#sorry for the novel of a rant
natsarrownecklacx · 4 months
Noooo because Im sorry now but it’s literally 2024 and I think some men need to be reminded of that because in the last week alone the amount of times I’ve had to deal with men treating me like I’m literally just some stupid little girl or just not rly like an actual human or that I don’t have an actual brain in my head and literally just OH MY GODDDDDDDDD
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berlingotesque · 3 months
What do you think about the upcoming canon designs of the characters in the illustrated novel DCTL? Will you only draw according to the canon? Because a lot of people are already afraid that the designs will be bad. To be honest, I really like your designs, and I hope you will continue to draw them! 🥺💗
Oh boy. This ask aged like milk 😬
So. What did I THOUGHT about the upcoming canon designs of the characters in the illustrated novel DCTL ? That they were going to be bland and disappointing. That the graphic novel was going to visually portray the characters in such inaccurate ways that it was going to be very uncomfortable to watch.
What do I think now : that even though I didn’t expected much, I was still INCREDIBLY disappointed and upset. Once again, I’m waiting to see Sammy and Tom to express myself on these ‘representations’, but oh boy. It's off to a very, VERY bad start.
Will I only draw according to the canon ? : lmao NEVER. Firstly, because these designs aren't canon (as M*ke Mood announced a few days ago on Twitter) and because, out of respect and love for the characters, I'm not going to rely on the designs of artists who obviously haven't read the book carefully and had probably never heard of Batim before being hired to illustrate DCTL.
About the fact that a lot of people were afraid that the designs will be bad, turns out they were right to be worried ! Given what was done to Norman, I really fear the worst for Tom and Sammy. Not to mention the movie to come..
And finally, I'm delighted that you like my designs <3 of course, there's no way I'm going to stop drawing my comfort characters just because some stubborn, arrogant devs decided that the characters they'd created deserved neither respect nor depth. If a medium lacks representation, it's up to the artists to pick up the slack !
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princesandromeda · 4 months
I've seen complaints about how Marry My Husband is being adapted into a live action drama, but personally I like the changes, they keep me on my toes.
I mean, the fact that they changed the year it takes place in is reasonable, but what actually threw me off was that they had the same ages they would've had in that year. Buuuut the aging up gives way for other sideplots, like the pregnancy scare plot which would've been relevant at their age as it was more of an expectation in their thirties than in their twenties.
I loved how Kang Jiwon looked with the perm and long hair, but thematically, a hair cut makes so much more sense as a "closing cycles" type of thing.
And having Kang Jiwon straight out tell Sumin "hey, I no longer like you" also makes sense to me. Sure, she had her 20-step-revenge-plan, but even with her visit to prison in the end, I feel like she didn't get the closure (pleasure?) of standing up for herself at the moment stuff was happening.
Also the moment Jiwon sets up for Sumin and Minhwan to sleep together is soo good. In every version. But I think that so far, live action is my favorite. Park Ming-young did a good job with the "I made this bed of nails, I have no choice but to lie on it now" vibe.
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synthshenanigans · 7 months
Jashtober Day 27 & 28- Potion & Bass
Designs by @/cinnamonsly!!!
Bonus Bass doodle:
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spockoholic · 1 month
to all the people on twitter complaining about how short volume 5 of erha is compared to volume 1, i don’t really know what they want??? Do they want every book to be 500 pages and end in random spots in the story to the detriment of the reading experience? I get the jump to conclusions about a company that has made some (lots) of questionable decisions, but for all the dumb stuff that 7s has done, i genuinely do not think this is malicious. I just don’t think people are understanding how to best publish a 1.3 million word novel into manageable volumes.
People are complaining about Qian Qiu as well like that the last two volumes should have been one… i genuinely think people forget about the structural integrity of paperback books. like as things to read and not just keep on your shelf (i KNOW a lot of y’all just like shelf candy but unfortunately books are meant to be read) and a 700+ page paperback book’s spine is going to split with a few reads idk what to tell you.
I get other gripes, like no french flaps in newer books (read. BAB), or paper quality etc. but i think the intentionally malicious extending volumes as far as possible to the detriment of the reading experience to milk as much money from danmei fans as humanly possible is just kinda a dumb take. The next volume of 2ha is as long as the first one, and unlike some of y’all they have read this book and are splitting these in a way that makes sense. Especially compared to foreign danmei editions (WHERE ARE THE HARDBACK BOOKS) i think there are plenty of genuine complains about the quality of 7s’s editions, however volume word count is just not a complaint i can take seriously. This is not me sucking 7s off, they’re milking money in other places but it’s just not really in the size of the books.
you know who DOES do that with their books? square enix, go yell at them. Those manga volumes are criminally short and padded on both ends with panels from the previous/future volumes. See Cherry Magic.
And to the peole complaining about how long it takes for them to publish/translate each volume….. please respect translators time, please. You can’t both complain about translation mistakes and complain about how long it takes for the volumes to come out, that’s not how this works. They already have insane deadlines and kindof a thankless job and to complain that a novel that already has a fan translation is taking too long to come out… with a BRAND new translation because that is how that works, idk just don’t talk about stuff you don’t care to think for more than 5 seconds about.
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darlingofdots · 10 months
Hello as someone who did half of a thesis on trans romance novels before realising academia wasn't entirely compatible with my health, I am still VERY excited by romance academia and romance academics. Would you like to talk more about your PhD?
Academia is barely compatible with life, I feel you xD
Basically I'm very interested in interrogating and dismantling the standard hero/heroine language because I don't think that it serves us anymore. The genre has evolved so much that it feels really reductive to say 'this is the hero because it's a man' and vice versa, and that's even before you start considering queer and same sex romance novels. I do believe that the protagonists of a romance novel have different narrative roles! They're just not rooted in gender, or at least not just. For example, it used to be that heroines were always young women who were sexually naive and heroes were older, sexually experienced and aggressive men, and that is demonstrably not true anymore. I'm investigating the functions of the romance protagonists in the romance narrative with the goal of proposing a different classification, so we can finally talk about different relationship constellations within romances with accurate language and understand the actual roles they play better. Figuring out how stories work is one of my favourite things to do both as a writer and an academic, because I love finding the patterns and traditions inherent in storytelling--what does this building block do and where does it come from? Why does it look like that? What happens if you take it away?
Romance scholarship is super fun because there's so much material to discuss and not that many people who are discussing it, but it's also difficult because a lot of the discussion has been trying to defend the genre and scholarship thereof against stereotypes and misogynist dismissals from other fields, so there's not as much foundational material as you often hope. There are so many exciting things happening in the community though! I recently attended the 2023 conference by the International Association for the Scholarship of Popular Romance and had an absolute blast both because the presentations were fascinating and because everybody there was just so bloody lovely. It was so wonderful to be in a room full of people very seriously discussing possessiveness in sports romance or the folkloric themes in KJ Charles novels and never have to justify your interests or preferences.
Popular romance is such a staggeringly wide field and yet so many people have absolutely no idea about how the genre works. Mainstream media and scholarship are so outrightly dismissive of it that the majority of people, even voracious readers!, have such a skewed idea of it that they refuse to interrogate because the image of the white, straight, cis bodice ripper is so ingrained in their head and it never occurs to them that that might be an incomplete picture. It's especially egregious to hear this stuff repeated by fanfiction readers because the line that separates shippy fanfic from romance novels is so thin it's practically imaginary. If somebody only read Game of Thrones and then went on a rant that all fantasy books are horrible and stupid and anyone who reads them must be intellectually inferior, they'd rightfully be called a dick, but people say these things about romance novels all the damn time. Get off your high horse! Acknowledge that women are people and things enjoyed by women have merit! Broaden your horizons! Ask a romance reader for some recommendations and maybe you'll even end up enjoying yourself!
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wonderb0n · 5 months
the thing with dissociative amnesia (a trauma response in which the brain decides to forget everything it has experienced in order to survive) is that it has no filter when choosing which memories to erase and which memories to keep.
meaning that we don't only forget about the things that have harmed us, but also about those fleeting moment of happiness in between all the suffering (as long as they occurred within the same period of time in which we experienced the trauma ofc)
as someone who has and keeps struggling with this phenomenon, I can't help but wonder how many beautiful and kind moments, although short, have been erased from Xie Lian's memory in his eagerness to forget all the anguish he experienced for so many years in order to continue each day .
those little fragments of hope when life relents and shows you why it's worth continuing. sometimes it's feeling the warmth of the sun on your face after a very cold day, watching the falling leaves in autumn in a sea of ​​crimson and trying to grab one without success, listening to the birds chirping on a lonely morning, a cat deciding to come sit beside you, or finding some coins that you once saved in your pockets. things that you pray to never forget because they showed you a much needed ounce of affection.
and even if at the end you still do, there will always be someone around who can help you remember.
but who is going to bring those memories back to Xie Lian? the people he may have experienced them with are long gone, and those moments lost forever in time.
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viensamoimoncher · 4 months
I've absolutely missed everything to do with this, but why the hell are people wanting the show to get cancelled?!
Don't like?
Is that so fucking hard to grasp?
Without new fans, media dies
Whether or not you like a certain adaptation, you should be happy it's introducing new blood (pun intended) to the source media
Sure, people are gonna have their favourite versions. Some people may not want to read the source material. Some people may not want to see the film. Similarly, some people may not want to see the show
But it's keeping it alive
And some of the new fans are gonna dive into the source material and love it
The brilliant thing is, you can love and respect all versions of something. That's possible. That's great!
And on the other hand you can dislike a certain version of something yet still remain civil and kind to others who enjoy it. That's also great (with a strong emphasis on the 'remain civil and kind to others' part)!
Infighting in fan spaces is only ever going to end badly. Don't like an adaption? Don't be a dick, just be civil and move on
And more importantly, if you love something (like the source material) so much to be so passionate about it, you should at the very least be happy it's not being forgotten
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But like seriously, the concept and plot are so cool and interesting to me. I absolutely ADORE the art and visuals <333 And the scene when Hyde was talking to Rachel about Jasper, and he said "The better to eat you" when Rachel brought up Jasper's werewolf teeth, was hilariousss. Also the scenes when Jekyll is talking to Hyde, first of all, the visuals are SO COOL. And second of all, the dialogue and art just capture the whole like ✨mood✨ of the scenes so well. Also, I'm not really sure what does this (it's prob a mix of a bunch of elements), but the characters are unique, like they don't all have same-face syndrome and they have their own pasts/backstories. O my gosh I could literally go on and on about the book lol. I'll stop myself before this turns into a whole essay.
The book isn't perfect (nothing really is) but it's still definitely worth a read so please at least go check it and give some love to its creator, S. H. Cotugno. It's an online comic as well so u could read it there if u prefer (but getting the book is a good way to support the author 👍). Also I am truly sorry for writing so much (and probably not making much sense 😅) I'm probably gonna regret this in the morning. I really just needed someone to rant to so thank u so much if you made it this far <3333
(I am also about to spend the rest of the night reading the webcomic <3333)
Link to the webcomic if ya wanna it out -
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ueasking · 7 months
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roseworth · 1 month
this book is so bad it’s pissing me off
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foxandbird · 9 months
Ray as a Cat
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I love Ray a lot and he hasn’t left my mind so here he is as a cat
Did you know that black coffee is the most healthiest coffee to drink and lowers risk to many diseases. It is also delicious(I dislike sweet things) because I’ve been drinking it for three years every single day straight
I had to calm myself every time the protagist mentioned Ray’s drinking choices
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clara-licht · 1 year
I started reading The World After the Fall manhwa (bcs of Dokja, ofc) and, as always, got curious about the novel.
When I saw it only has 247 chapters I got.... seduced.
So now I'm about to read the novel while the unfinished TSCTIR is glaring at me from my EPUB app 💀
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goose-nut · 6 months
what the fuck was that
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restistance · 2 months
the more books i read, the more i feel like all these people and beings and thoughts i love (and loathe) get to start populating another world in my mind, in which i can observe and participate through them and my own lens on them, without being under all the pressure i feel in my own world and the places i am supposed to have in it and things to live up to. i love reading. it’s like living without the risk. without having to be perceived.
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thearchiveofmarang · 10 months
Imagine you are the sexiest character ever and then filmmakers see you and go "fuck that guy" for no reason and ruin you for all eternity
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