#soo soo
soephiphany · 10 months
Blue & grey - Han Jisung || The one where you finally let the light in.
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|| The one where you finally let the light in.
Summary -> In your grey world, you've never imagined that enjoying good book would bring a color to your life.
Pairing -> non idol!Han Jisung x gn!reader( I think it's gn. If there's something implying any gender, I missed it srry)
Warnings -> Studio Ghibli; kinda weird writing (pls don't hate, I write like that when it's for myself only but I wanted to be different); Han w painted nails; a very disgusting amount of fluff cause that's all i know to do! I don't think there's any more? If there's something, please tell me.
A/n -> Firstly, I like to apologize because i did NOT intended to take this long to write something lol but it happened. Also, this is sickening, awfully amount of fluff and delusional content but if the author's delusional what can I do, right? I wrote this while listening to Spinning globe and Let the light in, so I HAD TO put it in the drabble. Btw, I did not watched the new Studio Ghibli movie, I don't even know if it's out yet but my studio Ghibli playlist added this Kenshi song and I just felt the need to write something. Anyways, I'm not gonna hold you back anymore, enjoy bbs and thanks for reading. Btw, this is all your fault @dreamescapeswriting cause I've spended a eternity reading your reactions and i don't feel a bit of regret but now I'm impossibly delusional :/ I'm going fr now. Bye.
Tell me if there's any writing mistakes ;)
You wish your feelings and actions were like the movies. Not usual and simple movies but Studio Ghibli movies.
Where life is green and full of passion, where even the most silent moments are filled with beautiful melodies and heartwarming lights and sounds.
Your life is grey.
It always has been, sometimes a hint of yellow or red appeared but eventually it retorned to the old and boring grey. That one where even the parts where light hits, it's still dark.
Even the prettiest pieces of art, the colorful Van Gogh ones were out of life and the Monet ones, were out of love.
Maybe you've been to drowned on the dark shade of grey, to see that hint of white in the corner. The one where sits in the hidden place inside that sweet corner of room called library. One that stays inside pretty eyes, one that follows a unknown sweet melody.
That one where stays and belongs in the prettiest eyes and the kindest heart.
One which steps are light and laughs are loud, which holds gorgeous warmth and shyly says
"Hi, are you going to pick this book?" Shiny brown iris gaze at your direction and suddenly, there's color in your world. A different tone of blue lives in the corner of the highlights in his eyes. He stares for some seconds before repeating himself.
It could be your extreme heartbeat or your delusional mind but it feels real. You feel the melody, you even hear the faint voice of Kenshi Yonezu in Spinning globe, just that Studio Ghibli spark that was missing in your life.
Studio Ghibli, it's Studio Ghibli, it echoes in your head.
"What?" With confused expression, you realize you spoke out loud, and too into your dreamland, you say it again.
"Hm.. it's Studio Ghibli" his eyes move between you and the book where your fingertips meet.
His chuckle is low but it makes you high
"I know"
"I mean, i- It's written Hayao Miyazaki... And it's my-" he's blushing and embarrassed when you mumble a "ah, I know it too"
It feels so awkward, it feels so real and dreamy at the same time. You're so into it that Lana del Rey is long forgotten in your ear buds.
You've never believed in love at sight but now you understand, you just didn't had the right sight.
"Yea, it's my favorite" he cuts the silence with a shy smile, which you return gladly. He has a beautiful smile.
"Mine too." His eyes go big and his grin turns more impossibly perfect. His hands trace the book as he word that same sentence once again "Are you going to pick it?" You take the last ear bud left and Let the light in fades in the air, but you don't care, you need to hear him better.
"It's just cause, i've been looking for it for a while cause apparently Howl's moving castle only sells at specific places and I had to basically cross entire Seoul to find a place to buy this book and I just desperately need it. I really do but I understand if you wanna buy it cause you've touched before and I have a rule, so i would understand if you wante-"
"You can keep it." You cut his rumbling with a kind smile. His eyes went bigger than before and he's obviously trying to hold his excitement, which you find it adorable.
"Are you sure?" There's concern in his voice and you brush it off shaking your hands in his direction
"yea." He nods as he takes the book in his hand and there's a sudden warm in your fingertips, making you realize you were still holding it.
His nails are painted, some designed with tiny hearts, adorable just like his heart shaped smile, growing bigger by the second as he thinks about reading the book back in home.
"Thank you, really"
"It's okay" he taps the cover drumming some unknown rhythm for you right now. "I'm Jisung by the way" you divert your eyes from his hands to meet his piercing gaze and galaxy eyes "Han Jisung"
Your hands sweating when you offer it to him, you really hope he doesn't notice it. "I'm ______"
The gaze he has on you, like he's drinking you in, feeling your presence and marking your name in his head.
You feel really delusional, everything's very delusional now.
Except, you don't notice his shy smile when you bid goodbye and turn around, returning your ear buds to where they belong and leave, without knowing that he heard it too.
Cause his world could never be more blue, however, the moment the saw you, a different color came in his life. A unique shade of grey, a precious one, for him.
And you didn't noticed, how when he touched your hand and heard your voice, Lana's melodies echoed in his mind, and suddenly, his navy and dark blue world had a different light. When you smiled to him and said your name, you might've noticed how he stared at you, letting your light in, letting your watercolor drop sting in his canvas, marking you in his soul.
You noticed some things.
But you didn't noticed how he drummed the song you were hearing, or how he was longing to touch your hand and how your warmth affected him.
You both used to say you didn't believe in love at first sight, until you saw it.
He was glad to open the first page and find your number on it. He doesn't know when you put it there and neither does you however, the hopeful feeling that fills his heart is more than enough to make him go home with the book in his hands and a grin in his face.
And when reality was hitting you again, your phone vibrates in your hand.
You open it and see
"It's Jisung, from the library"
You see just what you needed to see.
Your very own Studio Ghibli moment.
Your movie.
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sirshiba · 2 months
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look at my horses boy
(image ids in alt)
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pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
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mebssann · 8 months
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 4 months
Remember the 6 year old girl who was surrounded by Israeli tanks and the red crescent couldn't reach her? Her name is Hind Hamadeh. Here you can hear the phone call her 15 year old sister, Layan Hamadeh, made with the medics. She was killed exactly a moment later including all people in the car, except for 6 year old Hind who was stuck in the car with the dead bodies of her family, Israeli tanks and IDF surrounding her, shooting, preventing anybody to reach her.
That was last night (29.1.24). Today, still nothing. The fate of Hind remains unknown.
palestine red crescent ambulance team went to rescue her yesterday evening, but they have not returned as of now. We lost contact with them about 18 hours ago, and we still remain unaware of their fate and whether they succeeded in evacuating her or not.
Please, share Hind's story as much as you can on any platform. We need to know what happened to her. Put yourself in her place, how terrified she must be. Don't scroll past this.
This is Hind.
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allagashed · 2 months
whenever i say “screaming crying throwing up” this is what i mean
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plumslices · 1 year
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wizard0rbs · 4 months
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silkysong · 4 months
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do u ever wonder what goes on in there
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yuri-puppies · 1 month
Shape-shifters, face-blindness, and "paying attention to others"
The shapeshifter is one of my favourite "monster of the week" episodes because it showcases how differently Laios processes social information than the rest of the party. It reminds me a lot of the strategies I, faceblind name-forgetter and eye-contact avoider, use to recognize people and learn things about them.
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We see Laios clearly fail at recognizing the doubles through "standard" social cues that are perceived as "easy to tell", such as their clothes. This makes the team (unfairly, but understandably) weary of his ability to tell the fakes apart and even worried that he'd prefer the monster versions* over them. Nonetheless, he gives it a try!
...And is immediately overwhelmed. His lack of attention to social cues works a bit in his favor, though, as it makes it harder for him to fall for stereotypes that fool the rest of the group.
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Instead, he chooses to rely on his strengths and use his investigation and animal handling skills to distract the shapeshifters, lure out the monster, and roll the most insane balls-to-the-wall intimidation check of all time.
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If it had ended there it still would have been a great episode that showcases Laios' strategic mind and his strengths as a leader. He doesn't have the social skills necessary for the task, but he is clever and creative enough to use the skills he does have proficiency in to solve the problem*.
However, what makes this episode so dear and near to my faceblind heart is the revelation that Laios was able to recognize the real party members after all.
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Laios is fantastic representation of how special interests actually work for a monotropic interest system. Having a special interest is not just about how much you like it and the need to know everything about it, it's a way of processing and filtering information. Laios' special interest is monsters: his skills as a dungeoneer and party leader are acquired for and informed by his desire to interact with monsters, as is his interest in eating them. He actually brings this up himself when comparing his interest in cooking to Senshi's.
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And in this episode, we see that this also extends to his friends. Laios hacks one of the most difficult types of information for him to process by routing it through the lens of the special interest. And, because it's not something most people would notice, it works. He knows that Chilchuck wouldn't let his guard down around a potential mimic, that Senshi values a balanced ecosystem, that (my favourite) Marcille just isn't as thoughtful about monsters as he is.
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It might not be what was expected, but it did the trick! And what's more, the narrative validates his way of thinking (even if Chilchuck doesn't).
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puba24 · 9 months
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Some ideas of grown up Hogarth in Gravity Falls :3
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