#sorry its so late thursdays are my busy days
tumbleweed-run · 8 months
Kinktober 2023 Day 19 Voyeurism
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Astarion found that sometimes when he had no desire to join in with Tav and Gale, he enjoyed watching them have sex.
Sometimes, the mood struck and he would join them in the middle or even near the end of their lovemaking. Strangely, they didn’t complain and easily accommodated his late arrival. Sometimes, he didn't want to join them and instead touched himself while watching. And sometimes, he just wanted to watch and his cock took almost no interest in what was going on.
He could never tell what the outcome would be.
Tonight when Tav invited him into their room he’d accepted, knowing that, at least for now, he was going to claim his spot on the windowsill nearest the bed. Gale, irritatingly enough, took notice of this and nodded like he understood the meaning. Maybe they did. Somewhere around the time Tav was sitting in Gale’s lap, back to his chest, and she opened her eyes to find him watching as the wizard trailed kisses down her neck she’d reached out her hand and asked if he wanted to join them. He’d declined.
That was that.
As it was every time this exact scenario happened. He’d separate himself. One of them, usually Tav, would ask if he wanted to join them somewhere in the beginning. As soon as he’d decline they would leave it, no pouting or cajoling. Hells, they never asked again. Astarion would sometimes tell them no, even when he wanted to, just to see their reaction. Every time they took him at his word and left him alone.
It was still a strange feeling for Astarion when his no was met with unequivocal acceptance.
Gale’s hand was now in between Tav’s legs, and he was whispering something so softly in her ear that all Astarion could hear was the rush of his breath. She was whimpering as she ground against the wizard’s hand. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were shut.
Gale was still fully clothed, whereas Tav was naked.
The wizard asserted dominance in subtle ways like that. He was quiet and gentle dominance, where Astarion made sure you knew who in the room was in charge. Gale rarely inflicted pain instead he withheld or on the opposite end, overstimulated. Astarion knew the line between pain for pleasure and pain for hurting and happily inflicted it on the willing. The wizard liked sweet words of praise and soft reassurances, saving his filthy mouth for other activities. Astarion preferred commanding with his tone and cruel words that were only softened by his lovers reactions. Tav enjoyed both of them, shining like the sun when Gale called her his sweet love or some other nauseating poetry and then flushing as she became dripping wet when Astarion called her a whore.
It was strange knowing these two so intimately to know these things. He was always good at reading people but this knowledge lived inside him.
Which was why it was little surprise when Gale made a show of licking his fingers, glistening with Tav’s arousal. Sex was a rare moment when the wizard would cease his mindless ramblings to put his tongue to better use. Tav, Astarion, it didn’t matter. The wizard liked things in his mouth.
Astarion’s cock twitched with the memory of the other man’s tongue working along it similarly. He pressed his palm against it, not sure if he wanted to do anything just yet.
Tav was also watching Gale, writhing, hips seeking contact where there was none.
Gale offered his fingers to her a string of spit stretching from his mouth to them obscenely. She accepted, drawing them into her mouth. As she began sucking, Gale’s hips bucked upwards, jostling her slightly. He groaned, allowing her to continue sucking for a moment. She keened when he removed them.
Astarion’s hand moved lazily against his cock, fabric of his trousers dulling the sensation slightly.
Gale had her stand from his lap and crawl onto the bed. She waited on all fours, legs spread exposing her wet cunt to Astarion. The wizard stood, pulling off his shirt. Astarion had anticipated him using this position to bury his face into her. He was a little surprised when instead, Gale pressed a finger back into her.
From the sound Tav made, she too was surprised. She leaned forward a moment as if away from Gale’s finger but then almost immediately rocked back. Gale’s free hand landed on her lower back, pressing down lightly as if to hold her in place. She stilled even as he added more fingers inside of her, pumping them in and out. Tav moaned, head hanging low below her shoulders so Astarion could no longer see her face.
Gale leaned over her, more soft words he could only hear the whisper of. Her response was to moan louder. The wizard withdrew his fingers, there was a mutter of incantation, and then they were coated in oil.
Astarion had used magic during sex before, though from him it centered more on disguises. Gale on the other hand used it as an extension of himself. The mage hand was a personal favorite, whereas Tav preferred various ice spells. On a whole things would be a lot more tedious without the magically appearing oils.
At first when Gale pressed his fingers back inside of Tav Astarion was confused. Then in a barely there movement Gale pressed his thumb gently against the pucker of Tav’s ass. She moaned loudly in response. Astarion shifted, partially so he could see better and in part so he could free his cock.
Gale was far gentler with Tav than he was with Astarion as he gently worked his thumb past the resistance of that little ring. For once she wasn’t growing impatient with how slow the wizard was moving. She was only rocking back slightly against him, the fingers in her cunt still moving. Astarion watched, rapt.
This was something new, as far as he was aware they’d never done this. The way Gale handled the situation was, unfortunately, not an indicator.
Astarion stroked his cock, subconsciously in time with the speed of Gale’s fingers. He even stilled when Gale withdrew them. Tav collapsed onto her elbows.
Gale was quick to remove his trousers. The way his cock slapped against his skin when free annoyingly made Astarion’s mouth water. He doubted he would ever forgive his body for the way it reacted for the irritating wizard. Even more and more, he was growing annoyed with his mind for the soft thoughts that occasionally filtered in about him.
Gale climbed up onto the bed behind Tav and blocked Astarion’s view of her. He stood and shifted towards the side of the bed. A quick glance from Tav, head still bowed, was the only indication either of them gave to his presence. 
Gale gripped his cock and teasingly swiped it from as far up between Tav’s ass as he could reach to her clit. He did this several times until she was rocking back towards him, tempting him to press into her. When he finally pressed into her cunt she sighed, happy and relieved. Gale began to thrust, but not without angling his still well-oiled fingers so he could press one into her ass. 
Tav’s breath hitched as the wizard worked his finger deeper into her than before. Gale froze, ever in tune to her responses, until she urged him on thrusting back once again. He resumed his movements almost instantly. 
Astarion was happy to watch them even as he stroked his cock a little faster, deciding now that he’d get off from this. 
Neither of them acknowledged him still, both of them lost in this little world. Tav’s moans were near constant, noises escaping her even as she inhaled. With the way she was squirming, fingers gripping tightly to the sheets below her, she was close. Gale was a little quieter only little grunts escaping each time he thrust into her. He was watching the way he fucked his finger into her in time with each of his thrusts, the whole thing disappearing now. Astarion found himself equally mesmerized. 
He didn’t know what had prompted the wizard to try this with her but suddenly his own mine was filled with many ideas he wanted to try. For once, Astarion really hoped he and Gale were on the same page about something. 
Gale barely pressed the fingertip of a second finger into Tav when she came, gasping the wizard’s name. He allowed her her time, letting her ride out each and every wave of her orgasm until she was still and panting. Only then did Gale remove his fingers to grip her hips, pace near brutal as he chased his own release. Astarion’s hand matched his pace. 
Gale came with a curse spilling out of his mouth, like always pinning their hips together and rolling his hips as he came. 
Once the wizard had still and he pulled out of Tav Astarion climbed onto the bed behind him. Reaching around the man he drug his fingers through the mess between Tav’s legs. She whimpered, still sensitive from her orgasm. He quickly slicked the mixture of oil, arousal, and cum along his cock before grinding it against Gale’s ass. He didn’t thrust into him, just between the globes of his ass. 
The wizard didn’t protest, his mouth blissfully quiet as he allowed Astarion to rut against him. Astarion gripped Gale’s hips moving faster. It didn’t take long, his own orgasm hitting quickly. His hips stuttered and he came onto the other man’s back. Astarion allowed himself a few more thrusts, letting his own cum mingle with his already profane mixture on Gale’s back.
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1d1195 · 10 months
Sun-Kissed I
Here is a fluffy/smutty little piece of love on the beach. It’s ~9k words. It’s a love at first sight kind of thing I know it’s kind of ridiculous for them to be falling in love so fast but it’s my story and I’m sticking with it. Also, sorry that I’m really into sunflowers right now. Sunflower Vol. 6 has been on my mind lately so that’s gonna make an appearance for the third time as of late. I don’t know if anyone else cares about all my little easter eggs regarding real life Harry in my writing but I’m really pretty proud of the news one I put in here. I'm sorry they're both teachers again I needed them to have summer's off to make this work. Their careers are not a major part of the story.
Warnings: There’s some pretty 18+ things happening here. Masturbating, public sex (kinda), thigh riding, etc. If you’re not into this, I wouldn’t read it. It's all fluff otherwise. There won't be a bit of angst.
I've been trying to write this for over a year and finally came pouring out. Unfortunately, there will be a second part next Thursday only because I thought it was getting too long. So it does end a little abruptly. Hope you enjoy anyway :)
Harry was fascinated by her, simply put. He wanted to spend forever at dinner with her. Chatting with her. Looking at her beautiful face. Envying how the sun got to kiss her, and he didn’t.
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Harry didn’t grow up near a beach so he thought this would be great way to cash in on his vacation time over the summer. Sitting at the beach, reading a book, and dipping his toes in the water when it got too hot. His mum knew someone who knew someone who gave him a great deal on the summer rental, and he was beyond excited to sit and relax for the first time in years.
Being an earlier riser had its advantages. For one, he got the pick of where to set up his summer getaway on the beach. He brought a cooler, a chair, and a few towels along with a book or two to spend the day. Through his sunglasses, he faced the direction of the sunshine. He hadn’t had a proper summer holiday since he was young and now that he was busy teaching and had summer’s off, he was elated to have some time to himself.
Once he settled his belongings, he turned on a summer playlist he’d been working on for a while. He didn’t turn it up loud—he would never want to bother anyone that may join him on the beach—but it was loud enough to hear and not interrupt his imagination while reading.
It was utterly peaceful.
Apparently, Harry was unaware of just how truly peaceful the beach could be.
“Hey,” a voice said softly, it was sweet. A gentle shake on the arm, her skin was cool to the touch. His eyes blinked open unsurely. He realized he fell asleep and didn’t even get through the first page of his book. “Hi,” she whispered with a gentle smile. “You’re going to start burning,” she explained handing over a bottle of sunscreen to his hands while Harry tried to wake himself up. “And your book is in the sand,” she said grabbing it before the spine broke from all the grains of the beach ruining the binding.
“Oh,” he shook his head desperate for his brain to catch up to his surroundings. “Thanks,” he said gratefully.
“No problem!” She chirped heading back to the chair that was a few meters in front of him. “I already burned once this summer and it was miserable. Just don’t want you to suffer the same fate.”
He pushed open the bottle and started rubbing on the sunscreen. It felt like he was going to have a slight burn already. The relief of the lotion on his skin made him wary. “Ah, guess...I should probably leave,” he chuckled. “Try again tomorrow.”
“Oh...if you want to stay, I have an umbrella,” she said cheerfully. “S’a nice day, just give me a minute to set up,” she smiled and gave her name to Harry.
Harry had hardly gotten a good look at her with a sleepy set of eyes a bit wiped by the sun. His brain was foggy with the impromptu nap. This small little town he was staying in had the vibe that someone like her would help a stranger. Everyone had been so nice in the grocery store and when Harry went for his run yesterday, people said hello and commented on how nice the evening was. It was an adorable little town and Harry was already dreading having to leave in two weeks’ time.
“Well, thank you. M’Harry,” he said quietly while he finished rubbing the lotion over his body. He watched her work, his mind less foggy. Glancing at his watch, he noted it was a little over two hours since he arrived. It wasn’t too hot outside still, so his burn would be minor if he got one at all. With the addition of a blanket and the umbrella, it was almost a mirror image of Harry’s little set up. A chair, a cooler, and a couple towels.
She had a ponytail pulled through a baseball cap and she wore a button down, rolled to the elbows. The top few buttons were open revealing a deep blue bathing suit top, that scooped low enough to show off...
Harry had to be careful, or he was going to be sporting a prominent erection on a beach with a ton of families. He moved his gaze down past where he really wanted to look. The shirt came down to just above her knee and he saw a pair of flip flops discarded to the side of the blanket she had laid out in front of her stuff. “Nice day, huh?” She smiled as she twirled the umbrella stand into the sand.
“Tits—it’s really nice,” Harry said quickly stammering through his recovery.
She either didn’t notice his faux pas or didn’t care because she continued about her business. “Have you been here long?” She asked.
“Just arrived yesterday. Did some grocery shopping. Went for a jog.”
“Oh, how nice,” she had this infectious smile. Harry felt so happy just being around her. Or maybe it was the beautiful weather and the prettiest beach he had seen in years.
Or maybe it was her curvy figure that was making him lightheaded with happiness.
She pulled the shirt off finally, and Harry thought he might seriously need to leave. Head back for his little beach cottage to take care of blood rushing to his groin. She’s gorgeous. He thought to himself. “How ‘bout you?” He cleared his throat.
“I grew up here...and live here in the summer.”
He stared at her in surprise. “Here?” He asked.
She smiled and nodded. “It’s my favorite place on earth,” she explained.
“I can see why,” he nodded in appreciation. “Do you have any suggestions for while m’here?”
She nodded. “Plenty—how long are you here for?”
“Two weeks.”
“How lovely...let’s see...you’re at the beach—that’s most important in my opinion. I think if you stay here most of the time, you’ll have a successful vacation. There’s a place about twenty minutes from here where you can go clam digging if you like clams—I don’t really like them, but it’s fun to go. Paddleboarding on the river is also a really big thing. There’s this restaurant that everyone talks about. If you want, I know someone who works there, I could get you in. You’ll need a sweatshirt from the most touristy of tourist shops, but don’t go on a rainy day—everyone will be there. You’ll have to see the sunrise and the sunset. I think there’s a full moon too, so you’ll definitely want to see that over the ocean. I personally recommend ice cream and mini golf too. If you have time, you should also check out the nearby island. Even though this place is beautiful the island is like being in another country. It’s stunningly beautiful,” throughout her speech she continued working on the umbrella stand, putting the actual umbrella into place and tilting it back to create more shade.
Harry thought it would be really forward of him to invite her on all those adventures. Especially when someone as beautiful as she was surely had a significant other. Add in the fact he met her less than ten minutes ago; he would have seemed insane. “Wow, sounds like a packed schedule.”
She laughed and Harry swore he had never heard a sound as beautiful. She was still organizing her items and she gestured under the umbrella for Harry to move his stuff. “I’m really passionate about this place I forget people want to relax.”
“S’okay,” he chuckled. “You’re right t’be passionate. M’sure you’re right; I’ll make every effort t’do it all,” he promised and began moving his stuff below her umbrella. “Everyone is so nice here,” he told her. “Yourself included.”
“Why thank you,” she smiled sweetly and settled into her beach chair finally, facing the sun. He swore that someone this stunning couldn’t be real. She looked like a beach goddess—sun-kissed hair and skin. “What are you reading?” She asked, turning her head toward him covering the side of her face to keep the sun out of her eyes even though she wore sunglasses too.
He couldn’t even remember why he picked the book up. “Er...I fell asleep before finishing the first page,” he admitted shyly. She giggled.
“The beach does that, I swear. Something about total relaxation and the warm sun. I’m like a cat. Once I lay on my stomach, I’m out like a light.”
“Do you read?”
She nodded. “Have to; I’m a middle school teacher.”
“Oh,” Harry smiled. “I teach secondary.”
“No way!”
So, for the whole morning, Harry forgot about his book. Forgot about his playlist that was still going—except for anytime she asked what song was playing. They talked for literally three hours straight never once a lull in the conversation. Work, books, the beach, music, and anything they thought of. He told her about his family coming to visit for the weekend and she told him about her family who didn’t love this place as much as she did who would probably not visit���even if they missed her and loved her with everything in them.
At lunch they finally quieted their conversation to eat and watch the water. “I don’t see a burn,” she told him glancing over his face and skin as she finished her sandwich. He smiled.
“Thank you,” he said gratefully. “I’d be a proper crisp by now.”
She held the sunscreen out to him again. “I know this is a little weird, would you mind getting my upper back?” She asked.
Touch her? Harry didn’t have to be asked twice. Harry made sure to spray every bit of her skin. He didn’t want to be the reason she burned. As soft and beautiful as her skin was, Harry was glad she only asked to rub her back and shoulders. If he had to do her legs or any other part of her body, he definitely would have passed out.
She spread herself out on her blanket. Book near her face. “I’m so going to fall asleep,” she yawned. “Will you wake me if I start to burn?” She asked.
Harry nodded wordlessly and brought his book up toward his face. “Sure, love,” he murmured. Hopefully not showing how smitten he was with her already.
Harry might have wormed his way into her heart as her favorite person ever. It was so unlike her to wake a total stranger from a nap. But he was one of the most beautiful men she had ever seen in her life. She couldn’t imagine letting him roast in the sun all morning and ruining his vacation. It was even more unlike her to invite him to sit with her.
She liked to believe she was a kind soul—most everyone told her that she was, so it wasn’t unnatural for her to invite him to hang out with her. But if it wasn’t for the fact that Harry was a teacher, it could have been a lot more dicey.
It was so easy to talk to Harry. The entire morning was so much better than she ever expected just by being in his presence or chatting with him. Other than her reading-nap—where Harry woke her up after an hour so she could reapply another layer of sunscreen—they talked literally the whole day. Harry didn’t mind putting sunscreen on her and she returned the favor when they switched positions so Harry could get some on his back.
Touching him might be her new favorite pastime.
She left a bit before Harry wanting to go for a walk and shower before eating dinner and reading a bit on her porch. Plus, she had to pace herself if she was going to last at the beach all summer. After her shower, she put on an oversized shirt like she wore to the beach and a pair of shorts. It looked like she wasn’t wearing pants but didn’t mind. The sun finally crested the top of her cottage, so she was no longer baking in the sun and made the porch the loveliest little place to read and enjoy the evening. She had a bowl of watermelon chunks beside her, and sunglasses perched on her nose.
Growing up she never loved summer all that much. Of course, she loved the beach and the time off from school, but she started working part time when she was fourteen and summer never had the same feeling as it did when she was young until she started teaching. Now she would tutor virtually some nights throughout the summer—especially for college students taking summer courses. But mostly she spent her time here in the little beach cottage her grandma had specifically named to her in her will after she saw how much she cared for it—especially since she was the only one in her family who had summers off and still cared about this little town. Once her grandma passed away, no one really felt the need to stay—her parents sold the home she grew up in. It wasn’t brokenly tragic that her grandma died—she was old, and these things happened. Besides, she felt by being in the little town she grew up in and living in the cottage left to her was enough to live her summers in honor of her grandmother.
Her mother technically owned the other cottage her grandmother had and while her mom really wanted to sell it, she insisted she would take care of it while she was here and tend to any renters.
Which is why her mother texted her at least once a week about the renter at the cottage just three houses down the road. Our renter said there’s only one towel. Any ideas?
She gasped wondering how it slipped her mind to take the towels out of the dryer and fold them neatly into the bathroom linen closet. On it. She responded and practically ran down the road. She knocked on the door to her second home away from home and waited for the person on the other side to answer. While waiting she noticed the little sign below the main window was crooked—fell off the hook again in the ocean wind. She needed to remember to bring a pair of pliers back to close the loop the next time she came over.
The two cottages were almost identical. Except this door was a sea blue and hers was a sea green. They were little wooden cottages, shingled top to bottom. Just two windows at the front of the house, two on the back, and one on each side. There were two skylights in the roof allowing for lots of natural light. Each home had two small bedrooms, a bathroom, a spacious sitting area and full kitchen. They were wall to wall hardwood floors even though her Grandma in the 70s tried very hard to convince everyone it needed carpeting. But try vacuuming sand out of a beach cottage all the time. Due to space behind the home, hers had a little patio but this one was fitted with a little patio and an outdoor shower.
The blue door opened while she was still putting the wood block that read Sea View back in it’s place. “Uh...hello?” He asked. She turned to find Harry, surprise all across his face, to see the girl he met earlier outside his rental.
Of course it was Harry. “Oh, how funny!” She chirped excited to see the gorgeous man from the beach once more—her plan right now was to not-so-casually run into him at the beach again the next day. “I should have asked where you were renting!”
He smirked. “Hi love,” he said sweetly, confused that she was here. “Uh...what are you doing here?”
“My family owns this cottage,” she explained. “Mom texted me that you don’t have towels? That’s my fault. Left them in the dryer when I was cleaning on turnover day. I’ll fold them now,” she said and marched herself inside and maneuvered through the familiar room with ease.
“Oh,” Harry said. “S’okay, love. I didn’t mean t’bother you—I would have found them eventually—”
“Absolutely not, it’s your vacation! You deserve clean towels and not have to worry about looking for things,” she was already piling the fluffy array of sea blue and green towels out of the dryer and began folding them expertly. “I’m going to leave you my number so if you need anything you can just ask me. I always tell her to just give them my number, but she worries about weirdos taking advantage of me,” she rolled her eyes.
What would possess me to say that to Harry?
He smiled as he watched her flurry of activity. Her rambling little monologue. She was definitely scaring him. It occurred to her at that moment she didn’t even wait to be invited into his space. Just strode right in. “Glad m’not a weirdo. I agree with y’mum. Think I would like her,” he nodded firmly.
She felt her face warm, and she hoped the tan hid the blush as much as possible. Harry’s nose and cheeks looked a bit red—like he caught a bit of a cold. The rest of his body was covered by a simple pair of jogging shorts and a simple t-shirt so she couldn’t see if he burned and also didn’t want to be caught staring at him—especially thinking about the abs he had on display under the litany of tattoos she saw earlier at the beach. “Well, I will fold these and get out of your hair,” she said focusing on the towels. But her brain glitched out once more. “Oh, do you like surfing?” She asked.
He chuckled leaning against the frame of the door leading to this utility room. “Only been once with a group of m’friends. S’not m’cup of tea. M’not very good.”
“Oh, okay. I just want to make sure I recommend everything you might like.”
He was smirking at her like she was a bit crazy—and she was—but Harry wasn’t helping. Without sunglasses she saw he had green eyes. Green. She was done before this even started. Once all the towels were folded, she made herself at home once more, hurrying to the bathroom to put all the towels in place. The bathroom smelled like men’s cologne: sandalwood and sage. Jesus Christ it’s like he was built in a lab for me.
Harry followed her as she put the towels away in an alternating pattern. “Thank you,” he said. “Y’really didn’t need t’do all that.”
“You’re the guest. You paid to get this kind of service,” she reminded him. “I’m also...only three houses down if you need something as well. It’s got a sign like yours below the window Sun-Kissed Cabana. My grandma named them.”
He nodded and stared at her for a few moments. She had only known Harry for all of five hours, but she could swear she knew his thoughts. He probably did think she was a bit crazy. “Do...do y’have plans for dinner?”
She felt her heart flutter. She was going to order her favorite pesto pasta dish from a local place that practically recognized her voice when she called. “Uh...no.”
“Would y’like t’go out with me in ‘bout an hour?” He asked.
She nodded eagerly. “Yes, please.”
She was finishing up her makeup when her phone vibrated with a second message from Harry. The first one was to alert her who was messaging Hiii, it’s Harry Xx. Followed by: Does this place have a fancy dress code?
No, no. Nothing fancy at all! They’ve def got a beach bar vibe.
Cool :) I’m ready when you are.
Shit. She wanted to curl her hair a bit and look extra nice but maybe that would have looked like she was trying too hard after she just got through telling him it wasn’t a fancy place. She had on a maxi dress. Black top nothing revealing and then the skirt pattern had sunflowers all over it. She would have to forgo the curls and instead pushed the front of her hair back with a headband. Just need like five more minutes.
I’m in no rush, love. Please take your time Xx.
She thought she was going to melt. Fortunately, her tanned skin hid most of the imperfections of her face. She also preferred maxi dresses because it hid the thickness of her thighs and more imperfections like bumps from shaving and bruises from whacking herself on her beach chair. She thought the style she chose also perfectly accentuated the curve of her waist. While it didn’t show off her cleavage—it was her personal belief her boobs were one of her better assets—she thought after a day at the beach with them on full display due to her bathing suit, dinner might be a little gentler without them in Harry’s face the whole time.
With a spritz of her perfume and gathering all her necessary belongings into her purse, slid on her favorite pair of sandals with gold brushed embellishments, and headed outside. There wasn’t really a discussion of how they would get there, but she decided to walk down the road back to Sea View. Harry was crouched by the sign, pliers in hand closing the very loop she said she would. “Oh, I’m sorry. You didn’t have to do that,” she said hurriedly feeling like a terrible hostess.
He turned and smiled at her. “No worries, love. S’easy. Jus’ found some pliers in the utility closet.”
“Well, thank you,” she murmured gratefully. Harry stood, putting the pliers just inside the doorway before locking it with the passcode. He turned to her.
“Is this place walking distance, or should I drive us?” He asked. His hair was fluffed in these beautiful chocolate waves that of course reminded her of the beach but made her want to bury her hands in it and kiss his perfect face until she was out of breath.
“Uh,” she didn’t think she wanted to walk in a dress, but maybe that was the experience of this vacation for him. Harry looked utterly comfortable but perfect (naturally) in a pair of navy-blue khaki shorts and grey short sleeve button down. The lack of sleeves showed off those tattoos that she was continuously falling for. On his feet he wore a pair of light grey sneakers. “We can walk, but it might take me a while in a dress and sandals.”
“Oh shit, of course. What m’I saying? Y’can’t walk in a pretty dress like that,” he said hurrying to the car and opening the passenger side. “After you, love. Jus’ need t’tell me the directions,” he smiled at her.
All the books she had brought to her summer vacation had a romantic flare to them. Her only thought was there should be a book written about this very day—meeting Harry at the beach and going on a date with him. It was impractical and a bit flighty of her to be so taken with him already.
But there was no way she could help it when he got in the driver’s seat, smiled at her with those dreamy dimples and his eyes twinkled at her behind those pretty lashes of his. “Y’look gorgeous, love.”
It was effortless how much he enjoyed her company. The idea that it was only his first full day and he had already had a good beach day and another good jog under his belt. The post-beach-and-jog shower was cold-watered but steamy as he thought of the pretty girl in her pretty bathing suit. He imagined her smile, the gentle curve of her lips as he wrapped his hand around his cock as the water cooled off his sweaty and warm skin for several minutes until he was finally relieved of seeing her...assets at the beach.
Seeing her immediately after he inquired about the lack of towels as soon as he had shorts on was like a dream. Her agreeing to dinner with a beautiful girl was not what he expected when he booked this trip six months ago. Only one day in and this was the best vacation he had ever been on.
They arrived at the restaurant and after searching through the menu in silence, they placed drinks and an appetizer to share.
Did he mention how effortless this all was? The conversation was once more not a moment of dullness. She was funny, beautiful, kind, and it seemed that everyone at the restaurant knew her at least a little bit. “Our sun-kissed angel is here!” A man shouted from across the patio where they were seated. Everyone turned to follow the gaze of the man and Harry smirked instead of being jealous because he was right. She was an angel. A tanned, lovely, gorgeous angel.
She rolled her eyes. “Harry, this is my friend Louis. I used to work here in the summer.”
“Before she went off an got a real job, like a traitor.”
Harry was fascinated by her, simply put. He wanted to spend forever at dinner with her. Chatting with her. Looking at her beautiful face. Envying how the sun got to kiss her, and he didn’t.
“Okay, well...we can’t not get ice cream,” she said knowingly.
“You just told the waiter you were too full for dessert,” he chuckled at her.
“You don’t get dessert at a restaurant when there are literally seven different ice cream shops within spitting distance,” she rolled her eyes. “Summer is for ice cream. If we hurry, we can see a sunset too.”
“Y’sure know how t’get the most out of a summer day.”
She frowned. “Oh...I’m sorry. I forget that you only have two weeks. We don’t have to. We can head back,” she said softly. “I’m sorry.”
“No, not at all, love. S’a great idea,” he reached out across the console and rested his hand on her thigh near her knee. With the long dress covering her legs, it wasn’t terribly inappropriate, but it was so instinctive to reach out and touch her he felt he made a mistake when she was suddenly speechless. Unable to tell Harry where to go to get her precious ice cream. “Er...sorry,” he said pulling his hand back to rest on the gearshift between them. “Should have asked,” he felt his face warm in embarrassment.
“N-no, it’s okay,” she nodded quickly. Her voice was breathy as she stammered. “I was...” She shook her head. “You can touch me—I mean,” she put a hand over her face in embarrassment at the encouragement she just gave him. Harry decided to quickly put her out of her misery—he did say tits after looking at her for thirty seconds this morning, even if she didn’t hear it. He gave her leg a gentle squeeze as he moved his hand back to where it was. She was silent again once more and she rested one hand over his. Letting a few of her fingers fill the space between his but not twining them fully together. “Is this okay?” She asked softly.
Harry melted over her sweetness. “Perfect.”
They ate their ice cream on the beach sitting on the tall, white lifeguard stand since it was late. There was a smattering of running kids, a few dogs, and families littered closer to the water on the tidal flats. But no one was over where they were. Up on the soft sand encroaching on the dunes. They chatted in between licks and bites of ice cream and Harry was certain he was falling deeper and deeper in love with her by the millisecond. It was ridiculous. Love at first sight couldn’t possibly be real. He had three or four serious girlfriends (four if you counted his junior high love affair, three if you didn’t) all of whom he did fall in love with but over the course of weeks and months. Not minutes and hours. Maybe it was the salt air playing with his brain chemistry.
Certainly, it had something to do with the beautiful girl sitting so close to him he could feel her sun-kissed skin warming him from the gentle breeze floating off the water as the sun started its descent over the horizon. She took her phone from her purse and snapped a picture quickly. Hardly looked at it, barely centered it, yet it was the most beautiful sunset picture he’d ever seen.
“Are y’a photographer in y’free time?” He asked.
She snorted. “No, I do like taking pictures. But I have hundreds of these,” she said showing him the photo album of various sunset pictures she had taken over the years. Harry could see why she was so good at them. No two pictures looked alike which had to be a poem somewhere out there. Harry always considered himself a winter—growing up in cold England would do that to a person—and no two snowflakes were alike. Snowflakes had nothing on her sunsets.
“D’you want t’take a picture together?” He asked quietly.
She smirked. “Do I have chocolate on my face?” She wrinkled her nose at him.
Chuckling, he shook his head. “No,” he promised. Harry wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her snuggly against him. “S’this okay?” he asked almost directly into her ear. She nodded and smiled as she flipped her camera around to selfie mode. Harry had one arm around her waist, the other holding his ice cream cone. She reached her arm out to take the picture while she held her cup of ice cream in her lap with the other. Gazing at her screen, Harry couldn’t believe how effortless it felt to touch her. It was so easy to talk to her. And they looked like the perfect beach couple. “Can y’send that to me?” He murmured in her ear once more. She nodded mutely. Harry didn’t remove his arm from around her waist and he continued eating his ice cream.
Once finished with their treat, they continued chatting and watching the sunset listening to the laughter of families on the beach. The sky was so pretty Harry thought that she was right. This was the best place on earth.
They walked back to their cottages hand in hand, Harry stopping outside the door for the place labeled Sun-Kissed Cabana. “S’that why Louis calls you a sun-kissed angel?”
She rolled her eyes. “He’s something else.”
Harry chuckled. Leaned forward and swept his lips on the apple of her cheek. “I had the perfect first day with you, love,” he said softly. “Sleep well,” he hummed and turned to walk three houses down. She pressed a hand on her cheek like a lovesick idiot. She nearly forgot the code to get into her own house and felt like floating all the way to her room where she giggled and kicked across her bed as she smiled into her pillow.
The next three days were spent almost the same as the first. The beach: complete with reading, naps, and lots of talking to the pretty girl he liked so much already. Followed by a run, a shower, and then dinner. Harry tried really hard not to touch her without asking. The only allowance he gave himself to touch her without asking was when he truly felt like her back was getting a little singed. On the second day she made the grilled chicken salad she told Harry she was going to make before he invited her to dinner, but once he informed her he was a pescetarian she hurried to the store to get him some fish to grill instead. It was totally unnecessary, and Harry felt guilty she spent money on him like that for dinner (even though he was insistent he pay for dinner and ice cream the first night). Regardless, it was a delicious salad paired with zucchini noodles that truly tasted just like pasta. Harry made her write the recipe down for him.
“I can’t run at all,” she wrinkled her nose when Harry offered to join her on her evening walk the following day.
“I’d rather walk with y’then, love,” he said softly with a smile. “If y’want company, that is.”
She wanted to say she wanted Harry’s company. But thought that was a bit too much. But they walked side by side, Harry gently ushering her to the inside of the road without making any fuss about it. They continued their comfortable chattering. Talking of anything and everything. That night they ordered pizza that was delivered to Sea View and watched a movie in his living room, her feet in his lap where he rubbed the soles of her aching feet without prompting or full acknowledgement.
By the end of the third day, she thought Harry might be her best friend. He made crispy cauliflower tacos. He spent the evening simply reading on her back porch with her in comfortable, perfect silence.
The fourth day, they were sitting on her back porch again, sipping bubbly wine spritzers that she put in glasses of ice and combined with a popsicle to match the flavors. Harry thought it was sinful the way she licked the pop. Harry wanted to jump her bones so very badly.
“How do you like the outdoor shower?” She asked looking up at the sky full of stars. There was a citronella candle between them to keep the bugs away and she had a solar set of lights strung about her little patio. She was in a soft warm glow from the lights. Once more, looking sun kissed. She was wearing a shorter dress than the other day, shorts beneath it. She informed him about the shorts because she said it was an athletic-type dress and she may have sat weird and didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
Harry thought there wasn’t anything she could do to make him uncomfortable.
“I haven’t used it, actually. M’not sure I—”
She made an almost inhuman noise, a cross between a growl and gasp. It was quite adorable even if she seemed miffed and Harry wished he could have recorded the sound because he thought he would listen to it on loop for the rest of forever. “Harry!” She almost shouted. “The sole reason I took Sun-Kissed Cabana over Sea View was because I knew the outdoor shower would be a huge selling point for renters. You haven’t used it?” She looked nearly betrayed.
He chuckled, sipping his drink. “M’sorry, love. I didn’t realize—”
“Harry, I’m not kidding. You have to go use it. Like right now.”
He laughed loudly. If there could possibly be a downside of this little beach-cottage neighborhood, it would be that the houses were quite close, and Harry’s loud laughter could probably be heard back at his own place. But she was staring at him seriously. He thought she really expected him to get up and leave at this moment so he could get this experience.
“Y’serious?” He asked smirking at her.
“I don’t joke about the outdoor shower,” she promised him.
Finishing his popsicle and taking the last sips of his drink he stood from her little patio table and shook his head with a chuckle at her. “I guess m’going.”
He wanted to invite her. Especially if she didn’t have one here at Cabana. It sounded like she would like it more. “You better,” she continued licking the pop and Harry was grateful he would at least have a new image to think about in the outdoor shower when he imagined his hand around his dick was her mouth instead.
The air was cool but somehow warm. Sort of like the water on his skin. He could see the draw and actually surprised himself that he hadn’t used the shower yet. He imagined in the morning it would be heaven—most of his showers had been in the afternoon or evening since he was running at that time. But maybe he could take two showers a day—who cared? He was on vacation.
Was it heavenly? Her message read.
Harry thought about how much how active his imagination got picturing her in that shower with him, his hand fisting over himself until he imagined her pretty cleavage covered in him instead of flowing with the water down the drain. Extremely. But of course, he left out why it was so heavenly. You should write a book of recommendations for your guests.
:) You can come back over if you want. I know I kind of kicked you out, but like I said. I’m very serious about outdoor showers.
Chuckling to himself, he hurried to get dressed again and meet her back there.
She knew Harry’s family was coming today so she told him that she would give him all kinds of space but if he needed anything, he was not to hesitate to ask her. “M’mum and sister would love t’meet you, kitten,” he promised. He didn’t mean to call her kitten. But it rolled off the tongue so effortlessly and she was the one who said she felt like a cat in the sun. But he didn’t spend long thinking about it and continued his little speech. “Y’don’t have t’evade us.”
“I’m sure you want family time,” she promised. “Really, it’s fine. Plus, we’ll have a whole other week to do our little routine,” she felt her face warm as she spoke realizing she just told Harry she wanted to spend the remainder of his vacation together. She opened her mouth to backtrack almost instantly, but Harry beat her to the punch before she could speak again.
Given that Harry was this close to telling her he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, another full week spent together seemed like a great idea. “I can’t wait,” he promised.
They decided to do a sunrise that morning. She brought a blanket and was wrapped up in a long sleeve shirt along with a pair of sweatpants. She advised Harry to do the same. “The air is still cool from the night when you get to the beach early,” she explained the night before they parted to go to bed.
They were laying on the blanket angled by the natural slope of the dunes so they could see the view of the sun cresting on the ocean horizon. “Do y’have as many sunrise pictures?” He asked tiredly. With the sun rising at just after five-thirty she was courteous and kind in asking that they get there at five so they could see the dawn and array of beautiful colors painting the sky before the sun got there.
She giggled. “No way. Too early to see it that many times. I do like sunrises more, though,” she said. “It’s so much quieter. It’s not as hot. I don’t know. I think sunrises are just so beautiful.”
He immediately, silently agreed with her that they were. No matter how much he was enjoying sunsets with her. He would wake up at 4:45 every day if it meant watching something she found beautiful, and it made her happy. Harry had her pulled to his side again, his arm looped beneath the back of her neck. His eyes were closed as he fiddled with a strand of her hair running his fingers through the soft tendrils. “Harry,” she whispered after a few minutes. Harry felt the edges of sleep and the dreamworld starting to meld together on his brain. “You’re gonna miss it,” her voice was so gentle. Perfect for morning. She was the most beautiful thing he had laid eyes on but he couldn't bring himself to open them right now.
“Hmm,” he hummed. Refusing to open his eyes. “S’okay. We can see it another day,” he mumbled.
She giggled. “Harry,” she whispered so gently. It felt like magic. Warmth spread through his whole body. “We woke up so early,” she reminded him.
He nodded. “M’sorry,” he sighed. “It’s so peaceful,” he muttered. “You’re warm,” he turned his face to bury his nose in her hair and he nuzzled closer to her. Harry being a cuddler didn’t surprise her. He was quite touchy. But this sent her heart into a frenzy, and she forgot why they were there.
“Harry,” she whispered again feeling brave. Maybe because it was too early, and her brain wasn’t functioning.
“Jus’ lemme sleep, kitten. Please?” He muttered into her hair. “Wake me in twenty-nine minutes.”
She swallowed. “But...I want to kiss you,” she sounded so shy.
Harry’s eyes sprung open, and he pulled back from her quickly to look at her beautiful, perfect face. “M’awake,” he promised and gently cupped her cheeks, his fingers slipping through her hair, and he brought her face closer to his. Kissing her like he had been dreaming about over the last five days was the only thing on his mind.
She moaned against his mouth and Harry was really looking forward to that outdoor shower now. She pressed against him, keening as she licked into his mouth, sucking on his lower lip. Driving him absolutely mad as she nipped at his lip gently with her teeth. She could feel herself squeezing her thighs together for relief because she was finally kissing Harry the way she wished she did at sunset on his first night here.
Harry’s hands were cool against her flushed cheeks. “Kitten,” he hummed against her mouth, pecking at her like he would die without her kisses. “Y’taste so good,” he sighed dreamily.
She rolled to her side to face him squarely while he returned to his side too, instead of hovering over her. He wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her against him. Over the past four days at the beach, she had tried really hard not to stare at whatever was going on in Harry’s swimsuit, so she didn’t look like a sex-maniac. But there was no way she could ignore the hard dick she felt against her thigh as she pressed against the full length of his body. She imagined Harry fucking her so hard in that outdoor shower that the neighbors would have no way of ignoring what was happening. She moaned at the idea once more against his lips, thighs pressing together.
“Oh no,” he hummed. If she wasn’t already so drunk in love with Harry after one date and four days together, she might have thought his voice sounded a bit mocking. Slowly, he rolled onto his back holding onto her and perching her body on top of him as he did. One of his legs separated her thighs apart. “Do y’need something from me, love?” He cooed almost lovingly at the idea she was aching between her legs. He kept her pulled down toward him so he could continue kissing her, effectively melting all coherent thought.
Holy shit, his voice. Oh my God.
Without meaning to, she clenched her legs once more, this time, wrapped around Harry’s thigh causing friction, despite two layers of sweatpants and her underwear (at least those were thin). “N-no,” she almost whimpered trying to get away from his leg. Harry put his hands on her hips and gently pressed her back down toward him while bending his knee a bit. His thigh came closer in contact with her so if she wanted to, she could rub right against him.
“Y’sure, love? You look like y’might need something,” his voice was so sultry. It was too early for this. His eyes were somehow a deeper green. His lips were too pink after kissing her.
“N-no,” she shook her head despite wanting nothing more than to grind her pelvis against his thigh. She knew what it looked like beneath the sweatpants. She knew the tattoos that dotted his skin. Fuck, she wanted to get herself off so bad. But she was acutely aware of her position and tried to lift herself off his leg. “I-I think m’too heavy,” she stammered again.
He groaned and pulled her tighter against his leg. “No way, angel,” he promised. “Go ahead, know y’want to. I want y’to,” his voice was a bit husky. Like he was a bit confused. She groaned softly. God she wanted to. “That’s it,” he encouraged as she ground herself against him.
She felt flush, wishing she wasn’t wearing sweatpants. They were getting in the way. The long sleeve shirt was making her warmer. Or maybe it was Harry that was making her warm. Harry helped shift her hips back and forth against his leg as she moaned and whimpered as she rutted against his thigh. “Y’look so pretty, kitten,” he cooed. “Getting off on m’thigh like that. S’making me so hard, love. Fuck,” he moaned. “You’re s’pretty.”
She continued creating friction on between the two of them worried she would give herself a burn from all the fabric rubbing together but she was so fucking wet she was certain she would slide easily against him if she could take her pants off in public. The sun was still rising, not quite up over the horizon yet, but the sky was brighter, creating a gorgeous image of her beautiful body silhouetted from the light. “S’good, so good, baby,” he groaned. She whined and continued rutting herself against him.
“Harry,” she croaked.
“Yeah, love? Y’gonna come for me? Gonna come from jus’ m’thigh?”
Jesus Christ, she felt like she was a virgin. She was almost certain she was. Had she ever even had an orgasm before Harry? When was the last time she had sex? When was the last time she masturbated? Holy shit. This was bad. He was all consuming and he was fully clothed, and it was just his thigh.
She nodded at his words. Even though she felt a bit silly and stupid for doing this, with two layers of sweatpants between them. “Yeah? Good, want y’to. Y’look so pretty all—”
“Fucking hell,” she whimpered and dropped her face to his chest as she twitched against him. Harry flexed his muscle, gripping her hips and rubbing her against him so he could help her ride out the waves of her orgasm for a few moments. After that, Harry dropped his knee once more, letting her flatten against him. He kissed her forehead as she breathed heavily against him, shaky and sighing as she let the euphoria course through her. He rubbed up and down her back as she did, and he breathed deeply into her hair. She smelled like sunscreen and coconut.
“I really like sunrises,” he murmured. She smirked. Her face against his chest. “Y’sleepy, now, kitten?”
She nodded. “Yeah,” her voice was a bit quiet. Almost unsure. “Sorry,” she mumbled, nuzzling her face against his shirt.
He shook his head, kissing the top of her hair once more. “Don’t be sorry. Been thinking ‘bout y’coming all over me since I met you.”
She giggled. “Yeah?”
Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. It wasn’t very...flattering on his part. It also made it sound like he only liked her for the idea of sex. Which wasn’t the case. He liked her so much simply because she was the sweetest, nicest person he had had the pleasure of meeting for a really long time.
She rolled off him. He kind of hated it because even though it wasn’t freezing cold, it felt like it now that she wasn’t laying on his body. She looked at the outline of the bulge stretching against his gray sweatpants. It was still ten minutes until the sun would be touching the horizon. “Fair’s fair, yeah?” She wondered, looking up at him and then back down at the somehow growing outline. She would be lucky if he fit in her mouth.
“Angel, y’don’t have to jus’ because—”
She frowned. “Do...you not want me to?” She wondered, confused and worried that he was rejecting her. She didn’t know why if he had just used her thigh to get him off.
“No, no,” he said quickly wanting to ease the worry he saw fill her beautiful face. God he would rather die than reject her. “I mean...y’can do whatever y’want to m’body,” he nodded eagerly. “Jus’ don’t want you t’think you have to. Been thinking ‘bout—” his voice choked off as she outlined the bulge. “Oh...s’nice,” he moaned forgetting everything he was saying about what she could do to him. Her fingertip simply ran along absent-minded paths along his length. He struggled to remember the last time he had sex because he could only imagine the episode in the outdoor shower as the last time he orgasmed.
She giggled. “Nice?” She questioned; Harry was so polite. The way he walked with her on the inside of the road, the way he held her door open no matter if they were going in the house or the car, or if he simply carried her heavy cooler off the beach even though he was carrying his own belongings. For him to say it was nice the way she was touching his dick was simply...something else.
He nodded breathlessly. “Yeah,” he was already too far gone with just her goddamn finger touching him. He couldn’t have made any comment further if he wanted to. He moaned as she squeezed gently along the length of him. Five minutes till sunrise and the beach would be covered in light. She glanced around quickly, seeing they were still alone. She had never done this in the five years she had been staying the summer back in town keeping an eye on Sea View while living in Sun-Kissed Cabana.
“Do you think I could make you come in five minutes?” She whispered.
He groaned almost animalistically. “Love, I think y’could make me come in forty-five seconds,” he promised. And with that, she dipped her head toward his waist just until the sun was ready to cross over the horizon.
It was quite difficult not to text Harry all day long while his family visited. It was entirely due to having an orgasm at his hand (thigh); the creeping need to bond to the person who just made her entire world flip upside down was a prominent feeling throughout her body the whole day. The words of her book didn’t make any sense, so she opted for cleaning her bathroom. But that proved to be difficult too, and she spilled most of the mop water back onto the floor. After another fit of cleaning that up, she decided to spend her time at the grocery store since she was getting dangerously low on her much-needed items. She nearly forgot to go to the checkout line. After putting everything away she thought about just going to bed at three in the afternoon just to rid her mind of how crazy she was being and how awkwardly she missed her summer guy.
Fortunately, Harry broke first, before she fell asleep.
I know it’s silly, but I miss you terribly.
She felt so much relief reading his message. Oh, thank God. Me too.
You really should just come over. Mum and Gemma want to meet you. I won’t shut up about you. It’s...a bit pathetic how obsessed I sound actually. Mum’s in the outdoor shower while Gemma is taking pictures of the beach. We’re going to have dinner in a bit—you should join us. He put this shy little emoji after his message.
She was currently dressed in a pair of bike shorts and t-shirt that fell past her hips, barely a strip of the shorts showed. She had her hair pulled back by a claw clip. She wanted to go over there immediately. However, her outfit and hair did not look ready to meet Harry’s family. Plus, she was worried she would do something stupid like sit in Harry’s lap in front of his mother and sister and then she would have to jump out a window to hide her infatuation.
I would love to, but really...I’m sure they want to see you.
They want to ‘meet the girl that’s got me all flustered’ that I nearly dropped all our snack bar food in the sand today :)
She giggled. Glad he was also affected by their sunrise romp in the sand. Maybe tomorrow? She hedged instead. She really didn’t want to intrude.
Please, love. That would be wonderful.
She must have fallen asleep anyway. But she woke up to a knock at her door. She felt the claw clip sliding out of the back of her hair and she rubbed her eye as she made her way over. There stood Harry and two women outside the screen door. Each of them was holding a dish of (presumably) food. Immediately, she felt underdressed and stupid looking. “Uh, hey beautiful,” he smiled gently. “Sorry t’bother you. But seems the barbeque back there is out of gas,” he explained. “I sent y’a text—”
“Harry, the poor girl was sleeping,” his mother admonished. “I told you we could just go out to eat. Love, m’so sorry. I swear some days he was raised in a barn!” She shook her head. “We’ll leave you be.”
“No, no,” she shook her head quickly, the clip clattering from the ends of her hair to the floor. She felt her face warm, once more grateful for the tan skin to hide most of the blush rushing to her cheeks. She opened the door for them to enter and quickly swept the clip into her hands. “Make yourselves at home,” she said, and Harry ushered his mother toward the kitchen and out the back door toward the patio and grill. Gemma walked slower behind her family to give some reassurance to the girl who was struggling to fix her hair in the little entry way mirror.
“M’sorry about both of them in advance,” Gemma whispered. “Harry hasn’t been able to function normally all day and Mum is already in love with you. When you didn’t answer, it was the first coherent thought Mum had about not begging to see you and thus began Harry pacing waiting all of four minutes for your response before he said we could just come over like absolute lunatics.”
Oh God she liked Gemma. “Thank you. I’m so sorry I look like this,” she winced at the image of her reflection. She was all frizz and pillow lines from the couch where she fell asleep.
She snorted. “Please, we interrupted your evening. Your quiet time and relaxation. Don’t worry about it. You look beautiful,” she promised pressing a hand on her arm and headed after her brother and mother.
If she wasn't already--which she was pretty sure she was--Harry’s lovely little family was going to ensure she fell so hopelessly and terribly in love with Harry.
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin
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prime-adeptus · 3 months
the lucio nation army has decided to back off (same anon as before- hiya~) and now we feast. how about some cassidy cuddles?
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Soft is the very last word he’d use to describe himself, but you know it for sure: your Cole Cassidy is a total softie. 
CONTENT.⠀gender-neutral reader. just fluff. Cass calls you 'sweetheart' and refers to you as his partner. ~0,6k words
NOTES.⠀I'm so sorry for this horrendously late response LOL it's been a busy week. Here's a sleepy, clingy Cassidy for the soul <3
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You don’t think Cole realises just how affectionate he is.
A pat on the back, a gentle clasp on the shoulder after a job well done, a noogie if he’s feeling playful. He’s changed a lot over the years, but he’s still the same man you love. He’s carefree, keeping tension off the air with his chatter. He’s close to the rookies, putting up with Hana’s teasing jabs or going through one of Zarya’s ‘easier’ regimens. He trains at the shooting range with Fareeha every Thursday. He tries to help Baptiste with whatever he can, even if he’s more distracting than helpful.
He’s not shy with physical affection—that much is obvious. He’s more careful with his superiors (as he should be, you think bemusedly) but with you?
Total free rein.
He kisses your cheek every morning, greeting you with a good morning, sugar that never fails to elicit a reaction from you. He kisses your forehead every night, holds you close against his chest as his fingers dance across your skin until you both fall asleep. He likes having his arm around your waist, loves letting your hands brush together when you walk side by side.
Soft is the very last word he’d use to describe himself, but you know it for sure: your Cole Cassidy is a total softie. 
If it were any other time, you’d tease him for it, but your love for him consumes your being entirely. You let the innate desire for him to be yours, heart, mind and soul, grow stronger every time he glances your way. You want to be the only one who gets to see him like this—asleep, at peace, at home. He’ll call you a sap if you ever say these things out loud, but the redness at the tips of his ears will betray him. Much like the smile on his face will.
The morning sun shines and peeks through the gap between the curtains as the day begins its course. Cole grumbles something in his sleep, not quite ready to start the day just yet, and languidly pulls himself closer to your body. You can feel his chest against your back, rising and falling with each breath he takes. It falls into a rhythm that lulls you into a state of tranquillity, but as much as you’d like to stay here, there’s a lot of work to catch up with today.
Begrudgingly, you push yourself into a sitting position. The sooner you get it done, the sooner you can rest, right?
“Cass,” you whisper, gently shaking him awake. “Get up.”
He blinks one eye open, his brows furrowed until his gaze lands on you. Relaxing and sinking deeper into the sheets, he wraps his hand around your wrist and pulls you back down. An endearing chuckle rumbles in his chest at the surprised yelp you let out.
“It’s our day off, sweetheart.” Sleep is still evident in his voice as he speaks. He leans forward to press a gentle kiss to the back of your neck. “Work can wait.”
You sigh in mock exasperation, though you don’t make an effort to pry his arm off your waist. “You promised to help out Torbjörn and Baptiste today, remember?”
“No clue what you’re talkin’ about.”
You bite back a smile. “You’re gonna prove Hana right, y’know. About you being a lazy bum.”
“Can’t I just spend the morning in bed with my partner?” His complaint is more playful than it is of genuine upset. With how close you are to him, figuratively and literally, you can just tell that he’s in a good mood. “Come on, sweetheart. Five more minutes.”
And his five more minutes will turn into ten more, fifteen more until someone inevitably comes to look for one of you and rings the buzzer at the door. It’s never five more minutes with him, but as he peppers soft kisses from your neck to the curve of your shoulder, you think you don’t mind spending the entire morning like this.
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wileys-russo · 4 months
could you make a grace clinton x reader blurb please? maybe they’re watching a movie and end up making out?
restless II g.clinton
"baby! sweet or salty?" you yelled out as you rummaged through your pantry for snacks, your girlfriend over for your weekly thursday movie night, both of you having a mutual day off on a friday meaning you could stay up as late as you wanted.
"both please babe!" grace shouted back, busying herself building a pillow fort of sorts on your sofa, huffing in frustration as it all came crashing down. "winning the battle then?" you poked your head out in amusement as she sent you a frown.
"no! but i'll win the war." grace huffed, thick accent making you swoon as you stepped back into the kitchen with a smile, grabbing out probably far too many snacks than you needed for just the two of you.
you flinched in surprise as a body pressed into yours, lips peppering your jaw with soft kisses as you eased back into her arms. "sorry for the jumpscare babe." the girl smiled against the taunt skin of your neck, lips grazing your collarbone.
"no you're not." you smiled knowingly, tilting your head to look at her eyes which were alight with mischief. "nah i'm not." grace grinned, kissing you properly before you lightly patted her side and pulled away.
the two of you collecting your snacks your face lit up seeing the successful and seemingly sturdy fort now occupying your living room. "won the war and made a sturdy fort of protection, my hero." you smiled teasingly, pecking her lips appreciatively.
"but wait, there's more!" grace grinned as the two of you made yourself comfortable, the midfielder clapping her hands several times before rummaging around by her side, fairy lights suddenly illuminating your small tent.
"you're so cute gracie." you swooned, grinning at the slight blush which coated her cheeks. "yeah yeah, shut up and pick a movie." the footballer rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest and nodding to the tv.
kissing her warm cheek you smiled and leaned into her side, head falling to her shoulder as her arm draped across the back of you. "oh! we said we wanted to watch this right? since we missed out seeing it in the cinemas." you stopped your browsing on a relatively new film, grace agreeing as you clicked play.
the rom com had you both making stupid comments to one another, giggles stiffed in between stolen kisses as both your attentions wandered a little.
you could tell grace started to grow tired and restless of the film, her touches becoming more intentional as you grabbed her hands and interlaced your fingers hoping to calm her a little more.
"love, watch the movie its nearly done." you smiled as her face smushed into your neck, hands wandering down to your hips and pulling you to sit half on top of her.
"its borin, you're interestin." grace murmured causing you to squirm a little as her words vibrated off your skin, lazy kisses pressed against your jaw.
"your attention span is something else clinton, you know that right?" you teased as her hands wandered, squeezing and pinching at your skin as her lips trailed across the sensitive skin of your neck and shoulders.
"my attention span is perfect babe, its always focused on ya." she grinned, head retracting with a wink as you rolled your eyes. "come on i can already tell ya how it ends. boy gets the girl, all problems solved and they live happily ever after." grace sighed with a shake of her head.
"wow you should become a director? that almost sounds like every single movie i've ever seen." you teased, turning your body a little to face her easier as her own grin shone back at you. "well, ya know how every movie has to end don't ya?" grace questioned, leaning in a little.
"mmm no, you'll have to remind me?" you stroked your chin thoughtfully, bridging the gap between you two, mere millimetres between your lips.
"the perfect kiss of course." grace pressed her lips to yours, one hand on the back of your neck and the other squeezing your thigh as yours wrapped around her neck and the pair of you laid down a little more to get comfortable.
resting your body on top of hers you exhaled in pleasure as your girlfriends short nails scratched at the skin on the back of your neck, moving to deepen the kiss as her tongue slipped into your mouth.
but as you moved to straddle her properly your knee knocked the remote and sent the volume sky rocketing as you and grace fell apart, knocking heads with a groan as you hurried to switch off the tv.
you winced, touching your forehead where no doubt an egg would soon be forming as grace did the same, the two of you sharing a look an collapsing into one another laughing.
"well, that was rom com worthy of ya babe."
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colesluvr · 1 year
REQ: Heyy :]I don't know if you still accept requests, but maybe could you write a GN!reader × Lloyd? Like Lloyd had been busy lately and it's the readers birthday but he forgets? I leave your imagination the rest of it, but please let it end in Fluff cause one more Lloyd angst oneshot from ANYTHING and i will break LMAOOO
Birthday Surpise: Lloyd Garmadon x GN Reader
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TO ALL MY OTHER ANONS WHO REQ'D: i have not forgotten about the rest of you, yall are coming up next 🫶
B/D : birthday day (monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday)
"Lloyd?" You called out to yourboyfriend who was training out by the courtyard. He seemed foucsed because he never noticed your presence. He aims the tip of his sword to the neck of the dummy he was currently training with. 
You stood on the side of the courtyard, slowly moving around to face Lloyd from a distance. 
"Lloyd?" You once again called, and this time your eyes caught a glimpse of a energy blast zoom it's way toward you. You reflexed fast and dodged it, the blast hitting the wall leaving a burnt mark. 
Lloyd called out, running up to you as you stood up, rubbing your arm. "Are you crazy?" 
"Sorry," Lloyd awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "I-I didn't think anyone would be up this hour." He was right. The time was 7am. Everyone else is probably still asleep, or awake up in their rooms doing whatever. 
"Sure, but you could've done much worse then make a burnt mark on the wall." 
Lloyd aplogized once again, checked for wounds, and went back to the middle of the courtyard to countine training.
"Hm?" He replied, landing a hit on the dummy.
"Well," You began, "I was thinking about something."
He nod, telling you keep talking. You stepped down on the rocky path and made your way toward him as you spoke, "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today! Y'know, because it's nice and early and your already awake?" 
Lloyd paused to look at you, "I'm sure, but not for long. I've been sloopy durning training sessions with the others. Trying to get better, but I'm sure we can get an hour in together. 
"Just one hour?"
Will that be enough time? 
"I mean, yeah, why not. I'm sorry babe,but I really gotta focus today." 
You took a miunte to think, "Lloyd, do you know what today is?" 
Lloyd slammed the dummy to the floor, it bouncing back up in less then 2 seconds and paused to think, "Uhm. B/D?" 
You waited to see if he'll continue, but he didn't.
"Yes, but what's special about this day?"
"Y/N, what are you talking about? It's a normal B/D. Look, I'm pretty busy right now, how about we plan tomorrow? I'll take you to your favorite-"
"Forget it." You waved off the ninja, making you way back inside in the Monestary. Lloyd raised an eyebrow, but shugged off your sudden outburts.
Inside the Monestary, you felt tears begin to build up in your eyes. How could he forget your birthday? Is is Ninja business more importabnt then you?  You walked down the hall, trying to cover our mouth to prevent you from sobbing out loud. 
Why are you even crying? Its not our fault he forgot, he should be the one feeling your pain. 
Sudden;y, you bumped into a figue the walked out of a room. In a panic you wiped your eyes as you made eye contact with the person.
"Zane." You chuckled, "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." 
"It's quite alright, Y/N. What are you doing up so early?" Zane asked, looking at you. He noticed your eyelids were red but didn't say anything about it until you replied to his question. 
"Oh, I-I just said hi to Lloyd, I-I'm heading back to my room."
Before he could say anythin you push by him but pause, "Zane, do you know what today is?" 
"Well, of course I do. Happy birthday, Y/N."
You smiled softly, thanking him and returning to your room. He watched as you entered your rooom beside Nya's and Kai's. 
It was now later in the morning, around 9AM. Lloyd came back from outside and he was done training for a couple of hours. At least 1 or 2 he told himself.
As he entered the kitchen, he ran into Zane who was finishing up breakfast. "Good morning, Lloyd. Have you finished training?" 
Lloyd smieles as he sits at the table, "Yeah. I am." Lloyd soon looked around the room. With the corner of his eye he spots ballons and banners in a supply closet. He tilted his head to the side, "We still have these? I thought we put them away after Nya's birthday last month?" He said as he took a sip of water that Zane placed down for him. 
"Well, we did put them away, but I took them back out for Y/N's birthday today-" 
The sound of Lloyd spitting water out of his mouth caused Zane to jump slighty, obviously not expecting it. "WHAT?" He basically shouted, wiping his chin. "It's for Y/N's birthday today, I asked Cole to assit me in putting up the banners and Nya and Jay offered to get them presents from all of us. Kai will be in charge blowing up balloons."
Zane spoke, looking over to Lloyd to see panic all over his face. "Lloyd," he started slowly, placing down his cloth and cup he was drying, "You do remember it's Y/N's birthday? Correct?" 
Lloyd stared at the table in thought. What the fuck? he asked himseld over and over, How the hell could I forget my own partners birthday?!
"I mean- I-I was distracted by all my ninja training, I-I didn't think-"
Zane gave a sworrowful look as he shook his head. Lloyd grumbled as he slammed his head to the table. 
"Oh. Sorry Y/N, I didn;t know you were-" Cole had accdeintly walked in on you in the bathroom, and as he was aplogizing you were quick to move from the mirror nad wipe your eyes. You and him made eye contact and as you prayed he's close the door, he instead opened it slowly, noticing your puffy eyes.
"Y/N? Are you okay? Are you crying? 
You shook your head fast, too fast, causing your head to hurt and tears to spill more. "N-No." Your voice cracked as you wiped the tears from your eyes.
Cole didn't know what to do, not until you choked out his name and the tears were more visiable. "Cole..." He immediatly wrapped his arms around you as you cried into his shoulder. 
"Oh god, ssh. ssh. It's alright, hey, hey, hey!" He smiles as he sups your ace togethet to get a better look at your face. Your tear stained face caused a frown to form on his face, "Awh, Y/N." He hugged you once and rubbed your back in comfort.
"How-How could he forget?" You spoke. 
You and Cole have moved into the hall and back into your room. He got you issues, your stuffed animal, your blanket, anything to make you feel more safe and happy. He rubbed your shoulder as he sat beside you, 
"Who forgot?"
"Lloyd!" Your voice squeaked as you coughed out a cry. "How-How could he forget my birthd-day?" You squezzed your stuffed animal as Cole paused to think.
Suddenly, he started to chuckle and you snapped your head at him, More tears started to form, and Cole quickly noticed. "Omg, Y/N." Cole handed you a tissue, but still wiped your tears for you. "I thought you meant he forgot something like an aniverrsity, or a graduation."
You cocked your eyebrow at Cole, "Y/N. A lot of people forget birthdays! I do sometimes. Lemme'tell you, when I forgot Jay's birthday he was crying his eyes out. I felt bad, but he didn't take any offence of it."
"True, but he forgave me because it was only a one time thing. Tell me, when was the last time Lloyd ever  forgot your birthday. Or Kai's birthday? Or even Darreths?!" You looked at him as you were deep in thought.
He was right. 
Lloyd never forgot your birthday and even if he would, he would ask someone, no? 
You shrugged your shoulders, rubbing the arm of your stuffed toy. Cole smiled, "See. Now, don't let one person who forgot your birthday ruin your entire day. Hae fun, you only turn (A/N) once!" He joked, shaking your arm to egt you to laugh, which much to your liking, did.
"You only turn any age once, dummy." 
You and Cole laugh, not hearing the sudden door knock until the door creaked open. You both snap your heads to find Lloyd peeking his head in. Your stomach dropped for a minute, but you remained calm. 
"Uh, Y/N. Could I talk to you?"
Cole looked back at you and smiled, you look back at him and slowly smiled back as he stood up after rubbing the top of your hair. He walked by Lloyd anc gave him a pat on the shoulder and a smile. 
You placed your legs on your bed to sit criss cross on the mattress. As you didn, Lloyd entered with his hands behind his back.  He sat where Cole was perviously before he left. 
"Y/N. I-I just wanted to say, I'm sorry. I forgot your birthday and that was a dumb move of me. I'm your boyfriend, and I've already forgotten your birthday, I felt so bad when I remembered. This morning, when you asked me if we wanted to hang out, I was a jerk and set you off for tomorrow. So-So I want to make it up to you, if you'd let me." 
You saw him reach into a bag he placed on the bed as he sat down, he took out a small box and handed it to you. You look at him, you could tell he was on edge. So you took the box, taking a moment to open it and when it did you were met with pieces of papers. You took one out and read it."
"Coupon #7 : Movie Night." 
You look up at him confused, "I-I don't have any money on me, so I decided t go old-school and make you something, Basically, I made you (A/N) coupons, cause that's how old you are now, and which ever one you pick every hour we will do." 
He took the paper from you, "Example, You got Coupon #7" Movie Night. Meaning tonight we'll watch a moive, you're pick but I do have those rented movies we got at Doomsday."
You paused, "I know. I know, It's not the best present, but I felt really bad that I forgot your birthday and I wish you could for-" Before you could let Lloyd finish, you jumped into his arms, tossing him backwards on the bed.
His back hits your blanket and you laid on top of him. 
You laughed into his shoulder before showing him your smile with small tears in your eyes. "Thank you." You squeaked, hugging him again, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Your the best, I love you so much, Thank you, this was such a cute idea!" 
Lloyd.EXE has stopped working. 
"You're-you're not mad, or-or upset."
"Of course I was, but I realized it's you." You kissed his cheek, "I know you wouldn't forget my birthday because I know you'll remember sooner or later." 
Lloyd's lips formed into a smile as you kissed his lips and pulled away. You took the box and closed it, shaking it. 
"Now, what will the amazing Lloyd Garmadon do with the awesome Y/N L/N today!" 
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chaoticsimp · 1 year
Lean on Me
Relationship: Aizawa x Reader 
Content Warnings: Fluff, Domestic fluff, Angst, Mention of injuries, Mention of blood, Casual alcohol consumption, Established relationship, Husband!Aizawa, More Fluff.
Summary: Following the USJ attack you find yourself stressed and stretched thin. Thankfully, your husband (Aizawa) knows just how to make you smile.
A/N: Reader is a UA teacher and has a shield/barrier quirk.
Word Count: 1469
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Three times a week you were especially busy with students. You had your specialized classes, private training, and now as a favour to Aizawa you had taken a student from general under your wing. There was also trying to care for a man who fought care – insisting he could do everything himself even with two broken arms. You had received less severe injuries from the USJ attack and took less time to recover than Aizawa. With the official clearance for your return to duty from Recovery Girl, it took no less than a day for All-Might to come knocking and ask that you joined the team investigating the League.  All-in-all you were exhausted, and your plate was getting a little too full.
“Sorry I’m late!” You called as you entered your apartment. You dropped your bag on the floor and shrugged off your coat tossing it on the hook as you kicked off your shoes. Your jacket missed the hook, and you briefly stared at it in defeat before deciding to leave it on the floor.
“All-Might caught me as I was leaving training, and then…” Your voice trailed off as you walked into the dining room. The table was spread with your favourite home-cooked meal.
“What’s all this?” Arms wrapped around you from behind, and your heart jumped.
“Your arms!”
“Got the casts off this morning, thought I would surprise you.” You turned, and Aizawa braced himself as you jumped up. Your legs wrapped around his waist, and your lips eagerly claimed his as he caught your thighs. He chuckled as you pressed your lips to his face and neck, reclaiming all the places that had been covered by his bandages.
“Dinner first, this took hours.”
“I haven’t seen your face in weeks, let me be excited,” You replied as you lowered your legs. Aizawa’s hands found your waist and kept you close. He held you tightly, pressed against him as he rested his chin on the top of your head. He missed this. It had been weeks that he hadn’t been able to wrap you in his arms – to simply hold you. You stepped back enough to see his face and placed your hand on his cheek as you ran your thumb over the new scar beneath his eye.
“My vision and quirk are fine. It’s just a scar,” He assured you.
“I should have jumped in sooner, or first or-”
“Better me than you,” He interrupted. Your lips pulled into a slight frown, but he interrupted your impending objection with a quick kiss.
“I love you,” He whispered, and you smiled as you stared up at him. You decided you’ll object later and stood on your toes to press a kiss to the scar.
“I love you too." Aizawa finally released you and quickly stepped aside to pull out your chair for you.
“Tell me about your day,” He requested. You took your seat, reaching for a serving spoon but Aizawa pushed aside your hands and motioned to the glass of wine beside your plate.
“I’ve got it, just relax.” You glanced at his hand, noticing his ring back in its place and a small smile crossed your lips as you took the glass. Aizawa had to have the ring cut off after the USJ attack, and for a while he seemed more upset about that over his injuries. He then insisted on getting it repaired over purchasing a brand-new band, and you hadn’t realized how much you missed seeing it on his hand.
“Well, it’s Thursday,” You began. “So, I had hero training all day with the senior classes. Amajiki has gotten so much quicker, and Togata continues to be the best student I’ve ever had and Hadou is amazing as always. I mean those three really are something.”
Aizawa loved the shine in your eyes when you spoke of your students. You took so much pride in them and celebrated every success no matter how small. He could listen to you talk for ours about your day, your classes, even your drunk nights with Midnight. He lifted the bottle of wine, pouring more into your glass when you set it down.
“And Hitoshi really has potential, I can see what you see in him. I think I can whip him into shape quickly, he’ll be ready for the binding cloth in no time.” You glanced at Aizawa, giving him a moment to decide if he wanted to interject but he merely nodded in encouragement to continue.
“I managed to snag a lunch with Mid, she has an interview coming up with Mt. Lady. Should be fun to watch. Oh, and Mic has a gig Saturday night that he wants us all there for,” You listed. You took another breather, taking a long sip from your wine glass before exchanging it for a utensil and digging in. You released a blissful sigh, the food, the wine, and your husband well and content beside you. It nearly brought you to tears.
“This is amazing Sho, I really needed this today. Thank you.” Aizawa’s hand found your knee under the table.
“It’s nothing. I like taking care of you, and these past few weeks without my arms have been miserable.” Aizawa was never one to complain, not even with the pain he had been in. He also wasn’t one to rest, and although it came from a place of love you knew it bothered him that you insisted, he take it easy. You reached for his hand under the table and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“I’d never think any less of you,” You promised but this he already knew, still it was nice to hear.
“And what did All-Might want?” He asked, realizing you hadn’t elaborated. Aizawa noticed your hesitation as you took a few bites of food.
“He’s helping his Detective friend investigate the league, but they have nothing so far. So, All-Might asked if I wanted to join the investigation,” You explained. Aizawa felt a chill down his spine, his eyes were on yours.
“You want to help?”
“You were down, I-I watched you go down. I was angry and worried. I thought it would fade once you were better, but it hasn’t,” You admitted. It wasn’t that Aizawa didn’t have faith in you or your abilities, he often trusted your judgment more than his own. It was something he hadn’t told you – he didn’t want to worry you of course, but he could still hear your cries of pain echoing in his head. The blurry image of you laying a little too still in a pool of your own blood haunted his dreams. It was the risk when you married another Pro, but one that hadn’t been real until recently.
“I mean wanting to kill All-Might is almost expected, what villain doesn’t want to kill him? But attacking the school, and that creature? Plus, I’m supposed to have one of the strongest barriers this school has seen, and that guy could just bounce right through it,” You sighed, still disappointed in the outcome of the fight.
“This isn’t on you,” He reminded gently, and you met his gaze. “I see the gears turning in your head, and I know you have high expectations for yourself-”
“It’s not just me Sho. Its Principal Nezu, All-Might, the other teachers, the parents,” You interrupted. “I mean the press has been relentless.”
Aizawa knew when you earned the title of ‘strongest barrier in Japan’ it came with heavy responsibility, and you had been put through the ringer since the USJ attack. A combination of angry calls from parents, and the Press pouncing on any public outing had you down. Yet somehow you were harder on yourself than any of them.
“The students are safe, your safe, and I’ve recovered. You did the best you could,” Aizawa soothed as he angled his chair to face you.
“What would you say to me?” He asked.
“You were incredible, and you held your own. You protected your students without hesitation, and none were harmed thanks to your efforts.”
“See? Easy enough to say. You just need to believe in yourself as much as you believe in me.” You felt a blush creep up your neck, and you sat a little forward off your chair. Aizawa met you halfway, taking your face into his hand as he pressed his lips to yours in a tender kiss. Your heart overflowed, and the comfort wrapped around you like a warm hug. Aizawa’s certainty and support eased your guilt and for the first time since the attack, you felt at ease. You pulled back to meet your husband’s dark gaze.
“Thanks, Shota.” That small smile that he reserved just for you spread across his lips as he stroked your cheek with his thumb.
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hopelesswrites · 1 year
Midnight - Joseph Quinn pt. 3
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Joe makes promises to you to make things right. 
18+ MDNI, smut!!!!
(I really wanted to give you a happy ending but their relationship is still a little rocky, so I give more Joe being a dickhead. Can they fix things now? idk lmao.)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
The next couple days were spent laying in bed curing your hangover. To be fair, the first day was because of your hangover, but the other two days of sulking were purely because of Joe. All you wanted was a call, a text, a knock at your door but as the days go on your confidence in that diminishes. He’s gone, swooped up by Hollywood and pretty models and out of your life.
Come Thursday you decide you can’t keep brooding away, you have to shake it off and go to work. So for the rest of the week you busy yourself with work, staying back and doing overtime just so you don’t have to think about Joe. Your boss also said you had a lot to catch up on, so that kept you occupied.
Friday evening came by quickly and you were finishing up your extended day at work, ready to head home. You were scared to go home, knowing the weekend would bring two more days of staying in bed feeling sad and sorry for yourself. Part of you was ready to welcome those feelings back, the more productive part desperately wanted it to be over, that you’d wake up tomorrow morning feeling great, maybe go for a run, visit the local bakery for a proper substantial breakfast for once this week, no thought of Joe crossing your mind.
As you made your way home you kept your mind on that bakery. How good it would feel to get out of the house. How much you need to go for that run, let the cold morning air hit your face, maybe knock some damn sense into you. Joe was in the deep depths of your mind now, no longer causing a tight feeling in your chest like he had for the first half of the week.
Your flatmate was at the front door when you arrived home, she looked anxious as she paced back and forth across the small front patio.
“Thank god you’re here” She sighed once you came into view.
“I tried to tell him to fuck off but he was so persistent, barged his way in”
Your stomach sank, you didn’t need any more information, it was him. You really didn’t want to face him, the reality of it hitting you finally. He was going to end all communication, completely reject you and leave you alone forever. You didn’t want that.
Walking through the hall and to your bedroom, you see him sitting on your bed through the crack in the door. His head snaps up at the sound of your door opening, a stunned look plastered on his face.
“Hi” He said quietly, watching as you dropped your bag down and stood by the door, keeping your distance.
“I didn’t know your work schedule so I waited” He tried again, but you didn’t know what to say. Part of you didn’t want to start talking at all, getting closer to the end tugged at your heart.
“I want to apologise” He sighed, getting up and slowly inching closer, he had a way of manipulating you so subtly, getting what he wanted without you noticing until its too late. It infuriated you, made you hate him so much, hate how much you loved him regardless.
“Go on then” You answered, eyes trained to the floor, Joes eye contact was too strong.
“I shouldn’t have acted the way I did the other night, I care about you and was so worried, I didn’t think about how cruel I had been”.
You watched Joes feet shuffle, his ugly shoes making you frown, you distinctly remember telling him not to buy them.
“I also want to apologise for the way I’ve treated you over the past year, it’s not been fair on you and I cant keep stringing you along”
‘Here we go’ you think.
“Things are different in my life, and I don’t want to lose you, I want you in my life, but that means things have to change a bit”.
You looked up after hearing his last line, falling into the depths of his sad sorrowful eyes. He had you, you were trapped, it made you feel sick.
Joe reached out and grasped your hand in his, tugging you closer forcing you to look up at him.
“Let me do things right, let me take you out, I’ve got a premiere to go to tomorrow night, I want you with me.”
You didn’t give it a second thought, head nodding viscously, agreeing to whatever Joe wanted from you. The spell he had cast on you was in no time lifting, you could feel that.
The next evening you were dressing up in your best dress, most uncomfortable heels, hair and face all done up. You were simply excited, happy to finally feel like you were a part of Joes new life. There was no time to feel silly, or manipulated, what could go wrong?
Joe arrived to pick you up, dressed in all black. Not too dissimilar to the getup he had on a few months ago when he came to visit you. He was hot, you thought, there was no way you’d be getting through the night with him looking like that. He took your hand, gave it a reassuring squeeze before guiding you down to the car waiting, he had a god damn private driver. You ignored the feeling that gave you, the feeling of not belonging, because you were with Joe, you belonged with him.
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Joe whispered in your ear as you got out of the car, arriving at the venue.
“A few times. Can’t go wrong with a couple more though” You replied, eyeing off the crowd in front of you. People were arriving in all sorts of fancy cars, dressed in stunning gowns and suits. Security guided guests around, into the building, off to the side where you noticed a red carpet, this was an official thing, still that feeling of not belonging got pushed to the side, Joe had you close, you belonged.
His arm snaked around your waist firmly, another reassuring squeeze as you were both guided off to the side, the red carpet.
“I’m going to take a few photos, bosses orders, why don’t you wait for me down the end?” Joe said, removing his grip on you and motioning down behind the carpet, out of camera view. You agreed, making your way down the path where you noticed a group huddled by the door at the other end, you concluded this was where managers and escorts waited, unfamous guests.
You struggled to ignore the anxiety you began to feel without Joe by your side, you didn’t belong here anymore, this wasn’t your crowd and you just needed him back beside you, holding you tight to get you through this whole night.
It wasn’t long before you saw the man make his way off the carpet and back to you, he offered you a small smile, and took your hand in his again. You tried to ignore the lack of a squeeze this time, but it ate at the insecurity you felt inside.
Inside the building people chatted and drank, waiting for the theatre to open up. Joe was quick to grab two drinks for the both of you and manoeuvre his way through the crowd until he was stopped. A tall woman tapped his shoulder, greeting him like old friends. You watched as they laughed and chatted, you beside Joe, your hand he once held forgotten. More people approached him, more greetings, not one towards you. You did not belong here.
When the theatre doors opened Joes hand lay flat on the small of your back guiding you in, no longer wrapped around you like before. His dismissal of you hurt, it felt worse than any ignoring he had been doing previously, you were finally in his world and you were still invisible.
The screening was painful to sit through. Joes fingers fiddled with the fabric of your dress cascading over your thigh until the end credits played. Before anyone got up Joe was whisking you away and out of the theatre into the lobby, his hand now grasping your wrist rather than your hand.
“What’s wrong?” You asked watching as he looked around, he looked frantic.
“Here” He replied pulling you towards a bathroom, locking the door after you had entered.
Without explanation you were slammed against the door, Joes mouth falling to your neck in quick harsh sucks and bites, he was ravenous.
“Joe what is-“
His lips came up quick, swallowing your sentence in a kiss, his teeth scrapping over your lip as he pulled away and resumed his assault to your throat.
“Been dying to have you all night Baby” Joe mumbled against your skin, his hands roaming over your backside, bunching the dress up and slotting a clothed leg between yours.
The pressure elicited a content sigh from you, Joes grip now firmly on your hips, guiding you to grind on his leg. The pleasure forced all rationality out of your brain as you submitted to the man you loved.
“You’ll have to be quiet for me, okay?” Joe groaned as he twisted you around so your chest was against the tile, ass out.
You listened for the sound of his belt buckle, but it never came. Instead, you got a harsh slap to the ass followed by Joes quick fingers rubbing you through your panties. You fought off a loud moan as electricity shot through your body. Joe pressed up against you, his lips finding purchase on the sensitive skin behind your ear, his hot breathe creating goosebumps over your skin. His fingers stopped their movement to pull his own pants down, the feeling of his skin against yours almost sending you over the edge. It felt pathetic, to be so affected by him, to need him as much as you did.
Joe rubbed himself against your entrance testing the waters by pushing in a little and pulled out. You eagerly waited for what you were craving so much, to feel him completely, but it never came.
“Lets get these off yeah?” Joe mumbled, tapping your foot with his own before leaning down and gentle pulling your heels off your feet. The relief was almost as good as the sex itself, but with your height difference from the lack of shoes Joe was quick to resume his movements, slipping in effortlessly, his hand snaking around your face, covering your mouth before he began thrusting. The pleasure was overbearing, Joes small grunts in your ear sending shockwaves through your body. You couldn’t see him but you knew the blissed out look on his face, could picture it, and it got you through to your own orgasm, legs quivering as the coil snapped and you let yourself go all too quickly.
Joes movements became sloppy and you knew he was close.
“Let me” You whispered, turning around and dropping to your knees, swatting his hand away pumping him a couple times, tongue out ready to catch his load.
“Fuckfuckfuck” A string of curses left his swollen lips as he released above you. You took everything he gave you, quite happily as embarrassing as it was, and watched him come back to above you. His chest rising and falling, a small trickle of sweat sliding down his temple, his eyes screwed shut still. You wanted him to look down at you, smile at you, give you anything but he stood back, tucking himself back into his pants, head thrown back as he let out a shaky sigh.
Your heart sank, even in such an intimate moment he was ignoring you.
“That’s it huh?” You frowned, gaining his attention again.
Joe looked at you confused, “Didn’t you come? I thought-“
You cut him off with a laugh, “You just don’t get it!” You raised your voice as you stood up, slipping your shoes back on. “Or you do get it and just don’t care” That was what worried you the most, being nothing to Joe and him being actively aware of it. Actively making you aware of it.
“I come out here with you, surround myself in an environment I’m not comfortable in to make YOU happy, and you blow a load in the bathroom like we’re goddamn teenagers.”
Joe stuttered out useless apologies, but you couldn’t care to listen to them.
“I’m going to go now, don’t follow me, I’m serious” You spoke sternly, watching him carefully, worried he might reach out, touch you and break you down again. “And don’t contact me, I think we’re done”.
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popcorn-milk · 2 months
What did you look like? - Short Zelda fic
“What did you look like? While fighting Ganon?” Zelda blinked at the little girl who sat expectantly in front of her. She and a handful of other children had taken to following her around all day while she and Link were visiting Kakariko Village. When Link had gone off to run late afternoon errands, the children had taken to quizzing Zelda on random things about herself.
Zelda fell silent. How was she supposed to answer that? How would she even supposed to know? She remembered what fighting Ganon felt like, but not specifically seeing it. No; she remembered the claustrophobia of being trapped by tendrils of malice that were burning hot and ice cold at the same time. She remembered constant screams of agony, though half the time she wasn’t sure if it was the environment or her screaming. She remembered how dark and lonely and suffocating it was. But she couldn’t have told you what it looked like, let alone what she looked like.
“Why do you ask?” Zelda finally stammered out. Her gaze dropped to her lap. Moments before, the children had been asking her about her favorite color and her favorite book. She hadn’t expected questions about… this.
“I don’t know.” The girl whispered, clearly picking up on Zelda’s unease. “I’m sorry.” She said even quieter.
“It’s ok,” Zelda said quickly, taking the girl’s hand. “I just… wasn’t expecting something so specific. You’re very curious, and that’s a good thing.” Zelda took a deep breath as she decided how to answer. She looked up as she heard footsteps crunching on the leaf-covered floor. Link was approaching, but when his gaze met hers, he stopped walking and stood patiently back.
Zelda took another deep breath and focused on Link. “I don’t know.” She finally replied, gaze slowly trailing back to the little girl. “I suppose I wasn’t very focused on that.”
“Maybe you looked like an angel! Like the statues of Hylia!” A child called out. Zelda flinched internally. Another comparison to the goddess. As if she didn’t get enough of those pre-Calamity. She scolded herself. They’re just children.
“Maybe you looked like a giant bird or something.” Someone else chimed, making giggles ripple through the crowd.
“Maybe,” Zelda laughed. “I think if I had seen myself, I would have forgotten. I was very… busy.”
“Duh, she was.” A boy piped up from the group. The girl spun around, pouting with half-mocking rage. “Shut up! I was just asking!” She dove for the boy, and the whole herd of kids started running away to go play elsewhere.
Zelda sighed, mostly with relief. Link finally approached, rising his hands to sign in Hylian. He smiled sympathetically. “You had you hands full. I’m sorry I didn’t step in.”
“It’s fine. I figure I need to get used to more… personal questions.” Zelda signed back before standing and brushing any dust off her pants. “Do you have any theories you would like to add?” She signed, half-joking, though curiosity pricked at her as well.
“Doesn’t matter to me. Maybe you looked like the you 100 years ago, maybe not. You were so brave- you’re still so brave. No need to bring your appearance into it. And anyway…” Link smiled widely, suddenly a little bashful. “You’ve always been very beautiful. Giant bird or not.”
“Oh, stop it.” Zelda replied out loud, huffing with a smile on her face. “Or else I’m going to start thinking too hard about the idea of me being a bird.”
Link grinned and interlaced his fingers with Zeldas. The two walked down the road to the inn with the setting sun warming their backs.
-- -- -- -- -- --
Its a Thursday night and I'm really bored so I wrote this in like 20 minutes. Hopefully I'll be getting my ao3 account soon so I don't have to post on this blog, but I just wanted to share this for fun!
Also, yes, I headcannon Link uses sign language to communicate! I believe he has an anxiety disorder called "selective mutism." If you'd like more information on that, there's a whole association dedicated to it.
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deedala · 3 months
✨weekly tag wednesday (but its thursday)✨
thank you so many beloved nuggets for tagging me!! @darlingian @creepkinginc @metalheadmickey @too-schoolforcool @mybrainismelted @lingy910y @crossmydna @iansw0rld @juliakayyy @jrooc @energievie &lt;3
how is your day going?: busy! are you okay?: not reaaallly what is your favourite shade of your favourite colour?: mint green! are you single?: nope are you happy about that?: lol yes what age do you feel in your brain?: for a long time i'd have to stop and think about how i was not 28 anymore and would have to remember my actual age. now i just have a general ~in my 30s~ feeling. alas that is also no longer accurate 🥲 do you feel like the good times are behind you or ahead of you?: i have never had a period of my life that felt like "the good times" and i dont imagine a period like that coming in the future either, so?? do you have a best friend?: yeah did you have a childhood pet?: yes, a few do you sing or whistle around the house?: im a person who is constantly singing, sorry. do you light candles or incense?: noooo are you busy Friday night?: i mean...not more than i usually am with the kids and the chores.... if you were a circus performer which act would you be in?: ....i dunno a clown maybe? what is your favourite outfit?: black sweatshirt + black joggers what's the last thing you created?: some gifs! what is your favourite fic or book of all time?: i get so overwhelmed i dont know how to pick one favorite thing, im skipping this one!! what are you looking forward to?: ...bedtime? what can put you immediately in a better mood?: quiet time do you like hugs?: usually yes, from my family though. i used to love hugs from anyone but these days uuhhm dont touch me lol what is something you wish people understood about you? im doing my best to be not annoying and not dumb but, well lol
gonna skip tags cuz im late this week and also very tired. ✨✨✨sparkles for everyone though ilu &lt;3
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rk-ceres · 11 months
Neglected PT.2
George Weasley x reader
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George makes an effort to fix things between you two
It was now late in the day you havent moved Ron and George busied themselves making reservations setting up the bedroom and planning he glanced up to the clock and sighed out 2pm. “thanks for your help today Ron” George sighed out obviously still having an off day “anything for you George. Wish Y/n a happy birthday for me” he gave George a smile hurt hit him square in the gut he quickly shooed Ron out of the house finishing the rest of the house and made dinner, once the clock hit 5:30 he washed the rest of the dishes and rushed back to the guest room where you havent left all day he softly knocked on the door “Love?” He called out opening the Guest bedroom seeing you still in tears “ive got a surprise for you” he whispered “can we talk baby? Can we try and fix this? I was wrong” he sighed out walking into the room “im so sorry” he whispered “i dont want to talk to you. Im hurt, and I am so angry at you…but mostly hurt and I dont know how we can fix this you really hurt me last night and i need time” you said turning to the wall “I know Y/n, you don’t need to talk to me yet. just listen” he sighed out “i dont have an excuse. Im so sorry i forgot, but it stops today.” He walks around the bed to where you was laying crouching to meet your eyes “Everything it stops ive made arrangements and youve got me. We’ll work on us. Ive given us a week. things just got away from me. I want to make this right, and i want you to know that i took off the rest of the week and part of next, tomorrow at seven in the morning i drop you off at madame cordelia’s spa, youve got an all day session shes going to do your hair and make up im getting your nails and toes done, seaweed wrap and mud bath. Massages and steam rooms. your outfit is in the closet for the evening, we’ve got reservations at six for the new restaurant on fifth, the one youve been talking non stop about after that we’re going to see the new Keanu Reeves movie first showing. Thursday is going to be us going to the arcade, icecream shop in muggle london and a fairy boat ride, Friday is me taking you to the carnival. We’ll ride the ferris wheel and we’ll play all the games i’ll let you beat me in bumpercars too, Saturday we’ll be in Paris, i booked us a hotel there til Tuesday morning. We’ll explore France and it’ll be just me and you, ive got everything planned i packed your suitcase with everything youll need for our week baby. if i didnt muck this up too badly. Please come back to our room. Im really, really sorry Y/n/n. I know that ive been neglecting you and your needs and youve been taking care of me making my lunches waking me up with kisses keeping our house clean bringing me dinners and loving me when i havent been treating you the best.” “You havent” you cried harder “it feels like youve checked out and didnt want to tell me youre breaking up with me. You forgot my birthday. I know youre busy and I love that youre living your dream and that you take care of the both of us but im important too one night was all I wanted and you yelled at me. Seven months of me supporting you every way I know how to support you and I get yelled at” “I know love and im so sorry i didnt mean to forget” he whispered cupping your cheek
k “im not asking this to hurt you im not trying to start a fight but you got defensive and i need to know. I’m are you seeing somebody else?” Your voice broke his eye’s dropped “no. Love. Its just been work. Theres no one else for me. Its just you.” He cupped your face in his hands “trust me. Its just you baby” he cooed softer “today? All i wanted? Was you to notice me. I just wanted you to spend time with me just flirting and harmless fun. i wanted you to touch me. Its been seven months since we’ve had sex since youve touched me. am i not enough anymore? am i not pretty enough? did i let myself go after hogwarts? Am i not what you want or is it just you being busy because i cant do this anymore i cant keep feeling like im being replaced” you cried more “i can live with” you hiccuped “i can live with being a part time lover but its killing me George” you cried “you not being here? Its killing me” tears made its way down his face while letting your words sink in “im sorry, youre not a part time lover. I want you Y/n/n just you. Youre it for me” he wiped your tears away tears in his own “its just work i swear. ‘Ve hired an accountant and another person to run the shop while we have our week. Then i have to go back and train. But i’ll be home with you. Every day at five.” He pointed to the ground “every day at five i’ll be home and in your arms telling you how much i love and need you, I’ll have weekends off.. and Saturday will be our day. I promise you” he looked into your eyes filled with hope as he brushed the tears from your face “am i still the one? Are you still going to marry me one day?” You asked softly insecurity written all over your face George’s eyes softened as you leaned more into George’s touch he smiled at you “yes baby.. youre still my only one. im sorry for yelling at you. Im sorry for not making the time before it was too late, im sorry for being an idiot, im sorry for making you feel like you arent enough… is it okay for me to show you how i feel? Let me make it up to you?” He asked looking into your eyes “are you finally going to make love to me?” You asked tears still streaming down your face again “not in here. But yes. We can have sex tonight. Just not in our guest bedroom love. If we’re having sex. Its going to be in our shared bedroom” He said straightening out his back as you sat up “im sorry i yelled at you. I shouldnt have yelled back” you looked back “we can talk about that after” he said handing you a small package Ron picked up for him on his way here to set up “put this on love” he smiled softly as you sat up “give me ten minutes.. then come to the dining room.” He said still looking at you you nodded to him biting your lip you opened the package and gasped he had bought you the dress that you pointed out at already Boux’s it was a 1300 galleon dress that you dreamed of wearing it was a 1920’s style red dress with a slit that came up to mid thigh you smiled and put it on he had bought the matching make up palette and accessories for you
you slipped on the gloves and finished the red lipstick walking out into the dining room, he had transfigured a wall into a big movie screen smiling when he saw you “you look exquisite love” “not so bad yourself handsome” you ran your hands over his black suit “thank you..” You say softly “this isnt a fraction of what I have planned. I spent all night last night working on it, Happy Birthday my love… youre the best thing thats ever happened to me and im sorry that i dont show it enough. If you left i wouldnt know what to do or how to breathe without you” he smiled “i heard you.. talking to Hermione… I was outside the door. I came back to check on you, and i did talk to your brother. We went out and got coffee at that new Cafe. It didnt make things worse. Ive worked things out with Harry, and he was really kind, and threatening. But its all worked out and better. He actually helped with the reservations and called in a few favors for our Paris vacation. Gabby’s picking us up from the airport and to our hotel.” “He didnt seek you out did he?” You asked softly “no baby. I called him.” George said looking into your eyes “im so sorry baby, id notice… i noticed your face when i yelled at you.” He sighed out “thatll never happen again. Ever. I didnt like it. I didnt like any part of it it made me feel like shit, youre not my annoying clingy girlfriend Y/n/n. Youre my everything darling i love you even if ive done a crappy job at showing you. Please dont leave me… please i can change ive already changed some things i really do want to fix us, im serious about you and i want you too feel that i am too and i do want to spend time with you on your birthday. I made your favorite” he pulled out her chair and played the movie “im not leaving. Im sorry” you looked down “i thought that i was alone and needed to get it out” tears started to come your eyes “No baby this is my fault and my fault alone you dont apologize” he cupped her cheek “thank you… for making dinner” you said softly “its the least i can do, baby. Id like to talk more about what was said during our fight. But i want to be clear that im not mad at you, im not mad that we fought, my anger and outburst wasnt because of you, it was because i had a really tough day, and i took it out on you. It was wrong and i shouldnt have done that. Is that okay if we talk about this? Theres three major things i want to revisit if possible” He asked looking into your eyes as he dished out the food you gave him a slight nod “i.. i dont know where to start to be honest with you. So im just going to dive in with what you accused me of. It was definitely warranted and i dont blame you for thinking it. I didnt realize how little ive been home, and how it could look like ive been entertaining another woman” he cleared his throat “id never, ever, ever. Do that to you baby. Theres no one else other than you Y/n. Youre the only one i’ll ever want and need” “im sorry that i jumped to conclusions i…. I was insecure” you said softly his mouth pulled into a straight line
“no baby. Dont do that. Dont apologize. Your feelings were and are valid. I wasnt home. You didnt know where i was. I havent reassured you or anything like that, you accusing me like that you werent yelling. Your voice wasnt angry when you asked about it and i wasnt hearing you. You communicated right. You calmed yourself down calmly asked me a question and i got defensive and i could see where you’d think i was hiding something baby. Im not hiding anything from you. You told me what was an honest fear. It wasnt you being insecure i hadnt been home. Which brings me to my next point on this topic youre right. Ive not touched you… or said i loved you since the baby got here and it wasnt because i was punishing you. It was because i… i thought that i could handle this myself. Both branches of triple W and keeping up with the paperwork. The products. But as things progressed it…. It got out of hand if it were you i wouldve done worse than just asking a simple question you were communicating how you felt and your fears and i wasn’t listen ing how i should have been. I was fighting when i should have been comforting and open to talking about it��� he sighed taking a bite of food “i believe you. I believe that you werent you last night and you arent seeing anyone else.” You said softly “i just want you to make a point to love me the right way i know things have been tough on you and im trying but” “but you’re neglected and im an arse” he joked you both smiled at each other. “next most important thing i want to discuss is i want to address what i said about money. its not just my money. My success. My empire baby its ours. I shouldnt have thrown that in your face that i make more. It was below the belt and im sorry.” He sighed “ive only ever wanted to share my life with you. Since that day my mum helped you and Harry into that platform i knew that you’d be my entire life. And everything that was and is mine would be yours too” he looked up into your eyes “ive only ever saw the money as ours George. All of this is ours.” You smiled at him taking his hand in yours he chuckled “i know you didnt mean it. Because i know you George Weasley.” “howd i get so lucky?” He asked “I also do. I remember, and see it all. Everything that you gave up for our relationship and us but most of all what you gave up for me..” He spoke again after a few moments of silence “everything that you’ve sacrificed for me since the war, the… the wall that almost took you and Fred…” tears sprung to his eyes as he talked he quickly wiped them away “im sorry. That you had to sacrifice it.” He said you looked up from your food “you sacrificed a lot for me too, you rescued me and Harry second year, you fell out of the car breaking my fall when Vernon pulled me out you bruised three ribs and a broken arm for me…. You stayed up all night studying with me you do just as much for me as i do for you dont apologize for that, you dont have to apologize anymore George; i forgive you, and we can work on us. I dont want to leave” you said softly “third most important thing i want to tell you is that im still the George that promised you a wedding and kids if you want them Y/n/n. I want to marry you, i want you to know that i do have something planned so its coming okay? You dont have to worry about where you stand with me. In my heart. Cause of one fight. Im here. Your George is still here. Even if he was being a prat. Ive planned your proposal and its coming okay baby? Its coming.” George finished his meal “anything else you want to talk about before we kiss and make up?” He asked “i…. I want to say that im sorry even if you dont want me too. I was wrong for yelling. I didnt like it. And I think that when we get to that point again we should take a break and come back to talk when we can rationalize better” you looked down “i think thats a great idea, we okay now?” He asked you softly “we’re okay” you breathed out “i want to have sex… is that still on the table tonight or are we waiting til we work this out more?” You asked softly
“baby. We’ve worked it all out. We talked through everything. Its better now isnt it?” He asked with brows furrowed in confusion you nodded your head “yes. We can have sex tonight. Im ready for that if you are” he offered a small smile the movie was done he stood up flicked his wand the dishes clean themselves pulling her waist closer to him he led you into the bedroom he stopped in front of the door letting you open it “go get in the tub” he whispered in your ear his fingers dragging down your zipper you turned the handle and pushed open the door your eyes widened the entire bedroom was covered in red roses teddy bears rose petals the room was lit by enchanted candles hanging from every corner of the room George brought his nose to the crook of your neck “the bath is ready for us” he said pushing the dress off your shoulders dropping it to the ground his fingers digging into your hips spinning you to face him noses close together and for the first time tonight. George kissed you sweetly bringing his hands up to unclip your bra your hands slowly undid his tie and worked on the buttons of his shirt and trousers you took your own knickers off “lets go take our bath” he whispered into your lips “please master i need you” you whispered
Next part contains smut
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nontoxic-writes · 1 year
WIP Wednesday Thursday
thank you for the tag @welcometololaland!! i am once again a day late but in my defense i went to a concert last night and didn’t get a chance to even look at my wips until now
this is from a different wip than the one ive been sharing, in this one, bradley goes missing while on a mission and jake starts fixing up bradley’s house in an effort to keep busy while they wait for news. it’s currently 27k and completely unedited so it’ll be a while until it sees the light of day, but i hope to finish it soon!
Jake looks out at the garden from the back porch, and notices the way the late afternoon sun catches on the droplets of water still clinging to the tomatoes, the way the bees buzz around the lavender and how the leaves shift with the wind. The garden feels so alive, so real, that for a moment, Jake is convinced he can hear Bradley’s rough, sleep-addled voice from the doorway behind him, quietly asking if Jake made enough coffee for two, even though he knew Jake always made enough coffee for two, because Jake loves the way Bradley’s eyes light up when he wraps his hands around the warm mug.
Jake bites the inside of his cheek at the memory. He and Bradley might not be anything, but Bradley is a good person. A better person than Jake deserves, in whatever capacity Bradley deigns to have him.
And Jake misses him.
He misses that stupid mustache and the hideous shirts and the way Bradley would leave them unbuttoned to show off the one-size-too-small tank top he always wore underneath. He misses Bradley’s wide grin, the way he would laugh when he was with their friends, loud and boisterous and unapologetic about how much space it takes up. He misses how Bradley cuddles after sex, how he’d always pull Jake into his arms and snore like a freight train into his ear. How he wouldn’t let Jake leave, would force him to spend the night so he could make them breakfast in the morning. He misses their subtle foreplay, the games played leaning over a pool table, or the way they always sat next to each other on movie nights, arms brushing gently, teasingly, until Jake felt like he was going to explode from wanting him so bad.
He misses how Bradley listens to him, the few times Jake has allowed himself to be cracked open, how he’d carded his hands through Jake’s hair and let him tell the entire sad story of his relationship with his father.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” Jake had said, after, with one of Bradley’s hands gently tangled in his hair and the other wrapped tight around his waist. “I can’t believe I’m bitching so much about this. At least he’s alive.”
Bradley snorted. “Not sure that’s a positive in this situation, sweetheart.” He pressed a firm kiss to Jake’s neck, right below his ear. “He doesn’t deserve you.”
Jake presses the heels of his hands into his eyes.
Hell of a time to realize he’s in love with the guy.
Considering Bradley is probably dead.
its now late on thursday so i wont make anyone do this haha but @welcometololaland im lobbing this one right back at you for next week lol
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Following Team Orders ~ Sochi
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Olivia Williams
Summary: Olivia Williams is Formula One royalty. Her father is a racing legend and all Liv wants is to be one of only six women in the world to have raced in the most elite racing division in the world. When she finally gets the chance, she has to not only take on a male dominated sport, but her past, her teammate and a life beyond the track that she was not ready for. She just has to follow team orders but what happens when one man challenges her on and off the racing line...
Word Count: 2.2K
Warnings: A-N-G-S-T!!! eventual smut, slow burn, enemies to lovers, love triangle (if you squint) misogamy, fluff, racing accidents, an asshole Steve Rogers (you'll see what i mean); parental death
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series MasterList - Main Masterlist
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This chapter will be in Steve’s POV.  
Steve Rogers is not a person who allows his emotions to be be on display.  He considers himself reversed, composed, a gentleman, as his mother taught him. 
But something Steve Rogers has never really dealt with is heartbreak.  
Because Steve Rogers had never really, truly been in love.  Until Olivia Williams came into his life.  
Steve sat at the bar in Sochi the Thursday before the race weekend, sipping on his third, or was it fourth, vodka, reliving his life.  
Racing has been a part of Steve’s life since he could walk.  Bucky’s dad had put his son and his best friend on little go carts when they were five and they just never stopped. Mr. Barnes encouraged the boys to look at their vehicles, know how they worked, how to repair them and how to push them to the limit.  His Ma was terrified of her baby boy getting hurt, and he did, but he bounced back, scrawny as he was. Steve never backs down from a challenge.  Other drivers would bully him because he was so skinny, but he set out to prove them wrong.  
When he was 18, he met a girl who changed his perspective on life.  Someone he thought would be with him.  
Sharon Carter was in his undergrad class.  His mother insisted that if he wanted to keep racing, he had to have an education as well.  His mentor, Andy, had agreed and when he spoke to David Williams and Bucky, they all thought it was a good idea.  A fall back just in case anything should happen.  Steve majored in Business, figuring that he could always move to the business side of the racing team should he need to.  Rushing into Business law, he bumped into someone and knocked her books out of her hands.  
“God, I’m so sorry.” He bent down to help her pick up her books.  
“Its ok.  Running late?” 
“Yeah,” he replied and looked up to see a sweetheart shape face with brown eyes and blonde hair. He swallowed.  “Sorry, I’m Steve.”  
“Sharon.  Its nice to meet you.  I think you’re in this class with me.” 
“Business law?”  She nodded.  “Yeah, me too. Walk you in?” He gave her a crooked smile.  
Sharon and Steve were inseparable in college.  They had plans.  Steve was going to keep racing until he made it to Formula One while Sharon headed off to law school. But he promised, if he didn’t make it before she graduated, he would quit so they could be together.  
The day before her graduation, Steve got the call he was waiting for.  Red Bull was offering a spot to him, to take over an injured driver.  He automatically said yes and went to tell Sharon the good news.  
“What do you mean by you’re leaving right after graduation? Steve, you promised!” 
“What do you want me to do Sharon? This is my dream!” 
“I thought your dream was to get married and start are lives together!” 
“And we can still do that! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.  Can’t you understand that?” 
Sharon conceded the argument.  She agreed to let him leave and have a long distance relationship.  Only she couldn’t wait.  Six months later, she gave an ultimatum to him.  Come home or they were done.  
“You are such a bitch! I struggled and waited while you were in school and now I finally have my dream and its over for you.” Steve had his hands on his hips, glaring at his soon to be ex girlfriend.  
“I’m sorry Steve but I need a partner who can be here for me.  I can’t wait for you to grow up and outgrow this childish dream.”  
Steve stopped. “I’m sorry you feel that way.  Goodbye Sharon.”  He grabbed his bag (thankfully never had fully moved into her flat) and walked out of the building.  
He crashed with Bucky for a few weeks while he sorted himself a place.  He went to visit his mother and she sat him down with a large piece of apple pie in front of him.  “I never liked her.”  
“Ma, please...” 
“No, Stevie, she always held you back.  Ever since you were a boy this had been your dream. I’m happy you followed your heart and followed your dreams.  Even if I’m scared to death about it.  But I know, my son, that you will find the right girl that will inspire you.  Just you wait.”  
And wait he did.  He spent five years racing, chasing that allusive championship, getting close a couple of times.  He partied, had women in every country, not finding someone who really challenged him, got to him, made him want the family he was now desiring.  Not until he found Olivia Williams.  
Steve snorted as he downed his vodka.  He paid and walked unsteadily across the square to the hotel where the team had set up camp.  The evening was nice, if just a touch too humid.  But Steve was already numb to everything. His girl was no longer his.  She was now with his best friend.  As he entered the hotel, a laugh, one he missed dearly, rang out through the lobby.  He turned to see Liv at the hotel bar with some of his teammates. 
Sitting on Bucky Barnes’s lap.  
“Fuck this,” he growled. He walked away towards the elevator. 
Steve ignored Bucky as he continued forward.  
“Steve! Rogers! Stop being a punk!” Bucky grabbed his arm.  
Steve smack his arm and pushed him away. “Fuck you Barnes!” 
Bucky grabbed Steve’s arm again and spun him around.  “Stevie, c’mon man.” He smelled the alcohol.  “Have you been drinking?” 
“Yea, and?” 
“Steve,” Bucky’s face soften. “What is going on?” 
“Nothing.  Just didn’t feel like I’m reliving our childhood. I’m going to bed.  Goodnight.”  
Steve leaned against the wall, thinking back.  
Bucky was 18, Steve was seventeen and they were getting ready to go to homecoming. Bucky had a date with Dorothy Adams, the beautiful junior with the soft strawberry blonde hair.  Bucky had always been a sucker for a red head. Steve, however, had no date.  Most girls didn’t want to date someone they could step on.  But Bucky insisted he go and had Dorothy set him up.  
That was a disaster.  Turns out that his date, Gemma, was only interested in Bucky.  When she saw Steve, she turned up her nose at him. Bucky ended up sleeping with both girls, leaving Steve questioning whether he was worth it or not.  
That was the moment Steve decided to change his own life. It took him a year, one year, to work out, eat to bulk out his muscles.  He trained at the Hulk Boxing Club and learned under the famous Bruce Banner.  
Bucky was so proud of his best friend.  Gemma tried to sidle up to Steve but he would have none of it.  He graduated looking completely different.  The girls finally flocked to him but it was Sharon who finally broke through.  
But it never really stopped hurting, knowing his best friend always ended up with the girl.  It gave him a complex, that he was never good enough.  When Red Bull made him the number one driver, it finally felt like Steve Rogers was worth something.  Better than his best friend for once in his life.  
And now, it felt like he was back to square one.  Bucky had Olivia. He took her from him.  Probably said things about him.  Steve made it to his room and found the mini-bar.  He wanted to forget this nightmare. 
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Steve wasn’t sure how he made it through practice and qualifying.  He was barely sober, dehydrated and in pain.  He made sure to be as far away from Liv as he could, which also included avoiding his so-called best friend. Andy pulled Steve aside after qualifying.  
“Rogers, what the hell was that?” 
“It was called qualifying.”  
Andy’s jaw ticked.  “Don’t get smart with me.  I’ve never seen you qualify so bad.”  
“Then fire me, Andy!” Steve put his hands on his belt buckle.  “I don’t know what you want me to say.  I had a bad day. Aren’t we allowed those?  Fuck, Olivia gets to have them all the time.”  
“Olivia is a rookie, Rogers!  We are trying to get you a championship, remember?  What is this really about?” 
“Bullshit. You were doing amazing things with your car and then a few weeks ago everything changed.  Now I won’t ask again.” 
“It’s none of your concern Andy! Just drop this.”  
Andy stepped back and looked at him straight in the eye.  He smiled sadly, “you fell for her, didn’t you? After her dad died, you were there for her.”  Steve remained silent as he looked at the ground.  “Fuck, I gave you one order: stay away from her.  What happened?” 
“I love her but I made a mistake,” he said quietly.  “I thought she was leaving, just using me and the team and I assumed she was going back to Drysdale.  But I was wrong, and she left. And now she’s with my best friend.” He looked up at Andy.  “Can I go now?”  
Andy could see all the emotions in his eyes. “Steve, I...” 
“Don’t.  I can’t right now, ok? Just... I’ll see you tomorrow.”  Steve turned and walked out.  When he reached his room, he was glad to see the mini-bar was stocked.  He ordered room service and sat down and began to drink.  
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As Steve climbed out of his car on Sunday, he knew he was in trouble.  He quickly made his way to the officials to get weighed in and then to his trailer to change.  He had finished 13th, the first time he’s not finished in the top ten since his rookie year.  He leaned his head against the tiles of his shower, allowing the water to beat down on him.  Why was this so hard?  It wasn’t like he had been with Livie.  She asked to go slow, the fear of dating another racer still lingered.  He couldn’t blame her for that. When the water temperature started to drop, he shut it off and climbed out, wrapping a towel around his waist.  
He grabbed water as he started to change.  As he pulled on his jeans, a knock was heard on the door.  
“Just a second.” He was still shirtless, but he went to open the door.  His best friend had a clenched jaw and shoved Steve back into his trailer. “What the fuck?!” 
“What is your problem, punk?” 
“Why the fuck do you care, jerk?!? You just do what you want, everyone else be dammed!”  
Steve shoved Bucky away and Bucky came back to shove him back.  Steve took a swing, cracking Bucky on the jaw. It left Bucky stunned before he came back and punched Steve in the gut. “Gonna keep hitting me punk?!” Bucky roared.  
“Until it feels like you don’t take everything from me!” He yelled back, swinging again but missing.  Bucky grabbed him and put him in a reverse headlock. “Let go!” 
“No!” Bucky tightened his grip to stop the elbow Steve threw back.  “What is that supposed to mean? Steve, I am worried about you.  You are my oldest friend.  My best friend and I’ve never seen you like this.”  
“You’ve never seen me like this?  Bucky, this is me every time you turn on the old Barnes charm. Let me go.” Steve struggled and Bucky let him go, pushing him away. Steve turned on him. “You get everything and everyone you want.  You couldn’t just stay way.”  
Bucky frowned. “Stay away? I don’t understand...” 
“OLIVIA! She was mine and you just... and I... I was... I am in love with her.  And you, you just stabbed me in the back.” Steve’s rage cracked and his shoulders slumped forward.  
Realization dawned on Bucky. “Steve, this is about Liv?” 
“I screwed up.” Steve sank down to his couch, his head in his hands.  “I was so mad that she was going to leave that I shut her out.  And you just swooped in, like you always do.  Take my place, my girl...” 
Bucky sat down next to him. “Steve, I didn’t know.”  
Steve scoffed.  “Yeah, you never know.  It’s always about Bucky Barnes and his charm. Fuck his scrawny best friend who is still second. Fuck that he fell for the one girl he wasn’t supposed to.” Steve ran his hands through his hair. “Get assaulted by some bimbo and of course my girl has to see and now she hates me.”  
“Steve, why didn’t you tell me?” 
“Tell you what?  That I’m in love with a girl that hates me because I couldn’t stop being an asshole? Yeah, right ok.”  
“No, I have no right to ruin her. She’s happy with you and I just have to live with knowing I ruined any chance with her.” 
“I wouldn’t have pursued something if I knew.”  
“Yeah, well, you got the girl. Now please just leave me alone.”  
“I’m sorry Stevie.” 
“Yeah, me to Buck. Me too. Now I just gotta figure out how to live without her.” 
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@patzammit @jennmurawski13-writes @texmexdarling @slutforchrisjamalevans @firephotogrl74. @tinkerbelle67
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expensive-rainbows · 12 days
cw: SA, intrusive thoughts
ok so i know ive told yall some of this but idk how much ive told yall. so bassically three years ago there was this man who would hold the door for my bus since we always got there late so we would get locked out. keep in mind i know i shouldnt feel obligated to share what i was wearing but i cant help but feel that might be part of the reason why he targeted me. my favorite shirt was a sheer blue shirt that you could see my bra through if you looked close enough. this was during winter and i took my coat off on the bus since i didnt want to deal with it at school. he would ask me if i was a Eskimo (im mexican) and i would tell him no and keep walking. he had jolly ranchers and would give everyone some, but he gave me more than everyone else. he would give me double sometimes triple what everyone else got. i found it creepy so i never ate them, i just put them in my backpack and threw them out at the end of the year. everyday, when he held the door for me, and i watched how he treated everyone else and it was only me, he would take up more and more of the doorway everyday. like the first day he would take up a little, the next he would take up a little more, until he got to the point where he wasnt touching me (since im pretty sure its illegal) but that i knew he could if he wanted to. at the same time he would wait outside my fifth hour while we all waited in a line since my teacher went to the bathroom before class. he started by standing in the center of the hallway, and didnt leave until i made eye contact with him. everyday he got closer, until again he didnt touch me, but he was less than a foot away, and he had me cornered. i knew he could do whatever he wanted and no one would see. this lasted about two weeks and ended on december 16, 2023. I remember because it was a thursday and i was so happy the next day when he disappeared. idk if it was just this or something else that ive blocked out, but im terrified of men. like just in general. its been three years and i cant look my band teacher in the eye. ive had him for three years. i couldnt hug my dad for the first three months. my dad is one of the nicest people ive ever met. i know he would never knowingly take advantage of someone. i cant talk to my english teacher alone, i need my friend to go with me to ask to go to the bathroom. but dont worry this is a happy story. so sorry but im gonna give yall even more context. so my school take all the music kids of my grade to a like smaller amusement park, which isnt near us, its a good drive to get there. its kind of a big deal. plus we have one in our town, but its a lot smaller than the one we went to. so anyway the trip was today, and the band group took a picture together. i was in the back row, and idk if the guys in front of me knew i was there or how close i was to them but i was pretty close. like i could see the creases on the back of one of their necks. i could smell him. (he had some sort of cologne on, not axe body spray but close) but i didnt freak out or anything. like i noticed, but i didnt go home and have a panic attack or anything, i wasnt convinced that he was gonna r@pe me, nothing. i was fine. do you have any idea how long its been since i could say that. since i could say that i was fine and mean it. i didnt have a panic attack, didnt hurt myself (i did break my streak a little big ago, but thats because since were at the end of the school year im very sleep deprived and i have exams and i started working plus taekwondo so im busy and tired. and when im tired i take everything personally) its been three years since i could say i was fine and truly mean it. i still get a little weird around guys/men, but its getting better. now its only physical proximity, i can look them in the face! i know this probably sounds sad but im honestly happy. also quick question.
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ddoxhan · 2 years
traffic light
114 times.
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word count : 1.4k
genre : angst but not to the point you'd need tissues; gn!reader
tw : death(?) [very vague tbh]
a/n : not the best at writing angst but writing this while listening to sad songs 👌👌 enjoy !!
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that day. you just wished your professor didn't drag the class. wished you didn't run late. wished you brought your charger. wished you were too busy to notice. wished you didn't meet her. wished that she was still yours.
that bus stop shared your first encounter with her. as usual, you were running late, again, for your part-time job at a cafe a few minutes down the road. you could have just walked, or even ran over to the cafe but you decided to take the bus that day. you still had to wait for minutes for the bus to arrive.
your phone died on you when you wanted to text your manager, leaving you no choice but to ask for someone's phone. you happened to lay your eyes on a young lady as she was seated next to you, an evident gap between you and her. she had her hair tied up into a ponytail, with fairly casual clothes. you assumed she was a college student like you were. there wasn't anyone else nearby so you attempted to ask for her help.
'hey there, sorry to bother. may I borrow you phone for a second? I need to call someone urgently.'
'umm, sure. here.'
she whipped her head to your direction when she heard your voice calling out for her. you swore your heart stopped for a second before you remembered your intention on bothering the stranger. you accepted the phone from her hand, slightly brushing your fingers across her hand. the feeling of it tingled your heart, as if sparks flew when they came in contact.
you knew this stranger wasn't gonna be just a stranger in your life. after finishing up what you had intended to do, you returned the phone to its owner.
'thank you so much, I would have lost my job if I ran late without a reason again.'
'it's nothing. glad I could be of help.'
'if you don't mind, you can always drop by Gooreum Cafe. it'll be on the house, as a return of favor.'
'oh thank you. sure, maybe tomorrow? will you be in?'
'yeah, feel free to come anytime. I work the whole day on Thursdays.'
the chat carried on until you reached your destination. you and her exchanged goodbyes as she still had a few stops before she would get down. not gonna lie, you were reluctant to get to work and just talk with her but you knew, you had just met her. taking things slow was only right. but that time, you didn't know.
from the short trip, you got to know her name, jimin. she was majoring in performing arts at the same college with yours and also the same age. weird that you have never seen her on the campus though it does make sense since you took architecture, where both majors were in total opposite blocks.
your colleagues eyed you as they were worried. you were smiling the entire time you entered the cafe, even after being told off by your manager. all that didn't matter. what only had your attention was the cute girl you met earlier. perhaps you were in love.
everything went well. she came over to the cafe, you spent more and more time with her, and she seemed to feel the same way for you, the same you did for her. you two would go out on seemingly 'dates' together where you have lunch, watch the movies and even go to the amusement park together. all that was left was the confession to happen and you could call her your girlfriend.
just the thought of it made you giddy and shy. you were so grateful that such an angel entered your life and probably reciprocated the romantic feelings, and she actually did. you confessed to her after setting up a rooftop movie date and surprise to tell her that you liked her, loved her.
word spread fast on campus that you two were dating. some were supportive, some were jealous and some were just minding their own business. everything was working well, you were dating jimin, you started an internship at a rather famous company and your family was slowly doing well financially. you couldn't ask for more and you didn't. what you had was just perfect, too perfect to be true. you never once doubted things that you experienced as you always believed what you see.
which is why you were so sure that things were doing fine with you and jimin, when they actually weren't. you could sense that she was acting rather distant than usual. you asked her what was wrong but she'd just return a smile and grasp your hand to assure that she's fine. brushing whatever you felt intuitively, you trusted her. but you shouldn't have. she was drifting away from you and you couldn't have known, because you were so busy with everything else, you neglected her. at the very moment she needed you the most.
jimin felt depressed with how she was not good enough for you, how she could not execute dance moves like others in her major and how her family was falling apart. she needed your comfort and support but every time she called you, it went straight to the voicemail box. she was getting tired, tired of waiting and tired of the relationship. she lost the feeling of butterflies in her stomach whenever she's with you. you couldn't have known, or perhaps you were just so oblivious.
the day finally came, she broke it off with you, leaving you in pieces that you don't know if you could fix. it was sudden to you. what you assumed had gone so well actually was on the verge of falling apart. and you did nothing to hold it together before it did.
crying over spilt milk wasn't the solution but you had to try. where was this you when things were still fine? you'd go over to jimin's apartment to ask for a second chance but you only received silence as your answer. it went on for a month and a little more. even the neighbours pitied you when they pass by. you didn't mind that you were receiving stares, what had mattered is that jimin finally opened the door for you. but only her to push her way past you to head out.
the temporary smile fell as it was replaced with a hurt expression. you had no right to be hurt but what could you do? it hurt so bad that you wished you could turn back time and realize that jimin mattered more than anything else to you. plopping on your apartment bed, you made up your mind. you fished out your phone to text her.
'can we meet at the bus stop at 4? I want to talk to you.'
no reply but she had read it. you had to give it a shot. dressed decently, you remembered to bring your power bank along in case your phone died. arriving there, you reminisced all the memories you had with jimin. your first encounter, your first date, the confession, your first kiss on new year's and the very last smile you saw on her face. before you knew that she was already falling out of love.
the first hour passed and still no sight of your beloved. you were determined to win her back, although you already knew she wasn't with you anymore. you didn't want to believe. you needed confirmation that you and her were over, and this was the very moment.
the second hour had gone, soon followed by the third. and the fourth was coming. it was almost 8 already and everyone else seemed so happy. and there you were. heart-broken and disheveled from the waiting. you finally accepted the truth, the truth that jimin wanted you out of her life. the amount you were so in love was the amount it hurt, hell you bet it was more. you wondered, if she had felt the pain too.
you didn’t want to believe it, that she actually didn't. because you were the one who loved her more than she loved you. and it took you 114 traffic light changes to realize that.
laying on the hospital bed, your eyes slowly drooped, smiling but a tear dropped. you loved her, and only her. yet she’ll never come to know.
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bayisdying · 1 year
Second Chance at Love|Chapter Two|Nilla Wafers & First Dates
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Delilah Shadley isn't sure she still believes in soulmates and true love. She has her daughter Baylie and that's all she needs anymore. Until one day she meets William Steele and it's like the universe is telling her that maybe just maybe she's getting a second chance.
Tagging the besties: @dragon-kazansky @starlit-epiphany @callmemana @mrsjaderogers @gracespicybradshaw @kloofspeaks @notyoursbutlewis @roosterscockpit @askmarinaandothers @ladylanera
The next time William sees Delilah, it's in the most romantic place ever, the grocery store. She's standing in the snack aisle trying to negotiate with a tiny terrorist.
"I'm a fan of Nilla wafers myself." He says, and two sets of green-grey eyes land on him.
"Oh hi." Delilah manages to get out before turning back to where Baylie is sitting in the cart. "Honey, I know you want both the Goldfish and the Oreos but we gotta pick one."
Baylie is too busy staring at the man who had the audacity to interrupt her tantrum. Tiny eyebrows furrowed and a slight pout on her lips.
"I'm telling you Nilla wafers is the way to go."
Delilah turns back to him, lips in a line. "Can I help you?"
"Why don't you come in on Thursdays anymore?"
"I've been a little busy, now if you don't mind my child is making a very important decision."
It's his turn to raise an eyebrow, "an important decision?"
Delilah sighs, "Baylie has some anxiety, making decisions is hard for her because of it. But we are working on it aren't we Bay?"
Baylie nods, eyes not leaving the man.
"I'm William, it's nice to meet you Baylie. How old are you?"
The girl raises three fingers.
"Three? You're so old!" He teases and that causes the girl to smile.
Delilah watches the interaction carefully, Baylie doesn't do well with new people especially men. But her little girl seems to be doing just fine so far.
"So Oreos or Goldfish huh?"
"Yea." Baylie said, her little voice was soft and sweet.
"What are you thinking?" William says getting to eye level with her.
"Goldfish are good, but Oreos are more gooder."
"So do you want the Oreos?"
"But what if the Goldfish get mad I didn't pick 'em?" She asks, tearing up a little.
Delilah takes a step forward, "Hey its okay honey, they won't be mad at you."
The girl sniffles but she doesn't let any tears fall. William is both impressed and terrified at how strong this three year old appeared to be.
"Oreos mommy."
"Okay baby, let's get the Oreos. Can you say thank you to Mr. William?"
"Thank you." She whispers.
"Will I see you Thursday?" He asks as she starts to walk away.
She turns and smiles at him, "maybe you will."
By the time Thursday rolled around William was practically dying. The clock was moving far too slow for his liking. When it hit two o'clock and she still wasn't there he was a little disappointed, so he went back to prepping the glasses for the rush.
The bell dings and when he looks up he can't help but smile a little. There was the pretty lawyer, and the little girl he'd met in the snack aisle.
"Mr. William!" The girl smiled up at him as she runs behind the bar to greet him.
"Baylie." Her mom set their stuff down in two barstools. "I'm sorry about her, she's been talking about this all week."
William reaches down to see if the little girl will let him pick her up, she does and he sets her up on the bar.
"I didn't think you were going to show up, you're late."
"I had to pick up someone before I could come over. She wasn't letting me come alone to see Mr. William again." Delilah smiled at her daughter who was looking around the bar with wide eyes.
"Is that right little one?" He asked Baylie, tickling her sides a little.
"My oreos were good, and the goldfish weren't mad at me!"
"I'm happy to hear that." He smiled at her, still not realy understanding why the goldfish were going to be mad at the girl but played along anyways.
They talked for awhile, longer than they usually did because Delilah didn't have to leave right away. Her reason for leaving was sitting there on the bar between them as they talked, until she decided she wanted to sit in her momma's lap instead. She closed her eyes, and when Delilah saw the time she was shocked they had been sitting there for two hours already.
"You're probably close to being busy, we should go."
"Can I ask you something, if it's too personal you can tell me to get lost."
Delilah knew where he was going so she spared him the trouble, "he walked away before she turned a year old, that's why I'm a single mom and why my three year old has such crippling anxiety that most adults couldn't handle."
"Is that why she thinks the goldfish would have been mad at her?"
Delilah nodded, "She doesn't like the idea of leaving things behind, like she was. That's what the therapist says anyways. I wish I knew what was actually going on in her brain." She brushes the hair from Baylie's forehead, the girl content in her arms.
"She's really cute." He says.
"I might be biased but I think she's pretty cute too."
"Do you want to go on a date with me?"
"I can pick you up Saturday, around six. I can try and get us reservations at that nice Italian place a few blocks over."
"Oh, so a fancy date?" Delilah bit her lip.
William can't help but chuckle a little, "yes, a fancy date, only the best for the pretty lawyer."
Delilah blushes, then stands up.
"I'll see you Saturday, I need to get this one home before your crowd shows up."
He watches as she walks away, her little girl fast asleep in her arms.
Saturday rolls around and when he parks in front of the small house he can't help but smile.  Delilah seemed very put together at all of their meetings. Her nice clothes, her hair done up, just enough makeup to highlight her features, briefcase organized perfectly. But her front lawn? Clearly Baylie had total domain there. A tricycle lay on its side, a hula hoop was chilling on the front steps, and the sidewalk was decorated in chalk drawings. When he rang the doorbell, he also hadn't expected for that same little girl to answer the door wearing a Disney princess dress, or at least he assumed it was a Disney princess dress. That's what three year old girls liked right?
"Why hello Baylie."
"Hi Mr. William." Baylie said shyly, as if she just hadn't opened the door, she steps aside enough for him to come in.
"Where's your Mom?"
"Doing her makesup."
He sits down on the couch, and she follows him climbing up herself. The TV was on some kid show, he wasn't sure what the hell it was.
"Do you like my mommy?"
The question comes out of left field, and it takes William a few seconds to recover from his shock.
"I do like your mommy."
"Will you ever..."
She doesn't get to finish her question, because her Mom walks in, he takes the sight of her in. She's wearing a nice, red dress that stopped mid-thigh, black pantyhose, and her black pumps. Her dirty blonde hair was up in a twist and she was wearing more makeup than usual. She was simply stunning.
"Sorry, I lost track of time." She says sheepishly.
"Hey its okay! I hung out with this one  instead."
"Speaking of, can we drop her off at Sarah's on our way to the restaurant? I was going to run her over before you got here and well..."
"That's no problem."
Once Baylie was at the babysitters, they headed to the restaurant to start their date both feeling more than a little nervous. They order a bottle of wine and some appetizers before falling into comfortable silence.
"So, how about the weather?" Delilah asks between sips of wine, realizing how silly that sounded.
"It's been very nice lately." William responds, not missing a beat.
"I'm sorry I haven't been on a date in forever."
"Hey its okay, usually my dates are drunk women who flirt with me for free drinks."
Delilah laughs, and he decides he likes the way it sounds alot, even after she snorts.
They swap stories for a little bit, as their food arrives at the table.
"So what's the most interesting case you've had?"
"I haven't worked a murder case if that's what you're asking."
"Well damn."
She laughs again.
"Well, to answer your question, right after I started at the firm we had this case. Local school teacher, he'd been embezzling funds from the fundraisers the school was putting on to do some upgrades. He denied it vehemently but his fancy house and car said otherwise."
"Okay that sounds badass though, I bet you are amazing when you're in lawyer mode."
A faint blush spreads across her cheeks.
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"What made you want to open a bar?"
"I'm the family fuck up." He chuckles lightly before continuing, "my parents are old money, I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, where my dad was a hot shot doctor and my mom was the stereotypical stay at home mom. I have an older brother, who followed in Dad's footsteps, is married, has a couple kids. The golden son. So they always assumed I'd do the same, jokes on them though. My grandfather passed away two years ago and left me quite a chunk of money. I decided to use that, move out of the city for good and run my own bar instead of someone else's."
"I think that's really brave, to not do what they wanted for you."
"Would you say that if Baylie did it to you?"
At the mention of her daughter's name he sees her face light up.
"Oh that girl won't do a single thing I tell her to do. She's stubborn and strong willed already."
"You light up when you talk about her."
"I do not!"
"I meant it as a compliment, I think it's precious. You should be proud, she's a pretty cute kid and her Mom seems really amazing."
"She's my whole world, it's just been me and her now for two years."
"You don't have family around here?"
Delilah shakes her head and takes another sip of wine.
"You aren't the only family fuck up sitting at this table."
"So you're telling me I can't be the number one fuck up here?"
Delilah smiles at him, "I don't know about that."
"How badly did you fuck up?"
"I was told my whole life that all I could ever hope for was to marry a doctor or a lawyer and be their little wife. I decided to become the lawyer instead. Then the icing on the cake was getting pregnant out of wedlock while in college. They live less than an hour away and barely see their granddaughter because they are so disappointed in me."
"They are missing out on a pretty awesome pair of ladies."
That blush comes across her cheeks again.
"Tell me more about her, Baylie that is."
"She's a little firecracker and right now she thinks she's a mermaid."
"Let me guess, she's not a mermaid?"
"She hasn't grown a tail yet."
The two laugh together.
"She's a really good kid, I couldn't ask for a better baby. I just hate that she's growing up without a support system or a real family. It's just me, her, and my friend Sarah really."
They fall back into casual conversation after that, William decided he didn't like the fact that little Baylie didn't have many people in her corner either.
At the end of the night, when they picked up a sleepy Baylie from Sarah on their way back to Delilah's house they'd both decided they wanted a second date. William carried the now sleeping girl to the front door so Delilah didn't have to. Delilah decided she liked the idea of seeing this man with her daughter. He was gentle with her, he could make her laugh, and she trusted him. Baylie never warmed up to men well, not since the one who was supposed to love her forever decided forever wasn't for him. William liked knowing the girl trusted him enough to let him carry her. He was growing to the idea of having a kid around, especially if it was this kid with her mom.
He set Baylie down on the couch, before moving back towards the door.
"Thank you for tonight." Delilah says, covering her daughter up.
"No thank you, for deciding to have your mental breakdowns in my bar."
She punches his arm lightly.
"Seriously, Delilah, thank you for walking into my bar that day."
"I'm glad I did too."
He let her lean in first, and they kissed sweetly and softly, tongues both tasting of wine. They pull apart, with goofy little smiles on both of their faces. They lean in for another kiss when a little voice comes from behind them.
"Bye bye Mr. William."
"I guess that's my cue to leave." He laughed, gave Delilah another peck on the lips before opening the door. "I'll see you Thursday right?"
"It's a date."
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katanaski · 1 year
Ana tell me how you and Kats met 🔫💕
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒊𝒕 𝒂𝒍𝒍...♡
Beloved Vixen,I'm sorry I'm so late answering this. I changed my mind a gazillion times. But atleast in this universe this is how we met ;–; <33
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Katsuki and I officially met during our early college days. Believe it or not, back then I used to have a crush on Kirishima. The only way I knew who Katsuki was because he was always around . I was too busy making heart eyes at Kiri to give Katsuki the time of day.
I used to work part time at a small cafe close to campus.I would clean the place up.
On a Thursday before closing time I was cleaning under one of the booths and came across an old olive green messenger bag. I grabbed it and went to put it in our lost and found area waiting for someone to come claim it the next day. Friday I kept waiting for its owner. I was half expecting to see a middle aged man come through the door, an old lady perhaps. Katsuki showed up instead,he walked through the door ,we briefly made eye contact before he made a beeline for the booth in the far corner of the cafe,he looked under there and several other tables then eventually made his way towards the bathrooms.
I kind of had an idea he was looking for the bag I had found but I didn't dare say a thing. I didn’t knew the guy ,he was fucking huge compared to my little uwu ass. Plus it was kind of funny watching him fuss about his lost bag and refusing to ask for help.
Anyways he comes out of the bathroom and approaches me,I am too zoned in on my cleaning. Headphones on,hips swaying listening to music as I sweep the floor. I don’t see him coming and when he calls out to me I go to turn and hit him straight on the side of the face with the broom!!
I apologized profusely but a chortle escaped me in the end nonetheless,he rolled his eyes at me while massaging his cheek. He asked me if I saw a bag
‘is this big’ he said, holding his hands apart from each other in front of my face to show me the bag's approximate size.
‘It’s green…olive…old’
‘Kinda ugly?’ I asked with a little smile on my face.
‘Kinda funny uh?’ He said with another roll of his eyes clearly annoyed to be put out of his way by talking to me
I rolled my eyes in return, but told him to hold on, that I had found it yesterday while cleaning. He took a seat while I went to the back to get it. It really was an ugly bag for a guy as hot as him if you ask me.
He stood up when he saw me making my way back to where he was. Handed him the ugly thing with a
' Here you go— I didn't open it ok,no-one did' seeing how the first thing he did was rummage through its contents clearly checking everything was in there.
‘Yeah..thanks by the way’ he told me , pulling the bag strap over his head and chest,turning around to leave before I even had the chance to say you’re welcome. Before he made it out the door he turn his head slightly and said
‘See ya’ around Ana’ . The hint of a smile on his lips and the tip of his ears slightly pink.
The small bell at the door jingling as he left ,leaving me there in the empty cafe,wondering just how in the fuck did Bakugo Katsuki knew my name.
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