#song: more than anything
vaggieslefteye · 25 days
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♫ TOP 5 FAVORITE HAZBIN HOTEL SONGS ♫ 𝄞 2ɴᴅ place - More Than Anything
― So in the end, it's the view I had of you that showed me dreams can be worth fighting for... More than anything, more than anything, I need to save my people more than anything! ― ...I've been dying to find out who you are ― I've been waiting, wanting the same thing ― Looks like the apple doesn't fall far! ― Took you a while ― I've missed that smile
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
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something about found family and pop punk covers
(full version on webtoon)
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okieduckie · 4 months
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sonchop · 1 month
okay but let's just talk about this moment once more, please
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Lucifer doesn't just feel terrified af when Charlie is in "danger" (compared to the acceptance he shows when the spears are aimed at him)
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but also pulls her away from it and even changes places with her to protect
he's ready to protect her whatever it takes, even if it means to take the strikes of all spears of heaven
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it keeps breaking my heart, he loves his daughter so much, more than anything
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22mzk03 · 4 months
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yoinkschief · 4 months
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I haven't drawn angst in a while,,
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francy-sketches · 11 months
Hiiiii guess who finished her pmv. finally. um enjoy :3
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
(Don't know if this was asked already but)
What are the Titan's first reaction to Dick calling to them in owl hoots?
And what's their reaction to Batman answering Dick the same way?
At first he wouldn’t make any birds sounds around them at all, opting to wear contacts and talk as little as possible.
The first time they witness the bird sounds would probably be in response to Robin hijacking the comms after Dick didn’t check in with him at the alotted time, suddenly Nightwing is just standing off to the side, hooting and chirping softly in the the comms.
The titans are definitely confused because??? They thought Nightwing was human???? But apparently the name means something after all so whatever. If they can have an alien on the team then a bird-man-whatever is nothing. And Dick, upon seeing that they really don’t care at all, starts making bird sounds more frequently around them. And the Titans likewise learn to interpret some of the sounds (“look!” Is a sharp hoot, “stop!” a chittering hiss, and “nice-move-but-I’m-going-to-show-you-where-it-really-hurts-now” is an amused little chirrup).
The real surprise is Batman and Robin responding to Nightwing with the same sort of bird sounds and it takes them a good moment to realize that—- yep, “tall-dark-and-scary” just hooted at him like an owl. And now, apparently he’s not mocking him because Nightwing appears very happy about it and Robin also makes those weird little cheeps and trills that genuinely don’t sound like they should be coming from a human throat at all and—-
Yep, now Nightwing is??? Cuddling Robin???? Is that a thing?????? And making the softest bird noises yet?????? (One of the Titans definitely tries approaching them but the dead stare Dick gives them makes them backtrack very quickly. The message is clear: no approaching Robin.)
((Jason meanwhile jabs Dick in the ribs hard and pointedly makes his way over to the Titans to cheerfully say hello and let them know that if anything happens to Nightwing on their watch, he’s going to become their worst nightmare. The Titans are reluctantly impressed but also very much aware that Nightwing is still giving them that eerily blank stare that promises a world of pain if anybody even thinks about harming a hair on Robin’s head. Like they ever would. Batman’s wrath alone wouldn’t be worth it, but now they’re starting to see that Nightwing might be even scarier than him.
Wally eventually takes one for the team and introduces himself to Jason, offering to share some silly stories about Nightwing from their last mission and eat ice cream.The speedster is the first Titan to get his individual bird call.))
The Titans obviously aren’t going to question Batman hooting at Nightwing (no way, they value their skeletal integrity thank you very much) but that day, many wild rumors and speculations about Batman are born, some them gaining enough attention that JLA hear of them.
None of them want to ask, but the running bet is either that the Batfamily are all metas with bird characteristics (“It explains how they can stomach swinging through the city like that Roy! They’re meant to have wings, but now they have to compensate!”), or that they’re secretly some kind of eldritch entities that embody all the weirdness of Gotham City (“No Donna, think about it, it makes sense! Remember all those random owl statues and carvings around the city? They’re literally an embodiment of that cursed place!”)
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prommytheus · 6 months
dahlia hawthorne miss dahlia hawthorne.... + 66 or 17 ... pick ur poison >:0]
decided on 66, so as to not do a second sir chloe song lol
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redrew her as the album cover, since it had always reminded me of her aesthetic anyway
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julnites · 7 months
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🌸 been indulging in some nostalgia lately
(and if you're feeling generous I now have a ko-fi! ⭐)
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vaggieslefteye · 2 months
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꒰ঌ I'm grateful you're my father more than anything ໒꒱
꒰ঌ I'm grateful you're my daughter more than anything ໒꒱
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aprilizzie · 16 days
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Luci 🍎🐥🎶
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wolfasketch · 4 months
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Chaggie and HuskerDust kiddos!!
I'm also kinda shipping them together...
Solo and Info sheets:
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fizziepopangel · 3 months
“I’ll shelter and adore you more than anything…”
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Touch and words of affirmation are his top love languages. He’s been through a lot that’s really shaken his confidence and his beliefs. Hearing someone actively reassure or compliment him is a huge boost for him, as is feeling something solid and consistent in the form of touch (especially when these come from someone he cares for).
Lucifer absolutely blasts show tunes and sings at the top of his lungs while he’s in the shower.
Flirting goes straight over his head sometimes since people often use the “did it hurt when you fell from heaven” bit on him and it usually results in him trauma dumping and showing them the actual physical scars he has from literally falling from  heaven…. He never understands why people seem to drop out of the conversations after since they did ask him.
He frequently uses the phrase “I knew him personally, so I know that God only lets things grow until they’re perfect. Some people get there sooner than others.” when someone makes fun of his height.
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He sleeps in duck footie pajamas that Vaggie gifted him on his first father’s day since he and Charlie began talking again. Though she was embarrassed to give him a gift, he was absolutely over the moon excited since this means that his daughter’s girlfriend likes him.
Unbeknownst to the rest of the inhabitants of the hotel, Lucifer has a rubber duck that resembles them all. He often has to remake Alastors because when he’s upset with him, he tends to take his anger out on the Alastor-themed duck. At least one radio demon duck gets destroyed a week.
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Eats candied apples religiously
He only wears the hat to look taller. Alastor knows this and frequently steals his hat and then pokes fun at his height as the king of hell wanders around looking for the accessory.
Lucifer loves animals so once a month he gathers all the pets (this included Razzle and Dazzle prior to Dazzle’s death) of the hotel for a little playdates. He buys them cute little outfits, takes them to pet parks to play, buys them each a new toy, and gets them hell’s version of a pup cup.
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Yes, he did try to take Husk once because he does in fact view the man as a giant kitty that he really wants to win over…. And yes, Husk does go once, he regrets it immediately.
Despite them not exactly seeing eye to eye (partially because of the height difference), Lucifer and Alastor both enjoy cooking and get together with snacks to watch their favorite cooking show once a week. It started by accident, but since it became a weekly occurrence, they put aside their differences for the one night to enjoy the show together.
Lucifer bakes muffins and banana bread every weekend. He even teaches Niffty how to do it, she’s a flour covered mess by the end of it and her bread usually comes out rock hard and her muffins rarely rise, but Lucifer actually really enjoys the company and he finds the tiny woman rather amusing to spend time with.
After reconnecting with Charlie, Lucifer made it a point to have father/daughter dates once a month in an attempt to get to know her again. After realizing how big a role Vaggie plays in her life, he would start inviting her out with them too and referring to her as his future daughter in law.
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He absolutely hates geese.
Lucifer keeps his wings tucked away for most of the time when they aren’t needed, but he usually sleeps with them unfurled and spread across the bed when it’s warm out, or with them wrapped around himself when he’s cold.
While most people would think that the big boss of hell would be the all business type that drinks his coffee black, he actually prefers a soothing warm tea to coffee when given the option…. But if he has to have coffee, he usually has a cup that tends to be more creamer than coffee and it has to be tooth rottingly sweet.
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There’s a cabinet in the Hazbin Hotel kitchen full of mugs. Lucifer has 4 duck themed mugs in that cabinet… there were 6 but Alastor “accidentally” broke two.
Lucifer keeps one of Charlie’s baby photos in the pocket of his jacket, but as their relationship improves, he keeps a newer photo of the two of them together in his pocket with it too.
There’s a cabinet in the Hazbin Hotel kitchen full of mugs. Lucifer has 4 duck themed mugs in that cabinet… there were 6 but Alastor “accidentally” broke two.
Lucifer keeps one of Charlie’s baby photos in the pocket of his jacket, but as their relationship improves, he keeps a newer photo of the two of them together in his pocket with it too.
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allthedoorsareopennow · 3 months
fans of the toy soldier, tragic horror act 3 is the show for you I feel like TS is amped a bit higher that it should be for most of the show - it overpowers the other singers when there's multiple people singing together
also is that some fun bonus accordian from the drumbot?
god fucking damn pump shanty goes REALLY REALLY FAST you can hear jonny just shoving in a few words where he can as he struggles to keep up
also bonus raphaella singing - she voices cinders and sings cinders song and also sings in other places
OOOH fun extra vocals behind our boy jack that's GOOODD
'and now you want to go white knight over a science project with a broken snoze button? I don't buy it'
'you clearly weren't listening when I explained it the first time'
'no, I wasn't'
'right, I'll explain it again'
'Brian, that insobordinate piece of brass, I will have you- melted down..'
ooooh is that ashes voicing briar rose
'but I hope my prince will bring a sword'
(muttered, possibly by Tim? couldn't quite hear) 'well, it's a revolver, I'll give you that'
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kelsonius · 2 months
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Hazbin Hotel | 1x5 - “Dad Beat Dad”
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