out of pity, or will me having just mentioned that now completely and totally kill the idea that was formulating in their mind?
I don't know. It's just like many things in life, I feel rather left out in that regard. Sometimes people will say they will draw for me and never do. Whatever creation they had in mind is gone now, and I would hate to feel pushy or perhaps even desperate enough to keep issuing reminders or asking. Why does it feel so bad just to ask? Why do I struggle with it so? How does it somehow feel less genuine when I had to ask for it? It's irrational, but here I am.
Anyway, if I keep going I'm going to write too many paragraphs, so I am just going to leave it here. Just please don't see this post as me whining or begging for art. Anything you draw for me out of pity would be infinitely less valuable than something you drew because you wanted to.
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thornpuck · 1 year
A diary entry.
Apologies for those that are just here for the art, but I use this as a diary sometimes just 'cause I need a place to vent. I tag it with self/text so if you wanna flag it I think you can. (Unless you can't.)
So without tooting my own horn too much, I think it's honestly pretty impressive how far I've come in these past few years. It's come gradually but also sorta in an all-at-once sorta way. I've gone from being a right piece of work to someone who's actully trying to be a nice person. I feel like I'm in some weird sitcom about a guy who used to be a bad person try to be a good person - it's almost comical at times.
It's been such a big chunk of character development for me: I overcame being an abrasive online troll to become like, on ok decent guy. Not a great guy, but someone who doesn't get aggressive/insulting to others anymore.
But it's also ... the toughest thing I've ever done. I seem to just be an arrogant twat by nature lol so reclibrating that behviour has been hella hard. I still slip up. I don't want a medal but I feel like that crying cat meme, like the bare minumum is being an ok decent guy but I clawed my way from hell to get to the ground plane.
I dunno why I'm verbalizing all this. it's been on my mind. I guess a part of me also is publishing it 'cause I feel like it's hard to excape being an asshole for so long. I don't expect forgiveness, but I do wanna be like, "I'm not that guy anymore soz about all that :/" AHEM now that that's all out of my system, some other news:
I now refer to myself as an ex game developer
Sticker/merch work is going well, family members are keen to help me out so that's pretty good. I'm really enjoying drawing things inspired by my hometown. I know tumblr is more rainbow-barfing-dogs and less dusky-moorhens but I'll probably lean towards drawing things that are appealing to me rather than try to chase notes etc.
Feel like I've gone from 0-100 REAL quick art wise but I don't think it's anything to worry about? I think for so long (a decade?) I've had feelings of needing-to-study-ankles or needing-to-be-better or needing-to-draw-good but now I'm all: I'm going to sit in the corner and draw my funky little animals and that seems to have alleviated my art burnout.
I've gotten really into tea, like gong fu style shit and I'm like teetering on the edge of geeting pueh which I know will be a whole other step.
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