#sorry this took so long but you know how it is lmao
reysdriver · 3 days
Hey darlin'! I just saw your one-shots and i REALLY love them!! I need morr about Eddie with Hopper!Reader <33 Please!! A fluff or a smut where the Reader have to deal with her father. Hope you can answer. Have a nice day!! ✨️
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You and Eddie try to have a chill night in, but it's difficult when you have the world's most paranoid chief of police as a father — eddie x fem!hopper!reader fluff
warnings: none
words: 1.2k
a/n: thanks for submitting a request! I'm sorry it took so long, I've been so busy lately, and I'm sorry I couldn't figure out how to end it lmao but I really hope you like this fic!!
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Even though your dad knew about you and Eddie dating, he was definitely not as okay with it as you would have hoped, but honestly more than you had expected. 
He had met Eddie a few times since he found out you were in romantic cahoots with the familiar criminal, and despite your fears, they had gotten along quite well despite their history and their differences. But no matter how many things they actually had in common, no father would fully trust Eddie Munson to be alone with his little girl. 
“Door open three inches!” Your dad called from the couch. “You know the rules!”
You rolled your eyes, standing up from the bed to open the door to Hopper’s liking. 
The door was open three inches, and you swore that it was the draft causing the door to move slightly, but you knew your dad would never believe you. 
“Seriously, Dad?” You asked him. 
“Rules are rules.” He confirmed. “If you don’t like it, then the boyfriend can go.”
You let out a heavy, dramatic sigh before returning to your boyfriend, who was currently sketching out a Dungeons and Dragons character based on you for his new campaign. 
Eddie looked up from his paper when you sat back down next to him. “You can do a lot with three inches, you know?”
You put a finger over his mouth—which he playfully tried to bite—and you shushed him while holding back a laugh at his incredibly stupid, albeit funny, joke. 
“He’s gonna hear you, and he’s gonna drag you out of here. Keep drawing.”
He put the finishing touches on his design, then let out a sound of satisfaction over it before turning the notebook so you could see it better. 
“I think I did pretty good.” Your boyfriend proclaimed. “She’s almost as pretty as you.”
Oh, how you lucked out with this mysterious dork. You thanked him by pressing a quick kiss on his cheek before your dad became suspicious of you two once again. 
“You think I should get it as some ink?” Eddie asked you. 
“Like, you want to get it tattooed?”
Eddie nodded, eyes going back and forth between you and the cartoon version of you that he just made. 
“Absolutely not.” You replied. 
“What? Why not? Do you not love me enough to let me tattoo you on me?”
He was ridiculous, staring at you with big, fake puppy dog eyes and a pleading lip. 
“Of course I love you, but as your girlfriend, I also need to stop you from doing stupid things.”
“What if I keep your tattoo separate from the creepy skulls and spiders?”
Well, that was an offer you almost couldn’t refuse. Even though it was tempting, you would never let him know that he can get to you like that, so you played it cool.
“Ask me again in a year.”
His face erupted into a devilish smile and he held his hands to his chest like a cartoon character in love. 
“I’m getting a tramp stamp of my girlfriend in a year!”
Before you could protest his proclamation, he pulled you into his arms in what you hoped was just a teasing gesture rather than a genuine expression of excitement for something you were certainly not going to let happen. 
Just a second later, your dad cleared his throat very pointedly, which practically frightened you out of your boyfriend’s arms. 
“El wants to watch a movie.” He announced. “Come watch with us.”
You sat up and shook your head lightly. “Um, no thanks, Dad. We’ll pass on that.”
Your dad raised an eyebrow and looked at Eddie’s arm around your waist. “You have something better to do?”
It was at that point that you knew him telling you about your sister and the movie was an order, not an invitation. You bit the inside of your cheek and luckily, Eddie spoke up before you could say something snarky. 
“A movie sounds great, chief. Count us in.”
“Good.” Hopper said curtly before turning around to the living room. 
Eddie stood up and started teasingly pulling you off the bed. You laid down and let out an annoyed groan, resisting his attempts to move you. 
“C’mon, babe, movie time.” Eddie encouraged. 
“It’s just gonna be The Wild Bunch. That’s one of their favourite movies and I know El’s been wanting to see it again lately.” You mumbled. “I’d much rather stay here with you.”
“Well, your dad might never let me back in your house if he thinks I’m trying anything with his daughter in the other room, so we have to. Plus, I like The Wild Bunch too.”
Your face formed an exaggerated frown as you finally got up off the bed. 
Eddie smiled and escorted you to the living room. And although you had just started to build up excitement within you for this movie night, it already got worse. 
El was in her favourite recliner—the VHS case for The Wild Bunch was on her lap, you called it—but your dad had plopped himself down in the exact middle of the couch. Not only did you have to watch a movie with your family instead of chilling with your boyfriend, but you couldn’t even sit next to him because your dad hates the idea of you having fun. 
Before you knew it, you were in a full on stare-down with the Hawkins chief of police. 
“Take a seat.” He said passive aggressively. 
“I want to sit next to Eddie, Dad. Could you move over?”
He shook his head. “I’m not falling for any of your tricks. I was a teenager once.”
“Yeah, like a thousand years ago.” You mumbled. 
The comment was quiet but your dad still heard it. 
“Careful, any attitude and I’ll assume it came from the moron and he won’t be allowed back in the house.”
You looked over at Eddie with a defeated expression on your face. He looked back at you, sympathetic and willing to comply—the latter was a complete switch from his normal mood.
Your boyfriend understood completely why your dad was worried about you and Eddie dating, but that didn’t mean he was happy about it. Of course, Eddie was willing to do whatever he could to seem like the boyfriend every parent would want for their daughter—he really was, some people just couldn’t look past the exterior shell to see it—so he held his tongue and went along with anything. 
The two of you sat down on opposite sides of the couch, separated by your relentless father. 
“Alright, El, play the movie.” Hopper said. 
He then leaned back and kept his eyes on the television in front of you all. 
Eddie soon caught your gaze from across the couch, and he stretched his arm behind his head, oh so conveniently placing it a few inches from your shoulder.
You grinned at him, keeping it subtle, and took his hand in yours. 
The two of you watched the rest of the film like that, holding hands in that slightly uncomfortable way, and the night wasn’t as insufferable as it seemed like it was going to be. All thanks to Eddie, of course.
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deanssluvr · 11 hours
thought you were made for me
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pairing: brother’s bsf!Joost Klein x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of drugs and alcohol
word count: 2.4k
a/n: this is my first fic so please be nice. I didn’t really expect to write more than 500 words lmao. Also, this isn’t proofread sorry. I plan on writing a part 2 for this.
It had already been a long and tough week. With just finishing the last of your final exams the week prior. Each exam felt like it took years off of your life. And the week itself felt as though it would never end. Not even mentioning the multiple all-nighters you pulled to study before. But when it was finally over you were beyond ecstatic. And now you got to finally be at home and relax.
It was relatively quiet morning. You had decided to stay in the comfort of your blanket for a while longer before deciding to head down to the kitchen. There you were greeted by your brother Ethan and his best friend Joost. They were making breakfast. Well, it was just your brother cooking and Joost waiting patiently. Ever since Joost finished touring, he’d been spending a lot of time at your house. Spending multiple nights in your guest room. Your parents never really minded because he was nice and respectful. Usually, they’re in your brother’s room playing video games or out doing something. You never really got the chance to see him a lot since you were off to college. But you were hoping that would change now that you were home.
“Good morning.” Joost smiled softly. Ethan turned away from the stove briefly to tell you good morning and offered you breakfast. You nodded and turned back Joost. He was sipping a cup coffee and the steam was slightly fogging up his glasses. He took them off and set them on the counter beside him.
“Good morning Joost.” You returned the smile. He moved next to you from where he was standing. 
“And how are you this morning?” he asked in a low tone. His voice was still laced with sleep.
“I’m good. Just glad to be back home. How are you this morning.” You looked up at him and through tired eyes.
“Better now,” he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. It caught you off guard. Was he flirting with you? Before you can finish that thought your brother hands you both a plate of food. You thanked him and they walk out of the kitchen to the dining room. Leaving you to your thoughts.
Later on that day, you called your best friends. They discussed with you their plans with their newfound freedom. You were shocked at their ideas. Party here and bar hop there. You thought they were just as exhausted as you. The idea of getting wasted as a celebration wasn’t your favorite idea. You just wanted to catch up on sleep.
“But we’ve been doing nothing but staying in our dorms for finals. We NEED to go out,” she stated.
“I know. I know. But maybe we could do something a bit more laid back. Like the movies or that festival that’s in town.” I practically pleaded with them. But it was no use. They weren’t changing their minds, and I was outvoted two to one. The conversation shifted back to their ideas for celebration for the next few days.
After agreeing to meet up this weekend, you said your goodbyes to your friends and hung up the phone. But quickly after your brother texts you.
hey Joost has a concert tonight. i have an extra ticket. wanna go with me?
You thought about it for a good moment. You just wanted to get some extra sleep tonight, but on the other hand, you haven’t spent much time with your brother since you left for college. And now is a better time than ever to make up for lost time. Also, you just wanted another excuse to see Joost.
ofc sounds like fun
it’s tonight at 8. i’ll pick you up at 7
You texted him “okay” before setting your phone back down, and finished making yourself lunch.
As leaned over the sink, you checked your makeup one last time in the mirror. You used your nail to fix your lipstick. You stepped back to look over your overall outfit and decided you were happy with the outcome. You sprayed a bit of your favorite perfume on yourself. Checking the time you realized you were ready a bit early, so you sat in your living room. You started scrolling through Instagram as you waited. Then a notification popped up in your phone.
hey i’m outside.
You quickly checked your appearance once last time in a nearby mirror and checked your purse to make sure you had everything. When you felt satisfied with everything you grabbed your keys and left the house.
The ride to the venue was relatively smooth. You talked about what you’d miss in each other’s lives. He explained to you how he just found a new job as a bartender at a new bar downtown. He also told you how he was saving up for a new place. You told him that you were really happy for him. When he asked about you, you told him about how you just finished up finals week and now you finally have time off. He gave you a small chuckle and congratulated you.
The outdoor venue was packed that night and people were trying to rush to the front. You’re glad your brother was there as he kept a secure grip on you and was able to push you both to the barricades near the stage. It was extremely humid that night with a faint smell of weed and cigarette smoke clogging the air.
The lights dimmed slightly and you heard a beat starting to play over the speakers. You could feel the anticipation from the crowd and it made you even more excited as you leaned forward on the barricade. Then Joost ran on stage. Blue flashing lights engulfed him as he started performing and the crowd, including yourself, began jumping to the beat.
Once the energy died down slightly, you were able to take him in. His outfit was really simple tonight. He was in a white dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up giving us a glimpse at the tattoos that littered his arms, a pair of baggy jeans, and his black thick-rimmed glasses that were fogging up every so often. Something was enticing about him and you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him.
You had never heard his music before, but that didn’t stop you from letting loose. Everyone around you on the other hand, including your brother, is yelling the lyrics word for word. Joost takes notice of this and walks further downstage towards your brother, acknowledging him and smiling. Now you were able to get a good look at his face. He is even prettier up close you thought to yourself. Then he looks over to you, holding eye contact for just a split second before giving you a wink and continuing his performance. You were in utter disbelief at the encounter. You honestly thought you had imagined it. You were pulled back to reality when the loud beat of the next song started pouring into your ears.
“Did you enjoy the concert?” your brother asked as you both walked to his car. You were still feeling the buzz of the concert. It felt like the night shouldn’t end here. Maybe because you wanted to see Joost again.
“Yes, I did! His music is so good. I had an amazing time.” You left out the part about him winking at you, but you felt that you should keep that bit of information to yourself.
“Well, I’m glad that you had a good time.” His phone chimed with a notification. As he checked it you decided to check your phone. Your friends were blowing up your phone about the concert. They loved Joost so they wanted to know how it went. As you texted them back, your brother spoke.
“Hey, Joost is having a little after-party at a club nearby. He’s asking if the both of us wanted to go.“ You considered it for a moment. You did want to see him again. But when you did what would you say? Maybe he does this to all of his fans. Your brother senses your indecisiveness and tries to help.
“You don’t have to go. I would understand. I mean you’re not close to him. I just asked because he said he wanted to see you.” You were surprised at his request.
“No. I want to. I would love to go.” You stated as you gave him a reassuring smile. He nodded as he started the car towards the new destination.
Your eyes scan over the scene. A DJ was blasting music over the speakers, but it was more near the dance floor. The place was dim with small, warm lights keeping tables and the lit. You follow your brother as he leads you to a table that seats a few guys. When you got close enough you realized it was Joost and who you assumed were a few of his friends. He loudly acknowledged your brother as they shared an embrace. They share a few words before he sees you.
“Hey. I’m glad you came.” he hugged you and you embraced him back. He smelled faintly of cigarette smoke, but it didn’t bother you. You liked it. You both lingered for what was probably a moment too long before he let go. You looked over to your brother and saw that he went to talk to the other guys at the table. Leaving you with Joost. 
His eyes slowly scanned over you as he took in your appearance. Once his eyes reached yours, you noticed a different look in his eyes. Almost like hunger. Being under his gaze almost made you feel nervous.
“Come sit with me and let me pour you a drink.” He didn’t give you much of a choice as he grabbed your wrist lightly, his fingers brushing against your palm. He guided you to sit with him in the booth. He pulled you close enough to the point that your thighs were touching. You liked around and realized it was just the two. You scan the place and see your brother and his other friends have run off to the bar. Probably to do shots you thought to yourself. 
You focused your attention back to Joost who was carefully pouring you both a drink. Though it was hard to see, a small dim light slightly lit up his face allowing you to still see his face. His hair was even messier than it was at the concert but he still looked amazing. You notice his strikingly delicate features and his captivating eyes that seem to sparkle under the light. Your eyes then trace down his arms and you take note of the tattoos that are there.
“Here.” He pulls you out of your trance by handing you a glass with brown liquor in it. You take the glass from him, your finger faintly brushing his. You didn’t drink much and when you did it was mainly vodka. Nonetheless, you drank it anyway. He watched as you took a sip and smiled when you seemed to enjoy it. He drank some of his own before turning to you.
“Did you enjoy tonight’s show?” He leaned in closer making sure you heard his question. 
“Yes, I did. Your music is really good. I wish I had discovered your music sooner.” Even with how dark it is you notice the smile he gave you.
“I'm happy you had a good time. You know I know we don’t know each other that well, but I would love for us to get closer.” Once again he leaned in, but this time it was in your ear. His warm breath against your ear sent goosebumps across your skin. As he leaned back to look at you, he stopped just inches away from your face. You can faintly feel his breath against your lips. You swear can see his eyes glance at your lips for a second before looking back into your eyes. His expression changed again into what you saw when he first greeted you. Hunger. His eyes were focused on yours and it made you nervous. The air suddenly changed. It felt more thicker and warmer.
“Let’s go dance.” He offered his hand as he slid out of the booth. You smiled and took his hand. He guided you to the crowd on the dance floor and pushed you both near the center. There was a dark blue light that engulfed everyone. The beat took over you as you started dancing. You let your hips away to the rhythm. You felt Joost’s hands find their way to your waist, and he pulled you closer to him. 
You continue to dance against him, grinding on him. His hands started to explore your body as they found themselves on your hips, and then slowly went down to the hem of your short skirt. His fingers found their way under and he started to rub the soft skin. His head found its way closer to the crook of your neck. You feel his warm breath on your collarbone as he speaks.
“Ik heb je nodig (I need you)” He breathes into your neck and it sends shivers down your spine. With the light grip he has on you, he turns around so now you’re facing him. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you. Your faces are inches away from each other. The air around you is hot and thick. You look into his eyes and see the same familiar look as before. Even under the lights, you can see his pupils blown with lust. 
You don’t know if it was the alcohol but you felt bold. So you pulled him into a kiss which he happily accepted. His hands moved from the hem of your skirt up to the curve of your ass where he squeezed lightly. The kiss became more intense as you both realized how hungry you were. Your hands found their way to his hair and you pulled gently at the white locks. He pulled away only to say something.
“We should take this somewhere else.” He suggested between pants. You nod quickly. He takes your hand and guides you off the dance floor. Your head was buzzing and you felt as though you were caught in a haze. He leads you back to the table and you see your brother and some of his friends there with a few girls. Joost let go of your hand only for a moment when telling your brother that you were both leaving early. He told him you weren’t feeling good. Surprisingly he wasn’t suspicious of anything and only told you both to drive safe. With that, you and Joost make your way to his car. You both get settled in before he looks over at you.
“My place or yours liefje (sweetheart)”
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johnnys-breastmilk · 2 days
bit-or-sweet | johnny slaughter x gn!reader
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a/n — fulllyyyyy a joke fic! wrote this a while back and I'm trying to go through drafts and post them regardless of quality lmao. inspired by twilight - im so serious
summary — Johnny wants to give you a bite mark, you make him bite an apple to see how it'll look.
words — 1.5k (short sorry!)
warnings — general mentions that you're dating a serial killer, pain-intolerant reader, blood, biting
There are about three different levels of commitment to have with your murderous boyfriend. Maybe three and a half. The first is pretty normal: moving in with him. The last half is letting him kill you, but that’s more of a one-sided thing. The third step is teaching you to murder—not kill. Killing is easy, murder is bereaving. You have to give something that you’ll never get back, so that’s why you were stuck squarely at the second step. Johnny’s teeth sunk into the flesh of a fresh apple. It was just one of a few that Nancy had picked up at the market, now sitting in a bowl in her kitchen with one missing. The two of you hadn’t even left the kitchen before your mind went to something fun to do with the fruit.
“Don’t go all the way!” You pestered, watching his jaw slowly become acute and his lips slowly cover the sacred notion of eating. Teeth scraping against the inside of the fruit emitted a crunching sound. You smacked him on the shoulder, “Johnny!”
Johnny mollified, granting the apple a reprieve as he let it free from his forceful jaw. The juice from the apple had dribbled down his chin and was smeared over the apple. He polished the bitten surface over his shirt, cleaning it of any of the saliva and juice before handing it to you. One hand took the apple, the other grabbed his chin, running a thumb over the thin trail running down it, feeling the prickly stubble. You ushered out a quick “thank you,” still facing him. 
“This is what it’ll look like?” The two of you looked down to the apple cupped in your hands, all of his teeth were indented into it, showing how a bite from him would look on your skin. His teeth overlapped others—most noticeable of his two front teeth in the top row. The bottom row seemed to be a bit straighter overall, except for the one missing fang on the left side. That’s another thing about boyfriends like Johnny: he’s missing some things. Not perfect, not horrible, but just enough to be unique. 
“C’mon, ya ready?” He asked with excitement, a certain gruff peaking out in it. A smile cracked and only his top row of teeth were visible. Between the little gaps in his teeth—where his incisors covered the missing gap—could you actually see it. One less—one significantly sharper tooth to worry about.
You couldn’t help but be hesitant. Johnny appeared complacent with his work on the apple, but it was deep. It was long, held for a minute. Any semblance of the five-second rule was gone with that. "There's so much bacteria."
His light expression faded and he sounded a bit more serious, almost unbelieving of what you said. You lived with his family—in his shack! ”You live in the same dump as me!”
That argument had little sustenance because even you had complained about the state of his living situation before. But you still lived in it, still tolerated it, for him.
"Will it look pretty?" That question was fleeting in its validity too, you had the answer right in front of you as to how it would look. Glancing back down to avoid his gaze, it did look pretty. A ring of reigns with one tooth breaking the imperfect circle. You couldn't ask if it would hurt because even if it didn't initially, Johnny would make it sting. Even knowing that fact couldn’t stop you from asking: “Will it hurt?”
“I’m just going till you get a scar.” He spoke calmly, reassuring you. “Yer mine, and I want to show it. I couldn’t imagine givin’ you one like mine on your body. They’re not somethin’ to be proud of. This’ll be better.”
You thought for a moment, trying to bide time before the inevitable pinch on one of your body parts finally came. “If this one is something to look forward to, can we go somewhere special to do it? A pretty field?”
“Darlin’, it don’t matter where we do it. It’ll follow you everywhere once we’re done, even when I’m gone.”
“Okay, we’ll do it here.” On his family’s property, in the confines of Nancy’s kitchen. She had gotten these apples earlier that day at a market and it felt like Johnny had rushed you into getting a tattoo. 
But like a tattoo, the needle—in this case, his teeth—was at the ready while your confidence was not. Johnny bit over a million people already—mostly to leave them wounded, but you would be marked like ear-tagged cattle. Identified as his and only his. 
His hands touched you like it, not even willing to let you go as he set you up on the counter. The action took the breath out of you, sweeping you from your feet to the countertop. Johnny ate it up, enjoying the littlest of noises you made. He could playfully bite you all day long just to hear the vulnerability in your voice.
Johnny pressed and squeezed into certain parts of you now that you were in easy reach for him. His mind went to places that you wish you could read, but he would probably say them anyway. “Mixing pain with pleasure?”
“Get your head out of the gutter!”
“I’m only thinkin’ about you from in there…” His head finds the space between the crook in your shoulder. The only place where he isn’t, his hands roaming other areas of your body almost like a distraction. The smell of fear, the way he could feel the chill his warm breath sent into you, every hungry drawl as he looked over your fresh skin sounding hungrier than the last until a snarl resonated. The barrier between him and your blood, so thin, so permeable. Just the hardened look in his eyes was enough to pierce through it. 
His hands stopped roaming your body, zoning in as they moved up to push your head and shoulder farther from each other. Johnny’s lips peeled back, a bit sticky from the apple—something you wouldn’t feel until they were suctioned around your nimbly neck—bared his teeth and bit down on the side of your cape. The force was almost immediate, urging out a painful wince from you. His canines were the first to really dig in and sting you, making it even worse. Your eyes traveled down to the source of the pain, only the back of his head was visible, and you were tempted more than ever to reach for his dark hair and tug on it. He was probably strong enough to stop you from pushing him off, and you knew that he wouldn’t willingly break away from you without taking some skin and muscle with him. And if you did manage to push him off, the movement of his teeth would leave an even worse mark.
The pain didn’t last too long, though. Johnny was able to bite down fast enough to draw blood, but you wouldn’t have realized that. Not unless Johnny had pulled away. His lips stayed glued to you the entire time and that made the transition from biting to sucking and feeding on your blood a little easier, but all the more surprising. He was like your personal bandaid, complete with the care that comes with applying it too. His tongue, motioning over the wound like a damp cloth, and his saliva, the ironic antiseptic. 
It took about fifteen minutes of painstakingly leaning against Nancy’s cabinets and sitting in Johnny’s embrace for the ooze to come to a trickle. Johnny pulled away, exaggerating his normally toothy grin to really show off the blood that gushed into his mouth and covered his teeth. “There, you look real nice.”
Proud of his work, Johnny let his mind move to the next thing—the unfinished apple. The apple was browning at his teeth marks, but welcomed Johnny’s bite with familiarity. As he bit into it, he made the flesh inside red with the front-facing side of his teeth. That was the man you were in love with: the type of guy to do something so intimate and then go back to normal like nothing happened moments later. 
For the rest of the week, while it was healing, Johnny would find himself sinking his teeth into the same spot. The dried scarring made it appear as a challenge to keep breaking it open again. The teasing of the taste, knowing that little work was needed to taste the blood under the thin layer of skin. It wouldn’t go away any time soon—even before it healed and became a scar.
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thefourchimes · 11 hours
Encanto Dashboard Simulator
haha guess who just decided to try something completely unhinged in an attempt to be funny and is probably failing miserably at it?
#im trying my best #this will probably crash and burn but hey at least i tried right #say hello to an encanto dashboard simulator #the movie but in tumblr lmao #or rather this is a day before the movie #also i think i fumbled on some of the characterizations...im sorry pls go easy on me ahahsfiuhasf #oh and dont question too much about time periods because i have no idea either #i kept it as vague as possible lmao
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🕯 encanto-updates May 20
Antonio Madrigal, the youngest member of the magical Madrigal family, will be having his 5th birthday and gift ceremony tomorrow!
The ceremony and celebration will be happening at Casita by 7 in the evening!
#madrigal ceremonies #the madrigals #madrigal family #antonio madrigal #the encanto
1,398 notes
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🔁👀 hidden-in-plain-sight reblogged farmingwoes May 20
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🏯 probablymagicalplaces Follow May 20
does anyone have any theories on what the youngest madrigal's gift will be?
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🥣 magic-soup Follow May 20
maybe something similar to his siblings?? dolores has superhearing and camilo has shapeshifting. what could be a possible gift like those?
or maybe like his mom! something closer to nature, maybe
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🌾 farmingwoes Follow May 20
as long as it isn't like his mother's gift, pretty much anything is good
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🔇 shhhhquiet May 20
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👀 hidden-in-plain-sight May 20
hey man @farmingwoes u really shouldnt be saying things like this, u know? i mean, what if a madrigal sees it? u'd be screwed!
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🌾 farmingwoes Follow May 20
as if the family would check this hellsite
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👀 hidden-in-plain-sight May 20
u never know tho...they could literally be reading this right now
#theres always a chance ur words will come back to bite u #:]
759 notes
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🙃 aaaaaaaaa May 20 • Liked by nothingswrongimtotallyfine
#screams #more screaming
129 notes
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🔁💃 his-shine reblogged her-sun May 20
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🎶 her-sun Follow May 20
@his-shine Mi vida, I have a cup of coffee with your name on it.
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💃 his-shine Follow May 20
You are a lifesaver.
#gracias #i really appreciate it #<3
59 notes
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🧍‍♂️ listentomeimserious Follow May 20 • Because you follow #the madrigals
Finally, after three whole months of researching and writing, I have done it.
Here, in all its glory, is my analysis on why the Madrigals are a cult, complete with sources, pictures, and pure undeniable proof to drill the point home and shut the doubters up.
Let's begin.
` Keep Reading
#the madrigals #encanto #this took me so long to gather and write #but i have finally done it #here is your proof!! #the madrigals are a cult!!!
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🔁🪓 please-take-a-break reblogged need-a-break May 20
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🪓 please-take-a-break Follow May 20
I did not expect that tree to fall down the way it did.
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🔪 need-a-break Follow May 20
Ay...come here, mi amor.
#eheh...lo siento
68 notes
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🔁🫠 nothingswrongimtotallyfine reblogged lovercorn May 20
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👊 gotintoafistfightanddidntdie Follow May 20
there's a donkey munching hay outside my house again...
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🌽 lovercorn Follow May 20
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op, are you okay...did you get enough sleep
32 notes
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🧶 wondrous-crafts May 20
⚫ Anonymous asked: any new projects you made recently? will you share them?
Oh! Well, I do have some things I created in the past few weeks. A stuff toy and some embroidered items ready for events...
Not sure yet if I'll share them but we can see how that goes!
#got a couple things prepared for my family #but we'll have to see if i'll share them hahaha #yeah
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🔁🐀 iaminyourwalls reblogged jumpedbyacapybara May 20 • They're back!
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🤕 jumpedbyacapybara Follow May 20
sure hope tomorrow won't be a disaster in the making
#knock knock knock #knock on wood
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lokh · 1 month
what do you think toshiro's version of laios would've been like if he was still with the group during the shapeshifter shenanigans
there have been a few speculations in the tag and among the fans and they are all very good SO i am going to take this opportunity to insert a bit of my shipping bias as i like in my interpretation LMAO agdsfgdfgv
i noted that in actuality shuro seems to have a very good grasp on laios' character??? this is most obvious in the manga later on but even seeing how he criticises laios in their fight... iirc nothing he says is actually untrue or wildly exaggerated, and while he does express frustration over something he feels like laios Should have control over (noticing his cues), he is also aware that laios isnt being malicious and that hes Just Like That. what i mean to say is that while i think his version of laios may seem more pushy and in-your-face, i dont think it will be overwhelmingly so. if its post-fight, i think the idea of laios (and marcille) being willing to do anything to get falin back made a big impression on him, as well as the idea that they need to eat and rest in order to succeed in their goals, so those aspects would be prominent in his version. he seems pretty observant, so i think for the most part the physical traits would line up, but i think there would be specific things that stand out to him that would appear strangely striking on his version of laios (like. idk something about his eye colour or the subtle contrast of his armour and chainmail. he seems to have a weird sense of aesthetics if extras are anything to go by lmao). if hed actually been paying attention all those times laios had gone on about what the hell ever, then it might be even MORE hard to tell apart his version since he would also have a good grasp on what laios should know. so either his version of laios is pretty difficult to pick out, OR despite the character being accurate his appearance is too. stylised lmao (exaggerated features or something) OR!! they just get him to pull out his monster gourmet guide thing and are able to tell from there. iirc everyone was surprised at its appearance so its possible toshiro had also never seen it before
IN MY IMAGINARY SHIPPING SCENARIO............ lets say that his laios isnt able to be picked out immediately and that the monster guide thing also doesnt immediately occur to anyone. what the real laios Specifically notices is how close this other laios keeps getting to shuro. and hes like. ??? why is he getting so close to him, theres no way i get that close to him??? but no one else seems to be picking up on it as weird, so hes having a small crisis like do i REALLY get that close to him???? and now that hes on the outside he notices shuro subtly leaning away and he feels both a wave of shame and..... protectiveness??? (JEALOUSY??????) and he immediately steps in and grabs him like Hey!!! cant you see hes uncomfortable???? weve been through this already!!! and like. ok i cant believe im doing this again but i need to separate this into different endings
a) the whump route: i dont think shuro ever envisioned Actually Telling laios about his frustrations outside of being basically cornered into it. has he ever spoken up against what was expected of him?? has he ever been confrontational???? i think part of what held him back from expressing his frustrations, along with the cultural norms, could be fear of what the reaction would be. if he had done the same in any other aspect of his life (his family, his inheritance), i think he would expect disappointment, disapproval, more proof that he doesnt add up to expectation. to be honest i dont think he Truly believes that laios is the type of person to react like this. but it was strong enough to prevent him from acting and i think would be projected onto his image of laios. maybe fake!laios says something dismissive like Well if it really bothered him hed say something right? what, he cant even stand up for himself? cmon, shuro, prove that you cant handle it just like everything else. and thats pretty much the fastest giveaway that it isnt really laios. of course this would be a HUGE tonal departure from what the actual episode/chapter was, so:
b) the dumbass route: both laioses break into fisticuffs, and, yes.... barking. and so they speedrun the entire encounter as the shapeshifters true form appears and, after laios points out that thinking too hard about others versions of you can tear apart groups and peace of mind, they pointedly do not speak of it again. they think about it though. a LOT
c) the normal route: both laioses argue normal like and the group ends up being able to tell them apart because the fake laios goes on a little too long about how theyre all here for falin and everyones like ok its not like he DOESNT love his sister but.......... the rest of the scenario probably goes like canon, though then i would want to see what everyone Else thought of shuro
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Why I Am Not Coming In To Work Today [abridged], Jess Zimmerman
part one | part two
#me when everybody is posting the maple leafs sad narratives and i am furiously generating this like HOLD ONNNN HOLD ONNNNNNN#honestly i could've been SOOOO MEAN about this because i saw this poem & alexandra got the preview on the poetry blog#where i just reblogged the first half of this poem point blank with the tags#kyle dubas#toronto maple leafs#& got yelled at aksdaksf & it literally only didn't go on this blog bc i usually write more & then it was percolating & i looked up the poe#& it was only the FIRST PART i'd reblogged i didn't know there was more & then brain immediately went brrrrr ok time for an edit.#this is a long one lol & i also have no idea if it makes sense to anybody but me but because y'all know me i will always overexplain so!!#my reasoning for the reasons obvi kyle. that's a given i hope he's doing well i hope he & his family r good but man is not coming in to wor#the second edit took me a stupid amount of time bc i am nitpicky but also i learned how to do the layers & transparency from the claude edi#that actually y'all don't know about lmao but i lost my mind when i saw how perfectly those pictures align i was scrolling getty & was like#ok december i'm gonna do a headline one (in my brain with the november/june quote about choosing to die again) w/ maple leafs playoff odds#how they say at winter break you know who's gonna be in the playoffs & who'll win & they thought they had a shot but it's mitchie overlaid#the 2003-04 team who'd last won a playoff round with the atlantic division stats from dec for 22-23 & how long it's been & dec headlines#i wanted breakup/recent/never loved to be a recent trade acquisition somebody who bounced around & somebody else so i almost had simmer#brodie & zar but then i wanted to make murray for breakup at any time &i forgot zar & him were on the pens together &it hit me like a truc#bc there's a photo of the two of them EXACTLY the same so close it's scary of this one but them as pens so they had to be it & i did always#know never loved again was mitchie. sorry. also mitchie in the penalty box the last game but i couldn't find footage of it & this one works#no i could not find a photo of tyler bertuzzi fighting a leaf for a dog looked at me yes i tried.#i almost made the bunting photo jt but instead it's 'bunting a rat etc' anyway the one i really feel unhinged about is dead pets bc at firs#i was gonna make it the handshake line & look to see if the leafs had drafted anybody on the panthers (dead pet former draft pick)#& they had & it was carter verhaeghe & i couldn't get a good pic of matthews & verhaeghe but it's fine bc i thought about the mo/luke schen#narrative (in which they are a perfect d pair long lost) & schenn was drafted by the leafs & that line fits jut trust me. also how i feel#about the kniesy luminous line that one possessed me it had to be kniesy idk why. i almost put gussy as girls are too pretty though ALSO#did u like my joke. daylight SAVINGS time on the goalie. thank u. also my photo magic on the jt (me very poorly editing in him as an isle)#OK ALSO HOLD ONNNNN there is a part two but i have to wait for the Content i want it will come out as soon as [redacted] or sooner#if i get bad at waiting &everyone will pretend like it is always the way it will be once i have the photos i want. speaking of did the leaf#simply not take a team photo this year?? it Does Not Exist for me i have tried very hard to look for it also i'm excited for part 2#one of them is named oh you're so unhinged for this one & the finished product is you're unhinged in ways you didn't even know u were sorry#liv in the replies
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mattodore · 1 year
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celebrating the last day of lesbian visibility week with a bound inspired photoshoot featuring lesbian werewolves
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neurotonic · 3 months
Ouh. I really like how out of all the antagonists in the series, Prism's motivations (and her turning to Zoraxis) are directly influenced by Phoenix's track record. She has the most personal beef with the agent, though it's a little ironic that her TK implant helped the agent's success. If it weren't for Prism, Phoenix wouldn't be the legend that they are known for.
...Except...That's minimizing Phoenix's own ingenuity and skill with the implant, isn't it? It's a useful tool, yes! But in the end, it's just a tool. Phoenix was able to use it in unique ways, and that's not counting whatever else Phoenix has to do in the moment without TK. If it weren't for Phoenix's own efforts (and their strange ability to not Die), Prism wouldn't be forced to take revenge.
They're their own self-made people, but inevitably they left such a huge impact on each other before the third game...and if Prism wasn't the one who personally added the implant in Phoenix's head, then they haven't even interacted in person!
It could be seen as a little tragic, and it sorta is--Prism's desire for revenge is a little misplaced (and, yes, it is bolstered by Zor when she switches to their side). For all we know, Phoenix never intended to be the villain in Prism's story. But Prism's frustrated and angry and devastated about being reduced to the One Project she made. She just wanted to make something bigger than herself.
And it's really nice to see Phoenix help her once she recognizes that Zor's been using her all this time...even if it takes some time for Prism to really let them help her.
It takes the combination of their unique skills, brainpower, and their eventual trust in one another to destroy Zor's volcano kinesium base. Prism gets saved by the person she thought made her dreams impossible, and in return, Phoenix gets saved in the one IEYTD ending where they're not declared legally dead. I feel like that's something interesting? Because this is also the one finale where Phoenix has an active ally working with them close to their side (...as close as Prism and Phoenix could get, anyway).
Well. Anyway. What was I talking about? Enemies who are closely intertwined with one another's journeys end up becoming each other's most important allies? Okay, yeah. Let's go with that.
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My favorite part of AUs is that you can literally make up whatever you want <33
so bam! Reigen was adopted by two calico cats, and they just never told him he wasn't a cat 😉
[previous part <3]
(read left -> right <333)
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enjoy?? ? ? ??? i made this half asleep so if i made it now i probably wouldve made his shoulders broader or something by a little bit. idk
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 months
Remember that rambling we had a while back about Cassie trying to turn Freddy against Gregory by showing him footage of the shattering?
Imagine if she also salvaged footage of inside the elevator she got dropped off, with Gregory's voice clearly recorded as well as everything that happened in there up to the moment the elevator crashed.
Freddy is still excusing Gregory's actions in the shatterings footage? Yeah, that alone already leaves a bitter taste in the back of Cassie's mouth, but she's not done yet.
She then shows him the elevator footage. Something she personally had to go through because someone else imposed it upon her, a clear death sentence cast over her by who she thought was her friend, unlike the shattering of robots in order to steal useful things from them. The voice of Gregory clearly able to play god with her life there and he verbally chooses purposely to end it.
No matter what, Freddy can't smoothly excuse that, especially given the person who nearly got betrayed and killed is right in front of him, and no matter how much of a chokehold Gregory has on him, he cannot deny her being conpletely justified in feeling and thinking however way she is now. And if he tries to, he'll most likely only dig himself and Gregory even deeper, because one half a letter or gesture wrong and he could be giving off the message that Cassie should have died or deserved to die, or that she wasn't worthy enough as a living person to be left to live, that her death was the right thing and would have been justifiable and acceptable. And you know, passing off that message in the face of the one who nearly got killed, would not be good.
If you keep in mind that flavor texts in Ruin indicate Cassie was frequently in the PizzaPlex growing up since she was little, it would be safe to assume Cassie and Freddy have known each other for years. So this situation would only be EXTRA bitter and stingy. That apparently a child he's known for years and that is part of the "Fazbear Family" (as in being the child of an employee) was discardable and less worthy or valuable to him than a backstabbing brat he just met one night.
Man this would suck for everyone involved because there is no easy way out of this one. I'm not sure what the outcome of this mess would be, but man, the "what if" thought of Cassie being so distraught she lands into denial with the belief that "Gregory must have hacked you without your awareness to artificially force you into loyalty because the REAL Freddy would never do this or be like this!" and forcefully tries to get the Faz-wrench on him to try 'bringing him back to normal.'
This girl needs a break.
Oh god she really does need a break holy hell but this has given me some thoughts
So. Freddy. He's the most popular, hands down. There's no way he's not! Face of the brand, generic and always front and centre, even when he's not around! Always swarmed with kids and always trying to be a very good example!
What I tend to think about Freddy, is that he's very hands off. He doesn't typically form good, strong bonds with the kids on an individual level because he's always swarmed. They come and the go and if he didn't have a database built into his brain, he wouldn't be able to remember so many names and faces. His approach is just to sort of oversee things. Make sure no one is breaking any rules. Doesn't notice when kids leave because there's always so many of them that keeping track is near impossible. He focuses on whoever's in front of him.
Cassie is aware of this! She's seen everyone else act differently with a crowd than they do with a few kids! Of course Freddy would be no different! She always made that effort to be nice to him whenever he wasn't out entertaining, just like she did with the others when she got the chance, more so even! It must be pretty stressful being surrounded by kids all day, right?
She'd always thought that the animatronics had all seen her differently to the average kid. She was there a lot more often, during quiet times and in restricted areas, able to interact with them all outside of the public eye. She's heard them swear, seen them mess around, breaking rules, goofing off, skipping things on their schedules, and all sorts of other things. They've all hung out together a good number of times and Cassie had felt like she was friends with all of them!
But now, all of that is being questioned. The way Freddy talks to her is like she's no different to any other kid, like all those backstage moments didn't happen. He's doing the old "why can't we all just get along" spiel on her, despite the fact she nearly actually died several times and all his apparent friends got destroyed. Suddenly, she wonders why he was ever so popular, why she ever thought he saw her any differently to the swarms of kids running around at Fazerblast and most importantly, she's wondering if it's just Freddy that feels like that.
Roxy? Probably doesn't feel that way. Despite being deactivated by Cassie, she still rushed in to save her. They've had more heart to heart moments under the pizzaplex than she's had with anyone else too. There's some doubts, of course there is after this, but Roxy would have an easier time reasurring her than some of the others...
Do the others really treat her differently? Or did she make that up in her head too? Do they really care about her? Or did they just put on a show for her like they would anyone else? Is their kindness genuine? Or is it all just as fake as Freddy's?
The other thing I thought of was, what if Cassie doesn't know Prototype Freddy isn't her Freddy? She goes around, fixing everyone up as best she can, by herself or with her dad or anyone else, I dunno, and she never once considered that this wasn't the Freddy she knew all that time. Why would she? Why would she know about the prototypes? She might the daughter of a tech, but that doesn't mean she'd know everything.
So she repairs this Freddy, expecting the Freddy she knows and loves, and getting someone else. Protobear looks at her completely differently to how Freddy did. She's happy to have brought him back and he's nothing but nice to her and everyone else. She doesn't realise how different he is until she meets the other Freddy again. It feels like a bucket of ice water.
That shock of this not being Freddy, wondering what happened to him and worrying if he's okay and what could possibly make him let his friends get hurt like that, all turning to the realisation that Protobear is more the Freddy she loved than Freddy himself ever was...
She needs a break you're so right
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good-beanswrites · 3 months
Just wanted to plant an idea if you wanted a bit of fuel: Mahiru asking Yuno to come to her cell before everything goes down.
Edit: I forgot the ask didn't say it but this is part of Kyanako's incredible Order Of Attack AU!
Didn't mean for this to become a mini Mappi study but here we are ✨ Thank you for the request! I fully intended to write them hanging out, but it's more right before they hang out lol. Went a bit on-the-nose with foreshadowing, but isn't that the fun part? It has become Emotional Over Mahiru Hour...
I kept things vague, but TW for mentioning her boyfriend's state of potential self-harm
Mahiru tried not to act superstitious, she really did. As much as she loved the idea of little luck charms, or avoided easy signs of misfortune, it was easier to keep quiet about such ridiculous things.
Maybe catching a bride’s bouquet meant no guarantees; maybe there was no real harm in stepping underneath ladders, maybe a coin tossed into a fountain had no real magic to its wish. However, the one thing she knew for sure held power was a lucky presence. Being in the right place at the right time could alter everything. And today was the right time for something. There was this waiting in the air. The prison had been holding its breath. Mahiru knew it was time to release it all.
“You must be so lonely, why don’t you let big sis Mahiru keep you company?” She beamed at Amane.
She often recalled the good fortune that she and a certain young man had crossed paths on the university terrace. She used to laugh with him about the wonderful coincidence of bumping into each other outside of the bakery, then the convenience store. 
Though she’d never spoken about it to him, she was also grateful for many occasions where she walked in on him at the precise moment to talk him out of something reckless. She always told him that they’d do everything together. He didn’t need to be alone anymore. 
“I wish to be alone. I need peace of mind to think.” Amane turned away from the cell door.
It was a good thing, too. Mahiru’s smile wasn’t as convincing as she said, “o-oh. Of course.”
She made her way around the panopticon, hearing Fuuta pace his cell in anticipation. He must have felt it too, this holding of breath. 
Or perhaps not. He turned down her offer for a bit of company, including a few more colorful words than Amane had. Mahiru just apologized for bothering him and headed back to her cell. She wasn’t sure where Mikoto was at this hour, but she didn’t feel like smiling through a third rejection.
She shook her head back and forth. She wished the motion could rattle the voices inside, she wished she could shake them all away. With her arms secured in place she could no longer cover her ears. She used to hum to keep them at bay, but lately they’d been too loud to stifle. They just kept on talking.
Their words told her the two were right. Nobody needed her company. No – nobody wanted it. Being together hadn’t helped her boyfriend. In fact, being together had been the very thing that got him killed. No wonder Amane and Fuuta wanted to avoid her. 
So then, this was for the best. She would rather deal with the brief sting of refusal than stumble in one day to find them hurt… or worse. As much as she tried to avoid the superstition of it all, the voices reminded her that her very presence could mean life or death. 
“Mappi, are you alright?” Mahiru hadn’t realized a tear had slipped down her cheek until she hurried to swipe it away in front of Yuno. 
“Hah, I’m fine! Just fine.” It was impossible to fool her, Mahiru had learned, but that never stopped her from trying. 
At least she always spoke tactfully. “Rough morning?”
Mahiru shifted her arms in her uniform, making a small sound of agreement.
“Can I do anything to help? What if I stay with you for a bit? I can do your hair, and…”
The voices were right. Amane and Fuuta knew it, too. Presences did hold power, and Mahiru’s was cursed.
But she would sound foolish admitting such a fear to Yuno. She'd heard plenty from the voices about how stupid and airheaded she was, there was no use in getting the same lecture from someone as grounded as her.
Mahiru managed a weak protest, unable to explain her real reasoning. Yuno was insistent. She didn’t give much of a choice. Could she feel the strangeness of the prison, as well? 
At last, Mahiru allowed her shoulders to sag. Yuno was lucky. And kind. Having her nearby would do her good. Amane and Fuuta would be alright. Mahiru had tried spending more time with them after verdicts were announced. Now, she made a mental note to pull back. If her love couldn’t save anyone, at least she could spare them from her curse. They would be safe. 
“Yes. Please stay. The truth is... I don't want to be alone.”
#milgram#mahiru shiina#yuno kashiki#amane and fuuta mentioned#i dont know how well this all fits in with your vision of the au but i had a ton of fun with this lmao sorry 😂#oh hey if anyone knows any japanese superstitions like those in the beginning lmk#i was trying to research them but i kept getting lucky symbols/words - not necessarily actions like that#anyway thank you so much for this!! it was a really interesting moment to capture >:0#drabbles that take me way too long to combine my three brain cells but im really pleased with the end result#i had a lot of Mahiru Thoughts but it took a bit of fiddling to make them fit together#the superstitiousness - the focus on one's presence - the parallels with his bf - what she's dealing with from the voices#im glad it came together semi-smoothly in the end asdfsd#i didnt mean for mahiru t break the fourth wall or anything --#i always saw her as a master at picking up on social changes/cues so she can tell when things are most tense/kotoko is fully prepared#but she doesnt consciously know it -- she just knows that things feel Off#not only do the attacks confirm mahirus fear that shes cursed - but yunos involvement confirms her belief that shes extra lucky#i wonder if shed still end up spending all her time with yuno now that she thought she was such a protective person...#i couldnt articulate it right since the end was wrapping up so nicely - but mahiru starts to wonder if most people are fine being left alon#and *shes* the odd one out for craving company#then she feels isolated because by getting what she wants shes dooming someone else#i mean... if everyone you try to get close to starts getting hurt... wouldnt you worry about the same...?#AHAHAHAHA hope you enjoyed 🙃#*posts this then retreats back into the void for a bit*#drabbles
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i would love to hear about the ollie and handler crack ship here’s a silly doodle as well
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Also this got my ass to design Ollie so:
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(Love him - Also redesigned Reggie for this too so thanks!!)
And idk if it's moreso a crackship or a rarepair that only works in an AU (HACKS up Starstruck), but Reggie's line of "...and I hope Ollie made it out too. I hope a lot of things." It's totally me reading into it but like,,,,I want them to talk because Ollie is not dead to me in my heart of hearts.
Maybe the only change is like Reggie taps into the communication on the radio in Hot Water instead of using the earpiece, so Ollie ends up hearing him also? And they end up getting along really well (with Reggie having to jump through a couple hoops to be like "haha what agency..."). There's an Agency base in the South-East coast of Australia and maybe the Agency ends up adopting him after he washes up on the shore with the escape pod (after HEAVY questioning).
Alas take a doodle of my own:
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Transcript (it's just canon lines):
Ollie: "She's being controlled, it's not her fault."
Reggie: "Agent, I have 0 experience dealing with giant security squids."
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if you still do these 48 + vinikki pls pls pls i’ll love you forever
“So…” began the butler, as he extracted the sword out of its scabbard, making the sunlight bounce on the sharp blade, “shall we begin your training, Vincent?”
Vincent pulled out his weapon as well. “That’s master Wharton to you now, Nicholas.” The young man snickered, as he gripped the hilt with both hands. A flash of rage and determination lit up his hazel eyes as he slowly but confidently made his way towards his servant, who began walking forward too.
As much as Nicholas saw Vincent's birth and always took good care of him, they despised each other. Well, at least Vincent hated Nicholas, that’s for sure. There was something about the way the butler treated him like a child, despite being well over that phase of his life, that got on Vincent’s nerves.
But today, the day of his 21st birthday, would’ve been the day Vincent showed him, and everyone else, what he’s made of, he would’ve shown the man he had become.
“Oh come on, Vince,” grinned the older man, raising his sword. “we’re friends by now, aren’t we?”
“No, we’re not.” Responded the blond nobleman, through gritted teeth. The nobleman tried to stay calm, to not raise his voice, to not let his adversary win. Nicholas was found by his family when he was still a hungry urchin living in the London slums, so who the hell did he think he was? That day, Vincent thought, his father should’ve minded his business.
They stopped a few inches from each other, with their blades touching, in a guarding position.
“May the best of us win.” Said the butler, flashing his teeth, his green eyes glistening with calm confidence.
“En garde, old bastard.”
The metal clangors quickly followed one another. Whenever Vincent tried to strike, Nicholas was ready to deflect his attacks, almost as if he could predict Vincent’s every move. Slash, slash, lunge. Vincent only managed to cut a strand of the older man’s jet-black hair. Their swords crossed, the blades slipping, and now it was a matter of who was going to get the best of the other. Vince was losing his balance, but he refused to give up. With an effort and a scream of rage, the nobleman pushed away his adversary, making him almost trip on his own feet. Almost. But Vincent had already let his guard down, not having the time to react when Nicholas sweeped his blade, leaving a thin, bloody gash on the young man’s cheek. Vincent held back the hiss of pain.
“Oh, that’s gonna leave a nasty mark!” Snickered the butler.
Vincent decided to ignore him, determined to not get distracted by Nicholas’s babbling. The fact that he got hit even once, it was already one too many. He managed to deflect another blow, but barely. Their swords crossed again, but this time Vincent lost his balance and fell over, making him lose the grip of his weapon.
“Well, well, well.” The butler pointed his sword at the nobleman’s neck. “Rule number one: never let your guard down.”
“Are you gonna kill me…?” Muttered the blond, raising his head ever so slightly, in order to take a glimpse of Nicholas’s face.
The other let out air of his nose in amusement. “It would be very hard to explain your disappearance to your family.” He diverted his armed hand away from the young man, and reached out with the other, to help Vincent get up.
“Right…” said Vincent, a bit hesitant at first to accept his help. “The butler is always the prime suspect.”
The older man let out a hoarse laugh. “Wait here. I’ll go grab some bandages.”
“How was I?” Asked Vincent. He didn't know why he wanted to seek Nicholas's approval, yet that question slipped out of his mouth.
“Not bad.” Said the other, concentrating on dabbing the wound with a bandage. "Not bad at all for your first time.”
The blond frowned, both from physical and emotional pain. “I feel like you’re lying to me.”
“I would never. " Responded the butler, calmly. "I mean it.”
"One day I'll be able to defeat you, you'll see." Mumbled the young man. "Then you're finally going to respect me."
Nicholas stopped what he was doing to look at his young master in the eyes. He smiled, thinking that Vincent was just like his father. "Here's the thing," he began, "respect is not given unconditionally, it is earned." He then put a hand on Vincent's shoulder. “This is my gift for you for today: a humble piece of advice. Happy birthday, master Wharton.”
Put That Guy in a SituationTM Ask Game/Prompt!
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
get a scraggy and name it tiso
source: trust me bro
>:3c I’ll get one in honour of you
Can’t guarantee it’ll be a good scraggy - because my luck with pokemon is actual trash - but it’ll be one
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icestarphoenix · 2 years
Just binged the entire backrooms au, please I’m requesting more food from it. I’d love to see Louisiana and Florida just go feral when something happens to Greg
(This one’s looong, just gonna say.)
It sounded so innocent at the time.
After the routine recording session, “Florida” had asked Greg if he wanted to go party with him as “Loui”’s plus one. In hindsight, he really should’ve asked more questions while he still could. However, the first thing Greg thought about was an opportunity to escape.
Greg knew that “Florida” would never settle for a quiet little gathering. Whatever this party was, it had to be a wild rager. That meant a lot of people, but in this case it might mean a lot of monsters instead. But at this point, he could take anything he could get. He had to get out of here. Maybe he’d be able to slip through the crowd and finally escape his captors. So, Greg agreed to go. Hesitantly agreed, but he still agreed nonetheless.
The plan was immediately derailed as Louisiana produced a thick rope and tied it around his torso, with its end trailing off behind his back. To Greg’s chagrin, he realized that it reminded him a lot of a child leash. When he asked, “Loui” simply said that it was to keep an eye on him and to make sure he didn’t get lost. Greg tried tugging on the rope when their backs were turned, but the knot didn’t even exist. The crossed section was melded with itself, proving to Greg that it wasn’t a real rope and was really a fake copy. He didn’t have time to voice his concerns before “Florida” and “Loui” teleported him to the party.
Teleportation was always disorienting, so he took a moment with his eyes clenched as he waited for his head to stop spinning. When he opened his eyes again, Greg saw a room that reminded him a lot of a children’s party room, almost like a bootleg Chuck E. Cheese. There were characters painted on the pale yellow walls, a red road carpet on the floor, there were even tables with party-themed table covers on them. Even so, this place just radiated a feeling of unease for Greg. It didn’t feel right, something was wrong but he didn’t know what. The other two walked and talked through the halls, pulling Greg along. There’d be light tugs here and there on his rope that stopped him from taking certain steps forward. The quiet creeped up his nerves. Nothing felt right, he didn’t know what this place could do to him, he never expected that those two would bring him somewhere like this. Scenarios were running through his head as all the terrible possibilities began to fill his brain, the world around him spacing out. Before Greg knew it, he bumped into “Florida”’s back, snapping him out of his doom spiral and letting him see where he was. The three of them stood in front of a doorway leading to a large room, fit for a big party. It would certainly be a rager all right, seeing as it was filled to the brim with monsters.
They were tall with leathery skin and vaguely humanoid in shape. Their two arms had hooked teeth replacing hands. Blood red painted smiles stared intensely at Greg, as if they were poised and ready to attack but were being held back by something. If he wasn’t tied to “Loui”, Greg was sure he’d be dead on the spot. “Florida” strode through the middle of the room like he owned the place, and the creatures surprisingly moved to get out of his way. He was heading towards a figure at the other end of the room. It was even taller than all the others and had massive shriveled eyes as well as looking like it could barely move. The new creatures shifted to get birthday candles surrounding it out of the way as “Florida” approached and got in its face.
It was quiet, but he could hear "Florida" threaten the apparent party host by saying that if anything happened to their sound guy he would stop at nothing until he razed the entirety of Level Fun into the Void. So the choice would be one more Partygoer or the preservation of their entire home. The Party Host made the right choice. From there the party commenced.
Greg found himself keeping a watchful eye of his surroundings and huddling closer and closer to “Loui”, even without the rope tethering him to his captor. He stood off to the side as “Florida”’s plus one began helping himself to the...snacks on the table. It looked like meat, but Greg couldn’t immediately identify what kind. Although, just looking at it felt wrong, like looking into “Loui”’s cup. (Whatever was in there, it was NOT a daiquiri.) The creatures stood off to the sides as well before starting to sing some sort of nursery rhyme together, creating an empty space in the center of the room for a dance floor. Despite the light nature of the song, Florida danced on his own wildly without a care in the world, like it were a bass-boosted club track instead of a lullaby. Listening to the melody, Greg suddenly started to feel really drowsy. He didn’t know why, fear should be keeping him awake, not making him become unconscious and vulnerable. He struggled trying to keep his head up as his limbs started feeling heavy.
“Aw Loui, is he gettin’ sleepy already? Give him here, I’ll wake him up!”
“Loui” chuckled as he tossed his end of the rope into the other’s hand. A strong tug pulled Greg out from sleepiness and right onto the dance floor. “Florida” grasped his hands as he started to drag and recklessly swing Greg around like some kind of partner dance, but he had no control. Many times, “Florida” would swing him dangerously close to the singing creatures and Greg would swear that each time he got near, they’d lean forward slightly to meet him. His dance partner seemed to be taunting them, knowing how much they wanted Greg right now but were unable to have him. However, everything had a limit. Fed up, one of the creatures quickly swiped its claws towards him, missing Greg’s face by mere inches. One swipe, and all hell broke loose.
“Florida” immediately threw Greg towards “Loui”, and the giant mockery of a bird stood over him protectively, letting out a screech towards the creatures rushing madly towards him. Meanwhile, Greg could hear the eight-legged chimeric abomination start to tear into everything around him, with the sounds of viscera hitting the floor and splattering against the walls. He curled up tight in fetal position under “Louisiana”, eyes clenched shut and rapidly panting as his heart threatened to pound right out of his chest. Greg should’ve never agreed to come here. He wanted to be back on his pallet bed where he knew it was safe, where nothing could hurt him. His hands clamped themselves over his ears as he tried his best to tune out the monstrous roars and screams.
Suddenly, something grasped Greg’s leg and tried to drag him out of cover. He screamed as he clawed at the carpet, trying desperately to get back into his one safe spot. But the force was too strong, tearing Greg from safety and holding him in the air upside down and exposed. “Louisiana” was grasping his leg with his beak, and before Greg could realize what was going on, he was sailing through the air to be caught in the embrace of claws. He thrashed around until he processed that he was being held in “Florida”’s arms, now watching as “Louisiana” leapt around to devour the creatures whole. It hadn’t even felt like a full minute passed before Greg was flung through the air and caught by the other’s beak again.
Greg was being yanked around to and fro by the rope tied to him, narrowly dodging the swipes of claws that threatened to gouge his flesh. They tossed his body through the air back and forth with each other, like they were playing a game of keepaway and he was the ball. It was complete and utter chaos. Soon after the entire room had been left in ruins from their carnage, the two monsters let out a horrible noise as they began running through the halls.
He screamed in terror as he held on for dear life, begging and pleading with them to just take him back home, but the two never listened. They bounded from room to room, throwing his body around like a ragdoll as they trashed more and more parties, dangling Greg like a lure to get the partiers to attack them.
After what felt like hours, the two monsters finally had their fill and teleported back home. Greg was completely spent, adrenaline having already worn off a while ago. “Loui” laid him back down on his wooden pallet and fed him Almond Water while “Gov” reprimanded the two for taking his sound guy out to such a dangerous place. He could’ve been damaged or broken by their antics.
“Gov” offhandedly mentioned that “Florida” lost an old “staff member” before partying just like this, but he retorted by saying that “Loui” thought of the rope idea this time. He also preened himself by talking about how they did do a good job at keeping Greg safe because he would’ve turned by now if he didn’t. As he was still human, that meant Greg was completely fine.
Laying there listening to their back and forth, Greg was trying to process what exactly just happened to him. He wanted so badly to go home. He didn’t know how much more he could take. He wanted to wake up in his little dorm bed and have all of this be just a bad dream. He wanted to talk about new movies with his friends. He wanted to hug his parents and hold them and never let them go again.
“Florida” asked if Greg would wanna go partying again soon, to which the sound guy hastily refused. However, Greg quickly added that it was because he was the kind of person that needed a long, long break before he could go partying again, and that was definitely the only reason he wouldn’t join “Florida” next time. Or any other time for that matter.
Others can try to hurt him, or kill him, or take him away. But Greg is their sound guy. And they will make sure it stays that way.
Information on Level Fun from the wiki. Be advised of Backrooms-typical horror elements like death, gore, violence, and body horror.
EDIT: Level Fun has been overhauled and rewritten, so much of the setting here is now outdated.
Due to how Partygoers no-clip all over, the Level is filled with holes that go straight to the Void.
Level Fun is extremely large and would basically go on forever for a human’s perspective, but it is finite.
Partygoers are able to spread a disease that would transform the afflicted into another Partygoer through contact with their claws. There’s no cure. They also have intelligence and don’t act purely on instinct. They have been known to set traps for ambushes.
The big dude in the middle controls the hive mind of Partygoers. There’s one for each room and it controls all the Partygoers for its room.
The meat cakes placed on the table shouldn’t be eaten. They’re made from human flesh.
If Greg didn’t have two entities guiding him, he’d be a goner so fast. Level Fun is supposed to be a death sentence for any typical Wanderer unlucky enough to encounter it.
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