#sorry it's bit messy
hazukiyouka · 1 year
Personal Impression on DMMD Flashback 2023
First of all, even though I could pass through the region block thingy, but I had to set the video quality on auto or else the buffering time would drive me mad. So the result was, sometimes I got a super clear images then suddenly could switched to blurry ones. Which is kinda annoying cause I couldn't focus on their faces. 🙃
Anyway, I'm not really good at writing in Tumblr, so probably I'll just straight out pointing my impressions. Yes, this is my personal take after watching Virus & Trip route live streaming. I'll try my best not to spoil everything. 😄
Nothing really changed at the first part of the story. It just brought back the memories. Except that it wasn't Seichan as Aoba. 🥲
I should say both Seichan and Nao had their hit-and-miss parts. And strangely I feel like they can complement each other. Like, there were some parts where I thought Seichan did it better, or vice versa.
Everyone who were back to their respective roles really upgraded their game. Since I was watching this route, I think Tominaga Yuya really brought out the "quiet madness" of Virus.
(A bit) SPOILER ALERT: this ViTri route covered their Re:connect bad end story. Yes, most of it.
The second part where the story branched was really DENSE!! It felt like they try to squeeze the entire ViTri bad end into a single scene. Well, of course we just couldn't ask for more "detailed scenes", are we? 😌
Even so, I think Nao did well in this. I want to praise him for his courage to go...... uhmm.... shirtless.... on stage.
The interpretative dance at "those scenes" was appealing to me. I mean, it felt delicate and kinda suppressing. I like Nao's expressions here, especially when his eyes started to went dead. Uumm, please excuse my do-S part... lol
The ending was just like the game where Aoba was resigned to his fate. After that, we got all casts dancing to EVIL MASCULINE song (in which we can see it roaming around Twitter).
Overall, I'm quite impressed with this new route and how they performed it. As for the casting, I still think that Nao will be more suitable in portraying Sly Blue. That boy is surely sharp. While Seichan was softer, but I felt that he was a little bit overdid in some parts.
And finallyyyy! Though I'm, myself, still quite biased to Seichan but so sorry that I won't tolerate any slanders toward Nao. He had worked so hard and did a great job in this. Thankfully, he seems pretty calm and stays positive. So let's be kind to him~ 💙
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hesbianyaoi · 6 months
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misc. doodles that deteriorated in quality to satiate my hunger
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soosoosoup · 2 months
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ghostsberry · 4 months
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somethin' stupid
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scarletjams · 7 months
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you came back…
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raphodraws · 1 year
Hey! ♡
Your art is amazing. Do u think you could draw Shisui Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha with Lil baby Sasuke?
♡if not, thats ok, just asking. I love ur art style btw, gorgeous! ♡
You got it boss 👍
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I'm still in the middle of Shippuden so I haven't seen that much of Shusui yet. He seems like a sweet bean so far, I hope I'm not wrong in the assumption
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mustasekittens · 5 months
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all boxed in 📦
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plulp · 8 months
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littlewinnow · 7 months
Winnow my lovely, idk if you're still taking outfit requests but if you are, would you bless us with drarry in their wedding robes + baby scorp in his little ring bearer robes (or something else you might envision!) please? xx
P.S. i hope you know HOW MUCH happy-chemical you supply to all our brains with literally ANYTHING you draw 🥹❤️
Omg you’re too sweet gl0ws!! 😭😭 💕 im so glad!!! Here’s drarry + little scorp in his tux and poofy skirt!
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I have no idea what wizarding wedding robes look like but for some reason my mind went to tarot de marseille style vibes??
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kedsandtubesocks · 25 days
Satoru Gojo appears out of thin air before you, blocking your path. The smuggest most annoying grin dances on his face. You glare at him.
“Yo.” He beams.
“Don’t you have assignments to work on?” Huffing, you walking around him.
“Come on! Didn’t you miss our meetings like this?” Gojo pouts. You flat out reply no and he sobs dramatically.
“Didn’t you hear? I got married a few weeks ago.” Gojo says bright and excited, walking in step with you.
“Oh? Congratulations. I’m sorry for the poor soul that got stuck with you.” You deadpan.
“Rude!” He exclaims horrified. You dully glare at him.
“Oh wait? Are you perhaps jealous?” Twirling on his heels, Gojo keeps his covered gaze on you now. He practically walks backwards like the show off strongest sorcerer he is and smirks unbearably smug.
“I’m not.” You steadily reply. “I’m happy for you.”
“I’ll have to let my husband know.” You add. He gasps incredibly loud.
“Husband?! You have a husband?!” Gojo screams.
You shush him, a hissing reprimand. There were others still here at the school trying to work.
“So what’s he like, huh, huh?!” He inquires eagerly.
“Someone who can kick your ass.” You tell him simply approaching the assistants offices.
Gojo barks a bright incredulous laugh. “Really now? I’d like to see that fight.”
One of the newer assistants warmly greets you as you hand her your paperwork for the week. Thanking her, you ignore how Gojo practically swarms around you pestering for more information about your husband.
The assistant blinks a bit confused turning to you with a confused smile.
“Um, have a good rest of your day Gojo-san.” Nodding brief, she bids you goodbye.
You can’t even nod back before a lanky arm snakes around your shoulder, and in a blink you’re gone. When you arrive teleported to a high rooftop, you shriek smacking at Gojo’s arm.
“You can’t keep doing that! We have work to do, Satoru!”
“I still wanna hear about that husband of yours.” He says amused sliding his black blindfold up to reveal his crystal sky blue eyes that twinkle.
“Won’t have much to say because I’m actually thinking about divorcing him soon if he doesn’t stop bothering me!” You hiss.
“Aw!” Gojo sobs. “Why can’t you just let me enjoy newlywed bliss?!”
You’re about to open your mouth about how he very much already throughly enjoyed all the newlywed bliss, when suddenly his large warm hands slide up your cheeks. Satoru draws your face to his.
He kisses you with the most delicate tenderness, like you might flutter away from his grasp at any moment. You instantly melt into him. These soft kisses really are beautiful reminders of how your soul is so irreversibly bonded to this headache.
“Get back to work Satoru,” you sigh against his lips.
“Yeah, yeah.” He huffs drawing back with a pout. He’s too handsome for his own good. So maybe wanting one last goodbye for yourself, you pull him down for a deep kiss. Greedily, he drags you close.
“Let’s go mess around in my office.” Satoru mutters dark, and you laugh a bright no.
“Fine.” He groans defeated. In a blink, you’re teleported back in the walkway. Before he pulls his blindfold down, Satoru winks at you.
“See ya at home, Gojo-san.” With the biggest pride shimmering bright in his eyes, your husband grins disappearing into the wind.
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rogerdeakinsdp · 29 days
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Cinematography by Roger Deakins, ASC, BSC: White Mischief (1987) directed by Michael Radford
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m-o-n-o-c-h-r-o-m-e · 3 months
that isn't Wallys chair
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i suppose noone pointed this out cause im seeing a lot of people making fanart of this scene and putting the same arm chair that Wally normally uses.
but that is not the same chair, so, either Wally has two chairs that look almost the exact same or this is Home pulling some strings, cus if you look at the arm rests they have spirals in them and Home is usually heavely assosiated with them.
at this point theres no way Home isnt some sort of evil entity doing this to Eddie and the rest of the cast
edit: i also forgot to say this due to the fact that i was in a rush when i wrote this BUT. This leads me to bealive that Home (or whatever entity) has some actual power to alter the fisical space the puppets are in
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maxyvert · 2 months
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🌷Tulip guy🌷
Just a simple portrait for now, also proof I cannot paint with clean green colors. I just need something to be there with it :'D
Details under the cut-
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wimsiecal · 3 months
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Idk I was thinking about that invention that let them see into the future. Like a revision of it or something that showed different possible realities and outcomes
(Plus I just needed an in between commissions doodle thing)
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kanrix · 7 months
How would Orel react to Werewolf Clay?
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Either he found out during or after nature because you know he finally sees his father's "true nature" yada yada.
There is. Many things going thru his mind. his father is possessed or All of his dad's hatred and "evil-ness" manifested into this beast and he just failed to hide it from him that night or maybe this is some kind of divine retribution from god to his father!!! He doesn't know and he is worried about what. Might happen next. And what might. become of clay.
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ink--theory · 7 months
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*points* gay
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