#sora kitsune
hanapinkku · 2 years
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Hidden Light
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veiledfox · 1 month
Ah, what timing! The perfect friend to help Sora test out her new (smaller) feline form! She wastes no time, hurrying over to Kyuushi and... curling up for a nice nap in her lap.
Yes, truly the perfect test of how comfy she could get.
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She knows the scent of this Feline, it's her Tail Friend, Sora! What a cute new form, so smol and adorable. Not that Sora wasn't already plenty cute in her human form, of course she was. Though seeing her like this was really quite pleasant. She's immediately reaching a hand down to pet her Friend once she's on her lap, but then she sees Sora lay down, close her eyes, and...
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Welp. She's not going anywhere else for a while. At least this form is really cute and it'll be good for her mental health to just... relax for a while and pet her while she naps. She needed something like this, considering the month she had spent isolating herself.
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forgottenluck · 11 months
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Koun and Sora Meta stuff I sit on in my head.
Despite Koun being quite verbally assertive in general, he isn't verbally assertive during intimate moments for the most part. He also has issues being physically assertive in the beginning....but this is mostly because Sora is his first, and only love so far.
Koun will ALWAYS put Sora's health and well-being over his own. It doesn't matter what situation it is. What makes Sora happy will always win out over his own happiness. It is a fatal flaw.
On the above point, Koun knows that Sora is not used to anyone treating him gently. Sora is used to being used as a tool for pleasure, a weapon for destiny.....so Koun prioritizes treating Sora as a person first. He always takes the other's opinion into consideration, goes along with his whims, and holds Sora gently after moments of intimacy. Koun loves Sora as a person, for who he is, and he will repeat that as many times as Sora needs to hear.
Koun shares. He does not LIKE to share, but he's well aware of his shortcomings and issues in relationships. He only wants to make Sora happy, and knows sometimes he can't do that. He knows Sora doesn't like this part of him, but he's also terrified of not being enough for Sora which would cause the other to abandon him. So he keeps his mouth shut.
Koun absolutely loves to have contact. Sora will often find Koun's fingers tangled in his hair, or a hand on his shoulder. Once he was able to get over that fear of not being solid enough, Koun can't get enough. It's usually light touches, things that won't be in the way or bothersome.
Koun will never admit it to Sora, but every time Sora goes off for weeks on end, or they have an argument which causes Sora to storm off, Koun spirals mentally. It rarely gets to the point where it becomes outwardly noticeable for a normal person....but he does spiral.
Once Sora and Koun's relationship solidifies, Sora will be able to notice Koun's mental and physical state, due to being Koun's vessel. Koun can only tell Sora's physical state, due to injuries being reflected on him. (Injuries to Koun are NOT reflected on Sora.)
Koun adores their daughter, Hitomi. He also adores any of Sora's children. He is a very good father figure; being gentle but firm in decipline and making sure that they have everything they need. A stark contrast to Sora who is very hands-off in parenting. He will dote on any child handed to him.
When she is growing up, Koun loves dressing Hitomi up in very pretty clothing. He doesn't go all out a lot of time, but he definitely has a preference for long flowy styles and either pastel colors or deep blues.
Hitomi calls Sora Dad, and Koun Papa. Mainly because Sora is pretty hands off, and doesn't have as strong a relationship with her.
Hitomi ends up getting a rather interesting mixture of both Koun and Sora's personalities. She adopts the two's unhealthy habit of hiding their emotions behind masks. She's a spitfire at times, and much to Koun's displeasure, has adopted Sora's flirty behavior. He would have much preferred her to have a more gentle disposition.
When Hitomi dies, Koun does indeed have a massive spiral. At first, he attempts to hide his spiraling mentality from Sora, but ends up having a massive breakdown, which lasts for weeks. It takes years for him to get back to complete normalcy.
Sora decides to become and Idol and a Model, at the insistence of Koun who just wants Sora to do something that he enjoys.
-Modern worlds have a field day with Sora in both his Model and Idol industry jobs. It does not take long for him to rise in ranks and become a celebrity very quickly.
-Koun takes the time every moment he has alone with Sora to reaffirm that Sora is a person, not an object.
-Koun is at every Idol show that Sora takes part in. Some how he always has front row seats. He supports Sora completely, and often is seen with a backstage pass. No one but Sora knows how he gets these. This usually has to do with his illusionary power.
-In public, Koun is often seen wearing a hat or hoodie to hide his ears from cameras. Unless he's tired or in an uncaring mood. Then he just writes it off as eccentricity.
-The press has a field day with Koun due to the fact he has no records and does not talk to the press. He is always seen with Sora, who is a rising celebrity, and no one knows who he is. No one can figure it out. His loose fitting clothing and long hair also cause confusion, and it takes a while for the press to realize he's actually male. There are some headlines that circle through going "UPCOMING IDOL/MODEL'S GIRLFRIEND? BOYFRIEND? WHO IS THIS PERSON?"
-Once Sora gets enough money, he buys them a rather nice mansion. It is on the smaller side, but only at the insistence of Koun, who doesn't want to waste too much space. This allows Koun to indulge in smaller hobbies like instruments and gardening. Sora tries to get Koun to raise animals, but he declines.
-Koun ends up making his own mark on the celebrity world in two ways. The first way is that he becomes known as a mystery musician, playing in various areas randomly for tips. (At the insistence of Sora, who pushes him to pursue his hobbies). The other way is that he ends up cultivating a new species of Lily during his hobby as a gardner, which becomes highly sought after. He is never fully found by the press, they never know who he is....which adds to his status.
-When he finds out that the press is having a field day with his identity, he does nothing but laugh and tells sora to let them stew. He likes watching them squirm.
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Moon Fox And Stars Kirin ( Magical March 03 and 04)
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This Magical March drawing is Super smash bros and Kingdom Hearts
Moon - This Shinobu He's using called the moonstone in transforming called the moon Fox the one called the Fox on the moon then He is Kitsune He is the one truly the Prince of the moon he used in sword of moonlight He is the one truly destiny faint he is moon Fox.
Stars - This Sora He using the stars Transforming into kirin Star He is the one true Knight and he is the 1 he is a magical boy He use Star ultra keyblade to slice against monsters and Foes He is the one the keyblade magical boy.
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loopyarts · 8 months
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Pen doddles of Sanji, Ichiji and his other brothers and random au ideas that pop into my mind.
First page a Pokemon au. The more I learn about Sanji and his disaster family. The more it make me think the Eeveelution line is perfect for all the siblings. Think about it Eevee has unstable genes, can evolve into multiple types like how the Vinsmokes have cotton candy hair and kinda unstable given you know there asshat of a father used them like lab rats hmm 🤔. I picture Ichiji with Espeon and Sanji with Flareon because sun and flame, I love a good parallel. :3 also Reiju Sylveon, Niji Jolteon and Yonji Leafeon.
Second page I got this idea inspired by a post by https crepes-suzette-373 who had theory on the idea of Sanji possibly having Kitsune heritage in his family and it got my brain cooking up an idea. Did little bit of research on kitsune lore and found out some stronger types are white, gold or black which got me thinking Ichiji has a white theme going on in his design and Sanji has a black theme. So I thought what if Sora secretly a white kitsune and two of children turn out to have inherited her kitsune side.
That’s all I got so far but I like idea of perhaps Sanji thinking he only one with kitsune powers because Ichiji is hiding his kitsune side and In whole cake Sanji see a white fox and thinks of mother when it just Ichiji wondering about at night unbeknownst to Sanji. Why is Ichiji a white fox like his mum because I thought it be cute for him to take after his mum colours. Also I love parallels cannot forget that.
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dominicsorel · 1 month
Illusions of a Kitsune
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In Japanese folklore, fox spirits (or kitsune) were commonly called "witch animals". They had the powers to change form into anything or...anyone. They were capable of "bewitching" those around them.
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Namine has been referred to as a witch time and time again.
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And she has the ability to "bewitch" people through the chain of memories.
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She also has the power to appear as someone else.
In the past, Ava did something similar quite a few times.
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Riku's the only one she couldn't trick like this lmao
The latter one being a pretty decent reason for Elrena to hate her.
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And all of these for the guilt and sense of atonement that comes from every single one of Namine's actions going forward from COM.
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While there are stories about what I've discussed, there are ALSO stories where kitsune are depicted as faithful guardians and friends. They adhere to their master's wishes. Once Namine overcomes her avarice on Sora's side of COM, she is able to continue her role of helping the new generation of Keyblade wielders while staying away from the battlefield itself.
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natsmagi · 4 months
I love that the event to go along with the climax is just the entire fandom becoming kitsune brained. By which I mean, I can't stop thinking of clumsy maid kitsune f!Mugi.
ME TOOOOOOOOO ITS BEEN SO CUTE and omg i think ive only seen like. One kitsune mugi drawing. plus one sora. no natsumes 💔
i would draw my own but last night i stayed up until 7am to pre-order the switch trip album so im tired as fuck and now i gotta prep for the event. But maybe i will draw kitsunes down the line bc they are absolutely adorable........ they made them look so fluffy i could CRY
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jinxed-ninjago · 5 months
I need some suggestions for species for furry Ninjago designs, so here are the characters I'm looking for species suggestions for:
If you have any other characters you'd like to suggest that I don't have designs for yet, feel free to let me know! I currently have designs for the following characters, with their species in parentheses:
Cole (tiger)
Jay (deer)
Kai (lion)
Zane (wolf)
Lloyd (shapeshifter favoring a dragon form)
Nya (lion)
Pixal (rabbit)
Wu (shapeshifter favoring a red panda form)
Dareth (goat)
Vinny (gray wolf)
Morro (lynx)
Harumi (kitsune)
Fungus (housecat)
Korgran (bear)
Plundar (raccoon)
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shadowsageingempress · 5 months
First drawing post of the new year. Here are some of my Touhou ocs, who I may use in a future project.
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From left to right, here are their names, titles and other details and tidbits about them (abilities, species, etc.):
Haradaiko Tanoshige, the cheerful belly dancer. A haradashi who likes drinking, dancing and making people smile. She spends many nights in the Human Village, looking for sad or lonely people. She then dances and sings for them in exchange for some sake. This and her ability to fill things at will make her somewhat popular with humans.
Sora Nakidori, the lonely calling bird. A yobukodori who, like her best friend Haradaiko, loves to sing. However, since her ability is to empty things, she doesn’t spend a lot of time with people. Thankfully, she has quite a few friends who still care about her dearly.
Kuro Suzuri, the inkstone possessed by a spirit. A suzuri no tamashi who loves writing and drawing, using her ability to control ink. She likes sharing her work with others, making her a well known artist and author. Most of her inspiration comes from the time she spends traveling with her friends.
Hebiko Tsuchi, cryptid child of soul. A mischievous tsuchinoko fond of lying and playing harmless pranks. Her favorite tricks will often make use of her ability to conceal and hide things or herself. Despite her seemingly dishonest behavior, she cares very deeply for the youkai friends that she travels with.
Kazuchi Yakaminari, the eight thunders in one body. As their title suggests, they are the eight gods of thunder who were merged into one body, each one controlling a different part. This took some getting used to. They played a major part in Hiruko’s plan, but have since become much less hostile. In recent months, they have used their power over electricity to help the people of Gensokyo.
Ishi no Mononoke, the white kitsune with a black heart. This nogitsune serves as the high priestess of Hiruko no Mikoto and helped her during the incident. Aside from the usual kitsune abilities, her ability to control and manipulate a person’s vices makes Mononoke a frightening figure. However, she has limits to what she will use her powers for, including not taking someone’s free will. She also acts as a fair and kind friend to her nine shikigami, and seems to be fond of Ran Yakumo.
Hiruko no Mikoto, the firstborn child of Izanagi and Izanami. After being sent adrift as a baby, they were found and raised by a fox. As she grew up, she grew to hate the gods who abandoned her. With the help of Mononoke and Kazuchi, they went on a rampage picking off gods of the outside world before moving into Gensokyo. Thankfully, she has since been pacified and serves as the leader of the Temple of Hiruko.
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veiledfox · 2 years
@curiouskinetic​ said:  "Huh? Why not?"
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“Eating random things could result in eating something that paralyzes you, rendering you vulnerable to whatever comes across you. You could also end up tripping out on something, causing hallucinations, which could result in you walking into something dangerous. You could also just straight up eat something that doesn’t mesh well with your stomach, causing illness or symptoms that, in the wild and without anyone to help you, could incapacitate you and possibly lead to death. If you’re going to eat things in the wild, you should really know what to look for in case something’s toxic, rotten, or otherwise just generally bad.”
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forgottenluck · 7 months
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Three Times Fog, One Time Sleep
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A four part Drabble series.
Three times Koun fought to stave off dormancy, and one time he didn't need too. Lore tied directly in with @bishonenprince's Sora
Part One - A Gentle Rolling Eclipse
Part Two - Waning Moon
Part Three - tba
Part Four - tba
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kitsunesora-bsdyokai · 4 months
@animelovingmultistan for the 6th time, a 3rd sora?! Yes, of course. I had to make a yokai au her. She's basically the same as the other two but a kitsune, a skittish one. Still sfw asks only please. This one is the youngest version of her, only about eight years old. Basically a baby considering kitsune lifespans.
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ninjago-shipping · 2 years
Hetero List
(B! equals Bizarro, and M! equal the Ninjago movie, just so y’all know)
Aerial || Vania x Morro
Amber || Cole x Skylor
Ambershock || Skylor x Jay
ArcticWolf || Zane x Akita
BlackWire || Cole x Pixal
BlueWire || Jay x Pixal
Braincell || Nya x Zane
Cannonball || Captain Soto x Ultra Violet
Cliché || M!Nya x M!Jay
Cloudburst || Nya x Morro
Coliel || Cole x Seliel
Conya or Petrichor || Cole x Nya
Cryxal || Cryptor x Pixal
Dayle or Gareth || Dareth x Gayle Gossip
Doglocke || Dogshank x Flintlocke
DustDevil || Morro x Ultra Violet
Elleven || Lloyd x Racer Seven
Ember || Kai & Skylor (queerplatonic!!)
EnergyEfficient || Lloyd x Pixal
Entombed || Pythor x Aspheera
Feral || Akita x Benthomaar
Firefly || Kai x Vania
Firewall || Kai x Pixal
Flood || Kalmaar x Nya
Fog || Nya x Shade
Fowl || Libber x Clouse
FruitPunch or Sorin || Sora x Arin
GarageRace || Scott x Racer 7
Garsako or Harbinger || Garmadon x Misako
Holly or Llokita || Lloyd x Akita
Hope || Young Wu x Faith
HowlingWind || Bansha x Morro
Icestorm || B!Zane x Nya
Ivory || Hailmar x Vania
JadedSnake || Harumi x “Snake Jaguar”
JadeStorm or Morrumi || Morro x Harumi
Jaya || Jay x Nya
Kailor || Kai x Skylor
Kitsune || Morro x Akita
Life or Lloya || Lloyd x Nya
Lorumi/Llorumi || Lloyd x Harumi
Lullaby || Lou x Maya
Mellow || Lou x Lilly
Miasma || Morro x Tox
Mirage || Kai x Chamille
Misfortune || Nadakhan x Delara
Moriel or Phantom || Morro x Seliel
Mudslide || B!Cole x Nya
Nemesis || Sensei Wu x Aspheera
Permafrost || Ice Emperor Zane x Pixal
Pixane || Pixal x Zane
PunkRock || Ultra Violet x “Rocky Dangerbuff”
Quiet || Mr. E x Harumi
Raincloud || Vania x Benthomaar
Redemption || Morro x Skylor
Revenge || Mr. F x Aspheera
Roadrunner || Ultra Violet x Fugi-Dove
Ronya || Ronin x Nya
SeaSerpent || Skylor x Benthomaar
Skelma || Skales x Selma
Smithcest or Heatwave || Kai x Nya
Snakecell || Nya x “Snake Jaguar”
Steam or Raya || Ray x Maya
StolenKiss || B!Jay x Nya
Strike || Libber x Krux
Sunflower || Vania x Echo Zane
Sunshine || Cole x Ultra Violet
Tar || Shade x Tox
Tea || Sensei Wu x Mystake
TeaPost || Mystake x Mailman
TheyDeservedBetter || Show!Garmadon x Koko
Transformer || Ash x Chamille
Trident || Nya x Benthomaar
UltraE || Ultra Violet x Mr. E
VanillaCake || Vania x Cole
VioletSnake || Ultra Violet x “Snake Jaguar”
Whiplash || Aspheera x Acronix
Windpower || Morro x Pixal
Wusako || Sensei Wu x Misako
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Headcanon of Super smash Bros and Others Pt 1
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Yuki part 1
She is Japanese American
She is very kind and very elegant brave and brave
She is Asexual and nonbinary
She is Scared of Death and Betrayed
She is Fan of Anime and Manga also
Comic , Video games and TV series
Her favorite video game is Pokémon Scarlet , Super smash bros ultimate , Pokémon Shield , Kingdom Hearts 3 Persona 5 , Pokemon Black , Pokémon White 2 , SpongeBob Cosmic shake , Multiverse and Danganronpa
She is a demon angel hybrid but she is immortal
She have Alternate Forms :
A Dragon forms like Eastern dragon or western dragon or dragonling
Octoling Form
Human form she very similar of meggy
Animatronic form is Fox
Werewolf form , Weredragon form and werecow form
Pokemon form is Reshiram , White Kyurem , Goodra , Koraidon , Arceus , Delphox , Latias (Mega latias) and Sylveon and Flygon
Ultra Instinct form
Super Form
And Velociraptor Form
She trying to win to get rank X and She will win next time
She have Magic powers and spells she looks reminds me she became the mage
She have pet Smallfry
She is Neo Agent 3
She have Husband is Sora
She has have Inner Rage and Reshiram corrupted form by corrupted Reshiram like Fnf corruption
She has Nightmare form like fnf indie cross
She has spiky hair and fluffy hair similar of super smash Bros and splatoon
She is Waterproof inkling
She is omnivores
She is main character on Delta Stars
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Nate part 1
• He is American
He is Fallen Angel and he is immortal
He is Gay and bisexual
He have Husband is Ani he is Demon boy
He favorite video game is Pokémon Violet , Multiverse , Super smash bros ultimate , Nick All Star Brawl , Henry Stickman collection , Pokémon Moon , Pokemon White , Jump Forces , Mario kart 8 , Kingdom Hearts and Fire emblem engage
He have scars case on during on World of Light
He have Alternate Forms:
A Dragon form
Octoling Form
Elf from
Werewolf form , Werecrocodile form and weredragon form
Human form
Animatronic form Kitsune
Kitsune Furry form
Nightmare form
Wendigo form
Monster Goat form
Omega Blue Beast form
Pokemon forms like Zekrom , Latios (Mega latios) , Miraidon , hisuian typhlosion ,Typhlosion , Rayquaza (Mega Rayquaza) , Umbreon , zoroark , Hisuian Zoroark, Cobalion , Lugia and Black Kyurem
Protogen Form
He have problems of inner Rage and out of control became monster
He is Fan of Anime , manga and comic also video games and TV series
He favorite TV series is The Simpsons , SpongeBob , Loud House , pokemon ultimate Journey , Teen Titans Go , sword Art Online and Inside job
He has Magic powers and spells He was mage
He has Spiky hair and ponytail he was similar to inkling boy in smash bros and mario kart 8
He is a Wholesome dad
he waterproof Inkling
He is omnivores
He main character on Smash bros Delta stars
Super smash Bros ultimate Delta Stars is based of Anime and cartoon :
Steven Universe
My Hero Academia
One Piece
Dragon Ball Super
Blue exorcist
Tokyo Ghoul
Owl House
super smash Bros
Sword Art Online
Powerpuff Girls Z
Yuki and Nate They are protagonist character on super smash bros ultimate Delta stars
Plot Story :
After of World of Light and Dark defeat by Galeem and Dharkon they are peace of world Until A awaken of multiverse And universe A beyond venomous and one chaotic villain who case of Revenge and vengeance attack on the universe But when a hero to use a light of the elements The elements of Delta stars They use a light against using a power of darkness and chaos The one true hero to be a Delta great hero Became the Legendary heroic Path of Legacy.
This about is Inkling girl named Yuki Who became a brave hero Is she to be the legend The legacy of the hero On super smash bros ultimate Delta Stars
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This Headcanon about Super smash bros ultimate and multifandom
This doing characters on Headcanon Super smash bros ultimate Delta Stars include Crossovers and Part 2 will be later.
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mymumisasquid · 2 years
My OCs
Yellow = Temporarily
Red = Abandoned
Ikemen Vampire
Jamie Rivera — Human
Riley Aoki — Human
Olivia (Olive) Blythe — Human
Crocifissa Da Vinci — ???
Elvire Saint Germain — Pureblood Vampire
Catina Draculesti — Demi-Vampire
Kei Mokishoto — Human
Himari Kurima — Human
Amelia Earhart — Lesser Vampire
Alexandrina Victoria (Queen Victoria) — Lesser Vampire
Alexander the Great — ???
Julius Caesar — Lesser Vampire
Charles Darwin — Lesser Vampire
Ikemen Sengoku
Sora Nakamura — Human
Reiki Kantero — Kitsune
Matsumi Sekigawa — Human
Ikemen Prince
Yvonne Bos — Human
Claudia Ricci — Human
Ester Patel — Human
New OCs (IkePri)
Owain Auclair
Jhanvi Mallick
Unnamed Character
Nadia Smirnov
Boris Smirnov
Jelena/Pobeda Smirnov
Vuk Smirnov
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sweetside · 1 year
OC and AU list
Nela (Faceclaim: Judgement from Helltaker)
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What: 5'12 Feet (156 cm) Female Demon (She/Her, It)
Who: The current ruler of the Underworld. The one up top on the obsidian stone throne doing all the paper work so that all the little deamons, succubi and whatever else is crawling around in the depths of hell can live their lives doing what they do best.
Tiffany Rosebelly (Faceclaim: Sapphire Rhodonite from Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice)
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What: 6'0 Feet (183 cm) Female Human (She/Her, They/Them)
Who: A Princess of the Rosebelly line. She is energetic and deeply devoted to her passions. Of which her two most prominent are cooking/baking and interacting with intelligent non-humans, such as monster girls. These two passions usually mix into "Feeding anyone she finds cute with large amounts of delicious pastries."
Sora Wilbur (Faceclaim: Riruka Dokugamine from Bleach)
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What: 5'10 Feet (155 cm) Female Cowgirl (She/Her)
Who: A Wandering tomboy cowgirl with a thick accent. She dreams of the day that the world bows before her, and until that day comes, she sees nothing wrong with making you foot the bill for her needs and wants.
Frances "Flan" Boulangerie (Faceclaim: Olga Marie Asmleit Animusphere from the Fate franchise)
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What: 6'1 Feet (189 cm) Female Human (She/Her, They/Them)
Who: A Bratty heir of the Boulangerie line. Frances was born with an enormous appetite bubbling under her subconscious. This means that simply mentioning a food makes her hungry for it, this is also the source of her nickname "Flan".
Reality Bender!
What is it?: An Au version of a character that has the power to bend reality to their whims. These versions also usually aren't tied to their respective canon lore. As an example, in this AU Nazuna is just a powerful and ancient natural born Kitsune.
Who has it?: Yu Narukami & Nazuna Hiwatashi.
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