#some of y’all weird as hell don’t fucking talk 2 me
rubysparx · 1 year
What if I posted art again. Would u guys even care
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For everyone’s entertainment (because according to my friend, it’s hilarious that I’ve fucked to nearly every gvf song) -
Greta Songs that I have done the deed to and how I rank them:
Age Of Machine, 10/10 - this one hit. I can’t even begin to explain it. If you haven’t put this song on your filthy playlist, it should be on there. Go do it.
The Archer, 10/10 - Gah damn. That’s all I can even say about this one.
The Barbarians, 10/10 - Obviously. I mean, come on. Good shit.
Frozen Light, 10/10 - That bass line? She’s sexy, so therefore… it fits a sexy environment.
Fate Of The Faithful, 9.5/10 - This one is down right NASTY. Like holy fuck I’d let this song put a baby in me. DAYUM when I tell y’all this one just hits different. Jesus christ.
Stardust Chords, 9/10 - I know what y’all are probably thinking… but it’s so good.
The Falling Sky, 9/10 - Was definitely adding to the intensity. In the right situation, this shit will get you railed.
Built By Nations, 9/10 - Once again… if the vibes are right, shit will get you railed. It’s heavenly, really.
The Weight Of Dreams, 9/10 - This shit was almost like an otherworldly experience. The guitar solo??? Yeah. Mhm. Orgasmic.
Meeting The Master, 8.5/10 - The change in intensity throughout this song is really what makes it so good to me.
Sacred The Thread, 8/10 - This shit… whew. The drums sell it. The rhythm is immaculate, tbh.
Brave New World, 8/10 - would have NEVER truly expected this one to hit as hard as it did. Good god.
My Way Soon, 8/10 - This one is solid. If it played again while I was doing it, I wouldn’t be mad at all.
Watching Over, 7.5/10 - I can’t say it let me down. It didn’t. It doesn’t always fit the vibes, though.
Lover, Leaver (Taker, Believer), 7/10 - Again, could absolutely dig it in the right situation, otherwise I would deem it a little much.
The Indigo Streak, 6.5/10 - While the solo is sooo fuckinggg sexy, the song overall would not be my first choice, but I don’t dislike it, either.
Safari Song, 6.5/10 - this one was pretty fun after you get beyond Josh’s scream at the beginning 💀
Age Of Man, 6.5/10 - This one would genuinely be sooo much higher on the list, if it didn’t make me so damn emotional.
The Cold Wind, 6/10 - this one’s crazy but… on the occasion I like it.
Light My Love, 6/10 - Unless you’re trying to be all sweet and sappy, I’d stay away from this one… but it was lovely. I won’t lie. I liked it.
Trip The Light Fantastic, 5.5/10 - I loved it and also felt weird about it all at once???
Caravel, 5/10 - I… As sexy as the bass line is, for some reason it just didn’t quite scratch the itch in my brain all the way.
Talk On The Street, 5/10 - Before actually fucking to it, I would have said, “hell yeah, I bet this one would be great!” But it’s just mid.
Heat Above, 5/10 - So sweet… but i’d rather not have flashbacks to my greta show and suddenly be on the verge of tears.
Highway Tune, 4.5/10 - I tried it simply because Jake said it was in a sex scene…
Tears Of Rain, 4/10 - Lowkey… could have put this higher, but also I have to mentally prepare for this song or I will cry. Sooo… idk.
Broken Bells, 3/10 - Great if you like choking on sobs while having sex.
Flower Power 2/10 - This one played on accident… And i did lay there contemplating leaning over and skipping it.
You’re The One, 1/10 - I just… I can’t. It’s TOO sweet, like in a little highschool crush kind of way.
Farewell For Now, 0/10 - This one couldn’t have played at a worse time and I hated every second of it. Love the song, but not for THAT.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Love in the Air & also the smell of burning trash
MAME’s adaptation of her novels “Love Storm” (พายุรักโถมใจ) and “Love Sky” (พระพายหมายฟ้า) this is a duology focusing on two different couples and their storylines.
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Well, fuck me. 
This is your fault tumblr and I blame all y’all entirely. But yes, guess what this is?
Well, it’s me flouncing, but apart from that?
Another MAME dumpster fire marshmallow roasting trash watch. 
Some of you even begged for it. Or maybe if I’m a MAME character, you didn’t beg for it but I’m gonna gaslight you into thinking you did and then ruthlessly kiss your neck.
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Good start, ABL. 
Real good start.
You see what this show is doing to me already? 
Fortunately for the few of you who like unconsenting trash-watch neck kisses, and unfortunately for the rest of you, the opening of this bloody show made me realize that I had to do a trash watch. 
Take the neck kisses. 
Take ‘em and like ‘em. 
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Without further ado, let’s get started. 
Episode 1 - WHHHHYYYYYY???????
The longest establishing shot in the history of establishing shots, Kubrik take notes. 
And what is it focused on? The gayest bridge in Thailand! (okay maybe not, but it looks a lot like it) 
Did the overdramatic music make me laugh? Yes it did. 
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My brain on BL figuring out what is being trafficked inside those 3 big trucks. 
A bunch of acoustic guitars?
Vats of pink milk?
Stacks of white towels and plastic bowls?
MAME’s morals, value system, and taste? 
I’m a motorcycle rider and I’m still disappointed they were full of motorcycles. 
Speaking of which, is anyone reminded of the trailer for that one Thai BL called Motorcycles from years ago? It never got made. 
Cute meet cute in the rain with the umbrella. Styling trope drops, actually. 
Takes me back it does... 
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Can’t knock MAME’s meet cutes. 
Just everything else. 
The Characters 
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Rain = Random assholery disguised as tsundere + flirting + homophobia wee. Also kinda stupid, dramatic, and slightly cute.
Matched with P’Phayu = a bisexual predator-slut (TM) because MAME can’t leave THAT one to dry for one fucking show. Bonus seme points for eyebrows even more aggressive than he is. 
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I like Sky = snarky bestie with solid moral compass and epic eye rolls. Maybe she’ll let him be cool? (Oh noes, I said something, he’s doomed.) 
Random bratty kid in the seat behind Sky = I have seen that actor before, damn it. WHERE? OMG it’s Dr. Sing from Triage! 
Look I’m beginning to get slightly weirded out over the age jumping Thai actors do. 
He’s in high school, 
he is an office, 
he’s in uni, 
he’s a doctor, 
he’s back in high school. 
Are MaxTul the only ones allowed to grow up? 
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Okay, grow up = wrong term entirely. Whatever. Don’t distract me with MaxTul, where was I? 
Right, instead let’s talk MewGulf. Anyone else think MAME is gunning for that pairing style with this lead couple? PhayuRain giving me... vibes of the TharnType variety, shall we say? Not exactly, of course. So maybe not vibes, more sort of squint your eyes wiggles target practice?
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Back to the... episode. 
I’m losing the plot already. Fortunately for me, said plot is pretty banal, but what do I expect? 
Also the pacing is odd. Things are moving physically faster than they should, but with no real establishing emotional connection. Again normal for MAME. It’s either emotional chemistry drawn out as unnecessary angst over the whole show, or physical chemistry shoved in your face like a wet waffle with an attitude problem. 
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I don’t know enough Thai slang to know if the double asshole entendre was on purpose with this dialogue. 
But if it was, it might actually be the greatest line ever executed in a BL. 
And I am thoroughly ashamed of myself for thinking that.
Get it? Ass-shamed.  
To conclude: 
Screw all you all, I’m dragging you down with me into this hell (ass)hole. And since I highly doubt there will be lube, this is gonna burn like the dumpster fire it is. 
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I refuse to take responsibility for anything I say or do around this dumb show, it’s @fandomwithjoy ‘s fault. 
Episode 2 - in which I do some actual analysis about VO work as victim blaming and then get distracted by spankings and scoop neck t-shirts 
Serious moment of film studies? 
Do I think we are getting Rain’s voiceover (narration track AKA VO) because otherwise it’s too dub-con and this is MAME trying to avoid complaints? YES I DO. Basically we get Rain’s thoughts during the “almost rape” stuff so MAME can say: 
“See? He actually wants it.”
Look, here’s the thing about having a character VO narrate anything, it’s clumsy. It smacks of not trusting the audience (to be clever enough to follow the story) or the actors (to be good enough to transmit the emotion) or the genre (to convey the world building in a show not tell manner). That’s why so many in the film industry are against it. (See the Bladerunner VO controversy.) 
Do many of my favorite BLs do it? (Cough cough.. JAPAN.) Yes. But then I’m not as against it as many because I like super complex world building and I don’t mind some lazy technique in the pursuit of audience comprehension. Also yaoi was all about head hopping. 
HOWEVER, I’ve never seen voiceover work used as an excuse for portraying dubious content before. Essentially this show is doing a victim blame version of VO.  
Ballsy of you, MAME. VERY ballsy. 
I don’t know if I should be impressed or appalled. 
The thing about MAME is, regardless of anything else you know you’re going to have a lot to talk about. I suppose that’s why she always summons a trash watch. 
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Quick add from the future: 
I went off on Takara & Amagi because they manage to use VO to directly combat dubcon (or at least the issues with BL that lead to dubcon) in a GOOD way. So if you’re intersted in this technique working, you should 1. be watching that show and 2. read this post about it.
No booze tonight but that’s only because allowing BL to drive you to drink once a week is expected, but twice? That’s just schedule mismanagement. 
So next week I might delay Unforgotten Night for Thursdays and just decree: 
Trashlush Thursdays? 
Eh, I’m more creative when I’m drunk. 
Moving on to the new ep. 
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It’s a weird quirk of Thai that no matter what, they will not believe that work is not pluralized in English these days. 
Every time it’s translated plural I think of little Victorian maiden aunts doing good works for their community, knitting, or darning, or tatting. 
And now I’m picturing Payu draped fiber arts. 
Back to Daddy Payu... 
I can’t. 
He just doesn’t give daddy vibes. Bad boy vibe = yes, daddy = no. 
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Back to P’Payu disciplining his bad boy in the bathroom. 
With... erm, neck breathing, I guess?
Still, oddly sexy.
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Also... RESULT. Rain used polite (submissive) language. 
Am I taken with the idea of Domming for linguistics? YES I AM. 
Shall we try? 
Nong Thailand, NO MORE “works” FOR YOU! 
I will now breathe heavily on your neck until you stop sticking that “s” on the end. 
Nope, that didn’t work. Works. Ha! 
Question: Who the hell is directing this? It feels like Tee’s work but he’s not listed on MDL. *** 
Look the thing about bratty militant tsunderes without reason like Rain (or Type for that matter) is I fail to see why anyone likes him or wants to be friends with him, let alone fuck him. Fuck with him, sure. But he’s not hot enough to get over a bad personality. 
Sky deserves better friends! 
The seme’s race track consult. Nods in the general direction of Cutie Pie, like anyone could out-seme Zee and Max, are they cray cray? Body language alone. 
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But could we talk about the sound in this not-Cutie Pie seme-conspiracy scene? It is so SO BAD. They just what? Hooked up some cheap-ass wireless mics during a wind storm and thought, why bother looping? Flipping heck. MAME’s got money, this is insulting, 
Moving on swiftly please. 
Poor Sky, abandoned by his so-called friend to be (presumably) seduced by greasy motorcycle dude with bad sound tech. (Yes I think that’s where they meet but we won’t see it until their section, which I’m guessing will be in the second half of the series. I believe we got a Star & Sky approach happening here.)
And now... 
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Slap that baby, make him scream!
(10 points to the first elder goth who gets the reference.)
But also... 
A spanking! 
A spanking!
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I had to, okay.
To my knowledge this is the first spanking scene in BL (Japan doesn’t go in for spankings as a rule, everything else of course). Thus Monty Python is required on such an august occasion. 
This is a serious, hallmarked event in the history of the genre.
Heh he. Hall...marked. Get it? 
Okay, I did find it cute that Payu chose a scoop-neck T for his boy, clearly we got a neck fetish going on. 
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That’s it. 
That’s all I got. It was what it was, I’m not mad about it, just a little... okaaaayyyy. It’s MAME, no whiff of consent shall there be. I’m not excusing it but dub-con has just GOT to be her kink. 
Gotta go, works are waiting. 
*** Spies reported in:
Apparently the director is Neti Suwanjinda. He's new to BL who previously seems only to have done short films and music videos. Prior to that, he was bassist in the 2000s rock band Am Fine. Good times. 
Episode 3 - Linguistic Domination is a Go!  
am one and a half glasses of wine in and ready to do this thing! 
Sky is the best boy and also kinda a little shit. Good combo. Like red wine and dark chocolate. 
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Sky, are you trying to remind us that there is meant to be a plot?
Please don’t. 
I love how they called out English 3rd person gendered pronouns in one tricky little scene. 
Okay so when he is being polite Rain uses Phi/pom + krap (with he full roll).
When he not being polite he still uses phi but he’s slipping in wa (instead of na, which makes it rude and informal) and not using krap at all (which makes it curt and impolite).  
So the little training session was about particle use. 
Then we got a date, I was very distracted by interesting food choices ordered off that menu, and am mad we did not get a good shot of the table after they were served the dishes. 
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I’m starting to get tsundere Can vibes from Rain, and tsundere Tharn vibes from Payu. Not sure what that means except MAME only has about 6 character personalities she rotates though. We kinda knew that already. 
Well, this is BL. 
OH WAIT, is Sky gonna be like a snarky Pete character? Wouldn’t that be grand?  
And Dr Sing is playing the Techno of this drama. As always: never enough Techno. 
I’m not gonna explain that statement, it’s like 5 BLs deep.
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All in all not a bad episode (not a good one, either).
Shoulda had more spanking, tho. And more wine. 
Ooo, wine! 
I just realized the actor playing Payu kinda reminds me of Seonghwa from Ateez and now I can’t stop imagining him in a cropped shirt and vinyl, and it’s BAD people. 
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Episode 4 - I just... ARGH
Payu is just such a manipulative hot/cold arse. I don’t even like Rain and I think it’s cruel the way Payu jerks him around. You don’t train someone up and then abandon them for any reason. Payu is really pissing me off.
 Their chemistry is good though. That age old agony with MAME. 
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I am going to state for the record that no one deserves Sky. Sky is too good for this show let alone his friends or boyfriends. MAME should leave my precious Sky ALONE. Sky is best cinnamon roll ever frosted. 
Meanwhile, cruel or not, I guess Payu’s training technique is working. I just wish it had been negotiated. I think I’d really like this show if they’d had a five sentence kink convo verbal contract in ep 1. 
It’s a dangerous game that we play
when we seek to rewrite MAME
for the characters stick
to just one pony trick
only chemistry will save the day 
Although I’m not sure ‘bout that sex scene. 
no opening condoms with teeth, I don’t care how sexy
no one can one-hand a glove that fast, not even a pro
no lube and no prep?
Look I’m just gonna pretend Payu was riding, makes me feel better about everything. Then I can pretend he took care of the necessities ahead of time. Or maybe it was just frotting? 
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Episode 5 - In which MAME as officially ruined my favorite thing 
I’m not drunk but I am jet lagged and that’s almost the same thing. 
I see why they don’t have the seme actor with his hair down often, he looks way too young. 
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Oh dear, baby was caught in the rain. Baby got sick. This is BL. Bound to happen. 
The horsing around flirty boyfriends is VERY cute. 
I didn’t get any more from the meeha bits than was translated. My stuff on wifey language in Thai BL is here.
These two are good kissers but it’s getting to be a lot of kissing. 
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Sky puts up with epic amounts of shit. 
I guess MAME is preparing him for his own story line?
Get it?
Moving swiftly on from my crassness.  
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Also Sky, baby, your friend was silly long before he got a faen. 
Oh yay!!!! A counter lift! That’s almsot as good as a spanking!
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What is this? 
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I now know the only time I don’t love a counter lift is WHEN IT IS COMBINED WITH SINGING.
MAME has ruined my favorite thing!
(To be fair she’s been ruining perfectly good BL for ages now, so I guess she already was ruining my favorite thing... gah, where was i?) 
A perfectly lovely counter lift mutilated by acapella. 
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I feel like I should write an ode, or a dirge. But I wouldn’t ruin your day by singing it. 
Don’t laugh, I can see you laughing.
I’m spiraling into a deep depression as a result of counter lifting Thai soloists. 
There will be nightmares. I tell you. Nightmares. 
I should have been drinking. 
Stupid MAME. It was actually a perfectly serviceable episode. 
Until the singing.  
I’m going to bed now.
Episode 6 - We Are Now Calling this show “The Taming of the Screw”
And by “we” I mean me. And you can’t stop me. Can never stop the bad puns, for they MUST live! 
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(For reference. This is for Aiden and Lambert from the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. All of these can be read with pretty much no knowledge. I went into these freaking blind off of… somewhere. I don’t know. I found them somewhere and went down a rabbit hole.)
I’ve been through all 58 or so pages worth of fanfiction in their tag. Lore-wise, we literally only know a name and vague affiliation on one of em. They’re my poor little meow meows. My silly rabbits.
I went through all those fics and I got like. Six recommendations. These all made me feel some kind of way, or I read them more than once. IN some ORDER!
1. Where I Stand by LadySesame.
Status: complete
Ohhhhhhh what if we were lovers and I thought you were dead and then you got dragged into my home (that I never quite had the courage to invite you back to) completely feral and with clear signs of torture and me n my bros and my (kinda shitty dad who I fight with a lot but he’s genuinely trying but also he’s fucking it up) and one of my brother’s weird boyfriend (who was kind of the only one who knew you existed and mattered to me in any way) had to figure out what the hell to do about all this. And then it gets better but worse before it gets better.
Vampire hunt flashback cool. Dynamic immaculate.
2. The Kaedwen Wolves by Kaerith
Status: incomplete, has not updated since 2021.
Hockey aus really have it all. The banter. The rivals. The “we’re just homies. What do you mean I’m sending mixed signals.” The inherent homoeroticism of hockey. The “fellas is it gay to get in a fight on the ice so fast you forget to take your gloves off because some guy called your Good Friend over there a slur and like. I’m not gay or anything but also-”. And also men with muscles and a couple braincells but those only work occasionally. The chemistry.
This one would be tied for first but it’s still really early on and hasn’t updated in. A while.
3. Out of the Night That Covers Me by inexplicifics
Status: complete
Ough we love hurt/comfort and being kind in a world that is determined not to be. I love. Kind men with massive muscles who are so so so self-aware (but sometimes also stick their foot in their mouth real bad) And also terrifying women. I love terrifying women. Uh. Modern au. Everyone’s alive that I can think of.
4. Four Chambers by GilliganGoodfellow
Status: Complete
This one harmed me. It’s the accurate portrayal of grief. Warning for my homies. The Cat stays dead in this one. Had me wrecked for Amounts of Time
Rest of that series also bops and slaps. While I do love Complicated Feelings Towards Vesemir (he’s trying. He was part of an institution of child abuse. He didn’t have power to change anything. He was still part of it. He did the best he could. Maybe it wasn’t enough. He tried. Trying only gets you so far). Papa Vesemir ALSO has a place in my heart.
5. Denial by tnico
Status: complete
Author knows more weird little facts than I do. Scratches my brain. All of their works that I’ve read are stupidly good.
6. A Beginner’s Guide to Exploiting the Kaedweni Tax Code for Fun and Profit by heronfem
Status: incomplete, updating
You know.
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amor-immortalem · 5 months
So lesson 40’s here and season 2’s over huh? Let’s complain about it together
I’m simultaneously dissatisfied and satisfied with S2’s ending. I have negative feelings about the hard mode 40-8 in particular.
I feel like if this is actually the original timeline were back in, the brothers should have had a bigger reaction to MC’s return cuz like didn’t Solomon say that we just up and disappeared at the start of season 1 and the bros were a complete mess?
Makes me feel like something’s up- like the brothers’ perception of time has been altered or messed with in some way.
Initially I thought that Lucifer had seen the way his brothers and himself were suffering and wrought with worry for MC being missing so he asked Barbatos to cast a spell on them to kind of ease that by not making it seem so long that MC’s been gone and make it feel more like only a few days to months (or hell maybe he could’ve learnt to do it himself- this is Lucifer we’re talking about here) but now I’m not so sure and maybe we didn’t actually end up in the correct timeline. Or maybe this is all just nightbringer’s influence (cuz remember they’re all about leading others to happiness or something along those lines)
Either way I’m generally not a fan of it- I wanted that big sappy reunion with over the top dramatics with my favorite demons, damnit! I’ve been robbed!
Also where the fuck did Solomon go? he went through the rift in space time with us so shouldn’t there have at least been a small interaction with him when we arrived at the HOL even if it was along the lines of “oh good we’ve made it back in one piece, I’ll let you go inside and have some time to catch up with the brothers on your own. I’m gonna go debrief with Barbatos” or something?
And then there’s Nightbringer- or more specifically, their lack of presence within Season 2. When was the last time they’d even been mentioned in the story(lesson 21? 22? Were they ever mentioned at all after that?)
I know obvious answer is that Nightbringer=Barbatos (is it just me or was Barbs acting kinda… weird? Throughout the lesson??? He had me feeling like ‘this mf knows we time traveled don’t he?’) but anyway it feels like, for a character the game is literally named for, they’re not very important and front ‘n center…
Maybe S3 will be more focused on Nightbringer and whatever the hell’s going on with that weird ass reception from the brothers we got but for now we’ll just have to wait (I wouldn’t be surprised if solmare made us wait until April when the game hits its one year anniversary for S3 just like it played out in the OG game…)
Also also if the devs don’t hurry up and make 13, mephisto, and raphael dateable in S3 I’m going to riot. Lemme give my pretty wife kisses and take her on cute dates and shit. It’s been like 2 or 3 seasons since she was introduced! Whats the hold up?
My thoughts aren’t coherent anymore so I’ll stop but see y’all in April for Season 3
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timeagainreviews · 6 months
Putting the Mid in Midnight: Wild Blue Yonder
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If I were to mention the film “The Horror at Party Beach,” no one would blame you for having never heard of it. In the annals of horror history, it left minimal impact on the genre. Why then were audiences asked to sign a “fright waiver,” before being permitted to see the film? Because it was never about the audience dying of fright. It was a dare to the viewer, one almost as old as cinema itself. William Castle used to start his films with a warning to the more delicate members of the audience. Reports of people fainting during “The Exorcist,” or more recently “Terrifier 2,” create a buzz around those films. Can you survive the horror or will you wind up in the hospital? The only way to know for sure is to buy a ticket! This is why when Russell T Davies issued a warning that “Wild Blue Yonder,” was possibly too scary for the kiddies, I saw it for what it was.
While I don’t doubt there was some concern that certain children may be disturbed by the imagery and tone of last night’s episode, it feels more like Davies asking audiences to just go with it. Similarly, Davies also asked us to just go with the idea of David Tennant returning by first introducing us to Ncuti Gatwa. “This isn’t a forever thing or the show moving backwards. Just go it.” After seeing how tumultuous the fandom has been since *checks notes* 1963, it feels like Davies’ tactic to unite the fandom is to encourage them to just go with it. It also feels like Davies is riffing a little, trying new things. “Wild Blue Yonder,” is an engaging exploration of the new while also referencing some of the old. Yet despite all of its experimentation, much of it feels like familiar territory.
First and foremost, I would like to state that I admire the hell out of this episode. On the rad vs trad debate, this puts one giant foot down for rad. With that said and out of the way, we need to talk about that intro. When it comes to the race of Isaac Newton you might say the show should be educational and therefore accurate in its depiction of race. But pretty early on, Doctor Who abandoned all pretence of being educational. And more recent attempts at being educational have left us with Jodie Whittaker spouting off a Wikipedia summary about an asteroid. You could also argue that this is a different type of education. A lesson in what it feels like to see your own people played by someone white. Considering Doctor Who’s history of brownface, I’m gonna say y’all need to chill the fuck out. Just go with it.
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My only issue with this scene is much like the issue I had with the Children in Need special. The humour just falls so flat for me. It was a big thud on arrival. From the Kaled anagram sequence to mavity, it just doesn’t work for me. Part of me wonders if this isn’t in part because David Tennant and Catherine Tate were never on set with Nathaniel Curtis. There was no chance of improving with improv. I mentioned last week that some of the representation stuff also felt clunky. It’s weird too because when the show isn’t actively trying to make me laugh or view trans people like myself as valid, it comes off as funny and validating. Sylvia’s tuna masala and or Donna’s love for Rose do such a better job at both, yet they’re the quieter moments of the show thus far. It’s ironic to me that the more powerful moments of the second Davies era have been understated.
It’s easy to write this overstatement off, however. Thinking back to the 50th anniversary special, Clara’s line of turning people into frogs fell flat for me at the time. Now I look back at is as kind of charming. And furthermore, these big events like Children in Need, Christmas, or anniversaries get away with a bit of excess. The humour is more broad because they expect more people to be watching. It’s a time of merriment. It’s also part of why I appreciate “Wild Blue Yonder,” so much. Davies was attempting a weirder “Midnight-esque” episode in the middle of a highly publicised media event. He knew it was a bit of an ask for some audience members. Once again, it feels like an invitation to the rest of the fandom to allow room for exploration. If Doctor Who and the fandom are currently fractured, do we really need to put it back together in the same shape? Does it even need being put back together? Why not just fill the cracks with some seeds and see what grows out of them?
Since “The Star Beast,” aired, I’ve seen some people complaining that the sonic screwdriver has become too OP. Apparently, making sonic barriers is less believable than joining two cut ends of barbed wire. While I do understand that the sonic screwdriver can be a crutch for bad writing, I also understand it to be incredibly cool. Like, I’m sorry, cool beats your need for locked doors any day. If you need absolute realism in what you watch, might I suggest the window? It’s a freaking magic wand, people. Let it be magical. Doctor Who isn’t hard sci-fi. If Doctor Who’s sci-fi were a cheese, it would be brie. It looks hard but it’s gooey at its centre. You can argue that the sonic screwdriver being capable of repairing the TARDIS is too OP, but it’s also the device which removes two major plot conveniences in this episode- the TARDIS and the sonic screwdriver.
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The Doctor and Donna are doing this one without a safety net. They’ve both been pared back to who they are as people. I had a feeling going in that this episode was going to have a smaller cast. It feels like Davies taking a stab at a sort of “Heaven Sent,” narrative that dissects the Doctor and Donna. In other ways it feels like an homage to Davies' own pared-back classic “Midnight,” which has gained cult status as one of his best scripts. In the short stories of Robert Aickman, readers are often left unaware when exactly things get strange. His protagonists walk through their worlds unaware of exactly when things turned hostile until they’re in the thick of it. In the same manner, much of the opening scenes of “Wild Blue Yonder,” leave us waiting for the other shoe to drop, and when it does, you may not notice right away.
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Coming directly off the tonal whiplash of the Isaac Newton scene to a scenario so dangerous that it set off the H.A.D.S. system, it’s nice that the episode eases into its weirdness. The TARDIS’ eerie recitation of the song “Wild Blue Yonder,” echoes through the air with a reminder from Wilf, via Donna, that the song is not a jolly anthem, but a declaration of war. So we sit in the mystery of this gigantic ship sitting at the edge of the universe with its shifting corridors and its slow robot, as we try to ignore the clanking sound just outside the ship. It feels a bit like Doctor Who doing a haunted house in space, but you’re not exactly sure why. It’s Amityville in Space, but good.
With no sonic or TARDIS at his disposal, the Doctor can’t just point his magic wand. Even worse, the Doctor doesn’t even have the benefit of the TARDIS’ translation circuit. Whatever language this civilization uses on their ship, it’s not one of the 57,000,000,205 languages the Doctor can speak. But one language the Doctor can speak is mathematics. The Doctor may not have his tools, but he still has his mind. Deciphering the base ten of this unknown species, the Doctor can begin piecing together what is going on in this ship. Perhaps if he can figure out why an airlock had been jettisoned in the past, it might give a clue to what is happening. If he can remove the threat from the ship, the TARDIS might return. Otherwise, he and Donna could be forever stranded on this ghost ship hovering over nothingness.
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If this ship is haunted, we’re about to meet the ghosts who call this place home. The Not-Things arrive quietly. So quiet that the shot establishing two Doctors and two Donnas in separate rooms initially seemed like a bad edit. When did the two of them get split up? It’s hard to remember. But we’re pretty sure the Doctor who licked the goo on the circuit is the real deal. Tasting things to figure out what they are is a classic Tennant move. The Doctor pretending to have a bad reaction to the goo evoked the Fourth Doctor pretending to go mad with power over the Key to Time. I wonder now if that wasn’t the Doctor testing a theory in the back of his mind because Donna was feeling a bit off. The Doctor has shown in the past that he knows when his companion is compromised in some way. Last week we were given early warning signs that the Doctor was becoming increasingly wary of the Meep.
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Having the characters note a fluctuation in the temperature or the line “My arms are too long,” felt right at home with things like “Don’t blink!” or “Hey, who turned out the lights?” Their visible breath as an omen of ill tidings sits comfortably next to having two shadows or marking your skin to remember the Silence. I love how Doctor Who can turn everyday things like statues, shop dummies, or seeing your breath into danger. Those are the moments for the children hiding behind the sofa. One of Doctor Who’s greatest strengths is its ability to use allegory to help children face real fears. These are the modern equivalent of Grimm’s Fairy Tales.
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For a brief moment, I worried the Not-Things were going to spend the whole episode with Donkey Kong arms. While an effective and trippy visual, it would have started to look goofy after the initial shock had worn off. Watching “Return to Oz,” as an adult, I’m no longer scared of the Wheelers, but as a child they had me covering my eyes. Seeing the Doctor and Donna in these twisted forms was disturbing and creepy. I can see how this episode will stick with younger members of the audience for years. I also imagine it as future fetish fuel, but that’s unavoidable. In the words of Community’s Dean Pelton- “This better not awaken anything in me.”
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Watching the Doctor and Donna drive away from these twisted angry giants reminded me of Leela and K9 fleeing guards in “The Sunmakers,” or even bits from “Terminator 2: Judgement Day.” I also got whiffs of “Sin-Eaters,” from the Titan comics line. While the sharp teeth and asymmetric contortions of the distorted Doctor and Donna do a lot to sell these monsters, it’s the performances of the actors that tip the scale. Other than the times we’re not supposed to know who is who, they feel like different characters. It started tricking my brain into thinking of the Not-Things as completely different actors.
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An issue I have seen come up about the Not-Things is their special effects. If you were worried that the Disney+ money was going to make the show look too polished, worry not. While many of the shots in this episode were very good, and I love the continued use of practical effects, some of the effects of the Not-Things were a bit naff. But much like the Power Rangers effects from the acid ocean scene in “The Halloween Apocalypse,” I found it charming. The only one shot from any of these sequences that I would call bad is the shot of the Not-Thing Doctor with his head between his legs. It should have either been cut or reworked.
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It’s hard to talk about the plot in this story. Mysteries are looming, but for the most part it’s a series of chases punctuated by “Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” paranoia. But that isn’t to say that the screen time is wasted. Davies uses this as an opportunity to explore the Doctor’s emotional state after the events of the Flux. Something which hadn’t seemed to affect the Doctor much since the end of “The Vanquishers.”  It’s also interesting to know Davies hasn’t forgotten that half the universe was destroyed by the Flux, as Chibnall seemed to have forgotten immediately after. A friend even texted me today saying how Davies treated the Flux more seriously than Chibnall, and I don’t disagree. I felt like he did a better job explaining what actually happened during the Flux. Perhaps it was bad writing, or perhaps I had already given up hope on the era, but I had no idea that the Flux had anything to do with the Doctor. I’m not even joking. It wasn’t even apparent how much of the universe had been destroyed until last night. I learned more about the Flux from a couple of lines of dialogue than I did from six episodes of “The Flux.”
After the Doctor and Donna suss out who is who, they manage to put a little space between them and the Not-Things first by way of a line of salt and ultimately by a glass door. It was at this point in the episode that I made the strongest connections to “Midnight.” The doppelgangers watching Donna and the Doctor’s every move, reading every thought, to mimic them perfectly was a lot like the creature on the Midnight tour shuttle. In both stories the creatures even reach a point where they begin studying their prey. Noting every minor movement and tic. In both stories, formless creatures are looking to hitch a ride in someone else’s body to wreak untold havoc elsewhere. Because of these similarities, I see this story as a spiritual sequel to “Midnight.” A sort of loving homage to the Tenth Doctor and Donna era.
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The Not-Things dwelled in the vast nothingness at the edge of our universe growing to despise our boiling noisy existence. Like the song “Wild Blue Yonder,” their response to our shouting into the void is a declaration of war. They seemingly hate us for our existence. When the mystery ship arrived, they saw it as a perfect vessel to bring destruction to the universe. The Captain of this ship must have figured this out as it was she who set their demise into motion. Realising that the Not-Things have a harder time mimicking or noticing things that move slowly, the Captain set the ship’s robot on a very slow course to set the ship on self-destruct. She then threw herself out of the airlock to prevent the Not-Things from fully taking her form.
The Doctor and Donna’s discovery of the horselike Captain’s body as the source of the clanging against the ship demands a bit of discussion. In yet another clunky attempt at trans inclusion, the Doctor and Donna try and work out the pronouns of the Captain. The Doctor affirms to Donna that the Captain was a she, but gives no basis as to how he arrived at this conclusion. I find this noteworthy simply because it actually plays into a transphobic meme that says when trans people die, archaeologists will misgender us by our bones. Because by what means did the Doctor know the Captain was a she? He couldn’t even read her language. What if she was the first trans masc horse Captain? Are we really not gonna stan a horse king because of how his bones look? Obviously, I’m taking the piss. But I do feel like this illustrates the responsibility one takes on when they aim toward validating representation. A simple line to clear up how the Doctor knows this would help because otherwise, he’s just guessing with no reasoning to back it up.
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Another weird aspect of this episode was the aforementioned glass door. If I had a quid for every time a Doctor Who 60th anniversary special ended with characters being separated by a glass door in a spaceship, I’d have two quid. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice. Also weird is that this episode marks the second time since we met the Fourteenth Doctor that the TARDIS enters a location by slamming into a wall. The first time being the Children in Need special “Destination: Skaro.” I would say this feels significant, but the TARDIS does land smoothly next to Cyber Dog at the beginning of “The Star Beast.” Another crash landing which could also mean nothing would be the TARDIS slamming into the tree that drops an apple on Isaac Newton’s head. Speaking of meaning nothing, what even was the point of that scene? Was it all to set up the mavity joke and the Doctor’s queerness? Or did it have a greater meaning? If not, they really should have just cut it all together. Perhaps air it as a minisode the day before “Wild Blue Yonder.” As an episode opener, it sticks out like a sore thumb.
After the Doctor almost escapes with the wrong Donna, the TARDIS gets a chance to show off its new ramps by using them to eject Not-Thing Donna like a middle-aged bowling ball. Our little android friend, now sped-up to real-time pushes the destruct button and takes the ship and Not-Things with it, thus finishing the Horse Captain’s brave mission to save the universe. I was sad we never really got to know the little robot. Its design reminded me a bit of Marvin the Paranoid Android from “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” I was ready to love its personality and then mourn its sacrifice. It’s weird that in some ways, the fan theory that we would see twisted versions of the Doctor did come halfway true. Only in this version, there was no evil Matt Smith or Peter Capaldi. It’s been a bit interesting to see the fan theories come so close yet remain so far away.
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Bookending the episode is another scene removed from the main storyline, only this is a book I actually want to read. Returning the TARDIS back to the Cyber Dog location where it was last seen, we get our first glimpse of Wilfred Mott since “The End of Time.” Sadly, it’s also the final time Bernard Cribbins will grace the screen of Doctor Who ever again. This brief cameo was all they were able to film before Cribbins passed away in 2022. I think it’s safe to assume that most of us got a bit teary-eyed seeing ol’ Wilf one last time. As the Fourteenth Doctor said “I loved that man.” I’ve never met a Whovian who didn’t love his character. Seeing Wilf waiting for the Doctor and Donna to return, still believing in the Doctor after all these years, is exactly how you want to remember him. An ever-loyal soldier who doesn’t leave his post. And so shall he never leave our hearts. It was bitter-sweet, but I’m so glad we got to say goodbye.
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Ultimately, this episode kept me engaged throughout its entire runtime. But where it falls short of “Midnight,” is in its inability to create the same level of tension. Perhaps it has to do with the special effects revealing so much under bright lighting. There is less left to our imaginations this time around, and therefore the scares are more on the surface. This doesn’t automatically make them uninteresting, only less engaging. It reminded me at times of the special effects from the new “It,” film series. At times it was creepy and at other times it felt like something from a computer. I’m still deeply interested in the dread the Doctor felt after introducing superstition at the edge of the universe, where the rules of reality are less defined. That seems like a bigger plot point that furthers my belief that RTD plans to continue breaking Doctor Who wide open. If I were to compare the quality of “Wild Blue Yonder,” to previous Doctor Who stories, I would go with “The Idiot’s Lantern,” or maybe “Flatline.” Both of these are episodes I enjoy but they aren’t earth-shattering either. As I said in my “Eve of the 60th” article, I would settle for competent and competent was what we got. I'm still very excited for what's to come.
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ambeauty · 1 year
I have some many thots and feelings on the season opener of Titans Part 2. I’ve literally had all day to process these thoughts and I hope they come off well intended. Well DCTK was something… I’ll make this a compliment sandwich. In the caul’s folly ep I loved how hands on Dick and Kory were. Dick constantly checking on her meant everything to me. 🥹🥹🥹 That was when I really floated to the ceiling. It is something so wonderful and so beautiful about seeing Dick be a literally shoulder for Kory to lean on, even with how strong she is. That’s how their relationship has always been but not seeing them shy away from each other physically meant a lot to me.
Now Kory not knowing how to read ancient tamaranean was a choice.. and the fact that the vision was not discussed was also a choice… How does the heir to the throne not know their ancient language. I can see if she forgot like when she had amnesia and maybe it would’ve curled over better if she said I can’t translate this right now, it must have gotten loss when I landed. IDK something to prove she hadn’t studied her own race’s native language as the next in line monarch, even if she didn’t want it.
However the Diner scene, when Dick sat next to Kory I have to say I was very pleased. Like that’s really her man without being her man.I can’t deal with them. I love how Kory went ahead of Dick to talk to the cops too. She was gonna use that charm by any means necessary and then Dick stepped in like “Baby, I got this.” 🤭🤭
Now here’s where things get shakey for me. When Kory starts to feel sick and Dick takes her back to the RV, where the hell does he leave her while going to meet with the sheriff? Was he not afraid someone wouldn’t find her after? Idk him going to visit the sheriff alone just didn’t sit right with me. And constantly leaving her “alone” throughout DCTK gave me some friction. Just didn’t seem like the smartest of ideas. But likely she didn’t wander off or get taken.
Ok so here’s my ultimate gripe with the episode. This episode was supposed to be about Dick & Carol & Ted & Kory… and I feel like they only got about a fourth of the episode. I feel like this was an episode full of very flavorful tastings of something reallly really special. I feel like if Tom could’ve written the episode of just Dick & Kory he would’ve went so crazy and I wanna see that version without all of the extra plot points like TimBer and Brother Blood. I wanted Dick & Kory actually communicating about why they put them together as a marry couple since it seemed so outlandish that they could be in bed together 🙄 (y’all have fucked multiple times.. be fucking for real) I would’ve liked you to remember it but yeah idk it was weird. Like funny but weird.
At this late stage of the series the tiptoeing and longing and pining of this ship is tortorous and TIRED. We should not fucking be here. I am sorry. We shouldn’t. Dick should’ve tried to snap Kory out of her spell by telling her some of her memories that intertwined with his. A conversation about the Mar’i vision should’ve been discussed there. I feel like it won’t ever be fully discussed because when do they have the time???
I am just forever upset that so much of s3 could’ve been giving us this but they had to throw Barbara in there for some sick reason. We should’ve gotten all of this pining last season so we weren’t spending majority of our final season there. I feel like the moment we see Dick and Kory happy and in love it’ll be over. Like 5 minutes of it. And what was the point of spending 11 episodes pining. IDK. I know Dick and Kory would have such a beautiful relationship once it’s finally said and done and I am perturbed that I am going to have to spend time exploring it in fic alone.
I just don’t wanna have to write fix it fics because that means that I was unfulfilled by the media and that was fine last season they had time to fix it on their own but the way they went about it here leave so much to be desired.
In conclusion. Dick telling Kory he would never leave her was sooooooooooo sweet. A perfect moments in the midst of a lot of shit and although he didn’t tell Kory directly. She knows how he feels. Idk when they will actually have the talk if they actually have the talk but I am sooo ready to see it. For my little DickKorian heart there’s so much riding on this conclusion. And I hope I can feel satisfied in the end. Right now I feel edged to the end of oblivion not gon hold you.
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waitingforeddyneddy · 6 months
Lmao I AM the old mod from Reddit. Just a few points
1) my friend did see them at merrily we roll along. Idk why this changes things. I still don’t like Ariana, she’s an ass. And I find it very telling that JB hangs out and associates with her and it HAS dimmed my interest in him, I still like HIM, but it’s definitely annoyed me. I won’t be seeing wicked, and I’m not convinced it will be good. 2 parts? Why?
2) I do still feel like the JB sub is very strict with voicing opinions. One of my comments recently got locked because I mentioned that I didn’t think JB should brag about meeting president Biden at the moment and I was told not to bring politics into the sub. Somewhat difficult, when JB is angling himself as a political activist/foundation member. But fair enough, it’s their sub and their rules.
3) I didn’t say Simone was jobLESS, I said it was weird she didn’t book as much as her counterparts. I put 0 blame on Simone for this btw - I said I feel like her management team was dropping the ball. Being the lead in a top show on Netflix should have put her on the short list for actresses that year. Fast forward to now, & the strike has delayed whatever project she’s in. That sucks. Because the only thing we’ll have seen from her in the last two years is Bridgerton s2 & 3.
4) I agree JB didn’t do much press for s2. And I still say, he won’t for 3. I didn’t say he’s too big for it. I said he might not want to, and if he’s busy (wicked reshoots and whatever project he books next - a play? Idk) he probably won’t make room for it. Also? Why would I think he’d do press for 3 when they *barely* promoted him for 2. He got his solo articles for 2, he’s not going to do that for 3.
I don’t really remember what else was in the comment but here you go!
Y’all don’t like JB (some of you even hate him) and that’s fine, everyone’s allowed an opinion. I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan of Simone, I don’t hate her, I just don’t really care either way and people were really pissed at my opinion that she should have booked more after s2 lol.
I read your comments because I agree with some of the things posted, I disagree with a lot. But isn’t that what open dialogue is about?
Anyways, happy holidays!
happy holidays to you anon
listen, you know what I think about JB, I won't say that I hate him cause at the end of the day I can't hate a person I will never meet. I feel an intense dislike for him based on his public persona. Kudos to you for admitting that your interest in him has dimmed. If I was his fan I would be much the same cause you have to admit he surrounds himself with nasty people. Ariana Granda was an asshole way before she came out as a serial homewrecker, there's no one I hate more than privileged celebrities who use their fame and money to treat regular people as trash and we all know those horror stories that always surrounded her about her treatment of workers. Lmao she basically admitted she's a cunt in one of her songs, when people tell you who they are, believe them. As for JB, I don't know if his friendship with her is PR or not, It kinda doesn't make sense since I think his Wicked character doesn't even end up with her right? (I don't know Wicked very well) but it was very obvious those photos were staged because the way they were acting was embarassing and the fact that he keeps bringing them up and the buzz they generated as something surprising is even more embarassing for him. This is why I think he's fake as hell. What do you mean you can't believe people were talking about them and the fact some people thought they were a couple? Not everyone knows you're gay buddy, and they way you and and one of the most famous pop stars were all over each other is bound to create talk so stop acting kind of annoyed about the "straight allegations". Then there's his whole friendship with Matt Bomer, another gay man who wasted a good opportunity to shut the fuck up and punctual as a clock posted an israeli flag on his insta. The reality of Fellow Travelers is there for all to see. Paramount, the conservative author, the producers, writers and cast members seem to be zionists and JB himself was part of Israeli pink washing propaganda. Honestly kudos to you for saying your fave talking about being happy about meeting Biden is not a brag and them telling you to keep quiet is another reason JB fans are the biggest hypocrites cause what the fuck does it mean keep politics out when JB himself said he wants to be political lmao? he photodumped his israel vacation, he's proud of his zionist show, he's happy about meeting Biden. Ladies and gentlemen, I think it's best if you start accepting your fave is not on the right side of things at all, yikes. He's one of the cast members of Bridgerton who said he wants to be political but couldn't bother to post ANYTHING regarding a simple call for a caesefire, in the name of human rights being stomped and all the kids who are losing their parents or even worse their lives. Fucking yikes. And he wants to be political? Does he think being political is only about going to galas, meeting famous people and having drinks? Or does he think it's only all about queer rights? He's white, he's rich, I think he can afford to speak about queer rights AND human rights since he wants to get "political". Nah, I don't think he's a good person at all and the more I see and read the more I feel validated in my opinion.
As for Simone and her career...I don't know what's going to happen, I'm patiently waiting for news, she seems happy and I'm good with that. Of course I wish for more, we'll see. I don't think it's right to compare her to her other costars. Actors from Bridgerton who have been booked and busy are Phoebe and JB, they're both white with connections. Even Rege, who was the actor everyone couldn't stop talking about when Bridgerton came out, didn't book much. I mean he did a couple of movies but nothing that matched the level of hype he got. We all know why.
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virusinfected-memes · 2 years
50 starters. CW: alcohol, cussing, sexual themes. Some starters are just random quotes from Tik Tok creators, some starters are from Tik Tok trends that have popped up over the past year or so. The original sources of these trends are from various memes, shows, songs, and other popular media. Feel free to change words and pronouns as needed! [PARTS: 1 - 2]
"Guess who’s terrible at processing emotions? This guy!”
“If I have to gain any more character development in 2022, I think it will be the start of my villain origin story.”
“Did you get enough love, my little dove? Why do you cry?”
“What happened to us? We used to be best friends.”
“I’m so tired of shonen. Please release yourself from the shackles of shonen anime.”
“Honestly? We’re about to get colonized by aliens, so what can we do? Count your days. Count your fucking days, human beings, ‘cause as soon as the aliens drop, I’m gonna be an alien’s whore. I have no loyalty to the human race.”
“I wish that I never met you. Everything else is horrible by comparison.”
“I know my girlfriend is a witch.”
“It’s gross stuff, but it tastes good when you put it all together.”
“Is it me? Am I the drama?”
“Dear God, why is it so thick?”
“ ‘Spuddle’ is a seventeenth century word that means to feel extremely busy while achieving absolutely nothing.”
“This relationship isn’t healthy... I think we need to go on a steady diet.”
“Like, I’ve never wanted to be thrown across a room before, but... I feel things right now that I’ve never felt before.”
“Beans on toast does not look attractive. You know what? Let’s look up some beans on toast.”
“I have alcohol. I don’t have feelings.”
“Y’all wanna be edgy so bad.”
“All my life, I had to fight with no ass.”
“The Lord knows our hearts, okay? If the Lord didn’t want me to play, he shouldn’t have made me foolish. The Lord knew what they were doing when they made me. Shit! How the Lord gonna make me a fool and then don’t want me to play around? Like, make it make sense. It don’t.”
“This is great. Just the three of us. You, me, and this brick wall you built.”
“Are you falling in love? I have a feeling you are.”
“I know something you don’t. I know something you will never know.”
“It’s been a while since we’ve talked, but I missed you, you idiot.”
“The eyeliner might be poppin’, but the mental health be droppin’.”
“Anything that happens to you past midnight is between you and your god.”
“You know it’s not the same as it was.”
“Do you think you’re better off alone?”
“If I only could, I’d make a deal with God, and I’d get him to swap our places.”
“Dream when you’re feelin’ blue.”
“I don’t make my Sims woohoo. They be fuckin’.”
“I was gonna say something, but I said I was gonna be nice today.”
“Why don’t we go somewhere only we know?”
“When I was thirteen, me and my best friend had imaginary anime boyfriends.”
“I miss how Halloween used to be.”
“He’s my best friend, he’s my pal, he’s my homeboy, my rotten soldier. He’s my sweet cheese. My good time boy.”
“_____, wake up! I don’t like this!”
“If you wanna stop me, you’re gonna have to fuckin’ kill me!”
“Okay, but that’s not the point.”
“Open up the door. I only wanna play a little more.”
“Don’t you ever be wasting your good energy.”
“What’s it like being ugly and sad?”
“And nothing can go wrong... OH, NOO! IT ALL WENT WRONG!”
“My money don’t jingle, jingle. It folds.”
“Stop calling, stop calling, I don’t wanna think anymore.”
“Is your middle name cheddar cheese? ‘Cause you’re looking extra sharp today.”
“The CDC just called and they told me your smile is super contagious.”
“That’s suspicious... That’s weird.”
“I do not have time for this! I don’t have time for you!”
“Who the hell’s still an Elvis stan in the year of 2022? Go to therapy. Get help.”
“That’s so cute! Are you shitting me? Capitalism really popped off today.”
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alextturcotte · 1 year
lols here we go again @2manytabsopen
rant no.1 
um so has everyone just forgotten that matty beniers was talking to a minor… like a person who is under the age of 18 kind of minor because i’m pretty sure that shit happened and i’m not quite sure why we are still making fics about this boy. or even talking about him but whatever you do you i guess 💀 another thing hockeyblr has somehow forgot is thomas bordeleau being besties with a rapist like excuse me. also not to mention using a euphemism of the n-word which is so very inappropriate. honestly i’m so sick and tired of people defending both of these boys' actions. stop saying they’re too young to know better like just no. there are literal 10 year olds out there that know these actions are inappropriate and completely unacceptable. so don’t anyone give me that “they’re too young to know better speech” because i will not hear it. they do and should know better than to do these things because they are grown ass people. they are both 20 years old and that is definitely old enough to understand that talking to a minor in a sexual way, associating yourself with a rapist and saying a racial slur is not okay. to be honest people that are still making fics about just whatever i don’t associate myself with the people who do and i block the tags and shit. it just annoys me that people don’t give a fuck and choose to ignore the issues at hand. 
rant no.2 
again with the talking shot about WAGS !!! like excuse me ma'am i know you did not just insult a woman for being friends, dating or marrying a hockey player. who the fuck do you think you are. like i know you have singular m&m rolling around in your brain but maybe just maybe put the god damn m&m to good use and THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK. what the actual hell happened to “girls supporting girls” does that suddenly not apply when your favourite hockey gets into a relationship ?! you’re jealous so what suck it up ur fav hockey was bound to get into a relationship at some point and honestly if ur THAT jealous you just had to bully the gf how come you didn’t slide into the dm’s while he was single and try to bag him… like girl come on. even if you did and it failed that doesn’t give you the okay to bully the S/O. the whole thing is so fucked up i have so much more to say but i don’t know how to type it out so yeah 
rant no.3 
tying in with rant no.2 the whole girls being friends with hockey players and people bullying the girls, trying to find out information and literally stalking them is just weird. specifically with the umich hockey team. like since when was it bad to have guy friends or girl friends…  some of y’all are bullying these girls that are in COLLEGE fucking college !!!! leave them the fuck alone they haven’t done anything to hurt you all they’re doing is having a good fun time making friends in college is that so wrong to do. and so what if some are in a relationship that’s none of your business to find out if they are. talk about invasion of privacy. some people on this app are really finding these girls tiktoks, instagrams and VSCO’s and posting them on here like just stop. for the millionth time they are in college just normal fucking people and you are invading their privacy and making them probably very uncomfortable. they just want a normal college experience but you are ruining it for them by making unnecessary comments. ESPECIALLY on tiktok just get out of the poor girls comments and stop making her feel uncomfortable. some of the people on umichblr are the reason these girls delete videos, private their account and take vsco’s out of the bio. it’s because you guys are making them uncomfortable and all of y’all are saying stupid shit like “oh idk why they deleted the video” like what ?? you posted that video on this app maybe posted a link so now all these jealous ass people can go into the comment and bully the girl like enough is enough. i’m sick and tired of it. 
um anyways these are my rants for now i hope these made sense i tend to not make sense when i’m mad but ya 🤩
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iguessitsjustme · 2 years
My Only 12% Ep 7 Thoughts
-Just diving right into this one with no food. But still got my blanket and Totoro. So that should help with the pain? Maybe I’ll eat some Cheetos
-Oooooohhh they’re fighting. Oh Eiw just asked the one question that would hurt Cake the most. “Were you there for me to talk to.”
-This hug is nice and the fight is over but their underlying issues weren’t addressed. It’s weird but I think their communication is so good that it’s actually causing a problem. Because when they need time to figure things out they aren’t given enough time before they need to talk to each other about it. 
-Do not say “I can give you everything” like that when I did not get another piece of cheesecake before this episode. Y’all trying to kill me?
-Hom very clearly worried about the age difference with Cake’s friend that’s hitting on her but she can’t be that much older? Maybe 2-3 years at most. I would really like to know the actual age difference here. 
-I do like that this scene is them rehearsing. This is the first time I actually like this trope being used. Fascinating. 
-Eiw is really too nice. He has a capacity for forgiveness that I just don’t have.
-Actually Eiw being an absolute angel right now is probably making Sand feel worse so I like that. Sand should feel awful. For a really long time. 
-Oh dad let it slip at the table before Cake told Eiw. 
-Do not hold his hand while telling him. I will pass out. 
-I’m okay. I’m very okay. As someone who has had to say goodbye like this to so many friends, this hurts. This hurts so much. I might actually cry. And that is damn hard to do. I don’t cry. Even when I want to. But this show might get me. 
-Just ouch. Pain. Oh boy oh pain. Forced separation is one hell of a stab in my heart. Even seeing it coming didn’t lessen the blow. 
-And I’ve been told the next episode is even MORE painful. How???? Is my heart supposed to be able to take this? Man fuck this up down and sideways. Give those boys a hug. 
-Whatever is on that table, I want to eat it. Feed me and let me eat my feelings please and thank.
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gvftea · 1 year
erica here. (The real one, not josh’s fake gf!!!!) I was planning to not give this the time of day in hopes that the topic would blow over, but y’all are still bringing it up.
1. I didn’t “dig thru Sam’s trash.” People who fell for that one……. damn. My therapist thought this lie was funny though. But, please please think before you accuse someone of a literal CRIME (!!???)
2. I’m private/deactivated on everything now. Please stop talking about me lol I want nothing to do with this fanbase anymore bc y’all have made my life a living hell for no damn reason.
3. Talking about where I work, or where anyone works really, is weird. But I’ve moved on to a better paying job elsewhere so that’s a win for me.
Generally though, maybe stop being bullies???? ! Weird concept for some of y’all, I know! This fanbase has made me (literally) want to unalive SEVERAL times in the less than 2 years I’ve been a fan. I don’t say that flippantly. When y’all spread rumors and believe lies and talk shit, you’re effecting real human lives. Do you know that? Have you thought about the reality that your gossiping-for-entertainment is genuinely making people want to d*e??? Have you considered the way my mom calls me crying because she’s afraid that I’m going to *** because I am so miserable due to randos on the internet making me out to be someone I’m not? I don’t say this for pity. I say this bc I genuinely hope you can get it thru ur heads that this isn’t some game. This is real life. Real people and real feelings and real consequences. Now matter how much I don’t like someone, I’d never want to put them in the mental state y’all have put me in. It’s horrifying that so many of you are okay with it.
I’d love to say that I am someone who doesn’t care what people think, but having strangers (or maybe even not strangers!! who knows!) on the internet repeatedly try to convince others that you’re a stalker or racist or whatever the fuck is so truly miserable. I am not those things. You don’t have to like me. That’s fine. But please just stop letting me take up space in your brain. I’m quite literally pleading for my life here when I ask you to just stop thinking about me or talking about me or *anything* about me. You all got what you wanted. I am trying to disappear from the general consciousness. I’m surrendering and going away. But you keep drudging it back up. Let it rest. I’m begging.
Like I said, I didn’t even want to post this bc I know someone’s gonna quote it and keep talking shit anyway. Or pick apart something i said. Or try and accuse me of something else. Or come up with theories and bullshit bc they have nothing better to do. But I’m just so sick of getting trampled on and not attempting to stand up for myself. I’m being so serious when I say that if anyone wants to actually talk to me about anything, you can DM me. I shouldn’t have to prove myself to anyone, but if it makes this Hell stop, then I’ll try.
Finally, whoever runs gvftea should be ashamed of themselves. This account is a cesspool of rumors and slander and hate and all the worst parts of the fandom. Praying you acquire some decency and delete. Or, at least, that this fan base stops giving it the time of day.
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Why can’t it just be us-part 2
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You get to kie’s house. You go up to kie’s room and start to get to know each other.
“Age?” you ask
“Favorite color?” Kie asked
“Any pastel color. What about you?” You say.
“mine would probably have to be orange.”
“Nice, favorite movie”
“You know mine would probably have to be high school musical.”
“Dude me too.”
## Couple Day Later.
Me, John b, and Jj we’re all getting ready for my funeral. I asked them not to come but them being them they refused. They wouldn’t let me go alone.
“ hey you ok?” Jj asked me as he bumped his shoulder into mine.
“Ya I just kinda wish I got to say good bye, you know?”
“Ya I get it. And don’t be afraid to cry, ok.”
He said
“Y/l/n’s don’t cry. Besides crying won’t make her come back.”
After that we went to the movies to get stuff of my mined, there we met pope one of are new friends.
## 2020
## Y/n-16
## Jj-16
## John b-16 1/2
## Kie- 16
## Pope-16
It’s now summer and you now live with John b and sometimes go to your dads house but you tend to avoid the place. You had to move out of kie’s because her parents hated you to be honest. They didn’t even like her hanging around with y’all.
You and John b were together running away from this guy that John b pissed off and you just happened to be there.
“John b why the fuck are we running!” You shout as you turn around a corner. “Well funny story, I owe this guy some money and…” “You don’t have it!?” You yell.
“Exactly…” he said
“Shit John b! Ok just go into the chateau. Now!” You yelled as you took a stop
“Y/n what the hell are you-“
“Just go I’ll meet you there in a minute.”
The man caught up with you. He was getting ready to yell but you stop that.
“Please, just let us of the hook. Pretty please.” You said as you gave the look that always gave you what you wanted…well most of the time.
“Fine, but this is the last time. Besides you so fucking gorgeous!” The man said as you turned to walk to the house.
You got into the house and walk into the living room.
“There’s my favorite!!” Jj yelled as you entered the room and grabbed a beer from kie.
“That’s me! By the way John b, you don’t have to pay anymore.” You said as you sat down on the floor next to Jj. “What why? I mean I’m not complaining but, why not.”
John b asked. “I bet she used that face that get her anything.” Pope assumed
“Right I did my good sir. It works with everything.” You chuckle “Who want to go surfing?”
“I’ll go.” Kie said as she stood up
“Same here.” John b spoke as he put his hand up.
We all looked at Jj and pope.
“Well you know I’m going!” Jj shouted as if we should know that already, we just chuckled as we looked at pope.
“Pope come on don’t be the only one not coming.” Kie said as she walk over to pope and pulled him up.
“Fine I’ll go.” He said
“I’m gonna go change.” You say as you walk to the back bedroom.
Jj watch you as you walked down the hall
“Dude, your staring again.” Pope said as he knock jj up said the head.
“What? Am not.” He said back defensively
“Ya, totally.” John b said as he rolled his eyes.
Y’all got down to the beach with your boards, as you and kie start to surf you feel like someone’s watching you.
As you and kie sit on your boards and watch the boys surf you ask…
“Hey kie, can you see if anyone is watch us?” You ask not really wanting to look
“Ya ofc sis.” She looks around “shit”
“Who is it?” You ask turning around
“Rafe, Rafe Cameron.”
“Oh great, are ex best friends brother.” You say talking about Sarah.
He was always weird around you, making not so funny jokes. Like the ones that made you uncomfortable, or telling you that you were the reason you mom died. That she killed her self just to get away from you.
You always ignored it because, well you were used to it. It did kinda hurt though. But what hurt most of all what when he made those stupid sexual comments.
“They y’all surfing anymore?” Jj asked as he swam to y’all.
“Um, I don’t know about Kie but I’m gonna go home. You say, you swam away right as you said it.
“What’s up with her?” He asked kie
“Rafe.” Was all she said, then she swam trying to catch up with you.
Jj felt anger, he knew what Rafe did to you. You always told him with out a single tear in you eyes, but then again that little motto you tell yourself “Y/l/n don’t cry.”
You and kie didn’t say anything why you were walking to the chateau. But you did ask yourself, why was Rafe Cameron the king of the kooks (as your called him) in the Cut?
When everyone came home you went into the kitchen to make dinner for everyone, you made your famous y/n burgers. Everyone loved them and you didn’t really know why in your opinion it was just like a McDonald’s burger.
“You know I love when you make those burgers of yours, their they best!” Jj said as he walked into the kitchen when you were making the meat into patties.
All you could do was laugh at his comment
“Can you get me the pepper from the cabinet above the oven?” You ask
“Ya sure.” “Here you go.” He said
When he gave it to you, your hands brushed. It wasn’t like you haven’t hugged or held hands but this was different.
After a while the food was done. Y’all ate outside in the back while you set up an old white sheet and a projector to watch a movie. You and kie wanted to watch
A romantic it movie just because of the male lead who you both thought was hot. But the boys on the other hand wanted to watch an action movie (which had no hot guys in it) but you all decided to watch both. You and kie got your movie first.
“Omg he’s so hot!” Kie yelled
“He could run me over with the fucking and I wouldn’t even be mad at him.” You said as your eyes were glued to the screen.
The boys just rolled their eyes as the sound.
Jj wouldn’t lie he was kinda jealous of the man. But it was a movie it’s fine right. He never thought would be jealous of a guy his best friend, y/n was drooling over.
*It’s not like she sees you as anything but a brother.* jj though
Then it was the action movie, you and kie were talking The whole time about how it didn’t make sense and how y’all’s movie was much better than this one.
“Omg would y’all shut up!” John b yelled
“Jesus, someone’s grumpy. I’m gonna get move beer, y’all want any. You ask while standing up.
“ya sure I’ll take one.” Jj said
“I’ll come with you.” Kie said as standing up as well
You and kie walked inside.
“Hey kie can I ask you something?” You asked while getting beers out of the fridge
“Ya ofc.” She respond
“Well it’s about…. Well I think I’m falling for my best friend.” You said not really knowing how to put it.
“Wait really! who?” She asked
“Well it’s jay” you said quietly
“Omg you have to tell him!” She yelled
“Shhhh. And I don’t think I will I’m not good enough for him, and he probably doesn’t like me.” You say sadly
“What’s taking y’all so long?” you heard John b ask
“Sorry, we’ll be right out in a minute!” Kie responded
“Listen y/n he likes you. I can see the way he looks at you, just tell him ok.” She finished
“Ok I might but-“ you got cut off
“No buts.” Then she walked off with 2 beers in her hand and at that you followed
The movie finally ended and y’all were packing everything thing up.
“So did you like it?” Pope asked you and kie
“Well on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the worst.I would give it a 3.” You said as you tried to fold up the sheet
“What, that was good quality action!” Jj said as he made his way to you to try to help with the sheet. But y’all both know that he wasn’t much help either.
“Good everything’s done. Y’all wanna stay the night?” John me asked
“Ya man” “Sure” “Yep”
“Sorry I have to go home.” You noted
“Y/n I don’t want you going home right now.” Jj said
“Jay I don’t want to either but if I don’t, you know what will happen next time.”
“Ya I know. Be safe and text me if you want me to pick you up?”
“Of course.” You said with a smile
You said your goodbyes and you walked home. Your house wasn’t very far from John bs so it was fine. You got to the door and opened it. You weren’t gonna lie you wish you would have stayed with Jj.
“Where the hell have you been!” Your dad screamed as he threw a beer bottle at you
“Ow! Sorry dad I’m just gonna go to my room a sleep ok?” You say with your voice shaking.
“No! No your not!” Your dad yelled as he kicked you to the ground
“Dad stop!”
“You don’t tell me what to do!” He yelled as he punch and kicked.
Finally what felt like forever he passed out on the couch. You went into the bathroom to get cleaned up. You saw cuts from the beer bottle that was thrown on your face and a bunch of bruises.
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song-tam · 1 year
YES IM LITERALLY SO EXCITED OMGGGG phantoms my fave musical of all time I’m so sad it’s closing 💔💔💔 Christine’s high-key my dream role ahaha that probably sounds really surprising cuz y’all have only really heard me sing pop but omg i must have posted those covers years ago what the fuck but that was a weird year I was prolly going through Some Phase but I’m primarily musical theater + classical type singer so POTO >>>>>>
and nah midterms are gonna be actual hell and also!! I got into our region choir and ranked the #2 soprano 1 in North Jersey :DDD the only downside is we’ve gotta miss a day of midterms for rehearsals so we’ll have to make one up (but!! It’s an excused absence so it’s fine)
and ahh yeah platonic breakups <<<<
miss gurl literally trash talked me to my entire friend group and accused me of “crucifying” her when i started avoiding her LMFAO
WOOOOO i hope you get to play the role someday kimber!! and the musical theatre kid thing i definitely get also it fits you a lot i think lmao
hello???? yooooo that is fucking INSANE i’m so proud of you you’re such an amazing singer omg that spot is completely fucking deserved it’s absolutely amazing i love that for you so much
noooo wtf 😑 she sounds like an asshole i’m sorry you had to deal with that that sounds like such a pain in the ass you don’t deserve it </3
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haley-cassandra · 6 months
It’s kinda bullshit that I’m getting talked about right now, over a Reddit post I didn’t make, because it has the username attached to it that I use for most things. But not a single god damn person (except literally one girl who I’ve known since 4th grade) will say a word to my face about it. How the fuck 5 people gonna send her the same exact post based on us being mutual friends, but you ain’t gonna confront me about me? Like if y’all (and I am speaking directly to the void) really wanna know about a situation just fukin ask me. That post is over a year old, damn near 2 years, from a time that I was talking to someone who gave me absolute hell to no end over how weird he through it was that I was friends with and hung out with my cousin. Man absolutely tortured me about it to the point that I don’t even speak to that cousin anymore. So for me to find out that this Reddit post was being thrown around, to even find out it existed at all, has been… weird? Like it’s giving absolute fan behavior. Just like how it was giving fan behavior when I found out that apparently I was trying to force one of my ex’s to marry me, which is a topic for another time but hilarious all the same. And I’ve been handling this situation by just not addressing it, like. I know I didn’t make that post, I know the only Reddit account I’ve made didn’t have that username, because I only use that username for things I actually wanted to be easily found. And it doesn’t matter a single god damn bit that I was not the one who made that account or post, because people have already made their minds up that is me. And that’s some god damn bull shit.
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theveryworstthing · 2 years
I Live.
Gonna give y’all a little life update copy-pasted from patreon since I’ve been gone for a thousand years. I don't really want to get deep into everything because sharing too many private details about my life/family on the internet feels a little icky even when people are nice but a quick rundown is:
1. My mom was helping my aunt through the legal proceedings of a messy divorce from her abusive ex husband and had to fly to her place like every 2 weeks. During her stays there she sensed something was wrong and after a few doctor's visits we found out that my aunt has early onset dementia. She's being taken care of by family and her shitty ex will never see her again if we have any say so but it's been Rough. She doesn't deserve this shit.
2. Surgery Bonanza! Mom has to get a giant mysterious fatty mass schlorped out of her back and my Grandma Lou' s thyroid gland went insaneo style and blew up into two huge masses that had to be cut out of her throat before they completely cut off her breathing. Then she had a bonus surgery to help with her failing eyesight. On the bright side, there was no cancer found in the weird lumps harvested from my kin.
3. My cat developed a weird lump full of cancer. I spotted a small lump on his right back leg over a month ago and after begging his former vet for an appointment sooner than 2 weeks away we finally got him in. Within seconds she said that it was probably cancer and that if it is he probably won't survive the treatment for it because he's 15 so do I really want to know? Because if I know then maybe I'll want to treat this expensive thing  but if I wanted to let it ride it might be easier I guess? Because letting my weird little son die without trying to save him or give him proper end of life care is cool as long as it's cheaper and I don't have to think about it as much???? This was before any sort of intensive check on him or the tumor was done btw. The little dude was pretty much either a dead man walking or he had some mysterious swelling that time would take care of as far as she was concerned. Either way there was the vibe that she kind of wrote him off.
I ordered tests for him anyway, waited 2 weeks to get inconclusive answers, ordered an x-ray (which should have been done with the other test but whatever), waited a week and a half to learn that yeah, he probably does have cancer maybe and thank god it's not spreading too fast because uh oh! It's been almost a month and that bad boy has been growing this whole time!!!! Also it took weeks for them to bother scheduling any kind of re-check. At this point they say that there's nothing they can do and offer to get me in contact with what seems to be the only animal cancer specialist around. Who's like 2 and a half hours away. And has a crazy wait list. Did I mention that Coup hates being stuck in his carrier and will stress out and cry constantly every time he's forced to travel anywhere? So after reaching out to friends and family I found another much closer vet who could give me a second opinion first and thank god I found that place because not only did they actually judge him by his actual level of health instead of just his age when it comes to treatment (besides the cancer Coup is healthy as an ox, stellar scores in bloodwork and overall cat-ness, vet said that judging from his behavior/usage of the leg that we're probably more concerned about the situation than he is) but they also had a treatment plan rolled out and ready by the end of the visit. The boy is almost done with his chemo injections now and even though the shrinking is slow he's still in great health so we're daring to dream.
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Fuck The Haters.
Other things happened but I don't want to talk about those things. The bottom line is that I'm not juggling a hell schedule or crying every day now so I want to get back in the drawing saddle. Thanks again to everyone on patreon who stuck around and basically threw their money in this mysterious pit, Y'all helped pay my bills when I was literally too mentally wrecked to work. And thanks to everyone else who sent me random good vibes, hoped I was okay, said nice things about my art, and were generally pretty cool even though I fled social media. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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