#sorry this was a bit of a non-answer
void-kissed · 1 year
SORRY for sending another ask right away but is there a possibility that nahida can read alectra's mind like she can for other NPCs? or even if not, let's say she can hypothetically, what would the dialogue be for alectra? (you can answer this for lamia too!)
however I am going to be honest I did not know that this was a thing she could do. I am not caught up on the story or lore because I was concerned that sumeru’s archon quests would set me off and from what I have heard I am very correct in that concern unfortunately. This means I have no idea what the usual dialogue gained from this would be, but.. would the fact that neither Alectra nor Lamia are actually human make any difference?
Since.. Alectra appears human because it was Rosalyne’s emotions that could not be properly sealed that gave her that form; she is more technically a mixture of the dying spirit of the nightingale she originally was that was killed by humans, and the subsequent anguish that the Crimson Witch of Flames felt at her (the nightingale’s) death which mixed in and stopped her fading away completely. And then Lamia is - spoilers! - actually a Pyro Abyss Mage, but she pestered Enjou to teach her how to disguise as a human like he could, and even though the magic wasn’t perfect when she cast it, it still lets her pass as human pretty well (aside from a few details not being quite right, like the line of scales that runs down her spine).
..I lost the train of thought. Sorry. I might need to look up examples of the dialogue you get from doing this with Nahida, since I think I would be safe to do that?, to have a better idea of what would be said - it’d change depending on whether this was more of a superficial “what are they currently thinking about” or a more.. intrusive? introspective? sort of “what is this character really like”, if that makes any sense. Sorry again, but thank you for sending this, it does mean a lot - and if I may ask, do you have any dialogue for any of your own characters for this game??
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 4 months
Completely normal out of context and out of character clips
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majorshatterandhare · 7 months
[Answer options in order are:
1. Yes, guitar, mandolin
2. Yes, piano/keyboard
3. Yes, violin, viola, cello, bass (inc. electric bass)
4. Yes, percussion
5. Yes, a woodwind
6. Yes, a brass instrument
7. Yes, multiple
8. Yes, something not mentioned here
9. No, I do not currently play an instrument but I sing
10. No, I do not currently play an instrument and I do not sing.
End Options]
Please specify in the comments or tags!
I’m sorry there aren’t more options, I only had 10 spaces or I would’ve included more. I tried to go with the most common and obviously with groups!
What counts for singing is up to you. I think most people sing some amount, but you can decide if yours counts or not. The reason for this is because you can teach yourself an instrument, so not requiring lessons or anything for either instruments or singing.
If you want to learn an instrument, especially if you don’t currently play any, I would love to know if you shared!
Please reblog! I wanna know how many of us play instuments ourselves and what that distribution is.
If you don’t listen to the Mechanisms don’t respond to this poll! I’m sure your answer is very interesting, but it will skew the results!
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thedeafprophet · 1 month
I’m reading the thread your meme was used in, and…why so much hatred for Revolutionaries and Liberationists? I’d assume it was personal taste or silly responses, were it not for how genuinely vitriolic it can get. They make it sound like evil star gods who eat humanity are preferable to people making the world a bit darker and a bit freer. Is. Is there something I’m not getting here?
*deep sigh* frankly, i dont get it all either
If I am to give others the benefit of the doubt, I would hope to presume some folks simply get too far into their roleplaying of their characters. since their characters absolutely despise anything to do with the revs and being a decent person, that spirs onto into vitriolic behaviour and far too into constantly hating on and shit talking the revs.
to a certain extent i think, especially in the echo chamber it can become, they dont really get how this comes across to other people, especially those who like the revs. (I had a particular convo with a guy on reddit who i blocked for posting anti liberation conent... and then proceeded to dm me, when i have never talked to them before, questioning me on why. seemed geniuenly baffled that i would have found the anti-revs post unwanted and said they thought the back and forth was 'all in good humour'. of which it is certainly not to me, having had violent 'jokes' directed towards me in past conversations)
If I am. to be a little less charitable. I think this is sometimes shining a less then ideal light on the moral insights of these folks.
Look - im not saying people cant like villains or play evil characters, i mean, im literarly mr fires' pr manager and post about the captivating princess all the time lmao.
But when you're constantly talking about 'how dare workers ever ask for rights' and constantly making out the revs to be horrid immoral monsters (even going as far as to call it 'kind of sick' when the writing has changed its LoN writing to be less in bad faith) it kind of paints a bit of a picture in my mind. At a certain point there really is no other explanation then people being needless edgelords with 'centrists' views promoting the concept that revolutionaries are evil.
perhaps its a bit of a balance of the two - theres many different people around in the fandom, and i of course dont want to make assumptions. but man is it hard as a revs fan when you cant even make a pro rev joke without someone suggesting you should be decapitated. shits rough
tldr: there's nothing you're missing, thats just what these people do
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Hello. I am wondering why you start liking Takeomi. He is the most hated character by the fandom and your choice of wet soggy cat is very unique. I want to listen your ramblings.
Oh anon, if only I knew
I'll try to remember how it happened, that much I think I got it.
So, when I first got into TR, my mind mostly focused on Mitsuya and the Shiba (mostly Taiju), so much so that I ended up writing a lot more than I thought I ever will on Taiju and explaining where his behavior comes from
Because it seems like a lot of people missed some important information. And by doing that I was able to show them details they had missed (prove that I was right in previous posts where I didn't justified myself and basically got called a liar by someone in the notes which incredibly pissed me off-) and, although that doesn't excuse what Taiju did, it does explain it and makes him more.. real? Maybe not relatable, but his domestic abuse didn't pop up out of nowhere and a lot of people know what intergenerational trauma can do so while still hating Taiju they could understand him better.
Then, having finished my Taiju analysis which also opened my eyes since I found more than what I initially thought about; I myself was able to understand him better and so I thought-
Why not do that with every hated characters in the fandom?
I don't quite recall if my (at the time, very slight) interest in Takeomi happened a bit before or at that time, but the reason why I focused on him before the others (which, uh, aren't a lot anyway) was because I saw stuffs written about him which I didn't really agree with? Like, yeah, he was flawed and raised his siblings badly - especially when next to Shinichiro who was (at least depicted as)(and try to be) good at it - but they were kinda amplifying things
I know that a lot of people relate to Sanzu, or just, love him, and since they saw things I haven't seen, I told myself 'well, let's investigate, then' and then I wrote about 17k words on Takeomi's psychology.
I literally walked myself into the Takeomi rabbit-hole (what a FUCKING mistake /positive)
Takeomi did neglect his siblings, and passive-aggressively verbally, or even emotionally, abused Sanzu and for most of the fandom, is not attractive (and, let's not lie, beauty is a redeeming quality for a lot of characters regardless of fandom. How many characters, no matter their faults, get forgiven by fans just because they're hot, uh?). So he sucks, yeah
You know what he did do? acknowledged his mistakes, apologized for them and would have started his redemption arc if Wakui had had the time for that when warping up the story
He made mistakes, he's flawed, he's human, he wasn't even supposed to be here because he only entered the delinquent world to keep following Shinichiro, his ego which was back then very weak and non-existent got inflated for either survival or because he received so many compliments he didn't know what to do with it if not both because he was a k i d.
Most of the characters in TR are kids or young adults when they commit things they shouldn't have done. And yes, you can hold them accountable for it but they didn't know better - they didn't have the tools to
Now, why do I like Takeomi.
First of all - the amount of flaws he has. Don't think I need to make the list, I think everyone's got it (although make sure to remember he's got an inferiority complex and it's most likely that he also has an imposter syndrome so he's just like me fr-). But even with that, he's never an antagonist. He does things wrong but he's on our side (he's just very deaf to anyone's opinion that doesn't fit his). He sucked at raising his siblings as a kid himself (before his superiority complex developed and during it too - albeit in different ways) but that's just.. realistic? Not that it takes away the seriousness of it and the consequences, but how else could it have been? The impact on Sanzu were disastrous (not that they were the only reason why Sanzu lost it), I understand that, I don't erase that nor deny it BUT THERE'S A REASON WHY TAKEOMI IS LIKE THIS, TOO. And if people blame Takeomi for his actions (which, again, fair.) then blame Sanzu for his!! he was willing to mass murder hundreds of people!!! including his sister!!! he killed a few people!! argh. But Sanzu got his tragic-backstory/childhood shown and has a design that appeals to most, so I guess it's harder to hold him accountable for the seriousness of his actions (I like Sanzu, don't get me wrong. But sometimes the hypocrisy of some fans makes me a tiny bit angry 🙃)
Anyway, reason 84123286 of why I need Takeomi's backstory. Bc, honestly, from what we know of him as a kid+his coping mechanisms as a teen/adult, it would make sense to me if one of the reason he was so hostile to Sanzu was because he saw himself in him and Didn't Like ItTM (for different reasons) (!!! Which would add nicely to Shinichiro seeing himself in Mikey!!! more sano-akashi parallels, lets goooooooo) Talking about the parallels between the two, the fact he's Shinichiro's narrative foil compels me lots. Takeomi is quite literally Shinichiro with a negative filter on. And how can he survived that? How can he cope with the fact that no matter how much he wants and tries to be Shinichiro he'd never succeed? He'd always be the pale copy, the wood statue covered with golden leaves that are peeling away with time next to the pure gold statue. The Teru Teru Bozu that fails to chase the rain away and is going to be decapitated for his ineptitude. He'd always be himself and that's what he hates the most. He'd always be compared to Shinichiro and there's nothing he can do about it. And he can't even be angry at Shinichiro. That's his best friend. He loves him. He has been the first to love him. He has been there before anyone else. He can't lose Shinichiro, Shinichiro gave him everything. Everything he cares about, he sees value of, at least. Immaculate.
I'll also die on the hill that he is competent. He himself has no idea on what but he is (he mixes everything. For him it'd go like this: he gets praised but he's done nothing, Shinichiro has done everything which means they praised him for what Shinichiro has done. Which means what Shinichiro do, he does too. Which means Shinichiro's achievements are his as well! right? He didn't do anything by himself, there's no need to praise him for something else.)(he's fully blind that strategically-speaking and in other brainy-brain domains he's competent af. Bc since it comes 'easily' to him - since he doesn't struggle much with it, or in contrary he struggles so much he cannot possibly be good at it, then there's nothing to praise. And like, for him what Shinichiro does deserve to be praised. What he himself does is just.. things he does so compliments feel shallow)(+Bonten strives as much as Bad Toman and Manila if not more, yet there's no Kisaki. Ofc there's still Koko so that helps, but Takeomi is new to the team and got recruited (at least that what Senju said) in Brahman for his ~wisdom~)
He's also the only character who was around before Shinichiro 1) became a big brother 2) became a delinquent and that has to mean something. They're the only ones left to remember how the other was before their life went to shit
In the final timeline, he looks so healthy. He made peace with himself, his relationship with his siblings is good, he made amends. He healed, they healed. His relationship with Shinichiro, Benkei and Wakasa is good too everything's great. He learnt to understand what he is competent in and focus on it; he's not Shinichiro, he'll never be and that's okay. He's him and what he is complete Shinichiro just as Shinichiro complete him – they take care of one another's flaws but can also know live independently from each other. Perhaps, perhaps Takeomi stopped being so dependent of him
Appearance-wise, I love dark hair+green eyes combo in general so it wasn't that hard (plus there are some godly fanarts out there)
And of course: despite his complexity, at the end of the day - he's really just a pathetic wet poor excuse of a man who can't do anything right and isn't that endearing
I'm slowly getting out of the denial-phase to enter my acceptance-phase when it comes to loving Takeomi. Liking things most people hate or are neutral about is smth I hate for Reasons but it also seems to always happen lolololol. Will try to talk more about Takeomi when it comes to my mind, in case ppl who also love him but don't want to make it known because of his bad reputation in the fandom saw my posts and feel a bit more okay and comfortable with loving him
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skinandscales-if · 1 month
Hey Rein! Another lore ask! Do Shifters have their own religions?
Howdy! Lore time lore time 👀
Unfortunately I don’t have a super big answer for this one, because most of it is covered in this ask we talked about, but the answer is: kinda! It depends on the region and culture. A lot of shifters make up subcultures in places where are things more homogenous, less melting-pot than places like America, where the story takes place.
Like I touched on briefly, there’s a lot of shifters in Asian regions that believe in a kind of god/old ancestor lineage that aligns a lot more closely with the visuals and beliefs of classically Eastern dragons. Each subspecies has a certain closer subset of beliefs that all trail into common beliefs, but stem from different places affected by wherever they’re living to fit the cultural background. More similar to practices and general assumed things than a tried-and-true set of beliefs. Humans have that ground covered and then some.
Since cultural dysphoria varies a lot from shifter to shifter, there’s a lot of shifters who simply practice religions that fit into their cultural background, like Puck coming from a Catholic family and Reese identifying a little with that Eastern dragon belief I spoke about. This also means the certain subsets of species practices becomes something of an ingrained local thing than an actual cultural-wide practice. Lightningspitters have a lot of superstitions about the seas and storms, Frostspitters have a certain identifier with the stars and life after death, Firespitters have a deeply intimate idea of passion and community within fire, and Venomspitters have a history with the intersection between the earth and clouds versus what comes within, those sort of things. More ideologically founded than spiritually, if that makes sense.
And my personal favorite, they’ve all got their own funeral rites ^^
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
any hopes for kiwami 3? like things u wanna see added or changed stuff like that
if they dont keep kiryu's goofy walk stance and the hoof-like walk sounds i dont wanna play it
#snap chats#no one understands how much i love that from y3 and y4 its genuinely one of my favorite things about the game#oh but i guess i have to give an actual answer now. HMPH.#id scream if they revived kanda calling mine limp wristed. homophobia in 4k#OK BUT TO BE SERIOUS uhhhh i dont know. im a real simple guy i think#my only like. If This Isnt There Im Leaving deal is mine's palette and im so serious#rgg's scaring me with all the black-hair/purple-suit mine stuff as of late and i cant stress how hard ill vomit if thats in the final#HYPOTHETICAL final anyways. yk3 isnt coming out for. IDK A WHILE#i wanna say i hope they highlight daigo and mine's relationship more but i dont know how theyd do that#i really like how mine's handled in y3 as is so i dont think i want scenes injected like what they did with yk1 and nishiki#someone said a Mine Saga after the game and... hm ... sounds too unrealistic for me to hope for it#like im REALLY trying to think how they could possibly reference the rggo stories in y3 since those are EXCELLENT but#i think . MAYBE. you could reference the story where richardson calls mine as he's driving to the hospital#the only thing you'd have to exclude though is mine stopping by the bar- like JUST keep the phone conversation maybe#cause in that scene that subordinate does question mine if he can really kill daigo and i think thatd be neat. in my opinion.#yeah i dont know. in regards to rggo its hard to think of what i want without intervening things i already like about y3#its a real head scratcher ...#a really good epilogue addition would be adapting that RGGO bit where daigo ruminates on mine. that's a fair ending for him i think#it also fulfills the need to see how daigo saw mine even if its just a little#and to non-rggo readers it could start to answer 'how does daigo feel about everything that happened'#im still so curious as to if daigo was briefed on EVERYTHING that happened but .... anyways....#sorry all my hopes for y3 are just mine/minedai centric fLVKELKA BUT LIKE. i really am content with everything else with y3 surprisingly#idk. i want kiryu fucking up that curry in high definition tho. thats important to me#THEY HAVE TO KEEP THE QTES DURING THE RICHARDSON FIGHT ILL BE PISSED#i need the fight to be AS CAMPY and unnecessary as it was in the og. INCLUDING richardson's voice acting i need it wack as hell#is it weird i actually appreciate the Diet Building Loredumping being like. in replayable-cutscene form#i thought id prefer just One Long cutscene but im glad theres the option to skip those segments#BUT being able to get a refresher in case you missed something somehow#im running out of tags jesus christ i shouldve put this in the main text but vjALjlagj those are all my thoughts for now bYE
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menlove · 2 months
how are you jewish but also latine and also usamerican? /genq
jew(ish) in that I'm ethnically jewish but wasn't raised it but Am converting officially bc imo my genetics don't make me jewish enough to claim it & I still need to learn so so much more about the religion before I claim it. so I stick w jew(ish) & simply just follow/engage w the jewish community as a convert in progress (& my gf is also jewish so I get a lot of exposure that way). but as for the other two my dad & his family are mexican(/navajo) and my mom is as white as they come. I was raised in & live in the united states. mixed race & ethnicity 🤷‍♂️
but also ik race/ethnicity outside of the us is thought of very differently so maybe these things are mutually exclusive to you if you're Not usamerican but here they aren't considered mutually exclusive at all 😭 race & ethnicity are weird social constructs! and I'll be the first to admit usamericans do it weird but ig that's the result of being a country majorly made up of immigrants of all races & ethnicities, black slaves, & all their descendents w the small amount of a native population that would be much larger if they hadn't been murdered but well. You Know.
edit: ALSO idk if you're jewish or not but even if i were Not ethnically jewish at all, since judaism is an ethnoreligion anyone of any race/ethnicity can be jewish & it wouldn't really require further questioning as anyone can convert. there are jews in most countries & of many, many races. and there are also purely ethnic jews who don't practice the religion at all, but i am not one of those!
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mod-jazzy · 1 year
I’m sorry that people made you feel so harshly about yourself. I remember you used to do all these fun and nice things and activities for the community. I miss your little munday question videos. I’m sorry that people made you think that you’re toxic and bad to be around others. I hope that you’ll find comfort again soon because people miss you
Tumblr media
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bistaxx · 4 months
Hate only having tumblr so this is my only source of qq fan content but on the other hand I fear that downloading Twitter to see more would just result in witnessing 1000 ooc tntduo posts
I feel you anon, sometimes I do cave in and try to search twt for q!quack content only to have to go through so much tnt first despite having filtered nearly every term and tag I can think of 😭
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sodafrog13 · 8 months
how did sketchek just like. recover from that btw. like how do you just go back to posting content like you didn't just fake your death for 4 years and had a community mourn you to the point where you literally got the mechanic of an in game item changed in your honor. which then got removed literally as soon as the devs realized you weren't actually dead. like hello
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kitmoas · 5 months
When does the first chapter of season two come out??? I’m so excited I can barely stand the wait!!!
It should be out today!! (I'm just editing it a lil and then it will be posted)
Work and the holidays got me all fucked up on timing, but I'm writing the last scene now SO
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fagtainsparklez · 3 months
i've been thinking a LOTTTT about clockwork/natalie's dynamic within the mansion. which has surprised me because i was never like. a huge clockwork fan back in the day. but now i look at her and cannot stop thinking about the Possibilities. the Dynamics......
i've mentioned this briefly but i've taken Some creative liberties with her backstory, largely when it comes to her final transformation because i think the transformation aspects in most creepypastas are. bad. especially ones that don't deal with supernatural elements in any way and suddenly throw something in out of left field. so for my purposes, natalie always had green eyes and they do not somehow gain the ability to glow in the dark post her surgery. i'm unsure quite what i want to do with her vision, but she is half-blind due to missing her left eye. i'm debating between making her right eye have cataracts, visual snow syndrome, or be partially blind in a way, but either way her vision was left in a Pretty Bad State after the fact.
so obviously she has. pretty bad medical trauma because of the botched surgery, on Top of everything else that happened to her. which creates an interesting issue when placed in the mansion. she's super hostile and aggressive to jeff, jack, and ben specifically, overly protective towards nina and sally (esp sally), and overall just needs a lot more time to unpack and settle down compared to everyone else. it's only really with the help of tim that she even begins to start opening up (tim can sympathize with her trauma when it comes to the mental health field), but even then it still takes a Long while and multiple physical altercations. idk why i've imprinted onto natalie so much all of a sudden but she is like a scared animal 2 me now. she doesn't mean to bite she just doesn't know any other way, yknow?
[send me a "👀" and i'll ramble about an au]
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cocoa-bird · 6 months
hi! i was looking around to see if anyone had posts in the queue that were bugged (i could barely find anyone else talking about it), but i wanted to ask has your queue page been fixed? i've sent a few support tickets to staff but i haven't gotten a response even though it's almost been a month ago since it started >_>
ah i think i made a post about something like this yea, to answer your question my queue still kinda works in that i can add posts to it and that it will post what i have in my queue but i still do have the seemingly bugged posts that i can't remove from the queue for some reason so yes it still is technically bugged and i don't know why
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altschmerzes · 1 year
Hey there. I am so sorry I triggered you with my response. I had nooo Idea you had abusive parents, I would habe never written that message. I just saw this today (I am not even following you) because of a wonderfull fic of your's I read and I looked you up on tumblr and the post (without the background knowledge I have now) just seemed like a "how annoying are my parents" situation post. Very sorry and I will be sure not to write you again. Just a question- did you ever consider that a new follower or someone how is just in addoration of your fics might stumble across a comment of yours and not have the whole background story and be so insensitive? Not that this is suppossed to make it better, I was astonished though that you thougt someone would write this with knowing the background story (I even wrote i think that I have no Idea how your realtionship is). I will make sure now, to never comment on something I have no clear insight in, that was a big mistake and incosiderated. If it helps, I feel super bad now and at the same time sad for you (for having such a bad moment because of me) and for me (that somone would actually think so low of me, though it does not compare to your problem at all, mine is more a mood, not a problem). have a better day and I am very sorry again. (And my englisch is not so good I am a native spanisch speaker, hope I get across what I meant)
oh i absolutely never assumed you knew anything about my or my situation. it's even in the tags of my original answer. i have repeatedly made it clear that whether or not you know anything about me or my parents is irrelevant. that is the problem. you do not get to lecture strangers about how they talk about their parents. it is just as egregious a massive overstep and insensitively cruel decision to lecture me about it not knowing fuckall about me or my situation as it would be to do it with full knowledge. not knowing anything about me or my parents or the way they abused me is a very clear indication that anything i have to say about them or how 'annoying' i might seem to be finding them is absolutely none of your fucking business.
did you ever consider that it might be extremely insensitive and inappropriate to shame a stranger for how they feel about their parents when you do not know anything about their situation or their life experiences? just a question.
also, people say that stuff to abuse victims all the time knowing full well what's happened to us. it's not a stretch at all. i have had people say directly to me that i should be glad it wasn't worse and my parents are obviously trying, and i can't possibly understand since i'm not a parent yet myself how hard it is to raise a kid. i've had people say all of what you said and much worse while knowing extensive details of what my parents did to me. i've had this come from friends. i envy whatever world you live in where nobody would think to say those things to an abuse victim with the full knowledge they're an abuse victim.
it happens all the time. usually because society has conditioned people to hear stories about conflict of any kind between a parent and child, including adult children, real or fictional or anything, and automatically put themselves in the parent's shoes. it's instinct for so many people to take a parent's side when they do not know, i'll repeat again, fuckall about the situation. it's part of how abuse victims are marginalized and retraumatized and disrespected on a systemic level. children are property, and whiny property at that, and parents are full, complex, rounded people. things like this make it perfectly obvious that this is the case in the minds of way too many.
do some reflecting on your behaviour and your choices. don't do this shit again. do better.
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never really thought about it but saw that post now im curious. how does being otherkin work (at least in your opinion) ?
thats actually a great question, and not one that is answered concisely or easily.
how us nonhumans feel about our nonhumanity differs wildly from person to person (or creature to creature, i guess). my experiences are not universal. i just felt that i should point that out before going into this.
to me at least, being otherkin is a feeling of being other. of knowing that this form, this body, this species, is not yours. i guess.
the problem that ive been having with trying to answer this is that i feel a bit detached from the otherkin label despite using it because ny nonhumanity is... complex, to say the least.
so the main thing that pushed me towards initially identifying as nonhuman was my own perception of myself. almost everytime i would try to daydream i would inevitably conjure up a self-insert character that is very much nonhuman. and it felt so much like... me, i guess.
for me right now, id say that one of the biggest factors in my nonhumanity is this massive feeling of species dysphoria, as well as not feeling like i belong in this body. its almost unbearable, given how often it occurs. even small things like taking a shower or getting ready in the morning can sometimes trigger it. and if im being honest, if i didnt have my earbuds and my playlist, i dont think i could make it through the day.
i also do get phantom limb sensations. basically, theyre sensations from body parts that dont exist. i most commonly get these in the form of phantom wings. sometimes ill just be sitting there and i can suddenly feel them open and stretch and i have to lean forward in order to not be uncomfortable from being compressed against the chair. other times ill be talking to people and try to gesture with my wings only to realize multiple seconds later that they're not there.
i also do get other kinds of phantom limbs, but they come far less often and are usually relatively tame.
i also get the instincts to do creature things sometimes. like in bed ill try to curl up into a ball only to remember i cant do that. or sometimes ill just get an incredibly strong urge to bite something or someone. or i feel like i all of a sudden need to become one with the shadows or just be on the ceiling or just be formless.
its noting that all of this is really tricky to talk about since its not something that can be put into words easily.
so i guess what im trying to say, if im saying anything at all, is that im otherkin and nonhuman because i just feel and act other, i guess. i just dont think of myself as being human.
theres also a lot of stuff that i havent mentioned such as being homesick or belief, however this is long enough as it is and my attempts to explain this have resulted in 14k+ words and no end in sight.
so yeah. its complicated, i guess
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